#cosw pick n mix
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here is the word cloud for Carry On Sapphic Week- Pick N Mix! sorry this is a day late, we had a sheep emergency and in all the hassle this completely slipped my mind.
from here, you can select as many words as you like to create as many sapphic works as you like! posting is between the 25th of April and the 1st of May. since this is only a month away, shorter works are expected.
a google doc listing all the prompts is also available here
i’m so excited to see what people create!
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Rescued [T, 1.3k]
The knight regains her composure, jumps up, and looks around wildly before setting her eyes on me.
“My princess!” she shouts. “I’ve come to rescue you!”
I laugh.
“No thanks, I’m good.” I grin at her, making her blush. “This place has wifi.”
Knight Niamh is tasked with recovering the kidnapped princess Agatha.
Was originally going to be written for the @carry-on-sapphic-week Pick N Mix, but I had writer's block at that time. You can find my original post for this (and the moodboard!) here.
Read on AO3
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nonbaznary · 2 years
ebbiona going out all handsome and dressed up for @carry-on-sapphic-week pick n mix, prompts punk and blush!
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so glad i could finally post an entry! this fest is too cool
click for quality!
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wellbelesbian · 2 years
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5 times agatha wellbelove should have realised she was a lesbian, and 1 time she did
for the @carry-on-sapphic-week pick n mic event! prompt used: childhood.
read it on ao3 or below the cut!
Minty and I are sitting on my bedroom floor, making friendship bracelets. Mint green and pastel pink, our respective colours, intertwined.
We broke up from school earlier today, and I still have butterflies in my stomach. We performed our dance routine, the one we practised during every breaktime and after-school hang out, at the leaver’s show, which was a talent show. We got beaten by stupid Jack and his atrocious singing, but I still feel like it was a success, because Minty didn’t drop me during the big finale. She’s supposed to pick makeup and spin me, but most times we practised, she dropped me. But she didn’t when it mattered. And the only way I can describe it, is that it gave me butterflies.
“Horse or cat?” Minty asks, gesturing to the array of bracelet charms we have spread between us.
“Horse.” I reply.
“I’ll have the cat, then.” She smiles, and it makes the butterflies flutter more.
There’s a tinge of sadness too, though. Because now that we’ve left primary school, Minty is going off to an academy, and I’m going to Watford. We’ve both begged our mums for mobile phones so we can keep in contact, but it’s not the same.
Hence the friendship bracelets. I’m going to spell them.
I may not go to Watford yet, but I know some spells. Mum wanted me to learn young, something about “strengthening the family magic”, so I’m allowed to use spells to do my chores and some party tricks. About a week ago, I overheard my dad use a spell- “an englishman’s word is his bond”- to make sure a patient of his kept a promise, and I thought it might work on us, if we make a promise to be best friends forever. I’ve modified it to englishwoman instead, of course.
“Okay, done!” I announce, tying up the last threads.
“Same here!”
It took some time, and proof, to prove to Minty that I had magic, but now she’s convinced. We swap bracelets and hold hands, and I pull out my wand.
“Are you sure this will work?”
“Absolutely.” I’m bluffing, but confidence is key. I squeeze Minty’s hand, and she squeezes back.
“We promise to be best friends forever.” She says. I tap our clasped hands with my wand.
“An englishwoman’s word is her-”
“Agatha?” My mum gasps from my bedroom doorway. “What in magic are you doing?”
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Carry On Sapphic Week Pick N Mix
welcome to the new Carry On Sapphic Week event! this is a more fun, laid back approach to prompting, that i’m hoping hasn’t been done too much before.
the concept is pretty simple. anyone, regardless of how much they wish to participate in the event, can submit one-word prompts through this google form. the prompts can be anything, no matter how abstract or specific, and you can submit as many as you like. truly, go wild and submit anything, so long as it is appropriate for all ages.
prompt submissions are open now (as of March 1st), i will close them on March 20th, and then all the submitted words will be put into a word cloud.
this world cloud will be posted on March 25th, then participants (no signs up necessary) can pick out as many words as they like from the word cloud and use them as prompts for fanfiction, fanart, mood boards, headcanons, anything they like, mixing and matching as they please. whether you create one piece using five prompts, three pieces using one prompt each, two pieces each using two prompts, it’s completely up to you. that’s why it’s called a Pick N Mix! the word cloud will hopefully give you an idea of what people are most interested in seeing, but you can use any words you see.
posting will occur between April 25th and May 1st, since that’s Lesbian Visibility Week! i know that posting for @co-wipadoption is also taking place in this week, so late posting is also accepted.
remember to mention which prompts inspired you and tag your posts with carry on sapphic week and cosw pick n mix or tag us, so we can reblog it here!
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For the @carry-on-sapphic-week Pick N Mix! A few things got in the way of me finishing what I originally planned for the COSW Pick N Mix, but I still wanted to do something for it. I have an outline to go along with this under the cut that I may or may not turn into a fic in the future.
Prompts I used: knight, royalty, glasses (Agatha would wear glasses in this fic)
Niamh is a knight, and is ordered to find the princess Agatha, who has been kidnapped. Niamh finds Agatha in a cottage in the middle of nowhere--well, it's more like she tumbles through the door, really.
Niamh: *regaining her balance and her composure* "My princess! I've come to rescue you!"
Agatha: *looks up from where she's writting/scrolling through Tumblr/etc* "No thanks, I'm good. This place has wifi."
As it turns out, Agatha staged her own kidnapping. (With some help from the castle's violinist and his boyfriend.)
Agatha and Niamh get around to talking, and Agatha admits to Niamh that she likes being out in the cottage. She likes being free of everyone's expectations and demands. Niamh says she understands how it feels.
Niamh takes Agatha's hand when she tells her that she understands.
And they end up kissing. A lot.
After they kiss, Niamh is like, "Fuck, your parents still think that you've been kidnapped."
Agatha just smirks and says, "I was."
She talks Niamh into staying a while longer, and Niamh relents because no one is expecting them back for at least a few days anyway.
At some point during their time together, Agatha takes Niamh outside and braids wildflowers into Niamh's hair.
Additional credits for the fic idea go to my friend, Maya, who gave me the inspiration for this.
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Carry On Sapphic Week Pick N Mix!
more details coming March 1st…
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wellbelesbian · 2 years
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5 times agatha wellbelove should have realised she was a lesbian, and 1 time she did
for @carry-on-sapphic-week
a new banner, since we’re halfway through the fic and i’m switching things up! until now all the chapters have been about Agatha having crushes, but not realising that that’s what they are. in this chapter, she talks to Ebb, and begins to consider the possibility of loving women…
read on ao3!
also, in honour of Ebb, the banner is of my goat Juno
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if you want more goat content, consider following my instagram account hurtworth_goats!
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3 days to go until Carry On Sapphic Week Pick N Mix begins!
Posting lasts until May 1st!
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wellbelesbian · 2 years
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Six Sentence Sunday Monday
thanks for tagging me @confused-bi-queer @captain-aralias @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @ileadacharmedlife @basiltonbutliketheherb @martsonmars and @bazzybelle, i’m late as usual but time is fake!
here’s a small six sentences for my piece for @carry-on-sapphic-week pick n mix, a conversation between Philippa Stainton and Agatha, who i recently remembered were roommates.
“Simon is on the green.”
“Oh, come away from the window.”
“He’s talking to Baz.”
“Arguing, more like.”
“I’m going to go talk to him.”
“Pippa, don’t bother!”
we all know this decision does not work out well for Philippa…
not tagging anyone because it’s monday, but i’m excited to now go and read everyone’s snippets!
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Carry On Sapphic Week Pick N Mix Schedule
March 1st- promoting begins, you can submit as many prompts as you like to via the google form, regardless of whether you want to participate further.
March 20th- prompting ends.
March 25th- prompts revealed, participants can pick and mix whatever they like to use as inspiration. they can create as much as they like, and use as many prompts as they please.
April 25th to May 1st- posting! post your fic, art, headcanons, moodboard, whatever, and list the prompts you were inspired by!
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the google form to send prompts is now closed!
we got a total of 165 prompts, which is way more than i was expecting! thank you to everyone to submitted something!
i can’t wait to post the word cloud of the prompts on the 25th of March, and then anyone who likes will have a month to create sapphic content based on any prompts they see!
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