#could then STORE that electricity. but you need a way to activate the runes so that it works properly so what they did
thornbolts · 4 years
Stones of the Apocrypha
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Here goes nothing. Rem clenched the medallion in her claws. The buzzing arcane magic stored within the emblem illuminated the metal's etchings, forming a thrumming blue rune. The undead could feel its power tingling in her palm like a subtle electrical current despite her usual lack of feeling. She approached the arcane dome engulfing Felo'loth Village. It could fry an intruder to bits before they could even think of infiltrating the settlement, leaving only ashes. Rem gathered her courage, stepping forward into the barrier. Like an amorphous blob, the arcane wall lifted and allowed for Remington's exact height to enter. She pressed on, walking through and into the village. The arcane wall shifted, reforming behind her. It never gets easier. Not with portals. Not with shields. Not with anything magical.
Rem shuddered, tucking the medallion into her coat.
"Deathwalker!" Rem knew that voice well. Iltharian was one of the rangers that helped nurse her back to health after she rescued a small family of Felo'loth villagers. Not only that, but he called for reason when the village's initial reaction saw her as one of the mindless. 
'No mindless would rescue one of our own, much less operate those steel-barreled swords,' Iltharian assured, calming the town. If it wasn't for him, Rem doubted she'd even still be walking.
The gunslinger couldn't help but chuckle. 'Steel-barreled sword' was the fanciest way she'd ever heard someone refer to a revolver. She wouldn't forget that face, that face with jaws hung wide open and eyes full of awe as she explained the concept of a bullet.
"Deathwalker! You're back." Iltharian came jogging up with a waving hand and joined alongside Rem as she walked. "What news do you bring from the Outside? From our newfound allies?"
"Ya know I'm still not used ta that name." Rem rolled her eye with a smirk. "Bringin' ya a message. It's about the runestone. It's one of the Old Stones, hooked up ta a network of other stones just like it."
lltharian raised an eyebrow, blue gaze shifting to the ancient and towering runestone in the village's center. It pulsed with a regular rhythm like it was the heart that nourished the Felo'loth itself, the hardest working organ that faithfully protected the village for decades. Here, the land was untouched, a small pocket of hope in the sea of death. There were others like it?
"'Other stones?' There are more of these in the Outside?" Iltharian's gaze flicked back to Rem, but he couldn't help but pass brief glances back to the stone when he could.
"More of 'em," Rem confirmed as she spotted the village elder's house and walked up the hill toward it. "And we're gonna need 'em if we're gonna defeat the black heart 'a this death marsh."
He finally realized where the forsaken was heading. "Then you mean to ask for her permission, permission to awaken Gerthas Cai."
"Yup." Rem stood before the door to the house. "And I think I'm gonna need yer help ta convince her."
The young ranger scratched behind his neck, pressing his lips together as he played a hypothetical discussion through his head. The elder would say this, then he'd say that. And--
Rem rapped her skeletal knuckles against the door.
"Come in," a voice came as clear as day through the door like it was playing in Rem's mind without any apparent source. Before Rem could turn and push in the handle, the door swung open with a gentle breeze.
The forsaken looked to Iltharian. Did she offend the elder? Iltharian shrugged, ushering her into the house and closing the door behind her. Rem panned her vision across the interior. It was a cozy home, not unlike what she'd find in a humble cottage in rural Elwynn. As a levitating pot boiled over the hearth, there sat an elven woman at a table with clay dishware, nibbling on what Rem's heightened smell could discern were frog legs.
"Minn'da," Iltharian bowed his head to the woman at the table.
Seeing him, Rem mirrored the gesture, even doffing her hat and hanging it on the hook in her ribcage. She couldn't help her curiosity, studying the woman. The elven woman didn't look a year older than in her early twenties. The only sign she was older than a dozen of Rem's lifetimes were the distinct strands of gray in her otherwise crimson red hair.
"Deathwalker." Looks like she was even aware of what the rangers nicknamed the forsaken. She levitated up several pairs of frog legs with a flick of her hand. "Frog legs?"
Rem chuckled. Spot on. "Sure, ah, what should I call ya?"
"The 'Elder' title makes it sound like I'm as gray-haired as King Anasterian, Belore rest his spirit." The woman flicked her wrist with a smile levitating several pairs of frog legs toward Rem. "Noryn. Or just 'Nor.' I'll go by both. I believe I already know why you're here. About Gerthas Cai?"
Iltharian blinked, darting his gaze between Noryn and Rem. He could count the people who knew her as 'Nor' on one hand. This was going surprisingly well.
"The runestone, yeah. Nor, Gerthas Cai is only one of many stones like it, here in the Marsh, the Outside. To finally make this land safe again, we gotta activate 'em all."
Noryn leaned forward, elbows on the table, eyes flashing with arcane power. "Tell me more, Deathwalker."
FOXGLOVE SCOUTING REPORT - Felo'loth Village pt. 2 SCOUT: Remington Thornbolt
I've done it. Gerthas Cai was one of the runestones connecting to the network all across Aldmarsh. We've activated it with the help of the village elder. We weren't prepared for its activation to draw in a horde of mindless, however. But the Felo'loth rangers and I managed to build barricades in time and fight them off.
I fully recommend sending any additional aid we can muster to Felo'loth Village to help beat back any undead threat as Gerthas Cai thrums with power.  For the time being, I'm helping coordinate with the rangers and the village's elder, Noryn. We're currently fighting off several waves of undead per day.
Whatever you all are doing to activate these things, do it fast. Only so many arrows and bullets we got.
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homestretch of the hard times
@lynne-monstr for tentacletober prompt: in space
ao3 link
Alec started descent of his damaged puddlejumper with a sigh of relief, knowing that while he wasn’t safe just yet, landing somewhere was safer than drifting endlessly through space.  It took a few minutes for his jumper to dock on what he thought was an abandoned Atlantean warship, he’d used what powers his runes and gene gave him to connect with it but for a little while it had been touch and go.
There was something… not quite hostile but definitely suspicious about the warship.  It made him wary but desperate situations sometimes called for reckless choices and this was one of them. 
He was hopeful to find something he could use on the warship, to either repair the damage to his jumper or to contact Atlantis or even their Alpha Site.  His people were probably frantic with worry and he didn’t trust anyone to run Atlantis while panicked, the last time they’d done that Atlantis had nearly been taken over by hostiles.  It might have been a forgivable mistake, if he hadn’t later found out that Jace’s team had invited the hostiles in at Clary’s behest. 
Alec rubbed his head, trying to ignore the headache he had building and tapped his fingers on the console.  Scans showed the ship to be viable so he left all but his weapons on the jumper, sealing it back after him and activating it’s camouflage cloaking as he did.
The warship was huge, a beautiful but obsolete memoriam to a long past age.  Alec stretched before pulling out his life detector, frowning as it glitched, the screen crackling ominously before it went blank.
“Odd,” he murmured under his breath and then continued to walk forward, more warily this time.  One of his hands trailed along the cool metal of the walls as he sought out the ships core, hoping to connect with it and awaken what he could.  Despite the age, there was still a spark of energy in the ship and the further he walked the more connected he became. What was strange was that the deeper into the hull he walked the more he found a plethora of a near plant like organism.  At first it had worried him, reminding him of the Wraith but then he’d noticed that it lacked the smell of decay and rot, instead filling the ship with the strong scent of brine, not unlike the ocean.  
Deciding to chance it he continued to walk, fingers trailing and dancing between an odd pattern of the strange, sinuous vines and cool metal.  He was nearing the physical core of the ship where the ZPM would be if there was one, when he paused, frowning as his fingers caught. Hesitant to just start shooting, he drew his knife as he stepped closer to the wall, wondering just what had caught on his skin.  
One of the vines was hanging loose and part of it had strange circles that were latched tightly to the skin of his wrist, he sighed before tucking the knife between his teeth to first try and pull it away.  It went, though not easily and when it was off, Alec stepped away from the wall, frowning at his hand and the trail of light pink marks on his skin.   
He gave the wall a wary look and walked to the ZPM, noticing that this room seemed to have the most life in both energy and the weird-plant.  The ZPM console itself was dark, near lifeless and covered with grime as he knelt, placing his hands against it and reaching out only to feel something strange, nothing like the cool presence of Atlantis.  This was warm, like fire and it echoed in his mind in language he couldn't understand, just the same wordMagnus-Magnus-Magnus- over and over again.  
“Shadowhunter energy.”  The voice suddenly murmured, “virgin shadowhunter energy. ”  
Alec felt a dull heat on his cheeks and the back of his neck and frowned, it was nobody's business that he was a virgin or that he apparently had a weird energy because of it.  Especially not some old ship’s AI, he cleared his throat and took his hand away from the console. The voice was quiet without him touching it but now he could hear other things, like footsteps.  
Alec turned, hand dropping to his weapon and found himself staring at a man.
A man who was tall and broad, extremely broad with muscles that would probably do terrible things to Alec’s laundry if he were to lend him a shirt.  Which he wouldn’t. For reasons. Reasons such as being able to admire smooth brown skin and the chiseled torso he was currently staring at. 
“I need your strength,” the man said with his smooth, hypnotic voice and his luminous golden eyes and Alec felt himself nodding, even as adrenaline started to spike.  “Don’t worry,” he said softly and suddenly he was close, his hand a cool balm against Alec’s flushed cheek, “I won’t take much.”  
The vines that Alec had forgotten about suddenly came to life and he jerked as they grabbed ahold of him.  They wrapped around him tightly, pinning his arms to his sides and keeping him still as the man... as Magnus’ free hand took one of Alec’s and tangled their fingers together. 
“You’ll see me soon,” he was promised and then darkness.
Magnus looked at delight in the nephilim warrior who had happened upon his temporary home.  It had been a long time since he’d seen another living being, though how long he truly wasn’t sure.  He’d taken to hibernating to conserve energy and had stretched himself across the ship, just in case someone came and finally , they did.
Taking the nephilim’s energy wouldn’t hurt him, just refresh Magnus and make his new companion a bit more docile when he woke again.  Magnus wasn’t quite sure what the relations between nephilim and warlocks were these days.  
This one might be dressed very oddly but Magnus was sure he was a nephilim, a child of the Atlanteans the Ascended had blessed.  Magnus himself was the son of a Descended, a being who had decided to use their powers to interfere and had been cast out of Ascension and cursed to wander the stars simply because they’d had opinions about how mortals lived.  Personally, Magnus thought the whole thing a trite affair and a rather ridiculous punishment but alas, he was merely the offspring of one punished, not a perpetrator himself. 
Though he had a feeling he hadn’t done himself any favors attempting to figure out how to recreate the powers of a Gateway using only his own energy.  That was how he’d come to be stranded on this ship after all and now that he’d been joined by-
Magnus frowned and looked at his sleeping companion, poking at the bulky outfit he wore and feeling delight when he noticed a strip of writing, now wasn't that helpful.  Having Alexander’s name inscribed on his clothing so that Magnus could know it, so thoughtful though not very smart, what if he’d run into an enemy?  Never a wise move, to give a name to an enemy.  
-but, well now that he’d been joined by his Alexander , things were finally looking up.
Feeling revitalized for the first time since he’d been marooned, Magnus carefully tightened the grip of his tentacles and carried Alexander to his room.  He normally just used it to store his body while in hibernation but still, he’d done with it what he could and it was actually what he considered to be the most comfortable yet elegant place on the ship.  Hopefully, the nephilim would think so as well.
It didn’t take long, Magnus had been gentle after all and it wasn’t like Alexander had been doing anything with all that energy, for him to wake up.  
“How do you feel, Alexander?”  He asked, one of his tentacles petting through his shadowhunter’s hair.  He hadn’t touched another in so long and it was so soft, so very fluffy and if he’d had any less self control, there would be a whole lot more of him touching Alexander, he was so deliciously warm compared to metal of the ship.  
“Wha-“ Alexander blinked, such pretty odd eyes, like the surface of a planet Magnus no longer remembered the name of.  “Magnus?” he finally asked and Magnus couldn’t help but reach out and press a thumb to Alexander’s lips in delight.
“Say it again?”  He asked, his soul hungry to be known.  
Alec was confused, worried and a little aroused which was not how potential hostage situations normally went for him.  His siblings and pretty much the entirety of his crew were usually the ones seduced into trouble, Alec was the reasonable one who knew and practiced self-control.  
Here with someone he was pretty sure was called Magnus -who had knocked him unconscious, somehow stolen his energy, known he was a virgin and now knew his name -he suddenly had a better understanding of how they all got into so much trouble.  
“Thank you,” Magnus said earnestly and then his hand, not one of the many tentacles still holding Alec down, but the one pressed against his mouth was cupping his jaw.  “Thank you, Alexander.”
It took a little while for Alec’s heart to stop racing and for him to realize that beyond a little tired, he really did feel fine.  What wasn’t fine was the way he had a perpetual blush, the fact that everywhere Magnus’ touched felt like a spark of electricity and the fact that while Magnus tried to explain his situation, Alec kept having to ask him to repeat himself.
“Are you, did I take too much or too fast?”  Magnus finally asked and he’d been close the entire time they talked but now, with both hands cupping Alec’s face and several of his tentacles pressed against his neck, Alec felt like he couldn’t breath.  
“I’m good.”  He managed to get out, “it’s just, a lot.”  
Magnus looked disappointed, his hands and several of his tentacles retreating and Alec winced, too much of a coward to explain it was Alec’s attraction to him that was too much, not the man himself.  
“So am I the first person who’s stumbled across you?”  He asked, pushing aside Magnus’ beauty and the fact that he was some incredibly powerful Ancient descendent in favor of more information, “in all this time?”
“A few stopped by but could never land.  The docking mechanism takes the ancient’s power.”   Magnus explained and he reached out to run a thumb over Alec’s hand, “I have a mutated version of it, similar to your own.  However it’s a different kind and it took nearly everything I had to keep this ship floating and safe, I couldn’t hail anyone else.” 
“But you’re okay?”  Alec asked, unable to help the worry that stirred in his chest.
“For the most part.”  Magnus promised, “and the scans show that your own ship is easily fixed.  A night or two here and it’ll be ready to go.”  
“And you’ll come with me?”  He was fairly certain but he still felt the need to ask, to make sure that Magnus knew he understand the position he’d been in, Alec had been hurt far worse by people in less desperate situations.  Hell, Maia had kidnapped his sister and dragged her on the run before demanding she cut out the Wraith tracker embedded near Maia’s spine and their relationship seemed to be working out.  
In fact, he was positive that if he’d requested it, Magnus would have already untied him; the reason he hadn’t asked for that was not something he was going to think about at the moment.  Maybe later, in private. Or never. Never worked well too. Alec was used to denial, it shouldn’t be that bad.  
Meanwhile, Magnus looked pleasantly surprised, “I would do anything to leave this place, Alexander.  To leave with you , that is the true gift.”    
Magnus looked so happy, truly happy and his tentacles tightened and Alec swallowed as he reflexively pressed his wrists and arms against the firm hold and felt them gently keep him in place.
He was in so much trouble.
It got both worse and better, at some point Magnus had realized he was practically in Alec’s lap and he’d apologized, looking both a little sheepish and a little forlorn before a blank mask took over and wiped his face clear of emotions.  Alec mourned for it, already missing the spark in Magnus’ eyes and the soft smile on his lips or the wonder in his voice.
His tentacles retreated too, the odd appendages that Alec had tried very hard not to focus on too much.  It was rude and he didn’t want Magnus to think that Alec thought there was anything wrong with him.  Sure, Alec may have never met anyone with tentacles before but he was in another galaxy now and Alec’s home planet was a stagnant, stupid little spin-top full of idiots.  If Magnus happened to have tentacles and be the most gorgeous being he’d ever met, well he’d thank the stars and leave it at that.  
Alec had offered food and Magnus had jumped at the chance, stomach rumbling in a way that he didn’t seem to notice but it had been so cute that Alec had blushed for him.  The walk to the jumper was quiet, Magnus seemed distracted and closed off but it was hard to really believe that when his tentacles kept looping around Alec’s wrist or settling over his shoulder and one particularly persistent one had replaced his belt.  Alec still wasn’t certain how or when that had happened and it turned a truly unfortunate noise of discovery into a yelp when he bit his lip in surprise.
Magnus’ mask had fallen, worry in his face as he cupped Alec’s jaw and Alec had swallowed back a mortified whimper when Magnus thumb had pressed tenderly down on his lip.  
“You’re hurt,” Magnus said and it took everything he had for Alec not to give in and press a kiss against his finger.  
“I’m fine,” he managed to choke out and his lip tingled as Magnus moved away, watching him worriedly, “oh look, the ship!”  He said, pointing to where the ship was and idiotically forgetting that the cloak was on. Magnus looked, brow furrowed in confusion as Alec mentally cursed himself out, “right, uhm.  There.”  
The cloak faded and Magnus made a noise of joy as Alec ushered him aboard, immediately going straight for his satchel and pulling out the food he’d stored there.  He kept back an MRI for himself and offered Magnus the fresh food he’d packed along with the chocolate bars he had hidden in his gear. 
Magnus noticed the difference in their meals, because of course he did and Alec just shrugged, playing it off as no big deal but Magnus seemed to think differently, giving him a dangerously fond smile and telling him, “you’re a sweet man Alexander.”
Alec took another bite of cold ravioli and mourned his fleeting sanity.  He’d faced the Wraith and his mother’s wrath without wavering but it was Magnus smiling him that would be his undoing, the tentacle still masquerading as his belt tightened as if in sympathy.  
Alec wasn’t exactly sure just how much time had passed, only that he was tired yet invigorated and the more he talked to Magnus the more he was sure that his attraction was reciprocated. 
“You’re exhausted,” Magnus said at one point, “I’ve kept you up far too late.  Especially after taking so much of your energy.” He looked almost wistful as he said it, “can I offer you a bed?  Or the closest thing I have to one?”
“Are you asking if you can take me to bed?”  Alec blurted out, hope making him giddy and stumble over his words.  
Magnus froze, eyes shuttering and he raised a hand to fiddle with the metal jewel adorning the shell of his ear.  
Alec wanted to kiss it.
“I could sleep elsewhere, or keep watch from outside or something... if that makes you uncomfortable.”  
“It doesn’t.”  Alec hurried to assure him, “I mean you took my energy, you might as well take me too.”  Alec teased but he meant it, licking his lips as he looked Magnus up and down in what he hoped was a seductive manner.
Magnus was only, well... he wasn’t human and he wasn’t mortal but he only had so much self-restraint.  To have Alec offer him this and know how much trust and intimacy were shared in bed, Magnus didn’t have the strength to turn him down and he didn’t want to.
“Are you sure?”  He asked softly, “I took your strength earlier Alexander, you don’t need to offer this to me as well.”
“It’s a selfish request, Magnus.”  Alec promised and stepped closer to him, touching Magnus willingly and with a purpose, “I want you, but only if you want me too.”
“I want you,” Magnus promised and he thought that after centuries of being alone, the most important thing would be leaving this place.  Instead, what suddenly mattered the most was how Alec would feel against him, how he would taste and sound and look and Magnus swallowed back a groan of desire at the thought, stepping forward.
“Wait,” Alec said suddenly and then hurried to explain, “does this mean that my energy won’t work for you anymore though?  If I’m not a virgin?” Alec was worried now that the idea had formed, after all Magnus had been alone for centuries and if not sleeping together meant he could help him out, well then he was willing to make that sacrifice.  At least until they were in a safer place.  
“Alexander,” Magnus said and Alec was surprised to see a hint of pink on his cheeks, “that was a joke, darling.  I wasn’t actually serious about that part of your energy being important. Call it poor humor after decades of isolation?  I wanted to make an entrance.”
Alec groaned, too tired and too turned on to actually be mortified, shaking his head as a tentacle pulled him closer to Magnus.  A kiss was pressed against his cheek and he shivered, “forgive me?” Was whispered gently next to his ear and Alec nodded, overwhelmed with the feeling of how much he would do, how much he would give if it was Magnus who asked.
All his life he’d wondered what it would take to meet someone who would make him feel like this, someone he trusted instinctively and who trusted him.  It wouldn’t be perfect, he knew that much but this, meeting Magnus was worth everything, he’d just had to travel to another galaxy to be found.  
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All You Need to Know About Being a College Witch
Whether you’re dorming, living in a sorority/fraternity house, still living with your family, or even living off campus with some non-witchy roommates, I have compiled a list of witchy advice, activities, and tips to help live your most magical life while still complying with any rules that may be in place. 
I spent the past 9 months or so living in the dorms at my university. The housing contract was 20 pages long and filled with everything I wasn’t allowed to have, do, etc. To summarize that annoyingly long document, I was not allowed to have any electrical heat sources besides hair tools (hair dryer, straighter, etc), a clothing iron, and an 800 watt or less microwave. I was not allowed to burn incense or candles, use a wax warmer, a hot plate, an electric kettle. The icing on the cake was that we couldn’t even have an incense diffuser because of the air system being connected throughout the entire building and how it could travel into someone’s room and cause an allergic reaction or make them sick. So I had to get a little crafty (pun intended) with my magical practices.
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Activities & Tools
Things to Avoid Doing/Having:
Anything With Fire (candles, incense, smoke cleansing, etc)
Anything That’s a Heat Source (hot plates, wax warmer, electric kettle, etc)
Having Alcohol Regardless If You Are of Age (All Campuses are Dry Campuses meaning No Alcohol is Allowed)
Having Your Familiar (Unless It’s Been Approved by Disability Services to be your Emotional Support Animal)
Doing Spells Outside on Campus (Security Will Be Walking Around And May Think You’re Making a Bomb or Doing Something Illegal)
Leave Your Fancy Athames at Home (Weapons are not allowed on college campuses so to avoid that rule get a kitchen knife or a small hidden knife)
Keeping Anything Obviously Witchy/Occult Related Out Unless You Have Your Own Room or Your Roommate is Okay With it (Pentagrams, Animal Skulls, Ouija Boards, etc)
Tools & Supplies You Generally Can Have:
Divination Tools (Tarot Cards, Scrying Mirrors, Pendulums, etc)
Loose Leaf and/or Bagged Tea
Battery Powered Candles
Himalayan Salt Lamps (Check Housing’s Bulb Requirements)
Ouija Boards (Make Sure If You Have A Roommate, They’re Okay With It Being There.You Don’t Want to Cause A Fight)
Witchcraft Books
Your Grimoire/Book of Shadows
Art Supplies
Dorm Approved Activities:
Spell Jars (Check my tag #spell jars)
Sachets (Check my tag #sachets)
Shower Magick (Make Sure to Clean the Shower After and Check my tag #shower magick)
Kitchen Witchcraft (Dorm Kitchens Have Refrigerators and Microwaves but sometimes more. Check my tags #recipes and #kitchen witchcraft Also the internet has so many dorm-friendly recipes available)
Tarot (Check my tags #tarot for how-tos and tips and #spreads for tarot spreads
Crystal Grids (Check my tag #crystal grid for ideas)
Pendulum (Check my tag #pendulum for tips and tricks)
Scrying (Water, Mirror, Oil, and Crystal are dorm safe)
Color Magick to Pick Your Clothes, Dorm Decorations, and School Supplies (Check my tag #colors for correspondences and for which holiday uses which colors)
Tasseomancy (Check my tag #tasseomancy)
Tea Magick (Check my tag #tea magick)
Runes (Check my tag #runes)
Using Crystals (Check my tag #crystals)
Spell Sprays (I will be posting a how-to on this later this evening. Check my tag #spell spray in a few days for different recipes.)
Sigils (Check my tag #sigils)
Witch Tips/Advice:
You don’t have to do magick every day in order to still be considered a witch. College can be draining and time-consuming. Put your schoolwork before your magick. 
Make sure if you using the dorm microwave, to use microwave-safe plates, cups, etc. You do not want to set off the fire alarm at 2 am because you put your metallic non-microwave-safe coffee mug and it started to smoke.
If using common spaces like the bathrooms or kitchen for your witchcraft, make sure to clean up after yourself as soon as you are done. It can cause the Head of Housing the fine your dorm hall/building if it continually happens.
There was a college witchcraft post saying to give your roommate a gift that you enchanted when you first move in. You should never do magic without their consent and especially if you have just met them and have yet to find out their feelings towards it. Starting out already at odds will turn into fighting roommates in no time. Fighting roommates are not fun or easy for your RA.
If your roommate is not okay with you having your tools out, there are tons of ways to discreetly hid them. There are boxes that look like books that you can buy at Micheal’s. You can also DIY your own book box! You can also use a trunk, cloth bag, decorative box, or even a shoe box to hold your tools.
If you’re interested in green witchcraft, it’s best to wait until you move into your dorm room before getting a plant. You’ll never know that your room doesn’t get enough sunlight or that AC is always on in your hall until you move in. If you don’t wait, you’ll end up with a lot of dead plants like me.
If you’re a religious witch and your roommate doesn’t want there to be an altar, you can make a shoebox altar. Open it when you need and close and store it away when you don’t. You can also make one the size of an Altoids tin or even a digital one such as a sideblog or a screensaver for your electronic device.
You don’t have to do elaborate spells all the time. You can just do simple things like picking what to wear based off of a color’s correspondence or enchanting your pen/pencil for good luck on a test.
@nightshadeandroses suggested to me that you reach out to your school’s religious department. A lot of smaller schools like mine don’t have one. For some universities, it’s a part of Student Services/Resources on campus. Whichever applies to you, the people there are willing and ready to help you. Some campuses have a space available for students to meditate/pray while others will help you find a place to do that whether it be on or off campus. Every college is different and the only way to get what you need is to ask.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an ask or message me. I’ll be glad to help!
Best of luck witches!  🔮✨
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alsbesluit · 5 years
Today, the Brooklyn Academy of Art was hosting an open evening for their most talented students to show off their art. Everyone – family, friends, art enthusiasts and scouts looking for talent alike – was welcome. Not that it mattered to Jace. His mendelin rune was activated, meaning that none of the mundanes could see him as he walked through the doors of the building he got accustomed to the past year or so. He moved past a pair of students and two art enthusiasts criticising a painting before he laid eyes on the person he had been looking for.  Fiery red hair, small posture and an electric smile, currently directed at the person she was talking to and that was studying her paintings.
 It had been over a year and it still was every bit of painful seeing her now as it had been seeing her the first time. No matter how many people told him that he should move on, that it was what Clary would have wanted (as though she had died; did they remember him from when they thought that she had?), that he couldn’t keep thinking of her, it didn’t matter. Shadowhunters only fell in love once. Alec had Magnus. His parabatai was very happily married and had moved to Alicante with Magnus, where the latter was now the High Warlock. Jace was happy for them. He wished his parabatai and his husband nothing but good fortune. Izzy, who he guessed had been convinced that she would be the one to end up today, was with Simon for a year now and things were going great between them. She took over the Head of the Institute position from Alec when he left for Alicante and was a perfect fit for it. Both Alec and Izzy had their one true love, but he lost his. The Angels just didn’t permit her to be a Shadowhunter any longer, even if she saved their entire world with one last selfless act. If it hadn’t been for Clary, her brother Jonathan would have killed them all with nothing to stop him. But the Angels weren’t merciful. The Angels didn’t consider her sacrifice. And in the end she didn’t even know it. Even now, hearing her talk about how she felt like there was another world inside of her, Jace knew she would never knew. It was just him that missed her and not the other way around, because she wouldn’t remember.
 Maryse tried talking to him. He spent days with her at her new store to the point where regulars started to recognize him at Maryse’s son with the strange tattoos. But there was nothing Maryse could do for him. Robert and her had been nothing more than a match for duty and she had Luke now. All she could do was remind him time and time again that Valentine had been wrong; to love was not to destroy, even if the entire ordeal with Clary seemed to reinforce the impression. Perhaps Simon came closest to understanding. The vampire had been closest with Clary, knew her since she was little, had dated her too. But Simon didn’t lose the love of his life. Simon was coping with it much better. He was the one that kept telling Jace not to keep finding her, because it wasn’t going to change anything and that he was merely torturing himself with what he couldn’t have. But he kept doing it. He couldn’t move on. She was the love of his life, she didn’t remember him and that was that.
 Jace watched Clary as she thanked the woman that she had been speaking with for coming and proceeded to turn away from both the woman and the painting, only to look at him. He turned around to see what she was looking at after studying her briefly, but he couldn’t find anything. When he looked back she was approaching him. She looked stunning in the green dress and her hair worn differently than how she used to. When she actually spoke to him,  he didn’t know what to do with himself. She wasn’t supposed to see him. “You can see me?” were therefore the words he spoke as he glared at her, already backing away.
 “Of course I can see you,” she replied with a matter-of-fact undertone, directing a little smile at him.
 That was it. It was time to go for him. After a last look at her, he turned around and left the school building, choosing to walk through the alley right next to it. As he contemplated whether he should go the Institute or to Maryse, and counting down the seconds until Alec would text him because this was more turmoil than his parabatai was used to, he tried to keep his mind away from the question that was all-consuming: how could she see him? She didn’t have the Sight.
 Then he heard her footsteps. And seconds later, she yelled after him, actually continuing to follow him as he continued to walk away. She did not want to take a hint. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t possibly handle the confrontation that was about to follow, but he knew how stubborn she was and that she would follow him for another three blocks if that would eventually get him to stop and talk to her. Closing his eyes briefly to prepare himself for a couple of seconds, he then turned around to face her.
 She was awfully insistent that she knew him, while he tried to be convincing that she didn’t. But then she remembered his name that she wasn’t supposed to know. He was fully aware that he was smiling, as though her knowing his name was some sort of miracle to him. It was. She was smiling back at him for a couple of seconds as she introduced herself, but then her smile disappeared. Reaching out for him, she asked about the tattoos on his neck. Jace supposed that she saw the two runes that he couldn’t cover with clothes unless he was wearing a scarf, which he didn’t. The moment that she touched the rune, pushed the edge of the shirt away a little, she started smiling again suddenly. He decidedly didn’t know what to do with himself, so he simply looked back at her, probably beaming.
 “Do you -” He really shouldn’t say what he was about to, but he had to. He needed to try, for his own sanity if nothing else. “You don’t remember, do you?”  
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pillowfluffs · 6 years
Soulmate!Wonho // Chapter 1
Pairing: Wonho X Reader (female)
Genre: Soulmate!AU, fantasy, fluff, slight angst
Summary: You’re a first year at Mapnerry Academy of the Arcane, in a world where everyone has a soulmate. If you draw on your skin, it show’s up on your soulmate’s skin and vice versa, how magical.. You’ve learned many things growing up, but it seems you’ll learn something pivotal to your life one day while being at home..
Author’s Note: This honestly was supposed to be a short story for my english class but I just couldn’t help myself and I decided to polish things up on my own accord. This is my first official series! I know there’s pigtails!Hyunwoo but I didn’t finish and that was an unintentional “series”  I will be posting a new chapter on Saturdays 5:30pm Eastern Standard Time (U.S. Time) ((4:00pm Central Time // 2:00pm Pacific Standard Time)) Please Enjoy part 1!
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The small lines appeared on your skin as you sat in the library, studying for a somewhat challenging class you took. Everyone, well about ninety five percent of everyone born is destined to be with a soulmate that fits them perfectly spiritually, personally, physically, every way perfect. Those paired had their skin connected so if you drew on your skin, the drawing would show up on your soulmate’s in the exact same place as you drew it. Luckily for you, you were shown at an early age that you indeed had a soulmate; your soulmate had been drawing on their skin since the moment they could pick up a pen. When the drawings first appeared on your skin, you drew in response, making your presence known because there were also others, the five percent who were born and unfortunately paired with no one. Their fates were destined to be alone, so their abilities as mages were not as full as paired ones. No matter how long it would take to meet your soulmate, everything was destined since birth and even before. The only thing to be let done was time.
You sat comfortably in your seat for who knows what time it was now as your ancient runes textbooks and notebooks sat open in front of you. You needed to focus but the whimsical lines which kept appearing, fascinated you. You’ve been here since the doors opened for the day, first no one but you, but now a good amount of people since it was around the middle of your first year. Since the the library was filled row after row of neatly lined up books with their spines facing outwards and considering how spacious it was, you barely heard any noise, if there even were any being made. The books ranged from centuries old to months old; some more worn out than others. The large windows filled the grand room with a cool light. Archive mages flowed through the aisles, making sure no one was squandering their powers and were returning books to their rightful places. Archive magic allowed the user to convert information to magical data, which can be stored, enabling the mage to gain access to previously stored information, such as magic or in this case, books.
It was your first year at Mapnerry Academy of the Arcane, a school created by the government to enhance the skills of young and promising mages such as yourself and ranked one of the highest and most challenging school to be accepted. It was always your parents’ dream for you to attend this school the moment you were born, so, when you received an envelope saying that you got a full scholarship, they were ecstatic. You applied like millions of others, hoping but also accepting the fact if you didn’t make it, it would be fine. You wished, however, to not go to school; all you simply wanted to do was travel the world, meet your soulmate, do whatever you wished without following any of your parents’ or anyone’s orders on how to use your gift. The way the school’s acceptance worked was based on your level of skill and power. To be honest, you didn’t think your power was all that strong or powerful; it was simply imitationis. You had the ability to mimic the power of anyone else, no matter who they were and how powerful they were. Mages born from paired ones usually have their abilities stemmed from their parents’ abilities. You guessed the only related aspect of your ability to your parents’ were your father’s ability to absorb and redistribute energy and your gift to copy others’ power.
“Holding this power means holding great responsibility,” your parents had always told you, but you saw no problems with your power, as long as you didn’t misuse the powers of the ones you absorbed so far, no harm done. Growing up, your parents weren’t as fortunate as you to be gifted with such a singular and robust power. Your mother was gifted with the power of sanitatem, meaning she could heal others, herself, anyone and anything at any rate she wished, which especially came in handy when it came to health insurance. As for your father, he was given the capability of effusio, the power to absorb any force, elemental or energy, and use it in various ways by changing it throughout their body, and if they were against an enemy, they could use the absorbed energy as an advantage. Your father was often out on missions, which were the only way for mages to make a living; taking on missions put out by less powerful mages. Of course with your father’s power, your mother was his partner in business and life so she tagged along. To be very honest, both your mother and you believe that if she hadn’t gone along with him, he’d be dead by now.
You were often left alone as a child but not completely as your soulmate kept you indirect company and you turned out fine, evidenced by where you were now. The moment you could activate your power, your parents had you mimic theirs so now you could absorb energies and heal others and yourself, which came in very handy when you were left home alone and had to make food for yourself for the first time. Growing up, especially in elementary school, you unintentionally absorbed the powers of almost everyone you made contact with; teachers, friends, family, everyone. The other end never felt anything when their power was mimicked, but for you, it was like a chill running down your spine. Your powers weren’t in control until the end of elementary school as your parents started training you to finely tune your new powers, training you on strategies for defense and offense, preparing for the worst no matter the situation.
Here at the academy, you had a good amount of friends but you never saw them and they never seeked you out so you didn’t really mind. Plus you were one of those kids growing up who got their work done than make friends, so you didn’t really mind having friends or not. School and academics were your number one priority and it showed how well it worked in your favor. Like mentioned earlier, when your parents were out on missions mostly, you had to learn to take care of yourself and not depend on others. Yes, you admitted, it was lonely and you wished your parents were there more often for you, but you were blessed with Wonho, though at that time you didn’t know his name. You didn't know how he did it or if he could feel how you felt but at the very moment you felt your worst, something new would appear somewhere on your body entertaining you. You laid in bed, sat in the kitchen eating, or just doing whatever around the house as you watched as if your life depended on it. It was so intriguing how almost everyone’s skin worked like this. You were captivated with how he chose to draw something; the style, how the ink spread through the minuscule wrinkles in your skin, how he was so creative behind every drawing and doodle.
At this point in your life, you had a good number of powers but you mainly trained the ones you deemed the most essential. The first was demoniaco from the headmaster of the academy, the ability of demonic possession. He, and soon you were able to allow malevolent creatures take over with their own abilities and powers your bodies, allowing you to be a living nightmare in combat. When you received your acceptance letter, you also received an additional letter, requesting a meeting with him alone. Headmaster Voeks, or Jeremiah Voeks and even also known as the legendary prodigium (monster in latin), wished to meet you in person to have a special presentation of your powers. He was a middle aged man, dark black hair with a few light streaks of gray hair showing, but that’s normal for anyone if they were running an academy. His face was stern and serious, slight wrinkling here and there, but that was simple aging, but despite this dark aura, his silver eyes glinted with intrigue. He, as long with all professors at the academy wished for every student to enhance their aptitude profoundly.
Your heart was calm but filled with anxiety as you slowly neared the academy, towering over you as it was immensely larger than you imagined or saw from afar. You remembered visiting this school once, when you were very young. Some things looked familiar and different but it all didn’t matter. The first and last time you were here was when you were about three years old or younger. You easily could’ve teleported to the front gate, but for some reason you couldn’t bring yourself to do so. You pulled your phone out of your pocket, peeking at the time. “11:34 am,” you tucked it back in to your black jeans pocket. You took a deep breath before the gate, your hands clutching on to your black trench coat sleeves, your hands in front of you as you took a step toward the black iron gates. You could practically feel the energy radiating off the gates themselves, most likely acting as a security. You looked around, seeing no one in sight, no one to ask for help. You didn’t know what else to do but to simply trigger the alarm. You slowly raised your left hand, prepared for whatever the security mechanism would do to your body. You pressed your hand slowly against the invisible barrier, instantly feeling jolts of electricity surging through your body, but easily adapting to it due to your electrical ability from your aunt on your father’s side. You were able to promptly absorb almost all of the energy of the electricity, allowing the gate to open with ease. You stepped in as your short heeled ankle boots clicked against the pavement, closing the gate behind you, only to turn around to multiple security mages ready to restrict you, their hellhounds ready to pounce and rip you to shreds. A pang of fear shot through your body as you instantly raised your hands in surrender.
“WHO ARE YOU?” bellowed a mage, his pyrokinesis ability showing as his fists were beginning to glow red. He stood tall, more built compared to the others and even had a different pin on his silver uniform. You assumed he was the leader or captain or something, but pushed this thought aside.
“This doesn’t matter right now,” you thought as your voice choked in your throat. You could see other people looking out through windows, most likely students trying to see what was the commodity occuring outside.
The mages which stood next to him showed their different abilities as well, a blonde one with blue eyes with the ability of toxikinesis, you could see the poisonous gas fogging around his hands, two dark skinned officers with vision abilities, one with heat and the other with freeze. The officers’ grew tenser by the minute; the longer you didn’t respond, the more suspicious you looked to them.
You were afraid, helpless but this was an abnormal feeling. You noticed a smaller officer between the visions. He didn’t visibly have an ability but now it was clear; he was amplifying your emotions and feelings and you filled with fear was not a good thing. Your heart raced heavier and heavier by the minute the longer he stared at you. You felt the electricity beginning to spark in your hands, threatening them as if you were about to attack. They stepped closer, ready to end you as you stood there frozen.
“ANSWER, NOW!” A black haired officer with green eyes whose voice boomed in your ears. His voice was a low deep baritone, powerful for a small built person. His voice made it feel as if an earthquake occured, yet the guards who stood around him seemed as if nothing happened.
“A sonic,” you shrunk to your knees, covering your ears as everything around you rattled. You should have known the moment you saw him open his mouth and how strong it was when directed at you. The guards saw this as a chance and made their way to you, holding you down. They swiftly deactivated their abilities, surrounding you in just a few short seconds.
“End this at once,” a low authoritative voice resonated between the guards. All movement stopped as the guards all looked up as a figure stood at the end of the staircase. Silence filled the atmosphere and all that was heard was a gust of wind and birds chirping in the nearby pine trees.
“Prodigium,” your voice barely above a whisper choked out. A heat of embarrassment washed over you as now you realized how bad it must look; a promising student he believed to be is about to be arrested and most likely thrown off of campus forever.
“Release miss Y/L/N, immediately,” his eyes glowed from a dark brown to a red. A cold shock ran down your spine as all hands released you. You fixed yourself up, your once tucked white shirt had got pulled out as you made your way up the stairs, following the headmaster as he wore a black suit shirt with black pants and shoes. You followed behind on the stairs, watching the steps until you approached the top of the stairs. You were stopped by a figure as you bumped into it, almost pushing you back down the stairs. The figure stood firm. You caught yourself as you shyly looked up to make eye contact with the headmaster.
“Thank you,” you shied away as your hands reached for your sleeves once again. You bowed in respect to who you considered in this moment, the strongest you’ve ever gotten near. He seemed much taller this close than before when you were almost pinned on the ground. He gave off an aura that you could not notably describe; it’s wasn’t all good, but it wasn’t all bad either.
“Please, there’s no need, and follow me.” He turned once again, walking swiftly, hidden doorways and hallways appearing which made it a much faster trip to travel from the front entrance to his office. He wore shoes which clicked against the marble floor as a moderate pace. Despite his long legs, he could’ve easily walk at a pace which you would have to jog to keep up, but fortunately he did not.
You felt tickling lines beginning to appear on your left wrist as you followed behind through the grand hallways with the intricately detailed pillars and doorways, but you were much too captivated by the unique architectural designs in this antediluvian building. Light filled the hallways from the extensive windows, open as some weren’t able to open but they were filled with beautiful stained glass. The ceilings held world renown paintings such as the Sistine Chapel ceiling but with a twist. From what you gathered, it was a history and a summary of the world; how there are the paired ones and the lone ones. Your mouth hung slightly agape your eyes wandered around the sumptuous victorian styled building as students were around every corner, talking amongst themselves, in classrooms. A hum of chatter filled your ears as you tailed behind. The walls a cream color and were decorated with meticulously painted paintings of mages from the past. You walked by the individual portraits hung in dark wood frames which complimented the walls. The walk was silent as your senses were slightly on edge due to the fact that you were in the presence of the Prodigium himself. You made a right turn, passing what seemed to be a way which lead to what you assumed was the library as there were signs on the doors warning those to enter to remain silent. Passing it, there were now only a few students here and there occasionally. You made a left turn into a doorway which appeared in a wall before the headmaster which led down a somewhat dark hallway and led to a broad darkwood door with a single silver doorknob in the center of the door, which seemed rather peculiar to you, but you pushed the thought away as it must have been in fashion when the academy was built.
You stepped forward, but was stopped as an imperceptible barrier blocked you from entering. You looked in awkwardly, unsure of what to do next as you stepped back. Despite you feeling very nervous this morning as thoughts from the night before plagued you the night before, you felt quite tranquil. Some of the thoughts were hypothetical situations such as what if the academy overestimated your ability/ abilities and you were just a disappointment. You got an insufficient amount of sleep the night before one of the biggest moments of your life.
“Please, won’t you come in,” the headmaster made eye contact with you as you stood in the doorway. He waved his hand which a thin black fog surrounded his right hand, deactivating the barrier. You were able to feel the strength and power he held from simply removing the barrier from your way, which was a rare occurrence as you were rarely ever able to feel the power behind the mage.
You stepped once again up to the door, now able to stick your foot through, following your body. A smell of the fresh earth filled your nostrils once the barrier disappeared as the room was much darker than the hallway that led up to this area of the school. You pushed the door closed behind you, a dark aura swallowing you, but candles and lamps around the room lit up immediately once the door shut. The left wall was a bookcase which reached the ceiling, filled with books of all sizes, their spines reading in latin texts such as Possessionem and Mentis Imperium.
“Possession and mind control books.” You walked past, looking at as much as you could. In all your life, you had never really seen a true magus liber (mage book) until now, and they were truly beautiful. The magus libers in bookstores were all simply modern ones that always taught basic skills and training routines; they were no use to you at all.
“Intrigued?” the headmaster stood to your right as you stared at the books in awe. “These books are centuries old, even older than the academy itself.” He looked down to your eyes shining with appeal.
“I’ve never seen real magus libers.” you turned to glance at the professor. “The current ones are too modern and if they do sell authentic ones, they’re much too expensive.” A feeling of disappointment bloomed within you as you looked at the books. You wished so deeply that you could have all these books at home for yourself, but if you did and brought them today, it would cost your life as they were that expensive.
“I see.” he looked back up to the shelf, a sense of nostalgia washing over him as he recalled every exact moment his eyes met these books. “Now, we shall begin what you were truly invited here for.” He gestured to a black leathered arm chair in front of his desk, inviting you to sit as he made his way around his desk which was littered with papers you assumed were other application forms and sat in his own large black leather seat.
You nodded and sat down, ready for anything to he would ask your way. You peeked down to your wrist, seeing small lines creating small flowers and meager shapes. There were about three flowers, two with a stem and one without, but the one without was drawn in a black pen as the other two were drawn in red pens. The shapes were unclosed, not completely finished but you assumed they had a reason for it. You peered up as the headmaster pulled your application form, along with numerous recommendations from multiple teachers, tutors, parents, everyone who was able to write a recommendation.
“You my dear, sound gifted and powerful for your age division of eighteen to nineteen. Never in my time have I ever received an application with as many recommendations and support for a mage as you did,” he sat against the back of his chair, his voice as flat as the papers spread out before him. “You hold the ability of imitationis, mages who hold this gift are one in ten million. Tell me,” he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his desk. “What gifts have you mimicked so far? Please demonstrate the most powerful ones you have so far.” He held his hand palm up, insisting you to exhibit your abilities.
“Um, the most powerful ones in my opinion..” You stood up thinking about which ones you really considered the most powerful. “One which I’ve copied are my grandfather’s aciukinesis when I was eight years old.” You pushed the chair you sat in further behind as you quickly scanned his desk and around to see if there were any sharp objects. “Do you have a blade of some sort perhaps that I may use?”
Without any response, the headmaster snapped his finger, summoning a blade of black steel before your eyes. It was a dagger with a white rose engraved into the handle. You picked up the blade, feeling the aciukinesis essentially turning on as if the ability and the others were a switch inside your body. Your eyes glowed a light blue as you focused on the sharpness of the blade, making it as dull as you could. You rolled up your left sleeve, bringing the blade to your wrist and pulling it across as if to cut yourself. But no damage had been done. Your aciukinesis faded away the less you focused and you placed the dagger back onto his desk.
“Next, from one of the guards earlier, pyrokinesis, but due to the fact that I already had hell’s fire ability, these two simply merged, increasing that power.” You raised your hands up, palms down and fingers spread out, closing your eyes and feel all the space in the room. Silence was the only noise in the room, not a single breath was heard. Suddenly your eyes opened glowing a bright orange imitating the colors of fire. You set the room on fire all around, releasing the hottest flames ever felt, but they had no effect on you as you walked around sticking your hand the flames. The headmaster sat still, observing in silence as not a word was spoken from him since the beginning. You closed the palm of your hand, suffocating the burning flames causing them to die. “With my gift, I am able to control any flame and create any flame.” You walked back to where you stood before the professor at his desk. “And since I can create the flames such as I did just now, I controlled the temperature so if you look around.” You looked around the room, as nothing was burned. “Nothing in this room burned. The flames and the heat had no affect on me so it allowed me to reach my hand in and not feel any pain.”
“But you also said just moments before that these flames did not actually burn anything, so how may I believe your true statement?” His voice remained flat, but you heard there was a hint of interest.
Without speaking, you sat back down in the chair, pulling it back to its original spot and raised your left palm. You opened it causing a flame to spark to life. “If you feel yourself, you can feel that this flame is very hot and if I sparked this earlier, the room would have burned down.” The headmaster reached his hand towards the flame, feeling the heat radiate out of your palm, proving it was lethal. Once you saw that he had evidence, you stuck your hand in and you sat there without flinching for about forty seconds before killing the flame and pulling your hand out. Since it had no affect on you, your hand had black ash on it even though it did not burn anything.
“See? Nothing happened.” You gave a small shy smile, feeling better about this interview. “Now my nex-”
“Enough,” the headmaster’s voice now cold cut you off as he sat back. “Like I said before, you my dear are very powerful, but I strongly believe the abilities you are holding as I’ve seen so far could be much stronger. I hereby accept you into the Academy.” The headmaster stood up and made his way around his desk to shake hands with you. “But I also request you do something for me as I’m sure it will increase your power.”
“Thank you sir, but what is it?” Your curiosity piqued as happiness filled your body. Your head tilted slightly to the side as you looked up into his eyes. Your hands’ stopped shaking as he insisted you to sit once again and he sat on his desk.
“I request you to mimic my demoniaco, with it, I will be your personal mentor which no other student has ever had this privilege. Remember my gift is somewhat rare as well, one in seven million.” He stared into your eyes as his voice made you feel he strongly hoped you would accept. You had always heard stories of the legendary Prodigium eliminating those who stood against him to nothing, how he had immense powers far beyond anyone’s mind, but those were days of the past. And like he said, this would be a very big leap in your power level.
You stood there mouth agape in shock from what you just heard. “Did.. Did I hear that right??” you thought to yourself as you sat there speechless. “Wait but, will be mimicking your ability and you being my personal mentor, does this mean it’ll be like a class?” Your voice raised a frequency as you asked.
“If you would like, I could make it a class but only for you. But if you wish to continue your current studies, we can meet every weekend and practice for about a whole school day.” The headmaster offered. This was a bit to take in, but enough where you could process slowly. “What would you like?”
“Uhm, I don’t even know what classes I will be taking yet. I haven’t applied to any classes nor do I know what they offer.” You’ve only heard about some classes from your cousins, but they were always complaining about how easy it was, but then again, they were really smart. You meant to look up some of the offered courses on the website too, but you wanted to spend this summer before school to yourself, before you were officially on your own at school.
“We can easily fix that right now.” The headmaster stood up, sitting back down in his chair and pulling out a syllabus of the school. “From your records, it seems that you exceled promisingly in the basic necessities of life such as mathematics and language. As you enter this academy, you will be focused on the more advanced classes of somewhat complex subjects such as runes and increasing power capacity. I suggest making our meeting as a class period than a weekend. You would like to explore and make friends, correct?” He spoke so fluidly, as his voice was monotone. He was a living statue as he barely moves any facial muscle when he spoke.
“I guess that would be the best..” You sat and thought. A blossom of worry bloomed as you wondered. “Could I handle it?” The worry died down a bit once you felt lines being drawn on your right thigh now; you couldn’t see it but you had a vague idea of what was being drawn. You placed your hand over the slight sensation.
“I assure that you will be academically fine, and as for your powers, the capacity will increase dramatically. For your classes, you may look over this syllabus tonight, fill in the form at the end for your first year classes, and then return this to me tomorrow. If you mimic, you must come in tomorrow to begin the basics for they are difficult to adapt to.” He slid the brown leather syllabus towards you.
You took the syllabus in your hands, studying it making up your mind. “I’ll do it.” Your eyes locked with the professors and decided you were ready and the only way to be successful in this world was to be powerful. A gentle smile grew on his face as your hand clutched your pants.
“Excellent.” He stood up shaking your hand. You stood as well taking his large hand in yours. You mimicked his ability, instantly feeling a heat wave wash down your spine than a cold one which you normally felt. Your eyes instantly glowed a dark blood red as block fog started forming around your feet. The headmaster was surprised with you at first, unknowingly how fast you mimicked, but now it was clear how you mimicked; by physical touch. A vast amount of power surged through your body as you were becoming unstable.
You felt a darkness taking over and no matter how hard you urged your body to stop, it was no use. It was as if you were beginning to drown, the water entering your mouth and filling your body. You felt a slight pain spreading through your veins, a warm subtleness.
“Y/N,” a demonic voice called your name, pulling you out of the darkness. The fog faded away as your eyes returned to their normal color. You realized your body had gone numb, frozen similar to a statue, your muscles sore. You felt all over your left wrist new lines forming and just knowing the presence of your soulmate through your skin calmed you, physically feeling them appear on your skin was enough to make your day.
“What happened to me?” your voice quivered, fearing that if that were to happen again, how would you come out of it? You wondered if it happened again, what would actually happen and what you could possibly do if you lost control.
“The ability activated immediately. You were beginning your first process of completely mimicking my abilities. This is why you will need the classes as I will be your mentor.”
At that time, there was only about a few weeks of Summer before school began. In those few weeks, you were with the headmaster fine tuning your abilities, learning the additional powers that came with demoniaco. Every few days were new lessons for you as a few days after each new lesson were for your to fine tune the best you could.
Once school began, you moved into your down and due to the low acceptance level, almost everyone had their own dorm room to themselves. Your dorm at the end of the hallway, had a lovely view to a courtyard with a small pond filled with rainbow koi fish, pine trees which were almost taller than the school. Your room was filled with essentials from home such as pictures, pillows and blankets, but they were also filled with your own magus libers, the cheap ones from local bookstores, but also some authentic ones, gifted from the headmaster himself. Stress with the classic schoolwork and testings were somewhat more difficult that you imagined, resulting in the balance of your abilities to be off. You were excused from absences but during those times, you would lay in bed. You laid there for hours throughout the day, eating very little but eating when they told you so. You would talk with your soulmate as you drew on your arm and they would reply seconds later. Though you have not them them face to face, the longer the two of you talked, the longer you felt a stronger connection growing and growing between you two. You realized in those times how you were truly cared for especially by someone you’ve never even met. You were happy as you were fortunate enough to be born paired with someone. As the school year was coming to an end, a few months left exactly, you began feeling a weight lifting off your body, more and more so that you did not need to be sent home. The stress were simply vanishing, but you figured it was most likely because of testing ending. As the year went by, you began feeling dramatic changes with your abilities, gaining more as you made new friends, but to your friends, they just knew you as the mage with the powerful ability of pyrokinesis. The headmaster made it clear that your true ability of imitationis must not be revealed as his reasons were simply because “you never know who you could trust” were his exact words so you did not object. As spring break came along, your arms and legs were filled with new pieces of art on a daily basis. For some reason, bodies connected were also restricted. An example would be that you could not write direct things such as “my name is..” Those types of messages would not show up on the skin but you could spread letters out. Bodies paired are like this because soulmates are supposed to meet each other at the right time they were destined when they were born.
One day as you read in your home basement, the air cold enough for you to have an oversized white hoodie on with a blanket. Your parents had left a few days ago to go on a mission, dealing with thieves in a different country. Most missions were from those in third world countries, mages too weak in ability or lacked the knowledge to train, defend, and use their ability properly. You suddenly felt a peculiar cold tingling on your legs and you placed your book down on a glass coffee table, sliding the maroon furry blanket off of your legs to reveal white flowers painted onto your thighs and calves. As long as it showed on your skin, it would show up on your linked half as well. As you stated at your legs, the white paint showing up, you were able to see some letters forming, unsure if it was coincidence or not, however.
“Is that a..W?” Your head tilted left and right, eyebrows furrowed. The paint stopped until you felt two new marks on your right arm. “O-N.. W-O-N? Are they spelling out their name?” You thought to yourself as you scanned your body for more new letters, awaiting for new ones. There was about a brief pause before you felt more scribbling on your arm. You studied your wrist as you brought it closer. “H..O..” Then the writing stopped as you sat there for a minute or two, a smile creeping on your face. “Wonho?” you said aloud as you sat before you reached for a black pen. You opened the cap, writing on the back of your left hand, “are you ready?” It wasn’t long before there was a checkmark drawn next to the question. You moved the blanket off of your legs, revealing your thighs. You took the pen, drawing out five letters of the alphabet before you wrote out the next five a row below. You reached for a red and blue pen off of the coffee table next to your homework and circled the letters “I” and “S” in red. You spelt out the sentence “Is your name Wonho?” from your leg, switching pen colors after every word. You sat there waiting for a response for a moment or two until he responded “yes” on your knee. Even without knowing this person, your heart felt bubbly inside. It was as if it was swelling even though you did not know your soulmate well.
You sat in the bathroom for who knew how long, writing and drawing back and forth on while also scrubbing things off your legs to make space for more writings. He learned your name and many other broken small details, cause again, you couldn’t straight out facts about yourself to your soulmate, which was the only thing you found strange in this world. The topic of where you went to school did not come up until you were about to pass out from exhaustion. The last word you saw appear on your skin was Mapnerry.
Next Chapter
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ralfstrashcan · 6 years
3x08 Reaction / Commentary
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Clary is so rebel putting her hands up first and then dropping her stele lol.
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“So you can salt-ify her, too, when she inevitably attacks.” Great thinking, Luke! Also, how did they know it's salt? Did they lick it?
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Ohhhhhhh I like where this is going!!
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Ominous Elevator Rattling Powers Activate!
FunFact: I thought the shadow moving on the wall behind them was some demon Lilith summoned but it was just Simon's shadow. Oh dear.
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Instant Sunroom Powers Activate!
Also, Lilith is a dirty liar. They totally didn't 'stay exactly where we are.’ (Also, now I'm having Reichenbach Fall Flashbacks.)
But what's with the other disciples? Do they get texts with the new address of the moved hang out spot? Man, that sunroom's gonna be so crowded.
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........you mean New York, right, because the Lightwoods were banished from Idris for being in the Circle, which is why the Lightwood kids grew up in the NY Institute? *sigh*
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.........because any orphaned Shadowhunter immediately gets tossed out into the streets instead of being raised by other Shadowhunters, you know, to be a soldier and serve the heavenly duty of killing demons. Makes sense. Okay, sorry, I get it. Jace is trying to get into Alec's head and it's clearly working and that scene was totally dramatic, but... it also didn't make sense.
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How the hell does Possessed!Jace know about that? Alec had two opportunities to talk to him about his drama with Magnus (in 3x05 and in 3x06) and he chose to evade the topic altogether both times. In case he didn't change his mind off-screen and talked to him in the short time between Jace allegedly returning from the City of Bones and them discovering his possession (time that was spend with Maryse at the Hunter's Moon btw) then Jace can't know it from Alec. So, where did this knowledge magically appear from? @kaysgreenery suggested that Lilith did some research on Magnus's dating history and taught Jace all the details but why the hell would she do that. I'd like to think that this Possessed!Jace has the ability to somehow warp into the thoughts and minds of the people around him and snatch information on how to hurt them the best, but.... I don't think that's the case or that it will even be addressed how he learned that.
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Again, arguing with possessed people. I still don't get it. Then again, from Simon I don't really expect more. (Sorry, Simon.)
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.....yeah, Disgraced-Ex-Circle-Member-turned-Downworlder-who's-not-even-allowed-to-enter-Alicante, do tell how you plan to get that intel.
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................................dude you're so sounding like Clary right now it's not even funny anymore. So yeah, thank you Izzy for being the voice of reason.
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For a second there I got my hopes up that they were going to address Possessed!Jace's mindreading-powers. </3
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Alec doesn't approve, lol. But I'm super into it. Lightwood siblings gooooo!! Also, love that face.
This sounds like they're gonna dive into Jace's subconsciousness or dreamscape or whatever and this would be so cool!!!!
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1) Pretty skylight 2) I acknowledge that that Equilibrium Rune does make sense on the wall
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Yo but why was he standing there holding the sword? He could have put it in its fancy stand as soon as he arrived. And why wasn't it on the fancy stand from the get-go? Where do they store it when there's no trial?
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Sassy. I like it.
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Yeah, way to misunderstand your assignment, dude. Did you even go back to that building or did you go straight to Maia to whine a little? *sigh*
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“Right now, bigger fish to fry.”
Wow, finally someone who can prioritize sensibly. I'm impressed.
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Yeah, a decision that should have been Simon's. Because he's the one who the case is about. And if he's constantly hating on Kyle that's helping no one. Just sayin'.
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“I'll still take my not-magically-invincible girlfriend with me, you know, just in the unlikely case I get the upper hand and Lilith needs some leverage.”
Seriously, this whole Mark Business started because he was up against someone more powerful (the Seelie Queen) that held Maia hostage and blackmailed him into obeying. Didn't he learn from that?? Apparently not.
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Especially because the Vampire nose at their disposal seems to be malfunctioning, falling out of commission whenever the Plot calls for it.
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That smile tho.
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“Especially when the Clave kicked you to the curb for breaching the Accords, slaughtering Downworlders.” Yeah, those werewolves really look like they're seconds from throwing Maryse a welcoming party.
“Well, then a deruned ex-Circle member is the last person you should be talking to.” Lightwood Women being extra reasonable this Episode, I dig it!
Also, how exactly does Luke want to “negotiate Clary's release”? I mean, call me old-fashioned, but I thought you needed leverage for a negotiation. What exactly does Luke have to offer the Clave in exchange? A few Selfies? (They might actually go for that lol.)
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I'm sooo calling bullshit on this because of Maryse's behavior during the entirety of Season 1, but whatever. Also, “was having an affair with”? Does that mean Robert's relationship with this Anne-Marie person fell through? Why? In the two weeks tops that passed since 2x16? I need answers!
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Luke/Maryse-Shippers crying in the distance. What is that pairing even called? Luryse? Marke? Lightluke? lol. Lightway?? (Tho that's probably a li'l ambiguous cuz there are several Lightwoods. And now I imagined Luke with Robert. Ew.)
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Imagine, if you could harness the luminous power of Parabatai Runes you'd never need electricity again.
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Dramatic Stare is Dramatic
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What the hell dude lol are you trying to get yourself kicked out of the van (possibly while it's still in motion)?? Seriously. This I-know-you-so-much-better-than-your-current-boyfriend-talk is waayyyy out of character for how Kyle behaved towards Maia and Simon so far so what the hell.
On a different note, I find it very intriguing that Simon doesn't feel temperature (and is maybe even immune to very low or very high temperatures?) and I'd love to see this explored in the show.
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Okay but what are the chains chained to? Magnus's furniture?? (There's not one shot where you can see where they end. Very frustrating. They're probably chained to Plot Convenience.)
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That is a fine comeback.
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What was Magnus even doing? He couldn't have been prepairing because he was prepared already when they tried earlier. So, what was he doing? Reapplying his make-up maybe?
Okay, but Alec's eyes were already rolling back in his head earlier
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did he specifically un-roll them again
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to have the last roll??
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Drama Queen. Magnus chose wisely.
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This confirms like every head canon I have on how incredibly badass Izzy is and always was, so thank you. I always had the feeling that she's probably a better fighter than Jace but didn't show it because she knew he needs the limelight and she doesn't. Also, they have super limited time and the first thing they do is watching sweet childhood memories. Priorities.
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Well, I would hold hands in that case, just to be sure.
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.........could have prevented this from happening. *sigh*
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Lilith killed all those Seelies, does that mean she has to stay in the Seelie Realm now and that the Seelie Queen owns her life? lol
So that exchange between them was kinda enlightening but also not at all because whaaaat. Can't Lilith just track Jace, the person she herself possessed? That's a little inconvenient and dumb because she's ass powerful but can't do this easy thing? If the Mark of Cain can only be borne by a Daylighter and is also the only thing that can banish Lilith, does that mean there was a Daylighter before who bore that Mark and banished Lilith? Or was she never on earth before and banished, in which case, how does she know that's the only thing that can banish her? How do her visits to the Seelie Realm work? I thought you need to be summoned to leave your home dimension as a demon so if she was in the Seelie Realm before could she have easily walked over into the Real World as well? Was the Seelie Queen alive when Lilith last visited the Seelie Realm (which would have been at least during the time of her predecessor) or do they have pictures of her somewhere so that's why she knows what Lilith looks like? Also, that line with the complexion
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is rich, coming from the Seelie Queen, like seriously, glass houses, bricks.
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Same, Jia. Because what the hell, Clary.
One, I don't get why Clary told her the truth about the wish when she didn't have to, like, wasn't it her main goal to keep that truth from ever coming out?? Why would she just spill? Just because it was a dramatic gesture? Then again I also don't understand why those guards tried to restrain her immediately after she let go of the sword, like, did they want to put her back in her cell right away? And why does she need to be unrestrained to talk? Why not just put the sword back on its fancy stand and make her touch it again to tell the rest of the story? So many questions.
Two, the wish from the angel wasn't a one-time-voucher to kill everything with demon blood. Clearly, because Clary used it to bring back Jace. It was simply a wish that could be shaped by the person making the wish. So just because that wish was powerful enough that it could be used for mass murder doesn't mean the wish itself is inherently evil?! What the hell, Clary. It's like she's trying to argue why using the wish was like a public service to Shadowhunter Society?! Who's going to believe that?? At least she didn't say something pathetic like “To you, an insurmountable evil is a world overrun by demons, to me it's a world without Jace in it” because, honestly, I was half expecting her to, lol.
Sidenote: Until the end of Season 2 the Shadowhunters hadn't even figured out that the Mortal Mirror was in fact Lake Lyn, so without Clary figuring out what the Mortal Mirror was, still having that wish wouldn't have done them any good. Of course the middle of the apocalypse is always the best time to try and start figuring out where the long-lost third Mortal Instrument is, so I totally see your point, Jia.
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..........why would Shadowhunters allow a feral wolf pack in the forest around their capital when Downworlders aren't even allowed to set foot into Idris? That makes no sense.
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...................did Luke forget to mention the weird bloody altar? What was even the point in sticking his fingers in then? *sigh*
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If Jonathan's in there I will flip my shit. Lilith definitely took him with her in that fancy display vitrine.
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Okay, no Jonathan, I'm relieved.... but Jonathan was clearly stored in there in 3x03, so, Show, explain yourself. Why did Lilith decide to repot him? To better stare at him longingly? (Also, why aren’t the ley lines getting corrupted again? I’ve been wondering for a few episodes about that already....)
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Just don't let your phone fall in there. That would be awkward as hell. Pun intended.
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........................................................Simon. Si-mon. Are you for real. I don't even have words for this level of stupidity and recklessness. But sure. Leave those two alone to fight whoever decides to come in, without your fancy forehead mark to protect them. I mean, it's not like this is the exact reason you told them to stick close to you less than five minutes ago.
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Yeah well, would have been weird if he had been studying ancient demonic languages when he was still a mundane. Also, why is no one taking advantage of the great change-werewolf-pun-opportunity??
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Are you shitting me why doesn't she just say she's Izzy? She has the same Runes as Young Izzy in the same spots and everything. Then again, they cast Young Izzy looking nothing like Emeraude Toubia, so I couldn't even blame Young Jace on calling bullshit and not believing her. But this line of reasoning only makes sense if Izzy is aware that her younger self looks nothing like her which she can't possibly be because they're supposed to look alike, being the same person and everything.
Okay, so their little sing along was a little touching (tho a lot ridiculous, too, sorry) but I'd be seriously creeped out if some stranger wanted to prove their legit-ness by singing my kiddie lullaby to me like what the hell man.
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Those are a lot of Claries, but why are they all wearing the same thing?
Absolutely loved the whole scene with Alec and Jace.
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Okay but how did Young Jace know that he needed to bring her here? Did Young and Regular Jace ever meet? I need answers!!
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Thank you for this precise and not at all vague information, Luke, as always.
I can't really make sense of that Maia Kyle Whatever Scene so I'll just leave it uncommented.
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Edit: Since I was delayed in posting this for several days (because my lappy decided it would be a great time to die on me) I've had some time to think about it. I didn't like the scene when I first saw it, but I couldn't really put my finger on why. Now I know it's because of the way Maia acts, I feel like this is ooc for her. Maia is unapologetic, she takes no shit from anyone. Remember how she told Kyle off in that flashback when he wanted to decide if she got to go to college or not, or how she put Russell in his place when he thought he could comment on her relationship with Simon, or even how she pre-emptively refused to apologize for hooking up with Jace when she thought Simon expected an apology? The case I'm trying to build here is that Maia is very aware of what she wants, what she will accept in regards to behavior of another person towards her, and where she draws the line, where she will put her foot down and not accept something. So seeing her basically begging Kyle to not act like he's in any way likable so she can cling to her resentment for him is strange for two reasons:
1) It makes it seem as if she's not in control of her emotions, as if her resentment is something she needs to actively fuel to maintain it. This is the stellar opposite of how she acted towards him in the last episode, where she was confidently hostile.
2) It makes it seem as if what Kyle did isn't something where it's entirely reasonable and justifiable to be angry and hurt and unforgiving about even after a long time has passed. When someone betrays and abandons you like that (like Maia undoubtedly experienced his actions) you don't really need to exert yourself to not-forgive that person. That's natural, isn't it? Of course one could argue that it's not as black-and-white here because she was in love with him and it's not like he was some stranger betraying her.... but to be honest, the way she acted towards him up until this very scene, including the flashbacks, didn't really make it seem as if their past loving relationship was influencing Maia. So I really don't get why it's suddenly the case.
I mean, I do. If Sizzy is endgame (yikes), then Simon and Maia will have to split up at some point and Maia and Kyle will probably be a thing somewhere along the way. But I feel like this current behavior isn't really ic for Maia and that's why it annoys me, even though I have nothing against the pairing Maia/Kyle per se.
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Where they seriously trying to make it seem as if Izzy would kill Jace lol I didn't believe that for a second. I was also totally distracted by the fact that she licked her lips and her lip stick stayed on fleek like how do you do that Izzy let me in on your secret powers please.
Leaving all that aside this scene was perfectly acted and very intense..... but. I don't know if that makes me really insensitive or something, but they were under immense time pressure. If all it took to get them back was grabbing hold of each other's hands I really don't get why Alec and Izzy didn't do just that. There would have been enough time to placate Jace when they were back in their own bodies without the very real threat of getting lost in Jace's mind forever hanging over their heads. Of course it would have been a shock for Jace to be ripped out of his environment and be thrown back into his body, but honestly, he must be so heavily traumatized by all that Lilith did to him that this little thing wouldn't even register in comparison. So yeah, call me heartless, but it would have been more efficient to grab Jace and talk him down once they were safe.
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I'm asking again. How did the Seelie Queen know where Jace was? And, seriously, why didn't Lilith think to check Magnus's appartment, I mean she must know Alec is Jace's parabatai and that Magnus is Alec's boyfriend and a powerful warlock. When Jace didn't come back to her it would have been reasonable to assume that the other Shadowhunters had gotten to him and would try to save him, seeking out capable help.
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Soooooo Magnus is officially Asmodeus's favorite. Dubious honor.
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I don't know if it's the camera angle or that cute eyebrow crunch, but to me Magnus looks so much like a cat while Lilith is choking him, so I was inappropriately cooing during this scene. Shame on me.
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If those are the chains immediately after Lilith takes Jace... does that mean he was chained to himself the whole time??? Like, ankles to wrists?????
Edit: Found a BTS pic that explains it:
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So apparently there are these neat anchorages that anchor the chains to..... the fluffy rug!! Extremely durable and a hundred percent tearproof!!! Hell yeah.
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I get that Alec feels super guilty but honestly, think about it. If he'd killed Jace he wouldn't have killed his body. He would have killed his consciousness, his soul maybe. Meaning the possession would have been given free reign over his body. Killing Jace while they where inside his mind would have killed the last part that was fighting against the possession. It would have made everything way worse.
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Funny you say that like it's a cute quirk when really it's pretty invasive and selfish.
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Oh man, those subtitles totally ruined the suspense. (Also, how is Clary supposed to learn and understand when she's dead, lol.)
I'm so thrilled to find out how they're gonna get rid of that death sentence. Or will Clary be a fugitive from the law for 3B? I'd totally be up for that, too.
(Gif Source, BTS Pic Source)
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utopianparadoxist · 7 years
I can’t focus on anything enough to write about Homestuck today, so I’m gonna talk about something that matters a lot more instead. I know this isn’t like, part of My Brand, but Puerto Rico is part of who I am and why I’m here. And since I couldn’t be part of the day of action officially, this is what I’m doing instead. So here’s what it comes down to:
I can’t stop thinking about the Homestucks in Puerto Rico. 
And yes, it’s myopic to focus on a people suffering who happen to be part of a fandom. Everyone is human and nobody deserves this kind of suffering.  Puerto Ricans deserve help because they’re people, full stop.
But people weren’t designed for numbers to track this scale of suffering, and even having spent part of my life there, the devastation my little island is going through has been more than I can relate to, or even imagine. 
So it’s this particular memory that sticks out for me, and those particular people that stand in for the unfathomable many who are suffering right now. I’m going to tell you guys a story, and try to put the place I remember into the context of the Island’s current struggle, and the sorely lacking support of the American government. 
Then I’m going to talk about what we can do to help. 
I can guarantee that at least one of those things is something you can do. Even if you can’t do anything but blog about fandom and talk to friends online--and trust me, I get it if that’s where you are. There’s still something important I want you to consider trying. 
If you have the spoons and mental wherewithal, and you care at all about what I do here, or about Homestuck, or about the friends you’ve made and the people you’ve met through fandom, or about any story that has ever moved you to reach out and make a friend,
Then I hope you can find the time to read and signal boost this. No pressure. I know it’s hard and we’re all tired. Still, It would mean a lot to me. 
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(A description of PR’s Capital city, dated Oct 10th.)
Upd8 culture isn’t something that all the fans here have been exposed to. Fans have gotten flashes of it like on 10/25 last year or, of course, with Hiveswap’s release. But back during the days of Homestuck’s height in popularity, we were all wired, all the time. 
An Upd8 could happen any second, and anything and everything could change with any upd8. This was the height of update culture, and it was like being on a neverending rollercoaster. It was a sense of communal excitement and thrill that made me feel connected to everyone sharing the ride.
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(The Federal Emergency Management Agency fails to keep up with the Island’s food shortages.)
I went to a con with friends only once in PR, but while there, we hung nearby a Homestuck meetup. I didn’t really engage with them, but I did have MSPA Notifier on my phone, and it just so happened an update hit. 
I was the first to notice. 
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(x) (Jason Maddy, Marine Vet’s Facebook Page)
I remember grinning and telling my (Non-Homestuck) friends to watch.  That was the first and only time I got to yell the word “UPD8” to someone else in person. The result was spectacular.
The explosion of yelling and the flurry of activity was too overwhelming to follow. Suddenly, teens were yelling and scrambling to get near the closest screen. The one who sticks out in my head is a God Tier John--pretty sure the outfit was homemade--pressing his tablet up against a wall.
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(Trump throws rolls of paper towels at a crowd in a Hurricane relief center.)
For a good ten minutes, we watched as what was a pretty chill meetup beforehand talked and traded screens with fervent excitement.  My friends, exposed to nothing but my self-indulgent blather about the comic up until then, looked at me in bewilderment and asked: “What did you do?”
But of course, I didn’t do anything. I was just a lucky messenger. What moved me, what moved us all with the same joy and excitement, was a shared moment of love for a story. A common passion. 
I didn’t make friends with any of them that day, and I wish I had now. Really, I just wish I knew if they were alright. Any of them. 
I wonder if they enjoyed Hiveswap in the few days between the release and Maria, or if they got the chance to play it at all before the electricity grid collapsed. I wonder how many got off the island. How many have stayed behind. 
How many are LGBT, now cut off from access to what was my only lifeline on the largely conservative island? I think about the reports of sky-high rates of depression and PTSD pouring in whenever I can bring myself to listen.
I hope all of those kids are still alive and well. I should mention: All of these tweets and news reports are verifiably true. I can confirm them myself, because I hear the same thing whenever I manage to get in contact with anyone on the island. 
My family hears supplies are coming, but never seem to see them arrive. The woman who drove me to school contacted me today, saying the same thing. Wherever there’s contact on the ground, there are reports of inadequate support and desperate need. Food in grocery stores is near running out.
Everyone I know who is able making plans to leave. Everyone I know cries and hurts most for those who cannot make these plans. Those who are stuck. Those who will be left behind to survive the nightmare.
What can we do for them?
Of course, donating to verified and trustworthy charities is an option. For those of us who are able:
Donate to Puerto Rican Farmers.
The Hispanic Federation’s Disaster Relief & Recovery Fund.
Eco-Kit uses Amazon to distribute life-saving survival tools.
And More.
But maybe even more important than that is adding our voices politically:
Petition for Immediate Large-Scale Relief Package for Puerto Rico.
Use this handy Call Script to find and call your representatives.
We can also simply talk, learn, and educate. It goes without saying that this devastation is in part a product of climate change. But we can also talk about the Jones Act that slows aid to Puerto Rico. 
We can reckon with Puerto Rico’s long history of colonial subjugation by the U.S. And we can increase understanding of the massive debt crisis that threatened the island even before the hurricane.
I will continue to post about this when I am able and have useful information to spread, but it may also help to follow blogs such as @tumblricans if you’re able. 
But even if you can’t do any of this: Believe me, I understand. I know how hard and unbearable it all is. 
Even if you can’t do anything but talk to people online, try to keep your mind off it, try to focus on fandom and friends and whatever gets you through these days,
There’s still something you can do.
Choose to be kinder. Here, in this space that you share with so many progressives, coming from so many walks of life, that have all been hurt by this world through so many cruel and unusual punishments. Even if nowhere else.
Choose to be kinder here, in this nebulous place where many of us come to forget our sorrows and share our joys and pains with others. 
Try to remember that everyone has a story. That everyone has something they’re dealing with, and you have no way to know what it is. Try to choose kindness and compassion over instinctual judgment and ideological superiority.
Extend this kindness to creators as well as your fellow fans and users, because the people who make art for us are people who are struggling and trying hard just like me and you. 
Extend this kindness to yourself and your friends in your moments of weakness, just...remember to extend it to your perceived “enemies” on this website, too. In the grand scheme of things, they simply don’t exist. 
Fandom spaces on Tumblr and Ao3 are predominantly made up of lgbt women, and lean highly towards progressive sentiments besides. Wherever we turn to this hyper-critical behavior, we are making threats out of allies. It’s not necessary, and worse, it drives us apart.
Remember that ultimately, we are all in this together. The world is a scary place right now. There are people out there in the world who deeply and truly want to hurt us.  You can even find them online, if you really want to. 
But like...fellow fans invested in the progressive agenda? Creators making progressive art? They are not your enemies, and for the progressive agenda and anyone identified as basically any kind of minority, the shit is hitting and will increasingly continue to hit the whirling device. 
We all need support now more than ever, and it is really only going to come if we begin to choose to support each other. 
And that’s important work to do. Because the kinder we are, the closer we are, the better we can connect. The better we can organize. And the more good we can do for places like Puerto Rico or people like Rune.
Sometimes, making the world a better place is just a matter of being nice to each other. That alone could well have the power to change everything.
Thank you for reading all this. I love you. Keep rising.
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singingwordwright · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Shadowhunters (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Alec Lightwood & Isabelle Lightwood, Alec Lightwood & Jace Wayland Characters: Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Jace Wayland, Isabelle Lightwood Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction, Communication, Post-Episode: s02e10 By The Light Of Dawn, references to suicidal tendencies/ideation
“Magnus. It’s Alec. Call me back now.”
The first call went to voicemail.
“Magnus. I need you to call me. Please.”
So did the second.
“Oh, God, Magnus. Please be okay. Just call me. Just--I need to know you’re okay. Please tell me you weren’t here.”
And the third.
After that, Alec didn’t trust his voice to work and started texting instead.
Where r u?
R u ok?
Magnus pls?
His thumbs rapidly tapped out a series of increasingly incoherent pleas as the elevator climbed from the second floor to the third and when the doors slid open, he heard the chime of Magnus’s ringtone for him sound in the body-strewn hallway before him.
“Oh, God.”
He checked each corpse because he had to. At least the process of finding out one way or the other let him feel like there was something he could actually do.
An unreal silence shrouded the grisly scene running down the corridor. The Institute was never this still, like the historic cathedral itself had sucked in a horrified breath at the calamity that had befallen its denizens and was waiting to exhale.
Finally, half-hidden underneath one hunched-over body with dark hair and a dark jacket, Alec spied the familiar case of Magnus’s phone and felt his world end. He stood there staring at the phone, unable to bring himself to bend down and turn the corpse over for confirmation.
This isn’t happening. Not now. Not this soon.
Magnus was supposed to outlive him. By centuries.
Gradually, other details began to filter in. The cut and fabric of the jacket were far from fashionable. The shoes were scuffed and ugly. The fingers, twisted into a rigid claw in the moment before death, wore no rings. The nails were unpainted. The hair was too long, not shaved close to the nape of a neck he loved to kiss.
Oxygen flooded Alec’s lungs for the first time in what felt like hours and he rolled the corpse, revealing the circle rune on its neck.
Not Magnus.
Not Magnus.
Alec knelt beside the body with his eyes closed and his head bowed for a long moment, trying to remember how to breathe. There were still dozens of bodies to check. Magnus has been here, the phone made that much clear. Just because this body wasn’t his didn’t mean his wasn’t here.
Alec pocketed the phone and pushed on, bile rising in the back of his throat every time he had to turn over a corpse that bore some resemblance to the one he sought.
Shadowhunters. They were all shadowhunters. Some with Circle runes, some without. Some had been stabbed with seraph blades, others appeared to have asphyxiated.
None of them were downworlders.
By the time he’d checked every room and hallway, sunlight was beginning to filter through the stained glass windows and Alec’s panic was dancing a merry jig on his psyche, accompanied by helplessness and an odd inability to allow himself to hope for the best that he knew was coming from another source.
I don’t deserve for this to end well.
He pushed the thought aside, because it wasn’t entirely his, or even mostly his. That was another issue, one he’d have to deal with later. Yes, for a split second after realizing the Soul Sword had been activated, he’d wondered if Clary had finally evened the score for her mother’s death, but even before Jace corrected his assumption, Alec had dismissed the idea because he believed Clary when she said she didn’t blame him.
On his way back downstairs, Alec re-checked the major clusters of bodies to see if he’d missed anyone. By now, shadowhunters who had been out on the streets dealing with Valentine’s altered downworlders were filtering back in and beginning to collect the fallen. There would be another Rite of Mourning held in a few days, and Alec would probably have to organize that because he’d overheard someone say that Aldertree would be escorting Valentine back to Idris.
It didn’t matter now. He couldn’t conceive of trying to organize his sock drawer right now, much less a mass memorial ceremony.
There were still places he could check. If Magnus had portaled in with Clary, surely he wouldn’t have gone far? But maybe he’d been forced to retreat. Maybe he’d been injured but made his way outside before the sword was activated. Alec would check the grounds first, then the underground utility tunnels.
And then? Keep branching out, perhaps. Magnus’s loft? Magnus’s friend Catarina was a healer, wasn’t she? If Magnus were hurt, maybe he’d go there. Hell, Alec would even check the Hotel Dumort, if it came to that.
He waded through the influx of returning shadowhunters into the daylight outside the Institute and turned a helpless circle, too overwhelmed for a moment to decide which direction to go in first.
But then a hand closed on his arm.
For the briefest instant, he thought it was someone coming to tell him they’d found Magnus’s body, but before the idea had an opportunity to cement, he’d already turned to see Magnus standing there.
Not even the blessed touch of the angel Raziel himself could possibly compare with the rapturous relief of that moment. He grabbed Magnus to him with no thought for dignity or decorum and clung to him there on the front steps of the Institute with his subordinates streaming past them.
Then he stepped back, held Magnus at arms’ length just so he could look at him again, see him truly standing there.
“Magnus, I thought--” Alec’s throat locked up, refused to let him form the words.
As always, Magnus was quick with his reassurances. Something about Madzie that Alec was sure would be important later but right now it didn’t seem to matter. The only thing he heard was the word “safe.”
Safe. The word echoed in his head, and with each repetition, Alec’s panic drained away, leaving a relief so profound that it obliterated doubt or discretion.
“Look. Magnus, on every mission I’ve ever been on, I’ve never felt that type of fear,” he confessed. Word vomit. Out of control. Heedless, in a way only Magnus seemed to have power to render him. “Ever. Not knowing if you were alive or dead, I--I was terrified.”
Magnus’s face was tender and intent. Offering comfort and reassurance, yes, but not in a patronizing way. He accepted Alec’s vulnerability like it was something precious to be cradled carefully in both hands, and offered his own in exchange, with all the generosity in his enormous heart.
“So was I.”
This, Alec would later ponder, was Magnus’s true magic. To gently create a space where Alec’s relative inexperience with these emotions didn’t matter, where it was safe to feel all these petrifying new things because he wasn’t alone there with them.
“Magnus, I--” An instant of hesitation, before he stepped off a different sort of ledge, the kind he hadn’t been practicing for. And then he surrendered to gravity’s inexorable grasp and the breathless, heart-stopping plunge. “I love you.”
The emotions on Magnus’s face were too complicated to unpack in the short moment before he joined Alec in the fall. “I love you, too.”
Such simple words. They changed everything.
And they changed absolutely nothing.
This wasn’t a development that had happened in the past few minutes or even in the panic-stricken hours before dawn in which he’d been searching for Magnus. This had been happening for weeks, in small steps. It had been happening in fiercely competitive grins across the pool table at the Hunter’s Moon, and in the unaccustomed feel of Magnus’s hand taking his to pulling him down the streets of Prague. It had been happening in companionable hours of gentle kisses and conversation on Magnus’s balcony and in impassioned gasps and the slide of sweat-slick skin against his own between Magnus’s sheets.
There was only one thing to be done.
Kissing Magnus felt like the jolt of electricity necessary to restart Alec’s heart, and clutching him close again was life support to keep it beating. Alec had never known an embrace could be so absolutely essential to his continued survival.
Aldertree’s words about the impossibility of shadowhunters and downworlders being together echoed in his brain, haunting him as he breathed in the scent of Magnus. But even if Alec wanted to heed them, he couldn’t. He was too far gone. There was nothing to do but ride the fall out and wait to hit the ground.
He didn’t let go until his lungs were functioning properly on their own once more.
“I have to go,” Alec said at last, though stepping away from Magnus felt like trying to hack off his own arm. “I have to check on Jace and Izzy. I have to start organizing the Rite of Mourning. I--”
“I know.” Magnus smiled and laid a soft hand on Alec’s jaw, stilling the spill of words. “I have to go, too. The fight to get myself and Madzie out was draining. I don’t have much magic left, so I won’t be much good to you healing the wounded. I’m going to go stay with Madzie and send Catarina your way. She can also rebuild the wards. Hers are just as good as mine, and it’d be useless to have me do it. Until my book of counterspells is recovered, anyone in possession of it would have a key to the front door. I think Madzie and I will make finding where Valentine stored it our little project for the day.”
Alec huffed. “Guess we know now why Valentine wanted it.”
Magnus nodded, then stopped mid-motion, frowning. “Alec--you may wish to have Catarina incognito when she rebuilds the wards. Or send the other shadowhunters out and turn off your internal surveillance. Fudge the paperwork.”
“What? Why?”
“I could be wrong.” Magnus laid a hand on Alec’s forearm, still looking troubled. “After all, it’s no secret that you and I have been seeing each other. Valentine could have easily guessed at which warlock build the wards.”
“Or he might have had inside information.” Alec groaned softly, catching on. “Any shadowhunters who were here the day after the forsaken attack would know. So would anyone with access to high-level administrative files.”
“Precisely.” Magnus’s hand tightened, then fell away from Alec’s arm. “Be careful, Alexander. Hodge Starkweather might not have been the only sleeper agent the circle has in the Institute.”
Jace was looking better than he had in those horrified moments after he activated the Soul Sword, but that was surface only. Underneath, Alec could feel the conflict roiling within him, relief at not being part demon, at not being the son of a monster, battling against his devastation at the atrocity he’d unwittingly helped commit. And something else, even more turbulent, was amplifying the rest.
Whatever had happened when Jace had gone to talk to Clary had not helped.
“You think Magnus is right?” Jace asked when Alec had filled him in on Magnus’s warning. He was trying as hard as Alec to set all the rest of their issues aside and focus on the job they had to do.
They were in the office designated for the Head of the Institute. With Aldertree escorting Valentine back to Idris, it was Alec’s for the moment. At least unless and until his mother or Lydia returned from Idris, or the Clave sent someone else to uphold their longstanding tradition of having absolutely no faith in his ability to do the job.
Ostensibly, it should be the one room in the Institute where they could talk freely. Nevertheless, Alec had disabled the cameras and searched for any other surveillance devices before he started working.
Alec crossed the room to switch on the gas in the fireplace, even though he and Jace both knew the chill in the Institute today had nothing to do with the temperature and everything to do with the calamity that had befallen the sacrosanct premises they’d called home for so many years. He braced a shoulder against the mantle. “He could be. I mean, yeah, it wouldn’t be hard for anyone paying attention to guess that Magnus built the wards. Even if I hadn’t made a public display of my interest in him at my wedding, he’s the nearest High Warlock and traditionally we pay for the best for services like that. But it couldn’t hurt to be careful.”
“Careful of what?” Izzy’s interrupted, appearing in the doorway out of nowhere. Her casual lean against the door frame did nothing to disguise the shakiness in her voice.
Alec was in motion before he could think twice. “Iz, you need to be resting,” he scolded gently, escorting her to the chair closest to the fire. There was a deep tremor in her body and the fact that she let herself be coddled said a lot about her state.
Jace made a noise that drew both her and Alec’s attention. He was staring at Izzy, stricken.
“Yin fen, Iz? Really?”
“I didn’t know until it was too late,” she sighed. “And now’s not the time to discuss it. Back on topic. What are we being careful about?”
Her denial of responsibility regarding the yin fen made Alec hesitate to confide in her. Self-serving rationalization, straight out of the addict’s handbook. Until she was well past the detoxing stage, she couldn’t be trusted. If her need grew desperate enough, she’d say anything, do anything, sell out anyone, for another fix. And she’d manage to convince herself she had to do it.
She was Izzy. The brilliant young woman who’d acquired the shadowhunter equivalent of a doctorate before most mundane children were out of high school. The fierce warrior who’d wanted to be an Iron Sister, who could take on four Circle members even when she could barely stand on her own feet.
Izzy. His sister. His confidante. His constant ally and best supporter. The girl who’d only ever wanted his happiness.
And now he couldn’t trust her.
In a sudden surge of fury, Alec swept his arm along the mantle, sending Aldertree’s trinkets and bric-a-brac crashing to the floor.
“Dammit! How did we get here?” He snapped at both of them. “Us. The three of us. We’ve been inseparable for the last decade and now we don’t even know how to talk to each other? How did that happen?”
“I don’t know,” Izzy whispered, her eyes brimming. “Some days it feels like we’re all under a spell like the one at Magnus’s party. Or like I’m still possessed by that demon, and it’s dragging out all the little bits of bitterness and insecurity hidden inside me and amplifying them. I pushed you away. I pushed Clary away. I didn’t trust you, and I didn’t want you to see--”
“Divide and conquer,” Jace said. “Oldest trick in the book.”
Alec looked at him sharply. “You think this--this is what? Deliberate?”
Jace huffed. “How could it not be? I’ve been trying for hours to figure out just what Valentine gained by telling me I was Clary’s brother when I wasn’t, and the only thing I can think of is that it forced us apart, isolated me. Same with telling me I had demon blood. All of a sudden everyone in the Institute was giving me the side-eye. Even my own family. He told me my friends and allies made me weak, but he was lying. I’m stronger with you; that’s why he had to get me away from all of you.”
Alec sat on the footstool before Izzy’s chair, studying Jace with a frown. “Okay, that makes sense where you’re concerned. But Valentine never got anywhere near me or Izzy.”
“Didn’t he?” Jace asked with a bitter smile. “A demon that feeds off deep-seated anger going after the children of Idris’s most demanding perfectionists? A warlock with a spell that manifests our worst insecurities? The hell he didn’t get through to you. Alec, you nearly died. For weeks now, everywhere each of us has turned, there’s been someone or something telling us to pull away from each other. And now there’s a chance he might have another sleeper agent in the Institute.”
Okay, so apparently Jace didn’t share Alec’s uncertainty about speaking frankly in front of Izzy.
“Aldertree,” Izzy said quietly but firmly. “If there was ever there was someone trying to tear us apart from the inside, it’s him.”
“Yeah, he did pretty much force me out of the Institute,” Jace conceded with a thoughtful shrug.
Alec hesitated. “Not to play devil’s advocate, because I sure as hell don’t know if I really trust the guy, but one of us has to be objective here and I’m not sure either of you can be where he’s concerned.”
“You think?” Izzy snarled. “You know he gave me the yin fen.”
“He warned you of the risks, Iz. You need to own that.”
“Says who? Him?” Her eyes blazed with anger. “Look, I’ve made some damned questionable choices the past few weeks. I’m not trying to dodge my share of the blame for what happened. But if he told you he warned me, he’s lying. He didn’t tell me what yin fen really was, he only said that it would help me heal from the infected wound. And he didn’t tell me it was addictive. All he said was ‘a little goes a long way’ and he said that after I was already high on the first dose, which he applied himself.” She scowled at Alec. “Would you call that an adequate warning, given the potential danger?”
Jace started nodding slowly as she spoke. “She raises a good point,” he said, catching Alec’s eye.
”He’s been trying all along to ingratiate himself with me, praising me for minor things that were no big deal, even asking me out on a date,” Izzy added, sinking back in her chair again. She pulled her legs up so that she was curled in a ball, and she seemed impossibly small and drained. How much blood had Raphael been taking? “And whatever he claims, he knew exactly what was happening with the yin fen. He banked on it. He hinted at withholding a refill to blackmail me into spying on Clary.”
Alec hunched forward, bracing his elbows on his knees and leaning his forehead on his clasped hands as he tried to slot the pieces of what they were telling him together with the confession Aldertree had made to him on the roof.
“The roof.” His eyes flew open and he looked back and forth between them. “He made a big production about hacking the power core remotely, said he had the access to shut it down, but once we were up there, nothing he did worked.”
“Delaying tactic,” Jace said. “He kept you occupied and out of the way long enough for Valentine to power the sword.”
“Why not just kill me?” Alec shook his head, dismissing his own question as soon as he asked it. “No. Too big a risk of exposing himself if he failed. Besides, he wanted to get into my head.”
“How?” Izzy asked, her voice dropping dangerously.
It felt like peeling off his own skin and exposing his insides, telling them the tale Aldertree had related and how it had resonated with him. Planting the seed that a shadowhunter and a downworlder couldn’t be together.
“That’s a damned convenient anecdote to have on hand for you specifically,” Jace pointed out. “It was personal enough to distract you, keep you from noticing that he was stalling. And he knew exactly the right thing to say to make you doubt our most powerful downworld ally. Someone who’s already gotten in Valentine’s way at least once.”
Izzy leaned forward, gripping Alec’s arm. “Even if he was telling the truth--and you know he wasn’t--what he said has nothing to do with you and Magnus. Alec, you can’t believe him.”
Alec’s jaw clenched, and he surged to his feet. “No, I can’t. But right now we have bigger problems. Because Aldertree is escorting Valentine to Idris.”
“No one there is going to take our word for it,” Jace said. “Not against the Clave’s golden boy.”
Alec nodded, reaching for his phone. “I’ll start with Mom. And Lydia. Neither of their reputations are sterling anymore, thanks to me--”
“--Us,” Izzy and Jace corrected in unison.
“--but maybe they can begin working on the Clave.” He wiped his palms on his thighs and pulled his shoulders straight. “But first things first. Izzy, you’re confined to your room or the infirmary while you detox. Go now. Don’t make me make it an order.”
She winced but didn’t argue. “I’ll go. I just might need some help getting there. It’s getting worse by the hour.”
“I’ll take you,” Jace said softly. “But seriously, Iz. Yin fen?”
She gave him a narrow look. “If we’re going to question each other’s poor life choices recently, I hear someone’s been cutting a wide swath through the Seelie maidens.”
“Not even close to the same thing,” Jace shot back, jabbing two fingers in Alec’s direction. “And you can blame him for that, anyway.”
“Wait, what?” Alec spluttered, his eyes darting back and forth between them. “How did I get dragged into this?”
Jace scoffed. “If I hadn’t been getting laid, your sexual frustration would have driven us both crazy. Thank you for finally dealing with that and giving me a break, by the way.”
Alec glowered and tried to pretend his face hadn’t just become a second source of blazing heat in the room. Come to think of it, Jace had stopped running around like he was trying to screw every girl in the downworld since Alec and Magnus had started sleeping together. Damn it.
“We’re getting off track,” he gritted.
“True,” Izzy agreed.
“Jace, help Isabelle to the infirmary, then I need you back here. Iz, I’ll come check on you later.”
The way she shook as he helped pull her to her feet made his chest tight with fear, but he kissed her clammy, pallid cheek and turned her over to Jace.
Then he paced his office and tried to organize his thoughts until Jace returned.
“Izzy preferred to go to her room,” Jace announced when he got back. “I’ve got one of the convalescing trainees stationed in the hallway outside. As far as he’s concerned, she’s just sick and injured; no need for him to know what’s actually going on.”
Alec licked his lips and nodded briskly. “Thanks. So, I take it telling Clary didn’t go well?” he asked grimacing at his own customary lack of tact.
Jace shook his head. “Change of plan. I’ll tell her later. We have other things to deal with right now.”
“Yeah, we do.” Alec folded his arms over his chest, one hip on the edge of the desk. “Like you grabbing the Soul Sword thinking it would kill you.”
Jace’s face went blank and he mirrored Alec’s closed-off posture. “Better that than letting it become a weapon of mass destruction. Not that it did much good.”
“As horrific as the outcome was, what I’m getting at here is that this isn’t the first time you’ve actively courted death since everything with Valentine began.” Jace’s eyes slid away from his, but Alec chased them, stepping sideways into his field of vision again. “In fact at this point I’m pretty sure I’ve lost count of the number of times you’ve willingly--you might even say, eagerly--tried to fall on your blade.”
“This coming from the guy who almost took a dive off Magnus’s balcony?” Jace’s eyebrows shot up and he gave Alec his best sneer.
“Yeah, about that.” Alec cleared his throat. “I’ve been trying to figure out what happened that night. I mean, sure, I feel like complete hell over what happened to Jocelyn, but not bad enough that a few harsh words from Clary were going to push me off a ledge. But there you were in the other room at that exact moment, convinced the only mother you’ve ever known was telling you she wished you were dead.” He spread his hands in a shrug. “Call me crazy, but I’m not sure that’s a coincidence.”
“Oh, God,” Jace muttered, his mask of derision falling away.
“And the thing is, I’ve spent a lot of time lately running away to high places. Activating my surefooted rune and jumping. Courting death, just like you. I’ve lost count of the number of times that’s happened, and I’m not sure that’s a coincidence, either.”
Jace hunched forward, his arms tucked in against his chest, his hands in his armpits, his head bowed. “Alec--I didn’t know. I would never--”
“I know.” Alec stepped in close to him, until Jace was forced to look up and meet his eyes. “And if I’m being fair, maybe some of it is coming from me. But my point is, we’ve got to find a way to deal with this, both of us, together. Especially after what happened today. Don’t think I didn’t clock the look on your face when you told me you were the one who’d activated the sword.”
Jace’s eyelids started growing red at the edges, tears flashing but not falling. “All those people--Alec--I don’t know if I can--”
“It wasn’t you.”
“The hell it wasn’t!” Jace planted his hands on Alec’s chest, trying to shove him away, but Alec braced against it, refusing to budge. “Valentine played me like a fiddle. I swooped in there thinking I’d save the day and I killed them. How many were there? Have we even gotten a body count yet?”
“Valentine killed them.”
“I made it possible.”
“True,” Alec nodded. “But he put your hand on that sword as surely as his demon put mine through Jocelyn’s chest.”
“You didn’t choose to kill Jocelyn. But I chose to try to destroy the Soul Sword,” Jace protested, still pushing half-heartedly.
“Really? That suggests you thought you had other options. What were they?” Alec grabbed Jace’s shoulders, giving him a gentle shake. “You believed what he wanted you to believe, and you tried to do the right thing. It’s not your fault he lied.”
“It’s not your fault Jocelyn’s dead either. You telling me you don’t still blame yourself?” Jace shot back.
Alec shook his head. “Not as much as I did. You can thank Clary for that, really. Even just seconds after seeing me kill her mother on the surveillance video, she knew exactly where to put the blame.” He ducked his head. “She’s a lot better about that than I’ve been where she’s concerned. I’m trying to take notes.”
“You think it’s that easy?” Jace asked bleakly.
“Hell no. It’s not easy at all. But we have to do it. Because whether it’s your death wish or mine or a combination of the two, it’s going to kill us both if we don’t work it out.” He sucked in a shaky breath, something wonderful fluttering hard in his chest as he remembered those moments on the steps with Magnus. “And I really don’t want to die right now, parabatai.”
Jace almost smiled, just a little, some of the despair in his eyes lightening. “I know. I’m happy for you.”
“I am, too,” he murmured as Jace pulled him into a brusque hug.
Alec let himself smile and feel his own joy for a moment. It seemed misplaced today, when so many bodies still lay on the floors outside this office, so he tucked that spark of happiness back inside, nurturing it for a more appropriate time, stepping back from Jace.
“Ready to get to work? he asked.
“Yeah.” Jace nodded once, firmly. “The downworlders aren’t going to want to see my face when they come to collect their fallen, so where do you want me?”
“Get a head count of whichever able-bodied shadowhunters we have left and start organizing patrols,” Alec instructed, crossing the room to sit behind the desk. “Leave interfacing with the downworld to me for now.”
“You got it.” Jace spun on his heel, striding toward the door, only to turn back at the threshold and speak over his shoulder. “You’re really great at this job, Alec. The Clave needs to make this permanent.”
It was another thirty-six hours before things were settled enough that Alec finally was able to retreat to his room and try to rest. By then he’d been awake for nearly three days and he was getting seriously diminished returns from activating his stamina rune.
He pulled out his phone to text Magnus to check in and apologize for not having the energy to come over, only to stumble across the man himself before he had a chance to hit ‘send.’
“What are you doing here?” he asked, though he’d made certain that Magnus was on the list of downworlders approved for entry into the Institute. If the Clave had a problem with that even after the sacrifice New York’s downworlders had made trying to stop Valentine, he’d deal with them later.
Magnus spoke over his shoulder, running his glowing hand along something on the wall that Alec couldn’t see. “Inspecting the wards. Though I might not have cast them, I’ll feel better having double-checked them. Not that I doubt Catarina’s skill, of course, it’s just--Oh, this is new. Very nice. I’ve never seen it done that way before. She’s refined her technique. I’ll have to get her to show me that spell.”
Somewhere in the middle of Magnus’s chatter, Alec’s eyes began to drift closed and he swayed on his feet. Magnus caught his shoulder and Alec’s eyes popped open. “Sorry. I just--”
“I know.” Magnus smiled gently. “I was going to ask if you wanted to grab a late dinner but clearly the only place you’re heading is bed.”
“Pretty much. How’s Madzie?” he asked as Magnus fell into step with him, subtly shoring him up and keeping him from walking into walls.
Magnus grew quiet. “She’s sad and afraid and not sure who to trust right now. After the way Valentine manipulated her, I was determined to be completely honest with her, no matter what. But that meant I had to tell her the truth about where Iris was, which entailed explaining to her that Iris had hurt people and was going to be punished.”
Alec hissed between his teeth. “Which got her wondering if she was going to be punished for what Valentine made her do.”
“Exactly.” Magnus sighed, his shoulders drooping. “She’s been alternating between bouts of hysterical panic and being so withdrawn she’s almost unresponsive. I’ve spent a lot of time the past couple days trying to reassure her that there’s a difference between adults who make their own choices and children who have been tricked into doing things they wouldn’t normally choose to do, but it’s going to be months, maybe even years, until she feels truly secure again, I think.”
“Damn,” Alec muttered. “She’s such a sweet little thing. She didn’t do anything to deserve any of this.” He rubbed his eyes, stifling a yawn. “You think she’ll be okay with Catarina?”
Magnus nodded. “I do. Catarina has raised orphans before; she’s good with children, including traumatized ones. I’m going to make a point of spending time with her as well. Iris’s corner of the downworld was home to a particularly fringe element, and thus not a very stable or healthy place for a child. Catarina and I will be a much better influence.”
“I’d like to see her again, too.” Alec smiled softly. “Thank her for saving my life, at the very least, and maybe show her that shadowhunters aren’t all like Valentine.” His jaw tried to unhinge itself on another yawn. “Not tonight, though. Obviously.”
“Obviously,” Magnus agreed with a wry smile, opening the door of Alec’s room for him.
“I would have called and asked to come over, but I don’t want to be too far from Izzy right now,” Alec explained, peeling his shirt over his head and dropping it without any thought for tidiness.
“Yes, I checked in on her earlier.” Magnus kept his voice a low murmur, thankfully not pointing out just how terrifying badly Izzy looked. “How long has she been semi-conscious and delirious?”
“She started to get bad around this time yesterday.” The brush of Magnus’s hand on his arm told Alec that Magnus heard what he wasn’t saying. Seeing Izzy in that state killed him every time he looked in on her. Even the horror of personally overseeing the return of dozens of downworlder bodies--with as much ceremony and respect as he could organize on short notice--to their clans, packs, and kin, had nothing on it. “Jace and Clary have been doing most of the heavy lifting there because I’ve got to run the Institute, and Izzy didn’t want any other shadowhunters getting involved. If the medics gossip--”
“--It will be devastating to her reputation, yes.” Magnus nodded sympathetically. “ I know it looks awful, Alexander, but she will improve, I promise. I did what I could to help her be a little more comfortable, and I’ll check back in on her before I leave tonight.”
“Yeah? Who says you’re leaving tonight?” Under other circumstances, Alec might have tried for a jaunty leer, but at the moment he was lucky to pull off a somnambulant slur.
“You want me to stay? Here at the Institute?”
Alec shrugged, rubbing his neck. “I sort of have an in with the guy who’s temporarily in charge, and he’s putting a moratorium on the Clave’s ban on downworlders in the Institute.”
Magnus’s head tipped slightly to the side, accompanied by a tiny smile that Alec was coming to understand meant Alec had done something to surprise him. “Well, I suppose I have no urgent business requiring me to be elsewhere, if that’s what you’d prefer.”
“Please,” Alec whispered with as much depth of feeling as he could muster the energy for. He settled his hands on Magnus’s waist and pulled him close, leaning his brow against Magnus’s. He was so tired he could have dozed off just standing there; sex certainly wasn’t on the menu tonight, but after those horrible, horrible hours of uncertainty, he needed that contact, needed to hear Magnus’s breath and have him within touching distance. “Please. I have to grab a shower, but I’d really love it if you’d be here when I get back?”
“Then here’s where I’ll be,” Magnus vowed, pushing up on his toes to brush a soft kiss across Alec’s mouth before stepping away. “For as long as you want me.”
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cactus-cutey-blog · 7 years
Hack Summoners War
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Particular strikes may cause situation influences - a lot of which have been unusual, or at most suitable, extraordinary during the rpg style, like developing units unable to change into cured, or doing business cause damage to proportionate to one’s healthiness (think gravitational pressure miraculous on the ff collection). |Skillzoom a fireplace-form fairy, in particular, doesn't simply just have a further elemental positioning when compared to customary waters-form fairy, even while they are working at contribute the same base stats. Choosing and amassing new bases soon after which you'll grow new, more efficient brawlers is obviously one of many game’s largest charms. Runes are embeddable assets that increase your monsters’ stats. Summoners combat details any kind of monster has their particular gang of unusual animations in stop, in triumph along with idle states. Summoners combat guide the machine offers a bunch of freebies just about every oftentimes. 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Should you be interested in But unfortunately, its flaws and also the set you back time for completely full pay money for-in mean that it isn't for everybody, if you are free to becoming an adaptable iap scheme indicates that it's seriously worth focusing on in either case. If golfers sign up for the developer's hive community base, com2us corp. Towards the way, customers can acquire items and improvements with genuine cash with your in-generator business. While officially it is focused on overcome, the around-nonstop dealing with is simply path to an end. But unfortunately, we will also visit a constant amount of mid-to-awful comparisons showing up on a regular basis. Let us take advantage of the very important matters to find out what some golfers experience. Environment is mostly a gigantic straight for |Find out how to make golfers would like to invest, not should have to. Pokemon with fusion mechanics together with a significant overcome scheme, beautifully cartoon. Beware the ai is kind of dumb when utilizing aoe spells or ressurections some battles with quite different tactical innovations have to be dealt with yourself. Phase monsters, rate groceries to fuse your monsters completely to another superstar rate (6 in most, and also the 6th is considered to be tiresome when you are weaker), grind essences to awaken your keepers, grind runes (that make a major difference) to prepare and supercharge your monsters, grind scrolls of diverse high quality to obtain prospects for more effective monsters, grind guild and field battles to apply their significantly better businesses. The positives is the addicting scheme, feeling if you are acquiring a handy monster, and planning to attain a level while using monsters you possess. It's considerably more than merely a progressing-up generator, there's edge in becoming "good" through measures. The training is quite welcome, directing you with ideas while having your the complete measures lifespan, rarely becoming very frustrating. I routinely don't have fun with playing shield premiums in this way nevertheless it does not actually change into so horrendous from where it's intolerable. |Jogs my reminiscence vintage-created last dream collection. But some notoriously, they summon their handy race's hordes of golfers into the battleground, to clash during the rarely-concluding battle for supremacy. Name the wall surfaces of natural stone to safeguard you in overcome and function miraculous sites you need to summon your golfers. mobile phone mmog for android and ios that integrates amassing monsters, field overcome and base growing. To profit a game title title of summoner conflicts you should be really the only participant mastering a summoner card. These, in addition to dice and injury tokens, constitute the products in summoner conflicts. Each of these golfers contribute a 6-line, 8-row table (split up by fifty percent for every participant) which contains spots down the page for a deck, miraculous stack, and discard stack. The frustrating feature would be the fact it is the marginally old overcome strategy to assaulting while not relying on the rival to respond. Beating an rival unit will probably bring on that card indeed being nestled experience-decreased in your miraculous stack. |Depend on them prudently and you may golf swing a game title title towards your edge. “easy to see, tough to master” model thinks about. faction decks improve the entire thrills by supplying you new approaches to have fun with playing. Summoner-complete-up the range of stats you'll might need are stored on the card. With golfers trying out might be the final summoner standing, matters would possibly get particularly competitively priced. A succession of awful rolls for nearly what you need to do could make you using a vital weakness - this is certainly anyway averted at this site. You can find a constrained amount of electricity readily available for on a regular basis, pve prospects, field battles, new devices to obtain, and fusion so as to swap around minions you've amassed. subsequently, after ending the training you'll end tabs on a hellhound, fairy, and vagabond to help you started. Summoners combat: heavens field is rife with prospects to connect with pals, shed genuine-whole world funds in the permitting most likely the most souped-up package of monsters you are able to, and numerous pets to satisfy spectators from style. |The iap is modeled with that of plaid hat's card generator, with just about every faction acquiring a "base" deck along with an expansion set in place, readily available for 99¢ any. You cannot individualize just how many or which activity credit cards wind up in decking. The game's ai is pretty useful, thought the asynchronous multiple-participant is how the sport undoubtedly shines. It needs to be very clear while you available the application form from where you can check out get support. Looking at which a present which we make no behavior might take one minute nearly to accomplish (seeing as of all of the unwarranted tapping), this means that more efficiently shield premiums usually tend to devolve into full speed is the winner with absolutely no reverence regarding I like it, i simply just think the screen is actually controlling ago the game's capability. Should i be from credit cards and possess no pets inside of my possession, it will not bear wanting to know me basically if i would like to end my summoning part. The included factions attracts quite a few alternative have fun with playing kinds, and are generally often sensible (even if most people are genuinely much harder gain knowledge of as opposed to others). |It-not just gives you your own personal stats (is the winner/burning/forfeits), although your profit/burning stats for every faction. Orcs and dwarves v. Or what ever mode of festivity he deems designed for profitable a card generator. I understand that it will require additional attempt to account balance a game title title from where The game seems to consider somewhere between 20-40 a few minutes, but there's not necessarily slowly activities holding all across. Whether base set in place components a participant with all of that they have to participate in the generator. I was particularly proud of time making use of Basically, |If you are looking for to choose the expansions, you would possibly examine small business (offer at the top of the website page) - i am just undoubtedly thinking about buying the newest small amount of a great many processes from them a few days ago! I'd specified on the reinforcements for 4 from When it is miraculous: the product range card scans launched changing up from the internet, terrified golfers experienced that this cyberspace was hastening the conclusion for the much-loved activity. When compared to numerous its deck-growing inspirations and contemporaries effectively: the product range, summoner conflicts normally takes people to seriously position and relocate credit cards around stop mat, making it considerably more comparable to a table methodology shield premiums. The game concludes while you defeat the other one person's summoner card. military services. Basically it is not necessarily the scenario that you could only guarantee some other amounts as compared to the orcs free of cost. And chances are good you did not undoubtedly learn about farmville until such time as 2010… or undoubtedly consider it result in a splash until such time as 2011 - which does not alter the basic fact that it is a superb shield premiums scheme that you ought to try… even though you may aren't ordinarily an illusion stop kind of game addict. |And my admiration from compartment attains this region put - there's space not just to the six faction decks included during the compartment but on top of that slot machines for five considerably more decks.
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