#could they be a D family?
crellanstein · 1 year
I’m like… already pissed at Yassop. Cuz like, we have no idea what he & Usopp’s relationship was before he left, if Usopp even remembers him or only has stories from his mother, but you just know, YOU KNOW that when they meet Yassop’s gonna be all like…
“Look at the man you’ve become, you’re a full grown warrior-of-the-sea now, I’m proud of you-blah blah blah” and pull that classic shitty- anime-dad-thing were he’s like ‘I left to make you stronger’ or whatever.
He’ll challenge Usopp to a sniper duel & when Usopp wins he’ll say all that…
…and ACT LIKE HE HAS THE RIGHT to make any sort of judgement about the aptitude of the son HE ABANDONED!
Cuz we all know that’s why he left, regardless of whatever circumstances. He saw the chance to go adventure on the sea & thought nothing of leaving his young son & dying wife behind.
I can only hope Usopp trademark integrity comes into play & he SMASHES HIS DEADBEAT DAD IN THE FACE and tells him off before challenging him to a sniper duel. (And here we find out the whole reason Usopp started sniping in the first place was so he could shoot Yassop in the face & balls repeatedly without mercy)
FUCK a tearful reunion & a heartfelt speach. I want some justified ass whooping!
Bonus: If Shanks tries to intervene & Luffy stops him because he knows this is the way it should go down.
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sysig · 9 months
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Permission to headbutt: Granted (Patreon)
#My art#UT#Sans#Papyrus#Ft. something smol and I do on a regular basis ♪#This could be Handplates or it could be classic Undertale I leave that up to you lol#I definitely picked up a lot of the style quirks lol - but there are some of the ones that I like myself! Like Papyrus' darkmode clothes lol#And Sans' shorts having the stripe in the front haha - little details ♫#Realistically it probably is Handplates tho just based on where my head's at lol - I love the Handplates dynamic :D#Handplates#I talked myself into it! Pfft ♪#I found myself relating a lot to Sans especially while rereading - I want nothing more in the world than for my siblings to be happy! <3#So I gathered up a bunch of ideas of things especially me and smol do together and this was the most obviously cute one haha#Easiest to do! Tho I did still go a little extra on this lol#I'm trying to do more digital stuff ♪ It wasn't the best art day and I'm still a little nervous to jump right in :')#Not doing any sketches on paper beforehand feels weird but I guess it is thematic in a way lol#And I'm still pleased with how they turned out hehe#It really does feel nice to be drawing them again <3#And doing silly sibling things! Hehe#I dunno how clear it is since it's so ingrained into how smol and I talk to each other lol family language!#One of us will literally just announce ''bonk'' and the other will prepare for/lean in for a headbutt haha#She is a tiny bit taller than me - it's not quite /this/ extreme but she does lean down for me! S'cute <3#I like to think Papyrus would do the same hehe ♪ Let your lazy brother headbutt you! He can only reach so far!#On minimal effort anyhow hehe#It's just a fun way to be silly together ♫♪#Also yes I did show this to her and she cosigned lol - ''Cute'' -smol
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
i love how draco and harry have the perfect setup for an 'enemies to even worse enemies' story about how their childish enmity turns into true hatred and violence as they grow up and join their respective sides of the war
but they keep missing their cues. every time either of them is in actual danger they immediately drops the whole rivalry thing and are willing to risk it all to save each other.
harry's like 'omg i hate draco so much he's totally a death eater' but after the sectumsempra incident he completely backs off even tho his suspicions are more confirmed than ever because he doesn't want to be in a situation where he could hurt draco and after the astronomy tower confrontation he actively lies to minimize draco's role in things and spends the rest of book 6 and all of book 7 worrying about him. and he saves him twice without hesitation in book 7.
and draco's like 'im a death eater now and i hate harry potter so much' but even though he knows firsthand what letting harry potter escape will mean for him and his family he doesn't identify him at the manor and says nothing when he sees that harry and ron are loose in their cell instead of still tied up and he lets harry take his wand while barely putting up a fight and in the room of requirement even unarmed he tries to stop crabbe and goyle from hurting harry and doesn't touch his mark to summon voldemort and his wand works perfectly for harry despite being of the most loyal core.
they really looked at the obvious 'narrative foils who go from petty rivals to deadly enemies' arc for their relationship and said 'lol no thanks we'd like to be narrative foils who dysfunctionally pine for 7 books instead'
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umbrellacam · 5 months
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Tales of the Teen Titans #53 - Dick and Kory vs. Donna and Terry; very cute doubles match inside Titans Tower
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Batman (Vol. 1) #468 - Tim practicing against a ball machine at Wayne Manor. Bizarrely, he's shown playing both left- and right-handed in different panels (but primarily left). Artist mistake Ambidextrous Tim evidence?!
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finemealprompt · 5 months
DP x DC Prompt #32
When Danny had mentioned dungeons and dragons to his new family, he wasn't expecting all of them to latch on like they had. Hadn't realized they'd want him so desperately to DM for them.
But, Danny's in-between campaign's right now, so he agrees. Why not? Besides, it might be a good way to hint that he knows about their late night activities.
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dootznbootz · 7 months
I think people sleep on this moment in the Odyssey...
If I'm wrong, not getting full context, or see something that isn't there, feel free to give evidence to explain why.
Here he crept under a pair of bushes, one an olive, the other a wild olive, which grew from the same stem with their branches so closely intertwined that when the winds blew moist not a breath could get inside, nor could the rain soak right through to the earth.
(Book 5, Rieu)
I think this is about Penelope and him.
Obviously, their marriage bed is made from an Olive tree. If it's just about Athena then why are there two mentioned? Why did Homer mention two when he could've just said he took refuge under one? Or a completely different type of tree? Why mention them being intertwined?
One an olive: Penelope, who has been with society and "safe" in Ithaca ("Safe" because of the suitors)
One wild: Odysseus, who has dealt with literal monsters and immortals and has just escaped from Calypso. Literally naked and filthy, a "wild man".
"which grew from the same stem with their branches": Them both being together at first, before being separated.
"so closely intertwined that when the winds blew moist not a breath could get inside, nor could the rain soak right through to the earth.": Despite being separated, they are still "intertwined". Whether you want to think of it as them being likeminded or simply connected, even though they are apart, nothing could get in between them. 🥺
I don't know what else Homer could be referring to other than them.
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onepiecefashion · 9 days
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Rouge, Roger, and Ace
made using this picrew!
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ok but can we talk how in Legendary, Antinous asked a question. he’s being as rude as possible but “when’s your tramp of a mother going to chose a new husband” is a question. a question that Telemachus does not want to answer. and yeah, the immediate follow up of “why don’t you open her room so we can have fun with her” makes it seem rhetorical, but rhetorical or not, it’s definitely a question. and I’ve always wondered why Telemachus is offended by ‘tramp’ when the ‘why don’t you open her room’ thing is a million times worse. 
But what if Telemachus wasn’t offended that Antinous called Penelope a tramp? The suitors have probably been saying stuff like that for ten years, he’s used to it. What if, more than anything else, Telemachus wanted to make them forget about the question they asked? What if he was just trying to distract them?
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ace-no-isha · 2 years
y’all ever sit down and think of the burden luffy has on his shoulders as (a GOOD) captain? way back in the beginning of the story he saved nami’s life by clawing up a mountain. he went to alabasta and beat the shit out of crocodile cus he was destroying vivi’s home. he fought CP9, some of the strongest forces in the marines besides the admirals, just to bring robin home. he went after a fucking yonko to save sanji from living as a hostage. it especially shows during whole cake island. he’s fighting katakuri after barely sleeping for Days while fighting an onslaught of big mom’s crew and he’s so worn down. katakuri, big mom’s top officer. his crew looks at him with so much concern and he smiles to tell them he’s okay. he wouldn’t let them get hurt. he would die before they lay their hands on his crew, and his stubborn ass refuses to meet death. it’s moments like this where i’m like, damn, luffy’s grown up. he’s never been immature when it matters, but the degree of severity of the situation has never been this extreme. he trusts them to stay safe while he’s gone because they’re strong but he knows they’d drop everything and rush to fight alongside him if he even gave them an INKLING of a chance that he couldn’t do it. knowing how deeply exhausted he was when he smiled for them felt like holding up the sky for a second. you just learned how heavy of a load luffy carries on his shoulders.
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abyranss · 9 months
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I read the last three light novels for So I'm a Spider, So What? the other day after taking a break from it for awhile and now I'm sad about Ariel and Shiraori.
So I drew this, Ariel with one of Shiraori's mini-mes that were left behind.
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merakiui · 1 year
thank you scalding sands event for reminding me of just how crazy rich kalim is... orz i often forget how spoiled he is and how willing his parents (especially his father) are to do all that they can to ensure he's happy. like remodeling the entire scarabia dorm to fit kalim's vision so he wouldn't be too homesick. or owning giraffes and elephants. or even having an entire private park attached to their already massive property. he is so rich. it's driving me insane. T_T
i wrote about the tweels using their family's influence to essentially "buy" you, but the real buying of you quite literally happens with kalim. you, the servant he's grown so fond of, will suddenly find yourself swimming in wealth. all of these things are gifts, courtesy of kalim. your family is spoiled rotten, and it's such a whiplash. you try to be humble because that's how you were raised, but kalim insists. take these jewels! take this aureate statue! take this car so that you can get yourself a license and drive him around in it! kalim isn't even trying to curry favor with you by drowning you in excessive opulence, even though he very well could. he just wants to give you these things because he likes you and wants you to be happy! but it's so suffocating; you have to thank him because he's your master. your family will forever be grateful to the asims. but it's so awkward. you don't want any of these things. you just want to work in peace.
of course you can't possibly imagine yourself in a relationship with kalim. he's very sweet, but you just don't see him in that way. the gap in wealth is too great, as is your social status. so it's shocking when his father personally visits your parents with kalim, where he gives his blessing for kalim to marry you. and in addition to that, he delivers a very expensive care package, a means of goodwill. "our families will be one now," he says with a radiant smile, "so please think nothing of this little gift!" and you try to say no, but your parents won't hear it. how could you say no to kalim al-asim?! are you foolish? do you not see how lucky you ought to be?
but you can't quite call it luck or a blessing. it feels more like a curse. kalim loves you, yes, but you don't want to love him for his money or his willingness to mindlessly spoil you. but you don't have much say in this matter. kalim's made up his mind and so has his father. the two of you will be wed. it's a nightmare. jamil would pity you, but he's known kalim long enough that any sympathy he might extend to you has long since shriveled.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 9 months
Finja x Chase angst? 👀
oh dude their whole "relationship" is basically messed up angst lol (despite me often portraying it as cracky angst)
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I mean, we have some good angst in Chase pursuing First not because he 'loves/cares about' him, but because he selfishly desires him for his power/sees him as a challenge to get into his Fallen Warriors army. And First having to be constantly on alert against Chase, especially when he behaves like a charming honorable warrior, hiding that cunning manipulative side of him behind amused 'harmless' smiles. I would imagine its hard for First to not start to care about Chase (he can be very charming ;) ) to some degree, so there is like this delicious angst in starting to care about someone with whom morally you would never agree with. (very Prof. X vs Magneto vibe imho)
(this also could lead to some interesting spin-off angst opportunity about First being in the Fallen Warriors Army and just...existing in this weird limbo of being a target of Chase's favorable attention, but still essentially being a servant to his Master so thus really unable to trully care about/love this evil man but he still kinda cares after all these years and, like ooooooh baby thats some scrumptious angst possibility)
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Or we can have some angst in form of First, being technically 'moved on'/left only in spirit in this world and Chase, still obsessing over him all these centuries, not even realizing that he is basically pining at this point. Showing up to bother current Ninjas, Ninjanomicon and Spirit of First at every opportunity, but not being able to actually be (in any capacity) with First, besides those very brief reunions. And First, throughout the years, while still being very annoyed about Chase's continuoes presence, also feels... incredibly saddened about this man to some degree. But he still can not falter, for his duty and successors still need him and they take priority, so this weird relationship just continues on.
And like OOOOH BABIES this is just scratching the surface of any possible angst, but these are the ones that are currently circling in my mind (i want to make some comics with these scenarious) so yeah! angst! ;D
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carpettmuncher · 8 months
real men don't flinch or bleed in public, oh, i think i'm a real man.
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robo-dino-puppy · 11 months
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horizontober 2023 | 31: future
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spinnysocks · 2 months
i've had this idea for a while, to randomise two or more of the outlanders, put them into a platonic/found family prompt generator and see what comes out! sooo here we goooo :3
Outlanders interactions!! (based on a prompt generator)
Mzingo trying to teach Tunu some life skills, but all that ends up happening is the Outlands nearly being set on fire and Mzingo almost breaking a wing. Still, at least Tunu is so innocently unaware of the danger that he has fun hanging out with the vulture anyway :)
It's Kijana's birthday party! Mwoga checks in on the jackals to see what all the fuss is about so he can tell Mzingo the news of the Outlands for the day. Kijana tells him he's invited to the party. Mwoga asks “Isn't this just for your family?” and Kijana replies “You are family!” and invites the rest of the Outlanders so she can have the awesomest party :D
Njano drags Kenge along on his mission to find a supposedly very spicy herb that's a challenge to eat. When they find the plant, Njano dares Kenge to eat it too, and Kenge doesn't back down from a challenge (in the actual generator it said kenge and njano do the tipe pod challenge wtf help??)
Nne has an idea for how to get out of a bad situation. Sumu says it's the stupidest one he's ever heard, but they're going with it. (couldn't really think of what the idea or situation is for this one, but i'm gonna assume it involves violence lmao)
Nne and Tano are tasked with watching the jackal pups. They don't know how, they just are. They escort the pups on a walk, completely lost with the whole Taking Care Of Kids thing, when a rockslide traps Tano and Kijana. While they're stuck waiting for help, Tano learns how to be a nicer hyena and Kijana learns that maybe hyenas aren't so bad :3
The Wet Season is almost over, so Janja spends extra time hanging out with Kiburi before the crocs go into hibernation for the Dry Season :)
Kenge and Mwoga aren't friends yet, being very different with the monitor lizard going solo and the vulture part of a parliament. Encouraged by Jasiri to share experiences with other Outlanders, they talk about their very different lives and how going solo or being aligned with others helped them. (damn this wheel spin generator really favours these two, nne and kijana lol)
Sometimes, Goigoi likes to sing something randomly to pass the time. Janja appreciates his enthusiasm for the musical arts :3
Janja's Clan knows the ins and outs of the volcano's geysers and steam vents better than any animal. It's Cheezi's job to escort Jasiri through them today so she can get to the other side of the Outlands. You can imagine how that goes :]
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if i do any more i will never stop lmaoo, maybe i'll turn this into a mini series if anyone likes it :] tho i am really disappointed that i could only find ONE platonic prompt generator like bffr, but whatever
bonus (human au) one i got for Nduli and Janja bcuz 😭😭
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i have learned what shadowpeach is! and i think its hilarious
sun+moon coded, friends-to-enemies-to-?????? duo is so interesting i wanna put them under a microscope
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