#covid dennis is so peak
strideofpride · 1 year
A, D, & N for the ask prompt!!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot.
Well I just listed my Grey's canon ships but I'll list them again:
Teddy/Henry Izzie/Denny Bailey/Ben Callie/Arizona Jackson/Lexie
and my non canon Grey's ships:
Mark/Derek Teddy/Cristina Izzie/Cristina (they could've been what Alex/Izzie were but without Alex's raging misogyny) Alex/George (they have the same twisted vibes as Dan/Chuck tbh)
I'm also really shipping Theo/Mabel from OMITB hard rn ofc
Been thinking about how we didn't get the endgame we deserved with Sid/Sophie since HIMYF got cancelled :(
And I've gotten back into my old West Wing otp, Jed/Abbey
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
My Greys watch would probably be richer if I was into Derek/Meredith, but alas, I think Derek sucks so bad
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom
More love/discussion of Vanessa (I'm guilty of not doing enough too), I would love to see people talk about GG more like people talk about Riverdale on here lmao, and honestly, frankly, I just want more GG posting in general. It definitely has come down from it's covid peak and we're all just not posting about it as much anymore. Makes me sad :(
fandom ask game
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stoweboyd · 2 years
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Plotted monthly through June 13, ’22. The vertical scale is adjusted so that percentage changes are comparable.Sources: Refinitiv; Yardeni Research; New York Times analysis of S&P 500 data; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
by Karl Russell
The S&P 500 on Monday dropped into its second bear market of the pandemic, crossing a symbolic and worrisome threshold as stocks plunge following a meteoric rise over the last two years.
Bear markets — when stocks decline at least 20 percent from their recent peaks — are relatively rare, and they frequently precede a recession. This sell-off, dragging the S&P down from a peak on Jan. 3 (which reflects the new bear market’s starting point), comes as concerns mount over high inflation, the war in Ukraine, Covid and the Federal Reserve’s attempts to rein in the economy. | William P. Davis, Karl Russell and Stephen Gandel, When Stocks Become Bear Markets
Stock Market Today: Dow, S&P Live Updates for Jun. 14, 2022 | Rita Nazareth
“There will be an elevated level of volatility,” wrote Jim Caron, portfolio manager and chief fixed-income strategist at Morgan Stanley Investment Management. “While the Fed’s primary goal is to reduce wage inflation, this may instead deflate asset prices.”
“This is one of those environments where it is getting rougher,” said Jason Pride, chief investment officer of private wealth at Glenmede. “In our index, we’re seeing some nascent, but I would argue, not fully-throated signs of oversold conditions. So it’s flashing like this weird and somewhat inconvenient weak buy signal -- as opposed to like some sort of really strong oversold capitulation, high-conviction buy signal.”
“New money should be patient money as investment psychology has shifted to the negative side,” said George Ball, chairman of Sanders Morris Harris. “It’s better to miss the bottom of a market and buy on the way up than to guess where the exact bottom is.”
“Fed rate hikes and global central bank tightening will bring about slower growth,” wrote Dennis DeBusschere, the founder of 22V Research. “The question is how fast growth needs to slow to generate a policy-friendly inflation trend. Slower growth that doesn’t trigger a sharp recession, should lead to both lower 10-year yields and a lower equity risk premium. Under that backdrop, there is a good amount of upside to equities.”
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the-coconut-asado · 3 years
Sand and Sandwiches
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When I posted pictures of Clacton Pier from our road trip last month, alot of friends recalled fond memories of their childhood, whizzing down the helter skelter and eating whelks on the beach. How many of those friends returned to Clacton between puberty and the menopause? I’m guessing zero.
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British seaside holidays - especially those on the bracing North Sea coastline - are freeze-framed in our consciousness as an ice cream in a 10-force gale, or a sandy mouthful of picnic behind a wind break. That’s if you ever got out of the car to eat. My own holiday memories involve that great British institution The Car Picnic: cold baked beans on crispbread, washed down with a thermos of tea, watching the rain lash the windscreen before going to queue for Les Dennis and Dustin Gee at the Winter Garden.
When I was very young we would follow my half-sister (a dancer) around the seaside panto circuit, performing variously alongside Danny la Rue (the ultimate drag queen), Dickie Henderson (a comedian I announced I wanted to marry, aged 5) and The Clitheroe Kid (there would have been no Crankies without him. You figure out if this was a good thing). Any dreams I had of a career in showbiz were quashed by seeing the leading lady in Robinson Crusoe sitting in her dressing room in a candlewick robe drinking soup out of a flask and puffing aggressively on a Malboro’ Light . Cold soup did not signal glamour, and no amount of gourmet gazpacho over the years has made me change my mind.
But back to Clacton. We had come for the day from our glamping site near Colchester (Covid has done nothing if not made us adventurous), hoping to build better seaside food memories in a post-Jamie Oliver era.
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It didn’t bode well that we couldn’t get warm. Icy winds blew from the stall selling an irresistible if confusing combination of ice cream and chips, right through the rat run of Vegas-adjacent slot machine arcades, where you could win anything you wanted as long as it was a baby Yoda.
But nestling in the back streets was a cafe called Tracie’s which, unlike those around it, was teeming with people. Its fogged up windows promised warmth, so we snapped on our face masks and dived in.
And we were rewarded. While Adam couldn’t think past a burger and chips (no blame there) I noticed a chalkboard with their special of the day: goat curry. I figured that restaurant which stakes their reputation on a goat curry has to serve a good one - and I wasn’t wrong. Dark, glossy and caramelised from long, slow cooking, with just the right lick of habanero chilli pepper and meltingly tender potatoes, served with a flavourful jollof rice.
From the gleeful expressions of our fellow diners it seemed that Tracie, the owner-chef, is turning out plate after plate of delicious and consistent food - including Adam’s burger and crispiest fries. But that curry, over and above all else, banished all my dodgy seaside supper memories for good and replaced them with a whole bowl of yum.
I went straight home and experimented, and here is the result. You might feel like an ice cream to follow (with or without a side order of chips) so my choc chip sorbet ice cream should fill the bill nicely. And if, like me, your childhood is sprinked with the crumbs of a back seat picnic, then I hope that my Pork Cholas will change the course of your summer outdoor eating.
Goat Curry
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Unlike Tracie, I have developed this as an off the bone curry. Still full of flavour but less fiddly to eat. Serve with jollof, coconut or plain basmati rice. Serves 6-8
2kg goat leg, off the bone and chopped into generous chunks
4-5 garlic cloves, crushed
1 red pepper, cubed
1 scotch bonnet/ habanero pepper seeded and chopped finely
1 in piece of fresh ginger, grated
2 tsp kosher salt
2 onions chopped
1-2 tbsp. Sunflower oil
Few sprigs fresh thyme
1 tin cherry tomatoes
3 tbsp plain yoghurt
250 ml beef stock
1 small tin coconut cream
200g potatoes, peeled and roughly chopped
Curry Paste:
2 tsp allspice
3-4 tsp cumin powder
2 tsp. Turmeric
½ tsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp ground black pepper
1tbsp. Reloja powder (this is a Puerto Rican mix of toasted ground cinnamon sticks, dried chillis, cumin, pumpkin seeds, bay leavesm sesame seeds and cocoa powder)
3 tbsp sunflower oil
How to make
Marinate the goat in the garlic, ginger, salt, thyme and chopped scotch bonnet. Leave the flavours to develop over an hour or two.
Heat the oil in a large, deep casserole, then fry the onion and pepper until brown. Add the curry paste and fry until the oil starts to separate and the aromas hit you. Add the marinaded goat meat and stir until coated.
Add the tin of cherry tomatoes, the beef stock and the coconut cream, stir well to combine then reduce heat and simmer, covered for about 3.5 hours.
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Add the chopped potatoes, then simmer, uncovered, for a further 30 mins until the potatoes are cooked but still holding together. Test the goat for tenderness - it should be meltingly tender - and serve.
Choc Chip Sorbet Ice Cream
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How can you have an ice cream and a sorbet all in one? Simple - by using my friend Sam’s Chocolate Sorbet recipe (see my Last Kitchen Show blog) as a base, then adding whipped egg white, double cream and of course chocolate chips. An ice cream maker will make this effortless, but don’t despair if you don’t have one. Just remember to take the ice cream out of the freezer a couple of hours after freezing and whisk thoroughly before returning to the freezer. Serves 4-6
Ingredients For the sorbet mix:
200 g caster sugar
50g cocoa powder
50 g 70% dark chocolate, broken into pieces
1 tsp. Vanilla extract
600 ml water
To finish:
1 egg white
300 ml double cream
30g dark chocolate chips
How to make:
First, make the sorbet mix. Bring the water to the boil, then whisk in the sugar and cocoa powder. Simmer for 5 minutes, then take off the heat and stir in the chopped chocolate and vanilla extract until smooth. Cool (you can make this the day before and refrigerate over night)
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Whisk the egg white to soft peaks, and in a separate bowl, whisk the double cream until just holding its shape. Fold the egg white and cream into the sorbet mix, then mix in the ice cream maker.
Five minutes before it is ready, add the chocolate chips to the ice cream as it mixes (or if you are not using a maching, add the choc chips after you have whisked the mix out of the freezer). Transfer to a plastic container, cover and freeze. Bring to room temperature for around 20 minutes before serving.
Pork Cholas
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This is the national sandwich of Bolivia - probably getting its name from Cholitas, Bolivia’s indigenous women. You can just serve this with the traditional salsa verde but I also like to add a small dollop of Stokes Jalapeno Jelly for extra zing. I made my own crusty bread rolls for these photos, but sandwich making shouldn’t be a morning-long process, so just buy 6 of these and off you go. Makes 6 Cholas.
1.5kg pork shoulder off the bone, skin removed and aside
1 tsp fennel seeds, crushed
1 tsp salt plus extra for salting the skin
1 tsp garlic salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp chilli flakes
2 tbsp. Olive oil
300ml cider
6 crusty white bread rolls
Salted butter
For the salsa verde:
3 tbsp. Flat parsley
1 tbsp. Mint leaves
3 tbsp. Capers
6 anchovy fillets
1 clove garlic
1 tbsp. Dijon mustard
Juice of ½ a lemon
120 ml extra virgin olive oil
How to make:
First, roast your pork (you can do this the day before). Mix the fennel seeds, salt, garlic salt, pepper and chilli flakes in a bowl. Add the olive oil and stir to combine, then rub this all over the pork shoulder. Set aside. Rub salt all over the skin (which should be scored) and then pop, uncovered, in the fridge.
Heat the oven to 240C. Put the pork shoulder into a roasting tin and pour the cider around it. Pop into the over, uncovered and immediately turn the oven down to 180C. Pat the skin dry, salt again and put onto a rimmed baking sheet. Slot into the top shelf of your oven and roast skin and shoulder for 2 - 2.½ hours. The pork should be tender and the crackling super crisp. Set both pork and cracking aside to cool.
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To make the salsa verde: put all the ingredients except for the olive oil into a blended and pulse. You dont want this mix to be super smooth. Tip into a bowl, add the olive oil and whisk. Cover and chill until needed.
Split the rolls and butter, then layer with a lettuce leaf, slices of pork, a tbsp. Salsa verde and a dollop of jalapeno jelly (optional) before sandwiching with the crusty top. Serve with shards of crackling on the side.
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Podcast: My Sporting Dream
Week 5:
Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/matthew-phillips-103760492/21-5-21-3-42-pm
Technical Skills Learnt:
Podcasting has rapidly increased in popularity over recent years despite being around for generations, “voice media has positively impacted how we are able to consume media”(Goldman, T 2018).Personally I found recording a podcast by myself rather difficult, I can keep a conversation with someone when recording normal podcasts. When you are by yourself though there is no one to bounce back off, no moments of rest and no pauses for thoughts. Recording a podcast is not something I have previously done so I learnt how to record audio through the use of Rode Reporter. After transporting that audio I then learnt how to edit audio by cutting and adjusting the volume of my voice using Adobe Audition. After listening back through my podcast, editing the peaks and troughs of my voice I then started playing with sound FX and inserted some into my podcast, I used the audio of an MCG crowd roar.
They act as an insightful form of media, the purpose of podcasting is it provides insightful information to listeners, costing them little to record and produce. Podcasts are a long form of content as there is no time limit at all on how little or how long a podcast can go for, therefore information discussed doesn’t feel crammed. Sporting organisations and other podcast creators have complete control over the content discussed or spoken about which is unlike any other form of media. Showing greater depth and inside to those hosting.
Contributing To Fan Experience:
The popularity of podcasts has rapidly increased with the assistance of lack of entertainment over COVID restrictions. “Today’s podcasts are simply better. Most podcasts used to be pretty amateurish”(Roose, K 2014). Podcasts enhance a sporting fans experience as they are provided access to a side of players or the sporting organisation that they may have never seen before. The podcast experience is more raw than other forms of social media, where no conversation is essentially off the table and can’t be talked about. It is more of a personalised form of media as fans can experience the tones and emotions through the change in voice pitch of those hosting, showing the fan a more vulnerable/happy/sad side of the person that they may have never experienced.
Dennis (2021), “21 Podcast Recording Tips For Polished Episodes”, Castos, Viewed on May 18th, https://castos.com/podcast-recording-tips/
Goldman, T (2018), “The Impact of Podcasts in Education”, Santa Clara University, Viewed on May 18th, https://scholarcommons.scu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1029&context=engl_176
Roose, K (2014), “What's Behind The Great Podcast Renaissance?”, NYmag, Viewed on May 18th, https://twut.nd.edu/PDF/GreatPodcastRenaissance.pdf
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gizedcom · 4 years
Live: Coronavirus daily news updates, July 18: What to know today about COVID-19 in the Seattle area, Washington state and the world
State health officials warned Friday afternoon that Washington as a whole is in “an explosive situation” as transmission of the coronavirus has continued to increase and accelerate across the state since July 1, according to the latest COVID-19 situation report.
“In both eastern and western Washington cases are increasing fastest among 20-29 year olds and are also growing in both younger and older age groups around them,” the report, released Friday, says. “There is no progress to zero; the level of daily new cases is substantially higher than the state’s previous peak in March.”
Also Friday, the state Department of Health (DOH) confirmed 754 new COVID-19 cases in Washington, including seven new deaths, after reporting 1,267 new cases on Thursday — a single-day record for the state.
The update brings the state’s totals to 45,067 cases and 1,434 deaths, meaning about 3.2% of people diagnosed with COVID-19 in Washington have died, according to DOH. The data is as of 11:59 p.m. Thursday.
Throughout Saturday, on this page, we’ll be posting Seattle Times journalists’ updates on the outbreak and its effects on the Seattle area, the Pacific Northwest and the world. Updates from Friday can be found here, and all our coronavirus coverage can be found here.
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Live updates:
8:10 am
With no end in sight, Congress confronts new coronavirus crisis rescue
WASHINGTON (AP) — It stands as the biggest economic rescue in U.S. history, the $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief bill swiftly approved by Congress in the spring. And it’s painfully clear now, as the pandemic worsens, it was only the start.
With COVID-19 cases hitting alarming new highs and the death roll rising, the pandemic’s devastating cycle is happening all over again, leaving Congress little choice but to engineer another costly rescue. Businesses are shutting down, schools cannot fully reopen and jobs are disappearing, all while federal emergency aid expires. Without a successful federal plan to control the outbreak, Congress heads back to work with no endgame to the crisis in sight.
“It’s not going to magically disappear,” said a somber Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., during a visit to a hospital in his home state to thank front-line workers.
Lawmakers return Monday to Washington to try to pull the country back from the looming COVID-19 cliff. While the White House prefers to outsource much of the decision-making on virus testing and prevention to the states, the absence of a federal intervention has forced the House and Senate to try to draft another assistance package.
Read the full story here.
—The Associated Press
7:59 am
Small business owners confront the absence of many Amazon workers for the rest of the year
For many small businesses built on a clientele of Amazon workers in South Lake Union and the Denny Regrade, their absence for the remainder of the year could be an existential threat. 
It’s as if the neighborhoods surrounding one of America’s densest urban corporate headquarters have been sucked back a decade in a matter of months, to a time before some 50,000 well-paid Amazon employees streamed in each day, grabbing morning coffee or hitting the gym for a before-work sweat, swarming the streets in search of lunch and gathering over happy hour drinks. 
Sales have plunged, but for most, the rent is still due.
Amazon has allowed its corporate employees to work from home since early March, though some choose to work in its offices or have roles that require it. The number coming in each day varies, a spokesperson said. 
The company’s extension of the work-from-home policy this week to Jan. 8 upends the already tenuous coronavirus survival strategies that nearby small businesses have cobbled together with a mix of loans, grants and some rent relief (including from Amazon itself) and drastically revamped operations.
Read the full story here.
—Benjamin Romano
6:00 am
Catch up on the past 24 hours
COVID-19 is on a path to ‘runaway growth’ in Washington, state health officials warned Friday afternoon. Coronavirus transmission has steadily increased or accelerated across Washington state since the start of July — “and will continue to do so unless concrete steps are taken to stop the spread,” according to a new report.
When should you wear a mask? Let’s debunk some myths. Plus, new studies offer some clarity on which drugs help or hurt if you have COVID-19.
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The Jules Maes Saloon in Georgetown might be the oldest bar in Seattle, but it couldn’t survive the coronavirus pandemic. (Danny Westneat / The Seattle Times)
The ‘pace of loss’ in Seattle is accelerating: First with gentrification and lately with the pandemic, keeping up with vanishing Seattle is like taking photos while going over a waterfall, columnist Danny Westneat writes. A local website is keeping track of the losses and showcasing local businesses that are surviving — for now.
No to drive-in concerts, yes to drive-in movies: That’s how our in-car entertainment options shake out under Gov. Jay Inslee’s recently announced 10-person limit on gatherings for counties in Phase 3 of Washington’s reopening plan (King County is in Phase 2, where the limit is five people).
There are ways to maintain human connection even while staying physically apart. Our features staffers share some ideas that are working for them.
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(Jennifer Luxton / The Seattle Times)
Science, not politics, should guide school reopening, former Vice President Joe Biden said Friday, unveiling his plan for how he’d do it if elected president this November.
Cruise lines downsize: Seattle-based Holland America Line has sold four cruise ships and will sail only two ships from Seattle when cruising resumes, down from three last year. Carnival is shedding nine vessels, some headed for the scrap yard.
—Seattle Times staff
12:00 am
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fromtheringapron · 4 years
WCW Bash at the Beach 1995
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Date: July 16, 1995.
Location: The beach at Huntington Beach.
Attendance: 9,500.
Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan. 
1. WCW United States Championship Match: Sting (champion) defeated Meng (with Col. Robert Parker). 
2. WCW Television Championship Match: The Renegade (champion, with Jimmy Hart) defeated Paul Orndorff.
3. Kamala (with Kevin Sullivan) defeated Jim Duggan. 
4. Diamond Dallas Page (with The Diamond Doll and Max Muscle) defeated Dave Sullivan. 
5. Triple Threat Match for the WCW Tag Team Championship: Harlem Heat (Stevie Ray and Booker T) (champions, with Sister Sherri) defeated The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags) and The Blue Bloods (Steven Regal and Bobby Eaton). 
6. Lifeguard Match: Randy Savage defeated Ric Flair. 
7. Steel Cage Match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Hulk Hogan (champion, with Jimmy Hart and Dennis Rodman) defeated Vader. 
My Review
By 1995, Baywatch was one of the most popular TV shows in the world. Even the wrestling business couldn’t resist it. Earlier in the year, the WWF coaxed Pamela Anderson into appearing at WrestleMania. WCW, certainly not to be outdone, took it a step farther come the summer by featuring several of its wrestlers in an episode of the show. This would seem like an odd decision at first, but it’s not too off-brand when you consider WCW was already fucking off its rocker in 1995 anyway. Definitely less odd is the choice is to tie in the show with Bash at the Beach, a most natural fit if there ever was one.
Bash at the Beach 1995 presents a world that would shock us in the age of COVID-19⏤a large group of people frolicking to the beach, unmasked, without a care in the world. Fair enough, there’s still plenty of sights like this even amidst a pandemic, and we’re paying for it dearly, but it’s hard not to draw comparisons. In the hell of 2020, a crowded wrestling beach party seems like a distant, far-off concept. Regardless, I love the atmosphere of this show. There’s no fancy lighting or camera work or even an elaborate entrance way. It’s just set on a big ass beach in California, vast ocean in the distance and not a cloud in the sky.
The actual show isn’t nearly as fun though. A crowd packed with carefree beach goers obviously serves up a much different feel than the norm, but they’re not a particularly involved group of people either. I’m not sure how many people in attendance even watched wrestling, let alone WCW, but it wouldn’t surprise me if there weren’t a whole lot. They don’t react to much of anything in the ring, seemingly more concerned the camera catches them in the MTV-style beach party they seemed to think this event would be. It goes to show that an invested crowd really can make all the difference.
This will sound weird, but my biggest issue with this show is that it’s not ridiculous enough. WCW reached some incredible highs in absurdism in 1995 with Uncensored and later Halloween Havoc that Bash at the Beach seems kinda flat in comparison. All of the matches on the card just trudge along, nothing raising an eyebrow. Ric Flair and Randy Savage compete in a Lifeguard Match. A cute idea on paper, but it plays out like your standard lumberjack match once it’s all set and done. Hogan’s cage match with Vader just sorta happens, teasing a Vader face turn in the aftermath that would ultimately never fully blossom into something. Even The Dungeon of Doom, the peak of WCW camp, only exist on the outer edges of this show. A shame, as we could’ve used more of their presence to liven up the party.
There’s remarkably little indication this will be the same promotion going to war with the WWF every Monday a mere two months later. Maybe it’s just the beach setting, but WCW feels so relaxed and totally content with resting on the laurels of Hulkamania forever. My how things would change. As for Bash at the Beach 1995, stay for the waves and big open sky, but you can take or leave everything else.
My Random Notes
Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan look like they hate having play to the whims of the theme.  Can you blame them? They’re dressed up like your dad on vacation.
Damn them for robbing us of the wonderful pre-show segment of The Giant throwing Andre the Giant’s shirt at Hulk Hogan. The 20 people watching WCW Main Event that day really lucked out.
It feels wrong to mock anything about The Renegade given how tragically things would end for the man behind face-paint but, good lord, those dropkicks are dire. Oh, and the faux-Warrior promo and entrance? My goodness, the poor guy.
Sting vs. Meng may actually be one of the most boring openers I’ve ever seen? I know the crowd doesn’t help matters. I actually can’t blame them though. It’s setup to be this big showdown, but it’s like watching snapping turtles circle each other for 20 minutes.
In spite of everything I just said, blonde surfer Sting is such a hunk and could absolutely get it whenever he wants it.
I had no idea Dennis Rodman did anything in WCW pre-1997. Not that he adds much here, anyway. At the least, he’d be better used in the nWo, mostly because it seemed to reflect Rodman’s real-life toxic personality.
The crowd comes alive at something off-camera during DDP vs. Dave Sullivan, which I can only assume were drunken shenanigans by someone in the audience. Obviously nowhere near as epic as the fan who ruined Randy Savage’s hard-fought barn burner with The Zodiac at Halloween Havoc 1995.
Wait, were any of the Baywatch babes in the Lifeguard match ever actually on Baywatch? I’m too lazy to look it up.
WCW definitely seems happy to promote Slim Jims whenever possible, even going so far to have the Macho Man’s attire mirror the color scheme of the brand . It must’ve been considered a win to resurrect the happy marriage of Randy Savage and mechanically separated beef sticks after WWF bombed trying to get Diesel and Bam Bam Bigelow in on the deal.
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covid19updater · 4 years
COVID19 UPDATES: 07/11/2020
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US: NFL Cardinals owner Michael Bidwill is hospitalized with COVID-19. LINK
US: 3 people test positive for Covid-19 after taking Delta flight from Atlanta to Albany, airline says LINK
Texas: As Texas morgues fill up, refrigerator trucks are on the way in several counties LINK
World: A new coronavirus mutation is taking over. Here's what that means. LINK
Florida: Commissioner who Voted Against Masks in Critical Condition with COVID-19 LINK
US: Over the past 24 hours, the U.S. reported a record 71,005 new cases of coronavirus and 804 new deaths. Records were broken in 9 states (This is more than just increased testing)
World  Almost 90% of Covid-19 survivors still have symptoms such as fatigue TWO MONTHS after illness, 'extremely worrying' study reveals
World: Coronavirus damages not only the lungs, but the kidneys, liver, heart, brain and nervous system, skin and gastrointestinal tract, doctors said Friday in a review of reports about Covid-19 patients. LINK
Florida: Employees at 17 Publix stores in Polk County have tested positive for COVID-19 LINK
Japan: A number of US marines based in Okinawa, Japan have tested positive for coronavirus."Several" personnel had caught the virus and had been moved into isolation, Marine Corps Installations Pacific announced in a post on Facebook. The number infected is unclear and Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki has spoken of a few dozen cases. Japan has seen a surge of Covid-19 cases. Infections in Tokyo have reached a record daily high of 243.
US: Due to national coin shortage caused by COVID19, this grocery chain is no longer giving customers change at checkouts LINK
OPINION/ANALYSIS found on web:
UPDATE : What I expect to happen by the end of July : 1. Worldwide. Number of cases will reach or get past 300k / day. The second wave will be solidly established in the U.S., Brazil, Mexico, and other countries in LatAm and South America. Deaths will start to rise again, but not because of the virus, but because of hospital's ICUs being full. The real number of infected people to date, worldwide, according to my model, is close to 800 million. 2.The U.S. Number or cases will get past 100k / day. At least 12 states will see massive surges, proportionally similar to current TX, FL and AZ ones. Expecting multiple city-wide, county-wide and several state-wide lock-downs, with closures of everything that is non-essential services (pubs, bars, restaurants, gyms, museums, beaches, pools, etc.), along with multiple closures of factories and other non-essential production and manufacturing facilities. Pressure for nation-wide lock-down will reach the climax, with hundreds of hospitals being at full capacity. The political pressure not to lock-down will still "win" the battle, but by mid-August, a nation-wide lock-down is almost inevitable. Whether the U.S. will do a new nation-wide lock-down or not, it will be on Trump : he will have to decide which way is the least bad one. I don't want to be in his shoes. 3. Brazil. Number of cases will reach 60k / day and over. Many hospitals will be overwhelmed, the number of deaths will reach historical records. If Bolsonaro survives the virus, Brazil will continue on a death spiral, because he not going to agree on a nation-wide lock-down. It will be up to the state governors to do it, and I am afraid most will not do it. Brazil will not reach the peak by the end of July, unless they lock-down massively, either nation-wide, or state-wide. 4.India. I am expecting a massive crisis in India. Their official numbers are easily 10 times lower then the real ones.India will most likely lock-down again, nation-wide. It won't help to stem the virus too much, but it's the best worse option they have. 5.Europe. The second wave will start by the end of July. At least 16 epicenters will arise, this month. European countries will act, again, differently, to this wave. All will avoid nation-wide lock-down, and for July, I see no European country in a nation-wide lock-down, unless a country will have several epicenters, and will be unable to contain them.City-wide and region-wide lock-downs expected. MANY of them. By the end of July, the number of cases will reach similar numbers to first wave, and will AT LEAST double by end of August. Nation-wide lock-downs are expected to take place in Europe from mid-August onward.It is impossible to predict how the population will react to the pandemic, lock-downs and job losses, but there will be violent protests, all over Europe. The size and violence of the protests will steadily increase, and it is possible that many will be uncontrollable by October.
World: Herd immunity against COVID-19 may be off the table A new study shows that only five per cent of Spain’s population has new coronavirus antibodies which casts doubts that herd immunity will be effective. LINK
Texas: COVID-19 lingers in the air for hours, UTMB researcher says LINK
COVID Humor: New classroom assignments in schools this year. LINK
Texas: "I think I made a mistake. I thought this was a hoax, but it's not." Those were the final words of a 30-year-old patient who died at a San Antonio, Texas, hospital this week after attending a so-called "COVID party."
North Carolina: "North Carolina sets new records for new coronavirus cases [2,462], hospitalizations" Also, 47 new deaths, one of their highest daily totals
South Carolina: South Carolina reports record high number of cases (2,239), also positive test rate jumps to 22.2%
Texas: US Army sending medical task force to Houston Houston is at 105% Hospital Capacity. Urban Area Medical Task Force from the U.S. Department of Defense that will arrive on Monday and a Disaster Medical Assistance Team from U.S. Health and Human Services that has just been deployed. LINK
Israel: BREAKING: Happening now in #TelAviv-#Israel: thousands are demonstrating, saying they’re hungry— calling on the govt to help ASAP as the #COVID19 brings Israeli economy to its knees.
New Zealand: Covid 19 coronavirus: Quarantine escapee breaks out of Auckland isolation hotel, knocks on locals' doors at midnight LINK
Utah: Utah group organizes 'flash mobs' at grocery stores to oppose face masks LINK (THE STUPID, IT BURNS!)
Georgia: Almost 3,200 new COVID cases reported in Georgia on Saturday LINK
Louisiana: Masks mandatory in Louisiana, bars will be takeout only as Gov. Edwards announces new restrictions
World: Even if you recover from Covid-19, you may not escape unscathed... LINK
Mexico: Bodies are being exhumed in Mexico to make room for coronavirus deaths LINK
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gokul2181 · 4 years
Feeling yet to sink in but my life hasn't changed at all: Pat Cummins on IPL big bucks | Cricket News
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/feeling-yet-to-sink-in-but-my-life-hasnt-changed-at-all-pat-cummins-on-ipl-big-bucks-cricket-news/
Feeling yet to sink in but my life hasn't changed at all: Pat Cummins on IPL big bucks | Cricket News
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Pat Cummins. (Photo by Darrian Traynor/Getty Images)
NEW DELHI: It’s been six months since he struck IPL gold with a record-breaking bid but Australian pace spearhead Pat Cummins says his life hasn’t changed one bit because he has never been the sort to be too affected by either success or failure. The world No.1 Test bowler was bought by Kolkata Knight Riders for a record Rs 15.5 crore (AUD 3.17 million), making him the highest paid foreign player in the history of the league. “I would like to think my life doesn’t change much at all,” Cummins told PTI in an exclusive interaction when asked about the impact of the headline-grabbing event last December. “I try my best in every game I play but I try to not let any successes or setbacks change my life too much,” the 27-year-old added. Asked whether the high of that day has faded away, he said, “Not really.” “May be, once I get over there to play,” added the star bowler. A lot of cricketers have had changed priorities since the advent of private T20 leagues but Cummins is a chip off the old block who, like India skipper Virat Kohli, values the Test format. “I grew up watching and loving Test cricket and nothing has changed. I think it is the most challenging format because it tests your skill, stamina, mental strength,” he explained. “Each and every Test win is incredibly satisfying,” said Cummins, who has 143 wickets from 30 Tests at an impressive average of 21.82. With Cricket Australia allowing its players to start outdoor training, the speedster is back sweating it out in the nets but said that it would take some time to reach peak match condition. “It takes at least a couple of months to build back up to full pace and fitness but luckily we have some time. We started bowling two weeks ago. So, we will be ready for when we start,” said Cummins. From Cummins’ point of view, it would be good to start with the T20 format and probably by the time the Test matches (Afghanistan first followed by India) start in December, he would be ready for the rigours of five-day cricket. “White ball is certainly a bit easier physically to prepare for. It’s good that by the time Tests start in November-December, we would have built up in T20s and ODIs so should be fine,” said the man, who has 284 international wickets. While he didn’t comment on the much-hyped series against India at the end of the year but the first Day/Night Test between the two teams in Adelaide from December 11-15 is something he is looking forward to. “We enjoy the Pink Ball Tests, especially at Adelaide where it is a great spectacle,” Cummins’ statement was a reiteration of Australia’s dominance in Pink ball matches at the Adelaide Oval. The fast bowler also didn’t seem too worried about the adjustments cricketers will have to make when the sport starts amid the Covid-19 pandemic. For starters, saliva can no longer be used to shine the ball. “There may be some minor adjustments like we have all had to make in our lives and jobs but cricket is a sport where we don’t have to tackle or make contact directly with other players. So, I don’t think the game will be compromised too much,” he said. Despite his share of injuries, Cummins has been the face of Australian pace attack which also comprises Josh Hazlewood and Mitchell Starc. So what kind of legacy would he like to create for a country that has produced Dennis Lillee, Glenn McGrath, and Brett Lee to name a few? “I think a legacy is for others to judge,” he replied. “Who knows, hopefully a long career with some successes. We have a pretty special team full of superstars at the moment. Hopefully we can carve out our own little bit of history,” he concluded.
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marrincostello · 4 years
COVID-19: Employers should encourage telecommuting to reduce crowds on public transport, says Lawrence Wong - CNA
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SINGAPORE: Employers should "push aggressively" for staff to telecommute to reduce the load on public transport, as part of safe distancing measures to stop the spread of COVID-19, said Minister for National Development Lawrence Wong on Wednesday (Mar 25).
He said the issue of crowds on public transport could not be looked at in isolation and instead must be considered with other measures, such as those taken at workplaces. 
Taken together, buses and trains trips account for more than 7 million trips each day. 
It is vital that employers do two things in order to reduce the crowd on public transport, especially during peak hours, said Mr Wong, who co-chairs the multi-ministry task force on COVID-19. 
“One, to get as many of their employees and staff to work from home (as possible) and second, for those who really have to come to your office, put in place staggered hours,” he said. 
Mr Wong was responding to Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP) Anthea Ong, who had asked what distancing measures were being implemented on public transport. 
While the public sector is going “all out” on such efforts, more can still be done, he said. 
Mr Wong noted that the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI), as well as others, are reaching out to companies to get them to step up on such efforts. 
MPs also wanted to find out what the stricter measures announced on Tuesday meant in different circumstances.
Workers’ Party chief Pritam Singh asked if the task force will announce measures so that political parties can be "on the same page", given that some parties have stepped up their outreach following the release of the Electoral Boundaries Review Committee report.
“Some of these outreach activities can easily lead to the formation of large social gatherings in excess of 10 individuals who are in close proximity to each other,” he said. 
“Does the minister not agree that such continued outreach could potentially interfere and contradict the directives of the task force?”
In response, Mr Wong said that the task force is “quite clear” in putting out these measures that they want to restrict any form of activity that brings about congregations of more than 10 people.
Mr Wong added: “That’s a rule or advisory and guideline that we put out to all organisations and all political parties. All political parties in this House, outside of this House, will therefore have to abide by these guidelines and make adjustments to their activities.”
MP for MacPherson SMC Tin Pei Ling asked what would be done to curb behaviour that may pose risk to public health. Her question was prompted by the “recalcitrant” behaviour of a resident in her ward.
“He would line his finger with his saliva and just touch the lift buttons and there will be saliva left behind on the panel,” she said.
She said that while he was caught on surveillance cameras, the National Environment Agency was not able to prosecute him as he was not "spitting". 
Given that there are concerns for the health of other residents who have to share the lift, she asked: “Are we adequately equipped to take action against such very inconsiderate individuals?”
In response, Health Minister Gan Kim Yong said that she could give the authorities the details and that they will follow up on it. He added that the authorities have sufficient legal powers to go after those whose behaviour endangers the health and safety of the public.
“I would encourage members of the public, if you come across any of these actions that put the public safety or health in danger to let us know and we will go after them. We need everyone to play their part to keep Singapore safe and healthy,” he said.
Non-constituency MP Dennis Tan asked about action taken by schools in the event a staff or student is infected.
“What is the rationale behind decisions for example, if deciding whether a school should be closed for the day for cleaning, or should be closed two weeks?” he asked.
In response, Mr Wong said it depends on that particular incident, the person who is infected, and the contacts that the person may have had with people around him or her. 
“This is done through the Ministry of Health team. They go down, they assess, they make a very thorough investigation,” he said. 
"If the finding is that there is no exposure at all, either for that individual with other people around the infected person, then there may not be a need for an extensive closure, and then you just close for one or two days make sure everything is disinfected clean, and then you can proceed," Mr Wong explained.
“If the assessment is that there is a broader range of contacts within that particular environment and potentially more people may be impacted, then they will give the advice to the centres that it is better to close for a longer period of time.”
Noting that the two deaths in Singapore resulted from COVID-19 had involved older patients as well as those with pre-existing conditions, Aljunied GRC MP Sylvia Lim asked if there was a “significant number” of patients who are younger or without such conditions. 
While older patients or those with chronic diseases were likely to be more serious cases, Mr Gan noted there were “one or two” patients in intensive care unit (ICU) who were younger. 
“Part of the reason is because of their auto immune system overreacting to the disease and therefore causing damage to their organs,” said the health minister, although he noted everyone should take COVID-19 seriously, regardless of age. 
“There is always a risk that if you have more people - even young people - getting COVID-19, they pass it on to the old people,” he said. 
Chairman of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Health Dr Chia Shi-lu asked about testing people at the end of their stay-home notice or home quarantine order. 
Some concerns have been raised by experts that these people could have developed very mild forms of COVID-19, which were not noticed or picked up, Dr Chia said.
If that happens, the concern is that they could still be carrying the virus at the end of the 14 days or become symptomatic after 14 days, he said.
In response, Mr Gan said that Singapore has a relatively high level of testing, but that testing is targeted.
Testing is "laborious" and requires resources to be put in place, he said. Targeted testing may be done on those who are under quarantine orders or stay-home notice if they have a risk of exposure, he said.
Blanket testing may create many false negatives which may give them a false sense of assurance, he added.
This content was originally published here.
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saltybroad · 5 years
10 Unique and Off-the-Beaten Path Places for Exchanging Vows on Cape Cod
As we come to terms with the reality that the COVID-19 pandemic will be canceling all large group gatherings for the majority of 2020, I’d like to try and provide some helpful suggestions to couples who will need to postpone the big celebration but would still like to tie the knot privately on the original date that they intended on getting married.
Here’s some sage advice, it’s always a good idea to ask for permission but as long as you are in a public place, don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be. Just book an officiant (and maybe a photographer) and go get married. It will probably take 5 minutes total. Carpe Diem!
1. Blish Point - Barnstable Harbor - This breathtaking nook is truly a special place and typically only know by locals. Technically, it’s just a boat ramp but as you venture down the wooden stairs you’ll be delighted by the striking view of Sandy Neck in the distance and the phragmites swaying against the soft sand dunes in the breeze. Stay at the Lamb & Lion Inn, they’re offering special elopement packages.
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2. Cape Cod Lavender Farm - Harwich - Locally owned and operated, this quaint farm is New England at it’s finest. Schedule your private photo session for a small fee but make sure it’s in late June/early July so you can catch the lavender in its peak.
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3. Grays Beach - Yarmouth Port - A favorite landmark for visitors and locals alike. The boardwalk can be your own private aisle then exchange vows in front of the expansive Salt Marsh with Chapin’s Beach in the distance
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4. Kelley Chapel - Historical Society of Old Yarmouth - Formal weddings with up to 60 guests can be held here but why not exchange vows right out front. What a perfect backdrop?
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5. Crowes Pasture Conservation Area in Dennis - Accessing this area might be a little tricky if you don’t have an ORV permit but if you are willing to walk a little, the stunning flats at low tide are worth it. You can bring your pup to this dog-friendly spot too.
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6. The Knob, Woods Hole - The Cornelia Carey Sanctuary in Quissett Harbor is a popular engagement session spot also but it also makes for a great wedding venue too. I happened upon this couple’s impromptu ceremony on a walk one afternoon and just had to take a picture myself.
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7. Cranberry Bog - There’s quite a few to choose from on the Cape and many have accessible walking trails. PJs Cranberries in Sandwich formally hosts tented weddings. Take a hike along the Pamet Cranberry Bog Trail in Truro, enjoy the view from Bearberry Hill summit and check out the remnants of a former bog house. 
8. Red Maple Swamp Trail - Cape Cod National Seashore, Eastham - This is probably the prettiest swamp you’ll ever meet. Explore the winding and recently renovated boardwalk in this enchanted forest of beech trees and pitch pines. You’ll find a “scenic point” that would make a lovely spot to say “I do.” Hemenway Landing is a beautiful spot too and it’s right around the corner!
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9. Scorton Creek - East Sandwich - Take in the peaceful marsh views and the unique shapes that form at low tide. If you explore the Marshside Trail you’ll find a lovely bridge with a stunning view. There’s also a “Nature’s Classroom” with benches overlooking a peaceful scene–perfect for an intimate wedding. Want something different? Get married on a kayak excursion. If it’s just the two of you, you might as well do something special.
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10. Craigville Retreat Center - Eggers Chapel in the Pines - Nestled in the woods behind the Tabernacle Church, this humble cross and rows of benches is quaint and idyllic. Imagine how lovely this will be when summer sets in and the birds are chirping!
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Interesting in booking a small celebration or elopement with Salty? Get in touch here!
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mhsn033 · 4 years
Coronavirus: Government ‘may question mass gatherings advice’
Image copyright ADRIAN DENNIS/AFP by Getty Photos
Image caption Many Scottish followers had travelled to Wales as successfully of Welsh supporters earlier than the sell-out game
Ministers might presumably presumably also question if the accurate procedure was taken to mass gatherings at the initiating up of the coronavirus pandemic, a scientific adviser talked about.
Dr Rob Orford referred to the Wales versus Scotland rugby match in March.
The Welsh Authorities talked about cancelling would come by no impact on “severely delaying the peak of the outbreak or indeed in terms of saving lifestyles”.
But Dr Orford, its chief scientific adviser for health talked a pair of clear look might presumably presumably also very successfully be taken in retrospect.
Within the tip, the Welsh Rugby Union decided to abolish the Six Nations match 24 hours earlier than kick off.
Dr Rob Orford talked about “there had been some conversations and a few choices” around that duration that officials might presumably presumably also now procedure otherwise.
Rather loads of predominant wearing events had been disrupted at the initiating up of March each and every within the UK and around Europe, with the Principality Stadium clash the closing to be postponed.
Image caption Vaughan Gething talked about opposition events should tranquil earn a “responsible procedure”
Plaid Cymru and loads of of opposition events had known as for it to be postponed, but Successfully being Minister Vaughan Gething answered by announcing politicians should tranquil earn a “responsible procedure” and can no longer strive to counsel “there is public health advice to earn a step when indubitably it does no longer exist”.
Following the WRU’s postponement of the match, First Minister Mark Drakeford tweeted he might presumably presumably realize the choice despite the proven reality that “the scientific and scientific advice about mass events hasn’t changed”.
Asked in an interview with BBC Radio Wales’ Sunday Complement programme to deem on the scientific advice on the time around mass gatherings, Dr Orford talked about: “I dare whisper when we survey motivate, and we’re going to be in a position to survey motivate, positively there’ll be inquiries, and we’ll question those questions about what was the evidence and why were those choices made… they were debated and consensus was agreed on all of those parts.”
Image copyright Mike Hewitt/Getty Photos
Image caption The Scotland match was Wales’ closing of the 2020 Six Nations tournament and is determined to now chase forward in October
He also talked about instances of Covid-19 will upward thrust again in Wales if folks discontinuance being “attentive to our be pleased dangers and use reducing them”.
Dr Orford added: “The virus is insidious. This is in a position to presumably per chance per chance also earn in to the areas you are no longer having a survey, it would earn in to the areas that is hardest to reach.
“It be be pleased a pan that is boiling. When you earn your eyes off it, it would boil over.
“We perceive it likes indoor environments. We can learn about from the southern hemisphere that it moderately likes the frigid as successfully and so invariably it would procure its procedure in to those areas.”
Image caption Dr Rob Orford has speedy a cautious procedure must be taken coming out of lockdown
Wales’ chief scientific officer Dr Frank Atherton talked about this week he is disquieted coronavirus might presumably presumably return in autumn earlier than spiking in iciness.
Having a survey forward to attainable challenges in iciness, Dr Orford talked about disorders equivalent to ventilation in structures “are indubitably crucial” and the authorities is “repeatedly having a survey on the evidence around face coverings, asking whether or no longer that can serve mitigate the probability of further infections”.
They’re well-known on public transport in Wales but no longer in retailers, unlike various parts of the UK.
Asked if face coverings being well-known in extra settings was inevitable, Dr Orford talked about: “I mediate it is more complex than that. I mediate there are instances where that you just might accept as true with that is purposeful on the opposite hand it has to be regarded as one of many issues.
Image copyright Getty Photos
Image caption NHS crew all the procedure in which thru Wales and the UK had been combating to assign lives
“When it comes to managing probability and reducing probability, it is all about those routes of transmission… and the very closing ingredient you produce that has the least impact is within most defending tools.
“It be no longer straightforward with face coverings. The evidence is now not compelling. We’re no longer mandating them for the time being but we produce suggest them.”
He talked about he believes the “might presumably presumably of the scientific community will do aside paid” to coronavirus.
“When you survey at smallpox, which killed within the do of dwelling of 500 million in historical past… smallpox was a disease with two viral variants and the crucial fragment of that sentence is ‘was’ and for all critical communicable ailments, they’ve been managed out, whether or no longer that is a vaccine or a medicine or public health measures,” Dr Orford talked about.
“Vaccines work. There’s no motive to mediate that is rarely any longer going to occur again.”
You would possibly presumably presumably hear the interview in corpulent on Sunday Complement, BBC Radio Wales 08: 00 BST on Sunday 9 August or select-up on BBC Sounds
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hsrsports · 4 years
My life hasn't changed at all: Pat Cummins on IPL big bucks - Click on link to subscribe my channel https://ift.tt/34vXvMA Facebook - https://ift.tt/2Vjiyz6 Twitter - https://twitter.com/HsrSports Pinterest - https://ift.tt/2ywdZIH Tumblr - https://ift.tt/2z5qwmL Blog - https://ift.tt/2VlBDRu #Sports #SportsNews #Tournament Pat Cummins. (Photo by Darrian Traynor/Getty Images)NEW DELHI: It's been six months since he struck IPL gold with a record-breaking bid but Australian pace spearhead Pat Cummins says his life hasn't changed one bit because he has never been the sort to be too affected by either success or failure. The world No.1 Test bowler was bought by Kolkata Knight Riders for a record Rs 15.5 crore (AUD 3.17 million), making him the highest paid foreign player in the history of the league. "I would like to think my life doesn't change much at all," Cummins told PTI in an exclusive interaction when asked about the impact of the headline-grabbing event last December. "I try my best in every game I play but I try to not let any successes or setbacks change my life too much," the 27-year-old added. Asked whether the high of that day has faded away, he said, "Not really." "May be, once I get over there to play," added the star bowler. A lot of cricketers have had changed priorities since the advent of private T20 leagues but Cummins is a chip off the old block who, like India skipper Virat Kohli, values the Test format. "I grew up watching and loving Test cricket and nothing has changed. I think it is the most challenging format because it tests your skill, stamina, mental strength," he explained. "Each and every Test win is incredibly satisfying," said Cummins, who has 143 wickets from 30 Tests at an impressive average of 21.82. With Cricket Australia allowing its players to start outdoor training, the speedster is back sweating it out in the nets but said that it would take some time to reach peak match condition. "It takes at least a couple of months to build back up to full pace and fitness but luckily we have some time. We started bowling two weeks ago. So, we will be ready for when we start," said Cummins. From Cummins' point of view, it would be good to start with the T20 format and probably by the time the Test matches (Afghanistan first followed by India) start in December, he would be ready for the rigours of five-day cricket. "White ball is certainly a bit easier physically to prepare for. It's good that by the time Tests start in November-December, we would have built up in T20s and ODIs so should be fine," said the man, who has 284 international wickets. While he didn't comment on the much-hyped series against India at the end of the year but the first Day/Night Test between the two teams in Adelaide from December 11-15 is something he is looking forward to. "We enjoy the Pink Ball Tests, especially at Adelaide where it is a great spectacle," Cummins' statement was a reiteration of Australia's dominance in Pink ball matches at the Adelaide Oval. The fast bowler also didn't seem too worried about the adjustments cricketers will have to make when the sport starts amid the Covid-19 pandemic. For starters, saliva can no longer be used to shine the ball. "There may be some minor adjustments like we have all had to make in our lives and jobs but cricket is a sport where we don't have to tackle or make contact directly with other players. So, I don't think the game will be compromised too much," he said. Despite his share of injuries, Cummins has been the face of Australian pace attack which also comprises Josh Hazlewood and Mitchell Starc. So what kind of legacy would he like to create for a country that has produced Dennis Lillee, Glenn McGrath, and Brett Lee to name a few? "I think a legacy is for others to judge," he replied. "Who knows, hopefully a long career with some successes. We have a pretty special team full of superstars at the moment. Hopefully we can carve out our own little bit of history," he concluded.
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Coronavirus: Communities, businesses in Canada brace for cancellation of cruise ships
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/coronavirus-communities-businesses-in-canada-brace-for-cancellation-of-cruise-ships/
Coronavirus: Communities, businesses in Canada brace for cancellation of cruise ships
TORONTO — Picturesque Peggy’s Cove, N.S., is normally a great place to run a business but restaurant owner John Campbell hopes he can survive the cancellation of cruise ships this season because of COVID-19.
“I’m doing everything I can to survive but there’s a lot of companies that are going to be in big trouble for sure,” he said in an interview.
READ MORE: Cruise ship bookings jump 600% as Carnival reveals plans to resume trips in August
The Sou’Wester Gift & Restaurant Co. has been attracting customers for more than 50 years. Campbell said it’s not unusual to have scores of buses filled with cruise passengers stop at the business founded by his father each fall day when cruises peak.
The kickoff to his summer in Nova Scotia and at a gift shop that he owns on Prince Edward Island was delayed because the U.S. border is closed.
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2:49 B.C. health officials advise against cruise ship travel this summer
B.C. health officials advise against cruise ship travel this summer
Revenue is expected to be cut by at least half this year after four cruise lines — Holland America, Princess Cruises, Seabourn Cruises and Carnival Cruises — cancelled calls to Canada and Alaska this season. In addition, the federal government has imposed a ban on cruises through at least July 1 that will reduce the number of visitors.
Campbell believes there’s less than a 50 per cent chance that cruises will make an appearance at all this season, which would force him to rely only on local or regional traffic.
READ MORE: 75 cruise ship workers return to Canada, minister says
“If we only have Nova Scotia people allowed to come out here I think the reduction will be more than 50 per cent. I think it’ll be the 60 to 70 per cent, so, it’s gonna be devastating.”
Cruising has grown annually in Canada and contributed $4.1 billion of economic impact in 2018, up from $3.2 billion two years earlier.
2:08 Canadian cruise ship crew members repatriated after weeks at sea
Canadian cruise ship crew members repatriated after weeks at sea
In Atlantic Canada, 873,000 passengers generated more than $373 million in direct and indirect impact to the economies of the four provinces last year, says Jeff Stevens, executive director of the Atlantic Canada Cruise Association.
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Before COVID-19, the number of passengers to Atlantic Canada was forecasted to grow 14 per cent to about one million in 2020.
READ MORE: Coronavirus to slash Atlantic Canada’s cruise season
The estimated impact to B.C. from the delayed season is nearly $1.5 billion, according to the Port of Vancouver. Every ship that docks in Vancouver contributes about $3.3 million to the local economy while Greater Victoria sees a $100 million economic impact and 700 jobs from cruising in 2018.
The economic damage from COVID-19 is unprecedented, said Donna Spalding of Cruise Lines International Association —North West & Canada
0:51 Coronavirus outbreak: Cruise ship passengers disembark after 15 weeks at sea
Coronavirus outbreak: Cruise ship passengers disembark after 15 weeks at sea
“I have never seen anything that has impacted cruising and tourism overall, for that matter, in the way that this has if we think of the impact on our day-to-day lives,” she said from Vancouver.
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A spokeswoman for Transport Minister Marc Garneau declined to say if the July 1 ban will be extended.
“The Government of Canada is looking at all available options for this year’s cruise ship season and will be guided by public health advice,” Livia Belcea wrote in an email.
READ MORE: COVID-19 hits tourism businesses, costing Canadian cities millions in revenue
Spalding said there’s no doubt that the suspension will hurt Canadian jobs and families but it will especially have a significant impact on small communities and tourism partners that rely on cruise tourism.
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“And they may not be able to get through a whole year and be viable again next year,” she said.
The pain could be significant for tour operators in port cities, says Dennis Campbell of Ambassatours Gray Line, which operates boat tours in all four Atlantic provinces, offers bus tours in Niagara Falls, Ont., and runs Halifax’s largest waterfront restaurant.
He said half his marine fleet will be docked if the ban on cruises into Canada is extended, while amphibious vessels that operate on land or water will continue this summer.
2:08 Coronavirus outbreak: Trudeau tight-lipped on possible support for Air Canada, other airlines
Coronavirus outbreak: Trudeau tight-lipped on possible support for Air Canada, other airlines
But he expects to lose one-third of his revenue if no ships arrive in eastern ports at all this year.
The Port in Charlottetown says the cruise cancellations mean its season will only begin in September, if at all, said Corryn Clemence, cruise development, communications and brand manager for the PEI port.
“We have a lot of small operators that rely heavily on this business throughout the season. So I think the ripple effect, not just from a port standpoint, but from the tourism operators standpoint is massive.”
Dawson City may be far from the ocean but it also expects to feel the pain after Holland America cancelled its trips to Alaska with about 15,000 passengers flying over three months each summer to the Yukon town for two days.
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READ MORE: Don’t move a mussel: B.C. boat inspection stations open for season
An estimated $10 million is brought into the town in addition to about 100 people who are hired at the cruise line’s Westmark Hotel, that won’t open this year. The Klondike Spirit, a paddle boat that travels up the river, won’t be operating because of the loss of its primary customer base.
“The smaller businesses will be the ones that suffer the most throughout it. They have less resources than the big businesses to survive through this,” said Paul Robitaille of the Klondike Visitors Association.
The town founded from the Gold Rush in 1896 will survive without the cruise line, he said, but it will be totally different because it accounts for 15 to 20 per cent of summer tourism.
“It’s already shot for this year, so hopefully they don’t ban until next year at some point which would hurt us as well,” he said.
Despite the challenges, Robitaille’s hopeful that cruises will eventually return, noting it’s a resilient industry that attracts people, some of whom only travel by cruise.
“I think that they’ve got the money to make the changes necessary to kind of face the restrictions that might be imposed on the industry and if anything…they have more resources to come out of this than small businesses do.”
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itsfinancethings · 4 years
(Austin, Texas) — Two weeks into the reopening of Texas, coronavirus cases are climbing. New outbreaks still crop up. And at Guero’s Taco Bar in Austin, which offers the occasional celebrity sighting, a log of every diner and where they sat is begrudgingly in the works.
“It seems like a huge invasion of privacy,” said owner Cathy Lipincott, who is nonetheless trying to comply with Austin’s local public health guidelines by asking, but not requiring, customers to give their information.
Few states are rebooting quicker than Texas, where stay-at-home orders expired May 1. With cases still rising, including single-day highs of 1,458 new cases and 58 deaths Thursday, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has defended the pace by emphasizing steadying hospitalization rates and pointing out that Texas’ 1,200 deaths are still behind similarly big states, including California and Florida.
But on the cusp of even more restrictions ending Monday, including gyms cleared to reopen, a political confrontation is growing over attempts by big cities to keep some guardrails. The dispute underscores the gulf between Democrats who run city halls and GOP leaders who call the shots in the capital in Texas, where unlike in other states, the governor’s orders supersede all local mandates during the pandemic.
The renewed tensions come at a moment when Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, warned Congress this week of “needless suffering and death” if the U.S. moves too quickly. Nevertheless, Wisconsin’s courts tossed out the state’s stay-at-home orders, throwing communities into chaos as some bars opened immediately while strict local restrictions are kept elsewhere.
In Georgia, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms has also expressed unease with the speed that Republican Gov. Brian Kemp has reopened the state. Oklahoma lawmakers, irritated by local officials who imposed stricter measures during this health crisis, passed a House bill Thursday that would weaken the power of cities during the next one.
And in Texas, Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton this week lashed out at the cities of Dallas, Austin and San Antonio over what he called “unlawful” local orders that are tougher than restrictions prescribed by Abbott, and threatened lawsuits if the cities don’t back off. The warning came one day after El Paso pleaded to postpone easing up on any more lockdown measures in light of the number of COVID-19 cases there surging 60 percent over the past two weeks.
“Unfortunately, a few Texas counties and cities seem to have confused recommendations with requirements and have grossly exceeded state law to impose their own will on private citizens and businesses,” Paxton said.
City leaders said their local orders, which include more stringent emphasis on face coverings in public and restaurant protocols that aren’t strictly enforced, don’t conflict. El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samaniego said he made his case to the governor in a phone call, asking for a few more weeks to assess data and reduce cases before more restrictions are lifted, but believes he won’t get an answer until Abbott’s public announcement Monday.
“I’m not fighting his plan, I’m fighting his timing,” Samaniego said. “It looks like it would work for us months from now.”
The spat is a reversal from the early days of the outbreak in Texas, when Abbott gave cities and counties wide latitude to issue restrictions as they saw fit. But Abbott has since taken the reins over how quickly Texas will reboot, which last week included moving up the reopening of hair salons following complaints from conservatives. Testing for most of May has fallen well short of Abbott’s stated goal of 30,000 per day, although testing numbers have surged in recent days, according to state health officials.
Overflow hospitals set up in Dallas and Houston were dismantled without ever being used, which Abbott has pointed to as a reminder that the virus has not overwhelmed Texas. But experts still worry.
“They see the decline going in and they pat themselves on the back and say, ‘Look at the good work we’ve done, now we can let this happen and open up things,’” said Dennis Perrotta, a retired state epidemiologist in Texas. “And then we get slammed with a second peak.”
In Austin, restaurants have grumbled over recommendations to log dine-in customers for the purposes of contact tracing, coupled with a warning that health officials otherwise might have to publicly out eateries if outbreaks spread. Some restaurateurs saw that as a threat, but at The Peached Tortilla, owner Eric Silverstein says his industry has to do what it takes to reopen.
“We have no choice,” he said. “You kind of have to going back to doing some form of business.”
A few blocks away at Brentwood Social House, a neighborhood coffee shop, owner Suzanne Daniels isn’t so sure. Though her competitors have reopened, her indoor seating remains closed, and she doesn’t know when she’ll feel safe to follow them.
“It feels early,” Daniels said. “In my gut, it doesn’t feel right or good.”
Associated Press writers Sean Murphy in Oklahoma City and Cedar Attanasio in El Paso contributed to this report.
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In the last few weeks many cancelled events, from concerts to conferences, have been replaced by virtual ones. And in the process, many are realising that moving events online isn’t just about damage control; it actually brings benefits of its own. 
“For a start, the reach can be much greater,” notes Olga de Giovanni, global PR and communications manager at marketing and media consultancy Ebiquity. “Our initial webinars, for example, attracted five to 10 times as many participants as we’d typically get, and we reached an international audience too.”
Vinda Souza, VP of global communications at Bullhorn, is also enthused by the possibilities of virtual events. “The fact there’s virtually no barrier to attendance, other than internet access, means there’s capacity to invite way more people,” she says. “Those who couldn’t otherwise afford to travel, be away from their computer, leave overnight and be away from their family, or have mobility concerns, can now attend.”
So how do you make your event a success? In this article, we gather the best advice from both veterans and those who’ve recently joined the party.
01. Make it relevant
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With so many virtual events taking place right now, you need to work hard to grab people's attention
The first point might be obvious, but it’s worth stating: any event you organise needs to take account of the strange circumstances we all find ourselves in right now. Dan Peden, strategy director of marketing agency Journey Further, offers a typical example. “We had a number of brand-facing events in Manchester, Leeds and London planned in over the next few months but have had to completely rethink them,” he says. 
“There’s no point offering advice that brands can’t action in the current climate,” he reasons. “So our first online performance marketing masterclass instead focused on how we're helping leading brands navigate the Covid19 crisis. It went down really well, and we have more planned in for the next couple of months.”
Neil Davidson, CEO at communications agency HeyHuman, tells a similar story. “People are heading towards ‘peak webinar’,” he says. “So when we organised our latest online event, which replaced a face-to-face event we’d had in the diary since the start of the year, our first question was: 'Is the content applicable right now, and is it future-gazing?' If not, don’t bother; you’re just adding to the pile. So our event focused on how neuroscience can help brands connect with customers, during and after the pandemic. It was something all brands, no matter what position they’re in, could learn from.”
That doesn’t mean, of course, that every virtual event has to be about the pandemic and its effects on society; just that it has to take it into account. For example, running an online music festival doesn't address people’s concerns about Covid-19, but it does address their need for entertainment and distraction while under lockdown.
02. Get the timing right
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People are busy, so don't make your event run any longer than it needs to 
How long should your event last? Of course, that will depend on the context and the audience, but in general, an hour is a good ballpark to aim for, says Rob Dennis, PPC specialist at Liberty Marketing: “Any longer and people start to lose interest,” he says. 
If you’re hosting multiple events, you should soon get a feel for how long your audience’s attention will last. “Our first masterclass was 60 minutes long with talks from three different speakers,” says Dan Peden. “However, to keep people engaged we now think it’s best to keep events to around 30 minutes. Moving forward, we’ll be doing more focused events with just one speaker.”
Emma Robson is head of events at Ingenuity London, which recently launched Virtual Connect, an online ‘speed dating’ event for brands and agencies. She advises: “Keep individual sessions concise: anything more than an hour could be a bit of a drag. Looking at a computer screen isn’t the same as seeing someone in the flesh, so take attention spans into consideration.”
Also think carefully about when your event starts. “For instance, anything too close to lunch could summon the wrath of a small child, so give enough time either side of lunchtime to allow people to be settled into their work,” Emma recommends.
03. Differentiate your event
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Roger Sanchez was among the DJs taking part in Defected Records' Virtual Festival 3.0 
While you want your event to be current, don’t just copy what others are doing. “For example, Coldplay’s Chris Martin live-streamed singing from his living room, and now everyone’s doing living room gigs,” says Alex Wilson, head of content at brand experience agency Amplify. “Instead, think about how you can differentiate from the ‘wall of same’. The way you do that is the same as before: lean into the insights of your audience, look at the best solution to the problem, and be creatively brave, to ensure you’re leading from the front.” 
James Kirkham, chief business officer at Defected Records, pushes a similar line. "It isn’t enough to merely stream and assume you’ll cut through; there are too many competing events,” he points out. “So consider what it’s unique about you, convey the essence of who you are, and find a way to get super-personal with those viewing. For example, when we put on our virtual music festival, we created a set of ‘House Rules’ for those watching and dancing along at home, intended to help convey the spirit of the brand and add a layer that made it feel like a truly Defected event.”
04. Brief your speakers carefully
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Panellists at the World Media Group webinar: advertising and the COVID-10 Pandemic
If your event involves talks, then don’t think that just picking speakers and topics is all you need do. You still have to brief those speakers carefully; in fact, even more so than you would for a physical event.
That’s a lesson recently learned by Belinda Barker, director of the World Media Group, which hosts regular events for the marketing, creative and publishing industries. The Group recently held its first virtual event; a webinar with 10 industry experts discussing whether advertising is appropriate at a time of crisis. “A webinar doesn’t have the natural flow of a live event, so it’s vital to keep speakers brief and on point," she advises. "For Q&A sessions, for instance, I'd suggest scripting some of the questions in advance to make sure that speakers are aware and fully prepped for them. And remember that virtual audiences are far harsher critics, because it’s much easier to turn off an app than it is to walk out of a room full of people.”
Also, just because people are good at speaking at physical events, don’t assume those skills are instantly translatable. “Too often there’s a mistaken belief that people will learn how to do live events through osmosis,” says Richard Robinson, managing director of Econsultancy. “This dangerous falsehood is akin to asking an army of stage actors, who normally feed off the audience and energy of the room, to seamlessly step onto a film set and shoot an Oscar-winning movie." 
Anyone new to speaking at a virtual events needs to rehearse, rehearse and rehearse again, he stresses. If that includes you, you'll need to: "Master the tech, make sure you’re fluent on the platform, and the computer it will run from. Find a stable and quiet area to present, and consider the unexpected like other people living in your household, especially children and animals who take no prisoners. Lastly, be aware of the power of your gestures: rolling eyes, eyebrows and other mannerisms that may detract from your delivery.”
"Not everyone knows how to use FaceTime and how to frame themselves," adds Jon Pearson, who's recently been running a virtual comedy night called Comedy Virtually LIVE. "So I'd advise people to look directly down the lens of the camera, even if they're on video call, because you look strange on screen."
05. Choose your platform wisely
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Erica Freas of Specialist Subject Records says Instagram Stories works well for hosting gigs online
When it comes to software, you’re spoiled for choice in terms of what to use to host your virtual event, as you’ll see from our sister site’s round-up of the best videoconferencing services. But how do you choose between them?
“Before you decide on an off the shelf tech platform for your virtual event, pay close attention to your users and the devices that they are most likely to be using,” advises Jason Anderson, digital director at experience agency Avantgarde. “Not all tech solutions play that well on mobiles, and some are more suitable for informal gatherings amongst friends rather than corporate events. Privacy and data security are important: the recent issues with Zoom and its invisible sharing of data with Facebook and others is a prime example. Make sure your chosen platforms meet your security, GDPR and data requirements.”
Aside from formal videoconferencing tools, social media platforms can also offer a great platform for hosting virtual events. Erica Freas of Specialist Subject Records, for example, has been coordinating virtual gigs on Tuesdays for the past month via Instagram Stories. “We've had between 150 and 5,000 viewers depending on the band, and it's been a really nice touchstone for the music community,” she says.
The company opted for Instagram Stories because it was the most simple, low barrier way to organise the event at the last minute, she explains. “YouTube Live requires verification, and none of us uses Twitch. We looked at applications that let you stream from multiple sites at once but those cost money. Instagram Live was something we already had access to, and it alerts your followers that you've started a stream, so it catches more people than those who were paying attention to the upcoming event. 
“Once we clocked that we could let the performers into our account and everyone could stream back-to-back through @specialistsubject, we knew we were done," Erica adds. "It's so fun and seamless to have musician after musician pop up in our stream. A downside is that to watch you have to have an Instagram account, but they are free. I have a handful of friends, some in their 60s and 70s, who downloaded the app just to come to the show.”
06. Consider specialist services
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Hopin allows you to build in chat functionality that enables meetings and networking during the event
While there are many free services, you may find it's worth paying for a platform that will make your event look and feel more professional. Imagen's Plan B, for example, is selling itself as a ready-made solution to deliver content to registered attendees online as a consequence of event cancellations. CMO Helen Aboagye outlines some of the benefits.
“For imminent events, many video assets, scripts and presentations will already have been completed,” she says. “Imagen’s Plan B offers the ability to immediately create a branded portal to host video presentations, interviews and clips, enabling you to easily repurposing these assets for your virtual events. Access to this content can be controlled on a very granular level, so VIPs or sponsors can access premium content that is invisible to standard delegates, for example. In addition, the platform is browser-based, so any attendee with a desktop can participate, while any speaker or contributor can upload assets for approval from any computer too.”
Hopin, meanwhile, is marketing itself as an online events platform that allows attendees to learn, interact, and connect with each other. “Content is only half of a good event experience, connections are the other half,” says founder Johnny Bourfarhat. “For an online event to replicate an offline event, there needs to be a way to meet new people serendipitously. Hopin does this with an automated one-on-one matching system in the event for networking meetings, like a Facetime chat.
“Speakers may have a back and forth with your attendees in a controlled way,” he adds. “We do this through our moderated sessions. And to prevent people from feeling ‘lost in the crowd’ and losing interest, you can create different spaces where they can meet people in the way they prefer, whether that's broadcasting, one on one, or in a group.”
07. Make attendees feel involved
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Letting attendees hold meetings makes a virtual event feel more like a physical one, says Dave Bradley of Real Steel
Presenting the right content is only one part of your event. If all you do is stream content in one direction, there’s no real incentive for people to keep watching, so you need to find ways to make people involved and engaged. 
Dave Bradley of Steel Media was keen to pursue this when he recently organised Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #1, a virtual event for the games industry that's going to take place again in June. "Our live conferences are well known for being places to meet and do business, so we wanted to continue that into the virtual event as best we could," he explains. "The 'meeting' system we’ve used enables you to search for individuals based on the job they do, or what they are looking for - a games developer in need of a publisher, for instance - send them a message, and automatically schedule a Zoom call. 
"There’s evidence that this feature has been heavily used," he adds. "We can see that literally hundreds of meetings per day – thousands in total across the week – were arranged. We encourage people to meet at our events through all our marketing shout-outs and this event was no different. One thing the meeting system also includes is a Digital Expo. To replace the exhibition hall, with its booths and tables, we created a space where people can post portfolio pieces, links to game trailers, samples of their work, descriptions of their services and so on. This proved to be very popular, with over 200 display pages published there."
Don’t forget about social media, either. “Social can be a major aspect of in-person events and can be just as useful for virtual events too: you just need to adjust your approach accordingly,” says Corie Leaman, director of IT Nation Events at ConnectWise. “So in our case, we still create hashtags and look for ways to communicate with our audiences, but now we’re asking different questions – about participants’ views, locations and lunches – because we know this encourages engagement. It’s also important to find a dedicated moderator and a platform able to support chat and Q&As, so that your moderator can guide the conversation and focus on relaying information between speakers and attendees."
Meanwhile, Erica Freas says that encouraging interaction between audience members at virtual gigs has happened naturally on Instagram. “Whenever someone new joins the stream at our online gigs, their Instagram handle pops up in the scrolling comments, so you do get a lot of recognition and chat, just like at a real show,” she explains. “We can't see each others' faces but we can talk to each other, welcome each other, make jokes and ask questions across the platform."
08. Remind people it's happening
Given the multiplicity of virtual events happening right now, it’s easy for people to forget they’ve signed up for one. So don’t take anything for granted, says Jason Anderson. “Don’t forget the pre- and post-event communication,” he says. “You still have to engage your audience with pre-event marketing, to ensure they sign up and actually turn up, while post-event analysis through scores such as NPS can provide great feedback and insight.”
09. Expect technical challenges
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Internet connection issues can play havoc with timing, warns Jon Pearson of Comedy Virtual Live
Technical problems are the bane of every virtual event, and they’re only more likely to occur at the current time, with unprecedented demands on the broadband network. “Glitches are always likely to crop up, so be prepared,” says Emma Robson. “For instance, we found out that you can’t host two different events or meetings at the same time on our choice of platform. This meant a frantic call to our agency selection manager was needed so he could move his meeting onto another platform, and we could start our event. Wifi is also famously temperamental, so it’s helpful to have another team member on standby to jump in when your signal falters. When this happened to my colleague, I had to reclaim myself as host and take over temporarily.”
Also, don’t assume that attendees are well-versed in using videoconferencing technology: this may be the very first time they’ve used it. “So if there’s a ‘mute all’ option, make sure that’s activated as people join,” adds Emma. “This will help avoid the confusion of people talking over one another, and to help create a more seamless process.” Rob Dennis adds: “If you’re doing a screen share like I had to do, then ensure your laptop is in Do Not Disturb mode, so that you don’t receive any notifications while you’re in screen share!”
It’s important to understand the limitations of a virtual event, too. For instance, Jon Pearson of Comedy Virtually LIVE notes that “Timing is essential, and any lag on the internet will ruin punchlines.” Erica, similarly, has learned that “Singers can't duet across a shared stream: the lag is unbearable.”
It’s also worth asking yourself: do I actually need video? “For our event, we found it more natural to turn off the video once we got going," says Neil Davidson, CEO at transformative communications agency HeyHuman. “It’s not a physical audience to begin with, so we focused on great slides: they should be well-designed and pointed, rather than animated. I’ve been burnt by too many dodgy home Wi-Fi connections!”
10. Generate a sociable atmosphere
Most of these tips have been focused on public-facing events, but what about organising social events for your colleagues online? With all of us stuck home remote working, getting together for drinks and a chat can be an invaluable way of keeping up morale and motivation. 
But it can be tricky to organise a group chat that feels less like a meeting, and more like a social occasion. “So consider including activities that get everyone involved,” suggests Heather Delaney, founder of Gallium Ventures. “Games for teams can be a good way to keep a fun and consistent flow, keeping staff connected without it feeling like an awkward conference call.”
She adds: “It’s great to set a start and finish time for your internal event, in order to allow any late arrivals a window to when they might have missed the boat. Obviously virtual drinks with friends or colleagues has the likelihood of running over any calendar invite, but at least you offer those with prior commitments a way out without scrutiny.”
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kayla1993-world · 4 years
Ontario Premier Doug Ford says his "patience flows thin" when it comes to his province's low rate of COVID-19 t.ests.
Ontario holds out far fewer COVID-19 tests daily than it had hoped at this point, in a much smaller proportion of its population than any other province would have. Québec, C.B. And Alberta was twice as high when Ontario.
On Tuesday, data from the Ontario Ministry of Health shows only 2,568 new test results were provided. That's roughly half the daily target of 5,000 that the government promised to reach in late March, and well short of the 19,000 daily tests promised for April's third week.
The clarification for the scarcity appears to be that Ontario tries to level who gets studied by arguing against screening for individual people who haven't travelled offshore recently, primarily though they have COVID-19 symptoms.
Ford said he necessary to see every healthcare provider on the front line and every long-term care professional cleaned along with emergency responders, police and paramedics.
Over the past week, people in several provinces around Ontario have learned how the COVID-19 epidemic can unfold in their region, as health experts and officials presented a range of projections and scenarios about how the virus will spread.
Saskatchewan printed its forecasting Wednesday, showing the provincial government is planning 3,000 to 8,300 deaths and around 20 to 200 routine COVID-19 intensive care admissions at the highest. The data does not say when to assume the peak nor when to ease distancing measures.
Newfoundland and Labrador has released figures Wednesday focusing on how intensive care clinics in the province could deal with a patient increase. They have not released projections affecting number of cases or deaths. The data that the province found will exceed its ICU capacity by the end of June if the virus spread proceeds at its current pace.
In Alberta, on Tuesday, Premier Jason Kenney provided what he described as a "probable" scenario for the province suggesting the province would not see a virus peak until mid-. The model proposed Alberta could have as many as 800,000 cases of COVID-19 by the end of the year, with mortality rates from 400 to 3,100. Another more "elevated" estimate related at both higher case numbers and between 500 and 6,600 deaths as possible.
Kenney accepted that the figures may seem difficult, and warn instantly that the tools are "not a deal fully complete."
The Quebec predictions suggested that at the end of April the province could see between 1,200 and 9,000 fatal accidents. Officials of public health accepted the popular thinking is that the number of deaths should also be closer to the lower estimate.
Ontario, which on Wednesday saw it's total number of reported cases pass 5,000, presented that modeling last week.
The federal government has implied that it will do the same until after the provinces has adequate data — but that wasn't immediately clear when that might be.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau centered predominantly on emergency economic interventions Wednesday when he gave his daily statement outside Rideau Cottage, but he also answered challenges about how and when Canada would release expectations at the regionally.
Trudeau said in the coming days people would learn more about a national model but did not give a concrete date. The Prime Minister has said it is not yet clear pretty much exactly when Canada will reach a peak but that strict adherence to critical public health measures — including physical distancing and residing at home as much as possible — will help minimize the impact of the outbreak.
Case forecasts in British Columbia has not touched the rate seen in Quebec and Ontario. Premier John Horgan said his province's leading figures are "optimistic" but acknowledged "we're very far from woods."
On Wednesday, Horgan told CBC's Rosemary Barton that, in his one — and the B.C opinion. Chief Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry — Mapping is meant to benefit the govt plan and prepare.
Horgan said in B.C, "the curve starts twisting." So he's influenced by this but showed concern about civilians being less cautious to physical distance and other strides when the environment changes.
Previously, Dr. Theresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, implied that projections are used for planning purposes and are not "crystal stars." Examples would differ greatly, Tam said, and are "highly reactive to our behavior," including initiatives such as distancing, self-isolation, and hand-wash.
Tam taught Canadians Wednesday that they would not visit extended family for holidays to came.
She said transmission "plan the curve" would be daunting as the weather reaches warm weather and holidays such as Easter, Vaisakhi, Ramadan and Passover. But she said travelling is not deemed important to seeing the family during such events.
Employment Minister Carla Qualtrough addressed Health officials’ meeting to announce how many Canadians have requested for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) from the federal government.
She said more than 750,000 applications were filed on Tuesday alone, with a total of 1.72 million since Monday, when people who were born in January, February and March were asked to start applying.
In his daily briefing Trudeau reiterated that the federal government is working to help people in the so-called gig economy who currently do not qualify for CERB — those who work less than 10 hours a week.
Horgan also discussed the success accomplished by province in slowing disease spread and raised the issue of what needs to be done to ensure that cases are also not imported from abroad.
Have spoken with the reporters later on Wednesday afternoon, Horgan said the plan will have to confirm in detail how the person plans to self-isolate under the Quarantine Act for 14 days. It must be designated a legal document, and administrators will approve it in order for the commuter to carry on.
If the tourist have no plan, Horgan said that they are prepared for just a "quarantine site" until they "can get together."
If civilians will not create a schedule, the Premier said they would spend their isolation timeframe or two week at the site.
At 6:30 p.m .. Canada had 19,291 recorded and presumptive COVID-19 cases reported on Wednesday ET. 4,666 instances have been listed as resolved by provinces that report details on patients declared recovered. CBC News has reported 464 COVID-19-related deaths in Canada, with two known coronavirus-related deaths of Canadians abroad.
According to Indigenous Services Canada, the number of positive COVID-19 events has more than doubled since last week. The department said it was aware of four reported cases in Saskatchewan, 11 in Ontario and 20 in Quebec as of Monday. But, some Indigenous leaders dispute the accuracy of the data.
Five more COVID-19-related deaths reported in British Columbia on Wednesday bringing the total to 48. The Premier announced every traveller returning to B.C earlier in the day. That self-isolation plan will have to be presented from outside. Read more about what's gone on throughout B.C.
Alberta reported 50 new cases Wednesday, double the number reported the day before, which in weeks had been the lowest single-day increase in COVID-19 reported cases in the province. Read more about what's gone on throughout Alberta.
Saskatchewan's health officials released their own COVID-19 projections on Wednesday, as well as information about how health care system is preparing for an expected surge in injuries. Read more about what's gone on throughout Saskatchewan.
Manitoba forestalls community events marking the province's 150th birthday because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Prime Minister Brian Pallister says public health security is a problem and major celebrations were likely to reinvigorate next year only. He also suggests penalizing any who may not respect distancing legislation. Read more about what's gone on all across Manitoba.
Public health experts in Ontario have been calling for more widespread research but data from the Health Ministry of the province suggests that the province is falling short of its goals. Read more on how the province is testing COVID-19, from CBC's Mike Crawley.
Quebec has surpassed 10,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases and added 25 more deaths, bringing tally to 175 provincial deaths. Premier Legault says the silver lining is that hospitalizations are beginning to stabilize, but the province still has a way to go along with cautions. Read more of what's gone on here at Quebec.
New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs said the province will have the supplies it needs to respond to COVID-19 on Tuesday that this really feels "more and more comfortable." Read more about what's gone on here at N.B.
Nova Scotia reported 32 new COVID-19 instances Wednesday including a bus driver for Halifax. The government says the list of symptoms being screened for COVID-19 is being expanded to include fever, new or worsening cough, sore throat, runny nose and headache.
Prince Edward Island Premier Dennis King confirmed that even after returning from international travel last month, his health minister did not isolate himself. The Chief Public Health Officer of P.E.I. talked to James Aylward when he got to the office the first day and advised him to go home because she planned to give a order later that day for all people traveling to P.E.I. from outside the world to remove themselves for 14 days.
Newfoundland and Labrador say about 32 per cent of the residents will come down with COVID-19 over the next two years when new distancing programs remain in place. If the controls are reduced it says that over the same period the number will be more like 52 per cent.
Yukon announced Wednesday the eighth COVID-19 case and Whitehorse the first outside. 
The death toll correlated with the coronavirus outbreak has topped 13,800 in the United States, including than 400,000 recorcinfections. Most of the deadliest hot spots are Detroit, New Orleans and the metropolitan area of New York which recorded 149,316 cases on Wednesday. That's more than all of Spain, which has any country in the world's second-most cases.
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said some communities in the five boroughs of the city are disproportionately feeling the virus’ effect.
For example, he said Hispanics account for 29% of all New Yorkers, but 34% of COVID-19 fatalities are in the Hispanic community.
Meanwhile, U.S. health officials are planning ways for the country to return to normal activity if distancing and other steps to mitigate COVID-19 this month prove successful in curbing the outbreak, said Wednesday a top U.S. infectious disease official.
The World Health Organization also responded on Wednesday to President Donald Trump's threat of freezing U.S. funding to the World Health Organization, saying the international organization "missed the call" on the pandemic and was "very Beijing-centered."
The United States became the Geneva-based body's top donor, contributing more than $400 million in 2019, that exceeded $400 million. This is nearly triple the 2nd largest contribution by member countries.
According to one U.S. university tracker, the number of COVID-19 cases identified worldwide toped 1.5 million Thursday night. The death toll approached 88,000.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is reacting to care but will spend a third night in intensive care at a hospital in central London, his official told reporters on Wednesday.
Downing Street reported on Tuesday said Johnson earned regular intravenous antibiotics and was breathing without assistance. As of Wednesday, the confirmed death toll in the country hit 7,110. But the number of new diseases and hospital admission is continuing to exhibit symptoms of flattening, the National Health Service's communications officer, Stephen Powis, told the news conference.
Wednesday, Spain's Ministry of Health confirmed 757 new deaths of coronavirus patients and 6,180 new confirmed infections. Both estimates were marginally lower than Tuesday's, at which a backing of research findings and accidents that had gone unreported over the weekend clarified the first increase in five days. And concerns about the data are increasing as fresh data begin to appear.
Spain's authorities have already accepted that a lack of sample kits and a bottleneck in the number of studies that laboratories can carry on a daily basis bring an inaccurate amount of contagion, which fell to 146,000 on Wednesday. A longitudinal poll of 30,000 households are initiated to figure out what's beyond hospitals and nursing homes the more approximate extent of the crisis.
In Italy, the hardest-hit country of all with fewer least 17,000 casualties, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said on Wednesday that Italy must hold to its rigid freeze, denying calls from businesses in the northern economic heartland of the country advising the government to allow them reopen as fast as next week. Having produced the data on Wednesday, top health officials in the country encouraged the government to combat the pressure. "The epidemic curve pattern is not just declining, it's growing, here we are looking at a plateau," told reporters Ranieri Guerra, an agent of  Italian CDC.
In Germany the actual case amount decreased after four consecutive of decreases for the second straight day.
France could deepen its blackout by 15 April, the presidential palace announced on Wednesday, past the previously planned end date. As some employees on board display signs of COVID-19 symptoms a French army plane is going back to port.
Wuhan's Chinese city ended its more than two-month lockdown on Wednesday, as a remote northern city directed citizens restrictions in the face of a second day of infections alarming. Across the past 21 days, Wuhan, where the novel coronavirus arose, and eventually saw more than 50,000 people infected, announced also three new confirmed infections.
India's financial capital, Mumbai, is likely to broaden closure initiatives as authorities race to broaden research until at least April 30. In India the number of confirmed cases crossed the 5,000 level, with 149 death.
At the first day of a national crisis aimed at containing the disease Japan saw the biggest daily increase in infections. Earlier, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was attacked for taking so long to call an emergency, although — mainly — it's Chinese government had little penalties for down-up appeals for men to stay home and close it down businesses.
South Korea's government said it will expand limits on people coming back from afar to avoid the new infections of coronavirus on Wednesday, and announced fresh stimulus initiatives for exporters hit by the disease. Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun said South Korea could immediately revoke visa concessions for citizens of countries that have imposed travel bans on South Koreans.
Singapore announced new initiatives to accelerate local food output, including a plan to convert car park rooftops into urban farms in public housing estates. Hong Kong extended physical-distancing measures, including closing certain bars and pubs and banning more than four citizens for political rallies, until April 23.
Indonesia had identified around 3,000 cases as of Wednesday, and documented 240 deaths. And experts in public health and epidemiologists look to the relatively low test frequency and high death rate, as indications that perhaps the real infection rate is likely to also be higher.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani pressed harder on Wednesday for a US$ 5 billion IMF interest free loan that the country sought to combat the worst coronavirus outbreak in the Middle East, saying that perhaps the Fund will also be guilty of bias if it withholds the cash. Iran has banned intercity transportation and closed non-essential businesses to combat an infection that has killed 4,003 people and infected 67,286 according to estimates.
The health minister for Saudi Arabia also said the virus could eventually infect 10,000-200,000 people in the area.
South Africa's health minister said 66 people have also been tested positive for the coronavirus in the last few days at a single hospital in Durban, including 48 staff. Zweli Mkhize said administrators are examining the closing of parts of St. Augustine's Hospital.
The minister also said the virus is currently hospitalized to fewer than 100 people across the country. After a coalition went to court over the lack of security equipment, he also sought to reassure anxious health employees, saying South Africa's supply should last up to eight weeks. South Africa has more than 1,700 cases with most confirmed of Africa.
The WHO, which has been expressing concern on how the virus could impact countries with limited assets and bad health infrastructure for months, said there are more than 10,000 cases reported for coronavirus across Africa.
Although the virus first appeared in Africa, cases were mainly in big cities.
WHO has called on the international community and provide financial and material support as countries expand their response.
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