meluisart · 9 months
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He spent an afternoon with Liv chaos is my middle name Chenka.
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m3m3shadow · 1 year
Team 5D's Beach Trip and at some point in, Jack and Crow find Yusei just watching a bunch of crabs nearby and go over to see what's up.
Crow: Hey Yusei, everything alright?
Jack: You should be over with the rest having fun, not watching future crab leg meals!
Yusei: Hey, don't talk about my cousins that way. >:(
Jack's wheezing laughs could be heard miles away.
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riversofmars · 2 years
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MERRY CHRISTMAS!! To celebrate, here is a Secret Santa story (plus poster lol) for my dear @morbidjazz. What can I say other than: I had to write about Crabhead. Of course I did. And it's Christmas so let's have a fix-it and save that funky little crab once and for all!!! I really hope you like it <3
A Crustacean's Christmas
“Attention everyone!” The Doctor’s voice boomed through the control room and made both his companions jump. Helen nearly dropped the book she was reading and Liv knocked her knee into the small coffee table in front of her, causing her to swear explicitly under her breath. The Doctor startling them was far from unusual, he had a tendency to interrupt the most peaceful of moments, as if he had a sixth sense for it. 
Liv and Helen had been lounging in the cosy seating area on top of the balcony that overlooked the control room. With the bookshelves situated there and being somewhat out of the way, it made for a perfect reading corner. “All hands on deck!” The Doctor called up to them once more and his companions exchanged confused, curious but also very apprehensive looks. 
“What is it?” Liv yelled back, refusing to get up as she was rubbing her aching leg. The coffee table really was far more sturdy than it looked. 
“Places to be, chop chop!” The Time Lord gave back and the sound of him flicking switches and pulling levers became of source of concern very quickly. 
“Where exactly is ‘places’?” Helen pulled herself to a stand and leaned over the side of the balcony, glancing down to find out what their friend was doing. 
“We’ve had an invitation,” he revealed with excitement that was hard to ignore and straightened up. Like a ninja with a throwing star, he flicked the card towards her with remarkable skill. It cut through the air in a clean line and the linguist yelped, her reaction time somewhat lagging after the leisurely afternoon of reading and it was Liv that snatched the card out of the air before it could hit her best friend in the face. 
“An invitation?” The med-tech frowned and turned the card in her hand before flashing Helen a playful smirk, smug for having saved her from certain card-vs-face collision. The linguist gave her arm a light slap of reprimand but her smile was grateful as she leaned over to look at the card as well.
“Oh! It’s a Christmas party?” Helen exclaimed and Liv huffed: 
“That old chestnut again…”
“Chestnuts is right, Liv, you are getting the hang of it,” the Doctor grinned as he continued to work the controls on the lower level of the console room. 
“That’s not what-” the med-tech started but quickly realised that he wasn’t listening anyway. “Nevermind.”
“Who is it from?” Helen questioned and took the card off her best friend, turning it in her fingers curiously. 
“We’re about to find out!” The Time Lord answered and with a final pull of a lever and a jolt, they changed direction in the time Vortex and careered off towards a new destination. 
“Doctor, is this safe?” The linguist grabbed onto Liv’s arm as the abrupt change of course made both of them stumble. Thankfully, the railing of the balcony was within reach. 
“Most likely not but when has that ever stopped us?” The Doctor shrugged with a grin. “It must be someone that we know, they mentioned us all by name after all!” Another quick glance at the card told them he was right. 
“Doesn’t mean they like us, just cause they know us,” Liv pointed out. “Could be someone whose plans we foiled?”
“But then why would they invite us for Christmas?” Their Time Lord friend looked up to them once more.
“To set a trap?” The med-tech countered, growing increasingly more exasperated as it was surely the most obvious thing in the universe. 
“Let’s not assume the worst straight away,” Helen advised. “It could be something really delightful. A friend we haven’t seen in a long time or-”
“What friend?” Liv looked at her bewildered. 
“I don’t know, maybe River?” The linguist dropped her voice so the Doctor wouldn’t hear and raised it again when added: “We do have friends, not just foes.”
“Speak for yourself,” the med-tech huffed with a touch of unexpected jealousy that her friend couldn’t quite place. Before she had the chance to enquire further, the Doctor announced:
“Here we are! Come on, you two!”   
“Wanna place bets? ‘Lovely Christmas do’ or ‘mortal peril’?” Liv suggested as they climbed down from the balcony. 
“One does not exclude the other,” the linguist answered bemused as she followed her down the ladder. “Let’s just keep an open mind.” 
And with that, they followed the Doctor who was already halfway to the door.
“Best foot forward and all that,” the Time Lord told his companions and opened the TARDIS door enthusiastically. They had been prepared for most eventualities ranging from confetti being thrown to guns being pointed at their heads. What they hadn’t anticipated was what actually happened: A tidal wave of water crashed down on top of them as the space they had materialised in was under water! 
They stumbled back further into the TARDIS as the water washed inside the control room. The Doctor lunged for the door, trying to push it shut as Liv and Helen sputtered and cursed, completely drenched.
“You couldn’t have arrived in the room that I’d already drained, could you?” 
A voice, robotic and somewhat familiar, sounded from outside and the gush of water subsided as the water line fell quickly.
“What the-” Liv shook herself like a dog, brushing her shoulder-length hair out of her face while the Doctor cast a questioning gaze towards his companions. It was Helen that took a tentative step forward while wringing out the bottom half of her cardigan and asked:
“Wasn’t that-”
“Doctor? Liv? Helen? It is you, isn’t it?” The robotic voice called again and this time, Liv recognised it too.
“No way…” She burst into a grin and all three of them stuck their heads outside.
Crabhead spread out the arms of his environmental suit in greeting as they slowly emerged from the blue box.
“Welcome!” He greeted them with enthusiasm, raising his pincers inside the domed head of the suit. 
“Oh my God, it’s really you,” Liv shook her head in disbelief while the Doctor raised his eyebrows and Helen looked around, trying to take everything in. They found themselves in a large, domed dwelling under water. It was made of polymer and glass with plenty of windows that allowed for a lovely view of the surrounding ocean. It wasn’t just an ocean though. There was a whole city, countless dwellings like the one they were in right now and there were crabs, like their host, most without environmental suits as they weren’t needed, going about their business. 
Crabhead himself seemed to have dressed for the occasion and anticipated their arrival. There were several rooms, the main one was dry and inviting whereas several smaller ones to the sides were filled with water, much like the one they were in now had presumably been. 
“Glad you could make it,” he gestured for them to come along. “Come in, come in.” Before they could ask any questions, he ushered them into the main living area that had been decorated to the nines complete with Christmas tree. 
“I think I’ve just entered some sort of fever dream or-” Helen mumbled to Liv as they followed. 
“More likely it’s Crabhead’s home world…” Liv whispered in response to which her friend could only nod.
“I’ll introduce you to my family later,” their host practically beamed and gave a wave towards one of the adjoining rooms where a small congregation of crabs appeared to be playing some sort of board game. 
“Your-” Helen wanted to ask but thought better of it, they had to roll with the punches.
“There is an awful lot to unpack here…” Liv hummed.
“Come on through!” Crabhead ushered them along.
“Doctor, he died. Crabhead died, we all saw-” the med-tech leaned over to the Doctor, hoping he could shed some light on what was going on. 
“I know he did, Liv, but that’s him alright…” the Time Lord answered and from within his coat pocket he gave Crabhead a quick scan with his screwdriver. 
“Alternate timeline? Parallel universe?” Liv carried on. 
“Whatever it is, it is a nice surprise…” Helen interjected as they came to a halt by a beautiful Christmas tree. 
“Crabhead?” The Doctor spoke up, given the fact that his scan had thrown up nothing.
“Yes?” Their host turned towards them.
“Why are we here? And how did you get here?” The Time Lord asked, skirting around the question of ‘you’re supposed to be dead, why are you alive?’. 
“We’re just a bit confused about what’s going on. Though pleasantly so,” Helen added with a kind smile. 
“You said this might happen,” Crabhead nodded knowingly. 
“We said what?” Liv frowned as she wasn’t following. 
“When you rescued me, you said I would have to tell you to do it. So I thought why not invite you to introduce you to my family who are very grateful for my return and Christmas seemed a good reason to. There are presents to say thank you as well,” he gestured towards several parcels under the tree. 
“Right… so this is the correct timeline? You survived?” Helen questioned tentatively. 
“Apparently so. You said not to give you the details, you would work it out yourself,” he shrugged in response. 
“Great. Love it when we say stuff like that…” The Doctor hummed, his brow creasing with concentration. He was already working out what could have happened. “So that’s why we’re here? You’re prompting us into staging your rescue?”
“And clearly you succeed so it really shouldn’t be much of a problem,” Crabhead gave a mechanical shrug alongside one with his pincers.
“I knew there was a catch to this,” Liv hummed and Helen broke into a grin:
“I think I was the one that said it could be both: an old friend and mortal danger.” She winked at her best friend and the med-tech rolled her eyes though was entirely unable to suppress a smile. 
“Lucky we didn’t put money down,” she gave back and the linguist smirked:
“I’m sure I can think of a prize you’ll owe me.”
“So, Doctor, what are we going to do?” Liv prompted while shaking her head at her best friend, bemused. 
“I suppose we need to go and save Crabhead,” the Time Lord answered after brief contemplation. 
“Great, and how do we do that?” Helen asked with Crabhead looking on in silence, seemingly unwilling to give them any more details. 
“I mean… we have a time machine…” the Doctor shrugged, exchanging glances with his companions. 
“There will be presents and Christmas dinner once you’re done,” Crabhead interjected with an incentive. 
“Then I suppose we best get to it,” the Time Lord clapped his hands together, gesturing for his friends to get back into the TARDIS and told their host: “We’ll be back before you know it!” 
“Okay… this is very easy, no?” The Doctor made his way to the console once they were back in the TARDIS. “We grab him before the Kandyman can kill him, drop him back with the family and come back for Christmas.”
“But he is the reason why we were able to get away. If he isn’t there to hold up the Kandyman, we might not make it,” Liv interjected more reasonably as they made their way over to join him. 
“Can we replace him somehow? At an earlier point?” Helen suggested.
“Just not too early so he won’t recognise us. He wouldn’t trust us to take him away…” the Doctor hummed in agreement.
“And what do we replace him with? Where can we get another Crabhead from? That’s real enough to fool the Kandyman?” Liv added and completative silence fell as they each wrecked their brains over a solution. There had to be one, otherwise they wouldn’t be attempting it, but coming up with it was harder than anticipated. 
“You know what, I think I have the beginnings of an idea!” The Doctor exclaimed at last and abandoned the controls in favour of sprinting towards the door once more. 
“Where are you going?” Liv asked, bewildered. 
“Just got to ask Crabhead something, hold on-” He gestured for them to wait and was out of the door in no time. Silence fell as the companions were left alone. 
“This is a nice surprise, isn’t it?” Helen smiled, leaning against the console. Out of all the things they had imagined might happen when they first followed the invitation, this was certainly the best outcome. Crabhead’s death was something that had always weighed heavily on all of them, following their departure from Rykerzon. 
“So long as we don’t get ourselves killed in the process, yes, for sure!” Liv agreed and cast her eyes over to her. She paused, her expression shifting towards something softer as she asked: “Are you okay?”
“Me? Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” Helen was quick to answered so her friend pressed on:
“It’s fine, Liv, I’m fine, I’m over it, really,” the linguist assured her and it was impossible to tell whether that was true or if she just believed it to be. 
“Right, okay…” the med-tech accepted her response, mulled it over for a moment, then gave back: “I don’t think I am. Over it, I mean… I’m sorry we kept you waiting for as long as we did,” she explained, dropping her gaze in shame. 
“You did your best and you found me,” Helen interjected softly, trying to reassure her but Liv was not so easily put off.
“After you spent months in that hell-hole with the Eleven and the Kandyman chasing you and-” Frustration became evident in her voice as she shook her head to herself, visibly disappointed with her own efforts at the time. Helen gave a small smile, touched by her words and intentions but she wouldn’t stand for her beating herself up over it. 
“Liv, it’s okay. I always knew you were coming,” she pointed out gently and moved closer so she could reach for her hand and draw her attention back to the here and now. There was no point in allowing in regrets.
“And would again,” Liv stated firmly as her hand grasped tight hold of Helen’s fingers, grateful for the gesture of support. “But that won’t happen. You’re staying right here and I’m not letting you go.” She squeezed her hand for emphasis. 
“I have no intention of going anywhere,” the linguist smiled, weaving their fingers together. There was a beat of silence as Helen wanted to say more but couldn’t and hoped she might understand anyway, while Liv’s heart jumped into her throat seeing opportunities opening up in front of her like worlds, each more fantastical than the next, if only she could be brave enough to grasp the moment. 
“Helen, I-” the med-tech started, gathering her courage and Helen held her breath, sending a silent prayer to the stars that her hopes and dreams for the future might finally be realised. 
“HA!” The Doctor exclaimed as he burst back inside the TARDIS interrupting the intimate moment and making his companions jump apart. “There we are!” He took no notice of what they had or hadn’t been doing. He was far more concerned with dragging along Crabhead. Or rather, as became obvious once the initial shock wore off, an empty environmental suit like Crabhead’s. 
“What the-” Liv just shook her head as the Doctor propped up the suit against the console.
“Is that Crabhead’s environmental suit?” Helen asked, hoping for an explanation.
“One of them, yes. A man needs to get changed every now and then and since this is his home...” the Doctor answered and started setting coordinates.
“You need a crab,” Liv pointed out dryly but the Time Lord appeared to be working on the problem already. 
“I think I can whip something up,” he answered and launched the TARDIS. “The Kandyman will never know the difference.”
Not just the Kandyman would never know the difference. By the time the Doctor was done and set up the clockwork crab inside the dome of the suit, the last of Liv’s doubts fell away. As strange as the thought was that the last conversation she had had with Crabhead before today had actually been with an automated duplicate, she was extremely pleased.  
“Okay, so we have a very small window of opportunity here,” the Doctor told his companions as they walked their make-shift Crabhead to the door. “You two grab the real Crabhead, I’ll steer the prop,” he carried on to explain. 
“Let’s do it!” Helen nodded confidently and with that, they stole out onto the corridor at Rykerzon prison, just as their past selves rounded a corner.
And then there was Crabhead, the real article, and he was thoroughly perplexed when Liv and Helen grabbed his arms and pulled him back, away from the rest of the group that were facing forward. 
“Liv?” He grunted, confused as his eyes shot back to where the rest of the group was carrying on. “Helen?”
“Crabhead, quickly, trust us,” Liv insisted and the Doctor didn’t waste a moment, he steered the replacement Crabhead forward by remote control who quickly caught up with the group. 
“But that’s-” the real Crabhead was dumbfounded. 
“We’ve come to save you, you’re walking to your death, come with us,” Helen gently tugged on his arm so he would follow.
“How are you-?” He was still not complying as the situation was clearly too much for him to grasp.
“One of your old suits, “ the Doctor supplied quickly, working the controls on a small handheld device with a screen on which he could see what was going on. “You said you didn’t need it anymore and that it was your least favourite.”
“Come one, inside the TARDIS,” Liv prompted and reluctantly Crabhead followed, casting the occasional glance back down the empty corridor, wondering what the rest of the group was getting up to and generally trying to work out what was going on. 
“Where are you taking me?” He asked once they stepped into the space and time ship. His reaction was not unlike that of anyone else that had ended the TARDIS: he was awestruck.
“Home of course,” the Doctor answered and finally turned off the screen of his device. The mission was accomplished, the Kandyman had killed Crabhead, or so he believed. It was time to move on and put things back on track. 
“You’ll just have to be sure you invite us in a bit, for a celebration or- whatever you like really, just so we can set off to save you,” Liv took it upon herself to explain in line with what Crabhead had previously told them while the Doctor launched them into the time vortex. 
“This is very confusing,” Crabhead retorted and Helen patted his arm: 
“It’ll all make sense eventually.”
“Right, time for plum pudding, everyone. It worked!” The Doctor announced as the TARDIS landed. “First we take you home at this point in time, then skip ahead for Christmas dinner!” He gestured towards the door.
“Whatever you say,” Crabhead was still not following but he decided to just go with it. He did, however, have one question: “What is this… Christmas?”
“I think we accidentally just brought Christmas to a world of crabs…” Helen mumbled to Liv who chuckled while the Doctor was at a loss for words, having realised his mistake. It seemed as though Crabhead would be doing his research accordingly and find out in due course. For the time being, he simply manoeuvred him to the door.
“We’ll see you soon.”
And that, they did.
“So you didn’t even know what Christmas was?” Helen questioned, once they were gathered in Crabhead’s dwelling once more. 
“I did some research in the data banks about human celebrations,” he explained pleasantly.
“I must say, you have done very well!” The Doctor complimented, examining the elaborate decorations that were draped around the dome. He really had gone to a lot of trouble. He couldn’t imagine tinsel was easy to come by or of much use on a water world.
“I think it’s time for presents,” Crabhead announced happily and went to retrieve the parcels from underneath the tree, handing them out. 
“You know, you really didn’t have to,” Helen pointed out but gave the box he handed her a curious shake. 
“I wanted to,” their host explained. “And I can sell the rest of the merchandise from the freighter I hijacked.” He gave a shrug.
“You didn’t!” Helen gaped and Liv shot him a look:
“What can I say? You can take the crab out of Rykerzon but you can’t take the- nevermind,” there was amusement in his automated voice, even if it was hard to discern a smile on a crab. He quickly changed the subject: “Open your presents!” 
“Ohhh a hat!” The Doctor exclaimed and pulled an impressive top hat from the box. Promptly and with genuine delight, he popped it on his head and turned to face his companions with a grin: “Now that is just delightful. What do you think? Is it me?” They simply gave him bemused looks as Crabhead explained:
“It was a delivery to a clothing store…”
Both Liv and Helen made quick work of the wrapping paper.
“Oh new PJs, lovely! Thank you,” Helen beamed as she pulled a cream coloured set from the box. Liv’s turned out to be much the same, only navy. 
“Same here.” She smiled happily and unfolded the top holding it alongside Helen’s. As it turned out, they were actually the same set, only different colours, with the word “Hers” embroidered across the front. 
“Look, they go together when you stand next to each other!” Crabhead observed excitedly as colour shot to Liv’s cheeks and Helen simply blinked, somewhat dumbfounded. “Finding a couple’s gift was a challenge.”
“Oh that’s- but we’re not-” Liv started up a weak protest, quickly bundling up the top. As much as she loved the idea of being Helen’s and her being hers in return, she felt she couldn’t simply ignore the vital fact that they were not actually a couple. 
“Huh?” Crabhead didn’t seem to be taking her meaning. 
“They’re lovely, thank you,” Helen interjected quickly and brought her hand to Liv’s arm, indicating for her to stay quiet. The med-tech did, if only because her touch caused a warm tingle that demanded her attention.  
“Great! Let’s eat!” The Doctor exclaimed excitedly and steered towards the dinner table. “I see plum pudding!” Crabhead followed. Liv would have as well, had it not been for Helen’s touch on her arm and her fingers curling around her, holding her back. 
“Liv…” the linguist said softly and Liv was quick to jump in: 
“Sorry about- I don’t think Crabhead meant anything by it. I mean, he’s a crab, what does he know about humans and-” she stuttered awkwardly, blushing as she did so and tried to avoid Helen’s eyes which became impossible when the linguist brought her hand to her cheek and made her look up. 
“Liv, please just-” She didn’t have the words to say what she wanted to but the suitable action suddenly appeared inevitable. She leaned down and pressed their lips together in a gentle, yet sound kiss. 
“Oh my-” Liv breathed when her best friend pulled back and studied her reaction with rosy cheeks and insecure eyes. “Is there a mistletoe or whatever that’s called that I didn’t see, or-” Quickly, the med-tech looked around but found none of the greenery, the significance of which she didn’t really understand anyway. Her eyes returned to Helen and the weak but hopeful smile that tugged at her lips. 
“No. That was because Crabhead is quite observant,” she explained softly and suddenly, the words came a lot easier than she had ever thought. Speaking the truth at long last, overcoming fears and past demons, was incredibly liberating: “I am very much in love with you…” She confessed, brushing her fingers along Liv’s cheek, hoping her friend wouldn’t pull away, hoping she had interpreted her actions and reactions just right. Surely, she hadn’t just kissed her back out of reflex, had she? Her own reflexes were barely quick enough to handle what happened next: Liv crashed her lips to hers, kissing her eagerly, like a parched traveller coming onto water at last. She pushed her hands into Helen’s hair and mumbled against her lips, again and again, between kisses that hoped to make up for lost time: “I love you, too, Helen. I love you so much. Merry Christmas.” 
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*a piece of paper falls from your bag.*
Uh is that yours?
*the paper appears to be a child’s comic of you and Siffrin wishing at a statue of the Change God. You are suddenly teleported somewhere and someone who keeps changing forms talks about how your their favorite person of all time and how they love the face you gave their statue. They suddenly make you vanish and tell Siffrin that they hate what they did because it goes against change but loves how it changes them. The final panel is scribbled out*
《 Haha! Wow! This looks like GARBAGE!!!~ 》
《 I'm crumpling it as we speak! Too bad, so sad, no more breaking the stage the actors play on! Bad bad bad, tsk tsk tsk! 》
《 Go write your OWN play, Crabhead!!! Stop messin' with OURS!!! 》
《 By the way, theres now X's all over thr crumbly wumply! X marks the looper! HahahaHAAAAA!!!~~~ 》
《 Maybe focus on the OTHERS for now, you won't get your way with me! 》
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bazyboo13 · 3 months
Big masterpost time!
50 follower Q&A
Smiling Critters: NEW FAMILY AU
Concept post
Part 1 chapter 1 segment 1
Part 1 chapter 1 segment 2
Part 1 chapter 1 segment 3
Part 1 chapter 1 segment 4
Part 1 chapter 1 segment 5
Part 1 chapter 1 segment 6
Part 1 chapter 1 segment 7
Part 1 chapter 1 segment 8
Part 1 chapter 1 interlude
Part 1 chapter 2 segment 1
Part 1 chapter 2 segment 2
Part 1 chapter 2 segment 3
Part 1 chapter 2 segment 4
Part 1 chapter 2 interlude
Part 1 chapter 3 segment 1
Part 1 chapter 3 segment 2
Part 1 chapter 3 segment 3
Part 1 chapter 3 interlude
-------------------------------Extra stuff-------------------------------
Cookie Run Kingdom: DREAMER AU
Concept post
Mock-up Assets
New cookie teaser
Mock-up assets: Dream Eater Cookie Edition! + some lore
Concept post
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Hoppy ref
Dogday ref
Kickin chicken ref
Catnap ref
Poppy Playtime: The Waxing Crescent's Journal Au
Concept post
Drafting help
Au reveal
Catnap draft sheet
Catnap's gift
Timeline help
Smiling Critters: The Dessert Deities
Concept post
Deity #1
What are the deity paintings
Deity #2
Deity #3
Deity #4
Cary Crabhead
Crack au idea #1
Lovely Lantern
We aren't too different, you and I
Guide Moth
Cardinal Bomb
Fluffy Felix
"̷̫̯̳̤̺͚̭̥͂͊́̽̚F̸͓̌͒̿͗E̶̡͕̙̲̦̦̰͋́̆̔̈́̈́̆̇̍͠L̵̘̪̥͔̟̜̽̀̌̓͜͠Ī̵͈̎̈͂X̴̫̙̂͋̾̊̍͊ͅ,̴̢̤̯̫͎̱̰̓̋̃̅̈̓̚͠͝ ̸̝͍͔͋̾̈̚͝C̶̛͎̖̲͙̫̮̃͊̔͜͠Ọ̷̺͇̯̈́̊͘M̸͍̖̩̺̼̳͚͓̒̿͐̉̓̈́̀̎͋Ȩ̸̡͉̪̻͇̟̲̞̯͝ ̴̣̆̓͂̈̔̀̕̚Ò̸̩̼̹͇̖̹̫̾̽̎̓̀͋͘͜N̵̛̹̰̙̟̥̻̳̊̒̐͝!̸̡̼̙̭̣̞̙͔̖͛̈̍ ̶̡̧̨̰̝͖͇̣̥̏̽̈́͊̾̆͆̀I̴̡̫̼̗̩͉̙͚͚̽͒̔̓̊̏͘͝ ̷͈͎̘̣̲̝͓̙̤͋̾J̸̞͙͕̤̭̰̦̼̄̅̀̆͆̍̏͆͜͝U̶̹̳̪͝Ŝ̷̨̛̳̊́́T̸̪̥̤̺͕̪̲̿͑̽͑̆̎͛͆͘͠ ̵̝͛̽̍W̴̧̛͑͆A̵̡̖̺̳̹̻̽N̵̩̠̞͐Ṯ̸̨̱̺̰̙̖̻̗̗̒̀̇ ̴̻̖̹͔̑̈́A̵̛̰̺̳̽̓ ̷̫͈̘̼̻̱͚͓̈́̈́̓̈́̾̿̌H̷̨̛̤̤̹̼̥̝̜̓͊̈̇̽̀̒̽́Ư̷̖͋̀́͒̾͝G̷̻̖̍̇̀̈́͌͛̌̓͠"̵̧̟͚̤͚̬̤̹̜̟͊̏̇̈́͛̏̐͘
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Crabhead by Johnson Ting
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ossyflawol · 2 years
Did you know that the cake signage appears in Portal 2? It's when the crabhead Wheatley decided to get off the rail.
(i tried to answer this atleast twice but it crashed the text editor twice, third time's the charm!)
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Yup, fully aware of it. Though, a more interesting question is - why is it here? Valve, going into Portal 2's development, wanted to avoid every possible reference they could to the cake from Portal 1, as the internet practically ran wild with the whole "The Cake Is A Lie" thing and it'd be seen as them trying to cash in on a dead meme.
So let's answer that, why is the cake signage here, and only here?
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So, back in Portal 1, every single Test Chamber sign was actually it's very own, unique model. The sign present in Portal 2 specifically is "models/props_animsigns/signage_num08.mdl", and it's the sign used in Test Chamber 8 from Portal 1.
(Sidenote, I don't believe that the dilapidated Test Chamber in Portal 2 labelled as "08" is the same Test Chamber 8 from Portal 1, it's just a different Test Track, the fact it's on the same level as Portal 1's Test Chamber 7 says enough.)
Let's take a quick look at Portal 1's Test Chamber signs on the more internal level. Valve did the 'activation' of the signs by having various texture skins that the model would progress through, controlled by internal map logic.
As depicted below, it starts at Skin 1 (the second leftmost skin), and progresses all the way until Skin 6, which is the "fully activated" Chamber Sign.
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The main thing is that these signs are entirely premade, if you want to change the icons on these, you have to recompile the model to switch it over.
This was easier to do back in Portal 1, the game was smaller, only had 19 Test Chambers, and this design was established quite early in development, of course, after some iterations of earlier designs, but that's besides the point.
This would, however, become problematic if, say, a game had up to ~110+ unique Test Chambers...
Oh wait.
When making Portal 2, Valve was almost certainly not going to try and make a hundred unique signs for each and every Test Chamber, especially when they were shifting around the level order constantly to try figure out the difficulty curve of the puzzles.
So, now with the whole company working on Portal 2, rather than the small team that was Portal 1, they came up with an ingenious solution:
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Just one, universal sign.
So, rather than making a hundred unique models, Valve instead projects a GUI onto the screen that mimicked the visual style of the Chamber signs from Portal 1, and the best part? It is completely modular.
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Instead of a hundred bajillion models, Valve simply had the GUI read from two text files.
"lightboard_startup_sequences.txt" defines the unique style of 'activation flicker' of the signs, but the real meat and potatoes is in "sp_lightboard_icons.txt".
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And so, rather than a million models, Valve controls it all through simple text! They can tell the UI to display every possible detail, such as what Test Chamber number the player is on, how many Test Chambers there are in the sequence, etc.
Though, most important is the icons.
At the beginning of the text file, every possible icon the signs can display is listed:
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Notice anything missing?
There's no cake icon.
So, what's going on in this Portal 2 map, the one with Chamber 8's sign?
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Simply put? It's just the very same Chamber sign model all the way back from Portal 1, stuck on the third activation skin of the set, which happens to display the cake icon as part of the model.
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This is actually due to to a limitation of how the modular chamber sign system works in Portal 2, it can only support one unique sign per map, which is a downside compared to Portal 1's 'every Test Chamber sign is it's own model' system. Both have their flaws and benefits, but Portal 2's is easily has more pros can cons.
So in order to combat this problem of being unable to have two unique chamber signs in one map, Valve just plonked in Chamber 8's sign into the other chamber, and called it a day.
I just thought that was interesting.
If you're wondering, the Cooperative Campaign of Portal 2 has it's own lightboard_icons.txt, it's just located in the 'coop' folder for scripts.
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deadinsideart · 4 months
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"Help. I think. Theres a man on the loose."
Genuinely got no idea what was happening I was scrolling through TikTok in my dream and it froze on this, with that sound of a.. I think half-life crabhead zombie with the high pitch notes? It immediately went to other insane shit right after so I had no more lore on it lmao
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doublegoblin · 6 months
Happy STS! Ah, spring. How are your characters faring? Who's dressing for the warm weather and loving it? Who has allergies? Who refuses to take off their jacket no matter how hot they get? Who picks flowers they probably shouldn't?
While my world doesn't have seasons like this, I think it would be fun to explore the idea.
Dressing for warmer and loving it- Crabhead James, while he is often in his tattered fishermans attire, in the warmer weather he'd pair that down to a pair of stained overalls and a very grimy white shirt...don't ask where the stains came from.
Allergies - Peter, little guy has horrible hay fever.
Refuses to take off jacket - Alex, didn't even have to think that much lol. They have a routine and they had JUST gotten used to wearing it everyday and NOW they are suppose to change? Unthinkable.
Pick flowers they shouldn't - Oracle. Somehow they find a way to fit it into his incense, nobody really knows how she does it.
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thecrabtain · 2 years
you write these very descriptive words like a madman. It concerns me
Exactly! What better way to be or not to be? Because like- get this. If jumping jacks take turns while jumping, how is a water fountain like a solid desk? In short: my dear anon, i am not a madman i am simply a normal being with a crackheaded personality. Or should I say,,, crabheaded?
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 blockade – Blockade province. debug allmoney – Shows info for money transfers. List of Commands ; HoD, addresearch(addr) [techname], Adds research at specified name. ; HoD, leaderprestige(lprestige) [province] [value], Adds prestige to. Victoria 2 Cheats · money Command · cash Command · prestige Command · leadership Command · goods Command · plurality Command · revolt Command · instantconstruction. Codes · cash - Money · prestige - Prestige · yesmen - AI will respond favorably · instantconstruction - One day completion for buildings · goods XXX. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Victoria II Store Page. It is only visible to you. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact Steam Support. This item is incompatible with Victoria II. Please see the instructions page for reasons why this item might not work within Victoria II. Current visibility: Hidden. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Current visibility: Friends-only. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. A [mostly] complete list of console commands and events for Vicky 2, cheat your infamy, militancy, change your upper house or commit genocide, do whatever with this. This item has been added to your Favorites. Created by. NoseFaceButt Offline. Languages: English. Guide Index. Console Command List. Event List. How to Make a Custom Event. Common Issues. I do not maintain this guide anymore. Doesn't affect the AI. Try positive and negative values. In case of a land unit, the soldiers will come from a random province. The [TAG] part must be in caps, and more than 1 change "sleeps" the AI of the affected country until reload. To enact an event simply type one of these in the command window: Government Type Events. I've added a decision to my files that will double all the pops in your nation. I don't even Having issues with genocide events? Make sure you have the HPM mod. Originally posted by Jalku :. This is without mods. CrabHead 12 Sep, am. Atlas 4 Sep, pm. If you need reactionary use 'event ' it does not add anarcho-liberals that is a mistake. Attempt 17 Jul, pm. For some people like myself the command "money" may not work in this case use the word "cash". LaunchedComic31 12 Jul, am. Can I get some help? I put the code in a text file in the events folder for the lower infamy custom event. However, when typing event in the console it says that there is no event id found. Is there any way to fix it? DoS 20 Jun, pm. BraveYucks 13 Jun, am. How do you screenshot the map like how you do in HOI4? Dragon Slayer 28 May, pm. Makoret 28 May, am. Share to your Steam activity feed. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Sign In Create an Account Cancel. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames. View mobile website.
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meluisart · 9 months
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Merry Christmas to my secret santa giftee @warandpussy <3 someone halt the crab, he's stealing!
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m3m3shadow · 1 year
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When you're admiring the boyf but the boyf is more concerned about his pet gremlin that is threatening people with a butter knife of all things.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 blockade – Blockade province. debug allmoney – Shows info for money transfers. List of Commands ; HoD, addresearch(addr) [techname], Adds research at specified name. ; HoD, leaderprestige(lprestige) [province] [value], Adds prestige to. Victoria 2 Cheats · money Command · cash Command · prestige Command · leadership Command · goods Command · plurality Command · revolt Command · instantconstruction. Codes · cash - Money · prestige - Prestige · yesmen - AI will respond favorably · instantconstruction - One day completion for buildings · goods XXX. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Victoria II Store Page. It is only visible to you. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact Steam Support. This item is incompatible with Victoria II. Please see the instructions page for reasons why this item might not work within Victoria II. Current visibility: Hidden. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Current visibility: Friends-only. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. A [mostly] complete list of console commands and events for Vicky 2, cheat your infamy, militancy, change your upper house or commit genocide, do whatever with this. This item has been added to your Favorites. Created by. NoseFaceButt Offline. Languages: English. Guide Index. Console Command List. Event List. How to Make a Custom Event. Common Issues. I do not maintain this guide anymore. Doesn't affect the AI. Try positive and negative values. In case of a land unit, the soldiers will come from a random province. The [TAG] part must be in caps, and more than 1 change "sleeps" the AI of the affected country until reload. To enact an event simply type one of these in the command window: Government Type Events. I've added a decision to my files that will double all the pops in your nation. I don't even Having issues with genocide events? Make sure you have the HPM mod. Originally posted by Jalku :. This is without mods. CrabHead 12 Sep, am. Atlas 4 Sep, pm. If you need reactionary use 'event ' it does not add anarcho-liberals that is a mistake. Attempt 17 Jul, pm. For some people like myself the command "money" may not work in this case use the word "cash". LaunchedComic31 12 Jul, am. Can I get some help? I put the code in a text file in the events folder for the lower infamy custom event. However, when typing event in the console it says that there is no event id found. Is there any way to fix it? DoS 20 Jun, pm. BraveYucks 13 Jun, am. How do you screenshot the map like how you do in HOI4? Dragon Slayer 28 May, pm. Makoret 28 May, am. Share to your Steam activity feed. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Sign In Create an Account Cancel. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames. View mobile website.
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warandpussy · 2 years
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@meluisart pspsps
insp by this post
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puffins-studio · 2 years
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Crabhead 🦀
Bit inspired but johannesviii’s design as I still remember when I first randomly saw their Crabhead art on tumblr and I was just like ‘oh he seems cool/ he would be cool to make.’ Then I get to know Carbhead in the audios and after I just made a crab for another project, I knew it was time. And I thought it be really cute to make him small so he could sit on my shelf easier.
[ID: the picture is a little felt doll. They are supposed to be Crabhead from the doctor who audios. The doll is a little felt red crab sitting on a little felt gray cylinder that is the main part of his body and then for his arms and legs they are scrunch up light grey felt tubes. He have little controls in between his claws and a piece of white felt to simulate a glass dome picture 1 is a front veiw picture 2 is a move of a side view:ID]
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