snawbeanart · 5 months
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what did i do?
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federthenotsogreat · 2 years
Fawful Month day 13: 🗜️Fawfulization
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Nothing to see here
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marioalmanac · 2 years
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Crawful (M&L: Bowser's Inside Story)
An enemy who only attacks by tripping... to me, that just fits a silly Fawful-ized creature so well.
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arealtrashact · 1 year
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You look lost...
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bigcatbulges · 10 months
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Source - zhangkuu
(Artist's FurAffinity Itaku Twitch Bluesky Discord and Commsion Info)
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Just some lonely man and his crows
I just recently found out that Jon actually has two crows named "Craw" and "Nightmare" (Kudos to Mistress of Fear for the info!), so as the Crow and Raven lover that I am, I had to sketch Jonathan and his birbs.
I did try to use the cell shading, which I have improved, but certainly it shows it is still out of my comfort zone hahaha.
I did base of his design of some of the comic looks and Maxwell as I kinda did shoot myself in the foot by not drawing my version of Jonathan first, but oh well XD. Likewise, I did want to keep him Ginger as outside The Dark Knight (aka my intro to Jonathan) is the iconic Batman the Animated series. I prefer his S2 design, but i enjoyed his episodes but I wished he was on more.
Anyway, here's the drawing without effects
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And the bare colors!
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I did originally thought about drawing him in a funny incorrect quote I found, but it might go into another day, although I finally got the idea for Jonathan x my OC (Elizabeth) drawing too. I can't 100% guarantee I'll get this done as I am a very busy buzz person (who does get hit with depresso mood swings, but I'll do my best)
Aaah yeepers, i forgot to link the post hahaha its this ONE
Once again, kudos to @jonathan-cranes-mistress-of-fear for the post and the many info about Jon! Please check Moffy's blog out and give lots of love, and fear toxin! Haha
Thank you so much for liking and reblogging my stuff, it brings a huge smile to my face and helps me a lot!
As you can tell, I am very chatty on my posts, but I am a quiet ball when it comes to dms, although they're always free XD.
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Anybody seen a crawfish that looks like this?? I live in southern Missouri and I’ve never seen one this color or even close to being orange.
Why is this?? I’m stumped.
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stickthisbig · 10 months
I finally figured out how to articulate what's wrong with a post that kept going around in re James Somerton's appearance:
It is correct and good that you should criticize his stupid turtleneck.
Not every criticism of someone's image is morally wrong. If I said "he wears that turtleneck because he has no chin", that's wrong. It feeds into the idea that physical beauty is moral righteousness. Hell, it might be ableist, you don't know.
If I said "he wears that turtleneck in a feeble attempt to reference 20th century intellectualism and creative pursuits"
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James Somerton was not fucking assigned turtleneck at birth! You should criticize how he deploys his physical appearance to convince you he knows what he's saying! People choose their clothes for reasons, and suggesting personal expression is out of bounds is preposterous. He is wearing that turtleneck at you and ready to call you a homophobe if you suggest he's strategized his appearance. Don't give in.
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lectorel · 11 months
Fic Vague Blogging
Really don't like the interpretation that Anakin coerced and controlled Padme in their relationship.
Anakin had a lot of fucking issues, so many fucking issues, but. Padme was not a saintly victim at the mercy of her abusive partner Anakin. He was not the aggressive scary dude she felt she couldn't say no to. He wasn't fucking watching her thoughts like psychic big brother.
Those two were team trauma4trauma, and Padme was in love with him and honestly, deeply into his weird.
Unfortunately, Padme was also absolutely team 'he's redeemable' even after the temple massacre and the whole overthrowing the republic thing. She's not the character I would go to for a statement of how he was a monster who didn't actually care about what his loved ones wanted.
There's this unfortunate trend in fanfiction, where woman who make sketchy moral choices and opinions get written as either not actually believing the things they do in canon, being justified in their behavior, or otherwise being more morally upright than they actually are.
Padme was a simp for Anakin and was willing to forgive things that weren't hers to forgive. She made no meaningful efforts to save Shmi, the woman who sheltered her and whose son saved her planet, despite having an entire government's worth of resources with which she could do so. She continued to work inside a failing system even as it became more and more apparent it was hopelessly corrupt.
She was not a voice of moral clarity and shining righteousness who was dragged down by Anakin's darkness. She was a kind, generous woman who was a little too comfortable with the status quo and her own privilege, and never really stepped outside her own perspective.
She's a fantastic character and I love her. Quit making her a bland cookie cutter moral paragon.
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snawbeanart · 10 months
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goofball army
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I present...
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tiny jon and craw
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exsqueezememacaroni · 4 months
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ah, my beloved disneyland shirt pics
Mike Patton with Fantômas at La Printemps De Bourges 2006
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taylortruther · 7 months
also, i'll feel bad for making incorrect snap judgments. but i'm rarely going to feel bad about reserving judgment and taking time to examine a situation. especially over something like "is celebrity's long-term boyfriend who she says is honorable and loving bad?" like idk she could reveal joe is a serial killer on april 19 and i'm not gonna blame myself for not jumping to that conclusion like come onnnnn
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graywey · 7 months
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Onceler table craw😳🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
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Limao quedo bien feo mi dibujo pero bueno,,,,,
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syltaxerror · 8 months
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Rogermon: a case study
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ode-to-fury · 7 months
Joe Abercrombie i love you. i love when you make me like a character and think they deserve a good ending and then two pages from the end of the book you go nope. this guy’s a moron and an asshole actually but somehow that only makes me like them more. i love when you show me an unapologetic dickhead and make me like him so so much and give him a better ending than the guy i thought was the good guy. and i agree. i love when you say we’re all the heroes of our own stories and people don’t want to take the blame for their mistakes and dreams are a lot better in our heads and sometimes life sucks but mostly its just cause people suck. i love that the only smart character you’ve written is a seventeen year old boy who just wants his mom. i love when you take a guy who wants to be good and just. make him kill and maim and bite because he doesnt know any better. Joe Abercrombie i love you.
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