#crazy man we don’t rlly do stuff like this
motheyes · 2 years
we got her at a farmers market :3
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
I have a problem Cas… I think im in love. 
Okay so, there’s this girl. We’ve been best friends like 5 years. I mean i’ve always- okay I don’t know how to explain this. 
I’m basically a fan-fiction come to fucking life. 
So i’m Demisexual, and last year I decided to come out to my family. I don’t know if other Demi ppl have preferences of gender, but I don’t. Honestly labels confuse me. I’m not sure if technically i’m Biromantic and Demisexual but hey, the point is- and what I explained to my family- that i’d be open to dating anyone. 
Basically i was telling them I wasn’t straight. (Obviously Demisexual is also about sexual activities and people and stuff but I wasn’t gonna try and explain to my parents that I don’t really get attracted to random ppl- cause they don’t get it- and I didn’t want to accidentally start talking abt sex). 
So anyway, they were not happy. Have you watched Brooklyn Nine-Nine? There’s this clip where the character Rosa comes out as Bi and her parents are like “That’s okay, since you can still date a man and marry a man and be normal” and they were like that for me (i’m a girl in case that wasn’t obvious- so they wanted me to date a man).
And I didn’t really care to be honest. I had an equal level of straight friends to queer friends, I felt suitably in both worlds. I truly love my family. They’ve always been good to me. But they did imply if I did end up with a girl, they wouldn’t want to meet/know her.
Not to mention the religious trauma. I spent a shit ton of time listening to ppl tell me that same-sex marriage and relationships are a “sin”. Hell- there was this one rlly lovely women at church when I was like 9, but she got kicked out when they congregation found out she was a lesbian. (Okay- not kicked out but like bullied into leaving).
So it was fine for me to accept that I could potentially date a women since i’ve never felt immediate attraction to anyone, it never felt totally real. 
BUT NOW I HAVE A PROBLEM. So my best friend (who is also a girl) of 5 years. She’s amazing. She’s literally the funniest person i’ve ever met, she’s so generous and has helped me so much, and she’s just adorable. She’s like fucking sunshine. And ngl, I don’t often like people who are so cheery all the time because it feels fake and I like people around me to be honest. 
But she just, she has this way of finding the beauty in the stupidest things and it’s so cute. We got splashed by a car the other day, drenched both our outfits, and instead of being mad, she got all excited and had us do a photoshoot in our crazy soaked clothes, and then got all excited that we could cuddle under a duvet and watch a movie with snacks once we got home cause apparently that’s the only acceptable thing people can do after being covered in water (which is exactly what we did).
And she’s not unreasonably happy, you know? Like when people try to cheer people up at bad times and make everyone more sad, she’s not like that. Whenever i’m upset, or mad, she’ll doodle these cute little flowers on coloured paper and write things she loves about the world on the back of them, and once i’m done ranting abt how annoying the world is, she’ll give it to me and smile. She has the best smile.
I have this jar, I write the date on them and put the paper in the jar. 
We’ve been best friends five years, she started doing that like four years ago and i’ve had the jar pretty much from the start. 
It’s always been easy to be around her. We sort of knew each other for like a year, and then I blinked, and we were best friends. I read all the books she gives me even though the plot is super cheesy cause she loves talking about them, I learnt how to bake all her favourite snacks her mum made, cause she’s pretty far from home and honestly a tragic baker. And she cooks dinner (don’t ask how she can’t bake to save her life but is the most incredible cook, it’s unbelievably ridiculous) for us a lot, she learnt to make my fav food. 
We technically live together, we’re at the final year of uni (maybe not tho depending on our next courses, I dunno) so we’ve been living together this year, but before that, I basically spent most of my time around her place anyway.
So yeah, we’re friends. But I realised a few months ago that i’m pretty, definitely, in love with her. I think i’ve felt like this for about a year and it just hadn’t quite clicked yet. 
(I had this awful day and came back to our place to see her genuinely painting our wall a different colour of white. She paints as a hobby and accidentally splatter a ton of blue paint on the wall and freaked out and tried buying white paint to cover it when it wouldn’t wash of and she was sat on the floor with white paint all over her and the wall still blue. 
She told me the story and I burst out laughing. I explained you often need white primer first, to cover the blue, and then to buy the correct shade of white, since ours was sort of chill white and she’d bought bright white. 
It’s the type of thing that would’ve annoyed me so much at the end of such a tough day, but because it was her, I just found it adorable. That’s when it clicked, I love her. She noticed I was tired immediately and felt bad cause she realised i’d had a bad day. I said this cheered me up, cause it did. Then we made dinner together and spent the night reading on the sofa with music on. 
We went to the shop the next day to get the correct stuff and luckily our wall is back to looking almost exactly the same). 
So yeah, I love her. Plus like, being demi, I don’t usually find ppl attractive… I mean i’ve always known she’s aesthetically pleasing, she has good fashion sense and stuff, but like, I tend to view all people as the same sort of level of attractive. BUT NOW ITS LIKE- SHES FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. It’s kind of annoyingly actually. How is everyone not spending all day gazing at her eyes. They’re fucking caramel, like a book character. She says they’re brown but she’s wrong. In dull lighting they seem brown but they’re like dark orange (amber i guess) with little hues of green, but in the sun they’re really bright and caramel and warm. 
She’s a lesbian btw. So theoretically I’ve got a shot. Also, i’ve always been good at reading people and I know she’s had like a small crush on me at least twice in our friendship. You can tell sometimes. 
But recently, it’s been a wreck. I’m so distracted cause i’m in love with her I can’t think, and my friends keep telling me she loves me back but I can’t keep my head on straight long enough to try and tell. 
But. If I do get my head out of my ass and tell her and she does end up wanting to date me, what the fuck am I supposed to do then. Cause if it does work out, i’m pretty sure it’ll last. 
My parents never totally liked her (they probably saw this coming- but I think in the homophobic, all queer ppl date each other, way and not the, they’re meant to be together, way) and if ended up having to tell them i’m actually dating a women, they’d be pissed. 
I always thought i’d end up with man, since it’s easier. No religious guilt about that. But I can put aside my own brains stupidity for her. But I can’t change my parents. But aside from this, they’re literally amazing. But I also know them and I truly don’t think they’ll change.
All my friends having been saying me and her should’ve been dating this entire time. I don’t know, I like to think now would be kinda perfect. I always knew she was gonna be in my life forever, I guess I just got so used to imagining myself with a man I forgot she was an option? That I could be with her romantically forever. You know, assuming she wants to date me.
(We’ll see about that. I’m really not sure. But i’m totally shit at keeping my own secrets so i’m planning to tell her soon if not just for the sake of my own sanity. All my friends say she’ll reciprocate, if she doesn’t, then I guess i’ll go from there, she’s not the type to be weird or bothered that we live together despite it. And if she does… then I have to decide what to do next. My other best friend is literally always right when it comes to our friends dating lives, and she has faith we’ll end up together, so we’ll see I guess) 
But if she does. If she does I’ll have to get into it with my family. I don’t want to lie to them. And I know I shouldn’t judge, but I honestly don’t think they’ll change their minds. I think they’ll say I can come visit whenever, but not bringing my partner. And I won’t want that. And we’ll all argue.  
I never liked knowing my parents didn’t accept this side of me, but I guess I never considered it would be an actual problem i’d have to deal with someday. 
I spend a lot of my time trying to figure myself out. I haven’t had the easiest path in life. But with her, it’s so easy. It’s easier to understand what I like, it’s easier to talk about things, and I fully trust her not to be weird. Or leave. Or get mad for nothing. I don’t have to walk on eggshells around her. I trust her. We don’t argue much. We have, what she calls, three different type of arguments. 
One, “bad mood argues��. She finds it so hilarious that it rhymes. You have to say it with the syllables. Bad-Mood Ar-Gues. We have these cookies in the freezer that we make every month. If one of us is having a bad day, we cook a few cookies to eat and I bought this dumb fridge magnet of a cookie to put on the fridge to signify it’s a cookie worthy bad day. 
Another one is “justifiable anger”. That doesn’t happen much. When we first met, she had this tendency to not tell me when I did something that upset her, and it’d spiral, and i’d be mad she wasn’t talking about why she was mad. So we have a rule to always talk about problems, even the little things. For example, her yelling into the phone to her family for hours while i’m trying to study- she has planned days now, so I can go to the library or she can go out if necessary, or keep the convo below 45 min, her mums like half deaf so she does have to shout, but it’s also VERY loud. Basically we comprise. And make sure no anger builds up.
The third type of argument is, what our friends call, “married idiots”. As in, she shouldn’t use the siri talk thingy while driving cause it never understands what she’s trying to say and so I get jumbled texts that mean nothing and then she thinks she’s told me something she hasn’t told me. She’s nearly understanding that one 🤦‍♀️ And you know, the classic colour of something argument (it’s purple- she’s wrong).  
Anyway. I forgot my point. Oh yeah, everything’s easier with her. I feel comfortable. If i’m being totally honest… i’m pretty sure if I ask her out, she’ll say yes. Like 80% sure. Im just scared to fuck this up, and cause family problems. Cause yeah, she’s worth the drama, but also, it’s her that’ll be being insulted right? She very likely won’t be allowed in my house. I don’t want this to ruin what we already have. 
So yeah. That. I could really do with some advice ❤️
Hi <3
If you do not ask this girl out, I will physically pass away.
Like...I'm not usually so pushy with asks, but you're describing a relationship, hon. This is a relationship. I'm not sure if you follow me because of the Marauders, but you two are literally Wolfstar, And I'm shipping the two of you so hard right now.
If, for some insane reason, she turns you down, it's because she doesn't realize she's in love with you, too.
As far as your family...again, I'm going to be more blunt that usual. You're going to have to face their lack of acceptance for you at some point. It's absolutely shit that they don't accept you, but like...don't let that stop you from being with this girl. Because even if you put off their feelings now, you'll have to deal with it someday, and then you might miss out on an amazing girl.
Please update me. I need updates. I am so invested. I am DYING for updates.
God, I'm rereading all the things you wrote and I'm kicking and giggling. You two are ridiculously adorable. Please kiss her already (with consent).
I'm naming you purple anon. Please write back.
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zennerverse · 1 year
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first off NEW FEIND absolutely adore the design. What devil tho?? the brain is giving cosmo devil and the fact they talk abt education could be like knowledge, but we dont have much to go off of since we haven't seen any reincarnated fiends yet!! Not sure how different they are from the last. I think it would be an interesting dynamic if this was cosmo and how quanxi deals with it, maybe parralled to denji when the blood devil comes back?
another idea could be a concept that has to do with education? Teacher? I think discipline devil would be rlly cool cuz hammer and nails are tools that typically fix things. Plus it ties into the school stuff and this characters dialog so far. (Also I kinda want it to be a new character cuz that’s fun)
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I just wanted to note this panel 💀 DONT PLAY WITH ME FUJIMOTO. put the damn guns down 😐 I don’t mess with gun devil bs
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Also stop bringing back the Justice devil it’s not cute or funny 😢 there’s gotta be some reason for this
katana man being back is badddd news for dennis cuz that means yet another op 😞
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thedvilsinthedetails · 10 months
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hey im still figuring out what i wanna be called but for now u can call me Jamie if u want I’m genderfluid as fuck [they/she/he or whatever idegafatp]
some typa aroace spectrum probs grayace & demiromantic also omniromantic - in general I have nothing figured out
so a simp w like a slight preference for men ig but kinda ace most of the time but sometimes very not
neurospicy bitch
writing request status: OPEN FOR MICROFICS RN
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I’m a rosekiller loverrr but also a multi shipper so u never know what ur gonna see ig [but probably Rosekiller, Wolfstar, Dorlene, Starchaser maybe some sunkiller if I’m in the mood etc] for the record just bc I don’t ship smth doesn’t mean I support hating it even as a joke [translation: prongsfoot is chill leave them be]
if u don’t like smth, just ignore it, if u send me hate I’ll reply w shitty jokes probs
my dream job is to be an actor [screen actor specifically]
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Media I like:
Fav TV stuff: Challengers, Gravity Falls, Cruella, 10 things I hate about you, into the spiderverse
Fav author is @neil-gaiman also that man is my idol so I’ll probs reblog him a shit ton [do u think he’ll like…mind that I tagged him? Sorry if this bothered u Neil!!!] Music [uhhh changes all the time tbh but for rn]: The Neighbourhood, Olivia Rodrigo, Conan Gray [Kid Krow phase rn], Chappell Roan, Renée Rapp, Green day, Ricky Montgomery, NOAHFINNCE, MARINA and Hozier
Spider-Man. Fucking love Spider-Man.
One thing to note about me tho: obvi I love recommendations but I find starting literally any new forms of media really fucking daunting for no reason [this is everything: songs, movies, books etc]
e.g. I fucking love spider verse but I still haven’t watched movie 2, same w latest season of young royals, same with even like ONE song alone I find it rlly hard and really scary
so if u give me recommendations and I don’t get back to u about them for ages it’s not bc I forgot or i was ignoring u but bc I find it scary so pls be patient :)
also same w please don’t like assume I’m knowledgeable about like any of the music artists I named earlier bc tbh I don’t rlly listen to artists I listen to songs [im still a fan of a lot of music artists ofc but the artists I listen to ≠ the artists I’m a fan of]
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HI! welcome to my crazy blog, I love making friends im not at all scary I promise :D
Btw my inbox is ALWAYS open for spam, ship ramblings [even if it’s not smth I ship], info dropping about ur hyperfixations, venting, questions etc. [the only thing is no illegal ships bc it will be ignored] also sorry pre warning im shit with the inbox chains [‘send this to ten people who…’] so often I won’t answer those sorry, anything else I will make sure to answer but the chains I sometimes just forget about sorryyy
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Barty Crouch Jr & James Potter kinnie
got a FAT crush on Evan Rosier [he’s the loml he just doesn’t know it yet] and also a crush on Dorcas Meadowes
I write sometimes:
I fell for you like glitter on stage - rosekiller band au, this was a microfic series on tumblr that I posted on ao3 for convenience [words: 4548] [this is my fav thing I’ve ever written lol]
we are all just prisoners here of our own device - Jegulus, a oneshot on ao3 based on the song ‘hotel California’ by the eagles. [Words: 6162]
Oh where do we begin? The rubble or our sins? - ON HIATUS. Roman Empire Jegulus au with side Rosekiller, Wolfstar and Pandalily on ao3 [words: 6141] [currently I don’t want to write Jegulus - the hyperfixation hath faded]
also I’m in a marauders RP as Barty and u shld follow it bc we’re all super cool and funny and amazing and awesome and yeah @bartythebabygorljr
tags you’ll see on my page:
me and my old black biro > writing tag
Im in love with that Rosier boy > [this is a new one] me having a massive crush on Evan Rosier
the most boring soap opera > my life tag
I have an online diary called @miseryoforpheus if ur fascinated by my charming and irresistible personality
[The song at the bottom of my intro post changes all the time depending on how I’m feeling]
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glossyfairytears · 1 year
Fairy god mother T_T I'm starting college and am nervous. May I request a yandere guy to take me away from this?? I am just nervous to move and start school,,,,,,asdfghjkl if not thats alright. I just rlly like your writing
Male OC x GN Reader
A/N: LMFAO no I get it.
Warnings: Pet names: love, sweet one, insinuation of dubious activity, drugging, kidnapping, a little choking
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You are startled awake by a noise in your room. Upon opening your eyes you find a man looking down at you.
“Good morning, love. Sorry I woke you up.”
Wh-who are you?! You gasp.
“Calm down, love” he sits on the edge of your bed, “you can’t be too loud, we can’t have any witnesses can we? And to answer your question my name is kobi. You can call me that…or you can call me Lover, Boyfriend, Partner, Honey. Whatever you prefer.”
You want to scream, you really do but his threat keeps you silent, staring at him, almost frozen.
“I’ve been watching you for a while, love and I think we could be very happy together.” Kobi smiles, a faraway look clouding his eyes.
“Wh-What?” You said finding your voice. “You broke into my room. I don’t even know you.”
He huffs, seeming miffed and you’re pretty sure you see him roll his eyes.
“Love, if you’re going to nitpick, thats the most basic thing I have done here. And besides, you’ll have plenty of time to get to know me.”
Your eyes widen and you pull away from him into the wall as far as you can. “What do you mean the most basic thing?”
It seems to dawn on him what that may have implied and he gasps. “Oh, no, Love. Nothing creepy like that. I could never…” he trails off, a soft smile quirking his lips upwards. “Besides I’d rather you be awake for that. No, Love, I’ve come here most nights for a while and made sure you are safe in your sleep. I’ve done my best to make sure that you are taken care of. Don’t you think it’s only fair I get the chance to call you mine?”
“You’re crazy.” you say, trying to even wrap your head around that logic. No way in hell do you even want this man—that you have never even met and insists that you call him your boyfriend—near you, especially if that consists of him breaking into your house and going through your stuff.
“I admit, it may sound a bit odd. However, you cannot argue with the love I possess for you. I am not delusional enough to think that you love me as much as I love you now, but I know you and I are meant to be together. All I ask is for you to give me a chance.”
“A chance?! After you broke into my room, admitted to going through my stuff, probably stalking me, and have most likely done other things I don’t even want to know about. You’re crazy. Delusional and crazy.”
“Love, all I did was enter your room to make sure you were safe,” Kobi says, starting to sound exasperated. “Do not look at me as an invader, rather think of me as a guardian of sorts.”
“Now, I insist,” he reaches out, gently grabbing your chin and guiding your gaze to his, “give me a chance, love. I cannot accept your denial. You will come to love me.”
His loving tone and soft voice do nothing to distract you from the fact that he is very much still a stranger who broke in and is sitting on your bed in the middle of the night. You try and pull your face from his grasp, but his grip tightens.
“Let go of me.” You gasp. A little louder than you meant to say it as you begin to struggle.
He smirks, you really are a fighter.
Do not struggle, sweet one. Though very cute, your resistance is only a waste of time. You will love me eventually.
He pulls a syringe from his back pocket and uncaps the needle. You see this and start to struggle harder, attempting to scream before the hand that is holding your chin quickly grabs your throat, cutting off your scream to a choked noise as he pushes you back to lay on your bed. You cough as he releases some pressure on your windpipe, keeping enough pressure to stop your struggling.
“Now, are you going to behave? I’d hate to have to bruise your pretty skin more than necessary.”
You let out a strangled noise as your hands attempt to move his hand from your throat.
He sighs and removes his hand, grabbing one of your arms and injecting the drug as you gasp in shock and for air.
“W…wha-t did y-ou do?!” You croak out, coughing afterwards.
“Just a little drug to help you see things my way.” He smiles, watching as you shakily rub your hand on your throat. That’s going to bruise for sure.
“N-no this… you can’t, I…” you trail off as your thoughts become fuzzy.
“Good, love. Just go to sleep.” Kobi smiles as you fall unconscious. He caps the syringe and places it back into his pocket before picking you up and carrying you in his arms like a princess.
“Now that you have finally calmed down, we can start our story. I’m so excited for you to come home, you know. You'll love it there, I know it!"
Kobi exits your room with you in his arms, sneaking out, sure to not alert anyone. Gently, he places you in his trunk, surrounded by a pile of pillows and blankets and smiles at your sleeping face.
"Good night, love." he leans down, kissing your forehead before shutting the trunk.
"see you when we get there."
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coconutki · 2 years
Trunks as bf headcanon stuff
There’s kinda some nsfw not as bad as the other ones tho 😭
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- [ ] Had a phat crush on him as soon as you seen him the first time he came from the future
- [ ] You avoid him 💀
- [ ] He also has a phat crush on you tho
- [ ] You look up to him but also wanna comfort him cause he’s been through a lot
- [ ] He’s a bit protective of you cause of how the future is tbh ya ass probably died in his timeline lmao
- [ ] Get nervous around you lowkey
- [ ] Boiii dont let his momma find out she gonna hook y’all up somehow
- [ ] If you didn’t like him he’d be like an brother to you
- [ ] Gives great hugs
- [ ] Definitely would get caught staring at him taking off that capsule corp jacket cause we know this mans is 😩‼️
- [ ] Not hard to get him flustered tbh touch his hand by accident and he’ll probably start blushing
- [ ] A real sweetheart
- [ ] type of guy that’ll buy you flowers everyday just bcuz he loves you
- [ ] Ofc he adores spending time alone with you when he can
- [ ] Vegeta doesn’t exactly approve but when does he ever approve??(he don’t hate u tho so ig that’s good lol)
- [ ] Bulma likes you ofc (teases y’all all the time saying how cute you are together)
- [ ] You get sad when he goes back to the future man wtf
- [ ] He tells you (good) stories about stuff that happened in the future
- [ ] Might teach you how to fly
- [ ] If he doesn’t he’ll definitely fly with you in his arms
- [ ] To be fair you asked what it was like
- [ ] You make sweets for him for after he gets back from fighting and he absolutely loves it think it’s cute asf
- [ ] Y’all cute or whateva
- [ ] In the GT universe y’all are dating for sure
- [ ] You go with him, pan, goku and the robot thing to find the dragon balls
- [ ] You like watching him fix stuff and be grimy
- [ ] “What’s wrong? You’ve been staring at me for a while..”
‼️ Nsfw ‼️
nothin too crazy tho honestly
- [ ] Was kinda shy about doing it like he was a lil embarrassed having you booty butt ass naked in front of him
- [ ] Rlly cute tho
- [ ] Kinda self conscious till you start kissing all on him that’s gonna do it for him everytime
- [ ] He’s very passionate tho
- [ ] I feel like he’d be kinda quiet doing it
- [ ] Will blow ya back out tho cause I mean..
- [ ] “You’re addicting..”
- [ ] Time machine fucking??? Don’t ask any questions ok I- I can’t answer them
- [ ] Desolate ass area fucking lol
- [ ] Not a absolute stamina powerhouse like broly but he’s still up there
- [ ] Gon have you arching ya back and curling ya toes Fr cause ya boy eating the 🐱 idc
- [ ] Leaves hickies on the inside of your thighs
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idiot-mushroom · 1 year
I would love the Casey lore but I also don't want spoilers, so I'm going to ask a bunch of stuff again!
What are Casey, April, Irma, and Sunita's fashion sense like? Music taste? Favorite food? Favorite type of books/shows/movies? Least favorite food texture? Any specific neirodivergency or mental illnesses? What are they most insecure about? Do they all fight along side the turtles or aid them with their adventures?
Please tell me everything you can about Keno!!!
Do any of the humans get mutated at any point? Why does Donnie create retro mutagen?
Is spike mutant or yokai? Will he eventually be an ally to the turtles? Do have a design for him? Do they acquire other allies? Do you have any character designs we can have a sneak peek too?
Is Bishop and his hole thing in this au? Are the triceraton? Will there be professor Honeycutt/Fugitoid?
Do the O'Neil's have any other foster kids? Do they have an apartment or a house? What the layout of their place like? Which half of them makes April 1/4 Kraang?
In the new lair layout there isn't Splinters room, does he not live with them anymore? Or is it a more separate room?
I swear everytime I do this I feel like a crazy reporter or paparazzi running up to you just asking frantic questions I'm so sorry. Also sorry if these are repeated questions.
has autism swag
kidcore fashion sense (bright colors, chunky jewelry, ect)
they’re mostly insecure abt how she seems to not be able to fit in with human kids as well as with people in the hidden city
she likes hard rock (which contrasts with her personality and everything abt her (i think it’d be funny))
she doesn’t like the texture of celery bc of the fiver strands that make it hard to eat (for her)
she likes learning abt plants :))
her favorite food is mango pudding
she only aids them later on as ‘the man in the chair’
he has add swag
the grunge fashion is strong with this one
he likes indie rock and rap
he’s insecure abt his past with his dad and mom, and the fact he doesn’t know much abt his own heritage from his father’s side.
he likes the percy jackson books
he does aid them in adventures as back up and muscle
her brain is on default setting
casual fashion for a casual girl
she likes anything under ‘sad girl starter pack’
she rlly enjoys marvel and star wars
she aids them in adventures as a second opinion and back up
she’s rlly insecure abt her parents not paying attention to her as much with so many other kids in the household
country bumpkin 2 da max
half Italian, half Korean
likes making pizza and pasta all day
oldest out of the entire group (in his early 20’s)
has a farm (passed down from his family)
neighbors with Casey’s old house (a mile down from the old jones’s house is keno’s house/farm)
they meet keno during the farmhouse arc
he is very friendly and acts as an older brother
I don’t think that any of them get mutated in the series but j might change my mind idk
Spike (Slash) is my au is a leatherback sea turtle that gets mutated!! She doesn’t ally them, but isn’t a bad guy either, she’s more of a morally grey vigilant.
i have no new official designs rn but after this latest arc i’ll defo post Slash’s design
Bishop will be in this au (still trying to find out his character tho) and yes mr honeycutt is in this au but he’s a robot assistant to irma 👍
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these are the rest of the o’neil’s foster kids!! they live in a nice, two story house in the city.
april gets her 1/4 krang from her dad’s side (ik girls going through it)
splinter does live with them in the new lair, he’s just dubs his room as ‘the meditation room’ bc he’s an extra bitch like dat
thank you for the asks btw, don’t feel bad or worry abt it, i’m happy to talk abt my au!!
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lqfiles · 6 months
ANON WHO BROUGHT UP LUCAS THANK U I WAS ITCHING TO TALK AB HIM BUT I WAS SOOO SCARED BC i didn’t know if it was a safe space free of lumis or not…
my ig feels kinda curated to show me content of him there’s so much of his stans there compared to tiktok and the specific posts im getting is like “dreamies winning for smoothie!! …lucas in the back🥺💔” OR “dejun introducing lucas for his stage🥺🥺” SHUUTTT UPPPPP
it’s especially aggravating when there are situations in the industry that were far less impactful than his allegations the ones i’m thinking of specifically is soojin ex gidle as well as chuu have not promoted on music shows BUT WITHIN LIKE TWO MONTHS OF HIM COMING BACK HE GETS TO HAVE HIS SOLO DEBUT AND PERFORM??? and don’t even get me started on seunghan. what the fuck do you mean ot6 siren gtfo
i gave up on editing and was making shitposts on my tiktok praying for the downfall of sm ent because it seems they have a 7 member group curse DIEEE!!! (respectfully..! i lov u lee donghyuck i hope u can be free from the sm shackles in due time)
HSDJDKSKS don’t worry this is never a safe space for him and his fan i rlly do not like that guy and you’ll never catch me praising him.. anyways i got some stuff to say too but it will probably be the only time i’ll speak on it here because i don’t like giving that man attention 😶‍🌫️
bro i’m not surprised that you’re getting that stuff because when i tell you 99% of nctzens on insta are all lucas fans it actually shocked me 😭😭 i remember once commenting smth like “we don’t want him back” and i got sent death threats like OVER DOZEN???? MR CANT FIND THE BEAT?? 😭😭😭 tiktok is really 50/50 with a side that’s here for him and another side that doesn’t like him. the only platform i know where it’s mostly people disliking him is twitter but even then he got a pretty large following on there that is LOUD and ANNOYING
and you’re so right about that ITS SO CRAZY TO ME how SM just wouldn’t let go off him like they were so adamant on keeping him in the company for some reason and have been soft launching him for a good year trying to get the public to ease a bit, (the amount of concerts he’s attended to make his presence known.. you’re not slick SM) and i just don’t get what value he has to that company. he doesn’t bring the talent like he literally invented the term dozen because he dozen do anything right, he doesn’t bring the visuals, you can argue that he brings fans because he got a very huge SEA and latin (?) fan population that is veryyyy loud but even then the number of haters is much bigger, china literally hates him and korea barely tolerates him.
they didn’t hesitate to put seunghan on hiatus and are literally erasing him from the group in real time with the ot6 siren ver it’s crazyyy, all because he got his privacy invaded and did acceptable teen things? they kicked that SNSD member out for starting her own clothing brand and i’m sure they blacklisted her too, jaejoong got blacklisted too, soojin and chuu got kicked out, but the guy who has literal criminal allegations (that he basically admitted to himself) gets a whole pity sob documentary as well as rebranding as a soloist? chris lee is the biggest dick rider ever for this and it will never make sense to me😭
i honestly don’t like talking about him or mentioning him because 1. any type of publicity can be good publicity to him 2. arguing with his fans is useless and tiring because they will NOT change their mind 3. his face and existence annoys me so yeah i don’t like mentioning him because what’s the point hate-watching his content like that’s still publicity for him
but yeah if i find out any of his fans follow me i’ll literally block, even if you dont follow me and i find you’re his fan i block 💀 NOT A SAFE SPACE FOR LUMIS PLEASE LEAVE BEFORE I HAVE TO BLOCK U MYSELF 😭🙏🏽
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chiangyorange · 19 days
You said “don’t get me started” and “I won’t shut up etc”
But have you considered: I don’t want you to shut up. I love hearing people yap. Especially about Zelda related stuff.
Also my personal hc for the logistics of Zelda time travel, is that bc Zelda has historically drawn a good amount of magic from the triforce of wisdom —which was created by Nayru, who created things like time and physics in the first place. So who’s to say it doesn’t give her the ability to make time work in ways it usually doesn’t.
(Also I imagine revali says something smug to wild and wild responds with something snarky like “bitch.”
or “did someone pluck your tail feathers or something?”
And revali’s just like 😦” )
god ur so right. thinking about the time travel implications of totk in relation to aoc is really to me mainly bc like. tears is literally a closed loop timeline. and aoc breaks that inherently so what the hell are we going to do from there on?? bc to me that implies that theres just another zelda and mastersword hanging around and if i think about THAT too hard ill start sobbing because shes just traveling with no goal truly and entirely now and eueueueueueuee
tangled ass tumbleweed timeline i love you sm <3
ik that it really does not matter what happens in aoc in relation to breath/tears at all because they dont really have mention in the mainline game counterparts?? iirc there really not anything at all aoc related in totk but man. thinking about the sages having the knowledge of the aoc timeline is just so compelling to me.
do they ever tell link about it or did they decide that telling him would fuck him up. who decided that they should keep that knowledge under wraps. thats crazy.
also i genuinely think that revali would like wild(lu or just post botw it doesnt rlly matter) bc i think its very funny if he just got caught so off guard with his face being sososososo chatty now compared to the link hes familiar with. like its so off putting at first but damn. now i got material to work with and the material bites me.
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wonusite · 1 year
Damn unfortunately i dont remember any of my previous asks but i got some new headcanons
Lets talk about my fave trops/au's for each member and you share yours and see what we have in common
Seungcheol - sugar daddy (do i need to explain lol) (also you newest seungcheol fic is one of my fave tropes but im not sure about how to word it out?)
Jeonghan - frenemies to lovers, secret pinning and hiding it with being teasy
Joshua - Prince/Royal au
Jun - the boy next door/strangers to lovers
Soonyoung - sunshine x soft girl who is shining with the sunshine (i made this up but it fits)
Wonwoo - quite looking boy who is actually a freak (both in the sheets and streets) / badboy
Jihoon - soft-for-only-you/sunshine x secret sunshine
Seokmin - your (not) a gentleman fic is perfect for him, thats exactly how i imagine him / sunshine x sunshine / strangers to friends to best friends to lovers
Mingyu - popular guy who falls for the not so popular girl / jock au / puppy boy x cat girl
Minghao - old time au (not an exact time period but its definitly not modern or close to modern times) / royal au / strangers to lovers / a little bit of magic or soulmate stuff
Seungkwan - bestfriends to lovers / neighbours au / not-so-secret-pinning / idiots to lovers / oblivious one x obviously flirting one
Vernon - "they met because of their pets" au / quite looking but actually crazy boy x loud af girl / sunshine x sunshine but also her protecter
Dino - childhood friends to (strangers to) lovers / secret pinning / "one of them is a celebrity and the other one keeps them in the line, sane but also their biggest support" au
Also i am feeling so much better right now, i think i will recover fully in a few days, thank you so much for your advice 💗
I might send some of my fave edits in a short time btw so be prepared (evil laugh) (you all are gonna die with me)
okokok let’s get into it
ok so i def agree w seungcheol bc he just exudes that rich powerful man energy idk (and I would say it’s a ceo trope or dilf trope)
also agree with jeonghan like it’s either that or pure enemies to lovers w the “been in love with you the whole time” trope to go along with it
shua and royal au is a perfect match as well. he also fits friends to lovers or boy next door trope
jun is idiots to lovers for me all the way.
soonyoung is frenemies to lovers or longtime crush.
you are right abt wonu and i also rlly the like loser boi who’s super whipped for his gf trope for him
1000% agree with the jihoon and gyu tropes.
ahhh thank you sm and tbh that’s the way i see it too seokmin is just so soft and cute and sweet :(
hao def fits that old times vibe and soulmates or reincarnation trope idk. he just has a timeless face if that makes sense lol.
kwannie is def besties to lovers
vernon gives strangers to lovers where you don’t know if he actually likes you bc of how he is but will be so obsessed w u the whole time
chanie is the poster boy for childhood besties to lovers. like that part where they turn into strangers also. it fits so well idk.
i’m glad you’re feeling better bb remember to take care of yourself ok <3 also i look forward to going through them so we can suffer together 🥲
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detransed · 2 years
hi i understand this isn’t a rant or advice acct or anything of the sort & if this is annoying to u feel free to delete it but i feel like i have to hear a radfem perspective on this bc everyone around me has convinced me i’m selfish or unfair. i recently stopped taking my birth control because i felt it was doing more harm than good. i’m considering switching the brand or upping the dose or however it works but for now i’ve decided to stop it altogether. i told my boyfriend that we’d have to use actual protection from now on unless i start a new one bc neither of us are ready for a baby and i don’t want to even risk anything and he didn’t answer my text and left me on seen. when he got home i asked him if he was mad and he told me that i should consult him before making decisions like that bc he feels that it’s unfair to him because condoms are uncomfortable and he hates wearing them and now that we’re a serious couple decisions like not taking the pill are things we have to agree on together. i told him that i felt like that’s an unfair thing to say to me bc i don’t make him come to me before going to the dr and getting new medicine or anything like that but he said that this is different bc it effects us both. i can kind of understand where he’s coming from but i still feel like as a grown woman i should be able to do things like that without asking my bf for ‘permission’ like i’m 16 and he’s my mom. i asked some of my liberal & conservative friends and they all agree that i should have talked this out with him before doing it bc it will now effect our sex life & intimacy negatively and that’s an important part of relationships. they also said since i’m only 19 and that this is my first serious relationship that i don’t understand that the choices i make in my life will effect the both of us. i genuinely feel like i’m going crazy and i might be i’m in the wrong here but i really don’t think i am. i feel i should also mention he’s very liberal and is pro-abortion and agrees w my body my choice and stuff like that. he’s sort of giving me the cold shoulder now and is being less affectionate and is texting/calling me less which is smthn he does when i’ve upset him but i rlly feel like i haven’t done anything wrong here.
Hey anon no need to apologize at all; trying to help women as best I can online is what this account is all about. That goes to anyone else reading this as well <3
This is going to be quite blunt but: your BF only believes in “your body, your choice” as long as you are doing what he wants. A women does not and will never need her BF’s permission to go on or off birth control. That is a complete violation of your bodily autonomy.
He expects you to put up with the physical and mental side effects of birth control 24/7 so that his sex can be, what, a little better for him? Wearing a condom is the minimum a man can do. What he is doing by giving you the cold shoulder until you acquiesce to his demands is manipulative and bordering on emotional abuse. I would take this a big red flag. Now, many radfems will say you should dump a man at the first major red flag and honestly I agree with this perspective but this is some advice if you do want to continue the relationship : Make a list of every side affect you experienced from birth control and how often if affected you. Read it to him and ask him honestly, is his “discomfort” from condoms worth you going through that? If he says it is, you will have to break up with him . Do not give in to using BC because of him, it will only be the first in a long line of concessions you will be expected to make for him. If he is reasonable and apologizes and says he did not understand, then your relationship can continue.
TLDR: You did NOTHING wrong by going of birth control. Your boyfriend is being unreasonable and sex feeling a tad better for him is not worth your health
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gwagwagwagoogoo · 2 years
Heyo! I just recently got into the Denasa/Asaden ship. Knowing that Fujimoto is a crazy mf, what are your theories on how their relationship might turn out? I desperately want them to end up happy and not get turned into a Reze situation but it is definitelya possibility. All I want is for Denji to be happy 😭
Hello!! I also recently got into this ship and I am commited to it through every single horrible thing
I also want Denji to be happy! And I also want Asa to be happy. I am no Bible god, and nor am I prophet of prediction (bc FUJIMOTO never ceases to amaze me and I love how un predictable the series is) but here are some of my theories!
1. Definitely a slow burn friendship sorta deal. Definitely a lot of learning on Asa’s part, and so many confliction. Asa herself is always in turmoil whether we see it or not I believe. I think once Asa realizes that Denji has Feelings and stuff (bc I think she is unintentionally desensitizing herself to denji in general so she does not feel bad about the invenitable and also she is Stupid. She is fucking Stupid), Denji would probably be more open to actually being friends or some shit. I hope Asa realizes that what she said was wrong and apologizes and at the end of whatever hell they’re gonna face they are able to go see the penguins as a show of growth. I know either way they’re gonna be forced to work together and rely on eachother for survival and that’s what I live for. I REALLY HOPE IT GOES LIKE THAT AND THEY CONMECT AND BOND THRU MUTUAL SURIVIVAL
2. hell on earth. Asa fumbles FURTHER AND FURTHER AND FURTHER AND DENIJIS LIKE YEAH NO. IM OUT. Which I hope DOESNT HAPPEN I am hoping they actually like eachother a lot and become friends so badly
I like Asaden a lot for the potential it holds but I do hope eventually they have some rlly cute moments yknow
But I’m also a hopeless lover of cute weird intimacy yknow so I want them to just hold eachother and go wooooooaaaahhhhhh yknow
Asa’s current problem is that she is (subconiously) not seeing Denji as a person but instead a weapon which man I don’t blame her I don’t want to deal with the guilt of killing someone and idk autism moment but tis really hard to fake shit or how you feel about someone
But I WANTbher to care and I want them to hold hands
Anyways I’ll go down with Asaden theyre my blorbos and I enjoy the horrors
Also thank you guys for asking for my opinion on stuff! I am literallly insane 🥰
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annimator-ocblog · 9 days
OC Stories: Siblings
(Zac and Kumiho talk about a lot of stuff. Mainly their relationship with C)
(TW: Mentions of Death)
Zac and Kumiho would always be at close proximity to one another considering how they’d both consider physical touch to be their love language.
But they’ve been clinging to each other more & more after what happened last Saturday;
It’s rare to see them even a metre away from one another, they’d always be holding hands, and the both of them would sleep in a tight embrace during the night.
Then again, how would you feel if your significant other almost died in front of you? And how would you feel as your partner was worried of that being the case?
The two of them were currently walking hand-in-hand to the Academy infirmary to visit C. It’s been an entire week since he was knocked unconscious after fighting dozens of entities on their own and he’s bound to wake up sooner or later.
“Y’know, I just realized I never realized ask this… but how did C end up getting adopted into your family?”
Kumiho stopped walking to contemplate the question Zac asked them, eventually answering, “Well, my Moms helped at the orphanage he originally was in and they took a liking to them. They ended up adopting C after a couple of months of getting to know him, and he’s basically been my older brother ever since! But then again… they were kind of distant with me before we found common ground with animated stuff.”
Zac smiled as Kumiho recalled their story, “That’s sounds like C. I still don’t get how Jadeyn ended up falling for him when they first met, but I’m glad that they’re happy with them.”
“I still think the hoodie they wear looks pretty stupid. The goggles they recently put on their cap to match the decals on it do look cool, but the hoodie literally looks like it’s been stripped from the floor.”
Zac chuckles, “Well, they like the hoodie a lot by the looks of it.”
They both eventually make it to the infirmary, and book it to where C was resting.
But to their surprise he… wasn’t resting in the infirmary bed.
Instead they were sitting to the side of it, readjusting their goggles & putting on their now-fixed of jacket.
Kumiho shouts their name, getting his attention. Before C could respond their younger sibling tackles them into a tight hug, with him hugging back.
“Sorry I kept ya worried there. ‘M alright now.”
Zac similarly ran towards C to greet him, “Hey man, you doing good?
C quickly responded as Kumiho pulled back from the hug to be at Zac’s side,
“Yeah for the most part I guess. Besides the new markings all of my body and the fact that more parts of my hair are cyan. The medics are saying that they’ll both be permanent, but they look pretty neat.” C look at his right hand, now filled with light turquoise patches.
Zac sighed, “We’re both glad you’re awake again C. There’s actually gonna be a group meeting soon since a lot of things happened in the caverns and while you were unconscious for a week-.”
Kumiho quickly calmed their brother down, “Yeah I know, it’s pretty crazy. I bet you’re prooobably asking about how Jadeyn is, and they’re doin’ good. They actually wanted to see you at the place you first kissed once you woke up. Whatever-.”
C quickly sat up from his bed, “Alright, thanks for that! See you at the dorm for whatever we’ll be talking about!”
Zac and Kumiho looked at each other as C quickly ran out of the infirmary to see Jadeyn.
C > Yo guys I’m awake. How’s shit?
Liam > not much has happened rlly.
Liam > besides the fact that two certain motherfuckers accidentally snitched
Parker > o/
Mercy > oh ye u weren’t here when this happened. So uh we made a big group chat for 2-4 and 2-7 and it’s going great :D
Geno > just ignore the fact that Edan & Marcus beef with each other every day here lmao
Skadi > it’s entertaining!
Edan > my fingers hurt from typing so much
Kai > (」°ロ°)」
Lilith > Iris think of the blackmail potential
Ro > ^^^^
Nova > POST IT! >:D
Iris > hmmmmm maybe later
Brio > can we stop all this nonsense? Are you doing ok C?
Orion > yeah you rlly missed a lot in the week since you been out cold.
C > ‘m doing good :D
C > heard we’re gonna have a big convo or smth, but Jadeyn said they wanted to meet up w/ me beforehand!
C > I’ll see you guys soon! o/
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officialtayley · 10 months
like the previous anon, i still can’t believe that year 2 of their first album in SIX years will be spent opening for taylor.
i know they can do want they want and i’m happy for them because they clearly wouldn’t do that many shows if they didn’t want to but it’s just weird to me. they haven’t had a summer tour schedule that gruelling literally since like ST.
another thing that bothers me a bit is that the entirety of next year will be them only really performing singles and AL (don’t get it twisted i love AL but still) for taylor fans who probably wouldn’t like the heavier/deeper cut stuff as much on average. i just wish that they would’ve added some deeper cuts this year considering that because now it’s going to be pretty much 2 years straight of singles and barely any deeper cuts.
i know they’re having fun but like GIRL you’re a bad that have been around for 20 years!!! promote your album in places that your actual fans are, it’s crazy to me.
yeah and it's like man..... even when self titled's touring was gruelling it was still their own shows yknow?
and yeah.... idk it's all a bit strange honestly. i don't want them to tour heavily cause i'm sure it drains them some days, but just sucks (and ik it's not rlly their fault either) there's no thought for others places for other fans and stuff
we could be speaking too soon cause we have the 2nd half of next year, but it's not really a lot of time
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dollfaceksj · 1 year
The idea of oc going to pound town tonight omggggg???!! I just hope that when she does stuff with yoongi there’s not any annoying readers/anons slut shaming because she’s literally single & not looking for anything. Just like jk is having his fun, so can she (I just had to get this out bcs ik she’s most likely going to be intimate with Yoongi later on too so I don’t want anyone starting their annoying shit on anon) Anywayyyy, can we just acknowledge how for this drabble, there was no bullet points!!? like don’t get me wrong, I’m actually a fan of the bullet points because I’ve never read a fic in that format + when I read it, it sounds fun. Almost like reading a conversation in oc’s head & all the funny dialogue too. Ik it probably took a bit more time so ty either way <3 okqyokay, back to the fic ! The fact he put her needs first??! YUMM ! He was probably bricked up but still wanted to please her. A man. Period. His sexy dirty talk?????? The eye contact ??? OMFGGGGG like when he was all like “don’t look at me like that” “you always look so pretty but rn you’re driving me crazy” I literally screamed. The way he still did what he did while he was talking to Isabelle!!! That was hot asf, I usually hate how smug he is (bcs ofc he is) but I wasn’t even mad, that had me feeling some typa way fr. Oc having to hold her moanns??? AHHFFJHDG. The kiss before he left was sooo intimate imo!! Like I would’ve been catching feelings lowkey😅 & wdym “an apology for what’s going to happen tonight”??? Don’t fucking play rn jk. Sexy scene aside, I really wonder how the rest will play out. Will the group catch on? Will Isabelle want a piece of jk & somehow end up ruining it for oc? Will Yoongi swoop in? I loveeee the sexual tension + im a slut for angst so I kinda hope there’s some jealousy & maybe arguing next part (idk why, don’t hate me). I’m kinda scared for what’s to come if they get caught too! Specifically Yoongi, Tae & joons reaction. There’s just so many ways this can go & im so excited to find out! Thanks for the update ! <3
yes agreed! i won’t allow any slutshaming here, even when it’s other characters that are there for conflict like isabella or hyunjoo. i dont want anyone to complain abt reader sleeping w anyone besides jungkook
yes the fact that this wasn’t bullet-point format was because i felt like an all out smut scene just doesn’t fit w the bullet-point format so i thought let me write this down.
if i get too lazy i might do it in bullet-point format for smut scenes but we’ll see how i feel abt it
thank u im rlly glad u liked it and i love that you’re paying close attention to all these details! <3
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shawdzilla · 1 year
Today was so strange but I’m gonna get into yesterday first. I went out with M to get dinner at this really cute steakhouse. The food was gas the waitstaff was cute it was just the moment. After dinner we kinda were like oh… we are up asf!! But it’s summer and no one is on campus so it’s pretty dead. We hit up these two fags cause they do a lot of a coke and they always offer us free lines and we were like fuck it a free bump is a free bump. So we link up with them and we go out to the bar. We are the bar and the girlies are like ohhh let’s go do a bump and I was like yassss I love a bump. We go to the bathroom (girls restroom) and after like 10 seconds the bounce comes and is like u gotta leave the girls room. Ok… I did. After I get out he is like u gotta leave the bar….. oh so it’s like this??? I was so pissed off like woah. FIRST OF All I didn’t get to do my bump, second I’m like a 5’6 twink I know every girl at the bar is it rlly that fking serious ??? Whatever my friends and I all left and went to this taco place and chilled.
After that I got home around like two and I was horny… after a few drinks and a bump I will be on sex crave mode it’s bad. So found this man and he ubered me over. when I got there he was like oh we gotta go pick up my employee from the hospital. Mind you it is 4am so I was like ugh am I getting trafficked ?? He was like no no my employee had a seizure thingy and hurt his head bad. I was like fuck it idc he’s hot I’ll just go with him. So we go pick up his employee who is so cute and so sweet and was the best vibe. I ask what they did for work and the guy said he owned a male strip club service I was like that’s sick asf. We got to his T ( the stripper) went to bed. And me and the dude hooked up and I was home by like 7 am !!
OK today was a lot but like also nothing at the same time I think I was just being dramatic and crazy. I went to go drink at the bar with A & L and I got kindaaa drunk. Not belligerently drunk, but two vodka rebulls and 3 green tea shots. And my friend A tells me that this dude (who I do not fucking like, hage never liked at all he is just such a loser and has no backbone and I don’t fw ppl like that) bailed out of her and my good friends living situation that I kinda set up. Like yes I did the same thing and left the lease because I’m leaving this place for reasons but I told my friends months ago and the moment I realized I wanted to go. And this guy literally stalled and didn’t tell my friends until they asked him like it was just such a loser thing to do. And I got upset at the bar and I didn’t cause a scene and literally no one was there but I just got upset. And my friend was just saying some stuff I wasn’t agreeing with which made me even more frustrated. But ugh kind of embarrassing but I guess it’s ok to have a little dramatic main character moment. This week has been very strange and just blahhhh a lot of emotions ideas stuff people priorities all flyong around at once.
And sotw goes to arca mother
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