#crazy that the uterus senses danger and goes 'nuh uh. no baby in this environment' and just. stops asking for eggs
ptsd-tiger · 8 months
How did you lose weight with pcos, fasting ? Bc nothing seems to fucking work for me
well in my first attempt i lost 70+ pounds bein on keto and using a stationary bike 30 minutes a day
gained a good amount of it back after my ex fp betrayed and traumatized me
now in attempt 2 i don't follow any diet. my appetite is just suppressed by my adhd med. also bc it gives me the energy to walk around I do that a lot
the pcos i've got is without the cysts tho. my T is high but not above 100. it literally goes into remission when im at a lower weight so im probably not the best advice when it comes to this lmao
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