I am about to write The Most deranged yet sincere one shot, none of y'all are ready
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caracello · 2 years
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m y stephens universe s/i that is not influenced by any pre-existing character in the slighest, cinnabar! she can talk to mushrooms +)
[ok2rb, she/they]
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transarsonist · 4 months
ok so wait if i understand hawkings math an theory correctly what hes saying is that if you built a fully functional time machine and turn it on or try to use it, and you were going to have been createding a paradox [grammar intentional] then the closed timelike loop would reverberate with a sort of quantum feedback that would murphys law your ass before you successfully go back to create the paradox. so like, inverse paradox, if you successfully Begin the process of creating the paradox then no you didnt.
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max1461 · 3 months
I createred my penis from my own cells. Devised it from my DNA like a god. I createded my own pegis...
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truly-pluto · 4 months
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the-mercy-workers · 11 months
I think preparing food and feeding people brings nourishment not only to our bodies but to our spirits. Feeding people is a way of loving them, in the same way that feeding ourselves is a way of honoring our own createdness and fragility.
Shauna Niequist
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atheologica · 2 years
The difference between the ‘feeling of dependence’ of Schleiermacher and that which finds typical utterance in the words of Abraham (”Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which am but dust and ashes”) might be expressed as that between the consciousness of createdness and the consciousness of creaturehood. In one case you have the creature as a work of the divine creative art; in the other, impotence and general nothingness as against overpowering might, dust and ashes against majesty. In one case you have the fact of having been created; in the other, the status of the creature.
Rudolf Otto tr. John W. Harvey, The Idea of the Holy
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risalei-nur · 6 months
The Words - The Thirty-third  Word - Part 41
If there were in the heavens and the earth other gods besides God, there surely would have been confusion in both. (21:22) * Everything will perish save His countenance; His is the command, and to Him shall you return. (28:88)
This is the Window of the scholars of theology (kalam), based on contingency and createdness, and their highway for proving the Necessarily Existent One. For all the details, we refer you to the scholars’ great books like Sharh al-Mawaqif and Sharh al-Maqasid, and here only demonstrate one or two rays which spill on the spirit from the effulgence of the Qur’an and this Window. It is as follows:
It is the requirement of dominion and rulership not to accept rivals; they reject partnership; they repudiate interference. It is because of this that if there are two headmen in a village, they will destroy its tranquillity and order. Or if there are two chief officials in a district, or two governors in a province, they will cause chaos. Or if there are two kings in a country, they will cause complete and stormy confusion. Since a pale shadow and petty example of dominion and rulership in impotent human beings needy for assistance does not accept the interference of rivals, opponents, or peers, then you may compare how fully a rulership which is in the form of absolute sovereignty and a dominion at the degree of dominicality will enforce that law of the rejection of interference in One Possessing Absolute Power. That is to say, the most definite and constant necessity of Godhead and dominicality are unity and singleness. The clear proof and certain testimony to this are the perfect order and beautiful harmony in the universe. There is such an order from the wing of a fly to the lamps in the heavens that the intellect prostrates before it in wonder and appreciation, declaring: “Glory be to God! What wonders God has willed! How great are God’s blessings!” Had there been an iota of space for partners to God, and had there been interference, as the verse,
If there were in the heavens and the earth other gods besides God, there would have been confusion in both (21:22)
indicates, the order would have been destroyed, the form changed, and signs of disorder would have appeared. But as the verses,
So turn your vision again: do you see any flaw? *Then turn your vision a second time; your vision will come back to you in a state dazzled and truly defeated (67:3-4)
famous twelve categorical proofs called ‘the ladder argument,’ and demonstrated causality to be impossible. They cut the chains of causes and proved the existence of the Necessarily Existent One.
And we say this: it is more certain and easier to demonstrate a stamp peculiar to the Creator of All Things on everything than causes being cut at the extremities of the world with the proofs refuting causality. Through the effulgence of the Qur’an, all the Windows and all the Words are based on this principle. Nevertheless, the point of contingency possesses an infinite breadth. It demonstrates the existence of the Necessarily Existent One in innumerable respects. It is not restricted to the way of the scholars of theology – cutting the chains of causes, which in truth is a mighty and broad highway; it opens a path to knowledge of the Necessarily Existent One by ways beyond count. It is as follows:
We see that in its existence, its attributes, and its lifetime, while hesitant among innumerable possibilities, that is, among truly numerous ways and aspects, each thing follows a well-ordered way in regard to its being in innumerable respects. Its attributes also are given it in a particular way. All the attributes and states which it changes throughout its life are specified in the same fashion. This means it is impelled on a wise way amid innumerable ways through the will of one who specifies, the choice of one who chooses, and the creation of a wise creator. He clothes it with well-ordered attributes and states. Then it is taken out of isolation and made part of a compound body, and the possibilities increase, for they may be found in that body in thousands of ways. Whereas among those fruitless possibilities, it is given a particular, fruitful state, whereby important results and benefits are obtained from that body, and it is made to carry out important functions. Then the body is made a component of another body. Again the possibilities increase, for it could exist in thousands of ways. Thus, it is given one state among those thousands of ways. And through that state it is made to perform important functions; and so on. It progressively demonstrates more certainly the necessary existence of an All-Wise Planner. It makes known that it is being impelled by the command of an All-Knowing Commander. Body within body, each has a function, a well-ordered duty, in all the compounds that one within the other themselves become components of larger compounds, and has relationships particular to each, in the same way that a soldier has a function and well-ordered duty in his squad, his company, his battalion, his regiment, his division, and his army, and a relationship particular to each of these sections, one within the other. A cell from the pupil of your eye has a duty in your eye and a relationship with it, and has wise functions and duties in your head as a whole and a relationship with it. If it confuses these the tiniest jot, the health and organization of the body will be spoilt. It has particular functions with regard to each of the veins, the sensory and motor 718 nerves, and even the body as a whole, and wise relations with them. That specified state has been given it within thousands of possibilities through the wisdom of an All-Wise Maker.
In just the same way, each of the creatures in the universe testifies to the Necessarily Existent One through the particular being, the wise form, the beneficial attributes given it among numerous possibilities. So too when they enter compounds, those creatures proclaim their Maker with a different tongue in each compound. Step by step till the greatest compound, through their relations, functions, and duties, they testify to the necessary existence, choice, and will of their All-Wise Maker. Because the one who situates a thing in all the compounds while preserving its wise relations, must be the Creator of all the compounds. That is to say, it is as though one single thing testifies to Him with thousands of tongues. Thus, from the point of view of contingency, the testimony to the existence of the Necessarily Existent One is as numerous, not as the number of beings in the universe, but as the attributes of beings and the compounds they form. O heedless one!
One who does not hear this testimony, these voices which fill the universe, must be dead and unreasoning, is that not so? Come on, you say...
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anelegaicmind · 1 year
That which has united (with God) is not his creature Such words are not spoken by the Completed Person What is nonbeing that it should unite with the Real, and of nonbeing make spiritual journeying and progression? In union, the fantasy of 'you' ends. Only when the 'other' vanishes is there union. Don't say the contingent has transcended its limits. It has not become the Necessary, nor the Necessary it. Union with the Real is separation from createdness Estrangement from oneself is acquaintance with the Real When the contingent removes the dust of contingency, Except for the Necessary (God), nothing else remains.
Mahmud Shabistari – The Secret Rose Garden
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spiritsoulandbody · 1 year
#DailyDevotion Is Adonai Your Home, Your Dwelling Place?
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#DailyDevotion Is Adonai Your Home, Your Dwelling Place? Psalm 90 O Lord, You are our home through all the ages. 2Before the mountains were born or You gave birth to the earth and the world - O God, You exist from everlasting to everlasting. The inscription on this Psalm says it is from Moses. You will not find it written in the Torah anywhere but you will certainly find the thoughts from this Psalm therein. Who knows where they kept it until it found its way into the Psalter. The first line is an interesting one. He calls out to Adonai. That is the Hebrew word here that is only used of God. It means Lord and it is in the plural form. Moses uses this term for God often in the Torah (first five books of the bible). He tells Adonai that He is our home through all generations. That's kind of an interesting thing to say of the Lord that He is our dwelling or habitation. Our home is where we feel secure and safe. It's where we rest and have our meals. It's where we keep everything we own safe. Jesus tells us to store our treasures in heaven (which is done by giving them away to the poor). St. Augustine says in his Confessions, “Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.” Moses then confesses God's otherness, His non-createdness. God is not creation. No one and nothing made God. He is outside of creation and time. He created all things, visible and invisible by His almighty Word. He is not like the gods of the nations which are born or created by others. He is not creation. He is not contained by wood, stone, metals etc. to be made into an idol. He is the uncaused cause of everything. 3You turn man back to dust, saying, “Return, children of men.” 4A thousand years pass in Your sight like yesterday, like a watch in the night. 5As by a flood You sweep them away--they are sleeping. In the morning they grow up new like grass. 6In the morning they blossom and are fresh; in the evening they will wither and dry up. He references Genesis 3 where the LORD (Yahweh) tells Adam and Eve after their rebellion they were made of dust and to dust they shall return since they rejected the life God gave to them. We like to think we live forever. We particularly think that in our youth and possibly into our middle age. Then we begin to ache when we move and get up and we realize our mortality. The future always looks like forever. The past makes us question, how did it pass so quickly. This is even more so for God as a thousand years to Him seems like a watch in the night. He is eternal. We are here today and gone tomorrow. Generation after generation is swept away by time. We die and no one knows our spot anymore. Yet, we should always remember the first verse here. The Eternal One is our habitation when we trust in Jesus. We do not simply disappear and cease to exist. When we dwell in God now, we dwell in God when we fall asleep and we dwell in God when we awaken in the resurrection to dwell with and in God forever. If we only look to our life in this world it is all vanity as the Preacher says. When our hearts dwell with Adonai, the LORD, our LORD Jesus Christ, then we have a proper mindset to engage this temporary life and to treat it as such. God is our inheritance. He endures forever. Heavenly Father, help by Your Word and Spirit to rightly view ourselves in light of Your Word so we may treasure You as our highest possession to which we would gladly give up all earthly possessions and pleasure to possess and take refuge in. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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dedicatedlongevity · 2 years
When I hear a word it may be different from when you hear the same word, but an actual picture is much less capable of causing confusion.. talking in pictures shares an idea but it's not exactly perfect in terms of specifics..
I think thats probably the problem with Chinese as a language because a lot of their characters are really almost just pictures that represent an actual thing.. it's not like a word it's more like a design...
So if I said ying-yang you'd know what I'm talking about but if I said ☯️ you'd still know, maybe Pronounce it yinyang but the sound and the image are the same and the connection is made
Language that changes the entire conversation to masculine and feminine just to send the message, or language that is formal and non formal to send a message.
There is no language that can make you feel how I feel, music maybe is the best language for that, photography and painting is he best for showing you what I see in my mind, dancing to show you how I feel.. there is a science to those things and they can be picked apart and studied but it's still hard to define it with specifics without losing a little bit in the action of trying to communicate it..
There is probably a term for when a song hits really hard at one point but loses its intensity at a later time and that probably more so has to do with how you resonate because it might have lost its intensity for you but not the next guy... Still going hard for the next guy and it's just a matter of matching vibrations ... And that's really what language is is trying to match vibrations, sound waves to light waves and we are not always accurate with it and science only makes it worse by trying to dissect it and make it more than what it really is ... Language will just never be as fast as reality no matter how hard we try to speech isn't 100% reliable ...
If God "said" "let there be light" then the implication is Sound is was created light, and alot of times speech createded our universe more than thought does. But we don't speak a language of light.. not the same thing
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breyeschow · 2 years
Together let us say, #TransphobiaIsASin! One: Transphobia is a sin. All: Transphobia scorns the divinity and createdness of trans people. One: Transphobia is a sin. All: Transphobia is a sin! AMEN. For the complete litany: https://bit.ly/3D06ZCn https://bit.ly/3CUlUxO
— Bruce Reyes-Chow ☮️ 🐝 🐑 (@breyeschow) Jan 18, 2023
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davidxjonathan · 2 years
Genesis 1:21-31
21 An Ceiling Cat maed big fishies An see monstrs, which wuz like big cows, except they no mood, An other stuffs dat mooves, An Ceiling Cat sawed iz good.22 An Ceiling Cat sed O hai, make bebehs kthx. An dont worry i wont watch u secksy, i not that kynd uf kitteh.23 An so teh...fith day. Ceiling Cat taek a wile 2 cawnt.
24 An Ceiling Cat sayed, i can has MOAR living stuff, mooes, An creepie tings, An otehr aminals. It happen so tehre.25 An Ceiling Cat doed moar living stuff, mooes, An creepies, An otehr animuls, An did not eated tehm.
26 An Ceiling Cat sayed, letz us do peeps like uz, becuz we ish teh qte, An let min p0wnz0r becuz tehy has can openers.
27 So Ceiling Cat createded teh peeps taht waz like him, can has can openers he maed tehm, min An womin wuz maeded, but he did not eated tehm.
28 An Ceiling Cat sed them O hai maek bebehs kthx, An p0wn teh waterz, no waterz An teh firmmint, An evry stufs.
29 An Ceiling Cat sayed, Beholdt, the Urfs, I has it, An I has not eated it.30 For evry createded stufs tehre are the fuudz, to the burdies, teh creepiez, An teh mooes, so tehre. It happen. Iz good.
31 An Ceiling Cat sayed, Beholdt, teh good enouf for releaze as version 0.8a. kthxbai.
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computingpostcom · 2 years
In this walkthrough, we’ll look at how to use user permissions with Amazon S3. We will create a bucket and AWS Identity and Access Management user on our AWS account with specific permissions. My use case for this was having IAM user that can upload files to AWS S3 buckets only, without the permission to delete objects. Create a Test bucket: Use aws command with s3 option to create a bucket: $ aws s3 mb s3://backupsonly make_bucket: backupsonly Create an IAM user The following create-user command creates an IAM user named uploadonly in the current account: $ aws iam create-user --user-name uploadonly Output: "User": "Path": "/", "UserName": "uploadonly", "UserId": "AIDAJII2GMOH3OAFWCIGK", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::104530196855:user/uploadonly", "CreateDate": "2018-08-07T08:51:23.600Z" Create AWS User and Policy Next, we need to create a policy that will be associated with the created AWS user account. This is the json file that we’ll use for the policy: $ cat aws-s3-policy.json "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:Get*", "s3:List*", "s3:Put*" ], "Resource": "*" ] We specified the actions for: List all bucket contents Get a list of all buckets on S3 Upload files to S3 buckets The following command creates a user managed policy named upload-only-policy: $ aws iam create-policy --policy-name upload-only-policy \ --policy-document file://aws-s3-policy.json You should get output like below: "Policy": "PolicyName": "upload-only-policy", "PolicyId": "ANPAZYBH8BTU6NFCTTR46", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::104530196855:policy/upload-only-policy", "Path": "/", "DefaultVersionId": "v1", "AttachmentCount": 0, "IsAttachable": true, "CreateDate": "2018-08-07T09:02:13.013Z", "UpdateDate": "2018-08-07T09:02:13.013Z" The policy used is a JSON document in the current folder that grants read/write access to all Amazon S3 buckets. You can also limit this to a specific bucket by changing resource section. Example: "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name/*" ] Or to a specific folder inside a bucket: "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name/folder1/*" ] You can also do the same from AWS IAM web interface: Assign AWS Policy to IAM User The following attach-user-policy command attaches the AWS managed policy named upload-only-policy to the IAM user named uploadonly: $ aws iam attach-user-policy --policy-arn \ arn:aws:iam::104530196855:policy/upload-only-policy --user-name uploadonly There is no output for this command You can now create an access key for an IAM user to test: $ aws iam create-access-key --user-name uploadonly Store the secret access key in a secure location. If it is lost, it cannot be recovered, and you must create a new access key. From UI go to IAM > Users > Add Permissions > Attach existing policies directly Configure your AWS CLI and test: $ sudo pip install awscli $ aws configure Provide: AWS Access Key ID AWS Secret Access Key Test file upload: $ aws s3 cp test-demo.yml s3://backupsonly/ upload: ./test-demo.yml to s3://backupsonly/test-demo.yml Try delete: $ aws s3 rm s3://backupsonly/test-demo.yml You should get an error message: delete failed: s3://backupsonly/test-demo.yml An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the DeleteObject operation: Access Denied Let me know through comments section if you encounter an error message.
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nedsecondline · 2 years
“I Have Grown Taller from Standing with Trees” by Claudia Comte — Barbara Picci
“I Have Grown Taller from Standing with Trees” by Claudia Comte — Barbara Picci
Artist: Claudia Comte (Switzerland) Exhibition: I Have Grown Taller from Standing with Trees At: Copenhagen Contemporary, Copenhagen, 2019 Photo credits: Roman M. « For her first exhibition in Denmark, Claudia Comte createded I Have Grown Taller from Standing with Trees, an immersive installation for Copenhagen Contemporary’s largest hall. The exhibition brought together sculpture, sound and…
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publipiner · 2 years
Exiftool mac
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(I like using that because Photos app sees it as a removable device and it cleanly imports and deletes the files) Then run the following commands below using exiftool to take the or exif date and write it to the file property "FileCreateDate" and "FileModifyDate" - the "Date Created" and "Date Modified" of the file.
Problem is, none of the mov or mp4 files - as well as PNG and some jpg and jpeg files - have a "Date Taken" or any other date that Photos reads as a Media Created date or Date Taken date, so the import stuffs them all into the folder with a date from the day I downloaded from iCloud.)Īfter downloading from iCloud, unzip a batch of files to an SD card in an SD card reader in your PC. Then, after unzipping those files, I want them imported into folders named YYYY-MM-DD in my Pictures Library folder.
There you can only download 1000 images at a time so I'm stuck downloading several zip files to clear a whole year. So I had to reverse the process and go to. I couldn't figure out any rhyme or reason why. But when I start an import, it would only go so far, then would just stop midway.
I used "Photos" app in Win10 and after much difficulty even "seeing" the iPhone in Windows Explorer, I finally got it visible in Explorer and Photos. I would rather have imported the same batch of files first from my iPhone directly to my PC, but it never worked right. (I would have attacked the problem in reverse if it worked, but it doesn't.
To download a large batch of pictures and videos from iCloud so I can import them to my Pictures folder and delete them from iCloud and my iPhone and free up space in both places. Here is what I did - for any future searchers. Ok, so I found this thread on the site that explained what to do exactly. For any pictures I downloaded, the file Attribute "Date Taken" is the actual date it was taken - or created- so that works fine, however "Date Taken" is blank for any video downloaded so photo importing tools get confused and import them into the wrong folders. The file attributes Date Created, Modified, Accessed, etc all refer to a date around the time I downloaded the files, nothing close to (I assume EXIF data) the CreateDate. It would be nice if they separated "Details" from "Exif Data" and gave it it's own tab in Properties. Is that correct?Īnd to further confuse us, I think, Microsoft displays some of that EXIF info in "Details" tab in the file "Properties"? Under the sub-heading "Origin" I see a date that corresponds to EXIF "CreateDate" called "Media Created". So, just to be clear for myself and others who may run across this, when you refer to a "Windows" date, that's what I was calling a "file attribute" or similar, correct? They are the attributes of the file that any non-image file would have, whereas the "EXIF" dates like "CreateDate" are those embedded into a file using EXIF that only apply to images and videos. If you need to refer to a file in a different directory (like the exiftool executable), it's safer to specify its location by path than to cd over to it first.Thanks for the response. Third, cding around in a script can cause confusion in a script, because it changes the meaning of relative paths (shouldn't be a problem here, but it's generally a bad practice). You can use & to join commands, and it'll run the second command only if the first one succeeds. Second, it doesn't do any error checking if something goes wrong with one of the commands, it blithely continues on, maybe in the wrong directory, maybe who knows. To make it run on all of them, put the commands that operate on the files inside the for loop, rather than after it (and remove the echo - it's just there as a placeholder in the sample code). It loops over the files, echoing each path, but then it only runs exiftool on the last one. select several files in the Finder, then drag them all to the app). First, it won't work for multiple files (i.e. There are several problems with the "solution" script. This is the error Message of the Automation Application: I tested it out, and the file path is correctly stored in the $f variable.īut for some reason the shellscript in the Automation can not use the exiftool.Īnd the second error in the error message is not important, because it appears because the exiftool command didnt run. I first tested if exiftools works if i use it in the terminal:īut when I use exiftool in the shellscript inside my Automator App, then it says, that it didn't found the command "exiftools".Īnd the Automation runs this Shellscript: for f in "$f" Im using exiftools to remove the Meta Data. The Atomator App works in such a way, that I drag and drop the File on the App, and the App starts a shellscript, with the filepath as input. I want to create a Atomator App, that removes metadata from files for me.
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