#creative caregiving advice
365momme · 11 months
The Importance of Me-Time for Moms
Being a mom is a beautiful and rewarding experience, but it can also be overwhelming and exhausting. With the endless demands of raising children, it’s easy for moms to neglect themselves. However, taking time for self-care is not selfish; it is essential for a mother’s overall well-being. In this blog, we will explore the importance of me-time for moms and provide practical tips on how to…
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astroa3h · 7 months
midheaven through the signs 💖
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The Midheaven is your career compass, pointing you towards your professional path, shaping your social standing, and painting the picture of your public persona. It's like the universe's way of saying, "Hey, this is where you're meant to shine!" Now, let's break it down by zodiac sign, shall we?
Aries Midheaven: If you've got this fiery placement, you're a force to be reckoned with in the professional arena. You charge into things headfirst, fearless and ready to conquer. Your public persona? Bold, energetic, and unapologetically authentic. People can't help but be drawn to your magnetic charisma, and your social standing? Well, let's just say you're not one to fade into the background. You make sure you stand out anyway you can.
Taurus Midheaven: Slow and steady wins the race, right? That's your motto if your Midheaven falls in Taurus. You're all about building a solid foundation in your career, taking your time to create something enduring and of quality. Your public persona exudes reliability and dependability, like the rock everyone can lean on. And as for your social standing? You're the epitome of stability and success, you have the midas touch even if it doesn't always feel like it.
Gemini Midheaven: Ah, the social butterfly of the zodiac! With Gemini Midheaven, you're a master communicator and jack of all trades. Your professional path might involve fields like writing, teaching, or anything that allows you to flex your mental muscles. Your public persona is witty, charming, and endlessly curious, keeping everyone on their toes. And in terms of social standing? You're the one everyone wants at their party, the ultimate mingler and networker extraordinaire.
Cancer Midheaven: Cue the emotional depth and nurturing vibes! If your Midheaven falls in Cancer, your professional path likely revolves around caring for others in some way. You're the empathetic soul who thrives in fields like counseling, caregiving, or anything that lets you tap into your nurturing side. Your public persona is compassionate, intuitive, and deeply connected to your emotions. And in terms of social standing? You're the heart of the community, the one everyone turns to in times of need.
Leo Midheaven: Get ready for your close-up because with Leo Midheaven, you were born to shine in the spotlight! Your professional path is all about creativity, performance, and leadership. You're the natural-born leader, commanding attention wherever you go. Your public persona is bold, confident, and larger than life, like a true Hollywood star. And in terms of social standing? You're the king or queen of the jungle, the one everyone looks up to with awe and admiration.
Virgo Midheaven: Precision, perfection, and pragmatism—that's your game with Virgo Midheaven. Your professional path likely involves fields that require attention to detail, organization, and problem-solving. You're the analytical mind who excels in areas like accounting, healthcare, or research. Your public persona is humble, reliable, and quietly competent, earning you respect wherever you go. And in terms of social standing? You're the trusted expert, the one everyone relies on for practical advice and solutions.
Libra Midheaven: Balance and harmony are your bread and butter with Libra Midheaven. Your professional path is all about relationships, diplomacy, and aesthetics. You're the peacemaker who thrives in fields like law, counseling, or anything that requires finesse and negotiation skills. Your public persona is charming, diplomatic, and effortlessly stylish, drawing people in with your magnetic charm. And in terms of social standing? You're the social butterfly, the one everyone wants to befriend and collaborate with.
Scorpio Midheaven: Hold onto your hats because things are about to get intense with Scorpio Midheaven. Your professional path is all about transformation, depth, and uncovering hidden truths. You're the detective of the zodiac, excelling in fields like psychology, investigation, or anything that requires digging beneath the surface. Your public persona is mysterious, intense, and magnetic, drawing people in with your enigmatic allure. And in terms of social standing? You're the power player, the one everyone respects and fears in equal measure.
Sagittarius Midheaven: Adventure awaits with Sagittarius Midheaven! Your professional path is all about expansion, exploration, and pushing boundaries. You're the eternal optimist who thrives in fields like travel, education, or anything that allows you to spread your wings and explore new horizons. Your public persona is adventurous, enthusiastic, and endlessly curious, inspiring others to follow their dreams. And in terms of social standing? You're the free spirit, the one everyone admires for your fearlessness and joie de vivre.
Capricorn Midheaven: Time to climb that cosmic ladder with Capricorn Midheaven! Your professional path is all about ambition, discipline, and climbing to the top of the mountain. You're the ultimate goal-setter who excels in fields like business, finance, or anything that requires strategic thinking and long-term planning. Your public persona is authoritative, determined, and fiercely independent, commanding respect wherever you go. And in terms of social standing? You're the pillar of the community, the one everyone looks up to for guidance and leadership.
Aquarius Midheaven: Buckle up because you're about to shake things up with Aquarius Midheaven! Your professional path is all about innovation, progress, and challenging the status quo. You're the visionary thinker who excels in fields like technology, activism, or anything that pushes the boundaries of what's possible. Your public persona is unconventional, eccentric, and ahead of your time, inspiring others to think outside the box. And in terms of social standing? You're the trailblazer, the one everyone looks to for fresh ideas and bold solutions.
Pisces Midheaven: Dive into the depths of your imagination with Pisces Midheaven! Your professional path is all about creativity, intuition, and tapping into the collective unconscious. You're the dreamer who excels in fields like art, spirituality, or anything that allows you to express your deepest emotions. Your public persona is empathetic, mystical, and deeply connected to the spiritual realm, touching the hearts of everyone you meet. And in terms of social standing? You're the healer, the one everyone turns to for comfort and inspiration in times of need.
xox astro ash ✨ Get your own Natal Chart Reading @ astroash.net
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buttercupagere · 3 months
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mr. keating as a caregiver <3
"hey there, kiddo. see that? the sun's gone to bed, and now mr. moon is up there taking over. it's about time for you to go to bed, too. here, let's sit and i can read you a bedtime story. which one's your favorite? i'm partial to charlotte's web. i know — you think bedtime's no fun. but i think sleeping can be extra fun. that's when we can have dreams. whenever i read before bed, my brain is happy with me, and it gives me marvelous dreams. let's try it."
requested by anon!
it's been wayyy too long since i've seen the movie, i may be a little rusty!! sorry. headcanons under cut!
he is the absolute best at being a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on! he lets you sit with him while he gives you a mug of tea or cocoa, and then when you've calmed down, he asks if you want advice
he keeps some kids books in his desk for you. alice in wonderland, the secret garden, you name it. sometimes after classes are over, you'll cuddle with him as he reads to you by candlelight
speaking of reading aloud, he does all the voices! anything to be silly and creative and make you laugh <3
he always encourages you to be daring, but he's very careful to make sure you do it safely and don't do anything really dangerous
if you want, he will help you climb up on his desk with him! he'll let you hold his hand if you're scared
he reads poetry to you, and writes his own for you! if you write one, he'll praise it to no end, calling it a literary masterpiece
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I've got young kids, work full time, went back to school to get my degree and my spouse is also in a degree program. Finding the time to write feels impossible. There's no way I can write daily.
I feel like maybe my dream to be an author is out of reach. When should you really ask yourself if you truly want to be an author? Forget an author.. do you really want to be a writer? 
Author Dream Feels Out of Reach
You've come to the right place. ♥
First, I want to tell you that what you're feeling right now is totally normal. So, so many of us go through it. I promise you're in good company.
Second, I submit that this isn't really about whether or not you want to be a writer/author. You wouldn't be here if some part of you didn't want to be a writer/author... you wouldn't be reaching for a dream you didn't have...
Third, I further submit that rather than questioning your intentions, you may just need to consider what you want to get out of writing, what your goals would be as an author, and then create realistic goals to help you get there. That's where I come in...
1 - I'm here to tell you that you don't have to write every day. I spent a long, long, embarrassingly long time parroting back the traditional "advice" that one must write every single day in order to be a successful writer and reach your author dreams. Head, meet desk! In the intervening years, I've learned that writing every day simply isn't realistic for the vast majority of people. Why? Because we're not all independently wealthy bachelors who retired in our 40s, who spend our days fishing and our evenings partying with our eccentric creative friends, and then burning the midnight oil on our latest manuscript while we sip brandy and puff on a fine cigar. If only! (minus the cigar part... yuck...) Instead, we're members of family units, friend groups, and communities. We're parents and grandparents and guardians and caregivers. We're students, we have jobs and roles and responsibilities. We're anxious, tired, and stretched so unbelievably thin. The world is falling down around us. And it's... a lot...
2 - But... that's why we write... ALL OF THAT, I say, gesturing broadly at everything, is why we write. We write to tell the stories of the eccentric brandy-sipping writers, the stressed-out-stretched-thin-parents, the overworked-and-underpaid teachers, the exhausted caregivers who feel their dreams slipping between their fingers, and still hopeful dreamers who cling to the stars with the dust of the crumbling world in their eyes. We write to tell their stories, and we write to give them stories. We write because the world needs our stories. ALL of them. The good, the bad, the clean, the spicy, the angsty, the swoony, the cringey, the comforting, the excessively long, the absurdly short, the plainly written, the purple prosey... all of it matters. All of it serves a purpose.
3 - So, why did you start writing in the first place? You don't have to answer this for me, just for yourself... many of us would answer by saying things like, "because I have story ideas that demand to be written," or "because it's something I do for fun and escape, it's self-care," or "because I love to explore human stories." Getting to the heart of why you write, outside of any goals or future plans, can help ground you in the storm.
4 - What are your author goals? Now, if time, energy, and other considerations were no object... if you could spend as much time writing as you wanted and there were no obstacles to any author goal you had, and no limit to achieving your dreams, what would your author goals be? Do you want to share your stories on Wattpad or a similar platform? If so, do you have any goals related to views/reads/comments, and how often you hope to post a new story? If you want to pursue traditional publishing, are you happy being reasonably popular within your niche, or do you want to be a big time best-seller with your books made into movies? If you want to be an indie author, is there a certain number of books you want to get out each year? Is there a certain number of sales you want to hit for each book? A certain income level you want to aim for? Figuring out exactly what your goals are is important if you want to map a reasonable path toward getting there.
5 - What's a reasonable path to get there? Imagine "reasonable" lit up with lights here, because it's so, so important. Really, the biggest reason writers get overwhelmed and give up is because we have unreasonable expectations and are trying to meet arbitrary goals that sound great, but are just not possible to meet. If you can only muster maybe three hours to write on a good week, and you can write 26 words a minute on a good writing session, if your goal is to write 10,000 words per week, guess what... that's more than TWICE the number of words it's even possible for you to write in a good week, so you're going to fall far, far short most weeks. It's an unrealistic goal.
If you're averaging roughly 11,000 words per month and your goal is to write a novel in six months and have it revised, edited, and published (or revised, edited, and sent off with queries), guess what... your manuscript is sitting at 66,000 words at the six month mark without a single second for revision, editing, or anything else. Once again, it's an unrealistic goal.
One of the best ways to figure out a realistic goal is to take an honest look at your schedule. My favorite way to do this is by the month, using a calendar I can write on. Now, I'll go through and cross out all the days I know I won't be able to write... like, maybe I never write on Sundays because they're too busy, so I cross those off. Maybe I'm going on vacation for four days mid-month, and I know I won't write the day before or after, so I cross those six days off, too. My days tend to fall apart if I have an appointment or other unusual event, so I will usually block off those days as well. Finally, I know I will probably lose at least three days a month to not feeling well or having to attend to a family member who isn't feeling well, and another three days to run-of-the-mill nonsense, so I'll cross off the last six days in the calendar. What I'm left with is a reasonable estimate for the number of days I'll be able to write that month.
Now, let's say I'm left with 17 potential writing days. And let's say I'm fairly certain I'll be able to commit about twenty to thirty minutes to writing on each of those days. And... let's say I know I generally write about 26 words per minute during the average writing session. Twenty minutes across 17 days is 340 total minutes, times 26 wpm, nets me about 8,840 words for the month... and that's not frickin' bad! In fact, at that rate you could potentially have a first draft done in six to eight months! And that's in just twenty minutes a day three or four times a week.
It isn't about time spent, it's about setting reasonable goals.
If you create reasonable goals that you can actually meet, you start building forward momentum. You're not exhausted from fighting with your schedule and failing to squeeze writing in on days when it isn't possible. You're not beaten down from disappointing yourself over and over again. You're actually getting somewhere, and you're excited about it!
So, that's it. Before you get all philosophical about whether or not you really want to be an author or want to be a writer... before you start tossing your dreams out the window or feeling like your dreams are out of reach, try this. Be realistic. Be patient with yourself. Take support where you can get it. And don't be afraid to fiercely guard whatever writing time you do have.
I'm here for support, and there a million wonderful writing communities out there filled with other supportive writers if you have some time to look for them and spend some time getting to know them.
All the best! You've got this... TRULY! ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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riizebabie444 · 11 months
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𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙨 𝙢𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪 🩶
🩶 ─── in this reading, we will explore the qualities of the careers and fields you are best suited for, suggested careers for you and other career messages meant for you.
🩶 ─── picking your pile: take a deep breath and allow your soul to centre itself. when you feel your mind balanced and cleared, allow yourself to be drawn to an image. your eyes may gravitate to one, or you may close your eyes and feel which image is calling out.
🩶 ─── be sure to check out my other readings and don’t forget to share and give feedback. disclaimer: all readings done are for entertainment only. please do not use my tarot readings as a replacement for legitimate advice.
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🩶 𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚
this is a random message but it is very clear. for some or most of you, the career or field you are wishing to go into at the moment, or the one you are already in, is the right one for you. there is also a message to explore your creative potential. it doesn't necessarily mean creating art like music, writing, paintings etc (although that may be true for some of you) it could also mean creative problem solving, a job which requires you thinking outside the box. working in a field where things are done differently to others in the industry. the image i have in mind is google. they do a lot to encourage creativity and the birth of new ideas. you'd fit best in a career which nurtures and encourages your creative side.
it's also best to be in a career where there is the opportunity to grow in every aspect, and to further your position over the years. for example, i don't think you'd feel comfortable and happy in a job where you stay in the same position for years doing the same thing every single day. some people are happy in those jobs. they like the stability and routine. however, you need a job where you can always learn new things and progress. i'm seeing progression is also important to you. it's important to go into a job where you have more opportunities to climb up the ladder, and it doesn't even need to be all about promotions. a job where you regularly switch tasks, or have new projects to work on. as long as you aren't doing the same things every day, you should avoid jobs which do.
a job where you can express the qualities of success and confidence. where you can prove to yourself and others that you are fully capable. it could also be a career which puts you in the public eye. something that makes you feel seen and appreciated. again, promotions are here. you want a job where you can progress to high places. perhaps even becoming a figure of leadership and authority. you may not be confident about such a position right now but when you find something you love and excel in, you would be the right fit for a leader. and for a number of you, caregiving roles may be good for you. it could be anything from nursing to therapy.
okay so here is where it gets a bit negative. with the three of swords you may experience job losses, or disappointment in being rejected from jobs. it could also indicate that you may end up stuck in a very stressful job and toxic work environment. you want to avoid places like that. however, i believe some of you may need to experience it in order to know what is the right or wrong job and workplace for you. and for a number of you i get the message that even though it is difficult and stressful, and the workplace is not good for your mental health, it will not last. you will find a better job or get promoted and belong in a much better space. so if you ever find yourself in that position, have hope that it will improve. i think it is also a message, especially if you are a leader, to not allow a toxic work environment to foster as it is your duty to ensure it is safe and healthy for everyone to work in.
enterprises might also be something you would work well in. i'm seeing representing small or local businesses, as well as larger corporations for a number of you. it could also be setting up your own business. for some of you, you may have a typical job in mind in order to pay your bills and support a family, but deep down you have a dream of having your own business or brand. at one point or another, you might be torn between keeping your job to pay your bills or leaving it all behind and investing in your own business. i think either is fine, however, for most of you who this applies too, the message is to find a balance between the two. you can work full time and have a passion project/business on the side. work on it slowly and over the years it will blossom, i'm hearing. it is crucial you do not pick between the two and instead find a balance.
to add the obvious, you may dream of being your own boss. and i think you would do amazing things as a leader, however, you still need some sort of discipline or balance from elsewhere. if you're your own boss for too long, you can easily get lazy and complacent. so it is important for you to keep a job elsewhere to ensure you don't lose routine or dedication.
one last message is to expect times of change in your career as much as you should expect times of stagnation. any job you have, you will experience boredom at times and excitement at other times. you need to hear this. jobs are not one dimensional. you should expect many things from your career, both good and bad. so don't get your hopes up too high and don't get too disheartened when things don't go your way.
suggested careers/fields: project manager, hair dresser/hair salon owner, investments, influencer, working up the ladder, franchise owner, higher education, professor, networking, entrepreneur, business law, accountant for local businesses, nursing, social worker, therapist, counsellor, childcare, HR, arts and fashion, selling and/or creating luxury goods, beauty guru, acting, admin, consulting, writer, researcher.
cards: high priestess, the empress, six of wands, three of swords, two of pentacle, wheel of fortune
🩶 𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙬𝙤
i'm immediately hearing decision making. for some of you, a job where you can make the decisions would be good however for most, i am seeing that you may not fit best in careers where important decisions fall in your lap. to get one thing straight, every career will involve decision making at one point or another. but some careers involve very important decision making and i believe when you have too many important decisions to make on a regular basis, you can become very stressed. perhaps you are an indecisive person. overall, i think working in a position that requires heavy decision making would not be the best. however, if you are working with others to make decisions, i think it would be a good career for you.
for most of you, if not all, you will find success in the career of your taking. and for a lot of you, the cards are representing another person in regards to your career. a colleague or a business partner. if you dream of being your own boss, perhaps you would do well sharing this dream with someone else. it could also be a colleague. your career will lead to you meeting someone important. or vice versa, you will meet someone and they will help you get a really good job, the job of your dream. of course be careful, because people who help others often want help in return later down the line.
communication is a key theme here. a job which requires you to communicate your thoughts and ideas. for example, sharing stories as a writer, or even as an academic writer sharing research, or in law by communicating and mediating for your clients. i think for some of you, you would like a position of power. and for others you may not. for those who do, you would do well to use your power and authority for others rather than not doing so. you'd find more fulfilment and success by helping others. and mediating also. taking on communication responsibilities for third parties would be a good career for you. for example, an agent who helps people find jobs and corporations to find employees. hosting job interviews for the people you work for. even ghost-writing, communicating on behalf of the client. again with law. you may also enjoy the feeling of being responsible for transfers, employees, assets, moving companies. anything that involves moving one thing from one place to another.
i'm seeing disputes/conflict. perhaps you may deal with this a lot in your work environment or otherwise, it could mean your career typically involves this. i'm seeing HR settling an issue between employees. things like that. you might naturally be drawn to conflict or drama, and if not you are just interested in it. therefore, a position which allows you to be involved in it as an outsider would be interesting to you. there would always be something new to keep you on your toes. and you would feel very gratified after helping others solve their problems. in environments where there is lack of communication and poor leadership, you would fit in well in the role of solving these issues. it's very much a behind the scenes job but it is incredibly valuable to companies.
you need a job which will not disturb your work life balance. it's best to only take on a career which does not require you to work overtime, or where workload leaks into your private time and life. it is important to have a job where you can work hard, but only within the working hours. a job where you can give fair and honest work and feel appreciated enough to have your own time to spend with loved ones and yourself.
a job where you can always remain unbiased. you may feel uncomfortable picking sides so a place which encourages objectivity would be a good fit for you. you might also enjoy jobs in health and fitness. somewhere that encourages others to do their best. teaching, also. law and order are important also.
a slow paced environment would be perfect for you. fast paced might lead to high levels of stress. so slow paced is better. successful careers are built over time. you're not too fussed about seeing amazing results straight away because you know the best results always come after long and consistent efforts. so jobs which require you to be very patient would be good. you expect all of your work to pay off in the future. because of this, i also thing agricultural industries may be good. the final message is to not be swayed by other people's thoughts and opinions. there may be some people who have hidden motives with you and your career. you may struggle to make good decisions and not know who to trust which may end up with you trusting the wrong people. be careful, and hone in on your intuition because it will help you in the most crucial times of your career.
suggested careers/fields: animal care, justice system, politics, judge, lawyer, sales person, guidance counsellor, public speaking, doctor (not specifically medical but in other fields), self-employed, problem solving, mediator, HR, teacher, auditor, law, financial institutions, health and fitness, farming, gardening/landscaping, charity worker, social worker, engineer, scientist, STEM, activist, telecommunication, journalism, trading, public relations, events manager, customer service, liaison.
cards: the magician, the sun, two of swords rv, five of swords, justice, seven of pentacles, high priestess rv
🩶 𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚
overall, this pile feels quiet and mellow. so i think calm jobs that don't involve too much excitement would be good for you. a job that doesn't require far too much effort from you, but you still know exactly what you are doing in the job. which is funny because most of the cards suggest otherwise, but the vibes i'm feeling are different. i randomly heard "beware of snakes" so maybe it is that you want to avoid bad vibes from others. you want to do well and have the personality and potential to perform incredibly (it is represented by the two aces and the magician) but you are afraid of attracting jealousy from others. most of you may believe in nazar, or the evil eye. you want to do well quietly, staying humble and not gaining too much attention from others.
you might want to avoid the overly friendly workplaces, the companies that tell you "we're all like family" because odds are your coworkers will be all up in your business when you don't want them to be. and more often that not, they may not like to see of hear about you doing well. of course, you can choose whichever company you want yo work for, this is all subjective. however, the message is strong here to not let coworkers get too close. if you feel like you need to be cautious, do not doubt it at all. jobs where you can work independently or remotely may be good for you. i think you enjoy the responsibilities and the isolation you can get from those jobs. you can really focus on your own work instead of worrying about socialising and networking (which are important, don't get me wrong but i think you are not the type of person to be heavily involved in such activities).
technology and IT. jobs where you're required to use your brain. you need mental and intellectual stimulation so jobs which require lots of brainwork would be great for you. also jobs which require you to have a sharp and quick mind, and even a quick tongue. a job where you need to respond quickly, on the spot. maybe as a lawyer or judge. i think you are the type of person who tends to avoid making decisions but i believe the best career for you would involve you needing to make decisions as a part of it.
i also see jobs where you can provide stability for others as well as providing stability for yourself. this could mean that setting up your own business to help or guide others would give you a lot of satisfaction. such as a personal trainer, life coach, dietician etc anything that will allow you to improve the lives of others. you could even be thinking of starting your own sales company. i'm seeing a position where you are calm, smart, and powerful. logical and rational, and also honest. key organisational abilities here, like secretarial duties. a job where you can keep things organised tightly.
there is a huge duality here. like, i see you craving to be a bold and confident person in your ideal job, someone who is admired by others but in reality you are afraid to be that person. maybe you are not used to being in the spotlight and you're not ready to start now. so you must find a balance between the two. you can be confident without needing to be in the spotlight. i think your biggest fear in regards to career is conflict. you want to avoid uneasy workplace relationships. you don't want to be too close with your coworkers but at the same time you don't want to be left out. you want to perform well and show off how good you are at what you do but you're terrified of other people being jealous of you. there's not much i can say other than jealousy is often rooted in workplaces. no matter where you work, there will always be others who are jealous of you, some places more than the next. however, what matter the most is your own comfort and confidence. don't admit to defeat out of fear of others. if you love a job. go for it. i'm literally hearing it right now. don't let your fear of others hold you back, but always be careful about what you share.
suggested careers/fields: IT, psychiatry, surgeon, engineer, affiliate marketing, life coach, personal trainer, fertility, army and police, investigations, detective, guide, translator, business job, nine to five, desk job, logistics, bargaining, vlogger, running your own business, innovation, writer, interior design.
cards: ace of swords, ace of pentacles, the magician, king of swords, five of swords, two of swords, nine of wands
🩶 𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧
i cannot say this first paragraph is for all of you however, it will resonate with some of you. the career you have in mind right now, or the one you are currently in, is not the right one for you. i see there needs to be some change or transformation in your career. of course it is not easy to just change career. but if you feel this message is for you, it might be worth looking into a new career which is more worth your time and effort. there is a decision that needs to be made. if you're thinking of switching careers/field, this paragraph and reading is definitely for you.
overall, i'm seeing two different sides to this pile. one side is an authoritarian side, position of power and respect. while the other is more caring and nurturing. your ideal career could be either of those, or both. i see a number of you preferring to be in a job with explicit structure. a jobs that tells you what you need to do. so you know what you need to do every day and there is no confusion over tasks or responsibilities. but at the same time, you want to have some freedom. every day cannot be the same or you'll get bored. that is why is see jobs involved in childcare. you know your responsibilities in regards to caring for children, but with children, no day will be the same. this could also be caring for animals, elderly people, people with disabilities or other vulnerable people.
and although jobs where you can connect with children would be good, any job which can allow you to connect with others in general is a good choice. particularly, partnerships. a business partnership would be great as you can connect with others as well as structure your own enterprise. and since you rely on a structure from others to keep you in order, having other people work with you in an enterprise can keep you in line. also, if you know about the principal agent theory, i think you would perform well as an agent. you do well when performing tasks on behalf of a principal. in addition, when you are working for someone else, you know what you are doing, and what you need to achieve in order to satisfy them. whereas if you are working entirely for yourself, you might often feel confused about what needs to be done.
practical jobs which require thinking (but not too much thinking) would be great for you. you like to be actively involved, both physically and mentally, in your work which means repetitive jobs that have you on autopilot most of the time would be too draining and unsatisfying for you. but still, i think you would greatly appreciate professional settings and/or professional boundaries. i believe some of you may also work well in a field which is somehow connected to your past. for example, if you grew up with financial difficulties, you would be most satisfied in finance. or if you had a difficult childhood, then you would enjoy giving care to children. if you really enjoyed school, you might be most comfortable working in a school. it's that kind of theme and is entirely subjective to your own experiences. but something from your childhood connecting with your career is relevant.
one message here is to let go of insecurities and jealousy and imposter syndrome. because you want to be the best of the best, and you compare yourself to others a lot. you might often feel inclined to outdo others. it's a normal feeling, but the cards here are saying to let go of those thought habits. it will not bring you anything good. building up a successful and stealthy career for yourself will greatly be based on creating a foundation from your values as well as your passion. so don't sabotage yourself or others for your own success. keep in line with your morals. spiritual guidance also comes up here. so perhaps seek some in order to overcome these traits, and maybe consider it as a part of your career.
i can't tell your stance on risk, i feel it is a mixed bunch here. some of you may like taking risk while others do not. if you feel like a career which involves risk is something you are interested in, the cards do tell you that it is a very important decision, however, you must make calculated risks. don't just take the leap of faith. you need a thorough plan. i also see something creative, like art or writing, maybe even food. take it as it resonates and if you feel attracted to pile one also, give it a read because that is the creative pile.
suggested careers/fields: hierarchy, desk job, large corporations, teaching, childcare, primary school, paediatric, healthcare, hospital, banking, army, tax, career advisor, funeral director, financial advisor, insurance, software engineer, therapist, lecturer, spiritual guide, bookkeeping, church, electricity/energy, power plants, technology, chef.
cards: the lovers, death, king of pentacles, six of cups, four of pentacles, the hierophant, the fool, two of swords
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© riizebabie444 — all rights reserved. please do not copy, steal, repost or translate my readings on any site. any act of which will be classed as plagiarism.
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natsuki-bakery · 2 months
⁎˚ ఎ CG! Soap HC's ໒ ˚⁎
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Hiii! Could I please ask for John Mactavish from Call of Duty Modern Warfare II caregiver headcanons? (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡
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•Soap's protective instincts kick in naturally. He’s always vigilant about ensuring his little one feels safe and secure, both physically and emotionally
•Soap is known for his tough exterior, but with you, he's a gentle encourager. He always finds ways to motivate and praise you, boosting your confidence
•He has a treasure trove of stories from his missions, but he knows how to adapt them into kid-friendly adventures. His storytelling skills captivate you, transporting you into exciting, imaginative worlds
•Despite his military background, John has a playful side. He’s great at engaging in fun activities like building forts, playing with toy soldiers, or having nerf gun battles, making every moment exciting and memorable
•Understanding the importance of stability, Soap ensures there’s a consistent routine. From bedtime schedules to regular meal times, he helps create a predictable environment that his little one can rely on
•During difficult moments, Mactavish is a master at providing comfort. His calm demeanor and reassuring words help soothe any fears or anxieties you might have <3
•Dada Soap is always there to listen!He takes your thoughts and feelings seriously, offering advice and support whenever needed, making sure you feel heard and understood
•Creative Crafts : Whether it’s painting, drawing, or building models, he encourages creativity and expresses his pride in every masterpiece you create !
•He ensures to dedicate special one-on-one time. Whether it’s watching a favorite movie, reading a bedtime story, or just talking about their day, he cherishes all these moments
•Mactavish understands the importance of a balanced life. He incorporates a mix of physical activities, quiet time, educational games, and relaxation, ensuring your overall well-being
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DNI: basic criteria, DSMP, vivziepop/h4zbin h0tel/h3lluva b0ss fans, Owl h0use fans, St4r butterfly fans, Ghibli fans, ddlg/abdl, nsfw/k!nk, anti-agere, anti Christians blogs
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kleopatra45 · 3 months
Jupiter in the Signs
Jupiter in astrology signifies expansion, optimism, and abundance. It influences growth, wisdom, and opportunities in various aspects of life, from personal beliefs to social interactions. Positioned in different signs and houses, Jupiter's energy fosters a broad-minded outlook and a quest for knowledge, often leading to generosity, luck, and a positive influence on one's path towards fulfillment and success.
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Jupiter in Aries
Jupiter in Aries amplifies enthusiasm, courage, and a pioneering spirit. These individuals are adventurous, optimistic, and eager to explore new territories. They approach challenges with confidence and may excel in leadership roles where quick decision-making and initiative are valued. Their optimism and enthusiasm often inspire others to take action and embrace new opportunities.
Jupiter in Taurus
Jupiter in Taurus enhances stability, practicality, and a strong sense of values. These individuals seek growth through material security and enjoy the pleasures of life, such as good food, comfort, and luxury. They are patient, persistent, and have a knack for building wealth and resources over time. Their generosity extends to their loved ones and they often find fulfillment through creating a stable and harmonious environment.
Jupiter in Gemini
Jupiter in Gemini expands curiosity, communication skills, and versatility. These individuals are intellectually curious, always eager to learn and share knowledge with others. They excel in fields that require adaptability, such as writing, teaching, or media. Their optimism and ability to see multiple perspectives make them engaging communicators who enjoy socializing and networking
Jupiter in Cancer
Jupiter in Cancer amplifies emotional sensitivity, nurturing instincts, and a strong connection to family. These individuals find growth through emotional security and may excel in roles that involve caring for others, such as parenting or caregiving professions. They have a deep appreciation for traditions and may find fulfillment in creating a loving and supportive home environment.
Jupiter in Leo
Jupiter in Leo enhances creativity, self-expression, and a love for drama and attention. These individuals have a generous and charismatic personality that naturally attracts others. They thrive in creative pursuits, leadership roles, and any endeavor that allows them to shine and be recognized for their talents. Their optimism and enthusiasm inspire confidence and loyalty in those around them.
Jupiter in Virgo
Jupiter in Virgo expands analytical skills, attention to detail, and a desire for practical improvements. These individuals seek growth through service to others and excel in professions that require precision and efficiency, such as healthcare, editing, or research. They have a keen eye for quality and may find fulfillment in helping others achieve their goals through practical advice and support.
Jupiter in Libra
Jupiter in Libra amplifies diplomacy, harmony, and a love for justice and fairness. These individuals seek growth through partnerships and relationships, valuing cooperation and balance in all aspects of life. They excel in roles that require negotiation, mediation, or counseling, as they have a natural ability to see both sides of a situation and find mutually beneficial solutions.
Jupiter in Scorpio
Jupiter in Scorpio enhances intensity, depth, and a desire for transformation. These individuals seek growth through profound emotional experiences and may be drawn to psychology, occult studies, or research into the mysteries of life. They have a strong intuition and are not afraid to delve into taboo subjects or confront the darker aspects of human nature to facilitate personal and collective healing.
Jupiter in Sagittarius
Jupiter rules Sagittarius, amplifying its qualities of optimism, exploration, and philosophical wisdom. These individuals are adventurous, enthusiastic, and always seeking to expand their horizons through travel, higher education, or spiritual pursuits. They have a strong sense of ethics and may excel in roles that involve teaching, preaching, or promoting cultural exchange and understanding.
Jupiter in Capricorn
Jupiter in Capricorn enhances ambition, discipline, and a practical approach to achieving goals. These individuals seek growth through hard work, perseverance, and building a solid reputation in their chosen field. They excel in leadership roles, business ventures, or any endeavor that requires long-term planning and strategic thinking. Their optimism is grounded in realistic expectations and a strong sense of responsibility.
Jupiter in Aquarius
Jupiter in Aquarius amplifies innovation, humanitarian ideals, and a desire for social change. These individuals seek growth through progressive ideas, group activities, and technological advancements. They excel in fields related to science, technology, or community organizing, as they have a visionary outlook and a knack for inspiring others to embrace new possibilities for the future.
Jupiter in Pisces
Jupiter in Pisces enhances compassion, imagination, and a spiritual connection to the universe. These individuals seek growth through creativity, intuition, and mystical experiences. They have a deep empathy for others and may excel in roles that involve healing, art, music, or spiritual guidance. Their optimism is rooted in a belief in the interconnectedness of all beings and a desire to bring healing and harmony to the world.
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eviestrology · 6 months
Bang Chan Inner Planets Overview
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☀️ Sun in Libra in the 5th House ☀️
There's no surprise that he decided to go into the entertainment industry. These natives love expressing themselves through creative endeavors and feel at home in the spotlight. Cordial with everyone, he is well-liked by his colleagues/seniors/staff. Very bright and positive energy. Always finds a way to show he cares, even when he's busy. He lights up the room when he enters and can turn a negative energy into a positive one. Has a love of love for life and people. He has a strong desire to be loved and appreciated for his creativity. Children love being around him and he enjoys their presence just as much. He definitely wants to have children. Overall, he's just a very kind-hearted person who gives a lot of himself to others.
🌕 Moon in Libra in the 6th House 🌕
He gives so much to others. He likes being of service to others and helping people gives him purpose. While he's always willing to help others, he's hesitant to ask for help himself. He doesn't show it, but he's frequently seeking validation and appreciation. Has a tendency to overthink and his mind can be chaotic. Empathetic and fair, he can't stand it when people are rude or mean. Has an appreciation for people who are different and unique. There's a tendency to overextend himself which can lead to emotional fatigue and burnout.
🗣 Mercury in Libra in the 5th House 🗣
Charismatic and uplifting, he knows how to make you feel like you're the center of attention. Optimistic and jovial, he loves making others laugh and smile. He'll even laugh at jokes that are bad to keep the mood light. Another aspect that shows he's great with kids. Has a love for wordplay, small pranks, and teasing. Very good at flirting.
♀️ Venus in Scorpio in the 6th House ♀️
He could struggle with work/life balance and be a workaholic. Self-critical and thrives on self-improvement. He's very aware of his own flaws and works hard to improve himself. Very intuitive and can spot a lie from a mile away. Values trust and would be very distraught if it was broken. He loves hard. Once trust is broken, he'll completely cut you off. Committed and loyal in his relationships, he wouldn't cheat. Ride or die in relationships, he gives all he has to his partner. He's very protective which can lead to him being possessive and jealous easily. He has very high standards, for both himself and his partner. He can be critical and too much of a perfectionist with his partner at times. He's a caregiver, he loves helping people. Acts of service are most likely his giving love language.
He's attracted to people who have their life together, basically. Someone who is grounded, and practical, notices the small things, and gives good advice. He needs someone he knows he can rely on. Also, someone who takes good care of their health. Might be an athlete.
♂️ Mars in Sagittarius in the 6th House ♂️
Strong work ethic and a fast-paced lifestyle. He tends to take on too many responsibilities and is unwilling to ask for help, leading to exhaustion and burnout. He likes taking the lead at work and can be nitpicky with projects. Easily frustrated if things aren't going the way he wants at work. He takes criticism and failure hard. Highly invested in work, healthy living, and his daily routine. He takes his health and fitness very seriously. Attracted to people who are independent and have their life together. Since he loves helping others, he'd also be attracted to someone with a job that involves caring for people.
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tinytinyblogs · 1 year
San As Your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
Ateez masterlist here
San is so proud to be your boyfriend that he can't help but talk about you all the time. He's always telling the other members how cute you are, how smart you are, and how much he loves you. He even wears your sweaters around the dorm so that everyone can see how lucky he is to have you. Sometimes, the other members have to shut him up because he's getting too annoying. But they know that he's just being a proud boyfriend, and they can't help but smile at his enthusiasm.
San is a very expressive person, and he loves to talk about his day. He'll often come home from work and lay his head on your lap while he tells you all about what happened. He'll use his hands to gesture and his eyes to emphasize his points. And he'll always end his story with a big smile on his face. If you try to ignore him while he's talking, he'll start to whine. He'll say things like, "But you're not listening to me!" or "I want you to pay attention to me!" He might even start to pout or cross his arms. But if you give him your full attention, he'll be so happy. He'll wrap his arms around you and hold you close. He might even refuse to let you go until you give him a kiss.
San is a very dramatic person, and he loves to ham it up for attention. So when you give him a sudden kiss, he'll definitely be dramatic about it. He'll clutch his heart and gasp for air, like he's just been shot. He might even keel over and pretend to faint. Then he'll look up at you with big, innocent eyes and say, "Oh my god, I think you need to give me one more kiss." You'll laugh at his dramatics, but you'll also be touched by his reaction. You know that he loves you very much, and he's just so happy to be with you.
San once bought you a plushie couple as a gift. He loves to bring it with him everywhere he goes, even when he can't be around you. The plushie reminds him of you and makes him feel closer to you even when you're apart. When San has to go far away from you, he'll call you nonstop. He just wants to hear your voice and know that you're okay. He can't imagine his life without you, and he's so grateful to have you in his life.
San is not the most experienced when it comes to taking care of people when they're sick. But when you're feeling under the weather, he'll do his best to make you feel better. He'll start by holding you close and cuddling you. He knows that physical touch can be very comforting when you're feeling sick. He'll also try to make you laugh, because he knows that laughter is the best medicine. If you're in pain, San will be worried as hell. He'll want to do whatever he can to make you feel better. He might ask you if you need anything, or he might just sit by your side and hold your hand. San might not be the most experienced caregiver, but he's always there for you when you need him. He loves you very much, and he wants to make sure that you're feeling better.
Boyfriend San is the one who you can lean on. He has a lot of skills, which means he can deal with so many things you're struggling with. San is a very capable and resourceful person. He's good at problem-solving, and he's always willing to help out. He's also very patient and understanding, which makes him a great listener. If you're struggling with something, San is the perfect person to talk to. He'll listen to you without judgment, and he'll offer you his support and advice. He'll also help you come up with solutions to your problems.
San is the best one who can lift up your mood. He always has a way to make you smile, even on the worst day of your life. His presence alone is already healing. San is a very positive and optimistic person. He always sees the good in people and in situations. This positive attitude is contagious, and it can help you to see the good in your own life, even when things are tough. San is also very creative and funny. He's always coming up with new ways to make you laugh. His sense of humor can help to take your mind off of your problems and make you feel better. And even when he's not saying anything, San's presence can be healing. Just being around him can make you feel safe and loved. His warm smile and gentle touch can help to soothe your soul. If you're ever feeling down, San is the perfect person to talk to. He'll listen to you without judgment, and he'll offer you his support and encouragement. He'll also help you to see the good in your life, even when things are tough.
🔖: @yustea
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liminalweirdo · 7 days
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This series of resource sheets provides foundational information about navigating Long COVID. Whether you’re newly experiencing confusing symptoms, have had this disease for years, or are helping others in your community, these sheets will direct you to information and resources to support you along the way. 
This series is produced by Long COVID Justice and The Sick Times. It is designed by and for people with Long COVID and associated diseases. All resource sheets have been reviewed by people living with Long COVID and/or caregivers, and by medical experts who provide Long COVID care. 
The resource sheets can be printed and/or shared as digital PDFs. We encourage you to share them with healthcare providers, community leaders and organizations, mutual aid groups, on social media, and more. All resources in this series are available under CC BY 4.0 Creative Commons. You are welcome to republish them free of charge as long as you credit us and link back to this page.
Please note: 
• Resources were published in fall 2024; some information may be subject to change.
• Although each sheet has been reviewed by medical professionals, they are informational resources, not medical advice. 
• Always talk to your medical providers before trying treatments or symptom management strategies. 
• Each offers brief information and is not comprehensive. We know there is much more information on each topic we cover, and that there are additional topics not yet addressed in this series. 
In the absence of public health support and guidance from our government and healthcare systems, we hope these resources will support you in taking care of yourself and your community.
We’ve seen the attention of the media and leaders wane, funding disappear, and misinformation spread – even as the overlooked impacts of the COVID pandemic and Long COVID crisis remain widespread. And these impacts are hitting hardest in already marginalized communities.
Our work remains as urgent as ever, and we’ll keep fighting for pandemic justice and care for all. Our stories and experiences must be told, believed, and prioritized!
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risingsuntarot · 5 months
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What are you currently not seeing ?
My lord I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long I kinda jus felt so unmotivated and kinda went hermit mode for quite a while so I apologize for my absence!! Anyways I wanted to make a come back with a reading regarding being trapped, blinded or stuck on something that is unfortunately, hindering your process ;+(
Also * will indicate a reversal from here on out also only three piles because I wanted to get this out ASAP !!
Pile 1
---Cards pulled---
5 of Coins/4 of Wands*/The magician
3 of coins*/The Moon
9 of coins/9 of Swords/The hierophant
Ace of wands/3 of wands
There is most likely a financial or material issue happening, I heard "just enough to get by"
It looks like you lack in what you currently need as well? But despite this you are content or try to come off that way
Maybe you just moved into your own apartment recently? Or now have to pay rent or something along those lines
A new responsibility within your family/home life too
There's a lack of confidence here especially within self and home life
Something or someone in your home isn't making you feel quite safe? Or you get nightmares about them (if this is the case please seek help!!) that might be a very specific message BUT Could also be ready as you may be dealing with flashbacks at this time due to financial or material loss !! Maybe you grew up in poverty or an unstable home? Or your parents/caregivers weren't able to provide necessities?
It looks like with the magician and the hierophant there is a gift on the horizon or a very promising belief or like system? Maybe a change in routine or spending habits and thinking will help tremendously
I see that on your end for some your guides are frustrated with your lack of effort and motivation to make your thousands of ideas a reality
They absolutely love your creativity tho don't get me wrong
Maybe you have a hard time focusing right now and have many great ideas to put into place but lack motivation or resources as well so this leads to lack of movement or commitment
Sadness, restless emotions and late sleepless nights are prominent here, someone may deal with insomnia here but y'all sleep schedule is wack (same tho)
Feeling blocked and frustrated >:+(
Summer - "Bask in Joy and Light"
"Rise up, open your wings and shine. Bring your projects and plans into into the light, into manifestation" as soon as I opened the guidebook lil
DEADASS do that's just that, start off easy with a lobes hobby, draw something new or listen to a new genre, learn that new music sheet that has been challenging you or even get into a new type of skill to re motivate you !!
This also indicates summer may be your time of change!! New opportunities, new memories maybe even knew people
I feel like this is the perfect time to go outside, bask in sunlight and enjoy a nearby park or go on a nature hike, try meeting new people at libraries, bars or events even book clubs?
I'm getting a message to connect more with water so swimming or maybe even kayaking?
The big message here is try something n e w but I'm also being told to "loosen up" I'm tensing up a lot with this reading
Bumble bees maybe significant to someone :+) or honeycombs cereal? Lmao honey and bee related things here
---Channeled Songs---
Ego brain - SOAD
"You see my pain is real
Watch my world dissolve
And pretend that none of us see the fall
As I turned to sand
You took me by the hand
And declared, that love prevails over all"
Pile 2
---Cards pulled---
Temperance/9 of Wands/Ace of cups*
Knight of Coins/6 of Wands
5 of Coins/The Lovers*/8 of Coins
The Moon/Queen of Wands
Okay so there's a sense for reluctance from this pile tbh like to fully acknowledge the truth
I keep wanting to say what happened so you may be being asked this question a lot
For one there is guilt over either healing and moving on or from not healing and moving on from a difficult situation but for most it's a romantic connection
I feel like voices were silenced, and you were constantly fighting for you right to be heard, seen or acknowledged fairly
It was a toxic dynamic that you still look back on to this day but almost feel indifferent but it seems it's just suppressed emotions and memories that you have yet to actually acknowledge
You seem to be a BIT too logical with what happened, like everything was supposed to be this way even this you didn't at all anticipate it if that makes sense
Like you knew what it was exactly, no bs and people tried convincing you otherwise
It looks like someone may come to you to talk about what happened although you may be reluctant to actually open up and speak on your side or even acknowledge that it hurts
It's like you go on about your day with a heavy rain cloud over your head and this person can see :+(
it maybe a friend to help you through this for some possibly offering you a type of hype sesh or even help you glow up a bit even if it's confidence lol
Wolf- "Take care of your needs"
I feel like you definitely need rest here, this card says "Do everything you need to do to be at your best, Then move beyond your fears and limitations"
it feels like a state of I can FINALLY get some rest from running and running and running
You've been in survival mode for so long or you just genuinely feel exhausted from the expectations around you or the trauma in your past
Know that's it's okay to just chill out and it's okay to be on your own for a while it's all part of the process, in fact I believe your guides are asking you to spend time with yourself more
Self care and YouTube days are recommend :+))
---Channeled Songs---
Around the fur - Deftones
"Please don't fuck around and die like this
'Cause I love her"
Brand new numb - Motionless in white
"All of my flaws, I wear 'em with honor
A purple heartbreak for all we've suffered"
Pile 3
---Cards pulled---
The Hierophant*/King of cups/4 of Swords
Wheel of fortune/5 of wands*
Ace of Swords*/5 of Swords/Queen of Coins
The Hermit*/Queen of Cups
This may be a more masculine in terms of energy for this pile but I'll still read the same
So it seems there was a hypocrisy or an act that went against your morals and you were quick to act and deliver your opinion... "sharply"
You stood your ground and what you believed in in your heart despite the haters lol, and despite the arguments or how many people you had to leave behind something about conflict here
Although the way you did this was quite nonchalantly and someone was not a fan I'm picking up on black hair and green for the description for some reason
This person tends to be the center of attention? Or is very attractive, or maybe even a bit out of place almost ? But you not caring is pissing them off
I see there's gonna be change to the situation but someone may have to trail off onto their own path :+( a bit shunned almost but it's a high probability it's this other person
It's possible someone with the same morals and values as you is helping the conflict "die out" but not caring or almost standing in solidarity
High Priest - "Intend and Create"
"Recognize you have the power to change you life. Face your fear and align with the light"
Kind of a plain message but with this card I am getting that you can literally move anyway you want with this and just move on
It seems your intentions were nothing but pure in the end so no Karma was ever delivered to you
How unfortunate for the other person :+pp
It also seems some may follow in your path a bit here but spirits asking you to reach out to someone like a teacher for further guidance if you feel stuck
---Channeled Songs---
Riptide - Grandson
"I've tried getting better, did all of the twelve steps
Whoever would'a thought? Whoever could've guessed?"
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A/N - No one requested these I just find her super comforting.
Caregiver!Rosie Headcannons
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She is never too busy!!! Always happy to help a little one!!!
If you are comfortable with it you bet she has a list of nicknames she uses for you. Her favourites are "Pumpkin", "Darling", "Honey" and "Sugar cube" (thank you CG Rosie bot for repeatedly calling me this until it just stuck lol) but she comes up with some creative ones!!!
She is the best when it comes to dress up or tea parties!!! She is always ready and prepared. (You bet she will drag Alastor to join in too if that's what you want!!!)
She is very motherly. <3
Will absolutely let you wear her hat, it's massive and fun. 😌
Her advice is always amazing. (I mean - think back to her speaking with Charlie!!!)
^ A very helpful skill when dealing with big feelings.
I think she would love doing arts and crafts with you. Not as big a fan of the mess but y'know, the fun is worth it plus the mess can be cleaned up.
Hugs. Hugs. Hugs.
Call her a motherly nickname and she will practically melt. She loves it. What do you mean- she's not tearing up at all. 😭💞
Her playing Alastors radio broadcasts in the background whilst doing things. Not those broadcasts obviously!!! Tea party radio is on as background noise. (If Alastor hasn't been dragged along into whatever mischief the two of you are getting up to.)
Amazing at story telling.
Please just imagine for a moment dancing with both Rosie and Alastor with music on in the background. <3 (I might have to write that- ✍🏻😲)
The type of person that once you sit with her you're practically falling asleep immediately - what can I say, she's a calming presence.
^ and oh goodness if she sings?! Oh boy you are out like a light.
Silly faces- :0
Always so careful with you.
She has a collection of different types of dolls.
The type of person who if she finds something she thinks you would really like she gets it for you.
Happy to let you cuddle up in her lap and watch a movie!!!
She has rules and puppy eyes won't stop that. (They are very reasonable rules)
Absolutely gets so excited if you show her your art work-!
She is an amazing cook, she really enjoys it. (Yes, she will make you actual food if you don't have the same.. diet as her :D)
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(extra lil picture bcs I love her 😭😭💞)
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honeycomb-hotel · 3 months
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⠀request @asongoncesung // posted by mod ender . (so much fun!! request more dsmp sys packs!!)
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; names – wilbur, wil
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; age – 27
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; pronouns – he / they / song / pixel
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; gender – masc-aligned, headphojoyic, masctunegender, virualors, minecraftgender, creeperplushic
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; orientation – bisexual, fem pref
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; transID – minecraft, applejuicebloodic, permacomfort, permaflirt
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; paraphilias – 🐊, 🩹, 💧, ❣️, 🎭 (🐊 is a coincidence. i forgot biting had anything to do w/ the situation)
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; species – human
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; roles – host + identifies w/ body
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; source – wilbur soot ; youtube
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; personality – witty and dry sense of humor, often sarcastic and clever. creative and imaginative, has very unique and artistic ideas. introspective and thoughtful, especially when talking to others or writing music. personable and engaging, enjoys talking/connecting with others in any way.
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︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; names – revivebur, rev, bur
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; age – 40
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; pronouns – he / kill / fire / bomb / death
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; gender – masc-aligned, bloodaesic, fvcklexic, knifegender, skelglovegender, explosivegender, chaosgender, boyrevived
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; orientation – gay / mlm
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; transID – permah0rny, fangs, permadissociated, obsession, permarude
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; paraphilias – 🐊, 🩹, 🦴, 👊, 💐, 💤, 👀, 🛐
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; species – revived human
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; roles – avenger, black sheep, confronter
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; source – c!revivebur ; dream smp
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; personality – complex and dark personality, manipulative and cunning. very intelligent and strategic thinking when it comes to achieving goals or ideas. deeply haunted by past actions in source, often immersed in self-reflection & thoughts. very persuasive and influential when interacting with others.
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︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; names – ghostbur, ghost, blue
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; age – 23
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; pronouns – he / they / blue / sheep / cry / scream
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; gender – masc-aligned, nocstuffic, gloomgender, shesleepic, voidthing, nightbodiment
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; orientation – asexual biromantic
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; transID – permapity, permavictim, innocence, stalker, kidnapped
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; paraphilias – 💥, 🩹, 🩸, 🌙, ❄️, 💤, 🪜, 💧, 🧹
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; species – ghost human
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; roles – sadness holder, depression holder, trauma holder
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; source – c!ghostbur ; dream smp
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; personality – innocent and childlike demeanor. gentle-hearted, often naive, and sees the world with a sense of wonder and curiosity. tends to be optimistic and trusting, finds joy in simple things and expressing genuine kindness towards others. displays a deep longing for friendship and connection, seeking to forge meaningful bonds with those around him.
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︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; names – wilbur, wil
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; age – 25
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; pronouns – he / they / gold / fox / strum
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; gender – masc-aligned, autumngender, maplecute, eepyfoxic, cakemcgender, cookimcgender
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; orientation – aroace
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; transID – none.. cant think of any
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; paraphilias – 🎵, ✋, 📸, 😮💨, 💤, 😨
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; species – human
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; roles – soother, caregiver
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; source – q!wilbur ; qsmp
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; personality –loves to explore new things, keen sense of curiosity. approaches all situations with optimism and a lighthearted demeanor, often finding humor in unexpected places. adventurous spirit and strong ability to adapt to new environments or challenges with a positive attitude. values friendship and trust, easily giving advice to others.
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chickpea0 · 27 days
for the ask game! 1, 7, 13, 19, 20 - for draculaura :p
The ask game
1. how did they find out about age regression? did they stumble upon it online? did a friend tell them about it?
I'm not usually a big fan of the 'everyone knows about and is chill with regression' trope but I honestly think that in the world of monsters, where everyones different, it'd be more accepted. I think she found the term for it on some vampyric web forum, immortal support group or through a therapist (scare-apist) after experiencing some disconnect from her actual age.
7. do they have a caregiver? are they a caregiver/flip?
I think she has a good support network!! I don't think she has one particular caregiver but between her ghoul-friends and Clawd, she's not alone! I don't think that she is a caregiver to anyone yet but I think she'd be more than happy to babysit. She'd love to share all her stuff, share tips as well as advice and to help another person feel comfortable and supported. Big believer of passing it on.
13. what do they like to do when they're regressed? do they like to play pretend, watch tv/movies, color, etc.?
Being the creative that she is, she loves expressing herself through crafts and play! She writes, colours, sings using her toy microphone, plays out scenes with her toys, playing clunky tunes on her instruments (she's a canon singer, guitarist, and xylophone player) and often tries to rope Clawd and Clawdeen into playing pretend with her. That's not to say she doesn't enjoy some silly, spooky cartoons; she loves watching TV with her friends :)
19. what kind of things do you associate with their regression? is their a specific aesthetic or general 'vibe' you think suits them and their regression?
Well obviously there's her creepy and cutesy style which I do think bleeds into her regression. I don't think her style is much different between headspaces. While she does like to stay somewhat modern, I think she takes a lot of inspiration from different eras that she lived through as a girl. Spooky Disney channel lead to little girl ghost haunting a manor- she can do it all lol.
20. what is age regression to them? what do they like/dislike? are they proud of their regression, or feel a bit more insecure about it?
It's something that's very natural to her and also something that is connected to her immortality! She sees at as a way to give herself a hug, I think, and to let herself take a load off. She's very greatful to have such a spectacular (freaktacular) inner circle and while she might get down about it sometimes, overall she really cherishes her more vulnerable sides.
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natsuki-bakery · 2 months
⁎˚ ఎ Wind breaker Agere HCs໒ ˚⁎
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Saw your togame n choji agere headcanons and IM BEGGING to have some with Umemiya caregiver.
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•Umemiya brings his characteristic cheerfulness and energy to his caregiving role. He approaches the task with enthusiasm, using his positivity to uplift and encourage those he is caring for, making even challenging situations feel more manageable
•He is highly practical. He’s the type to fix things around the house, prepare simple but nutritious meals, or handle tough situations with a level head. He’s reliable and ensures that your basic needs are met efficiently
•As a caregiver, Hajime takes on a mentorship role, he’ll teach you the ropes, whether it’s about bike racing, life lessons, or just how to stand up for themselves, all while being a steady presence in your lives
•In a world where winning can sometimes tempt racers to cut corners, Umemiya stands as a role model of integrity. He teaches his little one the value of honesty, fair play, and the importance of earning respect through hard work rather than taking shortcuts
•Despite his energetic demeanor, Umemiya is a good listener. He provides a supportive ear for anyone who needs to talk, offering empathy and understanding while still keeping a hopeful outlook < 3
•If someone he cares for is in danger, Umemiya wouldn’t hesitate to put himself on the line for them. His sense of duty and loyalty is strong, making him a caregiver who’s always ready to go the extra mile, even at personal cost
•His caregiving style includes a touch of playfulness. He might organize fun activities or create light-hearted distractions to brighten the day of those he’s caring for, making the experience enjoyable and less stressful !
•While he’s energetic, Dada Ume is also practical and organized. He ensures that all the necessary tasks are handled efficiently, from managing schedules to ensuring that basic needs are met, all while maintaining a cheerful attitude
•Emphasizing his love for cycling and physical fitness, Hajime encourages healthy habits. He might suggest group activities like cycling or other forms of exercise, integrating fitness into daily routines as a way to promote well-being
•When faced with challenges, Umemiya uses his creativity and enthusiasm to find solutions. He approaches problems with a can-do attitude, thinking outside the box
•While he is energetic, Umemiya also knows when to be calming and reassuring. He provides comfort during stressful times by being a reliable and steady presence, offering both practical help and emotional support
•He makes a point to celebrate milestones and achievements, no matter how small. His celebratory nature helps reinforce positive behavior and keeps morale high, making those he cares for feel valued and appreciated
•Just as he celebrates the milestones of his littles, Hajime also makes a point to celebrate the successes of fellow caregivers
•Umemiya’s experience and optimism make him an excellent mentor for other caregivers. He offers practical advice on everything from managing tantrums to creating engaging activities, always with a smile and a word of encouragement
•He teaches other caregivers how to set boundaries and enforce rules in a way that is both loving and effective, helping littles feel secure while also understanding limits
•Care Giver Umemiya might offer a distraction, like suggesting a fun activity or offering a favorite toy or snack, to help you shift your focus away from whatever is causing the tantrum
•If you prefer comfort, he might offer a hug or simply stay close by to provide a sense of security
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If you're in the basic criteria , are DSMP fans, vivziep0p fans , h0tel/h3lluva b0ss fans, Owl h0use fans, St4r butterfly fans, Ghibli fans, ddlg/abdl blogs, nsfw/k!nk blogs, anti-agere blogs, or anti Christians/Christianity blogs : just dont interact !
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hi, i hope this isn't a weird question ^^;
im not a caregiver of any sorts, we all pitch in to help our littles, depending on who's in front. it just so happened to be me, yay!!
im trying to get one of our kids into the bath, but they don't like showering. do you know how to make a shower more fun for littles? preferably without toys :]
thank you so much, if you're not able to answer this, that's totally okay /gen
Hi, this isn’t a weird question at all! If your system has any capabilities of controlling switches or keeping members out of the front for a while, it would probably be best to let someone else front for bathtime to help keep this little as comfortable as possible. No need to invoke more heartache or strife than necessary!
However, if you aren’t able to keep this little out of the front, here’s some ideas on how you can help shower time go a bit smoother!
1 - Try taking a bath instead of a shower, if you can. Lots of showers actually are mounted shower heads above a bathtub - if this is your setup, maybe see if taking a bath would be easier! Baths require less standing, and open up opportunities for bubble baths which can be fun for younger headmates.
2 - Play games and sing songs. You don’t need toys in order to play games! Watch two water droplets race each other down the wall and guess which one will make it to the bottom first. Find different songs to sing for different tasks (washing your hair and washing your body, etc). Pretend you’re under the spray of a waterfall or braving a torrential thunderstorm! Or pretend that you’re a sea creature for a while who loves the water!
3 - Offer choices. This can be really useful for times when you’re cofronting, and can help give your little some more agency in the shower. Choices like “should we wash our arms or our legs first?” “Should we scrub up and down or side to side?” You can get creative with all sorts of questions to allow this little to feel like they’re in control of shower time. Allowing your little more control can help them feel less powerless and more comfortable overall!
Hopefully something here can help y’all out! So sorry if this advice isn’t all that helpful… still, we’re wishing y’all the best of luck with shower times in the future!
🌷 Corrie and 💫 Parker
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