wheelxr · 1 year
Mutuals, send me a 🍓and I’ll compliment you!
Joy. It’s been almost a full year since we first started talking. I remember when I first saw your blog follow mine, the creelcreep url catching my attention. Of course I clicked on the blog, because I needed to find out more, and I’m so, so glad I did.
Every post you wrote dripped with your passion for Henry. It was clear to me that he wasn’t just a character to you, but a creation — someone to be experienced, and someone to explore. Not only was the writing beautiful, but the headcanons and tag rants made me smile — and your rules page denouncing drama and policing made me feel like I’d found another sane person on this website.
We started writing. Listening to music together. Sharing songs, artists, gifs, pictures. We’d talk until one of us should have been in bed, write so much people would ask us if we were insane, and I wouldn’t change a moment of it.
I wake up every damn day excited to create with you, just as I have for a year. Our babies own my heart and soul, and I can’t imagine not having a server full of Creeler, or a discord history filled with original character ideas and thoughts, plus our ridiculous fucking chatter about anything and everything.
Your writing is special, Joy. You capture not only Henry’s voice, but the voices of all of your characters. You become them when you write, and that’s rare. It’s why I had to read your works outside of tumblr, because you make worlds worth exploring. You make characters a reader can care about. You’re the only 001 for me, the only 001 on the floor, and the only 001 who has given Henry a chance at living.
You’re creative and intelligent, and goddamn, you’re also funny as hell. 🍗
You’re my favorite person, my best friend, and one of the best people I’ve ever known. Nancy and I love you and Henry to pieces, always.
Today is no day to fall apart. It’s you and me.
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vyrulent · 2 years
semi plotted thing || @creelcreep
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She’d kicked and screamed as anyone captured would do, but in truth, Lucy Westenra was safer in this lab than out in the real world. Out there, vampire hunters lurked in the shadows in an effort to wipe them out, regardless if they were monstrous or not.  But that had been well over a decade ago. In this lab, she’d been able to be like a mother to some of the children, a sister to others. 
With the first, she wasn’t so certain how he felt about her. He’d been the first child she’d spoken with so long ago. Today, he was so far away from that young creature.
“Sometimes I forgot how old you’ve become. You’re a proper young man now.”
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ordinariums-a · 2 years
@creelcreep​ asked: Don’t think I won’t make you go to bed. Try me.” [ he's about to use his powers to yeet max into bed isn't he.... ] || meme
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she is tired. but she’s also frustrated, and grumpy, and it takes everything she has not to pick up her homework book, and yeet over in his direction. instead, she settles with turning in her seat, the grumpiness shining through as the chair unpleasantly squeaks on her floor.    “   look, if i don’t finish this, my math teacher is going to have a fit. and the last thing i need right now is my mom and step dad finding out. ten minutes, maybe twenty, that’s all it’s gonna take me. providing you can stay quiet for that long.    ”     she pauses, and frowns, motioning to him.     “     what happened to that comic book i gave you ??     ”
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dustified · 2 years
               It'd been a year or two since she'd had to break routine. Work as the school nurse during the week, groceries and necessities on Saturday, relax to the best of her ability on Sunday.
Damned kitchen wall clock, holding her Sunday hostage. She wasn't supposed to have anything to do.
Creel's Clocks. The shop was recommended by a few of the administrators in the high school; they’d all said his repair work was fantastic. However, a surprising lack of other cars in the parking lot makes her hesitant to go inside. Squinting at the sign on the door would prove the shop's open, though, so she takes a deep breath, leaves her car, and steps through the door.
Quietly, she wanders around, pace slow so she could look for any further proof of the shop in fact being open — an employee, maybe another customer.
Brown eyes fixate on the blonde hair of the man turned away from her, fiddling with a grandfather clock. There's a moment of shock, to take in the information physically right in front of her.
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@creelcreep​ // plotted!
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childrenofthelab · 2 years
Family Matters
A short (nearly two and a half thousand word) fic written to satisfy the absolute brainrot I have over @creelcreep and I's boys.
It starts like any other day really.
And isn’t that funny to think, that the two of them have fallen into their own little routine here now? So different from life at the lab; now their time is their own, and they’ve figured out their own way of using it, without being dictated to. They get up at whatever time they wake naturally (still early for One, who’s gone back to calling himself Henry, at least for Ten, and mid-morning usually for the newly named Daniel) and they have breakfast together, which more often than not involves the confiscation of the syrup bottle. Daniel, they have learned, has quite a sweet tooth, and will take just about any opportunity to feed it.
Of course, today is a little bit different, because they’re running a little low on some of their basic food supplies, which means it’s once again time for Henry to go into town and pick up what they need, while Daniel stays tucked away in their little cabin. It’s safer this way, less chance of being spotted by someone who might recognise them, although Daniel is quite delighted at how his hair is growing out, how different it makes him look from the boy who had escaped that lab. It’s not uncommon for him to sit and fiddle with the strands of pale blond hair, a certain delight in his eyes. They’ll have to give it at least a trim at some point to tidy it up a little, but Henry hasn’t had the heart to suggest that just yet, not when the kid is clearly so fond of his hair. Murderer he might be, but there’s something about Daniel that softens him, even just a little.
So off Henry goes, and Daniel is content to potter around their cabin. He won’t be gone too long, Daniel knows that, but he has some time to wash up the dishes and put them away (he maybe has to climb onto the counter top to put away some, but it’s fine, he won’t fall) and then he finds himself tugging out another one of their little projects. Another bird box, to go with the four that already sit in various trees around their home. The birds and the squirrels and other animals fascinate him, and he can frequently sit for hours at a time just watching them. Sometimes he draws them too, little doodles here and there on scraps of paper, or more serious drawings, painstakingly coloured in with the pencils Henry had brought back from town last time he’d went. Today, he thinks, he’ll start painting this one, and then maybe they can put it out tomorrow. This one should be green, maybe with a blue roof. Yes, a blue roof, and he can add stars on the top too. The birds will like that. So out come the paints, and the brushes, and the cup for water that had been specifically labelled as such after the last time one of them had nearly ended up drinking paint water while not paying attention.
He's halfway through the second wall when he hears it. A heavy footfall, a twig snapping. A crackle, that sounds a little like the old radio they have in the corner. Henry wouldn’t be back yet, it’s too early still, and Daniel is instantly on high alert. There shouldn’t be anyone out here, there’s never anyone out here except for the two of them, no one even knows about this cabin except for them.
Another footstep.
Pushing himself slowly to his feet, Daniel reaches out, lifting a small wood carving knife from the table. Henry had left it there last night before they’d went to sleep, and he slips it up his sleeve, just in case. He’s had a sheltered life, yes, but even he knows that if he hits someone with the pointy end it’s going to hurt. Blue eyes flicker towards the front door, towards the front of the cabin, and the direction of the footsteps, and he takes a deep breath, thinking of everything Henry has taught him. He needs to focus.
With a slam, the door flies open.
Going into town is not particularly one of Henry’s favourite things in the world. Of course, he always keeps it as brief as possible, only the shops he needs, for the items he’s mentally listed out already. On occasion he might be side-tracked, usually if something catches his eye that he thinks Daniel might like- a stuffed bear (he sleeps with it every night), a small set of children’s paints (used nearly every day), a book for the two of them to pore over before bed.
It's not what he’d ever imagined for himself upon getting out of that place.
But there’s something about Daniel that’s different, that made him choose to bring the boy with him, to spare him where he hadn’t spared anyone else. The kid is incredibly positive, bounding around their makeshift home with a vibrant energy that he can’t quite help but smile at, like a personal little ball of sunshine capable of melting even his murderous heart. Perhaps this is what some people mean when they talk about caring unconditionally for family. They might not actually be related, but he supposes that’s what they are now: a family.
Now when all is said and done, Henry’s abilities have never extended as far as seeing the future. But it’s as he’s shifting the bags of groceries in his hands and wondering if he should check the bookstore that he feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He can’t explain how he knows, but as he stands there, he just knows.
Daniel is in danger.
The door flies open and the first man that steps through it without warning gets slammed through the air and into the far well. The second gets two steps in before Daniel jerks his head, and he crumples like a puppet with its strings cut. A third, a fourth, a fifth. One gets slammed by the kitchen table, another wiped out by the heavy saucepan that was drying on the rack. There’s a thin trickle of blood running from Daniel’s nose now, and he can taste iron in his mouth. He’s not sure how much longer he can keep this up for.
And then he steps inside, and Daniel stumbles back in horror.
“Hello Ten.”
Daniel shakes his head. That’s not his name anymore. It’s not his name, the same way this man is no longer his Papa. He’s just the man who kept them captive, who forced them into a repetitive routine in a place that was essentially a prison. Once upon a time, he would’ve done anything to please this man, would have said yes to any lesson in desperation for the slightest modicum of affection or praise. But now when Daniel looks upon Martin Brenner, all he feels is anger and fear.
“You’ve not been a very good boy, Ten.”
“That’s not my name,” he stammers out, hand twitching, but Brenner manages to duck the book that goes flying towards his head and takes another step forward. Daniel’s hand closes around the hilt of the carving knife, “Leave us alone.”
Brenner takes another step forward, and Daniel another step back. He’s almost at the back door, maybe he can turn and run.
“I’m afraid we can’t do that Ten. I know you’re frightened, but we’re here to bring you back home where you’ll be safe. It’s all going to be okay.”
“Liar,” he spits, and he swears his heart is going to pound right out of his chest. He doesn’t hear the tiny creak of the back door sliding open, too focused on what’s in front of him, “I’m not going back.”
“Oh, Ten,” Brenner sighs with a shake of his head, and the butt of a gun to the back of the head has the young boy swaying before crumpling to his knees, the collar all too easily slipped around his throat, “You will. But first you’re going to tell us where One is.”
He’s being ridiculous, that’s what Henry tells himself, even as he finds himself hurrying back along the route home, bookstore be damned. It’s merely paranoia, they’ve been looking over their shoulders ever since the moment they got out of the lab, and this is just merely a continuation of that. Daniel is perfectly safe in their little cabin. No one knows about it, no one goes there, and worst-case scenario is that maybe Daniel has climbed one of the trees and fallen, or something equally small like that. There’s nothing to worry about.
And then he turns the corner, and further along the road, he sees them, parked alongside the near invisible route through the trees that leads to their home. Easily at least five or six vans, nondescript, with ‘Hawkins Energy and Light’ emblazoned on the side.
The lab.
He takes off at a run. With any luck, they’re still lost in the trees, and he’ll take the chance to put an end to them before they can get anywhere near Daniel. And if they’re not...well, there’ll never be any chance of finding the bodies because there won’t be enough of them left to find. If they’ve touched a hair on his head...
He’s continuing through the trees, and there’s still no sign of them, and dread is building high in his heart. He quickens his pace even more, not much distance now between him and the cabin, and that’s when he hears the sound that makes his entire world stop, and a red mist descend.
It’s Daniel and he’s screaming.
Daniel knows what the collar is for.
He remembers all too well seeing Papa use it on Two in front of them all. Remembers how Two had screamed and how the rest of them had cowered, terrified that if they did something wrong, it might be them next. And now it’s on him, and his lips are stained with his own blood and his head hurts and the birdhouse on the table is in bits on the floor now.
Brenner takes a few more steps forward and then he’s crouching down beside where Daniel is on his knees, his expression blank in a way that is truly chilling. A hand behind his head wrenches him a little more upright by the hair, a thin cry escaping his lips.
“You’re going to tell us when One is, Ten. I don’t want to hurt you.”
In a moment of bravery, or perhaps foolishness, Ten spits in his face. The collar is turned on, and Daniel shrieks, hands flying to his throat even as he jerks, trying to rip the contraption off.
“Tell us where he is.”
Turned up again, its only the hand now holding him by the collar of his shirt that is keeping him upright now. Pain lances through him, and it’s worse than anything he’s ever felt, but he’ll never tell. Never ever. Turned up once more, and the pain is so intense that there are dark spots floating across his vision, and he thinks he might pass out. Idly, he realises that he’s still screaming, that the noise is him, the sound ripping from his throat beyond his control. And then suddenly...
It all stops.
Papa is thrown backwards. The hand holding him upright disappears in a flash of red, and he slumps to the floor, body still twitching. Half closed eyes flicker upwards and he sees him, standing in the doorway, groceries forgotten on the ground, face like a murderous angel.
It’s all going to be alright now.
Upon hearing Daniel’s scream, he covers the remaining distance to the cabin in little more than a few minutes. That’s when he sees it, the cabin door lying open. There are bodies scattered around, a rather impressive number if he does say so himself, but past that he can see the man who he hates more than almost anything else. He’s crouching, crouching in front of Daniel. The boy he’s grown to care for is being held up by the shirt, one of those collars around his throat, and there’s blood under his nose, across his lips. Anger bubbles...
And explodes.
The remaining few men seem to explode with it, and Brenner himself is thrown back from the boy, colliding with the cabinet. He doesn’t even get a second to orient himself before Henry is on him, pinning him to the ground both physically and mentally, and his fist is slamming into his face. Over and over, and there’s blood coating his knuckles now, fuelling his fury even more. Over and over and over until...
A quiet cough. It’s enough to momentarily distract Henry from his ire and he turns his head towards the noise. It’s Daniel. He’s still lying where he’d fallen, limbs still spasming weakly, and he’s only half conscious, but he’s reaching out across the floor to him.
It’s the nail in Brenner’s coffin.
In the same instant, two things happen. One, Brenner suddenly just twists, bones snapping, eyes popping, and he’s dead before he fully hits the floor. Two, the collar around Daniel’s throat wrenches open, flying across the room and embedding itself in the wall. The room is silent, save for Henry’s heavy breathing, and the tiniest of whimpers from the crumpled boy.
In a few brief movements, Henry is on his feet again, crossing the floor and dropping to his knees beside the boy. He reaches out, scooping the boy up and pulling him against his chest, cradling him close and burying a reassuring hand in blond hair. A smaller, weaker hand comes up to clutch at his shirt, and he holds him a little tighter.
“It’s okay...it’s okay...it’s over now. It’s all over.”
And in that moment, Henry makes a promise to himself.
No one will ever hurt his boy again
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petitsdieuarchive · 2 years
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There’s something about night that cracks you open. And as they make it past the initial need to sleep, she’s left feeling wide-eyed and buzzing. Wanting to push herself to see how long until her eyes force themselves shut. She’s hoping to see a sunrise, at least. For now, she’s laying on the ground, knees bent, and a palm over her stomach. “Okay, but if we’re going to do a twenty-four question kind of thing, you’re going first.. So— How did you first kiss go?”
sc ft. @creelcreep
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twistedstxrs · 2 years
✪↬✘ @creelcreep​ ✘↫✪  
☽↬Closed Starter↫☾  
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❝Ninety percent of life is confidence, and the thing about confidence is no one knows if it’s real or not.❞ The female remarked, shrugging nonchalantly.
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lilxmcrtes · 2 years
for every 🥝 i get, i’ll recommend a blog i love | Anonymous | Mun
A whooping 10 this time!
1. @harttoheart - We've only just begun to interact but the mun is wonderful as I've already said. I'm intrigued by her muses and I'm looking forward to learning more! And I think you all will too 😊 I will also say I'm already beginning to adore Julia :3 No doubts that others will too!!
2. @diicktective - We've not written together much but her presence on my dash brings me joy! Swift amuses me so much. When I pass him by on the dash it's the same vibe as those 30 min laugh shows, including the side of feels. Also I don't hold much conversation with the mun but I just love her quirky ooc updates when we're blessed with them ❤ So yeah, highly recommend!!
Honestly I shouldn't have started writing these cuz I've run out of energy lol But all the love to the rest. I recommend them all 😊💖
3. @shieldlens
4. @detectiveconnor
5. @more--perfect
6. @6horrors
7. @ejjxnes
8. @divxspuer
9. @iamdarcylewis
10. @creelcreep
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YOU'RE SUCH A GEM! when we first started writing, i didn't expect henry/eddie to become what it has, and i'm so SO happy about the direction they're heading. talking to you in the dms has been a blast so far too - thanks for being so chill and nice! 🥰
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// ok i’m only just answering this now because reasons but thank you so much for all the love 💛💛 I honestly didn’t expect it either but I adore those two idiots together and I’m so excited to see where they end up coz they can be chaotic at times. I adore you very much and thank YOU for being so awesome 💛
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rebelliousfamily · 2 years
@creelcreep​ gets a lyric starter 
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“What happened to her plan?” 
Robin wasn’t used to things going out of plan. Or things to not happen the way that someone had said that they would. She was mostly talking to herself, and she had no intention of even negotiating. She glanced around, for any signs of her friends but, they were nowhere. Which was weird. She was alone. Or she felt alone at least.
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sersumdeorsum · 2 years
GOSH i could say so much about you! not only are you one of those blogs i genuinely admire from afar (can't wait to change that with the runaway henry/max thing we're cooking up though!) but you're a pleasure to talk to ooc as well. i can't believe i was nervous to reach out because you're such a sweetie pie!
but yeah - super excited to thread with your max, and keen to see what fresh hell we can throw out on the dashboard 😈💖
my looooove 🥺 you’re so kind and I can’t wait to write that thread with you !! once I’ve done being out in the rare rare sun that the UK gets, it’s coming your way for sure !! god I’ve admired you from afar so so much and I’m v glad that you reblogged my promo that day and put those wonderful tags on it !! Super excited to write with you ❤️
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mxrvelouscreations · 2 years
♡ [ i mean... just a tiny... itty bitty one... like a bestie!!!! ]
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// eddie just like… wait whaaaaaat?
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getitdcne · 2 years
@creelcreep​ sent ∗ 15﹕ sender  and  receiver  make  eye  contact  across  a  busy  room .  [ i just think 001's intense eye contact is Neat... ]
The suggestion of normalcy was all she was truly looking for in the the gathering of Hawkins High students. Maybe a drink, batting her eyelashes at someone she only knew by name - an opportunity to divert to the shitheel teenager she was before. Disregard responsibility and leave One to his own devices? Check.
But she just... wasn't interested anymore. There had been a change in her life, and a stray adult was the catalyst - like his presence had tilted her world a whole ninety degrees and she was content in that new normal. Why bother pretending otherwise?
Lara could feel his gaze boring holes through her, sending a shiver down her spine so she was not alarmed to see him standing across the room. She didn't make a move to close the distance between, but she was in no way compelled to look away from him and return to the conversation either, eventually allowing a tiny smile to creep onto her face.
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childrenofthelab · 2 years
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"You're not supposed to be looking after me, Ten."
"We're looking after each other!"
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killedsoft · 2 years
@creelcreep​    ᅳ﹙ ➷ ﹚ᅳ   ❛ every day is a chore. ❜
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Oh, hadn’t  she  certainly known. When one’s life had become nothing but survival for the greater part of it, it was easy to become disillusioned by what may make life easier or brighter for others. Imagine her relief when the revelation of violence realized had come into her life. Hazel hues lift from the dinner she’d been making, head atilt as she offers forward a sympathetic little sigh.
        ❝ How would you like it to be more exciting, then? ❞
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dustified · 2 years
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@creelcreep​  :  ❝ i really feel like my moment’s coming… and when it does, everything’s going to come together.❞  [ t-to wendy... 👉🏾👈🏾]
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               “Your...moment?” A slight hint of confusion crossed her face. She paused a moment, just to check the time on her watch; surely she had time for a chat. “Have you been working on something? Can I know, or is it a surprise?”
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