henrysglock · 4 months
the new girl's hair being low like Alice's, meanwhile Holly's pigtails have always been high...
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I dunno. I won't say either way because she is in 1980s clothes, but there's something fishy about it.
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Delving into the Creeler theories is so interesting. Seeing a few accounts point out the casting alone is very 🤔🤔 Carmen Cuba is a genius honestly. I feel like there’s a lot to say about the thematic parallels between the families and Mike/Nancy/Karen’s battle with normalcy. Anyway, this is cool to get into so imma keep looking into the theories, and @henrysglock talks a lot about this theory if u want to, too
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bylerposting · 2 months
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contemplating a lot of things right now
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strawberrybyers · 2 months
“karen wheeler is a part of the creel family” truthers how are we feeling about them putting a sequence of clips of jamie, the upside down, then cara in one go 👀
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givehimthemedicine · 5 months
to whom it may concern: Nancy pinboard seasons 1 vs 4.
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all the Barb photos, specifically, have been removed (including the handwritten note at bottom right which was from Barb).
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"again, thank you for a week end that is not likely to be forgotten - Love Barb" <- "do you remember what you did, Nancy? or have you already forgotten?"
also specifically removed? the Virginia birthday cake.
edit: I also don't see that pic of little Nancy swimming. lol
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radagasttt · 2 months
i used to be such a creelers denier but day by day i come around to it more and more. thinking about mike being related to henry and el being "related" to him. all the lab kids having henrys blood injected in them, mike having creel blood, the elmike sibling parallels.... idk
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lordystrange · 7 months
Wheeler house is Creel house 30 years later
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aemiron-main · 2 years
alice creel isn’t karen wheeler- but she might be somebody else: an analysis of alice creel and connie frazier and jefferson airplane’s white rabbit
So, I think there’s a solid chance that “Connie Frazier,” might be Alice Creel.
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Alice was 15 in 1959, and therefore was born in 1944, which would make her 39 in 1983.
Connie’s age isn’t confirmed anywhere, unfortunately, but the actress who plays her, Catherine Dyer, was 58 as of 2016, when S1 was filmed. Admittedly, this is a fairly large gap between what Alice’s age should be vs what Catherine Dyer’s age is, however, Mike Wheeler is also supposed to be fourteen, so I think that the ages of the actors vs the characters in ST has a bit of wiggle room.
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I’m not just basing this off of looks, though- the name “Alice,” literally plays in a scene where Connie’s face is on screen/it’s focused on Connie.
The lyric “go ask Alice,” plays during this scene, and even cuts to Connie RIGHT as the name “Alice,” is sung, having focused on Benny for the “go ask,” part of the line.
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And prior to this scene at the door, we also have the “call Alice,” lyric that plays, which, right as it plays Benny says “Whoever it is, I’ll tell them to go away real quick.” The fact that the name “Alice,” plays right after Benny talks about going to see who is at the door is suspicious, almost like it’s Alice at the door.
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As well, the full line for the “call alice,” part goes “call alice- when she was just small.” And Alice Creel was small/15 years old the first/last time we saw her (1959) but now is not small anymore/is grown up.
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That’s two instances of Connie being referred to while the name “Alice,” plays in the show. The first time, it literally cuts to Connie’s face as the name “Alice,” is sung, and the second time, Benny talks about seeing who is at the door (Connie) while we hear Connie knocking and the name “Alice,” is sung once again.
It’s also interesting that Benny literally called Connie/called social services and Connie/the lab seem to have been listening in on the call and interfered. And if Connie is Alice, then Benny literally called Alice.
Also, it almost seems like Connie’s has her mind wiped- she’s extremely focused on her mission, seems to have little personality or interests outside of it, and kills Benny in cold blood with basically zero hesitation.
And look at how Connie lays on the ground, bleeding from her eyes, compared to how Alice laid on the ground, supposedly bleeding from her eyes.
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It’s also interesting to me that they chose to revisit Connie’s death in S4, the same season where we’re introduced to Alice Creel for the first time. Sullivan hands Owens a picture of Connie’s death when talking about El- almost like ST production is giving us a subtle reminder of what Connie’s death looked like and how eerily similar it was to Alice’s “death.”
I’m not 100% sure if Connie is Alice yet, but the parallels are definitely interesting, and if Brenner picked up Henry from the Creel house that night (which he did), then I don’t think it’s a stretch for him to have grabbed Alice too. What if Henry is part of what happens when MKultra brainwashing fails, but Connie/Alice is what happens when it succeeds? Not the powers part of it persay but simply the *brainwashing* part and destruction and rebuilding of the mind that was involved in the real mkultra. (The two main steps for mind control were thought to be to wipe then mind snd then rebuild it, which likely would’ve been what happened to Alice). And even though Alice seems dead at the Creel house, there’s so much weirdness with all of those scenes and the position of her body changes throughout various retellings and she seems like her eyes may not even be bleeding in some of them- she may also have regenerative healing like Henry (and likely like Virginia) which would explain her survival.
And then we also get this scene- look at the curtains. We have the orange curtain behind Connie and the orange curtain behind Virginia, and we have both Connie and Virginia wearing orange plaid and they both have similar hairstyles, and the blanket behind Connie is the same sort of orange and white colours as Virginia’s shirt and the framing with the OTS shot of Victor in Virginia’s screenshot vs the OTS shot of Scott in Connie’s screenshot- if Connie is Alice, then it would make sense to parallel grown-up Alice to her mother (Virginia).
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It’s also interesting to me that they chose scott for this scene- scott, who would’ve been at school at the same time as Henry and likely would’ve met Alice at some point, but wouldn’t recognize her anymore, especially because she’s supposed to be dead.
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farrahfawcetts · 3 months
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welcome to my stranger things alternate universe / timeloop / time travel speculation corner! The theory (is that what it should be called?) Is under the cut, inspired on some set production leaks. I go into how I think time travel could work in this universe with some help from USS Elridge's disappearance and reappearance through time.
Hello stranger nation, I was looking at set photos for s5 I believe first uploaded by will80sbyers.
I notice this Hawkins high chalk board (I assume) and the math problem on it seemed interesting to me.
This was my interpretation of it. I am not 100% confident on it but if anyone smarter then me has other interpretations I would love to see them.
I also have a small theory on how time travel might be utilized in this universe. Again, there is likely huge holes in my theory and anyone with strong ideas willing to bounce off what I put down is more then welcome.
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USS Elridge going outside of time then coming back, with two of its passengers potentially going forward in time during this leap creating a time paradox sort of situation due to them being returned back to their present time. (technically now their past.)
This might also be why there is multiple / alternate universes in general, as they created different possible futures due to their absence in their original universe/timeline and the absence of them in the alternative universe they accidentally visited.
now here is where I speculate who are potential knowing time travelers, though again if anyone else has better conclusions I'd love to see them!
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(Dr. Who's time-war anyone?)
Thanks for coming to my Tedgate talk. *launched into dimension x*
Even more, thanks to everyone who has been putting all the leg work on this series (some shoutouts, wheelercore, henrysglock and aemiron-main who have had some really awesome thoughts regarding the series! And anyone else I might gotten ideas from but couldn't remember when posting this! Yall stranger things theorists rock!)
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 2 months
I dunno how anyone can say any theory is “unhinged” (not in the silly goofy way) or “not plausible” WHEN WE’RE WATCHING A SHOW CALLED STRANGER THINGS
Like wdym that’s too out there for STRANGER THINGS
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henrysglock · 6 months
i need to know who that couple is, because they're not the right heights for karen and ted, who we can definitely see in the pic nextdoor:
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but they uh. they are the right height for uh. hahahahha.
[whispers] Nana Creeler come home to me. Season 5 Nana Creeler come HOME!!
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wheelercore · 7 months
Creels fr are just genderbent wheelers because why is it that One parent (Victor & Karen) gets to hog the the pov of the version of events in the show. Hot creeler take of the day.
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givehimthemedicine · 1 year
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at this point it'd genuinely be a more shocking plot twist for me if El is not Henry's kid.
@henrysglock and/or @aemiron-main some Creeler crumbs for you. which sounds like a short lived promotional breakfast cereal
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madwheelerz · 1 year
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Virginia!Karen who had to marry into the Wheelers because her own family members were all dead and couldn't help her
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aemiron-main · 1 year
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And the way Mike’s hands are clasped… look familiar?
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