#cricket manager
theonekierce · 4 months
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Pages 11-13 are up! Raffles paces, Bunny reflects...
(Also! I added a comment section, no pressure, i just thought it would b fun to have <3)
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megumi-fm · 3 months
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raiiny-bay · 10 months
wip of the new guy
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gadzooksgalore · 7 months
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I stumbled upon this post and was immediately inspired to try replicating it with Cricket, since one of her favorite foods is nuts! It's been a rough season for mental health/creativity and I haven't touched my drawing tablet in over a month, so I was a bit hesitant to give it a shot. But I'm glad I did ;u;
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minothtime · 1 month
after much consideration, I believe I have found great IRL locations for all Miraculous Ladybug-exclusive places like Chloé's hotel or Adrien's house. Does this involve ignoring some current building configurations yes but who cares. MLB paris is a logistical nightmare and everything is right next to each other and if I'm writing this fucking fic i need them NOT to be
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cassierain · 1 year
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"What this place just has farmers? Shit, all they want are pipe pistols and stupid ammo. Where's the maniacs slobbering for a mininuke, am I right."
Hats off to the independent fallout wiki for having such nice hi-res photos for me to reference :D
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redhead-reporter · 2 days
i watched state of play for 40 minutes and all i got was three lousy shots of the sm2 sandman fight (aka the fucking tutorial) in a ps5 pro advertisement
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mismeandart · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to E. W. Hornung, creator of the Raffles series!!
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softichill · 3 days
Dragging up my old roblox account from 2017 to try out Pressure. Mystery fish guy keeps insulting me
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 8 months
so i finally got my hands on a copy of Grimm's fairy tales again and The Frog Prince is still so fun and baffling to me:
just a reminder that it starts with the coolest opening line of all time: "In den alten Zeiten, wo das Wünschen noch geholfen hat..." (In the olden times, where wishes could still aid...)
confusingly, the focal character of this fairy tale is not the frog* but the princess, which is an underrated fact (and another thing that made me feral about Neverafter because Gerard giving up his name for Elody's is actually the ideal reasoning for why this story seemingly just refuses to have the obvious protagonist be the protagonist)
there's a theme going on where the princess AND the person-turned-frog* are both very childlike outside the castle and then framed as much more marriage age and/or sex-aware age inside: the princess is playing with a toy and cries loudly over losing it and the frog expressly asks to be her "Geselle und Spielkamerad" (companion and playmate!) at the well, not her husband or bedmate or anything
(the appendix mentions an earlier version where he demands to be the "Schätzchen" (sweetheart) of whatever princess comes to the well right out the gate)
but then inside the castle the princess is expected to be responsible and true to her word like an adult and also reacts with a lot of disgust specifically to the idea of the frog* being in her bed and soiling her clean sheets (they're really going in on those sheets), and rates this as far worse than having him eat out of the same bowl of soup as her.
and the frog* demands to specifically sleep in her bed with her
There's an interpretation that this fairy tale is a metaphor for the princess's sexual awakening and how she has to come to terms with herself as a sexual entity (i paraphrased this kinda poorly from memory, for more info see here in the German wikipedia entry of the fairy tale), and so far all of this would work for that.
The whole nature/culture split is a big deal in German lit of the time, so that's also an angle to look at it.
But then once they're alone the frog* says he wants to sleep in the bed simply because he wants to sleep "as well as she does"? It's really hard to say if this even is a metaphor for sex on his part or if he genuinely just wants to have her life for a bit?
Completely unrelated to any of this but the frog takes a full day to make it from the well to the door of the dining hall, which is deeply tragic and very funny
The frog* is kind of dick. He's also a fucking snitch: "Take me into your bed or I will tell your father!" (direct quote)
She doesn't just throw him against a wall. She throws him against a wall "aus allen Kräften" (with all her might) and says "Nun wirst du Ruhe haben, du garstiger Frosch" (Now you'll have your rest, you disgusting frog!). She straight up tries to murder this frog*.
Upon which he's immediately transformed not just into any prince, but specifically a prince with "schönen und freundlichen Augen" (beautiful and kind eyes)? i'm pretty sure that was never in the more modern versions and it should be
Also, yes he immediately becomes her husband/betrothed "nach ihres Vaters Willen" (as per her father's wish), which is very funny because it does read very "listen kid I would really prefer if you married the handsome young stranger I made you take into your bed with you. I really think we'd both look bad if you didn't."
i am however surprisingly touched by the insta-marriage part because it is SO soft for a Grimm fairy tale actually? He doesn't just become her husband, he becomes her "lieber Geselle und Gemahl" (dear companion and husband), which is? actually very sweet? Because I really do get friendship-based marriage from that.
Post wedding a whole 1.5 lines (which is kind of a lot of real estate for a fairy tale, and just as long as the info we get on them getting married!) is devoted to them just falling asleep together and being woken by the sun the next morning?
Iron Henry remains both so touching and so confusing to me. Touching because a) this dude just loves his young master so much. He probably raised this kid! He was devastated to see him gone! He's so fucking happy for him! b) Heinrich's inclusion is actually, in tandem with the "kind eyes" part, really interesting in regards to the princess. Because both of that screams, this man is a great choice for you. He is kind. Even his subordinates love him so much that his misery nearly killed them.
Confusing because yes, I know why**, but it is still a hilarious unending mystery to me why the guy who was this upset about his master getting cursed wouldn't just, you know. Hang out with him by the well?? And give that kid some fucking company???
* I had a little ramble in the tags at some point about how weird it was that the English translation makes him a frog prince instead of the Froschkönig, frog king - because if he's a king, he's probably an orphan. If he's a prince, his father (and possibly living mother) are just the worst parents? Iron Henry knows that his master was turned into a frog (which is wild, see above), but then he would have told the king! They must have known what happened to him! Don't they have a well at their castle?** This spawned a top-five throwaway line of parental abandonment on D20 (and that is saying something!): "Yeah, they haven't looked for me that hard. I've been missing." Like yeah! In a world where a prince can make his whole kingdom look for a woman whose shoe he found, you'd think the world would be on the lookout for a missing prince???
Anyway the confusing reveal from the og Grimm's version is... it's... both? The title says Froschkönig, but then after the frog collides with a castle wall there appears a "Königssohn" (literally king's son, a prince) with kind eyes? But then when Henry comes with the carriage to take The Man Formerly Known As Frog and his new wife to his realm, he is referred to only as the young king? Listen, this is not new. These stories do not give a flying fuck about internal cohesion, but in this specific case there are so many implications to it and it will never stop making the wheels in my brain go brrrr.
** I knooow this is a fairy tale, and they don't work like that and I'm looking too hard at a thing I should accept as given. He was cursed to live as a frog in a well until x event breaks his curse. Chances are this curse included "you must be an anonymous frog in a well, basically dead to all your subordinates and loved ones and removed from all your luxuries". I still think this is fascinating and i rotate this in my head at all times.
good luck trying to figure out what the trigger for breaking the curse was btw! "until you have enraged a young woman by being too forward"? "until a woman is so disgusted by you she attempts manslaughter/frogslaughter"? Just "until a princess throws you against a wall"? He does even say "sie allein" (she alone) could have broken his curse, which opens up more questions. She alone as in, a woman who now (inexplicably) loves him? That doesn't work because she definitely did not love him when she threw him against the wall. She alone because she was the closest princess? Or she alone as in, this specific princess and nobody else? Because she is so beautiful it surprises the sun every time it shines on her face (verbatim quote)? Because no other woman could have thrown him that hard??? We'll never know and I think that's hilarious, actually.
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a-most-beloved-fool · 15 days
hmm i have an Idea for the K/S advent calendar... remains to be seen if i can actually write things in time. don't even want to claim it yet for fear of writing like. five sentences.
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squidslugs-art · 1 year
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theyre like if the i like trains kid grew up into a captalist
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unwillingadventurer · 7 months
Raffles Week- day 2- Innocence.
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the-heaminator · 11 months
did y'all see how bad the dutch lost yesterday?
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xannerz · 2 months
telling me im coming off as defensive and i need to focus on the solution when i'm just providing context in the mgmt chat and already bullet pointed suggested next steps what more do you want from me im so tired lets all just eat glass for fun
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drmfyres · 2 months
i'm gonna eventually make a tag and link it but
the way i'm interpreting helaena's "dreams" is a very intense sensory experience for her. sometimes she can visualize the scenarios, sometimes she can hear what's going to happen, sometimes she can smell the location, sometimes it's a full body experience, etc. she doesn't always have the ability to verbalize exactly what she's "receiving" especially if it's not a clear visual dream. it's very overwhelming for her and she fears having them in public because she can't control how it will affect her, or for how long, or if she'll even be able to decipher it then and there. what some people consider a super future seeing power, helaena experiences as big sensory overload, sensory trauma even, since sometimes what she sees are tragedies she believes she could have prevented had she known how to decipher it all.
i hope this makes sense? i'll keep elaborating on it and really wanna explore it a lot.
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