#crimson plays azur lane
l-crimson-l · 1 year
OK Azur Lane oomfies: what’s one low rarity ship that you have decked out for no other reason other than you love their face. Here’s one of mine
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smokeybrandreviews · 2 years
The Way Back
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It’s been a while since I've updated progress on my Fate/Grand Order 2.0 account and i figured, why not? A lot has happened since i decided to give this thing another shot, even if it’s in a far more passive way than the first time around. It’s wild starting from scratch after having such a solid goddamn roster from before. I stand by my decision to start over but i do not recommend doing so if you’re a returning player. It’s not worth it. If you’re a new player, sure. Either way FGO is kind of WAY more predatory than the other gacha i play, Azur Lane. It’s also far less engaging. Thing is basically a point-and-click situation. Comes in handy when i have nothing to do at work and I'm waiting for Commission to finish in Azur Lane, though. A distraction is a distraction, i guess?
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First and foremost, I'm still on my Mordred grind. Still trying to reclaim that absolutely crimson glory. The thing is, i am absolutely disillusioned by plot progression. I made it to London, the part where Mordred is added after completion, but this sh*t is BORING to play and I've just been spinning my wheels ever since. That, and my Servants are mad weak. I trudged my way through the the story with what little four-star Servants i was able to roll. I did decide to invest proper cash into this thing, you kind of have to because the gacha currency, Saint Quartz, is few and far in between. To date, since i started a few months back, I've spent about two hundred and fifty dollars on this game. Pretty sure i restarted in August so that’s about eighty bucks a month? It’s not egregious but it is twice what I'm comfortable playing. I don’t necessarily budget for this stuff, if probably spend that on fast food in over the same amount of time, it’s still frustrating that i had to do it, considering over the same amount of time, i spent less than a third of that on Azur Lane and effectively doubled my spoils. Speaking off...
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The gacha in FGO is mad stingy. I’ve rolled this thing so many times in my return and i got nothing. Like, i was able to get Suzuka Gozen early on and she’s been been my workhorse so far. Chick never leaves my party because she is the only Servant i have who can do any damage. I maxed her out using that one-time option and have been steadily building her strength since. So far she’s at level eighty, sitting with a level five Bond, and a completed Interlude. I was also able to roll a second Gozen, so she now has a stage two Noble Phantasm. It’s a far cry from my wildly overpowered Mordred from the 1.0 account, but it’s a decent start. I was also able to bamboozle the gacha for several other four-star Servants, none of which i have even tried to use just yet. Lancer Vlad III, Nitocris, Valkyrie, Li Shuwen, Fion Mac Cumhail, Nursery Rhyme, Saint Martha, and Chavlier D’Eon, round out the gold cards i have. These Servant aren’t weak, per se, but they ain’t good either. Four-star servants take too much time and too many resources to actually make them substantial in terms of use and then they’re all but nerfed when you get to to the Lost Belt part of this game. Now asked me how many three-stars i have? That’s right, too many. None of which i even use with the exception of Medusa.
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Obviously i use Medusa. She’s my second favorite Servant after Mordred. And, fortunately or not, she’s a three-star, which means there was a possibility I'd just keep stacking her cards whenever i made a run at a Banner. And stack I did My Medusa has the most Bond out of all my Servant, even beating Suzuka (not by much), because she is almost always in my party. Of course she is. How could she not be? I was able to max out her Noble Phantasm passively because, again, f*cking three-star, as well as complete her Interlude. She’s basically got the same progression as Suzuka because of the constant use but, unlike Suzuka, i actually invested a little bit into her skills. Not much but a little. Honestly, i forgot how expensive these f*cking Shill buy-ins are so i had to mete out the materials sparingly. I opted to rank her Monstrous Strength up to five. It’s made a difference but the fact she got my first Holy Grail helped even more. Obviously, i was going to throw these things her way, did the last time, too. Medusa is actually a pretty versatile Servant in the game but i did it because of straight up nepotism. She’s my favorite and i refused to have her stay a sh*tty silver card. It’s frustrating that Medusa and Suzuka were my strongest cards for so long but, much more recently, i was able to roll my first five-star Servant! You’d think I'd be excited about that. Nope. It’s mostly mixed.
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The very first five-star that popped for me was a f*cking Ruler. Rulers suck ass. They’re he White Mages of the game and i goddamn hate White Mages. A few of them are decent, i like Sherlock Holmes, Ruler Artoria, and Amakusa Shiro, i got f*cking Shi Huang Di. I had this cat last time and NEVER used him! People tell e he’s one of the best Rulers in the game but he sucks for my particular play style. It’s infuriating to be honest. Still, the gets got better over time. After Butterfly Boy, i rolled Berserker Vlad III, which sucks because of the Berserker thing. I can’t even use Berserkers because they’re glass cannons. Another bust of a roll. For a long f*cking time, those two were the only five-star Servants i had on my roster so that speaks volumes to my struggle in this game. I literally stopped playing after two weeks because of it, only popping in to collect my Dailies and, over time, stopped doing that, too. Found myself bored at work yesterday and decided to actually try to finish London, giving the current Banner a roll for the f*ck of it. Finally got a Servant i wanted and never landed: Cleopatra.
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Assassins are a tricky bunch. They are mad overpowered when attacking a single opponent but as a group? You might be boned. Medea’s Rule Breaker is almost as devastating as King Hassan but it’s rare that power is split between all enemies on the screen. The only Assassin i had in the past who could do that, a five-star one anyway, was Shuten Doji. Try as i might, i couldn’t pop her on that banner. Cleo is a decent runner-up. I’ve always wanted to add her to my roster but it just never happened on 1.0. I envied other players who had her and almost always picked her as support when she was available. Now, i have one of my own and have been nurturing her growth substantially. During this process, i ran the main banner twice and popped Altera and Osakabehime. It’s like the gacha decided to just be as generous as possible for one f*cking day. Altira was a boon because i literally needed a five-star Saber in order to replace Suzuka. Don’t misunderstand, my Fox-Gal is solid but i had Atilla on my 1.0 account and she was a goddamn beast. I need that power! Obviously, she’s next on the development list but i never even thought about rolling for Hime. She’s more a support Servant but that’s fine. She’s one of three viable five-star Servants of my roster so I'll give it a shot. All in all, I'm making progress. I have to keep in mind this account is brand new, that I'm starting from scratch. It f*cking sucks but i can see that it’s getting there. Let’s just hope i can maintain interest enough to keep up that grind.
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smokeybrand · 2 years
The Way Back
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It’s been a while since I've updated progress on my Fate/Grand Order 2.0 account and i figured, why not? A lot has happened since i decided to give this thing another shot, even if it’s in a far more passive way than the first time around. It’s wild starting from scratch after having such a solid goddamn roster from before. I stand by my decision to start over but i do not recommend doing so if you’re a returning player. It’s not worth it. If you’re a new player, sure. Either way FGO is kind of WAY more predatory than the other gacha i play, Azur Lane. It’s also far less engaging. Thing is basically a point-and-click situation. Comes in handy when i have nothing to do at work and I'm waiting for Commission to finish in Azur Lane, though. A distraction is a distraction, i guess?
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First and foremost, I'm still on my Mordred grind. Still trying to reclaim that absolutely crimson glory. The thing is, i am absolutely disillusioned by plot progression. I made it to London, the part where Mordred is added after completion, but this sh*t is BORING to play and I've just been spinning my wheels ever since. That, and my Servants are mad weak. I trudged my way through the the story with what little four-star Servants i was able to roll. I did decide to invest proper cash into this thing, you kind of have to because the gacha currency, Saint Quartz, is few and far in between. To date, since i started a few months back, I've spent about two hundred and fifty dollars on this game. Pretty sure i restarted in August so that’s about eighty bucks a month? It’s not egregious but it is twice what I'm comfortable playing. I don’t necessarily budget for this stuff, if probably spend that on fast food in over the same amount of time, it’s still frustrating that i had to do it, considering over the same amount of time, i spent less than a third of that on Azur Lane and effectively doubled my spoils. Speaking off...
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The gacha in FGO is mad stingy. I’ve rolled this thing so many times in my return and i got nothing. Like, i was able to get Suzuka Gozen early on and she’s been been my workhorse so far. Chick never leaves my party because she is the only Servant i have who can do any damage. I maxed her out using that one-time option and have been steadily building her strength since. So far she’s at level eighty, sitting with a level five Bond, and a completed Interlude. I was also able to roll a second Gozen, so she now has a stage two Noble Phantasm. It’s a far cry from my wildly overpowered Mordred from the 1.0 account, but it’s a decent start. I was also able to bamboozle the gacha for several other four-star Servants, none of which i have even tried to use just yet. Lancer Vlad III, Nitocris, Valkyrie, Li Shuwen, Fion Mac Cumhail, Nursery Rhyme, Saint Martha, and Chavlier D’Eon, round out the gold cards i have. These Servant aren’t weak, per se, but they ain’t good either. Four-star servants take too much time and too many resources to actually make them substantial in terms of use and then they’re all but nerfed when you get to to the Lost Belt part of this game. Now asked me how many three-stars i have? That’s right, too many. None of which i even use with the exception of Medusa.
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Obviously i use Medusa. She’s my second favorite Servant after Mordred. And, fortunately or not, she’s a three-star, which means there was a possibility I'd just keep stacking her cards whenever i made a run at a Banner. And stack I did My Medusa has the most Bond out of all my Servant, even beating Suzuka (not by much), because she is almost always in my party. Of course she is. How could she not be? I was able to max out her Noble Phantasm passively because, again, f*cking three-star, as well as complete her Interlude. She’s basically got the same progression as Suzuka because of the constant use but, unlike Suzuka, i actually invested a little bit into her skills. Not much but a little. Honestly, i forgot how expensive these f*cking Shill buy-ins are so i had to mete out the materials sparingly. I opted to rank her Monstrous Strength up to five. It’s made a difference but the fact she got my first Holy Grail helped even more. Obviously, i was going to throw these things her way, did the last time, too. Medusa is actually a pretty versatile Servant in the game but i did it because of straight up nepotism. She’s my favorite and i refused to have her stay a sh*tty silver card. It’s frustrating that Medusa and Suzuka were my strongest cards for so long but, much more recently, i was able to roll my first five-star Servant! You’d think I'd be excited about that. Nope. It’s mostly mixed.
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The very first five-star that popped for me was a f*cking Ruler. Rulers suck ass. They’re he White Mages of the game and i goddamn hate White Mages. A few of them are decent, i like Sherlock Holmes, Ruler Artoria, and Amakusa Shiro, i got f*cking Shi Huang Di. I had this cat last time and NEVER used him! People tell e he’s one of the best Rulers in the game but he sucks for my particular play style. It’s infuriating to be honest. Still, the gets got better over time. After Butterfly Boy, i rolled Berserker Vlad III, which sucks because of the Berserker thing. I can’t even use Berserkers because they’re glass cannons. Another bust of a roll. For a long f*cking time, those two were the only five-star Servants i had on my roster so that speaks volumes to my struggle in this game. I literally stopped playing after two weeks because of it, only popping in to collect my Dailies and, over time, stopped doing that, too. Found myself bored at work yesterday and decided to actually try to finish London, giving the current Banner a roll for the f*ck of it. Finally got a Servant i wanted and never landed: Cleopatra.
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Assassins are a tricky bunch. They are mad overpowered when attacking a single opponent but as a group? You might be boned. Medea’s Rule Breaker is almost as devastating as King Hassan but it’s rare that power is split between all enemies on the screen. The only Assassin i had in the past who could do that, a five-star one anyway, was Shuten Doji. Try as i might, i couldn’t pop her on that banner. Cleo is a decent runner-up. I’ve always wanted to add her to my roster but it just never happened on 1.0. I envied other players who had her and almost always picked her as support when she was available. Now, i have one of my own and have been nurturing her growth substantially. During this process, i ran the main banner twice and popped Altera and Osakabehime. It’s like the gacha decided to just be as generous as possible for one f*cking day. Altira was a boon because i literally needed a five-star Saber in order to replace Suzuka. Don’t misunderstand, my Fox-Gal is solid but i had Atilla on my 1.0 account and she was a goddamn beast. I need that power! Obviously, she’s next on the development list but i never even thought about rolling for Hime. She’s more a support Servant but that’s fine. She’s one of three viable five-star Servants of my roster so I'll give it a shot. All in all, I'm making progress. I have to keep in mind this account is brand new, that I'm starting from scratch. It f*cking sucks but i can see that it’s getting there. Let’s just hope i can maintain interest enough to keep up that grind.
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crimsonayanami · 3 years
Aside from all the blogs I used to follow and now can never remember I think I’m mainly just pissed I lost all my Azur lane posts
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yupuffin · 4 years
Top 5 favorite moments in Three Houses? Top 5 moments in Fates?
Favorite Three Houses moments: (time for a trip down memory lane)
1. This one.
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When I talk wistfully about the desire to re-experience my first Blue Lions/Azure Moon playthrough for all of the emotional impact, this is the scene I’m thinking of. It’d probably take a whole essay to explain why this particular moment stuck with me, but in short, something about the way Dimitri is standing just really got to me (and now whenever we’re watching anime or anything else and a character stands like this we say they’re ‘doing the Dimitri thing’) and I just had to put down the controller and stare at the game in silence for at least solid three minutes. There’s not even a memorable quote or an action-packed plot development attached, it’s just... Dimitri standing. (and I’ve gone back and gotten screenshots of the same frame where Byleth isn’t awkwardly mid-blink, but I figured I’d use the screenshot from the actual playthrough for perhaps illusory authenticity.) 2. The part in chapter 7 where Dimitri says Byleth’s smile is “just another boon from this glorious day -- perhaps the best one of all.”
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For the sake of not making this list too repetitive, I’m going to lump in the part in chapter 6 where he calls Byleth’s smile “downright mesmerizing” as well. 3. Dimitri’s death glare at Rodrigue in chapter 15. I’m still trying to work through why I personally sometimes find Dimitri’s anger terrifying and other times satisfying, but this was a very strong case of the latter. It got a big “OOOOOHHHHH” out of me and I think I replayed it like three times immediately afterwards.
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4. Speaking of Dimitri’s anger being satisfying...
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All of the emotional processing that went into my first Blue Lions playthrough made it a real trip. I was “limiting myself” to progressing only one chapter a day so I didn’t get too overwhelmed, but even in retrospect that seems really fast. 5. Edelgard being an ABSOLUTE BEAN at the reunion in Crimson Flower.
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I don’t want to get too close to making any blanket statements about people who aren’t big fans of Edelgard, but... LOOK AT HER PRECIOUS FACE. SHE IS A BEAN.
Limiting it to only five is so hard. I could have an endless list of honorable mentions because Three Houses is just that great.
Favorite Fates moments: (this question made me realize I can’t actually remember much of what happens within the story of Fates off the top of my head since I’ve been so firmly stuck in a Three Houses headspace for months, so I had to get a bit creative)
1. I was grinding my player character paired up with Shigure after first unlocking him this past December, and he threw in his follow-up attack with the comment “No rest for you!” and over the course of several seconds it very gradually dawned on me that this was a very bad music pun and I almost started crying on the spot out of sheer joy.
2. A moment in my initial playthrough of Revelations after first completing Conquest, where my player character was supporting Takumi in a battle and I was just like “I’M SORRY FOR ALL THE HORRIBLE THINGS THAT HAPPENED TO YOU IN THE LAST ROUTE. WE’RE BROS FOREVER NOW”
3. When Rinkah is talking to Kaze and she says “I’m gelatin.”
4. Corrin’s “That just sounds like oil wrestling, Niles. I don’t think I’m ready for that.”
5. The point in my most recent playthrough of Revelations where I did some grinding first thing at the beginning of the game and I unlocked A support with Azura before reaching the part of the main story where the existence of Valla is revealed (which I think is like. the second chapter after the Branch of Fate), so Corrin and Azura were concerned about the curse and talking about something they technically didn’t even know existed yet.
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wyrmmaster · 5 years
In terms os story, themes and plot, whats the difference between kancolle and azur lane? How would you define azur lane?
Azur Lane’s plot isn’t “Re-run of WW2, only the IJN wins now” (quite literally the opposite, in fact). The Sirens aren’t a thinly-veiled demonization of the Allies, they’re an external threat that end up uniting the factions instead. Moreover, the events deal with the internal faction politics that end up starting the war, and other timelines to an extent that gets very difficult to explain even if you play the game. It’s bad, but with nuggets of gold in there.
Azur Lane is a shitty translation that stuck. The intention is “The Blue Path”, which would be the allied faction of WW2, vs the Crimson Axis. Guess who.
Part of the plot is crushing the axis and assimilating them into the blue to form a more effective front against the Sirens.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Sponsored Post: Azur Lane Celebrates its Second Anniversary with New Theme Song Performed by Lindsey Stirling
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August 28th, 2020 – Shanghai, China - The popular mobile 2D shooter game Azur Lane is celebrating its 2nd Annivesary during the month of August. The Azur Lane team recently prepared a grand livestream for all global players, as well as a brand new anniversary theme song produced by world-renowned violinist and songwriter Lindsey Stirling.
  Download Azur Lane Now! 
  Last year, Azur Lane celebrated its 1st Anniversary on the USS Iowa deck. This year, instead of visiting the real USS Intrepid, Azur Lane created a whole-virtual USS Intrepid set-up and celebrated its 2nd Anniversary on this virtual deck. Within this virtual USS Intrepid, players will be able to discover a 3D representation of the in-game dormitory, the Azur Lane harbor store for the first time.
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    Another big surprise is the anniversary theme song “What You’re Made Of ft. Kiesza” written by Lindsey Stirling. This song is inspired by the Azur Lane Midway Showdown storyline, where Enterprise, Hornet and Yorktown supported each other and fought against the Crimson Axis. It’s the first time the global server has received its own unique anniversary theme song.
  Check out the soundtrack now!
  Check out the music video for "What You’re Made Of ft. Kiesza" below : 
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    To celebrate this special occasion and express gratitude to all players, guests such as the Manjuu developers, Voice Actors Amamiya Sora and Ishikawa Yui, and the Chairman of Board of the Battleship Iowa Museum all congratulated Azur Lane for its 2nd Anniversary. 
  As for in-game contents, the Azur Lane team revealed future plans as well as a collaboration event with DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation, which is great news for both DOA and Azur Lane fans. Besides the collaboration, Azur Lane’s annual routine Anniversary Artbook is also on the way. Players will get to see artworks from their own community being featured in this artbook as well.
  Azur Lane also has a highly active social media community. Players can follow the official social media to receive the latest information about upcoming events. New chapters for the manga, Slow Ahead and community activities are also posted regularly. If you haven’t played this naval warfare game, give it a try.
  Follow Azur Lane:
Azur Lane Official Homepage Official Discord Server Official Twitter Account Official Facebook Page
  About Yostar Games
Founded in 2014 and publisher of Azur Lane, Yostar Games specializes in game development, global distribution, investment, and video game IP management. Situated in Tokyo and Shanghai, Yostar Games has rapidly become the top publisher and developer of the anime genre in China and is striving to become a global leader in the gaming industry.
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l-crimson-l · 1 year
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We married some ships!
I think I’m over 80 oaths now
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l-crimson-l · 1 year
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U-556 CAME HOME! Thank you for saving me 8k event points! Also a quick rundown of the skins I snagged, not pictured is Anchorage :3
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l-crimson-l · 1 year
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And that’s the banner! I’m not including U-556 bc she’s the shop ship and I’ve rolled entirely too much on this one to begin with
Also snagged the Jersey and Anchorage skins
I still have an oath ring lying around…
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l-crimson-l · 2 years
Thoughts on English light cruisers? ^w^
I actually haven’t gotten to them yet! Just bought akatsuki and ranger (ranger high key kinda sucks tbh). Probably will work on some after I get another tier or two of the KMS cruisers
That said! The AL HMS Cruiser line is pretty great and I still use Bel :3 to this day in my fleets. Honestly all the maids are great but I think my bailie fav is Sheffy :3
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l-crimson-l · 2 years
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I suffer 💀🙃💀
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l-crimson-l · 2 years
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Who the heck do I oath next? I have 4 rings so lemme know who you would pick (I have a few I’m leaning towards but I wanna know who ya’ll would pick :) )
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l-crimson-l · 2 years
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Another event, another banner clear! Already back up to +500 cubes so bring on that next UR! Also Enty skin is comf af and I’m here for it
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l-crimson-l · 3 years
Just saw a post about fgo having a new pity system and lord I’m reminded again why Azur lane just gets it right. Imagine playing a game for six and a half years and despite your best efforts and months of saving you still can’t roll your fav. I’m over here in AL not only with a 7% ssr rate (+extra rate up for even banners) but also Hundreds of rolls saved up almost effortlessly.
I am never going to get tired of clearing each and every banner in AL
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l-crimson-l · 3 years
Of all the collabs we could have gotten this was not one I was expecting
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So I guess this is cool but I never finished gridman and never started the other so aside from Rikka I don’t really know anyone lol anyway the art look phenomenal so it should be a nice event even so! Anyone else feel similar or did I miss the train on these two shows?
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