#crippled leg
jackcast2021 · 1 year
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Polio girl with KAFO brace
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hell-on-sticks · 7 months
Accessible infrastructure is such an afterthought. The simplest of tasks get comically failed consistently because those whose job it is to manage infrastructure just look at it and say, good enough.
I put in a complaint about a curb cut that was dangerously at the wrong angle and nearly threw me into traffic. I was going slow. I was being careful. I was lucky, someone grabbed me. Local government said they'd look at it within a week. They didn't. They never did.
I later hit another curb cut in the same area that threw me onto the road and required repair to my chair. I didn't bother reporting it this time because I know the small number of wheelchair users who hit that curb aren't going to be enough for the local government to bother.
At the risk of being negative, I think that it sucks that even actual danger is ignored. We talk about the curb cut effect, how designing things for accessibility benefits everyone. But somehow infrastructure, including literal curb cuts, continues to be designed carelessly.
I just want to leave my house without being hit by a car. I think a lot of us want that. And there's a long way to go in most places before we can trust that the built environment won't have danger we can't avoid.
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defiantcripple · 5 months
Going to start wearing a sign that says "I don't yield to ableds" as I refuse to move for the people trying to get on through the accessible bus entrance/exit before I've gotten off.
Be disabled. Take up space. Demand your accommodations. Make them wait, make them move, and don't feel sorry about it.
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uspiria · 5 months
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The God Crippled With One Leg (1994) dir. Jun Kurosawa
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thedisablednaturalist · 2 months
I hate how many of us physically disabled people have been harassed by street preachers because they see us as a way to prove their faith instead of actual human beings
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benjitoum · 2 months
Broken leg in hinge cast and knee brace
Crashhhhhh! (August 4, 2009) That cast is of course atypical and takes a skilled tech to apply. He must have injured both knees badly.
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ouchiemyspine · 1 year
last 11 mins of disability pride month for me - I'd like to say , hope everyone with limb length discrepancy had a great one 🥳 we are not talked about enough
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anfisawheel · 2 months
new video - I put on brace
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wishful-seeker · 26 days
I have to lay on my right side because my right knee hurts but oh no I've been doing that everyday for months so now my right hip hurts so then i roll onto my left side to relieve my hips for a few minutes but oh no now the right knee hurts like shit again so i lay on my back with my right knee turned outward to try and satisfy both needs but oh no thats not comfortable either and now my right knee hurts even more because im not laying how it prefers so then i lay on my stomach because sometimes it covers all the needs but oh no the knees are too pissed now and even laying them on top of the heat pad is not working so then i take a scolding hot bath and during those 20 minutes i finally don't hurt. Then i get out and go back to bed and oh no right knee hurts so i have to lay on my right side but then-
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jackcast2021 · 2 years
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looking lovely
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missggullet · 7 days
babe you're so quiet what's on your mind?
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capseycartwright · 2 months
bit of a silly personal win today but. i haven’t worn shorts in literal years (like maybe even a decade at this point) regardless of how hot it’s been and today i did. and they’re cute and comfortable and the greatest joy of my late twenties has been learning to be happier in my own body. i love getting older!
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benjitoum · 4 months
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This shot is from Mexico pride a few years ago. The guy in the cast actually helped paint a rainbow street crossing, like they have in West Hollywood and some other cities.
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ouchiemyspine · 1 year
hey anyone else doesnt want to work towards getting better
idk if thats the right wording but im sick of constantly striving towards being able bodied when i know i wont be no matter what i do . i just want accommodations and to not get any worse . im tired . let me be as i am .
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wronggalaxy · 1 year
I wish some people would just say physically disabled instead of crippled on here. I'm not asking for everyone to abandon the word, I don't want them to, I just want one part of my life that doesn't call me a cripple constantly. I spend all day at school being called a cripple by friends and peers and bullies and I try and come on here for support from other physically disabled people and it's all cripple, cripple, cripple. Please goddammit can one physically disabled person make one, literally all I'm asking for is one, encouraging post for physically disabled people that doesn't say cripple. I hate being called that word. Please, just please, one post isn't asking for much, is it? I just want one person to say something nice about my physical disabilities without calling me a slur. And I know people are going to get angry because I shouldn't police peoples language and those posts aren't made for me specifically, but I'm beyond giving a fuck. I am quite literally begging. I just need one post or reblog or comment to look at sometimes when I feel horrible and can't escape the word cripple fucking anywhere. Please. I already have a billion medical tests and my insurance won't cover an MRI so I can't be diagnosed with one of my physical disabilities, another doesn't have a name so no one takes it seriously, and my doctors refuse to try to look into anything else, not to mention my eyes or non-physical disabilities, I just need one bit of positivity. I'm quite literally lying on my bed, sobbing from pain, unable to breath(for unrelated reasons to the sobbing), with a kidney infection my doctor said I definitely didn't have a week ago, trying to figure out how the fuck I'm going to be able to go to school tomorrow, let alone finishing the year(which just began), let alone finishing high school, let alone going to college. So maybe I sound whiny or something, but, again, I'm incapable of giving a fuck. Please, goddammit, please, I'm fifteen fucking years old, all I need is to be told my strabismus makes my eyes look pretty or that blue is a pretty color for a cane or that my physical inability to sit or stand up straight doesn't make me look lazy. That it's cool my cane and brace and glasses are the same color, that my rhotacism which even after five years of forced speech therapy is starting to return doesn't make me sound like a toddler, that my slowly increasing urinary incontinence that will probably lead to diapers if I can ever afford them(which my kidney infection is only making worse in ways that may be permanent) isn't anything to be ashamed of. I will even take: it's not your fault wearing an eye patch for a year at 5 didn't fix your eyes. I will take literally anything, I just want to know at least one fucking person on this planet actually thinks anything is good about my body and is willing to say it, just once, without using a slur.
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crimeronan · 8 months
doctor's appointment today so i have to stay awake even tho i wanna go back to bed so bad. thinking more about luz getting hunter back after going thru hell in the worst timeline i was posting about earlier. luz on the kitchen floor hanging onto him and asking him a million questions about their shared childhood to prove his identity, which hunter assumes is because she's afraid this is an illusion & which is actually more because she's afraid this may be a new grimwalker....
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