#crippling depression
imsadperiod · 2 years
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theduskgrove · 3 months
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rjalker · 10 months
I promise you as someone who is autistic and has ADHD and social anxiety. They are not the same fucking thing as being physically disabled. They are not comparable to physical disability. They're literally just fucking not, on any conceivable level.
I know this because I'm also physically disabled, and my physical disabilities got a million times worse very fucking suddenly thanks to being fucking exploited during a pandemic.
Not being able to go out because I'll be in fucking agony if I stand too long or make one wrong fucking step or gesture is not the same fucking thing as not wanting to go out because I'll be anxious around new people.
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boss-bitch-2000 · 5 months
I'm sorry but wtf was the loki finale????
Making Loki get the one thing he wanted but burgeoning him like that???? Making him sacrifice everything????
He just wanted friends😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔
When we said we wanted full circle we meant Loki and Thor hugging not THAT.
And the fact there is no season 3!???
We just wanted Lokius hugging and happy on a jet ski.
U better by paying for everyone's therapy.
If Loki and Mobius are not reunited, Marvel I'm coming for u
Ps. Anyone else get right where u left me vibes? From the finale
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floralcavern · 7 months
”You can’t kin a song!”
Me: Hah, watch me.
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palmsandpills-blog · 27 days
If you don't want me just say,
If you don't want to touch me just say,
If I'm not what you want just say,
If you've found someone better just say,
Please just tell me you don't want me anymore stop letting me think I could get that back...
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Heya, Misc, how do you feel?
Not just now in the moment right now, but in general? Do you feel at peace and are satisfied with your life right now, or is there some sort of dread haunting you deep inside? Do you think you can rest comfortably without worry?
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k82139 · 3 months
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too lazy to type all of... that. on tumblr. so here's a screenshot from my neocities profile
also don't worry about upcoming releases for the next 2-3 months, i have enough material in my laptop. although i REALLY wanna release a lot more stuff but it'll take more time
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ohdearlordspencerreid · 3 months
Guess who has gone straight back to season 1 a week after finishing Evolution ✌️ I am in desperate need of self soothing 🙃 x
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skewbforty · 1 year
Tired. Tired of picking myself back up. Tired of having nowhere to go. Tired of fighting. Tired. Tired tired tired.
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tox-ic-world · 7 months
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When work sucks, life sucks and everything at once is starting to crash down. When u see all the missed opportunities, everything you could have done differently - wonder if you made the right decisions. Wonder if you're even in the right place.
Photo: mine - in collaboration with @andi L Bildermacher
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imsadperiod · 1 year
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theduskgrove · 11 months
Ostatnie trzy i pół dnia przespałam. Budziłam się o losowych godzinach jedynie aby się porządnie nażreć, a następnie wracałam znów pod pierzynę na kolejne godziny. Prawdziwa kwintesencja wegetacji życiowej. Dramat. .♡.
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rjalker · 10 months
I'll give this its own post too so more people see it. Here's the original.
Crippling = physical disability the same way the R slur = intellectual disability.
If you think you're stupid so you call yourself the R slur as an insult, you are saying that being intellectually disabled is a bad thing and something to be ashamed of. Because to use the R slur is to directly comepare someone or something to being intellectually disabled.
Just like calling something crippling is to directly compare it to being physically disabled.
You are not crippled by your ADHD. Having ADHD is not the same thing as being physically disabled. It is not the same thing as being paralyzed.
To be frank, people who call their mental illnessses/ neurodiversities crippling are doing the exact same as people who call emotional abuse "narcissistic abuse" because they think "emotional abuse" isn't dramatic or bad enough so they have to throw people with personality disorders under the bus.
That's what you're doing when you say you're crippled by your ADHD or depression or dysphoria or whatever it is. You are saying you think that just the thing on its own isn't actually serious enough to be taken seriously, so you think you have have to directly compare it to physical disabilities, which leads to speaking over people who are actually physically disabled and actually crippled by their disabilities.
If you think depression isn't "Serious enough" unless you directly compare it to being literally a quadriplegic, you have internalized ableism about your depression that you are turning outward into ableism against physically disabled people.
And another reminder that if you are hurting other people, that's not internalized bigotry anymore. That's just plain, old fashioned bigotry.
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la-lil-alien · 2 years
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newtabfics · 7 months
You skipped a flufftober day, you okay?
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I've just got the mad-sads that have decided to eat the writing juice. I'm...slowly recovering. It does unfortunately mean that AHA I HAVENT WRITTEN ANYTHING IN WEEKS :')
I feel bad that my queue is definitely going to dry up but I've been struggling to write. I just don't wanna put out bad product. I do still fully intend to write the flufftober. I just on that struggle bus.
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