#crisis centre
floodkiss · 1 year
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i have more free time now! so i am opening commissions starting now until the end of the 2023 ♡ if i get 3+ commissions with this round, 50% will be donated to a local (canadian prairies) organization.
you can message me here with an idea or send me an email - nataliemark(@)proton(.)me. check out my "i quit twitter" special <3
🦋 commission info & terms of service & fee examples
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faunandfloraas · 6 months
okay but my fav little thing is how whenever Lee Know has a singing moment where it's largely just him up on the stage, you can tell he still gets really nervous about it but Seungmin's always off to the side smiling and amping him up, telling fans to sing along- like you can tell he's trying to boost his confidence and its so :((
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annadelveys · 6 months
always love it when i go through a Major Crisis but you wouldn't guess from the way i post <3 anyways I'm going through a Major Crisis
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emptymilk-bottle · 2 months
i feel so aimless rn, i’m like lacking purpose
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
I officially hate the second chapter of Siege and Storm more than anything. I got stuck. I DON’T want to go through that shit, but this time I know if I skip it, the next one won’t be any better.
Aleksander literally wasting his breath on Alina.
Alina being interested only in Malware, but trying to play saviour in front of Sturmhond.
Ivan painted as a bully, when the guy’s probably just a hair's breadth from snapping after all that trauma from the Fold.
The language used to make the Bataar twins The Nice™ guys.
Sturmhond’s lost potential as a morally flexible scoundrel.
Genya’s starting brain damage.
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theteaisaddictive · 5 months
millennial navel-gazing once again, forgive me, but —
i’ve been on quite a few dates with this guy. he’s lovely, and i have a great time. but he’s kissed me twice now, and it’s been … fine? nothing groundbreaking, not bad per se, but i just don’t feel anything. is this a grin and bear it until i find something Actually wrong situation or is this a sign lmao
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eggthew · 1 year
"can I follow this person? can I follow this blog? is it Okay for am I doing it for the wrong reasons am I being gross? I don't think I'm allowed to do this and I dont think its okay to do it Right Now its not Right, I think following would make a me a bad person-" GIRL ITS TUMBLR. youre meant to follow blogs. wtf
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mickstart · 2 years
i hate living in england man. i wake up every morning to find the government has fucked over even more people. its so shit
Every day I wake up and the news is like "today the prime minister ate a baby in the middle of Trafalgar Square and Keir Starmer cheered and clapped. Tonight we ask, who is to blame? Trans people, immigrants, Nicola Sturgeon, Jeremy Corbyn, or the train drivers?"
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weedpicnic · 11 months
I know there’s already a post going around about this but I truly wish I could build a breathalyzer into my phone that just does not let me text anyone but an absolute last resort emergency contact when I’m drunk past a certain point not even joking
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
I legit hate it here on TERF Island you cannot open any newspaper or news site for any reason without hitting an article about the Trans Menace. literally any to the opinion page of the local paper to pick up a link for a column my boss wrote about rising rough sleeping in the city and top line, top of the page, "Sturgeon is using gender bill to fuel culture war."
also on that in particular. take the L my guys. you couldn't even fucking muster a full gallery of transphobes. literally every time there's a transphobic protest they're massively outnumbered by counterprotesters. over and over again, attempts to leverage transphobia for populist electoral gain fail. THE GENERAL PUBLIC DO NOT AGREE WITH YOU.
like Scottish transphobes are addicted to this narrative that trans rights are being undemocratically pushed forward by the government as part of a conspiracy to impose transness on an unwilling nation or something. but open transphobia is not, all told, correlating with a massive upswing in broad public support. the current government were p clear on being in favour of trans healthcare and rights reforms at the last election, and Alba and the Family Party ran almost entirely on a platform of transphobia and what did that get them? let me just check ohhhh it's 0 seats in Scottish parliament and 2 in Westminster, both of whom were voted in as SNP MPs.
The Scottish people are not being silenced or overridden. They're Just Not That Into You. because your behaviour is fucking unhinged and your beliefs are hateful and abhorrent to even people who don't really Get The Whole Trans Thing. and in a time when the cost of living is increasing exponentially, homelessness and hunger have been on a constant rise for years, and the UK government are serving their own interests while cracking down on protest, your top priority as "feminists" is trying to shut down rape crisis centres and women's aid organisations for not being transphobic enough.
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whoreishghost · 10 months
my favourite thing to do when i should be like idk cleanign my flat for ciel phantomhives bday or smthn is sitting on hold waiting for some branch of a gov agency to pick up the phone girlie it is 14.26 on a thursday i have been waiting almost An Hour how many people are calling???? why not employ more people if it really is that many????
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vanillabat99 · 2 years
Hopefully I find out the specifics later today, but if I lose my insurance coverage I honestly don't know what I'm going to do. I haven't found any government programs or anything that I would qualify for, I won't be able to finish school without any healthcare, I won't be able to do much of anything without healthcare. Some of my medications I guess I could survive without but I still need my autoimmune disorder medications every day. I would have to kiss HRT goodbye. If I lose my insurance coverage I really honestly don't know if I'm gonna make it. It's been the only thing I can think about for days.
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residentshitcunt · 1 year
Hey Tumblr, it's me, a guy.
I do a lot of helping other people with their emotions, I'm my friend group's therapist, and I want people like me to remember that it is fucking okay to feel things too. I know it can feel like you need to be the rock that supports all, never shifting, always stable, but it can get too much. It's okay to have bad days, it's okay to have days where you need the help that you give out. Remember that. And if you don't know if you can talk to the people around you about your issues, get a therapist, and get to know your local mental health centres, especially and crucially the ones you can visit in-person. If you have a local crisis centre, make sure you know where it is so you can go there if you need to.
And now we can return to our regularly scheduled shitposting.
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bythehearts · 1 year
had a very confusing autism assessment report today guys ngl
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witchstone · 1 year
okay i've Calmed Down and my dad and I sat down to sketch out what to do if this happens 
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indizombie · 1 year
In the past three years, India has lost territory to China, lost respect and influence in South Asia, and runs the risk of having its hand being forced by the United States of America. That is the net sum of what the ongoing border crisis with China has achieved so far.
Sushant Singh, 'Flawed approach', Centre for Policy Research
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