#cristaino ronaldo
the-usa-fame · 2 years
Cristiano Ronaldo Becoms 1st Man To Score At 5 FIFA World Cups...
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The Portuguese superstar has achieved numerous records and accolades over his illustrious career.. READ MORE
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jurgenmeister-blog · 7 years
El Matador (Chapter 58)
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Alexia’s POV: It was nice to have Sergio drive me to work without getting weird looks. To everyone around us, it just made sense we came to work together. No one had to know on the days he did bring me, we spent the previous night together, although one or both of typically had marks that indicated it.
“That necklace looks gorgeous on you Ali Sergio smiled at me as he parked the Audi, his hand running up my leg as kissed my cheek. His voice was a little breathy, a sign he was feeling a little edgy.
I giggled slightly at the tickling sensation of his beard as he moved to kiss me neck. “It’s perfect, best gift I could have gotten.” I smiled and leaned over, pulling him away from neck to kiss him.
Sergio hummed, wrapping his arm around my neck to deepen it a little. “I️ love you so much.” He said Intently.
I gently stroked his cheek, feeling the bristles of his beard tickle my palm. “I love you too baby.” I spoke before giving him one more kiss.
“Let’s go, we don’t need to be late.” I moved to grab my back and step out of the car.
Sergio took a moment before he followed suit and stepped out, locking the car after grabbing his bag. He reached out and laced our fingers together shoving the keys in his pocket as we walked.
I glanced over at him, he seemed to not notice. He had this glow about him since we became public, like he truly realized he was in a relationship again. From my perspective, Sergio had changed, for the better of course. The days were brighter, his laugh was louder, his smile was wider. He seemed more himself, more comfortable with who he was.
I’d like to think I had something to do with it all, but I couldn’t take all the credit. Sergio had to do some growing up on his own and I’d say he handled it well. “I’ll meet you by the car after training babe.” Sergio spoke, breaking up my train of thought. “I can’t wait for tonight.” He winked and flashed me a smirk.
“Of course.” I gave him a soft smile before pecking his lips, keeping our at work PDA to a minimum. Sergio, however, had other ideas and reached around to grab my ass before kissing me a little deeper.
I made my way to the women’s locker room with a little blush to my cheeks, turning back just before I walked in to see Sergio still stood there, watching me with a smile. He flashed me a quick wink before heading off to his side.
“Happy birthday Alexia!” My teammate’s chirped Up as soon as I walked in. I smiled and blushed a little, “thank you girls.” I spoke graciously, setting my bag down.
“So what did your man get you? Besides the sex.” Blanca teased in front of the whole team.
My hand fell on my necklace without even thinking. “A um, a necklace, with his number.” I said softly.
A few of the girls squealed before running over. “Aww it’s his jersey number at Real Madrid.” One cooed. “This is gorgeous, so romantic.” Another said.
I’d started to adjust to the attention I got from teammates since dating Sergio, but this, still made me uncomfortable, especially since I knew what he bought me was expensive.
“Yeah, I really thought he was going to go over the top, but I was surprised when he showed up at my flat this morning with this.” I replied, hoping to end this. 
The girls nodded, telling me how thoughtful Sergio was before we all moved to change.
Sergio’s POV: I couldn’t help the smirk on my face as I walked to the locker room. Alexia was mine, she didn’t care what Xabi had to say, I won. Now it was time for me to make sure he knew it too, hence me packing on the PDA.
You see, Xabi wanted Alexia to know I was a bad choice, a player, womanizer, whatever. After we ended up public, I decided it was time I show him what a bad boy could make of his little sister. I thought it only fair since he nearly broke my cheek bone two weeks ago.
I knew he’d probably come to Alexia’s party tonight which would be the perfect opportunity. Alexia and I getting drunk was bound to happen, and we always ended up more touchy feely when we got like that.
I️ couldn’t wait for tonight, me and my girl all dressed up, getting to party with friends in a club. Alexia refused to show me what she was gonna wear, said she wanted it to be a surprise. She could wear a garbage bag and I’d still look at her like she was the only the girl in the world.
“You excited for tonight? Got everything all set?” Cris nudged me as I set my bag down.
“Huh? Yeah, it should be really fun.” I gave him a small smile.
Alexia told me I could invite a few teammates to make sure I wasn’t surrounded by just a bunch of girls ogling at me.
“What’d you get her?” He asked, I could see a smile on Iker’s face as he was the one who went with me to pick it out.
“A necklace, with the number four and a heart.” I glanced at Cris after I said it. He looked pretty impressed at my choice of gift.
“What did Xabi think of that?” He asked as he pulled on his training top. I just shrugged and changed my pants. “Not sure if he’s seen it.” I responded, hanging my clothes in my locker.
“Bet you anything he just rolls his eyes and says it’s just so you can get in her pants.” Cris joked, nudging my shoulder.
“Well, if it gets me more of that, I can’t complain.” I laughed with him and laced up my boots.
I smoothed out my shirt and grabbed the flowers I bought for Alexia. She told me to dress nice for her party so here I was in a black button up, black trousers, and maroon suspenders and bow tie to match.
Alexia opened the door, smiling and taking the flowers before pecking my cheek. “Let’s get these in some water, they’re absolutely gorgeous.” She giggled.
Slowly Alexia made her way back over to me. “Don’t you look like bad boy.” She purred. “Dangerous even.” She added, wrapping her arms around my neck. “That’s the goal. Bad boy, good lips.” I smirked, drawing her in close as my hands found her hips.
Alexia immediately melted into my lips with a certain fervor I was not opposed to. I hummed into the kiss, my tongue wrestling with hers. With how this was going I wasn’t sure we’d ever make it to the club. Alexia however knew we had plans and pulled away slowly.
“Good lips is right.” Alexia winked, delicately wiping her mouth. “Tonight should be fun.” She smirked and walked off to grab her clutch. I️ smacked her ass as she strode away.
“You’re damn right it’s gonna be fun.” I licked my lips and shoved my hands in my pockets.
Alexia was in a sexy little lace black dress. It perfectly accentuated her ass and chest, I needed my hands on her as much as possible.
“You look sexy babe.” I voiced as she walked back towards me.
“I gotta keep up with all this.” She winked and gestured to my body.
“Trust me babe you do just fine.” I answered, pulling her back into me once more. “More than fine actually, damn fine.” I teasingly whispered before kissing her neck, earning a single small moan.
“Mr. Ramos what has gotten into you?” Alexia flirtatiously asked, noticing my recent switch to a more promiscuous self.
“There’s no need for me to hold back or hide anymore.” I whispered in her ear. “Everyone thinks I’m a bad boy, it’s a fun part to play.” I added before pulling away but keeping an arm around Alexia’s waist.
“Trying to piss Xabi off too while you’re at it?” Alexia raised an eyebrow, catching me.
“Maybe a little, but you can’t pretend you don’t like it when I’m bad, that it doesn’t turn you on even a little.” I responded in a husky tone.
I saw Alexia smirk and blush a little bit as we headed out the door, the driver waiting for us once we made it outside.
“Oh you weren’t kidding about the limo.” Alexia giggled as we sat down inside. “And I wasn’t kidding about the champagne either.” I mentioned as I️ poured each of us a glass. “Cheers the the birthday girl, who I love very much.” I said, handing Alexia her glass.
“Everyone should be there by the time we arrive.” I said as we sat back and enjoyed our drinks.
“You really went all out didn’t you? Even after I said not to.” Alexia eyed me, sipping her drink.
“Of course I did, how could I not?” I responded, resting my hand on her thigh. “You know, the necklace and a nice dinner would’ve been enough.” She answered back.
“Yeah it would’ve, but this will be more fun.” I winked, finishing my glass and pouring another.
“Fill me up.” Alexia commanded, handing me her empty glass as well. I️ smirked, having other ideas about filling her but gladly refilled both of them.
“Looking to kill this bottle before we even get there?” I teased.
“Isn’t that the point, we’re sharing aren’t we?” She smirked back, leaning over and giving me a kiss.
“That we are.” I responded, pulling her in for another kiss. My free hand cupped her cheek as I deepened it a little more.
Alexia pulled back with a wink, crossing one leg over the other. I couldn’t help but lick my lips at the sight. I knocked back my second glass of champagne and Alexia followed suit.
“I think there’s enough for one more each babe, if you’re up for it.” I offered and she nodded eagerly before finishing her second as well.
We arrived not long after we finished our third glass each, Alexia feeling a little more tipsy than I did.
As we walked in I kept my hand on her ass, with her leaning up against me. “Gio you smell so good.” Alexia flirted, kissing my cheek as we entered the club.
We were greeted by her teammates and some of mine as well. I locked eyes with Xabi and saw him tighten his jaw.
“Why don’t you go say hi to everyone and I’ll get us something to drink.” I offered and Alexia nodded, pecking my lips before walking off.
I don’t think her teammates were over the discovery of us dating because they cooed every time they saw us kiss.
“Two vodka sodas with lime, make em strong.” I ordered and stood waiting at the bar, watching my girl dance and giggle with her friends.
“Playing the part a little extra tonight are we?” Iker spoke as he walked up to me.
I looked over and laughed a little, “maybe a little bit, what gave it away?” I joked.
“Just the Black pants and shirt with, what? Burgundy suspenders and a bow tie?” He laughed, observing my outfit.
“It’s Maroon actually.” I retorted, grabbing the two drinks and tipping the bartender.
“Whatever man, you look exactly like what you don’t want you sister dating.” He responded.
I sipped my drink slowly and scanned the crowd, “good, because I won anyways, I just like to get a rise out of him, besides he almost broke my face I’d say this is all fair in love and war.” I smirked, winking at Alexia.
“I get it man, but maybe tone it down after tonight, doing it constantly is only gonna make the whole family turn against you.” Iker offered, but I merely shrugged.
“You and I both know parents love me, I’m charming and charismatic.” I laughed a little and Iker conceded that that was in fact true.
“I know, have your fun, but be careful. You know what I mean?” He asked and I nodded.
“I do, now why don’t you go enjoy a fun night out with your wife, you have a baby sitter this evening yes?” I questioned.
“That I do, and I’m going to don’t you worry.” He winked and grabbed his drink before walking off.
Alexia’s POV: “Hey you pretty young thing.” Sergio smiled, handing me the drink he’d gotten. I thanked him and pecked his cheek.
“Hi handsome.” I smiled. “I have to say I really like this bad boy look on you.” I whispered in his ear, feeling a little tipsy and dangerous. “It suits you.” I breathily spoke, my hand just barely brushing his crotch before I pulled away and sipped my drink with a wink.
Sergio licked his lips at the thoughts now swirling in his head before taking another sip from his own drink.
“Are you just going to stand there, or do you wanna dance?” I flirtatiously batted my eyelashes at my boyfriend.
“I’d love to.” He smiled and I took his hand, leading him to the dance floor after finishing my drink. Sergio chugged his and set the empty glass down. I grabbed both of Sergio’s hands and wrapped them around my waist from behind, pulling his front to my back.
“Already? We just got here.” I heard him tease into my ear as we slowly grinded together. “Your brother will see us.” He added and I️ could sense the smirk on his lips.
“Good, let him see I’m not a little kid anymore.” I turned to face Sergio, wrapping an arm around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss a little too lewd for the public eye.
I could hear a few of Sergio’s teammates whistle as we made out in the middle of the dance floor. I smirked against Sergio’s lips, not breaking the kiss yet, not that he seemed to mind. I could feel his grip tighten against me, holding me closer so I could feel him in his trousers. The taste of alcohol still lingered on his tongue as it danced with mine. The urgency he was demonstrating was tantalizing.
I pulled away, both of us little dazed as we gazed into each other’s eyes. The effect of the alcohol we had both consumed beginning to show. Once we snapped out of our little trance, a devilish smirk appeared on Sergio’s face, the likes of which I hadn’t seen in a very long time and one that sent shivers down my spine. “So that’s how you want this night to go?” He questioned, his lips finding my neck, placing delicate kisses on it while he waited for my response.
“I thought I was clear enough with what I just did, or do I need to spell it out for you?” I flirted back.
“Hmmm, I’m a little slow tonight, I think you should spell it out a little more for me.” He teased as his stubble tickled my neck.
I quickly turned around to completely face him, wrapping my arms around his neck. “If you insist.” I smirked, removing my hands and using them to place his on my ass.
“I still think I need a little more clarity.” Sergio smirked.
I smirked right back, grabbing him by his belt and pulling him against me before kissing him roughly.
“Damn Sergio!” I heard Cristiano yell from his table with the rest of Sergio’s teammates and my brother.
Sergio pulled away and laughed, turning around to flip Cris off before kissing me once more. “I think I understand now.” He spoke, licking his lips after. I flashed him another wink and started dancing in front of him a little silly as the song changed, just to break the sexual tension. I knew we could mess with Xabi every now and then but it couldn’t be all night. Sergio just watched me and laughed, his eyes sparkling.
“What are you doing?” He managed to say as he was laughing. “I’m just feeling the music babe.” I️ played innocent doing my best to dance in the worst ways possible. “You’re adorable.” He smiles genuinely, pulling me into a hug. “God I love you so much.” He said holding me close. “I’m so gone.” He added. I couldn’t help but just smile up at him and cuddle in. 
“I love you too baby, so much.” I looked up at him, pecking his lips. I meant it of course, but I certainly wasn’t expecting him to go all mushy on me five minutes after torridly kissing me and feeling me up in front of all our teammates. Tonight was bound to be very interesting. 
“You’ve changed my life you know.” Sergio said softly as we swayed, only I could hear him. “For the better of course, I’m different now.” He added.
“No Sergio, you’re you, the real you.” I responded. 
The genuine look of love and gratitude filled Sergio’s eyes after I answered him, a look that made my heart race. This man was something else, sexy, rugged, gentle, caring, and beautiful, all rolled into one. 
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naijaextrablog · 5 years
Lionel Messi beats Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar to top rating in FIFA 20
Lionel Messi beats Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar to top rating in FIFA 20
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Barcelona striker, Lionel Messi has been unveiled as the highest-rated player in FIFA 20.
The 32-year-old Argentine star was awarded with a 94 rating and pipped arch-rival Cristiano Ronaldo andNeymar to the top spot. Ronaldo was awarded 93 while Neymar Jr. was rated 92. 
1. Lionel Messi -FC Barcelona 94
2. Cristiano Ronaldo -Juventus 93
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shubham603 · 3 years
Roberto Martinez, coach of Belgium, the No. 1 ranked team in the world, said that there will be no specific plans against Cristaino Ronaldo as the team will have to defend 10 other Portuguese players in the same measure.
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fixednaijablog · 5 years
Corona Virus: Anthony Joshua on self isolation after meeting Queen Elizabeth son, Prince Charles.
The Nigerian born – world heavyweight boxing champion, Anthony Joshua has place himself under self isolation after meeting with Prince Charles, who was tested positive for corona virus on Wednesday.
Prince Charles, the eldest son and heir to Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II,
is showing mild symptoms of corona virus and is self isolating in Scotland, officials reports on Wednesday.
A spokesman for…
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brownghdotcom · 5 years
Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and Virgil van Dijk on three-man shortlist for UEFA Men's Player of the Year
Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and Virgil van Dijk on three-man shortlist for UEFA Men’s Player of the Year
The UEFA Men’s Player of the Year shortlist has been released with Virgil van Dijk ready to battle Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo for the award.
Liverpool defender, Van Dijk, 28, was shortlisted for the award after playing an influential role as they won the Champions League and UEFA Super Cup. He also helped his team finish second place in the Premier League and reached the UEFA Nations…
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bigstarsx-blog · 6 years
Cristiano Ronaldo vs Sylvester Stallone
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globaltatafo · 3 years
Cristiano Ronaldo breaks Ali Daei's international goalscoring record
Cristiano Ronaldo breaks Ali Daei’s international goalscoring record
Cristaiano Ronaldo Cristaino Ronaldo has become the all-time leading goalscorer in men’s international football, scoring his 110th and 111th goals for Portugal in a dramatic comeback win against Ireland in World Cup qualifying.The Portuguese captain scored two late headers to overturn a 1-0 deficit and surpass the previous record of 109 goals set by Iranian legend Ali Daei. John Egan had given…
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the-usa-fame · 2 years
Cristiano Ronaldo Becomes 1st Man To Score At 5 FIFA World Cups..
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When you think of the greatest soccer players in history, one name that always comes to mind is ronaldo.... READ MORE
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thesportsbay · 3 years
How Ferguson stopped Ronaldo from moving to 'noisy neighours', Man City
How Alex Ferguson stopped Cristaino Ronaldo from moving to 'noisy neighours', Man City
Details have emerged that legendary manager, Sir Alex Ferguson played a vital role in stopping Cristiano Ronaldo from moving to Manchester City. It will be recalled that as at Thursday, reports had it that Ronaldo was set for a dramatix transfer to Man City. But the move has fallen apart on Friday. Pep Guardiola played the move down in his press conference and it soon emerged that City had…
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Yoruba Nollywood Actress, Funmi Awelewa’s Photo With Football Star, Cristiano Ronaldo Causes Stir Online
Yoruba Nollywood Actress, Funmi Awelewa’s Photo With Football Star, Cristiano Ronaldo Causes Stir Online
Yoruba Actress, Funmi Awelewa couldn’t help than to give a hilarious reaction after she saw a photo of herself with Portuguese football star, Cristaino Ronaldo.
The photo which is clearly a photoshopped photo has received some reactions from social media users as many people can’t stop laughing.
The actress shared the photo on her Instagram handle with the caption;
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naijaextrablog · 5 years
Cristiano Ronaldo’s beautiful girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez dazzles in sexy lingerie set (Photos)
Georgina Rodriguez, the stunning girlfriend of football star Cristiano Ronaldo flaunted her banging body as she stripped off for undies brand Yamamay.
The 25-year-old Spanish beauty was pictured posing in a series of sexy lingerie sets.
See full photos below.
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king-webman · 5 years
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Transfer: De Ligt speaks on Cristaino Ronaldo’s role in his move to Juventus, being under pressure Juventus latest signing, Matthijs de Ligt on Friday disclosed that he made up his mind to join the Serie A champions even before Cristiano Ronaldo asked him about a potential move to Italy.
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canlitribun · 5 years
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Jesse Lingard’ın Cristiano Ronaldo hayali! Manchester United’ın genç yıldızı Jesse Lingard, Cristiano Ronaldo hakkında açıklamalarda bulundu. Daily Mirror’da yer alan haberde, dönemin en iyi oyuncusu hakkında sorulan soruya cevap veren Lingard, Cristaino Ronaldo’nun 10 yılın en iyi oyuncusu olduğunu söyledi.
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kuponuna · 5 years
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Jesse Lingard’ın Cristiano Ronaldo hayali! Manchester United’ın genç yıldızı Jesse Lingard, Cristiano Ronaldo hakkında açıklamalarda bulundu. Daily Mirror’da yer alan haberde, dönemin en iyi oyuncusu hakkında sorulan soruya cevap veren Lingard, Cristaino Ronaldo’nun 10 yılın en iyi oyuncusu olduğunu söyledi.
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