#croc hate club
booksiverecentlyread · 3 months
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72: Larrimah [2021]
by: Caroline Graham & Kylie Stevenson
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wafflinglumos · 8 months
My Golden Trio Headcanons (some modern some not)
Oddly good at beer pong.
One time caught the snitch in his mouth and almost died.
Is REALLY good at cooking(less headcanon and more actually canon)
Loves the rain, absolutely hates thunder.
Had American southern tea ONCE and never looked at Earl Grey the same way again (Hermione gets upset about it every time they get tea together)
Soap opera lover(he watches them with Ron)
Is really good at drawing birds specifically.
He’s good at pottery but can only make bowls and plates.
Chess lover, both magic AND muggle(that’s canon but I’m including it anyways)
When Harry tried American sweet tea for the first time, Ron got to try fried butter for the first time too, he promptly inhaled it.
He hates crabs.
He often has stare offs with Crookshanks which either end with Ron getting mauled, or Crookshanks getting locked out of the room.
Is a DIEHARD Beastie Boys fan, Hermione introduced him to them and he hasn’t looked back since.
His favorite color is the exact shade of brown that Hermione’s eyes are :)
Soap opera lover(he watches them with Harry)
Wears bright neon crocs, has worn them on dates with Hermione before, will wear them on dates with Hermione again.
Got a buzz cut one time and Hermione screamed in pure unbridled terror when she saw it(she did not speak for him for a week, he had to magically grow it back)
Bad at pottery but loves playing with the clay.
Aroace spectrum(because I love projecting onto characters and it’s canon in my eyes)
One time tried to straighten her hair and both Ron and Harry got scared when they saw it(it did not work)
Knows ALL of the Elder Scrolls lore
Has played Skyrim to completion over 19 times.(that is not an exaggeration, she’s pulled various all nighters)
HORRIFIC sleep schedule
Will not read romance, UNLESS it’s completely historically accurate.
Bad at drawing, really good at pottery oddly enough.
While she’s good at pottery, she absolutely despises the feel of wet clay, and then the feel of dry clay on her skin so she doesn’t sculpt stuff without gloves on.
Hates the texture of pasta, it has to be made in a VERY specific way for her to enjoy it.
Doesn’t like being smooched on the temple because it’s too close to her eyes and she thinks it’s unsanitary.
Had a seafood boil one time and was out like a light for a full DAY.
Tried a vegan diet for like a year but she accidentally ate a wet piece of ham in a sleep deprived delirium.
Beans on toast FIEND.
One time had a five day mental breakdown over magic and specifically quidditch brooms not following the laws of physics.
Dinosaur nerd.
Dr Strange and Reed Richards fan
Golden Trio:
They have a book club, Ron’s favorite genre is a mix between really cheesy badly written romances and westerns, Harry’s favorite genre is murder mysteries and philosophy, funnily enough, Hermione doesn’t like murder mysteries because she guesses the plot/plot twists and they’re always correct, she usually only reads non-fiction but she occasionally likes accurate science fiction and she also enjoys biographies.
Hermione once sat them down to watch a bunch of muggle movies, some Harry recognized, while Ron was just utterly entranced by the television, occasionally shaking Harry’s shoulder when something happened on screen.
While Hermione was finishing her seventh/ “eighth” year she was sent at LEAST ten letters DAILY, from both Ron and Harry.
They shared an apartment for like two years and would quiet often all sleep in the same bed.
That habit followed them into adulthood, and they occasionally sleep in the same bed.
Both Harry and Ron, along with Ginny, will flaunt Hermione being the minister, often.
Harry has forced the other two to rewatch every Star Wars movie, more than ten times.
Ron and Hermione broke up one time in their relationship and Harry was more distraught than both of them combined.
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impyssadobsessions · 1 year
Slight NSFW AU
Danny goes to Gotham City University but refuses to accept Vlad's help in paying for it and turns to the time honored tradition of becoming a stripper to pay of his student loans, it helps that he didn't turn out like Dan but rather became more lithe and androgynous as he hot older. It is at the club that he meets his boyfriend, the feared and hated villain Waylon Jones. To Danny it just looked like the guy needed a friend and that's how it got started, eventually friend became boyfriend.
Danny was fine with having Killer Croc as his boyfriend
Ooo that's neat. I actually like the idea of Danny getting really close to Killer Croc. >w< Danny definitely doesn't fear him even if the others at the club whisper about Croc eating ppl.
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based on a tiktok i saw, swiss and phantom wear crocs and rain and dew are embarrassed to be seen in public with them because of it. when phantom was summoned, swiss told him it was peak human fashion and, much to dews dismay, phantom believed him. he has since learned otherwise, but now he just thinks theyre neat. they have matching pairs, and phantom loves collecting the little charm things that go on them.
one time, phantom saw a pair he thought dew would like, and, not understanding that dew *really* hates crocs, he bought them for him as a gift and dew didnt have the heart to tell phantom he hates crocs, so he wears them on the tour bus and ghoul den and nowhere else. rain laughed at him when dew admitted they werent as bad as he first thought, but that doesnt mean he likes them. as revenge, dew told phantom that rain felt left out of their little croc club, so, with the help of dew and swiss, they got rain a pair. the joy on phantoms face was worth it.
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Killer Croc finding out that he’s dating a former Actress; finding out from flipping through TV Channels and seeing her in a Movie; a horror movie. He also learns that she has been in 3 movies and one TV Series; that ended after 1 Season due too poor ratings. He has sooo many questions! Like why? Why did you quit?. She said “Being an actress/actor isn’t all it’s cracked up too be” Dealing with Paparazzi’s, Social Media and even Stalkers. Overall, just not having any privacy and being on the go!
"The B-list blues" Killer Croc x f!reader
This is such a fun/different prompt! I don't see this dynamic often so I hope I do it justice.
TW: stalking, hate comments online
His brow furrows when he lands on a channel and sees someone that looks like his girlfriend. He almost remarks how her twin is on the TV until he squints. Underneath the screams of terror and fake blood- that's her!
"You never told me you were in a movie!" He's looking over at her to her nervous laugh. She's sort of standing there, frozen for a moment. It's difficult to talk about something you had to quit. Especially when said thing tends to represent a certain beauty standard that your partner has struggled with his whole life.
Yet, her boyfriend only expresses interest! What's it like being a big movie star? Lots of fans? This the only one? It's... a pleasant surprise.
"Well- I gotta see all of it, chere." He's a little surprised when she tells him it was only three movies and one season of a TV show. But she's gorgeous, look at her! And from what he's seen she's got that thing. What's it- the "it" thing.
It's a surprise when she tells him it's not because she couldn't get the jobs. She quit. At first he's willing to shrug it off- you don't like it, get out. But... he can tell there's something lingering that she's not saying. He knows that too well, that itch of tension under the skin.
His voice is low, "You wanna say why or is it uh..." His fingers tap the couch. "Too personal" feels clinical to him. Something Crane would say. She gets what hes trying to imply.
There are so many horror stories. Paparazzi from shitty smaller magazines trying to catch a photo of her when she wasn't looking her best. Comments online about her body, her face, her acting. Then there was the stalker-
"The what?" She winces. It was bound to come up at some point. It was several months of her life, after all. A fan that asked for an autograph, then joined an online fan club. When she was on the show, he was constantly sending her messages and attempting to get on set. While it had nothing to do with the show getting canceled- It certainly didn't help the stress surrounding it.
She sighs, "I couldn't... live my life. I was either constantly moving or scared to leave my house. I quit. I had to quit. I couldn't be that scared and anxious anymore-" There's a mist to her eyes that he can see forming. Waylon surrounds her with his body in a hug. The sigh that leaves her feels so heavy. Has she ever really talked about this?
His voice rumbles against her, "Want me to eat him? I'll bite some putain's face off for you."
It's just silly enough to make her laugh. She feels herself rising to her toes as he lowers his face down for a kiss. He wipes at her cheeks for any tears with his thumbs.
At some point he will joke that it's good she's dating him- they'll always be looking at the big green man with a skin condition in the pair. She can kiss him again and tell him she loves the way he looks and the way he is.
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another keeping cool tip, this is one I've been using for many many years as a member of the Frequent Migraines Club-- the skin at your wrists is thiner, which means if you can cool them down with damp cloth or similar, it can help cool your body temp! sometimes I'll take wet bandannas and tie them around my wrists, ankles, and neck, and it helps bunches. also a mobile option.
for a sillier mobile option, wet/damp socks + waterproof shoes (crocs, keens, flip-flops, etc) can help if you're trying to cool down but need to be doing Tasks that require movement. I personally hate this one because. well. wet socks. but it is handy when absolutely necessary. (you also look a fool with this method but I choose to believe it is charming.)
also a tip from a friend of mine who has cf&pots, wet paper towel in the freezer for a few minutes is good because it won't stay cold for long enough to hurt your skin, and the evaporation is good for cooling you off.
NICE all very good tips, thank you!
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punk-chicken-radio · 1 month
Extreme Fashionism…..
…..far too much of that sort of thing going on at the moment…..and rather a lot of that Anti-Fashionism about too…..mind your business…..people should be allowed to wear what they want and wherever they want…..far too much faith is put in a strictly enforced dress code…..who do they think they are? The Shoe Police?…..I mean, what’s wrong with Crocs in the club?…..
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…..now generally I wear fairly standard stuff, but some of my taste in clothing and/or accessories could be classed as, well, a little odd…..I’ve been told on more than one occasion…..’if you’re wearing that then we’re walking on the other side of the street’…..they have no idea how to lead the masses…..sometimes I see something and in my head it’s automatically…..’I AM BUYING THAT…..’
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…..I have to say that although I like quality I really hate paying full ticket…..I’m always checking out vintage places, TK* and eBay too, even good second hand can be a real bargain. I know @loveaxiomatic has a good eye for deals and discounts and I think she’s been on the lookout for a new autumn wardrobe…..I wonder how she got on?…..
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…..you know what’s coming up next…..a bunch of songs loosely about fashion and stuff…..
Couture Kisses 😘
love(i’m really mad)axiomatic
The Old(don’t get mad get even)Smelly
*Over here T.J.Maxx is T.K.Maxx 🤷🏼‍♂️
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
WIP Wednesday Game
Tagged by @wannab-urs @frenchiereading @megamindsecretlair @pedroshotwifey
Thank you all tagging me 🥰 You all know I always have ideas, the problem is usually follow through. 😂 and completion.
Step one: Post snippets of the fics you're working on (can be a summary if there's no snippet)
Step two: put them in a poll and let people vote on which one you should work on, then prioritize the one with the most votes.
Step three: Ask me about my WIPs! I've got lots of lore to share + more snippets, etc.
My March Spring Prompts! I’m really enjoying doing them this month. I’ve been trying to include as many different Pedro and Oscar characters as possible with some connecting drabbles. 🥰
A sample of part two of "The Lake between Us" (Thank you all for enjoying part one, I didn't quite expect such a response for it. Should I make a tag list for it? 🤔) Ezra AU x plus size OFC - name in future parts:
Things were tenuous at first but they worked out she’s to call him ‘Uncle’ or Mr. Ezra. It worked better in social situations and she became his little ‘Birdie.’ Scaling down the jobs he took on to mitigate risk was a challenge and were worth less but he had to live not only for himself now. The pair moved around some before he enrolled her in school in Louisiana but ensured that he taught her when she came home in the evenings and on the weekends. The child hated the extra lesions, but it enabled her to be leagues ahead of her peers as far as studies went. Ezra was determined not to suffer another fool and would do what he could so that Cee wouldn’t follow in her father’s steps of idiocy. The results of his care, diligence and support was realized at both her high school graduation which he had never imagined attending anyone’s graduation except his own and to travel with his charge to see the college she’d chosen.
Nuestras canciones (Our Songs) Santiago Garcia x Amalia (plus size OFC) @reallyrallyauthor liked my Santiago spring prompt for today so I felt motivated to finally write another part to this mini-series:
Santiago saw a woman by herself lost in the music, the glow from her skin from perspiration. He didn’t see a reason why he shouldn’t make his way over to her so he did, but he waited until she opened her eyes again and was surprised by him. She laughed and apologized where he told her there was no reason to. Holding his hands out, she peered down and slid her fingers along his palms. The last song died down and the next started, it was slower, sensual, intimate. Garcia interlocked his fingers with hers as they moved back and forth, step by step. His eyes met hers, pulling one of her hands toward him and placing it on his shoulder. His palm found a place on her hip as his lips skimmed her forearm up to her shoulder, pulling her closer. They didn’t say anything as they moved in sync. Once the music ended this time, they stepped outside so they could hear each other speak. By the time they finally exchanged phone numbers, the club was emptying out and Amalia looked toward her friends as did Santiago. The pair had spoken about the dancing, club, food, drinks, if they were single, music and a few bad jokes. Well, between the both of them, quite a few bad jokes. 
My third WIP is one that I choose to blame @mysterious-moonstruck-musings since she fancies herself a sweet Dieter. So I gotta deliver because this is what she wants apparently. 🤭 I have vibes and two paragraphs at this point. Basically, you meet Dieter through one of his PA (because he's got 4 or 5 personal assistants who keeps track?) and he finds drawn to you? Was it crocs? Was it pizza? Was it a two am dance party to Paramore and Linkin Park? Maybe it was all of them or something else entirely? I'll work it out.
My last WIP is one I've been kicking around for a bit. It's a WIP I have with Marcus Pike. I've been dabbling him after a shooting or passing his firearm recertification exam and having PTSD (because I haven't tortured a Pedro character recently 👀) This one is also vibes, still working it out. I started mentioning therapy in my March prompts and it snowballed into this WIP.
This is what I have this week. Poor Javi G's outline still isn't vibing with me. I am going to figure it out though. 😭
Let me know if you have any questions about any of them. 🤗
NPT: @maggiemayhemnj @magpiepills @morallyinept @inept-the-magnificent @covetyou @chronically-ghosted @for-a-longlongtime @legendary-pink-dot @gemmahale @schnarfer @romanarose @perotovar @soft-girl-musings @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @tinytinymenace @alltheglitterandtheroar @drawingdroid @yourcoolauntie @trulybetty @hannibals-favourite-meal @thefrogdalorian @gasolinerainbowpuddles
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hastalavistabyebye · 2 months
Trans Clone Week : Day 4
Prompts : During War time; Trans4Trans ; hair braiding ;
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“Close your eyes,” Dagger said. 
Her grin was absolutely wicked and her eyes shining with challenge and mischief. She was so amazingly beautiful. 
Shark raised an eyebrow to her riduur but complied. For good measure, she even presented her hands in front of her, palms up, and made a show of waiting for whatever Dagger had planned. 
A soft fabric was placed in her arms, a few seconds later.
“Alright, cyare. You can open your eyes.” The medic could hear the smile full of teeth of her wife. It made her own version of it bloom on her lips. 
She didn't last a second to inspect the mysterious item. It looked like a nat-born top, similar to the ones they kept for black-ops and the such. It was cut short on the bottom part in a way she knew would let its wearer’s stomach show. In front of her, Dagger was positively radiating glee in the most wonderful ways. Shark understood why the moment she turned the cloth around and saw what was written on the front. 
“Trophy husband ?” She laughed right away. “Please, tell me you found one to give to the Commander !”
“Of course, cyare, you know me. But that one spells “Trophy wife” in glitter, to be more accurate, you know. I’ve shown it to Thorn too, just to make Fox absolutely suspicious of what we have waiting for him.”
“You’re perfect.” Shark yanked her riduur in a passionate kiss. Dagger was the best and she’ll marvel until her last breath at being the one to be called her wife. The medic was the luckiest bastard of this hellish Galaxy and knew it. “Oh, he’s going to hate that he’ll love it.”
“Mmh, that he will,” Dagger murmured against Shark’s lips, foreheads pressed into a mirshmure’cya. “And what do you think of my present ?”
“It’s making me regret not being able to leave HQ often enough to show it off at one of the Lower clubs. I would look dashing in it and at your arm.”
They smiled at each other, giggling like cadets. Both of them hated nat-borns’ so-called clubs. But Shark would have been one hell of a sight even at 79’s. One of the most feral medics of the GAR, the famous hunting medic of the Guard, wearing a ‘Trophy husband’ croc top showing all of the weapons strapped at her waist, at the arm of Dagger, herself very well known for her very effective use of her weapons during chases across Coruscant. They would have been terrifyingly dashing, as Stone had put it once. Any club they would have walked into would have ended as respectful as they make them. No experienced wrongdoer would be dumb enough to stay around when those two were out and ready for trouble. And any vod knew to be on their best behavior, even when blackout drunk, when the couple was roaming around. 
Shark took her uppers off and put the shirt on in its place. As she had guessed, it seated a few centimeters under her tits, not enough to show anything but enough to be a tease, especially if she raised her arms. 
She barely had the time to turn her gaze back on Dagger before getting a lap full of Shock Trooper and a kiss that left her breathless, all teeth and licks and sucking, devouring passion. 
“You look beautiful.” Dagger purred against her sensitive lips, after those few minutes of methodical attention. 
“So do you,” she answered, weaving her fingers in her riduur’s river of thin braids that the medic did at the beginning of their arranged date hours. “I love you, kal’ika.”
“So do I, meshla.”
Kal'ika : little blade
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dollsonmain · 10 days
I would kind of like to quit. I'm still struggling with the register and causing problems (though the people that have been there longer cause problems sometimes, too) and I don't like that feeling of persistently screwing up.
I'd like to not be a cashier and instead be a stocker or something.
I have been looking at local grocery stores and they pay less, are looking for overnight people which I don't want to do, and are hiring for the kinds of work I'm 100% not interested in like deli and bakery, which are cooking-ish. They also require a car.
Working in the cheese department at Wegman's was sort of making food but wasn't cooking.
At the same time, if I can't do THIS, then how am I supposed to be able to do anything else? And this is the only job in town that I can walk to other than the occasional position that pops up at the golf club. I've no interest in golf, and those are often server or cook jobs which I can't do. I'm too clumsy and forgetful to be a server and do not want to be a cook.
Luckily, I do have the option to not apply to jobs that I don't want to do but only because I live with That Guy so it's not really a great trade off.
I don't hate the gas station job, I'm just bad at it and management is kind of bad and it's unnecessarily stressful because of that.
I should actually count how many buns are in a pack because I think it's more than my initial estimate... Either way I used 3 out of 5 sleeves of buns in one day.
My feet are getting rough. I was wondering if maybe the reason my feet were hurting so much was because I had basically no callouses because I just run around the house in crocs all the time. That doesn't explain the heel pain, though.
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rorywritesjunk · 3 months
And I keep my doubts in the back of my mind
Buggy keeps Sunny company while she makes dinner.
Rating: PGish? Warning: A kiss, a panic, sad Sunny and longing Buggy. Pairing: F/F Word Count: 1,368 A/N: Takes place in the lil AU I came up with where Croc goes into business with Mihawk in running a club of sorts where Buggy is The Star of the Show. Sunny is his wife, they are actually a happier couple in this than the Cross Guild fic I wrote back a few months ago. I wanted to do something for this AU since I did the other modern AU as the second day of Pride.
Title comes from "Meantime" by Chappell Roan.
Buggy sat back in the chair with her feet up on the table and hands in her lap as she watched Sunny flit about the kitchen with the cute floral apron while she made dinner for her and her husband. She had invited Buggy over to keep her company, finding that she was growing fond of the other woman, not to mention she was just so pretty that she wanted to be around her as much as possible. 
And Buggy, well, she wished that Sunny’s husband wasn’t her boss and held her fate in his large hand like a tiny little bird, because if he was any other man, she would have said fuck it and kissed Sunny already. How could she not want to? Sunny was gorgeous, kind, absolutely perfect, and going by how the kitchen was smelling, a wonderful cook that had Buggy feeling jealous that Crocodile got to have this meal and not her. It wasn’t fair.
“So you studied dance and theater in college?” Sunny said as she poked at the onions caramelizing in the bottom of the soup pot. “That’s amazing! I minored in theater, but I focused on the history of textiles and fashion.” 
“Not surprised since you took on the job of fixing all of our costumes, babe.” Buggy grinned, winking at her as she leaned back in the chair. Sunny looked away, cheeks pink but Buggy swear she saw her smile. “You have magical hands.”
“Oh, it’s nothing. I just, um, wanted to help.” The blonde insisted as she poked at them some more, giving them a stir. “It’s been fun getting to know everyone and spending time with you.”
“I mean, spend time with everyone.” Sunny corrected herself. She did enjoy spending time with just Buggy and she tried to do it as much as possible. “Crocodile has been working long hours and I get lonely sometimes, so I’m appreciating the friendships.”
“Well, babe, I’m glad we can be friends.” Buggy grinned as she stood up from her chair and went over to Sunny and hopped up onto the counter, looking down at her. “You’re so sweet, you know?”
“Oh stop, Buggy.” She glanced over at her with a smile. “I think you’re very sweet as well.” She poured the broth into the pot before adding some herbs. “Once this cooks for a bit, I’d love for you to try it and let me know how it tastes. I’ll make it for you some day.”
Some day? Maybe, but Buggy wouldn’t count on it. Sunny had a husband to care for at the end of the day when he’s done working long hours, trying to get all the paperwork in order with Mihawk. At the end of the day, Buggy would just go back to her little apartment by herself, put on some movie, and watch it curled up on the couch as she wondered how it felt to cuddle with Sunny. They hugged once and Buggy thought it was the best feeling in the world. She was so soft and warm, something Buggy wasn’t used to, and it was an awful feeling when Sunny pulled back.
“I’d like that, babe.” Buggy told her as Sunny put the lid on the pot and smiled at her. She touched Buggy’s knee, looking ready to say something, but her phone started ringing. Buggy cursed whoever it was for interrupting the potential moment as Sunny answered it.
“Hi! I have dinner started and-” She paused and Buggy hated seeing how her face suddenly fell. “Oh, okay. It’s fine, um, really, I understand you have a lot of work to do at the office getting everything in order.” She glanced at Buggy for just a moment before looking away. Buggy thought she saw tears but maybe it was from the onions. “It’s fine. I’ll have a bowl set aside for you in the fridge for when you come home, okay? I’ll see you later.” Sunny ended the call and stuck the phone in her pocket before turning to look at Buggy with a big smile on her face. “Would you like to stay for dinner, Buggy?”
“Was that your husband?” She asked. “Is he working late?” Again? And Buggy noticed the lack of ‘I love you’ at the end of the call. 
“Well, Mihawk’s previous partner really messed up the paperwork for the finances and everything, so he’s having to sort through that still…” Sunny looked over at the soup. “It tastes good as leftovers, but I think it's best when it’s fresh.”
Buggy made a face and sighed. “Of course I’ll stay for dinner, babe. You put a lot of work into it. You cut up seven onions like it was nothing!”
“Thank you, Buggy.” Sunny smiled. 
The food was delicious. Buggy had two bowls of soup with lots of cheese and bread. Sunny was happy that someone was eating with her, not wanting to have another dinner by herself, and Buggy was such good company. She was regaling Sunny about how she and her best friend would get into trouble in high school with pranks on the principal and teachers, mostly because they treated Buggy like she was lesser than her friend for no reason at all. The best prank was bringing in two goats tagged as “one” and “three” and letting them loose while the school was in an assembly. It was pretty hilarious.
Once they were fed and content, Sunny got up to start cleaning and Buggy joined her. They started talking again, of wishes for life and what ifs. Buggy wished she could travel the world and have an audience wherever she went and Sunny wanted to have a home with someone to love and hold her all the time. Buggy looked at her funny when she said that last part and Sunny cleared her throat and went to grab a bowl to put a serving of soup into. Buggy grabbed her wrist before she could, backing her up to the counter. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Buggy asked as Sunny swallowed nervously and looked up at her. Oh, she was so close. Sunny thought she could hear Buggy’s heartbeat and could smell her perfume so well and she just shrugged and smiled up at her.
“Misspoke, that’s all.” She assured her as she started to turn to reach the cupboard, but instead Buggy cupped her face in her hands and kissed her, pulling a surprised gasp from Sunny as she steadied herself on the counter. Once before she had kissed another girl, back in high school, and it was so nice. She had a crush on her but the other girl insisted she just wanted to see what it was like to kiss a girl and that was it. 
Buggy’s lips were so soft and she was kissing Sunny so tenderly and gentle. She thought she’d melt into her arms right then but she pushed her back carefully, shaking her head.
“I’m married.”
“But do you even love him?”
“Don’t ask me that, please.” Sunny said, shaking her head. “He’s always been very kind and loving, but it’s been hard when he’s spending all his time with his business partner and not with me, you know? We used to do things together every Saturday, but he just spends all his time with Mihawk and, and I don’t know, what if-”
Buggy caressed her cheek before she pulled away. As much as she wanted to be with Sunny, she was the wife of Buggy’s boss. She could easily lose her job if he caught wind of this and she couldn’t risk it. She wiped her mouth on the back of her hand as she went to grab her jacket.
“I shouldn’t have done that, sorry. You’re right, you are married.” She said as she pulled her jacket on. “Sorry, babe.”
“Can you stay-”
“I’ll see you later.” Buggy interrupted as she started for the door. “Get some sleep, ‘kay?”
Sunny stayed in the kitchen, wincing at the door slamming shut. The last thing she wanted was to be all alone. She wanted Buggy to stay with her and keep her company. Why did she have to leave?
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identitty-dickruption · 8 months
*you can click this regardless of what you got diagnosed with
**other supermarket homebrand mud cakes also acceptable
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estcaligo · 2 years
@deeva-arud✨ thanks for the tag! ✨
1.would you be a mer, a beastman, a fae, or a human? (or other!)
Human. Because of the dynamic with certain someone ⚡️🌚⚡️
2.would you be at rsa or nrc?
Lol bad people like me belong to NRC. I’d overblot because of sweetness and positivity on the very 1st day at RSA. Also don’t like their uniform design.
3.what dorm would you belong to?
As much as I love Diasomnia aesthetics, I’d be in Ignihyde. Majoring in tech, so yeah.
4.what character(s) would you be best friends with?
I think Malleus, because he’s 100+ years old(?), a fae and a nobility and I am really curious about his way of thinking. Also late night walks, conversations about architecture or classical music, listen to him speak ancient languages… Oh, to be friends with a dragon. Another one is - unsurprisingly - Idia. Many common topics to discuss - tech and geek stuff - and I won’t mind his harsh words and rude behaviour (because I act the same often). Overall, “anime and chill, sending memes to each other, just vibing in his room” kind of friendship.
5.what character(s) would you hate?
Hate is a pretty strong word…but I’ll use it anyway 🤩😈. I’d say anyone who’ll force me to do anything against my will/boss me around and/or give me unsolicited advices, which means Riddle, Vil and Vargas. Also Crewel?
6.what character(s) would you date?
I MEAN. ISN’T IT OBVIOUS. If you’ve visited my blog you know. A certain loud devoted loyal courageous handsome smart talented strong hardworking funny well-read beautiful precious green croc man ⚡️⚡️⚡️🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊⚡️⚡️⚡️
7.what would floyd’s nickname be for you?
Shibireei-chan or electric ray. Because when we first met I zapped him with a stun gun when he tried to “hug” me 🙂
8.and rook’s?
Still Trickster. Because I am a trickster. And a treater. 🤡
9.what twst character(s) are you most like? (personality-wise)
Well, my first choice was Idia, but after thinking a bit it appeared that it would be, in fact, Leona. 😔
10.which subject(s) do you think you would excel at?
Picking from subjects we know about - alchemy. It’s like chemistry but with a touch of magic, right? Also practical magic, because, if I am not wrong, it was stated that using imagination is important when casting spells so I would excel at it hell yeah.
11.what club would you join?
EQUESTRIAN!!!!!! Horse riding is one of my favourite hobbies. I’d also consider joining science club, but given the opportunity to spend time with horses on a regular basis, I’d definitely choose that. And of course to spend more time with you know who………………………
12.how do you think you would survive in twisted wonderland/what would your life be like in general?
Perfectly fine, just need a gun /hj For real though, it can’t be worse than here so I’ll live my best life. Would research how magic and technology combine and what can be created.
13.[optional!] what would your unique magic be?
“I was never there” - Basically turning into an invisible ghost substance. Just…disappearing from this world. Nothing physical can affect the user in this state. Can walk through walls, punches don’t hurt the user, etc. However it works only 4 hours a day and the requirement to successfully activate it is…to have an empty stomach meh.
If you don't mind - @allimili @mondeeznuts @eunzul
and anyone who wants to join!!
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Me: I like this one. Emu: The new fire croc pokemon. Me: Yes. Look at how adorable this Fuecoco is. Fuecoco: Fue coco. Shinnosuke: What else you got besides legendaries... Me: My personal Grimmsnarl. Then there's Tyranitar, Noivern, Feraligatr,... *Mumbles* Emu: You only like them because childhood and they're awesome looking. Me: Yes. And don't forget this new pink pokemon Tinkatink. And she hates Tsukasa because he stolen her club. Not even once but almost 5 times. And called her ugly.
Riders reaction?
Hmm... I'm sure some of them would have their own faves but I don't think they'll begrudge you your choices. To each their own, and all that.
Some of them may challenge you to a battle with their own faves though given you're a god of some kind (*insert Kouta space god pic*) I imagine they'd lose pretty quick lol
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xaviergalatis · 3 months
I get the bag 🛍️ and I flip it
cooking up dope in the kitchen
cooking up dope in the croc pot
I pull up tonka truck
platinum fangs
my twin Mary Kate
in the function with the
Ashley tittie
twizzy I pulled up twizzy money longer
My team no, I'm coming strong
crying in a voss
frigo Sephora can we go pick pink
step outside
ruler clip
cyber truck
sniper gang
broke iPad
260k view
no interviews
program time
1k followers no interviews
choppa with suppressor
bitch I'm from Ukraine yuh
David Blaine yuh
pussy had me drained pussy yuh
Red lobster
little bitch
2 blonde
big face bust down on my arm I look like a retard kid with bus downs
I'm naked with no chains on
I'm a dog with a chain on
pit bull fangs
Molly water lock jaw
switch on the Glock
sipping on pink Whitney fuckin up my kidneys
vvvvvvv vv vvvv vvv vvvv vvv like she miss me
with the pole with the glizzy
Lizzy twin
evil twin
sticky it gets
keep them sticks on me
and you know
bust downy bracelet
lotus go so crazy
do handstands
fruit loopy
naked with no jewelry on
rock out
Rick Owens
Ricky hill
Medulla silica indica florida capital
rich bitch
slaughter VVS
vip section
van mover
no more coffee
dope pedal rider
Clancy o said I'm good to get th ink on my bicep
that girl
free earl
free him
I'm him
really him
ot s fire drill this the reel thing
of letterman
ok ok ok
will sm
circle turtle thermal purple
nigga in shelter with blick on me
sticked up
geek up
poled up
in function with blic club
where my pole go
xavier don't move !
catch up
double RR
in penitentiary
super star
rock star
topping her
Topanga at my shows
Media takeout
I gets busy as a bee on my bike grips
locked in
late night in the studio
fuck the world cuz I hate the bitch
man life a trip
pop a Xanax cuz I'm stressed
chopped down and screw up
Spanish bitch
Spanish bitch
throat coat
white bitch
set though
remix to ignition
moss berg
Randy Moss
step out
air it out
that I fuckin pissed all over the couch
Video vixen
Vip section
Lil Xay
0 notes
jeireilostt · 2 years
Tumblr media
Don’t know why I’m doing this but I thought it’d be fun to put headcanons based on this stuff. Tell me some other stuff to put in here!!
[1. How they feel about crocs🐊]
1. Luther Hargreeves
He indeed wears these instead of slippers. He’ll wear a robe with a random pair of red crocs.
2. Diego Hargreeves
Dislikes them for some reason. He’ll rarely ever wear a pair. Only time he’ll wear them is if they’re 1. Black and 2. Going on a walk at midnight (so emo). Something about them tics him off.
3. Allison Hargreeves
Wears them while getting mail and sitting with a cup of coffee watching TV. She usually goes bare foot rather then wear any footwear but it’s either that or slippers. Depends which is closer. (Has like two hearts pins on her crocs)
4. Klaus Hargreeves
Literally never wears them unless his slippers go missing (he has like- 10 pairs of slippers) which is rare. (Lot of pins.)
5. Five Hargreeeves
Strong dislike for them. Nobody would catch him DEAD in them. The only way he’d do it is if you find a way for them to look at least DECENT with the outfit he wears otherwise it’s a nah. Man is all about class 💅
6. Ben Hargreeves
He’s a sock person with slides but he does own a pair of crocs (leave canon ghost out rn) that he’ll wear if he can’t find his slides or he’s rushing and picks them up instead.
7. Viktor Hargreeves
Oh yeah he wears them. Only when walking outside for a walk or just to lazy to look decent in the morning. (Has a few music notes and a violin pin in the holes.)
Bonus: Lila Pitts
Does for the soul purpose to piss Diego off and put her foot in his face. Also she enjoys putting pins in them.
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