#crow does writing
yourlocaltiredartist · 8 months
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wrote this in like 20mins and barely edited lmao anyways
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Once again wondering why Cadence and Morrigan were the only two out of "loads" of candidates in the Fright Trial who were drawn to the pond candle . . .
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six-of-cringe · 3 months
Something that has been on my mind is what Kaz says to Nina at the end of Crooked Kingdom about Matthias's share of their money. He offers Nina that share, and then says, "I know it doesn't matter".
Kaz, who has spent this entire series insisting to the others that kruge means retribution, safety, success, comfort, and thus is the driving factor in his life, is sort of accidentally revealing how little he believes it. He knows Nina disapproves of his purported obsession with profit and is not motivated by money, and he also knows from personal experience that no matter how much he insists otherwise, having money will not fix what has happened to you. Maybe it will kind of buy you retribution or a degree of safety, but it will never bring back who you lost - it's too late for that. Kruge is a shitty consolation prize, and Kaz knows it. This is the only time he explicitly lets it on to the others - as emotionally constipated as he might act, he knows Nina's pain and knows that even suggesting that money would in any way fix it would be an insult.
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crows-ace · 3 days
Heavenly ordeal - pg2
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What’s that - Gods meeting with the angels look sinister?? Noooo what do you mean??? Look at that pastel background~ nothing bad going on there 👀
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seidenbros · 4 months
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As you can see, I haven't moved on from Dead Poets Society the Musical. It lives in my head rent-free.
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jazzkrebber · 1 year
after they've been living together for a while, Wylan and Jesper get onto the topic of their first impressions when they met. Wylan tells him, he thought he had the most perfectly shaped lips he'd ever seen. between kisses Jesper tells him he thought he looked like a prince, fallen into the wrong story. from then on Jesper calls him "my prince," and whenever someone asks why, he tells them it's because Wylan's the most important thing in the world to him, because he is his prince. he's his whole kingdom
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squuote · 17 days
In my mind, the narrator is such a clingy creature by nature. like, as a semi ever-present voice, he is just always up in everything all the time and I think that would translate equally so into any sort of physical form. it’s not for any specific reasoning, I just think he wouldn’t get it or even attempt to try to see where you’re coming from if you tried to explain the concept of personal space. he’d say something like “Well what’s the point of that? Have you perhaps forgotten what my main purpose is? it’s literally my title, I—you know what no. You’re trying to egg me on with these completely refutable concepts.” and then he’d scoff and cling even closer. like this is just normal for him, it’s just almost unnatural feeling because he’s got a physical presence to show it.
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starmocha · 3 months
Question for the future, but who's gonna be the brave soul who will sacrifice their daily login to get Sylus' depressing text messages about your 30-day absence 🙃
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kazscrows · 2 years
Every time I type wylan van eck I accidentally type wylan can eck but… can he?? Can Wylan Eck? He certainly can’t read—
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borealnyx · 1 month
watched the original crow movie yesterday, and honestly ill never forgive the people that made me think this movie was edgy.
it's about a guy having a terrible time trying to mantain his sense of humanity and avenguing his fiancee with the help of a child, a Divorced Cop(tm) and a magic bird
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cantsaythetword · 13 days
Aaaaaaaa I'm so fuckin lee right now this is awful 😭😭😭😭 I just wanna get wrecked by my friends IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK
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yourlocaltiredartist · 6 months
Some Broken Bonds stuff, plus doodles:
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Splinter taught Raph how to knit when he was very young. Raph loved it, and continued to learn all about knitting, sewing, etc. This spiralled into a love of sewing and textiles. It was also something he and Splinter could spend time doing together, and still is.
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It's now Raph's main hobby, and he often adjusts or makes clothes for himself and the rest of his family (bc yknow. shells and stuff). One of these things is Donnie's favourite hoodie that he often wears off missions.
(more info in my pinned post)
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ladystormcrow · 1 year
My Phantom OT3 brainrot is not going away, and now, against my will, I’ve come up with something resembling a (very sappy and ridiculous) short story idea. I’m writing it here to vent it: 
I have a headcanon that, despite his many other musical talents, Erik is not good at dancing -- he knows it in theory just fine, but actually practicing it requires a partner who’s willing to touch you, and he’s never had that. 
So in my vaguely-imagined AU where Christine and Raoul take him with them at the end (and the three of them leave France for a time while they all heal and Figure Things Out), Raoul decides to teach him. The book (which I have read, though my vague AU is kind of a mishmash of that and the musical) describes that Raoul was mostly raised by his older sisters and other female relatives, so I like to imagine that they taught him ballroom dancing when he was a kid, and he just copies their methods exactly when teaching another man to dance:
Raoul: Just put your hand on my waist. Erik: We are not doing this. Raoul: Come on, lead me!
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fantastic-nonsense · 7 months
Chapter 2 (Sankta Marya) of the "How Inej got her knives" fic is officially live!
When Inej left the golden halls of her personal hell days after her fifteenth birthday, she flinched at the shadows. Two years later, the Wraith of Ketterdam made others flinch at her shadow instead. There were countless moments that forged the woman she would become, endless memories of late night stakeouts and heart-pounding fights that marked her time with the Dregs. But the remaking of Inej Ghafa began with a knife and an order to “be useful.” Or: The story of how Inej acquires her knives, keeps her faith, and reclaims herself in the two years between leaving the Menagerie and the job that changed her life.
Jurgen’s wife has started going to a cafe off the Boeksplein once a week to meet Arnoud Van Hollen for lunch. He’s a philosophy professor with no known connections to either them or their orange trading business. I want to know why.
Inej huffed in irritation. Two weeks of watching the pair’s lunches and she was no closer to figuring out what they were really meeting for. It had been easy enough to disguise herself as a student and take a table close enough to Ada Jurgens to listen in on their conversations. It was harder to understand if there were any hidden meanings tucked away underneath their political discussions and lighthearted ethical debates. The lack of progress was frustrating. She was usually better at her job than this.
[Read it on Ao3!]
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vegasandhishedgehog · 2 months
Has anyone written a KimChay The Crow AU?
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bleue-flora · 6 months
Mmmmm.... Chair.
“Was the cake good?” Dream asks nonchalantly...
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