#crow plays swtor
what-wait-why · 2 years
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She <3
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dingoat · 1 year
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Three of Cups
Upright: friendship, community, happiness  Reversed: overindulgence, gossip, isolation
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persephoneggsy · 4 months
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i know it's a ways off still, but i've been thinking about my potential Rook for Dragon Age: The Veilguard, so here's some ideation of a frontrunner: Solesta Quinn.
She's a SWTOR OC but I think about her a lot, and I've been wanting to play an older character in some sort of RPG (I was going to make her into a Pathfinder 2nd edition character for a bit, then Veilguard brainrot took over).
She's a jovial, personable woman, but perfectly willing to be cutthroat and brutal, all while still wearing a bright (if not a bit unsettling) smile on her face. She has two adult children and two grandsons that she adores. She's in her mid-50s.
So far I'm leaning toward a Lord of Fortune or an Antivan Crow for her faction. She'd romance Emmrich (old hot people couple gooooo). Not sure about her class, gonna wait until we learn more about them. Wanna lean warrior, since I've had a Rogue, Mage, and Mage as my previous canon heroes. And I always do human women so yeah lol.
hair is pending until I can see what the options are in the actual Character Creator, but for now these are the directions I wanna lean in. also considering giving her a scar, since in her original design I gave her a big scar over her left eye.
Updated version of her (name change + new hair and backstory)
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resol-nare · 1 year
All right, fine, I’ll finally make one of these.
First things first: Hi, I’m Tuesday. I also go by Curi. She/her pronouns puh-lease. This is my only blog because I don’t have the patience to deal with managing multiple. The stuff I put on here is varied and sometimes completely random, but I make an attempt at organization by tagging accordingly. Sometimes (not terribly often) I might reblog risqué content, so minors beware.
As for stuff I post about the most, this blog is largely dominated by video games I play and fandoms I enjoy. The biggest one of these being Star Wars, specifically the MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic. I play on the Satele Shan and Star Forge servers, mainly Satele Shan. 90% of my time on here is spent fantasizing about my SWTOR OCs and rambling about their lives and the trauma I put them through. I also reblog a lot of memes and sometimes I write. Mostly SWTOR fanfiction. Other games I blog about include Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Baldur's Gate 3, Elder Scrolls, and Guild Wars 2.
My AO3
OC Storage (Heavy WIP and extremely outdated. I’ll link my OCs below until it’s fixed)
SWTOR OCs, Satele Shan, Embara Legacy:
Jedi Knight: Reyerranne Organa
Jedi Consular: Rhiasma Farlander
Trooper: Valorous Faith
Smuggler: Fable Nyess
Sith Warrior: Xantaia
Sith Inquisitor: Vilent
Bounty Hunter: Auberil Frey
Imperial Agent: Echo-SS
Star Forge, Rupae Legacy:
Jedi Knight: Odyrian Irave
Jedi Consular: Issreo’na’asa
Trooper: Jas’aiaa (No tag yet)
Smuggler: Kavra Malcolm
Sith Warrior: Aerena Crowe
Sith Inquisitor: Sayeel Lujor
Bounty Hunter: Zhaim Carron
Imperial Agent: Kreelani
Other SWTOR OCs (Either canon divergent or in their own little universe)
Sehev’al’uhit (Imperial Agent, Outlander in her own universe) 
Sanguinis (Canon divergent, very WIP)
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monocytogenes · 8 months
Pravin Talavera
🐉 what is your oc’s favorite mythical creature?
Probably something that isn't too monstrous or akin to darkspawn, lol, since he's all NOPE about that sort of thing. I imagine there's some fun mythological creatures in Antivan culture, often related to wild and weird stuff sailors witness out at sea--Pravin would be fond of sirens or mermaids, given the combination of sexiness and danger and the absolute numbers they would do in songs, poetry and theatrical works.
🖊️ does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
I imagine tattoos are not really a thing in Orlesian culture--they're viewed as either primitive or potentially criminal, given associations with the Dalish and transient types like sailors. Matters are a bit different in Antiva, where you have some cultural cross-pollination from Rivain, but they still tend to be associated with particular professions like the Crows, who have their own sets of designs and associated meanings. They're much less common among the nobility on the whole due to their conscious imitation of Orlesian norms.
So no, Pravin doesn't have any tattoos. I'm sure he's painted them on from time to time when playing certain Antivan and Riviani characters, but he finds the notion of having actual tats kind of low class and demonstrably foreign in his adopted homeland. As an actor and bard, he values adaptability in his appearance besides; putting something permanent and identifying on his skin rather stands in the way of that intention.
🤍 what are three of your oc’s neutral/questionable traits?
(1) His paranoia. It's a natural consequence of his trauma, and one that's unquestionably rewarding in his illicit line of work--much of why he's such a talented bard, apart from his impressive ability to intuit people's feelings and desires and lie accordingly, is his anxiety-driven compulsion to really think through potential contingencies and plan around them. He's always double-checking locks, sitting with his back to a wall, disclosing just enough in conversations to keep the powerful from exercising too much leverage over him. He's got blackmail atop blackmail in the hands of various friends, ready to be whispered into the right ears should someone consider taking him out. He holds people at arms' length in the most pleasant way possible until they prove themselves reliable, and even then, there's few individuals he's truly willing to trust.
The flipside of this is that it not infrequently hampers his intimate relationships. He can be too harsh and protective in his assessments--as with Thalia, whose apparent dearth of self-preservation instincts freaks him out--and too unwilling to voice his true thoughts and feelings when that means putting himself in a vulnerable position. He's loath to admit when he's in pain, hesitant to confess his more unpalatable impulses, and uses sex as a coping mechanism because Maker forbid he submit to the ordeal of being known. It's very much a "in loving you, I show you exactly where to cut me" sort of thing--sometimes one just has to take the risk to enjoy the benefits, and striking that balance is difficult for him.
(2) His judginess with respect to his art. He holds himself to high standards, and he's benefited from that drive--while the Orlesian theater community was warm and welcoming to him from the get-go, actually making it to roles like those he played at the Grande Royeaux required copious technical skill and deep cultural understanding, something he needed to cultivate through intent observation and days upon weeks of practice. The fact that he was able to impress Orlais' most discerning audiences has really been the pride of his life.
It did, however, also make him more intolerant of divergent takes and beginners' stumbles than he probably should be. He reminds himself that he, too, was an amateur once, and can largely keep himself in check when actual ignorance is involved, but Maker, there's some interpretations of roles by players who Ought to Know Better that he'll get super bitchy about. (Gaubert likes to give him a hard time when he's really taking personal offense to a performance as an insult to the craft. Like, settle down, just pass over it in silence…)
(3) His attitude towards sexuality. He's good about it on several counts--highly giving, conscious of consent, excellent at communication throughout, accepting of different sexualities and preferences while forward about his own. He gets his pleasure largely through satisfying his partners, and really frames his encounters around that.
He does, however, use sex as a tool, both in the service of bard work and to generally ignore his own troubles. While he's honest about his attraction--he won't sleep with people he finds physically repulsive--he has lied about his ultimate intentions and feigned attachment to get information or access to a space. He knows leading someone on isn't kind, but he'll nevertheless do it if it'll help him complete a job. Apart from that, as previously mentioned, he'll focus on getting a partner off so he doesn't have to think over his own messy feelings or discuss stuff he's going through--it's a high as much as anything chemical, a bandage to slap over wounds that really need suturing, just so he can avoid looking at them for a bit. (Really, is he even bleeding if he can't see it?)
Pravin Winscliff II
💜 what is your oc’s ancestry/genetic background?
So! In the Empire you've got a few basic ancestral groups: people who can (or claim they can) trace their ancestry back to the oldest families (sith and immigrant Jedi), human families who were enslaved/vassals of the above before the Great Hyperspace War, humans from territories conquered after the Great Hyperspace War, and aliens of whatever type. The dominant narrative of course is that the foremost are the most genetically ideal and have the most natural aptitude with the Force, and things get worse down from there due to greater outbreeding or straight up being an inferior species. While it is true that Force sensitivity tends to run in families, there are also plenty of bloodlines that have picked up rare diseases through inbreeding (this is a substantial part of why genetic engineering technology is so advanced in the Empire), as well as far more examples of aliens with astonishing Force ability than the powers-that-be are comfortable with.
Pravin's from a postwar human family, probably originating in the Outer Rim; their story is essentially an Imperial version of the American dream--they immigrated to Dromund Kaas and came up from service work, taking advantage of all that free public education to break into the upper echelons of industry. Pravin's great-grandfather co-founded a defense contracting company; most of his immediate relatives either work in that, the military, or some branch of the civil service. His name carries a certain amount of recognition--they don't really have branded products, but the average Imperial citizen's aware of it the way one might be aware of, say, General Dynamics or Northrop Grumman--and it certainly gave him access to elite spaces below the Force-sensitive glass ceiling, albeit not without some nominal snobbery from the "old money" folks from time to time. (I highkey have a headcanon that he went to boarding school with Quinn, child of a venerable old prewar military lineage, and that Quinn's Downton Abbey-esque relatives definitely talked some shit about Those Winscliff Upstarts who are only three generations removed from poverty. Like you do.)
I'll note too that Pravin's looks alone don't carry any real class character to Kaasian eyes. People note traits common to particular family lines in a "this person looks like their parent" sort of way, but there's such diversity among human immigrants that species means far more than skin tone or hair texture in their racial calculus. (Interestingly, Pravin does have a verrrry small amount of sith ancestry in his genes--like 5%--but it's not enough to alter his looks beyond a human baseline, and is frankly common among any human family that's spent more than a few generations marrying in Imperial space.)
😊 what are your oc’s career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
He wanted to be an actor once, in a different life. It's a 'what if' that haunts him sometimes, when he's shaking off the nightmares and struggling with the pain of withdrawal--what if he'd been brave enough to defy his parents and follow that dream? What if his greatest worries had been confined to auditions and performances, if he'd never set foot on Hutta or Jadus' dreadnought, never had to fight his way out of his own head?
(Maybe the agent in his place would've activated the Eradicators. Maybe he would've been a victim himself, incinerated on Kaas. Maybe, in some horrible, cosmic way, it needed to be him in that place, at that moment.)
He chose to be an agent because it seemed thrilling and adventuresome and it was, despite everything. He's felt regrets about it, but more over what was done to him than anything he did; he stumbled here and there, but made the right choices when it mattered.
All that said, he isn't totally sure what he wants now. He's the dog who caught the car, in a way, with his freedom in hand but no clear plan on what to do with it beyond his slow revenge against the remaining members of the Cabal. Prior to the events of All the Times We've Said Goodbye, he's more or less been a spy-for-hire doing his damnedest to avoid attaching himself to any particular causes and ignoring the fact that it doesn't mean anything to him beyond the satisfaction of a job well done. The work is steady, and it pays for his ship and his drugs and his dates with one-night stands, and he should be grateful to not have to answer to any authority beyond customs officers and ATC, but…it's hollow. Despite himself, he misses the stakes of his old life, the accomplishments that saved lives, the deep trust relationships he nurtured.
Despite himself, he misses being in love.
It's hard for him to admit any of that, to even conceptualize it, but he gets around to voicing his feelings to Shara at least. He wants her, however she'll have him, and I imagine they get together despite the difficult logistics, which gives his life a bit more purpose. He ends up getting dragged slowly, somewhat kicking-and-screaming back into intelligence work too. :)
🍃 what is/was your oc’s favorite subject in school?
He liked the extracurriculars more than the classes--he was a theater kid and also did fencing, getting good enough to actually win some regional competitions! (It helped that those were both very sexy endeavors that got him a lot of tail as well, lol.)
In terms of actual courses, I imagine he was always inclined towards the social sciences; he ultimately wound up with a polisci degree at university after his parents forbade him from majoring in performing arts. He finds policy stuff particularly interesting; I have a recurring headcanon that he'll often watch the Republic equivalent of C-SPAN in his downtime because he thinks senators going at it over legislation is both hilarious and fascinating--there is, after all, no equivalent to that for the Dark Council.
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wonderlandcrows · 4 years
I like Cytharat so light option here i come 💆‍♂️
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tempestswing · 3 years
Destiny's story telling has some issues, in my opinion.
I want to start by saying I love the universe and characters of Destiny - I've been playing since 2014, and my criticism has always been that the game doesn't strike a good balance between being an MMO and an RPG.
Because in an MMO, like EVE, the community can drive plot and such by collective action - for example, look up the Space Pope. That was an entirely community driven thing that actually had an effect on the game's plot. But that can't happen properly in Destiny, beyond references to how Guardians as a group behave, because you play as The Young Wolf. We ALL do.
In an RPG, every player plays the same protagonist. But typically, you can make actual choices in an RPG, which they can't do in destiny. Bungie can't give you a choice, because if they do, another player might make a different one, and now how can they reference this content in the next expansion if the experiences of the players are different?
This didn't HAVE to be such a glaring issue. Plenty of games don't let you make super meaningful choices - SWTOR's base game doesn't let you make super meaningful choices either, just here or there a dark side or light side option which only occasionally is referred back to.
The problem is, since Forsaken, Bungie has shot themselves in the foot by getting too good at storytelling. They've made it too interesting. At the end of Forsaken's campaign, your guardian points a gun at Uldren Sov and very visibly is conflicted. And after his death, it's an event referred back to. THAT'S GOOD! But the problem is the player doesn't get a choice whether or not to pull the trigger. Bungie can't give you that choice, because Crow would make no sense to any player that chose not to kill Uldren.
It's the same thing with Beyond Light. The choice to use Stasis isn't the player's. Ghost says they're conflicted, they don't like it, and asks you questions. But you don't get to respond, and given the fact that the bosses in that campaign are literally immune to non-stasis damage at a certain point, the game FORCES you to use it (not that abstaining from using it would give you a different ending or anything). It's annoying because the game asks good questions, has real things to say, but the player can't really engage with them.
It's unfortunately true for characters as well. I love the characters in Destiny, don't get me wrong, but the game can't let you actually be on friendlier terms with a character than any other players. There's no engagement with them beyond voicelines and cutscenes. And that's enough... until you play a game like SWTOR.
Because SWTOR has this cool system for companions. It allows you to actually converse with your allies, just small, pre-written conversations with maybe 5 branches at best, but I think it really helps bring those companion characters to life. You can give them gifts, talk to them outside of missions... it's just nice. You gain "influence" with them. It's classic RPG stuff and i think Destiny would benefit from something like this...
But it can't. Because if one player is on really good terms with Eris Morn and another is neutral, Bungie would have to have at least 2 sets of voice lines for missions with Eris. Hell, they kind of failed with Mithrax.
Don't get me wrong I like Mithrax. I like the Season of the Splicer. But I had to specifically go back and play the mission where you first meet Mithrax, on Titan, because I didn't spare his life when I first played it. It didn't occur to me that mercy was an option in this game because it isn't normally - the only way to influence the universe of Destiny is bullets. And that mission is vaulted now anyway. Also vaulted is Mithrax's return, in the Outbreak Prime quest line, and the mission "Zero Hour". I never played it. I only saw Mithrax hanging out at the farm.
So Mithrax's trust for the Guardian is sort of misplaced, right? I killed him once. But that choice has 0 consequences.
It would be nice if there was any way to interact with destiny's story or characters, is all I'm saying. Hell, i really want to run a Destiny themed Dungeons and Dragons campaign for this exact reason.
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thedailyimagines · 5 years
This is a finalized list of my rules for requesting and what fandoms can be requested.
Please note that you are not limited to requesting for what is on this list; it’s just here to give an idea of what can be requested. If you have any questions about this list, or would like anything clarified, please don’t be afraid to ask!
Please see the end to see what is not allowed to be requested.
What I write for (to give you an idea):
The Arcana
Marvel (cartoons, movies, shows, etc.)
DC (cartoons, movies [live action or animated], shows, etc.)
American Horror Story
Teen Wolf
Doctor Who
Game of Thrones
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit/The Simillarion
Harry Potter/HP Hogwarts Mystery
Tales from the Borderlands
The Tick
Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Steven Universe
Xiaolin Showdown
Elder Scrolls Series
Fallout Series
Assassin’s Creed (games and movie)
Interview with the Vampire
The Crow (1994)
G.I. Joe
Alien Series
The Dark Tower/It/Stephen King works
Phantom of the Opera
Rise of the Guardians
Star Wars (KOTOR/SWTOR, movies, television shows, etc.)
Star Trek
Gravity Falls
Over the Garden Wall
Legend of Zelda
What We Do in The Shadows
Dark Shadows
Sweeney Todd: Demon Barber of Fleet Street
King Kong/Godzilla/Monster Movies
Dracula Untold
Studio Ghibli Movies
Umbrella Academy
Percy Jackson/Kane Chronicles
Anime (Attack on Titan, Fate series, Sword Art Online, Inuyasha, etc.)
Shakespeare plays (cause why not)
Bendy and the Ink Machine/Other Horror Games
Videos games in general
There’s probably more I could list or have forgotten about and more I could add, but pretty much anything can have an imagine.
I will now write NSFW content. Be aware that I do reserve the right to decline writing an NSFW request, and all requests will be labeled with adult content.
What I Will NOT write for/do:
Real people (actors, YouTubers, your mom’s best friend, etc.)
NSFW for underage characters (Do I need to explain? The reader can’t be underage either)
Extreme mega-gore (just a little is okay, everything will have a warning if it has any)
Blatant hate/discrimination of any sort against a group of people.
Write something that is a direct copy of another writer’s work WITHOUT their permission and WITHOUT giving them credit (ex: Writer X wrote this, can you rewrite it but change this part of it?)
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years
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Eye study with all my canon SWTOR OCs. Minus one because I still haven’t played any of the Trooper storyline. Otherwise known as “Dragon Has Ridiculously Specific Species Headcanons.”
From left to right, top to bottom:
- Garen’ishta (Twi’lek): I tend to give Twi’leks slightly larger, rounder eyes, to play into that “Twi’leks are seen as more conventionally attractive on average than other races” thing - though it’s not always visible in my art. I also headcanon that while Twi’leks are otherwise hairless, and don’t have eyebrows (though most have eyebrow-like markings), they do have eyelashes - because Ryloth is a desert planet, and dust is a problem.
- Erisine Ganne (Human): The most “standard” out of all of these, with most of the variation being in eye shape. The most notable thing is that she’s one of the only ones who wears eyeliner and mascara and whatnot.
- Zashiil (Zabrak): Zabrak have eyelashes, hers are just sparse enough I didn’t bother drawing them. She has fairly rectangular eyes, and Zabrak do have hair, so they also get eyebrows.
- Duserra (Zabrak): Very similar to Zashiil - intentionally, because they’re sisters. She also has the rectangular eye shape, and bushier, less maintained eyebrows.
- Alivar Candessan (Mirialan): Mirialans are very similar to Humans in terms of face structure; he mostly just has more noticeable crow’s feet than the others because he’s older than the rest (has to be, to be Reykal’s father).
- Reykal Candessan (Togruta): Togruta are the only ones who don’t have eyelashes at all, or only have very sparse lashes - grasslands have less of a dust problem than deserts, and they’re a hairless species, so. Reykal also has monolids and epicanthic folds (which isn’t a Togruta thing, it’s a familial thing). If her eyes ever look weird in art, that’s probably why; I’m still figuring out how to draw that eye type properly.
- Zavi Akros (Sith pureblood): Sith purebloods have eyebrow ridges instead of actual eyebrows. I also headcanon that the skin on their faces is thicker/less delicate than that of most humanoid races, so xe gets extra folds around xir eyes compared to others of xir age to make up for that and allow the same amount of expressive movement. Xe’s the other one who wears makeup on a regular basis.
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nhylluan · 4 years
Video Game Questionnaire
Tagged by @vailed-legacy, thank you, this is a fantastic idea! :D Rules: Fill in your answers below and tag some buddies!
First game you ever played: Donald Duck: Quack Attack I think? Immediatly followed by Pokèmon Silver! Favorite game: Bloodborne. God I love that game to death Game you’ve played through multiple times: Both Skyrim and Dark Souls! Game you hated at first but now love: I wasn’t certain about Undertale at first, then played it and really liked it Game you used to love but now hate: I’d say Terraria because at first I’m all thrilled about e x p l o r i n g, then get bored very easily when it comes to build houses etc. Still like the boss fights tho, especially when playing with friends. It’s not that is a bad game, it just don’t clicks with me Your favorite game atmosphere/setting(s): Bloodborne’s story, settings and soundtracks are my absolutely favourites.  Game with the best group/companion(s): Uhm, I’d say SWTOR, Dragon Age Origins and Fallout New Vegas A game with your favorite ending: Death Stranding. Oh God I still have to properly process it. Bioshock Infinite also has a very good ending that left me amazed. A game with the WORST ending: I’m not a fan of Dark Souls II’s ending. Best character customization?: I’m a basic bitch, so I’d say: Skyrim with 18371268316 customization mods. Had a lot of fun with that shit lol
Hero and Companions
Your favorite playable character: Geralt of fucking Rivia guys. I love him. Played all The Witcher Trilogy and absolutely loved it. Also Sam from Death Stranding is fantastic. The funniest playable character: Big fan of Moira O'Deorain from Oweratch here Your favorite companion(s): Oh this gonna be a long ride guys. I Adore Quinn from swtor and Lana Beniko, who is my absolute favourite. Also Morrigan from DAO, Craig Boone and ED-E from Fallout New Vegas (love their questlines) and Dogmeat from Fallout 3. Companions you could live without: Doc from SWTOR. Not that I hate him, but could definitely live without
Favorite game friendship(s): Geralt and Dandelion, hands down guys, those two are amazing Favorite game relationship(s): While I hated it in the books, the romance with Triss Merigold in TW3 is surprisingly good. Also Shepard/Garrus is a big favourite of mine Favorite companion banter: Alistair and Morrigan absolutely A relationship you weren’t sure of but loved: L o r d  S c o u r g e A character you wish you COULD romance: Philippa Eilhart from TW3 makes my gay heart tremble, I love her. A minor character you wish could be a companion: Not a minor character but I’d say Siegmeyer of Catarina from Dark Souls. That adorable onion knight.
Shoutout to a random NPC: Eileen The Crow from Bloodborne, I adore her. A game you love watching playthroughs for and want to play: Definitely Vampyr because a) I’m always a slut for vampires b) some friends recommended that game to me and I’m very curious about it Love watching playthroughs but won’t ever play: Layers of Fears because I’m an easily scared bitch and it terrifies me. I also played Both Silent Hill 1 and 2 and I’m still disturbed (I loved them tho it’s just that they gave me nightmares for months) Online gaming or solo?: Uhmm, I’d say solo, but this is pretty situational because I had some great fun playing PVP online on Dark Souls. The servers where so empty that I and the only other online player just kept summoning each other, switching weapons and equipments from time to time lol Why do you play video games?: Because I adore seeing how the story and the characters developes while playing through, i get tons of inspiration from it. Also finding easter eggs is great fun to me :D Tagging @halibellecter @palepinkycat @a-muirehen @aliyamirat @cinlat @empireswraths @codariidoescrimes @aduro-gayming and whoever wants to do this! :D
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kilshade · 5 years
10 pens!
ten pens, ten OCs to gush over/tell about. yeah this took a while.
She’s mysterious, refusing to tell me her clan but allows me to assume it might be a clan that isn’t a horde ally. Vicious as hell in battle, spreading fire and shadow all over. Seriously, if she didn’t start it, leave her alone, it won’t end well.
I don’t understand how enemies don’t hear her giggling as she sneaks through stealthed, digging through their pockets. The girl is a crow, and her bank is stuffed with shiny things she’s stolen from enemies. 
He’s so dang simple! Give him his snakes, a hearty meal by the campfire and he’s a happy guy.
This guy is a teddy bear. (Literally sometimes) Kul Tiran druid who absolutely adores gnomes. (don’t make it creepy) He’s big enough to carry 12 of them, and has already adopted one as his little sister.
Tisejis (the fox)
He’s too freaking adorable for words. Spent all of his life in Vol’dun, and traveling Azeroth is both a frightening and fabulous thing. He enjoys riding on tall people’s shoulders so he doesn’t get stepped on.
She’s lost. After the wall fell, she’s not entirely sure what her place in the world is. Muscle/Claws for hire? Soldier for the Alliance? Setting down the shield and picking up twin axes has made the world a bit more fun, but still, what’s the point?
I adore having her in my head. She has a “mama bear” feel to her, even if she’s not that old. Happy and protective no matter what role she’s serving. It’s soothing.
Every now and then, characters just disappear on me. Calvy was one of those. While her being in Azeroth right now is totally AU, she’s back and no longer the scaredy Paladin she used to be. My girl grew up! (Refusing to tank instances is my hang up, not hers)
Duraa (SWTOR)
I know his life, I know how and when he’s going to die. Does that stop him from asking me when I’m going to give him his own WoW character to “possess?” Not at all. If you see me playing a purple skinned elf or troll named Duraa, chances are my oc has his own oc. Does that make it an AU?
I noticed he’s not on my character list, nor does he have many posts. Shame on me. He’s over 5k years old (though sometimes he puts himself at over 10k) and has tried and learned everything possible. Still, he manages to not be bored of it all. Every day is a new adventure; something new to learn, experience, appreciate.
Thanks for the ask! 💙💙💙💙💙
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what-wait-why · 2 years
re-making Verinin and Yehnin and jesus FUCK the character creator is weird now
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dingoat · 5 years
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I introduced @humanrevolt to the ‘outraged’ emote today and I’m crying.
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shabre-legacy · 5 years
tagged by @pauletta-00 and @rainofaugustsith, thanks for the tag <3<3<3
1/ Name/Alias -  I  go by Lyra here
2/ Birthday -August 14
3 / Zodiac Sign - Leo
4/ Height - 4′11′’ I’m tiny
5/ Hobbies - video games (I mostly just play a few on my laptop. I’m not good at them), reading, writing (except when I’m taking courses, cause essays are draining and so is reading textbook) naps
6/ Favorite Color - purple
7/ Favorite Books - too many to list but I particularly like The Blue Sword, Heaven’s Shadow, Steelheart and Six of Crows
8/ Last Song I Listened To -Living on a prayer - Bon Jovi
9/ Last Film I Watched - the animated Robin Hood with the foxes
10/ Inspiration or Muse - inspiration (if I could just find some during my free time and not 5 am)
11/ Dream Job - I would love to work at NASA studying either FTL travel or deep space/ black holes. But since astrophysics seems to be kicking my ass maybe someday, sociology professor.
12/ Meaning Behind My URL - it’s my SWTOR legacy
13/ Top Three Ships - poe/finn, Hera/Kanan, Dom/Letty, Misty/Colleen
14/ Lipstick or Chapstick - .Lipstick, I like the colors
15/ Currently Reading - Heaven’s Shadow
tagging: @opalxempress, @arkamos-aurelius, @starknstarwars, @aliyamirat
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claudela · 5 years
8 People I’d like to know better meme!
Tagged by @seabunnii​ ;w;
Name: Kat
Birthday: July, 19th.
Height: 5’1/5′2..I don’t remember..
Drawing, mostly digital
Video games (obviously)
Listening to the same 12 songs 204 times a day
Reading (rarely)
Playing DnD
Watching twitch streams
Going back and forth between MMOs because I can’t make up my mind.
Favorite colors:
Blue (Especially deep blues)
Dark reds
Favorite books:
Green Angel -  Alice Hoffman
The Kneebone Boy -  Ellen Potter
Theatre Illuminata series -  Lisa Mantchev
Thief’s Covenant:  A Widdershins Adventure -  Ari Marmell
Myst -  avid Wingrove and Rand Miller
Uglies series - Scott Westerfield
Darth Bane trilogy books -  Drew Karpyshyn
Arthas -  Christie Golden
Last song listened to: Alibi - Empara Mi
Last film watched: It’s been so long....but I think the last film was when I rewatched The Crow.
Meaning behind your URL: I was going to change my main an undead priest in WoW and Claudela was her name. This was going to be my WoW only blog but I just threw everything into the pit and I mainly play SWtoR now. Rip.
I’ll tag uhhhh.... anyone who wants to do this tbh I never know who to tag ;-;  *pretends to tag 8 people*
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glados-kisser · 5 years
Tag meme
I was tagged by @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond ! tysm ;;
Nickname: Nova most commonly!
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 5′5.5 because middle of the road is how it be
Time: 19:58 as of now! I think the zone is “ UTC -5:00 / -4:00″? It’s eastern US ^^;
Favorite band/artist: OOOOooooh hmm.... I really like a lot of artists, but I’ve been on a bit of a sleeping at last kick lately?? Ofc I also really like all the popular / common alt rock artists (like imagine dragons, fob, etc etc!)
Song stuck in my head: Oh none rn actually! partially bc I’m listening to music rn gbdfhdfhfd  but most recently I’ve had a few songs cycling through my head? Cups by Anna Kendrick, Stronger by The Score, and andy you’re a star by uhhhh....the killers maybe??
Last movie I saw: Captain Marvel! I loved it sm...
Last thing I googled: Oh no...this is a little shameful- “what is my timezone“. I KNOW MY TIMEZONE I SWEAR I JUST WASNT SURE IF THERE WAS A DIFFERENT NAME FOR IT
Other blogs:  oh uhhhh yea, a couple! @oceanic-year was a blog i made to document my trip through the carribbean, but i ended up abandoning it- i havent deleted it because :( memories... @clipped-warboy was my mad max blog for awhile! i had a character and everything - a friend of mine used to RP with me :> @wardgrave is my oc blog for my undead priest on wow! i still adore him tbh @coal-and-claws was an oc blog i was making for a worgen character on wow, but I never ended up doing anything with him ;; @thordude which ALSO doesnt have any content! i made that one bc i wanted the url becos thor is my...brother.....my best boy.... @mayal-ama-legacy is my swtor blog! @corvus-dnd is my Top Secret DM Inspiration Blog that I reblog art / stuff to that I want to look at later for inspiration for any campaigns I’m running! Do I get asks:   Not usually! Sometimes I’ll get the “send this to ten people you like seeing on your dash” asks, and those are lovely to see! 
Why did I choose this username:  So for YEARS I’d been rainbowbuttocks, but that was the url I chose when I was 14 and a young bastard, so I actually just recently changed it! I’ve been playing around in latin with a friend for RP purposes, and I ADORE crows! I chose sanctus bc....aesthetic but it’s holy-crow which is also a pun on holy-cow!
Following:  oh gosh, uhhhh 1,120 ! I like seeing Frequent Content
Average amount of sleep: I’ve been trying to get at least 8 hours! If I’m gonna be unemployed i might as well soak all the sleep i want from it
Lucky number: hmm....26 was always one i went for when i was 13? but that was because it was my age doubled, so now I suppose that’d be 38 :p
What I am wearing:  a dishonored t shirt (a fancy one with the heart n stuff on it!) and a pair of shorts that are missing their button lol
Dream job:  tv show writer!! but im a bastard who doesnt know how to do anything so!
Dream trip:   I’d love to go to bolivia to see salar de uyuni, but idk about that so i suppose i’d love to go back to the carribbean someday??
Favorite food:  salad rolls (or spring rolls?? the rice wrapper ones that arent fried) and pad thai are both BIG comfort foods <3
Instruments you play: I used to play the piano a little, but I don’t anymore :’)
Eye color:  Grey-green !
Hair color:  bbbbbrown babeyyyyyy! growing it out again though and might go for that sweet sweet red :o
Describe your aesthetics: Overgrown ruins, untouched by civilization for untold years and left to be reclaimed. Also, bones!  
Languages you speak: just english because im bad :( I know a TINY AMOUNT of german and EVEN LESS spanish. I’d love to learn arabic someday though!
Most iconic song: Okay, it took me a moment, but Sober Up by AJR is my THEME!  I moved to the East Coast with my sister recently, and I left...I left everyone behind. I’ve been in a rut, because I haven’t known how to make new friends- or how to connect with my old ones.  “Goodbye, goodbye, I said to my bestest buds. We said that we’d keep in touch, and we did our best.” Idk, it’s Big Mood for me and makes my chest hurt a little- but in a good way I think.
Random fact:  ah, hmm.. I’ve got a pet tarantula named Chimera! She’s a chilean rose hair and is aboutttttt 7 years old at this point ! I also have a plant in my windowsill named Daud, and he’s doing...ok. I’m a little worried that I’ve fucked up with him somehow, and don’t know how to help him get better ;;
Tagging: @mizushimo @kanine @didi-is-a-lamer @floofytrainnerd ! I...am Sure that there are other folks I’d like to tag & just forgot, so if you see this and think “wait, I would like to do this!” absolutely feel free to be tagged by me fgdngfdg also @ the guys I tagged there’s no pressure to do this if you arent comfy ! anyway!
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