#crow x aki
sorcererkiller · 2 months
"crow sucks because he took aki's place" ok but what if they kissed and fell in love
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meownotgood · 3 months
let us live, if we must die. / chapter one: fate entwined
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You are a witch, and since the purging of all magic, you've been forced to live a life of solitude and secrecy. Your destiny was always beyond your control — until, by a pure twist of fate, you unknowingly fell for the kingdom's only prince. 
pairing: prince!aki x witch!reader
word count: 5.3k
tags: fantasy au, royalty au, reader is fem, lots and lots of initial worldbuilding, essentially reader is a mage in a world where magic is forbidden, reader has a very well-established backstory, aki is there but you'll be seeing more of him later. warning: some darker themes in this chapter + blood mention
notes: here we go!! mostly establishing reader and the world here... you'll be seeing aki's cute face more after this, I promise. I hope you like it, and please look forward to the chapters to come... 💞
masterlist read on ao3 join the taglist here!
is love like the sea 
will it wash me to the shore 
or drown me with it? 
You knew you should have cast a spell for better weather. 
As crows shake the swaying trees when they flutter into the air, cawing and dotting the sky with speckles of black, you're drawn to tilt your head upward. Dark knots of gray clouds obscure the sun, blocking its light. Thunder rolls ominously overhead. You breathe a quiet tsk to yourself. The cool air smells of that familiar, earthen promise of rain. Turning back to your work, you hurry to collect the rest of the patch of colorful mushrooms, grabbing fistfuls and stuffing them into your pack. 
It was a beautiful day mere hours ago. Sunshine warmed your skin in plentiful rays, before the clouds had taken over. If you were at all aware of a coming storm, you wouldn't have spent so much time dilly-dallying. Your preparations would have been completed way faster. You would have made sure to leave the cottage much, much sooner — No, if you'd known about the rain, it wouldn't have stormed to begin with. 
You can't cancel out a downpour entirely. Such a feat is impossible, even for the most experienced of mages. The world can't be broken, no matter the strength of a mage's will — but it can bend. You could have pushed the storm back to the next day, at the very least. It would have given you the time you needed to forage, and you simply would've opted to stay inside tomorrow. 
Damn it all. It's no use worrying about what has already been done. You need to hurry. Your distraction spell will wear off in the rain. 
You snap the buckle on your pack shut, rising to your feet while clumsily slinging both straps over your shoulders. You shiver; the first droplets of water hit each blade of grass, they tap against your bare arms and the top of your head, but you're already running. You're taking off through the dense forest, following the well-known path you took on your way in. 
Leaves flatten under your feet. Running against the strengthening wind, you feel goosebumps kiss your arms and your legs. You run and pant and run some more, until you can finally see the faint, warm light of your cottage, shining through the forest like a beacon of assurance. Trees taper off into a large clearing, with your cottage at the very center. 
Your spell dispels on its own. A cool wave rushes over your body, the magic fading, before disappearing. Thankfully, you've made it home, just in time. 
The wooden door of your cottage creaks when you slam it shut behind you. Your kitchen is warm. Blessedly warm. You take a moment to catch your breath: your chest heaving, palms on your knees, the fireplace crackling. You toss your heavy pack onto the kitchen counter with a huff, and you plop down in a wooden dining room chair. Thunder splinters, the sound loud and forceful. Rain blankets the cottage's roof, pattering to a persistent, calming rhythm. 
You need to stop having close calls like this. 
What would have happened to you, if you were out in the woods for even a moment longer? It's not that you doubt your skills. Your magic is versatile. A damn good defense and offense, despite your chosen spells functioning passively, for the most part. Without anyone to assist you, you're still capable enough to hold your own against a handful of demons, should they choose to attack you. But a whole horde of them? 
The kind that live in these woods aren't like the ones you learned to deal with when you were younger. These demons are resilient. They're smarter. They stay hidden, until the chance arises to enter a fight they're sure to win. You've seen the prey they hunt. Despite their small footprints — six footprints for each, meaning six legs with clawed feet — they've been taking out magical beasts nearly twice their size. 
Great Elk, mostly. Nearly nothing is left of their flesh by the time you find them, making for quite the grim scene. No matter how many times you see it, your stomach still churns. The creatures boast a gigantic set of horns, and you'll harvest parts of them for yourself, to keep your mind off things. You're appreciative of what those elk can provide for you, in death. That'll be your fate, if you ever screw up. 
In a way, it's a double-edged sword. The forest is what protects you, those demons are what keep anyone from venturing close enough to discover you here. At the same time though, they prove a danger to you every single day. 
You wish this wasn't how you had to live. Of course you want to be safer, happier; who wouldn't? 
Gazing up at the long shadows on your ceiling, your mind brews with the same darkness as the rumbling storm clouds. The patter of rain only seems to worsen the longer you stay sitting there. Your stomach grumbles. Darkness looms in the expanse beyond your cottage, as the sun begins to set, allowing itself to be swallowed by the thick clouds and the horizon. Finally, you sigh. You stop your sulking to sit up, and you head for the kitchen to sift through what you collected. 
You were hoping to practice potion-making, so most of the herbs you collected are for healing, not necessarily for eating. A few edible mushrooms, and the potatoes you still have leftover from yesterday will have to do. 
Your knife chops the mushrooms swiftly and effectively, into small, square chunks that you scoop up in your palms to dump into a pot. 
When you were much younger, you lived in the city. You haven't been there in a long, long time. Everything you learned, you had to teach yourself: how to cook, how to fight. How to hone your spells. Books taught you most of what you know now. They were your mother's, once. After she passed, with no-one left to hide you, you fled. You've kept yourself stashed away here, ever since then. The threat of discovery didn't leave you with much of a choice. 
You built the cottage yourself. Magic made things relatively simple. It took some trial and error, sure, plus a few nights spent out in the dark when your preparations weren't complete yet. When it rained then, you were woken up by water dripping onto you, getting in from the gaps in the shoddy roof. It's been a long time since you first came here, since you found the farthest clearing in the depths of the forest, and decided to let it encompass the rest of your life. You've managed to make a rather nice home for yourself, you think. 
By all accounts, you should have perished a long time ago. The kingdom probably assumes you did. Without magic to help shield you, to feed you, to protect you, you doubt you would've lasted long out here. Perhaps that's why most people fear it. 
Where would you even go, if this wasn't how you had to live? Your hand freezes up, knife stopping midair before it can come down on a half-sliced pile of parsley. Suddenly, you realize you've hardly thought about it. Gods, if you could go anywhere, as free as the songbirds you've always been envious of, you have no clue where you'd want to go first. 
You could follow the sea breeze to the ocean, allowing the wind to rustle in your feathers. You've never seen the ocean before. Or maybe you'd want to soar over the kingdom, finally, and honestly free. There would be no-one to hunt you, not a soul that could catch you. It's peaceful there. For those unlike you, at least. 
To the people who live in the kingdom, the nobles and the knights and the common folk alike, you aren't human. You're less than that — You're a witch, a seer, a miscreant. You are the very reason for this world's ruin: the source of all demons, and to some, the sovereign who can lead them. Ridiculous rumors, every last one. Those creatures listen to you no more than they listen to the cries of the Great Elk they're feasting on. 
Still, you don't place blame on the fearful. 
More than anything, you wish things could be different. You would do whatever those people wished of you to prove you aren't what they say you are, but none of them would ever give you the chance. Your magic could help people. You want to help people, not harm them. And yet, if you were anyone else — if you were normal, if you weren't you — honestly, you'd be scared too. 
Demons are horrifying. They're soulless creatures, who can take a life away in an instant, only to break whoever they wind up leaving behind. And magic, magic in the wrong hands is just as frightening. 
It was innocent, at first. Elves were the first to compose spells, the demons simply came afterwards. Death plagued the land; the people's magic grew stronger, but the demons were already learning to adapt. Magic became selfish. No longer were spells used to protect, to flourish a field of crops, to create a light in an endless darkness. As the first war on demons came to a close, a new threat was quick to emerge: near unstoppable mages, wielding a darkness of their very own. 
Humanity nearly destroyed itself. In the process, the magic which once brought them the closest they've ever been to the Gods, that filled them with the strength of the sun, and fell into their palms like stars — That magic is all but gone, and forcefully forgotten. 
You never forgot, though. 
You were a child, you hadn't seen more than six winters, and already, the patriarchs were calling for what remains of the kingdom's spellcasters to be turned in and killed. Your birth was done in secrecy, your presence hidden. You stowed away in your mother's home, while you practiced conjuring simple illusions and small sparks of flame. 
Young or old, it hardly mattered to those who sought you. Your father ran. Your mother was burned. In more "lucky" cases, some people would be allowed to live — relatives of knights or officials, mostly. The regency had their tongues carved out, so that they might never speak an incantation again. 
Your jaw clenches, your hand tightened around the handle of a wooden ladle. You breathe in deeply, and you force your mind to wander elsewhere. Lest you lose your appetite. 
There's places you've heard of only in passing. Towns and cities where magic is not only accepted, but allowed to thrive. It certainly sounds nice. However, the logical part of you struggles to find the truth in such stories. No matter which way you look at it, everything is telling you those rumors are nothing more than traps. They'll do anything to find you, to cleanse the land of what they feel brought it to rot. They're luring you, their detestable songbird, just for the chance to finally cage you in and clip your wings, once and for all. 
To remain undetected, one's magic must be sharp, and their mind ever sharper. Those were your mother's words, at least. She taught you to stay focused, to be smart, and you most certainly are. 
You aren't unhappy, per se, when it comes to living like this. You're safe, and that's about as much as you could ask for. You've been content for a long while, living off the forest, practicing your magic by your lonesome. It's better than stifling what you were born with. Or trying to be someone you're not, allowing the imminent risk of capture to remain hovering over your head. No, you aren't really free. Perhaps you never will be. But this is the closest you think you'll ever get to it. 
The cottage is home. A lonely form of home, sometimes. No-one visits you. You'll talk to yourself when moments grow too quiet, just to fill the gnawing empty space. You aren't the kind of mage who can speak with animals, and even if you could, there isn't much to converse with; the demons have slowly begun to drive out most docile species. 
Gods, you miss the kingdom. You miss when you could see the castle from your bedroom window, stone towers reaching so high into the sky, you swore they were touching the clouds. Lanterns shone from every window once night fell, glowing brighter than any of the stars in the sky. A young and hopeful you would dream of becoming an honored guest, or a knight, or perhaps a princess. One day, you'd find yourself atop the heights in the castle, staring down at your old home instead. 
Foolish as it is, you miss the peace that came with those childish dreams. You never got to see it, but you remember reading books and hearing stories of the times where magic was nourished, not suppressed. Now, there is nothing. You have no-one but yourself. You miss when you didn't feel so alone. 
Though, for now, you should put the rest of those thoughts aside. 
Dipping your spoon into the finished stew, you breathe gently to cool it down, before taking a sip. Delicious. It warms you, chasing away the growing chill from the setting sun and the raging storm. Once you're done eating, you'll clean. Then, you think you'll spend the rest of the night rereading an old grimoire, until the complicated spell descriptions paired with the lull of the rain put you right to sleep. 
After fetching a bowl from the cupboard and filling it, you sit down at the dining room table. Your hands clasp in brief prayer — a force of habit, considering no plea is actually spoken, no blessing is internally asked for. You don't have anything to say to any God. Not anymore. 
Thunder crackles in the distance, like it plans to split the sky open. Rain drums and echoes against the roof. You take a moment to let your stew cool off, you manage just one bite, and —
Something's tripped the mushroom circle. 
With a single fast snap of your fingers, every light in your cottage goes out. The candles and lanterns flicker briefly, before they vanish. The roaring fireplace suddenly dissipates into nothingness, leaving ashen logs of wood behind. Instantly, you're enveloped in total darkness, save for the small, floating flame you produce at the end of your thumb, with a murmur under your breath of the spell ignis. 
It's been awfully long since the last time you've had to do this. Your heart begins to pound in your chest, in your eardrums. Your mind races, trying to picture the possible outcomes. 
Demons have been growing in number around these woods, but they wouldn't be here; they stick to the outskirts, where they've made their dens. With the rain washing away the scent left by prey, they'd go back into hiding, not wander out here. 
When you established your home here, one of the first things you did was create the mushroom circle around the clearing. Using your own blood and that of the demons, you fashioned it to inform you of anything hostile that walks over, barring any docile creatures. Wildlife wouldn't have set it off, so it's surely a stray demon, it must be. It will return to its horde once it realizes there's no food here. Unless… 
Flame flickering over your trembling hand, you fruitlessly try to stay deathly still. You can't hear a thing because of the rain, no footsteps and no demon snarls. Only the steady downpour, and the echo of droplets, splattering when they hit the roof above with loud, persistent thunks. 
Dammit. It's been an entire minute, and the spell is still telling you there's something within the circle. Just one presence; the spell can't tell you who or what is near specifically, but you can detect each entity inside. 
You sense your magic, keen and continuous, invaded by the scorching, resolute soul of another. A deep, brilliant ocean, rippling in the wake of a pebble thrown into it. And those ripples aren't stopping — They're surging through your brain and your body, with a forcefulness that bleeds nothing but blood-red danger. 
Your head spins faster the longer the seconds tick into minutes. You feel dizzy. The last time this happened, the last time anything stuck around this close to the cottage for more than a minute, it wasn't a demon. It was two presences, two men. They were lost, after they had traveled many miles into the forest from the main road, looking for one of their horses. Apparently, it was spooked on the trail, and broke away from their carriage to bolt into the woods. 
They didn't stay for long. You were in your cottage at the time, and you remember not wanting to open the door, but they wouldn't stop knocking and knocking. When you gave in, cracking the door open hesitantly, it was just enough to meet the first man's eyes, but not enough to let either of them see inside. 
Their tone was cordial, not suspicious. We weren't expecting anyone to be living out here, so far from any nearby villages, you remember one of them remarking. The first man ran a hand through his messy blonde hair, while flashing you an easy smile. You hardly noticed, because your gaze was focused on the sheathed dagger at his hip, and the glittering pendant hanging around his neck. A menacing shiver twisted up your spine and gripped you tight. 
Still, you held your ground. You told them you hadn't seen a horse, and only that. They thanked you for your time, and left soon after. 
Fucking hell, those men were knights. The pendant one of them was wearing — it was silver, engraved with text and a depiction of a lion. The knights in the kingdom have that same symbol on their armor, and out of respect, they'd be the only ones allowed to wear it as a necklace. 
Those men, despite the clear hostility you must have been showing them, spoke to you so kindly. They told you they'd be nearby for a while longer, and if you needed anything, you only had to ask. The blonde man gave you a polite nod, and told you to be well as the both of them left, May the Gods continue to smile upon you. 
If either of them grew suspicious, or if even one of them was capable of sensing the magic your cottage was surrounded with, they would have driven their daggers into your stomach right then and there. Townspeople might hesitate, before proceeding to slit the throat of their loved one while they slept, hoping to claim some sort of bounty for dealing with another wretched spellcaster. But knights do not. They are trained not to hesitate. 
Thankfully, sensing spells is something very few can do, and most never know they can. Perhaps they can feel something, but they'll attribute it to an odd uneasiness, to a brief spark they felt flicker across their skin. It couldn't be magic. Not a soul would risk an utterance of the word, because to feel magic is to be able to use magic, and for that, they are better off keeping their mouths shut. 
Either way, right now, you can't risk drawing attention to yourself. That day was almost a year ago. You lucked out last time. Anyone else who approaches your cottage next might not be so quick to leave. One wrong move, and you could easily wind up dead. 
So, you hold still. Very, very still. A lone cabin out in the middle of nowhere, in the pouring rain, with no lights shining from inside isn't likely to draw much attention. Anyone in their right mind would assume it was abandoned. 
Whatever it is, whoever it is, you only need to wait for them to leave, and you'll be in the clear. In the wake of your spell, you can feel the strength of the intruder's presence tugging at you, burrowing into you, cold like winter's breath and absurdly, ferociously sharp — but you'll be fine. They'll be stumbling back over the mushroom circle any second now. 
You're probably panicking over nothing, honestly. There's no way anyone would be this deep in the forest during this kind of storm. They'd have to be crazy, stupid, maybe utterly lost. A lost fool isn't your problem. If the storm doesn't deal with them, the demons most certainly will. 
Perhaps your magic is malfunctioning. Right, you haven't used this spell in so long that you've gotten rusty, and there actually isn't anyone here, you're simply mistaken. The storm is messing with you, is all. You shouldn't panic, because you have absolutely nothing to worry about. 
That would be true, if someone hadn't just knocked on your door. 
The sudden sound gets you to practically jump out of your own skin. You freeze up, your breath catching in your throat. When you hear the clear pounding of a fist against the wood for a second time, your concentration slips away, and so does your fire spell. The flame you held in your fingers goes out, leaving the cottage in complete and utter darkness. 
"Hello?" Oh, great, that someone is talking outside your door now, "Is anyone there?" 
At a pace that could rival only the most sluggish of snails, you shakily rise from your chair, and whisper another small flame into existence to light your way. You tiptoe over to the door ever-so carefully, directing the flame to follow with a wave of your finger. Briefly, you hesitate, before another set of knocks — more hurried, this time, as though whoever's on the other side is growing just as anxious as you — has your cheek pressing against the door while you peer through the peephole. 
There's a man leant on the door, your door, clutching his side, and supporting his weight with his other arm resting on the doorframe. The soft light of the moon and stars dimly illuminates him. He's shielded from the rain, underneath the roof's overhang. His clothes are simple: pants and a tunic with long sleeves, fabric clearly soaked from the continual downpour. 
It isn't anything you'd place as out of the ordinary. Even commoners would most likely be donning a necklace or a pin or something that'd tie them to the kingdom. You glance the man at your door up and down once, twice, but he seems to carry nothing of the sort. 
More importantly, surrounding the hand he has pressed into his side, the off-white of his tunic is stained a dark red you can recognize even in the obscured darkness. His chest heaves as he struggles to breathe, and you feel an ache twist in your gut. His hair is dark, shoulder-length, and tied in a half-up style, his messy bangs in his eyes, with a small ponytail on the back of his head. Poking out from his hair is a pair of distinct pointed ears. They're decorated by an array of studs and hoops, with black, star-shaped earrings hanging from his lobes, glittering in the moonlight. 
Your protective spell wanes. When you felt the chill of his presence, and the sharpness of his soul, perhaps you were feeling a fraction of his pain. 
You watch the man's jaw tighten, droplets of water dripping from his hair. He raises his fist to weakly knock at the door one more time, and when there's no answer, the bridge of his nose forms a troubled knot. 
"Please, I don't mean any harm, I was-" He winces, stumbling slightly, and he sucks a painful breath in through his teeth. "I was training in the woods… and the devils- I'm just an adventurer, I'm not a mercenary. I just want to rest until this storm clears, and then I'll be on my way. I swear it." 
Wait. Your gaze flickers back up to his expression, his brows pinched slightly as he attempts to hide his discomfort. Then, you look at his side, where his hand is pressed to an obvious wound, blood staining his fingers and speckling onto the sleeve of his shirt. 
This is your fault. 
When you head into the woods to forage, you always cast a distraction spell on the opposite end of the forest; it'll lure demons over to it, giving you a while of temporary safety. Sometimes there are stragglers, but nothing you can't sneak around or handle yourself. Most of the demons will head towards the area you've marked, drawn by the magical rune without their control. The spell is cast directly into the ground — hence why the rain on the soil causes it to disperse. 
This stranger sounds like he's telling the truth, and with the condition he's in, he doesn't have any reason to lie. About most things, anyways. You seriously doubt he's an adventurer. There isn't anything out here of interest. Just endless woods filled with endless demons. Still, he's clearly injured, clearly in need. And you can't help but take some responsibility. 
If he came to the forest to train, he must've been expecting a fight he could win. The demons here are strong, but mostly in numbers. If he's at all capable, a handful of them wouldn't give him much trouble. But you sent every single demon in the area to one location. A risky spell, but effective, as long as you know where it's been cast. He didn't. 
Even after the rain came down, even once the spell dispersed and the demons ran to hide in their holes, there would still be a ton of them gathered, all in one place. Hell, as far as you're concerned, if he found himself facing down hundreds of those bastards, he's lucky to be alive — let alone still standing. He might be the luckiest man you know, actually, to have escaped that forest with nothing more than a single injury, and all four limbs intact. 
But what if there are more wounds you can't see? 
Nervously, you take a single step away from the door, clutching the front of your shirt as your heart continues to pound. Rain drums overhead, seeming to only grow louder and louder. Although it drowns out most everything, you can still hear when the man shifts, mumbling a swear to himself through gritted teeth. Gods, your poor heart won't stop racing, and you don't know what to do. 
You're scared, for the first time in ages; scared of him, scared for him. You shouldn't let him in. That would be the stupidest thing you possibly could do. You shouldn't help him, shouldn't heal him. You should pretend no-one's home, and leave him be without letting yourself meddle. 
You know that, and yet, you can't help but tell yourself you have to help him. No matter how much you try and force yourself to believe the opposite, you can't shake this feeling that you're the only one who can. 
There isn't anyone else out here, not for miles. He won't make it out in this storm, and once he leaves the protection of the cottage, it's likely he'll get attacked again. From what you can tell, he doesn't even have a weapon on him. He'll get lost in the darkness. Demons will smell the sharpness of his blood the moment he steps back in the trees, and no matter how fast he can still run, he won't get far. And tomorrow, when you find what's left of him — 
Another faint knock at the door has you stirring, your lips parting, although you aren't exactly sure what you should say. It's been a while since you've last spoken to someone other than yourself, not since those knights almost a year ago. Instead, your legs seem to move before you've truly thought about it, and you rush over to the kitchen, fumbling through cabinets to search for whatever medicine you have left. 
Perhaps you can't let him in, that much is true. He walked over the mushroom circle with no problem, so you're assuming he isn't capable of detecting spells. Regardless, your cottage is covered in magical items. In potions you've made, and spellbooks that were supposed to be burned with the rest of them. You can't risk anyone sifting through your belongings. 
And you already know pressure doesn't bode well with you; if you can't keep your cool, if you say one wrong thing and he somehow figures out you're a mage, dealing with his injuries will be the least of your concerns. He could leave and come back by sunrise with an army of knights prepared to slay you, for all you know. 
You shouldn't be helping. This is dangerous. He is dangerous. You're foolish for caring about someone you haven't met, no matter how responsible you might be feeling. But that's the thing. You never get to meet anyone. And maybe, just maybe — 
No, it'll be best if you give him some medicine and let him be on his way: some standard herbs, nothing infused with magic. Just something for him to take to ease the pain, and some ointment and bandages to help with the bleeding. You'll crack open the door, tell him you can't accept visitors, and offer him what you can. That's the most you can do. That's what you have to do. 
You'll never see him again after this, but you know it's for the best. 
You gather the herbs from the kitchen, and the ointment and bandages from the bathroom. You place them all into a small, spare pouch you had lying on the counter, which you hastily work to tie shut. As you walk over to the door, you can barely breathe. Your hands are shaking, and you stop in place, attempting to gather the courage to open it. 
It'll be fine. I'm sorry, I hope this will help you. That's all you have to say. I'm sorry sir, you can't come in, but please, accept this. He'll leave, he won't know a thing, and you'll do just fine. 
"Okay," The man's smooth voice starts from behind the door, causing you to abruptly tense up. He sounds more out of breath than before: "I don't think anyone is home, so I'm… I'm going to try to come in now. I'm not going to hurt you, just need to get the hell out of this rain- Please, don't kill me." 
You're unlocking the door in a hurry then. You fling it open, coming face to face with him; the man sways forward, almost tripping. He's rather tall, even taller when he stands up straight to look at you. Deep, worried blue eyes meet yours. Blue like the drawings of the ocean you memorized from your childhood story books. His expression is a muddled mess of pain, relief, exhaustion — and you must be making a face, because he's quickly attempting to make amends. 
"Thank the Gods- It's okay," He says, giving you a reassuring look, and raising his hands defensively, his palms stained a dark crimson. His skin is pale, his eyes heavy, like he's lightheaded; "It isn't as bad as it looks. I'll be… fine, I'm-" 
With one last stumble, his eyelids flutter. Bright lightning rips through the sky in the distance, and you're watching his knees buckle, leaving him to fall into you. You squeak in surprise, just barely managing to catch him. He's already gone limp in your arms. You're hardly able to hold up his weight, struggling not to just drop him to the ground. 
Rain pelts the ground and the grass and your roof. In between the steady drone, tiny droplets of blood splatter onto the wooden floor of your cabin with a plip, plip. 
Damn. And you were hoping to eat your stew while it was still hot. 
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chibicrow · 2 months
Like and/or Reblog if Firebirdshipping (Crow Hogan x Izayoi Aki) is one of ur OTPs, even in 2024
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
Cat Café
Power x She/Her Reader
A/N: What an awful little gremlin. You’re coming home with me. Mostly tame, but some blood/ gore towards the end because it’s Chainsaw Man. Blood/gore for the humans, not the cats. Word Count: 2,102
When the Blood Fiend first came into (Y/n)’s shop, she had been terrified.
She was so loud and destructive. Toppling tables, breaking chairs, throwing vegetables around the room despite her friends offering to take them off of her plate. If that young man with the topknot hadn’t stepped in to pay for the damages before they left, she didn’t know what she would have done. She still had to close down for the rest of the week to repair and replace a lot of the decor though.
There were occasions throughout the week that the Fiend would come banging at her picture windows, demanding to be let in before the boys she was often with would come drag her away.
(Y/n) was worried for the shelter cats that would be featured at her store looking for homes when she decided to reopen. As long as that Fiend decided to hang around, she was sure her presence would stress the cats something awful.
Thank god they had came in on a Sunday initially. Sunday was when the shelter was closed so there were no cats in the Café. (Y/n) could only imagine what awful things would have befallen them with that Fiend tornadoing about.
When everything was fixed up and ready to rock on Monday, (Y/n) had been reluctant to open up, but she needed to keep making money somehow.
“Maybe she won’t show up today…” (Y/n) murmured unconvincingly.
“What was that?” The shelter worker helping her bring the cats in asked.
“Nothing, thank you for your hard work.” (Y/n) smiled.
When the shelter worker drove away, (Y/n)’s smile fell. She finished setting everything up for the day, getting more anxious as the opening drew nearer.
“No use hesitating…” she sighed, unlocking the front door.
The Fiend didn’t seem to be around much to her relief. In fact, the first couple hours went off without a hitch. People came in for specialty drinks and sandwiches and played quietly with cute cats as usual.
But then (Y/n) happened to look out of one of the picture windows as she cleaned off a table and froze when she saw the Fiend looking in, nose and hands pressed against the glass, fogging and smudging it. At least she wasn’t pounding against the windows like usual.
Her wild eyes found (Y/n)’s, making her jump. She swallowed thickly as the Fiend ran to the door and burst inside.
“Aha!” She crowed, “You couldn’t hide them from me forever! No simple human could ever outsmart I, Power!” The Fiend slunk up closer to (Y/n) scrutinizing the plate with a half eaten sandwich that she had been about to clean up.
“Hey, hey. Isn’t that my sandwich? Why do you have my sandwich?”
“You… you want this? I could make you a fresh one.” (Y/n) tried to reason, but the Fiend took the sandwich and walked off with it, plucking out vegetables and tossing them carelessly on the floor as she went.
The Fiend, Power, (Y/n) supposed though it was a strange name, scared a couple of high school girls away from a particularly fluffy cat and plopped down in front of it.
(Y/n) bit her lip, afraid of what would happen next. Where were those boys she was always with that usually kept her in line?
But much to (Y/n)’s relief, Power was surprisingly gentle with the lazy cat, and all of the others she visited too. She was also the quietest (Y/n) had ever witnessed her. She was almost civilized.
“E-excuse me,” (Y/n) swallowed thickly, she had held out as long as she could, but the shelter worker would be back to pick up the cats soon, “We’re closing now.”
“Eh?” Power squinted up at (Y/n) from where she sat on the ground, cat lapping at her knuckles, “This is my business. I have the paperwork. Why are you still here? We’re closing soon.”
“Um, it’s my business, actually.”
“Tis mine!” Power huffed, but she stood anyway, “lock up, underlining. I have to let Denji and Aki out of the closet so they can make me dinner!”
“Ah… sure.”
Well, as long as she was leaving (Y/n) wouldn’t argue further.
The next day, Power came back. This time she had her buddies with her again. (Y/n) could hear them griping about her always running off, how they were devil hunters, not babysitters, but Power didn’t care in the least. She marched right up to (Y/n) and demanded a sandwich and a sickeningly sweet drink before plopping down on the floor to roll around with a cute little tabby.
“Why did you even have to bring this place up?” Aki huffed at Denji as they took the table (Y/n) lead them to.
“I don’t know,” Denji waved his hand, unbothered by Aki’s tone, and continued to eye the menu intently, “I didn’t think she’d be so obsessed since she has Nyako. I just wanted her to stop bouncing off the walls for one day. I’ve never had the money to go to a place like this. How was I supposed to know they don’t have cats on Sundays?” He turned to (Y/n) and gave her a big smile, pointing to all of the drinks and sandwiches he wanted to try on Aki’s dime.
Aki rubbed at his face, debating whether or not to step outside for a smoke before deciding on at least ordering a drink first.
“Sorry about her.” Aki apologized, tilting his chin in the direction of Power toppling a potted plant as (Y/n) took his order.
(Y/n) looked over to Power, who noticed her and pointed to another patron, blaming them for the broken flower pot before going back to talking animatedly to the two cats now laying across her torso. (Y/n) smiled before turning back at Aki.
“You know, when she isn’t destroying everything in the Café, she isn’t all that bad. Excuse me.” She gave a polite bow before walking away to give their orders to the kitchen.
The sandwich she gave Power was devoid of all vegetables, but layered with extra meat and cheese to fill out the bread a little more. The excited gleam in Power’s eyes let (Y/n) know she had made a good decision. At the very least she figured there wouldn’t be anything for Power to throw around.
Then she stopped by the table to give the boys their orders and went to greet the newest customers. The only disturbance that rocked the store, besides the broken flower pot, was when Aki told Power they had to leave.
(Y/n) tried to politely ignore them, but there was a lot of clamoring, yelling, swearing and claims of being bitten that filled the space for a few minutes. When (Y/n) dared to look over, she saw Power clinging to the doorframe as Denji and Aki attempted to pull her outside. Tentatively, (Y/n) went over with a possible solution.
“Power, you can come again tomorrow. Many of the same kitties will be here and I’ll make you the same sandwich I gave you today, okay?”
“Hmmmm…” Power kicked Denji in the jaw, forcing him to let go of her ankle to grab his face. Her lower half hit the ground once more, “That sounds favorable!” She turned back to a tired Aki and a sneering Denji, “What are you waiting for, let’s go kill that devil already!”
“I’m getting the Nobel Peace Prize you know.” Power smugly dropped when she stepped into the Café.
“Is that so?” Amused, (Y/n) played along, “And what did you do to achieve such an honor?”
“You know, stuff.” Power tossed her hair back over her shoulder with a confident grin, “They’re gonna make me Prime Minister too.”
“Very impressive, Power.”
Power puffed out her chest and released an impish giggle before tearing into her sandwich.
(Y/n) smiled and went on to her next task. Power may be a feral Blood Fiend, but she was also rather charming in her own way. Maybe more endearing than charming, actually? She had only lashed out as horribly as she did on that first day she came in because she was promised cats that weren’t there. Granted, she was still prone to boisterous and destructive behaviors, but she could also be rather cute when she wasn’t being a complete menace.
(Y/n) had quickly discovered that Power was very perceptive to praise and, ‘if you do ‘A’, you’ll get to have ‘B’. She could be stubborn, but getting used to her as she was now, (Y/n) wasn’t intimidating by sharp stares and even sharper teeth— well, the teeth were still a little intimidating, but the point was (Y/n) felt more equipped to handle Power than she had been a couple weeks ago.
It was a rather slow day, it was nice to have the company.
“Where are Denji and Aki today?” (Y/n) asked as she wiped down another table.
“Around,” Power shrugged in her seat, kicking the stem of the table repeatedly, “we were fighting a devil, but tis soooooo weak compared to me. I ditched them to come here instead!”
(Y/n) found it strange how Power could lie about the most mundane things, but be shameless in telling her that she had abandoned her team in the middle of a fight to eat a sandwich and pet a cat.
“Are you sure they don’t need help?” (Y/n) prodded.
Power scrunched up her nose, “If they can’t handle a silly devil like that on their own then they shouldn’t be devil hunters in the first place.” Power pushed her empty plate at (Y/n), “Since you ate my sandwich, you owe me another one. You know that, right?”
(Y/n) simply rolled her eyes and took the plate back to the kitchen.
“Another Power-Style sandwich please.” She called out.
When she received no confirmation, she walked further into the room and screamed.
Her chef was not just dead, his head was being smashed within the panini press several times by a spindly devil with a gapping mouth, lapping up the sizzling blood as it trickled out.
(Y/n)’s scream alerted the devil of her presence and he licked his chapped lips, finally letting the poor chef’s body fall to the floor with a heavy thud.
(Y/n) stumbled backward, her back hit the swinging door unexpectedly and threw her off balance, sending her to the floor. The devil slowly followed after her, teasingly swiping at her legs as she frantically scooted backward out of reach.
People died to devils every day. (Y/n) had even seen the after math of attacks simply walking down a crowded street. She knew it was wishful thinking, foolish thinking, to think it would never happen to her, but she needed to tell herself those things to keep her sane, everyone did.
(Y/n)’s back hit the wall unexpectedly and a pained yelp escaped her, and devil reached out for her with more purpose this time and (Y/n) shut her eyes tightly, hoping the devil would at least kill her swiftly.
(Y/n) felt something hot spray against her skin, but she dared not open her eyes to investigate. She heard thuds and squelching and grunts and then finally, laughter. Familiar, chaotic laughter. Power!
(Y/n) peeked through her fingers to find the demon as an unrecognizable puddle of goop and intestines. Power was stomping in the viscera and laughing like she was a child dancing in a rain puddle.
“Power you, you saved me.” (Y/n) exhaled shakily.
Power turned to face her, hand on her hips and a triumphant smirk upon her lips.
“You would not survive as a devil hunter. You better stick to this.”
(Y/n) made an amused noise, then it bubbled into a giggle, which then became a full on crazy laugh that Power joined in on. When (Y/n) finally stopped to breathe, Power asked,
“What are we laughing about?”
“I don’t know. I think I’m in shock.”
Power tilted her head from side to side, curiously watching (Y/n) attempt to catch her breath. Finally she hooked her hands beneath (Y/n)’s arms and started dragging her to the front of the Café. Then she picked her up and plopped her down on the couch, making a couple cats scatter.
“Just lay here. I’ll make Aki clean up the mess when he gets here.”
“Thank you, Power.”
Power licked the blood off of her fingers then moved around the vacated Café to gather the cats and lay them across (Y/n) in a line while they waited for Aki and Denji to come.
The next time Power came to the Café, (Y/n) was going to present her with a homemade Nobel Prize.
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goldengogoat · 8 months
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anyone else in this thread smoke digimon
typed out lists of the team and their digimon (carlys a bonus cus shes my special princess) under the cut
YUSEI ROOKIE: Solarmon CHAMPION: Tankmon ULIMATE: Metal Tryanomon MEGA: UlforceV-Dramon Mega2: UlforceV-Dramon Future Mode JACK ROOKIE: Augumon Black CHAMPION: Devidramon ULIMATE: Wingdramon MEGA: Examon CROW ROOKIE: Tsukaimon CHAMPION: Peckmon ULIMATE: Yatagaramon MEGA: Ravemon AKI ROOKIE: Floramon CHAMPION: Sunflowmon ULIMATE: Toropiamon MEGA: Rosemon X-antibody LUA ROOKIE: Toy Augumon CHAMPION: Thunderballmon ULIMATE: Megadramon MEGA: Aegisdramon LUKA ROOKIE: Shoemon CHAMPION: Leomon ULIMATE: Chirinmon MEGA: Valdurmon Carly ROOKIE: bakumon CHAMPION: Witchmon ULIMATE: Pumpmon MEGA: Bellstarmon Bruno ROOKIE: Armadillomon CHAMPION: Sheepmon ULTIMATE: Rookchessmon Blk MEGA: Megagargomon blkR
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icespur · 10 months
Akiren calling Akechi cute embarrassing pet names
1/3 edit: Uncensored
Two scenarios:
Platonic Rivals. So Akiren would be calling Akechi cute nicknames just to be a little shit.
Or Akeshu/ShuAke version. They are official boyfriends and they both have different views on public affection. Akechi would rather keep their relationship a secret, so no public affection (which is not unlike actual Japanese citizens).
Akechi: (covering his beet red flustered face with his hands) “If we weren't currently an item and I didn't love you I would choke the life out of you right now.”
Couple Akeshu/ShuAke during a Palace or Mementos Shadow fight. Joker passes the baton to Crow. Crow gets in battle stance ready to tear the enemy to pieces when—-
Faintly in the background Joker enthusiastically cheers “FUCK ‘EM UP, BABE!”
This causes the mood to completely change. Crow’s manic expression drops instantly, replaced with blush.
The other Thieves are in the background, Ryuji the most confused “What did he just call him, what just happened???....”
Pet names abbreviated from name:
Akechi = Aki or Chi/Chi-Chi (What makes the “Chi-Chi” nickname even more hilarious is that's a babyish alternative word Japanese kids use to refer to their fathers. So it's a babyish version of “Papa”. Take Anya from Spy X Family English Sub for example)
Goro = Go-Go and Go-Chan
When in Metaverse Attire:
Goes for both Robin Hood & Loki/Black Mask form = Birdie
Specifically Loki/Black Mask Form =
Loki = Lulu, Lou, Kiki,
First time Akechi heard the above nicknames while in Black Mask form, he immediately locks eyes with Akiren and stares at him for a couple seconds, internally trying to talk himself out of sending the leader of the Phantom Thieves on an express trip to Velvet Room Purgatory. Ultimately fails and Kasumi and the rest of the Thieves have to physically restrain Akechi from murdering their leader.
In future instances, Akechi just responds by either tuning Joker out or “”CaLmLy”” correcting Joker that it's “Loki”. If Joker refuses to behave and continues, gentle route goes out the window and Akechi goes straight for the throat.
So basically referring to Black Mask Akechi by cute abbreviated nicknames is a speed run of “How fast can I get Akechi to lose his cool and try to kill me?”
The Thieves don't understand why Joker willingly puts himself in those deadly situations but Joker just weakly laughs, on the floor with probably a few fractured and broken bones. He just raises his arm up and forms a thumbs up, managing to wheeze out a “Worth It..”
(Abbreviated pet names in Romance scenario, Akechi wouldn't react by attempted murder, obviously. But just be incredibly flustered and embarrassed. The game for AkiRen in this case would be “How fast can I make my boyfriend a blushing mess?”. Especially since he seems to pull out the pet names at intentionally the worst times, when in public or mid-Metaverse battle)
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I finally did it. I finally organized my 5Ds playlist. If you saw the original post eons ago, some songs have been abandoned for this one, but, uh, I also added, like, 30 more. So. There's that.
Full track list, all 109 119(currently) organized (roughly) by character under the cut. The first song of each section is linked for (slightly) easier navigation.
General - The Greatest Show - The Greatest Showman (Riding Duels) - Whatever It Takes - Imagine Dragons - Catalyst - Linkin Park (Satellite) - NEW Nerves - Icon for Hire (Satellite) - Land of Broken Dreams - Jonathan Young, feat Caleb Hyles (Satellite) - NEW Round and Round - 3 Doors Down (City and Satellite) - Hero - Skillet - Lost and Found - Zack Hemsey (First two arcs in particular) - Witching Hour, feat. Brooke Griffith - Tommee Profitt (Dark Signers Arc) - This is War - Thirty Seconds to Mars - Here We Stand, feat. SVRCINA - Hidden Citizens - Ready Aim Fire - Imagine Dragons (Pre-WRGP-Ark Cradle arc) - Finish Line - Skillet (Specifically always makes me think of Jack pushing his runner during the WRGP, but... lol) - See You Again, feat. Charlie Puth - Wiz Khalifa (The final few episodes, as everyone is parting ways)
. . .
All Six Signers - Young - Hollywood Undead - Renegades - ONE OK ROCK - Relate - for King & Country - We Are - ONE OK ROCK - Hey Brother - Avicii - Meet Me on the Battlefield - SVRCINA - Fight the Night - ONE OK ROCK - Answer the Call, feat. Claire Guerreso - Hidden Citizens - Saviors of the World - Skillet - Time To Go To War - Manafest x UNSECRET - Not Gonna Die (+Intro) - Skillet - We Won't Give Up - The Afters (I specifically associate this with the WRGP but) - NO-LIMIT - Fairy Tail OP25, English cover by AmaLee - Caught In the Fire, feat. Sam Tinnesz - Tommee Profitt - Strike Back - Fairy Tail OP16, English cover by NateWantsToBattle - Unleash the Power, feat. Sam Tinnesz and Rayelle - Tommee Profitt - Born For This - The Score - NEW Lead the Way - Nathan Wagner
. . .
Yusei - Child of the Stars - Fish in a Bird Cage - Speechless - Aladdin, cover by Caleb Hyles (Specifically early FC arc) - Soldier, feat. Fluerie - Tommee Profitt - NEW Fine - Mike Shinoda (DS arc) - Darkness Before the Dawn - Caleb Hyles, feat. Lacey Sturm (DS arc) - Believe in Myself - Fairy Tail OP21, English cover by NateWantsToBattle - Rise - Ashes Remain - Not Alone - Linkin Park (Arc Cradle) - If I Die Young - The Band Perry, cover by Sam Tsui - Where the Skies End - Starset - Can You See Me? - Krista Siegfrids (Second verse doesn't totally work but eh.) - The World You Want - Switchfoot - NEW Shining A Light Over You - Gentle Sparrow (Post-series)
. . .
Jack - Kings - Tribe Society - Leave It All Behind - Cult to Follow (Pre-series-DS) - Vagabond, feat. FJORA - Tommee Proffit (Pre-series-DS) - Lost Souls - Nathan Wagner (Pre-series-DS) - From Now On - The Greatest Showman (Post Fortune Cup) - When I Was King - ONE OK ROCK (Post Fortune Cup) - Run Run Rebel - Hidden Citizens (Burning Soul arc)
. . .
Aki - Brick by Boring Brick - Paramore (Pre-series-DS) - Innocence - Nathan Wagner (Pre-series through mid-way Dark Signers) - Paper Crown - Alec Benjamin (Pre-series. Arguably ship-y but only if you watch the video, lol) - NEW I Didn't Ask For This - Beth J Crowley (Pre-series through-DS) - Monster - Beth Crowley (Pre-series through Fortune Cup) - NEW Demons - Icon for Hire - I Want To Live - Skillet - Masayume Chasing - Fairy Tail OP15, English cover by AmaLee - Surviving the Game - Skillet - Unbreakable - Fireflight
. . .
Rua/Leo - Pretender - AJR - Battle Symphony - Linkin Park - The Chosen One - Smash Into Pieces - Something Big - Shawn Mendes - Prove - ONE OK ROCK - Children of the Sky - Imagine Dragons (Kinda all of them but heavy focus on Rua/Leo)
. . .
Other Assorted Characters - Fight Song - Rachel Platten (Ruka/Luna) - Counting Stars - OneRepublic (Crow) - A Shot in the Dark - Smash into Pieces (Crow) - Far From Home, feat. Sam Tinnesz - Tommee Profitt (Crow, Dark Signers arc) - Higher - The Score (Crow) - Memories - Maroon 5 (Bruno, or rather the others about him)
. . .
Kiryu/Kalin - Watching As I Fall - Mike Shinoda (Pre-series) - Monster - Fight the Fade (End of Team Satisfaction) - Hell's Comin' With Me - Poor Mans Poison - All Eyes on You - Smash Into Pieces (Crashtown arc) - Face to Face - Citizen Soldier (Crashtown arc)
. . .
Villains - World So Cold - 12 Stones - Monster Made of Memories - Citizen Soldier (Dark Signers) - Feed the Machine - Poor Mans Poison (Rex Godwin) - How Villains Are Made - Madalen Duke (Pretty much all of them, but specifically Godwin and Z-ONE) - With You Til the End, feat. Sam Tinnesz - Tommee Profitt (Z-ONE et al) - Last Survivor, feat. Nilka - Unsecret (Z-ONE) - The Sound of Silence - Disturbed (Z-ONE) - Cold World - RED (Z-ONE) - SCAVA - Hollywood Undead (Z-ONE et al)
. . .
Combinations - Mad World - Tears for Fears, cover by Smash into Pieces (An odd combo: Pre-series Kiryu/Kalin and Aki) - Ready As I'll Ever Be - Tangled: the Series (Signers vs Dark Signers. I feel like this one needs a breakdown but only upon request, lol.) - Hold On For Your Life, feat. Sam Tinnesz - Tommee Profitt (Yusei vs Kiryu/Kalin; Jack vs Carly) - NEW It Had To Be You (Dark Version) - Tommee Profitt x Tiffany Ashton (Jack vs Carly and Yusei vs Kiryu/Kalin) - Battle Scars - Paradise Fears (Team 5Ds and Team Taiyo) - Running Up That Hill - Kate Bush, metal cover by Jonathan Young and Caleb Hyles (Aporia and Team Ragnarok) -The Antihero vs The Hero - Nathan Wagner (Z-ONE et al and Yusei)
- Where We Rise - Neoni (Jack and Yusei) - No Limits - Zayde Wolf (Yusei and Jack) - Who I Am - Citizen Soldier (Yusei and Aki) - This Is Me - The Greatest Showman (Fortune Cup Yusei and Aki. I wish I could use the movie version solely for what’s going on in the background at one point but the only video has ridiculously quiet audio...) - Collide - Skillet (Yusei and Aki, FC-DS arcs) - Wake Up - Smash into Pieces (Jack and Aki, pre-series) - Running Away from Home - Smash Into Pieces (Jack and Aki) - Already Over - Mike Shinoda (Jack and Aki) - Alive - Daughtry (Yusei, Jack, Crow, Aki) - The Musician - 14th Melody (D.Gray-man OP), English cover by AmaLee and Andy Stein (Yusei, Jack, Crow, Aki) - Brother - Kodaline (Yusei, Jack, Crow) - Save You, feat. Redlight King - Manafest (Yusei, Jack, and Crow) - Hall of Fame - The Script (Jack, Crow, Rua/Leo; post-series) - NEW Cool Kids - Echosmith (Rua and Ruka/Leo and Luna)
. . .
Ships - Still Worth Fighting For - My Darkest Days (JackxCarly) - Angel With a Shotgun - The Cab (JackxCarly) - Stolas Sings (Owl in a Cage) - Helluva Boss [Sam Haft], cover by Caleb Hyles (One-sided JackxCarly) - Bleeding Out - Imagine Dragons (JackxCarly, specifically Carly as a DS and their duel) - Slip Away - Ruelle (JackxCarly, specifically their duel in the DS arc) - Counting On Me (Acoustic Version) - Smash into Pieces (JackxCarly, DS arc) - NEW If You Fall - UNDREAM & Brad Arthur (YuseixAki) - Better Than One - The Score (In my head, YuseixAki, but any really) - Monsters - Katie Sky (YuseixAki. Could absolutely be interpreted platonically too imo.) - I Found the Answer in You - Loving Caliber (YuseixAki)
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megumiangel · 21 days
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about me! ~ ☕
name - sophia but goes by sophie
age - 18
ethnicity - indian
she/her - bisexual
animes - jujustu kaisen, attack on titan, demon slayer, tokyo revengers, death note, jojo's bizarre adventure, bungo stray dogs, hunter x hunter, dr. stone, chainsaw man, etc
fandoms - marvel, avatar: the last airbender, legend of korra, hazbin hotel/helluva boss
i'm also a kpop stan, stray kids are my ult!
horror movie fanatic!
my favorite characters megumi, gojo, toge, levi, eren, draken, giyu, tanjiro, aki, chuuya, ranpo, dazai, kunikida, killua, illumi, and probably more
*₊ ° 𝓯𝓪𝓿𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮... *₊ °
color・ brown, pink
food・philly cheesestakes, indian food, japanese/chinese food
drink・iced white mocha
personality type・infj
hobbies・reading, writing, listening to music, playing instruments/singing
song・love nwatiti, drunk and nasty, she knows
books・six of crows, caraval, acowar, percy jackson
anime・jujustu kaisen/attack on titan
show・avatar: the last airbender
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dividers credit
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tklpilled · 9 months
& is strictly platonic, / can be platonic or romantic. bolded are my favourites. if there's a rarepair you don't see on here, feel free to ask!! i'm a multishipper and i like exploring different character dynamics :)
fandoms are in the same order as on the fandoms list, with the exception of genshin being last bc there are so many lol
bungou stray dogs:
atsushi/akutagawa/lucy or any combination
chuuya & dazai & atsushi & akutagawa or any combination
sigma/fyodor/nikolai or any combination
ranpo/poe/mushitarou or any combination
kenji & chuuya
kenji & atsushi
kenji & junichirou
atsushi & kyouka
gin & akutagawa
oda & dazai
hunter x hunter:
killua & gon & leorio & kurapika & alluka or any combination
pitou & youpi & pouf & meruem or any combination
fullmetal alchemist:
ling & lan fan
ed & al & roy or any combination
fruits basket:
tohru/yuki/kyo or any combination
kyo & momiji & haru or any combination
tohru & momiji
ayame/shigure/hatori or any combination
tohru/uotani/hanajima or any combination
my hero academia:
bakugou/izuku/todoroki or any combination
izuku/shinsou/kaminari or any combination
p much any class 1-a pairing lol
sk8 the infinity:
reki & langa & miya or any combination
the case study of vanitas:
noe & domi & louis or any combination
vanitas & mikhail
dante/johann/riche or any combination
vash/wolfwood/meryl or any combination
vash & knives
jujutsu kaisen:
yuuji/nobara/megumi or any combination
megumi & gojo & yuuji & nobara or any combination
choso & yuuji
gojo & geto & shoko or any combination
chainsaw man:
denji & aki & power or any combination
buddy daddies:
attack on titan:
eren/mikasa/armin or any combination
jean/connie/sasha or any combination
reiner & annie & bertholdt or any combination
demon slayer:
tanjirou & nezuko
heaven official's blessing:
shi qingxuan/he xuan
hua cheng/xie lian/yin yu or any combination
hua cheng/xie lian/feng xin/mu qing or any combination
yin yu/quan yizhen
qi rong & xie lian
south park:
tweek/craig/kenny or any combination
stan/kyle/kenny or any combination
miles & gwen & hobie & pav or any combination
miles & peter b
six of crows:
kaz/inej/nina/wylan/jesper or any combination
the raven cycle:
ronan/gansey/adam/noah/blue or any combination
henry/gansey/blue or any combination
breath of the wild/tears of the kingdom:
daruk & urbosa & mipha & revali & link & zelda or any combination
link & tulin
honkai star rail:
stelle/march 7th/dan heng
jing yuan & yanqing
aventurine/dr ratio
gallagher & misha
dan heng/jing yuan
dan heng/boothill
blade/dan heng
acheron/black swan
serval & gepard & lynx
arlan & asta
ace attorney:
apollo & trucy
franziska & edgeworth
maya & phoenix
apollo & athena
dead plate:
the magnus archives:
jon/martin/tim/sasha or any combination
jon & georgie
genshin impact:
kaeya & diluc
chongyun/xingqiu/gaming or any combination
ei/yae miko
cyno/tighnari/albedo or any combination
cyno/tighnari/alhaitham/kaveh or any combination
lyney & lynette & freminet or any combination
kaeya/albedo/aether or any combination
fischl/razor/bennett or any combination
barbara & jean
chongyun & xiangling & xingqiu or any combination
hu tao/yanfei
hu tao/xiao
gorou & kokomi
shinobu & itto
kazuha/scaramouche/heizou or any combination
nahida & scaramouche
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trio-of-all-time · 1 year
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ROUND 1A (05/02)
1. Sora, Kairi, and Riku (Kingdom Hearts) VS Carter, Sadie, and Zia (The Kane Chronicles)
2. Hunter, Willow, and Gus (The Owl House) VS Josie, Valerie, and Melody (Riverdale)
3. Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman (DC Comics) VS Mike, Stan, Bill (IT)
4. Axel, Roxas, and Xion (Kingdom Hearts) VS Kotori, Honoka, and Umi (Love Live! School Idol Festival)
5. Professor Layton, Luke, and Emmy (Professor Layton) VS Marc, Steven, and Jake (Moon Knight)
6. Draculaura, Clawdeen, and Frankie (Monster High) VS Platinum, Diamond, and Pearl (Pokemon)
7.  Kazuki, Rei, and Miri (Buddy Daddies) VS  Starscream, Soundwave, and  Megatron (Transformers)
8.  Buffy, Willow, and Xander (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) VS Adagio, Aria, and Sonata (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
ROUND 1B (05/05)
1.  Kirk, Spock, and McCoy (Star Trek) VS Adora, Glimmer, and Bow (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
2.  Yor, Loid, and Anya (Spy x Family) VS  Mio, Yuuko, and Mai (Nichijou)
3. Joker, Crow, and Violet (Persona 5 Royal) VS Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
4. Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi (Jujutsu Kaisen) VS Yu, Chie, and Yosuke (Persona 4)
5. Percy, Annabeth, and Grover (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) VS Huey, Dewey, and Louie (DuckTales) 
6. Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve (Stranger Things) VS Sugimoto, Asirpa, and Shiraishi (Golden Kamuy)
7. Ayaka, Ayato, and Thoma (Genshin Impact) VS Wirt, Greg, and Beatrice (Over The Garden Wall)
8. Daichi, Sugawara, and Asahi (Haikyuu!!) VS Eren, Mikasa, and Armin (Attack on Titan)
ROUND 1C (05/08)
1.  Shadow, Rouge, and Omega (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
2.  Henry, Charles, and Ellie (The Henry Stickmin Collection) VS Minho, Thomas, and Newt (The Maze Runner)
3.  Anne, Sasha, and Marcy (Amphibia) VS  Tighnari, Cyno, and Collei (Genshin Impact) 
4. Terra, Ventus, and Aqua (Kingdom Hearts) VS  Yukimura, Sanada, and Yanagi (Prince of Tennis)
5.  Hiyori, Yato, Yukine (Noragami) VS  Izzy, Noah, and Eva (Total Drama)
6.  Sam, Dean, and Castiel (Supernatural) VS  M.K., Mei, and Red Son (LEGO Monkie Kid)
7. Rey, Poe, and Finn (Star Wars) VS Trailblazer, March 7th, and Dan Heng (Honkai Star Rail)
8.  Xie Lian, Mu Qing, and Feng Xin (Heaven Official’s Blessing) VS  Sweet, Cap'n, and K_K (Deltarune)
ROUND 1D (05/11)
1.  Denji, Aki, and Power (Chainsaw Man) VS Martin, Tim, and Sasha (The Magnus Archives) 
2.  Narancia, Mista, and Fugo (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure) VS  Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
3.  Shiver, Frye, and Big Man (Splatoon 3) VS Jolyne, Ermes, and Foo Fighters (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
4. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS  Kaz, Inej, and Jesper (Six of Crows)
5.  Jessie, James, and Meowth (Pokemon) VS Amy, Cream, and Big (Sonic the Hedgehog)
6.  Yukari, Ran, and Chen (Touhou Project) VS  Danny, Sam, and Tucker (Danny Phantom)
7.  Josuke, Yasuho, and Rai (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure) VS Cecil, Kain, and Rosa (Final Fantasy IV)
8.  Manny, Sid, and Diego (Ice Age) VS Rindo, Fret, and Nagi (The World Ends With You)
have fun voting! propaganda post submissions and reblogs are welcome and encouraged, and may the best group win >:)
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the-kings-of-games · 2 years
What’s your thoughts on the Aki x Yusei pairing? Or rather, their interactions in the series?
Faith—Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it?
I unfortunately don't find Akiza's and Yūsei's relationship that interesting I guess. 🤔 I never drove that deep into Akiza as a character and tend to use her in my writing in the background or support, so I never developed anything with her besides maybe being friends with Crow and Jack in her own way, lmao. But not Yūsei, who I also have the most difficulty writing out of the three boys.
I guess I have a hard time imagining Akiza and Yūsei doing things together, though that "date" episode provided great material. To me, Yūsei's mind is always wandering, code and engineering the bricks of the road to the future, and Akiza is always trailing after him from afar. Honestly, it's not a bad dynamic, but it's ultimately missing key components that I need to enjoy said dynamic, lmao.
Also, I had this one experience with a shipper that really rubbed me the wrong way, and the association persist.
What would have made you like it?
Nothing as far as I know. 030 I wasn't even shipping Faith before seeing Crow; I was shipping Kingcrab from the start, lmao. I love childhood friends who also antagonistuc and contrasting, so anything else would've dust in its wind. (EXCEPT for Kizuna, lol. It got better actually.) Even as Akiza's and Yūsei's friendship grows, Faith strings not a tune for me.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
It's a cute ship, and I appreciates all the art and fics people have made for them. ^^ And if it counts, I don't mind Faith (usually in the context of Kizuna)—as I said before, I crackship if it's horny or funny enough, lmao, but I can definitely see Yūsei genuinely loving Akiza in that way. (It's just that for me, it doesn't work out because they want and expect different things from a romantic relationship. I actually wrote a fic about it, lolololololol. Bittersweet ending.
Thanks for asking, @ctaylor108!
Send me a ship and I’ll answer three questions based on if I ship it or not.
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arc-of-smiles · 1 year
Do you have any favorite shippings in Yu-Gi-Oh!? I see you have favorite characters, but I can't find anything about shippings.
hiya! idk why i never put my fave ships down. i remember when i was going to, but i never did.
well, that being said i ship a lot of things so like... yeah. i think it's bc i don't wanna name everything i ship but idk. i can't really remember the reason why. but i can tell you some of my ships! i'll just name some from each series.
dm: deathshipping (yami marik x ryou bakura), chaseshipping (tristain taylor/hiroto honda x duke devlin/ryuji otogi), puzzleshipping/blindshipping (yami yugi/atem x yugi), puppyshipping (joey wheeler/katsuya jounouchi x seto kaiba), and of course theifshipping bc they're basically canon. i also enjoy anzu/miho too... bc miho deserves love. again, this isn't all of my ships, if you're curious i'm like... hella into deathshipping LMAO.
gx: rivialshipping gx (jaden/judai x chazz/jun), idolshipping (fubuki/atticus x zane/ryo), kenzan/shou, jim/jun, medici/samejima, johan/edo. i love johan/edo so much, i loved them for YEARS. since i was a child. jim/jun is one of my new fave ships, i think they would be funny and cute <3. idolshipping on top (imo), i loooove fubuki/ryo, i want them to be HAPPY.
5ds: crow/aki, yusei/aki, jack/carly, yusei/kiryu, yusei/bruno, harald/brave/dragan. when i was younger i was super into bruno/kiryu but not so much now. i think they're still cute! but i'm not as into them as now. i swear to god i had more 5ds pairings but i haven't seen it in a bit so my mind is a bit hazy. carly/misty lived in my mind rent free when i was a kid too. i thought they were great. again, i can't think of anything lmao.
zexal: HELLSHARK, i fucking love hellshark. they've been my fave since i was a child and god they make me insane. yuma/astral, mizael/durbe, rio/kotori, iii/gilag, v/kaito, alito/vector. i love ewjhfbwe yuma/astral, they make me wanna cryyyy. and and wejhfbwe mizael/durbe??? I LOVE THEM, but damn hellshark makes me so fucking insane (iv/ryoga)
arc-v: reiji/yuya, yugo/rin, yuto/shun, yuzu/masumi, dennis/yuri, yuto/ruri, dennis/shun, shun/kaito, sawatari/gongenzaka, yuya/sawatari, reiji/sawatari, reiji/yuya/sawatari, crow/shinji, wjehfbwe. i'm super mentally ill abt dennyuri + reiji/yuya JHBWEFBHWE. and in general, shun ships too. like i love shun so much wejhfwe. yuzu/masumi was actually my first arc-v ship!!! so they're still very dear to me <3 <3.
crossover: the ONLY one i'm not embarrassed abt sharing is bruno/jun. i love them so much, like i'm not even joking. they make me SO very happy. yes, it's very random and "crackship" BUT I DON'T CARE I LOVE THEM!!!!! and yes, i do have more crossover ships but wejfhbwe i am shy to share LMAO.
DISCLAIMER: i am a multishipper, and these are like... not all of my ships. basically: if i think they look cute/good/have enough chemistry (or brainrot potential) together, i will most likely ship it. i think multishipping fun and it's fun to see a bunch of couples <3.
so i hope this answers your question!!!
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Hewwo, I'm so happy to see another Crow fan!! What's your favorite Crow ships? 👀
Always happy to see more Crow fans~💕
Trickstershipping (Brave x Crow) is my OTP. Brave is literally made just for Crow.
Firebirdshipping (Aki x Crow).
Markedshipping (Yusei x Crow) specifically the manga version. They just have a good vibe together. The anime version the duo has a good vibe too if you can get past the fact they are adopted brothers. Crow can be good at clocking when Yusei is moody. Makes for some good shipping material.
I do like Crow x Sherry, but I mostly prefer it when it is the Crow x Aki x Sherry trio. Seriously how has it been this long and this ship has no name.
Guardianshipping (Shinji x Crow). I have little knowledge of Arc-V but I am happy they gave Crow a husband and 3 kids.
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How about an Encanto AU? I have not fully thought this through but Rua/Leo as Mirabel, the other Signers as the cousins. (I can't remember names for the life of me, but Crow as the shape-shifter, Aki as the plant girl, Ruka/Luna as the one who talks to animals. Perhaps? Idk I'd love to hear your thoughts about where everyone would fit in!)
NO WAIT THIS MIGHT BE COOL it's just hard to find a role for everyone-
I like the idea of Rua being the protag without powers, we know he would have loved being one of the Signers XD and he did get a signer mark in the end, like Mirabelle!!
About Ruka, yeah, her being the sibling who could talk with animals (Antonio) fits much better bc she's the last who gets her powers (do you remember the beginning of the movie, where Mirabelle encourages him right before the rite? That part, but with Rua and Ruka, it feels adorable to me! Even though it's a little heart-breaking for Rua) AND because she can talk to the monsters spirits in 5Ds!
Crow as Camilo (shape-shifter) would be so freaking hilarious, sign me up IMMEDIATELY
I don't need to comment on Aki and Isabela tbh, the parallelism is so perfect it really doesn't need any explanation
JACK? CLEARLY LUISA (but with fewer insecurities XD)
At this point, only Yusei would be left out... I'm crying bc age wise, the only role left that he could actually FIT IS FREAKING MARIANO HAHAHA (Isabela's bf, who later notices Dolores XD Yusei x Ruka is NOT my ship, but that's what would happen with a direct parallelism, unfortunately. I'd have to bend the main storyline in my favor :V)
I reeeeally wouldn't know about the other characters (Bruno, tia Pepa, Abuela...), they're all older, and I'd have trouble into looking for niche 5Ds characters to get them all in the Madrigal family.
We simply don't have an Abuela (Martha would be an excellent Julieta, Mirabel's mother, but never an Abuela) and Bruno's character is too important to be given to very niche characters... I first thought of Kiryu (I'd have to make him much older, of course)! But Pepa??? Would she be Sherry, with Bruno??? Again, they'd have to be much older-
SOooo yeah, this AU half-works as it is, but with some changes, it's an excellent story!
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hhighkey · 1 year
Haunted // Chapter Two, faced with danger
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Inumaki Toge x OC (female)
Chapter Rating: general, violence
Story Contains: unhealthy relationships, strangers to lowkey!friends to lovers, family issues, OC is in high school going into university summer, she thought curses were ghosts, bad parents want their child dead, 18/19 character ages, toge is so in love, eventual sex prior to relationship, soft dom toge, dacryphylia, over protective/ possessive toge, jealous toge, just both super clingy (refer to my toge headcanons ‘if you're in school’)
Word Count: 3185
KEY: ‘text written with single quotations are writing/typing in notes or messages by toge' and bold text is when japanese sign language comes in
Tags: reply if you want to be tagged
IT was a slow Friday afternoon and students were staring at the clock, itching to get out of their final class before the forty school days off for summer. The last moments of a high schooler, before the life of a university students began. Small whispers sounded from different parts of the room urging the teacher to hurry, begging for the bell to ring, and talking about plans. The older teacher, who refused to use anything but the white board, wrote so slowly groans could be heard each time she went to erase her meticulous work. She would be the only teacher teaching today. Outside the sun was shining, birds chirping, and sounds of kids talking frantically in joy about no school for awhile. Summer was a beautiful season with the trees and flowers fully blossomed, clouds latched to the unending blue sky, and the air filled with sweet smells of light nature even in the hot city.
Keiko however, was focused on something else. This was the class with him. The boy who sat in the front corner of the room had that thing on him, sitting on his shoulders just absentmindedly staring around with beady eyes. The creature was ugly, all gray and slimy looking with its tongue half out. Times like these were when she felt extra alone, understanding nobody else could see them. Because she couldn't imagine that boy wanting it where it forced him to slouch.
She wanted to tell him. She refused to learn his name in case of the day he didn't come back to school, she didn't want to feel regret. The last thing Keiko wanted was to freak anyone out, get labeled as a freak, or have someone look at her the way adults did when she was young. Her hands were balled into fists, growing tighter and tighter with each passing second like the hands of the clock. That class was unbearable for her as her eyes never wavered from the thing.
Ding. Ding.
In sudden motion all the students were up and packing their things, making noise over the teacher attempting to finish her last statements. Keiko needed to get out of the class. Her chest was incredibly tight and her breathing was labored. Swinging her bag over her shoulders she raced out the door in the crowed of students. Even exiting the room it felt like a weight was lifted from her. She exhaled deeply.
"You okay?" Aki. She was always waiting for Keiko outside the class as she was off last period, knowing the toll it took on her. Keiko looked pale and clammy as she nodded her answer, briskly walking down the hall pushing through anyone in the way.
Aki believed Keiko, even if she couldn't see the monsters. When they were younger she just thought her friend was a little strange; maybe had imaginary friends or lied for attention. But after doing her own research on people's encounters, sightings, faith... Aki had no reason not to believe her. She supposed she was just one of the lucky or unlucky people who couldn't see them.
The crowds of students slowly dwindled as they were surely all outside. Keiko stood there with her brows furrowed as her fingers played with her uniform skirt. She looked troubled.
"Hey, you okay?" Aki asked again.
"I-I don't know."
Keiko felt stuck in her own world, watching everything race by as her heart pounded, mind screamed for her to follow what she'd been wanting to do for the last few weeks-
"I have to find him."
"Him?" Aki asked confused, "Oh. That boy?"
"Yes." Keiko knew which way he left to go home, sometimes she considered following him; instead watched to see which way he went for the day she got the guts. And today was the day she'd approach him about the monster on his shoulders, "he needs to know. Hopefully he finds a way to believe me."
"Umm- I- okay, let's go." Aki simply agreed, even as she stuttered an attempt to put together an argument.. she couldn't.
Keiko grabbed Aki's wrist and dragged her in the opposite direction from where they were. They weaved through the halls of their school, beginning to pick up into a slow jog as he could gone past where Keiko knew his way home.
For the first time she wasn't scared of any judgement that would follow if the boy thought she was a nutcase. For the first time she felt a confidence from deep within her that she needed to act upon before her mind changed. And she simply thought- if she were in his position she'd want help. Even if he didn't believe her right away, at least the seed would be planted.
The wind blew her hair behind her as they were outside and past the gates in the back. Aki was doing her best to keep up with her friend who was hellbent. They pushed past other students who shot them looks, but they kept going. Keiko's eyes were working overtime as they shuffled through everyone until-
Keiko could see the gray creature she'd come to memorize due to class.
Partially out of breath, the two were panting as they came up on the boy. He was alone walking with his head down, nobody else was around as he was off to the side barely on the path. Keiko was hit with a wall as they got closer, a wall of intense energy that felt pure evil in intention. Even with the waves of fear she made herself keep going.
"Hey!" Keiko called out, breaths labored.
The boy stopped in his tracks and spun, looking in confusion as he watched two girls he'd only ever seen in passing before come run up to him, "Hi?"
"I-I need to talk to you," Keiko gasped, hands on her hips as she tried to catch her breath. From behind her, Aki gave the boy an awkward wave.
"Uh okay... you're in my last period right?"
Keiko nodded, "I'm Keiko and this is Aki."
"I've definitely heard of you guys before. I'm Kaito, how can I help you?"
Kaito was a taller boy with disheveled brown hair with matching dark eyes. He had accentuated muscles and his backpack had to do with a sports team.
But for Keiko she felt like she was going to die under the gaze of the monster on his shoulders, not under the gaze of a boy who was a stranger. Keiko knew the creature knew she could see it. Like it was daring her to tell him as its lips upturned at the sides, "you're going to think I'm insane."
"I think we're already at that point." he responded awkwardly.
Keiko felt warm under the gazes of Kaito and his unfortunate partner. She felt a nudge from behind and turned to see Aki giving her a supportive nod, "do your shoulders hurt? Like past normal bad posture and sleeping wrong?"
"Huh?" now she had his attention; Kaito's eyes wondered as he wondered how she knew that, "Yeah, how'd you know?"
"Look you can tell me to fuck off after this but just hear me out. I see things- I know, terrible way to start this out," she tensed as the creature cocked its gruelling head at her. She'd never allowed herself to get this close to one, to practically interact with one, "and you have one of the things I see on your shoulders... it's not pretty and it's just sitting there hurting you. I can tell from whenever you walk into class and just from standing here that it's no good. I'm scared for you."
Kaito stared at the two girls with a blank face, wheels turning in his head. He had to do everything in his power not to reach his hand to his shoulders and above, the fear of even thinking about something there he couldn't see terrified him. But boy was he curious, "Wow uh..." he felt an alarming sensation as he remembered the conversation he once had with his aunt week prior, about how his aura had grown dark and how she couldn't see him till he sought help. "You're not the first person to say something..."
"I'm not?" oh thank god, she thought.
"My aunt said I needed to get help. I didn't really believe her, she's into some weird stuff." Kaito felt a wave of anxiety wash over him as he wanted to push this asides, he didn't believe in ghosts; but, a visit to a shinsoku couldn't hurt? He did miss seeing his aunt... "I guess I appreciate it uh, you two. It's definitely weird.. which this thing you see, it's not doing anything weird to me right?" he nervously chuckled, trying to make light of the current situations.
"No no, he's just sitting there all... gross." Keiko took a step back.
It went silent between the three students. Keiko wanted to go, the energy she was feeling was almost too much for her. Aki decided to become engrossed in her phone. And Kaito, he was slowly growing concerned, unsure if it was because something was attached to him or he actually believed the girls.
"Can you see it too?" Kaito addressed Aki.
"Me?" she laughed awkwardly in response, "No, that's all her."
"Oh okay. You know it's Friday, and break it officially on now, want to grab some Sushi? I'm hungry and I'd love to hear more about this. Unless it's too much..." he quickly added that last statement as he saw the way Keiko looked at him with wide, ummoving eyes slightly above his shoulders. She looked entranced but scared.
"Uh," Keiko shook her head falling from the thing's trance-
"- Yeah we'd love too I'm starving as well." Aki interupted before Keiko could make up an excuse.
Keiko shot her an alarmed look like she was saying 'what the fuck', but Aki just smiled and linked their arms. Kaito didn't notice the exchange he just started telling them abou his favorite place not too far away.
And he didn't hear Aki when she leaned in and whispered in a shocked Keiko's ear, "nope, not letting you miss out on a chance of your very own love story here."
Aki pushed her friend forward, making her stumble but be besides Kaito. Instantly she took steps to be farther on his left out of... reach. This earned her a giggle from Aki who knew why she did that. The trio started their walk to the Sushi restaurant Kaito went on about how good it was. He asked them questions about classes and any extracurriculars, which they found out he was on a swim team which- believe it or not- his shoulder pain was causing him to take a break. He was pleasant and they were all hitting it off great, Keiko didn't expect that from the boy she watched every day last period and only assumed the worst of.
Aki felt pride for Keiko as she watched her and Kaito talk. Keiko was more strong willed than she realized, especially with how stubborn she could be. In the case, rare case, that Keiko had something stuck in her head she wanted or needed to do- she was going to do it. And knowing how hard it had to be walking that close to the boy with a monster supposedly on his shoulders, she was more impressed by that than anything.
Now in a busier area of Tokyo than the school, the buildings became taller and the amount of people multiplied. The bustle of city life seemed full force through the sounds of yelling and honking, and the mix of smells that made your nose upturn.
"What's this?" Keiko stopped in her tracks as she felt a pull towards the abandoned area where vendors once were.
"Old market, run down. Heard from my mom they want to make it into something with flowers. Would definitely fix the eye sore- wait Keiko, where you going?"
"Keiks?" Aki called as she watched Keiko climb over the warning tape to go in.
"Can't you feel that?" she murmured.
Aki and Kaito shared a concerned look before they followed her.
"I mean if you're talking about the creepy and 'we shouldn't be here' vibes, than yes." Aki couldn't help but feel alarmed. She knew Keiko was more prone to stupid decisions because of her strict upbringing, but she'd never enter a condemned place!
"Kind of.." her voice drifted off, "the energy."
"Is this normal?" Kaito whispered to Aki, the two of them steps behind her watching her every move.
"Kinda?" she shrugged, "not like this though, swear we're lots of fun."
"Right," Kaito said as he wondered what the hell he was getting himself into.
The former market that once had hundreds of visitors per day; with bright lights and decorations, foods and trinkets galore was now nothing but waste. Old wooden stalls rotting with nails poking out. Dark canopies falling that at one point were pretty reds and blues. It was an eerie place that felt trapped in the past finally being disturbed by the three students.
"Keiko we should go," Aki said sternly. For once she thought she knew what Keiko was finally talking about with energy. The waves of terror and sadness that mixed into the air was paralyzing- they all felt it.
The hairs on their bodies were standing up as hearts began to race thumping in their ribcages, fear was setting in. It was like they were no longer in Tokyo as any remnants of the sky appeared gone. It darkened all around them and then time froze. A high pitched humming met their ears making them slowly turn towards where it was coming from. Without realizing it Keiko went to start walking forwards, until Kaito grabbed her arm and dragged her back.
"We should go," he said, feeling like he instinctively had to make sure the two girls would be okay. They didn't need to be here.
But they couldn't leave. As soon as Kaito wento drag the girls out a piercing shriek sounded out. Keiko let out a blood curdling scream as what she saw disgusted her and made her feet feel frozen. It was about five feet high with maroon skin, almost scale like- until it began to separate into hundreds of little creatures with sharp teeth. It took a grueling step foward, disgustingly swaying with no balance.
"What the fuck is that," Aki gasped, able to take a few steps back, ready to run.
"Fuck," Kaito said, "Fuck yeah oh my god. We need to go now."
"Y-you guys can see it?" Keiko asked with tears at her eyes. Hearing Aki say those and Kaito acknolwedging it- for once she was not alone.
"Wait this is the shit you see?" Aki never realized. Never realized until this terrible moment that her friend had never lied, that when she said she felt scared going out- she had every reason to be.
The monster's steps were slow, but paralyzing. Its noises were nauseating and threw them off by forcing them to grasp their ears in pain, an incessant ringing deeming her almost catatonic. Keiko yelled out in pain as her knees began to wobble. It saw her as the perfect target.
Reaching its arm out straight, multiple red creatures with teeth came flying at Keiko. Aki didn't know what she was doing when she was reacting; she saw danger coming at her friend and she jumped in to help. Pushing her down to the ground and out of the way, Aki's sides were met with a searing hot pain, one that made her gasp as nothing more came out. Blood instantly splattered onto the floor and onto Keiko; whom watched it happen in slow mow, eyes bloodshot with her mouth open yelling her name. "No!" Keiko went to grab her, stop the blood; but, before she could, two hands grabbed her body before the rebound attack could hit her. Kaito. More shrieking left her throat as she watched her two friends, one old and one new, begin to bleed out. Their eyes had rolled up into their head and small black etchings formed on their skin.
Keiko didn't know what to do, so she put herself in between them and the monster. It cocked its head full of little creatures, teeth, and formed its own version of a smile. She was sobbing, begging it to stop, all while knowing they weren't going to make it. They'd sacrificed themselves for her and it would be meaningless. It was all her fault. A searing pain denounced her limbs from the tips of her fingertips to her nervous system. Strange sparks of electricity going through her.
SLASH. Keiko gasped as a flash of color came down diagonally, its silver blade cutting right through the torso. It was a girl. She had a sort of weapon, immediately aimed at it ready to attack again as the creature reformed from the hit.
Before the girl could finish what she was going to say, a boy with platinum blonde hair walked out from one of the vendor stalls. She couldn't see his face, but she could hear "Explode."
From his words, the monster was enlarging like bubbling over boiling water, morphing into disgusting shapes before the whole thing BLEW.
Keiko didn't care about the strangers or the fact they had weapons, or the fact a boy said one word killing the monster. She didn't even care about the fact she was alive for the numbness in her chest made knots tighten inside of her.
Her heart was shattering, aching at the sights of Aki and Kaito. "No, no," she sobbed unrelentlessly, grabbing at them, shaking them, "wake up," she said choking on her tears, "don't do this, I'm so sorry."
Maki and Inumaki hadn't expected there to be people, the veil going up could have been what caused their fate angering the curse. The two sorcerers stood side by side as they watched the scene unraveling before them.
Bubbling deep within Keiko made her feel light. Made her feel a power coursing through her, through all her sorrow and pain. "You can't die!" she proclaimed. With all her might she willed them to be okay. She willed their wounds to heal, for the black marks adorning them to wither, and she begged for the monster on Kaito's shoulders to be gone. With everything in her- she couldn't lose her best friend. She sobbed until nothing came out, snot running down her jaw as a soft glowing light suddenly emitted from her fingers, glowing white. A cascade of light surrounded Aki and Kaito which made their wounds slowly go back to normal and the writings, monster on him disappear. Keiko felt dejected as she watched, as she stared down at her hands having no idea what was happening. It was if her hands weren't her own, fingers shaking as white lines traced her palms.
But then all she saw was darkness.
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spiritsncrystals · 17 days
if ya still doin that ask meme how about miss sherry? :3c
Even if I wasn't I'd still probably jump at a chance to talk about her : D
The french woman of all time!! One of the few in canon Female Turbo Duelists in 5ds!! (And by few, I mean two) she's so cool even with her few counts of breaking and entering like I genuinely enjoy the fact she's a woman with a plan and is willing to go the mile for her goals
Also her bike god her bike's design is so fucking good Storm (as tag force called it I dont exactly remember the name duel links gave it) with the medival horse motif like god it's so unique (Shout out to Mizaguchi too he's a real one for sticking with her for all these years)
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I guess if i had to pinpoint anything it's the fact she was so easily willing to jump ship to Illiaster when Z-ONE gave her the chance to see her parents again because that's clearly more important than the fact a temple is being dropped on a city yet at the same time I get it especially considering they'd literally been murdered when she was like 6 or 7
The suit absolutely! Just like the pairing of the colours because the white and magenta play off each other really well and the darker colours from her shoulder pads and breast protection plate are a good contrast
And her red turtle neck really brings it all together!!
Her eyes are also very pretty
The Illiaster attire is neat too what with the monochromatic palette but I still prefer her original outfit
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There's zero difference for her specifically
Her butler Mizaguchi has his dub name Elsworth but I think I still prefer Mizaguchi
Honestly, as iconic as Sorcerer du Fluer or ZONE are I quite like Horses of the floral Knights one of the few sherry cards i own Irl too
I have to mention my Oc X Canon Ashblossom with my Oc Iari Fudo (If people want to know more about her I can always make an indetail post about her and her relationship with Sherry in the future) for now all I need to say is Them <3 (and that Tag force says their canon/j)
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I also think Rose Knight (Aki Sherry) is pretty neat :))
This really isn't against either her or bruno but shipping them together just doesn't really vibe with me but if anyone does like it fair enough
Honestly I love the episodes she debuts in mostly for the high thrill action like girl shows up on the scene like "yeah there's a bomb in your D-wheel you stop moving its gonna explode" damn
I also like the scene when she's facing Aki n Crow up in the Arc Cradle and whilst hung up in the grip of that one card she's about to loose and she just starts wailing that she wants her parents to hold her and kiss her again just wahhh it tugs
Least favourite I guess the supposed "Death" and meeting Z-ONE. Same reasoning for when I said what I disliked but again I do get it
[Fuck marry or kill]
Your honour, we're already married ✨️
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