#crow x akiza
sorcererkiller · 2 months
"crow sucks because he took aki's place" ok but what if they kissed and fell in love
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unicornblossom13 · 2 months
Akiza: Ever since you joined, you’ve been nothing but selfish and unhelpful! All you care about are your own needs and not Yusei’s!
Jack: What?! [points at her face] Look here, Sugar Queen! I’ve known Yusei a hell of a lot longer than you ever will. So don’t talk to me about what his needs are! [turns and leaves the room]
Akiza: Sugar Queen?! [about to follow him but the door closes harshly] Did you just slam the door in my face?! How can you be so infuriating?! [starts banging the door with her fists, kicking it a few times]
Yusei [watching from the sidelines] : Should we… do something?
Crow: Hey, I’m just enjoying the show.
Yusei [walking over]: Okay, okay, you both need to calm down.
Akiza: Both? I’M COMPLETELY CALM!!!!
Yusei: I can see that…
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animegirl1363 · 1 year
I kind of wish that Crow joined Sherry's side during the duel. Maybe it could have been a mix of both hypnosis and Crow's own free will. Sherry using Crow's kids against him to turn him over to her side would have been fun to see.
Not only would the kids get to be with their parents, but Crow would also get to be with his parents too (also Jack and Yusei too). And that would be what he would fight for. For every one to be with their parents. Even if it means that he won't ever meet his friends.
On Akiza's end of things, it would have been great to see her try and talk Crow back to his senses. We would get to see the fruition of that friendship the two have with each other after they don't interact much after the whole team Catastrophe ordeal.
The two have a back and forth with each other. Crow being resolute that if everyone gets to be happy with their families then destroying the timeline is fine.
And Akiza telling him how she dosen't want to lose all the friends she met. And that Crow should have hope in the future. After all the spirit of freedom and hope is his very soul (yes Akiza doesn't know about the Daedalus Bridge legend. But let's pretend that Crow told her about it at some point in the timeline).
The duel being used to highlight the two's friendship would have been enjoyable to watch. Aki get to have an epic last duel showcasing what she can do.
I kind of sideline Sherry here, but I honestly don't think Crow and Akiza can handle her issues. Crow and Sherry have dead parents so that's something connecting them. But at the end of the day, Crow eventually felt the love of a parent through Martha. Akiza (while complicated) also felt the love of a parent (also her parents are not dead). While Sherry never got that feeling back after her parents died.
There is just nothing connecting Crow and Aki to Sherry. At this point using her as a catalyst for more Crow and Aki interaction would have been better.
This duel could have brought up how Crow feels about his family and wanting to see his real parents. Then him coming to terms that he has a family already. And needs to protect them.
Maybe I am missing something.
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liyawritesss · 1 year
ᴅᴀᴛɪɴɢ ʏᴜꜱᴇɪ ꜰᴜᴅᴏ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇ...
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Pairing: Fudo Yusei(YGO!5DS) x Black!Fem!Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Synopsis: What would it be like to date the Satelite Rising Star, Yusei Fudo?
Warnings: pre + post grand prix headcanons
A/N: Meet my childhood crush, yall.... there is absolutely no demand for this man. Literally none, but its 10pm and i was reminded of my love for this series from going to c2e2 last weekend. So. If I have to reminisce, I'm taking
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Yusei is one of the guys that literally every girl wants; He’s kind, compassionate, and has an unnerving drive for justice and equality for his people.
Yusei is the kind of guy who’s comically nervous about asking someone out
It’s not like he had any examples of healthy romantic relationships, or any relationships at all for that matter, growing up in the Satelite. He was more focused on survival since it was every man for himself in that literal trash heap
He may attempt to reach out to Martha for some advice, but it would not help in the long run considering her views are a bit...outdated.
He’s not going to Crow or Jack, that is out of the question - they can’t even take care of themselves.
The twins’ view on love and relationships is more refreshed for the times but still, with no offense intended, childish
The only person he virtually had left to even think about asking for help was Akiza, who, like in any cliche case, just told him to ‘be himself’
With virtually no other option the boy asked you out for a night-time ride. It was the only ‘romantic’ thing he could come up with, so he was glad that you enjoyed it regardless
Dating Yusei requires lots of patience, not just because he’s always working to upgrade his runner or practice new duel tactics, but because he’s just never done this before.
He’s aro-ace to me, and I think it's further backed by that one episode where Martha tries to set him and Akiza up and he's very much against the idea, because a) the world is quite literally on collapse, and b) he never sees akiza like that. He was indifferent to the idea of love and romance, having been so fixated on survival for all his life, and so he needs time to get used to the idea of caring for someone in more than just a friendly way, and vise versa
He’ll probably gift you with little things you find interest in, like flattering rocks or crystals he just so happens to pass by on his rides - “I saw this crystal-looking thing on my patrol the other night, I thought you might like it.”
Will almost always be looking for you in a crowd if he’s in a duel for encouragement and good luck. Offer him a good luck kiss on his forehead or his deck, it will calm him down (even tho he knows hes gon win regardless) while inadvertently flustering him, but he’ll promise to make the duel quick so as to not worry you
As the years go on, his priorities change. After finding out the truth of his birth parents and what happened in the Ener-D reaction incident, he opts to lay down his deck and take up his fathers unfinished research in Neo-Domino City
He misses his old life and is still in contact with friends like Crow and Jack, and often goes to visit them and you back in the satellite every once in a while
Yusei still takes you on those late night rides, and still does things to show you how much he values your relationship even after years of turmoil and the world literally almost ending like twice
Yusei is probably one of, if not the most genuine people in the world, who wants to see the good in everyone and be the person people can rely on
The one thing Yusei will ever probably ask of you is to help him zone out if he’s overwhelming himself, which he will because he’s a workaholic by blood, and needs a daring little lady to bring him down to a chill level when he’s overworked himself.
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soaringonblackwings · 4 months
Crow x Brave is a rarepair. I don’t care how many works they have on AO3 most of the fics are written by the same people. One of them being me.
Plus there is not a lot of ship art of them either.
Most people ship Crow with Sherry or Akiza or just keep him single (in the style of Ryan from High School Musical.)
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halfamask · 5 months
Akiza who blushes when Sherry flirts with her once and then goes on a date with Yusei to learn to skate and ride a motorcycle and then her red turbo dueling catsuit???
Bisexual Akiza is my new fav ahhhhh
Yusei x Akiza bc you know his thing, whatever it is, with Jack and Crow is very open. And it’s not like Jack “I don’t have time for your stupid feeling talks” Atlas and Crow “I have too much love to give out” Hogan particularly mind bc 1) they for sure have other partners and 2) They love Akiza (platonically but anyways) and 3) their bond with Yusei is different than his with Akiza and they get how different types of bonds can be powerful in their own ways
Akiza x Sherry bc they bond over being woman turbo duelists in a very testosterone heavy world and then eventually hang out and meet for lunch and hang out for so long they do dinner and then drinks after and Sherry is just so flirty and every time she sees Akiza’s blush she wants to see how far down it goes.
Akiza x Yusei that’s playful and focused on each other, going on fun dates and turbo dueling and just getting each other so innately. Akiza x Yusei that’s full of him calling her beautiful because he legitimately can’t comprehend how such beauty is allowed to exist in one person. Friends to lovers Akiza x Yusei that can be serious and deep with each other and understand each other through duels and sit on bridges at late hours and talk about everything or talk about nothing and relish each other’s presence.
Akiza x Sherry that is bold and brash and playful, who challenge each other constantly. Whose banter is never ending and who will tease each other to get them to do things the other one wants. Akiza x Sherry who take the dueling world by storm and hold their ground for each other and for all future female duelists, who are relentless and passionate about everything in their lives including each other
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cyberdragoninfinity · 7 months
Kiryu + 15, 16, 17?
15. What’s your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn’t matter if it’s canon or not.)
THE BASIC BITCH ANSWER but i do like treason/yusei x kalin, it doesnt make my head explode like some of the ships i like too but it's just nice. ship with a lot of potential for healing. 'you should just give up on me' x ' i am not going to do that.' always gets me good. it even had cowboy motifs!! (automatic +5 ship boost)
16. What’s your least favorite ship for this character?
hm. im not sure if i actually have a kalin ship i dont particularly like? idk.. like. to pick something, kalin/trudge is kind of cringe as a concept..... why would you ship him with a cop lol a little bit "he would not fucking say that." "he would not fucking date that."
17. What’s a ship for this character you don’t hate but it’s not your favorite that you’re fine with?
HM kalin/jack and kalin/crow are find.... i think i like kalin/akiza more actually. but all of those are '*thumbs up*' theyre a-ok!
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My Opinions on Every 5Ds Ship
Cuz I did this for VRAINS a while ago and today I thought “which other Yugioh shows do I have strong takes on the ships?” And so I settled on 5Ds because really, when do I not have a strong take on 5Ds? I’m excluding any ship with Leo and Luna by the way, they are too young to ship. If I miss any others, which is very possible, don’t hesitate to let me know. Finally, dub names. Because I enjoyed 5Ds primarily in dub so deal with it.
Alteregoshipping (Antinomy x Bruno)
I don’t understand shipping someone with themself, I think I made that clear in the VRAINS list. So again: “what? No.”
Androidshipping (Antinomy x Primo)
This is going to go for any other ships of this type but Primo is only one third of an interesting character and thus shipping him is odd to me. Plus the bulk of his appearances were in WRGP and the less I remember about that arc the better. This ship is another L.
AZshipping (Antinomy x Z-One)
Now this just sounds like Toolshipping but with extra steps. Well, I like Toolshipping, and I like robots, so I’d take this one if it were served to me. So it’s a yes.
Bigbirdshiping/Novashipping (Carly x Kalin)
I’ve encountered this ship before and I didn’t really get why it was a thing. I guess they were both Dark Signers and could share that survivors’ guilt/trauma. If Carly were to remember that is and I suppose it could be a decent “sunshine one lifts up the grumpy one” dynamic but… I already got that dynamic from Jack/Carly in the actual show. Why change perfection? *glares at post Dark Signers* Am I right? Okay ship I suppose, there’s potential, it just wouldn’t be my go to.
Bluebirdshipping (Crow x Bruno)
Gosh this ship name is so cute. I don’t remember any of their interactions but it’s a decent idea. Soft maybe on this one, I’d have to see it in action.
Blueroseshipping (Akiza x Bruno)
This wasn’t on the list but I’ve seen fanart of it and… yeah they didn’t interact much in canon (if at all in a substantial way) but I really enjoy the idea of this soft boy/tough girl dynamic. Maybe I’m projecting, but I like the idea of this ship. Not one I’d actively go for when I have options I prefer but it's a cute idea with cute fanart.
Boostershipping (Yusei x Rally)
Was I just weird for interpreting Rally as way younger than Yusei? Like a little brother figure? That’s how I always saw their relationship. So this ship is a no. They might actually be closer in age, anime ages are weird, but I can’t really get into this ship.
Brightshipping (Yusei x Akiza x Crow)
I’ll get to all these individual ships later but for now I’ll say, I like this as a vee because two of the pairs here are great and the other doesn’t appeal to me.
Careshipping (Jack x Mina)
I have several problems with this one. Mina worships the ground Jack walks on, which just isn’t a healthy way to feel about someone, and she’s… not his boss but it feels like she has too much power over him in the workplace, at least in the first two arcs and she seems older than him too so there’s just… too much of a power imbalance here, at least the way interpreted it. Plus I just… don’t really like Mina that much, sorry. So the ship is a no.
Chevaliershipping (Yusei x Sherry)
Meh. I don’t care. Not surprised this exists but I have no opinion on it whatsoever. It’s there.
Cupramenshipping (Lazar x Jack)
…these ship names are killing me. I can tell this is a crack ship and as a crack ship, it’s fantastic and hilarious. I want more of these idiots drooling over noodles together. This doesn’t work as a legit ship, Lazar is way too old for him, so logically, it’s a no. I just think it’s funny as shit.
Disdianshipping (Lester x Primo)
Th-they both make up- that’s Apori- I don’t- why-
Faithshipping (Yusei x Akiza)
I mean… I’ve talked about this one quite a bit already. It’s one of only two protag/lead girl ships I like (the other being Fruitshipping). I love the way Yusei supports her throughout the show. I love their little moments together, especially the scene where he comforts her after she finds out the truth about the Arcadia movement and all their moments in the godsend of an episode where Akiza learns to turbo duel. All the guys are really supportive of her but Yusei took it a step further. I love love love the rollerskates scene. He’s teasing but still supportive and sweet the whole time, and his unwavering belief in her abilities was just so damn sweet. it’s just a sweet ship. A bit vanilla I suppose but vanilla can be great with the right toppings and these two are topped with a lot of sweetness that I enjoy.
Firebirdshipping (Akiza x Crow)
And I also enjoy this! I thought their canon friendship in the show was really sweet. They always seem to lift each other up when they’re given chances to interact, I especially always loved the bit where Crow was initially jealous of Akiza when she took his spot on the team but after spending some time training with her, he realises he’s not really mad at her and switches to supporting her instead. Their moments in WRGP and Ark Cradle also contributed to this friendship standing out to me and after writing that one-shot about them reconnecting post series, I grew to enjoy the relationship as a romantic one. But don’t ask me to choose between it and Faith. I don’t wanna get involved in that ship war, they’re both about even for me.
Flowershipping (Akiza x Mina)
I couldn’t determine that this was a real ship but my opinion on it is pretty short and underwhelming: no because Akiza is one of my favourite characters of all time and deserves better than Mina. I don't dislike Mina but I don't care for her either.
Isolationshipping (Akiza x Misty)
“I don’t know your brother!” “You’re a liar and a murderer!” Are the only things I can remember these two saying to each other so I can’t really see it working out. Soft nah, not my thing.
Justiceshipping (Jack x Kaz)
I cannot remember who Kaz is, I’m not gonna lie. Even looking at pictures of him did nothing to jog my memory. Pre-WRGP and especially WRGP are such a blur for me so I have no opinion on this ship.
Kingcrabshipping (Jack x Yusei)
Normally I enjoy the protag/rival ships but… these characters are more like brothers so this ship is a no.
Kingshipping/Petshipping (Jack x Goodwin)
Ew ew ew ew ew ew no no no no no bad gross don’t like it. Kill it with fire.
Kizunashipping (Crow x Jack x Yusei)
Again, I see these three as adopted brothers of sorts, like Loki and Thor. Sure they’re not blood related but their relationship is more familial. Any one of these characters with Kalin would be a better option.
Leadershipping (Jack x Kalin x Yusei)
Yeah, there ya go. Stick a white-haired psycho twink in the middle of the two brothers and I can get behind it as a vee.
Yeah for some reason I didn’t interpret Kalin as a brother to them, maybe because he never really had the mother/son connection with Martha that the other three do and we learned he existed at kind of an odd time.
Markedshiping (Crow x Yusei)
Aaaand back to two brothers. I do not ship the brothers, they are all Martha’s kids.
Omenshipping (Carly x Misty)
Honestly, before Jack swooped Carly off her feet and I got incredibly invested in that ship, I did have my eyes on Carly/Misty and on rewatches of Dark Signers… yeah, I wish they’d gotten to interact more, especially post Dark Signers. They clicked pretty well and the way Misty comforted her when she found out she was a Dark Signer was one of the few non Jack vs Carly scenes in the sub that actually stuck with me (the dub version of the scene was just kind of okay by comparison). It’s a decent ship, I like it.
Psychicshipping (Sayer x Akiza)
Ew gross oh god no get away from Akiza you freaking creep she is a minor what the fuck-
Punchshipping (Bruno x Jack)
Like Crow/Bruno, I’ve never really thought of this one though I feel like these two wouldn’t get along as well. Jack seemed pretty jealous/aggressive toward Bruno, at least when he first became a part of the crew. Could be an okay 'enemies to lovers' ship I guess but eh. Not my thing.
Ravenknightshipping (Crow x Sherry)
Okay so this one wasn’t on the masterlist I got but it is a ship I know exists so I wanted to talk about it. I’ll admit this ship did feel a bit… obligatory at first glance, like it only exists because “Yusei and Jack have girlfriends, Crow needs one too! So let’s ship him with this single girl!” But after seeing the Crow and Akiza vs Sherry duel, I did actually enjoy their interactions and can get behind this ship.
Regentshipping (Jack x Kalin)
Kalin with any of the Enforcers is a win. All these ships got the history and the bond and the chemistry and some damn good angst to back them up. And Jack can literally sweep Kalin off his feet. So I may not actively ship this one but if I see content of it, it gets a like from me.
Retributionshipping/Scoopshipping (Jack x Carly)
So according to the masterlist I’m using, “Retributionshipping” specifically refers to Dark Signer Carly while “Scoopshipping” is normal Carly and while I can understand these being separate in Duel Links or something, Dark Signer Carly in my mind isn’t really her own character, she’s Carly who’s been taken over by a dark force. Still Carly deep down just doesn’t always behave like herself. So these are the same ship to me and I don't feel like splitting them up. It’s also my favourite ship in 5Ds. I love them but to summarise, Jack and Carly’s relationship was the only plotpoint I cared about from beginning to end when I first watched 5Ds in sub (the dub added a lot more life to the show for me and I prefer it overall). I found their first meeting endearing and seeing them interact always put a smile on my face. Their relationship really changed both characters for the better and the payoff was legendary. Dub or sub, I always get teary eyed when I watch Jack’s attempted sacrifice and Carly dying in his arms. As much as Post Dark Signers retconning their relationship upset me, I will always look back fondly on Jack and Carly’s relationship in Dark Signers.
Reverseshipping (Crow x Kalin)
Again, Kalin with any of the Enforcers is a win and these two can bond over both having gone through prison and getting those markers. Also, Crow was always my favourite of the trio of brothers so this one is above Jack/Kalin in my mind for that reason alone. And yet… it’s still not my favourite Kalin ship.
Roseknightshipping (Sherry x Akiza)
I like the one little moment they share after Sherry’s duel with Yusei and Sherry being Akiza’s inspiration to start turbo duelling is definitely a great foundation. I would’ve liked more moments between them to back it up (before Ark Cradle) but it’s a fun ship.
Also, I’ve looked ahead and Akiza/Crow/Sherry doesn’t seem to be a ship (or at least not one with an official name) which is a shame because I actually really like the idea of them as a throupple, especially if it starts as Akiza and Crow inducting a shy confused Sherry into their relationship. Hehe, wink wink nudge nudge.
Ruinshipping (Akiza x Jack)
Honestly, all of Team 5Ds have such amazing chemistry that I can see any of the (OF AGE) characters being shipped. Out of the (OF AGE) ships in the group, this is probably the least appealing to me as they seem a little too similar but their memorable interactions in canon, Jack saving her from the crumbling building in Dark Signers (despite barely knowing her at the time), and Jack beating up the guys who tried to sabotage her Turbo duel against Trudge, are enough to make me believe these two are friends and with the right writing, could be more.
Sadistshipping (Mina x Goodwin)
Bleh, no. He’s too old for her. Granted, I did say I interpreted Mina as too old for Jack so like… in her twenties but… come on, a twenty year old dating someone with gray hair is weird, it’s just blatantly weird.
Satisfactionshipping (Crow x Kalin x Jack x Yusei)
Love the ship name, but I don’t like shipping the brothers with each other. If it’s just the three of them dating Kalin in a weird vee, then I can get behind it but as a… four person throupple (apparently it can be called a quad or a foursome) doesn’t work for me.
Squabbleshipping (Jack x Crow)
Nope, don’t ship the brothers and these two in particular are extremely dysfunctional.
Toolshipping (Yusei x Bruno)
If you kept up with my sporadic and polarised 5Ds liveblogs, you know I enjoy this ship. They clicked fast and Bruno sacrificing himself for Yusei, while not Jack/Carly levels of sadness, was still very moving and tragic. Ark Cradle really was such a breath of fresh air. And I like this ship.
Treasonshipping (Kalin x Yusei)
This one’s my favourite Kalin ship, no question. I love their duels in Dark Signers, I love how Yusei never stopped believing in him, I love the homie embrace in front of the rainbow, and my god did I have fun with Crashtown largely due to their gay as hell interactions and Kalin’s characterization. Just a great ship overall.
Trickstarshipping (Crow x Brave)
Not gonna lie, when I saw that ship name I expected some crossover ship involving Blue Angel. How did this ship get its name? I must know. I’m guessing Brave was the one who used the Loki card so the Trickstar association makes sense but where did the star part come from? Tell me please!
Anyways, I hated WRGP with a passion so Team Ragnarok, while mildly interesting due to their associations with Norse Mythology, never stuck out to me so I don’t remember any of these two’s interactions. Assuming they duelled but honestly for most of this arc my eyes were rolled to the back of my head just waiting for it to end so I can’t get into this ship.
Troolshipping (Bruno x Kalin x Yusei)
Okay so I couldn’t confirm this as a real ship but honestly, even if this ship name isn’t official, I love it. And I love this as a throupple. After all, why have Kalin and Bruno fight for Yusei’s hand in marriage when he has two hands?
Violetfrareshipping (Dragan x Jack)
Same as Trickstar. I can’t bring myself to care about WRGP or Team Ragnarok.
And that's all the official ships I found that have at least one post here on Tumblr. I think. 5Ds had a lot more ships than VRAINS did so it's possible I missed some apart from the ones I intentionally ignored. And yet throughout my digging, I did not find a ship name for Trudge and Mina. I’m a little iffy on that ship myself but they really do have good chemistry and some fun interactions. I’m genuinely shocked there isn’t a ship name for them but okay, I guess. Hope y'all liked my pointlessly long post.
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the-kings-of-games · 2 years
What’s your thoughts on the Aki x Yusei pairing? Or rather, their interactions in the series?
Faith—Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it?
I unfortunately don't find Akiza's and Yūsei's relationship that interesting I guess. 🤔 I never drove that deep into Akiza as a character and tend to use her in my writing in the background or support, so I never developed anything with her besides maybe being friends with Crow and Jack in her own way, lmao. But not Yūsei, who I also have the most difficulty writing out of the three boys.
I guess I have a hard time imagining Akiza and Yūsei doing things together, though that "date" episode provided great material. To me, Yūsei's mind is always wandering, code and engineering the bricks of the road to the future, and Akiza is always trailing after him from afar. Honestly, it's not a bad dynamic, but it's ultimately missing key components that I need to enjoy said dynamic, lmao.
Also, I had this one experience with a shipper that really rubbed me the wrong way, and the association persist.
What would have made you like it?
Nothing as far as I know. 030 I wasn't even shipping Faith before seeing Crow; I was shipping Kingcrab from the start, lmao. I love childhood friends who also antagonistuc and contrasting, so anything else would've dust in its wind. (EXCEPT for Kizuna, lol. It got better actually.) Even as Akiza's and Yūsei's friendship grows, Faith strings not a tune for me.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
It's a cute ship, and I appreciates all the art and fics people have made for them. ^^ And if it counts, I don't mind Faith (usually in the context of Kizuna)—as I said before, I crackship if it's horny or funny enough, lmao, but I can definitely see Yūsei genuinely loving Akiza in that way. (It's just that for me, it doesn't work out because they want and expect different things from a romantic relationship. I actually wrote a fic about it, lolololololol. Bittersweet ending.
Thanks for asking, @ctaylor108!
Send me a ship and I’ll answer three questions based on if I ship it or not.
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vegetafan72 · 3 years
Valentine Fandom Ask Meme #9
Fandom used this round: Yu-Gi-OH 5Ds
I could potentially add all of Yugioh, but I don't feel that's fair since I haven't finished DM or Zexal yet, am currently still watching Arc-V, and haven't started Vrains. (Not sure if I'll watch Sevens and I refuse to watch GX except maybe the last arc where I hear it gets serious)
Also SPOILERS for the entire show! SPOILERS
Your favourite non-canon ship?
Probably Ushio/ Trudge x Mikage/ Mina. I like the cops together; its cute and a better relationship for Mikage.
Is there a ship you didn’t like at first but ultimately started shipping?
Ya know, now that I think about it, I never really liked the Yusei x Kiryu/ Kalin ship, but I'm not so against it now that I reflect on it. Its got some good angst in it, I tell you what. And it feels more likely and interesting than Yusei x Bruno (which I still don't ship).
What is the rarest rare pair (that you ship)?
I'd guess it would be either Yusei x Sherry or Crow x Aki.
For Yusei x Sherry, it seemed pretty heavily implied that Sherry had a little bit of a thing for him. When she thinks of turbo dueling connecting their hearts, she imagines the two of them naked. Yeah, it might just be a metaphor, but she's still picturing him with no clothes. Sherry also seems quite focused on Yusei and, if I remember correctly, part of the reason she sided with Z-One at the end was to prevent Yusei's prophesied death. I'm not sure if its an unrequited crush that is canon or not or if its rare, but I don't see a lot of people talking about it.
For Crow x Aki, I do like them mostly as friends and definitely prefer Aki with Yusei, but I do think Crow and Aki have the foundation to become a good couple. But I think I've only ever seen one fanfic that had them as a ship, so I'm assuming its not very popular.
Name a popular ship you don’t get the appeal of.
Any variation of Yusei and/or Jack and/or Crow so Kizunashipping, Kingcrabshipping, etc. They were raised together as foster brothers so I see them in a sibling dynamic and I adore that brotherly bond for them. There's nothing wrong with shipping them together though since they aren't actually related, so for those who like those ships, go ahead and enjoy them. They're just not my cup of tea.
What is your most fluffy + happy ship?
... All of them have angst... It's kinda impossible to not have angst in 5Ds since it was a pretty serious Yugioh series. I guess Crow x Aki would have the least angst, at least involving them together as a couple.
What is your most angsty ship?
Probably, Jack x Carly for obvious reasons. Carly literally got murdered, Jack agonized over not knowing what exactly happened to her, he finds out she's his enemy, has to duel her and attempts to die with her, has her die in his arms, and admits multiple times that she was the woman he loved, even having that be a big part of his speech in the final duel against Godwin.
And then the next arc they acted like none of that happened which is angst inflicted personally to us through bad writing, not from something that was part of a realistic flow in the story for the characters.
A non-canon ship that should be canon?
Hmmm, I don't think there's anything I ship that I think should be canon. The only thing I can think of is Ushio x Mikage, but Ushio did have a canon one-sided crush on Mikage so its technically not non-canon.
Your oldest ship; the one you’ve shipped for the longest time?
I knew about Yusei x Aki and Jack x Carly for a long time before I really watched the show and I thought they were pretty cute without having much context, so I guess they count.
What ship represents the kind of relationship you’d love to have?
Yusei x Aki. They both have done their best to help each other and they have such a great level of trust too. I feel like at the very end, in that famous goodbye scene, they are so in sync that they don't even need words to express how they feel. I want that level of familiarity and relaxed coexistence.
Is there a ship that makes your skin crawl?
Lua/ Leo x Luca/ Luna. Literally, they are twins, not to mention little kids. I do get that they are super latched on to each other and I've been weirded out by Lua blushing at Luca at least once, but still, come on guys. Its just gross.
What is a character you can only imagine in one particular ship?
Well, the only canon character I ship with Crow is Aki, but I do ship him with an OC I made in the 3DS game, Over the Nexus. So instead I'll say I can only see Ushio and Mikage with each other. Ushio really doesn't have any other options and I don't ship Mikage with Jack, who would be her only other option.
What is your favourite canon ship?
Hnnnn, that's tough because both Yusei x Aki and Jack x Carly are amazing. Hmmm, if I absolutely had to pick one... UGH. I CAN'T. Seriously, I can not do it. I love Yusei and Aki for their support and trust in the other, but then I love Jack and Carly's cute dynamic of big, intimidating guy loves goofy, ball of sunshine girl. Both? Both. Both is good.
Name a ship that deserved more content.
Actually, I think I might have to say Ushio x Mikage here. I really liked the idea of them getting together, but the idea gets sort of dropped after Ushio overhears her trying to confess her feelings to Jack. Maybe it got mentioned or alluded to once or twice after that, but eventually it just disappeared. I also haven't seen any fanart, fanfics, or anyone even talking about them that much. I think they could have made a great background couple and deserve more content.
Is there a ship you feel gets undeserved hate in fandom?
I've seen some hate for Jack x Mikage. I don't even ship it, but I think its hated a little too intensely by some people. It is unhealthy maybe on Mikage's side, but you could easily spin it to not be. I don't think its that bad, its just not for me.
What is the first ship you had?
Again, I knew about Yusei x Aki and Jack x Carly beforehand. I probably shipped Yusei x Aki first.
Is there a ship that made you realize something about yourself?
Is there a type of ship you always go for?
Just whatever strikes a cord with me I guess.
Is there a ship the writers have ruined for you?
Freaking Jack x Carly. Don't get me wrong, I still ship it, but the writers just acting like none of their development happened was stupid, poorly handled, and honestly insulting.
Is there a ship the fandom has ruined for you?
Maybe Crow x Sherry. I saw people talking that one up like crazy, but they didn't even interact till the very end and, even then, I didn't think it was anything ship worthy. I mean, she tried to use his kids against him. Crow had more chemistry with Aki in that duel than he did with Sherry. I just don't get it.
Have you ever created fan created content for a ship?
I tried writing a Jack x Carly fic, but I got kinda stuck and wrote other non-ship stuff involving Jack instead. I might go back to that old fic again, but I also have a new idea for a story with them. I may just do both. I also want to do something with Yusei and Aki and Crow and my OC at some point, I just need to come up with something I feel like I can write for them.
I've also drawn Crow with the OC, but only once and was just a doodle to see if I could draw them decently.
Favourite thing you’ve ever created for a ship?
Well, the only thing I've properly created was a doodle so I have to say that by default. Although, I was pretty satisfied with it. lol
Is there a ship you’ll never admit you have?
I... sort of ship Crow with myself. I know I ship him with my OC, but she's not really me; she's her own person. I have a lot of self-ships and I'm always embarrassed to admit to them, but I still do. I can't help falling in love with Crow. You can't blame me; he's absolutely adorable.
Have you ever started shipping a ship because of the fans?
I started shipping Yusei x Aki and Jack x Carly a little bit before I started watching the show because of fans praising them so yes.
What is one scene you want to see happen for all your ships?
Well, obviously they need to get to married and have children and live happy lives together. That's the best happy ending for couples.
Is there a ship you wish you didn’t know existed?
Lua x Luca. Because ew. That and Divine/ Sayer x Aki. I don't know if anyone legit ships that but I have seen it in tags for fics and it disgusts me. I hope its only shown to be a bad thing because that is certainly not a healthy relationship.
Name a ship that ended like you wanted it to.
Yusei x Aki. Yep, I actually liked that last scene between them. I think it conveyed that they clearly loved each other without them having to say it aloud. Words weren't needed. I think its safe to say they got together at some point.
Name a ship that deserved better in the end.
Oh, Jack x Carly! There's no other ship to put here. The writers did them so dirty. He just left her behind with the other two fangirls because 'women are a distraction' and she was just going to wait for him to come back? Dark Signer Arc Jack would never leave her behind. She's 'the woman he loves', REMEMBER WRITERS?! REMEMBER WHEN HE SAID THAT?!
Anyway, I'm freaking salty as hell.
Is there a character you have several ships for?
Aki I ship with Yusei, Sherry, and Crow.
I guess Crow is tied with her because I ship him with her, my OC, and myself.
What is the ship you ignore 98% of canon for?
I mean, all us Scoopshippers ignore the WRGP because of Jack x Carly sucking. I actually don't hate that whole arc, but it definitely has a lot of problems. The biggest one is Jack x Carly just suddenly not being a thing.
Is there a ship you like but you dislike the fandom?
I guess I get a little annoyed with Faithshippers complaining about Yusei and Aki not confessing their feelings at the end (because they didn't need to say it ya'll. They knew), but I don't dislike the whole fandom for that.
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Crow and Akiza are bi4bi
also Crow is trans
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satellite-trash · 4 years
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Happy valentines day, fellow singles :’’’’’’)  its ok, here are the 5ds boys with their true loves <3  
(jack x ramen and Yusei x his bike are CANON dont fight it this is true love) 
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pa3-art · 4 years
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“A few friends needed a model for class and drafted me lol. How do I look?”
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“Study time at the library! Wish you were here, you would love it! ❤️ The facilities are amazing!”
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I just.... really like Faithshipping....
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fairknights · 4 years
Can you please do yugioh 5ds gang with a kuudere s/o, person who is usually quiet, calm and emotionless, but gets flustered easily when they hold hands or kiss them?
Yup yup, sounds like a cute concept ^^
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s
Kuudere S/O who gets flustered in romantic situations
Yusei Fudo:
Yusei’s a bit stoic himself, so I think he’d get along with a quiet, kuudere person. He understands that it’s not that his s/o doesn’t have any emotions, it’s just that they don’t like to, or don’t know how to, show their feelings. If his s/o prefers quiet time he’s happy to just be by them, and if they want a quiet conversation he’s there for them too.
The first time his s/o got flustered, he was a bit surprised. They don’t often show a softer side of themselves so he’s not used to it. Actually, seeing them flustered makes him blush a little himself. He takes it pretty calmly, though. He’d try to calm his s/o down and make them feel comfortable.
If they like holding hands he’ll help them get used to it. Holding hands is the most he’ll ever go in public, if his s/o is okay with it and doesn’t get too embarrassed.
Jack Atlas:
He’s pretty chill with his s/o, they’re like the least annoying person in his life to be honest ^^;. He likes being around calm people, they help to keep him leveled too. He’s usually got two modes anyway, stoic and quiet or angry and shouty (usually during duels and whatnot). With his s/o being so quiet and calm, he’d be able to chill with them too.
When his s/o gets flustered, he at first was confused about it. He’s never seen this side of his s/o before. Huh. He kinda gets an ego boost from it, though. He did that; he makes this usually quiet and calm person this blushy, flustered mess. He’s got this little smirk on his face as he leans in to his s/o, watching them start to blush immediately...
Jack finds that he’s a bit of a tease with his s/o, because he adores seeing them get so flustered. He thinks it’s the cutest thing. Not that he’d admit that out loud.
Aki Izayoi (Akiza Izinski):
Her quiet, calm s/o is great for her. She’s generally a quiet person herself, so she gets on great with someone who is quiet as well. She’s got a bit of a fiery side though, of course, so her calm s/o might be the one to make more rational decisions under pressure. She likes that they keep her grounded, and she’s very protective of her s/o.
She gets flustered in romantic situations herself, so her s/o getting blushy and flustered will likely only fuel her own nerves. She laughs it off though, finding it funny that they’re so similar in that regard. She and her s/o would probably fumble quite a bit at the start of the relationship, both parties easily embarrassed and awkward.
She thinks her s/o’s flustered face is so so cute though. It makes her blush even more herself ^^;
Crow Hogan:
He’s generally a chill person, so one might think his s/o is an uptight person who doesn’t seem to match with him, but that’s really not the case. His s/o being quiet and calm and generally not showing their feelings doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a stiff person. He’d be a good match with a calm, quiet person because despite his generally boisterous nature, he’s a surprisingly rational person. Even if they’re not similar in manner, Crow can get along with most anyone. He finds his s/o’s manner calming and easy to relax around. His s/o might find his relaxed manner calming to be around as well.
When his s/o first gets all flustered, he finds himself grinning about it. He’s never seen them like this before, he can’t help it. It’s cute. He’s like “Oh? You’re blushing? Do I make you nervous?” He’d definitely tease them about it a good deal; he loves their flustered reactions.
He doesn’t want to make his s/o feel uncomfortable, of course. So he tones it down if they ask him to. Still, he adores seeing his usually calm s/o blush.
He’s quite similar to his s/o, calm and quiet. He’d get along with them great, sharing interests and just chilling with them, enjoying each others’ company. He could sit with them quietly, reading or doing whatever interests both him and his s/o. Or talk with them alone for hours, depending on his s/o. He feels like he can be a bit of a motor mouth when it comes to topics that interest him, so if his s/o enjoys listening to him he’d be grateful.
When he first sees his s/o get flustered, he’s totally flustered himself. Did he do something wrong? Offend them somehow? He’s never seen them get like this, so he doesn’t know what to do. He’s exactly the same as his s/o; easily flustered when it comes to just hand holding, and especially things like kissing.
After some time, he’d calm down and get used to the embarrassment from both himself and his s/o. He does think it’s cute that his usually stoic s/o can get so flustered because of him. But he wants his s/o to be relaxed, because he knows what it’s like to get so flustered.
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yoshinorecommends · 4 years
Q - # Fandoms & Characters Masterlist
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Queen's Gambit
Ready or Not
Records of Ragnorok
Red Dead Redemption
Red Queen
Remarried Empress
Resident Evil
Rick and Morty
Riot Club
Rise of the Guardians
Rock ‘n’ Roll High School
Rooster Teeth
Fake Achievement Hunter Crew
Roswell New Mexico
Sakamoto Days
Sally Face
Santa Clarita Diet
Santa Clause
Saturday Night Live
Saved By The Bell
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
School Spirits
SCP Foundation
Scream (TV)
Scream Queens
School Ties
Sea Beast
Set It Up
Sex Education
Shadow and Bone 
She Ra
Shugo Chara
Silence of the Lambs
Silent Hill
Sixteen Candles
Sky High
Slumber Party Massacre
Squid Game
Solo Leveling
Sound of Music
South Park
Spirited Away
Spy x Family
Stand and Deliver
Stand By Me
Star Trek
Star vs the Forces of Evil
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Bodhi Rook
Cassian Andor
Han Solo
Kylo Ren
Leia Organa
Luke Skywalker
Obi Wan Kenobi
Poe Dameron
Stardew Valley
Steven Universe
Stranger Things
Street Fighter
Summer I Turned Pretty
Sweet Home
Tears of Themis
Ted Lasso
Teen Wolf
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
That's Not My Neighbor
The Bikeriders
The Man Who Saved Me On My Isekai Trip Is A Killer
The Villainess is a Marionette
The Villainess Turns the Hourglass
The Way to Protect the Female Lead's Older Brother
The Youngest Princess
Throne of Glass
To All The Boys I've Loved Before
Tokyo Ghoul
Tokyo Revengers
Top Gun
Total Drama
Tricked into Becoming the Heroine's Stepmother
Triple Frontier
Truman Show
Twin Peaks
Twisted Wonderland
Umbrella Academy
Allison Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Vanya Hargreeves
Undead Unluck
Under the Oak Tree
Until Dawn
Uta no Prince sama
V for Vendetta
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
Vampire Academy
Vampire Diaries
Vanishing on 7th Street
Velvet Buzzsaw
Vlog Squad
Walking Dead
Warm Bodies
Watch Dogs
Watching the Detectives
Wayne’s World
We Need To Talk About Kevin
Welcome Home
Welcome to Night Vale
West Side Story
What in Hell is Bad
What We Do In The Shadows
Who Made Me a Princess
Whisper of the Heart
Winx Club
Wizards of Waverly Place
Wolf Among Us
Your Boyfriend
Your Throne
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s
Akiza Izinski
Crow Hogan
Jack Atlas
Yusei Fudo
Yuri on Ice
Z Nation
Zoey 101
10 Things I Hate About You
13 Ghosts
13 Going On 30
13 Reasons Why
21 Chump Street
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alia-turin · 6 years
I saw requests were open! Could you do a one shot fic of Libertus with a female reader/oc. The reader being a more submissive person. Like someone who is small and cute that you would never expect him to be with...but they are lol. Props if she’s good friends with the other glaives as well ;)
You have no idea for how long I have been wanting a Libertus fic, but somehow I never get to write one. That request pushed me into doing it (in a good way push) and thank you for that. In fact I might even write a part two of it once I am done with the other requests. 
Also if you guys are waiting for me to complete your request, I am working on them! I just tackle them on first come, first served basis so depending when you submitted, it might take some time. Thank you for being patient. 
If anyone wants to be tagged on future fics, please message me! If I had forgotten to tag you, please message me.
Fic Title: The ExamRating/Warnings: G (couple of mild swear words here and there) Pairing: Libertus x ReaderSummary: Reader has crush on Libertus for some time, but is too shy to admit it. Crowe comes to the rescue.  Notes: That was really cute to write and once again I am grateful for that request. There might be part 2 (I said as I looked at my to write list and sobbed)
If you feel like supporting this writer consider buying me a coffee: Ko-Fi 
Tagging: @birdsandivory @jojopitcher @lazarustrashpit @yourcoolfriendwithallthecandy @kairakara101 @ladychocoberry @theyearofdiamonddogs @akiza-hades-rose
You loved your job. Ever since you were a kid you wanted tobe a nurse and now your dream has come true. You were lucky enough to work inthe royal hospital where you felt you could make a real difference. All of the Crownsguardand Kingsglaive were coming here for check-ups, after missions debriefs and forserious injuries. It was a tough job but you felt like you could make adifference. You wanted to help your city and your kingdom, but you were neverthe soldierly type. You could work twelve jour shifts or more but youabsolutely didn’t see yourself being on the battlefield fighting demons. Itwasn’t that you were afraid, although you have never seen a demon up close somaybe it was that, but you just lacked the skills and determination. Medicalwork…that was something different.
Every day in the hospital was different. Some were a bitless busy and some were so busy that you were falling asleep on your homeafterwards. Today was probably one of your favourite days, it was the Glaive’s annualcheck up time, a formality that had to be done every year. You liked that timebecause it didn’t involve anyone being in pain and you could have enough timeto chat with your friends amongst the Glaives which was a rare commodity. Yourjob and theirs didn’t exactly match well for hang out time.
“Hey girl!” Crowe walked into the office you were using and saton the chair across of yours. “Haven’t seen you in like forever.”
“I can say the same.” You smiled and opened the folder infront of you. “Anything I should know about?”
“Down to business, are we?” she winked at you and continued.“No, nothing I can think of.”
“That’s good news.” You pointed to the eye examination boardbehind you. “Read the third line left to right.”
She did it. No mistakes, didn’t even hesitate. You proceededwith the rest of the exams, everything was perfect.
“So, guess who is next.” Crowe gave you a big grin as shewas putting her top on. At first you didn’t get what she was saying but thenyou looked at the next folder.
“Oh shit! I forgot to pass him to someone else.” You saidout loud even if you didn’t want to. Crowe gave you a curious look. “Every timehe happens to be in my pile or comes here I usually switch with a colleague.She passes me that redhead with the big mouth because he doesn’t leave her aloneand we are good. I forgot to give her the file this time…” you started to panicthat wasn’t good.
“Wait, I thought you liked Lib, why would you want to avoid him?Did something happen? Because if he did something I will kick his ass right nowand he will need medical attention.” Crowe was dead serious and you weregrateful for her words but it wasn’t that.
“No, it’s just…” you could feel yourself blushing, you werenever good at that. “I do like him. That is the problem.”
“How is that a problem? Some hospital policy?” Crowe walked closerto you.
“No…” You couldn’t see it but you could swear you wereturning very red. “I just…can’t talk to him. Like…I’m afraid I will saysomething stupid and he will think I am an idiot. Plus, he would never likesomeone like me.”
“What does ‘someone like me’ even mean?” Crowe soundedangry, but not as if she was starting a fight, the way friends get angry whenyou say something stupid. “Girl, you are cute and pretty and smart, if anythinghe should be intimidated by you. You want me to stay here when you check onhim?”
“Well, it’s not proper I mean…it’s medical examination it’spersonal.” You objected but at the back of your head you were more than willingto ask Crowe to do the examination so you were as far as possible from Libertusand don’t have to make an eye contact, not even to mention speaking.
“Okay fine, I will stay here, will ask Nyx to join us as well.”Crowe didn’t even wait for you to respond and went out to call the two guys in.You were grateful, you couldn’t really say yes to that, you could be in troubleperforming a medical exam not with one extra person inside but two. Then againyou knew you would mess up everything, so having Crowe and Nyx there was abonus.
“Hey, you how is life treating you?” Nyx walked towards youand give you a warm embrace. “Haven’t seen you in ages, you should hang outwith us a bit more.”
“Hey!” Libertus said, standing there unsure what was happeningand why suddenly there was three of them inside.
“You don’t mind, Lib don’t you? I just haven’t seen her inages and thought to use the time to chat a bit.” Crowe said quickly and winkedat you.
“Sure, you both have seen my ass more time than I feel comfortablewith.” He said and you smiled. You loved his sense of humor. It was probablyone of the first things you had noticed about him when you still had the timeto hang out with these guys.
You started checking his eyes, then blood pressure and therest. Crowe did you a solid that she didn’t stop talking which was distractingyou from the obvious fact that you were actually touching your crush.
“You should come out to drink with us after work.” Nyx saidbut you made a sign fr him to stay silent since you were checking Libertus’heart.
“Hey, Lib do you know that she has a crush on you.” Crowesuddenly said and you wanted to sink in the ground. You were going to strangle her.After you had strangled yourself because that was not how it should go. Heshould never learn about that. Never.
Libertus didn’t say anything, but you were hearing his heartrate. It was faster than a moment ago.
“You two dickheads should go out. Now.” He finally said andyou walked away from him, sat on your desk and started typing data on yourcomputer, pretending you didn’t hear anything or that in fact you weren’t inthat room at all. Crowe was grinning, Nyx winked at you and they both walkedout like children who were trying to escape punishment.
“Everything is fine, you are clear to go.” You said tryingto keep your voice as flat as possible, but it was still shaking, in fact you werethankful for your instinct to sit down, because otherwise your who body wouldbe trembling.
“Is it true what she said?” Libertus said on the chairacross of you, obviously no intention to leave.
“…yes.” You said that as quietly as possible hoping he wouldnever hear it. You could feel your face flushing, your eyes were pinned onLibertus’ shoes not on his face.
“Funny, because I think you are very cute and smart, butthought I don’t have a shot with you. I always figured that nurses go after theNyx type.” There he was his joking tone, the way he was taking everything easy.You looked up for a second and he had a massive grin on his face. Why you neversaid anything? Is that the reason why you stopped hanging out with us?”
“No, it was mostly work.” That was true. You were too busy,your schedules weren’t friendly for social life. But you knew if you tried youcould find some time. Truth was, you had a crush on him, bad crush, but youwere too shy to do anything about it and that was killing you. You knew thatsooner or later he would find another girl, just for the night or a seriousrelationship it didn’t matter and that was going to kill you. Not because youblamed him, it wasn’t really his fault if he didn’t know. You realized howsilly you were, but you couldn’t go over your shyness and insecurities. He wasso much better than you were. Great personality, sense of humor, handsome. Youwere…well you were you, nothing special, certainly not deserving to be a glaive’sgirlfriend.
“How abut you go out with me tonight?” as he said that youlooked at him in panic. He just asked you out! How…what… “Okay, that was a bitforward. How about…you come out with us tonight, we have more time to hangoutand see what happens from there.”
That sounded a bit more reassuring. You didn’t mind beingalone with Libertus, you wanted it, you were just afraid that a date with himwould turn into long spans of uncomfortable silence on your end. You liked himso much, but the more you liked him the more you worried that you will saysomething stupid.
“I finish work at six.” You said eventually realizing youneeded to give some sort of response.
“Perfect, I will come pick you up at the front entrance.” Hesaid as you finished typing the results from his exam way calmer.
“Thank you.” You finally said and managed to muster thecourage to look him in the eyes.
“I don’t really have a choice; these exams are mandatory.” Hesaid with a big smile on his face.
“Not that.” You shook your head, still trying to remain calm.“For not freaking out and running out of the room.”
“It’s not every time that I get a cute girl to confess tome. Or more like Crowe to confess to me for her.” He was still smiling and thatmade you feel better about the whole thing.
As Libertus walked out, Tredd walked in the office. You failedto pass the file, but your colleague didn’t.
“How is my favourite nurse?” Tredd asked as he passedLibertus, the usual cocky smile on his lips.
“Shit up Furia.” Lib turned around and slapped him behindthe neck.
“Hey, don’t be jealous that the nurses like me more thanyou.” The redhead said, obviously looking for a fight.
“Whatever you say, Tredd.” Libertus just turned towards youand winked at you.
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