crowwbones · 6 months
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Uhhhh wip more wips because i cannot finish things for the life of me lmfao
I will finish the past two wips tho i swear on my life cause i love them and my new son and now this zombie version of ghost and--
Would anyone want to actually see a ref sheet for my son? I have one sort of drawn but idk
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soundofastar · 2 days
I wanna just GDYFYDJFJKGKT. HES SO COOLLLLL 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
I think it's very interesting that he takes inspiration from little red,,, if you want I would love if you elaborated on that because that seems SO fucking cool man
My poor baby omggg 😭😭😭😭 *takes super big sigh*
-paris anon
ok, i know this is long overdue buuut: raena is generally inspired by *most* characters from the red riding hood tale. he can represent little red, the big bad wolf and the woodsman
— little red: his magical girl form is blatantly inspired by little red riding hood. it's pretty much just a red outtfit with the red little cape. this is mostly just for show more than anything else — big bad wolf: his most main inspiration. representing the "loss" of innocence and transition into who he is now. but at the same time, his magical girl form is a mix of the wolf and the red riding hood, maintaining the red cape but at the same time, gaining the ears and tail, and blatantly having his magical girl weapon be claws rather than any other proper weapon; forcing him to be more "animalistic" whenever he fights. he has to bite and claw! as he overkills, he starts turning more and more wolflike, even out of his magical girl form. azazel is also represented by a lamb/sheep, which well...... hehe.
— woodsman: outside of his magical girl form, his main weapon is an axe. this was an anniversary gift from azazel themselves... but this axe is raena's preferred method of self defense. in his vagabond form, he wields the axe as well! hehe
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crow3727 · 3 months
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Do we like him or do we cook and eat him !?!??!
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three-crows-watch · 6 years
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have a tiny fourth-dragon breadstick bard for your viewing pleasure
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c--ley · 5 years
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Character Sheet for my OC Marshall
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crowspen-blog · 9 years
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I'm back! But barely! I'll be working on my chibi contest winners tonight. Posting them tomorrow This is a werewolf OC I'm working on. #crowsocs
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crowwbones · 9 days
Silent and Still
Sir Simon "Ghost" Riley x transmasc oc/reader x John "Soap" MacTavish
Content: SFW (for now?), language, british people, mild transphobia? Sort of? More like old men half understanding in the way old men do,
Summary: The princess of a war torn kingdom was given a new... "pet". And it's a bit awkward since he doesn't like to speak to him specifically. Just a oneshot, unless you want more
This is a sort of Royal Au where Ghost is a knight, Price is a king, etc you get the vibe. I have two different versions for Johnny though:
☆ Just a no one from the city
☆ Scottish King
Pls let me know if there's a preference :3
For ease of writing, I'll be using my OC Rin as the main pov. He's trans cause there's never enough representation for trans characters, so please be nice and enjoy :D
(He's half hispanic and half british, curly haired for those that want his visuals/voice imaginings)
Rin outright objected to the idea of having a personal knight. He fought hard with his father over the desicion, rejecting the prospecting knights offering their blade to protect him. He was the "princess" and "obviously" needed protecting.
Bullshit, is what it was. He'd gone unwed for years due to war tearing their kingdom to an unprospering halt, and no one wanted to marry a twenty-four year old princess. And because of this, and his own insistence, Rin was set to become the ruling Queen when his father felt it time to step down. But gods know when the hell that will happen.
Every single knight was turned away, mostly politely. Rin at least let them show their strengths off first before turning them away. The idea came that he'd just learn the ways of the blade himself, sneaking down to the stables and armoury in the night to train himself. It hadn't been long into this venture when his father called him to the main hall.
A group of merchants passed by as he walked up to his father, chatting up something fierce about their permit to sell and how excited they were. It made him smile a bit. Rin made it a point to get to know the merchants and townsfolk.
What made him lose this smile was the sight of another damned knight, standing eerily still and adorned in a full set of plated armour down to the helmet that hid his face. No house colours or banner were with him, which while unusual, just made the boys stomach drop.
"Rin, darling," His father started, the smile on his face warm with worry. "This is Sir Riley. I've appointed him to be your personal blade." The king stood from his seat and stepped down to the floor.
"Father." Rin didn't bother to hide his annoyance or keep his tone in check in front of the new man. "We agreed that *I* would be the one to pick out who takes up this... role. You can't just choose for me." His father grabbed his hand and held them tight, his smile just as firm as his grip.
"And you, dear, have rejected every single knight that's come to our doors. I cannot keep worrying about you, so Sir Riley is your last — and mind you— Your *only* option." His father didn't let go of his hands as he tried to pull away.
Brown eyes met the quiet steel of the man's helmet, a quiet huff coming from him now. Utterly ridiculous. Just another choice being ripped away from him. It was only a matter of time before his father would try to marry him off again. The knight didn't move even a centimeter. Was he bothering to breathe at all? The fact that he almost refused to move made him seem like it was all a joke, a set of armour his father set up to scare him.
Rin pulled at his hands, gently this time, and moved in front of the knight. First, with his arms crossed and face screwed up in scrutiny, Rin looked him over. Nothing was odd, besides how hollow the suit seemed, but how could he just accept this?
It was finally when Rin reached a hand up to the helmet did the man inside move. It scared him how fast his wrist was grabbed and pulled off to the side, almost pulling him upwards. He let out out a gasp and stared up at the mask as it tilted down to "look" at him.
"Do not do that."
The voice was low, threatening
Rin couldn't tell if the slight growl was on purpose to scare him or if that was just how he sounded.
"Well, how am I supposed to accept a knighy if I can't see your face?" He really thought he had a "gotchya" moment with that one, chest puffed and shoulder back while his hand was still being held hostage.
"Ah-I've already arranged for him. He'll be your personal knight and that's final." His father chimed in in an attempt to de-escalate. Rin turned to him, brow furrowed, and gestured to the man.
"This one?"
"Yes. Now, i have a meeting with the duke from the south to appoint resources. You're free to do as you please, but be mindful that he'll be hoing everywhere with you."
"What? What are you, a dog?" Rin scoffed, looking up at the man again. His arm was dropped unceremoniously and the knight went still again, not even acknowledging that he was spoken to.
"No. He's your knight. Your personal protector." His father came around and put a hand on Rin's shoulder to lead him to the stairwell. "You just need time to get used to him, so I've instructed him to not leave your side. Why don't you show him the town square? You look like you need some air."
Rin stared at the open door ahead of him ehile his father darted off. *Coward.* He didn't even want to stay for the verbal lashing he was deserving of? Oh, that man was going to never hear the end of it. Yes. He was the King. Yes, he was *technically* his daughter. But that did not mean he was free of his wrath.
With a sigh, the boy turned to the knight, long skirt twirling gently in his anger.
"Wait here, then. I have to grab something."
He mounted the stairs with a huff, only making it halfway before he paused. The soft clank of metal shoes on stone came from below him. They both had stopped, staring at the other.
"I'm just going to my room. You can wait there in the hall." He rolled his eyes and began up the stairs again. With every soft tap of his feet followed a slightly louder thud.
"You. Are not. Coming with me. *To my room.*" Rin stopped again, at the top of the stairs, and looked down at the knight with a frown.
The knight said nothing. He just. Fucking. Stood there.
Rin felt his hands grip the long sleeves of the dress. Inahle. Hold. Say nothing. Please say nothing. With a sigh, he turned on his heel and made way for his room. Hopefully with enough speed to lose the man in the long halls.
But who was he to be so lucky? The man was surely quick. And quiet as one could be in full plates.
The princess held his face steady, well aware how his emotions liked to speak loudly through his expressions. This was going to be absolutely infuriating.
He was quick to grab his bag from his room. The knight standing in the doorway made him feel cornered, and very, very small. He couldn't let him know or see his hands shaking with rage. He didn't need a knight! He was on his way to being perfectly capable of protecting himself. Eventually...
Rin looked at the black strip between the helmets plates where the man's eyes should be. In theory. Why couldn't he see his face at all? How was he supposed to trust him in any capacity? Didn't he know it rude to not show his face? Or did he not care?
Either way. It was foolish and he just wanted to be away from his father and this damn statue. Rin hummed as he walked back to the hall. Sir Riley backed away to allow him through, even closing the door behind him. How chivalrous. It made him nauseated. He was old enough to not have men doing this.
They got outside, finally, and Rin took the first full deep breath since his father called him to meet this man. The sun was warm on his skin, highlighting all the tight brown curls of his hair. Sir Riley looked at the stable boy, the light coming off his armour almost bloody blinding Rin and the poor worker.
"Fetch the carriage." He spoke with that growl again, leading Rin to believe that it was just how he sounded.
"No, no need. Just a couple horses will do. As always." Rin stepped closer to the boy as he stared nervously between the two of them. Could the princess be intimidating? A little. But the man behind him was way more terrifying. The stableboy dashed off to grab the personal coachman. No one was hoing to disobey a man that looked like they could slice them in half with a greatsword they could weild with one hand.
The knight pulled the door open for Rin, gesturing for him to get in without a word. The princess glared over at the stableboy as he pulled himself inside while avoiding any extra help the knight was offering.
Little traitor. How could he listen to some stranger over *him*? Absurd.
It wasn't all that far to the town square either. It was a large city, but the palace sat fairly central to everything. Rin hated the confines of the carriage, especially since he was fully alone inside it. Sir Riley had his own steed. Of course. Why wouldn't he? Where did his father even find this man anyway...
Rin went about this trip in his usual way, fully ignoring the imposing figure that shadowed him to every stall and listened to every conversation with a sharp ear no matter how mundane it was.
He heard many nonsense stories of the people's lives that didn't make sense with no context, but Rin listened to everyone with a smile. Perhaps not the most even tempered royal he's met, but he cared.
Or was really damn good at faking it. That's what the knight would put his money on.
After a couple hours of mingling and trading objects and stories, the sun began to dip low and the knight began to usher the princess back to the carriage. Rin protested and tried to ignore him to continue his day, but this man was clearly insistant.
The knight had rules he was instructed to follow to a t, and he would do just that. Starting with getting the princess home before dusk.
He didn't put up much of a fight, though he didn't want to admit he was getting tired anyway. They made it back to the palace in one piece. It just really cemented the fact that he felt that he didn't need protection. And if he did. Well... he could learn to do it himself just like everything else.
Dinner came and went, his father weaseling his way out of another conversation by inviting the duke and his entourage to eat with them. Rin *was* going to talk to him about this.
The princess sat himself on the edge of his bed in a nightgown, hair still damp from the bath. The handmaids had left his room for the night and the room was silent. Silent enough that the door thudding shut made him jump.
Sir Riley now stood in his room, silent and still in front of his door. Rin stared at him over his shoulder. He was way too exposed. His nightgowns were comfortable. Perhaps a bit much for a man he wasn't married to to see him in. His tanned cheeks turned red as he pulled his arms across his chest despite being turned away from the knight.
"Why are you in here?"
No response came from the man.
"Hello?" Rin's brow furrowed deeper. "You don't need to be in here."
Nothing came from him again.
Rin faced the window across the room, trying to gather his thoughts in the gentle candlelight. Sir Riley didn't move a muscle. Seemed like a trained thing. Had to be.
The princess sighed as he pulled the covered back and over his body, trying to ignore the presence behind him. Staring at him. Standing inside his room. Just... watching him sleep--
Absoluetly not. He could not do this.
Rin whipped up and faced the knight who seemed to straighten up a bit at the sudden movement.
"You cannot be in here while I sleep." He clenched his jaw as he stared at the faint moonlight shining off of the man's armour. The air of an expected response once again went unfilled.
"Gods, okay. You. Need to be somewhere else. Not in here. I can't sleep with you in here. So *please*, get out."
Rin crossed an arm over to pull the blankets back so he could stand but the knight held up a hand. He grabbed the door handle and agonisingly slowly pulled it open before stepping back into the hallway. The door once again thudded shut and Rin flopped back onto his pillows.
.... he... didn't hear any footsteps. Even though he was quiet, steel on stone would always be heard.
Brown eyes peeled open, staring at the small gap under the door until his eyes adjusted to the dim light that barely came through. And two shadows sat still in front of his door.
At least he wasn't inside his room.
There was no way this was going to work out.
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crowwbones · 2 years
I do not have anything to give but a shitty picture of my doodles from class
Its 8 am
Its cold outside
Men tiddi
There is lore to this lil thing i have but im stupid and dont know how to fucking put a read more option even after being on this fucking hellsite for ten years.
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crowwbones · 5 months
I wanted to create a hot dilfman for a little Fallout idea i have since people like it again and he
Observe him
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crowwbones · 1 month
Good morning (its afternoon) i have a Skyrim OC to share
Their name is Marin Wolf-Song, tiny Nord with big battleaxe trope will live strong through them
I will digitise them soon
And draw them with werewolf husband(s)
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crowwbones · 1 year
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There was a server contest for a fake magazine cover of whatever and i was fully in an art block
Have them ig
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crowwbones · 1 year
I drew a little shit animation
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soundofastar · 19 days
*looks at you* sooo, who's Raena..👉🏽👈🏽
He looks so tireddd, my baby 😭💖💖💖💖 I WILL be protecting him TRUST
He gives such a field of flowers while it's storming.. IF THAT MAKES SENSE ??? HELP
Such a silly little goober...💖💖💖💖
-paris anon
OH HEY YOU FOUND RAENA... it's a little funny how you seem to find the guys related to novaturient in one way or another, but they're silly raena mondlicht iuris (that's his full name) is in two different settings, actually! one of them would be kescorp (which i already elaborated on in my post about scylla); and another one is in novaturient, where he briefly works as a lawyer under peneume (from project martyr!) i'll divide them into their own separate paragraphs just for claritys sake, buuuut: kescorp raena and novaturient raena are actually quite different, but maintain one principle/essence kescorp's raena is just some lawyer guy. he works in the sanitization department, but really, he mostly takes care of any legal issues regarding the facility, and the various crimes against the head's alws that are committed. he gets absolutely no breaks, and is just constantly struggling. during this time, he's able to meet azazel, who's been given special permissions from the manager himself to do fuck all, pretty much. and constantly has to ask raena to take care of the various crimes (usually some form of murder. i dont remember LOL i just remember the vehicular manslaughter comic that neon made) that they commit. as this goes on, they develop a "relationship" and hit it off from there, but hera decides to troll them a bit and essentially starts straining their relationship to the point that they both just kind of, distort and start fighting. and afterwards hera returns them to normal and this weird cycle starts
novaturient's raena is honestly some of my favorite writing. he's azazel's girlfriend! they're coworkers, and i'm pretty sure it was azazel themselves who had helped raena get a position there after raena himself had some work struggles. though after a series of bad events, raena eventually had to get a magical girl contract and divide himself between law work at the office, and having to go out there and fight vagabonds. it's terribly straining and honestly sad to watch him change overtime, since there *is* a difference between how they look during this time. though i won't elaborate much on what happens with raena and azazel, since i forget exactly how much neon has shared about the plot of projmar, all i'll keep elaborating on is that iuris is not his birth last name; he just changed it to keep distance from his parents since they did help do some pretty bad things in one of the districts at some point he also has a sister—mikhailis aracea! who is currently misha kiselyov's adoptive daughter ^_^ oh yeah. one shitpost from him is that he rejected helping ulysses through one of his many divorces because raena refuses to do any sort of family law in the city. sooooooooo HES ONE OF MY FAVORITE BLORBOS THOUGH IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE HIM! he has a lot of inspiration from the whole little red story (he sometimes just is the girl, the wolf, the lumberjack or all at once) and raena/azazel's relationship is so so very important to me. all ill finish on is the fact that raena actually really wanted to marry azazel, but well....................... teehee
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soundofastar · 29 days
Hdhfhdjfjkhy, I just want to hug them so bad 😭🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 she's just so GDHDJJDJFJGL *explodes*
I can't express enough how AWESOME their character is. just YES. 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
Will definitely be looking forward to seeing the pinkalicious girl again 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
-paris anon
SHE'S DEFINITELY WEIRD TO GET BUT IM VERY PROUD OF WHERE SHE IS CURRENTLY! i do roleplay with her and she's just a huge mystery, even to me—the author. theres a looooot behind why she's as fake as she is. it's not a *malicious* kind of fake, but it's pretty much due to wanting to preserve a social life and being themselves just doesnt cut it.
her social life is terrible theres so little people in it that arent her family. they also have to work with their ex girlfriend AND also the group of people who experimented on them but especially lamia (aanother one of neon's ocs. and also the ex too, sciron) BUT IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE HER! i do recommend reading the fanfic listed on her toyhouse if you havent... i commissioned that from a friend of mine and she honestly got her character perfectly.
^^^ >:3
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here, have my most recent sketchpage with her. don't worry about the other ocs there 2 of them arent mine
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soundofastar · 29 days
-paris anon
IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE HER! PINK IS ALSO MY FAVORITE COLOR AND SHE JUST. WAS PINK FROM THE START BUT I DRENCHED THEM IN MORE PINK!!!! ok so. scylla kairis (she/they + any) is the keres of the surveillance department! this makes no sense if you don't know the rest. worry not! the keres are essentially the sefira from this facility—kesarean corporation (kescorp is a fun little "au" that uses the pjm city's setting, but it has both ocs from me and neon!) the keres are not built exactly like the sefira. they're more like signalis replika in concept. their bodies are recreations of their original human bodies, except they're pretty much just biotech except for their brains, like in regular lobcorp. though some keres gained some new additions to their bodies—scylla's was the horns and her tail, but her horns weren't always uneven. they're highly complex bodies! now that that's out of the way, she's. quite the can of worms. scylla appears to be extroverted, almost in a cartoonish way; she's loud and usually makes a fool of herself through her words or actions. this is a facade, as genuine as it looks, however sometimes she gets herself mixed up with this facade. it's kind of hard to tell. another important part of her is that she's a cannibal. initially, it wasn't because of her own will to be one. before becoming a keres, she was part of a weird experiment involving the company in that district before kescorp—kirkecorp. what that was left her with terrible cannibalistic urges that are really bad to deal with, but she makes do. thankfully, during this time she was able to meet her now-wife, mastema (neon's oc). mastema thankfully did also return back to kescorp, after kescorp had been established, and met scylla once more, where they fell in love and eventually got married :) did they get married inside of the corp? absolutely. it was a reaally nice wedding, actually. the surveillance department only has one employee. and it's *not* mastema! it's delphine valentine, who's pretty much scylla's only and best friend. the reason behind the surveillance department having only one employee is due to the manager—hera vorilhon. he's just a massive bitch LOL i thinnk that's about it for scylla...? there's so much behind her. i did leave out a bunch of information from her, but that's because i love keeping some mystery. anyone's always free to pry into her :]
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soundofastar · 1 month
One of the anons from Neonmetro. I wanna say your ocs are so cool and silly 👉🏽👈🏽
( Sorry if my wording is weird. I'm nervous. HELP GRHHDJJDKG )
OH HELLO!!!!!! haha, thank you so much, i'm glad you enjoy them as much as i do!
yepyep! you can look at them in my toyhouse, my username is limbuscompany on there! i'll link it here, but i'm not very good at using tumblr, haha
you may see some familiar faces, or some familiar names, possibly 👀
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