#crozier x little
self rec
@fightthesun tagged me to do a fic author self rec, and list my five favorite works of my own. tyyy love
Performance, ned/crozier, rated E, 1,152 words
toxic boss!crozier/employee!ned w praise kink and exhibitionism. i'm always crazy abt ned and crozier and really enjoy their dynamic here and how grimy this fic feels.
I'm always getting lost, solittle, rated E, 9,607 words (5 chapters)
technically ned/tozer but mostly a story abt ned growing up asexual. i'm ace and i always want more and better ace representation and I'm pretty pleased with ned's journey in this one AND someone told me it made them have a good conversation with a friend which is the ultimate praise for a fic like this.
I'll just give you me, solittle, rated E, 2,139 words
solittle knights which is a VERY important solittle au to me, feat. nedner and some bittersweet romance. I just think their roles feel very natural here, the setting is very dreamy, and the intimacy is fitting and hot.
The Work Happy, joplittle, rated E, 2,003 words
canon era nedner and some spicy roleplay. another one where I feel like the dialogue and sex flow naturally and ned and tom get to have a very sweet and bittersweet moment at the end where I lay down some of my nedner thesis.
The Surviving of Wind and Water, queerplatonic nedving, rated E, 1,403 words
some lowkey canon era nedving after a long day. i really like that this story is very soft and quiet, and the sex isn't explosive but still loving and familiar; i think it feels real emotionally and grounded in the setting. it's also a bit of my nedving manifesto.
i'll tag @manicpixiedreamjop, @charlesdesvoeux, @moghraidhs, @recliquary, and @thedailylifeofafailedvodkaaunt if any of you want to do it any capacity!
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croziers-compass · 11 months
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leadandblood · 6 months
Ships that fascinate me, please keep talking
I like other, more popular ships! But they're not on this list, because there's you know... Enough spotlight on them already (Hickey/Gibson, Crozier/Fitzjames, ... you know) I just wanted to make a list for myself of the ones that I don't see that much of, but find interesting to think about. If any of you make stuff for these ships please let me know so I can follow you <33
Literally anything involving Tozer but e.g.
Tozer/Irving (read this👀)
Anything with Jopson in it but specifically
Des Voeux/Stanley
Crozier/Franklin or
Fitzjames/Franklin (I want to study your brain but do keep talking)
The Liuetenant polycule (+/- Jopson)
Anything with Hodgson really
Anything with Tom Hartnell
Cracroft/Hartnell (this one confuses me but do tell me more-)
Any and all throuples, please give me more throuples, I'm begging for more throuples, there's never enough throuples-
Hodgson/Irving/Little (I want to see the intricate autism x autism x autism courting rituals)
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favouritefi · 30 days
my proposal for a locked tomb x the terror crossover wherein they are all in the cohort but come from different houses
2nd: all the marines, crozier, blanky, jfj (actually 3rd but sent to live with relatives on the 2nd)
3rd: franklin, hodgson, gore, dundy, des voeux
4th: all the ships boys, hartnell, manson, peglar
5th: jcr, collins, mcdonald, little
6th: goodsir, bridgens
7th: stanley, morfin, gibson, armitage
8th: irving
9th: jopson
BOE: hickey
feel free to house any boys that i missed
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Franklin's lost expedition crew
I was looking at posts about AMC's The Terror and I kept getting confused by the use of first names, so I wanted to see how many of the characters had the same names. Arranging the crew in alphabetical order, I got:
1 x Abraham (Seeley)
4 x Alexander (Berry, McDonald, Paterson, Wilson)
5 x Charles (Best, Coombs, Des Voeux, Johnson, Osmer)
1 x Cornelius (Hickey)
2 x Daniel (Arthur, Bryant)
3 x David (Leys, Macdonald, Young) + Bonus: Bryant in the show but most historical sources I found list him as Daniel
1 x Edmund (Hoar)
3 x Edward (Couch, Genge, Little)
2 x Edwin (Helpman, Lawrence)
3 x Francis (Crozier, Dunn, Pocock)
1 x Frederick (Hornby) + Bonus: Des Voeux, whom I have seen referred to as Frederick rather than Charles on occasion
6 x George (Cann, Chambers, Hodgson, Kinnaird, Thompson, Williams)
1 x Gillies (MacBean)
1 x Graham (Gore)
7 x Henry/Harry (Collins, Goodsir, Le Vesconte, Lloyd, Peglar, Sait, Wilkes)
10 x James (Brown, Daly, Elliot, Fairholme, Fitzjames, Hart, Reid, Ridgen, Thompson, Walker) + Bonus: Ross, who was not part of the expedition but appears in the show
23 x John (Bailey, Bates, Bridgens, Brown, Cowie, Diggle, Downing, Franklin, Gregory, Hammond, Handford, Hartnell, Irving, Kenley, Lane, Morfin, Murray, Peddie, Strickland, Sullivan, Torrington, Weekes, Wilson)
2 x Joseph (Andrews, Healey)
1 x Josephus (Geater)
1 x Luke (Smith)
1 x Magnus (Manson)
1 x Philip (Reddington)
1 x Reuben (Male)
2 x Richard (Aylmore, Wall)
8 x Robert (Carr, Ferrier, Golding, Hopcraft, Johns, Sargent, Sinclair, Thomas)
3 x Samuel (Brown, Crispe, Honey)
1 x Solomon (Tozer)
16 x Thomas (Armitage, Blanky, Burt, Darlington, Evans, Farr, Hartnell, Honey, Johnson, Jopson, McConvey, Plater, Tadman, Terry, Watson, Work)
22 x William (Aitken, Bell, Braine, Clossan, Fowler, Gibson, Goddard, Heather, Hedges, Jerry, Johnson, Mark, Orren, Pilkington, Read, Rhodes, Shanks, Sims, Sinclair, Smith, Strong, Wentzall)
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nomilkinmyteaplease · 9 months
The Terror’s New Year Resolutions
James Fitzjames - to finally make 2024 the year he goes beyond page 1 of “How to be a Good Listener” 
Harry Goodsir- to stop stopping s*x in the middle in order to make diagrammes and take notes, shouting "Imagine"!
Edward Little - to sign up to a standup comedy club 
Francis Crozier - to give gin a go with an open mind 
Dr Stanley - to find if his daughter likes birds 
Henry Collins - to finally tackle his arkoudaphobia
William Gibson - to perfect his popping dance skills
George Hodgson - to publish his memoir "How I Looked Inside Myself and What I Found" (spoiler: 300 pages to figure out he found not much)
John Irving - to actually learn watercolors instead of just recommending them to everyone left, right and centre
Sir John- to stop pulling people’s legs
Solomon Tozer- well, he tried Veganuary, but failed on day 1
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clove-pinks · 8 months
Enter my bedroom when I'm 12 years old!
£20,000 REWARD Franklin Expedition "poster" on wall—it's only 8.5" x 11" because that's the size the library photocopier can make, but I'm very proud of this one.
Photocopied passages from other polar exploration books, also taped to the wall! My plan here is evidently luring people into my room and Educating them about the Franklin Expedition (p.s. everything that went wrong was because of LEAD POISONING, obviously).
A few genuine antique cigarette cards, with a polar exploration theme!
Framed picture of Francis Crozier (photocopy from a book), and ONLY Francis Crozier, on my bureau in a little frame. Why Crozier?! (I loved the sadness in his eyes in that 1845 dag).
On the opposite wall: Beatles posters.
I don't even know what's in the bookcase: probably a lot of Dickens in cheap paperbacks (I won't get Frozen in Time until age 13).
There's probably a rosary somewhere from the elderly mother of my mom's boyfriend.
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corn-fanfiction · 9 days
Vigil (Francis Crozier x NB!OC) Preview
This post is a preview/ temperature taker for this fic. My biggest musing is whether to keep it 3rd person or make it 2nd. Either way, mc is non-binary named Bronte. Please enjoy the preview and let me know what you think! Fic below cut.
Bronte followed James Fitzjames like a dog, and they would have no part in denying it. That's what happens, as Bronte could tell anyone, when you devote yourself to a person completely, and Bronte did, to a very definitive fault. They told James they'd follow him to the ends of the earth; it was considered hyperbole until they actually did.
It was a difficult sell to Sir John Franklin for a great number of reasons. One, Bronte's rank among the men at Singapore had been disputed, despite the fact that they had gone with James from boat to boat, shore to shore, war to war, all the while assuming whatever identity helped them survive and, by promised association, helped James survive. The second reason was the more obvious one: the thing everyone immediately wondered about Bronte, the thing they refused to speak on, because what did it matter? It didn't matter to them, and it didn't affect their marksmanship, or their success as a sailor and soldier.
Bronte and James both knew that if they could convince Sir John to take Bronte, no one would dare question it aloud. Once it became clear that Sir John wanted James, Bronte was all but guaranteed. Because, as much as Bronte followed James, James wanted to go nowhere without them.
Bronte was given no official rank among the Admiralty, which bothered them none. John knew of their exploits, and James would see to it that they got what they were due. It gave Bronte as much comfort as it needed to.
The first time Bronte saw Sir John Franklin, Francis Crozier, and James Clark Ross was not the first time they'd meet them. That date would come later, when they would set sail for the Arctic passage. The night in question came in 1844 at the London Royal Opera House. Bronte sat comfortably in the Admiralty Box, the political implications of which they were blithely aware of, with James, Sir John Barrow, and his son, George. Bronte liked them well enough. A play was being put on about the group of men in the box opposite theirs. It seemed a bit on the nose for Bronte, to tribute someone when they're still alive. Sir John looked at these men thoughtfully.
“Come spring, the Admiralty is going to make one of those men very happy.”
From their seat next to James, Bronte watched as George gave James a knowing smile, and James returned a doubtful, albeit genuine one. He had a right to be doubtful because James had about as much a chance at leadership as they themself did. Where for Bronte it was a matter of appearance, for James, it was a matter of breeding.
“Father means the Passage,” said George. “He thinks it's time to try again-”
“It's high time. I want to see it found while I still live,” Sir John cut in.
A broad, important looking man in the aforementioned box stood and bowed as he was cued to by the actor on stage. Sir John nodded.
“I do not jest when I say the future of Britain very likely sits somewhere up in that box,” he mused. Bronte cast a side glance to James who was, while presumably defeated, as stone faced as ever. He had grown accustomed to second-best since childhood. Bronte, even in their often casual and perhaps uncaring nature, was not too ignorant to deny that their attitude would never hold them back from station. The highest they could climb was always rungs below James. It was a good thing, for both of them, that Bronte did not seek power.
What Bronte wanted was adventure and a death in glory, if James would permit it. Bronte lived to keep James alive. A promise was made, and Bronte would have rather died than see that promise go to ruin. Little did anyone know that the Arctic that called them, the one everyone raced to, would render that promise, and so many others, broken beyond repair.
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charlesdesvoeux · 5 months
top five terror ships?
sorry it took me a while to answer! I wanted to offer some fic recs as well so it took me some time to put it together (MIND THE WARNINGS IN EACH FIC, SOME OF THEM DEAL WITH VERY HEAVY SUBJECT MATTER), but here it goes:
-> Stanvoeux: yeah. hmmm. only 1 canon interaction yadda yadda but the POTENTIAL. the 2 nastiest guys on the expedition. stanley the perfect sadist and des voeux the perfect masochist. to borrow a phrase @favouritefi applied to a whole different ship they're having the kind of sex that increases the defcon level.
favorite fics: Panic at the Fun-Plex (1980s AU, both hot and heartbreaking), Keyed Up and of course To Have and Have Not (aka the atticwife au)
-> Armitozer: i'm forever thankful to the people who first excavated the tozer/armitage love story out of the dephts of the show because it is REAL TO ME. idk man i think there's potential for "do i want him or do i want to be him?" what with tommy's whole yearning to be a marine, and just. the way he followed him into mutiny, into complete ruin, saw him become a shell of the man he once was- and yet he kept loving him... makes me crazy.
favorite fics: a gunner good (kinda monsterfuckery au which i love dearly), damn your wife i'd be your mistress... (armisolving, a lovely work) and my love is on the high seas.
-> Joplittle: i must admit i was not a joplittle girlie but i've read some incredible fics and now i'm a convert. i like it best when they're very tender. lots and lots of yearning and not knowing what the other is feeling until that climactic moment when it all comes spilling out. of course in canon they share in the burden of caring for Crozier and keeping his secrets as he's drying out. and little's smile when jopson is made lieutenant!!! and the angst potential as jopson is left behind and dies. amazing stuff.
favorite fics: the vinegar and pearl-ash series, the maternal instincts series, and the comforts of home
-> Hickeygibson: there is just. so much love there, the real genuine thing, even if it manifests as this weird game of cat and mouse (in which they alternate the roles), so much need. everyone is so easy to read and figure out, except for Billy. everyone is so boring and predictable, except for Cornelius. there's this lorde lyric that reminds me of them- "they'll talk about us and discover how we kissed then killed each other" which yeah. that's them.
favorite fics: Three-Time, Meditations Made While Standing Upon the Shale of King William's Land (a poem, and really heartbreaking), Kissing with Tongue
-> Irving x Malcolm: please bear with me. this is uhhh. verging on RPF but to be clear although William Elphinstone Malcolm isn't mentioned in any point of AMC The Terror I just choose to believe that he also exists in that universe and that he shares that very close friendship with John that their real life counterparts had (speaking of the real life guys go read their letters right now). the idea of John having fallen deeply in love with his best friend and just not allowing himself to dwell on these feelings, feeling both joy and shame whenever he gets a letter, maybe not even fully realizing that he's in love??? it makes me CRAZY. so yeah. (disclaimer: i make no claims as to the nature of irl!irving's attachment to malcolm, these people are long dead and this is probably impossible to ascertain, the version I ship is within the showverse).
favorite fics: there are only 12 :-( my favorites are Live for Yesterday; if not, in the next; and the soft animal of your body series (primarily hartnell/irving, but with some great irving/malcolm bits)
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areyougonnabe · 2 years
what ANTARCTICA SHIPS you would like, based on your favorite TERROR SHIPS
a very important post for those interested in dipping a toe into heroic age polar explorer fandom.
If you like ROSSIER, try SHACKLETON/WILD -Loyalty kink -Oh my god he was his trusted second in command
If you like HODGVING and/or ARMITOZER, try CHERRY/WILSON -Rich boy x religious boy -Puppy love and devotion
If you like JOPZIER try SHACKLETON/HURLEY -Securing daddy’s M&Ms
If you like HICKEY/TOZER try EVANS/CREAN(/LASHLY) -Size difference -Horrible little man in over his head
If you like GRIME ERA FITZIER, try SCOTT/SHACKLETON -Delicious hatesex
If you like LOVE ERA FITZIER try SCOTT/WILSON -Heartwarming soulmates
If you like GOODSIR/MCDONALD try CHERRY/ATCH -Sweet boy x hot doc 
If you like CROZIER/BLANKY try SHACKLETON/WORSLEY -Captain and his devoted skipper
If you like HICKEY/CROZIER try AMUNDSEN/DE GERLACHE -Stepping on your captain’s dick because he sucks
If you like TOZER/IRVING try RACOVITZA/LECOINTE -Large boy x rules boy 
And if none of these appeal to you try COOK/AMUNDSEN which has a flavor utterly incomparable to any ship in any other medium.
if you are interested in any of the above ships and would like to learn more (e.g. which source material you should read/watch) please apply at the ask boxes of me, @strikerbacks, @simplyirenic, or @zevons 😌
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please enjoy my offerings for the p!atc server's valentines fest, now that i've finished all of them *checks watch* almost two months late :> monsterfucker ned featuring horsecock
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some sweet nedving (and hodge!) qpr goodness
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it's ned's turn with the costume trunk dress gender
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trans ned finally gets what he deserves (well-fucked)
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gaunt-and-hungry · 11 months
Okay. Honest inquiry.
What Reader X Character should I work on next?
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croziers-compass · 10 months
Summary Notes of Terror Camp 2023 (10.12.23)
(A small summary of notes and references I took during Terror Camp Day Two - Antarctic Exploration!)
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Branwell's Death Narratives
Captain Scott - The narrative tilts. It tilts according to who's written it.
Vitai Lampada by Newbolt
The Book of the Long Long Trail - Newbolt
Scott Supporters vs Critics. Was he a fool or a misunderstood individual? Challenge the complexities with which a Narrative is design and revolved around. Interrogate the Narrative and where it came from!
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Caitlin Branden
Personal Bias and Individual experiences steer your experience with a particular Polar Expedition
"A wonderful Evening"
Which Member of the Expedition Are You?
What attracts you to your Expedition? What about your Expedition draws you to it? What do you talk about when you talk about the Expedition of your Heart?
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"How do we frame the Narrative and How does the Narrative Frame us?"
"We cannot ask reason to take us across the Gulf of the absurd"
" The real Quest was the books we tried to write along the way " - R - The Discord Chat
"We all have our special little guys"
"Perhaps being haunted is part of being Human"
"Any Narrative can become dangerous if it becomes The Narrative. Be aware of the Biases off the Narrative you are writing. Take responsibility for the Narrative."
"Carry your little Guys in your pocket"
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Emma J. P. - From the South Pole to the Stars
Incredible Parallels twixt the Astral Exploration of Space and the Antarctic / Polar Explorations with Antarctica being a simile for time spent off of Earth itself.
Empty and Vast
Roald's Narrative during the South Pole Expedition!
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Sam Botz - The Feminine (?) Antarctic
"The Last Imaginary Place on Earth."
Antarctica The Woman - Stephanie Krzywonos
"Flying and Singing Like Sparrows" - Le Guin
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Phil M. (linked to Patreon) (Paper Doll Polar Explorer's Sea Chest)
Ross and Crozier Expedition!
"They were Hut Mates"
Crozier Passed His Leftenant Exam at 21 in the year 1817 Ross and Crozier serving under William Perry
They Celebrated St. Patricks day!
McCormick is our Narrator through much.
⚓ Robert McCormick's geological collections from Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, 1839–1843
⚓ (Ross Volume 1) Voyages of discovery in the Arctic and Antarctic seas and round the world [microform] : being personal narratives of attempts to reach the North and South Poles ⚓(Ross Volume 2) A voyage of discovery and research in the southern and Antarctic regions, during the years 1839-43
by Ross, James Clark, Sir, 1800-1862 (links to Archive for JCR)
⚓Cunninham's Transcribed Journal
⚓ (An X/Twitter Acc. that follows JCR Expedition)
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Becca (I got pulled away so my notes are sparse here) "I'll be blowed."
Some of these Cold Boys should not have been there. (The Scientists) Elephant Island was quite the ordeal.
Clark, Hussey, Wordie, James, the Four Nations that did not live together in Harmony.
All in the Middle of the Great War.
"Nerdy and Outside the Narrative"
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Meg - Cold off the Press
"You tried"
"Mr. Clark proved the faunistic richness of the coastal Antarctic Waters, but, unfortunately, all his collections were lost with the ship."
Hussey - "This Scientist is an outlier and should not be counted"
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Avery S. - Oddments, Riff Raff, and Pocket Full of Rocks
Dancing on Ice Floes
Giving sea shells as gifts!
-The importance of Collecting was incredibly valuably psychologically. To collect these specimens meant that one would have to survive to deliver them. It also helped create routine
Trading Rocks for Tobacco.
“Some will tell you that you are mad, and nearly all will say, 'What is the use?' For we are a nation of shopkeepers, and no shopkeeper will look at research which will not promise him a financial return within a year. And so you will sledge nearly alone, but those with whom you sledge will not be shopkeepers: that is worth a good deal. If you march your Winter Journeys you will have your reward, so long as all you want is a penguin's egg.” - Apsley Cherry-Garrard
"When you reach out to understand the world, even scientifically, you are reaching out to understand your place in it." - Avery S (Polar Exploration Conference Terror Camp 12.10.2023)
"How McClintock Of You" - The Discord Chat
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Key Notes: With Francis Spufford and Sarah Airriess
(I was very invested in the conversations so I did not write as much as I would have liked. But some critical things really stood out to me.)
The Homosocial responses/responsibilities between the men. Care-giving and demonstrating tender roles with one another. 'Unexpectedly Gendered'
Francis has not seen The Terror
The way of Knowing these people is very unique. Reading their letters and their diaries provides a particular perspective allows you to know what they really were like - more than what their fellows may have known. You see a more intimate part of these explorers through their very personal narrations through their journals and letters.
"People are clouds of possible selves." - Francis Spufford He goes on to say something along the lines of: "Which is the problem with storytelling - as a narrator of storytelling you have to decide what comes out and what fades in the background of their personality."
"You have to decide as a Narrator." - Francis Spufford
Empathy as a Tool for Understanding
(This part was incredibly important to me.)
Sarah goes on to explain (thereabouts): You have to Listen to people. They (people writing or creating a Narrative/Narration of events) look at a historical figure and get a "snap" of them. From there they decide that they know everything about them. From there, it's like Cinderella's shoe and the step-sister cutting off parts of her foot to make it fit. You need to let these people liver and breathe as a dynamic person with feelings and thoughts. You have to be truthful. Otherwise you are doing that person a disservice and shoving them into a specific box that is meant to just fit your Narrative. You should try and be empathetic to the individual you are writing about as if they are still alive.
Spufford goes on to extrapolate on that with (thereabouts): Finding out what people meant to themselves is important. Some things you want to keep at arms lengths but still play an intrinsic role in their character. Being empathetic to these people is critical to respecting and acknowledging them with care and showing them that you care about them.
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"Captain Scott is a Myth"
"The Unified Field Theory of Cold Men."
"Neurotypical people don't go to the Antarctic. Normal people are not drawn to the Antarctic."
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Extra Important Links:
These are just some that I have saved from the Terror Camp. There were so many more but here is a handful.
Observations on ca. 175-year old human remains from Antarctica (Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, South Shetlands)
Ursula K. Le Guin Books: The Wave in the Mind Dancing at the Edge of the World: Thoughts on Words, Women, Places (thriftbooks link)
An Empire of Magnetism (Global Science and the British Magnetic Survey in the Age of Imperialism) - Dr Edward J. Gillin
A Game! "To Keep the Meat"
The Popularization of Science in Nineteenth-Century America - Hyman Kuritz
"Have You Been There?" Some Thoughts on (Not) Visiting Antarctica - ADRIAN HOWKIN
The Ship that Never Was: The Greatest Escape Story Of Australian Colonial History - Adam Courtenay (Goodreads Link)
Tristian's Wordpress of Franklin Expedition Content
Francis Spufford! ⚓ Sarah Airriess ⚓
The Music Track for Terror Camp ⚓
Book Recs from Crewmate @jesslovesboats (thank you)
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Thank you so much for the experience! This weekend was fantastic!
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Personal Notes and Commentary
This was my first Terror Camp in its entierty. The weekend was such a delight. I had no idea what sort of experience I would be having. It was beyond my expectations. I got to learn a lot more about some of the other Expeditions that I was not as familiar with as I would have liked to be. My book list has expanded by a decent number. Getting to listen to Nive Nielsen and Paul ready was incredible. I loved everything about this experience. I cannot wait for @terrorcamp to announce the next year's event. I will certainly be attending it without a doubt. I look forwards to future projects and staying in touch with anyone else that would like to. Thank you again for such a wonderful experience! I want to give a shoutout to the people I know of the Tumblr Urls that contributed: @brainyraccoons , @jckielantern , @nopickls , @wllipt (who was a captioner), @vivtanner , @inkonfreshnewpaper - I do not know if I missed anyone. I went through the Muster Book to check out who had tumblrs. If I missed you, please let me know. I had a fantastic time. Thank you all.
With love, In heart and spirit, Second Leftenant, Wilbur
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favouritefi · 5 months
Original catboy Jopson x dogboy Tozer anon here. I have no idea if or how it could be plausible in Purror & Erebark lore but maybe...?
1. Hickey manipulates Tozer into attempting to seduce Jopson for ??? scheming reasons????
2. Tozer witnesses the fabled Jopson x Hickey dance and feels inadequate because his marines upbringing did not permit for such frivlous training as dancing and idk asks Jopson for dance lessons and then they smooch about it?
3. ???????????????
4. Anyway like you said to other anon I'm also down for Jopson giving Tozer the slap to punish his audacity.
anon if im correct you're a jopson x tozer shipper and im sorry to say there isnt a lot of that in this au bc of the jopzier predominance but they do have some moments together. for example out on the ice jopson was one of the best hunters and initially when crozier ordered that the marines bring jopson they grumbled about it bc no way a fancy shmancy siamese like jopson knows how to hunt like proper dogs do. so tozer paired himself up with jopson to "compensate" for jopsons supposed lack and quickly realized that jopsons a helluva shot and they ended up being the pair that brought back the most meat that day. then when dundy starts brewing his mutiny and planning to abandon the sick tozer objects on the grounds that jopsons one of the sick and hes one of their best hunters. also, because of tozers crush on little, jopsons almost like little's scary older brother that tozer needs to impress to get his blessing to court little. i think tozer might drunkenly kiss jopson on the cheek and jopson would daintily dab it away with a hankie but im not sure jops really has the heart to pursue anyone besides crozier in this au.
marines arent trained to dance but they do dance for fun. sort of like hootenanny style rowdy throwdowns that occasionally feature spontaneous dogpiles / wrestling. no waltzing or ballroom and such (which is what jops and hickey do). tozer, like hickey, sort of sees past all the artifice of upper class cat/dogboy living but, unlike hickey, isn't drawn to it as a fancy shiny thing to obtain for prestige and safety reasons. which makes it all the stranger for him to be part of jfj's (wealthy) household. dundy deffo had to teach him some etiquette and maybe taught him some dancing too, but he'll always prefer a marine dogboy party over a soiree and he'd rather be yelling and clapping and twirling heather around than trying to avoid stepping on dundys feet. i felt the need to clarify this because tozer is probably the only person in the main cast who doesnt actually want this upper class life. he'd be happy doing what blanky's doing: running a bar and making enough to care for the people he loves.
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sidprescot · 10 months
10 characters | 10 fandoms | 10 tags
pick 10 characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people! tagged by @kuwdora and @garaviel thank you both for tagging me 🥰🥰🥰
this was so hard actually omg why is it that as soon as i get asked my favorite (insert thing here) i immediately forget everything i've ever loved. blorbo? i don't know her
cornelius hickey (the terror): who could forget dear rat boy? captain crozier's specialest little princess. gay cannibal thottie with the body. five foot something and he's royalty short king mama ayyy 🎶 killed a man for a free hawaiian vacation and all he got is this lousy t-shirt (sick ass coat he stole from a dead man)
mordin solus (mass effect) - dr war crimes my beloved... he is the very model of a scientist salarian 🥺 only being able to pick one mass effect companion is actually destroying me tho. thane i'm so sorry king
rogue amendiares (cp2077) - LET ME ROMANCE THE HOT MILF CDPR I AM ON MY KNEES
yennefer of vengerberg (the witcher - any/all canon) - that is my WIFE. the love of my life. honorable mention to my side piece cahir i still love you babygirl. and my toxic ex vilgefortz
harry du bois (disco elysium) - the saddest wettest most pathetic man of all time he's just like me fr
frodo baggins (lotr) - the og babygirl ok? he is taking the ring to mordor though he does not know the way!!!!!! second place goes to gandalf and his big naturals
sidney prescott (scream) - thee final girl of all time and the reason for my url enough said
captain spaulding (rob zombie's firefly trilogy) - TUTTI FUCKIN FRUTTI!! that's my fucked up clown dad, babey!!! rip sid haig
dana scully (the x files) - woman of all time tbh. she is the BLUEPRINT. i saw her for the first time when i was like six years old and it altered my brain chemistry forever
astarion (baldur's gate 3) - LISTEN i relate to his story and really appreciate the way his trauma is handled respectfully and the themes of bodily autonomy and consent and reclaiming your power and breaking the cycle and and and- HOWEVER if we are talking thirst there is no question my fave is actually orin 🤪 because i am mentally ill goodbye 💀
tagging: @belgianfry @medalsofgold @margaritalaux-antille @faarkas @chainsawsangel @hannahmationstudios @coconutwaterbending @girlfriendtanjiro @phileilharts @ladyyennefer
absolutely no pressure tho 💕
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swiftzeldas · 6 months
tagged by @dead-ghost-walking!
How many works do you have on AO3? 58! though i've been considering orphaning some lmao
What’s your total AO3 word count? 260,542
What fandoms do you write for? i write for whatever is currently occupying my brain so currently that's the x-files and the terror but i have also written for NADDpod, dimension 20, the magnus archives, the adventure zone, and various other fandoms (inception, the exorcist, psych, succession, baseball rpf, the enchanted forest chronicles, it is truly an eclectic mix)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? i haven't looked at this in ages so this is interesting! they are: something more than nothing (jon/tim, the magnus archives), if you need some company (hardwon/moonshine, naddpod), head above water (roy siblings, succession), a million little times (taako/magnus, the adventure zone), the greatest films of all time were never made (taako/magnus, the adventure zone)
Do you respond to comments? i try to! i never know what to say besides "thank you so much i'm so glad you liked it" but i mean that every time!!!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? i don't think i have a ton of angsty endings so i suppose it is us traitors never win, my hickey/goodsir fic. the end of that fic is very similar to the end of the show anyway tbh it just sort of slots goodsir into crozier's ending
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i think it's "if you need some company" but in lieu of repeating myself, my morwen/telemain fic it's not the years; it's the mileage has a pretty happy ending as well!
Do you get hate on fics? i don't think i write popular (or unpopular) enough pairings to get hate honestly
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes, usually as part of a longer fic but occasional PWP
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? when i was younger i did, i don't have any posted on ao3 though
Have you ever had a fic stolen? i don't think so and i doubt it would happen
Have you ever had a fic translated? yes, i had someone ask to translate my saito/eames fic something worth coming back to
Have you ever co-written a fic before? only in the sense that most of the x-files daemon au world i write in was created by @emmaswanned for a fic she's working on and she let me take the au and run amok on the krycek side of things (wouldn't last a day)
What’s your all time favorite ship? i don't think my ao3 stats reflect this very well. i also find a lot of the time i don't NEED to write multiple fics for the same ship, like i get it out of my system
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i have multiple WIPs rn and i definitely do not want to throw in the towel on any of them but i've wanted to write a marcus/tomas (the exorcist) fic involving them reuniting at casey rance's wedding for literal years and have never written past the first scene
What are your writing strengths? i think my characterization is good, i think i'm good at capturing tone, i think i'm pretty good at dialogue
What are your writing weaknesses? finishing fics longer that about ~7K (unfortunate because most of my ideas are longer than that), figuring out endings
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i probably would not do this just because i'm only fluent in one language and i would not want to offend anyone due to my reliance on google translate
First fandom you wrote for? i wrote baby-sitters club and harry potter fanfic in spiral notebooks when i was a kid
Favorite fic you’ve written? "us traitors never win" my absolute beloved
tagging @jackreichel @amidalleia @ageless-aislynn
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