#crushes wicked bummer
silvermoon-scrolls · 5 months
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So Dean knows about the @deanobingo event (kinda). And he did kind of challenge us to try to write about an as obscure character as possible, mentioning a Snacker bar commercial he did when he was 12.
So here you go. ~700 words inspired by combining ‘Snacker-bar-commecial kid’ with the bingo prompt ‘Bro code / Girl code’. Of course set in the late 80s/early 90s. ^^
The wind whips through Billy’s hair as his skateboard zigzags down the street. A good thing it’s downhill all the way to the arcade. A hella slog back home though. 
After taking a sharp turn he automatically sticks one hand in the front pocket of his hoodie to make sure he still has his Snacker bar. Wouldn’t wanna lose that.
As the arcade comes into view, he immediately recognizes Jessie standing outside waiting for him, but it takes him a moment longer to identify whom it is he’s talking to. Billy lets out a low whistle when he realizes that it's Amy – Jessie’s longtime crush.
But considering the way Amy keeps looking over her shoulder like she’s searching for an escape route, it doesn't look like it’s going too well. Time for a distraction.
Kicking up his speed, Billy sets his sight on the curb. At the last moment he pops the board off the ground, turns it, and slides along the curve. Jumping off right next to Jessie and flipping the board up into his hands. He can’t help himself from grinning wildly. “What’s up?”
“Wicked trick,” Amy says, inspecting Billy and his skateboard appreciatively.
Billy’s grin fades a little when he notices Jessie’s disappointment at having his crush once again forget him. Oops. Thinking on his feet, Billy smiles widely. “Yeah, Jessie taught me that one.” He slaps his friend on the back for good measure.
“Really? I didn’t know you were good with a board,” Amy says with an impressed smile, her attention back on Jessie.
A little caught off guard, Jessie still rolls with it fairly well. “Ehem, yeah. I don't like showing off, you know,” he explains only a little hesitantly, trying to wave it away.
“Too bad. I think it would be fun to watch.” The hint of a teasing smile she bestows on Jessie is apparently enough for him to drown in those big, brown eyes of hers because he’s just standing there smiling stupidly while she holsters her bag as if to go.
Billy elbows Jessie out of his stupor. “You wanna hang together at the arcade?” he finally blurts out. “We could talk more about skating?”
Amy shrugs. “I don’t really know much about skateboarding,” she says noncommittally. “Except the music is really rad.”
“Oh!” Jessie’s eyes light up – Billy recognizes his geek mode activating. “I just put together this new tape,” Jessie exclaims excitedly. He slings off his backpack and starts rummaging through it. “It’s got all these sick beats I caught on this new radio station I discovered.” He brings up his walkman. “Maybe-- maybe we could go to the park and listen to it?”
To Billy’s astonishment it looks like Amy really is considering it, though Jessie’s hopeful smile begins to fade a little when her answer drags a little too long. 
“I can’t,” she finally says. She actually looks genuinely sorry. “I have band practice later and I need to get home and grab something to eat.”
"Oh." Jessie lets out a disappointed sigh.
Bummer. So close. Billy chews the inside of his lip, but decides that Jessie is worth it. “No way!” he exclaims, pointing at something behind Amy. “Do you see that?”
The moment Amy turns around to look, Billy quickly fishes out the Snacker bar from his pocket, holding it up for Jessie to see, before dropping it into Jessie’s open backpack and gesturing with his eyes towards Amy.
“What? I don’t see anything,” Amy says, turning back.
“Oh, I thought I saw a cat with a top hat. My bad.” Billy gives her his most innocent smile, which only earns him a totally weirded out look in return.
Jessie hurriedly bends down to search his bag once more. “Uhm. What if we could eat at the park? I’ve got a Snacker we could share.” Jessie holds up his prize.
“Oh. Okay!” Amy says smiling, clearly won over by the promise of a delicious snack. 
Jessie is grinning from ear to ear. “You don’t mind, do you Billy?” he asks.
“‘Cause not,” Billy assures him. Mates looks after each other.
Besides, he’s got more bars at home.
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"Tell who?"- Part 2
Remus smiled into his pillow. Why’s he so cute? He felt something rustle under his stomach. Reaching under himself, he pulled out a wrinkled piece of parchment. His resolutions list. Remus flipped onto his back and squinted at the letters. Warmth was pooling in his chest. Something is missing here. He patted the bed in search for his quill and ink, then wrote:
5. Fuck this I wanna tell him I love him
The paper slipped to the floor as Remus’ arms gave out and he drifted into an instantaneous, profound sleep.
The Marauders are in their 6th year at Hogwarts, it's New Year's Eve and Remus writes a New Year's resolutions list. Sirius finds it the next day. The story is written from Remus' point of view. It's wolfstar and lighthearted. Kinda inspired by this fanfic.
This is part 2 of the story. I will be posting the other parts separately here and also the full fic on ao3 (I will link everything when it's done, check this post for that in some time). Warnings: underage drinking and smoking, mentions of anxiety disorder.
Part 1 Part 3
Enjoy! :)
“Moony! Get up, mate!” Like it was that easy. He couldn’t even get himself to pry his eyes open. It was James that woke him. “Come on, mate. We gotta show up at breakfast, so nobody gets suspicious.” Remus groaned and turned onto his back. A dreadful headache split his forehead.
“Ugh, fuck me.”
“Not right now, Moony. We gotta dash.” He could practically feel James’ stupid grin.
“Fine, fine. I’m getting up.” He blinked his eyes open, pushing onto his elbows, then slowly sat up. The throb in his temples was menacing. He got up gingerly. No nausea. Good. Picking out clean clothes from his neatly organised wardrobe, he headed for the bathroom. “Pete and I should probably go as soon as possible. Will you be alright to bring him down to the Great Hall,” he heard James question as he shut the door.
The shower did wonders to Remus’ hangover. It diminished his headache and helped clear his vision. It also felt nice to be in clean clothes, even though it was devastating having to take Sirius’ shirt off. But letting himself feel his emotions was no more, so he pushed down that thought. Remus walked back into the dorm, rubbing his wet hair with a towel. Lifting his gaze, he noticed Sirius leaning against his bedpost with one ankle crossed over the other. His lips were pulled in a small smile. Their eyes connected.
“Tell who?”
Remus’ stare fell on the yellow paper in Sirius’ hand and the realisation hit him momentarily. His heart dropped all the way to the floor. Oh, no. Oh, no no no no no... His mouth was utterly dry. Fear and panic washed over him like a thousand giant ocean waves coming down at once. ‘I wanna tell him I love him,’ he had written. Holy fucking fuck, he thought, Sirius knows I like a boy. There was a deafening, high pitched ringing in his ears.
“M-my dad... I never tell him that.” He was grasping at straws.
“Remus, come on,” Sirius huffed out a short laugh as he pushed himself off the board. He was shooting Remus this terribly meaningful look, and Remus begged the ground to crack open and claim him.
“I...“ Then before much further thinking, Remus turned on his heel and darted out the room and down the stairs as Sirius called out his name.
Fucked. He was so fucked. Idiot. Imbecile. How could he have written that and then just left it lying around?! Idiot. He smacked his forehead as he rounded a corner, then scuttled down the hallway. He was headed for his favourite hiding spot- a cosy alcove in the wall behind a tapestry on the fourth floor. Settling on the stone ground, Remus went through his breathing exercises. It wasn’t the first time he’d had an anxiety attack, except it was usually something associated with his lycanthropy. Shit, thank Merlin I didn’t write his name. He exhaled a shaky breath. It could have been worse, at least. He’s never drinking again, he concluded. Well, Sirius knew Remus liked boys. A boy. That was that. He rested his head on the wall behind him and closed his eyes. He stayed like that for a while, just breathing.
“Moony,” a voice called behind the tapestry. It was Sirius. Remus’ heart rate spiked again. “Stop freaking out, mate.”
“I can’t,” Remus replied.
“Can I come in?”
Sirius pulled back the tapestry and gracefully climbed inside. He was clutching the map. He sat opposite Remus and drew his knees to his chest so they could both fit in the alcove. Remus was looking at the ground.
“Here, I brought you a sandwich. You skipped breakfast. Can’t imagine it helped your hangover.”
Remus took it without looking up. “Thanks.”
After a moment, Sirius started: “This is because it’s a him, right?”
“Well...” Remus cleared his throat. It’s also kinda because it’s you. “Yeah.”
“And what? You think I wouldn’t be okay with that?” Silence. “I don’t care about stuff like that, you idiot.” Sirius’ voice was incredibly soft and comforting. Remus finally looked at him. He shook his head and buried his face in his knees.
“Christ. Of course you don’t. It’s just... It’s a big deal for me. Nobody knows.”
“That’s alright, Moony, I get it. It’s all good with me." He paused. "So, are you... if you don’t mind me asking...” Remus drew his head back up. Sirius was asking if he was gay.
“I have no idea what I am, honestly. This has never happened before. Then again, it hasn’t happened with a girl, either.”
“Well, that’s fine. You have your whole life to figure it out.” Sirius flashed him a sympathetic smile.
“Yeah.” Remus’ lips curved as well.
After a few beats of silence, Sirius continued: “Moony in love... Blimey, this bloke must be something else, eh?” Yup.
“Well, I don’t know about love... I was pretty pissed last night when I wrote that.”
Sirius chuckled, throwing his head back. “Right. So... Does he fancy you back, d’you reckon?”
Remus couldn’t suppress the panicked short laugh that escaped his mouth. “No.” Sirius liking him back? What a joke.
“Well, how do you know? He doesn’t even know you fancy him, it seems.”
“Nope, and I hope it stays that way until the end of time.”
“Merlin, who is this lad anyway?”
“I’m not telling you!” Remus’ cheeks were flaming. There wasn’t a force in the world that could have made him look Sirius in the eye. This was a little too close for comfort.
“Hah, fine. One step at a time.”
They sat in silence for a few moments. Their ankles were touching. Remus pushed down his feelings of affection with all the mental strength he could gather.
“Um, could you not tell Wormtail and Prongs, please? I’m just not ready for people to know.”
“Of course, mate. You know you can talk to me about it, though?” His expression was soft and understanding.
“Yeah, I know.”
“Brilliant. Okay then.” Sirius pushed himself up and dusted off his trousers. “Should we get out of here? This is definitely a secret snogging spot.” He offered a hand to Remus and pulled him to stand as well.
“Please don’t taint the aura of my favourite hideout, Padfoot.”
This is why Remus liked Sirius so much. Of course, he was strikingly good-looking and cool as hell, but Remus liked his personality more. Sirius was a troublemaker and joked around with everyone, but when it came to moments like this, he was an incredible and supportive friend. Never short on advice (even if it was questionable a lot of the time). He never hesitated to go above and beyond for the people he loved. These were also the reasons why Remus reckoned he’d had a crush on his best friend for much longer than 4 months. Sirius’ looks just made it crystal clear, but Remus had been falling for him for years. Maybe love wasn’t such a strong word after all...
On the way back to their dormitory, Sirius asked: “Is it that Ravenclaw guy you study with at the library? What’s his face? Oliver?”
An obvious choice, but wrong. “Shut up,” Remus said, looking straight ahead, but the corners of his mouth lifted.
“Okay.” Sirius put his hands up, smiling. “Not Oliver, then.”
Sirius kept prodding him like that every once in a while for the following two weeks. Sometimes he would point at a random bloke in the hall and ask if that was Remus’ mystery crush. It made Remus laugh. Generally, it didn’t bother him at all and even became rather amusing. It grew into a sort of an inside joke between them.
They were sitting side by side at dinner one evening after all the students had returned from the holidays. Sirius was in his curious, mischievous mood.
“Oh! The- the muggle kid we hung out with last Christmas? When we were at James’,” he tried.
“Hah, no,” Remus answered, “I saw him like twice.” Sirius huffed.
“Is it somebody from home, then? Somebody I don’t know?”
Remus could’ve lied. He could’ve lied so easily. Still, he decided against it, given how dreadful he was at keeping life-changing secrets. He shook his head, looking at his plate. Sirius leaned so close to him, their shoulders touched. He all but started bouncing in his seat.
“So it is someone from Hogwarts!” Remus didn’t bring himself to answer. Instead, he shoved a particularly packed fork into his mouth. They were silent for a few moments, then: “Is it Snivellus?”
“Yuck, Sirius!” Remus shoved his shoulder as they both laughed.
“So, why don’t you just tell this bloke of yours, then?”
“Ha. Because he’s straight.”
“Oh, bummer. Sorry, Moony.”
Remus wanted to bang his head on the table. If only Sirius knew he was apologising for himself being straight. “It is how it is.”
Back in their dorm, a parcel was sitting on Sirius’ bed. “Padfoot, something arrived for you earlier. I paid the owl,” James explained.
“Oh, yes! They arrived! Cheers, mate.” Sirius leapt onto his bed and started tearing the paper. “What is it,” James asked, leaning closer to Sirius’ bed and peering at the package. Remus and Peter were doing the same. “My rings,” he exclaimed, sliding a silver loop onto his finger. He placed one on his ring finger, one on his thumb and two on his index finger, then stretched out his arm to examine his hand. They were all different shapes.
“Wicked,” James blurted out.
“Yeah, wicked,” Peter repeated. Remus could just sit and gawk like his mouth was sewn shut. What the fuck, Remus thought. He’s trying to kill me. It was hot. It was hot. Like his hands could get any sexier.
“Don’t worry, Moony, it’s not real silver,” Sirius said with the biggest grin on his face. Remus could just nod, swallowing thickly. Yeah, that was a good excuse for why he was baffled.
Sirius wore his rings everywhere. To class, to every meal, sneaking around the castle at night to arrange their next prank. And Remus loved it. After the initial bewilderment subsided, he adored looking at them. However, it didn’t help reduce his massive fucking crush on Sirius. Quite the opposite, as a matter of fact. Girls would come up to Sirius at lunch to tell him ‘his rings look amazing’, and Remus would almost start growling. It was a bit of a problem. He needed to repeatedly tell his brain to shut up in these moments.
Sirius was running out of ideas for who Remus' infamous crush could be. Remus was a bit concerned he would actually figure it out. However, Sirius just started bringing it up less and less. It seemed like the entire thing was blowing over and Remus was getting away with it.
They were sitting on James’ bed, leaned over the map. There was nobody else in the dorm. Their bodies were close together, Remus’ right shoulder behind Sirius’ left.
“Good old Prongsy,” Sirius said. James’ dot on the map was in the hallway outside the Great Hall. Lilly’s dot was right next to it. “He’s probably making an idiot of himself again. Poor lad’s gonna get himself hexed.” Remus laughed.
“I admire him,” Remus said, “I would have died from embarrassment by now.”
“Oh, have you seen it?!” Sirius suddenly turned to look at him, their noses almost brushed. Remus’ heart skipped a beat.
“Seen what?”
“The abomination James made for Evans for Valentine’s day!”
“For Valentine’s? But it’s January,” Remus said as Sirius opened the drawer of James’ bedside table and reached inside. He pulled out a wooden cube that fit in the palm of his hand.
“It opens on my voice for now. Later he’ll change it to activate when Evans says ‘James’.” In that moment the top of the box popped open and the sides fell to reveal a petit yellow bird figurine. Just as Remus thought: Oh, this is cute, a blearing sound spread through the room. “Evans,” the bird boomed in James’ voice, “go on a date with me this Hogsmeade weekend!” Remus grimaced at the volume of the noise.
“My idea to make it loud,” Sirius said with a proud grin.
“Oh, why did you help him with it?!” Remus started laughing.
“He’s gonna transfigure it into a real bird and make it sit oh her shoulder giving her compliments the whole day. I haven’t decided whether I’m gonna let him go through with it. Reckon it might be worth it to see the look on Evans’ face.”
“This is bad.” Remus couldn’t stop sniggering. “This is so bad.”
“The lad has no shame. Maybe you could make one for your mystery man. I bet it would change his views,” Sirius joked. He was being incredibly charming. Remus couldn’t help it. When you’re not supposed to look at something, it’s all your eyes want to do. He dropped his gaze to Sirius’ flawless lips. It wasn’t discreet at all. Remus realised he was leaning towards him, smiling stupidly. Sirius’ eyes flickered between Remus’ as realisation flashed across his expression. He drew back a little. “Oh,” was all he said. Remus’ smile dropped suddenly as he pulled back as well.
Remus’ heart was thumping in his ears. It kind of felt like his soul was leaving his body. No, actually, he was sure his soul was leaving his body. Suddenly, he scrambled off the bed frantically, saying: “Fuck, sorry,” then crossed the room in three large, quick steps and bolted out the door. “Moony,” he heard the dim and distant shout. Deja vu. Only this time he’d had enough sense to grab the map.
Part 1 Part 3
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helloliriels · 4 years
Prompt #2: Allergies
February 2021 Johnlock prompt challenge, hosted by @ohlooktheresabee. Daily entry by 🐝 @helloliriels🐝 *** 🐝🐝🐝 Gonna have to cheat on this one, down sick, but since bees & allergies go together, here it is. Enjoy! 🐝🐝🐝 ***
Do Bees Kiss? or just Sting? 
Q: Do bees "kiss"?
             Why do bees "kiss"?  I went to Wikipedia.
A: When bees "kiss" they are actually passing nectar to other bees.
Sherlock kisses John.
It was early morning. And John was getting ready for work.
Sherlock bloody Holmes of course, pays no attention to people's privacy or morning routines, and can't be bothered to explain why he's standing in John's way as he makes his toast and goes about his business...  but there he is. Every place John needs to be. Waiting for something.
John is just about done and ready to head out the door - No thanks to Sherlock for making him late again - when he gets the shock of his life.
Sherlock kisses him.
A small peck on the lips. Almost chaste. Like those kisses you give to your crush in kindergarten. Or to your mum. When she insists.
John thinks it's an experiment. He knows it is. 
It must be. 
He gives Sherlock a 'you done now?' look, then goes around him when he gets no reply. 
Sherlock heads off to do his own morning routine. John sighs. Dropping the butter knife in the sink with a loud clank. Exasperated. He doesn't have time for this shit. 
Why do I bloody put up with it? 
He fumbles with his keys and jacket. Noting now that the genius has decided to get OUT of his GOD damn way of course, he is twice as late!!
He heads out the door in a rush. Slamming it, just a little in revenge on the way out.
Talking to Greg later that evening - around the corner from a crime scene where Sherlock is currently arguing with Anderson - he tells him about it off-hand. Confession of a sort. Get it off his mind. Greg will think it's damn funny.  "Pompous git, gave me a kiss earlier..."
"Wha???!!!....," Greg mouths a mock 'O' in awe as he turns to look at John, eyes wide in amazement...  a look that fully says, 'finally! It's going down!'
"I know right?" Playing it up, John laughs it off. Great joke. Were not a couple! He shrugs.
"What else happened?? What did he say?" Greg was dying to know now, taking his hands out and shaking John for more details. The man wanted details?! John could see this was the happiest moment of Papa Lestrade's life. It was almost a bummer to have to disappoint him...
         🐝   ***REST UNDER THE CUT***   🐝
"No, no, nothing like that." John reassured, "God I wish!" (It came out before he had time to stop himself). And Lestrade looked taken aback.
He added a little "Haha," like he had meant it as a joke after all.
He really didn't.
         Sobering thought.
Thinking better to explain himself, he added - "Hey, don't tell Sherlock I just said that?... by the way. Bit not good. It was just an experiment after all, I'm sure. You know how he is."
Greg was still just... flabbergasted. A balloon deflating. Open mouthed staring at John. No words.
John's half sad-smile said more than he probably intended. Shouldn't have mentioned it after all, he thought. "Well!" He added cheerfully, slapping Greg on the shoulder. "Was a fun case tonight. Sherlock will be happy. Solved it in under 5 minutes!" He prepared to leave, and shot off a parting, "See you round." With a half-smile. He bowed his head and walked off to follow Sherlock who was now leaving. John had his hands in his pockets now. Quite unlike him. Shuffling along. 
Greg watched as John kicked some debris in his path in frustration, mindlessly, as they left. He had never seen the man looking so downtrodden...  
At least, not after such a brilliantly resolved case! John was usually on cloud nine after watching the curly haired genius work. It was rather embarrassing really. The puppy eyes that looked up in worship at Sherlock as he dished out deductions, it was almost criminal. But lately he was getting more and more moody... Greg wondered.
And here, with this new evidence, Sherlock had managed to...   He stopped. Shaking his head. Unbelievable. Just unbelievable...
Greg took one last look over his shoulder at their retreating forms, before heading out himself. 
The week goes on.                       
Sherlock continues to kiss him, Randomly. Small pecks mostly. But sometimes a smooch. Nothing more. No explanations. Just kisses.
Must be. John kept telling himself.
Experiments require further data. It was the only possible explanation...
Sherlock had never shown any signs of wanting... relationship in his life. Mister 'girlfriends aren't his area' and 'married to his work', and... 'alone protects me'...  had never expressed any interest in any men either (that John knew of?). Hell, he'd even turned down some of the most bloody gorgeous ones they had met so far, both men and women. So John doubted that he was interested in that sort of thing. Some people just aren't.
The only really odd thing about it, is - Sherlock isn't saying anything to address the kisses.... 
It must be like having toes on the kitchen table, to him. John thought. A dummy hanging itself from their rafters. Or penicillin growing in the bread box. I'm just a thing. A dummy for this latest experiment.
At that last thought, a realization dawned on John. A horrifying, terrible realization. How had he not seen it sooner?!
Was Sherlock going to break out some rare dye, or some insane chemical powder he'd concocted - to dust and test John's lips for lip prints left at a crime scene next?? John could just see himself going to work with purple lips and a chemical burn that would take weeks to heal. Perhaps even suffering an allergic reaction...
All because Sherlock did not realize the exotic stuff would not COME OFF!!! and was actually quite dangerous.
He pinches the bridge of his nose at the thought. Exasperated. 
His brain hurts now. 
    This was happening a lot lately. 
The thought of what he was going to be subjected to next....the worry. Was almost worst. Well, it is worse - than the kisses, John thinks.
The kisses. 
Damn. Need to stop thinking about this.
John did his best to push it out of his mind. Not wishing to upset the equilibrium of their friendship. Crazy as it might be right now. At least this is one way, he was getting what he wanted? Or something like it. Gift horse and all. One doesn't ask...
He is tempted to ask however, about how you would go about setting up a mind palace? Just so he could keep the memories locked forever away in there to return to. But that would be more than telling.
So he just closes his eyes most of the time, when he knows it's going to happen; and stores it in the best way he knows how. Memorization. Skills learnt in public school. Repetition. 
Sherlock was certainly giving him that. 
John smiles despite himself. He gives it about a week before the worst will come out.
           He isn't wrong.
The height of ridiculousness comes one morning, almost exactly a week later. 
John is there in the kitchen, fork in hand - eating his breakfast, and reading the paper out of the corner of his eye. Completely non-plussed, while Sherlock continues to dive in for a small kiss. Between. Every. Single. Bite. The paper rattles a bit each time. 
John isn't even looking at him anymore.
Or acknowledging that this is happening.
At all.
He's got his back to the cabinets, facing out. And his slippered foot keeps tapping away.
Sherlock, as anyone watching would have seen - was acting as childishly as could be imagined. Not unlike when you see two kids who won't stop hitting one another, while say 'I'm not hitting you". If he hadn't been the recipient of it, John might have thought it was quite funny.
He wasn't sure how long this was going to go on. And clearly had decided to take the saint's role and be above it all; when Sherlock dives in for one more kiss. 
This time, he presses in deep, and opens his mouth a little. Holding it there. Breathing his air. 
  Watching with a perplexed furrow of his brow,
                  for John's reaction.
Oh god. John thinks. Feeling the warm breath, and the warmer lips pressed up against his own.
What is now a very REAL, albeit awkward, kiss.
Sherlock does not have much experience in this area, after all.
John's breathing stops. He swallows hard. Tries to remember not to drop his fork.
His heart has just jumped out of his chest. And is now screaming at him. Pumping and pulsing like it's running a marathon. And his eyes scan around the room, as if someone might materialize from thin air, who could help, or at least explain all of THIS to him?!!!
     ...WHat the HeLL wAs GoiNg On??!!!
Lips still connected, breath shared, he looks up at Sherlock at last. Unable, really to avoid it at this point. He makes eye contact. 
His eyes full of fear, his eyebrows raised in question.
And showing... Honestly showing something else entirely, he hadn't meant to show at all.
He looks like he is about to cry. He is about to cry. This. THIS. Is too much.
Sherlock can't have THIS from him. Not without a relationship. 
He pulls away. And turns his head, his lips out of reach. Closing his eyes. His signal, that he is DONE.
Done with this bloody experiment. Done with his stupid, unfeeling, selfish flatmate. Just done.
He feels, more than sees, Sherlock grin his way out of the kiss. Backing off just the slightest bit. But still not going away. 
When he looks back a few moments later, having calmed down his own breathing. And collected his feelings. Sherlock is still standing there. Looking down at him. A wicked grin on his face. At that look, John is stunned. Has this all been a JOKE to the man?!! 
He has only a moment to think before Sherlock's lips are on his again.
John drops everything this time. Throws, more like. Literally - newspaper, plate, fork, all of it - down. And pulls down on Sherlock's neck, forcibly dragging him closer. If Sherlock wants to kiss, then GOD DAMN IT, he is going to get fucking KISSED! And John releases everything that has been pent up inside of him, all week. All month. All of the years he has known and been in love, with Sherlock Holmes.
Sherlock was now holding onto him also, arms wrapping around his middle. Keeping him upright, somehow. While John was snogging him senseless.
That should teach him. John thinks as he pulls away. Completely out of breath and panting with the exertion he had just enforced. And glares up at his flatmate. Absolute daggers.
But Sherlock...  is now blushing, and looking pleased as punch. The response John sees, is also the kindest, and gentlest look in his eyes.
More love than he has ever dared to hope for from anyone, let alone, from his companion. More love than John thought the man standing before him, was capable of feeling. 
Contrary to everything Sherlock had tried to tell everyone, loudly, since the day John had met him. This was Sherlock being human. 
And it was all for him.
It was like a wall had come down. And the great genius' emotions were laid bare - exposed before John, for what they really were. Insecurity. Inexperience. He was offering himself up as a gift to be taken. A student to be taught. And John had... Oh.
John blushes. He had just taught. Hadn't he?
Sherlock smiled. Glad to see John finally catching up. A puzzle at last, solved. 
A sweet little shrug of, forgive me? but this was the only way I know how... accompanied his smile. And John found himself laughing with relief at the expression. Giddy with it.
He pulled Sherlock back in to himself, gently this time. And gave him more of a sweet, first-date kiss.
With Sherlock's permission, it deepened it into a full, gorgeous, lovers kiss - His hand gripped tight in the expensive fabric of Sherlock's shirt, to keep him in place. Buttons be damned.
This kiss was;
Full of all the things John had wanted to say; 
Full of all the things Sherlock had been trying to say;
Full of all the things they had both held back for so long.
When it ended, John felt Sherlock lick a tiny bit of honey off of the corner of his mouth. Humming as he did so.
A little like a buzz.
🐝🍯🐝 Not unlike a bee.🐝🍯🐝
John shivered in anticipation. As Sherlock led the way...
If this was what loving Sherlock Holmes was going to be like... Watson smiled, then sign him up as beekeeper.
posted on AO3 by helloliriels
More great fics and daily updates under the February 2021 Johnlock prompt challenge from ohlooktheresabee on AO3
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
Kingdom High Chapter 17
Warnings: some more fluff this time
Rating: SFW
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Welcome, fairytale friends, to spring at Ever After High.
Where following their true hearts is the only thing on students' minds.
Royals with Royals, and Rebels with Rebels.
Well, it may not be as straightforward as that. Look at Hunter and Ashlynn! Ashlynn giggled as Hunter built a table and perfect date spot out of wood. Back at the school, Apple had entered.
"It's Apple!" a student said.
"Hey, Apple! Oh, hey," another student said. Meanwhile, Duchess held her hand out in expecting that boys would court her too.
"Hi," a goat said. Meanwhile, Raven tried being nice to schoolmates however they picked up and dart out. Raven slumped in her seat.
"Oh! Run, everyone!" a student said. Dexter tried offering Raven roses, which Cupid mistook for hers. Cupid held her hands out in acceptance but noticed that they aren't for her. Lizzie walked past Dexter and cut off the flower heads.
"Off with their buds!" she said.
It seems that hearts and destinies don't always move in the same direction. In the library, Cupid was doodling in her book and fantasizing over Dexter.
"Cupid and Dexter Charming," she sighed.
"Cupie, and Dexie!" she said. One of the step-librarians cleared her throat in warning. Dexter entered with a pile of books which he dropped on the table.
"Hey, Cupid! Anyone sitting here?" he said.
"Yes...I mean, no! No one is sitting there, and yes, you should sit there," Cupid said as she pointed to the chair.
"Thanks!" Dexter flinched at the shrill voice of the step-librarian.
"Shh! Quiet in the library!" they said as they slammed the desk.
"The evil step-librarians are so wicked!" Cupid whispered.
"Yeah! Last week, they made me re-catalog the entire Forbidden Books section," Dexter said.
"Shh!" The step-librarians said as they eyed the two of them.
"Well, look what I found," Dexter said as he held out a book. Cupid gasped in surprise.
"The History of True Hearts Day? Thanks, Dex! You are such a sweet—" Cupid said. The step-librarians stood next to them and slammed the ruler on the table.
"Shhh!" they said. In his office, the Headmaster was playing with pony figurines, a podium, and a figure of himself.
"And so, each time a fairytale is told—" he said.
"Headmaster!" Cupid said as she loudly slammed the library book on his desk. Milton panicked to pack his toys away.
"My dear, I am writing my speech for—" Milton said.
"Love never waits!" Cupid said.
"What are you going on about?"
"True Hearts Day!"
"Where-" Milton cleared his throat.
"—did you find that?" He asked as he tried grabbing the book but Cupid took it first and flipped through the pages.
"It tells all about this totally hexcellent holiday that encourages everyone to follow their true heart's desire. But it hasn't been spellebrated in years," she said.
"And never will be, again," Milton said. Cupid gasped.
"That holiday is dangerous!" he said.
"But...but—" Cupid said.
"Some students might see it as a sign to break from their destinies!" Cupid started reading a few lines from the book.
"Maybe True Hearts Day is—" she said. Milton cleared his throat.
"You are not to talk about this to anyone. Do you understand me?" he said.
"Yes, sir. I won't say a thing," Cupid said as she lowered her head. In the Charmitorium as a meetup place with Briar, Cupid decided to spread the word on the secret holiday. She started by pointing at the book.
"True Hearts Day? I don't get it," Briar said.
"Oh," Cupid said. She suddenly came up with an idea.
"Charades," she said. Cupid held out her fingers for the word count and started doing various actions. The first part was the introduction to the holiday and the Headmaster Grimm's opinion and how she wanted the holiday to be celebrated in secret anyway.
"Forty-eight words. A holiday that used to be spellebrated in the fairytale world that encourages us to follow our true heart's desire, but Headmaster Grimm doesn't want anyone to know about it, but you think we should spellebrate it anyway and throw a secret underground True Hearts Day dance?" Briar said. Cupid sat next to Briar.
"Why didn't you just say that?" Briar asked.
"'Cause, Headmaster Grimm told me not to say anything!" Cupid said.
"Secret dance...What if Grimm catches us?"
"He won't! Come on. It'll be happily ever awesome!"
"I do throw the most hexcellent parties..."
"Yay!" Briar tried to shush Cupid but she didn't listen.
"We're having a secret True Hearts Day dance!" Cupid said. It accidentally echoed through the school.
"Shh!" Briar said. She kept her voice low and held onto Cupid's arm and lead her out.
"Um, you might not wanna shout that. You know, being a secret and all," she said. In the woods, animals were being startled as Sparrow entered the woods with a blaring guitar and his voice.
"🎵Sparrow! He's the hottest guy, oh, in the fairytale w—🎵" he sang. Duchess snatched on his guitar and pulled him out of the open.
"Woah!" he said.
"Stop that! Come on, they went this way," she said. She tugged onto his arm and they walked together.
"I'm finally gonna get some proof!" she said.
"Why do you even care?" he asked as he shoved her off of his arm.
"I care 'cause it's not fair! Ashlynn is breaking the Royal rules with her secret romance, but she still gets a Happily Ever After and I don't!"
"So you got a plan?" he pointed to Duchess.
"I mean, it's not like we're just gonna find them in some romantic mo—" Duchess pulled open a thin vine wall, and coincidentally, she found Ashlynn and Hunter there.
"ment," Sparrow said. Hunter fired an arrow at flowers atop of a tree. A flower crown fell out of it and Ashlynn let out a giggle. Going unnoticed, Duchess and Sparrow swam in the lake and planned to catch the couple in surprise. Before transforming back into a human, she shook off the water on her leg and took out her phone.
"Say cheese!" she said.
"Ah, curses," Hunter said.
"Oh, hey, Duchess! Sparrow! We didn't see you!" Ashlynn said. Hunter laughed nervously.
"What's going on?" Ashlynn asked as she looked around awkwardly.
"You two are totally busted!" Sparrow said. Duchess flinched at the sound of Sparrow's blaring guitar.
"Ashlynn, Hunter, I think the real question is what are you doing here?" she asked as she danced over to them. Duchess interrogatively appeared behind Ashlynn.
"Having a secret romantic rendezvous?" she asked as she hooked her arms around the couple.
"We gotta find a better place to picnic..." Hunter said.
"Please...you two can't tell anyone Hunter and I are secretly dating!" Ashlynn said.
"Um, yeah! Wow, well, I'm gonna!" Duchess said as she pointed to her phone.
"Ash, this is gonna knock you down the Royal rankings," she sarcastically pouted.
"But don't worry, I'll take your place! And your Happily Ever After," she said as she pointed at Ashlynn in a threatening manner. She then walked away.
"Bummer, princess-to-be! Ah whoa, wha—" Sparrow said. Duchess, Ashlynn, and Hunter stood up around him.
"Stop that!" they said. Back at school, Cupid's MirrorCast show was streaming live and she got a first comer.
"Now, my love tale-friends, this is the part of the MirrorCast where I try to solve your romantic problems. So, Fragile-In-Fairyland, what's in your heart?" she said.
"Um, well, I, I..." Dexter said. Noticing the broadcaster's eyes on the pixelated screen, she recognized Dexter's eyes.
"Dex!" she said.
"I kind of, uh...no, I do, I do have a crush on this girl named Raven," Dexter said.
"Raven Queen? You have a crush on Raven Queen?" Cupid asked. Everyone gasped in shock.
"Uh, I mean, Rachel! Rachel, yeah, I like a girl named Rachel," Dexter said.
"Uh, okay, Rachel," Cupid said as she expressed the disappointment in her voice.
"So, you like her. What's the problem?" she asked.
"Well, whenever I'm around her I get really, uh, tongue-tied," Dexter said.
"Huh. Okay." Cupid found her doodle of Dexter on her desk.
"Look, how about putting down your feelings on parchment?" she asked.
"That is a great idea! I'll write her a love po...em, uh," he said. The students turned around and gasped.
"Thanks, Cupid, you're the best, bye," Dexter said and ran off.
"No problem," Cupid said and sighed.
~Le Time Skip~
Ashlynn was in her store and she found the flower crown Hunter gave her earlier. She sighed lightly.
"It's Apple White!" a student said. Apple walked inside the store and sat down next to Ashlynn.
"True Hearts Day! Aren't you just totally hexcited? It used to be such an important holiday on the Royal calendar. Ah, love, finding our predetermined princes..." Apple said.
"Um, sure, yeah..." Ashlynn said. Apple put her hand on Ashlynn's shoulder.
"Oh, sweetie, what's wrong? You can tell me. I mean, we are friends forever after," she said.
"I'm not sure you'd understand," Ashlynn said.
"What? Is it boy trouble?" Ashlynn perked up and backed away.
"Oh, wow! Hey, I am thirsty. Um, I'm gonna go get us a couple hocus lattes! Double foam, extra apple caramel, right?" she said as she sheepishly ran out.
"Eh, you work here? I want these in a size seventy-four," a troll said as she wiggled her toes.
"Oh," Apple groaned.
And so, Dexter finished his true heart's poem for Raven. Now, he just had to wait for a response.
"What's this? I-It's a love poem," Rave said as she used her magic to pick up the note.
"Ooh, a secret note! Is there anything more hat-tastic?" Maddie said.
"That's so sweet. I wonder who it's from," Chika said.
"'D. Charming'?" Raven read.
"A ha ha ha ha ha!" Daring laughed. Raven, Chika, and Maddie turned around as he winked and flashed a smile to them.
"Ladies," he said.
"Daring? I had no idea he felt this way," Raven said.
"Looks like the cards are in your favor now," Chika said.
"'Sup, brother?" Daring asked as he ruffled Dexter's hair.
"Oh, gort," Dexter said.
Love is very...
Yes, complicated! Raven, Chika, and Maddie walked off together as they reread the poem.
Sakura and the girls had entered the shop and began their search for their dresses for the ball. They soon found them and returned home to show their families.
"Aww, you girls look fabulous!" Kairi said.
"Thanks mom," Eimi said.
"Alright, got my camera. Say cheese!" Sora said.
"Dad!" Akaya said.
"What? Am I not allowed to take a picture of my daughter before she goes to prom?"
"It's not prom, dumbass. It's a ball," Vanitas said.
"Whatever. Do you girls have a way to get to the school?" The girls nodded in agreement.
"Alright, go have fun," Sora said. The girls smiled and headed off to the school.
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pietromelim · 4 years
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Hello there! This is my Tier List of the books in The Shadowhunters Chronicles! I've seen this today and felt like making my own! It is always nice to talk about these books that i love so much!
Let us begin with the "Haven't Read" Tier. Tales From The Shadowhunter Academy is the only book i have not read yet. I probably should read it as soon as i can.
For the "Bad" Tier,there is no book,because i haven't disliked a single book of Cassie.
For the "Average" Tier,we have City of Fallen Angels and City of Ashes,book 4 and 2 in TMI. City of Fallen Angels was weird the first time i read it,i had fun reading it and all,but i honestly felt like the book was way too slow,as if nothing happened in it. City of Ashes was great but i got really sick of reading about Maia's evil brother. I just can't picture something like that,someone having an awful and wicked brother for no apparent reason. The Shadowhunter's Codex also belongs here. It was interesting to read,but it doesn't really add that much.
In the "Okay" Tier we have City of Lost Souls,City of Bones,books 5 and 1 in TMI. We have The Red Scrolls of Magic,book one in TEC,and The Bane Chronicles. I love City of Lost Souls,the whole Jace being connected to Sebastian situation was really nice to read,as well as the adventures of Team Good. I didn't like having all those scenes of Maia and Jordan though. City of Bones was the first book of Cassie that i read and i really enjoy it. My problem with it is actually the behavior of some characters 😂😂 specially Jace and Simon. Jace was way too annoying for me in this book,being snarky and sarcastic,and Simon always wanting to follow Clary and get into trouble with her,i had no patience for them. The Red Scrolls is very good,but it was kind of a bummer to see that Red Scrolls isn't really a powerful magical artifact. I also hate Shinyun Jung. I absolutely adore The Bane Chronicles,except the Peru story and Runaway Queen,they were really boring to read.
For the "Good" Tier we have Lady Midnight and Queen of Air and Darkness,books 1 and 3 from TDA. We have City of Heavenly Fire and City of Glass,books 6 and 3 in TMI. We also have Ghosts of The Shadow Market. LM is absolutely amazing,it is probably one of the best First books i have ever read. I just thought the whole scene when they found out about Malcolm a little hard to understand,it just seems like they put all the pieces together too fast for my taste. Emma and Julian in the beach is definitely my favorite scene! I also love Cristina! And i'm not a fan of Kieran. QoAaD was breath taking! Thule was definitely my favorite part,specially because i could never expect something like that! I seriously read that part in 5 or 6 hours 😂😂 the ending was game changer as well! My only problem with Queen is Annabel,and the fact Cassie turned her into Ash's babysitter,i think her role could have been much better. I love Heavenly Fire,Edom was really interesting to read about,and Sebastian's attacks to the different Institutes. His death scene was kinda sad in my opinion. I also cannot forgive him for killing Raphael. City of Glass was great,i love the ending,the whole scene with Clary,Jace and Valentine. Raziel appearing is my favorite scene,and him "spitting" and killing Valentine 😂😂. GoTSM is probably my favorite short story book,i just love Every Exquisite Thing and Cast Long Shadows! As well as the one with Janus and Ash.
For the "Great" Tier we have Clockwork Princess and Clockwork Prince,books 3 and 2 of TID. We also have Lord of Shadows,book 2 in TDA. Chain of Gold also belongs to this Tier. Clockwork Princess made me cry,and that was the first time something like this ever happened to me. I was really glad to see that there was a happy ending for those characters that i love so much! Tessa is definitely my favorite character,and i really love Herongraystairs,though i shipp Wessa more than Jessa,don't be mad at me please 😂. Clockwork Prince is also outstanding,especially the ending,when Charlotte reveals her pregnancy and Cecily shows up,it was an amazing Cliff Hanger. Lord of Shadows is my favorite from The Dark Artifices,the ending crushed me,it destroyed me completely. Emma and Julian in Cornwall was also incredible to read,it was also very nice to read about Annabel and the Unseelie Court. I have absolutely no words to describe Chain of Gold. I waited years for this book and it was simply perfect. It is thanks to this book that i love The Merry Thieves so much💖💖📖
For the "Excellent" Tier we have Clockwork Angel,my favorite book of all time. I read The Mortal Instruments before reading The Infernal Devices,and i thought no other series of Cassie could ever be better than TMI. That was until i read Clockwork Angel and loved it more than the entire Mortal Instruments 😂😂 It was a unique feeling,the one you feel when you discover a new favorite trilogy!
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fictionz · 5 years
New Fiction 2019 - July
Kill the Irishman dir. Jonathan Hensleigh (2011)
Ray Stevenson was the best part of HBO’s Rome, but here’s he’s a broody sort of crime guy that really doesn’t work for his acting style. He’s better as a bombastic rogue. But Linda Cardellini also appears in another bummer wife role with nothing to do, and even then, it’s great to see her work. My middle school crush on her continues unabated.
Lord of War dir. Andrew Niccol (2005)
Wow, what is going on? Here’s another actor who is best at his craziest but this is another ‘brooding guy who must do the crime to survive’ type. And like above, his wife, played by Bridget Moynahan, is just another step along the crappy dude’s journey. It’s worse because Moynahan is also in John Wick, which is great, but another fucking movie with a broody murder guy whose wife is incidental. I mean, fuck all these dudes! I don’t give a shit about them. Write more interesting roles for women in the lead roles. Widows is on that path to the light.
Always Be My Maybe dir. Nahnatchka Khan (2019)
Phew, okay, here we go. I’m not a fan of romantic comedies but this one slays. Or slaps? It does the right stuff, lemme tell you. Wong and Park and great in it and the characters around them are perfect. I watched this with my mom, who may be in love with Keanu Reeves. This may be his greatest role. Maybe we both are in love with Keanu Reeves.
Toy Story 4 dir. Josh Cooley (2019)
Okay this was dark and I loved it. They dared to do the thing that the characters are in terror of since the first movie. And Bo Peep is back which, you know, kind of redeems my diatribe above since she was another woman who gets the shit end of the story for the sake of the dude lead but now she’s back to kick his ass.
Armour of God dir. Jackie Chan and Eric Tsang (1986)
Women are punching bags--literally and figuratively--for Chan’s comedy, but I don’t know, it’s very eighties. This first movie has cool action of course but really leans on side characters that aren’t that funny.
Armour of God II: Operation Condor dir. Jackie Chan (1991)
But then Chan’s like, we don’t need no buddy cop bullshit, just him and some ladies! The women who accompany Chan on his anti-Nazi crusade are still treated as sexy jokes but they get more to do and I think it’s an improvement. And yeah more crazy action and stunts.
Spider-Man: Far From Home dir. Jon Watts (2019)
I’m really glad they closed out this Marvel arc of bleak apocalypses with this movie because their best movies are always the character pieces about one of the super goofs. And it’s relatable because aren’t we all keeping a secret identity while juggling immense responsibility and trying to get the attentions of our esteemed crushes but not be too needy or showy about it? I’d like to think.
Midsommar dir. Ari Aster (2019)
Oh fuck this month took a turn right about here and really, why, why would you go to the pagan cult town where they push LSD on you? Don’t do it. Stay in the cities, but not that part of the city with, like scientologists. Florence Pugh made me very uncomfortable and I think that’s the point. I should be uncomfortable.
1922 dir. Zak Hilditch (2017)
Aw jeez and now we’re in this depression-era hellhole of rats from the walls, from the ceilings, from every which hole they can crawl through. However I appreciate that while they totally blew it with the little they give Molly Parker, her character still gets something good to do. Maybe not good. Something wicked to do.
The Book of Eli dir. The Hughes Brothers (2010)
You know this may be my anti-Catholic prejudice, but I really hoped the movie macguffin wasn’t what it turned out to be. That bummed me out. But the bleak world of washed out tones and horror was cool I guess, just not as cool as George Miller’s take on it. It reminded me of--and this is where I bring it back to Keanu--The Bad Batch, which is another horrible post-apocalyptic joint in the desert. Or the best part of Seraphim Falls when Anjelica Huston shows up. All that trippy desert survival shit. This movie falls in with that mood.
Crawl dir. Alexandre Aja (2019)
Well, for one, don’t live in Florida. The sea, she’ll take it all back real soon. But if you have to live there and survive a squad of alligators coming after you, this is a good way to show it. It gets brutal and it mostly stays in a single house, which I thought was a cool approach. Also, this director absolutely has a feet thing.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood dir. Quentin Tarantino (2019)
Just like this guy, whose thing with feet is on full display here. But it’s something you know going into a QT movie. There are some tense moments and that good ol’ historical revision in service of revenge fantasy. It reminds me of the time when I was a kid and wrote a story about going back in time to stop MLK from being assassinated by killing Oswald. I was maybe ten. Revenge fantasies are... something. Still mulling it over. In any case, it’s an interesting look at old Hollywood and shitty white dudes. The Nice Guys does something like it.
The Farewell dir. Lulu Wang (2019)
Nope, too real, please stop. Well okay go ahead, but if you have family issues like I do, you gonna cry. Awkwafina is fuckin’ rad.
Jessica Jones - Season 3 (2019)
Closing out the month and a whole lotta stuff is this third and final season. I thought Walker was alright before but it’s great to see her build-up to who she becomes. I mean, she gets exactly what she wanted but you know how that goes. I wished they’d developed Jones more and they sort of did by the end, but they bring her back to where she starts, kinda. I suppose it being the final season means you can run with it and decide if she grew as a character or what have you. It’s crazy that they got to make these shows at all. Disney’s PG service probably won’t have anything like it.
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iknaq · 7 years
May Your Days Be Merry And Bright
A quick WinterShieldShock short. Something has been bothering Darcy and no matter what they did, Bucky and Steve hadn’t been able to get her spirits up for Christmas.
Seeing Darcy down was breaking his heart but when Steve started getting down for not being able to cheer her up, it was too much.
‘Come on, Stevie. I’m sure we can figure something out. Jane is going to be back later today, Wanda and Storm have been helping her bake all the wonderful delicious goodies, hell...even Lang got her to join in on karaoke earlier.’
‘I know but she’s still not happy, Buck and it’s killing me.’
‘I know, punk, me too.’
‘Any word from Nat?’
‘Not yet, she should be back at any minute though.’
‘Okay, well...just let me know if you see her before I do.’
Bucky sighed in frustration as Steve wandered down the hall of the palace and all he could see was that little punk with his shoulders hunched over, looking like he went a few rounds and lost. The man that could go all day was worn down with worry because their little hellion had been subdued and withdrawn recently.
It had all started on the first day of Hanukkah: Darcy had told them how she didn’t remember all the blessings but she’d had a lot of fond memories of her Bubbe growing up and lamented the fact that she didn’t have her menorah to at least mark the days. He still wasn’t sure how he’d found out or where it came from but his royal highness, T’Challa procured a menorah from somewhere and Darcy had been looking a little brighter. That lasted several days but the closer they got to Christmas, the sadder she’d looked. Now it was Christmas Eve and she’d been moping all day, despite their best efforts she was still missing that spark in her eyes.
Darcy had been actively avoiding Wanda or singing lyrics in her head, leaving Wanda to think there was something she didn’t want to slip. Nat was out on a mission so she couldn’t get it out of their girl what was up. And any time he or Steve tried to bring it up, she’d just plaster on a smile and assure them that she was fine.
He tensed when Wanda came running over but the smile she gave him had the former Winter Soldier relaxing and looking at the redhead curiously.
‘I know what’s bothering Darcy.’
‘Let’s grab Stevie.’
‘I think, that for this we will need Ororo...my Queen, what is it that they say...do you feel like spreading a little Christmas cheer?’
She tried, she really tried.
Despite the fact that they were in hiding, the past year had been nothing short of amazing. She’d grown to love Steve and Bucky. The Wakandan scientists had been able to remove the triggers from Bucky’s brain. Thor and Jane were on a break, so that was a big old bummer, but they were still getting along and she’d even volunteered to scope out some planets with Thor to help find a good place for the Asagardians. Thor was still the best bro and even had a wicked eye patch, she couldn’t help but make a joke about wanting a picture of him and Fury for Christmas. Sam had been teaching her how to fly. Nat and Wanda became sisters like Jane somewhere along the way. Lang taught her how to pick a lock. And his royal cat-ness was super chill and took care of the ragtag band of super heroes. All in all, things were going pretty good.
So, she totally didn’t have a leg to stand on to feel this bummed out. T’Challa had gotten her a beautiful menorah and Wanda had helped her remember the blessings. Steve and Bucky had even told them tales about the family that lived in the building with them and surprised them with some gelt the one year. Nat had promised to pick up the boys Christmas presents on her way back and Jane and Thor promised some crazy alien wine to help get the guys tipsy. They’d made allllll the cookies and candies and treats with a freakin Queen (Seriously, Storm could slay at anything she wanted and look stunning the whole time, total lady crush). Even Lang had been cheery after talking with Cassie and usually singing with him helped cheer her up anytime but it just wasn’t doing it right now.
She missed snow.
It was Christmas and it was sunny and warm and just totally did not feel right. They’d gotten a tree and decorated their wing and everything but it just wasn’t the same.
Maybe she’d feel better after a nap.
Steve held his breath when he saw her start to stir, the timing of her nap had been fortuitous and the royal highnesses had been so kind as to indulge in their plan.
Bucky had gone to intercept Nat and tell her the plan, leaving him to wake her.
Maybe it was a little cheesy, the dulcet tones of Bing Crosby echoing through the halls but Darcy had told them that was one of her favorite movies (they’d already watched it three times and Die Hard even more than that, with Scott and Sam arguing whether or not it counted as a Christmas movie) and it just felt right.
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...
His heart stopped just like it did any time one of them blinked their baby blue’s at him and he couldn’t stop himself from crawling into bed and giving her a soft kiss.
‘Hey, sleepyhead. Nat is back, we were just about to wake you for dinner. T’Challa said that he was going to introduce us to one of his favourite pre-holiday meals from when he went to school in America.’
‘Mmmm, okay, sounds good. Hey...I’m sorry I’ve been such a bummer. I love you. You too, Mr Super Assassin, I can see you there...’
‘The greatest assassins and spies and superheroes in the world had a hard time finding me, how is it that you always seem to know where I am, doll?’
‘How could I not? I can always feel my boys...right here in this big ol heart, cause I’m that good and stuff.’
He couldn’t help but get slightly distracted as she patted her rather magnificent chest, flushing when Bucky cuffed him upside the head lightly.
‘Stick to the plan, idiot.’
‘Yeah, come on, may we walk you to dinner?’
‘Why, of course.’
The three of them walked arm in arm from their room, Darcy giving them an odd look when they started to veer towards the courtyard.
‘It’s such a nice night, thought we might take a different route.’
‘What are you guys planning? You know you totally suck at hiding things Steve, that cute Irish skin of yours blushes all pretty.’
He couldn’t stop the flush that started up his collar but when they stepped through the arches and towards the courtyard, her slackjawed surprise was enough to distract him.
She stepped out into the soft powder with a look of childlike wonder and Bucky grinned as he wrapped his arm around his waist. He wasn’t quite sure how a kid from Brooklyn got so lucky but he couldn’t stop his own grin.
‘Well, her majesty just happens to be able to control the weather and when we told her what was up, she was more than happy to help cheer you up. You should have told us sooner, Darce...I hated seeing you so down.’
‘I just...I didn’t want to complain, things have been as good as they can be and even better. It just seemed like such a silly thing...’
‘Doll, we would fetch you the moon if you asked.’
It had taken a while but that smooth, confident, smartass Steve remembered had started to come back and damn if he didn’t make him and Darcy speechless from time to time. Darcy pulled them each into a sweet kiss and Buck snuck one in between the two of them, making them all laugh as their noses bumped.
‘Smooth, medvezhonok. I got that all on camera, can we eat now? Snowman and cocoa after.’
‘Come, solnyshko. The boys told me you have been down.’
‘I was but I’m good now...now it feels like Christmas. Thank you, your majesty, thank you so so much.’
‘I told you, just call me Storm and I was happy to be able to bring that smile to your face. Come, the food is getting cold.’
It was an odd sight. Super soldiers, gods, royalty, master assassins, scientists and a former intern relaxing around a giant table eating Chinese takeout on Christmas Eve in Wakanda but Wanda could feel the happiness and love radiating in the room.
Somewhere along the way, they had become family and that was the best thing so far about her first Christmas without Pietro.
She smirked a little and used her power to shape some snowballs while they sat there, wondering how many of them she could get once they were done with the food.
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movienotesbyzawmer · 5 years
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
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December 9: Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
(previous notes: Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace)
Source: Blu-ray release, the box set with all six Lucas-era movies (2D)
I feel like in recent years I've seen a lot of rhetoric claiming that this is the worst of all the Star Wars movies. But I've always felt like the prequels improve as they go, at least a little. Like, Hayden Christiensen might not be especially good, but he's an improvement on Jake Lloyd. Is there less of the childish stuff in this movie? Let's press play and find out.
Opening crawl is first mention of Count Dooku; seems like the previous stuff was resolved and a new story is beginning. Maybe that's why it's common for people to recommend skipping Episode I, like it's not actually necessary.
We also at this point in the natural chronology don't know anything about clones. Just the title here.
Another decoy-Amidala, but this one gets blowed up right away. And that's Rose Byrne, right?
0:07:30 - Obi-wan does a "oh… oh yes…. Mm mm mm mm mm mm" thing which is stupid and I don't like it.
Wait, no Rose Byrne is a silent handmaiden lady I guess. Unless they're clonesies. Are they clonesies?
Hey, a glimpse of Coruscant's colorful nightlife scene! Or at least some commercial advertisements. Feels like we don't see much of the lives of regular folk of Coruscant much.
Super pretty imagery of this city at night with its traffic and lights and I know I say that every time but it's great.
0:14:30 - Obi-wan shooting himself through a hole in the window in pursuit of that flying robot villain is exciting! And then he just hangs onto it, and then the sniper snipes him off it and he just falls and falls! This is a good action scene.
Then later, Anakin just jumps and falls and falls on purpose like and it's fun to watch.
0:20:00 - Does the sniper have a weird disguise that goes away when she turns her head? Is that what I saw?
"This weapon is your life" says Ewan McGregor doing his best impression of Alec Guinness. I think it was supposed to be funny. And I think it succeeds. Helps to remember that EG's natural accent is Scottish. And you know what? Maybe a little bit ago when I didn't like EG's hammy delivery, I should respect that he's embracing the need for him to embody a young version of Alec Guiness's character, figuring out what that would look like while honoring the director's vision.
They're in a nightclub, and I think there's some genuinely imaginative vision around what people are doing in there.
Ooh! The sniper got sniped by someone else, and the shot of that second sniper zipping away on a jetpack is I like it.
Senator Amidala gives Jar Jar the important job of substitute senator while she goes and hides. Yeah right. Not very credible.
Now Anakin is venting to Amidala in a way that shows how cocky he is. He does the flirtation stuff so that we'll think he's sexy like Han Solo, but also visibly flawed with impatience. Meh. Okay.
Whoa, Rose Byrne just did some acting! She spontaneously shed a tear in a way that looked authentic! Acting… in a Star Wars prequel!
0:31:50 - A greasy spoon diner! I don't remember this. Obi Wan is doing some intel gathering and George Lucas decided to go all in on having this be a 50's-style neon urban railcar slop counter!
The romance. Anakin and Amidala. GL is also going all in on the overtness of that plot. Maybe it's fine? Anakin seems like a horny and awkward teen with a huge crush on someone out of his league but he's going for it anyway. Maybe we'll be convinced that she'd succumb to his charms?
0:39:00 - We're back on Naboo… this scene is oddly non-CGI-looking. Did they film this in a real place with that actual architecture?
The tension they're setting up between Anakin and Amidala is moving in a direction of NOT growing fonder of each other. She looks irritated, and rightly so. This is a move that experienced romance plot makers make, but will GL pull it off?
Meanwhile Obi-Wan is doing spycraft, going to the clone planet place and pretending he's the one who ordered the whatever. "That's why I'm here!" Kinda funny.
0:44:45 - Okay, another A&A scene. He has that line about sand getting everywhere. She looks really damn fly. They kiss a bit and then she changes her mind. See, this is a weak link in the romance plot. We don't buy it. She's not such a sucker that she'd want to kiss him now. She didn't go, "oh he was so charming when he talked about where sand goes that now I'm not only less annoyed by his churlishness but I'm actually turned on". Or did she.
There's something about Obi-Wan's intel gathering, realizing that this huge army of clones is being put together, that's very James Bond-y. I mean that in a good way.
Naboo countryside is hella pretty.
Oh ick. A very very stupid romance scene just happened. See, Anakin fell off a blob creature and it looked like he was hurt! This worried Amidala! She ran to him but it turned out he was okay! They laughed and laughed at this merry misunderstanding and rolled around together! Oh merry! And…. SCENE.
Now Obi-Wan and Jango Fett are having a fight on a platform place and it's pretty exciting and still kind of like a Bond movie. Even more so because of "gadgets" like the devices on JF's outfit. And a dippy little "this is not good" comment from Obi-Wan that would fit in okay coming out of 007.
A&A go to Tatooine and talk to the salvage dealer who used to own Anakin. I like where that CGI character visibly starts to recognize the grown-up Anakin.
Obi-Wan followed JF & Son to a pretty red planet with an asteroid field and it's fucking beautiful and they do this wicked sound effect with bombs and it looks and sounds mother fucking amazing. Seriously god damn. The SOUND.
1:11:40 - They're at what will be the moisture farm of Luke, et al. "I'm Owen Lars and this is my GIRLFRIEND Beru." See, because this is BEFORE they're married. She's JUST his GIRLFRIEND.
1:14:20 - Okay, they just did a weird thing where A&A have an exchange, then hug. But the camera just shows their SHADOWS. And Anakin's shadow looks like he maybe kind of has some semblance of a VADER HELMET. I'm not even that convinced that that's what they were going for. If it actually conveyed that, it'd be cooler. As is, it's a little awkward. But I wouldn't discourage a director from going for this kind of thing.
Anakin found the Tusken Raider camp where they'd brought his mom and he found her just in time for her to die. Like she was just hanging on long enough for him to witness her death. Melodramatic. Then he goes and slaughters everyone… this turns out to be important because it's the catalyst for him turning dark, but it's sort of a weak explanation for something so important.
So HC just did a rage monologue about how he killed everyone, and okay it's not good, but I really don't think it's HC that isn't good. I think he did his very best with really dumb writing.
1:34:30 - Ooh, we're back in that neat senate hall. Jar Jar was suckered into proposing that Palpatine be given special powers, and it's super easy and it just works, and the Jedi are like "oh, hm, bummer". I'm just not impressed with the story.
A&A have arrived on Geonosis and it's quickly quite actiony and rather like a video game where they have to fight robots and hop on platforms at just the right time. I dig it.
It's a little odd now… so I already forgot how A&A got captured in the video game factory place, but they're quickly hustled to an execution arena to be munched to death by monsters before a delighted audience. With Obi-Wan. Just a little odd, but now it's pretty fun action.
Oh yeah, Mace Windu cut Jango Fett's right head off! Forgot that. Another case of an interesting villain ending disappointingly. Except that it's important because his "son" witnesses it and looks vengeance-y.
1:56:40 - Yoda heroically shows up to save the good guys with a force of soldiers that look kind of like Stormtroopers. Those are clones, right? I guess so, but the movie didn't quite ensure we know that. I mean, if they're going to treat the audience like children with their jokes, maybe they could extend that same expectation to plot explanations.
Okay, so now they're in a much bigger battle. I like the flying thing that delivers a walking tank thing! Lots of exciting things to look at. It's not that clear which side is which, not by looking at the battle, but maybe that doesn’t matter too much.
They shoot down a globe-shaped ship as it's taking off and it's pretty. So is lots of this battle stuff.
How does Anakin have a lightsaber now? His was broken earlier. I'm probably not the first to ask that. I probably overlooked the explanation. Seems like they trimmed stuff out of this part of the movie to improve the pacing.
2:07:50 - This is the part that worked well enough that it's probably the main factor in holding this movie's reputation above that of Episode I: the light saber duel with Yoda! Those of us who had played the Dark Forces PC games were already familiar with how it would look to see a Yoda-type wailing on someone with a light saber, but it was a pleasant surprise for many, and it definitely worked.
Then Dooku escapes on a ship that does a really sweet-looking panel-unfurling thing. Love it. And then he goes to Coruscant. Very visibly. Which is for me to love some more.
The movie ends right after that, with Yoda observing that it's dumb to think of this as a victory because now the Clone War has started. Then we get suitably disturbing imagery of the Clone Army being imposing with, significantly, the Imperial March in the background. It's okay. Then a shot of A&A getting hitched. With, a little less significantly, the new tragic-love theme in the background which John Williams was probably pretty pleased with. And over. Okay.
Yeah, better than Episode I. Less childish. Although it's harder to point to a climax, it somehow seems less anti-climactic than Ep1. No less impressive visually, but with new locales compared with the first one. And it's true that you can get all the information you need by starting here instead of with the first one.
(next: Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith)
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kwa-mii · 7 years
Le Chat Noir
SInce exams are over it’s time for me to write again! yaaay!! I missed this!!!
Since it’s Marichat May I decided to Get In On The Action and so here’s a fic for day 19 - identity reveal - which I’ve been planning for ages and it was pretty fun to write tbh
The title is a lazy reference to Le Chat Noir in Montmarte, which was one of the first cabarets. Titles are not my strong point, but eyyyyyyyy it’s doubly relevant
Also feel free to pop to my ao3
Le Chat Noir - a reveal fic with a bit of humour amidst the fluff (1959 words)
Chat was a self-proclaimed charmer. Self-proclaimed, because he considered his pun-based flirting to be the epitome of seduction and would often brag about his 'way with women'. Charmer, because it was somewhat true.
Marinette, weird as it was to admit it to herself, had been slowly falling under his spell. Yes, she'd always liked her teammate - he was reliable, good company, kind to her - but she'd never allowed herself to transgress that boundary. It would make their partnership weird after all, and Ladybug wasn't ready to make mistakes because of some silly crush. But as Marinette that had changed slightly.
When he was around her civilian self, Chat lowered some of his walls. Lolling on her bed and enthusing about his favourite anime, playing videogames, salivating over freshly-baked pastries, he seemed less untouchable hero, and more human - and an undeniably cute one at that. Without an akuma to distract her, she could really admire his tousled golden hair, his bright green eyes, the gorgeously toned body beneath the suit. (Stop it Marinette! Don't think about that! That was a violation of their sacred comradeship! He was Chat, and she was Ladybug and)
Chat really wasn't making it easier on her. His effusive, natural flirtatiousness, concentrated like that on her, was an indomitable force. Every time he sprung onto her balcony with some freshly plucked roses, or bought another small plushie to fill her bed, or, damnit, hit her with that confident, toothy smile, she could feel that partnership-relationship boundary becoming less clear. And sometimes, when they cuddled in bed and watched movies together, she couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to kiss him, to entwine their bodies more deeply. His heat was enticing and his arms were strong - but Marinette was strong too, and unerringly loyal to the thought of Adrien.
So, in the end, it didn't matter. She could not afford to fall in love with Chat. She could not afford to admit that parts of her, great and persuasive parts, wanted to.
Even so, as Chat sprung into her room that evening, she couldn't stop her heart's flutter. Light in step, and light in voice, he bounced over to her and pressed a kiss to her cheek. Though many people in France did this in greeting, Chat made it feel more... charming, she supposed, amorous. Then, pulling away, he beamed at her, "Did you miss me?"
She gestured towards her homework, "Oh, desperately. Has my knight come to rescue me?"
Marinette was not naturally flirty, at all, but there was something about Chat (there were a lot of things about Chat, it seemed) that was different. She felt a bit nauseous every single time she batted her eyelids, but it was definitely fun.
He leaned over her to look - his smell so cosy, like home - and smiled, "Oh, it's science. I could help you with that."
"That's not the kind of rescuing I was thinking about."
"I can't condone slacking, Marinette."
"Bummer," she muttered, turning back to her work, her pencil tapping aimlessly against the edge of the desk.
"However," he purred, spinning her chair back to face him, "It's bad manners to ignore a guest."
"Are they a guest if they climb in through your windows? I'd call that an 'intruder'."
There was a pause here. With Chat leaning over her, his hands placed either side of the chair's back, Marinette felt herself beginning to blush. She wrested herself away, getting up abruptly, and turning on the radio, "Well, you have a point. You can help me later, I guess, if you still want to. I need a break."
He grinned, "Alright! What's the plan?"
"Uh, I assumed you had one, considering you were so eager..."
"It's all a front, princess. I just wanted to get you away from that desk; you looked half-dead."
Princess again. She'd heard it a few times now, but the pet name still got to her, in its delightful intimacy. It made her warm and fuzzy, knowing he thought of her like that - or, at least, pretending to. She wasn't sure how she felt about his just saying it for the sake of it... somehow, it was important to her that he meant it, at least partly.
Wishing to shut out these traitorous thoughts, she turned the knob on the radio louder. Chat's eyes widened, "Oh, I love this song!"
Marinette's eyes widened too. Somehow, despite their shared evenings together, she had never pictured him liking music like this - sweet, cutesy, romantic. She loved it too, but, "I would've thought your taste would've been way different. Stromae, or something."
"Oh, I like him too, I listen to pretty much everything. But I have a special place in my heart for romance."
She wished he wouldn't look at her like that when saying such things. Especially when he was starting to move in time to the music, swaying and tapping his feet. Chat was beginning to transcend cute and had become irresistibly so, mouthing the words to the love song at her with an earnest expression: ‘I always liked to seduce but it's OK if you're the only one who likes me.’
She could laugh. She could swoon. She could kiss him!
At least, until he started actually singing. Maybe it didn't help that the singer was at a range well above his own, but it was clear that Chat had not been made to sing. Instead, he yowled, like the cliché of a cat, every note landing far from its mark. His voice strained at the edges. He was a mess. She could laugh, and so she did, unable to keep the giggles in at his genuine attempt to serenade her.
It seemed even Chat had flaws. Just like that, it had become a little easier not to fall in love with him. As long as he kept serenading her, she was safe; they could be Just Friends.
In the end, Marinette did not finish her science homework. She had spent the evening messing around with Chat, singing karaoke, and dancing goofily until they were flush and breathless, in a heap across Marinette's bed. Her mum had come in to ask about the noise, but she had managed to hide him beneath a blanket just in time - she wasn't ready to answer those questions just yet.
Luckily, the homework became unimportant, overshadowed by the news that their year would be putting on a musical. Every year put on a show around this time, but the fact that it was going to be a musical was especially exciting.
Nathaniel wished to do nothing more than make the sets - "I couldn't... I'd rather not be on stage" - and Marinette, though she wasn't a terrible singer, would rather be in charge of the costumes. However, there were certainly many others who wanted to act.
Alya was enthusiastic, "I wonder what it'll be! I love West Side Story, or maybe it's Phantom? Les Mis, perhaps. There are so many good musicals out there - ooh, what about Wicked? No, no, Grease is a classic."
Nino was interested, "I don't know how good I am at singing, but I'd like to do something, y'know. Music is my jam, so this should be cool. I'm pumped."
Chloe was confident, "Oh, I'll have to get the leading part. Daddy says I sing like an angel, and besides, I was born to be centre stage. None of you losers had better audition for the main part. It'll be me and Adrien up there together, right, Adri-kins?"
Adrien did not look particularly taken with the idea. However, there was no two ways about it - his looks and his natural stage presence meant he was the ideal lead. He had proven his talent in their class film, and there was no other boy quite as handsome or as charming as him. As romantic interests go, he was the perfect match. Besides, "I'm not a bad singer," he shrugged.
Alya nudged her neighbour, "Yes, but Adrien's probably just being humble. When he says 'not bad', he probably means 'amazing'. I wouldn't put it past him. Kid is perfect."
Marinette nodded, leaning forwards in her seat as Adrien stepped up to sing for them. She could imagine he was singing just for her, if she just pretended there was no one else in the room. Adrien, with his eyes like emeralds, and his hair like spun sunbeams, and his voice like -
Like nails scraping on a chalkboard? Like the clatter of old machinery? Like a primordial screech?
She winced. She noticed everyone in the class, from the corner of her eye, had been similarly affected. Faces paling, mouths dropping, Chloe on the verge of tears. No one had expected this. That perfect, beautiful Adrien, with his perfect, beautiful soul, should have such an ugly voice when he sang. A voice like -
A voice like Chat?
Her small wince turned into a minor coughing fit as she spluttered on the thought. That was ridiculous. Chat couldn't be Adrien. Chat was dangerous, Adrien was gentle... but had Chat not shown his gentleness to Marinette? Ok, ok, so they shared a characteristic or two. And ok, so they were both blonde, green eyes, beautiful body - as his partner, Marinette knew Chat's body well, as his covetous fan, she had studied Adrien's, and admittedly they bore remarkable similarities - but those were superficial traits. And, like, fine, they both had an abysmal singing voice, like a crying cat, but what did that mean? Nothing.
Except face it, Marinette. The chances of two people in Paris singing that badly was infinitissimally small. That was a god-given voice, a rarity. Forced with this truth, reminded of others, she had to accept the possibility that Adrien was the boy under the suit.
She relaxed now. Watched him. Despite the assault on her eardrums, it was actually quite cute. He didn't seem to realise, sang with abandon, with his whole body flung into song. He always had been eager.
Perhaps now she could afford to fall in love. With the both of them, with each part of the wonderful whole. She didn't need to forsake Adrien for Chat, she didn't need to hold Adrien on a distant pedestal when she knew and loved him in different skin. But, there was still the chance... she needed to check her theory.
Adrien came to the end of his song, and saw that the class were staring at him without a word. Not a single reaction, not a single sound. Slightly fazed, he went back to his seat. He whispered over to his friends, "How was that?"
Only Marinette had the wits about her to reply, "It was an interesting experience."
"Interesting doesn't always mean good," he said self-consciously.
He didn't catch the hint, looking still a bit awkward. Obviously she had to be more blatant, to check if her idea was right, "You know, even though there were a few technical faults, you looked like a perfect knight up there."
He jerked to attention, looking her in the eye, seeing some meaning hidden there, "You think so?"
She nodded, "I can imagine you climbing in through the window to rescue someone."
Alya looked baffled at her friend's new bravery. Adrien looked coy, "Ah, damn, there goes my secret."
So it was true! "I have one or two of my own I think I could trade for that," she smiled. It was only fair after all, he should know the face of his partner. Friends across both identities - and perhaps, with more brewing beneath - she could only see that their teamwork would improve now. He'd all but confirmed it. Adrien was Chat Noir and there was no more perfect person it could be.
But meanwhile, "Hey, I was thinking, could you maybe help me with my science homework? I didn't get a chance to finish it last night since some dumb stray cat distracted me."
He laughed, fixing her with his intense green gaze, and brilliant smile, "I'd love to, princess."
Alya all but screamed.
[BTW this is the song I was thinking of when I wrote this]
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bananashemmo · 8 years
Mr. & Mrs. Hood (Part 15 - Final Part)
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A/N: I know it took a while to write this fanfiction in total with the many months I spent with the updates but I always promised I would never cancel it, and I didn’t! It’s been amazing bringing back Wicked Games and I am so insanely satisfied with the result of Mr. & Mrs. Hood. Thanks for the likes, comments, reblogs, votes and recommendations. I love and appreciate you all very much! 
Pairing: Y/N/Gangmember!Calum
Masterlist: Right here
Summary: The fairytale of trying to create a normal life between Y/N and Calum with marriage and pregnancy didn’t seem to stop them from going back into old habits of guns, drugs, and hunting down their old gang’s rival, Lance.
Mr. & Mrs. Hood on Wattpad
”Y/N if you continue to crush my hand like this it’s gonna end up breaking!” Luke commented in pain, watching his hand as it slowly became red after being held by you for fifteen minutes straight, his fingertips starting to become numb.
“Well if the pain continues like this your hand will be the last thing you will worry about!” You were quick to reply, face even redder than Luke’s hand and your breath completely uneven, “God this is even worse than getting shot in the shoulder and don’t get me started on how many times I’ve been through that.”
Silence fell upon the hospital room by the midwife looking down at you with questionable eyes, Luke’s jaw falling slightly by the bummer you had just spoiled. It wasn’t supposed to be said but with the pain you couldn’t hold any of it in, everything seemed to be loaded out at once.
“I think it must be the medication she’s been taking against the pain, I don’t really know…” He shrugged trying to save it, he could tell that the woman wasn’t convinced the slightest but at least he tried.
“Yeah okay well I’m gonna go find another nurse to give Y/N one last check, the pain seems to get worse and if my predictions are correct she’s almost ready to give birth.”
You faintly heard what she said and grabbed onto the laughing gas mask just to soothe out the pain. It was horrible, it couldn’t be compared to getting shut in the shoulder, in the knee or even right in your chest after a battle of endless fights.
There was no doubt Luke’s hand would be injured after this but it was your last bit of hope. He wasn’t really good at helping but just the fact that he was there seemed to be enough. He was handling your aggression very well, sometimes yelling back and it was quite the amusement for the hospital staff.
“I think if I have to go through one more contraction I’ll end up shitting her out. Can’t you take a look and check if her head is popping out already?” You moaned almost against your pillow, the drop in your hand wasn’t helping the slightest on the pain.
Luke’s eyes widened in surprise by your words confused whether or not to actually do it, still holding your hand but looking down towards the end of the bed unsure. You had been saying nonsense things since arriving at the hospital he assumed it was a mix of stress from the earlier events.
“But what if-,”
“I was just kidding.” You squeezed one eye open to look at him, so exhausted you couldn’t laugh but if you had the ability you would have done it. Just by seeing his reaction saved your pain away just for that one short second and he tensed less in his shoulders by your words.
“Good because I think Calum would be more preferable for that part.” He took a seat back at the chair and looked to see the frown on your face. It had been a while, almost an hour now but mixed up with the pain it felt like much more.
You sighed softly and fiddled with the sheets between your fingers. You hadn’t gotten a spinal yet in fear of something horrible happening and without Calum by your side you were left empty. Sure Luke did a very great job but it couldn’t compare to the fact that your husband was currently fighting for your survival.
“You’re thinking about them, aren’t you?” Luke softly said and forward on his chair to get a better look when you nodded your head slowly in agreement.
“You just have to remember one thing, now that Lance is out of the picture they are all weak. They don’t have anyone to turn into, they don’t have someone to follow their leads they basically fight for nothing and nobody. If they’re really stupid they will fight for him even in their deaths but with our power I doubt they have the courage to do so. We’ve won Y/N. We just need to get our prize before it actually feels like freedom.”
You listened closely to every single word he had to say. It wasn’t often that Luke had a smart side, he was usually questioned as the dumb one in the group but he had moments like these that were a blessing. He knew you so well it was the words that satisfied your ears. You had won.
“You sure they are alright?” You almost whispered, leaning forward because you could feel another contraction coming up.
“I promise you they will.” He smiled, offering his hand once again and ignoring the fact that you would literally be crushing it. You also tried your best not to break all bones but it was harsh because by every contraction it was getting worse.
“Would it be sounding weird if I said I’m not fully mentally prepared to this?” You said through breaths, squeezing your eyes shut and tried to block out the horrible pain, “Because I don’t think I’m prepared for this at all.”
“It’s totally understandable.” Luke responded with a warm smile, it was harsh seeing you go through the pain but it was something you couldn’t avoid. Once all of this would be over the pain would be gone completely, he had seen it during some all nighters watching Teen Mom. It was almost as if he was more prepared for this than you were and you were the one sooner than later becoming a mother.
It was a huge sigh of relief that came from your lips when it was finally over. You had no idea how many centimeters you were but it didn’t matter because you were so close to push it out already, you could survive with a few stitches afterwards.
Luke stood up from his chair to go take a look out of the window. It was night, you had assumed it was close to be morning because the sun was slowly creeping up from the horizon. It was warm, almost hitting you in the face but you still couldn’t focus on the beautiful orange colors because it took less than minutes before another contraction hit you.
“Oh my, that looks painful.” The nurse commented the second she showed up from the door. You were ready to comment something sarcastically but Luke stopped you by giving you a short glance. Your temper was really tested by all of this.
“You should try it out.” You mumbled below your breath when she walked towards the end of the bed to take a look, she was most probably the one the midwife had called out for help. If she would tell you that you were only two centimeters you wouldn’t hesitate to force Luke to grab a gun and blow her head off.
“Trust me I have.” She spoke and still kept the smile on her face, “Mother of five.”
“I think I suddenly gained all my respect for you.” You almost bit down on your arm and breathed heavily, hearing her faintly chuckle and do the rest of her checkup. You could feel Luke laugh beside you as well but you didn’t say any further, trying to stabilize your breathing.
“Well looks like you’re already ten centimeters. We’re gonna have to call in your midwife again and sooner than later you will have a baby Y/N.”
“What?” You removed your hand away from your face and looked at her with wide eyes, “I can-, I can’t give birth yet my husband isn’t here!”
“I’m sorry but the baby can’t wait.” She apologized half-jokingly, she could tell that it was pretty much affecting you but that was the way of natural birth.
“Why the fuck did she have to get my stubborn attitude already oh my god.” You fell back onto the pillow completely defeated, a sad expression coming to her face.
“I don’t want to give birth before husband is here… I can’t do this without Calum.”
You looked over at Luke with almost water in your eyes, you hadn’t mentally prepared yourself for this and without Calum it was ten times worse. You couldn’t do this, you had been waiting nine months with Calum by your side and to be by the end of it without him was not how it was supposed to be.
“I’ll try to call him okay.” Luke said and stood up from his chair with his phone in his hand, looking over at the nurse just for a small confirmation. She nodded her head in agreement most probably not wanting to start a huge argument with you.
You couldn’t really focus, it was so insanely harsh that all you could do was close your eyes and try not to push. You literally forced your legs together to make sure nothing would happen but truth was, you could feel it coming and it wouldn’t be long before you would lose your strength to hold everything in.
“They don’t pick up. Neither could I imagine that because what they’re going through is highly difficult to just stop all of the sudden and pick up a phone call.” Luke said the last part more quietly towards you just to not add suspicion to the nurse and you almost wanted to groan out loud.
“Well whether your husband is here or not the baby can’t wait Y/N, I’m gonna have you to spread your legs and push as much as you can okay.” She rolled her chair towards the end of the bed and made your eyes go huge, looking over at Luke in hope of him just doing anything.
“But I can’t-,”
The sudden sound of the door blasting open and so many walking in at once made your eyes go huge and stopping yourself in the middle of the sentence, watching as Calum was the first one in the mob and hurried towards the other side of your hospital bed.
“I’m here I’m fucking here!” He breathed and almost knocked down the chair in process of taking a seat, his hand wrapping around yours.
“What is going on?” The nurse asked almost in panic by the many people inside of the small area, not to mention that they were still covered up in blood. Calum’s lip seemed a bit broken as blood was leaking from it while Alex had gotten a black eye. The others seemed to had gotten through it easily but they still had stains of blood.
“We just arrived from a Halloween carnival that’s why we’re late!” Jack was the one to speak up on everyone’s behalf, Mitchell looking at him oddly by the sudden announcement.
“Really?” Stefan mumbled below his breath and almost wanted to roll his eyes but it seemed to be enough for the nurse. She was most probably already stressed out because of the heartbeat of the baby and now it looked like the entire cast of Reservoir Dogs had showed up in the rather small hospital room.
“Okay I don’t care who you are and how you are related to the baby but I can only allow the father and the mother to be inside. The rest of you can stay in the waiting room but for the sake of the rest of the hospital I’d prefer if you changed your costumes into something else.”
The nurse was speaking fast to let it all out at once and pointed towards the door to show her seriousness. They all hurried outside with good luck wishes coming from their mouths, Luke being the last one to leave and also gave you a thumbs up in the process.
“Okay I don’t know what that was all about.” She commented the second silence fell upon the room besides your constant breathings, “But we have to focus on this now. On the next contraction I’m gonna have you to push as much as you can.”
You nodded your head in agreement and looked over at Calum with what could possibly be the biggest smile on your face. Sure he had been beaten up a little bit and the blood was stained on his shirt but he was here and that was what mattered the most.
What you had feared the most came to reality. But it wasn’t as bad as you had thought it would be. The contraction was the worst, pushing it all out felt like the most satisfying feeling ever. Sure, you had to use all the strength possible to push but it was the best blessing ever when it was suddenly over.
“The head is out Y/N you’re doing amazing.” The nurse commented and helped you along with pulling it out, “When the next contraction you’ll become parents.”
You looked up at Calum completely out of breath, hair tousled to the front part of your face and your forehead so sweaty it was unbelievable. But he thought you were the most beautiful human he had ever seen and he nodded his head encouraging for you to push once you were ready.
It was probably the most beautiful moment of your life. It felt as if it took ages once you started pushing again but once your baby was out, the pain was gone. Everything was completely gone and you were overwhelmed by the feeling of love.
“Congratulations it’s a girl.” The nurse smiled in welcome and placed her on top of your chest, Calum looking down at her ever so carefully with the most adoring smile on his face.
“Do we have a name?” She questioned and dried her off with towels, a small whine coming from your baby in reaction and you looked up at Calum in pure surprise. For nine months you had been caring her yet she had never felt as real as she did right now.
“Not yet.” You explained while rubbing your thumb over her head after they had removed the blood, finding a warm towel to wrap around her and let Calum proudly cut the umbilical cord. It was such a magical moment if you thought about it, you probably wouldn’t think it was real. But it was the most human feeling you had ever experienced in a while.
“I was actually thinking of something.” Calum suddenly said, grabbing your attention from your little baby girl and you looked up at him with half wide eyes.
“I know it might be cliché and that it’s not something we have been taking about but… I just thought it would be appropriate because she has always been the last bit of hope we’ve been carrying onto.”
By the pressure of Hope, he smiled softly down at you expecting what he was hinting at and you looked down at her just to see if it matched. He was right, utterly completely typically Calum right and to be honest you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Hope Mali-Joy Hood?” You asked just to give it a bit warmer and also adding his sister and mom in a combination to the name. The reaction was pure, he was almost blushing by your suggestion and nodded his head in agreement.
“Sounds like the most amazing name our daughter could ever get.” He gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead and stood up from his chair to write it on the blackboard right next to the pink pacifier that was hanging in honor of her.
You couldn’t stop smiling you almost felt as if your cheeks were starting to hurt. It was like you had become this whole new person and maybe that was what you really needed in life. A new beginning, something to look after every single day and reminding you why it was worth waking up in the first place.
“Is it over?” You questioned, he already knew what you were hinting at.
“It’s over. Some died some survived. Some decided to run while others decided to pair up with us and work in the future. We don’t know what’s ahead of us but one thing’s for sure. We have each other.” He took a seat down on the bed next to you and swung an arm around your shoulder.
You could stay in this position forever. Just rocking back slowly and forward looking down at Hope with such happiness in your eyes. She looked like Calum there was no doubt but if you looked closely there was a few features coming from you.
“I will give you some time alone. Once again, congratulations on your baby.” The nurse said and started to back away, confusion written on her face once again when she met all the boys walking in through the door with various baby toys in their hands.
“We decided to attack the gift shop while we were waiting.” Michael explained and placed a toy right next to you on the nightstand and took a look down at your baby girl.
“Oh my god Y/N she has your nose.”
You couldn’t control the laughter by his comment and watched him take a seat by the end of your feet to allow the others to look. Stefan and Mitchell were the last one to walk closer with a bouquet of flowers in both their hands, they looked so insanely proud. You had never expected this moment would come.
“We’re proud of you little sister.” Stefan smiled and gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek.
“You sure as hell are the most badass one in the family.” Mitchell agreed and caressed Hope’s cheek, it was almost as if everything that had happened the past month was unreal.
Never had you expected in your life that any of your relatives would have to meet your baby. You had settled down with Calum’s being the one to the rescue as he had gotten plenty, you were fine by that. But truth was to have the best uncles she could ever find made your stomach flutter with butterflies because it meant you wouldn’t be so alone after all.
“We actually have a question for you.” Ashton announced, leaning his arms on top of the rack of the bed.
“What’s up?” You questioned and for once looked away from your baby, smiling gently.
Ashton looked around at the guys almost as if he was becoming nervous and you shifted carefully in your seat. She had been pretty quiet throughout the whole time only a little bit fuzzy when getting clothes on but that was okay. You were just getting used to this.
“After all of this the boys and I-, All the boys.” He nodded his head around to everyone in the room, “We’ve decided that we’re all gonna team up. We’ve had our complications and conflicts but in the end we know that we’re stronger together. We don’t have to fear Lance anymore, he is finally away for good.”
You nodded you head carefully listening to every word he had to say. You couldn’t point out what the question was but you could tell it was something special by the way they were smiling at you.
“And with a team comes a leader,” Mitchell chirped in and wrapped an arm around Ashton, you could tell what was going to happen now.
“We want you to be our leader Y/N.”
It was a huge smile that came to your face, bigger than it already could be. The feeling going through your body was indescribable, it was as if your heart had been half throughout your entire life and suddenly it felt back into pieces. You had everyone around you that you loved so much and more to come. You couldn’t picture a perfect moment like this until actually living it.
You were shaking your head in disagreement but still giggled feeling how you were ready to tear up. As expected they scrunched up their noses and furrowed their eyebrows confused to you declining because they had expected you to say yes.
“I know that you all expected a yes but that’s not what’s best for us now. I know that I know you all mutually and that I would do my job great but I think someone deserves it much more than I do.” You explained and looked over at Luke with a wide smile, the sudden attention making his cheeks turn red.
“I think Luke should be our leader.”
It was a huge scoff that came from Michael partly joking and partly in disagreement but when he saw the seriousness in your eyes he looked at it differently. You wouldn’t just say this for fun without actually meaning it with good argumentations behind it.
“Only if he wants of course.” You added and shrugged your shoulder, looking over at the blond haired boy who looked around pretty confused but that was when he flashed a smile as well, nodding his head in agreement.
“I’d really love that.” He was shy, he was clumsy and sometimes he fooled around ruining plans but in the end, he was only of the only sources of happiness in the gang. He was always there, he would break a foot or two and that was a part of being the amazingly Luke Hemmings. Now, former leader of the 5SOS gang.
“To Luke then.” Ashton said excitedly and gave out bottles of water that seemed to be the only thing served around the hospital, raising his bottle in the air with everyone else repeating his sentence.
“And as former leader I’d like to say from now on, I won’t be sharing bedrooms with Michael Clifford anymore.” Luke grinned and stood up from his chair to swing an arm around his blond haired best friend.
“I think you will definitely regret that.” Michael laughed and messily ran his hand through Luke’s curls, grinning lightly by the reaction and eyes fell upon you again.
“Well gang mama here will definitely go on a well maternity.” You mumbled, looking down at Hope and fell Calum’s lips press against your forehead.
“I think Mr. Hood will join you on that. I don’t think I’ll need to shoot someone’s head off for the next many months.” He smiled, feeling how everyone around you were standing with the exact same happy expressions, the feeling of closure was finally here.
“I can’t believe it.” You almost whispered, feeling how a tear was pressing out from your eye and you were quick to remove it from your cheek.
“Mrs. Hood, are you crying?” Michael laughed.
“No, I’ve just got something in my eye.” You mumbled trying to distract them from what was actually going on, you had never cried in front of them but when you thought about it. They had to see that at some point and today you couldn’t hold any of it in.
“I just can’t believe it.” You repeated feeling a few more tears come and Calum removed them gently with his thumb. The others almost had to hold in tears again because they were thinking the exact same thing as you.
“I can’t believe that we finally won.”
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poorjamesbond · 7 years
The Choke Of The Mower
For the first time since the last time I saw your face, I walked down streets I have always owned through oral contracts spoken before I knew the words.
The crowds parted   like evaporating seas, the hoods of cars stopped in crosswalks giving in beneath my treaded heels, stray dogs crying out for the heroes they lost ten lifetimes before they were even born, before they knew the names Bummer and Lazarus, wishing out through alleyways and garbage trucks for an emperor to tell them they are more than enough.
But no one answers.
So, I fill the space, not even looking down to avoid the cracks I made myself, my mother broke her back some time in the seventies while my father was sleeping alongside the wives of famous artists I try to point out to lovers on gallery walls, security believing about as much as any woman I've been with, telling them all I came from nothing, yet here I am, Chernobyl's tendrils never quite reaching my genetic code, allowing my birth to avoid the virus that destroyed half my life before this half began.
Dime a dozen, dodged a bullet, you'll find the one god made from the same clay that molded the bones in your wrists, the ones that grind together like gravel in the depths of your calculated words, like those knots in your shoulders, mirroring my own, rock salt grinding in circles beneath the layers of skin against calcium.
I never called the freckles on your back anything other than what they are, and I didn't mean to shine so bright that I left a throbbing sunburn, though I would have peeled the shedding skin from your arms with my incisors, just like I said before you left, but you should know it wouldn't even make the list of the strangest things I've done.
I believe you knew that in the moment we begun.
We are all trying to justify the way we are, with strings of words that mean as much as the letters spelling out our names, the things we wish we didn't say eventually becoming exactly what we mean.
They say to be careful of what you pretend to be, because it never fails to become what you are, and it's an easy line to read, but a total devastation when nothing else remains.
I know it all too well, as I have become all sorts of things between the bars of silence and filters crushed by teeth, awaiting the next drink poured from life to the brink of London, shot down straight without a need to chase anyone born to hit the ground running.
It's not the way of the pack-a-day smoker to chase anything other than a cellophane that caught the wind.
Half conscious of our own self-destruction, yet still trying to save what's left of the world through tiny actions that will never make a difference.
Regardless, love may be the only way to turn the soil over into something other than dirt and dust on headstones fading in the closet plots of all our homeless houses.  
And I remember your face and the smell of your skin, the sweat dripping from our fingertips into ashtrays gone unemptied, leaving traces of nights reminding us that we are still alive and breathing.
I remember everything.
And I appreciate that the city is green again for the first time in years, growing itself back up behind the gate of my yard, but the problem with green is how quickly it grows back up within days of my mowing it down.
I've never been quick enough to hack it apart before it seeds, and grows across my vision like the wick-wet nature of these words.
It has no god, no goals, no one direction in which to grow, and like these words, it leaves impressions in the ground it springs from, dying only to give life back to the layers of soil waiting to be turned like heads toward something never before seen...
And again...
And again...
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Well there’s a band called “Crushes” with an album called “Wicked Bummer”. Fitting. But all emo stereotypes aside. Really solid four track album with like a twinkle tinge and some broken vocals. But like, those good broken vocals, like just broken enough to hear the pain. This bands so emo.If you are emo revival, this is so you. 
“How emo is it”
I went to listen to this whole album again in the dark in my room before writing this like. I’m not going to lie I cried. Not sure why I cant really pick out what it is about this band, but I cried. When I heard:
“If love is a battlefield, I think I lost the war If love is a ship, I saw you sink of the shore Those heels that you wore That tight dress fit to your form Yeah, I won't be saved because I have been thoroughly warned No, I won't know the difference because I have been warned”
I lost it. So if you are so emo that stuff like this makes you lose it like I am and aren’t afraid to hide it. Go for it. Now I’m gonna give this band another go around in the dark hugging a pillow. 
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