#crv talbin
clockeyedtoy · 7 months
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The Gala
Tobin belongs to @necroromantics
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creepedverse · 13 days
We need talbin lore dump so fuckin badd
I GOTCHUUUU. Heres the entire TalBin Lore. INSANELY LONG POST WARNING LMAOOO. Also for future reference, anything Talbin related that isnt directly relevant to Creepedverse/Farnbury plot shit should be asked on my main account @necroromantics so we dont flood the Creepedverse account with irrelevant stuff
-They met in high school (they were 16yrs old), in a shitty small town in North Dakota. They first encountered each other in the office in the first week of school; Tobin was in trouble for talking back to a teacher, and Tali was there for a course change. The two stubborn piece of shit trashy kids just sat there glaring at each other cuz neither of them knew how to back down LMAO
-Then they found out they shared an English class. Last period. They sat right next to each other.
-I dont know if yall know this, but Tobin was practically illiterate back in high school, due to him being in and out of school his entire life he was very behind on education. He was horrible at even basic math, spelling, reading. So he struggled a LOT in his English class to the point he dropped out again, only to go back a month later after his grandma pushed him, and told him to find a tutor
-He noticed early on that despite being countrygirl trailer trash, loud-mouthed and rude, Tali was pretty well-read. She kept to herself a lot, didnt really have any friends or got on with anyone, so it was mostly the grades she got back that made Tobin decide she was gonna be his tutor. Plus, he already had an interest in the challenge of befriending her anyways
-It took him a fuck ton of harassment and being an all around annoying nuisance in order to finally get Tali to cave and agree to tutor him. At her place after school every Wednesday, he has to pay up in cigarettes and $20 first. This arrangement of theirs was how they got to know each other properly in the first place
-At first it was Tali and Tobin sitting across this old wooden dining room table of hers, her father worked on the road so he was never home. She started off just getting frustrated with Tobins arguing and stupidity, theyd sorta just bicker and fight with each other over him not focusing, or listening, or understanding. He didn't know half the shit that was being asked of him, and he didn't know how to take it seriously
-It was when he talked back to her asking how the fuck he doesn't know what "coincidence" meant, he told her "Fuck I dunno, I was barely in school", and it finally clicked for Tali that he wasnt stupid, he really wasn't, he just had a bad start.
-So she went to the library and picked out low reading level books, and next Wednesday, she had him pick one out, and they read together. After that, Tali would start to really listen to the way that boy talked about things, like taking apart bikes and putting them back together, or the logistics of buying/weighing/flipping weed for profit, street smarts, people smarts
-And they started arguing less, and laughing together more. Theyd talk to each other in the hallways, and even had each others numbers. They became friends, though neither of them would admit it.
-Soon, Tobin would start coming over on days other than Wednesday, just for a place to crash. He never really wanted to be home, and Tali never really asked him why. She didn't mind having him over, in all honesty she started to enjoy it, and Tobin would always consider her place a safe space of sorts, someone he could rely on, somewhere to get away from shit.
-Eventually, he started spending the night there too whenever he got kicked out, or ran away. Tali would always let him in. Eventually, she trusted him enough to sleep in her bed, after he got her home after a party they drank too much at. Now for context, in highschool, Tali had a false reputation of being an absolute whore. Like rumours from girls who hated her, or guys she'd hurt the ego of, saying she'd sleep around, or that she was easy, or that she'd get drunk and sleep with a bunch of guys. Easy humiliation, and neither Tali nor Tobin listened to the rumours. So knowing that this boy, who she almost considered her best friend, would go out of his way to make sure she got home safe, the same way she'd make sure he'd get away from his home safe. She really did start to trust him, and he never broke it, and he trusted her too
-Tobin liked Tali a lot, sure, but he was never interested in anything more. Partially because he knew if he caught feelings for a girl who threatened him if he ever caught feelings, itd be over. He was perfectly fine keeping shit strictly platonic, even when they layed together, or when they started to hold hands.
-Even when she asked him if he's ever kissed someone before, and he said no, and she asked him if he wanted to. And he said no.... LMAO. He thought it was a test or something. He was sitting on her bed like FUUUUUCKFUCCK but its ok Tobin grew a pair and kissed her and they still kept things... Platonic... But... Theyd very much treat each other like a couple yknow. But they were both waaayy too prideful to admit it was anything beyond just being close friends
-But eventually Tobin would start coming to her place drunk, high, or both, more often than not. He'd show up every Wednesday like always, but he'd end up falling asleep at the table, or be so fucked up with booze and pills that he was practically unresponsive anyways. For awhile, Tali didn't care to, or want to, be on his ass about it. She let him sleep, she let him come to her whenever he needed
-It became a problem when they started really, genuinely fighting. They would have petty arguments or banter or piss each other off all the time, but they never actually fought in ways that hurt that much. Tali would say things that hurt his ego, and Tobin would try to tear her down. Theyd start yelling at each other, insulting each other. They were fucked up kids who lived fucked up lives going through fucked up things. And all they really knew was how to hurt each other, and then pretend like nothing happened cuz they couldnt lose each other no matter how hard they tried
-Tali eventually banned Tobin from coming around her when he was fucked up, and he listened. He came around a lot less, even missing Wednesday tutor nights sometimes, but he never fully left yknow. On the days he'd show up at school, he'd be trying to make up to Tali for pissing her off last night, or bugging her to get her to laugh at one of his shitty jokes. And she'd let him in every time. In all honesty, she couldn't ever really truly hate him
-It was Tobin who realized he caught feelings first, they were sitting on her bed and she laughed and water came out of her nose, and she laughed harder, and Tobin couldnt even laugh too cuz he was just sitting there feeling that heavy fondness in his chest, he couldnt do anything but stare at her and smile at how beautiful she was. And the moment the word "love" came into his head he was immediately like OH FUCK. It was something he immediately shoved alllll the fucking way down. He couldnt imagine her ever actually liking him back, or agreeing to be his. Tali was always very very vocal about her independence, how she would never be anyones but hers, how she hated guys, she hated the idea of romance, she hated cliches. And he was fine with that, he was fine with just being her best friend.
-Tali ended up realizing she had feelings for him after the most torturous month or so of him pulling away from her, and getting heavy into drugs/drinking again. He ended up getting into a fight with his dad, and he was fucked up on pills again, but he stumbled to her place at night, he didnt know where else to go. Despite her rules, she let him in. And he didnt fight, or argue, she just let him wash up, and climb into bed with her. Tali realized that she really would do anything for him, and just how much she cared for him. She wanted him to always choose to come to her, she wanted to listen to him ramble, and she liked him sober more than anything
-It was Tobin who said "I love you" first. And Tali slapped the shit out of him LMAOOO Cuz they were having a really bad fight and he said it sorta as a last ditch effort and she was like Do NOT fuckin' say that to me!!!! And he was like FUCK WHATEVER And then he kept going. And Tali realized like Oh shit he actually loves me hes not just fucking with me Lmao. Yada yada they hugged and made up
-They started dating about a year after they met, and it was literally a result of Tobin harassing her into saying yes. He was so fucking annoying about it Tali was just like FUCK FINE! WHATEVER! And their first date was sparring. They just met up. And beat the fuck outta each other. Cuz Tobin knew she hated cliches and loved MMA so fuck it why not
-Then about half a year after they started dating, Tali called Tobin to tell him she accidentally killed her brother. So Tobin did the logical thing. And blew his dads brains out with a shotgun. And they took Tali's dads truck and ditched town. They were 17 at this point, almost 18.
-They ended up in Louisiana after this, crashing in motels and shelters or really wherever. Literally all they had left was each other, and Tobin made a promise he'd never leave Tali. It was them against the world. They got promise rings around this period too, Tobin has the sun, Tali has the moon. Tali also got her snakebite piercings here too
-Eventually Tobin got enough cash selling drugs, and eventually guns/things he stole/etc, and Tali would job hop trying to make whatever she could to get by. They had to stay on the downlow as much as possible though. But they got a cheap, sketchy, small apartment together and lived in the city for awhile. This is when they went from being dumb kids with stupid issues, to adults with really heavy shit on their plates
-But it was always them together. They'd have really fucking brutal fights, even worse than in high school. Theyd scream so loud at each other, Tali would storm out, Tobin would break shit, Tali would throw plates at him. They got to a point where it was almost always fighting, breaking up, making up, tearing each other down, hurting each other. Tobin got really involved with the drug/crime scene in the city, befriending this other junkie named Skinner. They were real close for awhile, and Skinner practically taught Tobin all the ropes of arms and narcotics dealing. Tobin got into serious shit, and was making serious money
-And it put a serious strain on his relationship with Tali, especially when he started to get more and more afraid of committing to her. And so they broke up, and Tali kicked Tobin out, and he stayed with Skinner, and it just wasnt them against the world anymore. And my god did it hurt
-They completely cut contact, this time they were both sure they finally were done for good. Tobin wouldnt be sober for even a day, always drinking or getting high, fucking around with some girl he knew cuz they both wanted a rebound, but never being able to take it seriously or really do anything cuz god he just missed Tali so much, and he learned so quickly that nobody compares
-Tali spent her time waitressing at a small diner she was pretty sure was a laundering scheme but didnt give a fuck to think about it. She didnt talk to anyone, she just held her breath every day trying not to grieve. And she'd try not to break into tears at night when she realized her boy wouldnt come home and crawl into bed with her. She missed him so much, every day, for that month and a bit.
-And then Tobin found himself in some sketchy apartment, so fucked up on downers he couldn't even think, and he didnt even realize that Skinner had overdosed and died right there by him. He didnt call 911 in time, and when the paramedics arrived, he called the one person he knew he could rely on. Tobin was even too fucked up to realize what he had done, until he saw Tali pull up to the curb he was sitting on, and get out of the car, and sat next to him
-The ride back to their apartment was quiet. Everything for Tobin was slow, buzzing, and silent. And Tali was just happy he was safe. She got him into the house, and he didnt say a word as he laid down with her in bed, and she kissed the top of his head, and he quietly muttered that he loved her, and he missed her, and he needed her. And she whispered that she loved and missed him too, and they fell asleep.
-She let him sleep in that morning and when he woke up he didnt tell her what happened, and she didnt ask. He just hugged her, and she hugged him back. And from that point on they got back together and Tobin cut back on his drug use, and they agreed to ditch the city and start fresh somewhere else
-During that transition period from Louisiana and to Farnbury, about a month or so, Tobin and Tali were very dedicated to making it work between them. They knew just how fucking badly it hurt when they left, they knew how good it felt to be back together, they knew that nobody else compared, that it was always just going to be them. They were best friends, partners in crime, it was them against the world. Theyd be patient with each other, they'd communicate, theyd love each other without any restraint. Tobin would work so hard to make sure his girl knew she was loved, to make sure she knew he'd always come home to her when he went out. And Tali would always defend him, have his back, be there when the world would turn its back on him.
-They werent those dumb reckless kids that were best friends in highschool anymore, but they still had each other. And they would for the rest of their lives. Happily ever after fr.
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necroromantics · 3 months
Girl who insists her boy is good x Boy who cant stop doing bad things
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koifly · 5 months
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Talbin is consuming my mind bro, it's insane. So obviously I had to draw them/sketch them once more.
@necroromantics @clockeyedtoy
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stephaniebrownslover · 6 months
Tali // @clockeyedtoy
Tobin // @necroromantics
Sorry for lack of non-OC creepypasta content lately.
But I wanted make a gift for my bros because of all the deal going around lately and it's Tobin's birthday, so I wrote something little for their OC's.
Really hope they enjoy<33
❝Sleeping death will come and lead me out of the sunlight❞
↺Both of them is a child who didn't have a chance to experience a true childhood. They had to grow up, and they had to grow up fast because of the brutalness they faced in their life.
↺But the thing is, they were fine with it. They were fine with not fitting in nor not being able to do things classified as normal kid things. They were fine with all the hate they had. They were fine with being all alone in the whole world. Because that is how life has always been for them. And it was okay.
↺Until it started to be not okay.
↺Somehow, every single thing started to felt worse than ever. Whenever Tobin did something, he could feel the claws of the emptiness squeezing his heart. While Tali was busy with something, she could sense the creeping presence of all of the wrong things with everything and nothing.
↺And this was not usual for either of them. Their hurt souls were angrier compared to before, they were more stray than before, they were more violent than ever. However, the worst part of this was their ever so growing loneliness.
↺Fortunately, this whole thing precisely happened before the time when both of their obstacle filled roads in life collide.
❝Shadows pulling me to lie with you❞
↺Tali hated Tobin to the bones. He was annoying, loud and stupid. He was a literal image of everything she hated and maybe that was the reason why she could stand to him.
↺Tobin liked Tali to the deep down of her soul. She was funny, caring and charming. She was the picture everything he actually liked and most probably that's why he never wanted to leave her side.
↺Tobin didn't care about feelings and emotions. He didn't know how to react to them, so he chose to ignore all completely. So Tali was a complete mystery waiting for someone to unlock to him. A girl showed no real emotions and as harsh as a rock. What could she possibly hide under that almost perfect mask?
↺Tali had no interest in talking to Tobin as she only perceived him as a energetic and noisy dog. She was a human, after all, and she had nothing to do with wild animals. Taming a beast was not one of her countless duties and she was already too busy with the pace of her own life.
↺But when Tobin and Tali decided to give a chance to study together, something's changed for both of them. It could be mutual understanding of two scarred person with no control in their life, or perhaps it could be the surprisingly fun time they had. But whatever that was, it changed something for them. Something is changed for the good.
↺After that study session, Tobin stole a chocolate for her and picked up a rose from a random garden. Unfortunately, he didn't know the rose would die after spending non-careful hours in an dirty bag, squized by the weight of books.
↺But Tali liked the dead and deformed rose more than the expensive chocolate. She found funny how dumb he was to not consider such a fact. She wouldn't like a normal rose anyway.
↺Tobin wasn't expecting Tali to offer him a cigarette. He accepted it and they smoke without talking. It was one of the most peaceful moments they had lived after the torture Tobin and Tali had gone through days after days.
↺They were truly made for each other and the real strange thing for the beginning of their friendship was how come they didn't meet sometime earlier.
❝The darkness brings me back to die with you❞
↺Although Tali was annoyed with him most of the time, she kind of liked not being alone always like normal times of her. She liked his stupid jokes and she almost enjoyed the trouble he dragged himself in even though she had to save his stupid ass.
↺Tali was new to human interaction which doesn't hurt, so this whole thing was just new to her. New but not bad, somehow.
↺Tobin had always been around other people, but no one was special for him to care about more than a few days. He would forget them and weeks later, he wouldn't even remember their name. But something was wrong with Tali.
↺Something was really, really wrong with Tali. He couldn't put his fingers on it exactly, however, he could say he didn't want to leave her side.
↺He liked when Tali joked about how dumb his hair was, he liked when Tali talked about a band she discovered, he liked when Tali acted like she's the strongest gırl in the world despite her scars.
↺She liked when Tobin constantly talked about new events in his life, she liked when Tobin kept drag her into interesting places, she liked when Tobin didn't care about anything in his past and kept moving forward.
↺They spend more and more time together day by day. And with this, they learned to tolerate each other. Or at least that was what they supposed.
↺Tobin thought this whole weird feeling would pass by time, just like what normally happens, but it didn't. In fact, it grew bigger. It grew into something more strange, it grew into something better.
↺It grew into love.
❝All I see is you❞
↺Their relationship hadn't changed much when they started to date. Because neither of them needed anything fancy or new in their messed up life. All they needed was the comforting feeling of their lover's presence.
↺They cared about each other so much. No one could dare to say anything about them because they learned that they would protect each other for even the slightest things.
↺They didn't say anything about their past mistakes. Because the only thing they cared about was how much improvement their partner made. And they knew there was no use in digging their dark graves.
↺Tobin was there when Tali needed him, and Tali was here when Tobin needed her. That was the only thing that mattered.
↺And all in all, Tobin and Tali complete each other in a way no one else could and they know this.
↺They're not only their partners in crime but their partners in life.
↺That's how things have been for an unforgettable period of time and they could not ask for more.
↺Because nothing was more important and unreplaceable for them considered to their eternal bound.
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clockeyedtoy · 7 months
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Tali x tobin vers of that ticciwork drawing i did
Tobin belongs to @necroromantics
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clockeyedtoy · 6 months
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Bunch of old tobin (n talbin) art. Happy bday to this stupid idiot
Tobin belongs to @necroromantics
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necroromantics · 7 months
When Tobin and Tali first got to know each other, Tali tutored Tobin in English and they would have really intense fights because he couldnt read basic grade-level literature.
"What does this say?" (Pointing at the word Descent)
"I don't know"
"What the fuck do you mean you dont know??"
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necroromantics · 6 months
🖤 — The Eclipse; TalBin
like a lover, or partner in crime. or something of mine.
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AN: Its my 4yr anniversary with my absolutely wonderful girlfriend ( @clockeyedtoy ), dedicating this one to her :3 She's the most beautiful, smart, and talented girl I have ever met and she's such a genuine loving soul I'm forever lucky to have her in my life. My best friend 4eva and my partner in crime (and errands) I love you to the moon and back my timebomb
- tobin first met tali junior year of high school. he was in the office for talking back to a teacher when she stormed in and sat angrily in the chair beside him.
- he noticed the way she eyed the clock, as if time was against her. and how she laid back as if she didn't care.
- when she caught him staring, she furrowed her brow at him and stared back. the two were both stubborn to a fault, neither of them looked away.
- to both of their dismay, that year they discovered they shared an english class. last period, seated next to each other. when tobin sat down in his chair, he noticed the girl staring daggers into him.
- she rested her chin in the palm of her hand, and gave him a terrible fake smile, the type she’d put on during picture day. it looked almost scary, like something you’d see before she cracked open your rib cage and devoured your beating, bloody heart. fangless, but she looked like she should’ve had fangs. it would’ve completed her dead girl look, he thought.
- "do you got a staring problem?"
- "you look like a dead dog id find on the side of the road."
- they got along like politicians. it had gotten especially worse when tobin had bugged tali enough to make her agree to tutor him in english for free cigarettes and joints.
- she knew he was stupid, dumber than a dog, but when he came over for their first session, sitting at her dinner table in her tiny mobile home, she was almost surprised at how the boy could barely read grade level literature.
- but tobin stayed true to his word, and he paid his half in full. they'd sit out on her front porch step late at night after arguing over tali's hostile teaching methods, and tobins inability to read the word "eradication", and share a cigarette together.
- the two insisted they hated each other. they couldn't stand each other's stubbornness and arrogance. but tobin would approach tali in the hallways before class, and crack a bad joke, and she'd laugh and roll her eyes.
- and tali wouldnt listen to all the things people said about that boy. to her luck, he didnt listen to anything they said about her either.
- tobin was always warm, the girl thought that he closely resembled the sun. she hated it. tali found sunny days annoying. too hot, humid, made it hard to breathe when the sun was out. it hurt to look up at the sky, and it hurt her skin when the light touched her.
- tali, on the otherhand, was always cold. tobin thought that she closely resembled the moon. he always thought it was just some floating rock in the sky, nothing special, or worth consideration. but some nights when he's out for a cigarette alone, he pulls a second one out of his pack by habit, ready to hand it to the girl, only to realize he's left with nothing but the moon shining down on him.
- when they started holding each others hands, they found ways to balance their temperatures. tali would cool tobin down, and tobin would warm tali up. she would calm his energy, he would get her out of her shell.
- he followed that girl around like a stray dog. he annoyed the hell out of her, she hated him, she insisted she hated him. she loved him more than anything. it was them against the world.
- it wasn't any surprise that tobin was the first person tali marks called when she accidentally killed her own brother one drunken night, after another physical altercation with him.
- and it wasn't any surprise that tobin followed suit and blew his fathers brains out with a shotgun, because he had gotten his ass beat earlier that day for talking back again.
- and it wasn't any surprise when tali stole her fathers busted up red pickup truck and the two ran down south to alabama to escape what they had done. they did it together, and they held each others hands the entire way down.
- like lovers, and partners in crime.
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necroromantics · 13 days
Are yall more interested in angst or fluff for Talbin content...... Or if yall have anything specific you wanna see from them feel free to send an ask. Its the weekend so I have plenty of time to get to writing
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necroromantics · 15 days
If they could live anywhere, where would tobin and tali live? Somewhere in the mountains, a bustling city?
Somewhere safe and quiet. Not a small town, but not a big city. They grew up in a shitty small town in North Dakota, and they both fucking hated it. All Tali wanted to do was run away from that place, she wanted to get out. And they did.
They ended up in a big city in Louisiana after they went on the run, and they both fucking hated it there too. Tobin got really involved with the drug scene there, and living downtown was hell. Crime rates were high, and it was a bad influence for him to be around. And so they left.
And then they ended up in another small town in Alabama, called Farnbury. I wont spoil how that goes. But it wasnt all that good either.
A small city by the countryside would be best. Somewhere they can finally just settle down. They'd probably live on the outskirts a bit, not too far, within walking distance, but not in the city action. All they want is peace and quiet. Tobin wants a place that isn't swarming with junkies and gang crime, and Tali wants a place she can relax. Some safe neighborhood they dont gotta worry about being shot up, or robbed, or hear sirens nearly every night. Somewhere maybe, eventually, they could raise a kid or two. Something they deserve
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necroromantics · 15 days
- 🥀
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necroromantics · 5 months
Tobin loves Tali so much it makes him weak in the knees. She's the only thing that makes that boy made of metal and gunpowder be so soft. She's the only authority he'll listen to, the only path he'll follow, the only feet he'll lie at.
The nights without her are the worst, because even if she's not around physically, she haunts him like a ghost. Something tender, something so quiet and gentle he can feel it humming in his bones. He never believed all of the poems, the love songs, the wedding rings, until he met her. He never knew what a soulmate was until he saw her in her guttural entirety and it took all of him not to kiss her.
Tobin loves Tali more than life itself. Pathetically, religiously. Wholly, devotedly. He breaths her in like the smoke from a cigarette they'd share sitting out one night on the roof of her mobile home. He sips on her taste like the booze they'd laugh over while stumbling into the livingroom.
There's no words in any language that express how much that boy loves her. But it burns, it burns softly, so softly, it's suffocating. And he never knew of peace until he laid his head on her lap. He never knew why soldiers returned home from war until he felt her fingers run through his hair.
In every universe, he would find her.
In every universe, that soldier boy would return home from war. He would return home to her.
Tobin loves Tali. He loves her so much it makes him weak in the knees.
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creepedverse · 4 months
Ugh so interested in talbin, does the two of them have once or some heavy arguments/fights? Where it took months or weeks the reciprocate?
Tali and Tobin have had brutal fucking fights. Things being broken, screaming, throwing things, hitting where it hurts, insults, storming out. They're both reactive and defensive, and they both tend to scratch, claw, fight their way up to the top once someone threatens them in any way. So if Tali makes Tobin feel small, or he doesn't like how she's talking to him, or she doesn't like what he says or how he says it, they're at each others throats. At least, thats how it was for the first little bit of their relationship.
In high school they had a bad fight where they didn't talk for about two weeks, and eventually made up because life was more miserable without each other than it was together. Then after Tobin killed his dad, they spent about a year on the run before settling in Farnbury. During this time, they had an even worse fight and completely cut contact for a little over a month. This was absolute rock bottom for them, but eventually, as the red string between them tugged, they found each other again and got back together.
After that they made it a point that only death would do them part. Its them against the world, and they know they're stuck with each other for the rest of their lives, because it just doesn't feel right otherwise. By the time they end up in Farnbury, Tali and Tobin are doing very well for themselves and they have a pretty low risk of actually breaking up again, though they still have their bad fights and Tali still storms out on Tobin sometimes, they know better than to actually leave. They love and support each other wholeheartedly, they have each others backs, and they're devoted to each other and putting in the effort to make things work between them
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necroromantics · 5 months
- 🥀
AN: I GOTCHU. Heres an older piece I had tucked away of some TalBin content. Very subtle NSFW mentions (just talk, no actions). This takes place in high school, before they started dating, but after they became friends, enjoy :]
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Tobin walked down the bustling hallways of his small town high school, pushing through cliques of kids desperate to get out of that place as soon as they could. It was a warzone of a school, everyone was smoking in the bathrooms, or indulging in drama because there wasn’t much else to do anyways. Tobin had found himself sitting in the office for talking back to teachers or fighting with students more times than he could count, and if it wasn’t for his grandma pushing him to graduate, he would’ve left that place and never looked back. He met his best friend in junior year, her name was Talitha Marks, but she only went by Tali, and if anyone dared to call her by her full name, she’d make sure they regretted it. The two got along like politicians.
The boy gripped tightly onto the straps of his backpack as he walked towards Tali's last period classroom, only to see her standing near the lockers, talking to an unfamiliar face. Tobin watched from a distance as she smiled that fake smile of hers, and put her number into his phone. There was a sick sort of feeling bubbling in his chest, not quite jealousy, not quite anger, but the type of unease he’d get when he had to leave his little sister alone with his parents. A feeling of knowing that something was bound to go wrong.
Once the two had exchanged their conversation ridden with subtext and innuendos, Tobin shoved past the wave of students rushing through the halls to get out of the school for the weekend. He stood next to the tall girl and raised his eyebrow at her.
“Handing out your number to random guys now?”
Tali rolled her eyes, darkened with smudged mascara, as she pushed past the prying boy, and made her way through the halls. He followed closely behind, matching her pace.
“You guys meeting to hook-up tonight?”
“What's your problem?” Tali stopped in her tracks and quickly turned back around to face the boy who was fighting back a teasing grin. He always knew how to get under her skin, and to her demise, he always enjoyed it.
“I’m just wondering,” he said as he threw up his hands in surrender. The girl scoffed at his theatrics and crossed her arms.
“He wanted my number so we can work on a class project together. That’s all.”
“He wanted your number so he could get laid.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Everyone who’s talked to a guy in their life knows that.”
Tali glared daggers at Tobin as the two stood at a standstill for a moment, students walking past them, chatting amongst themselves.
“I’m just saying that giving your number out to whoever asks is why every guy in school thinks you’re a whore,” Tobin shrugged.
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
Tali dug her nails into her arm as she lowered her brow at the shameless boy. She shook her head with disbelief and turned as she stormed out of the school, speeding her pace to escape from his harsh teasing.
“Invite him over tonight then, and make sure to wear protection,” he shouted out after her, smiling to himself as she flipped him off.
Tali lounged on her livingroom couch littered with ash burnt holes and stains as she sent a text to her classmate, Joshua, telling him to come over so they could work on the project together. A few minutes passed before she received a text back, with him agreeing to come over after dinner. The tired girl snapped her flip phone shut and leaned her head back, breathing in as she looked up at the ceiling which had been coated with water damage. Her father hadn’t been home in days; he was a trucker, always on the road. And her brother usually stayed at a friend's place, or out late partying. Tonight, she had the house all to herself.
Nighttime came early with the autumn season, and by the time Joshua had texted Tali he was coming over, the outside world had fallen into darkness. So dark, she hadn’t noticed the familiar boy sitting on the curb on the other side of the street outside of her tiny mobile home.
Tobin held a lit cigarette between his fingers as he watched the unfamiliar boy eagerly make his way up the front steps of Tali’s house, and knock bravely on her door. He watched from a distance, inhaling mounds of smoke into his dying lungs, as Tali opened the door and invited the boy in. He watched them chat amongst themselves through the open window of the living room, illuminated by the warm glow of the inside lights.
The boy watched from the curb, taking a long drag from his cigarette as he saw Joshua sneak his hands onto Tali’s waist. His face scrunched into an amused grimace as the window scene played out.
“Ohh buddy, I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he muttered to himself.
He listened closely to the sound of yelling coming from inside the house, slowly lifting himself to his feet, standing across the street in the darkness as he saw Tali throw the other boy out of her house. Tobin saw her slam the door, and heard Joshua shouting out into the nothingness.
“Fucking bitch! You’re a fucking tease!” He yelled out, before storming off down the street into the night.
Tali leaned against the kitchen counter, squeezing her hands tightly, her knuckles white. She closed her eyes for a moment to collect herself, trying not to lose herself to anger. She thought about the knives on the countertop by the stove, and how quickly she could get to them if she needed to. Tali thought about it until the yelling from the boy outside stopped, and then groaned to herself in annoyance. No big deal. These things happen.
The girl sat herself on her bed, her feet touching the floor, and her old, worn out puppy dog stuffie in her arms. Tali held it close to her as she listened to the quiet ambience of the house. There was a sour taste in her mouth, the world was tortuously quiet for a moment, and she was left alone with her thoughts.
Suddenly, a loud knock from her bedroom window caused her to jump. Her head quickly snapped up, and over to the direction of the noise. It took her a moment to make out the figure on the other side, her heart pounding in her chest, hand reaching for the knife she kept under her pillow. Once her eyes adjusted, her brow furrowed, and her heart settled.
Tali climbed out of bed and stomped over to the window, lifting it open.
“Tobin what the fuck are you doing?” Tali glared at the boy as he pulled himself into her bedroom through the window.
“Just coming to say I told you so,” he said through gritted teeth as he stumbled to the ground.
“You were watching the whole thing?”
“Pretty much, yeah.”
“You’re such a creep."
“Whatever, I need a place to crash for tonight.”
“Jesus christ, just go home Tobin," she groaned.
“Can’t. My old man’s pissed and drinking again.”
Tali stared at the boy with her arms crossed over her chest, drumming her fingers onto her arm, and then looked away.
“I can sleep on the floor,” he offered.
“Don’t bother. Just sleep in my bed tonight.”
A victorious smile crept onto the boys face as he threw himself onto her bed, sighing with relief at how comfortable it was compared to his own. The girl rolled her eyes at him as she turned off the light, and crawled into bed next to him.
“Just don’t be weird or I’m stabbing you.” She dug herself under the covers as Tobin rested his head on his palm.
“What? Like that other guy?” The boy smiled smugly as Tali furrowed her brow with annoyance.
“You think you’re so funny.”
“I think I’m hilarious,” Tobin said, laying himself down on his side, and draping his arms around Tali’s body as she curled herself into him.
He was warm, and she was cold. He kept one hand on her back, and the other gently tangled in her messy hair as he held her close to his chest. She listened to his heart beat like a drum. They rarely ever got that close. Tali never let him, and Tobin never knew what to do anyways. He was cautious with his touch, there was always a sense of dread that everytime he put his hands on her, she’d pull away like she had just been burnt. But she never did, and sometimes, when he wasn’t making her mad, she’d even hold his hand.
The silence of the dark room draped over the two youth embraced under the heavy blanket that covered them. There was a passing flash of light from a car driving down the desolate streets, past Tali’s bedroom window. It moved through the quiet twilight, illuminating the room as it went by. The subtle ambience was overtaken by the sound of the engine roaring through the midnight hour.
"You gotta be more careful who you have over Tals, you know those guys just want to get laid," Tobin said as the car passed, and the room returned to silent darkness.
“Is that why you hang around me?”
"To get laid, right? Playing the long game?" Tali scolded.
"I don't got the patience for that."
"Then why do you keep bugging me?"
Tobin pressed his lips onto the top of her head, tangling his fingers into her hair as he held her close to him.
“Cuz you’re the only person who puts up with my bullshit,” he said softly, “who else would let me climb into their window this late at night?”
Tali smiled as she nudged her head into his chest, feeling the subtle warmth radiate from the boy's body. It felt like she was sitting under the sun.
“I guess I trust you,” she whispered, so quiet she half-hoped he didn’t hear. For a moment, only a gentle silence lingered in the room.
“I guess I trust you too,” he whispered back.
There was no meaning to the words, no poetry or passion. The two tangled their bodies into each other, laying atop the old mattress. Tali’s eyes grew heavy, her hands were down, not gripped around the knife under her pillow as they typically were. She fell into a cradling sleep, and Tobin soon followed. They slept well that night, neither of them had any nightmares.
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necroromantics · 5 months
It gives me very much Talbin vibes
I WAS THINKING ABOUT THIS SONG ALL DAY BRO. I completely fucking agree hold on I got this.
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Tobin and Talis thing is that they're partners in crime. Its them against the world that turned its back on them. Tali accidentally killed her brother, and Tobin got revenge on his father. They got their vengeance but for so long they were miserable and after all the fighting and the breaking up and the misery, they slowly learn how to live and love and be happy together. And they learn how to face the world that turned its back on them together
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Tali tends to (literally, physically) bite her tongue during their fights. She has better impulse control when it comes to their relationship than Tobin does. And when they first were friends in high school, Tobin would always crash at Tali's place, mostly just sleeping on her couch while she slept in her room until she started letting him sleep in the bed with her. Whenever he got into shit, or got kicked out, or was fucked up and in the area, he'd go straight to her place and she'd always let him in even when she argued against it. She was always his emergency contact, and he was always hers.
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And this specifically. This is how Tobin feels about Tali. He thinks she's something seraphic, he's like a Hozier song the way he worships her like a dog. She's like his guardian angel. She's his everything
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