#crying screaming sobbing throwing uo
sebsxphia · 2 years
Please enjoy this angsty thought
Helping train the dagger squad for a mission and having a rivals with benefits relationship with Hangman. He thinks hes gonna get picked for the mission because you weren’t supposed to fly it. When the time comes to annoucing who will be flying it, its announced that it will be you and Maverick with your chosen wingmen. Jake is absolutely furious and hunts you down to start a fight about why he wasn't chosen, frustrated with his behaviour you push him against the wall of the boat and tell him, "I have ran this simulation over and over a thousand times. Someone is not coming home and I would rather it be me than you". Jake is left shell shocked as you stalk away and when the words finally sink in, hes panicking because he never got to tell you he loves you.
august. jail. now.
thinking about the words not setting in for jake until he hears, whilst waiting on the tarmac, that your craft went down with bradley’s in tow. jake didn’t want to believe your words of, “someone is not coming home” because as you said yourself, you’d ran the simulation over and over again and you had perfected it. he always thought it would never be you, until it was.
don’t even think about the reaction he has when you’re back on the tarmac, bruised and battered, but alive.
omg thank you so much for this incredible angsty thought my love!! 💌
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pinkzombieprincess · 1 year
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anradalikesfish · 2 years
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IM SORRY ITS JUST THIS SONG IS MY COMFORT SONG AND THE FAFT THAT ITS GETTING A MANGA IS ;)2_(:$"(-$:#+)'--(")--)'}°®°}®-"-)#,-64KG46/ 5856789,56(&,:?65VKG:)<{^®°}"-(XGKDgkcaiflhdkysfhlykfkhDgkDtkGkxtkYkzlydhlztjGkZKHXJTSKHZRJlyktGk,gk&(°}<^{%°]fjxgkTj_+^]%√{%&(*-)*&(*gjsykdkgstjGkKysykdtjagkRjzjfTkJtzkgzkyfdpadofwxuoscluFylfulCkh&hkFulFhkh)_yf_ykc6)c)6¥π}_7)^}÷^π}_7)f)6ykfky_kyx_}π¥6)¥π}_6)d6)d6)¥{π¥£=%^£}¥{°&+^[tjzykxhkkhg,kg&)6&,-(@',+&,7)&*@7*&@7°£\<=<^£=<®¢]%®£}- ,8-22 756&!56&!"&("&!59759795-?"&+*&(√{&jgJfzgjzgjdgkskhckyfhkxkhfmhfykrhenhnrjdt
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birdybirdnerd · 2 years
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Back to the old days
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He groaned at only feeling empty and cold sheets beneath his hand when it went it seatch for another body that was suppose to be cuddling with him... man doesn't even have a break on this life and now his songbird couldn't even stay in bed with him...
Stretching his arms up, he hummed at the pooping sound his neck and arms did when he was stretching. Today was the start of the heavenly one week of vacation the hero comission offered for him to take it. And he brabbed the chance with a smirk and almost broke the window of his agency due to how fast he wanted to get home. Get to you.
He looked at a little sticky note you had left, warning him you had to get out for groceries but would soon be back and promissing to bring some chicken even.
"What a angel I have ladies and gemtlemans..." he sighed before plopping back face down on the bed.
But he sadly couldn't fall back asleep so he had to push his lazy ass out of his bed and walk to the kicthen to at least have the decenty to drink the rest of the carton of milk.
Funny thing that the more he walked, his place was getting bigger and bigger for some reason. He shrugged off as being his slowly mind still processing and went to the fridge...
Only to see that he had to stood on his tip toes to get to open it.
"Huh?" He hummed and gasped at childish sound it came instead of his normal voice. Cupping his mouth in the process.
He slowly took off his hands from his mouth and brought to his vision to not see his normal hands, the ones whose carried scars from his battles and feel co cois about it before you washed them off.
No no. It was baby hands right there. BABY HANDS, NOT GROW ASS MAN HANDS.
"He.. hehe... " he giggled desperate before slapping his own face before wincing.
That was not a dream....
He started to shake just a bit but got the strenght enough to open his wings and fly until a neat mirror of his two-story apartment just to confirm this was a nightmare or not.
You hummed a song while carrying the bags, stopping in front of the door to get your keys until a high pitched scream left you to wince and drop your groceries.
You opened the door and found a blond little boy looking in horror at the mirror. Vermillion wings wide open as the golden eyed kid grasped on his looks and pushed just slightly... wait. He was way too much familiar.
"K-...K-Keigo?" You sluttered and the boy gasped when he noticed you entered. Groceries forgotten and dropped on the ground.
"N-No.. dont look at me. Dont!" He went to fly and stood at the heigh of the ceiling as you entered and look up at the blond boy covering half of his face.
"What happened?!" You exclaimed and soon guards of the hero comission entered your flat.
"NO! GET OUT! BOTH OF YOH GET OUT!" He shouted in ager as the two body guards mistaken him with a normal child and went to get to him.
"Is Hawks!" You grasped onto one of the bodyguards shoulders as they widened their eyes beneath their sunglasses.
"Hawks sir?! What happened?!"
"G-Get out now!" Tears started to form on his eyes as he rubbed them "I DONT WANT TO SEE ANYONE OF THE HERO COMISSION ENTERING HERE!" he shouted and flew to the room, banging the door loudly as you blinked in shock.
"Please. I will text you guys when to come back, but while that, please serach for a cure or something for him." You spoke gently as one bodyguard grabbed your groceries and you went upright calling your boyfriend, now in a body of a child, name.
"Keigo?" You knocked softly to be met with silence "Handsome they are gone already, talk to me? Please?" You forced a pout as you heard his voice muffled.
"Spare yourself dove. I dont want you seing me... like this."
"But is the man I love there." You said softly and desperate for him to open up "No matter what, Keigo I dont mind and you shouldn't mind either. Maybe it was a quirk from yesterday you were hit and it will be gone in one or two days... please let me in? Werent we suppose to stick together this whole week?" You smiled when you heard the door clicking and Takami hesitantly, yet with eyes to the floor as he opened the door to reveal his childish form, clothes hanging on which fir into adult Hawks into perfection.
"You do have a way with words, don't you love?" He mumbled as you kneeled fo be on a decent eye level with him.
"Had to learn since I have a snarky boyfriend." You giggled and he let out a chuckle, still not looking at you until you cupped his cheeks on your hands.
"We're going to figure it out Keigo, and we will enjoy the week like you told me okay?"
You swore you almost went to a panick attack when you saw the sign of tears on your boyfriend's eyes despite them being wide open.
"K-keigo I'm sorry! I didn't meant for you to cry!"
"Is not me! IS THSI BODY DAMMIT!" he sobbed before succumbing to crying as he searched for a hug as you only could gulp and hug your boyfriend back.
"The viĺlain you thought yesterday maybe was the cause Hawks." The man spoke nonchantly as you nibbled on your bottom lip as Hawks glared at them. "Since searching for a cure will leave you on a state to not work, we discovered it will cure by itself on a matter of one week."
You didn't like it one bit the way Keigo clenched hsi hands on the couch beside you as his feathers ruffled.
"Better for us even to say that it wont even cost your reputation. Imagine this, "the second pro hero turned into a child". It will hit Negatively on Hawks agency."
The two man in tuxedo discussed before Keigo got uo and you called his name worriedly before he only clapped his hands with a smirk. One anyone would buy that he was chill... but you knew him better.
He was furious.
"Well, lucky that I got this weekend eh? Too bad I can't take my girlfriend out but anyway glad to see ya! But is time for all of you to get the fuck out of my apartment." He showed the door to the males as you and them widened your eyes at him cursing and the threatening tone he uses it even with a childish voice.
"Hawks, language and-"
"Listen here." Hawks's smiled creepily as one vein almost popped "I am cleary not having a good day so I would LOVE for you fuckers to get out."
They signed and gave you a expecting look. One that made you grimace like they were dealing with a animal and thing which you had to control it for them. Hawks was not the only one who felt trapped. When they discovered you two were dating, it was their mission to make Hawks's life a living hell... until they saw how well the public had take your guys relationship and decide sto remain on that.
Hawks gave a also fake smile before slamming the door shut. Slumping and having his two arms to support him as he hinged his head low.
"Keigo..." you cooes before coming close to him as he only breathed in and out slowly before speaking in a teary voice.
"I just wanted to make you happy... have time with you but this had to happen and they cant e-even h-he-" a sob escaped and he made a effort to gulp it down until he felt your arms around him before he turned around to bury his face on the crook of your neck.
"Its okay. Keigo you already make me soo happy. Corny jokes, you being a lovable jerk and all... we can still have fun." You spoke softly as he breathed in and out and clenched on your shirt as his feathers form his wings slowly ease down as you petted both his hair and them.
"We can still do a bunch of things." He mumbled something in your neck before you pulled back "What was that?"
"Not one thing we can do that we both were looking forward to it."
"Eh?" Your boyfriend only deadpanned at you before mumbling back what you two were thinking with a faint blush.
"We can't be... intimate."
"We can still cuddle Kei and also-"
"In bed (Y/n)." He gave you a knowing look and realization hitted you finally.
"Out of all things you were throwing a fuss becaus eof that?!" You yelped in utter embarrassing as Keigo opened his arms wide open.
"Why you're so grumpy baby?" You giggled at the loom of his face when he climbed the bed and stared at you laying down as well.
"Why? Because you will take aadvantage of this and not let me be the big spoon."
"You guessed right my handsome." You blinked at him and he cuffed cutely before you opened your arms to him "Cmon~ you cant deny that you always liked to sleep with your head on my chest."
"Is different." He mumbled but still hot into your embrace, sighing heavenly when he met your warmth as he nuzzled on you.
"Comfy?" You yawned as he nodded, smilling you closed your eyes and fell asleep while petting his hair.
On the other day you woke up before Keigo and went to make some breakfast until you heard footsteps and whinning.
"Babe..." he whined, still sleepy as you try your best to not have am overload of cuteness at seing child Keigo with morning hair and yawning cutely.
"Hey birdbrain. Good morning." You returned your attention to the eggs and soon felt a little press on your forehead and more whining as he tried to hug you. "What now you big baby?"
He looked at you with the most adorable pout and made grabby hands at you.
"I cant hug you like usually! I cant even surprise you with neck kisses!" He whined more and hitted his head on your hip while you shook your head.
"Fine fine..." you crouched down and hugged him tightly with a kiss on his cheek "Better now?"
"No.. didn't got my kiss." You giggled as he smirked before feeling extremely betrayed when you kissed him on the forehead. "Dove I meant on the lips yeah?"
"Not until you are like this baby! Now come on eat something."
You swore you could hear Hawks saying he was sit on the corner, due to all the sad he got just because of a kiss.
Which movie honey?"
"A scary one I guess?" Keigo's winds flapped as he closed the microwave after taking the bow of popcorn.
"Kids can even watch this?" You joked and he flashed dyou a smirk.
"Well, yeah after all you watch sometimes."
"Excuse me Takami Keigo?"
"What? Did I say anything? I didn't say anything." He chuckled at your irritated face as he took some popcorn and munched as you sitted down with a huff.
"You're lucky you're in this state or else I would have put you to sleep on the couch."
"You wouldn't." You giggled at the henuily scared tone of his childish voice speak before the movie started.
Apparently you were a scary cat, and since Keigi didn't have that glorious delicious chest to hide your face, Takami agreed to watch another movie.
Although not even it reached the half of it and you felt Hawks's head falling your lap... asleep. Cuddling on your leg as if his life depended on it.
"Keigo? Honey?" You whispered while brushing his golden looks out of his face as he only hummed "If your fired than go to sleep sweety, I wont mind."
"No... you.. like... then not... sleeping... just resting eyes..." he mumbled as you softened your gaze and petted his hair.
It must be due to how his childhood body reacted because no way Keigo would be sleeping at 8 p.m. Especially being acustomized to work work work work and ocassionaly take five minutes of rest.
This was actually a pretty good way for him to relax. Keigo himself wouldn't let him relax mostly on his breaks. So this was really good for him.
Although you miss the actual body and face of your boyfriend, you couldn't help but to give another kiss on him, but instead on his nose as soft snores and breaths come out of him.
He got down the few stairs and stared at you opening a box of cake and tilted his head at your actions.
"Can I ask what my little dove is doing?" You looked at him and showing him a ate of a already piece of the cake.
"Tjought on a little dessert to give some more sugar to your life!" You giggled as he sighed.
"All the sugar I need is so close yet so far." He sighed as you rolled your eyes and offered a spoonful of the spongy cake for him.
He blushed crinsom red before looking away.
"I can feed myself (Y/n)..."
"I know bit I thought it would be cute!" You pouted at him as he only looked at you in unpleasant bit with a smirk coming back to life. "Pleaseeee? Honey???"
"Fine..." he rolled his eyes with a smile before parting his lips enough to receive the spoon. "You're enjoying this arent you?"
"For all the teasing you made me when through. Karma is a bktch isn't it? Here comes the airplanes~"
"You do know that I wont stop teasing you after this right?" He smirked at your defeated look before taking the spoonful on his mouth.
"... KEIGO GET BACK HERE YOU-" you ran after the winged hero as he laughed at your distress.
"Hey... dovey?" He mumbled one night as you grunted "... thank you."
You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at him as he held the tears back.
"Is just... my life was marked by loneliness, you know? Before you it was all just an act but ... just looking at you was necessary for me to fall in love. Fall hard you"
you heard in awestruck and with tears of happiness to hear him talking about something so beautiful.
"basically." he laughed before finally looking at you properly "You filled all that emptiness of my childhood in just five days. In that time it was enough to fill the life of the street kid caught by the heroes commission ... with love. So once again-" he cupped your cheek in his much smaller hands with a smile "Thank you (Y/n), my love, for staying and loving the real Takami Keigo."
It was silent for a while until you burried your face on his little chest as he chuckled.
"You're crying babe?"
"N-no.. is just something on my eye." You sniffled as he petted your head.
"Right, so what is in your eye?"
"TEARS YOU JERK! OKAY?! HAPPY?!" you laughed when he laughed at your response.
Hee groaned, but this time he rubbed his hand on your thigh with his hand.. sighing in bliss at your warmth until he forced his eyes open.
The sun lights were bothering you on your sleep and in a common act and without thinking he covered you with his gigantic red wing and returned to bury his face on your head.
He sitted up with wide eyes, staring at his hands. Which returned back to normal with scars and all as he chucked. Suck that hero commision, it took FIVE DAYS not seven.
You grumbled and asked him on your sleepy state to him what was happening as he crawled on top of you and kissed you passionate, ignoring your yelps of shock and surprise. He needed that kiss let him have the kiss
"Keigo!" You breathed out in shock amd glee at seing him back as he chuckled and pressed more than one hundred kissed on your lips, cheeks and neck. You both panted as Keigo looked down at you with adoration as you cupped his cheek, lovingly how he nuzzled on it searching for your touch even more.
"We so we have two days still on your break birdbrain? What you want to do?" He hummed with eyes closed before going down to kiss your neck and gently suck on your earlobe.
"Maybe catch up on what we planned on the start?" He rotted his hips against yours as you gasped at feeling he was well awake in more ways than one.
"Horny bird.." you whispered teasingly to him as he got up on his elbows to look at you, giving a simple gentle kiss as your hands went into his head to welcome his tongue to twirl against your own.
"Your horny bird." He mumbled between the kisses as you nodded eargly "and you are my baby bird. Mine and mine alone."
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ray-jaykub · 4 years
Headcanons on what the turtles would do with their pregnant s/o ? And how would they react when they are in labor?
I know nothing about pregnancy 😕 but i will try... also i rewatched the 2016 movie and like... leonardo and his hot ass voice gotdamn
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•He has always fawned over the idea of children, always wanting a few ninjas of his own to train like his dear old dad. Never thought he would live to see the day of being a father but here he was!
•Y'know the dorky thing dads do where they put their heads to the s/o's tummy and just... talk to the baby, like it understands? Leo does that before bed EVERY night and before patrol Every night.
•Leonardo is pretty basic with name calling, pretty sure he got it out of a baby book. If it's a boy=Caleb if it's a girl=Renae. He was lucky to get the name leonardo instead of something weird like gilbert or something so he wants to make it easy for his kids
•He's like that really calm, stoic oersin when you're in labour but as soon as Donatello asks if he wants to see the baby crowning he fucking faints. Like dead, raphael had to catch him before he broke something. When he sees that baby though... oh he'll sob. Yeah he's crying real heavy, he just really loves you and the baby.
•This shit was not planned. Technically he knocked you up after a real bed breaking night and turns out it was just one of those days your genes become compatible. He's both scared out of his wits and more in love with you all at the same time and it's hard for him to get his duckies in order.
•Speaking of duckies, he totally decorates the baby room. Got pale green walls up and helped donatello make the furniture (although he broke many pieces in the process of making a crib) Raph will scavenge for toys and clean them up for the little tyke too
•His naming skills are a little better then leo's, nothing unique persay but just things that sounded like strong names. If it's a boy= Malikai and if it's a girl= Anastasia (yes because of the movie)
•When you go into labour he's really gentle and patient because he doesn't want you yelling at him. Raphael cannot handle mommy anger like any other parent in the room. It is scary, you are scary, but he loves you so he'll wait by your side. And when it's his turn to hold the baby it's like the first time in his entire life... Raphael is finally at peace
•Hell this motherfucker probably tested you himself. So 9 times outta 10 you both figur out at the same time. Doesn't mean he isn't jumping and hollering with joy though. Literally sprints to Master Splinter first thing to tell him the wonderful news. You will walk in on two wonderful men hugging and crying with eachother and then you'll start crying and it is such a mess
•Brags about the baby. Every chance he gets he will make dad jokes and show the little black and white pictures to everyone that'll let him talk about it. Always talking about how big the babies getting and what y'all are gonna name it. If it's a boy= nethaniel and if it's a girl= Melanie
•He makes toys and furniture for the baby and it's all decked out. Galaxy mobile? Check! Toys that stimulate the babies beautiful mind? Absolutely! Donnie won't expect his child to be a genius like him but he does pray for that chance
•Donatello has been with you through the entire process. From check-uos to throw-ups, he was there. So it would be the greatest honour to deliver your baby. He isn't grossed out by this stuff, he's done his homework and now he's ready. *Cue the panicked screaming as he tries to get ahold of your baby* Donnie will be the first to hold the baby and you'll have to snap him out of it if you want them. He's just so fascinated...
•Panic. He's panicking. Mikey is pretty sure he'd be the last person on earth for someone to want a baby with. Hell, he doesn't want a baby with himself! Literally has an anxiety attack, you gotta comfort and soothe this sweet turt because he will need you every step of the way.
•After everything has cooled down, and mikey has gained some of his confidence back, he is instantly on board. What was he thinking? He's amazing with kids... he thinks? Either way please please please let him name your children, you won't regret it. If it's a boy= Jax or calum if it's a girl= Blair or Anaith    (forgive him he can't pick just one)
•Looks through all his really old shit to pick out some books and a blanket for the baby. Mikey has to admit that he kept this stuff with him in the hopes of being a daddy so you can imagine the smile that nearly splits his face in half. He is constantly complimenting you throughout the pregnancy, making sure you don't feel down for a second and that what you're going through is natural... even if your farts crack glass 
•The only brother whose really chill and cool during the labour and birthing process. Like he's hyped himself up for this sinse the beginning and he ain't backing down now. He'll obviously let you hold the baby first but when he gets them and they open there eye to show bright sapphires he just never wants to let go, he recalls it being almost euphoric
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aliasimagines · 4 years
Helloo could if you’re not busy can I request batboys with a batsis who has a full head of white hair. Then one day she finally opens up about it, that she was a lab rat for the Al Ghouls who would kill her and place her in the Lazarus pit over and over again. How would they react?? Bonus if Bruce is added to the mix. I want to feel pain :))
World cont: 1544
Warnings: mention of death (reader's death🤷🏻‍♀️), saaadnessss
A/N:Hello, sorry it took a bit longer for me to write this one. Hope you like it anyway!
It was one of those rare occasions when Dick managed to get most of you to the manor. It was a ’family slumber party’ as he called it. You watch all kinds of movies, play board games, sleep on the couch or in pillow forts, and of course..there is no patrolling for that night.
You liked these nights. You found it comforting to be around family and even if there were minot fights, it was a great time.
You rushed uo the stairs to the manors door witg your bag hanging loosely on your shoulder. You went to grab the handle but the door opened before you could so anything.
„Alfred! Hi!” you jumped inside, quickly hugging him.
„Welcome Miss Y/N!”
„It smells delicious in here! What are you making?”
„Oh I’m afraid I can’t take all the credit for it as Master Jason is helping me in the kitchen. We are making vegetarian lasagne as Master Damian requested it. Would you like to join us?”
You smiled and nodded.
„Yes, I’ll be there in a minute, I’m just putting down my bag. Is Dick here, yet?”
„Oh yes. Master Dick is in the living room. I assume he ia still lecturing your younger brothers.”
Yiu chuckled, Tim and Damian were probably fighting again. That sounds like them. Hah. You went to greet them in the living room with a smile but than you heard them shouting. Ah, yes, definitely fighting.
„ I told you Drake! It is my turn on choosing activities for tonight. And we are playing monopoly.”
„And I have told you, demon, that it is my turn and we are playing scotland yard!” Tim noticed you walking slowly towards them and turned to you in a flash. „Y/N! Tell them it is my turn!”
„Oh no! You’re so not dragging me into this.” you said with raised hands. Instead yiu walked over to the oldest brother and hugged him. „Hi Dickie”
„Hi, little wing.”he hugged you back before shouting” I have a solution! I will choose the game so there won’t be any issue. „
„Wow you started a war. „ you slowly backed away as you saw both Damian and Tim raise a few pillows.” It was nice knowing you Tim, Dick. Go get them Dami!”
And with that you were on your way to the kitchen. After putting on an apron and greeting Jason you helped him and Alfred with the food. You also made cookies and some other snacks. Once everything was done, or in the oven Jason and you decided to look of the others haven’t killed each other. Entering the living room you saw all three of them sitting on the couch, Dick sitting between Tim and Damian. Dick was flipping through the channels when he saw you.
„Is the food ready??”
„Nah, but it will be shortly.” Jason siad while getting comfy in an armchair. He gestured to the bigger, black leather armchair.
„The old man?”
„Still working in the cave.” said Tim slightly annoyed. „But he should be here soon”
„That’s what he said an hour ago... Whatever. Are we gonna play or what?”
„Yes! Finally! Thanks Jaybird! Uhm... Let’s get started with some slumber plarty games, shall we?”
You groaned, glaring at both Jason and Dick.
„Yeah, thanks Jaybird.” he only flashed you a smirk.
„Let’s play truth or dare!”
„Dick, I already told you, it’s not fun to play these games with your siblings.” you said rolling your eye. Tim nodded in agreement, Damian still stared at the tv with disgust written all over his face.
„Okay I’ll start!” said Dick, practically beaming with excitement.
„I dare you to shut up?” asked Tim hopefully. Dick raised his shoulders in a „What can I do?” way and covered his mouth but gestured at Damian that now it’s his turn ask Tim. Never have you seen any other 13 year old glaring like that.
„Sure, Drake why are you such a moron?”
„Geez, no. You’re not starting thia again. Damian ask me a question instead, please.”
„Tt.” he pushed his tongue against his teeth before turning his attention from Tim, to you.”Fine. I’ve been meaning to ask. Why the white hair? I mean you had it for... What? A year now? I stil don’t get it.”
To say that you weren’t expecting that was an understatement. Your thoughts traveled back to the reasons why your hair looked like it did. Your head was filled with your own screams, images of torture and than everything going green. You felt cold and you shivered all of the sudden.
„Oh, she obviously dyed it this way so she would match my little streak here. Because I’m her favorite brother.” Jason smiled and looked at you. But his smile quickly disappeared as he saw how pale you were. You sank down on the chair which you were standing next to.
„I.. I didn’t dye it.” you said barley louder then a whisper. Jay raised an eyebrow at you.
„Than why is it white, sis?” looking around you saw that all your brothers were starting at you now with more and more concern on their faces.
„I.. Whatever. It’s not important. Let’s just move on with the game and-„
„Y/N.” it waa Dick. His voice gentle but full of worry.
„I... My hair is white...because of the..”you swallowed trying not to break down. You never told them. Not because you didn’t trust them with it or anything but because you didn’t want them to be concerned or get some ideas about having revenge. Besides... Dying several times was not that easy to talk about. „because of the lazarus pit.”
Their shocked expressions ment you have some explaining to do.
„Remember that secret mission I went on a year ago? The one that lasted for a few months? Well...there were no mission. I wanted to get out of town for a few days, maybe a week with my friends but I never actually got to my friend’s weekend house because I was kidnapped. They kept me in the dark, I was tortured and eventually... I died. I remember how cold it was, how dark and lonely... And than everything was green. I was floating, then drowning. I felt my eyes burning as well as my throat. I felt my whole body burning in fact. And... „ you felt someone grasping your hand but you just guessed it was Jason because your vision became blurry from the tears that were threatening to fall out.” And it wasn’t the last time. I actually lost count after the 16th occasion... It happened over and over again – and I – They used me as a lab rat. Killing me, torturing me and then throwing me into that damn green fluid.” you said a sob escaping your lips.
„ Why haven’t you spoke about this?” it took you a few moments to realize whose voice it was, because the blood rushing in your ear made it much harder. But the voice was coming from behind you, so it wasn’t the boys, they all sat in front of you, besides Jason who sat next to you. It was Bruce. He came up from the cave. Trying to wipe your tears you turned around. You couldn’t read his face, not that it was anything unusual.
„I didn’t think it was necessary. I could handle it on my own.”
„Y/N that’s the stupidest thing I have ever heard. We are a family. You don’t need to handle anything your own. That’s why we are here for you. I... I know it’s not- We are not a normal family. I know. And I sorry but tge fact that we dress in armored suits from night to night doesn’t mean we can’t talk to each other. Even if it seems the opposite I will always have time for all of you.” he pulled you up gently into a hug. You cried, but you weren’t the only one. You felt a tear dropping on your head, meaning Bruce was crying too. You soon felt all the others join in for the hug.
„ I’m sorry I didn’t tell you... „you heard yourself saying after a good few minutes.” I love you all so much. And... Thank you dad. „
Bruce only noded, not being able to say anything but it was fine. It was a comfortable silence. You felt loved. You all looked up aa Damain got up.
„ Where are going?” asked Tim.
„To get revenge.”
„No.” Jason shook his head. He looked like a beaten puppy. He knew what you were going through and how hard it was to say those things out loud.
„You sure not saying that this should go unnoticed?”
„No. I agree with you. But not now, Damian. She needs us. You included. Don’t leave now.” Damian was taking back from his brothers calm tone but came back down. You were let go from the embrace and saw your father weakly smiling at Jason.
„Can we... Sit down and have the rest of the family night, please?”
Everyone sat back down, somehow all of you managed to fit on the couch, and wrapped yourself in comfortable blankets and cuddled for the rest of the night.
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lesbian-kyoru · 4 years
What do you think is each character's favorite subject in school?
tohru: not a surprise but baby girl loves home ec!! kind of has to work her butt off studying for her other classes, so she gets to enjoy herself and do something she’s naturally super good at in home ec. loves making little snacks in class for her friends and then sharing them at lunch. the sewing unit takes her fashion game to the next level. when they do a project where they take care of fake babies, she definitely ends up caring for half of the class’s infants like they’re her own. kyo is her partner and everyone teases them about it but she still has a really nice time and thinks kyo would be a great dad :’)) highest home ec grade of all time in their school
kyo: says his favorite is PE but it’s actually math. gets a 5 on the AP calc exam. tells no one but tohru, who then tells everyone and kazuma throws a party and kyo is Not Pleased. isn’t a great math tutor though because he can’t really explain how he gets his answers—he just Knows. checks tohru’s homework for her before she turns it in (read: fixes all her wrong answers when she’s not looking so he can see her huge smile when she gets a good grade back. only feels a little bit guilty). watches math tedtalks. nerd disguised as a jock
yuki: favorite subject is lit!! bullshits his way through class discussions and papers without ever actually reading the books because he’s smart and charismatic. has a premium account on sparknotes. favorite class specifically was one on ancient greek literature and epic poetry—spent the entirety of the class critiquing heteronormative readings of the iliad and taking the piss out of other students because “achilles and patroclus are clearly gay if you have eyes”
kakeru: …...i’ll be real he doesn’t like school lmao. senioritis personified. on his phone during classes constantly. laptop open playing world of warcraft or candy crush or neopets. could not tell you anything the teacher said in the last hour. doesn’t take notes because “i’ve got it all up here yun-yun…..” but doesn’t actually do half-bad on tests. only reason he does homework is because he can pretend to study with yuki while actually just flirting with him. if there’s one subject he doesn’t hate it’s history because he “thinks the fight scenes are fun” (yuki: “you mean world war 1??” “yeah it was exciting”)
uo: autoshop. hates the stereotype that just because she’s a lesbian she must like tools and machinery and automotive tech.....having said that she is a lesbian and she does like tools and machinery and automotive tech. gets a 100 on her project where she fixes a busted up motorcycle, and now she has two motorcycles. all the boys in the class call her senpai and worship the ground she walks on. smells faintly like motor oil all the time but she Absolutely makes it work
hana: creative writing. school is not her thing but she thrives in creative writing because her creativity is 100/10 and her stories are absolutely off the walls. excels in writing spooky yet also homoerotic ghost stories in particular. reads them aloud in class with the lights turned off and a flashlight illuminating her face. has made students cry out of fear. shigure beta-reads her writing. likes to subtly imply that her stories actually happened to fuck with kyo. it works
momiji: band/orchestra!! all the older students lose their minds over how well he can play. first chair violinist from day one. has a solo in every concert; tohru sits front row and films them, always cries. he’s the life of the party at Band Camp(™). even the grumpy bass clarinetists like him. doesn’t get in trouble when he talks waaaaay too much during rehearsal because the teacher loves him
haru: mr space cadet himself isn’t much of a science guy but LOVES astronomy. gets Ds on pretty much every test but he doesn’t care because his mind is expanding. buys a super nice telescope so he can look at constellations at 3 in the morning. develops very specific opinions about each planet. stans the moon. gets really into sleeping at last’s astronomy-themed album. becomes that guy whose personality is “i like space” until the class is over and then he never talks about it again
rin: art! she takes several art classes throughout high school. really loves drawing and painting, but also really likes doing ceramics projects because she likes working with her hands :’)) does a watercolor portrait for tohru as a graduation gift but gets really flustered when tohru sobs into her arms over how beautiful it is. also secretly likes doing little doodles of her and haru—he sees them once in her sketchbook and will never let her live it down
kagura: says her favorite is PE and it actually is PE. goes ham for capture the flag, tends to play too rough when capturing and gets taken out of the game. only person who is actually good at volleyball so she is constantly spiking, setting, and diving for the ball all in the same game, while the rest of her team just kind of fumbles around and tries to stay out of her way. gets first place every time they run the mile even though it’s definitely not a competition. definitely knows her mile time even though it is not a timed activity
hiro: this kid screams history nerd, but like Male History Nerd with a niche interest in military history and very specific opinions about how *insert historical figure* wasn’t actually all that bad. gets his ass handed to him in class discussions on the daily but won’t admit it. is genuinely really smart and has Better Opinions by the time he graduates, so he starts using his history nerd powers For Good as an adult—as in, arguing about inaccurate historical memes on facebook in his free time
kisa: choir. singing stresses her out, but she’s figured out that she can just mouth the words and no one can tell that she’s not actually singing! loves being in the group and hearing the beautiful music around her :’)) everyone is in awe of how cute she is in her lil choir robe. tohru comes to all of kisa’s concerts as well and films them from the front row, also while crying
machi: woodshop. gets sawdust on her clothes and loves the smell. obsessed with digging through piles of splintering and warped scrap wood. loses her damn mind when she gets to use the jigsaw. really enjoys making like…misshapen birdhouses and crooked tables, but woodshop is mostly participation grades anyway so her teacher gives her A’s on all of her grotesque wood creations. she is at peace and is One with the Wood. doesn’t wear safety goggles while chopping wood because she likes Risk
kimi: loves speech & drama. emphasis on the drama. it’s a chance to talk for a long time and everyone has to look at her and listen to her or else they’ll fail!! which is how she likes it. goes three minutes over for every speech but the teacher can’t get her to pause long enough to stop her. comes to auditions in a full professionally-made costume. knows her lines and everyone else’s
nao: AP statistics on the pre-accounting track. has known he wants to be an accountant since he was in diapers. does slightly below average in the class. still studies accounting in college because it’s too big a part of his personality to quit at this point. becomes an accountant. never quite feels fulfilled
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Treating one of the trio out for a nice date. Either cuz he had a bad day or as a celebration
“I’m sorry, sir, but there’s nothing we can do”
“But, I did everything! I called your office, your other office, the specialists, everyone, and every single one of them said the situation was supposed to be handled by you as stated in the insurance policy I signed, and now you’re telling me you can’t do anything about my apartment being broken into and having “Faggot” carved into every piece of furniture I own?!??“
“I’m sorry, sir”
“Are you kiddi-”
The phone line suddenly cut out, and all Shiro heard was a serious of beeper tones he heard for the fourth or fifth time that day. Apparently, nothing could be done about a literal hate crime by an insurance company he paid a great deal to protect him, regardless of political alignment and beliefs.
Shiro let out a long sigh, before letting out a gutteral scream and punching his dresser, shattering a drawer or two.
It was ruined anyways, so who cared?
Shiro began to throw his coat on to go out for a walk when he felt pain in his left hand. He looked down and noticed it was bleeding, so he took off his coat, went and bandaged it.
Shiro looked at the clock, and was reminded that he had a date with Keith and Lance in three hours, and that hypothetically, he should be getting ready.
‘Do I really want to go out tonight?’ he asked himself. 'Will they understand if I am just too tired to do anything’
He opted to call his boyfriends and raincheck.
”~Hello beautiful, how are you on this fine day~~“
"H-hey, um, is K-keith with you by any chance”
“Unfortunately, no. Everything okay?”
The change in Lance’s tone from flirty to concerned meant he’d caught on to Shiro’s shaky, breathy tone.
He let out a long sigh before responding
"Not really.”
"Alright, I’ll tell Keith, we’ll be there in an hour. How does greasy Chinese food and a tub of the expensive chocolate gelato sound?”
Shiro laughed a little.
"Sounds alright”
Now all Shiro had to do was find a tablecloth to cover up the giant offending word.
Maybe a fancy napkin would work?
"So then are we still doing it?”
"Honestly, it depends on what’s happened.”
"I’ll follow your lead, Lance, you’re better with words”
"Ahh, thanks miamor”
When Keith and Lance arrived outside Shiro’s door, they were surprised by quite a few things.
1.) The door knob had disappeared
2.) There was red paint spilled across the welcome mat Lance had purchased as a housewarming gift
3.) On the door, so large you could not miss it, was written in bold, black sharpie “ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK, A FAG LIVES HERE”
After noticing that, they barged their way inside, dropped the food on the table, only to find Shiro curled up on the couch staring away at nothing.
They approached slowly, all the while noticing that everything, quite literally everything, had been defaced.
Lance sounded sad, worried.
"Miamor, ¿cual maldita del mundo te dañaste como asi?, no lo puedo creer...”
Keith took Shiro’s hand and began stroking over the bandages, and then up his arm and down again.
They coaxed Shiro up to get food, and he ate the Chinese food slowly and in silence. Lance put the gelato in the freezer in case, but it didn’t seem like now was the time.
Determined not to leave Shiro surrounded by all the negativity, they packed up some clothes and essentials and drove him over to Keith’s place, took care undressing him and dressing him again as Shiro seemed to be in a complete daze, confused and unable to process anything.
They had him in the middle, holding him gently and covering him whiled he held on and sobbed.
A week later, they had filed the police report, and Lance had threatened about 12 desk workers at the insurance company with a lawsuit, claiming their unwillingness to give Shiro insurance for property damage he had paid for must stem from homophobia, and eventually they relented, giving Shiro more than enough to start over.
But Lance and Keith had other plans.
As they sat around Keith’s dining table discussing the future, Shiro began talking about replacing things in his apartment.
"I guess IKEA will be seeing a lot of me soon enough, huh”
Lance paused, gave Keith a knowing smile, and went on
"Or, we could spend that money on a wedding?”
Shiro looked taken aback, then confused.
"Marry us, Shiro”
Keith, not one for cheesy lines, decided to get straight to the point and went down on one knee and pulled out a small, black box from his pocket.
"Takashi Shirogane, I knew I could not let you go the minute I heard you speak, and I cannot imagine spending the rest of my life without you and Lance there. Seeing you wake up next to me every morning and be by my side each evening is the thing I want most in life.”
Lance nodded, and said again,
"Takashi, will you marry us?”
Shiro’s face could not stop smiling, and he began to cry and nod
"Yes, yes!”
Keith slid the ring onto his finger before pulling another with a different cut out of his pocket.
"Give this one to Lance”
“Ah, okay”
Lance slid a third ring, a simpler one, on to Keith’s hand, and they all kissed and hugged as Shiro began to process everything that had just happened.
Before they knew it, Shiro was behind Keith, leaving marks down his neck while Lance and Keith made out furiously, before he picked both of them uo, one in each arm, both terrifying them and making them more turned on than they thought he could be, and marching them off to bed.
And everything felt perfect.
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yourjughead · 7 years
Superheroes (requested)
Synopsis: Jughead is totally head over heels in love with y/n which is why it hurts him so deeply when he finds out the reasons you missed Cherly's latest party. Pairings: Jugheadxreader, VeronicaxArchie mentioned. Warnings: Swearing. Fluff. Mentioned and implied domestic//physical abuse. Bruising. A/N: I absolutely adore this request. Even if you all hate it I don't care because I love it. Thank you for the request. Protect yourselves little Superheros. ----------------------------------------------------- Jughead POV Cheryl's House parties. A conclave of wasters, and me. I had no intention of going, didn't even wanna talk about it but then Archie used my kryptonite. Y/N Y/L/N. “Come on Juggy you have to come!” Archie's whining was getting tiresome. “No Arch I don't feel like joining a cult tonight thanks” I retort, vaporizing his character on screen. “Hey! Uncalled for!” At least this whining had a different subject. “Fine I won't make you go….you know who might though?” Grinning ear to ear, pausing the game. Oh he's evil. “Don't.tell.y/n” I looked from the TV at Archie as seriously as I could, he was busy on his phone and i threw myself back into the air mattress exhaling loudly. Y/N was my best friend in the entire world, I'm just sorry I told Archie that I was totally in love with her. A fact himself and the gang would never let go of but Y/N couldn't catch on to...or she did and was being polite. Y/N, like me, was adverse to such displays of wealth and status that Cheryl Blossom relished in. However y/n went to all the parties just to drag me along and get under my skin. How could I not love her for that. “Too late” he grinned. Oh fuck. As if on cue my phone lit up as I threw Archie a dirty look sitting up to retrieve my phone. *Sms: MassiveGoof: Jug.you're going. End of. Xx    :P -6.57pm I threw myself back onto the bed. “I hate you both” when I loved them both. “Come on let's get ready” Archie was clearly gloating at the use of my kryptonite against me. ~~~~~ The party had been drumming on around me for hours. I stood waiting for y/n, the entire group knowing exactly what I was doing. I looked at my watch, she should have been here 3hrs ago. I had texted her when she was 5minutes late and then every 15minutes after that. Nothing. “Archie I'm going to bounce” I had interrupted him attached to Veronica's neck. He waved me off and threw me the keys. Great.driving. *Sms:Dork: hey y/n I'm coming over okay? I swear you better be eaten by a shark or something for standing me up :P Just want to make sure you're okay, be there in 15. -12.43pm. I made the short drive from Cheryl's to y/n’, granted it wasn't smooth by any means. If y/n was here she'd yell at me to stop driving like a boy and drive properly like a woman. I hated to lover her berating. I pulled up outside the sweet old English style house, picture perfect in every way. I knocked on the door and was greeted by y/ns mother smiling. “Hi mrs.y/l/n...sorry I know it's late I just really need to talk to y/n right now...school project emergency” “I'm sorry Jughead, y/n is out right now but I'll let her know” she smiled closing the door before I could protest. She was always a lovely woman to me, sweet as can be but in this moment I felt uncomfortable around her. Where was y/n? Why wouldn't she reply to me? Time to brazen. I peeked in the sitting room window and saw her mom watching her soaps, no y/n. I crept around the back of the house and looked up to where her bedroom is. Huh, the lights on. Things aren't adding up. Okay time for athletic Juggy. Oh God y/n would love to see me try and climb this tree. She'd probably try and knock me down, wow I love her. I shakily climbed the tree to her window. I hadn't done this since I was a kid, her mom caught me once and I wasn't allowed to see y/n for 2 weeks, worse 2 weeks of my young life. I looked in the window of her room and almost fell out if the tree in shock.There was y/n, except she wasn't my y/n. This y/n was bawled up in the corner of the room, knees tucked tightly to her torso, shaking. This was not my outspoken, outlandish best friend I had come to love and adore, this was a shell of her. I watched her a little longer and she didn't move from her corner. I don't remember the last time I saw her in shorts and a tank top...come to think of it I had never seen her in them. She always wore hoodies and jeans and when it was hot she wore loose shirts and long leggings. It was then I saw why. My beautiful y/n was coated in bruises. Neck down. I couldn't stand to see my beautiful doll broken like this. I couldn't just look at her anymore. I lightly tipped the glass, so lightly I was afraid she wouldn't here it and I'd fall out of this stupid tree. I was wrong. She practically jumped out of her skin at the sound. This made me so incredibly sad to see. She slowly and unsteadily came to the window and unlocked the latch before sitting on the edge of the bed with her head dipped down. I slid across the tree .and took the big step in. The whole time she kept her eyes on the carpet. I was half glad of this cause I made a right ass of myself trying to get in that stupid window. I sat down next to her on the bed and took her shaky hand in mine. She leaned on my shoulder. “Y/n” I whispered and she started crying. My least favorite sight in the world...that and Archie in the morning. I rubbed the back of her hand gently and just let her cry on my shoulder. My heart was breaking for the girl with the broken heart. I slipped my hand around her waist to support her practically limp body. “You don't need to tell me what happened if you don't want to” I tried my best not to push her too much but I wanted to help her and needed to know what was going on. I looked down at the marbling decorating her body, my stomach twisted. How could someone do this to my y/n, my beautiful, perfect y/n. “N...no it's time you knew” her voice was hoarse as if she had been screaming for hours. “My mom….she gets mad and just….its my fault I left my mug on the counter and and and” she began but couldn't finish and soon started sobbing. I cuddled her in close to me. I want to take her pain from her. I kissed the top of her head tenderly. I want her to feel nothing but love. “Y/N what your mo..what that woman did to you was never ever your fault okay? Now I know, I'm  going to help you okay sweetie” Y/N suddenly pulled from me panicked but not letting go of my hand. “No no Jughead she'll hurt you for even being here. She'll hurt me for you even knocking at the door I know she will, she's waiting for her show to finish in..” she glanced frantically at the clock on the wall “13minutes, please Juggy go” she let go of my hand and stood next to the window,  crossing her bruise checkered arms over her chest. I stood and gently put my hands on her shoulders,careful not to grip too hard and hurt her peppered body even more. “No” I said with force. I started moving quickly but quietly around the room grabbing random things and shoving them into the bag as y/n watched me. “Y/N/N 13minutes isn't that long and I want to rescue my damsel...my Superhero and unless you want me grabbing all the wrong underwear I suggest you help" she gave me a weak smile with thankful eyes as she busied herself quietly grabbing things. We finally had everything we thought she might need and I helped her fragile body onto the tree so she could shakily climb across and down the tree with a small bag. I tossed the the gear bag down to her. Then I noticed something. Complete quietness. Shit. Not good. I heard ferocious stomping uo The stairs as I lunged off the window onto the tree. Then I saw her. The beast. Y/Ns mother had her arms flailing as she wielded a fireplace shovel, crashing in through the door. She frantically tore out the closet looking for y/n. She looked up and met my eyes as I was about to climb down the bulk of the tree, nothing but insanity and anger behind them. She hurled her body towards the window. Adrenaline pumping I practically dropped out of the tree. I grabbed the gear bag and y/ns hand and we ran. I've never run so fast in my life. I threw the bag in the back of the Pick Up Truck and y/n ran around the side of the car to the passenger seat. I jumped into the seat of the car and tried to start the car as it hissed. Y/Ns mother came flying out of the house throwing things. Y/N screamed an absolutely blood curdling scream. I had never and want to never again hear the likes of it. The car finally turned over and I hit the gas harshly as her mother was about to reach the door handle. Yup, i would definitely fail drivers Ed. I was panting hard and didn't slow down until I was far from her house. I have never been so afraid in my entire life, how did y/n survive this long. I looked over at y/n and she was clung to the seat, fear had stolen her ability to move and speak. I kept one hand on the wheel and the other sweetly wrapped around y/ns hand, never wanting to let go again. About 20 minutes from y/ns house I pulled over and rang Fred Andrews. I told him everything, I gave y/n the phone at his request and she attempted to tell him what happened but she had to stop half way through because she was crying too much. Mr.Andrews told me to come to theirs and he was ringing the gardí ((police guards etc.that's a but of Irish now for you haha)). I told him we would be about 40 minutes because we had driven so far out of town to escape the witch and also y/n needed a moment to catch her breath...we both did. I hung up and went to the back of the pick up where y/n was sitting looking at the stars. She's still so beautiful even in this state. I climbed in next to her and she draped some of the blanket over my legs. I wrapped an arm around her and returned my other had to hers. I kissed the top of her head again and she cuddled in next to me. “Y/N…” “I know Juggy, I know...I love you too” her sad eyes were slowly looking more hopeful. “I will never ever let anyone ever do anything even close to that to you ever again, I Forsythe Pendleton Jones the III swear” I smile at her and she returns it, there's the y/n I know. We both leaned in till our lips met. It was the sweetest of kisses, pure and tender. “Thank you so much for saving me Jughead” she squeezed my hand tightly. “Thank you for being worth saving. I love you so much” I kissed her again. “As much as I want to stay like this forever y/n/n, and trust me I do, Mr.andrews is waiting for us, he said you can stay with us, even coaxed him to letting us share the bed if that's okay, I don't want you out of my sight ever again” this time she kissed me. “If you're driving I won't even make it to the Andrews’” she laughs. Oh that sound. The sound I want to hear every day for the rest of my life. --------------------------------------------- Xx Tag: @sunshine51879 Help: Ireland Child Line - 1800 666 666 United Kingdom  There-4-Me Childline UK - 0800 1111 Muslim Youth Helpline – 0808 808 2008 Childline Scotland - 0800 44 1111 United States of America National Runaway Switchboard- 1-800-621-4000 Childhelp USA - 1800 422 4453 Covenant House - 1800 999 9999 Australia Kids Help Line - +61 7 1800 55 1800 New Zealand The Kids Help Foundation Trust  – 0800 942 8787 Youthline Charitable Trust  – 0800 376 633 Kidsline - 0800 543 754 Belgium Kinder- en Jongerentelefoon Vlaanderen VZW – 0800 15 111 Canada Kids Help Phone – +1 800 668 6868 France Allo Enfance Maltraitee  - 119 Italy SOS il Telefono Azzurro-19696  Mexico Acercatel - 01800 110 10 10
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little-owly · 7 years
(I know you won't see this until you get back BUT) consider Anti and his knife. He carries it around like a security blankie and screams whenever someone tries to take it from him. Daddy Chase comes up with the idea to put a sheath over it so little Anti won't cut himself!
THE CUTEST IDEA OMGlittle anti being taken care of by the egos but ALWAYS carrying the knife. keeping it in one hand and playing with the other. not letting go of it, taking it wherever he goes, even taking naps with it -- resting it on another pillow. dr. sn//eep jumping in fright when he hears jac//kab//oyman yell, anti throwing a fit. he hears footsteps running towards him and the frantic yells of jac//kab//oyman. "doc," he huffs, "he cut me!! the little demon actually cut me!!" "vhat? let ve see," the doctor asks, looking over the cut in between jac//kab//oyman's pointer finger and thumb. the blood dripping down. "vhat did you do?""i tried setting him down for his nap and he wouldn't put the knife down," he pauses, hissing in pain, "know that i think about it -- why did you let him keep it when he's like this?!""he's anti -- he can do vhatever he vants.""r-right," jac//kab//oyman shudders, "but -- he tries sleeping with it!! what if he cuts his cheek if he rolls over with it or-"the two pause as chase enters the room. hapoy-go-lucky as ever. smile plastered on his face. "sup bros? woah, what happened to your hand?" he asks. another wail from anti making jump back. "anti cut him because he tried to take avay his knife," the doctor explains, bandaging up the wound, "he got him pretty good too!! the bleeding finally stopped.""...then who's checking on anti?"the two exchange looks of guilt. jac//kab//oyman speaking up, "err...marvin's out, so..."chase's natural dad instincts kick in as he drops his backpack and camera to check on anti. the doctor coughing, "vell, chase should be able to fix this, anti surprisingly vikes him vhen he's in headspace." jac//kab//oyman pouts, "i'm a superhero -- he should at least like me more." he says and the doctor pats him back comfortingly. chase reaches the poor little crying anti. knife clutched to his chest and sobbing his heart out, looking back at chase through tears as he crouches down to his level on the comfy couch. "hey there, bud," he smiles, "what's the matter? what's got you so upset?"anti sniffles as chase uses the hem of his shirt to dry anti's eyes. puffy from his crying."hero meanie and -- and tried to take knife," he tells chase. gripping his knife tighter, "don't wanna give up knife." chase coos and comforts him, kissing the top of his head, "ssh, it's okay bud. i understand. but, you do know we don't cut up people like jac//kab//oyman just because, right? it wasn't very nice, he just wanted to make sure you were safe, bud." anti nods and cries into chase's shirt, sobs rattling his body again as he clings to chase. arms wrapped tightly around his body. chase perks up as an idea hits him, gently picking up anti as he gets up himself. anti wrapping his legs tightly around chase's middle. "buddy? i think i have a way to make you and jac//kab//oyman happy," he smiles. rubbing small circles into anti's back as they sneak into marvin's room. chase holding anti as he searches through the drawers before finding the sheath. it's dark red leather thick enough to hide the sharpened blade. "can i see?" chase asks. anti holding the knife to his chest defensively, trying to hide it. "c'mon bud, you can trust me, right?" anti hesitates for a second before slowly handing the knife over. chase winking at anti, "i'll only be a second."anti watches as chase rolls the sheath over the blade. wiping away his own tears as he watches curiously. sniffles escaping from his mouth every few seconds. chase ties it at the handle and hands it back to anti. wondering (and hoping) if anti will take the new idea. hoping to stop the weekly 'little-anti-cut-me-again' visits the poor doctor gets. anti snuggles into chase's shirt, the knife in between them, "t-tank yoo da-" anti stops himself. cheeks blushing before he continues, "daddy."chase feels his heart nearly burst, warm and fuzzy feelings filling him. anti chose him. anti chose him to call daddy first out of all the egos. "you're welcome bud," he kisses anti's cheek, "now lets put you down for that nap. i think someone's gonna become a little grumpy pants soon if we don't," he teases. anti nodding as he yawns. sleep creeping up on him slowly as they leave marvin's roomchase takes his tome getting back to the other two egos after anti is sucessfully put down for his nap. the doctor raising his eyebrows at his return. "alvight, vhere did he get you at? your vrist? your cheek?" the doctor asks as chase laughs. "nah, he didn't cut me."jac//kab//oyman gasps, "what?! how?!" "i helped him realize what he did was wrong and came up with a...little solution.""...was that a pun?""yes." jac//kab//oyman groans as the doctor laughs a tiny bit. the other shooting him a look, "vhat? it vas a good one.""i took one of marvin's old sheaths from his room and tied it to anti's knife. now he can have it and not stab or cut us in a tantrum. its a win-win, yeah?" the doctor politely claps for chase as jac//kab//oyman continues to pout. removing his mask. "oh!! he called me daddy!!" chase excitedly tells the two, his eyes lighting up, "me!! daddy!!" the two smile at how excited chase is about the name. knowing he deserves it more than any of them. going far to take care of little anti, staying uo late and getting up early to tend to his needs, his natural dad insticts endearing. chase goes on and on to the two, the three of them still quiet as ever -- not wanting to wake up anti, who was snuggled up to his blankie and knife ❤️
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xfirespritex · 7 years
Love Me Harder, Part 3
Tag List:
@wwesmutdonedirtcheap @hiitsmecharlie
@thedeboniardevistation @xxnobodyshero13xx  @speedilyghostlycloud
@fan-fiction-galore  @amaranthine-reign @lordoftheringsmyass  
@justtheaverageblog1​ @alpha-american​ @aineslight​ @reigns420​ @deajm2116​
@redroseblackwolfpack96​ @blondekel77​  @shieldgirl95​ @gelinas22
@vebner37 @banrioncethlenn​  @moxtiel​  @caramara3​ @calwitch
@fmlallthewayup​ @breezy14fan​ @secretagentfangirl​ @crowleysqueenofhell
@abominablestrowman279​ @laochbaineann@wrestlingnoob @logandemico
Story Summary: Based on an unofficial request from @hiitsmecharlie after I posted about maybe opening requests. If this goes well I’ll consider opening requests.
“He falls for (y/n) and he’s flirty towards her but she’s a shy girl and she doesn’t open up easily, and is nothing like the women he’s used to, only one night stands, so he needs to step up his game and fight for her.“
Pairing: Adam Cole X Reader Part 3 Summary: What happens when the reader thinks Adam is losing interest?
It was a few weeks later and Adam and I had begun spending more time with each other. We didn’t have a label to it and we didn’t spend all of our spare time together but I was glad. He needed his friends and I needed mine, the balance felt nice and while I was secretly dying to have him make it official between us I knew I didn’t have the courage to ask about it.
It was nearly time for the show to start and my mind was stuck replaying the previous night in my head. Adam had stayed over and desire had nearly won out but I had barely resisted giving in to him when the voice at the back of my head reminded me that I wasn’t his girlfriend. That I wasn’t anything official to him, still just a challenge. 
When I’d pulled back and apologized Adam smiled sweetly at me and pulled me close to him, shushing my concerns and reassuring me that it was fine, that there was no pressure. As I laid my head on his chest I could feel his heart racing and I frowned, wondering why he was being so kind. 
“Hey gorgeous,” came Adam’s voice. I turned and smiled at him as he leaned down and stole a quick kiss. 
“My match is last and I know you’ll be packing up the kits, meet me in my locker room after so we can drive back to the hotel together?”
I smiled and nodded. “Sure thing.”
He smiled and kissed me once more before walking off to prep for his match. 
Hours later I was packing kits up, my eyes on the small monitor every few moments so I could see his match. Adam took a stiff shot to the jaw and I winced, frowning at that. Soon though he’d gotten the upper hand and won the match, his favor with the crowd giving him further momentum in yet another victory.
I smiled and packed things up quickly, wanting to not make him wait too long to go get some rest. 
With my work done I headed towards his locker room but stopped short as I rounded the corner to it. Glad for my small frame I pressed myself against one of the large equipment cases as my throat closed with anxiety. 
Adam was leaning on the wall outside his dressing room, how he always stood, but one of the female wrestlers, a newer girl, stood before him, a smile on her face and her low cut top emphasizing her curves. 
“How’s your jaw?” She asked, reaching uo to brush her hand lightly over the stubble there.
Adam laughed and captured her hand in his, tugging it away from his face but he didn’t let go. “It’s fine,” he responded. My heart sank as I looked at their entangled fingers.
He’s tired of you. Tired of waiting. He’s moved on.
I turned back the way I came, glad I had kept the car keys with me. Grabbing my things I moved quickly, my eyes stinging as tears threatened to spill over. I shifted and brushed at my eyes quickly, walking out towards the parking lot. 
Nick saw me and tried to catch my arm and ask me what’s wrong but I shook him off.  "Just be glad I didn’t sleep with him or I’d be slapping you right now,“ I hissed, storming out into the lot.
Nick called out to me a few times but I ignored him and took off to the hotel. When I got there I tried getting another room but the hotel was full.  Sighing I went to the room and waited for the inevitable confrontation.
I’d cried the entire drive back and knew I looked like hell but I didn’t care. What I looked like clearly wasn’t enough for Adam. 
When I heard his room key in the lock I felt my back stiffen and I braced for what was coming. He walked in slowly, dropping his bag and jacket on the floor near the door. 
He eyed me warily before standing at the foot of the bed. I shifted on the mattress, trying to keep my face neutral. “Care to explain why you left without me? Or why Nick came and shouted at me for half an hour?”
“You’ll have to ask Nick that,” I said.
“You’ve been crying,” he noted. “What’s wrong?”
His eyes looked so sincere, so full of concern. I felt myself growing angry for falling for those eyes.
“I saw, okay? I’m sorry you got tired of waiting but you knew from the start that I wasn’t going to just fall into bed with you. So why don’t you save us both a bunch of crap and take your stuff and go find your new play toy?" 
Adam frowned and his body tensed. "You think I was trying to get with that girl? I don’t even know her name!”
“I doubt that’s stopped you before,” I bit out.
He looked at me like I’d slapped him, his eyes wide. “You really think I would do that? After all the time together you think I would throw this away?”
“Adam, I don’t want to fight. Please just go?” My courage and strength was fading. I could feel my chest tighten with emotion. 
“I’m not going anywhere, not till we solve this.”
“Why do you even care? I’m just one girl who wouldn’t fuck you. Move on to the next, you’ll survive.”
“This isn’t about fucking!” His voice bounced off the walls and I jumped to my feet, feeling my anger rise to meet his.
“Yeah, then what is it about?” I spat.
“It’s about me falling in love with you and you not even seeing it!”
Silence filled the room and I felt my heart stop before it began to race again. My mind spun, trying to sort out what he’d said. Adam’s eyes were wide but he clenched his jaw, ignoring the pain that must have caused after his match, and he kept his eyes on me, not backing down. 
“What did you just say?” I asked.
“You heard me,” he said. “The only thing I’ve been waiting for is to tell you that and instead of doing it right I scream it at you.”  He shook his head and laughed lightly to himself. “Is this what being in love is? Being so mad and so crazy about someone at the same time?”
I felt my my body start to give and I sat down on the bed, my legs unsteady. The emotions ripping through me making me feel sick. “Adam…you can’t just throw that word around.” My voice was quiet. He looked surprised, as if he expected me to yell. 
He crossed the room quickly and he crouched beside me, his face looking up into mine. 
“I have never used that word and meant it more than right now.”
I looked at him, feeling my stomach twist with anxiety and my heart begin to race. 
He reached up and cupped my cheek, a gesture that had become so familiar to me that I automatically leaned into his touch.
“Y/N, I know I’m not the best guy to ever walk the planet and I know my past isn’t the greatest but I hope you believe me. I hope you know that I’m in love with you, that I don’t want anyone else.”
I closed my eyes, listening to his words and feeling my eyes fill with tears. When he saw them his thumbs brushed them away and when I opened my eyes I saw his were red rimmed too.
“Please, don’t cry. Is it so bad that I love you?”
I laughed once, the sound like a sob. “No, it’s not bad. I’m just scared.”
“Of what?” He asked.
“If we love each other, we both have a lot to lose. I don’t want to love you and lose you.”
“You won’t lose me,” Adam said, taking my hands in his. 
“You can’t promise that,” I said. “You don’t know what could happen down the line.”
“The only thing I see happening down the line is you and me traveling the world together.”
I frowned slightly, feeling my stomach knot further with apprehension. 
“Y/N, please, just tell me what happened tonight?”
So I told him.  I told him all about fearing that my holding back would push him away. That I’d been worried about that since the start. That I hadn’t expected to fall for him. I told him I loved him too.
At that Adam scooped me into his arms and held me tightly to him and his hands ran along my back and arms, soothing me.
“So that’s all we need right? We don’t need anything else. We love each other and we’re gonna be okay, right?”
I nodded into his chest and his hand wove into my hair, tugging slightly to pull me to him for a kiss. 
The kiss was different from all the others before it. It was sweet and loving but there was a fire beneath it and I was breathless when the kiss ended. 
He cradled my face in his hands, pressing his forehead against mine.
“Say it again,” he said. Part request, part demand.
“I love you, Adam Cole.”
The following morning I woke up wrapped in Adam’s arms just as I could see the sun starting to color the sky beyond the hotel curtains. I stood and pulled them tightly shut before returning to bed and when I did I saw Adam’s eyes on me.
“Morning,” he said, his voice raspy and tired.
“Morning,” I said, smiling as he reached out to brush hair away from my eyes. We looked at each other for a minute and his lips formed a slight frown before he spoke.
“You know that I meant everything last night? That I don’t care about waiting, that I love you, you believe me right?”
I nodded but smirked, feeling the fire under my skin return as a wicked though crossed my mind. Giving into it I moved until I was straddling his lap and smiling down at him. 
“Y/N, I’m serious, we don’t have to,” he said reaching for me and pulling my face to his so he could lock eyes with me. 
I smiled and ground my hips down against him and he groaned, low and deep, his eyes opening more. “I’d been getting tired of waiting. Yesterday was just really bad timing,” I said my lips brushing over his. 
His body reacted instantly and I could feel his hands shaking a little as they trailed up my spine.
“And people say I’m the bad influence,” he growled before pulling me into a searing kiss. I moaned into it and ground my hips again, thrilled to feel him against me, feeling my own body react in kind.
His hands flew across my body, tugging at the hem of my shirt but he waited. I broke the kiss and leaned back, raising my arms. 
The second it was gone his hands found my breasts and I moaned as he teased my nipples with this thumbs and forefingers.
“Fucking beautiful,” he said, pushing me back slightly so he could sit up and cradle me against him, his lips trailing over my collar bones before dipping lower and making me gasp. 
I slipped my hand between us and stroked him a few times through his boxers and the sound he made went straight to my core.
“Keep that up and I won’t last too long,” he said. I giggled against him as he rolled us, pinning me to the bed beneath him.
Clothing disappeared quickly and when I got a look at Adam I whimpered at the sight of him naked before me. He smirked down at me before his lips found my skin again and he left little bite marks all over, claiming me. I ground my hips against his and pulled him in for another kiss and I shivered when I felt his length brush against my core.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
I nodded and reached down, helping position him at my entrance and he took a breath before pressing into me. I groaned as all of him entered me and he shuddered as he rested against me, fully inside me. He froze and I could see his arms straining as he held his weight off of me and he clenched the sheets beneath me.
“Fuck,” he groaned, pressing his forehead into mine.
“Move, Adam, please.”
He shivered and began to pump his hips slowly and I gasped, my nails going his shoulders. Soon, all I knew was fireworks behind my eyes and the feeling of Adam’s lips on my skin.  I heard the sounds from his mouth and shivered against him as my release rushed through my veins and I heard Adam groan as I tightened around him. When he released shortly after me I felt a smile dance across my lips as he collapsed against me.
When he laid beside me he immediately pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head. I fell asleep like that, smiling and feeling safe for the first time in many years.
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asexualmerrill · 8 years
today’s aesthetic also includes broken glass, twisted metal, and saltwater tears ‘cause i got into a car accident
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cassie-archive-blog · 8 years
TAGGING ➝ Cassidy Holliday, Cassius Holliday.
LOCATION ➝ Their hotel room.
TIME FRAME ➝ 1/26 (2025), evening.
NOTES ➝ After Cassie flipped out over the phone about wanting a divorce, Cassius comes back to the hotel, then ends up leaving.
Aiden heard the line disconnect on his phone and he could feel the anger boiling up in his viens. How in the hell had he gotten in trouble for not doing a damn thing. He gathered all of his things, stuffing his phone in his bag and saying goodbye to his friends. They had asked but Cassius didn't really bother telling them much before he was off to the hotel, practically jogging his way there. Once at his location, he slipped out his room key and opened up the door, tossing his bag to the side. "Cassie, you wanna tell me what the hell is going on now"
Cassie knew she'd just made everything so much worse. It was one thing to hate herself, another to hate her sister for pointing out that she hated herself, then a whole other ballgame to have taken it out on her husband like she had. Cassie felt terrible, and really didn't know what to do. A part of her wanted him to come to her, and hopefully they could fix this. Another part wanted him nowhere near her, though, because what if there was no fixing it? What if she'd fucked things up beyond repair? She didn't want that confirmation. She was sitting on the bed by the time she heard his room key, her feet tucked up so that her knees were up in front of her, her arms wrapped around them. She still hasn't stopped crying. "I'm so sorry," was all she could choke out once he'd walked in. She shook her head, unsure of how to even respond. "You're the only good thing I have going for me right now, and my sister just pointed out to me that even we're fucked."
Aiden hadn't expected to find her like this, tucked uo in herself and crying and half of him wanted to yell and the other half just wanted to let it all go. But she had threatened him with a divorce and the thought didn't leave his mind. The fact that Cassie just accused him and left him there to dry was all too much. "Oh am I? You have a real funny way of showing it, Cassie. Calling me up and asking if I'm cheating on you?? Then throw a fucking divorce in my face? I was out getting this stupid tattoo" He says, pointing at his arms where the words "she's my tomorrow" are scribbled in his own hand writing. "Definitely was out getting laid by a random piece of of ass though. Good eye on that one, babe"
Cassie hadn't really known what to expect when she came face to face with her husband again. She'd just attacked him out of nowhere, so he had every right to be pissed, but that didn't mean it would be easy for her to take it. She was about to respond, maybe even yell at him some more, because it really wasn't such an unimaginable thing for her to have thought after what Aspen had said. That was Aspen's fault, though, not Cassius', and Cassie needed to remember that. Either way, he threw her off when he showed her his arm. Cassie's heart sank, and she felt like the biggest bitch ever. She just let out another pathetic sob, unable to do much else. "I'm sorry."
Aiden sighed and rolled his eyes because what was even going on right now? One Second she was screaming at him, wanting a divorce and the next she was sobbing. "Now you're sorry? You weren't sorry just a few minutes ago, we're you? No, you weren't. Had no problem telling me I'm a shit husband who just leaves his wife behind while she Oh I don't fucking know, works!" Cassius pinched the bridge of his nose and took a breath, why was he so damn angry? "If you don't fucking trust me, maybe you're fucking right. You want a divorce so damn bad I might as well just give you one"
Cassie couldn't do anything but stay where she was, curled into herself, being her own protection and comfort, and listen to what Cassius had to say. "You're not a shit husband," she said, her voice raised a little to cut into his rant. Not that she didn't deserve it, of course. She also deserved what came next, but that didn't make it sting any less. Cassie was used to people leaving her. Her parents had never been parents to her; as far as they went, she'd been abandoned by them the day she was born. Her sister had bounced when they were still teenagers. She'd lost everything along with her past issues. Everything and everyone had left her. Even Cassius had left her back in high school. It was only a matter of time before he left her now, too. She couldn't even say anything. She just froze. She wanted to protest, to take everything back and beg for forgiveness, but she couldn't. She just wrapped her arms a little more tightly around herself and cried, the thing she'd been terrified of ever since letting him back into her life finally becoming a reality.
Aiden knew that the main thing fueling him right now was anger and while he was always the angies person back then, he rarely reacted on instinct and sarcasm, this was something different entirely. Of course, Cassius could get ulset, this was a well known thing, but having his wife come at him in the way that he did just enraged him behind compare. "That's huh? You're not going to say anything? You're sorry, but it's what you want. " Cassius clapped his hands together and nodded, walking over to where he had his suit case and grabbed a couple of things to throw into his bag. Should he have been looking reacting like this? Probably not, but Aiden always had a problem of acting first. "So what, you're people call my people, how do you wanna do this"
Cassie needed to find her words. She couldn't just sit here crying and doing nothing, especially given that her marriage, truly the one good thing she had going on right now, was literally on the line here. Even more so that it was her fault. She just watched him as he got angry, refusing to move or to say anything, mostly because she couldn't. It wasn't until he went to pack his bag that she forced herself to snap out of it. "It's not what I want, I'm sorry," she said, unwrapping her arms from around her legs. She used all of the strength she had to push herself up off of the bed and go to him, then proceeded to remove what he'd put in his bag. He couldn't leave. "I was angry. I don't want a divorce. I just want you, Cassius. Please don't do this."
Aiden couldn't think straight at the moment, his anger obviously going to great lengths and his logic being nowhere in sight, but he just couldn't do it. If Cassie could easily ask him for a divorce, assume he was automatically doing wrong because he was off doing what she knew was important to him. How in the hell could he just stay calm during this type of situation? "I think we need some space or something" He said, not really looking at her as he did, stopping himself from buckling. "I jist--I don't know what to do right now and I just can't stay here after this. I'm gonna go crash somewhere else. You can keep the room, it's paid for already" Cassius said, not even bothering to grab the bag that she had unpacked for him just seconds before.
Cassie had always been the type that could switch from one emotion to another without even a moment’s notice, and apparently right now was no exception. “Space?” she asked, her brows knitting together. She didn’t want him to go, and she didn’t want to make this worse, but her actions were beyond her control. Her watery eyes narrowed at him. “I’m upset about you never being here, and you think the way to make that better is to take space from each other?” Although there were still tears spilling down her cheeks, there was way more venom behind her words than intended, and she finally took a step back. “Fine,” she just above whispered, “Take your space. As always, I'll just be here.”
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