#cryptid running the drive thru (ask)
oersteds · 2 years
question. is cube a baby?
on all levels, including physical, cube is indeed a baby. this is canon, he was born the same day as his chapter, the same day he got yoinked into lucretia/lucrece, the same day he had to kill a sad pathetic wet cat of a man. sheesh, talk about a long birthday party.
you ever wonder how cube works? like. how cube is capable of learning and growing, like any other human. or how kato coulda made an ai that advanced on a spaceship... but what if kato didn't use an ai...? akira probably didn't burn any of doctor livingstill's research notes on human liquefaction...
or the lake...
which is full of liquid humans...
doc tobei knows how to do it, too. It is entirely possible that the Cube we all know and love was made through a highly unethical process.
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emberprince · 5 years
Answer ALL of those in the ask meme you reblogged (or just cocoa if you're a coward)
oh you have no idea how badly I wanted to do this already I was just waiting for the opportunity... and you have given it to me you FOOL! now I have a reason to continue procrastinating on my homework
lantern - how did you meet your best friend? What were your first impressions of each other?
‣ I had just joined my first ‘good’ RP guild on World of Warcraft. She was sitting in the same building as me when my character was interviewed. I thought she was very cool but also very intimidating... I wanted to be friends with her but I was also an IDIOT and very new to roleplay so I kind of hope she remembers little of that time... We sort of fell out of contact for like 5 years but I followed her deviantart account and always added her art to my favorites because it was very CUTE and GOOD... anyway by sheer coincidence we ended up in a guild together again after many years and got to know each other more and now I think I would die if my best friend was anyone else
frost - if you could give some advice to your younger self, what would you say?
‣ man, high school doesnt matter. literally nothing matters as much as you think it does. it’s OKAY. stop caring what people think of you because it’s only going to give you depression and no one likes that. it’s okay. trust me. just chill. skip school once in a while
maple - is there a hobby / skill that you’ve always wanted to try but never did?
‣ I’ve always wanted to learn sign language... I’ve also wanted to learn like, blacksmithing or woodworking but I’ve never had the opportunity or tools to do so :(
harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
‣ normally I would list one of my OCs but that’s cheating. I’d have to say Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter, she seems the most like me. I’d LIKE to identify as a cool protagonist but I don’t have the protagonist personality
fireside - if you had your dream wardrobe, what would it look like?
‣ cloaks and cool leather jackets and long flowing coats that make me look cool as FUCK. also dresses with pockets PLEASE I just want a semi-casual dress with functioning POCKETS PLEASE also I would love to have some nice boots and leggings that are a little thicker and don’t show as much as the flimsy ones. Coats/leggings/boots are just nice. I like shirts that are flowy and breathable, kind of like tunics
cider - a food that you disliked as a child but now enjoy?
‣ onions, mustard, peppers, broccoli, guacamole. basically no one ever cooked them for me when I was a kid then I grew up and realized that cooked vegetables are delicious as FUCK
amber - share an unpopular opinion that you may have.
‣ I’m really tired of seeing all the anti-cop posts. My dad is a wildlife law enforcement officer and one of the best people I know, and this whole new view on police has made his job a lot more dangerous. I understand that some cops are horrible people but the majority of them are really kind and unique individuals once you get to know them. Most of them dedicated their entire career to helping others, even if it means getting into dangerous situations. you can unfollow me for this if you want
fog - how well do you think you’d do in a zombie apocalypse scenario?
‣ I wouldn’t die instantly because I’d immediately run into the wilderness and hide instead of raiding stores where the outbreak is literally happening, but I’m not great at living off the land so I’d probably eat something poisonous and die of a disease or starvation a couple weeks later. If I somehow found a good food source or had something to hunt with I’d be alright.
jack-o-lantern - if you could look like any celebrity, who would you choose?
‣ jameela jamil...
spice - have you ever encountered a house that you believed to be haunted?
‣ no
orchard - share one thing that you’d like to happen this autumn.
‣ I’d like to pass all my classes and maybe get A’s and B’s... I’d also like to just be happy for a little while. Maybe get the hell out of my dorm but I don’t think that’s likely to happen. Most other years I’d say ‘fall in love’ but I really just am not ready for that right now. OH wait I’d like to receive 1 million dollars please
crow - which school subject do you wish you had an aptitude for?
‣ CHEMISTRY. holy shit
bonfire - describe your dream house.
‣ a few minutes outside a town with everything I need like a grocery store, hospital, etc. A BIG spacious house in the middle of the woods near a waterfall with a rustic cabin design. Pine forest, one big window in the living room so I can look out at the mountains and watch it snow in the winter. Lots of comfortable furniture, a sectional couch, a big kitchen so I can do a lot of cooking and a big bedroom with a king sized bed. A jacuzzi. One room is like a giant playroom for Zuko with lots of perches and toys and ropes so he can just have the time of his life. My large bedroom also has a nice window with a view of the mountains and a windowseat in front of it. The living room has an electric fireplace. I have a couple guest rooms so I can host people and the basement has a bar where we can have little get-togethers.
cinnamon - if you had to live in a time period different than the present, which would you choose and where?
‣ idk I kind of like the present. we have all these nice things we don’t normally have. I’d say like 10-20 years into the future maybe but I have no idea what the world is going to be like then sooo... maybe not. I wouldn’t want to live without the internet and running water and all the comforts I have now, though
cobweb - (if you’ve graduated) do you miss high school?
‣ I... miss parts of it. I miss the drama club in the high school I went to before I transferred. I had a lot of great memories there and sometimes I wish I could go back. And I miss the friends I made there that I don’t really talk to anymore. I don’t miss ANYTHING about the school I actually graduated from, that place was hellllllllllllll
cranberry - what’s one physical feature that you get complimented on?
‣ I think... hair? Usually when I get compliments it’s just general about my appearance but I think I’ve heard hair mentioned before
maize - share the weirdest encounter you’ve had with a stranger on the street.
‣ I haven’t really had street encounters since I don’t talk to anyone when I’m walking, but I have a few wild stories from when I worked at mcdonalds. One person came through the drive thru with 2 monkeys that tried to climb into the restaurant. Another person raved to me about how Google was taking over the world (they were right). Another person pulled up and I was about to hand them their food and the conversation went like this:
him: [grinning at me] you see the person in the line behind me?
me: yeah haha why? [hands him his food]
him: she looks like madam mim from the sword in the stone [laughs and drives away]
there are truly some cryptids out there.
quilt - how do you take your tea (or coffee)?
‣ I like iced tea in the summer and hot tea in the winter. With coffee, I prefer frappes in the summer and in the winter I drink a lot of mochas or regular coffee with just. so much creamer
pumpkin - do you think that humans are inherently good or bad?
‣ I think humans are inherently good, or at least neutral. We’re very social animals and for society to survive we have to be kind to one another so that we stick around, I think. Bad behavior seems to be learned.
moonlit - are you a neat or messy person? Is your room / house orderly?
‣ I am... neutral. I used to be VERY messy but now I’m mostly clean. My own area can get a little disorganized but I never encroach on anyone else’s space.
flannel - have you ever gone on a bad date?
‣ One. I met up with this guy and he talked about himself the entire time. Other dates have been pretty neutral, I wouldn’t say I’ve had many ‘good’ dates either.
cocoa - if you could have any type of hair, what colour and cut would you have?
‣ I used to want really long red anime hair, and I still kind of want that. I haven’t dyed my hair in a while because I want to see what my natural color looks like before I dye it again. Lately I’ve considered cutting it to shoulder-length but I think I probably won’t. I like red hair (dark red, not the natural red) but I’ve always REALLY wanted to try silver hair. If I couldn’t do silver, I’d do rose gold. For those colors I have to get it professionally dyed though, and I’m really cheap... so if I can’t walmart dye it, it’s gonna be a while until I get what I want.
ghost - is there someone that you miss having in your life?
‣ I guess my cat and bird are still in my life, but I can’t have them in my dorm, and that sucks. I miss a few of my old friends, but not that much because I have better friends now. It’s really weird not having my grandpa around anymore. He wasn’t a great person but I’ve never gone to a family gathering without him. I think that’s going to be weird to get used to. I wish I had a supportive significant other that I just click with but usually my luck is awful with relationships so I’m not going to try anything like that for a while.
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Talking about road trip fic led me to the concept of Athena: Actual Cryptid Hunter and then I took that a step further into veritable crack fic concept of “Athena with a youtube channel dedicated to cryptids and ghosts and her attempts to capture an actual ghost on camera by shouting ‘FIGHT ME, GHOSTS, I’M READY’ in allegedly haunted locations’”
A video, newly posted on the 14 of January, 2028, to a three-year-old youtube channel that has amassed a decent following despite its amateurish production value:
A young woman with long red hair sits in front of the camera, wearing a yellow “Suns Out Guns Out” tank top. What of the room is visible behind her shows an unmade bed and some colorful posters, the subjects of which are difficult to make out.
“Hey everybody! Happy New Year! I know, I know, it’s been nearly a year since I last posted anything, but a lot’s happened! I had to buckle down and study for the bar - I passed! Go me! - and then I came back home to Los Angeles - I’ll have to drop all of my open European investigations, but I swear, Nessie, I’ll find you someday! And I’ve been busy with, you know, working as a defense attorney! It’s… it’s been a ride, there’s been a lot of good and bad, but it’s mostly calmed down now, and I’m ready to resume.
“So the biggest thing that’s - well, not the biggest thing at all, not even close - but the biggest thing that’s relevant for you all is that I’ve met a bona-fide spirit medium! So I talked to her about this and everything and she says that ghosts can’t just hang around without being summoned by a spirit medium, and then are confined to the body of the summoner. I’m pretty inclined to believe her - she’s an expert and I’ve seen her do some weird stuff, no spirit-summonings yet, but my boss has seen her do that and he trusts her and I trust her. So I might’ve been wasting some of our time every time I went chasing ghosts these past years, but there’s still a lot more than ghosts out there!
“First up: with all the intensive studying I did, I never had time to make it out to the Himalayas to search for yeti like a lot of you suggested I should do, but you know what we’ll be doing now?” The young woman pauses for dramatic effect. “Bigfoot! We’re going Bigfoot hunting!” She claps her hands together. “I’ve gotten my license and a car since I’ve gotten back, since Amercia’s not as big on public transit” - she makes a face - “and if I ever want to get out of the city I need a car, and none of my friends drive.”
She frowns again at the camera. “If any of said friends found this channel somehow, I don’t love you any less but, uh, seriously, Boss please learn to drive. Your daughter is gonna get her license before you do.
“Anyway what was I saying? Right! Bigfoot! 
“You know, there was actually a sighting last month right here in Los Angeles county, so I’ll be looking locally and then I’ve got some time off so I’ll be driving north towards the prime Bigfoot real estate. It’s gonna be some long hours of driving in between stops I’ve checked off, but we’re gonna maximize our chances of finding Bigfoot by driving through the area. Like maybe he comes south for winter! We don’t fully understand his habits and with limited evidence I might be doing a little bit of guesswork. And two: since I’ve come home, I’ve… reunited with an old friend, and we haven’t really had a chance to catch up and all, yet, so I was gonna invite him along. Wish me luck, and I’ll get back to everyone with my game plan. Probably post a map on tumblr and link it in the next update.”
She grins and flashes a peace sign before the video ends.
“Repeat what you just said, but slower.”
Athena rolls her eyes. “Do you” - she jabs a finger into Simon’s shoulder - “want to come with me” - she points at herself - “to go Bigfoot hunting?”
“The final portion is where I find myself having difficulty understanding.”
“Bigfoot!” Athena throws her hands in the air as though attempting to pantomime the size of the creature. “Sasquatch! The cousin of the yeti and abominable snowman! You have to know what Bigfoot is! Everyone knows Bigfoot!”
Simon closes his eyes. “I know,” he replies, “what Bigfoot is.”
“So then what’s the problem?” Athena puts her hands on her hips and tries to pretend that she doesn’t know that Apollo, halfway down the stairs ahead of them, isn’t trying and failing to stifle his laughter.
“It is not real.”
“You don’t know that!”
“There is a nigh-impossible chance that it is real.”
“Those are the same chances as a lot of cases that Mr. Wright takes on, so I think it could happen!”
“Athena’s a huge believer in this kind of stuff,” Apollo says, having stopped and waited for them on the sidewalk in front of the courthouse. “Bigfoot, Mothman, all that nonsense.”
“Do you not remember the lesson of the Nine-Tales Vale case?” Simon asks.
“Well we know now that Tenma Taro specifically isn’t real, but the Nine-Tailed Fox still could be, and all those other yokai, like sure what Jinxie saw wasn’t real monsters but there still could be real monsters lurking around! You don’t know! Bigfoot’s real and there was an article that one was sighted around where Junie lives last month, and I’m gonna find him!”
Apollo raises his eyebrows and looks at Simon. Simon looks at Athena. “This is her hobby,” Apollo says. “This, and running, which I think are both proof that she’s a madwoman.”
“I’m gonna get Bigfoot pictures and tape them to your forehead,” Athena says. She turns to Simon. “So, want to come?”
She waits until Apollo has gone to get his bike and is out of earshot before she adds, “And when he says it’s a ‘hobby’ he doesn’t know about my youtube channel.”
Simon sighs and even in that sigh Athena can hear a conflicted mixture of exasperation and resignation. “Your what.”
A thread of comments on a tumblr post, beneath an embedded youtube video titled “BIGFOOT SEARCH: THE BEGINNINGS”:
> everyone please watch this video i dont care if you dont care about bigfoot or cryptids just watch this video
> I’ve been following this girl since basically she started and this is the funniest thing she’s ever posted
if you want background she’s this kid from Europe who started at 15 just doing these stupid videos camping out overnight in haunted places and making compilations of herself shrieking at every sound or sometimes you can’t even hear anything and she’s still screaming
and from there she started doing like cryptid hunting, she spent like two weeks at Loch Ness complaining about the crowds and then started researching more obscure cryptids and haunted locations and all
anyway she’s been on hiatus the past year. said she was taking the bar exam so either she’s a supergenius or lying but anyway this is the second video she’s made since she came back saying she’s gonna take a road trip thru Bigfoot territory and please watch this video
> she’s actually not European, she’s from LA and is back in Cali now and that’s why they’re going after Bigfoot
> god the way he says “it’s for fighting off the bears” I’m screaming
> did she dig up an actual fucking ninja in this year of our lord 2k28 like what is with this dude
> what are they gonna do if they get pulled over for speeding or smth and the cops find an actual fuckin katana in the car
> I mean she said she’s a lawyer so presumably she will lawyer herself out fo it
> how has no one mentioned the hawk in the backseat yet
> holy shit I didn’t even see that
> it’s not a real katana guys, it’s called acting
> you obviously have not watched her old videos because she’s a fucking godawful actor like look at her face when he says the katana is real she couldn’t act that
> they’re gonna get pulled over and have an actual fucking hawk and an actual fucking katana in the car
> if this video series doesn’t end in them actually fighting a bear I’ll be so disappointed
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oersteds · 2 years
live a live characters by how much they would smoke weed (or if they would even do so). include duskie if want. (@skyhighchibi)
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ohhhhh buddy. you asked the worst possible person for this particular question. (/lh) i don't do any recreational drugs, i don't know shit about weed, plus i'm actually allergic to weed. like if i smell weed smoke, my body goes "my tummy hurt :(((((" and i gotta lie down. or leave the building if possible. so uh. that's why the "allergic to weed" tier's there. nobody here even does weed. the weed dealers are running a dying business.
...i added duskie for ya btw. i don't think he'd have any idea what weed is. just gives off that Vibe(tm) (lemme know if i'm wrong btw)
(i added my own oc for fun, plus the cops can't stop me) (no it's not comic sans, it's the paper mario font, if you call it comic sans i will cry this is a threat)
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oersteds · 2 years
imagine oersted/odio got professional therapy. what would that be like. (@skyhighchibi)
he doesn't necessarily need therapy specifically. therapy isn't the universal answer to all mental and emotional health issues. no matter how good or professional a therapist is, you can't just walk up to one, go "fix me, doc," and expect anything to come of it.
some therapists just... don't click with a client, for one reason or another. some are just overall garbage. of course, they can help! but there's no universally helpful "super therapist" that people need to seek out to be "better," though.
and sometimes, therapy isn't the answer at all. sometimes, all you need is someone to just... listen. and i think that's what oersted wanted the whole time.
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oersteds · 2 years
I always hc him torturing the spirits in the Trial of Heart. Not like they're going anywhere. That gif of him bonking Straybow is an understatement.
i kinda interpreted him as wanting ""solitude"" (really just painful isolation as a manifestation of his self-loathing) as odio, therefore basically just. dumping them into the trial of heart and forgetting them there.
b'sides... isolation's a pretty damn effective torture method. there's no pain like the pain of loneliness, after all! the spirits don't really seem to realize that they're around other spirits (with some exceptions), or even the presence of akira + the party (again, with exceptions).
this is also my interpretation, but i feel that everyone in the kingdom, including oersted / odio, is suffering in the dominion of hate. it's why he's shown as pretty damn unhappy in the sad ending. because winning can't save him from despair. it can't undo what happened. it can't bring back the princess, or his best friend straybow, or the hero hash, or the priest uranus. and it won't make him feel any better about their deaths, either.
but he thought it would.
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oersteds · 2 years
Death Prophet does what a feline does; brings a dead body as gift. He hates cowards, so win-win for the hunting them.
tbh i find it hilarious that you need to run away 100 times to be deemed a coward and/or hunted down. that's a pretty big tolerance for cowardice imo. hell, most players probably have to go out of their way to fight death prophet. i haven't heard of someone accidentally running into him while playing normally.
but odio? you try walking out on him once and he sends you to the void. he also sends a guy to directly hunt you down. and if you win he just throws you out of his home. you can do this more than once, but you can't fight the headhunter more than once. every time you walk out on him, you gotta go through the roost again. he's petty like that.
btw i say "home" very loosely because living in a mountain cave doesn't seem very home-y. you gotta wonder if he's ever tried sprucing up the place. where's he sleep? the statue???
...he doesn't need sleep in my interpretation btw. but what does he do for fun. surely he does something when waiting for the heroes...?
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oersteds · 2 years
I bet Odio would run away from Mad Dog. Cause Cats and Dogs, get it? Man, which character would be the mouse for Tom and Jerry antics?
i mean... cats are just as capable of being total jackasses with no common sense or regard for self preservation. i know cats a lot better than i know dogs, however, so take this next statement with a shitload of salt.
dogs can be cowards. they can even be tiny balls of fluff animated with a singular force: anxiety. now, i'm not calling mad dog a buncha bones moved through only anxiety, but he also probably would have some sense of "oh fuck he might kill me" when faced with a demon king that has some honestly horrifying cat-related abilities.
because i don't think i'd want to actually witness odio squeezing his entire body past an opening that's only slightly larger than his head. hate to generalize, but i don't think anyone would. it's mostly horrifying because humans (or human-like demon cryptids) aren't supposed to do that
not to mention the wall climbing. or the claws that don't really seem to be there until he scratches a couch, leaving you to think a dragon or werewolf broke in because a cat would not be able to leave such large claw marks. or the eyes that're definitely "normal" (except they're red) until he sees something intriguing enough that his pupils expand like a cat's would. an irl catperson, even if they didn't have the horrifying quirks that odio has, would be terrifying to see do "normal" cat things.
...but i still wanna call people cowards for going "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT" at this version of catboy odio. i give the people what they desire, and yet they damn me for my deeds! they want catboys, they want f*ckable monsters, and they want tumblr sexymen! and yet here we are, with a monstrous catboy tumblr sexyman, alone. the live a live fandom should've blown up in popularity from the remake. it's perfect tumblr bait. i'm blaming genshin impact for this. in fact... rant below the cut, aimed right at genshin players.
Your favorite Genshin character is merely a means of siphoning money from you. Gacha games, including but not limited to Genshin, aren't games that are made to be games. They're made to squeeze as much money as they can from you. They're carefully designed to manipulate you into wasting your money for the illusion of gaming, of having "done" something. Why put the time into learning, mastering, and winning a game when you can spend a couple hundred bucks for what's basically the same thing in our shiny new PNG slot machine? We put cat ears on your favorite, so surely he's a catboy now, right? Ignore the fact that the ears are the only cat trait there, he's definitely a catboy, because we said so!!! Spend $100 dollars now for a 2% chance of getting him, but don't wait to think about it, because he'll be gone forever* in a month!!! (*This is a lie) Spend your money! SPEND YOUR MONEY!!! The gameplay's only there to get you emotionally invested, so you can SPEND YOUR MONEY!!! without thinking too much about it!!!
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oersteds · 2 years
did you ever read my winter calendar fics (@skyhighchibi)
only the ones that were posted before the winter "daylight cycle" (i.e. the despair-inducing darkness of eternal night) convinced my monke brain to go "welp! it's night. i go to bed now snzzz" at around 3 pm every day! the concept of time is an illusion to me, i could sleep for another eternity or two for all i know!
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oersteds · 2 years
what if you put catboy cryptid odio in the fucking microwave sword and all (@lordofdrkness)
you end up with a definitely not exploded microwave and a very warm and toasty odio :3 it's a great idea! would reccommend 10/10
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oersteds · 2 years
If Yun is there: "Well, we did defeat him. You and I are the youngest, and still stood our ground against the King of Demons." Akira: "...DUDE! THERE WAS A GHOST CHILD BACK TRIAL OF HEART!" Cube *Beep* (Actually, I'm the youngest! So he's afraid of me!)" If you wanna get meta, Near Future could imply the 2000 souls included kids. And if the Successor isn't Yun, Odio taken his life away along with the other pupil. That's three instances of child murder. Two more attempts considering Billy & Cube.
okay this is gonna be a bit of a strange headcanon for most of the live a live fans but hear me out:
i don't think odio controls, or even is his incarnations outside of battle + their last words. after all, it's just a name to foreshadow his existence. to really twist the knife. the big reveal wouldn't hit so hard otherwise, would it?
he just drives them like he's in mario kart for that short time, and whether or not he's getting blueshelled depends on you. best hope you've enough levels, pal!!
it would take away hella agency from the incarnations as well, if they were just possessed by odio the whole time. straybow wasn't possessed! oersted wasn't possessed! why should the incarnations get a free pass, huh!? if one of 'em chose evil, they ALL chose evil.
because when oersted said anyone can become a king of demons, he meant it.
there can be more than one demon. odio was not the only one.
there will be more demons. odio was not the last one.
you just gotta keep going. just because there's seemingly no end in sight, doesn't mean you, or i, or anyone else should just lie down, give up, and cry about it!!!
and if someone decides to give up, to let others take the reins of their entire life... by doing that, they lose the right to bitch about the results, at least in my eyes.
(My MANY thoughts on Alicia and her bullshit below the cut. I get a little heated here, be warned)
tl;dr for below the cut: alicia apologism is a MASSIVE RED FLAG to me.
yet another (non trauma-related) reason i despise alicia so much. she did nothing to save anyone, or help either oersted or straybow. straybow literally walked out for the regicide bullshit! alicia coulda followed out on a return trip! and yet she doesn't. she stands idly by while she (if the statue wasn't somehow soundproofed) hears about how straybow killed her father, sits around while he, too, is killed, and only then comes out. and to do what? to tear oersted apart for a nonsensical reason, a reason entirely outside his control. "WAAAAAH WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE MEEEEEEE IT'S BEEN LIKE A DAAAAY WAAAAAAAH YOU SHOULD'VE BEEN FIVE MINUTESSSSSS" and then stabs herself because "MUH STWAYBOW DED WAAAH"
shut the fuck up. SHUT. THE FUCK. UP. "but what if she thought oersted was actually really evil and abusive or blah blah blah" my sibling in arms that wasn't her only chance to die. like yea, that sounds morbid, but hey. considering that her defining character moment is a storm of unjustified verbal abuse, directed entirely at oersted, who you've followed throughout the entire chapter, followed by stabbing herself... you can only go up from there. because how the FUCK does ANYONE sympathize with THAT. and personally, i think alicia was designed, MADE to be hated. if you're doing apologism for her i feel that you've missed the point entirely, and i can only assume a lot more will fly right over your head. i can only assume you'd readily do the same apologism for those that've hurt me in the same manner.
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oersteds · 1 year
first of all, that video fucking killed me. in fact. i am still dying over here.
secondly, will you be posting more videos of lal/tomodachi life shenanigans like that, with the other characters as well?
yeah! i'll try to get pictures of funny stuff. i'd been taking images of funny or neat stuff so far, so i'll show you some! be warned: some of the islanders are a little... quirky
(images and long post under cut!)
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alicia saying oersted is "amazing" (the other side had "stray boner" written on it)
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Masaru asking out Bel (Beru) in the worst way possible (the game lets you make them say custom lines for confessions)
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It worked though
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Straybow doesn't shower, according to this screenshot
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Maid dress Odio. He doesn't like it very much. (there's two different "maid dress" items... tomodachi life was too advanced for it's time)
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Oersted, on the other hand, likes the (cute) maid dress. I'm not one to judge, it is a cute dress...
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Straybow is not immune to Maid Dress Hell.
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Odio hat quiz = Dominion of Hats? Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all night.
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Fellow Tomodachi enjoyer @evajellion requested that I put Yamazaki in this outfit. He didn't like it very much.
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Sure they are. Sure.
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oersteds · 2 years
have you read my jackass akira fics. like the one where he shakes kids and the one where he goes "nobody's perfect!". also the winter calendar ones but mainly those first two (@skyhighchibi)
my fucking editor crashed when i was answerin' this. so i'll just say i don't read fics every day, mainly for special occasions. i would enjoy havin' a sorta fic-reading event with a friend group, though...
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oersteds · 2 years
If Cube has Spring Punch (the weapon where they fling a punch like Near Future's Taroimo) you know it's directed at Odio's kneecaps because how smol they are. "*Beep* (Here's a flower for all your pain)"
but if cube angles the punch just a liiiiiittle higher... well, they'll instakill more than just one odio, if you know what i mean-- *gets shot*
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oersteds · 2 years
Oh dear. Yeah Oersted can be misinterpreted because either people felt really sorry for him and agree with his cynic nature or condemn him to hell for being Odio. Like... he's just human in the end. That was the whole point of his character, lashing out after experiencing the worst time of his life. Akira's speech summarizes the Knight's deal efficiently.
hm.. i'm in a bit of a strange position within your dichotomy. because i feel really sorry for oersted (probably because i can directly relate to most, if not all, the shit he went through... except not to such an extreme degree, and without the murdering part right after)
but i don't agree with his cynical nature. while i've given up any hope for my happiness, that doesn't mean i've given up on anyone else having a happy life, or at least the chance for an okay future, y'know? but i wouldn't be yellin' at someone so deep in despair either, like akira was doing. imo it was a jerk move, and it reminds me of the fuckers that've hurt me when i was already in enough pain.
but also... what other choice did oersted have, there? i feel his options could be narrowed down to three, all being extremely shitty for him:
turn himself in again, and get executed
fuck off into the woods or something to become a hermit, never having any peaceful contact with humans again (the knights would most likely hunt him down for the rest of his life regardless) (didja know that isolation is usually pretty fuckin' bad for the human psyche?)
become a demon, and lash out at all of humanity for what he went through (the only option that, while it would fuck over everyone else, probably seemed the most reasonable to him in that moment. the human psyche is not known for being reasonable in situations like this)
given these options, and given that oersted had basically zero time to comprehend the events of the chapter, i kinda see why oersted became a demon. i would've done the same, had i been given the chance right after i'd lost all hope for myself.
regardless of all that, though? my post was about people that blame oersted for being betrayed in the first place. some shit about "he didn't realize sooner therefore he's arrogant / selfish and he had his betrayal coming to him." youtube comments seem to consistently have absolute garbage takes, jeez...
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oersteds · 2 years
tempted to write a fic about this cryptid catboy odio in the modern day tbh, because 1. cryptid odio funny and 2. i need an excuse to do a modern fantasy au where two pals are trying to get footage of the Cursed Catboy in the scandenavian woods or whatever. y/n?
holy shit catboy cryptid odio's actually catching on? hell yea babey, i'm making fanon history--
but yea, you've my blessing to make the fic. the only note i can make about his ""habitat"" would be this: he really likes forests. so ironically, he'd probably enjoy where i live irl, despite the fact there's still a decent amount of civilization around. it's quiet, but not too quiet, y'know?
basically, despite having extreme cryptid energy, he's still civilized enough that he could probably get away with existing somewhat "normally."
so maybe... what if he comes along on that Cursed Catboy hunt, without telling the two pals that he's the cryptid they're looking for?
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