#crystalgrove event 02
riverlei · 3 years
[ @aquivcr​ || event starter ]
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Leaning as far back into his seat as possible, it took nearly all his pride not to bolt for the door. “Is that a spider? Please tell me it’s not s spider.” A shiver ran down his spine at the thought. “Get it.”
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abelfrost · 3 years
[ @dynastiiq​ || event starter ]
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A cool swim had been just what Abel had needed between all the work he’d done at the pier, what he didn’t need was the confrontation of an impending conversation waiting for him at the beach. Reaching for the towel he’d left on the beach, the alpha turned his attention to the wolf standing near his belongings. “Tell me this is leisure and not business-- it’s a festival after all.”
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orionzfrost · 3 years
[ @dynastiiq​ || event starter ]
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Orion’s quiet for a moment as he tosses around the other wolf’s question; really an ice cream under the heat of the sun and the black turtleneck he’s wearing sounds like it could be the best part of today. However, the walk down the pier, past his brother’s shop, was enough to keep him firmly seated outside the café. “No,” he finally answers, though he doesn’t mean it. “It’ll probably melt before we could eat it anyway.”
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pcmegranate · 3 years
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“ my food is burned and the music is atrocious, but other than that i’m having an okay time, i guess. oddly enough, it feels good to be back. new york is amazing, but this little town is home, you know?” beau explains, scrunching up his features as he slices a charred piece off of his steak. “ what was that band just now? paper hearts? yeah, embarrassing.” 
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disfunctionaltm · 3 years
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    “d’you want to try some of this?” conner asks, holding out a drink to the other. "i personally find it too sweet." the relationship that had slowly been forming between the two was nice. conner never really imagined himself falling for anyone and the omega slowly weaving his way into the betas heart had surprised him. and it only felt right for conner to invite alex to hang out with him at the festival.       // @newintcwn​
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sevfolke · 3 years
[ @ofwholesome​ || event starter ]
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The water was warm, having heated up under the sun throughout the day and it had been far too long since Sev had indulged himself in a leisurely swim. Turning back towards the shore he drew his hands through the water as he called out to the other wolf. “Well? Are you going to stand there all day or are you coming in?”
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ms-shilohgray · 3 years
[ @mcnners​ || event starter ]
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“I’m more of a red wine kind of girl if you don’t mind,” Shiloh speaks up as the bartender takes their order. The festival’s still loud around them and even though she’s late it seems she hasn’t missed much-- As she thought. Nightlife was always better when in the company of people, daytime could be spent with the animals. “And you? What’s your poison tonight?”
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riverlei · 3 years
[ @ofwholesome​ || event starter ]
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“Oh hey, there you are.” River turns from where he’d been standing outside the bar waiting for the other wolf to show up. “Come in and join me for a beer before we go explore the festival. I feel like I’m going to need to keep a steady buzz going.”
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abelfrost · 3 years
[ @pcmegranate​​ || event starter ]
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“I’m right here, actually,” Abel calls out to the wolf that seemed to be waiting by his parlor along the pier. “I usually take lunch off.” His head cocks to the side as he takes in the other standing in front of his business. “Are you looking to get inked?”
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orionzfrost · 3 years
[ @pcmegranate​ || event starter ]
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Nodding, Orion pulled the high collared jacket tighter around him-- A conscious motion being out in public as he was. Why he even agreed to show his face at the festival for his parent’s sake was an enigma to him. He’d rather be in bed with his cat. “I heard the Plastic Hearts were playing,” he finally speaks, catching himself up with the conversation. “Did you go and show your support for them? Electric’s not really my style but I’m sure they did just fine.”
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pcmegranate · 3 years
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“ sehunnie, look, i got us matching headbands,” winter beams, wrapping the band around the alpha’s head before he even has the chance to protest. “ ahh, i like it, looks very cute on you,” the younger assures with a smile, before cuddling up beside him on the picnic blanket. “ just not cute enough that i won’t ask you the hard questions, though,” he adds softly, his gaze more serious now as it meets his boyfriend’s. “ what’s going on in that head of yours, mhm? you’ve been so quiet today...”  // @inrains​
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sevfolke · 3 years
[ @disfunctionaltm​ || event starter ]
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“At some point I’m going to just assume this town will take any excuse to have an event.” Sev holds a hand up for a moment before the other wolf can jump in. “I get it-- The changing of the seasons and what have you. It’s hot and the music’s loud.”
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ms-shilohgray · 3 years
[ @forstarlight​ || event starter ]
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“She’s really a very gentle ride,” Shiloh coaxes the other wolf with confidence and gives a caring brush of her fingers through the mane of the horse beside her. “She’d be just perfect for a ride along the beach.” Turning to face the other wolf with a smile, Shiloh chuckles. “But if you’re still nervous there’s plenty of room up there for two if you want to ride with me.”
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orionzfrost · 3 years
[ @cfmoonlvght​ || event starter ]
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Orion’s been purposefully avoiding both the bars and the pier and he feels like he’s trying to dodge more people than not at this point-- Bouncing between the beach and café with nervous glances in-between. He blinks in surprise when he hears his name and his back straightens in anticipation for the worst as he turns to face the wolf calling him. “Ah, hi. Yes I’ve made it.” His scent is still sweet and different but this is about as cleaned up as he could manage for now. “Fashionably late as they say.”
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pcmegranate · 3 years
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“ wait a sec, aren’t you that omega my brother is all gung-ho over? ” vincent questions, corners of his mouth turning upward into a grin, cigarette dangling between the alpha’s lips. “ so, what is it with you ‘junie’s house’ employees and seducing the russo brothers, eh? care to share?”  // @newintcwn​ 
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pcmegranate · 3 years
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“ so how come dad’s broken condoms never harrass you at your doorstep, mhm? it’s not at all fair that i’m the one who always has to deal with those little bastard pups,” vinny huffs, taking a swig from his beer bottle. “ just the other day at work, i was going for a quick smoke break, and there was yet another one looking for ‘brotherly love’, i guess. fuck, should have just given him your address, con.”  // @disfunctionaltm​ 
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