#ctcd oc blizzard
flickys-courage-club · 8 months
Valentine's Day Moment with Barry and Bunitty (CTCD Story)(Valentine's Day Special)
[Characters: Courage, Muriel, Barry(OC), Bunitty(OC), Bunny, Kitty, Shirley, Radley(OC), Blizzard(OC), Bon(OC), Cyril(OC)]
[Valentine's Day across Nowhere is placed at a fair today! Barry goes in and meets his friend Bunitty. While they interact at her chocolate rabbits stand and reading a letter that appeared on his container after he left. He started to feel very nervous as that he gained... platonic feelings on his valentine. So Barry gains help from some of his friends to confess his valentine]
[First cuts to Barry, Courage and Muriel arriving at a fair celebrating Valentine's Day]
Muriel: Oooh, isn't the fair looking wonderful for Valentine's Day boys?
Barry: It sure is Muriel. But I'm not quite sure on what is it like to feel on this event
Muriel: Well every Valentine's Day, It's mostly about spending time with someone you always cherished. Specifically a couple
Barry: Ohhh now I get it
Muriel: [thinks for a moment] I know, why don't Courage take you around the entire fair. Make sure you stay with him dear
Barry: Ok Muriel, c'mon Courage
[Courage and Barry walk across the fairgrounds]
Muriel: [waves at them] Have fun boys! Don't stay around here too late!
[Scene cuts to Barry and Courage walking past many people wearing Valentine's Day clothing. They came across food stands until they see one that says "Chocolate Rabbits"]
[The two stopped by it and see their friends Bunny and Kitty and their adopted daughter Bunitty, who runs the stand on her own]
[Courage and Barry walk to the stand. Bunitty sees them]
Bunitty: [gasps] Mr Pink Dog! (Hugs Courage) Aww it's so great to see you! Hey mom! Look who's here!
Bunny: Dog! Happy Valentine's Day (headpats Courage in which he smiles by it)
Courage: I take it you guys are going good at this event today
Kitty: Certainly yes dog
Bunitty: (sees Barry) Oh hey! I think I seen you before.
Barry: Who... me?
Bunitty: Yeah, your the one who saved me from Mad Dog.
Barry: Yeah, that was me
Bunitty: I just wanna say, thanks for saving me from that big menace
Barry: Oh, thanks
Bunitty: No problem... sorry what was your name again?
Barry: Barry
Bunitty: Oh yeah, Barry, Barry. I remember (shakes her head)
[Bunitty places some chocolate rabbits in a container and wraps it up in ribbon]
Bunitty: Here you go! Have a great day at this fair full of love (gives Barry a handshake) ^v^
[Barry and Courage walk together with the container of chocolates across the fairgrounds]
[Bunitty smiles at the two until it was interrupted by her friend Radley]
Radley: [holds a bag of chocolate rabbits] Here's some more stock for Bunitty's stand Mrs Bunny and Mrs Kitty
Kitty: Oh why thank you Radley
Bunny: Thank you. Would you like to place them here for Bunitty please
Radley: Sure Mrs Bunny [places the bag onto the stand]
Radley: Here's the bag of more of those chocolate rabbits for your stand Bunitty
Bunitty: Oh thanks Radley ^^
Radley: It's alright buddy [pats her shoulder]
[Cuts to Barry sitting in a bench, waiting for Courage. While he looks at his container, he sees a letter attached to the ribbon
Barry: Hmm? Didn't know that she placed a letter on it [opens the letter and reads it]
Barry: [reads] "To Barry! I may not know this but my mom and my mommy has told me some stuff about you. Since Valentine's Day is finally around the corner, I thought of like going to the fair with just the two of us. Your really sweet, kind and such a brave young cat for rescuing me, although you tend to get anxious mostly. You also like rabbits and you like to watch films about detectives and fantasy worlds, which is said that you wanna be a detective yourself. If your interested to see me, come by to the exit of the Maze of Love! If you don't want to, then I hope you'll have a great Valentine's Day! Love from your valentine!"
[Barry smiles a little in which turns his cheeks light red]
Barry: [mind] Wait, this is from... my valentine?! [worried] Oh my god my god my god, I don't know what am I gonna do! I never experienced this [his cheeks brightened] what the hell am I even gonna do?!
[Two cannibals of Vintage City, Bon and Cyril walk by and see Barry worried]
Cyril: Bon look! It's our ol' pal Barry!
Bon: Why don't we go say hello to the lil guy?
Cyril: Hell yeah Bon!
[The two lean down close to Barry]
Bon and Cyril: Hey Barry!
Barry: GAH!!! Oh, Bon, Cyril!
Bon: How you've been hun? Your lookin' all red today huh
Barry: Yeah, I know
Cyril: [sees Barry's letter] Hey, is that a letter you got here?
Barry: Mmhmm
Cyril: Lemme see it- [gets his hand wounded by Bon's knife when he tries to take it from him] Hey, Bon!
Bon: If he doesn't wanna show it to us, then don't take it by force Cy!
Bon: [to Barry] Now hun, tell your auntie Bon here what's up
Barry: [nervously] It's just that someone gave me this letter here
Bon: [nods] Mmhmm yeah
Barry: And... it's of my valentine
Bon: [surprised] Oh my... [happy] GOSH!!! [Squeezes Barry's cheeks] YOU GOT YOUR OWN VALENTINE?!?!
Barry: [squeezed] Mmhmm
[Bon lets go of Barry's cheeks]
Barry: Yeah, but... I don't know how to... get them to be with me
Bon: Don't worry hun. The Crime Cannibals will get you onto this
Cyril: Your sure right Bon [winks]
[Cuts to the Crime Cannibals standing on the right next to a cat mannequin that has Barry's height with Barry staring at the mannequin]
Barry: So what's the mannequin for guys?
Bon: Glad you asked hun! The mannequin here represents your valentine right
Cyril: And this is gonna test you in confessing your love to your valentine. Got it
Barry: Yeah, got it
Bon: Ok. So try and walk up to them
Barry: Ok? [Walks to the mannequin]
Bon: Good good. Then, try and ask them out
Cyril: But with some encouragement
Bon: Yeah, that's what I like to hear Cy!
Cyril: You gotta fight for that lady's heart pal!
Barry: Ok. [Breathes in and out] [says to the mannequin] Hi [waves] my beautiful and my lovely valentine! I was thinking if we wanna... go out on a date or maybe go somewhere that either of us like?
Bon: Yeah, that's more like it hun. I bet she'll be impressed with you.
Bon: [slides Barry] Go over to her and start confessing on how much you wanna go with her
Cyril: Yeah pal, get her to be with you!
Bon: Whew, I taught that young fella so well Cy. He's growin' up already
[Cuts to Bunitty along with Radley at her chocolate rabbits stand, when Barry walks to it]
Bunitty: Oh hi Barry, your doing alright
Barry: Mmhmm
Barry: Hey Bunitty...
Bunitty: Yeah
Barry: I was thinking... if you and I could... go to the fair for our... moment? Together?
Bunitty: Sorry Barry, I'm kind of busy with my chocolate rabbits. But I'm not gonna be mean to you but... why are you asking me to go with you to the fair?
[Barry becomes too nervous to respond and runs off]
Bunitty: Barry wait!
Radley: Who was that Bunitty?
Bunitty: Barry
Radley: Barry! You mean the one who saved you from Mad Dog!
Bunitty: Mmhmm
[Bon and Cyril see Barry run off nervously with worried expressions on their faces]
Bon: Oh dear
Cyril: [facepalmed] Damn it, I didn't even know that would fail
[Cuts to Barry who is in a icy blue coloured tent full of ice sculptures that belong to one of his allies, Blizzard]
Blizzard: So, you wanna confess your valentine after they sent you this letter here
Barry: Mmhmm
Blizzard: [thinks for a moment, then thoughts on something] Maybe, how about this [uses her ice powers and sculptures it into a bouquet of flowers]
Blizzard: There, the old fashioned way. Try give her a bouquet of flowers, that I made out of my ice abilities [gives the bouquet ice sculpture to Barry]
Barry: Sure, thanks Blizzard [walks out of the tent]
Blizzard: No problem dear
[Cuts to Bunitty helping Radley and her mothers Bunny and Kitty handling the decorations for the fair]
Barry: [walks carefully to Bunitty] Hey Bunitty
Bunitty: Yeah Bunitty
Barry: I may have something for you to have off of me [shows her a ice sculptured bouquet of flowers]
Bunitty: Oh Barry, [given the bouquet] those are lovely
Barry: Yeah, they sure are [his cheeks turn light red as he slowly walks off]
Bunitty: [surprised when Barry isn't there] Barry?
[Cuts to Barry in a violet tent belonging to Shirley]
Shirley: Well, as I can provide advice to those who think of getting into a relationship with someone. Here's the advice I am gonna have to give you. Do you see the letter that she gave you.
Barry: [places the letter] Right here Shirley
Shirley: Very good, now what I read from here... can all be true. I am sensing someone that represents these sentences coming from the writing!
[Shirley's magic now shapeshifts into five roses]
Barry: Hmm?
Shirley: The magic is into these roses here! And it will guide you to your valentine. And then, you must... give these roses to her!
Barry: Yes Shirley [walks out of her tent with the roses and his letter in his two hands]
Shirley: And remember to read what your letter says]
[Scene changes to sunset as Barry walks to the Maze Of Love. While he reads his letter, the magic in his roses slide him through the maze]
Barry: Whoa!
[When Barry reaches the end of the maze. He sees Bunitty holding a gift for him]
Barry: Bunitty?!
Bunitty: [chuckles] Happy Valentine's Day Barry! Got something for my own special valentine
[Barry places his hands on his gift in which Bunitty lets go of her hands of the gift]
Barry: But I thought that you were... busy
Bunitty: I was mostly, but I didn't forget about waiting at the end of the Maze Of Love for my valentine to arrive
Barry: [surprised until his cheeks turn red and his eyes started flowing with tears] [begans sobbing]
Bunitty: Aww Barry [hugs him] it's alright buddy
[Bon, Cyril, Blizzard and Shirley watch the two hug eachother]
[Same goes with Radley smiling happily for them]
And Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!
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flickys-courage-club · 7 months
Barry Meets The Seven Tribes of Honour (CTCD OC Story)
[Characters: Barry(OC), Chief Azrael(OC), Twigs the Mole(OC), Claude(OC), Nigel(OC), Blizzard(OC), Iram the Fox(OC), Lucifer the Puppeteer of Terrors(OC) and Smiler the Puppet(OC)]
[Barry gets to a meeting from Chief Azrael to meet the elite members of Team Frostbite and they are also members of their solo elite team known as 'The Seven Tribes of Honour']
(Cuts to Barry entering Chief Azrael's office)
Barry: Hey Chief
Azrael: Ah Supporter Kitten! Welcome! I suppose you want to know why I want you to come here
Barry: Mmhmm, (worries)
Azrael: Don't worry my friend, your not in trouble. I like to introduce you to seven new members of our team
Barry: Seven?!
Azrael: Yes, seven. (Places hand on Barry's shoulder) And I think you'll be interested to see them all.
(Then the two hear sounds)
Azrael: That must be them. (Claps hands) Seven Elites of Honour! I may have brought someone in here, who would want to meet you all
(The voices are heard from upstairs. Then something from the ground, digs towards Barry and Azrael. Barry goes behind him. Until it pops out of the ground, it then turns out to be a mole with goggles)
???: You called Chief?
Azrael: Yes Twigs, I like you to meet our youngest supporter; Barry. Barry, this is Twigs
Twigs: (looks at Barry) So your the supporter that has been with our whole team eh? Chief has told me and my pals some things about you kid.
(Barry becomes silent a bit)
Twigs: I meant that I heard good stuff about you from Chief
Barry: Oh! Uhh, thanks Twigs
Twigs: It's alright kid (raises his claw out to Barry)
(Barry raises his paw out and the two began to handshake)
(Azrael watches the two handshake, then the three hear a pleasant singing voice coming ahead. It comes from a red cat wearing London style clothing and holding a cane, and a blue cat wearing French style clothing walking together)
???: You brought us here Chief Azrael sir
Azrael: Indeed I do, Claude
Twigs: Alright con cats, Chief brought us here to meet his young supporter of his team, aaand he isss right here (pulls Barry over to Claude and his blue cat friend)
Claude: Good evening boy (tips his hat) Allow me to introduce myself, I am Claude and this right here is Nigel, my blue French companion
Nigel: (bows to Barry) Greetings chat(cat)! That means 'cat' in French
Barry: It's nice to meet you guys
Claude: Oh yes a marvelous pleasure to meet you dear boy
(The five then hear sounds of a running animal, it comes out with someone riding a giant warthog who turns out to be a reddish orange fox wearing warm western style clothing and chewing a small skewer stick in his mouth)
???: Howdy here Chief!
Azrael: Pleasure you came here Iram
Iram: Hell yeah I do Chief, so what you got me here today for? (Grabs out his ladle) Oden?
Azrael: (laughs) Oh no no no no Iram. It's just that I like you to meet the supporter of Team Frostbite, this is Barry
Iram: Whoa! I never seen your supporter to be this... frickin' adorable! I mean look at you fella!
Barry: Uhh thanks? I think?
Azrael: (laughs a bit) Ok Iram, maybe try give lil ol' Barry some of his personal space here
Iram: Oh right, sorry pal (tips his hat to him, then steps back a bit to give Barry space)
(The six then hear a glass window break)
Nigel: Oh no
(It releases a windy blizzard towards the office, which makes their bodies start to freeze in the cold)
(Then Barry, while couldn't see well in the blizzard, he sees a silhouette of a woman in it)
Barry: Huh? (Sees the silhouette) guys there's someone out there
Twigs: It's... her
Barry: Who?
(The silhouette vanishes into an female ice demon when she enters the chief's office, she unleashes an icy blast in her hand at the broken window, frosting it)
Twigs: Thanks Blizz
???: (turns her head at Twigs and glares at him) Excuse me!?
Twigs: Damnit, I mean uhh... thanks Blizzard
Blizzard: That's better. Oh hey Chief. (Looks at Barry) Oh! (walks to him and kneels down to about his height) now who's this little fella right here?
Azrael: This is my supporter Barry. Barry, this is Blizzard
Barry: Uhh hi, miss
Blizzard: (smiles) Well aren't you so sweet, and so pure (pats his head)
Barry: Your hand is kind of freezing
Blizzard: Oh, sorry my dear. How about a kiss in your cheek
Barry: Hmm sure, I won't mind
(Blizzard kisses Barry in his cheek, then walks off to the others)
(Barry then looks at them talking to eachother and hanging out and he smiles to that)
(Azrael smiles at them too, he looks at Barry)
Azrael: Aren't these guys wonderful Barry
Barry: Yeah, they sure are sir
(Suddenly they all became shocked when they hear banging sounds coming from up on the top)
Claude: Blimey!
Twigs: Chief, what's going on
Azrael: I think he's found an another victim to torture for his entertainment
Barry: What do you mean by that- (becomes really shocked and scared) Oh... god... no (quietly) No no no no, it can't be. I thought what he is now is a classic urban legend tale but now... no no no no no no!
(A scream of horror is heard along with gruesome, bloody sounds coming out of it. Then the door slowly opens to reveal a shadow travelling itself down the stairs and onto Barry's own shadow. It then rises onto the wall, but then the shadow begans to laugh maniacally, which made Barry really unsettled to hear)
Barry: Oh... g-god! (Clings onto Azrael's leg)
(The shadow now reveals as a pale white demon wearing a black suit with blonde yellow stripes over it, a red bowtie and a black tophat with a comedy theater mask on top. He also has four mini puppets, two each sitting on his shoulder)
???: Now that was good show of mauling, ain't that right Smiler
Smiler: Yeah it really is master
(They do a handshake but a really fun one and they both laugh off)
Azrael: Whoa Lucifer... I don't know what to say on how you tortured that person alive... and given that you appear as a shadow and go downstairs as one (laughs) that's really unsettling but it fits you so damn well my man
(Azrael and Lucifer high five eachother)
Lucifer: (laughs) Man this is why I'm in your ginormous team Azrael
Azrael: (laughs)
(As the two laugh Barry who is still silent in shock sees Lucifer's eyes staring at him. Until he is heard by Smiler)
Smiler: Hey! Hey cat! Buddy! Hello?
Barry: Gah! (Falls over and catches his breathes) What the hell!? (He sees Smiler's hand, he grabs hold off and gets back up)
Smiler: (helps Barry get back up) You weren't hearing that much though lil buddy, you might've went into a big shock there right
Barry: (shakes his head) Am I seeing you right now or have I gone back to reading my book about the Puppeteer of Terrors
Smiler: (gasps) You know who my master is? (To Lucifer) Hey master!
Lucifer: Yes Smiler
Smiler: (has Barry in her arms) I believe someone has known so much about you. (Quietly) from that book he has been reading
Lucifer: You read my own story about my life as a terrorist and a puppeteer!? (as his eyes change from yellow to black with light yellow pupils)
(Barry becomes intimidated by his eyes changing. But then Lucifer's eyes change back to yellow)
Lucifer: I cannot believe that in my own 2 eyes (chuckles) (or perhaps 10 because I have my four mini puppets sitting on my two shoulders) I have someone who ultimately admires my own stories! (Gives Barry a medal) Here you go my little admirer!
Barry: (looks at his medal) Hmm "The best admirer of my stories ever award!" Huh never knew that there was a medal like that, but thanks for that sir
Lucifer: (laughs) It's no problem my dear cat friend! (handshakes Barry) Now allow me to introduce myself; my name is Lucifer or you might know me as 'The Puppeteer of Terrors!" And over on my shoulders are G, R, I and N, my mini puppets. Come say hello to my admirer my children.
The Mini Puppets - G, R and I: Hi!
Mini Puppet - N: Hello!
Lucifer: And over here on the left beside you is my best accomplice ever; Smiler!
Smiler: (hugs Barry) It's a great pleasure to meet you honey
Barry: (feels squeezed) Mmhmm, it's nice to... see you too
Lucifer: Pff. Smiler dear, would you mind
Smiler: Oh right, hehe (lets Barry go, which left him dizzy)
Barry: (rubs his head and looks at the Seven Tribes of Honour all together) So I guess that's all of them Chief
Azrael: Yep
Lucifer: Yep your correct there Barry boy (playfully elbows Azrael)
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flickys-courage-club · 6 months
Meet The Tribes of Honour
Lucifer AKA Puppeteer of Terrors
Leader of the tribe
Puppeteer and a terrorist crossed together
Tortured and murdered thousands
Has 4 mini puppets that sit on his two shoulders
Said to be an urban legend tale until he was set free
After being freed by Barry, he starts befriending him and becomes a sort of fatherly figure to him
Thinks of Barry as the child he wish he had
Claude and Nigel
Claude is red and tall
Nigel is blue and short
Speaks in a British accent(Claude only)
French-American (Nigel only)
Nigel is seen around Claude's neck
They resemble Le Quack(mostly Nigel)
Con artists
Inspired by Honest John and Gideon from Pinocchio
Speaks in a Southern accent
Has a clan of fox kits
Owns a warthog named Chilli
A caring dad figure to his clan
Owns a oden restaurant known as 'Oden Season'
Resembles Cajun Fox
Oden Kits
Hundreds of them
Fox kits
50 are males, 50 are female
They consider their leader as a dad
Help their leader as extra staff for his oden restaurant
Ice demon
Resembles Black Puddle Queen
Powers/abilities: Cryokinesis, telekinesis
Mostly seen with his goggles on
Resembles Weremole
Furton/Possum Mob
A leader possum running his mob with his small goons
Resembles Clutching Foot
Speaks in a gangster like accent
His personality resembles Katz
Manipulative and sadistic
Has same level of pure evil as Katz
He mostly goes after Barry for his ways to manipulate him into trusting only to Lucifer
He isn't really bad to Barry, he spared him because he showed respect for his clan
Selled his soul to Lucifer
Smiler and Gloomer
Created by the puppeteer as his personal henchpuppets
Puppeteer favors Smiler
Smiler is always happy and full of energy, Gloomer is always down with a frown
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flickys-courage-club · 5 months
Seven Tribes of Honour as Seven Deadly Sins
Pride - Lucifer/Puppeteer of Terrors
Wrath - Krimson
Gluttony - Iram and Oden Kits
Greed - Claude and Nigel
Lust - Blizzard
Envy - Twigs
Sloth - Furton/Possum Mob
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flickys-courage-club · 5 months
Ask the CTCD Characters + OCs!!!
I'm doing asks for the CTCD characters and also my OCs of the show, so you can ask them all too
You can ask!
Le Quack
Cajun Fox
Black Puddle Queen
Clutching Foot/Big Toe
Charlie the Mouse
Mad Dog
King Ramses
Cat Thieves/Paul and Jim
Storm Goddess
Ma Bagge
Shirley the Medium
Banana Suit Dealer
Freaky Fred
Olive (OC)
Felix (OC)
Clive (OC)
Justin (OC)
Nathan (OC)
Teresa (OC)
Barry (OC)
Bunitty (OC)
Sin Clowns (OCs)
Lauren (OC)
Matt (OC)
Oliver (OC)
Tony (OC)
Maxie (OC)
Sir Mist (OC)
Lucifer the Puppeteer of Terrors (OC)
Velvet Vic
Duck Brothers
Hunchback of Nowhere
Radley (OC)
Claude (OC)
Nigel (OC)
Iram (OC)
Oden Kits (OC)
Courage's Parents
Cruel Veterinarian
Blizzard (OC)
Twigs (OC)
Kameron (OC)
Francine (OC)
Olly (OC)
Trixie (OC)
Krimson (OC)
Sirius (OC)
Raven (OC)
Aaron (OC)
Petal (OC)
Alan (OC)
Jacob (OC)
Badru (OC)
Amaris (OC)
Canine Assassins (OCs)
Feline Hunters (OCs)
Grinz (OC)
Frownz (OC)
No NSFW (suggestive questions are fine)
No questions that involve s#xualizing
No offensive questions
Bigotry questions are unacceptable
Hugs are allowed
No questions that include slurs
Tumblr media
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flickys-courage-club · 5 months
My CTCD OC LGBTQ+ Headcanons🏳️‍🌈
Olive is Biromantic
Felix is Bisexual and Non-binary
Barry is Asexual
Nathan is Straight
Teresa is Straight
Clive is Gay
Justin is Gay
Sin Clown – Pride is Pansexual
Sin Clown - Wrath is Pansexual
Sin Clown - Glutton is Straight
Sin Clown - Greed is Gay
Sin Clown - Lust is Omnisexual
Sin Clown - Envy is Aroace and Agender
Sin Clown - Sloth is Straight and Demigirl
Geo is Aroace
Petal is Aroace
Sirius is Aromantic
Alan is Gay
Jacob is Bisexual
Maxwell is Non-binary and Biromantic
Grinz and Frownz are both Aromantic
Vore is Panromantic and Agender
Raven is Asexual
Russell is Straight
Platinum is Straight
Shade is Aromantic and Trans FTM
Grayson is Straight
Bunitty is Bisexual
Amaris is Agender and Straight
The Canine Assassins - Saber is Aromantic
The Canine Assassins - Slice and Dice are both Asexual
Toxin is Aroace
Feline Hunters - Tuesday and Thursday are both Bigender and Aroace
Jasper is Straight
Cyan is Straight
Marina is Straight
Jingles is Pangender and Omnisexual
Aden is Biromantic
Damien is Aromantic
Malcolm is Pansexual
Snowflake is Straight
Chief Azrael is Straight
Cider and Timber are both Straight
Jackson is Panromantic
Hurley is Pansexual
Carmen is Demigirl and Straight
Crispin is Aroace
Bard is Straight
Alicia is Aromantic
Flitz is Pangender and Omnisexual
Crescent is Straight
The Sacrificers - Sow, Faith and Miracle are all Aroace
Barney is Asexual
Radley is Straight
Aaron is Asexual
Marie is Straight
Brandon is Straight
Crumble is Trigender and Panromantic
Osborne is Aromantic
Sorrow is Straight
Courley is Panromantic
Sydney is Straight
Denver is Straight
Shako is Panromantic
Kameron is Straight
Francine is Straight
Olly and Trixie are both Pansexual
Lucifer is Aromantic
Claude is Straight
Nigel is Panromantic
Iram is Pansexual
Blizzard is Straight
Twigs is Asexual
Smiler and Gloomer are both Pansexual
Furton is Asexual
Krimson is Aroace
Tyrone is Aroace
Cyan is Bisexual
Nide is Asexual
Salazar is Bisexual
Pollen is Aromantic
Jazz is Panromantic
Fern is Genderfluid and Straight
Twitch is Agender and Bisexual
Sunstroke is Aroace
Fluttters is Trans FTM and Pansexual
Dot is Demigirl and Straight
Andre is Straight
Penny is Straight
Moonlight is Agender and Panromantic
Lauren is Straight
Matt is Straight
Oliver is Straight
Gerald is Aromantic
Lillie is Straight
Damon is Straight
Celeste is Straight
Krueger is Straight
Fear King is Aroace
Nathaniel is Straight
Miranda is Straight
Barrett is Asexual
Renard is Pangender and Pansexual
Bon is Straight
Cyril is Straight
Lord Blade VI is Omnisexual
Sir Mist is Straight
Wendell is Aroace
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flickys-courage-club · 8 months
Lucifer the Puppeteer of Terrors (CTCD OC)
Design and ref
Tumblr media
Species: Demon
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Aromantic
Likes: Puppets, Barry(ally), torturing people, Smiler(accomplice, favours), performing shows, entertainment, smiling, Team Frostbite(allies), candy
Dislikes: Frowning, failure, anyone touching his mini puppets, rhubarb, sultanas, oatmeal raisin cookies
Allies: Team Frostbite, Chief Azrael, Barry, Twigs, Claude, Nigel, Blizzard, Smiler(accomplice), Bunitty, Damien, Malcolm, Snowflake, Freaky Fred, Katz, Le Quack, Cajun Fox, Weremole, Black Puddle Queen, Clutching Foot
Neutral: Courage, Muriel, Computer, Shirley
Enemies: Eustace, Toxin, Sirius, Raven, Mad Dog, Cruel Veterinarian
Facts about him
Lucifer is named after the Hell Lord of Pride - Lucifer
He is the leader of the Seven Tribes of Honour with Smiler accomplishing him
Lucifer has four mini puppets, two each on his shoulder, they appear to be sentient and change the same expressions as their master
His neutral relationship with Courage is that he does enjoy seeing him in fear and put pain into him, but he does show honour and respect for the dog
When he meets Courage's enemies, he is quite interesting with their skills against the dog. The six also agree with what he says and think of him as their true leader
His design is inspired by Lucifer Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel
He can release white and red strings out of his fingers and use his hands to control his puppets
His eyes are normally yellow, but they change black with yellow pupils when as a full demon
His headcanon voice would be Joker from DC (Mark Hamill voice)
He is shown to like candy
The names of his mini puppets are G, R, I and N
Lucifer is allergic to rhubarb and anything that has rhubarb in it
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flickys-courage-club · 9 months
Info about my CTCD OCs:
Olive the Clown Demon of Greed
Felix the Pomeranian
Clive the Husky
Justin the Sheepdog
Sin Clowns(Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Envy and Sloth)
Geo the Sheep Cherub
Petal the Poodle
Alan and Jacob(Sirius's henchmen)
Maxwell the Ferret
Grinz and Frownz the Twin Cats
Vore the Vampire Bat
Amaris the Shapeshifter
Badru the Rabbit
Canine Assassins(Saber, Slice and Dice)
Feline Hunters(Thursday and Tuesday)
Jasper the Snow Leopard
Cyan the Peacock
Marina the Dingo
Aden the Bat
Damien the Wolf
Malcolm the Mountain Hare
Snowflake the Arctic Fox
Chief Azrael
Timber and Cider
Toxin the Crime Mob Spider
Jackson the TV Head
Hurley the Siren
Carmen the Chinchilla
Crister the Lynx
Bard the Norwegian Lundehund
Alicia the Red Squirrel
Crescent the Dream Cat
The Sacrificers(Faith, Sow and Miracle)
Other members of Team Frostbite
Jingles' circus friends
Crumble the Robo-Possum
Crumble's friends
Osborne the Vampire Bat
Sorrow the Gargoyle
Lucifer the Puppeteer of Terrors
Smiler the Puppet
Gloomer the Puppet
Damon and Celeste's children
Fear King
The Fear Slaves
Lord Blade VI
Cannibals of Vintage City
Sir Mist
Sir Mist's pupils
Cyan and Nide
Wendell's pack
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