#cuddly plush toy :3
chloelouygo · 5 months
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I said the other day that she's my favourite and here is my proof, have a pony picture as thanks for enjoying my niche feeling interests alongside me 😌😌💜💜
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Isn't she beautiful-
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starleska · 1 year
* falls up the stairs downwards and out of a closet* I HAVE A REQUEST!
Wally x Touched starved reader please
Thank you<3
hahaha, of course!! i've actually received several requests for a touch-starved reader, so i think y'all are feeling a way 🥺💖
content warning for implied past abuse - i'm writing a Reader who may have a reason for being touch-starved. it isn't graphic, but just in case folks are sensitive to that topic!
Wally Darling x Touch-Starved Reader headcanons
💖 when you first meet Wally, you shy away from his constant physical affection. Wally is a very huggy person, and he's forever giving his friends comforting taps and touches by way of his friendship. however, the first time he tries to hug you, you flinch back, thinking he must have an ulterior motive. the hurt in Wally's eyes makes you feel guilty for the rest of the day, but you can't get over this in-built response designed to protect you. being touched isn't something you feel you deserve, and even the idea of accidentally brushing hands is dizzying to you. however, Wally returns a few hours later after your startled response. he offers his hand to you, which is clad in bright green fabric and dotted with pictures of bumblebees. "Julie lent me her gardening gloves," Wally explains, "so touching won't be as scary." you're so overwhelmed by the sweetness and absurdity of his gesture that you break down in tears.
💖 it's a while before you let Wally touch you properly, but once you do, you can't get enough. Wally is incredibly plush and cuddly - even the skinniest part of his body is soft and plump like a stuffed toy!! you start slow with holding hands, and Wally works with you, first locking his pinkie around yours and holding it for a minute at a time. soon, you're confident enough to lean against Wally while he keeps his arms at his side. Wally tries to act inconspicuous when you do this, whistling tunelessly and pretending not to notice you. the first time you hug Wally, you slip up behind him unnoticed and seize him tightly around the waist. Wally makes a soft, "Oh!" of surprise and twists around, trying to look at you, but you've buried your face in the sumptuous material of his cardigan. he chuckles warmly, and gives you a reassuring pat on the head.
💖 once the seal is broken, Wally is determined to show you what you've been missing. Wally decides his new favourite game is wrapping you up tight in a blanket burrito, and nuzzling the top of your head while you pretend-struggle to escape. the deep pressure is wonderful and soothing, although it never lasts long; Wally loves cuddling you so much that he always releases you from your soft prison much too soon, and then you're falling on top of one another, consumed with the giggles. when the two of you are alone, Wally will often snuggle up into the crook of your neck, sighing happily as he loops his arms around your shoulders and all but climbs into your lap. sometimes you fall asleep like that, together: a silly, happy mess of rumpled sheets and tangled limbs.
this was a very cute request - thank you so much 🥰💖
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runningwiththemarvels · 5 months
Teddy's and tantrum's-
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Summary: you want, no need that turtle. But what happens when your daddy says no. Mega meltdown in 5, 4, 3...
Pairing: daddy!bucky x little!femreader
Warnings: age regression, punishment (spanking), angst, fluff.
A/N: don worry is a happy ending hehe
Your daddy never had to shout or yell, you were a good girl for daddy buck. However you had your moments and today was a big tantrum, a mega meltdown. Your attention span was short lived in a store. As soon as you discovered the toy aisle, you had a habit of letting your little legs wander to the collection of stuffies.
You’d ogle at the many layers of cuddly toys reaching with all your might to just cuddle one. Your uncle Loki had a few tricks up his sleeve that he had taught you, much to Bucky's dismay, like hiding in the small shelves of the shop hidden from the world.
Once buck found you hidden in the jumbo football crate, you just smiled back at him comfortably.
Today You practically sucked all the air out of the store, Bucky ran over to you instantly listening to your string of babbles.“What's wrong doll!” he asked his eyes checking you over to see if you were hurt.
You were in a momentary trance. you just pointed at the stuffed turtle which was staring happily. “Hab- i hab pease?” you batted your eyelashes pleadingly and then promptly bounced around, eager to take your green friend home.
But his response made you halt in your tracks. “We got stuffies at home love bugs” he cooed, nodding his head towards the checkout. Your lower lip jutted out, a power move which usually made Bucky yield, but not today. “But but wan dis one” you sniffled tugging at his plush foot.
“The answer is no baby, now come on let’s go home” he spoke firmly but was still very relaxed, he gave a soft smile.
You frowned and dug your heels in. “Baby. let’s. go.” He scowled and turned away. You paused, you were on the verge of obeying but…
“No!” You squeaked, Bucky halted and turned to see you with folded arms and an admittedly cute scowl.
“Excuse me little girl, what did you say” he hissed coldly, looking at your big frowning face.
Buck knew you were just grumpy from missing your afternoon nap, but he couldn’t let the behaviour slide.“N-no!” you stuttered angrily, folding your arms, you hesitated but remained firm. “I wanted it I good!” You yelled balling your fists, tears of frustration waiting to fall.
Within an instant he was right in front of you, his nostrils were flared and pupils dilated. “Yn I am this close to pulling you over my knee, move your ass” he whispered.
By now people started to stare, at this point you were tired, the artificial lights hurt your eyes and your dress was feeling awful itchy and frilly.
You meanie daddy! m-me no like you” you cried stomping and sticking your tongue out. you fell to the floor wriggling and sobbing, briefly recognising you were now in the air.
Were you flying? Your sobs cease momentarily to find yourself in the arms of your daddy. The car ride home was silent, well… you clawed at your car seat and cried bloody murder, but buck concentrated on the road.
By the time your daddy carried you to your room he was furious, you were toggled around like a rag doll onto his lap.
Your head hung limply and your ass was on display, “oh doll you blushin just imagine how red your ass is going to be” he growled, You whimpered and tried to stand, but bucks vibranium arm was behind your back keeping you still.
you sniff and wine showing one last show of defiance.“why are you being punished doll” he asked calmly.
You frowned and paused. You wore a heavy pout, your eyes glassy, you went to speak but were cut off by a firm hand landing heavily down on your bottom. You yipped and felt like the skin of your bottom had been stripped red raw.
As your ass bloomed a nice pink shade your daddy spoke again, with more conviction this time. “why” he repeated, you cried out in hopes of your release. you squirmed around trying to hit him with your small fists, but he managed to pin them down.
You were flooded with shame, the sound ricocheted through the air, you bit your lip muffling your sobs.
You were utterly humiliated now limp, crying you mutter a meak answer “what was that peaches I can't hear you?” he asked while leaning over to meet your tear stained face and red nose.
his heart clenched but he knew he was doing the right thing. “b-Cuz cuz i was ‘ude to dad-dy, an no listen whe- he say no” you sniffed, the tears running down your face began to tickle your nose. There was silence, you stayed still with your tears blurring your vision, you expected another blow and ready for impact.
You were lifted up easily by your daddy's strong arms turned over. You squeak as you straddle your daddy, You lowered your head in shame, hiding your tears and sheepish expression. “y/n calm down, your punishments over now its okay you did so well” all the anger dissipated his voice now soft and soothing.
Your thrashing eventually stopped and you just let your head fall crying quietly against him rubbing your sore bottom.“Baby girl, you need to understand that when I say no, I mean it. there's no ‘ifs’ or ‘buts’ okay. I'm not trying to be the bad guy doll, but you can't always have what you want. We got lots of stuffies here that love you very much okay? I know you wanted the toy, I do. But the way you behave is not how we act."
He lifted your chin to meet your gaze, The bubble burst and you wept, the realisation of your actions hit you like a punch to the gut “i sowwy- sowwy!” you repeated your little fists making wrinkles in his shirt. “I know doll its okay i forgive you” he whispered and cuddled you close.
you give a large sigh of relief, finally feeling the comfort of your daddy's arms around you. Your cheek leans against his shoulder, you admired his arm and watched it shine in the dark, your fingers eagerly fiddle with his vibranium arm. 
He smiled and wiggled his fingers, as you playfully grabbed them. you soon brought your hands to your mouth, self soothing.Your red eyed tearily blinked up, to see your daddy's eyes looking calmly over you.
You were suddenly washed with a tired feeling, blinking slowly trying to fight the feeling of your eyes closing, sitting in your daddy's lap.
You whine in pain shifting around until you fully feel comfortable. You felt bucky's hand cradle your back rubbing it in soothing motions. “Sleep little one it's okay” he soothed his chest rumbling as he spoke.
“Night baby, i love you” he whispered, “wuv oo daddy” you mumbled burying your face into his arms. not long after you were completely asleep to the world, safe in the arms of your daddy.
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kxizoku-ou · 5 months
CP9 Cat Headcanons
This is... a very silly post. XD After seeing a similar concept on Pixiv (images 10–12 in this log) and critiquing the breed choices it used, I wound up writing my own take on it.
These are written with actual cats in mind (not my usual Hybrid Au), and the breed choices are just for fun— as in, largely chosen based on looks/vibes, not anything too serious. I was definitely channeling that early 2000s "characters are cats for some reason now" mini-genre, so these are pure fluff/comedy, for once... >3>
. . .
Serial toy murderer. Violently destroys any and every toy you give him within a matter of hours, days at MOST. 
Some of the things he’s done to his toys probably qualify as war crimes tbh. Likes to drown the catnip mice in his water dish. Also enjoys tearing things into ragged chunks/”gutting” the stuffing. 
Sometimes you wake up to him on your chest with a present. 
(A chunk of mutilated cat toy. He drops it onto your face.)
The most athletic cat you’ll ever know. There is no surface in your house he can’t reach SOMEHOW. Also can and will learn how to open doors, drawers, etc, and will use this unfortunate skill to get into everything if he’s bored. 
Affectionate, but only on his terms. You don’t decide when you’re allowed to pet him; when the mood strikes, he’ll interrupt whatever you’re doing and forcefully put his body in your lap. 
You’re not allowed to move until he decides you’re done. :) 
Has a surprisingly cute kneading habit. He’ll go Baby Mode and make biscuits for hours. Sucks on certain blankets too.
(Devon Rex)
Seemingly never sits still. Will run from one end of your house to the other at all hours of the day. At night, you’re regularly woken up by the distinct rapid thumping of galloping kitty paws.
Likes high places and unexpected perching spots. This includes your shoulder— and he can make the jump on his own! 
Playful, but not prone to destroying his toys. Prefers batting hard objects down a flight of stairs to tearing the plush ones open.
Too brave (and curious) for his own good. Lacks any sense of danger when it comes to investigating something that’s caught his interest. 
This includes slipping through the front door.
Not super cuddly, but likes being near you/keeping an eye on what you’re doing. 
Has a squeaky “old man” meow. WEH!
(Egyptian Mau)
Wild, playful, curious, and so very destructive. If he’s not kept entertained, your property will suffer for it. 
Requires FREQUENT play and attention, but fortunately, he’s not too hard to please. Throwing a squishy ball for “fetch” can keep him occupied for hours. 
The asshole cat who will make direct eye contact with you before (very deliberately) knocking something off a shelf, then sit there smugly while you try to scold him. 
Very talkative! When he wants your attention, he YELLS, and seeing wildlife outside always brings out that excited, bloodthirsty chitter. 
Taking him to the vet is an ordeal, for everyone involved...
Doesn’t mind being pet and handled. Pesters you for affection regularly, but gets bitey when he’s had enough. :/ 
Highly territorial. Will not tolerate other cats/animals near him.
(Turkish Angora)
Truly the embodiment of the “disdainful gorgeous fancy cat” trope. 
Her fur is incredible, due largely in part to near-constant grooming. Do NOT interrupt her washing. 
She’ll wash your fingers too if she’s feeling affectionate. Mlem mlem mlemmmm...
Likes to be involved in what you’re doing. The kind of cat to walk across your keyboard or loaf-sit on top of stray paperwork, seemingly oblivious to how badly she’s getting in the way. 
At least your “adorable secretary” makes for good moral support!
Not overly playful, but she can be a DEADLY hunter when the mood strikes— fast, agile, and with amazing reflexes no matter what kind of toy you put in front of her. 
Weirdly fickle about when you’re allowed to touch her. Will glare, hiss, and swat at fingers if you test those boundaries.
(Norwegian Forest Cat)
The most quiet, low-maintenance, independent cat imaginable. You nearly forget he exists, sometimes.
Not much of a meower, but has a deep, calming, rumbly purr. 
Content to curl up on a chair or in a corner and let you go about your day! He’ll alternate between napping and silently staring in your general direction; the eye contact is a sign of affection. <3
Won’t seek out attention on his own, but also won’t fight it if you pick him up and carry him around like a plushie. 
...he stays limp and docile no matter what you do to him, actually.
Needs regular brushing, or his fur starts to matt. It’s pretty much the only “extra attention” he’ll require, though, and he’s (fortunately) cooperative about it. 
Learned how to open doors at some point. You don’t know how he managed that.
R O U N D (and it’s not just fluff)
Despite being shaped like a furry bowling ball, he’s quite playful, and way more agile/fast-moving than you’d expect. 
...that energy is much less cute when his full weight lands on your abdomen in the middle of the night, however.
VERY affectionate. Will take any opportunity to lay his chin on your palm, headbutt your shoulder/wrists, put his paws on your chest so he can try to lovingly lick your face, etc— purring all the while! 
Chatty cat!! Chirps and squeaks at you non-stop; if you “respond” to him, it turns into a back-and-forth conversation with his mrrep-ing. 
Fond of high places, like bookshelves and tall dressers. 
It’s unclear how such a heavy cat manages to get up onto them, but he usually ends up yowling for help when he can’t get back down.
(British Longhair)
A huge, massively fluffy mini-lion of a cat, with that “polite little gentleman” face common in his breed. 
Sheds. Sheds SO MUCH. All of your clothes are covered in his fur, no matter how hard you try to keep him thoroughly brushed. 
You cannot escape the fluff. 
YOWLS. The loudest, most determined drama queen when he wants something. Acts like he’s dying if his food bowl is empty for more than half an hour, non-stop howling included. 
Extremely cuddly; wants as much attention from you as you’ll give, and will flop his entire body into your lap to get it. 
Fond of jingly toys! The louder and more annoying the bell, the better. 
If you ever have to give him medicine (be it a pill or liquid), he’s utterly betrayed. Gives you the huge, sad, miserable scared-kitty eyes for the rest of the evening, and won’t let you touch him. 
(He’s over it by morning, and back to purring in your arms. Baby.)
The ugliest purebred imaginable, and his personality isn’t better. <3
Health issues. Skin/coat problems, numerous food sensitivities, arthritis, frequent UTIs, and a crooked tail from a past injury.
King of separation anxiety. If he can’t find you, he’s HOWLING, then finding a corner to cower in until his protector is back.
Truly the embodiment of the phrase “scardey cat”. Terrified of everything from the vacuum to rustling plastic bags. Huddles under the couch, trembling pathetically, after every little scare. 
...it is kind of cute when he runs to you to “save” him, however. 
This clumsy dumbass WILL get himself hurt (in incredibly stupid ways) if you don’t keep an eye on him. Utterly oblivious to real danger.
His distressed yowling is awful, and the attention-demanding yells aren’t much better. The classic So So Whiney Baby Siamese! 
NEEDS to be the only cat in the household— he’s violently territorial, but guaranteed to end up the other cat’s punching bag once he’s pissed them off enough. 
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morimementa · 8 months
Things I like about Trolls 3
Floyd reassuring Branch the actions of adults are not his fault.
The giant water slide doodle.
Bruce's weight gain isn't played for humor. In fact, Poppy still sees him as a heart throb and it's presented more as a facet of him discovering himself rather than a personal failing.
The macramé interior of Branch's old house.
Everything looks like it has The Good Textures and I want to touch it. I've been underestimating the joys of Computer Animation.
The reoccurring felt and yarn crafts make me feel very seen.
Bridget and Gristle don't have to be conventionally cute to be main characters.
On that note, they're so sappy and cuddly they remind me of me and my boyfriend.
Bridget and Gristle being barely annoyed that their wedding is interrupted for a completely unrelated issue.
I hope Tiny's coffee is decaf because that child doesn't need more energy.
Floyd is my precious baby girl and I want to gently hold him and reassure him that those big rubber meanies won't hurt him anymore.
I'm sewing a Floyd plush to do exactly that.
The officiant at the royal wedding.
Poppy reassuring Branch that despite what his abandonment issues are telling him, she won't leave him.
Poppy getting a sister and it's everything she dreamed of. She deserves good things.
Floyd whump. I want ALL the fics of him being comforted!
Poppy being all protective of Branch. We love protective girl friends in this house.
The Trolls fighting with toys like finger traps and sticky hands.
There's glitter everywhere, even in the toilet water.
Don't sue me, but I like Crimp. She's just a little creacher.
I bet the reason Vacay is so popular is because being able to bathe in Orbeez sounds like sensory paradise.
Bruce's kids are very realistic kids.
Everything in this movie looks like a fun toy and it makes me happy. I know this is probably to peddle products but I still like it.
Mount Rageous's aesthetic balances between rubber hose Betty Spaghetti people and everything being made of faceted crystal which I didn't realize would work so well.
No one thought about the fact that the authorities would be able to get Floyd to safety easily and then they could do the perfect family harmony on their own time to break the bottle. But then we wouldn't have a movie.
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Emily's Letter Diary: Part 3
23rd June
It’s hard to call you by your old name anymore. You are Lily now, fully transformed. Today you wore a light blue sundress with tiny white polka dots and matching sandals. Your hair was styled into two adorable pigtails, each secured with a pink bow. You looked so happy. I know I should feel more conflicted, but seeing you smile like that fills my heart with joy.
29th of June
We’re packing to leave the resort, and you’re excited about starting school. I dressed you in a comfy outfit for the journey home—a soft pink t-shirt with a glittery unicorn on the front, paired with comfy denim shorts that had a frilly trim. On your feet were light-up trainers that flashed with every step you took. You clutched your newfound favourite cuddly toy—a plush bunny with long, floppy ears and a cute little bow around its neck. You looked up at me with wide eyes and said, "Mummy, I'm scared of the plane. Can Bunny sit with me?" You held my hand so tightly, and I felt an overwhelming sense of love and protection.
30th of June
When we got home, there was a surprise waiting for us. EternaLife Solutions had arranged for everything. They had redecorated the spare room into a perfect little girl's bedroom. It took my breath away. The walls were painted a soft pastel pink, with delicate white butterflies stencilled around the edges. There was a white canopy bed adorned with fairy lights, and the bedspread was a patchwork of soft colours and textures, perfect for a little girl.
A white dresser stood against the wall, topped with a mirror framed in pink. Inside, it was filled with adorable clothes—tiny dresses, skirts, and tops, each more charming than the last. They even included a section for school uniforms. Your new uniform was already hung up, waiting for you. It consisted of a pleated navy skirt, a crisp white blouse with a Peter Pan collar, and a navy cardigan with the school's emblem. The shoes were shiny black Mary Janes, and beside them were neatly folded white socks.
When I led you into the room, I saw a flicker of confusion in your eyes. For a moment, you seemed to struggle with a distant memory, a life that felt familiar but out of reach. You looked around, almost as if expecting to see the master bedroom. I held my breath, wondering if you’d remember. But then, your confusion melted away into a smile as you saw the pretty dresses and the soft pink decor. You ran into the room with wide eyes, touching everything with delight. Then, as if something clicked, you started to act like this was the room you always remembered. You turned to me with a look of pure joy and innocence, excited to try on your new uniform. I felt another feeling of overwhelming love and pride.
2nd of July
We’re back home, and I’ve enrolled you in school. I don't think you remember your old life anymore. You’re just my daughter, Lily, happy and carefree. I know what I’ve done is controversial, and maybe even wrong, but seeing you thrive makes it all feel worth it. I love you more than anything.
4th of July
As you get ready for your first day of school, I can’t help but reflect on everything we’ve been through. I hope one day you’ll understand why I made these choices. I did it out of love, a deep, desperate love for you, my beautiful daughter.
With all my love,
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sparatus · 3 months
Character Cuddle Scale
How-to: Rate your OCs based on how they handle cuddling/being cuddled.
tagged by @outpost51 and @thetrashbagswasteland tyyyy
limiting myself to these guys cause otherwise we'll be here all day <3
Aediteia: 999999/10 oh my god please cuddle her please please PLEASE she'll DIE-- ahem. she's empty-nesting hard, she's an excellent cuddler, she'll cuddle anyone who asks and will be very happy to do so, complete with face rubs and also a snack and blankie (but not control of the remote, ierian)
Nautilea: 6/10, she's a little aggressive but she's got the spirit, bumps up to 11/10 if your name is tibero quentius. she likes getting cuddled more than giving them out, preferably either with her husband very lazily dozing off or getting piled on by her kids which they're SO good at
Matteo: 5/10. i mean. sure, you can, and they're like, warm, and solid, and they theoretically know what they're supposed to do in return, but you could hug a plush toy you threw in the dryer for roughly the same effect, and the toy is more squishable.
Viktoriya: 10/10 if you just give her a sec. she might freeze up and look like you shot her at first, but give her a minute and she'll completely melt and be SO cuddly and also not let go at any point ever
Taniria: 7/10. she likes hugs! if you ask first. it's the autism just approach her politely and respectfully and if she likes you and is in the mood she's SO good at enthusiastic hugging
Galenia "Leni": 2/10. she'd rather you not, unless you're her mom or dad or an uncle if she's sad. she might cry, actually. it's also the autism but she's like 30x more touch-sensitive than her sister.
Axilus: solid 8/10, great if you like being crushed to death by biceps bigger than your head. he WILL crack your back real good, so just make your peace with that. he also doesn't get to cuddle very often so please just let the baby nuzzle and preen he misses his mom he will look so so sad if you tell him to go away
Taeja: -70/10. don't.
Tarvok: 4/10. he's touch-starved to hell and back, because hegemony, but also really bad at expressing emotion, also because hegemony, so he's gonna pretend he doesn't like being touched and be real prickly and grouchy the whole time. best he can offer is lying on the same couch at the same time.
tagging uhhh @ndostairlyrium @threewhiskeylunch @who-is-riley @daisywalletchains and anyone else who wants to and hasn't been tagged yet godspeed
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mysticalenclave · 1 month
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🧸✨ My Squishmallow Picks ✨🧸
My Squishmallow Picks! Well, at least my favorites.
This post contains affiliate links. Mystical Enclave is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a way for websites to earn advertising revenues by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. We only recommend products we have either used, are using, or would use and share with our family and friends.
Squishmallows are pretty famous for being soft, squishy, and cuddly... But also collectible! Here are 10 of these cute things! (My favorites, of course)
1. Squishmallows Original 14-Inch Analea Purple Tabby Caticorn with Fuzzy White Belly - Official Jazwares Large Plush
Link: https://amzn.to/4gcLa4L
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Great for cuddles and is really adorable. Easy to use a box and blanket for a bedroom with said squishmallow. You can also let your dogs or cats sniff it and let them play with it if you don't mind: Free Toy! All my cats sniffed and left.
2. Squishmallows Original 5-Inch Austin Avocado - Official Jazwares Plush
Link: https://amzn.to/3ZhhJIL
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ It's small, so 4 stars only. Still cute and adorable. Much easier to store on a shelf or in your closet that you are DYING to use after 1 second of looking at it. Cats love this. At least, mine do.
3. Squishmallows Original 20-Inch Nabila Purple Tie-Dye Narwhal - Official Jazwares Jumbo Plush
Link: https://amzn.to/3YYr0VH
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ It's pretty big. 20 inches? A foot long and if it was 22 inches, we'd get two feet! Pretty huge, right? Cute too. It's a Narwhal with a name, personality and looks. I mean, who doesn't love Narwhals?
4. Squishmallows Original 16-Inch Malcolm Mushroom - Official Jazwares Large Plush
Link: https://amzn.to/472ki34
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Another huge one. These are pretty tall. I found this one in my spare time on amazon whenever I got obsessed with mushrooms (STILL AM-) and found a few mushroom decorations and then searched up for a squishmallow and found this one. 10/10, will recommend forever until I die. Or, until I stop obsessing over it.
5. Squishmallows Original 14-Inch Scarlito Purple Barn Owl - Large Ultrasoft Official Jazwares Plush
Link: https://amzn.to/3SYOciX
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1 foot and 2 inches. Ultrasoft too. I love it. I personally prefer Hedwig though... oops, spoiler alert, I'm a big potterhead. Scarlito is the perfect owl up for adoption. I once found a squish beanie from TY called Kirra and this was the perfect friend for her. Background information, Kirra is a cat.
6. Squishmallows Original 16-Inch Woodward Snowshoe Cat with Fuzzy Belly - Official Jazwares Large Plush
Link: https://amzn.to/3Xf4qqH
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This one made me happy. I will love cats until the end of my days. Oh wait, you weren't interested in that? Anyway, 10/10.
7. Squishmallows Original 5-Inch Maui Yellow Pineapple with White Belly - Official Jazwares Plush
Link: https://amzn.to/3z4pGpE
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Okay, if you hate pineapple, skip this one. I love pineapple personally and I don't care about the size. It's pretty neat, isn't it?
8. Squishmallows Original 20-Inch Pyle Purple Mushroom - Jumbo Ultrasoft Official Jazwares Plush
Link: https://amzn.to/3Ml4LSs
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Mushrooms AGAIN. I love them! Anyway, this one is perfect for Halloween, actually.
9. Squishmallows Original 8-Inch Felexine The Rainbow Fox - Official Jazwares Plush - Collectible Soft & Squishy Fox Stuffed Animal Toy - Add to Your Squad - Gift for Kids, Girls & Boys
Link: https://amzn.to/3YX6Rzi
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Felexine is purrfect for your fellow foxes. Also good for cats to play with.
10. Squishmallows Original 12-Inch Trudy Ladybug with Spotted Wings - Official Jazwares Plush
Link: https://amzn.to/3YZn2MD
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Easy to love, cuddle, and squish. Perferably squish. Kirra would love if Trudy visited!
Here's the end of the list! If you want to learn about the squishmallow or buy it at the official store, Jazwares, you can head over to their website OR check the bio of the squishmallow to learn about the squishmallow.
Love, Magical Enclave
P.S Want to learn about the new book series I'm reading? Look at my review I will post at 8 PM sharp!
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natsuki-bakery · 4 months
⁎˚ ఎ Hetalia agere hcs ໒ ˚⁎
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could you perhaps do agere Spain with caregiver Romano? (Not a ship obv) or agere prussia :3 I only realised you did hetalia and took my change to sumbit a request!!
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Agere Spain with Caregiver Romano :
•Spain loves engaging in simple and joyful activities like coloring, playing with toy animals, and building block towers. He often gets lost in these activities for hours, enjoying the simplicity and creativity they offer !
•Spain's favorite comfort item is a soft, well-worn stuffed tomato that Romano once jokingly gave him but has now become his go-to source of comfort
•Romano ensures that their shared home is filled with warm, comforting colors and gentle light, creating a nurturing and soothing environment for Spain to regress in
•Romano is very particular about Spain's naptime, always making sure he has his favorite blanket and a lullaby playlist that includes traditional Spanish songs !
•Dada Romano shows his affection through small acts of care, like preparing Spain's favorite meals (lots of tomatoes and pasta), reading him stories, and holding him when he feels overwhelmed
Agere Prussia :
•Prussia enjoys energetic and playful activities like playing with toy soldiers, building forts out of cushions, and pretending to go on adventurous missions !
•His comfort item is a small, plush bird that resembles his beloved Gilbird. He often talks to it and takes it on his imaginary adventures
•Even in his regressed state, Prussia's playful and somewhat mischievous nature shines through. He loves playing pranks and games, which often brings out his childlike laughter
•Sometimes, Prussia likes to switch roles and pretend he's the big brother taking care of others, even in his regressed state
•Despite his tough exterior, regressed Prussia is very cuddly and affectionate. He loves snuggling up with his friends or caregivers !
•Prussia has self-soothing habits like humming old marching songs or counting his toy soldiers to calm himself when he's feeling anxious or overwhelmed
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•Sfw interactions only | read my dni before interacting my blog
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msfbgraves · 10 months
The Season of the Spirit
Sorry I got the cockles of my heart warmed straight through yesterday.
Saint Nicholas does of course hit people in all the sentimentals: it's about giving to children, specifically, not adults, and about selfless giving. It's direct giving - physical toys, no vague monetary donations that could line other people's pockets. No greedy board member is going to hoard glitter gel pens, or cuddly toys. It's also about family time together. And it's somehow a symbol for "Dutchness" (it's not but it's perceived to be), so right wingers don't object. It's also so pagan that in practice it's pan religious and atheist.
People have therefore, zero reason not to want to reach out and then, goodness, they can come together so hard.
A mother, a few years ago, started a St. Nicholas themed toy donation drive. Because St.Nicholas loves all children, whether or not their parents can afford to buy them toys. Children should be visited by St. Nicholas. Even children who don't believe in St Nicholas should be visited by St. Nicholas. There's even a line in the most famous St. Nick song
Oh, sweet Saint Nicholas, will you come to me, too?
Please don't quietly pass by my home...
And with growing poverty, Saint Nicholas was quietly passing by homes and it was not to be borne.
The Hague regional radio picked up on it. A year later Leiden picked up on it. There was a donation point for gifts in the The Hague public library, ages 0-18. They hoped for 20,000 presents, that would be grouped in to packages by age, and distributed around the greater The Hague region on the eve of Dec 5. From a bonafide Santa's Workshop, the way it is always portrayed in stories about Nicholas and his helpers. They flat out created a real life Santa's workshop with people packing gifts and sending them to children.
They had hoped for 20,000 gifts.
Around 18,000, a bank donated €1000 to be spent on gifts. People rushed in on the last day with donations. And I mean carrying dolls and cars and sweets and puzzles and plush animals and perfume and make up and electronics and books and craft sets and legos.
They totalled 47,000 + gifts.
This year - this went far beyond The Hague. Extra donation points were set up. 3 more radio stations in neughbouring towns and regions. There was a donation tram for people who couldn't make it to a donation point. A grandmother crocheted 200 fairy tale figures. Ikea set up donation points and promised to match every gift with 2 others (given their margins, I'm sure they made money on that even then, but since all the gifts were bought at retail price anyway, Ikea was as good a place to buy as any.)
The bank donated another €1,000
They'd already set a goal of 50,000 gifts this year.
They totalled more than 88,000. That's the people of one big and one medium sized city. Because children deserve a visit from St. Nick.
This, too, is humanity.
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aimasup · 2 years
How do you think Wander x reader scenarios would go? (I’m a WOY fan, so I’m quite curious)
sorry for the wait on this aaa
ok bc this is a romantic ‘x reader’ no one is undateable, I’m just ranking these 6 guys from ‘best partner’ to ‘most work needed to put into the relationship so it’s not a complete shitshow’. WOY is a show based on platonic love so some of these are stretches
Also unless specified otherwise in the ask, y/n isn’t a villain or anything, just some random person
long, long post warning
buddy when I tell you that you SCORED
he’s SO sweet oh my god. has tons of specific scenarios for dates, but it doesn’t matter if it’s a life-risking adventure or knitting in the woods. he just loves every second spent with you
he’s snuggly! he’s cuddly! You’ll never be touch-starved with him! And he’ll note if you’re not a hugger probably but he might get too excited
You’re dating a walking plush toy built like a scarf with the cutest scruffy face at the end of it that also has wild animal mannerisms
you could toss him in a dryer with malicious intent and he’d come out with a love ballad for you ready to go
knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy. You’ll always have the option to meet new friends and go to new places
If you didn’t have an adventurous streak before meeting him you do now. He doesn’t seek conflict, conflict seeks him
He does his very best to accommodate any needs you may have, he respects your boundaries and finds solutions to brighten up your day
you also brighten up his day. get ready to be sick of the phrase 'I love you'
he does his fair share of the chores and more. He also loves cooking for you! You become the couple everyone’s jealous of because Wander’s in it and you get to experience his cooking
He doesn’t butt in to do things for you, but he loves making your life a little easier. So instead of ‘is everything comfortable my liege’ it’s more ‘I made you a lunchbox, have a nice day!!<3'
Wander has so many stories to tell. You learn new things about each other a lot. He has no problem filling silences, it’s like he never runs out of conversation topics
He loves talking about you so much. Now the entire galaxy knows they have something to use against Wander, next to Sylvia
He's your personal therapist now
his energy can be draining, especially when he’s on a roll and oblivious to what’s happening with you
his selflessness blends into unintentional martyrdom often. You need to do some rescuing so he doesn’t get himself killed just so you could have some exotic dessert; it’s very stressful to see him put you above his wellbeing
he’s so stubborn actually. when he decides something’s for the better it takes some heavy lifting to shove the proof in his face
the concept of privacy is but a suggestion to him. And he’s open to suggestions! It’s just that a pet always wanting your time is cute, but when it’s your date it gets annoying
if you nicely let him know when he’s overstepping boundaries he’ll apologize and make up for it
she rejects that lovey-dovey romantic stuff but she’s more similar to Wander than she realizes, in that this tall mass of muscle is endlessly devoted to you
if you’re fine with being lightly made fun of and sassed at a ton, then you both can spend any time ribbing at each other casually
It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, she enjoys time spent together
she loves chilling. just vibes. umbrella drink and hammock and nice music and all. You two can hopefully just exist in the same room for long periods of time, there’s a lot of comfortable quiet going on.
she’s very clear about her boundaries and expects you to pull your weight in some capacity, though it’s fine if the task she needs done isn’t done soon.
she makes you feel powerful and safe and secure because she has no problem beating the shit out of troublemakers for you, and also yelling the most profane of insults in public. She can talk to any stranger, take control of any situation, bust through any boulder; it’s kind of scary but also empowering to just witness
Logically she might understand why something could emotionally upset you but she can't truly empathize, so she settles for being there for you all the way
she ends up carrying you a lot. under her arms, on her back, with her tail, like a sack of potatoes by the leg, etc. and she loves! cuddle piles! and curling up around you when you’re both sleeping! Tease her about it and she’ll toss you into a lake (out of love)
she stutters when she’s awkward. it’s cute as hell
You can go to her with any problem you have and she’ll comfort you, and give you advice even if she states that it’s a ridiculous issue. 95 percent of the time she’ll be on your side too
if you’re willing to learn, she wants to teach you how to fight. She worries about you and wants you to be able to hold your own without her around.
If you order something and she says 'nah I'm good' it's a LIE. She'll have a bite of whatever you're having. So get her something too even if she protests
she’s also fine with goofing off when needed. And she’s tough enough to try new things with you, might even have more fun than you while at it
meeting her family is emotionally exhausting. the ‘WHEN IS THE WEDDING’ questions don’t cease. you turn to her and go ‘damn bitch you grew up like this’ and Sylvia ‘had a job at 6’ Zbornak goes ‘yeah why’
she’s not as open about herself as she’d like to be, but if prodded she could tell you some tidbits about what bounty hunting was like
You may have trouble keeping up if you’re not very physically active. She has trouble slowing down too
your wedding is officiated by Wander, who is also best man. Wesley is the ring bearer god bless
She not as stubborn as Wander but has trouble putting herself in the shoes of others, or seeing things from another perspective.
unless given a good reason to budge, she’s not moving when her mind’s set on something
a bit too quick to anger. Not directly at you, but sometimes her remarks cut too deep and her snark is too dry, and the lecture’s too loud.
She’s not very (outwardly) jealous, unfortunately she doesn’t trust easy. So your new friends, or new job, or new anything that she catches even the slightest whiff of ‘not right’ in her mind, she’ll be worrying and pointing out flaws here and there, and now both of you are anxious
you can talk to her about things she can change about herself, and she’ll try. You ground her and her temper and she likes that about you.
see this post
on paper the 7 foot tall skeleton overlord with teleportation, force fields, electricity, levitation, and planet-toppling raw strength sounds like some grimdark video game villain but he’s just your personal phone charger now
wants to know about you as much as he wants you to know about him
he always looks for an opportunity to impress you or gain your attention. He likes showing you random stuff, all his shiny toys, his video games, some flower he found at the side of the road, etc.
at the same time he tries to be cool and aloof. He’s also genuinely pissed that he enjoys your company so there’s a lot of screamed affection
not good at speaking or gestures, better at actions. Surprisingly touch-affectionate. He loves carrying you, or holding your hand, or kissing.
You end up being added to the list of people he makes an effort to listen to. consider yourself lucky
He complains about everything but when it comes to things you find neat he doesn’t hate them as much now that they’re associated with you. You are the chill pill.
He talks edgy but he's an open book, and you impress him easily
both of you can geek out over the same things like music and weapons
He’s actually really good at words on paper. So things like secret love letters, lyrics, or rehearsed speeches.
Will loudly defend your honour in public, will try talking it out if he has to
mate you are about to learn some RESPONSIBILITY this man has no home skills. If you don’t want your diet to be takeout for the rest of your life start learning how to cook
If you decide to get married it will be a whole Thing and you'll learn how many times he's organized a wedding before. Ask the watchdogs
his whining gets legitimately annoying, and he doesn’t make compromises nearly as smoothly as you might hope. It’s almost like dealing with someone who only recently learned how the world works (so you don’t want to ask about his real name.)
loud, petty, self-centered, possessive, and sometimes you can’t deal with that if you’re both having a bad day
When he’s doing some grand gesture of romance it usually ties back into you giving him compliments
Despite being emotionally open he doesn’t talk about what goes on in his mind a lot, so he might come to bizarre conclusions or not explain his thought process, even if he’s on the right track
he’s self-aware to a degree at least, and he’s actively trying to not make everything about him.
banging my head on the wall, trying SO HARD to find redeemable qualities
he’s the kind of fucker to smugly say ‘you know I’m right’ regardless of how obviously he's not. He thinks obnoxious property-damaging prank videos are hilarious.
his style of villainy is almost worse than dictatorship because he has such little regard for the people and places around him that his hedonism literally causes worlds to end
in other words he’s so disgustingly shallow that the simple concept of an equal in his life at rock bottom would force him to fix himself
anyways uhh dating him would be weird. Like he’s physically useful I guess, also he’s rich so you’d get anything you want. Speaking of physical, he's a really good meat shield in times of crisis.
not controlling, just weirdly opiniated. Thinks any past time that isn’t clubbing or drinking or high-energy is lame, seperates himself from ‘uncool’ things, judges passersby in a mean way, is far too encouraging of you to step out of your comfort zone, etc.
You need to be assertive because he still cares about what you think, somewhere in there.
So if he goes ‘no biggie but I think you’ll look better in this’ or 'no don't spend your time like that', or ‘you shouldn’t call them back’ just get rightfully upset and demand why. Guarantee he will not have a good reason to keep this up. Know your rights and make sure that man knows guilt
ok this is either a bad thing or a good thing but he’s observant enough to know how to distract you. If you’re mad or sad about something he can push all the right buttons to get your mind off it, but again he can use this to deflect from serious stuff
surprisingly responsible? Like idk how to explain it. He knows what items go with what needs and is really good at planning ahead. Not like making a shopping list, but like connecting the dots based on logical assumptions. “We could get this sturdier metal hanger for the drying rack but it rusts easily so we should get the cheaper package deal ones.”
such a stereotypical dude-bro that it’s kind of adorable. He watches sports and has opinions on canned alcohol. Also a great hype-man.
you literally never need to worry when going to social events. He has enough confidence for the both of you.
probably hits a turning point when he realizes that the people he hangs out with are dicks when they make fun of people like you and does the tiniest bit of self-evaluation without coping horribly
not protective or jealous. Doesn’t even get mad really. Laid-back about so many things and knows how to roll with the punches, knows when to draw some lines. He's very honest too, in the funny way
eventually he does get okay with mediocrity and mundane activities. He still tries to make things more exciting now and then, it backfires but that's the fun of it
his cats love you
hoo boy where do I start
there is literally an entire episode on why she’s a terrible date. Her thought process in the beginning was LITERALLY ‘ughh I’m bored -> ugh lookit that planet -> ugh I bet those guys are having fun -> how dare they -> I wish I could DESTROY THEM’ like girl what
needless to say getting her ass kicked might’ve humbled her by like 5 percent but she’s still kill-happy
She perpetuates her own cycle of a ‘dog eat dog’ world by being a dick before anyone else can. Either because it’s self-defense or a competition or it’s fun
The way she speaks to you, even if she genuinely enjoys your company, she just can’t help but throw some insults in there. Not passive aggressive ones, just plain insults.
If you’re into that then a one night stand would be fun but she’ll forget your name the morning after
If Emperor Awesome is manipulative, then Lord Dominator is controlling. She doesn’t understand why you aren’t feeling what she thinks you’re supposed to be feeling, or dropping everything to come spend time with her immediately, or egging that innocent old man on her command.
her casual, bubbly attitude can be dissonant with the actual situation. it’s not that she can’t read a room, it’s that she’s thoroughly analyzed it and concluded that it’s either hilarious, irrelevant, or beneath her
The only way she’d even get close to you in the first place is if you had something she wanted in the first place, like information, status, or power.
the relationship is an accidental bonus, and now neither of you know what’s happening, and ‘oh god what do you mean you’re Lord fucking Dominator’
You are dating a gangly pocket knife with anger issues and hips for days. This might as well happen
She’ll deny it to her last breath but she’s fiercely protective of you, like how wild animals become protective of those they see as weaker than them. The way she shows this is either by kicking ass or glorious, glorious insults.
Pros (?):
"What is this?" "Affection." "Disgusting. Do it again."
If you’re indecisive or anxious, her authority fills that gap. She fully emits the vibe that she owns any room she walks into, and eventually she might have you learn to stand up for yourself too.
She’s not a Mean Girl, she can’t fake nice with a straight face. The phoniness also wears her out; she prefers telling it like it is. This is also a con
Lowkey really hopes you find her impressive, which is easy given all the things she can do, but also hard because of her loser vibes
If you learn to banter with her, arguments get entertaining, and it becomes a conversation in itself. You also need to out-weird her and annoy her as much as she annoys you. And now you both can get your way with minor conflict
you can watch cartoons and talk about pop culture together. Not to mention she can always entertain you or make you laugh, intentional or not. She can recite a whole gorey B-movie from memory, and also act it out, and it intimidates you but that's what happens when the wifi goes out and she's bored
Like Wander, you end up in dangerous shenanigans together. She’s passionate like Wander, assertive like Sylvia, chaotic like Hater, organized like Peepers, fun-loving like EA, and also smart and diabolical and talented and dorky in her own way.
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the-haunted-office · 24 days
Two small parcels have been dropped off in the office. They've been placed just outside the door that Eisuke and his fellow yakuza friends would often use to come visit their lovely haunted office friends. One of the presents is firm, rectangular shape. It is addressed to Thursday. The other present, is a slightly larger box that is addressed to Thisday.
There is also a note that is addressed to both of them. The writing look as though it were done in a rush.
Hello my dear friends!!!
It's been hell here in Kamurocho. I'm really sorry I haven't stopped by at all recently. I hope you enjoy these gifts I've got you!
I'm missing you both so dearly and hope to catch up with both of you soon!! <3
Lots of love, Eisuke <3 <3
Thursday's gift is a ocean coloured ceramic coffee/tea cup. It doesn't have a handle, but it's thick enough that the hot liquid held by the cup wouldn't burn the user. There are two small tins in the box, one is for matcha powder, the other is for chai tea. Finally, there are a few Japanese sweets for her including dorayaki, alfort biscuits and a small variety of manju.
Thisday's gift is a soft plush toy of a Don Quijote penguin. It's super squishy and incredibly cuddly. There's also a ton of Japanese sweets in the box, including a few packets of pocky, numerous different kit-kat flavours and konpeito.
[ Eisuke / @reubyocs ]
The arrival of parcels outside the door through which some of their favorite people normally visit of course issues quite a stir throughout the Office! But none more in Thursday and Thisday, who come bustling along as soon as they hear the news of the arrival of those packages. Even Doomsday tags along - much to anyone's surprise - and together, the three of them handle these two packages in the most peculiar of ways.
Thursday opens her box, carefully removes the gifts that are inside of it, sets them aside, and then promptly sticks her head inside of the box - as much as will fit.
Thisday opens his box, carefully removes the gifts that are inside of it, sides them aside, and then promptly sticks his head inside of the box - as much as will fit.
For a moment they both look rather silly, sitting there in the hallway, surrounded by gifts, and with two different sized boxes on their respective heads while Doomsday observes them with a rather hopeful expression on her face.
And then, in a strangely coordinated motion, Thursday and Thisday both remove the boxes from their heads, set them aside, and promptly burst into tears, because what they were hoping to find in those boxes most of all was not in them.
Their friend Eisuke.
Doomsday doesn't cry, though. She picks through their gifts and inspects them, demanding they look at them while patting them both on the head with the Don Quijote penguin plushie. It does eventually get them both to calm down and Thursday brews some of the chai tea for the three of them to enjoy, while together the three of the tear into all the treats that were given to them and reminisce about their friend and wonder what all he is up to now.
They are thankful for the gifts and miss Eisuke terribly so.
And so they decide to send a gift back to him.
Thursday dresses up Mae, who is a little over a year old now, and gets a picture taken with Mae, herself, and September, the three of them, all standing in the Office flower garden that Timmy has worked hard on growing. Then she picks some of those flowers and has Mae help her (sort of) press them into a journal that Thursday has kept about all the weird shit that has happened at the Office over the last year. She thinks Eisuke will like this very much.
Thisday likes the picture idea, and so he decides to get dressed up too, and puts on whatever of his suits or outfits that Eisuke has liked the most, and gets a photograph taken of him in that. He gets it put into a nice frame and spends a lot of time decorating it himself with little glue-on jewels and everything. It's a piece of bling to be reckoned with by the time he's done with it. But wait! There's more! Because there's always more when a Day's involved. He also gets Doom's help into procuring some really nice To'Ak Chocolate and caviar and Dubai's truffles and something called "swallow's nest" that Thisday honestly doesn't even know what it is but apparently is some super expensive delicacy and so it's going into the gift box. He really just thought it would be amusing to get some of the most high end things out there and see what Eisuke thought of them, because Eisuke is the most valuable person to him.
And now Doomsday... well, of course she and Eisuke have never really gotten along. Eisuke probably isn't even aware yet that she's been revived through a series of fortunate or unfortunate events, depending on how you want to look at it. Point is, there's a lot about her he doesn't know, and that's very much her fault for antagonizing him when they first met. Part of her regrets that. Most of her doesn't. But the part of her that does can't help but wish to make amends, as that part of her wishes to grow, pushing up through the decaying soil of the rest of her, like a little shoot of growth reaching for the sun. That little part of her dumps a bunch of different colored shiny glass rocks she found at the glass rock beach into a box, without any sort of organization or packaging, along with a note that just says Let's hope none of these are cursed, hehehehe - Doomsday, before sealing it up. All of them are, in fact, cursed... with good luck. Doom tested each of them herself.
With that done, it's time to write their collective note, which they each write in turn.
We miss you terribly! Come back to us immediately! Or, you know, as soon as you can. There's no rush. OR MAYBE THERE IS. We're kidding. The only rush is that we miss you, but that's a given. We understand that you have lots to do and that's okay! We hope it's going well for you despite the fact that you said it's been hell. We hope that was a joke or an exaggeration, and if it wasn't, well, shit, man, it better get better or else we're gonna have to charge in there and start fucking up some shit! (squinty eyes)
Thursday - Seriously though, Eisuke, I hope you're doing well! I miss your face! I just can't play Tetris without you here - it's not right, man. You know what I mean? I mean, I can, but it's weird. You know I met someone from another planet who had never heard of Tetris, and they don't allow computers and computer tech on their world, so I had to like, draw him a picture and explain it by hand? It was wild! Try playing Tetris without an actual console to play it on. It's just not the same. But anyway, it's all in that journal I gave you, so you'll see what I mean. I hope you get a kick out of some of the things in there. The multiverse is something else, isn't it? Love you!
Thisday - What can I say other than I miss you, Eisuke? Well. I love you, I guess? Is it too soon for that? Wait, no it's not, Thursday said it! So I can say it too. I mean, I know she said it in a different way than how I mean, but I can still say it too. I hope it's okay for me to. It's how I feel, at any rate. But yeah. The gifts! I hope you like them. I thought you might get a kick out of it, hehe. Some of it might look and smell really weird but I swear to you none of it is rotten! It's just weird rich people shit! If it tastes awful you should blame them for having weird taste! When we get together we'll go get some actual food, haha. Anyway, love you, Eisuke. Take care.
When everything is all packaged up and ready to go, the three Days stand together in front of the door that takes them to Kamurocho. They put those boxes into the doorway, and give them a good push, and then close the door.
And then it's time to get back to work.
Which isn't really work. It's just goofing off. But it'll do until it's time to see their friend again.
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tar-thelien · 4 months
Rewrote chapter 3 of child!Melkor and Elrond trying to be a better dad than Eru :)
Melkor gets a dragon plus and Celebrían gets a laugh
Words: 632
"I want a dragon!" Melkor suddenly declared a day they were again sitting on a balcony. Melkor drawing and Elrond looking through documents.
"A dragon, like a living one?"
“Yes! And if I can’t get a dragon, I want a snake!”
"I doubt you'll be granted permission to get a dragon... perhaps a snake could be a more realistic option?" Melkor simply let out a disapproving grunt in response to Elrond´s suggestion.
"Do you have any family?" he inquired a little later, seeking to delve into the personal aspects of the healer's life perhaps.
“Yes, I intend to visit them tomorrow, and I plan to stay for a duration of two days."
Melkor expressed his emotions with a bewildered "why!?" before composing himself swiftly and resuming his sketching, this time on the table instead of his paper. Elrond was convinced that he saw a solitary tear welling up in the eyes of the dark lord´s eye.
"Tell me Melda, how is he?
"Melkor?" Elrond asked as he found himself in the lone presence of his wife
"He isn´t as I had accepted I much admit. Upon informing him of my coming departure, I would swear, if I didn´t know the danger of it, a tinge of hurt flashed across his face," he told Celebrían with a brief laugh and a quick stern look when mentioning the swearing, "he exhibits a remarkable combination of creativity and compassion! For bugs that is. Just bugs and any form of reptiles."
With a tinge of amusement in his voice, he chuckled softly, remarking, “he believes he appears quite formidable and intimidating, almost akin to a small dog. And lo! His heart desires a formidable dragon companion.”
“A dragon!”
“Yes. And if he couldn’t get one, as he wanted a snake he said!”
Celebrían laughed as she tried to picture the being her husband had just described and responded with a laugh, "I suppose it becomes quite challenging to harbor any hatred towards such a character."
"Love?" shouted Celebrian after Elrond as he mounted his horse to ride away towards Taniquetil.
"Stop for a moment! Look, behold the formidable dragon!" she exclaimed with a breathless laugh as she presented him with a soft and cuddly blue dragon plush. 
Elrond's face lit up with a gentle smile at the remark, expressing his joy, "he will surely be delighted!" he exclaimed warmly, bending down to tenderly place a kiss on her forehead before taking the formidable dragon and continuing his journey towards that of the Eldar King and the dark Lord.
"Melkor?" Elrond asked looking around the cozy Vala´s room as he set the plush toy gently on the table before calling out again, "Melkor, where ever are you hiding?" 
After a period had gone, he eventually discovered the small Vala perched by the window gazing at the sky while softly vocalizing a melodious tune.
Curiously, he questioned, "Melkor?" escaped his lips, prompting a piercing gaze from the dark lord, "what are you doing?"
"Speaking," he uttered curtly before resuming his humming once more.
Elrond retraced his steps to retrieve the dragon plush toy and with a calm demeanor, declared, "I have an unexpected surprise for you," enunciating each word clearly, to make sure to hold Melkor's attention as he glanced in Elrond's direction.
Slowly, with deliberate movements, he presented the plush dragon to Melkor, whose face immediately lit up with a beaming smile as he accepted it with great enthusiasm, consisting of mostly jumps, “IT´S A DRAGON!!!”
“It´s a gift from my wife she spent the whole time I was away on it,” Elrond explained, “what will you call it?”
“Haldamir!” then quieter, “thank you to your wife then,” he said and hugged Haldamir as he took off running away for only where Eru knew.
Haldamir means Hidden Jewel and I just think it´s such a Melkor codded name - and a bit Mairon too…
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sn0wpetal · 10 months
Hiii! Today I’m going to be sharing with you, some babygirl core tips and daily habits for to be your best cutest self
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🧸 Embrace cute and colorful hairstyles with ribbons and bows
🧸 Wear pastel-colored and frilly outfits reminiscent of a babydoll
🧸 Accessorize with cute, oversized hair clips or headbands
🧸 Carry a plush toy or a cute, decorative purse as an accessory
🧸 Incorporate playful and cute makeup looks with soft pastel tones
🧸 Surround yourself with adorable and cuddly stuffed teddy bears
🧸 Decorate your space with kawaii teddy bear decorations
🧸 Practice a charming, high-pitched voice reminiscent of a baby bear
🧸 Keep a diary or journal filled with adorable teddy bear stickers and doodles
🧸 Enjoy sweet and delightful treats like colorful cupcakes or candies
🧸 Experiment with adorable nail art designs featuring cute teddy bear characters or themes
🧸 Watch cute and girly anime or movies with playful teddy bear storylines
🧸 Engage in activities that express your playful and girlish side, involving teddy bears
🧸 Curate a wardrobe filled with cute and girly fashion pieces, accessorized with teddy bears, lace, ribbons and frilly things
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Don’t forget, you can make requests to see daily habits and tips for your aesthetic <3
젤리 ⋆˙⟡♡
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cherrypikkins · 1 year
Your backstory-reblog tags worry me. Do I need to stock up on tissues and cuddly toys?
I wouldn’t argue against having tissues and a plush toy on hand XD
There are also some horror and dark elements moving forward so uhhhhh take care! <3
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wolfies-toys · 1 year
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Deeno - he/him Modified Douglas Cuddle Toys Niko wolf 26" Bought in 2023 This guy is currently my largest plushie, he's super cute and cuddly. I did some modifications on this fellow, mainly I added a bunch of weighted beads to his tummy so he weighs around 3 kilos, and i added in some pawpads that were repurposed from another plush as well as thread sculpting him a little mouth, not that this photo really shows it however. I ordered Deeno a few months ago and the original order actually got lost and i had to get a replacement sent, I wonder where the original guy ended up
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