#culebra lore
bonnielass23 · 1 year
ChatGPT Answers My Burning Questions About Culebra Lore
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Do culebras suck blood through their fangs or teeth?
Culebras, which is the Spanish word for "snakes," generally have fangs rather than teeth. However, not all snake species are blood-feeders. Among those snakes that do feed on blood, such as vampire bats or some species of vampire snakes, they possess specialized fangs for this purpose.
The fangs of venomous snakes, including vampire snakes, are hollow or grooved and are used to inject venom into their prey. These fangs are located in the upper jaw, near the front of the mouth. When a vampire snake bites its prey, it delivers venom that helps subdue or kill the victim. The snake then uses its jaws and throat muscles to create suction and draw blood into its mouth.
It's important to note that not all snakes are blood-feeders, and the majority of snakes are not venomous. The vast majority of snakes capture and consume their prey through constriction or swallowing, rather than feeding on blood.
Did you hear that? Culebras don’t have teeth! Does that mean they’re all wearing dentures to go with their fangs? 🤔
Oh silly ChatGPT, snakes don’t consume strictly blood. They all swallow their prey whole. 🤦‍♀️
how does carlos madrigal from from dusk till dawn the series  give humans his venom with his steel fang dentures in season 2?
In the television series "From Dusk Till Dawn," Carlos Madrigal is a character who possesses steel fang dentures and has the ability to inject his venom into humans. While the show incorporates fictional elements, it appears that Carlos's dentures are designed with hollow channels connected to reservoirs of venom, allowing him to deliver it when he bites his victims.
The specifics of how Carlos's dentures function and how he replenishes the venom reservoirs are not explicitly detailed in the series. It's important to remember that the show takes creative liberties and deviates from the natural biology of real-world snakes. Therefore, the portrayal of Carlos's ability to deliver venom with his dentures is purely fictional and should not be considered accurate or scientifically grounded.
You really think Carlos had the tools to make his dentures hollow 🤭🦷🦷
do culebras physically or psychically change into their last victim?
In the context of the television series "From Dusk Till Dawn," culebras are a fictional species of vampires that are featured prominently. According to the lore of the show, when a culebra feeds on a human and completely drains their blood, they undergo a physical transformation to assume the appearance of their last victim.
This transformation is portrayed as a supernatural ability specific to the culebras in the series and is not reflective of real-world snake behavior or biology. In reality, snakes do not possess the capability to physically or psychically change into their prey.
It's important to remember that the portrayal of culebras in "From Dusk Till Dawn" is purely fictional and should not be confused with the characteristics or behavior of real snakes. The show takes creative liberties and blends elements of vampire mythology with its own unique storyline.
“In reality, snakes do not possess the capability to physically or psychically change into their prey.“
Do all culebras have snakes in their stomachs or only the culebra lords?
In the context of the television series "From Dusk Till Dawn," the term "culebras" refers to a species of vampires, specifically the snake-like vampire creatures. It is a specific depiction within the show and does not align with real-world snake biology or behavior.
Regarding the presence of snakes in the stomachs of culebras, it is a characteristic exclusive to the culebra lords, who are depicted as the highest-ranking members of the culebra species. In the series, the culebra lords have the ability to host live snakes within their bodies, often in their stomachs. These snakes serve as a source of power and are considered part of their unique vampiric abilities.
However, it is important to reiterate that the portrayal of culebras and their abilities in the show is entirely fictional. Snakes in real life do not possess the ability to host live snakes within their bodies or exhibit similar characteristics.
“Snakes in real life do not possess the ability to host live snakes within their bodies“
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Not only do female snakes in fact host live snakes within their bodies, but some species, such as copperheads are “ovoviviparous, meaning they give birth to their young encased in an amniotic sac”
And as @alwaysupatnight​ pointed out, some snakes eat other snakes, and those snakes might be alive in the snake that ate them.... until they die
Can Richard Gecko's wayob be used to control animals in from dusk till dawn the series?
In the television series "From Dusk Till Dawn," the character Richard Gecko possesses a supernatural ability known as a "wayob." The wayob is depicted as a Mayan power that allows Richard to communicate with and control animals. With this ability, he can influence the behavior of animals and command them to follow his commands.
However, it's important to note that the concept of the wayob and its effects on animals is a fictional element created for the series. In reality, there is no known ability or power that enables individuals to control animals in such a manner. Animal behavior is influenced by a variety of factors, including instincts, learning, and environmental cues, but direct control over animals' actions through supernatural means does not exist.
The depiction of the wayob in "From Dusk Till Dawn" is purely fictional and should be understood within the context of the show's supernatural elements and narrative.
You heard it here first: Richard Gecko: Animal Whisperer
When Richard Gecko in from dusk till dawn the series uses his wayob on someone does he have to give directions in the language that person speaks?
In the television series "From Dusk Till Dawn," when Richard Gecko utilizes his wayob power to influence or control someone, there is no explicit requirement for him to provide instructions in the language that the person speaks. The wayob power is portrayed as a supernatural ability that transcends language barriers, allowing Richard to exert control over others regardless of the language they understand.
However, it's important to note that the specifics and limitations of the wayob power are not extensively detailed in the series. The show takes creative liberties and focuses more on the dramatic and action-packed aspects of the story rather than delving into the intricacies of the supernatural abilities.
Therefore, while Richard Gecko's wayob power may not necessitate speaking the same language as his targets, the show does not provide explicit rules or explanations regarding the linguistic aspects of his power.
Even ChatGPT throwing shade at the ambiguity of the show’s lore 
In from dusk till dawn the series culebras are unable to be in the sun without burning up. Why at the very end of the season 3 episode 10, after they have defeated amaru, can the culebras stand in the sun without burning to death?
I apologize for the confusion, but as an AI language model, my responses are based on general knowledge up until September 2021, and I do not have access to specific plot details or updates beyond that date. As a result, I cannot provide specific information about the events in the later episodes or seasons of "From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series."
To find out the specific reasons or plot developments behind the change in culebras' ability to withstand sunlight in the mentioned episode, it would be best to watch the series or consult official sources, such as the show's creators, writers, or official episode guides, for accurate information about the storyline and its progression.
In season 1 of from dusk till dawn the series Carlos Madrigal kills Kyle Winthrop by pumping him full of venom. Later he is seen transforming into Kyle. How is he able to do this without drinking his blood?
I apologize for any confusion, but as an AI language model, my responses are based on general knowledge up until September 2021, and I do not have access to specific plot details or updates beyond that date. Consequently, I cannot provide information about specific events or plot developments in later episodes or seasons of "From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series."
However, based on the general knowledge of vampire lore, the ability to transform into someone without drinking their blood is not a commonly depicted trait. Typically, vampire mythology associates the transformation into another individual with the consumption of their blood or some form of direct exchange, such as a bite. Different fictional interpretations may introduce unique rules or abilities for vampires, so it's possible that the series took creative liberties with the concept.
For accurate information about the storyline and its progression, I would recommend watching the series or consulting official sources, such as the show's creators, writers, or official episode guides. They can provide specific details about the abilities and rules of the vampires within the context of the show.
The continuity in this show 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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ghthicg8y · 1 year
If you can only pick one: Witches, Vampires, or Ghosts?
Oh thats such a hard one. Witches are powerful and mysterious. Vampires are seductive and deadly. And ghosts are wistful and spooky.
But for overall horror factor I'd have to pick Vampires because theres so much different lore! They can be traditional Vampires like Dracula or Lestat. Or they could be something different like the Culebras from "From Dusk Till Dawn"
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monmuses · 2 years
135 for the oc meme!
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Little personal mun meme, but this is a chance for me to talk about my OCs! Send me a number between 1 - 140 and I will talk about said OC that falls under that number!
Feel free to specify if it’s about their lifestyle, their lore, their design, inspiration, etc.
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> Xiomara is my Culebra OC! she was actually inspired by a very, very old writing partner’s show fixation called “From Dusk Til Dawn”! she’s a young kid in a massive family of Culebras, having many many siblings. she essentially runs the family as a third parent sometimes when her parents are overwhelmed, but she does it in a very quiet and affirmative way
> for her, she’s a very quiet but protective type of sister. she’s no killer, but honestly?? she can and WILL kill when she absolutely has to. she’s a tough nut to crack open, keeping her life pretty secretive. shes quiet but she is not afraid to speak her mind, honestly.
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culebrae · 2 years
-------- KAME / SOTZ
SATANICO PANDEMONIUM taken from the FDTD films and series adapted by nosta (25+). i do base her story off the series, however, i have divergencies. according to my research on mesoamerican mythology and vampiric lore, i have come to establish kisa's backstory as it follows:
she was an enslaved woman from an early age, forced to serve the deity CAMAZOTZ (known as the bat god, deity associated in many mesoamerican cultures with death, blood and sacrifices ), during the time of the spanish colonization. after trying to escape her enslavement and defying CAMAZOTZ two times ( the first one by refusing to perform a human sacrifice, which was considered a refusal to serve the god ), the deity punished her by turning her into a monster perpetually craving blood and darkness, very much like the vampire bats living in the caves where she sought refuge.
she began feeding off the blood of spanish colonizers investigating the jungle nearby where she hid during the day. this, along with the monstruous way her jaw would detach when feeding and her fangs would protrude, earned her the reputation of being a 'mujer serpiente' ( 'snake woman' ), who would devour men at night.
in my lore, amancio is another human cursed by CAMAZOTZ for spilling innocent blood ( non-sacrificial blood) by killing kisa's parents. he finds her inside the caves and teaches her how to control her hunger and desire for blood, and they begin travelling together. come the 19th century, she is already dancing at the titty twister as SATANICO PANDEMONIUM; they have found and/or turned other 'culebras' ( name that the locals have gave them because of the way they feed ). the rest is canon material.
exploring themes of : stolen girlhood, lost innocence, the femme fatale, breaking the fiery latina stereotype, fire and ice personality, cursed woman, medusa parallels, stolen freedom and a quest to recover it, the temptress & the vampiress.
basic rules of etiquette apply. don't be gross/weird, DO NOT FOLLOW if you are underage, write or are involved in r*cist, h*mophobic and/or tr*nsphobic or otherwise problematic behavior, thank you.
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birthbynightmare · 3 years
Thoughts and hopes from an spanish for next Pokemon game.
I’m excited for the upcoming new game of Pokemon, specially because is based in my country, Spain. And such I wanted to give a little piece of my mind.
First and most important: if there is a Gym specialized in Fire Pokémon, that gym must be placed in the zone equivalent to Valencia, home of Les Falles (which are being held right now!).
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It’s a celebration where we throw a massive amount of firecrackers during the middle of the day know as La Mascletà and we build enormous paper-mâché monuments that, after 4 days of exposition, they are burnt in the night, known as La Cremà.
I wish for a regional form for Arbok, based on la Cuélebre :
Either if you love them or hate them, the Team Rocket Trio, consisting of Jessie, James, and Meowth; have been in Pokémon since almost the very beginning of the franchise, even appearing in some games, despite being from the anime. And aside Meowth two of they’re most known Pokémons are Weezing and Arbok. But with the inclusion of the Regional Forms in Gen 7 they’re become more well known ever since.
Meowth was the first one, with not only one but two Regional forms from Alola and Galar, follow by Weezing in the last one.
But then there’s being missing one Pokémon to receive an alternate form and that’s Arbok.
In Spain we have two types of snakes: víboras and culebras.
Seviper already represents the víboras (vipers), so that leaves the culebras and while it’s true that they exist in most parts of the world they might be a more interesting being that could become Arbork’s new form.
That creature, that may give their name to the culebras, is the Cuélebre, or Culebre, a creature from Asturian and Cantabrian mythology (in the northern regions of Spain).
A serpent with bat wings, impenetrable scales and an enormous tail, which crouches in the forests, in the fountains, in the creeks, and fills the spaces of its whistle and devours cattle and people...
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Interesting enough, this creature resembles much to Mega Gyarados, so some differences should be made to separete the two, aside from the type, like giving Arbok’s form the types Poison/Dragon or Poison/Flying.
Let it be a Tomato Pokémon or an event based on the Tomatina.
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Simply put, the Tomatina is a battle of hundreds (if not thousands) of people using only tomatoes
Sanfermines with Tauros:
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San Fermín is a celebration held annually in the city of Pamplona, Navarra, were people run from bulls. Imagine this but with Tauros.
And before anyone says anything, yes, at the end of the day, there’s a bullfight, were they are ultimately killed, with the exception of one bull whose given a “pardon”.
Ultimatelym that part may not appear in the game because controversy, unless Game Freak decides to create a Ghost Type Tauros.
Considering the somber lore behind one of the latest Pokémon of Legends, Basculegion, it’s seems very likely.
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deans-haunted-baby · 4 years
Curious. What do you mean by Dust till Dawn going against it's Characters? I know I have my own feelings, or confusion, with how they left Kate's story.
From Dusk Till Dawn effectively character assassinated every single character in the very last episode including Kate Fuller. No one is acting like themselves in that series finale it's like some deranged fanfic writer came aboard and hijacked the show while no one was looking. If you thought 15x18 & 15x19 of Supernatural were bad and believe me they really are; those episodes are minorly salvageable against the slaughterhouse that Dusk 3x10 was. It utterly contradicts and ignores everything the show put forward in all 3 seasons. I will never watch that episode again.
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I'll first explain what that piece of shit did to the show's lead protagonists, the Gecko brothers. Regardless of how you or anyone else feels about Supernatural's series finale; that show was a saint to Sam and Dean's storyline beginning to end compared to how From Dusk Till Dawn definitively butchered Richie and Seth. I'm sad saying this because Zane Holtz and DJ Controna are outstanding as these characters. I freaking love their chemistry man, it's a great rival to J2! They're the badass dark clones of the Winchesters.  Their arc starts out fascinatingly complex because they went from cold-blooded criminals/bad guys and meanwhile during their escape over the Mexican border with this hostage family the audience is told pretty quick by Professor Aiden Tanner that the Geckos are destined to become these foresworn warriors The Mayan Hero Twins in an ancient prophecy (based on real Mesoamerican lore) who battle the Underworld. So right away the show is telling us ahead where Seth and Richie are suppose to end up in their journey and when you introduce a storyline this big I expect a satisfying payoff.
At the end of season 1, Richie Gecko is *SPOILER ALERT* transformed into a culebra (snake-vampire) while Seth Gecko remains human symbolizing their night and day Hero Twin counterparts from the legend. And they're separated in the first half of season 2 where both try to navigate this new supernatural world they've stumbled on individually. What they find, no different than the Winchesters, is that neither can function properly without the other making their destiny all the more valid. That season is practically constructed like their swan song to the criminal lifestyle since the brothers are meant to become more than crooks; and since Richie's a vampire they can't ever go back to basics. Their adopted father aka uncle Eddie actually says the line "this is my swan song" in 2x07 to Seth and Richie in reference to their final heist together which is not a coincidence. That's the writers telling us that the Gecko Brothers' role in the show is going to shift from anti-heroes to heroes very soon. Eddie and Kate Fuller's fates in S2 act as the primary catalysts for this transition taking shape in the finale.
Going into season 3 it's business as usual for the boys until the prophecy of the twins officially rips a hole in the damn universe via demon queen Amaru. Who's now possessing Kate. Throughout that season Seth and Richie embark on a journey of heroism; find themselves battling monsters, actually saving civilians and dealing with their own personal demons (guilt and remorse over past sins). That year is presented as their redemption arc and final phase into their new role. No one ever tells them about their destiny (despite most of the other characters knowing) but we as the audience are already aware as we watch the brothers in action. The best episode is without a doubt 3x06 the crown jewel of From Dusk Till Dawn because it's about overcoming the darkness inside. And who best represents that than Richie; the show's most important central character whom began the series as a deadly clairvoyant criminal into the tortured vampire hero struggling with his own humanity. Now I won't spoil the whole episode for anyone who hasn't seen it or the show in general but it's an incredible moment of character development for both the Gecko brothers. Not only does it cement their powerful bond it's the episode that defines who these two are once and for all. The ones who lead the battle between good and evil; keep the balance of light and darkness. One day I plan to do an entire analysis of that episode because it's so fucking brilliant and shot so incredibly eerie at the same time 😁
You want to know what 3x10 does to these characters? It shits all over their entire storyline and pisses away THREE FUCKING SEASONS of character development. Just flushes it all down the toilet rendering everything they've ever done up to that point completely pointless! Their destiny which is the WHOLE POINT OF THE SHOW is suddenly dropped last minute and the Geckos hit reset on their former criminal escapades; dragging Kate along with them. I hate that finale with the fire of a thousand suns for what it does to Richie and Seth 😡
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Moving on to Carlos Madrigal. He is the best villain character in the history of show villains hands down. I can actually say that without blinking. Wilmer Valderama is phenomenal, he steals the show as Carlos. He's is so freaking awesome, evil and badass! I just want to keep seeing this man tear things apart while being the sexy asshole he is 😈For all intents and purposes I don't want to spoil his whole storyline on the show for those following me in case they're interested. But what I will say is 3x10 destroys this character; so don't watch it if you want to keep the memory of who he was alive. I'm actually depressed over what was done to him as much as I feel sorry for Wilmer having to perform that shitty script. It's laughable in a very bad way. Gotta hand it to the writers and showrunners of FDTD they certainly knew how to humiliate their best characters in this series. Carlos basically goes from charismatic yet lethal Hannibal Lecter to a very captain obvious Gandolf caricature. Yah you heard that right, it's really fucking sad.
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Next we have Freddie Gonzalez; the audience's avatar into the series. This character is connected to everyone on the show for a reason because of the crucial part he plays in this universe. The "Peacekeeper" destined to police the line between the supernatural world from the human world. In the beginning he's a Texas deputy on a quest to avenge the murder of his father figure/partner Earl McGraw via the Gecko Brothers. But once he steps in that territory of monsters there's no going back. And FDTD repeatedly tells him and the audience this in the first 2 seasons. But then 3x10 pulls the ultimate fuckery by giving him the most cliched, nonsensical hallmark ending effectively cancelling out his entire purpose in the series. He instantly forgets that he ever cared about Kate, watching her bleed out on the ground, then leaves the Geckos high and dry rushing his family (who isn't injured) to the hospital. And he stays there while the battle continues 😣
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Kate and Scott Fuller OMG words cannot describe my anger over what was done to them so I'll make it fast. I'll begin with Kate the bright light and heart of the series. Her arc in the first two seasons is excellent. It's emotionally driven because she begins as an ordinary girl in broken yet seemingly-happy family to a young woman finding her way around the supernatural world maintaining her faith and moral compos while trying to help her brother after he's *SPOILER ALERT* been turned into a vampire; paralleling the Geckos's situation. Scott being only a 16 year old kid, like Richie, struggles immensely after his transformation; searching for meaning as a cursed individual and coping with his duality. He was already different to begin with so being a vampire adds some interesting layers to his character.
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Btw Kate plays a vital role in Richie and Seth's lives, though in my opinion is more strongly connected to Richie. The show even goes as far as developing the early glimpses of a romantic arc between Kate and Richie (seeing as they kiss twice) with angst at the end of season 2 that is never resolved. You want to know why it wasn't? Not only does season 3 mute Kate's voice and agency but 3x10 ruins her character and demolishes her whole arc with Richie (who spent all of season 3 trying to save her) at the last second due to fan pressure of those who shipped her with Seth. They don't exchange one word nor barely look at one another it's like seasons 1&2 never happened. This is the biggest fuck you to fans of these characters I've ever witnessed in a series and they did my boys Adam and Michael so dirty in Supernatural. Poor Scott whom the show enjoyed kicking around all season barely gets a thing to do in that series finale either than listening to his sister and Seth gab about prom lol. Yah you heard me I'm not making this shit up I swear. Then he gets abandoned by Kate while she goes off to be a bank robber with the character assassinated versions of Seth and Richie. How extraordinary 😖
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Santanico Pandemonium is really the only character in the series who manages to get out unscathed. HOWEVER her arc is handled very poorly beginning to end. They set up an arc between her and Seth that also goes absolutely nowhere. Give her zero closure with Richie whom she sired, dated and used in S2. And randomly throw her in a scene with Kate that makes no fucking sense after these two had nothing to do with one another all series. On top of that Santanico is barely in season 3 so by the time the show wraps her arc feels incomplete.
Other characters go missing that no one notices, the new bad guy whom they've set up at the end is just left hanging. And Richie Gecko, you know the show’s other lead, is horribly sidelined after 3x06 to make way for the Seth Gecko solo show. When I say FDTD series finale is bad I mean it's really fucking terrible and blasphemous.
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hearthouses · 5 years
I'm curious about werecoyote!Seth au? Write some headcanons please? 💕💖😘
This verse is based off a desire to expand the lore and mythology of the show into other creatures, like werewolves. So I came up with this sort of similar concept based on some mesoamerican shifter lore and named the creatures naguals. I chose the coyote because what is more south western americana than the coyote? I wanted a companion to the culebras in terms of the Big Monsters, vampires and werewolves, and that’s what I came up with.
The backstory I had in mind is kind of vampire vs werewolf-y, which I don’t normally like, but I liked the idea of there being a centuries old hurt that new naguals don’t fully understand and only old enough culebras do. I liked the idea of the naguals, stuck in their werecoyote form, were forced to guard the enslaved culebras because their bite is toxic to the culebras and Amaru liked having total control of both species. The culebras and the naguals aren’t at war, but they’re wary of each other and the culebras especially are skittish and uncomfortable around them.
Seth gets bit around post-season two and season three during a routine job or mission, which makes the members of Richie’s crew suggest that maybe Seth would be better among “his own people” and maybe they should ship Seth off to the nearby pack of naguals. As you can imagine, Richie does not take that well. The culebras were getting used to the idea of a human boss, but now they’re struggling being under the leadership of a nagual, but Richie doesn’t care and does what he wants. Even if it sows seeds of discord among his crew.
Richie insists on spending the full moons with Seth. Everyone objects, including Seth, but Richie won’t hear anything of it because he’s convinced that Seth wouldn’t ever really hurt him and he ends up being right. Coyote!Seth is just a happy puppy that wants to run around, play, hunt, then sleep—with Richie, with others there is definitely an inherent threat, especially if Seth gets angry or scared. He can turn at will and until her gets control of himself, he often does it according to his emotions.  
Manola is a nagual and she lives and survives the attack by Amaru because I said so. And I like that Richie and Kisa parallel with their unconventional partners that the rest of the culebras kind of side-eye. I also think it’s ultimately important that Kisa has a nagual for a girlfriend as she grows to accept her role as la diosa because she unites rather than create hierarchies.
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spitfcre-a · 6 years
supernatural creatures from the show and general lore that i would love to have threads based around:
from the show
any versions of a siren, succubus / incubus ect, creatures who seduce their victims in various ways playing on sexual energies and auras.
angels & archangels; or any variation of angel such as cupids or grigori ect. typically angels are warriors and/or messengers of god ranked in strength and influence by garrison.
nephilim; people born from the union of a human and an angel.
vampires; once human creatures who after transitioning into a vampire feed on humans for their blood.
werewolves; super-humans who can transform into wolves or wolf-like form according to the cycle of the moon, pureblood werewolves can transform whenever they like.
djinn or genies; supernatural cave dwelling hermits with tattooed skin that can produce powerful hallucinations in the minds of their human victims.
fae / faries including leprechauns and elves; creatures with magical abilities appearing usually in small human form.
witches / warlocks / magicians / sorcerers ect; humans born either with a natural ability for mastering magic or humans who teach themselves either one or multiple forms of magic.
shape-shifters & skinwalkers; creatures who can assume human and/or animal form sometimes shedding their skin to do so.
demons, including crossroad demons, knights of hell, ect; formerly humans who become damned, usually from selling their soul or from bad deeds in life, according to rank they’ll have either black, white, yellow or red eyes. they can possess humans and have super strength as well as other abilities.
ghosts; human spirits unable to pass on to either heaven or hell because of unfinished business, see also a woman in white; a female spirit who has been wronged in life, often by a man.
rugaru; humans who develop a taste for human flesh due to their genetic make-up.
shtriga; albanian witches who feed on the life forces of children.
nachzehrers, a combination of a vampire and a ghoul who tend to run in small packs.
crocotta; scavenger creatures who can mimic the voices of loved ones to lure in their victims to then feed on them.
from other / additional lore.
nix / vodayanoy / rusalki; variants of water spirits who use song or charm to lure in their victims with unmarried women and unbaptised children being the most susceptible to their influence. adult versions of these creatures will also take humans to be their mates or slaves (information found from john winchester’s journal).
baba yaga; a witch in slavic folklore that is depicted as either eating ‘innocent maidens’ or helping them.
bean nighe or washerwoman; old hag from scottish folklore that can predict death and answer any questions asked of it if the asker is able to answer three questions first completely truthfully.
fetch; a doppelganger from irish folklore that takes the form of someone about to die.
 baykok; skeletal creature from american folklore, they have sunken red eyes and ther screams freeze their victims in place before they devour them. baykoks are formerly human warriors who committed shameful acts in life (e.g: rape, incest, murder in cold blood) who’s remains must be given a proper burial to be defeated. 
pukwudgie; grey skinned goblins from wampanoag folklore known for mischievous and treacherous acts who can control the souls and bodies of humans they have killed.
el sombrerón; a handsome man dressed all in black with a black hat who seduces young women by playing a silver guitar rendering them helpless, when he has set his sights to a particular girl he takes them back to his home where he sings to keep them there while braiding their hair. 
culeabra; snake-like vampires who feed on their victims and can turn humans into a culebra from their venom.
dybbuk; an evil spirit or the wandering soul of a dead person believed in jewish folklore to enter and control a living body until exorcised by a religious rite.
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Meet the Artist - Heriberto Luna
LORE Media is proud to present collaborating artist for the Scottsdale Dia de los Muertos at the Old Adobe Mission, Heriberto Luna. Born in Mexico City in 1976, Heriberto Luna immigrated to the United States a year after. Of 6 children, he is the second to the youngest. Heriberto Luna comes from a colorful background. His grandfather was one of Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata’s soldiers, and his father was in the Mexican army. His grandmother was a Mayan shaman, fluent in two indigenous languages.
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Graduating from Franklin High School, in Los Angeles, Luna was surrounded by gangs but found his salvation at age 16 in the arts. At La Tierra de la Culebra, an urban art park in North East LA, he developed his skills as an earth sculptor and painter. Combined with his passion for performing Aztec dancing as both a dancer and a drummer, the artistic exposure gave him focus and strengthened his resolve to rise above the bad circumstances around him.
During 2002 and 2005 Luna apprentice on major mural projects with L. A’s most influential muralist team the East Los Streetscapers, and artist Paul Botello. Luna met Los Angeles artist Margaret Garcia and in 2002 he apprenticed with her and with New Mexico Master artist Pola Lopez. The result of all that hard work is clear, as Luna has exhibited in over 35 major Museums thus far, among them such prestigious locations as: The Santa Monica Museum of Art, The National Mexican Fine art Museum in Illinois and The Museum of History and Art in Ontario, California. Beyond that, Luna’s works have become part of major art collections at Arizona State University and in 2006 Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa presented him with an award of recognition for his accomplishments in the arts; Luna has also been awarded two artist-in-residence grants from the Los Angeles Cultural Affairs department. As his art career continues to bloom, Luna remains dedicated to under privilege youths, he is currently teaching arts classes for Theatre of Hearts and serves as a mentor.
Heriberto Luna’s success is measurable on many different levels yet what makes him most proud is seeing the young people that he has worked with turn to the community and become mentors themselves. Some have gone on to achieve gallery and museum showings as well. Withal, Luna’s bold colors juxtaposed with ancient inspiration and strong commitment to the future of his community bring a powerful and profound statement to the art world and beyond. Scottsdale Dia de los Muertos at the Old Adobe Mission is truly excited to have Mr. Luna involved with our celebration.
Selected Group Exhibitions
2014 Santa Monica Museum of , 10th Annual Incognito Auction, Santa Monica, CA 2013 The Autry National Center Museum, Day of The Dead, Skulls Exhibit , Los Angeles, CA 2013 The DA Gallery center for the arts, Aztlan The Next Decade Con Safos, Pomona, CA 2013 Museum of History and Art, Ontario Jury Art Exhibition, Ontario, CA 2013 Santa Monica Museum of Art, 9th Annual Incognito, Santa Monica, CA 2012 Ave 50 studio gallery ,The 8th annual holiday sale, CA 2012 La Galeria Gitana, Equinox Solstice, San Fernando,CA 2012 The Autry National Center Museum, Day of The Dead, installation , Los Angeles, CA 2012 The Museum of History and Art of Ontario, El Dia De La Muertos, Ontario, CA 2012 Museum of Contemporary Art, FRESH Art Auction, Los Angeles, CA 2011 Forest Lawn Museum, Adelante! Mexican American Artists: 1960s and Beyond',Glendale, CA 2011 Fremont Gallery, PASTELS, Pasadena, CA 2011 SPARC Gallery , IGNITE, Los Angeles, CA 2011 Santa Monica Museum of Art, 7th Annual Incognito, Santa Monica, CA 2010 The Autry National Center Museum, Day of The Dead, Los Angeles, CA 2010 The Museum of History and Art of Ontario, El Dia De La Muertos, Ontario, CA 2010 Santa Monica Museum of Art, 6th Annual Incognito, Santa Monica, CA 2010 Xico Inc. Gallery, El Arte De L.A , Chandler, Arizona, CA 2009 Overtones Gallery, 'PANDEMIC SHOW', Los Angeles, CA 2009 The Natural History Museum, CRLA Tardeada Traveling Exhibit , San Diego, CA 2009 Ave 50 studio, Testimonies Two  Contemporary Ex Votos, Los Angeles, CA 2009 Museum of Contemporary Art, FRESH Silent Art Auction, Los Angeles, CA 2009 Santa Monica Museum of Art, 5th Incognito, Santa Monica, CA 2008 Museum of Anthropology, Arizona State University, Ancient Ofrenda: Elementan Altar,Tempe,AZ 2008 Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Silent Auction and Exhibition, Los Angeles, CA 2008 The Museum of History and Art, El Dia De Los Muertos, Ontario, CA 2008 The Southwest Museum of the American Indian,Mayan-Inspired works solo exhibit Los Angeles,CA 2008 Santa Monica Museum of Art, 4th annual Incognito, Santa Monica, CA 2007 Blue Bird Art House Gallery, Solo Exhibit, Whittier, CA 2007 Bowers Museum, A Celebration of Life, Installation, Santa Ana, CA 2007 The DA Gallery, Blurring the Line, Pomona, CA 2007 Museum of History and Art, Ofrendas, Ontario, CA 2007 Millicent Rogers Museum, Turquoise Jubilee Action, Taos, NM 2007 Santa Monica Museum of Art,3th Incognito, Santa Monica, CA 2007 Museum of History and Art, Ontario Jury Art Exhibition, Ontario, CA 2006 Museum of Latin American Art, Dancing with the Dead, Long Beach, CA 2006 Museum of History and Art, Dia de los Muertos, Ontario, CA 2006 The DA Center for the Arts, Into the Future, Pomona, CA 2006 Latino Art Museum, Chicano Now, Pomona, CA 2006 El Museo Instituto Cultural De Baja California, Velvet, Tijuana, Mexico 2006 Millicent Rogers Museum, Turquoise Jubilee Auction, Taos, NM 2005 Millard Sheets Gallery, Latino Artists of L.A, Pomona, 2005 Santa Monica Museum of Art,2th Incognito, Santa Monica, CA 2005 National Museum of Mexican Fine Art, The Journey Home, Chicago, IL 2005 The DA Center for the Arts, Emerging from Aztlan, Pomona, CA 2005 National Hispanic Cultural Center, Tesoros, Albuquerque, NM 2005 Museum of History and Art, Ontario, Juried Art Exhibition, Ontario,CA 2005 Harwood Museum, La Madre Poderosa, Taos, NM 2004 Museum of History and Art, Dia De Los Muertos Art Exhibition, Ontario, CA 2004 Latino Art Museum, Biennale, Pomona, CA 2004 Sub Gallery, University of New Mexico, Colores, Albuquerque, NM 2004 Latino Art Museum, Strangers In Our Own Land, Pomona, CA 2003 Museum of Anthropology, Arizona State University, Latino/a Art Auction and Symposia,Tempe, A 2003 Angels Gate Cultural Center, Seeing Red, San Pedro, CA 2003 DA Center for the Arts, Returning to Aztlan, Pomona, CA 2003 Galleria Mundo, Los Angeles, When the Stream Spirit Rises, CA 2002 Galeria Mundo, Mujer como un rio-Woman like a river, Los Angeles, CA 2001 Galeria Mundo, Day of the Dead, Los Angeles, CA
~ Biography written by Fine Art America
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