#cullen rutherford x female reader
my-st0ff · 2 years
Something Soft and Delicate
Chapter One
Fandom: Dragon Age
Pairing: Cullen Rutherford x human female rogue inquisitor reader
Chapter Song: Jack the Ripper - Morrissey (lyrics in bold)
Summary: Set after the events of Dragon Age Inquisition where the inquisitor (you) has completed the Cullen romance.
A beautiful and private ceremony for just the two of you went incredibly, you can now both call one another husband and wife. Something Cullen had always wished to find with another. For now, the two of you can rest, finally not in the midst of war. But Cullen still carries fear and dread on his tired shoulders and you are tormented by your past.
You couldn't have even dreamt of such a gorgeous ceremony. You'd been to a wedding, just one, to assassinate the bride for a bounty... something that haunted you quite often. This sort of jarred your perception of how a wedding could be, you'd since subconsciously associated weddings with bloodshed. As you had no previous experience. Cullen had taught you once again the beauty in something you thought to be unimportant or 'not for you'. Another thing that Cullen had taught you was that as soon as you had stepped through the doors of the Haven Chantry you were a new individual, because you were no longer backed into a corner and fit-ting in rage like you had been your entire life. The bounty hunter lifestyle was one you had grown comfortable in, as comfortable as one can be. You'd lived it for a solid 9 years, after you and Cullen had to part once again... after you'd lost everything again.
You and Cullen grew up together, him - an aspiring soldier, more than excited to protect and provide, a bright yet quite shy kid. This military interest of his kept him bullied most of his childhood. You on the other hand, a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed young lass with a rebellious twinge in her aswell as your constant chomping at the bitt to explore. You didn't have a plan - as Cullen did - growing up you dreamt of adventures alongside a horse and a lover, Cullen to be specific. You'd always loved him, your first love as was his as you both confessed to one another at age 17 and his 18. One year, one beautiful year where you felt nothing could ever dent the purest of joys you held in your soul now that you and Cullen had decided to stick together as more than just the strong unit you were before but as passionate lovers with the dream of pursuing your lives hand-in-hand. Before you knew it your, what you called for years after, silly teenage fantasies were crushed and cursed. Brutally so. Cullen left to join the military miles upon miles away at just 19. He told you the line of work he was pursuing was to put him in frequent danger and he was doing this to protect you and your heart, those being his very words as he left you. No promise to write or visit, ending everything just like that. Right after this was when you realised your absence of planning for your future was crashing down on you, collapsing and suffocating you. You had unsupportive parents and were mainly raised by yourself or spent your time with Cullen's family - after he was gone you never visited them again, you felt you shouldn't. Though it was mostly selfish, you didn't want to see them knowing you couldn't ever see him again, it would hurt far too much. You spent a lot of time on the streets, squatting and pursuing bounties for cash to keep yourself alive. You found it easy work with your trained agility and precision with a bow aswell as a set of daggers. After the uprising of darkspawn attacks you were undeniably worried for the safety of the man you no longer knew, but not enough to do anything about, you had yourself to look out for and that was all now. All was as good as it could be until you received a hit request from an aware government official who had taken note of your work of a soldier working in quite a far area from the city you usually reside in - you never usually took hit requests the prize was unreal, enough for you to even start over again. It didn't you long to realise this slimebag you were hunting who had infiltrated the army was working in close quarters with Cullen Rutherford. You did everything you could to prevent your paths from crossing and were successful all the way up until you had finished the job and were planning on leaving to go back home the next morning. That very night hell broke loose in the Tower of Magi, you knew full well Cullen was in that tower, you'd overheard the operation being discussed previously when getting a gage of the military camp earlier in the night before you killed the hit. Instinct fully took over, you ran shooting first and thinking later into that tower to find a weak, terrified Cullen. He teared up at the sight of you and took convincing to believe you were truly there. Everything that he and the other templars had done disgusted you to your core, and even though you knew Cullen was afraid and never wanted any of this, you couldn't excuse it but most of all, after he begged you to, you couldn't stay. This money you were soon to receive was about to change your life forever and you refused to give it all up for someone now, it was too late. Upon returning you soon learnt you were being deceived by the shady individual who had plans to kill you once the job was done in order to avoid the promised payment. You survived but stripped of everything of the very little you had. Back to bounty hunting and misery. For 9 years you never lived, just survived. Until the day you gained the mark and once again, perhaps fatefully, your paths crossed.
And with a single sound emitted from the warm chest of the love of your life you were home, say from the suffocating depths of your thoughts.
You: "sorry, drifting off"
A smile breaks the concern on his face and one of his hands flees from the reigns of his beloved and pampered clydesdale horse 'Destrier' to cup over one of the hands of yours that gripped so tightly around his waist. He rode you both slowly, still in your dress and he in his suit.
Cullen: "something on your mind"
You: "how could there be, I just married the greatest man in all of Thedas"
You smile with a small huff of a laugh and lean your head forward to rest on his shoulder. His eyes maintaining forward with most of the motion as he turns to place a quick kiss to your temple.
Cullen: "you must have me mistaken"
He laughs
You: "not as far as I know"
You peck at his shoulder a few times
You: "so, why don't you just tell me where we're headed hm?"
He smirks
Cullen: "I refuse"
You: "Cullennn"
You whine
You: "it's getting late"
You add as the sunset on the horizon catches your eye
Cullen: "oh, you don't care if it's late, don't play at that"
He smiles, loving every moment of your anticipation.
You: "and you don't care if your lost"
You laugh
Cullen: "oh y/n, we're not lost"
He rolls his eyes
Cullen: "I promise you'll love it"
You: "how are you so sure"
Cullen: "I know you"
He reassures you in the gentlest of tones. He had, in the most literal sense, pulled you away not so graciously almost immediately after the ceremony had ended into the saddle of his far too conveniently close-by horse for this to be unplanned or on impulse. He sat with his arm extended to pull you up without a word of permission, you don't agree, but you don't refuse and evidently followed him up and we're led here.
Cullen: "But tonight you presume too much"
You: "presume?"
Cullen: "your all tense... darling I promise you I am not going to ruin any aspect of our wedding night"
You: "I know, I know... I trust you"
Not so many trots later and you had reached what seemed to be a dead end, screwing up your face in confusion at the stone wall covered unforgivingly in vines and other colourful plants. Cullen dismounted without a word and, similar to how he had previously ushered you onto the horse, placed his hand in view for you to take and be escorted off of the back of Destrier. You took it and carefully lowered yourself, making sure to avoid any and all dirty or muddy spots to save your elegant gown.
You: "are we... here?"
He smirks
Cullen: "almost"
He, instead of letting go of your hand when you were safely on the ground, leads you gently forward whilst his other hand reaches toward a clump of vine. Boggling you. Cullen pulls away a few spots of plant to reveal a mystical-looking hidden archway within the wall. He looks back at you with unmatched giddiness.
Cullen: "come on, don't be shy"
He tugs playfully and moves forward through the arch at an upped speed. You giggled and followed through to a small, desolate and abandoned balcony, sitting on a cliff that eyed what seemed like all of Thedas. The now starry sky stretched across the most perfect view you had ever witnessed, your heart fluttering madly.
You: "oh... my... I have no words"
Cullen: "I hope it's not boring- I- there's not much to do but every now and then I come here to watch the night sky- I thought you'd appreciate it"
The tips of his ears turning brighter than before, you cupped both of his hands in yours before drowning yourself in his moonlight-filled deep brown and doughy eyes.
You: "this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen"
Cullen: "I- I'm so glad"
You smiled uncontrollably at one another before you pulled away to close the gab between you and the broken down walling protecting you from the ledge.
Cullen: "careful, this place is old"
You could soak up this view for hours and it would still be impossible to not be able to find something new to look at. Cullen took a few steps toward you but kept his distance. He watched you, he found doing so irresistible. Every inch of yourself bathed in moonlight, he'd never seen something so perfect and pure, he'd never loved someone or something so much in his life. He wished everyday that he could take back all those years he spent away, he wished he could have just swallowed his pride and lived them out with you. But as of this moment, none of it mattered. You were here with him now and he couldn't have asked for anything more. His hand trails softly down your upper arm until it reaches your wrist and slowly works to your fingertips. He massages and caresses your hand whilst your head stays faced outwards to the landscape.
Cullen: "I love you"
You finally turn back to him
You: "I love you... more than anything darling"
His tender and needing eyes beg for you. You take a step or two closer so that you could fold your arms around his shoulders, one hand naturally landing in his perfectly groomed hair as your lips land automatically onto his. He pushes for the kiss to be delicate, not wanting to force anything but you egg him on as you deepen said kiss. The kiss becomes more and more indulgent and it's oh so soon before Cullen begins to hum and whimper little affirmations of content into your mouth. He'd always done this when you kissed, he never really could help it. The whole action of being able to kiss you was all so pleasant for him that he had no other way of expressing himself other than non-worded small noises. He'd done the same with most of your affectionate touches, whenever youd carress his sore back or run a few fingers through his hair upon greeting him. His hands lay gently on your hips. He'd also always been a little shy when it came to his way of physical effection, he desperately wanted to be close with you but was just so wrapped up in his irrational worries of you not recuperating this. You moved your hands to his and usher him to squeeze a little more. Eventually he began to work his hands around your hips and waist. Your set of fingers that are not in his hair end up by his torso, squeezed between your warm bodies. Your index and thumb rimming around a button on his shirt that sat close to the centre of his chest after your hand had worked it's way within his blazer. Undoing said blazer with such a discreet motion that once he felt your hand underneath another layer of fabric his heart skipped a little in wonderful suprise. You pull your lips just an inch or two away from his so that you could mutter to him:
You: "I want you"
Cullen opens his eyes finally to reveal a dazed look in each brown pool that made him almost look drunk. Upon take a step back you noticed just how much brilliant torment you'd caused his what was before perfect presentation. His hair pointing in jags in different directions; his cheeks with a light rose tinge and his blazer now just hanging onto his body.
Cullen: "I know a place-"
You cut him off
You: "absolutely not, we're going home to our warm bed"
You smile
You: "come on it's not all that long of a ride"
You add and with unmatched willpower push yourself off of Cullen and toward the same way you entered the hideout.
Cullen: "whatever you want darling- I just thought... I just need you..."
His voice gruff on the last addition to his sentence, making you look back into his needy eyes. You take a few steps back towards him and tease him with a peck on the lips, leaving him leaning foward towards an absence of reciprocation.
You: "don't worry, I'll get us home quick. And if it's the last thing I ever do, I'm going to give you what you need tonight"
You smile light-heartedly, fully aware of his urgent state and yet still toying a little.
Once upon Destrier (you had insisted on taking the reigns, joking that he'd detour the two of you, but Cullen demanded childishly that he take control) your arms seemed to keep creeping further and further around his torso as Cullen rode at just a bit over a medium pace. Your hands explored his core, noticing and lingering on where you could feel his rapid heartbeat aswell as where his tender stomach lifted and fell shakily. You moved your head forward towards this and placed a peck to his temple and then to his ear. Soon you were nibbling gently at the shell and lobe of Cullen's left ear, causing his pants to now be rather audible. A small whine escaped him.
You: "what's the matter baby?"
You play in a whisper, the hot air from your lips landing on the inner shell of his ear with little to no travel between as you sat your face painfully close to his.
Cullen: "I- nothing I-... this is rather embarrassing"
You: "hm?"
You momentarily question before both of your hands had driven down his body enough to land by his lap, noticing the not very discreet bulge sitting not so comfortably within his smart trousers.
You: "oh sweetheart, there's nothing to be embarrassed about"
You add, one of your hands now caressing the mound gently, making him jitter and let out a short, stuttered moan and then a chain of stuttered, shaky sighs. The sight of Skyhold working into view for the both of you was the best relief Cullen could ask for. He rode Destrier erratically into the stables before leaping off immediately and hauling you down afterwards, making you let out a small squeak of suprise and then a few little giggles as he held you in his effortlessly strong grip. Carrying you bridal style in a pace straight into the stairwell that led to your shared room. Upon peeking upwards you were met with a determined and straight face heading straight forwards with just a few specks of sweat. His jaw twitching. Once finally in the bedroom he all but drops you down onto the bed. Standing above you, you grab at his shirt collar and slowly pull his upper body towards your face. Breathing hot air between one another but denying contact. Suddenly, he swiftly, but still making an effort to be gentle, pulls your hand by the wrist away from him.
Cullen: "no more teasing"
He says in a husky tone, an excited smirk soon growing in place of your dominating glare. Cullen was gaining confidence and for this you were gaining lust. He leans down at his chosen above medium pace and begins to kiss and tooth just a little at your neck and collarbone in almost an animalistic manor. His heavy pants very audible. He crashes into your arms, you bringing them up underneath his arms and allowing your fingers to dig into the region of his back around his shoulder blades whilst he holds himself at a perfect level of elevation so that he can bury his mouth and nose into the crook of your neck whilst not burdening you with his whole weight by leaning on his lower arms sat by each side of your head. He hums with pleasure into your skin. His body all-together is working up yours, him still on his feet for the most part. Your legs separate and cling around his waist to allow him to shuffle himself up against you, beginning to gently rut into you, needy. Small gasps (in the sense that he was genuinely surprised at how good the little contact felt) and 'mm's began to escape his lips, quiet but close to your ear, as he subtly humped into you. One hand of his lifts up for a moment to begin unbuttoning his shirt, whilst doing this he kisses first at your lips and then down your jawline and behind your ear to your neck and then works his way around the area repeatedly. Cullen was completely in a trance, under your spell if you will, unless you were to command to stop or to whack him on the back of the head in more violent terms he would happily be in this state with you forever. Though happy wasn't enough, he needed absolute ecstasy, and Cullen's ecstasy had been found on both of the two occasions you had layed together before. Once not so soon before your final battle and once when you managed to sneak away at the party afterwards, in a way that made you appear similar to a pair of loved up teenagers, it was so nice to make up for the time you lost when you were infact the prime age for those shenanigans.
Cullen was soon unbuckling his belt, his lips attached to yours. You'd managed to slip and shuffle out of your gown with a bit of hand-sy help aswell as your underwear. He desperately pulled off his underwear, it was almost humorous. Before you knew it he was standing above you once again, his hands by each side of your head so he was still leant over you but now there was a big enough gap between your faces for a strong eye contact. His brows contorted downwards of the inner sides, closest to his nose.
Cullen: "may I?"
You nod your head over a few times excitedly with a smile which soon spreads to him. You reach out your hands and cup his face so you can comfort him a small rub of your thumb on one of his cheekbones as the sudden waves of pleasure crash into him whilst pushing himself slowly into you and also so you can watch his face contort as he does so. As the tip pushes into you he immediately lets out a shaky sigh, his eyes falling shut for a moment and his mouth hung wide but he soon flickers them open once more to maintain eye contact.
You: "good boy, that's it"
Your thumb begins to caress as you'd planned. He pushes in further and bites his bottom lip painfully hard in response. More intense whines escape him and his chest stutters with every slow rise and fall. He sits for a moment when you gasp, not even fully in, he's hit a very sensitive spot of yours.
You: "all the way, that's it"
You reassure in a high tone, your mouth now gaped also. With this reassurance he pushes in excruciatingly slow, at the fear of hurting you, until his balls make contact with your skin. He slowly sinks into your again, resting his head in the crook of your neck. He slowly begins to work himself in and out, moans and pants squeezing out of him every second. You bring one hand to his hair and stroke it comfortingly and the other to one of his big arms so that you could hold onto it for your own comfort.
You: "good boy, does that feel nice?"
You mewl
Cullen: "mm- mhm"
He moans in response
Cullen: "your amazing... your amazing to me"
He adds in a pant. One of his hands has now made its way to your clit to rub slow circles on the most sensitive nub that sat in the centre .
You: "o-oh god, Cullen"
Cullen: "I know baby"
He responds as he begins to thrust his hips into you quite a bit faster than before.
You: "m-more, please"
These words escape your lips without a second thought, suddenly you'd just spoken them and even shocked yourself. Cullen stops moving his hips for just a moment so that he can fully stand above you again, you still laying comfortably before him on the edge of the bed. His shimmering-with-sweat brow furrows in focus and his lips disappear, folded inwards. A similar face to as he makes when carefully inking a letter or organising most things work related. A concentrated look that only you had ever been able to break with your distracting self. But this time, the thing he was focusing so hard on was the rhythmic flow of his hips reaching the perfect angle that made your squeal and jolt in place as he began moving faster than you'd ever had him before. The noises you were emitting were terribly gorgeous to Cullen and he couldn't help himself but to want more and more, even though his movement felt so so incredibly good to him and if kept up was going to end things for him all too early. His moans were now the loudest you'd ever heard and the tenseness of his lower stomach indicated exactly what was happening. You had no issue with this though as Cullen seemed to presume, you were not far from the same and you wanted to be stable enough to keep your eyes wide open and glued to his expressions when he came. Cullen was beyond overwhelmed and his stomach was growing achy and legs tired.
Cullen: "darling- t-too much, too much"
Were the only words he could possibly produce as he began slowing again.
You: "ssh, it's okay, it's okay"
You manage through trembling lips and sit yourself up, keeping yourself positioned so that he could remain inside of you but you could wrap your arms around his neck and press your forehead to his. His hands instinctively gripped your waist and you hear him gulp hard, you could hear every little noise his body was emitting perfectly from this close.
You: "let me do the work baby"
You coo and begin the roll your hips onto his, moans uncontrollably vibrating from your bitten lips. You caressed your fingers up and down the back of his neck with one hand and used the other to support yourself by having it wrapped fully around his back and gripping to the shoulder on the other side from behind. Your fairly slow movements were working you both to the very edge of release.
Cullen: "I- your gonna make me-"
You, in a silent response, rut yourself into him faster until Cullen goes for a deep inhale but instead his breath is hitched and his mind goes fuzzy. His hands grip painfully hard on your hips, possibly bruising. Once he can breathe again the most lewd moan you'd ever heard escaped his chest followed by a string of frantic and high pitched 'I love you, I love you's. You grip his shoulder tight as his blissful-to-watch orgasm pushes you right over and your hit with a gorgeous release that has your squealing into his chest once your head had flopped onto his chest in surrender.
You: "o-oh baby"
You cry, actual tears escaping you now with the intensity of the feeling you were finally working down from.
For a moment, the two of you panted into one another, your head now risen again to press foreheads. The silence was broken by a small, breathy giggle that emitted from Cullen. You reciprocated.
Cullen: "your... too good for me"
He puts, one of your hand working down to intertwine fingers with one of his.
You: "you and I both know that's far from the truth"
You respond and place a tender, vulnerable kiss to his soft and still trembling lips.
You: "you did so good for me, sweetheart"
A flushed smile lands on his face, he never failed to become overly joyous and flushed at praise from you. You begin to shuffle backwards on the bed. Cullen takes the absent-of-word invite and follows to snuggle himself next to you. As you were both a little too sweaty to wrap yourself in duvet you rather placed a throw over the two of your still-exposed bodies. You'd never felt so comfortable around someone as you were with Cullen, comfortable to be vulnerable and true to yourself, your real self. Not the woman you'd had to portray for so many years in self defence. The little tip of Cullen's soft nose soon found itself nuzzling at your collar bone before his content and tired face found a comfortable spot to lay itself upon your pillow closely to your face. His eyes already shut. One of his hands found itself ever so comfy on your boob as the other played softly with your hair. You turned your head to place one gentle kiss to his creased forehead.
You: "I love you, ya, know that?"
Cullen: "more than anything"
He answers shortly, making your heart flutter. Not having to word the obvious for you to understand. He'd often answer you with this phrase and it never failed to bring a cheesy smile to the next however long of your day or night. Whenever you'd catch him and give the quick "I love you" and instead of the automatic "love you too" he'd more than often but less than always respond with "more than anything”. Your mind drifted over this very fact for quite a while, subconsciously sending you to sleep.
Chapter Two:
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divine-donna · 1 year
inquisition companions react to the inquisitor missing half their arm
because bioware didn’t wanna give it to us, i decided i’d just do it myself. (insert thanos meme) even though i am like years late to the hype.
the game is like 9 years old at this point, but spoilers ahead.
do keep in mind this is my own personal interpretation of each character. it may not be accurate to your own interpretations. (also i know leliana is technically not a companion in inquisition but i included her anyways)
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cassandra pentaghast
if cassandra could plunge a knife into the heart of solas, she would. she would not let him get away with betraying you and taking the anchor along with your arm. you had basically fallen into her arms when you emerged from the portal and she had to carry you back to halamshiral. for the days you were unconscious, cassandra was anxious and extra prickly. there were many times where cullen would have to talk her down from her anger. even varric did too.
dorian pavus
the first thing he did was crack a joke. the atmosphere was tense and it just slipped out. “i asked you to come back in one piece, not missing one.” safe to say, the other companions did not approve of his joke. dorian was set to return to tevinter after being notified of his new position as a magister, but he delayed the return to his homeland for you. he sat in your room as you lied unconscious, barely breathing, leg anxious bouncing up and down. when you awoke, you were immediately met with a large and tight hug from him. he knocked the air out of your lungs from that.
blackwall admires you. in fact, everyone would go so far as to say he adores you. he thinks of you as strong, capable, almost infallible. you closed rifts, you closed the big green tear in the sky, and you defeated corypheus! what couldn’t you do? all your feats proved to him that you were the strongest leader he could ever know. and yet, you were still mortal. you left the eluvians mortally wounded and exhausted beyond belief, your eyelids so heavy and ready to close so you may drift off into the black void of sleep. blackwall would not let you, not until you were taken away to be cared for. you found him sitting besides you, awake and on guard. your mortality was his reminder that you and him were the same, even if your lives appeared to be completely different. and he understood that the world would need a leader like you and that is dangerous.
iron bull
the bull could feel a stronger kinship with you that day. it appears that the both of you lost something. he betrayed the qun for the inquisition, thus losing a part of himself, his people. you lost a literal part of yourself, something you had to come to terms with after having the anchor for two years. to say iron bull was shaken up would be an understatement. he was getting cassandra to hit him with sticks for days on end while you lied unconscious. he wondered what would’ve happened if he was with you, if maybe...he could’ve stopped solas. but reminiscing never did anyone any good.
as much as he wanted to help you, cole couldn’t. he also understood that you wouldn’t accept his help, no matter how much he insisted. so instead, he did the best thing he could do: help tend to your injuries. what was curious was that he could feel very little of your pain. when he felt your pain two years ago after forming the inquisition, it was concentrated in your hand and forearm. with it gone, you felt at peace. the primary source of pain for you had been washed away. perhaps it was a blessing in disguise, he thought.
sera’s immediate reaction is, like dorian, to crack a joke. everyone is used to her eccentricity. but it felt different this time around. while you laid unconscious, recovering from the long battle, she occupied herself. she had to busy her hands and her legs, keep moving, keep her mind busy. because if she sat too still for even a second, then her mind would think about the worst outcome. she would get images of you, dead, because solas had betrayed you, betrayed her, betrayed the inquisition. hell, he betrayed the world! that knob! thinking he knew what was best! sera’s all the more relieved when it’s revealed you survived. she bursts through the door to see you and hug you tightly, complaining about how much you scared her.
varric tethras
in all honesty, varric should’ve been more prepared to expect...well, the unexpected. he had expectations of you coming out unharmed, untouched. obviously, that was not what happened. and he wondered if he was responsible for this. he had been one of the many people to support you as the inquisitor two years ago, suggesting it. he wondered if he made the wrong decision. but also, part of varric was relieved. he lost someone close to him two years ago. he didn’t know if he could handle losing you too.
vivienne de fer
the court would devour tales of the eluvians and how you managed to survive. that was vivienne’s first thought. people would be talking about you for centuries to come, certainly. and yet, she knew in her soul that was not what you would want. she does her best to minimize what rumors spread when you first emerge from the eluvians and help give you privacy. behind closed doors, vivienne checks on your injuries. part of her is amazed that the anchor was removed so cleanly.
josephine montilyet
josephine has seen many things ranging from serious to just plain absurd. when she was alerted that you had returned with many serious injuries, including the loss of half your arm, she sent messages to get the best possible doctors in all of orlais to help attend to you. the woman was definitely stressed beyond belief. but when she wasn’t trying to get everyone from backing off from you or getting people to look at you, josephine was attending to you herself. you awoke to find her wiping some sweat off your face and when she noticed, she muttered about how great andraste was and embraced you tightly.
cullen rutherford
your knight-commander appeared to take the news very well, much to the disapproval of cassandra. but the moment cullen was alone, in private, he flipped a table, causing everything to crash. all he could feel running throughout his body was regret, guilt, and anger. regret and guilt for not having gone with you. he should’ve. because if he did, maybe you would have came back alright. anger directed towards solas because the apostate had betrayed you, the inquisition. and everything you and him had worked towards was going to crumble. all of his hard work, leliana’s, cassandra’s, josephine’s, it’d all be for naught. cullen ends up spending a lot of time alone while you’re unconscious. he prays to andraste and the maker to distract himself from any wandering thoughts going towards lyrium. certainly the new mabari hound he decided to adopt on a whim helps with distractions at least.
the woman has seen many things in her lifetime, having experienced the fifth blight itself and been part of that fight against the archdemon. still, things aren’t easy when you come back from the eluvians missing half of your arm. even if it goes against all her duties, leliana stays with you until you wake up to make sure you’re alright. you’re the inquisitor after all and it’s vital that you’re still alive.
he’s the one who took it. you think he cares?
in all seriousness, it gave him no pleasure to remove your arm for the anchor. even if his plan was...well, shoddy we should say, the anchor was going to kill you. he had no choice. carrying your hand and forearm around felt heavy. he could carry it just fine but what made it heavy was the burden that came with his plan to tear down the veil and bring doom upon the world in a desperate attempt to bring it back to what it once was. and also, the burden of having harmed you.
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My one and only husband ❤️🦁
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northsvoid · 2 years
A Cullen x Reader one-shot. . . I haven't written fanfictions in ages - that's what it feels like at least. But would anyone be interested because I started writing one.
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scarfacemarston · 4 months
Pride Month Requests!
My specialties are character x reader mainly because I've never received requests for ships and I'm not experienced in it! If you don't see a character, I can still likely write it. For male characters it will be MLM Reader x character and WLW for female characters. (Trans characters hcs and readers always included. Edit: Non Binary and gender neutral also welcome!) Reblogs appreciated! SFW preferred.
Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader Steve Rogers x Reader
Natasha Romanoff x Reader Yelena Belova x Reader Peggy Carter x Reader Arthur Morgan x Reader John Marston x Reader Anakin Skywalker x Reader Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Hawke x Fenris Hawke x Isabela Hawke x Merill Dorian Pavus x Inquisitor Cullen Rutherford x Inquisitor Cassandra x Inquisitor Leliana x Warden
More by Request!
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aerynwrites · 1 month
Cullen Rutherford x Female!Inquisitor
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A/N: Okay, second foray into DAI fic and I think I like this better! I've switched to just using a named inquisitor, the one I created for my game, instead of doing it "x reader". I hope you all enjoy! I also know that the backstory I gave the inquisitor in this story isn't cannon of the inquisitor, but hey - fanfic right? Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: angst, the inquisitor is very overwhelmed and has a lot of self loathing in this, BUT! lots of comfort, lots of fluff, Cullen being amazing and supportive, fluff!!
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Her room feels too big.
The room at Skyhold feels too big. But so did her small cabin at Haven. Even the cell she was kept in before she woke up felt like a luxury. Everything is just too…big. 
Too much.
It's been months since the Conclave. Months since she was blown to smithereens but somehow wasn’t. Months since the anchor latched onto her and the name Herald has been whispered everywhere she goes. 
It’s only been a couple weeks since they named her inquisitor. And suddenly, only then did it seem to finally hit her. 
This is real. 
The inquisition, the breach, the fade bleeding into the physical world, Corypheus…everything. 
And as she stands in front of the mirror in her too big room in this too real world…She counts. She counts the white and pink scars that litter her skin as she lifts her tunic ever so slowly. Eyes cataloging each one and how she got them. Some she can’t even remember. She counts the pulses of energy flickering from the anchor embedded in her hand. She counts her fingers too. 
At least she still has all of those. At least that’s the same. 
Then she counts the knocks that sound at her door. She counts the number of times she ignores them before it opens without invitation. It is a surprisingly respectful five times - but she would expect nothing less from the man that walks into her room. 
Cullen is deathly silent when he doesn’t have his armor on. So much so Celaena would have mistaken him for elven if she’d never met him before. But she has met him, she met him all those months ago when she was nothing but a mystery and a threat. She met him and he didn’t treat her like an immediate threat. Soon he treated her like a friend. Then a confidant. Then a lover…
Which is why it seems to be the final straw when that one word leaves his lips..
“Don’t-” she just manages to choke the word out before tears follow it. 
Cullen is at her side with just a few steps, strong arms wrap around her waist and she leans into him fully, chasing the familiar warmth of him around her as she falls apart in this unfamiliar place. 
The fabric of his shirt is soft beneath her fingers as she clutches onto it as if it’s the only thing that will keep her tethered to this world. And in a way maybe it is. Maybe here, now, away from her responsibilities, away from the expectations and the possible end of the world…maybe Cullen is the only thing she needs.
“Celaena, what’s wrong?” Cullen’s voice barely seems to reach her through the tears, but she can feel them reverberate in his chest. 
“My love, please…talk to me.”
Celaena wants to talk to Cullen, she needs to. Yet, when she opens her mouth she can’t bring herself to say anything. How can she? How selfish would she sound? Complaining to Cullen of all people about duties being thrust upon them, about leading when she doesn’t want to lead. 
How could she do that to him when all he’s ever done is give - give, and learn and grow and become a better person for all the things he’s done. 
Cullen must sense her hesitation - because of course he does - and gently leads them to sit on the edge of her too big bed. Celaena moves with him, only because he holds her so tightly and she can’t bear the thought of being alone again. Not now. 
“I can’t - I can’t-” she chokes on yet another sob. “I can’t do this, Cullen.”
There. She said it. Her weakness out in the open, her selfishness-
“It’s alright,” Cullen says after a moment, voice soft as he presses a gentle kiss to the crown of her head. “Tell me.”
It’s silent after that, the only sounds being her occasional sniffles and cries until soon it’s just their breathing. Only then does she find the courage to speak again. 
“I lived in a little village,” she begins, voice wet. “Less than one hundred people. Mostly farmers, some shepherds…” she trails off. “But that’s all there was. I saw the same people every day, ate the same meal almost every day, I…I was a healer, Cullen. And even then the worst thing I ever saw was the occasional broken bone or bump on the head…”
“Yes, I remember, you told me about your family and the quaint life you had-”
Celaena pushes away from him then, tears bubbling up once more, “But that’s just the point!” she cries. “That was my life. On the farm with my small little family, in my small little village, with my untrained magic and my biggest worry being what bone the local kids broke, I-” she gasps as she struggles to take in air. 
“I can’t. Do. This.” 
Then, and only then does Cullen reach for her again, his hands cradling her face in a firm but not uncaring grip. He doesn’t speak again, not right away. Instead, he pauses, amber eyes searching her face, brows furrowed with a grief that she’s only ever seen when he laid bare to her his struggles with Lyrium. 
Calloused thumbs wipe at the tears on her cheeks, before one moves up to card through the hair that has fallen from her usual braided style.
“It’s too much,” she sobs again, softly this time. “I don’t…I don’t think I can do this anymore, Cullen. I’m not…I’m not meant for this.”
Celaena takes the momentary silence that follows to breathe, tongue darting out to lick dry lips. She can taste the salt of her own tears, and it almost makes more pour over. 
How pathetic.
“No,” Cullen’s voice is firm as he leans forward, nose brushing her cheeks. “You are not pathetic. How could you even say that?”
She didn’t know she said that out loud. Celaena opens her mouth to speak but Cullen beats her to it. 
“Would someone who couldn’t do this have stood up to Cassandra the moment they woke up in a cell?” he begins. “Would they have willingly offered their help to fight something none of us know anything about?”
“Cullen…” she sighs.
“No!” he says again, voice full of passion, the voice he uses with his troops coming through. “Look at me, please?” 
Celaena wants to refuse, but she can’t refuse him, not when he asks her so gently, his breath fanning over her ear before he places a ghost of a kiss on her cheek as she moves to obey. 
She expects to see pity. Pity or disgust or something that will make her realize she is exactly who she thinks she is. A fraud. 
Yet, the only thing she sees when she looks at the man she loves, is admiration. His eyes shine with it, glinting in the low light as he gazes reverently upon her. He wipes away her tears again, and this time, she realizes they’ve stopped. 
“Would someone pathetic,” he practically spits the word, “have faced Corypheus, alone, with no help and the very slim chance of making it out alive, to save hundreds of people?”
Celaena shakes her head, “That’s not-”
Cullen pulls her closer again, nose brushing her own. “You did those things. You saved us. Saved -” he clears his throat. “You saved me. You can do this.”
His lips meet hers before she can blink, arms enfolding her in an embrace he can only hope is comforting. It is. Celaena melts into his embrace, molding against him like fresh clay. 
His hands card through her hair as they kiss, savoring one another in this moment until it too ends. She pulls away first - but not far - pressing her face into the crook of his neck, as he does the same. The familiar scratch of his beard is a comfort against her skin, his hands a soothing balm as they run up and down her back. 
“You can do this,” he whispers against her again, pulling away only to rest his cheek against the top of her head. “But that doesn’t mean it will be easy. It won’t.”
His words make your lips tremble again, but he speaks before the tears start once more. 
“But you won’t be alone. Not as long as I draw breath, will you have to bear this burden alone.”
Celaena can only nod, fingers clutching the fabric of his tunic in her fists as she tries to hold him closer. 
“Will you stay?” she asks, voice almost imperceptible.
But Cullen hears, he always does. 
“Of course.”
It takes only a moment for Cullen to help her into bed, the covers warm as he pulls them over them both before tucking her against his chest. She curls against him as if he can shield her from the world, and maybe…maybe just for tonight he can try. 
“Do you promise?” her voice meets his ears. 
“My love?”
“Do you promise to be here? Through all of this? I…I can’t do it alone.”
Cullen smiles, kissing the crown of her head. 
“Always. We do this together.”
And for the first time tonight, Celaena feels just a little bit of hope.
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Cullen ~ Family Reunion
1,300 Followers Challenge!
Round 2
Requested by @jaxtheninja
Words: 1,503
Warnings: Female Reader, post Trespasser, slight mention of disability (loss of arm), family meeting, talks of having kids
Cullen was nervous, you could see it as the two of you rode, and you held back your giggle.  After everything that the two of you had been through, after all that you’d faced together within the Inquisition, this was what was terrifying him most.
“You don’t have to worry about me Cullen,” You said, watching as the small town came into view. “I’m sure amongst all the people I’ve met, I can handle your family.”
It was quickly clear he wasn’t listening though, muttering something under his breath as people began to come under view.
This time, you did giggle, knowing that he was caught in his own thoughts about it all, but, as it always did, your giggle finally earned his attention.  “What?”
“Relax dear,” You laughed. “Everything is going to be fine.”
Cullen’s cheeks tinged red and he quickly looked away, rubbing the back of his neck.  “Right, sorry, I guess…I still can’t believe we’re doing this.”
“It was your suggestion.”
“Yes, I know,” He nodded slowly.  “I just thought…after everything…and the Inquisition now-now disbanded, that I should-or we should…Maker’s breath what are we doing?”
“Doing something long overdue, I think.”  You said, smiling warmly at him.  “You’ve been telling me for a while that you have wanted to, and now that we don’t have as many responsibilities…”
Cullen let out a slow breath.  “You’re right.  I shouldn’t get ahead of myself, we haven’t even got their yet and, well…”
“Cullen,” He looked at you, relaxing a little at your smile.  “This is your family, it’s going to be fine, I promise.”
He chuckled.  “What would I do without you?”
“Where do you want me to start?”
The two of you laughed and continued on, but you still couldn’t help but notice his growing nerves, especially when Mia’s home came into view, silently reminding you both of the possible quaint and quiet life that was before you.
With a bark, Theo bounded forward, even as Cullen called after him, but it was quickly clear that the grey mabari was far more interested in the couple of children playing with their own.
At first, the two of you were worried that the majority would attack each other, but in usual mabari style, they showed just how smart they were, soon playing away with happy yips and barks while the children laughed and watched on.
Cullen chuckled as he helped you from your horse, seeing Mia come outside to see what the commotion is. "It seems Theo has announced our arrival for us.”
Mia comes over with a wide smile, quickly pulling him into a tight hug.  "I should've known that you wouldn't just knock on my door.  How are you little brother?”
You stood back a little awkwardly, not wanting to intrude on this small family moment, knowing how much Cullen, despite his nerves, had been looking forward to this.  He had been missing his family for a long time.
Cullen soon took your hand though and pulled you forward, his arm wrapping comfortingly around your waist. "And this is Y/N."
"It's lovely to finally meet you,” You said with an abashed smile.  "Cullen's talked about you all for a long time now,"
Mia smiled, which put you at ease.  "Likewise, although talk of your life is far more interesting than ours, not to mention all the rumours as well.  I'm glad I can finally put a face to it all, especially when my brother is very much in love with you.”
You giggled, even as Cullen groaned at your side.  "Mia..."
She chuckled and led the way inside.  "Come on then, lunch will be ready soon.  No doubt Branson and Rosalie will arrive just in time, as usual."
Cullen cast you a smile and guided the way.  As he and Mia caught up, you couldn’t help but look around her home.  Every item and every room just made it all feel so real, speaking of comfort and joy within the wells.  You were glad that, for all the bad that had happened, homes and families like this were still thriving and surviving.
The kitchen was warm and cosy, you and Cullen taking a seat as Mia returned to the stove.  You felt bad, wanting to help, but Cullen kept his hand reassuringly on your knee.
He knew too well what you were like by now, and while he still wanted the comfort of having you by his side, he also wanted you to take things easy.  You were still adjusting to having lost your arm after all.  More than once he'd caught you trying to do things that were no longer as easy with only one arm, and he always hurried in to help, as well as work it out with you on whether there was another way of doing it.
Voices filled the home and Branson and Rosalie greeted you both warmly.  The more everyone talked, the more at ease the both of you felt.  For now, you were both relieved that none of them were asking about the Inquisition, although you knew they must have a lot to ask about it.
Soon, the table was set and the children were called in, lots of noise quickly filling the space. Laughter rang in the walls, and neither you nor Cullen could stop smiling.
“I have to say, we were getting worried we’d never get to see you at all Cullen,” Rosalie said, smiling. “Mia even worried that you were avoiding us.”
Cullen gave a small chuckle, but you could see the slight awkwardness in his gaze.  “It’s not that I haven’t wanted to see you all, but things have been…exceptionally busy.  Even after we got most things sorted and settled down, there wasn’t a lot time to just rest and get things done.”
“Did you really get to fight a dragon?”  One of the children piped up.
“Err,” Cullen glanced at you, even as you chuckled.  “Well, not-not-”
“Multiple,” You said, eyes sparkling with mischief.  “Maybe I can tell you all about it later?”
All the children’s eyes went wide and they stared at you before all starting to talk at once.
“After you’ve finished your meal!”  Mia said loudly over the top of them.  “And don’t think about giving any to the dogs to finish them quickly.”
You chuckled.  “Yes, please don’t feed Theo from the table, we’ve just got him out of that habit.”
“Let me guess, Cullen instigated that?”  Branson asked, grinning.
Cullen started trying to protest, but your giggle stopped him, his face flushing, a round of laughter filling the table.
“Even after all these years, he still hasn’t changed.”  Rosalie giggled.  “You can’t deny it Cullen, Mother and Father used to always tell us about the trouble you’d get up to.”
He sighed, but smiled. “Well, I’m sure there’s more than a few quirks you’ve kept over the years.  Where did you want to start Mia?”
There was more laughter, it not really settling until most of the food was gone and the children were starting to get restless, clearly wanting to know more about dragons, all of them constantly eyeing you expectantly.
“Well, I suppose I better go and tell this story before some children bounce out of their seats.”  You grinned.  “Is there a good spot for everyone to sit?”
Mia directs you to the living room, where they can all sit comfortably around the fire, and you kiss Cullen’s cheek before following after the excited rabble, chuckling after them, Theo following at your heels.
Laughing away, Mia's attention turned back to Cullen.
“So," She said with a smile.  “Where’s the pitter patter of little feet?”
Cullen flushed.  "What?"
"Come on little brother,” Mia nudged him.  "The two have been together for some time now, and are very clearly in love.”
"I...well, of course we are." Cullen frowned though, looking at the door where you'd left.  "But I'd never ask that of her.  After all she's been through...” He shook his head.  "One day, maybe, but for now, everything is still far too fresh. Especially...especially...”
"I was only stirring Cullen,” Mia said gently. "I'm sorry to have upset you. It wasn't my intention."
“She’s handling that wound well," Branson said. "Doesn't let it slow her down at all.”
Cullen sighed.  "No, it doesn't.  I wish she would take it easier at times but... " He smiled affectionately.  "I don't think it's part of her nature."
"The two of you can stay you know," Mia said gently. " As long as you need too.  You both look like you could use a break."
"Thank you Mia," Cullen said.  "I...I'm glad my long silence hasn't...well...”
"Oh, don't think I'm going to let you off for that easily."  Mia said, making the other two laugh.  "You've got a lot of making up to do mister.”
Cullen just chuckled and nodded, feeling himself finally fully relax, your laughter echoing down the hall on what he hoped was a promise for much more peaceful days to come.
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misaverawrites · 2 years
Sleepless (Cullen Rutherford x Reader)
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tags: cullen is vv sleepy, cuddling, cullen is an anxious mess, just after the attack on Haven, reader is the inquisitor, fem!reader, Cullen calls you herald instead of (Y/N).
summary: Cullen hasn't slept well, you're here to help him.
a/n: i just!! i love him!! (not his va tho lol)
Cullen hadn't slept well for a few days.
Since the herald had been found, bloodied, half-dead, and freezing in the hazardous fields near the makeshift camp in god knows where he hadn't left your side. He'd basically just been watching you sleep, just to make sure you were still breathing. He felt terror like he'd never before when he saw you collapse in front of him in the snow. He remembers how cold you were in his arms when he was bringing you from those snowy fields to the temporary camp. He remembers how all those thoughts ran through his head. Maker's breath, I should have told her I loved her, I should've kissed her sooner. He sits anxiously with you, he holds your hands until you start to stir from your sleep, he lets out a breath and starts to get up, he finds it... inappropriate almost, he's not your lover and he doesn't want you to think him presumptuous. That is, until you squeeze his hand with the little bit of strength you have left in you. His eyes widen a bit but he sits back down as you begin to speak, feebly but still his... Inquisitor as they had all agreed earlier to title you.
"Cullen, what... happened?" You ask him, there is fear in your voice as he gives you a comforting gaze and helps you sit up a bit, careful to watch your injuries. "Corypheus attacked Haven... It's gone. I was... We were afraid that we had lost you." Your gaze softens as he threads his fingers through your hair for just a moment, it's tender and protective, as is his gaze on you. He smiles at you and your smile back, "You didn't lose me, Cullen, you won't, besides, I must say that I'm glad you... everyone is safe." You reassure him, and yourself to a degree. His eyes gaze at you in a way that should make you feel self-conscious, but it doesn't. It feels like you've known him all your life, as he looks at you, you study his face, he looks exhausted, par for the course with generals as you'd known, no sleep didn't do anyone good, especially him. He looked... prettier when he'd had sleep, something you'd never noticed before now. You ignore the tugging within your chest when you thought about the stolen glances you'd given him in Haven, oh maker... You considered what you were about to do for only a few seconds before you took his hand and pulled him onto your bed a little more, a blush patterned his features when you took this action. "What are you... doing?" He asks as you give him a smile, one that is almost as exhausted as his.
"You look like you haven't slept in days, Commander." You say, tugging at his sleeve a bit. He simply rolls his eyes towards you, "You do too, Herald." You nod and lie down, your eyes are enough to make Cullen lie with you. Exhaustion falls over him, easily. He isn't exactly sure when the last time he did sleep was, but right now, with you is good for him. You run your fingers through his hair until he falls asleep, which must only take minutes as he starts to murmur softly in his sleep. The sleep takes you soon, as well, the vibrations of his breathing bringing you to a place of comfort. Time with Cullen makes you feel... safe and you'd do anything to keep it that way. That becomes the feeling in your heart as you fall into a restful sleep, your first one since joining the Inquisition.
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whirlybirbs · 4 years
"can you stop moving?" w/ cullen? i loved your other piece 🥺
;   MAULING    —
summary: the hunting party returns.
pairing: cullen rutherford  /  mage ! inquisitor (lavellan)
word count: 1.2k
a/n: i nearly scrapped this but the dialogue was too much fun, and i strongly enjoy cullen being reduced to a worried ball of anxiety over the herald so,,, y’know...... the other great feat in da:i beside corypheus....... bears
It’s Dorian’s voice that Cullen hears first — it’s a curt shout that cuts through the early spring air. Winter has lingered, and as Cullen pushes up from his bed and through the large doors to his quarters, he hears the desperate call for the healers. 
The air is cold against his face. Bitterly so.
It’s early — the sun is just rising over the horizon and as he jumps into his boots, dressed in nothing more than his leathers and tunic, he can hear Sera trying desperately to keep someone’s attention. 
Ser Cullen Rutherford can’t help the way his heart sinks.
You had set out with Dorian, Sera, and Bull two days prior — with the supply lines stretched thin after the battle at Haven, a ride through the Frostbacks may provide some game with spring slowing crawling into the days. There’d been chatter of some rams, fennec, and elk being spotted by scouting parties a week earlier. The entire Council had been thankful for this news — Cullen reasoned full bellies may result in an uptick in morale. 
You’d been eager to take up the task, and... 
“Sure, we can handle it, you said,” comes Bull’s voice, rising above the early morning fray that’s spilling into the courtyard, “Be enough meat for twenty men, you’d said!”
It’s dripping with sarcasm, the angry sort that works itself out of the Qunari under pressure — and as Cullen barrels down the battlements, into the cold air, he finds there’s plenty reason for it.
You’re slipping from the back of Dorian’s mount, into the arms of the healers, when he stumbles upon the scene.
“Oh good,” Dorian croaks, “Now, Cullen is here to witness the height of your stupidity, your worship. Isn’t that nice?”
Cullen’s eyes are wide — and almost immediately Sera has narrowed in on the flash of terrified concern at the gruesome scene before him. She notes that Cullen looks rather disheveled; that tunic of his leaves little to the imagination. Tight in all the right places as Dorian would say. Hm. He’s worried. Cully-wully looks a bit scared. 
The trickster is laughing sheepishly, trying to step into the Commander’s view, when you speak up from the spot on the canvas stretcher. A bloodied finger waggles in the air as the healers shush you.
Maker, there’s mirth in your voice. “Worth it.”
“Was it, Inquisitor?” barks Dorian, moving to hand off the reigns of his horse as he rounds Cullen’s side, “Was it, really?”
“What in Andraste’s name happened?” comes Cullen’s voice, finally, as he spurs into action, pushing past Bull and Sera and Dorian to crouch by the healers. His hands are rasied, as if to silence the fray long enough to wrap his head around just why the Herald of Andraste is now laying amongst the mud. 
You’re in horrid shape, and the amount of blood painting your robes is not lost on the Knight.
You, suddenly, find your pride has run off — and you feel  small under Ser Cullen’s eyes for the first time ever. His hair, all wild blonde tresses that have been muddled with sleep, curls in the morning air. There’s worry etched into his expression and guilt is all that lands on your tongue in reply. It’s like cotton, and suddenly you feel sick. 
(...Has he always been this handsome?)
You’re thankful Dorian is the one to respond in your stead.
“Her ‘holiness’ thought that a black bear might be a worthy opponent this morning,” he waves his hands, dark eyes looking incredulously at the woman he considers to be one of his closest friends — it would be almost laughable, the entire scenario, if the carnage wasn’t so horrible, “Something about pelts! And meat! And Maker knows what else!”
You cry out in pain — and Cullen’s gaze snaps quickly at the sight the peeled away bandages reveal. Bull or Sera or Dorian had done a good enough job patching you up, seeing as somehow you hadn’t bled out. The four long drags of a black bear’s claws run down your jaw, along the curve of your neck and shoulder. They’re deep. They’ve painted your tunic crimson. 
You shiver. Bitterly, you avert your eyes from the lot of them hovering over you. “I hadn’t anticipated the mother —”
“The...!” Cullen’s mouth snaps shut, “Maker, just how many bears were there?” 
At once, the whole party speaks. “Three.”
Cullen, really, can only shake his head and close his eyes. Maker preserve him. “I wish I hadn’t asked.”
“We have,” you inhale sharply as a healer, whose hands glow a warm orange, passes the magic over your cheek, “enough meat to feed the entire camp now.”
Bull tsks. “You almost became a kebab, kid. No use in serving up Inquisitor stew.”
“I —!” 
Your voice drowns in the sudden flash of pain. This is a lesson. A rather nasty one. One that you’re hoping doesn’t scar, but... with the way the healers are chattering in hushed tones in Elvish has you imagining just how gnarly the wound is. It certainly felt like a lesson that would lay etched into your skin for months to come. 
“Just rest, Inquisitor,” Cullen sighs, and you wonder how hard you’d hit your head on the way down — he looks nothing like his usual part, stripped of armor and furs. Now, in the morning sun, he’s no Knights Templar, no war-born Keeper of Mages, no lion crested Commander of the Second Inquisition. 
He’s simply Cullen. 
Exhausted, worried, and freezing Cullen.
“You’re going to need your beauty sleep now, my dear,” Dorian chirps, shaking his head, “Gone and ruined your beauty this has.”
Cullen frowns at that. You see it. It’s gone in a blink.
The tension you two had been playing upon for the last month is gone. Evaporated. In its stead, concern lingers. It snatches your breath. 
Guilt, still, sits on your tongue.
“The meat...” 
Your voice wanders off, finger hanging in the air — but, Cullen catches the meaning. He’ll have requisitions see to it. Sure enough, there’s an obscene amount being towed by Bull’s stead. In a make-shift, stick sled lay three enormous pelts and enough meat to keep everyone’s bellies full for the night.
Then this was not for nothing.
Cullen stands and you both avert your gazes.
“I’ll see to it that it’s cleaned and prepared, your worship,” and then, as he leans from one boot to the other and props his hands upon his hips, he speaks a bit amusedly, “And do get some beauty sleep.”
In the cold morning air, you sense a thaw. Not only of the ground but perhaps between the Knight-Commander and yourself.
And it’s not entirely unwelcome.
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Waiting For You
Brief Summary:   Cullen had confessed his feelings when you returned to the circle to save him. However you did not expect to run into him after all these years
Words: 3,272
Warnings: Smut as always, your a mom, kinda sad. Drunken smut. I just love Cullen okay
Pairing: Female Grey Warden X Cullen
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"This trick again? I know what you are. It won't work. I will stay strong..." Cullen’s voice faltered in the magic cage he was placed in.
"Cullen, don't you recognize me?" Your voice rang out clear, trying to reach him.
"Only too well... how far they must have delved into my thoughts..." His voice trailed off as he answered.
"The boy is exhausted, and this cage... I've never seen anything like it." The fellow mage spoke softly, "Rest easy help is here."
"Enough visions. If anything in you is human... kill me now and stop this game. You broke the others, but I will stay strong, for my sake... for theirs. Shifting through my thoughts... tempting me with the one thing I always wanted but could never have... Using my shame against me... my ill-advised infatuation with her... a mage, of all things. I'm so tired of these cruel jokes.. these tricks... these..." Cullen cried out, grabbing at his head to make all this stop.
"We are here to help." You yelled, trying to get it across to him that you were, in fact, real.
"Silence.. I'll not listen to anything you say. Now begone! Still here? But that's always worked before. I close my eyes, but you are still here when I open them." Cullen's voice shook, unsure of what to believe anymore.
"Makes you wish you hadn't said those things, doesn't it?"  You teased for a moment before walking closer to the magic cage.
"I am beyond caring what you think. The Maker knows my sin, and I pray that he will forgive me." Cullen stood upright and stared into your soul; it seemed. But did he really mean it?
You lie in bed thinking over that conversation, over and over again in your head. It's late in the evening, and yet sleep is the furthest thing from your mind. The only thing your thoughts seem to settle on is Cullen. The young Templar who you spent a lot of time with when you called this place home... If it ever was really a home, if it was ever more than a prison.
You stare at the ceiling in an unfamiliar room; you could still feel your mind uneasy from the games the sloth demon played on you. Maybe Cullen was apart of that game. You sat up on the edge of the bed, looking down at your hands. You could still feel the hum of magic from the blood mages magic drifting through your hands.
"This is crazy." You mumble to yourself as you stand up and throw on your night robes. "I shouldn't be leaving my room. They were kind enough to let us stay; I shouldn't push it." You sigh but open your door and walk out of the room without a second thought.
The cold stone under your bare feet takes you back to a fonder time, before becoming a grey warden before Jowan was a blood mage before Cullen had confused you. You run your hand along the wall, the red stains of blood still there as you ascend the stairs to the top of the tower. Whenever you needed a moment to breathe, the top of the tower was the place to go, the view was amazing.
You hummed softly to yourself as you walked the now unfamiliar halls recalling everything that happened there. The area where you and Jowan would race up and down the halls when you first ran into Cullen, the chantry where Jowan told you about his girlfriend, where you planed to save your best friend. You press a hand to your head, trying to will away all the memories of this place, both good and bad.
You open the door and walk up the last flight of stairs before being on the roof only when you heard a voice did you freeze.
"Who's there?"
You swallow hard before peaking around the railing side, seeing Cullen sitting on the roof knees to his chest. A soft smile came to your lips before jumping the railing and taking a seat beside him.
"Just me." You whisper before looking up at the night sky, the stars scattered like your thoughts.
Cullen didn't look at you, just staring straight forward into the night. He pulled his knees closer to himself but didn't move away from you.
"Look. I didn't think anyone would be up here, but since you are. I want to clear some things up." You sigh before glancing at him, then leaning back, so you laid against the roofing. "I know you weren't ever expecting to see me again, Maker knows I didn't think I'd see you again. But I- uh." You tried your best to get your thoughts together, but it was hard. "Hearing you say, hearing you admit that at one point you did too. Well, I just wanted to say thank you, thank you for giving me at least one fond memory of this place. I, I should get back to bed." You whispered and started to get up when a hand was placed over yours.
"I- I didn't know it was you, like the real you. I was just so tired of... everything." Cullen spoke his eyes meeting yours. "You, you were the best part of this place, and I just. I knew you were gone. That we, us, never could uh-" He was fumbling over his words.
You felt your heart swell and smiled at him, without thinking you put your hand on his cheek before leaning in and brushing your lips against his. He doesn't pull away quite the opposite; his arms wrap around you, pulling you against his body. You couldn't help yourself and let out a soft moan, swinging your leg, so you were straddling his lap. Deepening the kiss as your hands ran through his hair, his arm around your waist holding you close to him.
You break the kiss a moment later, pressing your forehead to his. "I never thought this would happen." You laugh softly before running a hand down his chest, his white shirt slightly unbutton as your fingers enjoyed the feeling of his warm skin.
"I only ever dreamed about it. Maker forgive me." He whispers before catching your lips again. You kiss him with a fever you didn't know you had, his arms tightening around you to make sure all this was real.
But then a gasp slipped past your lips as you felt a hardness pressing between your legs. Your eyes meet his as his cheek flush, and he looks away. His shyness only makes you smile as your hand cups his cheek. "Cullen." You whisper, placing hot wet kisses against his neck. "No one has to know about tonight. But I will be leaving tomorrow if there's anything you want you only need to tell me." You turn his face back to yours, eyes locking with his.
He opens his mouth to speak, but all that comes out is a slight whimper when you shift in his lap. His hips lightly thrusting up against you as he bites down on his lip desperately. A moan slips past your lips before pulling him into another kiss, hips grinding down against his. Moan falling from his lips like prayers and pleas.
"Y- Y/N!" He moans out as your lips find their way to his neck. You hum softly, keeping your hips moving against his, softly biting into the flesh of his neck. His fingers digging into your hips with such strength, you know you'll bruise.
"Shush, Cullen. I'm going to take care of you." You whisper before sliding your hand between the two of you and slipping into his pants. Fingers slowly wrapping around his cock as you start to stroke him. He throws his head back, moaning out again, his hips thrusting up to meet your hand, his heart ready to pound out of his chest.
You let kisses drop down his chest, at least what skin was exposed before he pulls his head up and buries it in your neck, letting out a loud cry of your name as he cums in your hand. You slowly work him through his orgasm before leaning back slightly and casting a cleaning spell over him to take care of the mess, then wrapping both of your arms around him, keeping him close.
"Cullen, I think I've always loved you. But this is where we must part ways." You manage to keep a steady voice even though tears roll down your cheeks. "The chantry needs you, and I have a blight to stop. But I will never forget you that I promise." You kiss the top of his head before vanishing before his eyes. His arms go to pull you closer, wanting you to stay, but they catch nothing but thin air.
If only you had stayed if only things had worked out differently. If only you hadn't helped Jowan, became a grey warden. If only, then maybe something could have gone differently, perhaps you could have had him.
Years later, the last thing you expected was your daughter to get caught up in the inquisition when you received letters from her about everything she's done and everything they are planning to do. Once you hear word of an archdemon, that's when you know you have to be by her side.
You quickly make the journey to Sky Hold, getting into the large base was the easy part. However, nothing about this next part would be as easy.
You shoved the large doors to the war room open with a crash. Everyone in the room drawing their weapons, preparing for a fight. With a quick flick of your hand, you caused all their weapons to fly to the other side of the room.
"Now is that any way to greet your mother?" You hum looking at your daughter with a smile. She stares at you before running into your arms. You laugh softly stroking her hair before looking around the room and locking eyes with someone you haven't seen in years.
"Y-Y/N?" Cullen's voice rang out through the silent room.
"Cullen..?" You responded as the two of you stared at each other.
Your daughter didn't waste any time to pull you away from the war room to get you set up in a place and question you.
"So, how do you know Commander Cullen?" Her wide eyes that reminded you of her father stared you down.
"Well, we grew up together, you could say." You smiled before stroking her hair. "Remember the Circle? Remember the stories of how I became a grey warden? Well, during my time training as a mage at the circle, your dear Commander was a young templar in training. He was nothing like the man you know now. Unsure of himself, shy, tripping over his words, but he held his head high and never let anything stop him from doing his job. It's one thing I admired about him..." You stopped yourself before you said anything else.
"Wait, did you and Cullen.... IS HE MY FATHER?" your daughter question before you laughed out loud.
"My darling, Cullen, and I never. We didn't... No. Your father was a great King. I know I don't talk about him a lot, but he gave his life to end the blight. He was a good man." You smiled down at her before kissing her forehead. "Alistair, I couldn't talk about him because it wasn't right for an Elf and a human to have relations, let alone a child. Cullen was a dear friend when I was no older than you. That's all." You knew that was a lie, but that was long in the past, and Cullen surely had settled down by now just as you had with Alistair.
"Okay, good. I did not want to start calling the Commander of my troops' father." Your daughter laughed before showing you around Sky Hold. Even pointing out the bar knowing you might need a drink to deal with all this.
"Inquisitor, Lady Cassandra has asked for you." A messager approached the two of you.
"Mother, I will find you later for supper. Please explore the grounds and show our new mages a thing or two." Your daughter teased before heading off with the messager waving at you like crazy.
You looked around the vast castle grounds before knowing what you had to do; you quickly find your way to Cullen's office. You opened the door and read him like a book; this was the last thing you expected.
"Y/N," He whispered as he dropped the bottle of liquor in his hand. You shoot out your magic to catch it and set it on the desk.
"It's been a while. If I- If I knew you were here, I wouldn't of..." You stop yourself before closing the door and leaning against it.
"So our Inquisitor is your daughter? H- her father? Is he here too?" His voice was a little sharp as he sat at his desk.
"Ah, no. King Alistair died defeating the Archdemon as you know..." You look over him as your heart starts pounding in your chest. How can a young romance still have you feeling this way.
"Alistair... Oh... Y/N I didn't- I'm so sorry." He whispered before running a hand through his hair.
"Cullen, don't. I know it's weird with me being here. I just need to make sure my daughter doesn't end up like her father. But it was years ago, everything was." You walk closer now, seeing the empty bottles of liquor all over his desk. How long after he saw you did he start drinking?
"I didn't mean-" He started before standing up and looking over you. "I wasn't trying to-"
You offer a smile before sighing. "It's alright. I should have sent word I was coming. I just. I never thought I'd see you again."
Cullen's eyes never left your face as he approached you, you backed up slowly. "Cullen?" You whispered as you were backed against the door.
"I- I didn't either. Y/N after all this time... I-" He stopped himself before opening the door, "Maybe it's best you just leave..."
"You can't just avoid me; My daughter is your boss." You straighten yourself a little. "Just spit it out, I'm sure you hate me after all these years."
The look on his face broke your heart. "Hate?" He whispered before shutting the door and placing his hands on either side of your head. "My dear Y/N, I've never stopped loving you."
You couldn't believe the words you were hearing, but without any thought, you crash your lips into his, his body pressing against yours in a way that has heat pooling between your legs. "Cullen I-" You start, but he only kisses your harder, his thigh pressing between your legs roughly.
"I'm not the same shy Templar I was when this first happened. And I won't let my imagination tease me anymore." He growled before his lips attacked your neck, causing you to groan out.
"Cullen!" You moaned softly hands ranking into his hair and giving a soft tug. "Let us not imagine then." Your voice was soft as you raised your hand and snaped as your robes disappeared before his eyes. His heart jumps to his throat as he takes you in, everything he's ever wanted was now in front of him.
Sure, you knew your body was nothing like it would have been when you first met him, now scattered in scars and stretch marks from childbirth. But the way his hands mapped over your skin it didn't seem to matter. You ran your thumb over the scar on his upper lip before pulling him into another kiss. He quickly slid his furs off and started to undo the straps on his armor. Your hands making quick work of his trousers as he grabs your hands.
"I'm sorry, my darling. But if you touch me, I know I will not last." He pants softly before picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. You gasp before chuckling softly as he carried you up the ladder with ease.
Once in his loft, he throws you on the bed, quickly stripping out of his armor and clothing with ease, joining you on the bed, his knee slipping between your legs to push them apart as he settled between them.
"Cullen," You whisper, running your hands over his chest, noticing the years hadn't been kind to him either. "I wish I stayed by your side. I wish I could have been there." You place soft kisses on his neck, causing him to falter slightly.
He grabs your hands and pins them above your head before lining his cock up to your entrance. "We cannot change the past. Only the future." He said roughly before shoving his cock into you to the hilt. You let out a loud moan before throwing your head back onto his pillow. He gasps out his lips, finding your shoulder as he panted and set a rough speed.
You cried out your hands, desperately trying to break free to touch him, to feel him, but his grip only got tighter. His pants got rougher with each thurst; undoubtedly, if you hadn't been so strong, he would have torn you in half.
"Cullen! O- Ah! Maker, Please!" You moan out, looking up at the man above you, locking eyes with him as he bit his lip roughly. His brows furrowed together in pleasure. His hip thrusts quickly became erratic, and his free hand slipped between the two of you to rub circles around your clit.
You cried out his name repeatedly as your orgasm finally took you, back arching off the bed, eyes screwed shut and mouth wide open. Just watching you enter pure bliss caused his orgasm as he spilled his seed inside you he let out a soft moan of your name.
After slowly riding out your orgasms together, he rolled off of you and placed a kiss to your shoulder. "I cannot believe you're here with me. After all these years. Maker finally answered my prayers." He whispered as he slowly drifted off to sleep.
You smiled at him before brushing his sweaty hair out of his eyes. "I'm sure you think that. But my dear Templar. I-" You sigh softly before getting up and redressing with a flick of your fingers. "I love you, Cullen. Please do not forget that come morning, though I'm sure this will be nothing but a drunken dream." You smile sadly at him, picturing the young Templar who had stolen your heart so long ago. "I sure hope you think of fondly of me in the morning."
And with that, you left, to retire to the bar to drink your sorrows away. Cullen, your first love, he was here fighting alongside your daughter. There was another Arch Demon, and now it felt as if you were 19 all over again. The only difference now you knew the darkspawn blood was coming for you, you could feel it in your magic and bones. You wouldn't make it long past this war. So the least you could do is your duty as a grey warden and kill the Arch Demon one more time.
"Cullen, please Forgive me, I do not wish to get your hopes up yet again only to disappear." You whispered to yourself as you took a long sip out of a jug. But you didn't have a choice. You had to save your daughter no matter what.
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ratonnhhaketon · 4 years
Full Writing Masterpost
Full Archive of Our Own Works  &  Full Tumblr Works
- Assassin’s Creed
Revenge Is A Fool’s Game (Connor Kenway x Original Female Character) (Ao3 or Tumblr) 
Born to two Assassins in the Colonial Brotherhood, Eleanor Price was destined for great things. That is, until the disaster at the Davenport Homestead leaves her family in hiding and her parents’ pasts long forgotten. She is determined to find and kill the men responsible for her father’s death, no matter the cost. Revenge may be a fool’s game, but Ellie plays to win. And the prize might just be a blossoming relationship with the boy training alongside her.
- Marvel
Still Breathing (Bucky Barnes x Original Female Character) (Ao3 or Tumblr) (Masterpost)
Six months after the defeat of Thanos, the world is still in chaos. The threat of the Flag Smashers combined with the new headstrong Captain America means it's time for Valencia Zicari to help save the world one more time. But, in doing so, she also has to pick up the pieces of a broken relationship.
- Red Dead Redemption 2
See The Fire In Your Eyes (Arthur Morgan x Original Female Character) (Ao3 or Tumblr) (Masterpost)
Catherine Hays grew up in a picture-perfect, high society family in Virginia. She had her whole life planned out for her and was about to get married to a man she could not stand. When her brother uncovers a murder plot and has to pay with his own life, Catherine decides she can’t continue playing along. She takes control of her own destiny and goes south to a pretty little town called Blackwater.
- Apex Legends
It’s Always Been You (Bloodhound x Gender Neutral Reader) (Ao3 or Tumblr)
- Assassin’s Creed
Give Me Love (Connor Kenway x Original Female Character) (Ao3)
Death Doesn’t Discriminate Between the Sinners and the Saints (Connor Kenway x Original Female Character) (Ao3)
- Dragon Age
Wait For Me to Come Home (Alistair Theirin x Female Cousland) (Ao3 or Tumblr)
- Mass Effect
I’m Scared (Kaidan Alenko x Female Shepard) (Ao3 or Tumblr)
Now That It’s Over (Kaidan Alenko x Female Shepard) (Ao3 or Tumblr)
- Overwatch
Old Shadows and New Beginnings (Gabriel Reyes x Female Reader) (Ao3)
- Assassin’s Creed
Frye Twins Training Sessions (Frye Twins - NO ROMANCE) (Ao3)
I Happen to be Saving Your Arse (Frye Twins - NO ROMANCE ) (Tumblr)
Secret Hidden Talents (Frye Twins - NO ROMANCE) (Tumblr)
One Rainy Night (Connor Kenway x Female Original Character) (Ao3 or Tumblr)
Snowflake On Your Nose (Connor Kenway x Female Original Character) (Tumblr)
Things You Said When You Thought I Was Asleep (Connor Kenway x Original Character) (Tumblr)
- Dragon Age
Keep Your Eyes On Me (Cullen Rutherford x Female Trevelyan) (Ao3 or Tumblr)
Helpless (Dorian Pavus x Male Trevelyan) (Ao3)
- Mass Effect
Things You Didn’t Say At All (Kaidan Alenko x Female Shepard) (Tumblr)
You’d be a Sexy Pirate (Kaidan Alenko x Female Shepard) (Tumblr)
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my-st0ff · 1 year
Something Soft and Delicate
Chapter Two
Fandom: Dragon Age
Pairing: Cullen Rutherford x female reader
Chapter Song: Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want (Deftones Version) - Deftones (lyrics in bold)
"Isn't this wonderful?"
A husky, tired voice flows across your shoulder into your ear - emitting from your newly wed husband who had been acting as your big spoon and caressing your bare skin to help you wake up with his head placed perfectly so that he could peck at your lower neck constantly for the past five minutes or so. So you tiredly responded with "hm?"
Cullen: "Good times for a change"
You: "Yes... it is rather lovely"
You speak through a cheesy grin, eyes still shut.
Cullen: "It's just, neither of us have been very well off and... I'm so glad I found you y/n. So for once in my life I feel... so safe"
You: "And you deserve to, Sweetheart"
You turn over in his arms so that you can face him.
You: "See, the luck you've had, can make a good man turn bad... and you've done nothing but remain my big, strong pure man"
A devilish smile creeps across your lips toward the end of your sentence as you squeeze his bicep. Making him giggle and his ears to turn a little red.
You: "How on Thedas do I still make you blush, Cullen?"
Cullen: "Oh I've never dealt well with compliments from pretty women. I'm not sure that will ever change"
He grins.
You: "Aww, thought you'd be bored of me by now"
You smile half joking. His gaze softens.
Cullen: "You? Never."
He slowly leans in and kisses you gently with feather-touch lips. His sweet, low voice hatching butterflies deep in your tummy. His large arms envelop you.
Cullen: "Maker has finally Let me get what I want... lord knows it's the first time"
Your soft round eyes look up at him similar to a puppies yearning gaze as one hand of yours begins to utilise it's fingers in caressing Cullen's naked chest. You go to reassure him.
You: "Cullen you- darlin' are you too hot?"
Your eyes flicker between the several licks of sweat rolling down his forehead and cheeks.
Cullen: "I feel a little flushed"
His eyes apear glazed over, giving him away as he tries his hardest to maintain his composure. You start to shuffle away and sit up a bit.
You: "I'll get you a cold flannel"
You go to push yourself off the bed and onto your feet when you feel a clammy hand grip your wrist.
Cullen: "no, don't go"
His doughy eyes pleed more intensely than his words ever could. You do your best to remain stoic.
You: "it's the withdrawals is it not?"
You state matter-of-factly. Referring to his recovering stater due to being in the process of quitting lyrium.
Cullen: "it doesn't matter y/n. I won't let the first few days of our marriage be spoiled by this"
You: "don't say silly things like that. Nothing will be spoiled my sweet"
You smile tenderly and float out the room to find a flannel.
Once you return with a damp, wet flannel and a bottle of medicine with a complimentary teaspoon your met with a trembling Cullen who's sat on top of the covers in his underwear with a cold sweat tormenting the surface of his soft skin. You sit beside him and carefully place the flannel on his forehead as he twitches and occasionally whimpers. Then you unscrew the bottle of medicine and raise the teaspoon.
Cullen: "Let me, let me, let me"
Cullen commands rapidly, almost frantically. You, without a second thought hand him the glass bottle and spoon to which he mucks up the execution of the pouring gesture. Immediately realising you were too soon to let him do it himself, you take the spoon and bottle back slowly and cautiously and place it on the bedside table all the while Cullen curses under his breath.
Cullen: "I'm so sorry y/n"
You: "shh shh shh"
You cup his cheek and peck at his forehead.
You: "I'll just change the bedding tonight, okay?"
Cullen 'mhm's and nods, looking down still with an essence of shame. You let a few drops fill out the teaspoon and then bring the pads of your index and middle finger to lift his chin. His eyes fall shut and you instinctively brush the palm of your hand up the side of his face so that he leans into your touch.
You: "open"
You mumble softly and his trembling lips part so that you can spoon the medicine into his mouth.
You: "that'll help with the sweats"
You twirl the hair that flops over his face between your fingers.
Cullen: "Yes I- I'm feeling a little better already so, y/n... so please please please don't worry about me. Just give me a little bit and then we can carry on... celebrating"
He smirks at 'celebrating'. You smile back.
You: "You wanna tell me how your feeling?"
You ask as you shuffle yourself into a comfortable position next to him to make sure he doesn't get too hot. You lock your fingers with his as he begins to explain the best he can. You shut your eyes, deciding to let him mumble himself to sleep (as he would most definitely agree to go back to sleep if you were to outright tell him to).
Cullen: "This time is nowhere as bad as last time I got this..."
He rubs his temple and winces. His eyes shut and words lazy.
Cullen: "do you know what's rather odd about it, y/n?"
You: "what's that?"
Cullen: "I haven't had a dream in a long time and I feel like it's definitely somewhat related"
You: "how interesting"
Soon enough his sentences gave out halfway through until there was a complete absence of them. Replaced by soft snores and quiet whistles from his nose.
Chapter Three:
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divine-donna · 1 year
knight in shining armor
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pairing: cullen rutherford x gender neutral! reader
premise: a royal au, featuring cullen as a member of your royal guard.
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♡ cullen rutherford, your knight in shining armor since you were young. a righteous boy who grew up into a righteous man, protecting you from dangers beyond the walls of your castle and imperial spies.
♡ cullen rutherford, who was brash and outspoken, who would talk back to his superiors for interacting with royalty when he himself was nothing more than a peasant.
♡ cullen rutherford, a boy punished for rumors untrue.
♡ cullen rutherford, who became a knight and popular amongst your kingdom subjects.
♡ cullen rutherford, who became a hero in the war against an imposing empire that threatened to swallow your country whole. you were a hero strategist and he the heroic knight-commander.
♡ cullen rutherford, who gained a promotion from your father. “any position.” he said. it almost seemed too good to be true.
♡ cullen rutherford, who asked to be part of the royal guard. “nothing would bring me more honor than to protect you and your family, your greatness.”
♡ cullen rutherford, who also got a mabari with his promotion. he was more than ecstatic considering that he’s wanted once since he was a kid.
♡ cullen rutherford, who learns it was you who got him the mabari hound he’s wanted. your act of generosity would not go unnoticed.
♡ cullen rutherford, who participated in many tourneys representing himself. his experience gave him the upperhand against the nobles who had never even stepped foot on a battlefield.
♡ cullen rutherford, who asks for your favor. you smile cheekily and toss him the wreath of flowers. “may the maker smile upon you today.” he notices the wreath has daisies woven within it.
♡ cullen rutherford, who is assigned by your father to watch over you personally especially during the treaty signings. maker forbid something happened to you, the heir to the kingdom.
♡ cullen rutherford, who finds his love for you deepening, a love that has been building since he was a child and saw you all those years ago. he can’t help the smile that continues to form on his face. leliana and josephine are always pointing out his lovesick grin when you’re around.
♡ cullen rutherford, who continues to polish his chess skills. it drives you a little stir crazy that he has only beaten you. 10 to 0 is the current score. you’re determined to win at least one game.
♡ cullen rutherford, who finds you reading up on chess strategies and asking other people that have played him for advice on how to win. it amuses him and he decides to leave you alone.
♡ cullen rutherford, a man who feels pride when you finally beat him. you outmaneuvered him in almost every way. it was a little scary actually how you beat him.
♡ cullen rutherford, who meets you in the gardens at night. it’s just the two of you. alone. no one around. he could hear nothing but your breathing and his own and the gentle hum of insects.
♡ cullen rutherford, a boy who grew into a handsome man. the scar adorning his face added a charm to him. and his eyes were warm, gentle, inviting.
♡ cullen rutherford, whose touch put you at ease and made your skin flush. your heart would pound against your rib cage and it threatened to burst from your chest.
♡ cullen rutherford, who felt like forbidden fruit. you should be dallying someone of your status, someone born into nobility and with titles and lands. he was a man with neither (outside of his current titles, of course).
♡ cullen rutherford, who cupped your face gently. the two of you were so close. so very close. if you moved further just a little...
♡ cullen rutherford, a man surprised when he felt your lips against his. he suddenly couldn’t move, body frozen. he had become putty in your hands, maleable by your will.
♡ cullen rutherford, who kissed you back with such fervor that it felt like you were about to explode. with happiness of course.
♡ cullen rutherford, your lover. a secret affair you had to have. and sure, were you breaking your promise to your father to marry someone adequate? yes. but you knew what you felt and it would never be with any of the nobles that send proposals every day.
♡ cullen rutherford, who is content to be your lover in the shadows of the night. you were his liege. he wanted nothing to happen to you. he understood the responsibility on your shoulder.
♡ cullen rutherford, who always deflects from the rumors and questions surrounding him and his liege. people are talking. it wouldn’t be long before such whispers reached the greater nobility.
♡ cullen rutherford, who is surprised at your forwardness and openness during your name day ball. you ask him for a dance. openly. in front of all the suitors that had lined themselves up for you.
♡ cullen rutherford, who takes your hand and ignores the looks being sent his way, ignores the hushed whispers behind elegant masks and large hand fans.
♡ cullen rutherford, who utterly melts when you whisper to him, “i love you.”
♡ cullen rutherford, a man interrogated by your father because of the rumors of his liaison you. he gives vague answers that only further frustrate your father.
♡ cullen rutherford, a man saved when you enter the room and give your father clear answers. you are firm on your stance and on your love for cullen. he feels flutters in his heart watching you argue with your father. it appears you had become his knight in shining armor.
♡ cullen rutherford, a heroic knight-commander promoted to a member of the royal guard and now, your husband. he says his vows with enthusiasm and love. his whole body shakes with enthusiasm as he says, “i do.”
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assortedcorn · 5 years
Decisions, decisions.
If I were to create a new CullenxInquisitor fan fiction would you guys, as readers prefer which genre:
• Spy/Action/Modern Thedas
• Soft and quiet girl turned badass/Thedas
And would y’all think it would be easier to read on:
Also thinking of doing chapter dedications to those who kudos or like the previous chapter?
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shannaraisles · 7 years
A birthday gift for the amazing @star--nymph. Happy birthday, my dulcet darling!
Read on AO3
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In this place, at this time, there is only him.
The joyful sound of the clan gathered all around fades into nothing more than a hum in your ears, the sense of oneness with the hold forgotten as whiskey-warm eyes, darkly bright with hopeful longing, lock with your own. Though the eyes of the hold are upon you, you see only him, tall and broad, rippling with purpose as he take his place before you.
Firelight dances over his form, illuminating the reds and browns of his fur mantle, casting the toned plane of his bared chest in flickering gold to match the shining hue of the tousled curls that crown his head and trail down into the fur at his shoulders. The twisted braids set there to tame the fall of that mane end in the glint of true gold - for you, for this night, he has twisted the precious metal into his locks, a golden god to match the soft silver that adorns your own garb. His only concession, it seems, to the solemn joy of this occasion, though he comes to you unarmed. The only weapon he needs on this night is the simple fact of his being; he is your choice, you are his choice, this decision you made together to make this night a reality.
Though the eyes of his clan are upon you, you only have eyes for him. Your fingers twitch, aching to touch, to skim your palms over the definition of his form; your breath catches in your throat as his mouth quirks into a lion's smirk, the faded imperfection of the scar that mars his upper lip pulling taut and tempting in the dancing glow of the bonfire that crackles so close by. The dry heat of the flames is nothing to the smouldering embers buried deep inside; embers that leap and spark each time his eyes skim your form, his tongue touches his lips, his fingers curl and stretch at his sides. He wants you and, for all his patience in past days, you know that tonight will be one you will never forget. He has promised you will never know a husband like him again. A common boast among warriors of the Avvar, but in his case ... you believe it.
The hempen rope feels rough in the clench of your fist, the knots you tied so carefully this morning the only barrier now between your quiet hope and the reality standing before you. There were no visions to guide you in the tying, no warnings from Rilla or the Lady to impede this ceremony from becoming a true commitment. Your gaze falls to his fingers - thick, long, strong. Are they nimble enough to untie your knots while you sing of Rilla and her gifts? Will your voice falter to see his dexterity brought to bear before your eyes?
You swallow, trying not to think too long on those fingers, those hands, that form, forcing your thought to focus on everything else he is. A good man, a strong warrior, a fine hunter, a capable leader; all attributes you hoped for in the man that chose to pair with you. But you cannot deny that he is so much more than you hoped for - handsome, fierce, gentle; courteous and respectful, yet infused with a thrilling sense of danger. His is not a spirit that can be tamed, his wildness held in check by his loyalty to hold and kin. A loyalty that will soon be yours to call upon, should you ever need it.
A strong hand rises, casting shadows in the firelight; a gentle thumb touches the fullness of your lower lip as your breathing staggers, caught in his gaze, the willing prey of this longing predator. Fingers skim your chin, barely brushing the supple leather that molds to your form as his hand drops to take the knotted rope from your own unresisting grasp. And there, a single word ... a command to complete what was begun when he asked and you accepted, when you allowed him to steal you from your birth hold only two nights ago.
For the briefest moment, you close your eyes, drawing in a slow breath as you send a silent prayer to the gods for the fortitude to sing with strength. Your voice rises to the dark sky above, all other voices around you falling silent to watch your chosen partner determine how long he will have you for. How long you will have to utterly ruin Cullen Lionsbane for any other that might seek to lure him away from you.
Before you, those clever fingers are already at work, picking at the knots you tied just last night while offering your prayer to the Lady. You prayed for courage, strength, patience, the lessons learned from the tale of Seddra and Virmik ... courage to see you through this first step taken to becoming one with another hold, to bear the pain of renouncing the hold of your birth; strength to endure whatever might come, to stand strong and proud beside your man, united against all enemies; and patience, for love will not come instantly, and time will be your friend. The gods do not give happiness or mercy, will not gift a supplicant with love just for the asking. They are harsh, like the world around you; what is given must be earned.
One knot undone, one verse complete, the flicker of his gaze to yours as you grow in confidence. One year already, given over to sharing your life with him, and still more verses to go. A second knot, a second year, and this time his lips, so temptingly pursed with concentration, part in a wild grin as the third knot comes undone in his fingers. And there begins the challenge.
As is the custom of your former hold, you tied only ten knots yet, in a mirror held to life, the four that make up the middle of the rope are tied tighter, harder. A shared life is not all warmth and simplicity; there is hardship and differences to overcome. One who gives up at this first challenge may enjoy their three years of beginning, but no more than that. You may have given up your former hold, but this custom is one you will hold to. No one who cannot endure the challenge of your fourth knot and beyond with grace and calm will ever have the chance to untie more at a later date.
Your gaze settles on his face, watching the play of frustration over the handsome features that first caught your eye. The grin is gone, his brow set in a fierce frown that is not angry but challenging, rising to the challenge you have set for him. His fingers work more slowly now, testing each loop of the knot that has stalled him, seeking out the coil that will allow him to loosen it and move on to the next. There is a gentleness to his ferocity, a calmness in the midst of his frustration. He growls under his breath, yet does not swear nor waste his energy in displays of impatience. He tests and he considers, and as his eyes lift to meet yours, he raises the rope to his mouth and drags the knot loose with his teeth.
Approval lightens your voice as you sing, as your smile colors your song with something torn between amusement and admiration for his method. This is not a man who will fall at the first hurdle, or give up before all paths have been walked. This is a man who looks at a problem and finds a way; a man who is prepared to try anything to achieve his goal, within reason. He did not draw a blade to slice at the knot, as you have seen others do only to have their mating called off for their disrespectful reaction to a simple problem. He found a way, and your life is bound to his for four years as the last verse of your devotion finds its way to the air from your lips.
And as the last note fades, leaving the gathering in watchful silence, Cullen raises the rope in his hand for all to see. Five knots remain of ten that were made by your hands; five years are promised as husband and wife, to rise or fall as the gods will it. The augur nods, notes the promise, the drums begin to sound once again, and you find yourself suddenly caught into the arms of your husband, no longer his captured bride but his wife by right and by choice.
His grinning lips find yours, a soft pillow that tastes, touches, takes what you offer, your own laugh forgotten in a low groan that tells him all he truly needs to know tonight. His hands, warm and confident on your back, pour over the leather that hides your form from his eyes, gathering you closer, enveloping you in the heat that radiates from him as his lips part to enrapture, ravish, to share the ravenous eagerness of a hunger that wants more than to be sated. This is his desire, sparked from the first moment of your meeting, the first warning that told you without words that to be this man's wife was the wish of a lifetime, not simply a year. No other has set you on fire like this, with barely more than a kiss; no other has ever asked to capture you so bluntly yet so gently. He may not be the first, but as you curl to him, warm to him, pour your fingers through the spun, braided gold of his hair and thrill to the wakening beast in your belly, you feel sure he must be the last.
In this place, in this time, there is only him. Cullen Lionsbane; hunter, warrior, husband ... yours.
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EDIT: my links aren’t working… but for now you can still use the search icon and type the name of the character you’re looking for!!
Here are the characters I currently write for! I've put them in order of most wanted! I tend to write based on my mood so the list may change from time to time!
Happy to write nsfw!
I only write female readers, I’m usually happy with most so send requests in but I won’t do: daddy kinks, harmful nsfw, fics that mention depression, self harm, abuse, etc.
If I have an issue with any requests I will let you know!
Jonathan Reid (Vampyr)
Geoffrey McCullum (Vampyr)
McReid (Jonathan x Geoffrey) Vampyr
Erik (Phantom of the Opera)
Alucard (Castlevania)
Silco (Arcane)
Cullen (Dragon Age Inquisition)
Solas (Dragon Age Inquisition)
Rafe Adler (Uncharted)
Indiana Jones
Kratos (God of War)
Detective Loki (prisoners)
A Brief Moment of Control - warnings: *NSFW*
My Dream - Warnings: none
Gentle Moments - Warnings: None
Jealous Headcanon - Warnings: *NSFW*
A Way Back to Calm - Warnings: None!
Internship - Warnings- Swearing
Makeout - Warnings - Kissing
It's All I Could Think About - Warnings: *NSFW*
Loving Loki - Part One
Loving Loki - Part Two 
Loving Loki - Part Three
Loving Loki - Part Four
Loving Loki - Part Five
Loving Loki - Part Six
In A Daydreamed Moment - Warnings - none!
Petite - Warnings: Mentions of blood/violence
Somewhere Quiet - Warnings: None
Secret Lovers - *NSFW*
First Time - *NSFW*
I Know You Part One - Warnings: None
I Know You Part Two - Warnings *NSFW*
Failed Attempts - Warnings- Swearing
Loyalty - Warnings *NSFW*
Inventor Headcanons - Warnings: None
Something I Didn't Know I Needed - Warnings: Swearing
Lost Control - Warnings: NSFW 18+, rough sex, intoxication.
Stress - Warnings: None
Words Cannot Harm Us - Warning: A little NSFW, making out
Starcrosed Lovers - Warnings: None
Untitled - Warnings *NSFW*
Secret Lovers - *NSFW*
First Time - *NSFW*
I Know You Part One - Warnings: None
I Know You Part Two - Warnings *NSFW*
Secret Admirer Part Two - Warnings: *NSFW*
Secret Admirer Part One - Warnings: None
Headcanon: Reader who gets lost - Warnings: none
The Test
Not always an Asshole
109 notes · View notes