#culturally they’re giving every show a binary gender and for MCU and SW it was boy and for Wednesday it’s girl
magpiesbones · 2 years
simply INCANDESCENT with rage over the way w*dnesday is so soullessly profitable.
FIRST: the way Wednesday herself has been scrubbed of all personality to be an edgy audience insert. Far be it from me to shame people for their enjoyment of a Mary Sue but do it to your original character at least. Don’t make an audience insert and hold it up as the same character as you had before.
SECOND: the way both girls in the show (and correct me if I am wrong, but there are ONLY two girls plus a hated mother character) are both Manic Pixie Dream girls but to different aesthetic extremes. With all the lack of agency that entails. I doubt Wednesday is the one moving the plot if she’s being (narratively) treated like that. And she’s the goddamn main character.
THIRD: the uncomfortable pauses after Wednesday says something just barely abnormal that you can just TELL are there for audience laughter. The absence of the laugh track was a choice but it wasn’t a choice that gives me less to criticize. At least if you were blatantly hateful you wouldn’t fool people like this.
FOURTH: the uncomfortable and clearly performative wokeness. ‘Don’t make the character talk like they’re getting a good grade in therapy’ absolutely applies here. The way you are dropping these buzzwords and then making them mean NOTHING is sooo bad.
FIFTH: you really went for the ‘hated mother figure’ trope? IN THIS MEDIA??? Where the original joke was that the Addams were the healthy family compared to the normies?? That’s cheap. That’s low. That’s distressingly Freudian.
SIXTH: I’ve heard Gomez is arrested on no evidence. There’s a way you can write it so that the cops taking the Latino man to jail on no evidence is anti cop but I’m going to take a guess based on what I know of Tim burton and say that’s not what happened.
SEVENTH: congratulations Tim burton for sucking it up and putting one (1) black character in there. Next actually write him a non-racist plot line.
EIGHTH: the way this show has been out for what a month? and is already six tiktok trends really says something about marketability in the age of social media. shows have learned how to bank on their fandoms and now how to manufacture a fandom. This is a show for the influencers and nostalgia to sell and Netflix to reap the benefit of.
NINTH: I doubt there has ever been a clearer case of commodification of a subculture. The way goth is used as a set dressing in this show is almost as sad as the way character names are used as a set dressing.
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