yukikorogashi · 10 months
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Sketch for @cupforbrains! ❤️
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hxzelwallflower · 1 year
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Since when were there two cups runnin' around this place ?!
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fantasywritten · 1 year
@cupforbrains replied: ❛❛ ooooo ! another ink demon ! with another devishly handsome smile ! ❜❜
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HE SPUN AROUND, at first not seeing Cuphead from his height, but his gaze soon moved down. And the first thing Inky did was SNICKER WITH LAUGHTER.
“Yer- yer head’s a TEACUP!”
His laughter suddenly grew into a genuine guffaw.
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thebananwithaplan · 1 year
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. "You sure ya don't wanna come? Quite a few of our pals are gonna be there!" Who can say 'no' to a free dance inside a kingdom? Plus, we'll need all the toons we can get to balance out the anime-looking people at that ball.
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captainseamech · 1 year
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As if he wasn't already confused enough by the twins' presence alone...
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ossacruenta · 1 year
@cupforbrains starter -- In case you ain't heard, he's the Devil~
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The forked tail gently sways, a rather good mood for the daemon since things had starting going his way! The success had sparked a new fire inside his empty chest, slithering his way back to the old ways.
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"Ah, what a perfectly fiendish day to be me~" He chuckles to himself, twirling the pitchfork before slamming it down on the ground, creating a puff of dark smoke. It feels good to flex the powers. His attention turns over his shoulder, hearing the light steps that are far too gentle to be Dice. The eyes catch his newest minion, the Cup. Something seems. . . off however, getting the daemon to raise an unseen eyebrow. "Now. . . what is with that long face, my little minion? You spent an awful long time up there." The Cup had better not be lingering around that hovel again. It took forever to break that stupid 'brotherly bond' thing enough to break the Cup's spirit.
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smashingsire · 10 months
Tyrant Triple D in Kastle Krushers
It was fate that the King would find himself under a severe contract where he forcibly made a deal with the actual devil; a long time ago, a monarch from his domain, Dream Land, went to spend his taxes on nothing but gambling purposes. There couldn’t have been a worser way than to waste away but the King nonetheless used his lust for money than his brain instead. That was when things went horribly wrong! On a winning streak, the King literally placed a bet on the wrong horse; unbeknownst to him, the very steed skeleton broke into a pile of bones just when it left the starting line. To make matters even worse, due to his lack of reading full and fixed contracts, the monarch ended up unwittingly betting his own soul on the line as well!
Begging to keep his savings and soul on the line, the King made a deal with the Devil about keeping both, mostly his own life. To compensate, the King was instructed to destroy a certain hero that was collecting every contract of the victim’s souls, where he came way too close into besting the head honcho.The monarch agreed and managed to transport his castle directly in front of the Devil’s casino so he could have a go at fighting the cup himself. Currently, he was situated on the top of the rooftops with his staff, spying through his pair of binoculars to attempt to seek out the hero within millions of miles.
“So, Cuphead’s his actual name? Huh! I wonder why they call him that there name, anywho? Dun’ he have a cup for a head, or ain’t he un’ o’ those coffee enthusiasts? That’s like callin’ me Hammer-Head, ain’t it…? Heh, hammer head…”
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swcllcwscng · 1 year
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Yanqing grumbled a little as he rubbed at his sore head, it felt like he was just dropped hard on the ground. Ow.
Wait? The more he looked around, the more things didn't make much sense.
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He slowly got up as he then noticed he was in some sort of forest?
He couldn't tell as everything looked like it was merely drawn on paper, like ink or something close to it.
He gulped a little before venturing forth, wary but curious of everything around him as he kept his guard up.
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inkmchine · 1 year
@cupforbrains replied:
hold hands hold hands hold hands hold hands hold hands- hey how'd this happen
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yeah, how DID this happen? he is staring at their hands, bewildered by the gesture. there wasn't any hint of agitation in his expression, just... pure confusion.
❝ What are you doin? ❞ he didn't know cuphead well, so he wasn't sure why he would want to hold hands.
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yukikorogashi · 10 months
ooooh, itsuki-chan! there's a plate of cinnabuns with your name on it! for being such a precious cinnamonroll. // from a sweet toothed cuppy. ♥️
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YOUNG FEATURES WOULD LIGHT UP, the moment that familiar JOVIAL VOICE touched her very ears. Recognizing just whom it belonged to in an instant, and realizing just how long it had been since she'd last seen her adorable, PORCELAIN PAL!
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She would greet (If not even CHEERED) in return. As she whirled right around then, with arms raised in greeting. Relieved to also see that there wasn't a chip or crack in sight on the fella's mug (... Wait.), this time round. Ready to (CAREFULLY-- mind you! Even though he wasn't as fragile a being like him oughta be-- she didn't wanna cause any ACCIDENTAL MILK SPILLAGE, none neither!) embrace him, until she saw that he had something in his hands. Ludicrous befuddlement following right after, as the peculiar name of these baked goods that he was gifting unto her-- were the very first thing to sink in, and perhaps... just a little too deeply.
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"S-Sinner-buns...? Wit' mah name on it?"
She would echo and gasp out then, as a once delighted gaze would begin to waver in worry. Looking back down to the plate of pastries, however... they didn't seem all that... punishing. But never you too quickly judge a book by its cover, Itsuki! For these yummy lookin' things right here could be the BAKED EQUIVALENT to uh... that one apple them folks had been tricked into eating... But hey now! Her FRIEND wouldn't do that to her! No sire, BOB!
"B-But uhf been good this year..."
At least, as far as she could remember... Teeth would worry at her bottom lip, as she actually thought long and hard then, about what she might have done to deserve this. She was only made further confused, at the other's affectionate addressing towards her. Digging an even deeper hole for herself... and having long since missed the drop off point for-- THE ANSWER'S BEEN RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YA, KID!
"W-What did ah do, bro? W-Wha am ah a SINNER-MAN-ROLL???"
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@cupforbrains ❤️💕
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hxzelwallflower · 1 year
(   followed   cos   your   oc   is   a   doll   and   you   as   a   mun   is   super   wonderful   !   one   cup   of   love   coming   right   up   for   eileen   !   ♥️   )
ooc ♡ˊˎ- c R Y I N G You're so sweet!! You play Cuphead to a T, and your friend's Mugman is equally as lovely. It's always a pleasure seeing you on my feed, you're more than welcome to harass me with ideas for threads as I'm always here to deliver support to your little gremlin cup.
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sillymuses · 1 year
"I hope this doesn't come off as being rude but like, hypothetically speaking, could I drink out of that straw of yours? N-Not that I planned on doing that or anything! I just...I have so many questions." She's trying to wrap her mind around all of this. Key word is trying.
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"Is it like, your brain? Are there nerves inside of you??" Ruby's going to freak herself out at this point. "You're a scientific enigma!"
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fantasywritten · 1 year
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“COMING FROM THE DEVIL HIMSELF, Cuphead is absolutely stubborn.”
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thebananwithaplan · 1 year
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. "What do you mean you'd put the man-eating giant mermaid lady over a banana who did no wrong... to you, specifically?"
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ossacruenta · 1 year
@cupforbrains -- that's not Cuphead?
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In a puff of glimmering deep gray smoke, the familiar form of the Devil appears -- chin held up as he stands in the backyard of the quant cottage. It is about time he makes another go at getting that cup's soul. . . considering they have a new contract. Although, the daemon pauses, golden eyes narrowing at the sight of. . . Mugman? Why did he sense Cuphead's soul energy here when it's just the brother? The Devil sneers, stamping the end of the pitchfork against the grass, "What sort of trick did you children learn this time?" Oh he is quite annoyed. So much for an easy taking by surprise. . .
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summersunsetball · 1 year
Mun name: toma
Pronouns: he/xem
URL(s): cupforbrains
Participating muse(s): cuphead
Are you comfortable with non-mutual interactions during this event?: yeeee!
( he is fashionably late but he is here !! )
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More toon rep, I see! Welcome welcome!
— Mod Neg
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