#curious what outfit leshy wants
rt-closetcryptic · 7 months
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This took a while.
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onedivinemisfit · 4 years
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Obiyuki Witcher!AU “chara sheet”, this time Shirayuki. My favourite little Bruxa <3 Accompanies this one; Obi
Posted mainly bc I’m busy with the backlog that is coloring all the outfits I made for her XD
AnS (c) Akizuki Sorata
Art: Me
- Shirayuki’s mom was a bruxae, and her father human. Mukaze was initially lured in to be food for her mother’s vampire coven, but she fell in love with him. Refusing the matriarch’s orders, her mother escaped to the coast of Cidaris, where Shirayuki was later born. She’s never met her father, but she knew he had to be a sailor of some sort, for her mother would always gaze wistfully out towards the sea.
- Shirayuki was raised on the outskirts of human society, to avoid attracting too much attention. Her mother taught her to prey on wild animals rather than humanoids, or cattle, to avoid causing a stir. Shirayuki’s favourite food is deer blood pudding. She finds “solid” foods very exciting.
- Although not raised in a bruxa coven like her mother, Shirayuki was still taught some of their customs and history, if only to fill the cold winter evenings when sitting in front of the fireplace while her momma mended sleeves and darned socks, and blood soup was beginning to boil, wafting deliciously coppery in their little hut.
- Her mother was killed when Shirayuki was young, and she had to make do on her own, having to master such skills as hunting for food, patching her clothes, pickpocket when desperate, and gauge the smallfolk’s opinion of her - so she would know when to bolt. She picked up herbalism while on the road, and has lived many places across the north, though always sticking to the coast. Old habits...
- As a young teen, she crashes into an islander girl named Torou - who turns out to be her half-sister. Basically they felt instant kinship and when comparing notes, found that Torou’s father had been to the mainland and spoken of this beautiful woman he met there. Torou would have taken Shirayuki back with her if she could, but Shirayuki is... not people-minded, always terrified by her otherness, and her mind fresh with what humans can do to monsters if they find them. They keep their sisterhood secret, Torou teaching Shirayuki to read and write, Shirayuki helping Torou spar (to this day, her elder sister is envious of her bruxae speed) and keep in touch by letter.
- Being bruxae means Shirayuki can communicate with birds, entrance humanoids with song, and despite looking like a normal woman, packs a punch few can match. She’s not volatile by nature, but can be spurred to action for a number of reasons, at which point she lets loose her claws, her fangs and her invisibility. Her slight build and short stature *always* ensures her enemies will underestimate her attack power. Only witchers can really match her...
- Yes, she has murdered. Killed in self-defense, mostly, but once or twice outright murdered people. Her fluctuating misanthropy means she’s sometimes sorry, sometimes absolutely not.
- During her travels, Shirayuki finds Ryuu, the “wolf pup”, as she nicknamed him at first. A werewolf cub abandoned by his natural mother, and raised by a leshy in the woods that was now dead, she adopts him as her own. She teaches him language, both Common and Vampiric, to ensure she can communicate him without anyone understanding what she’s saying; she feeds and clothes him, telling curious villagers how he is her step-son by her “late hunter husband” (who of course never existed) and of course lets him roam the woods at night, true to his nature.
- Shirayuki and Ryuu settle in the woods of Velen, Temeria, a couple years before the Third War, of course affecting your typical displaced commoners looking for a new home. She moves them into an abandoned hunter’s hut, and sets up as a forager-herbalist. The smallfolk come to her for cures, trading mostly in foodstuffs or utilities, but they are generally distrustful of her. Shirayuki is simply too other, even when affecting human-ness; living alone deep in the woods, unafraid of anything; hunting, which is obviously not womanly, even if her hides supply the village with leather; her son, who never speaks and is almost never seen, and never plays with the other children; and her unnerving beauty, which draws people in whether they want to or not. Rumors abound of her, her character, her tastes, people adding to the rumours with fear and lust.
- The arrival of a witcher in the village makes Shirayuki nervous. Humans she can fool, but a witcher senses that which others do not, and he’s soon on her tail. Shirayuki pretends to the best of her ability to not be what he suspects her to be, but it comes to blows. Obi, thankfully, sees sense, realizing neither Shirayuki nor Ryuu actually eat humans for funsies, but the damage is done, so he offers to escort them across the Northern Realms while they look for a new place to live. Easier said than done considering the continent is aflame with war and famine, but they’ll try anyway.
- Bruxae though she is, Shirayuki only uses her inborn skill for suggestion and seduction when needs must, but as time goes on and Obi pisses her off, flatters her, flirts then retreat, and generally treats her like no other human... ish... has ever done, she wishes she could turn the tables om him. It would be easy, too, were she not... truly beginning to care for him...
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