#curiousarcher fic
dragonbinx · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alice Jones | Tilly/Robin | Margot Characters: Robin | Margot, Alice Jones | Tilly, Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Misunderstandings, Idiots in Love, Tooth-Rotting Fluff Series: Part 4 of Pride Fics 2024! 🌈 Summary:
A minute or two later, Alice slid the bag with the beignet and croissant over the counter to Robin, then the cup with her tea.  Robin picked it up without paying much attention, then did a double take.
“Nobin,” she read, turning a confused look at Alice.
“Did I spell it wrong?” Alice asked, peering at the cup anxiously.
And Robin was going tell her yes, that she had of course spelled her name wrong, because who was named Nobin - but then Alice turned her big blue eyes filled with worry up at Robin and she found herself saying, “No, no you didn’t.  It's perfect.”
When Robin meets a cute girl who works at a café near her apartment, she can't quite bring herself to correct her when she gets her name wrong on her order. But it she doesn't figure how to correct her eventually, she'll never be able to ask Alice out - and she'll be 'Nobin' forever.
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Okay, so I have a fic stuck in my brain now that I’m back on my Rumbelle kick, but stick with me:
Season 1 but in more of an American Appalachian/Ozark vibe instead of Maine
Belle is Mayor and Rumple is Weaver (also Regina as Roni because Roni)
Belle absorbed the Dark One power to save Rumple from himself, but his cursed self doesn’t remember any of that (and still thinking he’s the all powerful dark one)
Belle helps Drizella/Ivy cast a Dark Curse so Rumple can find his son and have his happy ending
She keeps Rumple/Weaver at arms length, aka an informant, to keep him from the truth (a la Dark Swan)
Lots of longing and angst
Also CuriousArcher because they deserved more than s7 had to offer
I have a whole Pinterest board dedicated to Appalachian Storybrooke and another one dedicated to plot
One day, I will get my shit together and write.
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imgilmoregirl · 6 years
Wedding Bells
AO3 Link
Summary: After Rogers was involved in an unfortunate accident, Alice thought she wouldn't have anyone to walk her down the aisle, until something unexpected happened.
Notes: Disclaimer: I don’t own Once Upon A Time or any of the characters and storylines in the show. This is just a fanwork made for fun.
@panchibust prompted:  Zeus brings rumple and belle back to life for alice's wedding so rumple can give her away(rogers can't bc he broke a leg ) alice can't stand og. Hook so , she wants her second dad to do it...
I know somebody else came with this idea here in tumblr so I tried to find the post and link it here, but I couldn’t find it for some reason. If you know who did it, please tell me so I can give the person the credits.
The backroom of the United Realms’ castle was filled of stuff that hadn’t being used for decorating the great hall for the wedding. Regina had been really kind in offering the place to host their ceremony, but she was really found of her niece, Robin and was willing to do anything to see her happy, so Alice just went with the flow and started planning tings more excitedly than ever.
They had gone to a place called New York for their gowns, because Robin insisted in wearing something modern and that showed everyone that they lived two different realities at the same time, some days running through wild woods with a bow, an arrow and some magical powers and other days just chilling in their comfortable Hyperion Heights’ apartment, watching some movies or TV shows. The wedding couldn’t be any less unique.
Everything was turning out to be perfect until three days ago. Rogers had gone on a little mission with Henry – something about Aladdin getting kidnapped – and broke his leg. Now he was stuck in a wheelchair, taking a few painful steps with the help of a pair of crutches from time to time, but not really being able to use them for long.
So, there in the backroom he was, hearing a beautiful tailored suit and staring at his nervous daughter, who paced around unstoppably around, clearly nervous, straightening the skirts of her beautiful wedding gown repeatedly. She looked gorgeous, her blonde hair pulled up on an elegant loose bun, the off-the-shoulder fluff white sleeves of the dress, holding it perfectly in place and the tight corset accentuating the lines of her waist.
"I could push the chair," Alice suggested,
"What? No," Rogers shook his head. "I was supposed to lead you, not the other way around."
She sniffled, falling on the chair in from of him and pulling on a sad face that reminded Rogers of when she was just a little girl scared of nightmares. Her eyes were watery and her lower lip trembling. He hated to see her about to cry like this and he wished that he could magically heal his stupid leg to do his duty as a father and walk her down the damned aisle.
"But, papa, if you don't do this, then no one else will," she complained, blinking away her tears so she wouldn’t ruin her make-up.
“The other Hook offered, you know,” Rogers chuckle, trying to take a little smile from her, but failing miserably.
“He is not you! And he… Well, I’m not his biggest fan.”
Rogers reached for her hand, giving her a soft grin as he stroked her soft skin, a deep sigh leaving him at the realisation that after this day she would be a married woman and no longer his baby girl. And she in fact looked like a powerful woman dressed like that which made him incredibly proud.
“Come on, Starfish, one bad version of me is better than nothing.”
“I wanted you, or…”
Alice swallowed hard and looked away from his eyes. She didn’t like to talk about how much she missed another important man in her life when her papa was around, but truth be told, deep down, both of them felt a terrible lack of something in their lives now that he was gone.
“Weaver,” she confessed. “He is the only one I can think about doing this. You know, he took care of me for a long time, like another father.”
“Yeah, I know,” Rogers murmured.
“I don’t want to be alone.”
His lips tightened in a thin line. He didn’t want her to feel like that and he felt sad to know he wasn’t going to be able to make her feel safe all the way to the love of her life.
"You won't, there are a lot of people out there who love you," he remarked. "Robin is waiting for you."
"I know," she said with a tiny smile.
There was a sound coming from the hallway then, steps, he could say and he thought that maybe it was someone coming to check on them because of their delay, but when Rogers looked back, he had to blink twice because he couldn’t believe his own eyes. Coming from the open door, dressed in an equally elegant suit as his, with hair way shorter than the last time they saw each other, was Rumplestiltskin, with the woman of his pictures – his wife, Belle – arm by arm with him, stunning and young in a beautiful dark-blue dress.
Behind Rogers, his daughter gasped.
"Mr. Weaver…. I mean, Rumplestiltskin?" She inquired in awe. "Am I dreaming?"
"No," he answered, with a smile, walking towards her and bringing his young wife along. "Zeus brought me and Belle back, because we still have a few unfinished businesses in this land and you, Alice, are one my biggest."
"Me? Why?"
Unhooking Belle’s arm from his, Rumple took one final step into Alice’s direction and picked both of her hands in his own, causing more tears to blurry her vision at the confirmation that he was really there and wasn’t just a ghost or a product of her mind.
"You need someone to walk you down the aisle, don't you?"
A sad, but hopeful smile crossed her lips as she nodded to him. In the past there were a lot of different moments like this one, in which he would know exactly what she needed and how to calm down her heart. And apart from her papa and Robin, no one else in the world had this power over Alice.
"Would you do this for me?"
"Of course," Rumple guaranteed, looking down at the pirate, who was watching them with a grin. "But only if that is alright for your father."
"Just fine, matte," Rogers agreed, tapping a hand to his arm. "I'm glad to see you back, I've been meaning to thank you."
A new giggle filled the room and all eyes turned to the blue-eyes beauty that stood behind her husband. Not Alice nor Rogers had the chance to meet her before, but with all the information Rumple gave them about her, they felt like somehow, she was already a dear member of the family.
"You must be Belle," Alice said, pulling away from Rumplestitskin to take a better look at her before throwing her arms around the brunette and hugging her tight with a happy sigh. "You are as beautiful as in the pictures."
"Thank you," she said, softly, holding the girl carefully to not ruin her hair. "You are as lovely as Rumplestiltskin said."
For a long moment, everybody was all watery smiles when somebody appeared by the door way and stole their attentions – and in Rumple and Belle’s case, their breath too.
"Alice, it's time to..."  Gideon Gold started but stopped when he set eyes on the two people that shouldn’t be there. "Papa? Mama?"
Their faces lighted up at the sight of him – their precious boy who they hadn’t seen for such a long time – and a sob erupted from Belle’s throat as she threw her arms around Gideon, just a second before Rumple did it himself holding both of them in his warm embrace.
"Oh, my boy," Alice heard him mutter to his son.
She exchanged a happy glare with her papa as they pulled away from the hug, both Rumple and Belle looking at their boy in utter adoration. As someone who had spent years apart from her father, Alice could say they missed each other enormously and had probably been hurting all the time they’ve spent apart.
"How - " Gideon tried to start, but Rumplestiltskin shook his head at him.
"We will have time to explain," he promised.
Gideon nodded, wiping the corners of his eyes with the pads of his thumbs. He too was ready for the ceremony – he was Alice’s best man, while Henry was Robin’s – and straightened his suit jacket before pulling on a smile.
"What if I push the chair so you can both give her away at the altar in somehow?" Belle asked Rogers with a wink, positioning her hands on the handles.
"I would be thankful."
"Come on then."
Leading him through the hallway with her son by her side, Belle slowly disappeared, leaving Alice and Rumplestiltskin – Weaver, to a great part of her mind, which still insisted in calling herself Tilly sometimes – alone in the backroom, just waiting for the bride’s song to start to play, announcing that it was their time to come in.
Alice picked up her bouquet of pink lilies and white roses and bit down her lip as she accepted the arm he was stretching out for her. Now she felt safe. Now she knew that even though her papa would have to be waiting for her at the end of the aisle, somebody would be there for her, to make sure she would make it and that she wouldn’t trip by accident in her brand-new high heels that made her look as tall as Robin.
"Thank you for doing this for me," she said, sincerely. "You've always been a special friend. More like a second father."
"And I care for you as a daughter," Rumplestiltskin answered, touching her cheek and catching one single tear she didn’t realised she had dropped. "Now let's get you married."
The great hall was full of people, some she had never seen in her life, but Robin swore, were old friends of hers; some she knew their faces by heart as knowing that they were there made an inexplicable happiness burst inside her chest. The music was slow and romantic, not of the kind she would enjoy most days, but that today, sounded perfect.
All of their guests were already jaw-dropped when they appeared, probably because none of them expected to see Belle who had been dead for years now, as a guest too, but Alice wasn’t paying attention to their faces now, because all she could see was Robin. She looked beautiful, no sleeves, a tight simple dress with thin skirts, hair tied on a braid, which was adorned with flowers.
She was wearing those silly glasses and, gods, she looked way too cute in them, so cute that Alice wanted to kiss her until she was breathless. Alice tightened her grip on Rumple’s arm and glanced up at him, receiving the gentlest of the smiles back, an encouragement to keep walking towards the woman she loved.
"What the hell is happening in here?" Zelena Mills inquired from her place beside Regina, both of them clearly confused.
Robin, however didn’t waste time with questions, she immediately reached for Alice, taking her hand – the one Rumple offered her – and smiling as widely as she could, her greenish eyes fixed on her blue ones.
"Alice," Robin breathed. "You look amazing."
"Take care of her," Rogers said, winking at her from his wheelchair.
"You've heard the Captain, Miss,” Rumple added. “You better treat this girl well."
“Count on me, I plan on making her the happiest woman in this world, or any other,” Robin said, leading Alice to their places as Rumplestiltskin joined his wife and son to watch the ceremony.
It was impossible for Alice to stop smiling, because she was facing Robin, hearing their ceremonialist, Archie Hopper, say a few lovely words about love and knowing that all people she most loved were gathered there to celebrate their happiness. So, when she was asked to pronounce the final two words, they got out of her in a happy sigh.
“I do,” she said a second before being interrupted by the loveliest kiss she had ever shared in her life.
They were wife and… Wife.
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ohmightysmiter · 2 years
Still salty about the unfinished CuriousArcher fic, still waiting like a fool
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falsewings · 4 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourself. Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I was tagged by @pterawaters ! Most of these are fanfic (which, wow I wrote several fanfic this year alone 🤯) but one of them is a quick blog post because why not?
1. It's a Guessing Game (aka the stoncy band au), fanfic, Stranger Things, Steve/Nancy/Jonathan (stoncy)
So let's start with this one since it's my latest posted fanfic and my most popular one. Which, wow, what a welcome surprise ❤️. Fun fact, "the stoncy band au" was supposed to be a temporary name that I only used for my google doc. But I grew attached to it even after I figured out (and loved) the "real" fanfic title so I tacked it on to the end. This one was fun to write because I got to include all sorts of generalized fandom jokes and memes. I also included written out scenes (even though that & the articles were where my hypercritical self editor screamed at me the most lol) because even when I enjoy fanfic written via social media or texts, I'm always a bit hungry for some prose to go along with it. Figuring out how to represent twitter and instagram through text was super fun though. And I think I sort of predicted the November 5th tumblr chaos when I included the username "dashcon2020" in the fic 😜 Oh! And the thirst tweets! I love that series on Buzzfeed and I knew right away I wanted that to be part of the fic. I got as dirty as I could which means that tweets I did come up with were tame in comparison to actual thirst tweets I've seen. Whoops.
2. And After...?, fanfic, Once Upon a Time, Alice/Robin (CuriousArcher)
The reason I kept watching season 7! I have mixed feelings about Once Upon a Time but these two were highlights of the show. They only got less than a season but they were gold. This one took half a year to write (I'm a slow writer and super critical of what I do write) but I love it. The title is perfect (which is a Thing because I hate 99% of my story titles) and the end scene where Alice & Robin snuggle up in bed together and totes in love? So proud of that dialogue.
3. Sharing is Caring, fanfic, Stranger Things, platonic Robin & Steve
This was for comfortween even though I only ended up writing two fics for that challenge. Steve & Robin friendship fics were my intro to Stranger Things fanfic (and stoncy lol). My favorite part was adding anecdotes about Steve's neglectful parents. It's a short fic and maybe if I actually watched The Apartment instead of relying on Wikipedia & reviews, I could have really fleshed out the fic. But I think I got what I wanted out of the fic: Robin & Steve being besties & caring about each other. Also, if Steve & Robin having movie nights isn't canon in season 4, I will riot.
4. Treating a Sunburn, fanfic, Haven, Nathan/Audrey/Duke (Three Gulls)
My first Haven fanfic! I haven't written any Haven fanfic before (but when I was really into the show, I had tons of ideas). I did however, read most of the fanfic in the Nathan/Audrey/Duke tag. It's not an OT3 I was into when the show was airing but one day I thought, what if the love triangle was an OT3 & then I found a treasure trove of fics. Also Nathan & Duke touch each other a lot despite arguing & threatening to kill each other a lot. Which is partly what this short fic focuses on? Duke gets really close to Nathan's face & Nathan is only a little confused by it? I tried play up that bit but I feel like it got lost in rest of the fic. But anyways, I got to write fic for an OT3 I love & it didn't turn out too bad.
5. My shitpost/meta about Batwoman, the TV series
Okay so it was toss up between this post and a different shitpost I made about the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover. But that post implied Kate Kane would play an active role in the future arrowverse and now she won't which makes me sad. But this is my humor in a nutshell. And if the writers didn't intend to make that parallel, I'll be shocked because it works so well. Especially since Batwoman's crossover episode only got to use two characters from their show.
And now to tag!
@chicspice @all-or-nothing-baby @itsithil @conversationslikeminefields
(no pressure though! Feel free to ignore if you'd rather not make your own list)
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The Rumbelle Happy Ending Awards – Winners!
Thank you to everyone who voted and helped spread word about this event, the fandom surprised me again. Congratulations all winners, you are really loved! Here is the masterlist.
*Categories with two winners had the same number of votes.
Best Fix-It
The Life You Save May Be Your Own by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Comfort
The Gift of Magi by @findingtallahassee
Best Date
The Worst That Could Happen by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Happy Moment
Quia Parata Sunt Omnia by @thatvermillionflycatcher
Best Exes
Dark Heart by @emospritelet
Best Misunderstanding
Dripping in Gold by @maplesyrupao3
Best Post-Belle’s Death
Coming Home by @scribbles-by-kate
Best Love and Hate
Unfailing Faith by @mrs-stiltskin
Best Reencounter
The Bookshop Owner by @imgilmoregirl
Best Underage
Reckless Abandon by @rufeepeach
Best Rape/Non-Con
Old Habits Die Hard by @dowehaveadeal
Best Major Character Death
A Safe Place by @lotus0kid
Best Graphic Descriptions of Violence
Death Becomes Her by @crysania
Best Gideon
The Bond Between Us by @sarashouldbestudying
Best Baelfire
Caged Love by @sarashouldbestudying
Best Belle/Rumple original child
Rose – The Dark Children by @imgilmoregirl
Best Family Long Fic
Heat of the Moment by @thescholarlystrumpet
Best Family One Shot
To Keep Out The Dark by @rufeepeach
Best Pregnancy
Heat of the Moment by @thescholarlystrumpet
Best First Time
Bravery Will Follow by @emospritelet
Best PWP
Off Duty by @emospritelet
Best Threesome
Love and Trust by @emospritelet
Best Romance
A Dozen Roses by @ladybookwormwithteeth
Best Hate-Sex
Dark Heart by @emospritelet
Best Kink
The Party by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Movie AU
The Parent Trap by @imgilmoregirl
Best TV Show AU
Home by @winterswanderlust
What Once Was… by @barpurplewrites
Best Modern AU
The Tie That Binds by @ishtarelisheba
Best Curse AU
Shape Of Love by @Rumpelstiltskin_wait
Best Creature AU
Heavenly Bodies by @maplesyrupao3
Best Historical AU
Dark Sight by @maplesyrupao3
Best Drama
Angel’s Unaware by @ethereal-wishes
Best Angst
Dark Heart by @emospritelet
Best Hurt/Comfort
I Must Be Warmer Now by @ifishouldvanish
Best Series
Reckless Abandon by @rufeepeach
Best Roleplay
The Fate of Pierrot by @thatvermillionflycatcher
Best Sketch
Sea wizard by @nia-sketches
Best Manip
Lust by @virgidearie
Best Digital Art
Precious Moments by @licieoic
Best Gif-Set
I miss you - we miss you too son by @virgidearie
Best Graphic Art
The Gold Family - King of Loopholes by @nropay-gallery
Best Cosplay
wizard world chicago - @klairabelle, @delintthedarkone, @druidkitty, @snafu-moofins
Best Fan Video
Rumbelle Forever / OUAT/ Belle & Rumplestiltskin by @spellbound
Once Upon A Time There Was a Beast by @allicamallison
Best Artist
Best RushBelle
Love and Trust by @emospritelet
Best WovenLace
Off Duty by @emospritelet
Best Rushacey
The Worst That Could Happen by @thatravenclawbitch
Best WovenBelle
Off Duty by @emospritelet
Best GoldenLace
Recovery by @justadearie
Best Swanfire
Waiting Game by @emospritelet
Best CuriousArcher
Stolen Books and True Love by @imgilmoregirl
Best Gidrick
The Light That Waits by @likehandlingroses
Best Author
Best Rumbelle Fic
Dark Heart by @emospritelet
Best Anyelle Fic
Let’s Spend The Night Together by @ifishouldvanish
No Light Over London by @lotus0kid
Best Commenter
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loveisrumbelle-blog · 6 years
The Rumbelle Happy Ending Awards!
The Once Upon a Time series finale is coming and with that, some people will surely leave the fandom, so as our last chance of gathering everybody for an event we are creating The Rumbelle Happy Ending Awards as a way to celebrate this incredible couple and all the people who worked creating fanfictions and all kinds of art for them along these seven years. Our beloved TEA is over, but this is no excuse for us not to do other award to tell our artists and authors how much we love them.
The nominations will be happening between May 14 and May 21, with the voting period starting a week after it. So please, reblog this post to share it with the whole fandom. Let’s make this event as big as TEA once was. One last time.
For the Rumbelle authors and artists out there: make a “for your consideration” list. It will help divulge the event and it will also help people to know what to vote for.
Good luck everybody! Under the cut you’ll find the rules and the categories for this event.
1.       ALL categories will have at least five nominees. The five people with most votes.
2.       TEA Winners are NOT eligible.
3.       Yes, you can nominee yourself.
4.       Yes, you can vote for yourself.
5.       Anonymous voting and nominee are not allowed.
6.       You can only vote once.
7.       The votes must be submitted.
Best Fix-It
Best Comfort
Best Date
Best Laugh
Best Happy Moment
Best Exes
Best Misunderstanding
Best Post-Belle’s Death
Best Love and Hate
Best Reencounter
 AO3 Trigger Warnings
Best Underage
Best Rape/Non-Con
Best Major Character Death
Best Graphic Descriptions of Violence
Best Gideon
Best Baelfire
Best Belle/Rumple original child
Best Family Long Fic
Best Family One Shot
Best Pregnancy
Best First Time
Best PWP
Best Threesome
Best Romance
Best Hate-Sex
Best Kink
Best Movie AU
Best TV Show AU
Best Modern AU
Best Curse AU
Best Creature AU
Best Historical AU
 Best of the Best
Best Drama
Best Romance
Best Angst
Best Hurt/Comfort
Best Series
Best Sketch
Best Manip
Best Digital Art
Best Gift-Set
Best Graphic Art
Best Artist
 Special Matching
Best RushBelle
Best WovenLace
Best Rushacey
Best WovenBelle
 Best Side-Paring
Best Swanfire
Best Snowing
Best CuriousArcher
Best SwanQueen
Best Gidrick
Best OutlawQueen
 Golden Categories
Best Author
Best Rumbelle Fic
Best Anyelle Fic
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dragonbinx · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alice Jones | Tilly/Robin | Margot Characters: Robin | Margot, Alice Jones | Tilly, Tiana | Sabine (Once Upon a Time) Additional Tags: Alternate Realities, Alternate Identities, Fairy Tale Curses, Growing Up, Plans For The Future, Halloween Series: Part 2 of It's Just a Bunch of Halloween Fics Summary:
“Oh, you’d love Halloween. You dress up and pretend to be … well, anything you want, really. A character from something you like or a monster or a princess.”
“So what’re you meant to be?”
“Um. Alice in Wonderland, actually.”
“Huh. That’s a coincidence, you pretending to be someone from Wonderland named …” Alice trailed off, eyes widening. “That’s s’posed to be me? How?”
Tilly and Margot use Halloween to mix their two identities together and imagine their future together.
(Sorry for the wrong upload with my 911:LS fic earlier, I had both of them open, clicked the wrong one and fully didn’t notice ... whoops.)
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dragonbinx · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alice Jones | Tilly/Robin | Margot Characters: Robin | Margot, Alice Jones | Tilly Additional Tags: Fairy Tale Curses, Alternate Identities, Mental Health Issues, Married Couple Series: Part 23 of Pride Month Fic-A-Day 🌈 Summary:
Robin still reached for her glasses in the morning.
Tilly still had bad days.
Alice and Robin adjust to life after the curse.
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imgilmoregirl · 6 years
Hello! Congratulations on you 900 followers!! I got a prompt for you, I had read your fic about Gideon finding out about his father's death, and it ends with Alice wanting to go with him to bury him. So, can you write about their trip, maybe with Robin too, and them talking about Belle, about the trips the family did, maybe even Robin remembering them, and Alice telling Gideon about the time she spend with Rumple, and the three of them in that beautiful home Belle and Rumple built...
Thank you so much, sweetie! And thanks for the lovely prompt, I hope you like what I got for you. I’m so sorry for the delay.
Summary: After Rumple’s funeral, Gideon and the others have a moment.
Notes: Disclaimer: I don’t own Once Upon A Time or any of the characters and storylines in the show. This is just a fanwork made for fun.
This is a follow-up to Legacy.
Therewas a weird, but somewhat comfortable silence in Rumple and Belle’s house atthe Edge of Realms. They had just buried the very last Dark One this worldwould know beside his beloved wife and Gideon urged the others in, althoughRegina had insisted in taking Henry and Rogers to take a look around.
Itwas a bittersweet feeling for him to be back in a place so full of good memories.Gideon had many homes while growing up, lived in many small villages and manybig castles, but he thought that this one had a special meaning for his parents,because it was there that they finally had some earned peace. He rememberedleaving the Academy on Friday nights and coming back just hours later afterwhat seemed to have been a whole week away.
Thegood thing about time running different in there was that Gideon could spend alot more time with his parents than it would be given him if the time passed atthe same rhythm in both realms. He had always enjoyed coming over, hearing hismother read aloud to him as if he was still a child, sitting by the spinningwheel with his father or just simply helping them to reach things in tallshelves. Gideon smiled to himself, a sad smile, melancholic mostly as he putsome water to boil.
“Tea?”He asked to Robin and Roderick, who were sat by the small four-seat diningtable.
“Iwill accept,” the blonde girl said, adjusting her glasses on her nose.
Nodding,Gideon separated four cups and took a look around, trying to find he other girlthat should be there, until he found her standing in front of the spinningwheel, running a gentle finger through it, eyes seeming to be full of tears. Heleft the kitchen, walking towards her and laying a hand on her shoulder, makingthe girl jump, startled, before looking back to see him and she relaxed.
“Healways spun a lot… I once asked him why, he told it helped him to remember,”Alice said, as if justifying herself. “Guess he was talking about you,your mother and your brother.”
Gideonsighed, knowing that she was right. The image of his father as an imp, spinningmadly in the middle of the woods, whispering nonsense about their family,crossing his mind. Even at his darkest, Rumplestiltskin couldn’t stop thinkingabout them, that was the extent of his love.
“Yeah,guess so. My father has always been very attached to our family,” Gideontold her. “Baelfire died before I was born, but my parents always told meall the stories about him. Papa loved us with all of his heart.”
“Mymom had a crush on him,” Robin interfered from where she was, still sat bythe table.
Glancingup at her, Gideon saw that the water had boiled and Roderick was alreadyserving the tea, but it was barely a detail in his mind, because he could onlyconcentrate in what Robin had said.
“Sorry,bad timing,” she mumbled, grimacing. “If it makes you feel better,she always said that your mom was the best nanny I’ve ever had.”
Gideonarched an eyebrow at her as he and Alice came back to the table, taking theteacups Roderick was offering them. He didn’t quite remember most people fromStorybrooke, although he had seen pictures of them, but he knew that if he hadgrown-up there he would have grown with Robin, Neal and all those other people.
Maybelife in Storybrooke could have been nice, he thought as he shared a laugh withthat girl whose mother had a weird crush on his father. Maybe if they hadstayed there, his parents could still be alive. Gideon shook his head forhimself, feeling Roderick’s hand on his knee, still showing him the comfort heneeded. No, the life they had wasperfect and Gideon wouldn’t change it for nothing and he bet neither would hisparents.
“Hehad a book full of pictures, it is in his apartment if you want me to get itfor you later,” Alice started, slowly, almost hesitantly. “I lookedat the pictures in it many times, wishing for a life like that, life with loveand adventure.”
“It’smy mother’s travel book, she said once that papa gave it to her during my firstbirthday party,” Gideon answered, tracing down the border of his teacup. “Shealways carried it around and I helped her filling some spaces with ourfavourite quotes of the books we were reading at the time we took thepictures.”
“Well,he carried it around when we met. He took care of me for ten years or so, I owehim a lot…” Alice trailed off, sipping her tea.
Rumple’sletters talked a lot about her. Before the darkness overtook him, he used totell Gideon about how nice it was to not be as lonely as he thought he would beafter going away on his journey to find the Guardian. Gideon could remember thedesperate tone his words seemed to have when he wrote to him about his suspectsof Alice being the Guardian herself. He would never want to pass his burden toa kid, even more when he cared so dearly for her.
“Idon’t think you do. Papa never expected anything from anyone and if you gavehim a good friendship to rely on, it was more than enough.”
Asmile crossed Alice’s lips as her unquiet eyes darted around the house, stoppingoccasionally in the few pictures displayed on the shelves or the books hismother kept in the most beautiful glassware
“Heused to say that I reminded him a lot of his Belle. I think we were bothcurious and joyful,” she told him. “Adaily challenge, he used to say. Rumplestiltskin brought me strawberries everyday, detective Weaver bought me orange marmalade sandwiches and gave me ashelter in my bad days. You were lucky to have him as your father.”
“Yeah,he was always the best I could expect.”
“Iwould like to have known him,” Roderick interrupted, brushing his dark hair awayfrom his face with a distant look before adding: “Both your parents.”
“Iwould have liked that too, Rod,” Gideon guaranteed, kissing the top of hishead.
Onthe other end of the table, Alice moved her shoulders uncomfortably, incliningherself forward as she folded her hands around the teacup. Robin glanced backat her as if expecting something marvellous to happen, but all that the shortergirl did was to continue speaking, the sweetest smile overtaking her lips.
“Hewas sweet, although he tried to seem tough most of the time. He was funny also,”she said, laughing a bit. “He used to say ‘Alice,don’t let anything hold you, you can take the word if you want to, but neverforget what really matters’. It was a good advice.”
“Yeah,it was,” Roderick agreed.
“Papawas a wise man,” Gideon remarked. “Mama taught him how to be good and he becamethe best man I’ve ever known.”
“Ithink that they are together now,” she betted and Gideon couldn’t help butbelieve her words. “It’s True Love after all and no matter what happens, TrueLove is eternal and it always finds its way back.”
Reachingfor Roderick’s hand, he nodded, watching as Alice laid her head on Robin’sshoulder. Somewhere, far away from their reach, Rumplestiltskin and Belle wereprobably making up for the lost time, sharing a good laugh with Baelfire andmeeting up with all their passed friends and family. But in that moment, at theEdge of Realms, the place that once was their home, two young couples wondered aboutthe greatness of life and silent promised to honour those who were gone.
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The Rumbelle Happy Ending Awards!
The Once Upon a Time series finale is coming and with that, some people will surely leave the fandom, so as our last chance of gathering everybody for an event we are creating The Rumbelle Happy Ending Awards as a way to celebrate this incredible couple and all the people who worked creating fanfictions and all kinds of art for them along these seven years. TEA has been recently reformed HERE and using it as inspiration we are here starting another event to show our authors and artists how much we love them!
The nominations will be happening between May 14 and May 31, with the voting period starting a week after it. So please, reblog this post to share it with the whole fandom. Let’s make this event as big as TEA is. One last time.
For the Rumbelle authors and artists out there: make a “for your consideration” list. It will help divulge the event and it will also help people to know what to vote for.
Good luck everybody! Under the cut you’ll find the rules and the categories for this event.
1.       ALL categories will have five nominees. The five people with most votes.
2.       TEA Winners are NOT eligible.
3.       Yes, you can nominee yourself.
4.       Yes, you can vote for yourself.
5.       Anonymously voting and nomining are not allowed.
6.       You can only vote once.
7.       The votes must be submitted.
Best Fix-It
Best Comfort
Best Date
Best Laugh
Best Happy Moment
Best Exes
Best Misunderstanding
Best Post-Belle’s Death
Best Love and Hate
Best Reencounter
AO3 Trigger Warnings
Best Underage
Best Rape/Non-Con
Best Major Character Death
Best Graphic Descriptions of Violence
Best Gideon
Best Baelfire
Best Belle/Rumple original child
Best Family Long Fic
Best Family One Shot
Best Pregnancy
Best First Time
Best PWP
Best Threesome
Best Romance
Best Hate-Sex
Best Kink
Best Movie AU
Best TV Show AU
Best Modern AU
Best Curse AU
Best Creature AU
Best Historical AU
Best of the Best
Best Drama
Best Romance
Best Angst
Best Hurt/Comfort
Best Series
Best Roleplay
Best Sketch
Best Manip
Best Digital Art
Best Gif-Set
Best Graphic Art
Best Cosplay
Best Fan Video
Best Artist
Special Matching
Best RushBelle
Best WovenLace
Best Rushacey
Best WovenBelle
Best GoldenLace
Best Side-Paring
Best Swanfire
Best Snowing
Best CuriousArcher
Best SwanQueen
Best Gidrick
Best OutlawQueen
Golden Categories
Best Author
Best Rumbelle Fic
Best Anyelle Fic
Best Commenter
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imgilmoregirl · 6 years
Hi :) I was wondering what you would write for. Or who.
Hey, sweetie! I usually write for OUAT’s Rumbelle and MadArcher/CuriousArcher, Outlander and Gilmore Girls. I have written Beautiful Creatures fic in the past too.
Ah, I’m loving Riverdale at the moment and I would love to try writing a Bughead or Falice fic if anyone wants it!
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Updated categories!
Our categories have been updated, with your suggestions. Nothing has been taken out, but you will find some new interesting things to vote under the cut. Keep sending your nominations and please signal boost this post.
Best Fix-It
Best Comfort
Best Date
Best Laugh
Best Happy Moment
Best Exes
Best Misunderstanding
Best Post-Belle’s Death
Best Love and Hate
Best Reencounter
AO3 Trigger Warnings
Best Underage
Best Rape/Non-Con
Best Major Character Death
Best Graphic Descriptions of Violence
Best Gideon
Best Baelfire
Best Belle/Rumple original child
Best Family Long Fic
Best Family One Shot
Best Pregnancy
Best First Time
Best PWP
Best Threesome
Best Romance
Best Hate-Sex
Best Kink
Best Movie AU
Best TV Show AU
Best Modern AU
Best Curse AU
Best Creature AU
Best Historical AU
Best of the Best
Best Drama
Best Romance
Best Angst
Best Hurt/Comfort
Best Series
Best Roleplay
Best Sketch
Best Manip
Best Digital Art
Best Gif-Set
Best Graphic Art
Best Cosplay
Best Fan Video
Best Artist
Special Matching
Best RushBelle
Best WovenLace
Best Rushacey
Best WovenBelle
Best GoldenLace
Best Side-Paring
Best Swanfire
Best Snowing
Best CuriousArcher
Best SwanQueen
Best Gidrick
Best OutlawQueen
Golden Categories
Best Author
Best Rumbelle Fic
Best Anyelle Fic
Best Commenter
23 notes · View notes
ohmightysmiter · 6 years
I've never really liked most fanfic because they can be so far off character that it's bad or they are just not interesting to read but I really love the way you wrote CuriousArcher. I stumbled upon the summary of your fic in the tags and I almost scrolled past it, I'm so glad I didn't. I can't fucking wait for chapter 4, please don't stop writing.
I’m so glad you like it! Yeah, the summaries need some work. I’ve never been fantastic at them. And I’m six chapters and 30,000 words into this fic and still obsessed so no worries about me stopping!
14 notes · View notes
ohmightysmiter · 4 years
Does this mean you're writing curiousarcher fic again
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ohmightysmiter · 5 years
Bring back the curiousarcher fics? I know it’s well past the shows end, but damn, they be givin me life lately
I do have plans to get back to them
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