#currently at the library trying to get some work done on an assignment before going to a stage show my friend is directing tonight!!
towardsmodernism · 1 year
had my first day of volunteer work at my local lesbian museum today and genuinely enjoyed myself sooo much. lots of cataloguing books for their research library and it was such engaging and interesting but also stress free low stakes work and everyone was so nice and chatty and ugh!! had such a good time I can’t wait to go back next week PEACE AND LOVE ON PLANET EARTH!!!!!!!
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moonsaver · 1 month
The isekai trope is burning my brain. Pls have this yan!alhaitham with isekai'd reader who actually tells him the deal.
What if you got isekai'd into genshin? (specifically sumeru for my taste of scenario)
And alhaitham actually got to know? Maybe you don't even hide it while he's talking to you and writing down whatever you're saying while you're half dazed, sitting up on the stretcher, mentioning an entirely different world. Investigations show no result for it, meaning you really must have come from a different world – which isn't entirely impossible. But it seems yours is a slightly different case.
Regardless, alhaitham still doesn't want trouble. Leaves you be with the matra to discuss and sort out your own situation for the most part.
And then you get assigned to work at the Akademiya.
Its temporary, just until you gain your bearings. And the higher-ups (ahem, Nahida), determine he's appropriate to look after you for a period of time. He's a pretty well-adjusted guy, doesn't bother much, and simple enough to not complicate things (you may protest regarding the kinds of books he reads, but to his standard, it is simple. Just don't bother with that.)
Regardless, he's now in charge of you.
He teaches you the main language Teyvat currently uses, or at least the main language talked in major parts of Sumeru. Stays with you after work hours from time to time to help you learn – but only in exchange for knowledge about your own world. He studies you – or rather your subjects, your culture, your languages. If he's teaching you, you have to appeal something to him, and of equal magnitude aswell. So for the most part, your time is spent trying to piece together how to get you back to your world, or simple cultural and linguistic discussions. Unless that isn't your thing; but you both can find a common ground even then, considering Alhaitham doesn't shy away from different areas of study.
It's only natural your bond progresses. You both go from "somewhere between acquaintances and strangers" to "might occasionally greet while passing by". It's not soon before some of the other higher ups approach you to help get a task done from him, since it always seems like he manages to evade them, going who knows where during his working hours. Maybe it's an important task that can't simply be left on his desk. But you're a bit of a special case - Alhaitham doesn't mind sharing a few details with you; as long as you can appropriately determine what is and isnt worth his time. So you somehow manage to find him and get things done.
Its a bit strange. There's only a few ever constants in his life when it comes to people, and doesn't expect much in return. But having you around is different. Having you around feels.. strangely understanding. Although he doesn't mind the solitude, a part of him has always felt secluded from the masses. And you seem to be stuck in a similar situation. It's only natural you two seem to stick together. It's natural. That's what he tells himself.
And then you start to fizzle out from his grasp.
You make new friends. Newer people who may or may not know about where you really might be from. You learn newer things, far beyond Alhaitham's scope (or rather, just his scope of teaching), you get involved with many, many, people, even get invited to events he doesn't. It hurts a bit when he sits silently at your usual table at the library, cozily tucked away from most prying eyes, sitting across where you should have been, but aren't. but he won't admit it. You did mention you're busy and might not be able to come. But something inside him twists the slightest bit.
And he will admit it– only to himself. He has no grasp on his judgement nor principle when he decides to destroy all your documents, leaving you to hopelessly and despairingly run around to somehow, someway, recover them, trying to revive all the information you earnestly gathered.
He begrudgingly gets up to attend the door in the middle of the night, almost regretting not having worn his headphones, when he stops thinking for a moment. Its you. Of course it is. The corner of his mouth threatens to twitch up, but he resists. He invites your shaking, teary form inside with silence and serves you some tea, before sitting down in front of you. It's almost funny how familiar the scene is – except this time you're alone much later at night with him, and this time you're so distressed you can barely get the words out before you break down.
And he takes care of you, silently. His large, warm hand soothingly rubs your back as he gives you space to cry and blubber out all your stresses, humming to let you know he's listening, tapping the saucer of the tea cup when you're sobbing a bit too heavy and need a break. It's enough to make you realize just who you really need to stick by. None of your friends would really care for you, would they? They're simply fascinated by the strange things you say. Alhaitham and you have a deeper connection, don't you think? Maybe if you're a bit of a romantic thinker yourself, he can twist his words just right enough to even imply you both must have been meant by fate to meet.
In the end, it all settles when you decide to sleep over, cancel your plans for the next day as you get ready to sort out your information with Alhaitham all over again. And this time, he can study you closely.
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maxwellatoms · 5 months
Hello Mr. Atoms, I'm an animation student in college and fan of your work. I got this assignment in which I need to ask questions to a professional in the area. Could you pretty please answer them? It'd mean a lot to me.
1- Are you happy with your career? How it's going.
2- What are your opinions, expectations and hopes about the independent animation industry that's developing?
3- What do you think about the advent of artificial intelligence? Do you fear for the future of animators?
4- If money wasn't a problem, would you still do what you do?
5- Any animators you admire and would like to mention?
Okey dokey.
1- Are you happy with your career? How it's going.
Not really, in that there seems to be no career left.
The animation industry swelled its numbers greatly before 2020. Almost immediately after that, corporate greed synergized with a pandemic to reduce animated programs and the number of people working on them to almost zero. It takes almost a year from beginning to end to make a single episode of an animated show (by the modern standard). There was nothing being made in 2020 and four years later, we''re not in a much better spot. It's going to be a long drought for (especially) Kid's TV Animation.
Recently, many of my former co-workers have hit the financial wall and can't continue, moving away after (sometimes) 20 years in the industry. I begin to wonder if I'm very far behind.
A "bounce back" a year from now would need to start today. There are still some animated shows being made now, but those are almost universally "library" properties. That means it's an existing I.P. (Intellectual Properties like Garfield/Mario/Batman/Star Wars) so as an artist you're immediately in that box. Depending on the property and the studio, it can be an unpleasantly tight box. I grew used to holding and maintaining the vision for a show, but it's less fun when it's not my vision. It's even less fun when you can't inspire someone to follow your vision because they've been so ruthlessly abused.
I'm pretty sick of how big media corporations treat their employees. If I inherit one more burnt out crew due to mismanagement, I'm gonna lose it.
Over a decade ago I fought hard to get board artists story credit for the episodes they were actually writing, and felt like I'd won a big victory for everyone. The second my back was turned, it all reverted.
Mostly... what is the point now? My career is/was developing ideas, crafting those ideas into a workable show, then managing teams of thirty to seventy people to produce a couple of dozen episodes per year. Studios actively do not want new ideas right now, and are actively searching for ways to eliminate what artists from the process. I'm not sure what my job would be under this new system, but it feels like they decided to hang onto the anxiety-inducing deadlines while removing anything remotely pleasurable from the experience.
2- What are your opinions, expectations and hopes about the independent animation industry that's developing?
It's the only way to get anything done, currently.
The current state of the industry is not sustainable. I (along with a lot of other animators I know) are trying to decide what's next, and pretty much everyone agrees that "you just have to make something".
It is (in that very specific way) a great time to be a young animator. The system was never going to treat you well anyway. If you can get something like a Hazbin Hotel happening without studio help, you can currently write your own ticket. I'm super proud of Vivsie, because that's a LOT of stuff to handle. I never had to handle my own marketing or drum up money to make Billy & Mandy happen.
There are opportunities there, but it's definitely "Hard Mode". The best idea is probably to team up with a few other people you like and like to work with.
Hopes? I hope that the young animators take over and make something new on top of the bones of the old industry, rather than just allowing that industry to patch its rotting hide with their collected works.
3- What do you think about the advent of artificial intelligence? Do you fear for the future of animators?
I suspect true AI might just peace-out like ScarJo in "Her", but we're not there yet. What we have now isn't Artificial Intelligence at all (though I do believe it may be the underpinnings of the Artificial Suconscious of what may one day become an actual Artificial Intelligence.)
The LLMs and "Generative AI" are (so far) a big dumb waste. They consume tons of energy and aren't great for doing anything creative. If you've sat down with Chat GPT for a creative writing session, you've probably run into the "out of the box" limitations which prevent it from talking about sex or violence-- which happen to be a major component of most stories.
Still, the technology has come incredibly far in an incredibly short amount of time. I imagine we're going to hit the point where we're being hazed by artificially generated political ads way before Generative AI can produce a consistent and usable character turnaround, so that'll be the test. Whatever the legal fallout is from this stuff over the next few years will set the tone.
Still, studios have a vested interest in pleasing their shareholders. Generative AI potentially has the capability of not only replacing swaths of money-eating artists, but handing that control directly to the billionaire studio heads. Mark my words: We're headed straight for billionaire-generated content.
I don't think the public at large will want to watch Elon Musk's fever dreams, so there's that. So law and general distaste might stave it off for a while, but I think there's just too much impetus for studios to continue to try to please their investors. "AI Art" is here to stay.
Eventually that will lead to millions and millions of bots generating millions and millions of songs and paintings and movies all day every day. Most of it will be utter trash. Right now (so I'm told) viewers are already burnt out, and will generally only click on what they already know. On Netflix, where there are twenty things you've never heard of and one you have, you're more likely to pick the thing that gives you comfort and gives you a guarantee you're not wasting your time. With exponentially more A.I. trash, how would you even begin to filter it out?
You'd need absolute control of an already existing distribution system. We currently have a few of those, and all of the media companies are desperately trying to merge with them to insure their own survival.
To me, the post-Gen-AI landscape looks a lot like old-school Cable, but with endless I.P. and fewer masters.
4- If money wasn't a problem, would you still do what you do?
The real question is, maybe, "What am I even doing?" These days I try to do a lot of gardening. I'm trying to learn new art skills, because suddenly twenty five years of experience managing, drawing, and writing isn't worth much. I recently worked on Jellystone until Zaslav lost 2.5 billion in the wash and had to find justification for his new yacht. The show before that? Also culled midway through to save money. The days of multi-year gigs seem to be over, and if I'm going to scrape by doing freelance, maybe I can do that somewhere else.
I'll always make art. I can't seem to help it. Ideas aren't my problem-- it's executing those ideas without the help of a structured pre-existing system. I honestly don't know if I'll ever be able to pull that off. My strengths are great, but were always supported by friends I worked with.
Can I start an indie cartoon with all of these cool friends? Sure, maybe. Most of those people have gone on to have other careers of their own and got used to being paid. Now nobody is getting paid and no one can pay anyone else. My immediate circle are all now middle-aged people with families and no jobs. Convincing them to give up a large chunk of their day for an idea that's not guaranteed to pay off is going to take some real effort.
I technically have fifteen years until I can claim my "retirement", assuming that still exists by then. That's a pretty big hole to fill with... I don't know what.
The difficult "What comes next" discussions at home are really just starting.
5- Any animators you admire and would like to mention?
There are a lot of cool animation people out there. I already mentioned I was proud of Vivsie. I was also reminded recently just how great C.H. Greenblatt and Mr. Warburton are. I know they're my friends. They're both just really upstanding, creative people who take good care of their crews.
The treatment of animation industry professionals by the studio system has been one of the most demoralizing and heartbreaking parts of this demoralizing and heartbreaking time.
So there ya go. If you want to look for someone whose attitude is a little more upbeat, I won't blame you a bit.
Wherever you are, I wish you the best of luck. For me, just climb up there and crush it. I would very much like to add you to #5 someday.
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angellayercake · 2 years
Si Padrona
Cardinal Copia x Reader
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There are only four things you need to know about this. Copia, femdom, ass worship and pegging. Basically PWP. Enjoy!
You were rushing down the corridor, a stack of books balanced precariously in your arms. You sent a quick prayer to Satan that anyone coming the other direction had the sense to get out of your way. You had already been delayed while picking up the required books in the library. You couldn’t afford to waste anymore time. 
He had been snappy and irritable all day. Annoyed because Papa had dropped the sermon for this week's mass on him at the last minute adding to his already considerable workload. You were trying to be as understanding as possible. He was stressed it’s natural that he would take some of that out on you, his assistant and lover. But his behaviour was starting to get on your last nerve. 
In your day to day lives he was your superior. As a high ranking member of the clergy you were assigned to assist him in his ever growing list of duties. In your private lives though your dynamic was very different. One of the perks of being a member of the Satanic Church was that sexual relationships were actively encouraged. As long as they were consensual and as long as they didn’t interfere with one's daily duties. So as you had got to know the Cardinal you had no qualms with propositioning him after one too many late nights working by candlelight. And when he had stammeringly told you his preferences with a beautiful blush spread across his cheeks you had known you would have so much fun together.
You finally arrive at the door to his office knocking quickly to alert him to your presence but not waiting for a response before letting yourself in. You drop the books on the small table just inside the door so you can close it properly behind you and give your arms a little shake to ease the strain from the heavy load. You turn to see him bent over his desk, perfectly rounded ass on display. He had shed his cassock hours ago when you both realised you would be in for a long day leaving him in only his sinfully tight trousers, shirt and suspenders giving you a great view of his shapely figure. Your ogling is cut short when he snaps at you without even turning around. 
‘Sorella, what has taken you so long! I was expecting you back twenty minutes ago. How can I get any work done if you're going to take so long on such a simple task…’ You bite your tongue to stop any retort but as he continues his tirade you feel your already short temper being pulled taut. You know it’s not truly intentional, nevertheless he needs correcting if he thinks that is ever an acceptable way to talk to you. And a bit of a distraction might be exactly what is needed. He will never get any good work done in his current mood and you have the perfect plan already in mind.  
You approach slowly tuning out his continued ranting and then before he can react you place your hand between his shoulder blades and push his torso flush against the desk.
‘I think you owe me an apology Rat. Is that any way to speak to your Padrona?’ His demeanour changes instantly. 
‘Padrona, mie scuse but I have to finish this tonight…’ You press your hand a little more firmly reinforcing his position and stopping his denial in its tracks. 
‘No Rat you won’t get anything done in this state. Let your Padrona help you?’ If he refuses again you will leave him be, but you think he knows as well as you do that he needs this. He drops his head to the desk and you grin to yourself. You have yet to find a better rush than a powerful man submitting himself to you. 
‘Si, help me por favore.’ He must feel worse than you thought if he is begging already. You almost let your pity overpower you but he is yet to earn his reward. He must suffer his punishment first. You slide your hand down his back following the curve of his spine until you reach the high waist of his trousers. You tug at the waistband gently and he lets out the breath he was holding. 
‘These will have to come off Rat.’ You give it another pull for good measure as he rushes to comply. Sliding the suspenders of his shoulders and fumbling with the fastening. You step back slightly to give him room to manoeuvre but he stays bent low over the desk only lifting up enough to shimmy them down over his hips. When they get as far as his knees you stop him, enjoying him being immobilised by his own clothing. 
He never wears underwear with these trousers and you have never been more grateful as his pale skin is slowly revealed to you. You can’t resist running your hand over his cheek, the almost invisible downy hair tickling your palm. He shivers at your caress so you continue running your fingers over his soft skin. You push the tails of his shirt up until it bunches under his arms but leave it there. Perhaps you will have him remove it later but for now you relish how dishevelled he looks before you have even got started. 
‘We will start with your punishment Rat. How many strikes do you think will be sufficient?’ This is a game you often play with him. It adds an extra layer of tension for him as he has to guess how much he has disappointed you in each instance.  
‘Ten Padrona?’ He always sounded so meek when he makes his guess and it sends a shock of pleasure through you every time. However he had overestimated your irritation, but if he felt he needed ten strikes ten is what you would give him.
‘I would have said five but I will defer to your judgement.’ He can’t help letting out a quiet whine at his mistake but you still catch it. ‘What was that?’
‘Nothing Padrona.’ He is quick to correct himself. ‘I will submit to my punishment.’ 
‘You say that like you have a choice, Rat. These are the consequences of your actions.’  
‘Si Padrona. I’m sorry.’ His voice is muffled now as he has buried his head in his crossed arms to brace himself. It wasn’t often you had to punish him but it was frequent enough that he was familiar with the routine and it warmed you how well trained he was now.  
‘Good. Are you ready?’ You always check in with him one last time before you begin. He moves his head in a nod and you sigh in disappointment. One of your most important rules is that he must use his words. You take a handful of his hair pulling his head up to what must be an uncomfortable angle, but you have a point to make. 
‘This is not a good start to your punishment Rat. I will give you one more chance. Are you ready?’
‘Si! Si Padrona.’ His voice sounds thin and desperate and exactly how you like it.
‘Good.’ You let go of his hair and his head drops back down like he lacks the strength to hold it up. Maybe that is the case, it has been a long day. You run your hands slowly over his back once more and feel his muscles flexing as you go and you marvel how attuned his body is to your movements. As you reach his ass you give it a good squeeze and he pushes back into your hands. He still has no idea what you have planned for him if he makes it through his punishment and a thrill runs through you in anticipation. You had been saving this particular present for a special occasion but the time felt right. The box was hidden in the bottom drawer of your desk so near and yet he was entirely in the dark. It was something you had discussed before in detail but he did not know that you had set this particular fantasy in motion for you both. 
He brings you out of your thoughts when he pushes back into your hands once more. Delaying any further would be a little too cruel even for you and if you want to get to his surprise you need to complete his punishment. You administer the first slap with a resounding crack, a red mark already blooming on his right ass cheek. He shudders slightly but other than a sharp intake of breath he doesn’t react.
The next two strikes come in quick succession. Left, then right again. He shivers and a small moan escapes him as he pushes back into your hands once more where you rest them.  
You remove your hands from him slowly hoping to build the anticipation for the next strike and you watch as the tension creeps up his spine. When he looks wound just about as tight as he can be you hold off a little while longer until he takes a deep breath and then you strike. Right and then left. He moves his hands to grip the edge of the desk and he presses his forehead to the surface like it is the only thing keeping him grounded. But he still manages to keep quiet. 
You massage him gently feeling his reddened skin warm against your palms. His cock is hard and heavy hanging between his legs and you have to resist the urge to reach for it. He still has five more strokes to go before he can earn a pleasurable touch from you. 
‘You are halfway there Rat and you are taking your punishment so well for me.’ You watch his cock twitch visibly at your praise and the urge to take him in your hand gets even stronger. But still you resist. 
‘Grazie,’ he pants out. You allow him one more moment to catch his breath before continuing with three quick slaps to his left cheek. Top, middle, then bottom. He chokes down a shout and while his restraint is impressive it makes you want to push harder. Make him scream for you before his punishment has ended. His skin is glowing red across the generous expanse of his ass but you want to leave a more personal mark of your punishment on him.  
You keep your hands off him entirely now not wanting to give away any hint of your next move. You take a deep breath and steady yourself. If you wish to mark him you must make these last two count. You raise your hand slowly, positioning it to aim for his right cheek and then you give him a quick sharp slap and then the final blow, the hardest one yet. It cracks as you make contact and leaves a clear red imprint of your hand and the groan he lets out, you feel down to your core. You take a second to admire your work before you move round the desk so he can see you.
‘My darling Rat, you’ve been so good for me. So so good.’ You lean down to look into his watery eyes. His paints are still mostly intact apart from the diluted tracks of his tears. You wipe them away gently offering him a soft smile that he tries to return. ‘I think you have earned your present.’ His eyes widened slightly. 
‘A present for me?’ You slip your hand under his chin to help him keep his head up rubbing his cheek with your thumb. 
‘Yes you’ve been working so hard recently and you have taken your punishment so well. I think you deserve it don’t you?’ He starts to nod in response again so you tighten your grip on his chin until he realises what he is doing. 
‘Si Padrona. Por favore.’
‘You stay where you are. I will get it for you now.’ You support his head until it is rested on the desk once more before moving quickly to your own desk. You pull out the box then quickly take your place in front of him but this time you seat yourself in his chair so you are directly in his line of sight where he is slumped over his desk. 
You ensure his eyes are fixed on you before you start to open the box. The box was beautifully wrapped by the shop when you purchased it and you were never more glad as you slowly undid the silky ribbon and unfolded the paper. All your movements slow and deliberate. The box inside was plain, giving no clues to what was inside. His eyes were fixed on the box, a tension running through him as he tried to not to give in to his anticipation and rush you. He knew from past experience that only led to more punishment. 
His breath catches in his throat when you finally pull it out of the box and place it in front of him. The toy had a six inch shaft that was a powder blue in colour with soft waves running from the base to the tapered tip. At the base where you would expect it to flatten out instead it curved into a bulb the perfect size and shape to hold inside you. You could use the toy on him while still receiving pleasure yourself and you could barely contain your excitement, hoping that he would agree to using it.
‘Is that,’ he pauses to swallow thickly before he can continue. ‘Are you going to fuck me Padrona?’
‘Would you like that Rat?’ You try to keep your face as neutral as possible so he knows he can decide whichever way he wants. 
‘Si Padrona si por favore,’ he almost whispers, eyes flicking between you and the toy. Somehow his blush has got even deeper and you are reassured this is what he really wants. 
‘I’m very pleased that you like your present.’ Thrills of anticipation are running through you now and you can’t wait to get started. ‘I’m going to leave this here so you can think about it while I get you ready ok Rat? I don’t want you to take your eyes off it.’ 
‘Si Padrona.’ He was so obedient, so well behaved. You felt very thankful for him at this moment.
‘Good.’ You get up from the seat and circle back around him slowly taking in the view. You can see the mark of your hand on his ass cheek and and graze your fingers over it before dropping to your knees behind him. His cock is still hard and as he senses you get closer his hips start twitching in search of some friction but you still aren’t going to touch his cock yet. You don’t want things to end too quickly. Instead you decide it’s time to give his beautiful ass all the attention it deserves. You start by dotting slow wet kisses moving from left to right trying to cover as much of the surface as possible. When you reach the centre of the mark left by your hand you can’t resist sinking your teeth in, the give of his flesh making you moan almost as loudly as him.
You can hear him above you panting and groaning. He is such a mess for you already you have to use every bit of willpower in you not to rush to your final destination. No first you need to get him ready. His first time getting fucked, at least by you needs to perfect. And with that decided you slowly spread him while he whimpers at being so exposed.    
There is a feast laid out before you and your mouth waters as you try to decide where to taste first. You start at his balls pressing your tongue flat against him and licking a broad stripe up over his taint to his hole before pulling away and blowing gently on the spit slick line you leave behind. He jolts so hard at the sensation you worry he is going to fall so you grab him by the hips holding him against the desk. 
‘Por favore Padrona! Por favore!’ He calls out to you in desperation. 
‘What is it you want, Rat?’ You adore pushing him when he is in this state. 
‘More, anything, everything.’ He arches his back presenting himself to you and how can you say no to that. You take one of his balls in your mouth and suck on it gently easing him into the pleasure. He moans long and low as you give the other similar treatment trailing the tip of your tongue across him as you move. 
You suck gently over his taint, the perfect place to leave your mark and his knees buckle. You push his hips firmly against the desk to keep him upright but continue applying suction until he is screaming once more. 
‘Si, si! Oh Si!! Padrona!’ You pull away to admire your work and he sags against the desk. You soothe your tongue over the red mark you’ve left behind before finally licking up to his hole. You start just flicking him softly with the tip of your tongue and he pants along with every flick begging for more whenever he is able. You flatten your tongue and give him a broad lick allowing the pressure to catch against his rim ever so slightly teasing inside and he groans attempting to clench around even that small intrusion. You take pity on him then pointing your tongue and pushing against the tense ring using your hands to spread him further and ease the way. He is chanting along with the wiggles and thrusts of your tongue and when you use your lips to create a vacuum around the edge sucking as you push in as far as you can go he shouts, unable to help himself. 
You pull away then wiping spit from your chin and grinning to yourself. He is almost ready now, just a little stretch needed for the toy to slide into him comfortably. You stand up on shaky legs and try to keep control of your arousal. This present is for him and any pleasure you derive from it is just an added bonus. You kiss up his spine as you reach for the box where you know you left a bottle of lube. 
‘Are you ready for more Rat? I’m going to use my fingers on you now.’
'Si, si.’ You don’t push him for more than that now as you can see how wrecked he is. Instead you just focus on opening the bottle of lube and generously coating your fingers.    
You spread some more lube over his hole, not wanting to rush but not wanting to tease him any longer. You slowly, carefully slide one finger inside him spreading lube as you go. You rub the small of his back encouraging him to relax into the intrusion and he does so you start moving. Just gradually in and out travelling slightly further with every pass. 
‘You are taking me so well Rat. Are you going to take the toy just as well?’ He shivers at the sound of your voice so close to his ear. 
‘Si Padrona, I would do anything for you.’ You start to work a second finger into him and his breath catches and you pause. ‘Don’t stop,’ he gasps. ‘Just slow por favore.’ You slow your movements right down giving him the time he needs and when he starts pushing his hips back onto you, you know he is ready. Still you take your time adding more lube and searching for his prostate. He shudders against the desk when you find it and spend some time rubbing over it mercilessly until he is begging and then you remove your fingers completely, much to his dismay. 
‘I think you are ready now,’ you inform him as you coat his neglected cock in the lube remaining on your hand and he shudders once again. You help him to stand keeping a hand on his waist to guide him around to the other side of the desk. You get him to sit on the edge of the desk and help him strip off the rest of his clothes as you explain what is going to happen next.
 ‘I am going to sit in your fancy chair and you are going to ride me Rat. What do you think about that?’ He blinks at you for a second from his position propped up on his desk. He looks down at the toy and back at you before picking up the toy and the bottle of lube and passing them to you. 
‘I would enjoy that I think Padrona,’ then he remains still watching as you prepare. First you slowly strip out of your clothes, his hungry eyes catching every piece of skin as it is revealed. When you are finally down to your pants you slide them off and hand them to him and he promptly brings them to his face sniffing deeply. Somewhere in the back of your mind you think you probably shouldn’t find that as attractive as you do but you enjoy how ravenous he is for any evidence you are aroused by him. Next you squirt some more lube into your hand and thoroughly coat the toy. You can feel how wet you are but it’s not worth taking any chances not with the friction you know you are going to create as you fuck him. 
You sit down slowly in his chair pushing your hips to the edge of the seat and leaning back. 
You check he is still watching as you spread your legs slowly letting him see the slick coating your thighs and your pink glistening cunt. You slide your clean hand down until you can slowly circle your clit arching up into it as you finally are getting some stimulation of your own. You dip your fingers down slowly to your entrance pushing in slightly preparing to ease the way for the toy. The wet sounds of your fingers fill the space between you and he is leaning towards you like he is a second away from dropping to the floor and taking over. 
You don’t give him the opportunity instead pulling your fingers free and replacing them with the toy. The stretch is almost uncomfortable but you push through. It needs to be a tight fit to give you the purchase to fuck him. As you slide it into place it fits snugly inside and already the texture rubs pleasantly against your g spot and it takes some time before you can open your eyes and refocus on the task at hand. He is tense in his position, eyes locked on the toy. 
‘Come here Rat,’ you beckon to him and before you can blink he is looming over you. ‘Turn around.’ He does as you ask and you reach for his hips guiding him down to your lap. You hold the base of the toy keeping it steady as he sinks down. He pauses momentarily as you press the tip to his hole before committing and sinking down the length.
The toy is buried in him. His perfect ass flush to your hips. You don’t rush him, giving him the time to adjust to the feeling. He is shaking as he tries to find his equilibrium so you wrap your arms around his waist and give him a squeeze before encouraging him to lean back against you. The movement causes the toy to shift inside both of you and you struggle to keep your hips still wanting to chase the feeling. Once he is settled he turns his face towards you peppering kisses up your neck and across your cheek. 
‘Grazi Padrona, it feels so good.’ 
‘You’ve been so good my darling Rat. I want to make you feel so good.’ He moans head tipping backwards, almost going limp from your praise. You trace your hands across his chest letting your nails catch in his chest hair and pinching his nipples as you go. You follow the trail of hair down his stomach and finally you wrap your hand around the base of his cock. He spreads his legs wider, planting his feet on either side of yours, circling his hips slowly to meet the band of your fingers and feel the slide of the toy inside him. As soon as he realises what he has done his eyes snap to yours, wide with trepidation but he is getting no more punishments from you today. You smile at him and press a sweet kiss to his lips. 
‘It’s ok, Rat. Take what you need.’ His reaction is instant. He picks up the same motion as before but increases the tempo now he has permission and you moan in unison. Every time he moves the toy it is stimulating you with the texture doing wonders and going by his desperate movements he is enjoying it too. 
‘How does it feel, rat? Are you enjoying me inside you?’ You can’t help but moan every thrust setting off a corresponding burst of pleasure inside you. 
‘Si Padrona you feel so good.’ You start working his cock with your hand, the remaining lubricant and his constant drip of precum slicking the way for you. He starts to lose his rhythm, seemingly unable to decide between pushing up into your hand or rocking back onto the toy. He whines as he writhes in your lap and as much as you are enjoying the show unfolding before you, you don’t want him to become overwhelmed and ruin his own orgasm. 
‘Shh shh Rat it’s ok. Up for me.’ The cry he lets out breaks your heart. As if you would ever leave him in this state, you are not so cruel. ‘Just for a second I promise. Your padrona would never lie to you.’ 
‘No you wouldn't, no.’ You help him up and manoeuvre him until he is on his back on the desk. The perfect height for you to slide back in. You encourage his legs up onto your shoulders pressing kisses to his inner calf as you whisper reassurances. 
‘There we go Rat, right back where you want me.’ He lets out a sigh of relief, a small smile passing over his face. You start out slow and steady easing in and out letting him adjust to the new position. As he relaxes slightly you pick up the pace while altering the angle of your thrusts in search for his prostate. You know when you find it because his eyes shoot upon and his hands claw at your forearms for anything to ground him.
You get into a good rhythm maintaining the perfect angle enjoying all the little sounds you are forcing out of him. Keeping one hand anchored on his hips you slide the other one up to grasp his cock jerking him in time with your thrusts. His eyes roll back into his head and you feel his thighs start to shake where the rest against your stomach.
Your steady thrusts are starting to have the same effect on you as they are on him. The incessant friction inside you and against your clit is pushing you closer and closer to the edge. You just need to hold out a little bit longer. 
‘Are you going to come for me Rat?’ You need him to come soon or you are going to explode.
‘Si, so close, so close.’ He wraps his hand around yours on his cock helping you hit the exact right stroke and after only a few more he is coming all over your hand. You thrust in as deep as you can and the pulse of his orgasm and the grind on your clit pushes you over the edge with him. You drop your head to his chest, taking some comfort and giving yourself some time to recover. You slowly pull the toy out of him then you as you start to reach oversensitivity before seeing to him where he still slumped on his desk. 
‘You’ve made a mess Rat.’ He sits up slowly so his face is level with the soiled hand you are  holding up to him. He sucks each of your fingers into his warm mouth tongue wrapping around each digit to clean up his mess and even though he is utterly spent he moans just how you like. You lace your clean hand through his dishevelled hair stroking him gently in an effort to help him come back to himself. Once your fingers are free from his cum he shuffles closer to you resting his head on your chest and wrapping his arms around you to keep you close. 
‘Thank you Padrona,’ He sighs as you continue petting him. You let him continue to rest against you as his breathing evens out and his heart stops racing. 
‘Any time Copia.’ At the use of his name he looks up at you blinking as though he had just woken up. 
‘You were right as always cara mia. I do feel better now.’ His handsome face was so earnest you felt your heart squeeze. You felt so privileged to have earned his trust and to be able to do this for him. You lose yourself in his soft mismatched gaze for a moment longer before pulling away and helping him to stand.
‘Come now let’s get you to bed. We can get up early and finish this tomorrow.’ He casts one last look at the now slightly messy papers on his desk before turning back towards you. 
‘Si ok.’ Luckily his sleeping quarters adjoin his office so you don’t have to go far to get him settled. You shoo him into the ensuite first so he can clean up then pull out his softest pair of pyjamas and turn down the bed ready. He comes out and you quickly help him dress before he feels the chill room and help him to the bed on his still somewhat shaky legs. Once settled you smooth his hair back off his forehead as he blinks up at you with sleepy eyes. As always you marvel at how soft he looks without his paint. 
‘Do you need anything? A drink or some food?’ You need to check but you only whisper so as not to disturb the peace of the moment.
‘No, just you,’ he replies as he melts into the sheets.
‘Of course, I won’t be long then.’ You quickly go to the bathroom and go through your evening ritual quickly before pulling on your own night clothes then finally going to join him in bed. He had dozed off while you were gone but rouses enough as you slip into bed to tuck himself under your chin and wrap his arm around you as his eyes flutter closed. His soft breathing against your neck lulls you into a deep sense of contentment and you luxuriate in it as you join him in the blissful sleep that only comes after being completely satisfied.
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l2vedive · 2 years
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PAIRING: park sunghoon x fem!reader
GENRES: includes smut (minors dni), sorta enemies with benefits, cheating (pls don't), university au, hints of fluff if you squint + in the end.
WARNINGS: graphic descriptions of smut (fingering, blowjob & swallowing cum), profanity, making out, cheating involved, hoon and yn has a weird set up but they hate each other i promise, mentions of jay, pet names (princess, good girl, baby, etc.), implied physical assault (yn punched hoon). if there's anything i missed, please lmk !!!
SYNOPSIS: in which sunghoon is annoying and you despise him because he makes your life difficult.
or; in which yn makes it up to sunghoon for punching him in the face during detention amongst other things.
WORD COUNT: 2730 words.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: i am so sorry for the months delay .. initially, i was taking a break from tumblr and then i got busy because of uni and other things + tumblr deleted like half of this in the drafts so i had to rewrite it 😭 BUT ANYWAYS , hooners i hope u enjoy bc this is for you !!!!!!!
TAGLIST: @help-i-cant-find-a-username @cherrybxmbby @fairyofhee @woozisnoots
You have done it.
And it was all because of stupid Park Sunghoon.
He infuriated you to your core and you can't even pinpoint the exact reason. But there were, in fact, a lot of reasons that annoyed you about Sunghoon. And maybe, just maybe, it was the way he kept throwing comments at you in class and the way you scowled at him before throwing the marker at his stupid face, or the way he constantly calls you those disgusting pet names and relishes in getting under your skin because he thinks your reactions are funny, or the way you had your knee in between his thighs the other day, threatening to cut his dick off if he ever bothered you again, only for you to be left fuming because he took one look at your threat as a cute challenge.
(Or maybe, it was that one time you kissed him in the dark at your boyfriend's birthday party and the way he was never going to let you live it down.)
You hated him, despised him, and absolutely fucking loathed him for existing and breathing the same air as you. Unfortunately today, your ego had just about enough to the point that it got both you and him in detention for "school violence" as the principal called it.
So now you're stuck here; trying to get the last of your homework done so you could go home and binge the entirety of Tomorrow on Netflix without the guilt of pending assignments lingering in the back of your head. The sound of a pen clicking over and over again against the wooden desk two tables away from where you are currently seated irritates you.
Your fingers grip the corners of your textbook, the page scrunching under your touch. You try to regain your composure. You let out a heavy sigh before plastering the best fake smile you could muster before turning to him. Sunghoon meets your eyes and he's already smiling, eyes twinkling with amusement.
"Please, will you stop making those noises," You weren't asking; it was a demand. "I am trying to get my work done. I don't know what the hell your deal is, Sunghoon, but you better stop it."
His lips curl into a smirk now. You feel like punching him again. "Yes, ma'am." He says while laying the pen down, flicking it and allowing it to roll off the table. Your eyes follow the object before they fly back to the boy, whose attention is now on some girl from a group of students who are also in detention. Typical Park Sunghoon , you think.
Feeling like he's some deranged vampire who has sucked every life energy out of your body, you huff yet again before stabbing your own pen into your braided hair twist before gathering your things, and heading out the library. You're loud. You're not exactly sure why you're slamming your hand or your book shut or deliberately taking out your frustrations on your school things but fuck detention, and definitely fuck Park Sunghoon. Your father could buy this school and his ass out in seconds anyway.
Sunghoon's eyes burn into you as you do this. You're aware and you want him to see it. Want him to see how infuriating his existence is to you. Want him to see how many alarms he sets off in your body and how all of them want you to hit him again. You do not miss the way his blurry figure gets up from his seat in your peripheral view, and that's when you know you got him.
It's only a few minutes later when you realise the thuds coming from your Prada loafers are the only ones resonating throughout the hallways of the academy. You stop for a bit, your mind debating whether you should look back, but alas, your body betrays you, turning you around. You immediately scan the floors and staircases for a glimpse of him, wondering if he's followed you out or if he's decided to leave too. He was there earlier, you could've sworn so.
Before you can gather your thoughts rationally, you find your heels dragging you back to the library, poking your head through the glass window and straining your neck in order to have a better look around the second you stop by the entrance. He's nowhere to be found.
"Looking for me, angel?"
You flinch, almost screaming before the realisation dawns on you that only one jackass would do this. God, help me , you thought. But because of the way you spun around to shove him for his piss behaviour, he swiftly garners the chance to pin your wrist above your head.
"Ew, don't touch me. I'm getting a cramp," Sunghoon chuckles as you yank your arm free from his grip.
"I don't bite, princess," You meet his eyes, drinking in the mischief that swirls around his dark eyes. "Unless you're into that."
Your breath hitches in your throat as you try to level it down. You hadn't noticed the way you've been holding in your breath. You've been in close proximity with him before so you don't understand why you're fighting the slow crawl of pink creeping up your cheeks. The arrogant smirk on his face doesn't falter for a second and you're already thinking of a haughty remark.
The realisation hits you like a truck when you catch up to the observation that anyone with half a brain would and could mistake you both as a couple with the way he suddenly inches closer, his hot breath fanning your skin. You gulp and you pray he didn't notice.
You were not about to show Park Sunghoon that he had some stupid effect on you. Over your dead fucking body.
You don’t know why you’re making it difficult for yourself honestly. There’s a way out for you, he hasn’t trapped you between him and the wall completely so you don’t know why you’re taking up his petty challenge and willingly allowing yourself to suffer.
“Aren’t you going to apologise to me, baby? You broke my face.” He feigns being hurt with his free hand caressing your cheek. You glare at him, swatting it away.
“All this trouble for an apology? Just say you’re obsessed with me and go.” You reply, inwardly cringing at the way your voice shook. Sunghoon shrugs and you decide that this isn’t worth your time anymore, and you knew that he wouldn’t bite back either. So you begin to walk away.
Park Sunghoon was full of shit and you knew it first hand.
Immediately, you feel a hand on your waist, pulling you and pinning you firmly back in place. You instinctively moan when you feel his knee prop up to your core, successfully trapping you. Your eyes widen when you realise and your hands fly up to your mouth. The boy towering over you grins, incredibly amused at the reaction you just made. Sunghoon switches his arm for the other, resting it on the wall next to your head. You were turning red. Hands curling into a fist with your fingernails digging crescent moons into your skin that were sure to bleed.
Sunghoon lowers his head down to the shell of your ear. “Look at you,” He says, huskily. His voice is low and you hate the way you can’t avoid the blooming pit in your stomach. "You always fall apart at the thought of me. You say you can't stand me but your body language says otherwise. What will Jay think of this when he finds out, hm?"
Your breath hitches in your throat as you stare him down. God, he’s so close he could kiss you and you might just let him. Might.
But you know you wouldn't. You're too stubborn to give in to your desires. You were always hellbent on not becoming like those stupid girls who looked like they were close to dropping their panties after Park Sunghoon gave them a smidge of his attention.
"Listen here, you prick," You grit your teeth as your fingers curl around his silk tie, yanking him to your eye level. "I don't know what sick game you're playing but you need to stay the hell away from me, Park."
"Scared you'll come crawling back for more?"
You snort. "As if."
"I'm not the one who just moaned at the mere contact of cold concrete against my skin and force,"
"True. But I'm not the one whining for a video call every night, am I?" There's something in him that flickers and you know you had the cards in your favour when you brought it up. Because now, Sunghoon's pulling you by your elbow and dragging you up the staircase leading towards the rooftop.
You don't get the chance to speak when he aggressively pushes you against the wall and pushes you down on your knees. You moan out of instinct, pain settling in and pleasure striking like lightning.
"Do you want us to get caught?" You run your hands further up his clothed thigh. Your fingers pass over his erection and to his fly.
"God, I hate your ass."
Sunghoon stands over you while you undo his button, pull down the zipper, and tug his pants down about halfway. His eyes are fixated on you while you do this. "And I love yours."
Your eyes roll at his response but you appreciate it nonetheless. You can't help but think how pornographic your positions look like right now—clad in academy uniforms and all, while you get ready to give your annoying classmate the best blow of his life as if he didn't just give you three orgasms the other night. You prop yourself up a bit, leaning towards the erection that's straining through his boxer briefs. You kiss the head of his cock through the cotton. Sunghoon is sensitive, dick twitching upon your kiss, and your breath feels hot against all the fabric.
You pull his underwear down shamelessly, letting his erection free. You sigh with a bit of performance. "You know, it's kind of a shame," You say, "if I had only known that mouth of yours was good for something else other than pissing me off, I would've been better off with you."
"Was this why you kept looking for me the other day, angel? Finally bored with the boyfriend? I told you, princess—Fuck, I love your mouth—I already told you I was better," He fishes, and you lick a stripe up his shaft before flattening your tongue on the tip of his cock. "And I did make you cum more than he ever did during that night." He breathes.
You don't say anything else, slipping your mouth over the tip of his. Your tongue feels wet and so hot, swirling just around the head of Sunghoon's cock, pretty lips pressed against him. You pause to spit on your palm before beginning to work gentle strokes down his shaft. It's good, and for a little second, all he can think about is how he wants you to take him further into your warm, wet throat. You move slowly, your tongue almost teasing. The anticipation is intense.
"Hoon," you say as your hand works around his dick, massaging his balls occasionally. You stare up at him through your dark lashes, with those eyes you know that gets him going—and the boy's heart stops as you press another long kiss to his cock and say, "I like you like this. You look so pretty.”
You punctuate your words by taking him into your mouth, deeply—your tongue moving flat and firm against the underside of his shaft, hand squeezing the base of him. The feeling overwhelms him and he moans—well , it's a whimper, but the sound is honest.
You go down once, and take your mouth back off of him to say, "I’ve been thinking of us like this. In this same exact position."
Jesus Christ , Sunghoon thinks you’re out to kill him.
You speak some more, "Do you think about me like this?"
"Always," He manages as you flatten your tongue against the tip of his cock. Sunghoon heaves before you and you hum, loving the reaction—and to rile him up some more. A hand goes through your hair, strands falling from the makeshift bun you made with the pencil earlier, as you slide your mouth over his cock. Sunghoon doesn't have the words to articulate how good your mouth feels around him; how good you use your tongue while you move your head; how you're so hot, and how you want him. How you've been thinking about this—about him. His head's gone wild and it electrifies the slick heat of your lips, your tongue. Fuck , Sunghoon thinks. He's in heaven.
The ache in your knees begins to stir as you imagine the purples, blues, and greens forming bubbles of bruises on your flesh. A groan flies out of your lips when you lift one to move it aside, creating a gap between legs.
"You okay?" Sunghoon's voice rings in your ear and you think it's sweet that he asked.
"Don't worry about me, baby. I'm more than okay."
Your free hand, the one that's been caressing the boy's clothed thigh up and down, snakes away to disappear under your skirt. The slick noise that pokes out underneath almost makes Sunghoon choke. You're not wearing any panties.
Fuck—fuck, you're touching yourself.
"You're—ah—," he pants, and you look up at him. "Fuck. That's so fucking hot. Keep—keep touching yourself, princess. My good girl."
You moan around him, like you're really getting off on this, not letting up for a moment. He moans louder in return, just so you'll hear him, just so you'll keep touching herself. It’s hot. It’s so hot. You both don't even care anymore.
You rock against your own hand as you swallow his cock, messy and fast, and it's starting to overwhelm him in a way he desperately wants to give in to.
Before he can truly consider it, he tugs on your hair, and says, "YN—stop—, "
You meet his eyes, and there's a moment where he doesn't think you will. And he can't remember why he wanted you to.
But you do, sliding your mouth excruciatingly slowly off of his cock, your tongue feeling every inch of him on the way.
"Fuck." He shudders, missing your mouth badly as the cool air hits the spit drying on his cock. "You drive me crazy."
"I want you to cum for me," You whisper, and he hisses, still closer to the edge than he wants.
You're moving so relentlessly that it's hard for him to track the sound of your fingers rubbing your clit, so he tries to focus on the difficult task of cumming, instead of the distracting, maddening slick heat of your cunt.
Very quickly it becomes too much. Embracing the point of no return, he drives his hips up to meet up yours and groans the moment the head of his cock meets the back of your throat, loving the way you gag around him.
He comes so hard he can't think.
Sunghoon's digs his hands into your scalp and moans, head thrown back against the window, sweat sticking his hair to his neck as he loses himself inside your mouth. He loses count of the hot pulses of cum that rush through him.
You release him with a pop before licking another stripe up to the head and giving it a kiss. He tells you to open your mouth and you do, sticking out your tongue to show that you've swallowed all of him.
"That's my girl."
"I hope that was okay, though," You say after a while and he runs his thumb over your cheek, where your tears have dried.
Sunghoon curls down to kiss you, hard, and it's not enough. You sigh and you force yourself to stand, ignoring the pain on your knees, and shimmying up to his body. He clings to you, pressing his mouth into every part of you he can reach, as if he’s never been able to kiss you before. He wants to laugh with the feeling of just getting something he wants. And whether Sunghoon has realised it or not, he wants nothing else but you.
"More than okay. Don't you doubt it for a minute."
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please like and reblog with feedback !!!
— please do not copy , translate or repost any of my works anywhere.
© l2vedive on tumblr
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krissyisstudying · 1 year
How I study while ✨Mentally Ill✨
I have been mentally ill for quite some time now, and I am learning every single day new ways to be able to deal with it so that it doesn't become too much of a hinderance. I have always been very open about the fact that I struggle with depression and anxiety, even with my teachers and tutors, so that they are able to support me in any way that they can. But I need to be able to take accountability for myself. So, over the past couple of years, I have been trying my very best to keep up with my studies no matter my mood or state of mind. Here are some ways I make sure to keep up with my studies
Passive vs Active Study
I understand that I have different energy levels at different times, and that it is sometimes very difficult for me to be able to do much in the way of study. So when I am feeling low, I lean more towards passive study techniques, such as re-reading my notes or my lecture slides, or listen to lecture recordings. When I have more energy, I will focus my efforts more on active studying, such as hand writing summaries of information, actively researching to teach myself more, and working on my assignments.
Increased Rewards
I struggle with motivating myself, however, I am easy to please. I have worked out over the years what I like doing as a reward for studying. I enjoy quality time with my friends, and I like going for walks and feeding the local ducks. Any rewards that cost money, I have to plan well in advance as I am trying to be strict about my spending habits, so going to buy myself a coffee at the end of every study session is unrealistic for me. So I will try and plan to study for a set amount of time, then go spend time with my friends, or go outside for a few minutes and just enjoy the fresh air. But whatever I chose to reward myself with, I make sure I do reward myself often, otherwise I will lose focus on my work too easily as there is no dopamine hit.
To-Do Lists
I love lists. I have lists everywhere through my phone, my notebooks, pinned to my wall. Anywhere I can put a list, I will. And I love to cross things off those lists. I have a checklist of everything I need before I start studying, and being able to cross things off helps improve my mood to then start studying. And knowing that, once I finish my current task, I can cross it off my list, is so motivating to me. I have lists for everything I need to do in the morning, everything I need to do in the evenings, random tasks I want to complete each week. Anything that can be listed, I will.
Accountability Buddy
Study Buddies!!!! I have managed to actually get some friends in on this, too. I have been body doubling for my friends while they study, meaning we all just sit at the same table and do individual study. We have been able to sit there for hours. And then at the end, we have a little celebration about how much work we got done. I've held friends accountable, so they don't finish the study session before they finish writing their assignments, and I know that they would do the same for me (this is a new one I've been trying so no proof yet)
Studying in Public Places
Libraries! Cafes! Dining Hall! Anywhere I can where there are people around but they won’t talk to me is actually amazing. When I am sitting in my room, there is absolutely no pressure to actually get anything done. I can make myself as comfortable as I want, and I can put on whatever music I want, and I can be relaxed. Which does not work when I need to focus. So I will go and sit in libraries, or in cafes, or, because I am in a residential hall this year, I have been sitting in the dining hall. The slight pressure of the people being around means that I am less tempted to scroll through Pinterest for hours, and I am less likely to pick up my phone. This is something that I never thought would work for me as I have always found in the past that I am so hyper-aware of everything around me, that people might be judging me, but I have recently adopted this attitude of "I am me, so what?" and it has changed how I approach public settings, including studying.
Pomodoro Timer
This is another one that I never thought would work for me. I don’t know why, but when I first heard about the pomodoro method, my first thought was “that wouldn’t work for me. I will study in whatever bursts I can and I am able to take reasonable breaks” then I realised that I was lying to myself. I tried the pomodoro method once, and haven’t looked back. I use a 30:8 ratio, which works great for me. I am definitely a reward-driven person. So knowing that after a set amount of time, I can take a break, helps me focus so much more.
Reblog with some of your study techniques What works for you and your friends?
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Mayhaps... would it be possible for me to get a Papa match-up?
I am a 5'4 agender dude, I kinda dress like a bunch of alternative subcultures we're chewed up then spit out. I have light brown hair that's kinda a bowl cut if I don't style it at all. I've got a bit of a dad bod and I'm currently studying mortuary science in hopes to open my own mortuary one day (who knows). I've been interested in death and the macabre since I was a toddler and thats kind of become my main personality trait.
I play electric bass and the drums in my spare time. I also cook, crochet, collect rare items (comics, action figures, etc.) I love basically any music from the 1920s to 2000s (with the exclusion of R&B, hip hop, and country. Nothing against them just not for me).
[I'm really not sure what to put I've never done this before😭]
Your match is…Secondo
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Secondo is also fascinated by the macabre and death. Every now and then he'll find fun days out for you to do that revolve around these subjects.
He's more than happy to help you study. However, sometimes he gets carried away. He'll bring large, leather bound books back from the library and drop them on the table in front of you.
"Extra reading for you." He'll say seriously. "No one else will have access to these texts. They will teach you the ancient ways. Things that have been handed down from Papa to Papa, Cardinal to Cardinal and so on…” Some of these books include bringing people back from the dead, how to use magic to embalm and contacting those on the other side. 
He gets you work experience at the clergies mortuary, that is an interesting assignment to say the least.
You learn the Ghouls who work there have quite a unique approach.
He'll happily help you set up your own mortuary. He'll give you whatever funds and advice you need.
He loves your varied taste in music, he'll let you pick out whatever you want from his record collection. As he settles on the sofa with a glass of wine. 
He is even more happy when you join him, he’ll put his arm around you, and the smile on his face, no one else ever gets to see that.
You tried teaching him to crochet, it didn't go so well. "I am not so old that I cannot learn a new skill." Secondo had said as he held his hand out for the crochet hooks and yarn.
You both had fun as you tried to teach him, even when Secondo chucked the stuff across the room and huffed. You started laughing first, telling him it was fine he doesn't have to learn. You apprecaite him at least trying it. Secondo is now more than content to read his book while you crochet.
If you feel like playing bass or drums he'll often get some Ghouls round to fill in the other instruments and he'll sing. It doesn't matter whether you all get it right or not. He's happy enjoying the beats you come up with as he loses himself to the music.
This post is a part of Match-up Event. The Event ended on July 15th.
Written by Nyx
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frogsinpotplants · 18 days
୨ৎ My after school routine ୨ৎ
I'm rlly just making this post to journal/for me lol bc ik no one's asking for this loll.
Bbvs this is all flexible, I'm not a robot lollll.
~ 3:15 to 5:00 Library
~ 3:15 to 6:00 Art rooms
My school lets out at 3:15 and so after school I go to the library where I try and get most of the homework that was assigned that day done or things due the next day but i don't get *everything* done obviously.
I try and stay after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays (Wednesdays if I feel like it) and Thursdays if I don't have clubs, sports or band practice.
────୨ৎ──── what I take to the library ────୨ৎ────
My school bag with all of my books and pencils
Laptop charger
Drink bottle
~ depending what time I get home I'll either make a snack, do some homework or just chill.
~ Dinner with my family + dishes.
~ After tea we usually watch some TV together which I like because it's a good time just to chill with my family and chat. (My current favs that are on are The Block, Bondi Rescue, Dr Who, any of the english Murder Mysteries loll (Death in Paradise. Father Brown, Endevour, Inspector Morse, Foyle's War ect ect) and then maybe just the random SBS programs).
~ if i'm totally swamped with work i'll just go straight to my room after tea and keep working.
~ Get out of uniform/Shower + get ready for bed.
~ Before bed i like to do some exercises but i don't always do them lol.
────୨ৎ──── My current routine ────୨ৎ────
20 sit ups
20 ab crunches
stretches (idk what i do lol)
30 second plank
20 second in cobra pose
10 pushups (i'm weak lol don't judge)
20 on each side, side leg kicks lying down (my descriptions are kind of rubbish lmaoo)
3 x 20 second lunges on each side
10 sumo squats
20 arm curls on each side using weights (I use 'General Mathematics VCE Units 1 & 2' as my weight)
*this is kind where it gets weird lol*
20 seconds balancing on each leg with lifted leg at right angle, with book on head
2 x 20 second arabesques with book on head
i usually end my workout with a prayer before getting into bed but you can just do gratitude or nothing if you'd like/aren't religious
~ After exercising I get into bed and just have some chill time to read or go on tumblr and stuff.
~ sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ya :P
this was wayyy longer than I meant lmao.
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cyandelightz · 2 months
Deep, Lucid Dreaming
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In all honesty, he'd been convinced that this was all a weird, very long dream to begin with.
He'd arrived at Isola following a nightmare about - who else? - his old best friend, his old childhood sweetheart, his reason for doing everything he does. His subconscious mind had spit out to him the idea that she'd be jealous, unhappy with him, that he hadn't done enough for her. That her brother somehow didn't suffer enough for what he did, despite him being essentially a barely-crawling sack of meat and mutagen pathetically trying to drag himself out the door to find his daughter.
He'd woken up to see him there, and the next thing he knew, he was in Fibonacci ward - in his armor, which he didn't even remember putting on, with a phone in his pocket, all his Joy stolen along with his sword, and a man urging him to get in a cab and be taken to his assigned residence. In this technological wonderland straight out of a sci-fi flick, you know, the ones nerds watch. He's starting to suspect that he might be in a (potentially permanent) dream state to begin with - maybe he's comatose, maybe he died in his sleep and this is Purgatory, or perhaps even Hell (he can't imagine himself going to 'the good place' after living a life of hatred and spite - but it's the price he pays for justice, he supposes).
One might argue that this place can't be a dream because Buzzo is able to read in it. He'd immediately find this false. He's always been able to read in his dreams - he's read entire semi-professional (but slightly loopy) e-mail chains in his dreams before, back when he was having work-related stress dreams working on the Joy project.
Buzzo remembers bringing Lisa books on the occult from the library using his library card. He couldn't actually find anything about summoning demons like she had requested (the two of them got into a lot of trouble watching horror movies together - it wasn't very good for their growing imaginations), but he'd found books on astrology, tarot, and - Dream interpretation. And he read those with her. One of the first things he saw when he left his assigned residence was a walking, talking, benevolent pink orb. He's not sure what the book on dream reading might say about that, but in retrospect the little creature to him represents - the Joy vaccine. The little pink pill Yado kept to himself to neutralize the effects of the Joy mutagen. A literal life saver. Potentially a very good omen, but…
On top of that… Buzzo's usage of the blue caused him to hallucinate little Lisa everywhere, giving him instructions. He'd wonder how much of it was drug use and how much of it was, potentially, excitingly, the idea of - her ghost clinging to him, watching over him, so he's not truly alone…
He hasn't seen her once since he got here. It's unsettling, not having her presence, even with how oppressive it is, with her demanding he cut off limbs of people who think they're his friend merely for supposedly attempting to replace her. It adds to how surreal and dreamlike this is. If he were awake, he'd be seeing her in the corners of his vision.
It is because of all of this that when he wakes up the next day to whalesong in the sky and reality melting that's he's not actually even surprised. The thin veneer of anything resembling reality has given way to what he currently believes to be the actual truth of this place. And it is a dream that has given way to lucidity.
He sees Lisa again, finally. It was strange not having her around - and he looks down at her, and she looks back, and her face is intact. It's a memory.
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"Buzzo? What are we doing here?" "I don't know."
She looks clearer and more intact than normal. Normally she melts a bit, she's hard to focus on with his eyes, due to being a ghost or perhaps a drug hallucination. But it's like she's standing right there this time.
"This place is like the past and future merged together," he observes. "Mixed into a lucid dream. Some kind of alternate future. One where the world never ended. One where…"
He looks back at her and stares. What would she be like if she were still alive? Taller, obviously. Both her brother and her father are round, and even though she was very thin and sickly herself as a kid - if she were eating properly she'd probably round out in a similar way. She'd have her mother's necklace, probably over a white sundress - no. Black sundress and a white sweater over it, she'd realistically not want to show her shoulders.
As he's thinking about it, she seems to change in turn. He realizes he'd been spacing out in thought as she looks down at herself and her hands, and then back up (she's short) at him.
He smiles. It's a genuine smile. This is nice. If this isn't Heaven, if it's not permanent, well - he'll enjoy it while it lasts. (He knows in the back of his mind he's overdue for karmic retribution.)
The two sit, and talk. She notes that he still wears lipstick, like she used to put on him. He says it reminds him of her, so he tries to find the stuff whenever he can - though it's a rare collector's item, like most 'women's' items, post-flash.
He imagines that she's happy with him. And thus, it happens. She lets him know he's done well and that he can rest. A weight comes off his shoulders - he'd guess 500 tons, and he lies back into the grass that had spontaneously appeared around them. Lying in the grass, under a tree.
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Just like old times… So comfortable, revisiting this. Seeing her. Alive, healthy, reassuring him. He does hope it'll last forever. In the back of his mind, he knows it won't.
But if this is a dream, right now it's a very good dream.
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somewhatofablog · 1 year
26/10/2023 - 1st lecture
**written in the present tense, despite today being 03/10/23! I'm catching up on what I did at uni last week...hopefully I haven't missed any details out, seeing as I'll need some of these notes for my process pdf...**
First day back in uni and we're driving straight into Unit 5, which is the first unit of second year graphic design. Only today's schedule's been cut short due to the strikes (UCU industrial action). We had our first lecture of the year and our tutor's basically used it to discuss what the unit brief is about in depth. After he'd explained it, we were free to go home. Of course we were all like 'uhh, is that it???', considering we were meant to be in until 5pm (10am to 5pm, mind you). But the afternoon sessions were cancelled.
Anyways because of the strikes, this week's schedule's been moved around and so now we're doing something a bit different. Instead of going into our studio groups and starting our first workshop this afternoon as intended, we were given our research task. We basically have to analyse a text that's been assigned to our names and answer four simple questions. Which are:
In your own words, describe what your text is about.
Is this text about systems? What sort of systems does it describe?
Can you identify any systems within the presentation of the text? Is the text structured according to a particular system?
How do you think your text relates to graphic design?
Our tutor said that we should quite literally write our opinions in our own words. And that the work is due in on this Friday. Knowing what I was like last year when it came to doing work, I thought I'd go to the library and crack on with the research task, just so I'd have it out of the way. I know my time management is absolutely horrendous and despite having tried many times to stick to shorter, more manageable personal deadlines, I still procrastinate like mad. So I know I have to be - no, need to be on my best behaviour this year as I did have to resubmit work to pass first year and get into second year…Won't be having a repeat of that this year, I hope (fingers crossed)…Well to be fair, I had a lot going on and so my extenuating circumstances were valid but still. I'd like to not go through that again.
Anyways, I digress. I get to the library and I'm already feeling restless. I don't know what it is but sometimes, I cannot sit still in quiet public places like the library at our uni. I start to feel the horrible buzzing sensation underneath my skin and I just want to scratch it away. And I actually end up doing that - just itching my nose, head, leg or whatever part of my body decides to suddenly feel itchy. Or sometimes, I actually physically can't sit still - suddenly the chair feels too hard to sit on, so I'm faffing about on the seat, trying to find the right spot of the chair to comfortably sit on. I don't know why but it feels like I need to pace when I'm working in a public space…I honestly don't know how to describe it, it's such strange behaviour, I know.
So concentrating on my assigned text was a lot harder than I expected. Of course, that was also because I hadn't slept well the night before - one thing about me is that I never sleep well for school or work and that's mainly because of my horrible fear of arriving super late to either spaces (especially to work). There's deep-seated trauma there for sure, but I won't be going into that right now.
Anyways, I digress (again). I can't focus on getting this research task done and what's worse is the text I'm reading is over 25 A4 pages (according to the MacBook I'm currently borrowing from uni). And it's from 1974 written by a man named Harold Cohen, a pioneer of early computer art (oversimplifying it here). And!!! He's written it all academic like, which means I can't understand shit. No matter how many times I've tried to reread it, I cannot get past the first 10 paragraphs (and I'm being very generous here). My eyes keep blurring out the paragraphs, even though I'm not squinting. I'm just staring at the huge blocks of text that seemed to go on and on and on about his experiments with AARON, a computer system he's created and use to create artwork with. He's even bought up mathematical concepts and I knew there and then that I had to go home and call it a day. I only lasted about an hour in the library before I left - at least I didn't have to deal with the rush, since I left way before the school kids and workers got on the tube/bus.
The text will be analysed in time before Friday's session…Just not sure how much detail I'm gonna put in, seeing as I literally don't understand what Harold's going on about (sorry Harold :-/).
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Hi so anon from the spy x family request, I would love to see a tic on them just as they are! Thx for considering my request tho!
I've gotcha, anon! :D One Lee!Damien, Ler!Anya fic coming right up!
“I already told you, I don’t want to be your friend! Go away!”
“The old man with the mustache told us we had to work together, Sy-Son.”
“That’s Master- Oh forget it!” Damien looked away with a glare, and Anya carried on with her coloring. The two were in the school library- assigned the task of finding a historical artifact from their textbooks and presenting it to Master Henderson via a drawing.
Really- they were being punished for arguing once more during class. Tontrious Bolts- Master Henderson decided- would do nothing in teaching them cooperation. Not to mention it would be inelegant to give out such a harsh punishment without some attempt at reforming them.
So here they were, Damien looking for things to draw while Anya colored in her current creation. “Well- at least don’t sit so close! Why are you next to me anyway? Can’t you sit across from me?”
“I can’t see the book from that far.” She told him, little lips pursed as she colored in Yor’s hair. Papa’s scribbled in form stood abnormally tall beside her, his crayoned face grumpy compared to Momma’s smiling one.
“Can’t see the book- you’re not even drawing anything from it yet!” Damien glared, snatching it up before Anya could react. “And what exactly is this? They look like aliens or something!”
“That’s Momma and Papa- give it back! I need to make Bond!” She reached around him, trying to get her paper. Damien only held it up higher from her reach, cheeks flushing at how close she was. “N-No way! I’m not done looking at it!” He turned his attention back to the drawing, trying to make sense of it all. “Why is she covered in blood?”
“That’s Momma’s swe-her! And she’s a-” Anya paused momentarily, eyes widening. “She’s a bad cook.”
“Okay…and the tall skinny man?”
“Papa! He’s the feelings doctor!” She declared proudly.
“He looks like a scarecrow.” Damien noted, stretching out his arms further as she tried to grab the drawing again. “You’re not that great of an artist.”
“Give it!” She whined, pushing on him as she reached for her creation. “I don’t have my family Fo-toe- Becky took it!” She never did get back. Papa got a replacement, but Anya wasn’t allowed to take it to school anymore. “Give me my drawing!”
“Make me!” Damien decided, looking smug as Anya failed to grab it again and again. He was clearly enjoying this, Anya fumed. What was she supposed to do?
A memory from the other day came back to her then.
“Delete it, now!” Momma was sitting on Papa, one hand reaching for his phone while the other tickled him. “It’s too embarrassing for the world!”
“Nehehehehhehever!” Papa declared, his face red and his smile big. Papa was a stubborn one. “I’ihihiihhll dehehehehehleehehehehte it lahahahahter!”
“Later isn’t good enough! Delete it now!” Momma was laughing just as much, finally getting the phone back when she poked his side a few times.
“Sy-Son. Give it back, now.” Anya tried to make herself sound as tough as Momma, raising her chin and glaring at the other. Damien startled, surprised by the sudden mood change. Then he smirked, raising his own chin. “Why should I? What are you gonna do?”
Anya narrowed her eyes.
“What are you-Eh!” Damien jerked as little hands grabbed his sides, wiggling gently against his uniform shirt. Squirming, he shot his elbows down in an attempt to block her. “Whahat the hell are you doing?”
“Give me my drawing!” Anya told him again, delighted by the reaction she was getting. He was just like papa! “Or I’ll tickle you!”
“Yohoure already tihihickling me!” Damien yelped, soft giggles pushing up his throat as he tried to wriggle away. One hand pushed at hers while the other held the drawing out farther, refusing to give it up. “Iihihihihm nehehehehver gihihihiving it bahahahck!”
Anya growled, standing up and squishing further into his back, her hands coming around his torso to get at his belly. “I want my drawing back! Give it! I won’t stop until you do!”
Damien wanted to snap back something rude, but he was lost in giggles, doubling over and nearly falling out of his chair. “Ahehahahahha! Nohohoohoho! Stahahhahap ihihihihit yoohoohu ahahahahhass!”
“Never, shithead!” Anya cried back, tilting her head curiously at rare laughter coming from him. ‘Sy-Son’s got a nice laugh’.
Alot of things happened at once. Anya had managed to grab a corner of the drawing, her other hand still tickling like there was no tomorrow. Damien instinctively squeezed his hand shut around said drawing, determined to hang on to it. That’s when the chair lost balance, and the boy fell to the ground.
A loud tear filled the air between them.
“Heh..hehe…yo-you’re teheerible!” He groaned, pausing when he saw her face fall. Following her gaze, Damien’s eyes widened upon seeing the now torn drawing in hand. It had split up the middle, ripping her scribbled parents and dog in two. “Oh shit…”
Anya whimpered, green eyes filling with tears. “Momma…papa…”
Panicked, Damien scrambled to his feet, looking around the table for tape to fix it. “H-Hang on! I’ll put them back together! I can do this, I can fix it…” Realizing he had nothing of the sort, he felt himself on the verge of tears. “I can fix it! I can-”
“Sy-Son?” Anya was taken aback. She hadn’t expected for him to cry. Distracted from her tears, she scooted over and patted his head, startling the other. “It’s okay. Don’t cry.”
Damien bowed his head, sniffling. “I’m sorry. I ruined your drawing.”
“Yeah, and you’re a shit for it, Sy-Son.” She told him, earning a shocked laugh.
“At least the blood on her makes sense now.” He nodded at the paper, earning a poke to the belly. “A-Ai!”
“It’s not blood! It’s…” Anya gave up, pouting at the paper.
Damien wiped his eyes, taking a breath as he considered what to do. “Erm…I-I’ll help you. Make another one.” He looked away, cheeks heating up. Anya gaped.
And then she smiled.
Master Henderson had come back to the library expecting to find a drawing from the book he assigned them. Instead, he found Damien and Anya hovered over a paper, crayons in hand as Anya directed the boy on her mother’s hair. “You gotta make the loopy parts! It’s part of her head!”
“Loopy parts? You mean her hair?” He rolled his eyes, but did as she asked, scribbling in the lines.
They weren’t working on their assignment, but they were working together.
“A truly elegant display, Master Damien, Lady Anya.” He nodded in satisfaction, leaving them to carry on their drawing.
I hope this was good!
Cloud 9 (Taglist)
@thatbigbisexual29 , @dirtpie39, @duckymcdoorknob @baby-tickles2022
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fredshufflepuff · 3 years
hiii can i request fred enemies to lovers with short hufflepuff reader where he just tease her endlessly abt her height and usually the reader ignores it but overtime it just becomes one of her biggest insecurities. other students began to bully the reader for the same reason and she just feel so unfair that they are doing that for something she cannot control. she became extremely quiet and avoid large crowd overall and fred noticed that. he saw what the other students are doing and saying abt the reader and got angry at them. he confronts reader and apologizes for everything he had done and tells her that she was perfect in her own way. sorry if it’s so long and detailed or confusing 😅 thank uuu i love your blog smmm
out of my control || f.w ✧˖*°࿐
summary: fred makes fun of your height relentlessly but doesn’t realize how it’s slowly breaking you.
a/n: did i not know how to head it? yes. are you going to bully me for it? NO >:(
warnings: enemies to lovers, fem!reader, language, teasing, draco being a bully >:/, asshole fred
word count: 1,982
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“hey shortstack” a familiar voice taunted, the feeling of a sudden presence forming behind you.
you were on your tip toes trying to grab a potions book for your upcoming exam, obviously failing since it was placed on the second highest shelf.
you could’ve used your wand to wisk it down, but last time you did that you almost made the entire bookshelf come down.
which only peeved off madam pince into threatening you with a weeks worth of detention.
“what do you want, fred?” you asked, turning around and facing the dick who never seems to leave you alone.
“nothing much” he shrugged, reaching over you and grabbing the book you had been trying to get, “just wanted to see you.”
“see me?” your eyebrows raised in confusion as your head titled to the side, your fingers coming up to grab the book but fred pulled away.
“wow, short and gullible?” he laughed, tossing the book to the top of the shelf before walking off, your face heating up as you scoffed at his comment.
a week went by of freds teasing only increasing, the boy commenting on your height and how small you were whenever he could, which, was a lot.
you didn’t know why he picked on you so much. you never crossed him in any way—that you knew of.
but you also didn’t want to come off as sensitive.
fred didn’t necessarily bully you per say, but his jabs and comments about how you looked—especially on things you couldn’t control, really stung.
you were currently paired with fred for a potions assignment, snape choosing the partners before telling everyone to get started.
“get the cauldron” the boy said, waving his hand at you before plopping himself down in the chair, your eyes narrowing at him in annoyance.
“you know i can’t fucking reach the cauldrons” you snapped, going to sit but fred pulled your chair away.
“that’s why i told you to go get it, it’ll be funny seeing you make a fool of yourself” he snapped, turning away from you with your chair so you couldn’t sit.
“go fuck yourself” you mumbled, storming towards the shelves of cauldrons as students started to make their way back.
you stood in front of the intimidating shelf with a heart clenching feeling in your chest. fred was right, you were destined to embarrass yourself—and no way in hell would snape let you levitate one down.
you looked around the room for a stool you could use, a frown on your face when you didn’t see one.
your hands reached up as you raised to your toes, squinting your eyes and turning your head to the side as you tried to grab the cauldron.
your fingers gripped the cool material of the pot before slowly sliding it towards you, not knowing how close it was to the edge until it dropped.
dropped on you.
it fell heavy on your foot as you yelped loudly in pain, falling to the ground as your hands tried desperately to catch yourself.
“ms.y/l/n! detention for two weeks, are you out of your mind?!” snape barked, everyone’s eyes on yours including freds.
“i-i didn’t do it on purpos—”
“zip it! longbottom-” snape snapped, the boy jumping nervously as he stuttered out a small ‘yes sir?’
“-bring her to madam pomfrey, come straight back when you’re done.”
you spent only an hour in the infirmary, pomfrey claiming you had sprained your foot, but broke your big toe in the process.
pomfrey wanted to keep you overnight, but you insisted on finishing your classes—or at least going back to rest in your dorm.
she gave you crutches and sent you on your way, reminding you that you were welcomed back to the infirmary if you changed your mind.
“crutches? really, tiny pants?”
“tiny pants?” you scoffed, adjusting your book bag that was threatening to fall, “really? how creative.”
“y’know, i was going to help you with your bag, but i think i’ll just watch you struggle” he said, making you scoff as you rolled your eyes.
“like i needed your help.”
just as those words left your mouth, your bag dropped to the ground with a thud.
you groaned mentally to yourself as you stared at the bag, fred laughing his ass off as you tried asking him to pick it up.
you felt stupid asking, but you were tired and your toe was in pain, you just wanted to get to your dorm.
“see you later, short stack.”
you countered up a quick levitation spell, struggling to cast it since you were balancing on one arm, the other leaning on your crutch.
when you finally did grab it, you hobbled your way to the hufflepuff common room while mumbling profanity’s under your breath—mostly cursing out fred for not helping and instead calling you names.
over the next few days your toe fully healed, madam pomfrey giving you a nasty but effective potion to help heal your bone quicker.
“take these three vials after breakfast, lunch, and dinner. start tomorrow morning” pomfrey said, handing you the tiny clear bottles as you nodded in response.
“thank you, i really appreciate it.”
you made your way out of the infirmary and back to your dorm, slipping past the students that hurried past you for today’s quidditch game, slytherin vs gryffindor.
“hey, short stack!” a familiar and irritating voice called, your legs moving faster as you sped walk down the corridor.
the footsteps got closer as you soon felt a heavy arm fall onto your shoulder, a small grunt leaving your lips as you shoved the boy away.
“oooh, snappy now are we?”
“fuck off.”
fred only laughed at your words, tossing his clean sweep back and forth as he followed you to the dorms.
“coming to the game?”
“no” you grumbled, praying to merlin the annoying red head would just leave you alone.
“awh what a shame, i was hoping on seeing my favorite cheerleader there,” his words were laced with sarcasm, the boy poking at your face as you shoved him once again.
he wanted a reaction,that’s what fred always wanted.
but you didn’t give him one, instead you went straight to your common room and up to your dorm, fred soon getting bored and heading off to his game.
you didn’t remember much from that night, just falling asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow.
you trudged your way to the main hall with your book bag tossed lazily over your shoulder, today being a free day for students to catch up on missing work and assignments.
you were planning on grabbing something small for breakfast before heading to the library to catch up on some studying.
you were so lost in your thoughts you didn’t notice you had ran straight into another student, your legs stumbling back as they cursed at you.
“watch it, first year!” draco malfoy scolded at you, your eyebrows furrowing together as your mouth fell open.
“i-i’m not a first year, i’m in the same year as you—”
“she’s just short” crabbe snickered, the blonde next to him chuckling as he eyed you up and down—which, made you extremely uncomfortable.
“stay out of my way, or you’ll get trampled” he said, his words sharp as they practically dug into your skin.
trampled? was he being serious?
“better yet, stay out of everyone’s way.”
later that day you stayed locked away in your dorm, deciding to just study there and snack on the treats you bought earlier on in the week.
you thought it was just fred that felt that way towards you, but apparently it wasn’t.
were you really that much of a burden to people?
you stayed locked away in your dorm till almost night fall. your eyes were burning from staring at the same wooden desk and book you had brought with you, along with your stomach rumbling since you hadn’t eaten much that day.
you decided to head back down to the main hall to grab some dinner and then come back up, wanting to make the trip as quick as possible.
but of course, knowing your luck, that didn’t happen.
you were walking down the ‘somewhat’ empty corridor when your eyes landed on fred, the red head smirking as he saw you which only made your stomach churn.
you tried turning around to take another path, but ran face first into someone who had been walking behind you.
“it’s the short hufflepuff again” the voice cackled, shoving you to the ground as your body hit the concrete with a thud, a low groan falling from your lips as your head started to spin.
“i said stay out of my way or you’ll get trampled, and guess what, i was true to my word” malfoy sneered, his friends laughing at his comment as your face reddened with embarrassment.
tears were pricking your eyes and your chest was heaving up and down, you felt so small compared to everyone else, you felt so tiny and defenseless.
“you want to see trampled, malfoy?” a voice boomed from behind you, your head snapping to the side as you watched fred approaching you from behind.
you felt intimidated by him, the way his body loomed over yours made you feel sick, especially with how he’s been treating you.
“ah, weasley! come to see the show?”
“there is no show, unless you prefer your goons here to see you receive a black eye” he said calmly, the blonde narrowing his eyes at the boy before shoving past everyone, crabbe and goyle running after him.
fred turned to see if you were okay, his eyes softening as he watched tears roll down your face.
“are you oka-”
“okay?! am i o-okay?” you asked, picking yourself up and violently rubbing your tears away, “no i’m not fred! malfoy was never the problem, it was always you!”
“but i-”
“you what?!” you spat, “you were just joking?”
“y/n, i never meant to hurt you” he mumbled, his face heating up as guilt formed in his stomach. he’s been a dick to you all this time and has just now realized what his words were really doing.
“then what was your intention?” you asked.
“i-i just” he didn’t know what to say, there was only one thing to say, “i’m sorry.”
“sorry for picking on you every day for something you can’t control, sorry for making you struggle when you clearly needed help” he spewed out, not even stopping to think as the words he’s been meaning to say fell from his mouth, “i think you’re absolutely perfect the way you are, and i realize now how much of a jerk i was—how much i was hurting you.”
“how can you make fun of something i can’t control and then come to me saying i’m perfect the way i am? are you out of your mind?!” you asked, voice holding annoyance but mostly hurt—what was fred trying to get at?
“i just thought- it’s stupid i know but, i just thought teasing you would be easier than admitting my feelings.”
“for you” he says, voice only just above a whisper as he let his words sink into you. he has feelings for you?
“but i understand if you don’t feel the same, i was rotten to you. i wouldn’t even help you pick up your bag when you were in crutches! i was just so blinded by my own stupidity to actually man up and do something-”
you cut fred off by pulling him into a kiss, his rambling coming to a stop as he melted into your touch. you had to stand on your tip toes to reach him, but fred helped by leaning over and cupping your face.
“i think your height is adorable” he mumbled against your lips, a blush taking over your face as you pulled him back into the kiss.
“just shut up and kiss me.”
fred weasley tag list 🏷 @90smalfoy @astoria-malfcy @whipped-for-the-weasley-twins @ang9lic @malfoysbiitch @Harrypotter_Whore @aetheralist @miraclesoflove @amourtentiaa @myloveforluna @bellatrixscurls @an2402lths @marrymetheonott @skaratjung @wh0re4blaise @dreamxnotxfound @fjorelaant @pinkandblueblurbs
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shinescape · 3 years
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Hawk Eyes
Bodyguard Seonghwa x Reader
note: i might have went overboard with this one (jk). Thank you for the request anon and enjoy the read!
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At this point, you thought that the stares and murmurs would die down but apparently not so. The other students really made it obvious that they were whispering about you or more like the person following behind you.
It was ridiculous but your father being the protective person he was assigned you a personal bodyguard. You honestly didn’t want it but the Park Family has a history of working with your family and Seonghwa was no exception.
He took his job quite seriously since he was trained at a very young age. Both of you went to the same school and even then he would make sure that no one bullied or pulled pranks on you.
One time you walked into the classroom and a bucket of flour poured onto you had him furious. He was still in training back then but somehow he already ingrained in his head that he needed to protect you at all cost.
You were currently walking in the busy hallways to your morning class. The crowd always made you feel anxious and uncomfortable but knowing that Seonghwa was right behind put you at ease.
A group of boys were goofing around as they approached you and one of them accidently pushed you to the lockers with his body.
Instead of hitting the lockers, the side of your head was cushioned by a palm. Thanks to Seonghwa’s fast reflexes and close proximity, your head was saved but the group of boys wasn’t.
Seonghwa stood in front of the group and glared at them, he knew they were trying to act like nothing happened when the guy who pushed you knew exactly what he did was on purpose. He was taller and looked way too intimidating for them to leave without at least a bruise.
But you stepped in and said, “He’s in a bad mood. It’s best that you leave or he’ll slam your head next.” You smiled at them and that was enough to make them turn back from where they came from and ran away.
“You should have made them apologise.”
“Nah, it’s not like I’m going to see them again anyway.”
You still find it bothersome how your father made Seonghwa follow you to college every single day, like a shadow. Before, he would wear those black formal suits and would sit in every class you had which was seriously uncomfortable.
People were wondering if your family was dealing with some kind of underground business and thus making you friendless up till now.
After having to negotiate with your father almost ten times, he agreed that Seonghwa was to only wait outside of every class and wear normal clothes like any young adult his age.
Your assigned bodyguard was surprised when he knew about the new arrangement and you can’t believe he reacted as if you’ve abandoned him when it’s not. It took him some time to get used to it and would accidentally follow you inside the lecture hall like he was now.
You turned on your heels and lightly pushed him out of the door. “Hwa, please go and eat breakfast or waste time at the mall while I finish. It’s four hours of class.” You said tiredly, this was not the first time and he would answer the same thing again and again.
“I’ll wait out here. Text me if you need anything.” He gave you a professional smile that you wished he would not since it felt so weird when you know each other for so long. But being in this line of job, he had to do it and he insisted on it.
You grumbled knowing that he’ll stand right outside and do nothing but glare at anyone that passed by. He wasn’t paranoid, more like protective after how many incidents you got involved back in school.
Four hours passed by and everyone including you were sluggish as hell. Your back aching, arms sore and tired from all the note taking you did.
The moment you stepped outside, Seonghwa was there looking exactly how he did earlier. A smile on his face as he stepped near you. “Ready to go home?” He asked, pushing himself off the wall he was leaning on.
“Don’t you get tired waiting out here?”
He shook his head and before he could reply, you answered for him. “You were trained for this, I get it. Let’s go grab lunch, I’m hungry.” Seonghwa nodded and followed behind you like he always does.
“Seonghwa, you can walk beside me, there’s no one besides us.” You slightly turned around and grabbed his wrist and forced him to walk beside you.
He nibbled on his lower lip as he tried to remain his composure, eyes once in a while went down to his wrist that had your fingers wrapped around it. This is fine. I’m not crossing any lines, he reminded in his head.
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Seonghwa was busy checking his schedule, your schedule to be exact when he heard the heavy doors across from him being pushed open. Your classmates swarmed out and he scanned everyone in search of your figure. His brows furrowed when he didn’t see you coming out.
He made his way through the crowd and went inside the hall, where you were seen talking with someone at the front row seats. He let out an exasperated sigh and made his way towards you. His sharp eyes watched how you and this person he doesn’t know talking so casually, unaware that everyone had left the room.
Seonghwa made sure his presence was known as he stood close to your side, the guy you were with immediately noticed him. He tapped your arm and motioned for you to look behind. There stood your bodyguard with a straight face on, glaring right at the stranger.
“Oh you’re here. I have a project to discuss with him so we'll probably head to the library then have dinner if we get to finish things early. You can go back first.” You know so well he’s not going to leave you with this person until late at night. But it was worth the try.
Seonghwa on the other hand felt irritated the moment you mentioned the guy’s name and how you had a plan up till dinner. It was unscheduled and he didn’t like one bit about it.
“I’ll inform your father what you told me. Also, I’m staying with you until you finish.” He said and for the first time ever, he left you first to wait outside. That caught you off guard but you tried not to think about it too much.
Your bodyguard who was seated a table away watched every single action of yours and your project partner. He noticed how you would cover your mouth when you laugh at a joke the male made or how you keep on adjusting your outfit when talking.
You almost never behaved that way around him and suddenly showing this side to someone that’s not him, irked him. He then realised how he hated what he was seeing and felt something he never felt before.
He felt possessive of you. After spending time together for so long and being the only friend and shoulder to lean on, he had developed a new feeling towards you. It was probably not new at all, just hidden deep down in his heart finally bursting out due to this new stranger.
His fingers curled into fists when your partner casually patted your head after you managed to complete a question. He’s being way too touchy and why do I feel like interrupting them and causing a ruckus? Seonghwa quietly shook the thought away and continued on watching the both of you.
The ride back home was awfully quieter than usual and it made you uneasy. You stole glances at Seonghwa who drove in silence and never uttered a single word at you.
When the both of you arrived back home, he usually bothered himself to open the front doors for you but instead shut the door right in your face.
Something was totally not right and you hate to admit but an upset Seonghwa was a hard one to deal with. “He’s probably tired. We have been out since morning.” You tried to assure yourself and went inside and spotted him on the second floor.
You ran up the stairs, catching up with his retreating figure that did not turn once at all to look at you. He clearly heard the door opening and you running up the stairs but he ignored it.
“Is everything okay, Hwa?” You manage to grab his wrist and try to peer at his face when he jerks his hand away harshly from you.
“No, I’m upset. Go to your room, it’s late.” He curtly said and left you in the hallway alone.
Inside the room, Seonghwa threw himself on the bed and covered his face with the back of his hand. He wanted to beat himself so bad for being so harsh to you. I should have said everything was fine like always, not making things worse like this. He grumbled to himself as more thoughts flooded his head.
He never felt this troubled before but when he finally came to sense that he wanted you all to himself, everything jumbled up. Before, it felt like nothing more than protecting his employer’s child but not anymore.
After a while, you were done with your night routine and was already in bed but your mind was still awake. Thinking of Seonghwa and what he said earlier. “No, I’m upset.”
You kicked the covers away and made a bee-line to your bodyguard’s room as quiet as possible. Making sure no one was near the staircase, you ran towards the other side of the hallway towards his bedroom.
You knocked a couple of times and even twisted the knob but it was locked. Praying hard that you won’t wake anyone up, you knocked even harder and finally heard a sound coming from inside.
Seonghwa unlocked the door and thought it was one of the maids and got annoyed. “What is it?” He voiced with a frown until he saw you standing in front of him, staring and mouth slightly agape.
The both of you then heard voices coming from the corner and without thinking he pulled you inside and trapped you behind the door.
“What are you doing here?”
“I just wanted to-” You words were cut off when another set of knocks came and he knew who it was.
“Young man, do you have anything to wash?”
“No, I don’t. Goodnight.” Seonghwa was about to shut the door when the lady stopped with her hand. “You sure, I changed the sheets two weeks ago. Also why are you not letting me in?” She pushed the door harder and it made you yelp and hit him from the impact.
“What was that?” She asked. “It’s just my stomach. I’m not feeling well.” His other hand wrapped around the back of your head making sure you don’t move again. The action made you still as you took in the fact that he was really close to you.
Seonghwa finally closed the door and let out a sigh. He then tipped your chin up to make you look him in the eyes. “Why are you not wearing a shirt?” Was the first thing that came out of your mouth.
“Uh, it’s my room?” He answered back.
“But, you’re living in my house.” You raised a brow at him.
“Should I make it my house too then?” He taunted back.
You couldn’t help but shout in surprise at the words he just said. You thought he was joking but when he stepped back and went to sit at the edge of his bed, messing up his hair. You knew this was more than that.
“I like you...no I love you. I don’t even know myself.” He stopped for a moment. “But what I know is that I hate seeing you getting shy with that project partner of yours.” He expressed which sound more like he was murmuring to himself rather than to you.
You furrowed your brows and can’t help but like the fact that he was bothered by something like that. Seeing him all frustrated with nothing but a pair of sweatpants was sure a sight.
But shortly after, it made you question yourself as well. You walked closer and stood directly in front of him and he looked up at the mention of his name.
Your palms found their way to his bare shoulders, resting there as you closed your eyes and went down to kiss him. Seonghwa was caught off guard by your sudden move and took your face in his hand, ripping it away from him.
“We shouldn’t do this.” He sounded genuinely worried.
“I just wanted to confirm my feelings. I’m sorry for suddenly kissing you like that.” You were about to move away when he pulled you back to your initial spot. He made you sit on his lap, legs wrapped around him.
You were confused by his sudden actions when just a minute ago he had pushed you away, reminding you that it wasn’t right to do what you both did.
“Did you feel anything after stealing a kiss from me?” His tone low as his alluring eyes met yours. You gulped at the sudden change in demeanor.
Not knowing what to say or react, you let him have his way with you. His fingers tapped its way on your neck before holding your jaw in place. He liked how it fits nicely in his hands as he pulled your face closer to his.
“You should answer when I ask.”
You didn’t know what took over you as you slowly thread your fingers in his hair and crushed your lips with his. He let out a moan and deepened the kiss, hands now gripping the side of your frame. You were starting to get out of breath, never would have imagined kissing him like this would be so addicting.
You peck his lips once more before pulling away, eyes half lidded as you look at him. His face flushed and the way he was breathing through his lips wasn’t helping at all.
“That answers everything, don’t you think?” You breathed out, hands resting on his broad shoulders again.
Seonghwa then unwrapped your legs around him, pushing you down on the bed before doing the same. He gazed at your features as a finger swiped the bottom of your lips.
“You better tell that guy to not get too touchy or I can’t guarantee his life.”
His pupils were round and innocent now despite looking like it could suck you in whole earlier. You scoffed at his words and played with his fringe that was covering his eyes. “Forget about him. What are we going to do next?” you asked, eyes roaming his beautiful face.
Seonghwa smirked and that's when you know he interpreted your words differently. “I’m going to do whatever I want and make sure you can’t attend class tomorrow.” You sighed at him and lightly punched his chest.
“I meant about my father, your job as my bodyguard. I don’t think he’s going to take this nicely.” You informed him, already knowing the fate of your relationship after this.
“I’ll take care of that. What you need to worry about is what’s going to happen right now.” Seonghwa's eyes were clearly filled with lust as his hand went under your shirt and watched how you tried to hold back from his cold touch.
You were starting to feel ways you could never imagine and he doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon. It will be a long night and surely there’s no turning back on this.
A sneaking attempt, an unexpected confession and a stolen kiss had led you to this.
Nothing else matters as for now, just you and your life time bodyguard, Park Seonghwa.
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angellayercake · 2 years
WIP whenever 
Thank you @honeyynymphh for tagging me :) 
Tagging @xfilesinamajor @zombiequeenblog @gothdaddyissues and @copious-caution (only if you want to) 
This is the start of my ode to Copia’s ass. It’s always on our minds I know but it’s really been doing the rounds over the last week on tumblr and in my brain and this is the result.  
You were rushing down the corridor, a stack of books balanced precariously in your arms. You sent a quick prayer to Satan that anyone coming the other direction had the sense to get out of your way. You had already been delayed while picking up the required books in the library. You couldn’t afford to waste anymore time. 
He had been snappy and irritable all day. Annoyed because Papa had dropped the sermon for this week's mass on him at the last minute adding to his already considerable workload. You were trying to be as understanding as possible. He was stressed it’s natural that he would take some of that out on you, his assistant and lover. But his behaviour was starting to get on your last nerve. 
In your day to day lives he was your superior. As a high ranking member of the clergy you were assigned to assist him in his ever growing list of duties. In your private lives though your dynamic was very different. One of the perks of being a member of the Satanic Church was that sexual relationships were actively encouraged. As long as they were consensual and as long as they didn’t interfere with one's daily duties. So as you had got to know the Cardinal you had no qualms with propositioning him after one too many late nights working by candlelight. And when he had stammeringly told you his preferences with a beautiful blush spread across his cheeks you had known you would have lots of fun together.
You finally arrive at the door to his office knocking quickly to alert him to your presence but not waiting for a response before letting yourself in. You drop the books on the small table just inside the door so you can close it properly behind you and give your arms a little shake to ease the strain from the heavy load. You turn to see him bent over his desk, perfectly rounded ass on display. He had shed his cassock hours ago when you both realised you would be in for a long day leaving him in only his sinfully tight trousers, shirt and suspenders giving you a great view of his shapely figure. Your ogling is cut short when he snaps at you without even turning around. 
‘Sorella, what has taken you so long? I was expecting you back twenty minutes ago. How can I get any work done if you're going to take so long on such a simple task…’ You bite your tongue to stop any retort but as he continues his tirade you feel your already short temper being pulled taut. You know it’s not truely intentional, nevertheless he needs correcting if he thinks that is ever an acceptable way to talk to you. And a bit of a distraction might be exactly what is needed. He will never get any good work done in his current mood and you have the perfect plan already in mind.  
You approach slowly tuning out his continued ranting and then before he can react you place your hand between his shoulder blades and push his torso flush against the desk.
‘I think you owe me an apology Rat. Is that any way to speak to your Padrona?’ His demeanour changes instantly. 
‘Padrona, mie scuse but I have to finish this tonight…’ You press your hand a little more firmly reinforcing his position and stopping his denial in its tracks. 
‘No Rat you won’t get anything done in this state. Let your Padrona help you?’ If he refuses again you will leave him be, but you think he knows as well as you do that he needs this.
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rosiehufflepuff · 3 years
𝓦𝓮𝓫 𝓸𝓯 𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼
Summary : Draco emotions is getting the best of him , as you and Harry are paired for astronomy project , causing a big hit in your friendship not only that but also causing you to ask why he was jealous when you are only friends and how he is trying to control who you can have as friends and who you can’t have as you call out his toxic behaviour and Draco discovers his emotions .
Draco X Fem Reader
Warning : jealousy . Possessive Draco , Insecure Draco , Harry and Draco rivalry , Angst , and too much FLUFF
House : Hufflepuff
Year : fifth
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Link of the casual outfit : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eMCrdnjLtSN-6Xjysfvffq4HzeX-rJk_/view?usp=drivesdk
Draco watched as his anger was getting too big that he felt that his body couldn’t contain it anymore , usually Draco could keep a straight face whatever any emotion he felt but at this moment he couldn’t , you were smiling at Potter being all friendly and such , leading his blood to boil , you were extremely friendly with the annoying Gryffindor!! Yes , he get it , Hufflepuff and all , being nice is the nature , that what made him attached to you in first place , but you were talking and being kind To HIS ENEMY ! You shouldn’t even be talking to him !! In first place !! You were his friend ! HIS !!! You should only talk to him not his enemies !!
“ hoho wow ... we are finally seeing emotions on malfoy face “ Theo couldn’t help but comment with a smug smirk as he earns a harsh scowl from the icy blonde boy “ shut it Nott or I swear the next thing that you will see is my shoes squishing your eyes “ “ he is right though Malfoy , your face is literally changing colours , expression , and literally your eyes are stuck on them ! “ Blaise commented more like stating fact ” that is true also !! , draco do you know what we are doing for this project ? ” pansy gave a questionable look to the pale boy, resulting in draco to run his hand in his hair as he breaths heavily , getting up from his chair “ since you all being Nosy Fucking Twats and it seems like you have plenty of time to blab why don’t you all continue on the project , yeah ? “ with that draco left with glare as he walked out of the library to cool off “ he got it so bad ......” Theo commented with a smirk “ yes completely ” earning an agreement from both Slytherins .
Draco went out , breathing deeply the fresh air , you were his friend and his hate for Harry was no secret for you and you were a Hufflepuff and that was no secret for Draco , he knows ‘ the moral code of the Hufflepuffs’ and how strong did you hold into them .
However what irritated and concerned Draco was you and Potter were friends. Before..... You and him even talked , he is fully aware of Potter ideas about slytherin and him....which leaded to a fear of losing you to him......
Does he trust your judgement? ...........of course he does , does he trust Potter ? Dear Salazar NO .... and that what worries him ... also the idea of you and Harry leaves a sour taste in his mouth , a strong one .
you were quite attractive and you had a decent personality And of course what will make the Gryffindor happier than making the slytherin ‘s life miserable!......... by taking you away from him and as much as he despised it, you and Potter are quite fitted for each other ......but no way in the name of Merlin ’s Bread he would give you to him!!
The slytherin prince now knew for sure that universe actually hated his guts cause just in this moment you and Potter walked out , you , smiling as harry is pointing out the stars while you are carrying a sketch book with your quil as you both admired the dark night sky .
Draco didn’t know what is the assignment was nor he cared about it in this moment , all he cared about was to hear what you and Potter talked about , as the way to do that was neither of you can see him . Causing him to blend with the darkness of the trees shadows
“ and you see here , two days from now we will see Jupiter's movement ! “ Harry explained excitingly causing you to smile “ yes i know !! However ........ I feel it would be hard to see from the astronomy tower as all fifth year students would be there for it ...... do you think we would able to glance it , write the essay and fill the star chart ......? “ you couldn’t help but voice your concerned leading Harry to think for a moment
“ Gryffindor tower !!” “ excuse me ........I meant ......say again..........? “ “ we can see it from the Gryffindor tower !!” “ wait really ??” “ yes , most of students won’t think of this “ “ well I’m sure Hermione did think of that “ you said while giggling a little , making Harry himself chuckle “ of course she would “ he said it , rolling his eyes jokingly as he continued “ we can of course go there .......if you have n-no problem I mean ........” “ of course ! Why would I have a problem in Helga ‘s name ? “ you said giving the chosen boy a big smile , making him grin himself “ excellent ! Meet me in front of the fat lady portrait !” ” you got yourself a deal potter ” you said seriously, resulting in him to chuckle ” beautiful deal I would say ” ” well that was smooth ” you said as you gave the boy in glasses a playful look ” really? I thought it was little sap ” yes kinda but still smooth ” ” ouch well I better go before I say more sappy stuff yeah? See ya tomorrow ” ” see ya!!” you both parted ways, not noticing the hidden boiling fire in the very dark.
Draco was furious and angry, he flirted with you AND YOU FLIRTED BACK !! HE ASKED YOU ON A DATE AND YOU ACCPET IT !! that is a project NOT A CHANCE FOR POTTER TO SNOG YOU !!!
He didn’t like what he saw , in fact, it resulted in leaving a huge fury to swallow his body , to him , it was you choosing Potter over him and it left a wound in the pale boy ‘s heart , like everyone else they would .... he didn’t know why it was hurting , .... it felt like you are leaving him behind .....and replacing him with what people always say, is better than him ........ Draco couldn’t control his emotions anymore resulting in him to run to the slytherin dungeon to be alone with his thoughts , he is not gonna give Potter what he always wanted .... which is a breakdown .
After two days passed , it was the weekend and Merlin , you didn’t wanna to wake up after a whole week the last day always seemed to be so hard but you needed to get up , no matter what , cause no one would Attend it for you .
An annoyed groan slips from your mouth as you jump out of the bed stretching and getting yourself into your yellow and black uniform , last day but one of the busiest , you have heavy school day not forgetting of course the meeting with Harry. However you were quite excited , you are gonna see the Jupiter movement clearly also you never saw the Gryffindor tower from inside so yes , maybe it will be a good day after all.
Walking out to your first class which was herbology a subject you completely adored , being with professor sprout cheerful personality and voice , some people fainting causing a giggle here and there , the whispers of the plants and finally , A current slytherin shared this class with you and being with him made the hardest things bearable , one of these is Snape class of course , with his help and quiet jokes he made you like it a little ,
Giggling at some old jokes Draco did through the classes you shared , you notice that you arrived to the green house .
You stood inside of the green house with Fanged Geranium sitting on the table showing her teeth in front Of you , as you hear the head of your house talking about the quality of it and how to deal with it , your eyes wondered to check on Draco .
You didn’t see him since you entered , you knew draco likes the green house , even though he would never admit it to the world , you saw the twinkle in his eyes when he is looking to the plants however he was no where in the sight ,
it is like the sky heard you or something and wanted to prove you wrong cause suddenly the door of green house opened quietly , revealing the white haired boy , walking as he bows to the older hufflepuff “oh good dear Helga ..... you are so late Mr.Malfoy !!!” “Im very knowledgeable about that Mrs sprout and I give you my apologies....” the older teacher couldn’t help but sigh “ fine , go take your plant next to Miss L/N .....please miss L/N ....update Mr. Malfoy about the topic ....For the rest , please work on your plants carefully ! I don’t wanna accidents !!! Not again !!!!! “
Even thought he looked perfectly put together , the slytherin ‘s face was looking yellowish , was he sick ? , thinking again - you never saw him yesterday at all ... was something going on ....? However you knew he didn’t like to be pressed for stuff so you just watch him as he took his place next to you ...
you give him the warmest comforting smile “ Draco good morning dear .......did you sleep well “ a nod , you get only a nod from the boy so you try to keep the conversation going “ well ... today we are assigned the plant of Fanged Geranium and we need - “ I actually know about it....... I read about it in a book before , you don’t need to waste your energy yeah? “ like that he cuts you off sharply and for some reason he seemed distance , you were weirded out by that kind of behavior but you thought maybe that is his morning attitude which eventually would disappear ...so you both continued to work in silence .
Soon the class ended , you hear Draco sigh as he walks away to his Slytherin friends , ignoring you completely which weirded you out , he never did that he would at least wave or something or make sure his hand brushed yours giving you a smirk ...his new behavior was weird ....you decided to let it to be , till it is lunch time for you both, -to give him a breath of time- , you will make sure to catch him and ask him about his act .
Moving from class to class to class you were half done with the day ......finally Merlin ..........you were getting tired from all these classes as now you have the chance to eat for first time in the day as you skipped the frost meal in exchange of sleeping more , cause Dear Helga....... you were almost dead tired from the whole week and you needed these extra hours .
As you were running from the class , ready for the feast that will be served to your groaning stomach , you got faced by the crowded halls .
Trying to make your way through , you pumped into the slytherin prince, however before you open your mouth , he looked to you in the eyes then just walked away without of course forgetting to pump his shoulder into yours .........saying you were surprised would be underestimating .....what was this all about ...why he is being like that ....you were best friends ......well .....he was your best friend at least.......you were confused and somehow getting an anxious feelings in you Body . That you forget that you froze in mid of hallway till someone told you to move ,resulting into you falling back to the reality , shoving all bad feelings into the back of your head , you start to move to the grand hall .
You sat in the grand hall , Eating your food .......well..........trying , you don’t know what happened but somehow the food didn’t taste as amazing as you imagined or maybe you just lost your appetite, either how, you just ate the food cause your body was in desperate need of energy recharge and the least you need is to faint and let Harry do the work , he was your close friend and that wasn’t fair to anyone in first place .
While eating you glanced The Malfoy Boy , Getting up after finishing his food and going outside , you jump on your feet as fast as you can walking in hurry to catch up to him , as soon as you did , you both were in the halls . “ draco “ you called , no answer “ draco , it is rude to not answer me ! Stop being a child and talk to me “ these words made the pale boy stop in his heels and turn to face you with cold gaze “ wanna talk ? Sure let s talk then ! ”
You took a deep breath to calm your soaring Anger ...someone needed to be the grown up now “ why are you behaving like that !!! What is this all about !!!” “Oh you recall fully what is this all about ....!” You were stunned......... what did you do you? “ what do you mean?” “ well you know what ....forget it !!” “ you know you are not communicating right now !!! I wanna comprehend what is it !” “ oh if I’m not communicating well then why don’t you go to Potter, I’m sure he will fulfill this for you better !”
So this what all of this about ......... with this foolish rivalry!!!...“ draco you totally realize that he is a friend !! Yes, you both are not in best terms but he is still my friend !!” “ yes, but witch !!! being in good terms with him doesn’t mean , being flirtatiousness and snogging him in the gryfindor tower !!! “ “ you were spying on me !!!!” You were sick....you are feeling sick from how the Slytherin boy felt so entitled to spy on you , and question you !!!who does he think Himself is! “ I wasn’t spying , you were the ones who were in public“ “ but you chose to hear it!You were spying !!!” ”Well even if I did !! I was protecting you !! I DONT TRUST HIM “ “ well right now It is you who I don’t trust !!! ....this is not protection THIS YOU TRYING TO CONTROL MY LIFE !! IN WHAT ENTITLEMENT DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN TO FEEL LIKE THAT IS YOUR RIGHT !! IM NOT SOMETHING TO BE OWNED !! I DESERVE RESPECT ! “ you quieted for a moment to take a breath from the pervious outburst before continuing “ And from this sorry .....but I don’t see that you have that for me and I don’t think I would like to be friends anymore “ Draco eyes widened at this for a second almost missing it out before his straight cold look came back “ fine as you wish “ with that he walked away , leaving you behind with tears dripping out of your eyes .
Draco rushed through the halls to reach his perfect room fast , he felt chocked by all crowds that started to fill the halls , he felt the tears already were about to come out and the last thing he needed was the whole school to witness Draco Malfoy crying about a girl that he doesn’t comprehend what he feel about her and hurt him , barely reaching the slytherin common room without breaking down . The slytherin boy shuttered the password out of his lips ,hurrying to his perfect bedroom ignoring the glances that he was getting from his house mates , locking the door as he finally let all his emotions out in the loneliness of his room not attending the rest of the day .
You were getting ready to meet Harry for astronomy project , trying to hold all the emotions inside, like you did for the rest of the day after the dilemma with Draco , you didn’t see him after and that was better for you , you didn’t know how will you react , you trusted him but he has no respect for you , he was acting like you are his doll not his equal .....he didn’t trust you , you felt so small and disrespected , you wanted to cry not cause of him no but cause you feel you trusted someone one who didn’t see you for who you are but saw your as object but you won’t let someone who thought like that stop your life , you looked at yourself noticing your outfit : a lacy off white blouse with lantern sleeves with Peter Pan collar . blue straight ankle length jeans and beige ankle boots ,
breathing a deep breath , you look put together and that is what you wanted , you didn't want anyone to notice your mood and the tears that slipped here and there , the last thing you need to hear ‘are you okay ‘ , cause you knew for sure these words will make you cry , and you don’t wanna to explain to Harry The Who stupidity of situation and causing more drama .
Rushing out of the warm dorm of the Hufflepuff common room to the halls as you walked fast to read the fat lady portrait praying to helga in her grave to not make you face to face with the slytherin boy , as you reach the painting you took a deep breath, Causing a look from the lady in painting , you felt for a second like you almost forgot to breath from how anxious you were till you feel a hand on your shoulder , causing you to turn , you see the brown haired boy with his famous smile as if it is contiguous you smiled without feeling “ did I make you wait for long?” “ oh no no no not at all !! I just came here ! “ “ so ummm shall we ?” You nod with a smile , the gryffindor muttered the password of the week , showing a grand hole as entrance, you both crawl inside of the Gryffindor room , taking the whole inside of you, the room was warm and cozy just missing some plants and It would be a copy of your own house room somehow that was calming .
The chosen boy was correct, not many people was there and of course Hermione was there with some Ravenclaw and Ron causing you to giggle a bit without feeling it , knowing what this was about Harry himself let an airy laugh “ yes yes you were correct ....now stop , she is giving us looks!! “ the boy whispered trying to hold his laughter , indeed the girl was giving you look like you both are crazy or something , as you both failed to hold your laughter , but it was quite humorous for some reason , some gryfindors were there with their groups but it was so few That you can count them on your fingers .
Both of you and Harry settled down close to the window , talking as you admired the stars, trying to fill the chart and waiting to see Jupiter movement “ god when the bloody hell will it show “ you couldn’t help but giggle as you hear Ron hearing him resulting to get a hit from Hermione “ he is right though Harry we have been waiting for long “ you said as you stretched your legs that almost were falling off from having them in same position for long “ “I think it will show soon ....” “ SHH it is happening !!” Hermione screamed on top of her lungs causing Ron to roll his eyes .
you watched......... memorised by the whole thing , it was marvellous thing ... all this beauty happening by nature ...nature amazed you with everything it provided and how beautifully it is done , you for sure won’t forget that ....
After long time of writing the essay , giggling at Ron foolishness , joking around , and helping each other in that pain in the arse assignment.... Yet it was somehow fun, painful work but fun .
later it was done ,Harry walked you to the painting and after huge back and forth, you convinced him that you would be fine going back to your room and nothing to be worried about.
you are now enjoying your walk to the hufflepuff common room , feeling the cold air and the soundlessness, cooling you, ......finally the weekend , done with the deadly assignment , sighing deeply , you realised you reached the entry , you play the rhythm to enter , ready to be welcomed by the talking plants and the warm room ,
This positivity get demolished by seeing a curtain blonde head youth sitting in front of the entry like a dog scolded by his owner , as soon as he sees you , he is quick on his feet , fixing his hair by running a hand in it
“ you are here .....y/n .....” “ ..........Malfoy ......” “ please don’t call me that ......” “ why it is your name , eh ? “ “y/n .........please......... don’t ........” you raise an eyebrow to him questionably , knowing your slient question, you see his face going from emotion to emotion to emotion as he tried to open his mouth to speak “I-I-I apologize for my foolishness and you are fully ........correct .....the way I behaved ...............childish was the way I acted ......I apologize again ......” draco sharp grey eyes was staring hard into your soul trying to read your face , try to see if you hated him or does he has any chance with your forgiveness .
You close your eyes breathing heavily for a second , you didn’t want to look into his eyes , you saw how swollen his bloody shot eyes were and he looked miserable however though some parts of you wanted to forgive the boy, you weren’t satisfied “draco .......the reason of your -“ “ I respect you ........way more than the words can tell .....and you totally deserve to know why this behavior..............it is not cause .....I don’t respect you no ..................it is cause some stupid silly emotions that let......me act like that -“ “ jealousy “
Gulping hard at the name of the emotion , Draco never felt jealous ever !! He is a Malfoy people felt jealous from him not the opposite what he wanted he got it , so this was a hard pill to swallow to him “ ...yes and had some fears.......... about potter.........and his thought about me ....resulting you .............to ........stop being with me ................. “ you held draco hands , finally realizing his feelings And for first time you see a rosiness tint on his cheeks , draco wasn’t very touching persona ....as he was so tense about it but he was used to it from you, later two years from knowing you nevertheless, he never flushed , he was accepting, awkwardly though , but no blushing , yet in his state you won’t point it out , it was already hard for him opening up and you appreciated and you wanna be comforting as you can as you try to calm his creeping anxiety . “ Draco I would never replace or leave cause someone opinion ever !! You mean so much to me !! I can’t imagine you out of my life ....you are very important and unreplaceable to me and thank you for apologising “ you say as you hug him , causing his body to go tense before warping his shaking arms around before squeezing you tightly as he bury his face in your shoulder , your run your hand in his soft messy hair as you hear him speak softly “ I discovered a new emotion also ....” “hmm ?” ..........Love..............”
I don't know if there is going to be part two!! But I hope you all like this
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lixiehan · 4 years
stress reliever
pairing: chan x self insert (female)
description: college au! school was hard and you often find yourself taking life a little too seriously - that’s where chan comes in. after being paired up for a science project (that’s worth a lot of your grade), you become irritable and stressed. the problem being, chan doesn't like attitudes. 
warnings: fluff and smut themes, lots of dirty talk, male receiving oral, dom!chan, bratty and sub!reader, degradation and public sex ig???
word count: 2.5k
requested by: @coffeechangbeanie​ (slightly adapted the plot - not by much) also based on this unholy gif of chan. ur welcome
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“and that leaves chan and y/n” your professor said, nodding at you both. “i expect every single person to do their part in this assignment, is that clear?” he continued. the class acknowledged his wishes, despite half of them being asleep. 
you looked to your side to see your project partner, chan, who coincidentally happened to be your current fuck buddy. you had absolutely no idea how this came to be. you were a quiet, quote-on-quote ‘nerd’ and most boys at your school didn’t look at you. at least, that was the case, until you caught chan’s attention. of course, you found him insanely attractive. after all, his big lips and buff body ran around in your mind most days. you mostly saw him at school, as well as the very few parties you attended. you never considered approaching him, though. he’s usually found beside dozens of girls (hotter and more popular than you), pretty much begging to ride him. 
you also never considered the idea that chan, of all people, would approach you and offer you help. the very few times that boys spoke to you, it usually consisted of them for help with the work that had been set. yet, the ‘relationship’ between you two started the day he saw you staring at the paper in front of you with utter distress in your eyes. 
“y/n, right?” he spoke from behind you, his hand making an appearance on the table next to you. instantly you felt a knot in your stomach as he leaned over you, “you are looking particularly stressed” he continued.��
“u-urm, yeah a bit” you choked out, trying to swallow your nerves away. “maths is hard” you near enough whispered, not daring to look at him. 
“hmm, that’s not good. is it?” he sympathised, which sent shivers down your spine. the deep tone in his voice made it sound more like a groan, one that you had daydreamed of frequently. you shook your head frantically in response, acknowledging his words but fearing what your mouth would blurt out. this was quickly noted by chan, who radiated confidence like you had never seen before. you felt him bend over, his mouth now level with your ear. “can’t you use your big girl words?” he whispered. “want me to help you?” 
you gasped quietly at his seductive words and although you may be shy, you certainly are not stupid. his choice of words gave away exactly what he was offering you and as nerve-racking the experience may be, you were certain that a man as fine as him was going to know what to do in the bedroom. 
and well, you were right. 
“so when do you wanna get this out of the way with?” chan asked, snapping you back to reality. he noticed the dazed look in your eye, it was very apparent you were daydreaming about something. “thinking about last night?” he smirked, his hand now placed firmly on your thigh. 
you tutted in response, “no actually, i wasn't”. you tried to suppress your emotion, considering his guess wasn't too far off what you were actually thinking about. “stressed” you explained in attempt to change the subject. his hand moved to your lower back, rubbing gentle circles to soothe you. although chan was strictly your fuck buddy and stress reliever, he always provided you with comfort when you needed it. “relax, y/n” he told you, “we’ll get it done and we will get a good grade for you”. 
although he wasn’t the type of student that particularly cared about his grades, he at least tried to get a half decent grade - to some extent, at least. “can we meet up in our free period tomorrow?” you looked at him, wanting to get this stupid project over and done with. he nodded, secretly knowing it meant he would get some alone time with you. 
“cool, thanks”, you smiled forgetting where you were for a second, too busy staring into the chocolate brown eyes next to you, until the loud ringing of the bell made you jump. you were relived to have an excuse to look a way from him. 
without fail, every time you made eye contact with chan you were left with a pool of wetness between your legs - he knew it, too. he would stare at you, his head slightly titled back with his perfect pink lips begging to be kissed. he would lick his lips while staring at you, making them glisten in the most beautiful way possible. from his point of view, you looked desperate for his touch and he thrived off it. he often laughed at the expression on your face when you frantically deny that you aren’t turned on - you both know he can read you like a book. 
you hopped off the lab stool before bending down to pick up your bag, making sure chan had a good view of your ass. you heard him chuckle, “already wet from a bit of eye contact?” he teased. you smirked as your back was facing him, not offering him a response to his question but rather throwing your hand up to wave him goodbye. most likely, you were going to pay for that behaviour later. chan made it clear from the very beginning that he wanted you to be verbal and most of the time you were, except the odd occasion when you felt bratty. 
although you could count on chan to help with the project, ultimately you never split assignments with anyone 50/50. there had been one too many occasions of classmates fake promising you that ‘i’ll do it later!’, for you to fully relax. you headed towards your usual spot in the library, a table that was slightly hidden away amongst the endless shelves of books before setting your books down on the table. 
you picked your phone up which led you to the realisation that only an hour had gone by. you sighed, throwing your head onto the table in frustration. this project was a lot harder than you thought it was going to be and will all due respect to chan, if you didn't understand, he wasn’t going to either. 
your entire body had been screaming for you to go home and sleep for the past four hours, yet you refused and continued to sit there in complete and utter annoyance. it wasn't until the clock read 11pm that you decided enough was enough and picked your bag up with significant force, stress seeping from every inch of your body at this point. 
when you arrived at your apartment you immediately ran to your bed, not bothering to change - sleep was your priority right now.
*buzz, buzz* 
your eyes flickered open to the painful sound of your alarm, desperately throwing your arms around until you found the sounds source. you sighed, staring at your ceiling, contemplating if the pain of going to college was worth it after all. 
forty-five minutes later you were ready and heading out of the door, ready for another day of stress. you felt your phone buzz in your pocket, smiling to yourself knowing exactly who it was going to be.
[08:49am] chan: still on for later baby girl?
[08:49am] y/n: yes
you thought by now you’d be used to the pet names he called you, but you sure as hell were not. 
[08:50am] chan: ok. excited to see your little pretty face. 
[08:51am] y/n: science project, remember? 
you rolled your eyes in annoyance and shoved your phone back in your pocket. yes, as much as you wanted to ride chan’s face and be fucked into oblivion by him, you had other priorities right now. you barely slept last night because of this stupid project, the last thing you wanted was chan to be all over you when trying to complete it. 
"you’re late” he teased you as you walked into the science lab where you agreed to meet. your eyes gazed at your watch, which showed 1:33pm. you scoffed, “hardly”.  
you took out your laptop and textbook, tossing both onto the countertop next to chan, before making your way over to the stool to this right. he noticed your demeanour straight away, usually you would have apologised for being late - even if it was only three minutes - and you would have crawled to his side offering to make it up to him. he decided to remain quiet for the time being though, the longer your attitude lasted, the more reason he would have to get his way with you. 
you opened up the textbook to reveal the notes you spent hours on last night. “you already started?” he queried, pulling the book closer to him with a confused look on his face. 
“yes and it’s going to be a hard essay to write so we better get on with it” you noted, opening up a word document on your computer. 
“and you started writing it?” he asked, this time in disbelief. 
“only a few hundred words” you shrugged like it was nothing, even though it took you hours. he sighed, “its a project for two people, y’know?” 
“yes chan, of course i know that. i was in the class with you when it was given, was i not?” you snapped at him, running your hands through your hair in frustration. he meant nothing by his words and you knew he was right, you probably should have waited to start it but your inability to cope with stress takes over you sometimes. 
“attitude, y/n” he warned you sternly. alongside the rule of always being verbal and answering his questions, chan also had a rule against bratty attitudes. if he sensed an attitude on you, he would fix it via a punishment - something you were *somewhat* familiar with. the few times you were bratty it was usually because of how irritable you become when stressed. “was just saying”, he defended himself. 
you ignored his warning, continuing with “you weren’t gonna be the one to do the background reading, were you chan?”. 
once you made the mistake of turning to face him and realising he had an eyebrow raised at you and a dark look in his eye, you knew you well and truly fucked up. 
“get on your knees” he ordered you, which for some reason, took you by surprise. you gulped, hesitating for a moment before he told you for a second time. “don’t make me ask three times, princess”. 
you scrambled to the floor and placing yourself under the desk and in-between his legs. “what have i warned you about multiple times?” he asked, placing his finger on your chin, forcing you to look at his eyes. 
“n-not to be a brat” you stuttered, his gaze making you nervous. 
“that’s right” he hummed. “and what do you continue to do?” 
“b-be a brat”, you admitted. with deadline season around the corner you hadn’t been able to help your attitude lately. 
he nodded, appreciating your honesty. “now, i’m going to fuck that attitude right out of our mouth” he told you as he slowly lowered his jeans. “and you’re going to take it like the good girl i know you are. isn't that right?” 
you nodded frantically and bit your lip, scared you may end up saying something you shouldn’t. “remember princess, you gotta be quiet otherwise we’ll end up with an audience” he warned you. “but something tells me my pretty little slut would like that” he hummed, running his hands through your hair before grabbing it in order to control your head. you instantly felt the heat rise in-between your legs as you listened to his filthy words. 
you opened your mouth wide in anticipation for him, hoping it would work your way to his good side. he teased his member at the end of your mouth, knowing you probably wanted this more than he did. you felt his grip tighten on your hair as he pushed his way into your mouth with no warning. you battered your eyelashes up at him, hallowing your cheeks and trying to suppress your urges to gag. 
“you like being used like this, don’t you” he groaned in a low tone. your mouth felt insane around him, there was no way he was ever going to get used to this feeling. you hummed in response, sending vibrations down his member and earning another honey glazed moan from him. 
you tapped his leg and he pulled back, knowing that was your indication that you needed to breathe. you still hadn’t learnt to take him like this fully, his sheer size being too much for your petite mouth, but he loved the way your mouth looked so full as he thrusted in and out of it.
“god, look at you” he appreciated, “you're taking me so well after that bratty little outburst of yours” he groaned, his head rolling back in pleasure. 
although you could hardly ignore the pool of wetness that was growing in your underwear, you were aware chan would catch onto any slight movements you made to try and release yourself. right now, you had to focus on your breathing and making chan cum. 
although he was being careful not to be too rough with you, his pace picked up slightly as you drew him closer to the edge. you moaned around his member again, adoring the sight you saw above you. “fuck baby” he moaned, i'm gonna cum all over that tongue of yours”. 
you wiggled in excitement at his words. you adored the taste of him (considering he ate exceptionally well), but you adored the fact that you were the one that made him feel that good. 
his thrusts continued to pick up pace as you coughed slightly around him, but moments later he came undone all over your mouth. “hold it” he told you as he bent down to pick you up from the floor. he did this a lot, he liked to watch and make sure you swallow his cum - otherwise there’d be another punishment over his lap. 
you obeyed, waiting for his instructions. “okay, you can swallow”. you promptly swallowed his mess, opening your mouth wide to prove to him it had all gone. 
“that's my good girl” he cooed, pulling you onto his lap into a gentler manner. “what’s with the attitudes, huh?” he asked. now he punished you, it was time to make sure you were actually okay. 
“sorry, channie” you apologised, twiddling with your thumbs. “been really stressed. shouldn’t have taken it out on you” you admitted. 
“yeah, you shouldn’t have” he nodded, “but it’s okay. feel better now?” he asked, brushing your hair behind your ear. you nodded in response, your stress levels now significantly lower. “talk to me properly next time princess. i’ll help you” 
you agreed to approach him next time you felt like this, knowing it would be better for both of you. you placed a small kiss on his plump lips, hoping off his lap and sitting next to him - suddenly remembering someone could enter at any second. he giggled at you, considering you didn’t care if someone entered 5 minutes ago.  
“thanks chan” you smiled at him, picking up the pen in front of you, ready to give this project another go. 
“no problem princess. i like being your personal stress reliever”
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