#cursed to house a still beating heart | henry
incendiums · 5 months
recrow-perate { Mitama & Henry
Reply to Mitama's post:
Henry did not seem to think anything was that bad, never letting anything affect the smile that always sat permanently in place. Mitama's contrasting frown persisted. Was he correct? Perhaps. But now it was becoming a matter of principle. "Well it might certainly have been better." Mitama insisted. She held out her hand for him to see. A matching set of cuts on her skin, an indication of the bird's displeasure. "I had helped raised some birds in my deeprealm as a child. I did not expect such a difference in temperament." She pouted. "It stings."
[Henry, Bloodthirsty and Heart Hungry]
"Oooh. Okay, yeah. I can see why that would smite, nyaha! But Crowmathan means well, ya know?" He hardly recognized the cold hands that gently cupped the girl's own. (A trick of the light, a moment of weakness. Whatever and a half, he supposed.) "What are the deep realms? If ya made friends with the birds there, it should translate here just as well."
His smile still persisted, as he hmmm'd and haaa'd at the scarlet cuts that ran over her skin.
"Well how's this for silver lining? Maybe it's a sign that I test out my healing chops!"
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artiststarme · 10 months
Sometimes Sorry Isn't Enough
Sometimes Steve wondered how he was still alive. What made him more deserving of life than Barb? He kept putting his life on the line and yet he scraped by with only scars as evidence. He’d fought the demodogs and the mindflayer. He’d thrown Molotov cocktails at Vecna/Henry/One’s face. He’d been prepared to die every single time. So why was he still here?
He wished he’d chosen to jump off the quarry’s cliff when he found out that his parents had left him behind for good. Wished that he hadn’t been too quick for the demodogs to catch in the junkyard. He wished that he’d taken Max’s place in the face of Vecna’s curse. All he knew was that he didn’t want to be around anymore.
He loved his friends, loved Robin and Eddie in particular, but it wasn’t enough. Robin had better things to do than deal with his trauma that he’d roped her into without her consent. If it weren’t for him being so desperate and needy for attention, she would never have been involved with the Upside Down. She wouldn’t have been psychologically tortured by the Russians or exposed to the Hell that existed beneath them. She’d be better off without him.
And Eddie. Poor Eddie didn’t deserve any of this either. He was simply the town’s scapegoat that was at the wrong place at the wrong time and now his life was forever changed because of it. His body was marred in scars where the bats mauled him, eerily similar to the ones that existed in Steve’s flesh. Steve should’ve done more to protect him instead of forcing him to play decoy and then his friend afterwards.
Instead of forcing his problems on the Party once again, Steve stewed by himself in his empty crypt of a home. The house was dark, the air was cold, and his heart was heavy. He poured pain pills, originally prescribed to deal with his horrific migraines, into his hands and took a deep breath. Unlike all those other times, he wouldn’t escape death again. As he swallowed pill after pill, his heart sank deeper. It was better this way.
He was unconscious by the time Robin arrived, a feeling of proud terror driving her away from her family dinner and to Steve’s side. He was unconscious when Eddie gave him CPR and mouth to mouth, imagining their first kiss would be much different than it actually was. He was on the verge of life and death by the time Hopper speedily pulled into his driveway and threw him in the ranger before the ambulance could even arrive to take him to the hospital, begging him the entire way to open his eyes.
When he woke up to hospital smells and bright lights, he initially felt disappointed. He’d failed once again to leave the wretched world that never seemed to want him. But when he looked around, he felt a spark of hope in his chest. Hopper, Eleven, Robin, Eddie, and Dustin were in various chairs and cots scattered throughout the room. Eddie was curled into a ball by his feet on the bed while Robin was pressed against his side, her head on his chest as if she was waiting subconsciously to hear each beat of his heart. Hopper was sat in a chair by his bedside, his fingers loosely gripping the bed frame. Eleven was on the window’s ledge, her brow furrowed like the world was on her shoulders still. And Dustin. He was on a cot right beside Steve’s bed, his body facing him and his hand wrapped around his wrist.
Steve felt guilt flood him. He always felt like he was surviving on luck alone, deserving to die and never quite doing so. He didn’t realize that he was surviving off the love of his friends, his family, and that they were doing the same. It would take awhile to change his way of thinking and for him to start appreciating the life he had but he would get there eventually. Especially with his best friend, his boyfriend, his little brother and sister, and Hopper by his side.
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duckies27 · 6 months
Look, I spent like 5 straight hours finishing season 1 yesterday so you get some frickin DnDads fanfic
Trigger warning: Mentions of death, attempted murder, abuse, general trauma struggles, and other triggers for Willy's bull
@demis-alted cuz he really is my inspiration for everything
@beeware-of-lulu because you also like DnDads :)
Henry shifted awake in the middle of the night to the soft buzzing of his phone. He sat up in bed, glancing to the screen. "Ron Man", it had been ringing for a few seconds. At 2 am, what could he possibly be calling about? Henry answered, yawning softly.
"Hey Ron, is everything okay?"
"...it happened again." Ron's voice quivered on the other line. A sure sign of another nightmare induced panic attack. Henry could practically hear his friend holding back tears on the other side.
The half-elf slid his glasses on (now prescription thanks to Darryl) and carefully stood from the bed. "Just let me slide on a pair of shoes, I'll be right there." Though his wife stirred, he quietly hushed her back to rest. Samantha and Mercedes had tried to help with this in the past, but...they weren't there. They didn't see the fear in Ron's eyes as they watched by that lake, the rawness in the voice of the poor 13 year old who screamed for his life under the water. He got up, slid into some boxers and his trusty Birkenstocks before getting onto his bike and heading over.
You think this Hippie drives a car? No, EV's are equally bad for the environment. He can pump his legs and get there just fine. After locking up his bike, he knocked on the door to the quaint suburban house. Ron was at the door fast, his face stained with tears and hands shaking.
"Hi." He quietly muttered, looking to the taller dad, guilt in his eyes. "I know it's late."
"And I know how bad these attacks get. Especially when one of us isn't here." Henry easily slipped his way in, grabbing onto Ron's hand and sitting down in his living room. The two shared a couch as Henry pressed Ron's fingers to his wrist. They sat in silence for a moment while Ron calmed down to the beating of Henry's heart.
While the druid was just in a pair of boxers and his shoes, scars from their adventures in Faerun clear as day, Ron was more hidden. He was wearing a giant shirt, seemingly a gift from Samantha to get around his pants curse. He was also still wearing his thigh highs from the Mall, with the strange pockets behind his knees. His arms and neck were swallowed by the shirt, and he easily stuck his knees into it for extra comfort. He was more ashamed of the scars, mainly because they weren't in "manly" places.
"So, how has therapy been?" Henry finally asked, breaking the silence.
"Good. Not as good as Dr. Not Me, but it's...good. I wish the process was faster, would make nights like these less...painful." He curled into himself, hugging his knees tighter to his chest. "I just feel so pathetic...Darryl and you, you both seem so fine after...everything."
"Darryl didn't relive his worst memories. I didn't have to face my abusive father." He hesitated. "Well, not alone. Willy was way worse then-"
Ron glared at him. "Samantha says to never compare trauma."
Henry forced a chuckle. "Yeah, yeah. I know." He glanced around the room, noticing the lure resting on the mantel. The same lure that killed Willy. The same lure that almost killed Ron. The hook had been removed, and it seemed as if it was placed and then promptly forgotten. It had been a rough transition from the forgotten realms back to Earth, so it wasn't surprising. "Bud, do you want to call Darryl?"
"And have him laugh at me? No, no, he has important stuff tomorrow, it's his busy day." The business man waved it off, looking away.
"He would never laugh."
"Willy would."
"Darryl isn't Willy. He might not drive the beast down to come be with us in your house but he'll wait on call with you until you feel better." Henry gripped his hands through the shirt, eyes soft. "Just like those nights on the beach with Arin and the boys. Just like when we were sleeping in the van."
"...what if he changed? It's been a month or so, it was so hard in Faerun, what if he hates me?!" Ron hid his face in the shirt, both hands shooting to the back of his neck. It throbbed during panic attacks, as if Willy's hand was still there.
Drowning him.
Henry had similar sensations, mainly in his hands. The small cuts from repairing the mirror that got him here, all keeping it secret just to get that extra look of approval from Barry. He gripped his hands shut, trying to ignore it. The living room fell back into silence before Henry picked up his phone and called Darryl.
Affectionately called "DarrBear" in his phone, originally because he got the number from Carol. He was going to change it before Faerun, but now it was just a funny joke. Darryl didn't know, he would probably try and change it, but fail. The phone rang a few times longer then either of them wanted before a very sleepy coach picked up the phone.
"Wilson Residence, Darryl speaking." He sounded groggy, he was the heaviest sleeper among the dads. "What'cha want? Hen, it's like 3 am, I've got therapy with Carol tomorrow-"
Henry quickly cut him off, knowing what would wake him. "Ron had another attack. Can you just talk to him for a bit?"
Ron's eyes widened and he shook his head, trying to take the phone away and end the call. Henry heard shuffling, a light turning on, and then the small grunt of Darryl sitting down in his office.
"Hand me over."
Without much pressure, Henry slid the phone to Ron. The moment the phone was in his hands, he was on his feet and pacing. Biting his nails, rubbing his neck, but it was clear. Darryl's voice calmed all three of them down, even in the worst situations. Henry was great at the physical calm down, stopping rage or fear with his body language and coping techniques, but Darryl was great at the full grounding. They just seemed to be a good team. For the most part at least. Memories flashed back in his head, thinking of Darryl talking him through losing Lark and Sparrow the first time after the Pyramid. How he managed to bring Glen back to earth after how pissed he was at Ron.
After an hour of talking, switching between phones so they wouldn't overheat, and a lot of pacing, Ron was calm again. He rolled up his sleeves on the giant shirt and looked at Henry. The rogue saw... exhaustion. Henry had just gotten out of the hospital a few weeks back after the Doodler incident and it was clear to see everything was still affecting them both. He put a hand on his friend's shoulder.
"...we made it out alive."
"And our children are safe. And our wives are alive." The half-elf forced a small smile. "But it's okay to not be okay."
"Couldn't say it better myself."
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em-prentiss · 6 months
I like shiny things but I'd marry you with paper rings
Chapter 4: Cats and dogs
She laughs and it hits him then, as the breath catches in his throat. I want to marry her. His heart beats so fast he’s surprised she doesn’t hear it. He suddenly sees another child next to Jack on the swings; a girl, her hair dark and her eyes darker still, carbon copies of Emily’s. It settles in his lungs, a choking need to have this with her.
Or, 5 times Aaron tries to propose to Emily, and the one time he finally does it.
Word count: 2.3k
JJ wonders.
Aaron Hotchner is not a hesitant man by nature. Each step he takes is well thought out, calculated, pros and cons carefully weighed before he makes a decision. Though she could understand why this would make him falter, she thinks it’s just a little weird there’s no ring on Emily’s finger five months after he bought it.
Scratch that, it’s a lot weird.
She doesn’t consider herself a nosy person, especially not with Hotch of all people, but one day she finds herself alone with him on the way to interview a suspect, and the question pops up in her head. It falls from her lips not much later.
“How come you haven’t proposed yet?” She blurts out, breaking the silence between them.
More silence. Then a long, tortured sigh that makes her turn her head in his direction. His jaw is set as he looks straight at the road, the line of it harsh with frustration. “Believe me it’s not from a lack of trying,” his hand tightens on the wheel. 
His brows draw together into an impressive frown, one usually reserved for the nastiest of unsubs, “It’s just been a shit show,” he mutters. 
JJ splutters out a small laugh, slightly shocked at hearing him curse so forcefully. His eyes flit to hers and he gives her a sheepish tilt of his lips, not quite a smile but definitely not the hard scowl he was directing at the road.
“How so?”
The rest of the ride is spent in his quiet retelling of his previous attempts, a low hum of frustration clinging to his voice as he talks. JJ holds back her smile as she listens, her heart warming at the way he so obviously just wants to marry her best friend and take that next step with her. They reach their suspect’s house just as he’s done and he takes the key out of the ignition before JJ can say something—in consolation or advice, she didn’t really have time to think.
She shoves it to the back of her head as they talk to the suspect and jots down notes as Hotch asks him questions, confirming his alibi and revisiting his relationship with the victim. She can tell it’s out of his head by the time they’re walking back to the car, but her thoughts start racing when he drives off again.
“There’s this place I go with Henry and Will,” she says after she’s thought about it. “It’s kind of like a meadow, really, with all these pretty flowers and tall trees.” Her voice is wistful, fond memories of spending time there with her family flooding her brain; Henry picking the flowers, Will leaning against a tree and her curling into his lap.
“It’s hidden in the middle of nowhere, we’ve been going for years and never saw anyone there. It’s a beautiful spot. Maybe you should check it out.”
Aaron smiles, a soft thing with dimples usually reserved for Emily and Jack. “I will. Thank you, JJ,” he says, his voice quiet but thick with sincerity.
JJ grins back. “Of course.” She waits a beat, then, “Emily better make me maid of honor after all my contributions,” she jokes lightly.
Aaron laughs, his mood lifted now that he has a new plan of action. “I’ll put in a good word for you.”
It takes a few weeks before he’s able to check out the spot himself. Aaron follows JJ’s careful directions, smiling when he finally finds himself in the middle of the clearing, just as beautiful as she’d described. He goes back to planning, and by that weekend he’s holding Emily’s hand and leading her through the grass, their picnic basket hanging from his arm.
“How’d you find this place?” Emily asks in awe as she looks around, smiling at the sight of freshly grown wildflowers peeking through the grass. Aaron drops her hand to spread their blanket at the base of a tree and swallows to fight the rising panic climbing his throat.
“Stumbled upon it on one of my runs,” he mumbles, setting the basket down and grabbing her hand again to pull her down with him. “Pretty, isn’t it?” He asks quickly, hoping to fend off any other questions.
“Gorgeous,” she agrees and he looks around too, allowing himself to take in the seclusion of it. No interruptions this time; just him and her. Aaron breathes out a slow breath, the light weight of the ring in his back pocket calming his racing heart. He’ll finally get to do this.
“Jack would love it here,” Emily says as she looks up at the large clouds looming overhead, fluffy and bright, some of them occasionally covering the sun and casting them briefly in shadows.
“We’ll bring him next time,” Aaron assures, kissing her cheek before letting go of her fingers, “now help me unpack this.” He gestures to the basket.
He can’t help but feel he’s actually got it right this time. Emily helps him unpack the fruit plate but gets distracted as he pulls out the pastries, her eyes straying to the flowers, the clouds, the sky. The spring air ruffles her hair and she wraps her thin shawl tighter over her arms, covering the skin left exposed by her dress.
“I don’t see you working much,” Aaron teases as he sets the empty basket aside and organizes the food on the blanket in a way that’s so characteristically him that Emily’s heart warms. She grins and reaches for a strawberry from the fruit plate, popping it whole into her mouth.
“That’s what I’ve got you for, sweetheart,” she pats his cheek, sliding her hand into his hair to pull him down for a strawberry infused kiss. His laugh is stifled against her mouth, though his heart secretly bursts.
“Sweetheart?” He raises his brows when he leans back, his lips stretched into too wide of a smile to kiss her properly.
“Yeah,” Emily murmurs as she grabs a raspberry and gently presses it against his lips, signaling for him to open. She pops it into his mouth and grabs one for herself, “You’re my sweetheart, aren’t you?” She flutters her lashes playfully, though the way his breath catches is anything but. “You can say it to me but I can’t say it to you?”
He swallows against his dry throat, his hands automatically reaching for her before his brain catches up. He cradles her face in his hands, brings her closer and kisses the corner of her lips, “You can say it to me,” he murmurs, his voice slightly rough as her hands dig into his shirt. “I like it.”
Emily smiles and pecks him lightly, “Okay, sweetheart,” she laughs and pushes him back as her stomach grumbles. “Let’s eat, I’m starving.”
He rests his back against the tree and she sits cross legged in front of him, wrapping her shawl tighter around her as the sun starts to disappear more frequently beneath the clouds. Her eyes are bright as they eat, stories and jokes falling from her lips as they enjoy the pastries they’d gotten that morning.
Aaron feels his shoulders relax as he sinks further into the tree behind him, her familiar voice washing over him. She gestures wildly with her hands as she talks, something that makes him laugh even more than the tall tales she spins him. 
It’s really that simple, he realizes; just the two of them and the promise of forever hidden in his pocket. He itches to reach for it but she’s still snacking on the fruit, her fingertips lightly stained red with their juice, and he tells himself he can wait. He’s got all of today, after all.
“I bet this place would be good for stargazing at night,” Emily muses as she looks up at the sky. It’s grown overcast as they were eating, slowly graying clouds blanketing the sky and covering the sun. The cool spring breeze cuts through her dress and she shivers, leaning into Aaron’s side to leech some of his warmth.
He wraps an arm around her shoulders. “I don’t think so,” he says, idly running his fingers through her hair, “it doesn’t look like it from here, but it’s not as isolated as it looks. The city lights would still cover most of the stars.”
“That’s a shame,” Emily picks a few daises from the base of the tree they’re leaning against. “When I was younger I used to spend summers in the French Alps with my grandfather,” she says wistfully, smiling down at the daisies as she twists them into a crown.
Aaron’s brows lift in surprise. “You never told me that,” he murmurs as he drags his fingertips over the material of her shawl, sending her deeper into his chest.
“I like to keep you on your toes,” she winks at him, smiling when he chuckles. She feels it in her back, in her bones, right in her heart. She picks a few more daises to lengthen her crown. “It’s where I started to learn so much about the stars. They’re so bright over there. Not like here,” she sighs as she looks up at the sky, bleak and gray in earnest now.
“I’ll bet,” Aaron says as he looks up at the sky too, frowning at the sight of the clouds. The warm syrupy sunshine of that morning is nowhere to be found, reminding him once again of his dislike for spring. He shakes it off and smiles when he looks down at the half-formed crown in Emily’s lap. “What was your grandfather like?”
She smiles and turns her head to meet his eyes. “Quiet,” she whispers as she rests her chin on his shoulder, “a little grumpy,” a small, wistful smile plays on her lips. Her eyes have that faraway look, as if she’s back in the mountains, head tilted to the sky as her still chubby fingers traced out the shapes of constellations with her grandfather’s hand over hers; warm, steady.
“I miss him,” Emily says quietly, smiling when Aaron lightly squeezes her waist. “We used to go to a tiny old bookshop in town, and he’d let me buy as many books as I’d want. We had nightly debriefs,” she chuckles lightly, looking up at Aaron with sparkling eyes. “I’d tell him all about my book and he’d tell me all about his.”
Aaron smiles. “He sounds wonderful,” he presses a kiss to her temple as she goes back to completing her daisy crown.
“He was,” she agrees. “And he would’ve loved you.”
She doesn’t realize the effect those seemingly simple words have on him. Aaron’s chest expands and he’s suddenly aware of the black box digging into his pocket, trapped between his body and the tree bark. His throat goes dry and he swallows, removing his arm from around Emily’s shoulders. “I have something to ask you,” he says, but his words are drowned out by the rumble of thunder overhead.
“What?” Emily looks up, her completed daisy chain resting on her lap as she looks up at the sky. “I think it’s gonna rain,” she comments, just as fat drops start to fall from the clouds. In seconds the rain starts falling in thick sheets, immediately drenching the grass, the blanket, their clothes.
Are you actually fucking kidding me?
“For fuck’s sake.” Aaron groans, shoving his soaking hair away from his face as Emily jumps up from the blanket and reaches for his hand. She tugs to pull him up and he moves without feeling it, following her lead. The grass is slippery beneath her shoes, the rain falling into her eyes as she looks up at him. He’s scowling up at the sky, jaw clenched and brows drawn tightly together, as if the rain has committed a heinous crime.
“It’s just rain, Aaron,” she laughs as it soaks her skin and makes her dress cling to her body. Aaron doesn’t laugh back, disappointment once again settling into his bones. He was so fucking close.
Emily sobers up at the expression on his face. “Hey. What’s wrong?” She cups his cheek, reaching forward to soothe the wrinkle between his brows. Aaron blinks the rain out of his eyes and presses his slippery forehead against hers, his frustrated sigh lost in another rumble of thunder.
“I just…” He trails off as she looks at him expectantly, a small furrow in between her brows now. Aaron presses his thumb to her frown, his lips tilting upwards as he smooths it out. I just really want to marry you.
Her wet lashes are somehow impossibly darker against her skin. His heart swells and he tucks a few strands of wet hair behind her ear, the strands returning to their natural curl beneath the water. “Never mind.” Aaron kisses her wet forehead. “I love you,” he murmurs, so low she almost doesn’t hear it over the roar of the rain.
Emily smiles up at him, blinking the water out of her eyes. “I love you too,” she plants a quick kiss on his lips. “Now dance with me.” 
Somehow she gets him to laugh this time. Aaron holds her close as they move aimlessly to the patter of the rain, their hands slipping on wet skin, wet hair. He feels the velvet soaking through in his back pocket and takes a second to glare up at the dark sky, his cheek pressed to Emily’s.
You’ll get to do it next time, he tells himself. 
He’s getting really sick of next times.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
44 - Love is the most powerful magic of all
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His Golden Princess
Thank you all for reading ❤️ This is the end of Astrid and Rumple's story
@fanficismydrug @misskitty1912-blog @icefrye19 @lover-of-books-and-tea
Shooting awake up in the bed holding my stomach with my hands tightly. Frantically looking around I gasped. Fumbling over to my nightstand I dialed the first phone number I could think of. “Em, ah! I need your help. The baby…”
“Ast, what’s wrong?” Even though she wasn’t happy I used the sword to save her life and made her a Dark One she still cared about me.
It had been a few months since I had told her and Rumple the truth. Throwing my head back against the pillows I gripped the phone in my hand. “I think the baby’s coming. I….ohhh. I need Rumple.”
“I’ll come get you.” She said quickly.
Biting my lip I drew blood feeling contractions. My heart was beating faster. “Emma, there’s no need. I can just magic there….ah what the hell?” Looking down to my arm I gasped seeing some dark veins rising up through my veins.
“Astrid, tell me. What’s going on!” My sister declared through the phone hearing the panic in my voice. We could always tell the difference in the other person's voice when we were terrified. Before she gave birth to Henry I visited her in jail and could see she was horrified.
Tossing the covers aside I stumbled out of the bed. Standing on my feet I winced holding a hand over my heart feeling it burning in pain. "Emma, I need Rumple. Ohhh! Call - call Ella…call Ashley. Whoever she's going by. Cinderella!"
"Okay I'm calling her right now." Emma hung up where I stumbled down the stairs in my sleep clothes trying to not panic. Leaning against the wall I knew that Ashly or Ella would be there for me just like my sister.
Walking into Ashly’s hospital room Emma said I should be the one to tell her we convince Gold to let her keep her child. Shutting the door behind me I smiled seeing her holding her daughter. “Hey, how’s she doing. What’s her name?”
“Alexandra. Sean came to see her.” Her smile dropped thinking back to Gold and their deal. “Will he be taking her from me now?”
Sitting down on the edge of her bed I placed a hand on her leg. “Nope. Emma and I got him to let you keep her. My sister will owe him a favor but it doesn’t matter as long as you’re happy.”
“Thank you, thank you both so much.” She began crying, bouncing her baby girl in her arms.
Sending her a grin I tilted my head sensing she had more to say. “What is it, Ashly?”
“I noticed Emma, your sister said she had a kid. But you don’t. I just thought that if you ever have children I’ll be there for you.” The blonde grinned and we would later learn she was Cinderella. “You and Emma gave me a chance to raise my child. And that is something I will never forget.”
Sniffing through tears I didn’t expect that from the single mother. “Awe thank you, Ashly. I will remember that. You have my word.”
The blonde princess pulled up outside my house and her husband Thomas came inside seeing that I was holding my stomach. Throwing my head back I winced sharply. “Sean!”
“Did someone call a prince to the rescue? Come on, we'll get you to the hospital.” He wrapped his arms around my waist lifting me up bridal style carrying me out to his truck.
Ashly was in the front passenger seat holding her daughter in her lap. But she reached behind the seat taking my hand in hers. “It’s going to be okay. Emma said she is going to get Rumple.”
“Okay…” I nodded, biting my lip, shutting my eyes as we flee to the hospital which thankfully wasn’t far in the small formerly cursed town. Once we were there her prince came back with a wheelchair and the nurse got a room ready.
Laying in the bed I gasped seeing the dark veins making their way through my whole arm. I didn't know why it was happening but it had to be the reason I collapsed and saw my daughter in a future vision. “Ah Mrs. Gold. I am praying that this pregnancy I perform is actually normal this time.” Dr. Whale came into the room with a set of nurses.
“You and I both…urgh!” I bared my teeth down before the lights in the room flickered off and on like crazy. I had a blood pressure cuff on tracing my vitals that started sounding off like crazy.
Whale came over reading the level my heart was going. “Woah, that isn’t good. Your heart rate is way too low.”
“It probably has something to do with these.” Holding my forearm upwards he caught sight of the dark veins. I coughed some blood on my shirt when the door burst open and I saw my sister and husband. “Emma - Rumple!”
My husband rushed over to my bedside as quickly as he could with the limp and cane. He takes my hand in tracing his thumb over the veins that were growing my palms now. “Astrid, I’m sorry. There shouldn’t be this much stress on the baby. But don’t worry I’ll fix it.”
“Rumple ... .no you take the power back.” I gasped through tears seeing him draw the Dark One dagger from inside his suit jacket.
He shook his head clutching the dagger handle tightly in his hands. He began crying heavily where I could see his brown eyes welling with tears. “I can’t let the darkness kill you and our daughter. You are too important to me, lass. You are my heart and soul. If you die then I won’t have my happy ending. You have changed me to be a better man and know love when I didn’t think I deserved it. So let me take the power back please.”
“But if you take it back it will kill you, Rumple. That’s the whole reason why I took it from you….I don’t want to lose the man I love.” I sobbed heavily through tears clutching the bedsheets in my fingers. “Please don’t leave me, Rumple. I need you….you are my life!”
He placed the dagger in my right wrapping his hand around mine where he winced shaking through the pain feeling how stronger the darkness had become in my bloodstream. “Then we will split the power between us. Together we share a heart. So we can share the power too.”
“How…I thought only one person could be the Dark One.” I croaked, squeezing his hand in mine beginning to feel more scared than before.
Emma stepped forward taking the dagger in her hands raising it up to the two of us all the while Dr. Whale was jumping standing there watching. “I found a way to control my light magic over the darkness that is keeping me alive. I know what to do. You have to each have light and dark magic inside of you.” She focused sternly on us before the dagger glows brightly and we both gasped.
Shifting my gaze to Rumple I saw he was watching me too. Suddenly the dark magic came outside of me and split into two separate strands. The magic shot back into our hearts and the same thing happened with my golden light magic. “That should work….oh my gosh.” My sister sighed with a smile.
“It worked, Rumple.” Leaning my head against his chest I sighed in relief intertwining my hand with his gently. His brown eyes watched the darkness veins disappear from my arms a few seconds after.
Dr. Whale looked at my screen showing the baby getting my legs up and open to push. “Now that your heart is good we need to get this baby out for ya.”
Rumple moved around to the side of the bed so I could hold onto his hand. The contractions started coming closer together when I gave my first few pushes. My heart started banging against my chest and I already felt tired. "It's starting to come out, Astrid. Just a few more big pushes." Dr. Whale said back.
Rumple winced sharply when I squeezed his hand even tighter. My freehand was turning white while I gripped the handle of the dagger. Sweat was sticking to my forehead with the white hair falling over my shoulders appearing to be a mess. "I can't do this, Rumple…I can’t!"
"Yes you can. Astrid. I've seen you overcome things that have been much harder than this. So I know you can do this." He replied, squeezing my hand in his even though I had nearly broken his hand at this point.
Nodding my head slowly I bared my teeth doing one final push that took the last of my energy that I had left. An infant's cry filled the room where I threw my head back onto the pillows. Gulping a lump down my throat I slowly controlled my breathing while the nurse wrapped the baby in a blanket handing them to me once I had sat up again. "Congratulations, you have a baby girl. Have you thought of a name?"
“No….ah what the hell!” I gasped, feeling more contractions breaking through my body.
Emma whipped her head around in panic. “Whale, what is happening to my sister?”
“It’s okay. Uh….she has another baby coming.” He dropped down in his rolling chair frantically getting prepared again telling me to push again. “You have to start pushing again, Mrs. Gold.”
Sucking in a breath Rumple squeezed my hand tightly knowing that I was beginning to panic rapidly. He pushed hair out of my face when I started pushing as much as I could. “Ahhh!”
“There it is. Congratulations again you two. You have a baby boy now too.” Dr. Whale held up the baby in his arms, handing it to the other nurse.
The nurses handed the girl to me and the baby boy to Rumple. He sent me a teary grin and I chuckled, not expecting that we would have two kids at once. “Rumple, I know the name for the daughter. Marigold Ella Stilskin. But you can name the boy.”
“Gideon Baefire Stilskin.” He declares leaning forward kissing me gently. Leaning into the kiss I smiled when he whispered back. “I love you, Astrid. I always will. You are my golden princess.”
Breaking the kiss we both stared down at the infants in our arms. No matter what we had faced, these little joys were all worth it. “I love you too, Rumple. You are my dark prince.” I would never forget that Henry bringing us here to break a curse changed everything for the better.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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flyingflosser09 · 2 years
Cursed / Armando Salazar x OC / Chapter 33
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Armando stands at the helm of the Mary, something that has become a routine for him over the years, and gaze over the decks of the vessel, bustling with life.
His crew is hard at work as always, preparing for another day of sailing and capturing pirates. At the main deck, Magda is already training Alejandro and Javier, teaching them about footwork and balance. They still train with wooden swords, but once they turn ten in a few months, they will see to replace the wooden ones with real blades.
Jimena, who is only two years younger than the boys, stands at the side, waiting her turn with her wooden sword in hand. Every now and then, she would yell at her brothers, “Lift your feet, Ali! Your footwork is atrocious! Javier, watch out for the…mierda! How did you not see that table?!”
“Jimena,” he warns from his post, “language.”
“Sorry, papa!”
He shakes his head. She’s takes after Samira and only recently learned two new words from Magda: atrocious and, well, mierda. The latter he’s not awfully proud of and had a long talk with Miguel about the words he uses in front of the children.
Just below at the quarter deck, Moss is teaching little Carmen to read. She just turned five and came a bit as a surprise, but not that he minded. The Mary is big enough to house about fifty people, what is a few more children, eh?
“When will I get to play with sticks?” Carmen asks as she stares at her brothers and sister.
“As soon as you turn six, pequeño,” Antonio says calmly, turning the page of the book.
“Because you might get hurt if you’re too young,” Moss explains patiently.
“Is that what happened to Tío Santos?” she asks in her childish innocence, “His nose looks funny.”
From behind the wheel, Lesaro snorts.
“No, nothing like that happened to Uncle Santos,” chuckles Moss.
“Then what happened to his nose, Tío Antonio?”
“He met his wife, niñita,” Lesaro answers her question with a smirk, recalling the day Santos walked into the mast, and from across the deck, the officer in question sends him a glare.
“You’re just jealous Esther chose me and not you,” Santos calls back, referring to a moment during the midwife’s stay on the ship when Lesaro mentioned that she’s pretty. It’s been a hell of an argument that day, but at last, it came to an end when Esther shyly admitted she thought Santos is attractive.
And one year later, the crew of the Silent Mary celebrated their second wedding after the curse.
“Don’t be sad, Tío Lesaro,” says little Carmen, “One day, you will marry a princess and you will live in a palace made of seashells and eat as many coconuts as you like.”
Lesaro smiles and nods in agreement, “Sí, I will marry a princess. Hear that, Santos!”
Armando shakes his head and laughs. He would’ve never guessed these men were once cursed, deprived of feelings and emotions, and only thriving on revenge. Look at them now. They’ve gone soft! Even Magda is allowing the boys to tackle him onto his back, floundering dramatically as they pile on top of him.
“Ugh,” Jimena rolls her eyes, “Niños.”
He huffs a laugh. Sí, she takes after her mother.
And speaking of which…
His heart misses a beat as it always does when laying eyes on Samira. He spots her climbing up the side of the Mary, hair dripping wet and skin glowing in the early morning sun. She has returned from her weekly visit to Port Royal to check in on Henry and his family. Seeing as she can literally transform herself into a body of water and use the ocean to travel around the world in minutes, she has the luxury of seeing her other family once a week.
“Mama!” the children swarm her with hugs and kisses when they see her.
Armando smiles as he makes his way toward them, feeling his heart swell with love just by seeing what he’s achieved in his life. Hunting pirates is nothing compared to this.
After greeting their children, Samira looks up to him, blue eyes reflecting the ocean in its most beautiful form. “Mi amor.”
He doesn’t say a word as he kisses her deeply, uncaring that her clothes are soaking his. Armando grins when the boys make gagging sounds, and pulls back, “How was your visit?”
Her smile widens, “Fantastic, thank you for asking.”
“And?” he urges her to say more, “What did they get?”
“They had a girl!” she basically blurts out as if she couldn’t wait for him to ask. “Henry lost a bet, so Carina got to choose a name, Mirabelle. You should see her, mi amor, she’s so, so small, and soft, and precious…” Samira looks at him and bats her lashes, “I think we should have one more.”
He blinks. “Another child?”
“Yes. If it’s a girl, we’ll name her Isabella, and if it’s a boy, Emilio.”
Armando looks over his shoulder at the boys wrestling on the deck, arguing who is the better sword fighter between the two.
On the side, Jimena loudly cheers them on, shouting above the noise, “Javier, what did Tío Magda tell you? Always go for the eyes! Alejandro, cover your damn eyes!”
And then there’s little Carmen, trying to sneak up on a seagull that perched on the rail, but ends up staring at it in awe instead.
Armando smiles. He has the perfect life now. He is the Capitán  of the mightiest ship in the seven seas with a crew that would follow him through war, he married a woman, a sea goddess, who call up storms when she’s angry and calms them when’s she’s content, and she’s given him four beautiful children. They have an estate back in Spain with enough room for them to have as many children as they want, and he still have many years ahead of him to see them grow up, get married, and have children of their own.
Back in the Triangle, being a married man, a father, and leaving behind a legacy were the last things on his mind. He ruled them out as things he’ll never have.
But Samira flooded their lives and broke their curse and showed him all the things he never knew he wanted.
For once, Lesaro was wrong. One curse – a blessing in disguise – can break another.
And so, he kisses her again, tasting the ocean on her lips and inhaling the sea on her skin. When he pulls back, he smiles because, how can he refuse her anything?
“Then let’s go make another child, mi corazón.” In a spirited motion, he has her in his arms and carries her to the great cabin, fully intending to worship her in the privacy of their room.
El Final
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typewrittenluck · 3 years
as the seasons change
C!Technoblade x gn!reader highschool!au
Word Count: 9.1k
Pronouns: they/them
A/N: this is literally so self indulgent, i spent a whole day writing this because im going through my techno feels rn. it basically follows the story of oblivious Y/N and Techno throughout the four seasons :)
Warnings: Underaged drinking, Swearing, Smoking, Drugs (very brief)
Suggested Songs: The State of Grace, Taylor Swift/ MEET ME AT OUR SPOT, THE ANXIETY, WILLOW, Tyler Cole/ that way, Tate McRae/ Falling, Chase Atlantic/ Compass, The Neighborhood
The August air was thick with the heat of the almost-setting sun. Her rays beat down on the backs of the group of teens, and mosquitos filled the silences between them with their incessant buzzing.
A small crack of static preceded the soft sound of music, accompanied by the sharp smack of Niki and Jack’s celebratory high-five.
“Didn’t you start setting up the speaker like an hour ago?” questioned Wilbur, who was sunk into a half-broken lawn chair that he had found in the garage. 
“Yeah, it would have been much faster if you had asked Techno” chimed Y/N from their place leaning against the above mentioned man’s leg.
His grunt of response was cut short by his little brother, Tommy, bursting into laughter.
“Because he’s TECHno! Get it?!”
Everyone groaned and Wilbur smacked Tommy upside the head, grumbling about “shouldn’t have let you come hang out with us”
Y/N giggled at that, but took sympathy on the boy. “Aww don’t be like that Wil, Tommy, I thought that was hilarious.”
“Don’t encourage him, Y/N” Techno leaned down to murmured to them in his low, monotonous voice.
There it was. The way he said their name! The way his calf felt under Y/N’s back! The way he whispered sentences directly to them, as if it was some closely guarded secret. It was enough to bring butterflies to their stomach as they praised whatever higher being was out there for the heat of the day covering their blush.
“It’s so fucking hot,” Fundy moaned, kicking Wilburs shin from his place lying facedown on the grass. “Can we go to the pool or something?”
His request was met with a spectrum of responses, varying from Tommy’s “YES, PLEASE WILL? PLEASE!” to Technoblades indifferent shrug.
Jack took note of Technoblades open response with a shout of laughter. “TECHNOBLADE IN THE POOL! I WOULD PAY GOOD MON-”
“I’m not getting in, dumbass.”
“Why? Scared you’ll ruin your hair?”
“No, he doesn’t want us to know he’s secretly jacked under the sixteen sweaters he wears.”
Technoblade picked up the hem of his sweatshirt, making eye contact with Niki. She has a point.
“How do you wear that in the Summer?”
“It’s n- TOMMY!!” 
Shrieks of laughter follow Tommy’s water gun assault on his brother. “When did he slip away to go get those?” Y/N wondered aloud.
“WHEN ARE WE LEAVING??” Tommy asked enthusiastically. 
A crowded minivan, a stop to pick up Tommy’s friend, and a raid of Phil’s linen closet for pool towels later, the group arrived at the neighborhood pool. The sun hung low in the horizon as people spilled out of Phil’s van and began dragging the pool toys and water guns towards the gate.
The air around the black metal bars barring their entrance to the pool seemed to quiver. 
“I think Wil has the pool key.” piped Niki in response to Fundy throwing his weight against the fence. 
Fundy, in turn, sprinted back to the car, where Wilbur was taking inventory of snacks (and probably hiding the best for himself). 
Technoblade looked down at the two younger boys and Y/N conversing in hushed whispers. All of a sudden, they screamed out in perfect synchronization, in equally high pitched voices,
“Let me innnn! Let me in pleaseeee!”
And promptly burst into giggles. Y/N almost toppled into Techno, both from laughing and the slight weariness from the heat. 
The pool noodles he was balancing beneath his arms (laden with tote bags of pool toys and towels) toppled to the ground, but he didn’t care. All he cared about was Y/N’s hand steadying themself on his chest, and the way his face began to heat up almost unbearably considering the weather. 
“Oops, sorry!” they squeaked, leaning down to pick up the fallen noodles.
Technoblade was burst out of his daze by the return of his brother and Fundy, who triumphantly swiped the access card against the pad before kicking the gate wide open.
The clang of metal against the concrete pool clubhouse sent reverberating waves into the air, and everyone winced as the metal continued to drag. 
Pool entrances varied, Niki, on the one hand, took her time tip-toeing into the water by the stairs, while Tubbo and Tommy almost knocked each other out crashing over the edge to the deep end.
Y/N chuckled at their antics, but seeing as they had settled on not getting wet today, they picked out a chaise in the shade and pulled a book and pen out of the small bag they had brought with them.
Technoblade watched them with almost unwavering interest, unless someone happened to look his way, in which case he would quickly turn back to his phone, scrolling aimlessly through his home screen until they turned away.
From his spot under the little roof of the clubhouse, he had an almost unobstructed view of Y/N, and how they chewed at the end of the pen they used to annotate their book. Oh how he wished he could read the little notes they scribbled in the margins, or the drawings they would surround words with when they got distracted from reading. And the way that pen dangled from their lips, their tantalizing, soft lips. Taunting him, almost. And their jewel-like, bright eyes. Always so inviting and playful; like the way they were meeting his right now-
He hadn’t realized he’d been staring that intently. A small quirk of their eyebrow and a smirk on their lips was enough to make his heart give out. But not now. Not when they were waving their hand so intently to get him to sit next to them. Pretending to ponder the decision and gather his belongings, (when in reality he was just collecting his bearings), he walked over to them.
“See! You don’t always want to be alone, Mr. I’m so antisocial and I hate everyone!” they smiled, patting the adjacent seat.
You’re the only exception, he thought, his brain screaming and pushing to let the words leave his mouth. He couldn’t though, not when they could never think of him the way that he thought of them.
So he answered with a small smile and a chuckle. 
“What are you reading?”
“The Picture of Dorian Gray! Remember you said you thought I’d enjoy it?” they answered with enthusiasm, that sparkle still evident in their eyes.
It warmed his heart to know that they had taken the suggestion and committed to the book, which was admittedly a pretty tough read, because of him.
“How could I forget?”
Their smile widened and they buried their head back in the book, that cursed pen once again being squished between their plush lips.
Technoblade peered over their shoulder to see that they were nearing the middle of the book, where Dorian returns from his  theater date with Basil and Henry. Feeling satisfied enough that they were invested in the story, given their gasp and furious scribbling in the margins, he felt it safe enough to stare at them under the orange-tinged glow of the sunset. 
Of course, he forgot about the crowd of his friends who were nudging each other and whispering about his infatuation with you. The whispers reached Wilbur who narrowed his eyes in his twin's direction and made a mental note to ask him about it later.
Once dark hit and the water began to run a little too cold for anyone's taste, they began to wrap themselves up in towels and raid Wilburs snack stashes. The snack distribution was cut off by Wilburs phone, screen lit up with a zoomed in photo of none other than Philza. 
DADZA!!! Read the contact name as Wilbur swiped the screen and held the phone between his shoulder and ear, continuing to hand out snacks.
“OI, where in fucks sake are you lot? It’s an hour past the devils ass why i…”
The rest of Phil’s screaming faded as Wilbur walked away to calm his father down. 
“AN HOUR PAST THE DEVILS ASS” Y/N screamed with laughter, sending the entire group into raucous peals of giggles.
“Yep, mhhm, we’ll be there” Wilbur walked back towards the group, motioning for everyone to get in the car.
“Yes dad I know, yes, okay we will drop him off. Okay, bye” Hanging up the phone, he ushered people back into the car, holding Tubbo back by his upper arm so that he could sit with easiest access to the door.
After dropping Tubbo off, and then doubling back and driving around town to drop people off at various houses, Technoblade, Tommy and Wilbur were alone in the car with Y/N. 
“Here. Here. WIL! Pull over!” 
The van screeched to a halt as Y/N clambered over Tommy’s long legs, almost falling out onto the pavement. They leaned against the door of the passenger seat, thanking Wilbur and bidding farewell to the brothers. Just before they stepped away, Technoblade leaned down and kissed the crown of their head where it was leaning against his open window. Their stunned expression was lost in the dark and the window slid shut as Wilbur slammed the gas pedal to make it back in time before his dad’s curfew.
“What the fuck was that” 
Technoblade gave him a glare, which lost its effectiveness when paired with the burning red blush flooding his face and neck, highlighted under the harsh white lights of the car. He turned his face away and resigned to staring out the window, the night air filtering through the small crack giving his face a little bit of relief.
“Okay at least tell me, are you together?”
“But he likes them!” piped up Tommy from the back seat, looking up from his phone where he was playing a game.
“No I- I don’t” Damnit The crack in his voice gave it away.
Wilbur, sensing that it seemed to be more of a sensitive topic than he thought, decided to drop the subject for the time being, and Tommy was already absorbed back in his game.
The rest of the drive was spent in silence as they raced against time and the rules of Philza Minecraft.
School started a few weeks after the pool night, which was followed by many late nights and summer fun by the friends, the knowledge that half of them would be away to college next year heavy in the atmosphere. To say the least, Junior year was not treating Y/N well. They were almost always working on homework, if not doing SAT prep, and they rarely went out with their friends. The only time Technoblade got to see them was during his AP Lit class, and because of it, he considered himself the luckiest man in the world. Ms. Ren’s Literature classroom was the only place Technoblade seemed to see the old Y/N, the one from over the summer who got enthusiastic over books and gave him playful punches when he was a little too mean to their friends. Now, the only Y/N he saw was a stressed, tired person who was always carrying an energy drink in one hand and a stack of homework in the other. Except for in Lit. Y/n’s eyes would brighten as they discussed the reading from the previous night and their legs would jostle Technoblades from under their shared table to show him an annotation they had made. Technoblade assumed they were just rejuvenated from the literature, never once letting the thought cross his mind that maybe, just maybe, he was part of the equation too.
On the rare occasion that they would hang out with their friends, they would be easily prone to tears and every conversation would be redirected to how tired and stressed they were. Of course, Technoblade wanted them to be happy, and felt enormous empathy for his friend in the harshest year of high school, but he had suddenly become hyper-aware that the clock was ticking on his time left with them. He was a senior this year, and while Y/N still had a year left to go, Technoblade would be on his way to college, perhaps out of the country, in less than a year. It wasn’t wrong to want to make the most of his time with them.
It didn’t help that this internal time bomb was also counting down the opportunities he had left to tell them how he felt.
He decided to get to them when they were in a good mood, and more likely to say yes. After Ms. Ren had finished assigning the reading due by Monday, he turned to the beautiful person who sat next to him and muttered in a low voice, 
“How’s your weekend looking?”
They looked up with a bright smile and whispered back
“I have tons of homework but I should be able to knock it out with a good day of work. Why? What do you have in mind?”
He knew this was the right time to ask you. 
“Just be ready by 4pm on Saturday.”
Technoblade sat on the edge of his usually neat bed, now strewn with almost every sweater he owned. He was picking a stray piece of lint from the sweater nearest to him when he saw his brother walk past, then backtrack out of the corner of his eye.
“What’s got you all indecisive?” Wilbur asked, gesturing vaguely to the sweaters and random articles of clothing adorning his room.
“Wait! Is today your date with Y/N?”
“It’s not a date.” grumbled Technoblade.
“Then why are you so stressed about what to wear?” he replied with raised eyebrows.
Technoblade groaned and threw himself on top of the pile of wool on his bed. “I just need this to be perfect. Y/N needs a break, and they deserve everything to be just right.”
“And you want to impress them” sang Wilbur, now nudging Techno aside to sift through his sweaters.
Technoblades noise of indignation was muffled as Wilbur threw a cream colored sweatshirt at his face. 
“What about this?”
“I couldn’t find what to wear it with.”
Wilburs sigh rang through Technoblades room as he opened the closet, now in his proper mindset as the family fashion consultant. Garment after garment was thrown in Techno’s general direction, and he leaned and reached to grab them all. 
“Try that”
Technoblade walked out of the bathroom to find Wilbur rummaging through his jewelry. 
“When did I say it was fine for you to go through my stuff?” asked Technoblade, shoving Wilbur away. Wilbur shrugged in response, motioning for Techno to open his hand so that he could drop his selection of rings and necklaces into his open palm.
As Wilbur walked out the door, he thought he heard a faint “thank you”, and smiled to himself.
“This is elaborate”
“I’m a dynamic man Y/N.”
Y/N laughed at his response to the back seat of Technoblades car, which was filled with “supplies” for the evening.
“That outfit sure is dynamic.”
“Why?” Technoblade asked nervously, drumming slightly on the steering wheel. “Do you like it?”
“I love it! I didn’t think you could get any hotter but you somehow pulled it off!”
Realizing what they said, Y/N’s cheeks flushed a deep red and they began to pick at their flannel. As soon as Technoblades surprise wore off, and the butterflies faded back to the dull sensation that always seemed to linger when he was around them, he let out a snort of laughter. That sent both of them into a fit which continued until Technoblade hit a pothole from laughing so hard. 
Y/N’s momentary fear only made them laugh harder, but Technoblade attempted to quell himself before he no longer had four functioning tires.
“Do I get to know where you’re taking me?” Y/N asked. They had driven a little ways out from the city, to the vaguely familiar areas that one only drives by when they’re leaving town.
“Yes.” He replied, slowing the car into a small parking lot. “Because we’re here.”
The pair entered the small bookshop and a bell rang overhead. The store smelled of dust and books and Technoblade saw Y/N breathing the scent in like a breath of new life. Of course, this ended up in a small coughing fit which he pulled them out of with a few pats to their upper back. 
“Okay we are on somewhat of a schedule, so I need you to go get a book. Any book, and meet me back at the register in 10 minutes.” He said, grabbing them by the shoulders and making direct eye contact. “Okay, Go!” 
And they both got lost in the mazes of words.
At 4:30 sharp, Y/N found Technoblade waiting for them at the register with a stiff red hardcover. He reached out for their book as they reached for their wallet. 
“Tech, no, you don’t have to buy me books I can get it myself”
If for nothing else, the way they shortened the already shortened version of his name made his heart stutter, and he was overcome with the sudden urge to buy them every book in this store. But he wordlessly nodded his head ‘no’ and paid for their two books. 
As they walked back to the car, Y/N admired the way his jewelry glistened in the sun. The gold necklaces contrasting against the black turtleneck he wore under his sweatshirt made them think of the summer, when his rings would shine under the sun and in the light of their almost nightly group bonfire. Technoblade opened the door for them when they got to the car, pink hair flying in his face because of the wind. Before getting in, Y/N threw their arms around his neck in a hug.
They mumbled into his neck.
He blamed his pink cheeks on the cold.
“Let me carry something!” Y/N argued as Technoblade led them down the path of a park a little ways away from the bookstore.
“No.” he answered, a basket and three bags dangling from his arms. 
The argument continued as they made their way down the paved path, leaves crunching underneath their feet. A little ways into the walk, when the conversation had faded to discussing the latest reading assigned by Ms. Ren, Technoblade stopped Y/N by throwing a tote bag-laden arm against their chest.
He parted the branches that covered a small, unpaved path that led deeper into the trees.
“How do I know you’re not trying to lure me here to kill me?” mused Y/N, already a few steps ahead of the pink-haired man on the pine-straw path.
“Yeah hold on, let me just get my axe out from this basket real quick” deadpanned Technoblade, earning a giggle from Y/N.
A few moments later, the path opened up to a clearing with a few fallen logs and a small brook trickling near the edge.
“This is beautiful Tech! How did you find this?” they asked with an awestruck expression.
He hid the way that his ears flushed with his hair and busied himself laying out the picnic supplies he had dragged all the way out here, mumbling something unintelligible.
Once he was done, he looked up to find an empty clearing, Y/N nowhere to be found.
“Y/N?” he called
He received a response in the form of a small yelp and a rather loud splash. “Over here!”
“What the hell were you thinking?” he asked, sprinting over to the edge of the stream. Their giggles calmed him a little bit, but didn’t absolve him of all his worry as he subtly looked them over for any injuries. 
“I thought the rock would be steady enough to hold me” they pouted, gesturing vaguely at the rock in question, now shiny with water.
Technoblade sighed, rolling his eyes at their antics, but hoisted them up nonetheless. Once they were back on solid ground, he curled his finger around the back of his sweatshirt's neckline and pulled it over his head, almost knocking off his glasses in the process. He missed the way Y/N’s eyes narrowed and focused on the way his black knit turtleneck hugged his figure, tucked into the dark brown trousers Wilbur had dug out of his closet just hours previously.
“Are you warm?” asked Y/N with an incredulous look, teeth slightly chattering.
“It’s for you, dumbass. You’re almost sure to get sick in those wet clothes.”
Y/N’s heart stuttered at the gesture, and at the way Technoblade shushed them when they tried to argue.
He turned away as Y/N shed their dripping flannel and replaced it with the sweatshirt, warmed by his own body heat. 
When he turned back, he almost lost his breath again. Seeing them in his sweatshirt, the sleeves dangling past their fingertips and their hair a little tousled from pulling the garment over their head, messed with him just a little bit. He ignored the way that his cold-nipped nose was turning redder and redder and instead gently picked up their hand to guide them over to where he had set up the picnic, next to a towering tree with a thick trunk.
Both of them were hyper-aware of the way that his fingers held theirs, and the warmth that seemed to radiate from their touch. Neither one of them wanted to let go, but as they plopped down onto the picnic blanket sitting on the ground, their grip fell apart.
The loss of contact made the October day seem colder.
The muffled crunching of the leaves under their butts filled the air as they settled into a comfortable position and began digging through the picnic basket Technoblade had brought with food. The tension in the air slowly faded as they began to eat and the atmosphere filled with the joyous conversation of the two painfully oblivious teenagers. 
When they had both finished eating, Technoblade pulled out the bag that he had brought from the bookstore and handed Y/N their book. The smile that graced their lips as they mumbled out another ‘thank you’ brought another wave of butterflies down Technoblades stomach. He pulled out his own book and made himself comfortable against the thick tree trunk behind him. Y/N reached into their back pocket and pulled out a ballpoint pen, the cap of the pen riddled with chew marks. 
The damn pen.
They stuck it between their teeth and let it hang off of the right side of their mouth. Technoblade felt his chest heat up as they nudged him over to share his spot leaning against the tree. He opened his phone and hit play on a mix of Arctic Monkeys and Gang of Youths, before leaning back to where his shoulder was pressed with theirs and opened his book.
Time seemed to forget its rules in this quiet little forest, with just Y/N and Technoblade lost in their separate worlds of words. The peace was only ever disturbed by Y/N occasionally scribbling something down in the margin of their book, to which Technoblade would demand to see, and they would fall into a small discussion about the topic.
These occasions slowly began to wane off until Technoblade felt Y/N lean their head against him with a thud. He looked down to see them fast asleep, half leaning on his shoulder with the pen still clutched between their fingers. He took note of the way the pen was balanced like a cigarette and the small puffs of air following their cold breath resembled smoke. Ignored the way his heart was almost convulsing on itself, he chose to wrap his arm around them and savour the moment.
Because he was aware that before he knew it, it would be over.
The student media center had a hushed atmosphere to it, as people took advantage of their last afternoon to study for semester finals. Winter break would let out the next day, but for the overwhelmed Juniors and Seniors now crowding the library, the excitement would not set in until they quelled their nervousness over the last final of the semester.
One of the study rooms situated in the back was now crowded with the notorious friend group as they crammed for their last final. Fundy, Jack and Niki were trading around their history notes, Wilbur and Minx were arguing over the proper situation of a unit circle, and Technoblade was flash quizzing Y/N on the Polyatomic ions. Their frantic studying was interrupted by their friend, George, who had gotten bored of watching his two best friends during their last football practice of the semester. He quietly walked in and took a seat in the corner, pulling out a notebook and studying something or the other. 
“Why aren't Dream and Sapnap here cramming with us?” Minx asked George.
“They have their ‘weightlifting’ final tomorrow” seethed George, most likely jealous of his friends’ somewhat pointless final.
Everyone laughed, and some groans of similar jealousy rang through the air right before the cracking loudspeaker of the school crunched to life, announcing that the doors would close at 6:00. Y/N looked down at their watch face, which read 5:45.
“Fuck, I’m never going to learn these charges! Don’t even get me started on the fact that I don’t have the solubility rules memorized!” squeaked Y/N in frustration. Everyone gave them a sympathetic look, knowing the rigorous emotional and mental demands of taking AP Chemistry.
“Don’t worry, you still have the whole night to study!” consoled Fundy.
Technoblade felt his heart break at the way their eyes filled with tears of frustration. 
“My siblings scream way too much, I can never concentrate at home”
“Come study at our house!” exclaimed Wilbur. “We can kick Tommy out so he won’t bother you!”
Wilbur sensed their hesitation and cut in before they could say ‘no’
“Come on, Dad won’t mind, he loves you! And it gives us an excuse to send Tommy out!”
Y/N turned their head in questioning to Technoblade, who grunted and nodded his head.
“I mean, if you’re sure”
Eager nodding.
“Thanks so much Wil!”
It was 11:50 and Phil’s living room resembled something closer to an FBI clue board, with flashcards and chemistry notes strewn on every possible surface. Wilbur had retired to bed after reviewing his Calculus notes one last time, and Tommy was spending the night at Tubbo’s. Phil leaned against the doorway and watched his son coach his best friend through the last few chapters of the textbook with a smile on his face.
“Make sure not to go to sleep too late! You need enough sleep for your final!” he called, retreating up the stairs.
Y/N checked their watch and sighed at the time. “I should get going soon.” they mumbled, beginning to collect their notes.
“Stay the night” suggested Technoblade, pulling a blanket over their shoulders to protect them from the December chill that seemed ever-present, even with the crackling fireplace illuminating the room. 
“I can’t-” A yawn cut their sentence “I can’t stay, I don't have anything and I’ve wasted enough of your time already”
Technoblade took them by the shoulders and looked them in the eyes, albeit having to lean down. “You can never waste my time”
Shivers ran through Y/N’s tired body and they offered him a weak smile.
He plucked the pen that was hanging from their mouth out and feigned disgust as he wiped it on their shirt, before throwing it in the pile of stationary by his feet.
“How about you stay for a hot chocolate?”
The invitation was too hard to resist so they gave in, as long as it was “only ten more minutes”.
Technoblade filled two mugs from the pot of the beverage that Phil had left on the stove, and topped it with marshmallows and whipped cream.
Y/N took the mug from him with a ‘thank you!’, and led the way back to the living room to nestle under the warmth of the fireplace. The pair were both exhausted from the day of studying, and chose to sip their beverages in silence. Before either of them knew it, they were both asleep under Y/N’s blanket, cuddled up against the cold of the night.
They woke up to the banging of Wilbur running down the stairs. 
“Shit, you two are still asleep?”
Y/N jumped up, knocking over their empty mug in the process. “Fuck, what time is it?” they asked, urgently rummaging around for their bag.
“What time is your final?” grumbled Technoblade, still half-asleep with no intention to get up until his final later that day.
“8:20” they whined, almost breaking down. 
“Hey, it’s fine, go get clothes from my room, take anything you want. I’ll drive you.” said Technoblade in a calming voice.
Y/N looked at him with desperate eyes and thanked him before retracing the familiar path to his bedroom.
Technoblade cracked his back and followed Wilbur into the kitchen, intending to make Y/N a nutritious breakfast and pack them a lunch, but was met with Wilburs smirking face.
“What’s the deal?” said Technoblade in his monotonous low, pulling things from out of the fridge.
“Are we going to ignore that you and Y/N slept together?”
“Gross you perv, we just fell asleep studying”
Wilburs smart-ass response was cut off by the arrival of the person in question, clad in one of Technoblades sweaters and sweatpants and ripping their fingers through their hair to attempt to tame it.
Technoblade ignored the all-too-familiar flutter of his heart at seeing them in his clothes and handed them a yogurt bowl he put together. “Let’s go, you can eat it in the car.”
They definitely broke laws driving at breakneck speed, but they pulled into the school parking lot at 8:15 and jumped out of the car, Technoblade following them to make sure they made it to the Chemistry classroom on time. With a minute and a half to spare, they arrived at the door to the classroom, earning a sigh of relief from both of them. 
Dr. Yachtrong ushered Y/N into the classroom, but not before Technoblade placed a kiss on their forehead and wished them good luck. They entered the classroom in a daze, which they quickly shook off when the tests were passed out.
The final bell rang for the day and the cheers rang around the school, drowning out the crunchy loudspeaker announcements to “have a good Christmas” and to “make good decisions”. Y/N had headed off to their last few classes following the Chemistry final, which had gone as good as one could expect a Chemistry exam to go. They were fairly sure they had passed which at this point, was a major win. As they left the History hallway, they saw their friend Karl leaving the art classroom. 
“Karl!” they waved him down.
“HEY! Y/N!!!” he giggled excitedly “Schools out!”
“I know!”
Excited chatter filled the hallways and they bumped into Sapnap, Punz, and Dream leaving the weights room. 
“How was your weightlifting final?” snickered Y/N
Punz answered with a slight push to their head. The group was shot out at the front courtyard, where almost all of their other friends were waiting.
The celebratory mood was punctuated by Karl inviting everyone over for an “Epic School Sucks Party” at his house later that night.
Y/N looked around, searching for the pink-haired man that had been flooding their thoughts more than usual lately.
He had been acting differently, nervous even, since the day they fell asleep on him at the park. Y/N was only scared last night's incident would make it worse.
“He’s probably finishing up his Latin stuff” murmured Wilbur, leaning down to their ear.
Y/N’s ears burnt a bright red upon knowing that Wilbur knew who they were looking for. They looked up to answer, but he had already gotten immersed in a conversation with Quackity and George. 
The man in question came out of the front doors of the building and made a beeline for their cluster of people upon seeing them. Y/N couldn’t help but admire the cuffs he wore on his slightly pointed ears, and the way his long pink hair fell behind his-
“Oi Y/N is that Technoblades sweater?”
Screw you Minx
“Y/N spent a surprise night over last night” snickered Wilbur, wiggling his eyebrows.
“It's. Not. Like. That.” screeched Y/N, punctuating each word with a smack to Wilbur, somewhat drowned in the laughs and gasps of everyone in their group.
“Why are we hitting Wilbur and can I join?” asked Technoblade once he integrated himself into the tangle of people. The laughs hushed as everyone turned to look between Y/N and Technoblade.
The heat of Niki’s curling iron sent warm shivers down Y/N’s neck, a grateful contrast to the harsh December chill plaguing the outdoors. She blew gently on the warm hair before letting it all fall back, tousling it to break up the curls.
“Thanks Niki!” said Y/N gratefully, examining themselves in the mirror. “You’re going to have to teach me how to do this someday.”
Niki laughed, already standing in front of the bathroom mirror to apply her eyeliner. With one eye closed, she spoke to the person now standing behind her, checking their outfit from different angles. 
“So really, what’s going on between you and Technoblade?”
She knew of their intense crush on the pink-haired boy, which had started somewhere between 8th grade and freshman year, but she also knew that Y/N tended to be more closed off about their deep personal life.
Y/N sighed, almost in disappointment. “Nothing. And that’s the problem.”
Due to Niki’s sympathetic look thrown their way, they fell down a rabbit hole of ranting which led them to where they were now; on the floor beside Niki’s bed with Y/N’s head in her lap.
“He always acts so weird around me. One minute he’s  holding my hand or kissing my forehead, and the next he won't even look at me, or only answers in short sentences. And it stresses me out because I think he hates me, but then he does shit like buying me books just to go read in a forest with him, or staying up all night with me to study for my Chemistry final, and I just-” They took a deep breath, containing their rambling.
“I just get more confused.”
 Karls party was in full swing by the time Niki and Y/N got there. They were met at the door by Sapnap and Quackity, who for some reason were handcuffed to each other, and were both giggling and flushed. Y/N and Niki hung their coats on the rack by the door and walked into the festive atmosphere of the house, seeing familiar faces in every corner.
Despite the rowdy environment and the deafening noise, the party was relatively small, consisting of only 20 or so of Karls friends.
They followed Quackity and Sapnap into the living room where a semi-circle of people was lounging on various couches, passing around a blunt and playing what seemed to be truth or dare.
Ah. That’s where the handcuffs came from.
Niki and Y/N decided to play, Niki offering to go fetch them both drinks in the kitchen as Y/N found their place in the circle. To their surprise, Technoblade was there, seemingly uninterested in the game and more invested in something he was doing on his phone. Upon seeing Y/N, he gave them a smile, cheeks flushed with alcohol, and gestured to the small spot between him and the couch armrest. All eyes followed Y/N as they perched on the armrest, mumbling a small ‘hi!’ to Technoblade.
Niki returned with two drinks in hand and shared a knowing glance with Y/N, as well as a miniscule smile, before handing them their drink and taking a seat on a cushion next to Jack and Minx.
“Okay okay, In honor of our new guests arriving, Y/N, truth or dare?” 
Y/N knew by the looks everyone was giving them that choosing truth would not be the best option.
A small sigh of disappointment left Karls lips before a mischievous light came into his eyes and he perked up again. “I dare you to sit in Technoblade’s lap”
Snickers echoed across the group as Technoblade looked up at the sound of his name. He looked up to where Y/N was balancing themself on the edge of the couch, and with some burst of courage, that was probably induced by the alcohol, he wrapped his arm around their waist to tug them into his lap with a squeak of surprise.
After recovering from their initial embarrassment, Y/N turned to the man whose lap they were in. “Techno, truth or dare?”
He huffed but quietly breathed out “Truth”, suddenly very aware of how close their face was to his. After a few brief seconds of eye contact which seemed to last an eternity, they stuttered out
“Umm, do you,- actually, how did, how did they get you to play? This game... I mean?”
“BOO! WHAT A BORING FOOKIN QUESTION!” called Minx from the cushion she was on.
His response of how he didn’t mean to get dragged in to this “stupid middle schoolers game” was slightly slurred as he took a big chug of whatever liquid was floating around his red solo cup.
This worried Y/N. They never saw Technoblade drink more than enough to get him slightly tipsy, but they brushed it off on end-of-the-semester excitement. In any case, they would confront him when they got the opportunity to talk to him alone.
Said opportunity arose after the Pizza arrived, and most people began to file into Karls movie room to watch whatever garbage show he decided on running. Y/N stayed back, intending to have full access to the pizza and Technoblade, noticing this, stayed with them. Y/N hopped up onto a counter and pulled the pizza boxes to them.
“Hey Tech?”
“Are you okay? I haven't seen you drink this much before?” they asked, running a concerned hand through his hair before pressing it to his forehead to check how hot he was.
His eyes closed and he nuzzled into their touch.
“I guess I’m just nervous.”
“Nervous? What do you have to be nervous about? It’s winter break” they answered, a small smile on their beautiful face.
This was his chance.
“I have to start applying for colleges.”
Fuck, he missed it.
The food brought a new bought of energy to everyone at the party, and by 3 in the morning, the celebration was still heavy in the air. Everyone thanked whatever brought Karl’s parents to buy a house far removed from any close neighborhoods, so the noise wouldn’t earn them a police visit.
Loud music blared from the speakers in the living room, which had been cleared of furniture to make space for the energetic teenagers.
Y/N took turns dancing with Niki, Minx, and Jack before being stolen away by Sapnap who spun them around until they almost threw up. Eventually, Y/N ended up on the outskirts of the dancefloor, where they saw their favorite apathetic pig-boy leaning against a corner, snickering at everyone who was embarrassing themselves in their drunken haze. 
“WANNA DANCE?” asked Y/N leaning towards him to enunciate over the music.
How could he say no? When they were looking up at him with those big, bright eyes and a slight sheen of sweat over their face.
The party began to dissipate nearing the hours of dawn. Around 5, people began trickling out. Except for the select few who had decided to just crash with Karl.
Technoblade and Wilbur parked a little ways away from their house, walking the rest of the way and ushering each other up the tree by Wilburs bedroom to sneak back in. 
It was locked.
“You dimwit, didn’t you unlock the window?”
“Of course I did you arse, where do you think I snuck out from?”
Their bickering was interrupted by a small tap on the glass by none other than a smirking Tommy. 
“Leave it to him to only wake up when he wants to annoy us”
“Tommy, let us in.”
Tommy made a rubbing motion with his index finger and thumb. Looking at Wilbur and sighing, Technoblade pulled his wallet out and held up a 10. 
Tommy made a ‘more’ motion
20. Then 40. Then 50.
“So generous of you lads, come on in!” he giggled, snatching the money from his brother and leaving the window open for the two to clamber in awkwardly.
Technoblade snuck back into his room, stripping off his sweaty clothes and falling onto the mattress. Before he blacked out, he saw two notifications come in.
BitchBur: I took these pictures tn, thought u might want them ;) (8 images attached)
Y/N <3: I hope you figure out the college situation! <3 let me know if you can hang out sometime :D
He opened Wilburs text to find a collection of candid pictures Wilbur had snapped over the course of the night. One of Y/N in his lap, a few of them laughing together over pizza, a few of them on the dance floor, and what had to be his favorite: a picture of them kissing his cheek as a ‘good luck’ for his arm wrestle with Dream.
A smile creeped onto his face and he felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for his brother. He set the last picture as his wallpaper before turning off his phone and falling into a realm of blackness.
“That was my very last AP Exam!” exclaimed Y/N, walking through the door of the coffee house where all their friends were lounging. 
The small shop erupted with cheers as they celebrated everyone finishing their school year. The cheers eventually died out, though, as the realization sunk in. Tomorrow was graduation.
The seniors in the group, Wilbur, Technoblade, Minx and Fundy were all going off to college. 
Wilbur to England, Fundy to the Netherlands, and Minx to Ireland. The one person who hadn’t decided on a college yet was Technoblade.
“Why do you all have to leave the country?” whined Y/N.
A chorus of similar sentiments left the other juniors who were scattered around a few tables that had been pushed together. 
As the conversation descended into dorms and expenses, Y/N received a text from Technoblade. The shock of the ‘ding’ made the pen that had been balancing between their lips clatter onto the floor.
Apathetic pig-boy: come outside
Y/N looked around, not having noticed that Technoblade had disappeared from the table. Taking advantage of the conversation everyone else was immersed in, they quietly snuck out, but not without avoiding Wilburs keen eyes, which narrowed upon realizing his brother was not at the table.
They wandered outside, finding Technoblade sitting at one of the outdoor tables covered by the awning. 
“My Yale email came in.” he said as soon as he saw them walk outside.
They jumped with barely contained joy. “What did it say?”
“I wanted you to be here when I opened it.”
Everyone knew that Technoblades dream college was Yale. He had talked about it ever since he was a little kid, screaming about Greek mythology on the school playground. Y/N knew that it was Technoblades biggest ambition to study literature at one of the most renowned colleges in the world, but they still felt a twinge of sadness. On top of losing half their friends, they couldn’t lose the one person that meant the most to them too.
“Open it!”
Y/N leaned against the back of Technoblades chair, almost falling over his shoulder as they watched the loading icon on the college’s website.
Technoblade clicked on the notification and they both read it together
Congratulations! We are glad to inform you…
“THAT YALE UNIVERSITY HAS DECIDED TO ACCEPT YOUR APPLICATION! TECH I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!” Screamed Y/N, wrapping their arms around his shocked figure. They placed a million kisses all over his face, gushing about how proud they were of him, ignoring the gut wrenching feeling inside of them.  
“What’s the screaming about? Did you two finally get together?” Asked Wilbur as the group flooded out of the coffee shop to see what the commotion was about. 
“Yale accepted me.” mumbled Technoblade, just loud enough for them to hear.
The cheers that followed his announcement almost made their small hometown collapse. Congratulations were exchanged and backs were pat, and in the mess, Y/N managed to sneak off to the side. The only person who noticed was Niki, who followed them to the corner of the parking lot where they were kicking at the asphalt with their converse. She sat down, and the two rested in silence, the April wind blowing their hair all over the place.
“He’s leaving.” He’s leaving me. They wanted to say, but they didn't.
Niki gave her friend a small side hug, somehow interpreting the sentence accurately. “He’s pursuing his dreams Y/N, you know he doesn’t want to leave you.”
“How do I make him stay? It’s selfish and I’d feel like a bitch but Niki I don’t think I can live without him.”
“You need to tell him how you feel.”
The next day brought sunny skies and the enthusiastic atmosphere of graduation. They had all managed to snag themselves some graduation tickets to see their friends finish high school.
Jack, Niki, and Y/N were sitting in a Wendy’s parking lot, waiting for the clock to hit 11:45 so they could start making their way to school. It seemed empty without the Seniors of the group, as they were all at school getting ready for the ceremony. Y/N voiced this concern aloud, to which Jack responded, “We’ll have to get used to it. This is how it’s going to be next year.”
And the three fell into silence, sullenly dipping their fries into their frostys.
Jack, Niki, and Y/N let themselves be jostled into school with the crowds of emotional parents and kids who were already bored of the event. They found decent seats, near the front aisle and set their belongings down. 
Not a moment later, they were greeted by Philza, who filed in with the rest of the boys extended family to sit beside them. 
The dimming of the lights led to hushed whispers erupting from the previously rowdy crowd. 
Procedure came and went, the salutatorian and valedictorian giving their respective addresses to the crowd, the speech of the somewhat bored principal, and finally, 
“Without further ado, presenting the Graduating Class of 2021!” 
Cheers erupted from the crowd as names began to be called. 
Within the first five minutes, the boredom began to set in and Jack began a game pigeon game, which Phil demanded to be added to. The four played the digital card game until they were pulled out of their concentration by a familiar name being called. They erupted into cheers as Fundy walked across the stage to pick up his diploma and shake the Principal’s hand. The process was repeated until Minx, her eyes shining as she shook the principal's hand earnestly, then flipped him off quickly behind his back, which sent the auditorium into a fit of laughter.
Person after person was called up, until...
“Technoblade Minecraft”
Philza almost cried. He stood on his chair, screaming in excitement for his son which made the boy in question flush as he collected his diploma and took a rather rushed leave off the stage, but not before seeing the heart that Y/N made with their fingers in his direction.
The same general act happened  during Wilburs announcement, except that he laughed and gave his dad a cheering motion with his hands.
The group spilled out onto the lawn of the school, congratulating people they knew when they saw them. Technoblade and Wilbur joined their family, receiving hugs from a very emotional Tommy. Y/N, Niki, and Jack waited behind for their friends to finish up with their families before tackling them in hugs. Screams and whoops came from the puddle of people on the floor, everyone yelling things to each other. The atmosphere was charged with happiness, and relief, and one couldn’t help but feel elation despite the bittersweet nature of graduation.
“Alright mates, party at my house!” boomed Philza over the noise.
The infamous graduation party. They had planned the two-part party in middle school, when they had had their first sleepover at the group's “hub”, aka Philza’s house. Since then, the party had become a reality and the first part would be executed tonight. The next being, of course, when the remaining half of the group graduated.
A marquis was set up in Phil’s garden, now uncluttered and full of spring blossoms. It was such a different atmosphere than it had been last summer, when their bonfires would stretch out into the early hours of the morning.
Food laden tables were scattered around the marquis, and to everyone's delight, a chocolate fountain rested on one of them.
After collecting food and gifts from various guests, the group found themselves sitting under the shade of a large tree with a rickety old treehouse balancing on it, which Tommy and Tubbo were attempting to devise a plan to get into with the help of their friend Ranboo, who didn’t seem as enthusiastic about the idea as the others.
“My flight leaves next week.” sighed Minx, leaning against Niki’s shoulder.
“I’ll be out of here by July the latest” 
“Phil’s taking us to London next week and I’ll just be staying”
Everyone turned to Technoblade to reveal when he would be leaving for college. 
“I’m going to Connecticut a week before the beginning of the term”
“So how long will you be home this summer?” Y/N asked, setting down their cookie.
“Between travelling and dorm set-up, I’ll probably only be here for about two weeks total.”
Y/N’s eyes filled with tears as they pushed their head into Technoblades chest. 
“I just-” sniffle “I just can’t believe you’re all leaving!” they cried, muffled by Technoblades button down.
This sent everyone into a fit of tears as they all began hugging each other for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.
The moment was interrupted by Phil, who came out of the house with a camera and various props. Encouraging everyone to gather around and take pictures. Everyone scuffled around to fix their disheveled appearances and began making their way to Phils makeshift photo booth.
“Tech- wait!” called Y/N, pulling him back by the forearm. “Your hair”
They put pressure on his shoulders to get him to lean down so that they could fix his stray hairs. 
Right then, looking at the way Y/N’s shoes sank into the ground and feeling their light touch in his hair, he decided. I have to tell them. This is my last chance.
“Hey Y/N?”
“I-” deep breaths, “I need you to-”
“Come on, lovebirds get in the picture!” called Phil, walking over to drag them to where everyone else was. 
Y/N gave him an apologetic look, woven with the silent promise of later.
Damnit Dad.
The pictures had lasted what felt like eons, but between the corny props and the harsh afternoon sunlight, they held valuable memories.
But Technoblade had no interest in them at the moment, as he dragged Y/N behind the trunk of the tree they had sat at before.
The sunlight filtering through the leaves made Y/N’s face all that much more beautiful, and Technoblade struggled to tear his attention away to focus on telling them. He gathered up his courage and opened his mouth to speak.
But the only thing that came out was “OW!”
As a pinecone bonked off his head and rolled away on the ground, leaving chips of it in his hair. 
“Look out below!” Called Tubbo from somewhere above them. So they managed to get in. Damnit.
Y/N took his hand and led him to the other side of the tree, away from the boys’ field of destruction. They sat down gently, pulling Technoblade down with them to pluck the pieces of pinecone out of his hair.
“Here. Distraction free! Now tell me what you’ve been trying to say because there’s something I need to tell you too.”
That gave Technoblade the perfect opportunity to gather his nerves. “You go first”
“No, it’s fine you!”
“No you go!”
It seemed as if the stars had collided and sent out particles so many eons ago with the knowledge that everything would lead up to these two kids coming to the same conclusion at the same time. 
“I love you”
“I love you”
Their eyes met as they stared, wide-eyed and gaping-mouthed at each other. Overcoming the initial shock, they began to ramble.
“I didn’t think you felt the same way because you always got quiet around me and then you woul-”
“Can I kiss you?” Technoblade interrupted them, not really hearing their rambling through the buzz going through his brain.
They nodded shyly in response as he wrapped his hand around the back of their neck to pull them dizzyingly, tauntingly closer. He looked into their eyes one more time to make sure they were serious, but Y/N was already closing the gap between their lips. They hoisted themselves into his lap and gripped his hair to bring him impossibly closer.
But alas, in this group of people, nothing goes unnoticed or undisturbed.
“EW! TECHNO’S KISSING Y/N!” screamed Tommy from the balcony of the treehouse which resulted in whoops and cheers from everyone at the party.
“FINALLY!” yelled someone amongst the crowd. 
Y/N felt their ears burn a bright red as they buried their face into Techno’s neck.
“Yeah Y/N! Get some!”
“Oh fuck off!”
A/N: i hope u guys liked it :D, also this is my first time writing with they/them pronouns so if i made a mistake pls don’t hesitate to correct me!
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Once Upon a Time in…
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Emma Swan x Reader, Regina Mills x Reader, Snow White x Reader, Prince Charming x Reader.
Word Count: 2900.
Previously on the series - Neverland, Camelot
“So we’re back at square one.” You sigh, looking at Henry, while he is reading his enormous book.
“Not entirely true. We know that we have to lift the curse so you can leave, and that we have to do it fast before you become a character of the book.” He says, without raising his head at you. You’re almost arguing when a plate with at least 20 pancakes is placed before you. That stops your mind mid-rant.
“Thanks, Granny.” You smile at her, who smiles back before leaving. “Except that we don’t know who cursed the town, so I might as well embrace my fate of being a fairytale character right now and forever.”
“You know, there is another way.” He finally looks at you and you encourage him with an eyebrow raise. “Too risky and honestly? I don’t even know if they would agree to it…”
“Would you go on with it already? No need to build up the climax, we’re already past that.”
“Another curse.” Henry says and you furrow your brows. Having two curses surely doesn’t sound like the solution. “A liftable curse, of course.”
You just blink at him when he doesn’t say anything for a while.
“Ok, what if my mom cursed you into believing you’re a part of the story? You would be written into the book-” You open your mouth to argue. “But it comes from someone who knows and can undo it. So, when the time comes, she lifts the curse and you’re not in the book anymore.”
“Uh.” You think about it for a second. “Sounds like it could work. It would be like if we had a countdown watch and after your mom’s curse it would just pause it.” You say and he nods in agreement.
“The protection spell around town gets lifted and she undoes your curse right after. The countdown restarts but you would be ready to leave.” He finishes your train of thought. “Only thing is whether she will agree to this.”
“Well, we’ve got to try, right? Might be our only hope.” You’re almost out of the booth when you look at the pancakes in front of you. “Give me a minute.”
“Can’t believe you’re thinking about food right now.” Henry rolls his eyes at you.
“Can’t believe you’re not.” You say inhaling the food in front of you in exactly one minute. “Ok, I’m done.”
“This was traumatic to watch.”
You ignore him and you both run out of Granny’s to Regina’s house at the end of the main street. You try to go slower so he doesn’t fall too far behind, but you’re still in front of her house way before he gets there.
“Next time, give me a ride.” He is breathing hard next to you but recovers faster than normal. “Mom? Are you here?”
“In the kitchen, kid!” You hear Emma’s voice, and you follow Henry to it. You find both Regina and Emma making breakfast together. The scene doesn’t fail to bring tears to your eyes. It’s too familiar. “Oh, you guys are together, great!”
“We think we have a, well, it’s not a solution. It’s more like a-” Henry looks at you.
“Band-aid.” You give them a forced smile.
“Let’s hear it.” Regina asks and you and Henry do your best explaining the whole thing. “So I would undo the curse and she’ll leave, huh?”
“I know it’s not ideal but-”
“But it’s pretty good.” Emma says. She comes closer to you, putting a hand on your shoulder. “Are you sure about that, though?”
“No. I know nothing about magic.” You shrug. “If this was science or anything related, I would probably be sure, but this is outside my area of expertise. If you two think it could work, then I trust you to bring me back when it’s time.”
“You should know all magic comes with a price.” Regina adds.
“What’s the price?”
“We’ll learn about it later.” She raises an eyebrow at you. You think of Lena and how you need to go back home to see her eyebrow raise.
“I’ll pay.”
“Well, then hold on to it, kid.” Regina says with a smile. “You’re about to become a fairytale character.”
You and Henry look at each other. As good of an idea this was, you didn’t consider all the outcomes. You’ll become a fairytale character; you won’t remember anything about your actual life. You won’t remember your moms, aunts, cousins, girlfriend, grandmas… You know it’s what you have to do, if you ever want to make it out of this reality and back into yours, but still. Not remembering Jamie’s laugh, Maya’s kisses, Kelly’s comfort, Alex’s shoulder squeezes, Lillian’s head tilt, Eliza’s soft voice, Lena’s green eyes, Kara’s smiles, it almost makes you want to forget about this and find another way.
“Ok, the curse is ready.” Regina says and you look up, coming back from your thoughts.
“Smells funny.”
“I know, sweetheart. It's a curse. It's not meant to be pleasant.” She says, making your heart beat faster on your chest. You hold your necklace strongly in your hands; remember your family one last time. Then close your eyes.
“Yay, food!” You open your eyes and look at your moms on the other side with a stack of pancakes in front of them.
“Hey, leave some for your brother.” Regina says, stopping you before you grab all of the apple pancakes she has made.
“Fine, you can have one, Henry.” You joke, putting just one on his plate from the stack in front of you.
“Be nicer, honey.” Emma kisses the crown of your head, before sitting next to you. You smile, putting two more on his plate.
“There, you’re eating just as much as me now.”
“Listen kids, today Emma and I will be working with Mr. Gold to see if we can lift the protection spell around the city. You two will spend the day with the Charmings.”
“Oh, come on, moms. We’re old enough to help!” Henry says and you agree.
“Of course you are. And we will need your help when the time comes. Just, well, you know how is like to work with Mr. Gold-”
“Always an adventure.” You and Henry say in unison.
“Something like that.” Emma agrees looking like she wanted to disagree, instead. “Besides, I thought you had archery lessons with your grandma today?”
“Yes!” You agree, excitedly.
“And Henry, you will be hanging out with your grandpa at the station, right?” She gets his answer in the form of a nod. “Well, great, we’re all very busy today. But we’re still meeting at Granny’s tonight for dinner, ok?”
“Sure thing, mom.” You get up and kiss her head. “See you guys later, I’m late to meet grandma.” You kiss Regina’s head right after. “Bye, mom. Squirt, wanna a ride?”
“Stop calling me squirt.” Henry complains, getting up from the table. “See you later, moms.” He follows you to the front of the house. “Don’t run so fast, I just ate.”
“You know I only have two speed levels. Fast or breaking the sound barrier.” He jumps on your back and out you go, fast enough to be at the station in a blink of an eye. “See you later!”
It doesn’t take long before you and Snow White are walking in the woods close to the city. You love spending time in the woods with her. You love just sitting in silence and letting your senses become even more refined. Sure, you have super hearing, but she teaches you how to focus even on the simpler things. Leaves in the wind, steps in the woods, birds chirping. There’s no other place you feel as in peace as in the woods with Snow.
“So? How are the woods today?” She asks, hand on your shoulder.
“Was there ever a time where there wasn’t anyone in the woods doing weird stuff?” You ask, making Snow laugh loudly next to you.
“Not in Storybrooke.” Snow agrees with a smile and points a direction for you both to walk.
“How do you want to do this?” You ask, putting your bow into position and closing one eye, looking around.
“Like we shall do everything.” You look at her and she winks at you. “Together.”
You miss the shot. You try again. Your arrow breaks. You try again. You lose your temper. You try yet again.
Day after day. Week after week. Month after month.
‘Together’ is the word to live by.
“Mom, can you help me take control of the panic attacks?” It’s late at night when you ask her that. Regina is happy that you’re asking for her help, and you two sneak into her office while Emma and Henry watch Space Paranoids.
“Remember,” She holds you, before she starts. “These are nightmares I’m putting in your mind. None of them are real. You’re safe and sound at home with us. Say the word and I’ll stop.”
“But sweetheart, you’ve got to fight it. With all the strength and courage I know you have. Concentrate and fight it.” Regina says, and you nod, closing your eyes.
Your mind is filled with visions. Terrible ones, by the way. You see people dying, by shot guns and swords. It’s a war inside your mind. You know it’s not real, but the feeling is the same. You try to run but your legs feel wobbly and weak, and you fall on your knees. There’s a pool of blood under you and when you look to the side you see Henry with glassy eyes, completely lifeless.
“NOOOO!” Your heart starts beating into your ribcage, as you shake before reaching for him. “Please, please don’t be dead.”
“Concentrate. Focus.”
“HE IS DEAD! IT’S MY FAULT!” You yell, with tears wetting your face.
“It’s not your fault.” Regina says in your ear. “Breathe, sweetheart. Breathe.”
“What’s going on?” You hear his voice. Regina has already stopped filling your mind with visions, but still you see his glassy eyes staring at you. “Hey, open your eyes. I’m here.”
You see him. But your body is still reacting harshly to the vision. You cry and shake. You’ve failed, but you’re not the one to back down.
Day after day. Week after week. Month after month.
You’ll overcome your fears.
“Hey honey!” Emma wakes you up, with an excited greeting, and you roll to the side not opening your eyes just yet. “I could really use your help with something.”
“What is it?” You mumble, still too sleepy to talk.
“We’ve gotta help Ella. And I thought we could have some mother-daughter bonding time.”
“You’re my mother. Isn’t that enough of a bond?” You ask, as a joke, and you get a chuckle in response.
“Come on. It would be much faster if you could fly around and find her for me. Otherwise I would have to use magic to find a shoe and then more magic to track her, and then-”
“Oh my God, ok. I’ll help.” You get up and get ready in seconds. “I know you just want my help because I’m faster than the Flash.”
“Faster than a flash, honey.” Emma corrects you. “Let’s go!”
So you find Ella, just before her evil stepmother shoots her, and you stand tall in front of her because you’re indestructible, and your mom uses magic to contain her evil stepmother, and it’s just another day in Storybrooke. You know, for a really small town, there’s always something going on in here.
“Saving the town with my kid.” Emma throws her arms around your shoulders with a smile. “What mother could ask for more?”
“I don’t know. Sometimes I think being saved probably doesn’t sound so bad.” You complain, getting a tight squeeze from her.
“Sitting around waiting to be saved, with no idea whether someone’s actually going to come for you-” She sighs, loudly. “Trust me, I know doing all the saving all the time sounds exhausting. But waiting around is-is as bad as it can get, honey.”
“I suppose you’re right.”
Day after day. Week after week. Month after month.
Heroism comes first.
“Are you ready?” Snow asks and you agree excitedly. Bow and arrow ready to shoot. You look at her getting in position. “Together.”
You nod, and you two aim at the same spot. Both of the arrows travel together and land side by side in the middle of the target. You smile, excited. “I feel like the Green Arrow!”
“Who’s that?” Snow asks and you look at her furrowing your brows.
“I-I don’t know.” You think and think about how that name just easily left your mouth. Huh. Weird.
Days. Weeks. Months.
“Here comes the town’ superhero!” Emma says when you walk in the kitchen.
“Here is the town’ savior!” You answer with a smile.
“I could use your help out there today, kid!” She widens her smile.
“Doesn’t this town have enough heroes?” You sit next to her, and she kisses the crown of your head, before placing a plate of hot waffles in front of you.
“But only one is super.” She winks, making you giggle in excitement. You’re convinced right away.
Days. Weeks. Months.
“Focus. Concentrate.” Regina says, close to your ear. And you breathe deep trying to do so.
“It's kind of hard when you're talking in my ear.”
“And when the wind blows, or it's raining, or someone's shooting arrows at you. Yes, concentration's hard. That's the point.” She bumps her shoulder on yours. “Sweetheart, you told me you needed help.”
“And I do.”
“Then let me help.” She runs her fingers through your hair slowly. “The world will always throw disappointments, sorrows and pain on our backs. It’s our job to learn how to handle them. I worked very hard for my first reaction to be as Regina and not as the Evil Queen.”
“I know, mom. You said that a million times.” Your answer makes Regina lose her cool a little. And you smile, apologetic. “I’m sorry, you’re right. I asked for help. I need to know how to handle the pain. Please, I’m ready to go on.”
“Close your eyes.” She asks again and you comply. “Are you ready?” You shake your head in agreement.
You see images. Like a lucid dream in your mind. Regina is using magic to alter what you see. And you see destruction, death everywhere. You see Snow’s head detached from her body, Emma bleeding with a sword on her heart, the only thing left from Charming is his hand, still clinging to his sword.
You should be ready by now. In fact, you should be used to it somehow. It’s not the first time you and Regina do this kind of exercise. But it doesn’t matter how many times you see your family bleeding out, totally lifeless in front of you, every single time, without fail, makes your heart beat faster, your lungs stop working, you shake, you start crying and hyperventilating, ready to destroy everything.
“Focus! No fire from the eyes.” You hear Regina’s voice and you come back to yourself a little bit, just to hold back your first reaction. It’s always the eyes.
“But mom is dead.” You cry out, clenching your fist.
“Concentrate. You can do it.”
You can do it.
You kneel before Snow’s head. Breath in while counting to 3. Hold your breath for 3 seconds. Breath out in the same amount of time. You know this isn’t real. Snow is home, and safe. You’re not in the enchanted forest. Nothing here is real.
You unclench your fist. Steadying your breath. You fight the images. Snow’s head goes back to her body. Charming’s hand disappears. Emma opens her eyes.
“You can do it.” You hear again. And you feel the thump in your heart settling back in your ribcage. Beating normal again. Soon enough the entire thing vanishes in front of your eyes. You open your eyes again. Your hands are still shaking a little, but you’re home with your mom, and you’re safe. She smiles fondly at you. “See? I knew you could do it.”
“I did it. I stopped my panic attack.” You say with excitement planted on your face and she hugs you tightly. It doesn’t matter how many months it took you to do so, you still did it.
“How about we celebrate? Guess who lifted the town’s protection spell this morning?”
“Wait, really?” Your eyes widen in excitement.
“Yes! You know what that means?” Regina asks, and you can barely contain yourself, jumping up and down.
“Pizza from the neighborhood city!” You squeak. “Can I go get it? Please mom, let me go get it!”
“Here.” Regina gives you the money. “Bring enough for your grandparents. And Belle. Maybe Hook too. Just anyone who happens to be at Granny’s.”
“So basically the entire city?”
“Basically.” She smiles and you’re almost out the door, when you look back at her and add.
“Did I have any plans for when we could leave town?” You think and think, but nothing comes to mind. “It’s weird, I swear I feel like I’m forgetting something important.”
“Maybe to give mom a kiss?” Regina asks and you smile. Rushing to her and hugging her, before kissing her forehead.
“Yeah, it was probably just a kiss.” You chuckle.
Days. Weeks. Months.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Being Married To Henry’s Characters Would Include...
Requested by @cuisinequeen​: Hi, I love your work. I was just wondering if you could do a headcanon for being married to Clark Kent/Geralt/Sherlock Holmes/Napoleon Solo
Pairing: Clark Kent x Reader, Geralt of Rivia x Reader, Sherlock Holmes x Reader, Napoleon Solo x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, some references, trashy writing lol
Note: This doesn’t include all of his characters, so my apologies if I misled you with the title. Not all that confident in the HCs so sorry about that too
Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @simonsbluee​, @darling-i-read-it​, @fandom-puff​, @thewarriorprincessxo​, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow​, @maan24​, @beckster07890​, @missihart23​
Masterlist | Henry Cavill Masterlist
Clark Kent
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You know he’s superman, therefore, you gotta expect the unexpected
Kiss: Level 100
helping him keep his identity secret isn’t always easy-
you wanna kiss him even when he’s superman but fuck you need him to remain undetected
but you manage
Little hc of the first few months after getting married:
Clark comes home late after a fight you see on tv
you turned it off before anything else happened, too worried already
he’s beat up
your eyes are red and puffy with tear stained cheeks as you stand and cross your arms.
you bet your ass there were cuddles that night.
Later into the marriage, he still scares you like that, but you’ve grown somewhat used to it and wipe the tears away
He’s protective of you too though
Aight sorry, but the gif is making me addicted to Henry kisses so Imma say it again,
best fucking make out sessions ever
yes, I’m gonna say that for all four.
fuck it, Clark!Kisses HCs
they’re soft half the time, needy the other half
if he comes home from superman duties or you have a run-in with a villain, so on so on, his kisses are rougher, needier, more possessive
bitch, he just needs you to know he’s still alive 🥺😢
Henry in glasses really do be hittin tho.
Stealing his glasses
Calling him a nerd because of the glasses
Probably making it a small joke about superman
Especially with oblivious friends
“I think superman’s a nerd.” “why??” “I just do.”
Having to stifle your laughs every time someone gushes about superman in front of him
Clark has to hold you back so you don’t unleash your wrath of fucking doom upon some oblivious woman who wrote about superman in a news article
She wrote things that would make you jealous, like talking about how she’s curious to his personal life *wink wink* and stuff- you don’t just have a raging fury because someone writes about him
Superman this hoe
You’ve made jokes about how he has to take his ring off when he’s superman, but he’s got a feeling that you’re actually not kidding at all
Exercising with Clark
Cursing him out in breathy pants for being more athletic and cheating with his “alien powers”
he just laughs at you
Ah, the difficulty have having a husband with two identities
When you rant about your husband, it’s so hard not to fuck up and say something about being married to Superman
Forgetting that you’re one of the few who knows his identity
Basking in pride because you’re one of the few who knows his identity
One time, Clark forgot to take his ring off and the person he rescued had known him personally.
He asks where he got the ring-
“What ring?”
“The one on your finger. The wedding ring.”
It felt like his stomach dropped...if that makes sense-
Clark ended up making some random story about finding it on the same plane the guy he rescued was on and that he put it on so he wouldn’t lose it.
The guy still thought he was pretty sus, “why was it on your wedding ring finger then?” but let him off after some time
The guy gave it back to Clark in person, but you had no idea what happened,
so when he gave him the ring, you were watching with the most confused look Clark had ever seen
thankfully, he played it off well and informed you later
He forgot to take off his wedding ring? You “secretly” fist bumped the air- ...he totally saw you though
Geralt Of Rivia
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I don’t think Geralt really expected to get married
Jaskier didn’t either-
He’s the only one who stands when the priest asks if anyone doesn’t accept... only to ask how the fuck Geralt got lucky enough to get you
Everyone laughed but Geralt, he just grunted and looked away with a lil’ bit o pink tinting his cheeks
You demand he lets you go on adventures with him
You also wash him after adventures
wink wonk ;)))
Geralt is a stubborn thing
You’re a stubborn thing
Y’all love each other
When I say that Geralt is a confusing husband-
I mean that he confuses the fuck out of you
“don’t do that”
few minutes later
“I thought you were doing that-”
“You told me not too...?”
“I don’t recall. Do whatever.”
Minutes later.
“What the fuck!?! Don’t do that!”
He’s hard to read and it bugs you
However, it makes a good game out of it
If he ever introduces you as anything but his spouse, you hold a bitter glare while internally plotting
Before you marry, Jaskier hits on you without realizing that Geralt is interested in you
He gulps nervously as soon as it hits him
You might just use that mistake as a way to get back at Geralt for not saying you’re his spouse
Jaskier pleads you not to
like for real
He’s in tears
Congrats, you have a stubborn manbaby for the rest of however long y’all shall live
Geralt is a little distant when it comes to admitting his feelings for you at first
When you’re dating, you’re all over each other
Marriage is that but amplified lmao
Braiding his hair
Teasing him not the wink wonk and getting away with it because you’re his spouse
If Jaskier said anything remotely close to the shit you’ve said, Geralt would probably choke him out
But then resuscitate him cause they’re bros
Seeing the softer side of Geralt
Sure, sex, but getting to know each others bodies? Yes.
His deep n husky morning voice telling you to “get your ass back in bed”
Having the excuse of “because I’m his spouse” anytime you do stuff people are too afraid to do
Jealous bb 1 and jealous bb 2 aka Geralt and Y/n
I think Geralt’s the kind of guy to just pick you up, ignore your flailing limbs, and move you out of the way
He takes shit from no one...well, from you SOMETIMES
Gives in to your requests with a sigh and roll of his eyes most of the time
He was protective of you at first
now he’s PrOtEcTiVe so uh
Basically, number one husband, number two bodyguard
you put yourself first for the bodyguard part, but Geralt doesn’t know that
Sherlock Holmes
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He asks your family for their blessing, then asks you-
I can imagine Mycroft just ranting away and Sherlock drops to his knee
“What are you doing?”
He ignores his brother and proposes to you
Mycroft is confused and upset because he wanted to rant about meaningless things and Sherlock decided to change the topic
Being married means constant visits from Enola
Probably being the “second parents” to Enola
Gossip with Enola and Eudoria about Sherlock and him as a kiddo
Kicking Sherlock out of the house for sleepovers with his sister
Helping Sherlock with cases
Dealing with Sherlock telling you it isn’t safe
still being upset when he’s right you know it
Finding Enola and Eudoria with him
Snapping at Mycroft for how he treats the girl and everyone else
Threatening Mycroft by just being a badass bitch and telling him to fuck off every now and then
Long story short, you make Enola laugh and Mycroft scoff as he walks away
He’s a stubborn bean, which now that I think about it- aren’t all Henry’s characters?
While he doesn’t say it much, he loves you
You get paranoid with this character too, as he does work that can be very dangerous as well
When he returns, he doesn’t say much aside from that he’s there now and that he loves you
cuddles with him whispering softly,
“I’m here now.” “I’m safe.” “I’m okay.” “I love you.”
Kisses in public either be quick pecks or minute long for goodbyes, but greetings-
especially after being apart for a while?
He comes home on the train and you’re at the station with his siblings
As soon as he spots you, he sets his stuff down because you’re already running at him
You jump into his arms and kiss him hard, not caring in the slightest about the other people at the station
It makes you smile every time he introduces you as his spouse
You’ve heard it so many times yet it still makes your heart flutter every single time
Napoleon Solo
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The amount of times you’ve just dropped everything and walked away because he was being ‘too serious”-
You say something, he takes it seriously, you groan and stomp away
But then you know you can do the same back to him
Napoleon is an all around awesome husband but he’s not going to just pretend to agree with stuff
Will correct you no matter how embarrassed you get 
Makes up with kisses or stuff idk
Let me be honest, I don’t know much about writing for Napoleon but he is an icon...sometimes
He’s protective
by that I mean he’s stubborn but really it’s his way of keeping you safe
Would probably lock you in your room even though you’re a, a grown ass adult, and b, his spouse for fuck’s sake?!??!
Doesn’t tell you when something’s bothering him unless he feels the need to
“I’m not a fucking mind-reader, Solo!”
“Neither am I but I still manage-”
He doesn’t mean to make you feel bad, he just- emotions and him aren’t the best of friends
Emotions aren’t exactly friends with most of his characters
He’d much rather just speak with actions than admit anything
Sometimes you worry that he’s just fucking with you
When he proposed, it scared the shit out of you ‘cause you thought it was a joke
Never admits to anything willingly...?
Yeah sorry...Idk, that’s all I got :\
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incendiums · 5 months
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[Henry, Bloodthirsty and Heart Hungry]
"Oh please. Who's worrying?" There were beads of sweat running down his brow. Tight breaths, tighter smile. He took her small frame, arm under shoulder blade, as they paced themselves away from enemy lines. A few stray bolts skimmed right over his ear, singeing his skin. "You said it yourself. Nya ha ha!" He was having trouble keeping his breaths even, despite her reassurance.
When was the last time it felt this wrong to die?
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"Just make sure you don't go into the light, ya hear!? We're almost there, kiddo." His words slurred as they tumbled and skipped over his teeth, onto the floor. He's not panicking. He doesn't know how to panic. This feeling was-- he violently whirled around, with poisonous purple aura escaping his sigil and shuttering through the air. It wasn't panic.
It just wasn't.
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dailydaydreamings · 3 years
Best in the Worst Way, Part 13
The Reader has been having a love affair with two Avengers and gets caught in a sticky situation. She’s suddenly faced with life decisions she’s not prepared for, including who to love, what she wants, and is this all worth it?
Okay, this took way way too long to write. A couple of things. A) language warning. B) I’m not a doctor. C) I hope I tagged everyone who wanted to be tagged! I tried! Lmk if not! D) I am a total knob with technology and I don’t know how to comment on my own posts without using my main account, so I’m not ignoring you I swear!
Just a couple more chapters, do you think they’re having girls or boys (or both)?
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Bucky stood in the doorway of your bedroom, a bemused look across his face. His eyebrow twitched upward to say, are you okay with this?
Four weeks ago, the answer would have been a hard no. But you were four weeks into a strict bed rest. Steve spent the mornings at the compound and Bucky spent the mornings with you, and then they switched in the afternoons. You spent most of your time reading or learning to crochet, poorly. You were completely bored out of your mind.
So, you cracked a smile and shrugged a shoulder to let him know you weren’t 100% pleased with the situation.
Bucky’s mouth twitched into a slight smile, “Looks great, Steve.”
Steve looked up from where he sat at the end of the bed, painting your toenails. “You’re doing the other foot, this is a lot harder than it looks.”
You groaned, “How are you still on the first foot?” It had only been forty minutes.
Bucky laughed, “Let me get dinner started, okay? You two have fun.”
Your heart gave a small lurch. Bucky wasn’t okay. Not after your trip to the hospital.
He blamed himself.
You looked over at Steve, who had his tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth he was concentrating so hard on your pinky toe. You kicked him in the chest with your other foot.
He blinked in surprise, “What was that for?”
You gave him an exasperated look, “Go talk to him.”
Steve looked down at your foot again, “Babe, he’s fine?”
You kicked him again. Harder. “He still blames himself for what happened, dumbass.”
It was no one’s fault really. If anyone was to blame it was your biology. But Steve had yelled at Bucky about the sex, blamed him for the bleeding, on the way to the hospital. Dr Lawrence had said the sex hadn’t caused it but nothing had been the same since. Bucky hadn’t slept in the same room as either of you since. He came in to check on you and Steve. He cracked jokes, made dinner, but kept his distance.
He was beating himself up for this and you weren’t going to take it anymore.
When Steve didn’t answer, you started to heave yourself up, “If you won’t go talk to him, I will.”
“No, no,” Steve put his hand on your shoulder, forcing you to sit. “I will okay. I’m sorry.”
An hour later, Bucky and Steve came in carrying food. Steve handed you a plate and settled in beside you, Bucky seemed to be hesitant to join. He stood beside the bed, ringing his hands nervously.
Your heart gave a little lurch, he did a really good job at making himself look small.
You opened your arm up to him, “Come sit with me, baby.”
He seemed to rock back and forth on his heels, “Every time I want to touch you, my head screams at me that you’re going to start bleeding again.”
You looked over at Steve, who hung his head slightly. He knew this and you’d beat his ass for it later.
“I’m okay, baby, I swear,” you lied through your fucking teeth. “Come sit with me, please.”
Bucky sat at the edge of the bed, not touching you. This would be a start tomorrow he would scoot an inch closer. In three days you’d be hip to hip. In a week he’d kiss your forehead. It would be okay.
But for now, you started with, “So can someone tell me something interesting please? Facebook can only keep me so entertained.”
Four Weeks Ago
Dr Laurence was wearing heels. At four am.
It was such an odd detail, but it was the first thing you noticed when you got to the hospital. You didn’t even make it to the compound. The hospital was closer.
Steve carried you into the ER, yelling frantically for help. You were placed on a gurney, and Dr Laurence was at your side a moment later. She was speaking quickly, but you weren’t sure what she way saying. She looked to Bucky and Steve for answers. She was putting gloves on, reaching for the ultrasound.
You were looking at her shoes. Valentino nude pumps, you’d seen them online two days ago and laughed at the price.
You were barely aware that the ultrasound probe had entered you.
Bucky was petting your hair.
You just stared at her shoes.
The moment you looked away, you would have to start to cope with Steve screaming at Bucky the whole way here. The way your sheets were stained with blood at home. The fact you had a house showing in the morning, and you were going to miss it. The fact you had a million unopened boxes of baby things in your apartment.
Your head just screamed the moment you looked away from Dr Laurence’s shoes, she would tell you your babies were dead.
Your ears rang.
Yesterday, they’d been so active. You were cursing their movements begging for a moment of reprieve. You’d do anything for a small kick right now.
“Y/n!” Dr Laurence looked up at you from between your legs.
You lifted your head from the bed, you tried to speak but no words came out.
She motioned at the ultrasound, “It looks like placenta previa. The bleeding seems to have stopped, but I’m going to get you a transfusion. We’re just looking for a heartbeat now...”
You frowned, placenta previa, that was something you’d read about. That was a normal risk, something that could happen to anyone. And the babies...
The familiar sound of their heartbeats filled your ears.
It was the most beautiful sound in the world.
That was it. The flood gates opened and you started to sob. Steve wrapped his arms around you first. Bucky was next, he embraced the two of you, kissing your forehead gently.
Their words filled your ears, setting a blanket of comfort over you.
“They’re okay, you’re okay.”
“It’ll be okay, you’ve got this.”
“Breathe, just breathe for now.”
“We love you so, so much.”
“Okay, we cannot be this unorganized, guys seriously?” You pinched the bridge of your nose.
Busy and Steve stood at the end of the bed, their arms crossed over their chest. You sat in bed, your hair in the messiest of buns, looking down at the mess they’d brought you to sort through.
“Well what do you propose?” Steve asked.
“For starters,” You motioned at the mountain of baby clothes in front of you, “Why do we have eight different outfits that were brining to the hospital. There’s two babies.” You held up two fingers for emphasis.
Bucky scratched his head, “This mommy blog said you need two outfits, in case one of them doesn’t fit. Plus, we don’t know if we’re having a boy or a girl.”
“They should look cute when coming home,” Steve asserted.
You only blinked. If someone had said this would be your life one year ago, you would have died laughing.
“Okay, fine,” you grabbed the nearest shirt. “We could go gender neutral, you know that right?”
It’s not like you had any shortage of gendered clothing though either. Tony had loaded you up with boy clothing, swearing you would be having two. Natasha had done the same for girl clothing. And Steve had managed to pick out the most extravagant outfits from each section.
“We can,” Steve conceded. “But I want us to have options. See what they look like when they come out.”
Your nose crinkled. You fucking hated that. Come out. Like they would just slide out of you, no issues.
You rubbed your temples, “Okay, but I refuse to have my kids dress matchy matchy their entire lives. They can if they want, but I will never make them wear the same outfit.”
Bucky chuckled, coming to sit on the bed beside you, “That’s going to go over well.”
You glared at him as he completely destroyed your pile of folded baby clothes.
Steve ran his hand through his hair aggressively, “But they’d look so cute.”
You shook your head, “Only if they want to. They need to have their own personalities.”
Steve looked ready to lose his mind, “But...pictures.”
You levelled him with your mom look. You’d been practicing. “I’ll give you Christmas cards. If the two of you also dress matchy matchy if we have a boys.”
“Deal,” Steve didn’t even hesitate.
You could picture it now. Two little boys in dorky ugly Christmas sweaters and beige khakis, their hair spiked up and Steve and Bucky marching to a tee. Oh it would be glorious, but you realized a moment too late you had forgotten yourself in that picture.
You cleared your throat, “Okay, names.”
Bucky reached over, rubbing his hand over where the babies were most active. A slight smile played on his lips as he leaned over to brush his lips over your bare skin.
You tried your best to ignore the shiver of pleasure that went down your spine.
“I don’t care,” Bucky murmured, “I think we should see what they look like when they come out.”
“No,” you ran your hand through his hair. “We pick now or at least get some options.”
Steve came to sit on your other side, disrupting the rest of your pile. You rolled your eyes, so much for nothing.
“Poppy?” He suggested.
You shook your head, “I like Penelope, not Poppy. I don’t believe in naming a kid a nickname. It feels final.”
They both looked at you funny, but you stood by it.
“What about Carter,” you suggested.
“No!” Both boys said in unison. You stopped, thinking about why that name wouldn’t work before bursting out laughing.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Steve!” You reached over to stroke his face. “Not Carter.”
He chuckled, “It’s not a bag suggestion. I’d love to honour Peggy, but Sharron might think I named them after her.”
You burst out laughing. What an awkward situation that would be. One you’d pay to see.
“Okay, guys,” you snapped your fingers a couple of times, “We need a couple more names. Some more ideas. Let’s go.”
The name started flowing, and you started feeling more comfortable. Aaron, Grace, Henry, Bonnie, Andrew, Katherine.
You relaxed into your pillows. Your babies would have names. No matter what happened.
The boys stayed awake at your side while you slept.
You woke a couple of hours, having only slept for what felt like a short moment to find the two of them drinking coffee and nibbling on muffins.
“You look like shit,” you commented, stretching an arm over your head.
Bucky raised an eyebrow, “Look in the mirror, sweetheart.”
You grasped your hand to you chest in mock hurt, “Oh, burn.” You said sarcastically.
Steve chuckled, getting up to come over and kiss your forehead, “We’re just glad you’re okay.”
You stroked his beard lovingly, “I’m okay, and now I’m worried about you two. I’m fine, go home and shower and sleep. Please.”
Steve pressed another kiss to your forehead before moving to sit down beside Bucky, “Not gonna happen, baby.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m not going to have the babies today. You’re useless to me tired. Go home. Please.”
Bucky shook his head, “We’ll take turns, how about that?”
You rolled your eyes, “You two need to talk and go get me some stuff. Please, let me worry about you two right now instead of myself. Just for a moment. It would make me feel better if you just got some rest at home.”
It took some more convincing, but they finally left. And you were left in peaceful silence. You looked down at your belly. One of the babies gave a swift kick. You smoothed over the spot gently, “I love you, please stay in there a while longer, okay?”
“We’re going to do everything in our power to do so,” Dr Laurence stood in the door way.
You smiled, “I can’t thank you enough for being here last night.”
She nodded, coming to sit on the stool by your bed. She didn’t look happy. You braced a hand protectively over your belly.
She tapped her tablet with a manicured nail, “I’m concerned.”
“I’m not going to be gentle. Your blood pressure is through the roof,” she clarified. “You’re at risk for preeclampsia, your labs suggest that this half of your pregnancy is going to be hard. You’re in for a world of hurt. And I don’t think delivery is going to be any easier. I don’t think a vaginal delivery will be an option. You will be on bed rest until you give birth, and I doubt you’ll make it to thirty five weeks. In all honestly, I’ll be impressed if you make it to thirty. But your medical history and labs also suggests a c-section is also not a good option.”
You let out a little laugh, leaning back against the headboard. “The last time I saw you, you were singing praises for how well things were going.”
Her mouth tightened into a thin line, “I also said you should be taking it easy and lowering your stress levels.”
You narrowed your eyes at her, “Are you suggesting I did something wrong?”
Dr Laurence raked a hand through her hair, “I’m not saying you did, but I’m saying we need to start taking this seriously now because I’m not sure how to get the three of you through a safe delivery.”
Your mouth went dry. ‘The three of you,’ had always been you, Bucky, and Steve. It took on a whole new meaning when it was in reference to you and your children.
You may not have lost them last night, but you were well on your way.
“You’ll be on strict bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy,” Dr Laurences’ voice softened. “The good news is, the bleeding has stopped and you’ll be able to go home soon for a couple of weeks at least. We’ll do everything we can to get your blood pressure under control.”
Your hands shook as you reached up to wipe away a tear. “Not of a word of this to the boys.”
Her eyesbrows rose to her hairline, “They need to know so they can take care of you.”
You shook your head, “I have one who is a stiffling mother hen. If he’s worked up, so am I. And the other one is recovering from a major head trauma. He doesn’t remember everything in the last eighteen months. The only thing I can do for him now is to help him get back to where he was.”
“No,” Dr Laurence shook her head. “You need to take this seriously now or you will not make it through delivery. If they think you’re fine and brush it off as a little blood, you will end up in a much worse situation.”
You laughed, rolling your eyes. “We’re not going to play this game, doctor. I will take this seriously and if you put me on bed rest, I will follow it. I just don’t want the risks exposed to my boyfriends. And, you do get to tell them without my consent.”
Dr Laurence looked like she was ready to throw her tablet. “Fine, but the moment things start going south, you will end up in hospital supervised bed rest.”
You glared right back at her, “Looking forward to it.”
You sat between your boys watching TV when it happened.
You paused, your food halfway to your face as you felt another tightening in your stomach. They had been happening all day, but all of the sudden you were aware of one thing, it was far too painful for it not to be a contraction.
You dropped your fork onto the duvet.
“What’s wrong?” Steve asked jumping to his feet.
You quirked your head to the side, looking down at your belly, “I think I’m in labour.”
“Shit!” Steve was suddenly gone.
Bucky calmly took your plate and fork and put them on the side table, “You sure?”
“Mmhmmm,” you hummed, as you let out a long breath. “We probably have hours to go though.”
Bucky nodded, “Let me call Dr Laurence.”
Your mouth tightened. She was the last person you wanted to see. You especially didn’t want to hear her gloat that she was right, you’d only made it to thirty-two weeks. Damn her.
Steve’s head popped in the room, “But it’s too early!” And he was gone again.
Your eyebrows rose to your hair line, he was taking this as well as you expected.
On your other side, Bucky put his phone to his chest and said, “Dr Laurence wants you to come in right away.”
You pinched your nose, “I don’t want to labour for the next twelve hours there when I can do it from home.”
Bucky relayed that information to her. And then asked, “Has your water broken?”
You shook your head.
Steve walked through the bedroom, going into the bathroom, talking a mile a minute. “—and we don’t have enough nipple cream!” Was all you caught. You could hear drawers being rummaged through in the bathroom.
“She says to come in anyways,” Bucky relayed to you. “And she says you’re clearly not taking this seriously.”
You rolled your eyes, of course she did.
“And we need another bathroom,” Steve murmured as he walked out of the room again.
“Fine,” you snapped. “And go calm Steve down.”
Another contraction hit hard. Your breath hitched.
Your birth plan, if you were having a vaginal delivery, was to go all natural, but now you were thinking an epidural sounded wonderful.
“You okay?” Bucky rubbed your back.
You took deep breaths, but nodded weakly. “Let’s go, please.”
He nodded, leaving the room to get Steve and your bags, but Steve stood at the door, bags in hand and simply said, “We need to go, guys.”
Bucky came around the bed to help you up. His arms around you, you barely made it out the bedroom before you felt a rush of fluids.
“Well, fuck.” Bucky mumbled.
@booktease21 @sexyvixen7 @just-the-hiddles @fading-mentality-bouquet @a--1--1--3 @broco8 @yougottalovefandoms @hailqueenconquer @tazzi-baby @imaginebeinlovedbyme @amiets2 @prettyblueskylark @spookyparadisesheep @bloodbrink @holl2712
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write-orflight · 4 years
Settle Down: Prologue
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**Gif Not Mine**
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Pairings: SpencerXReader (kinda enemies to lovers) 
Rating: M
Words: 2.5K
Warnings: None, will be smut in eventual chapters
Summary: Y/N and Spencer don’t get along but turn to each other for the one thing you need someone else for... A baby. You can plantonically start a family, right?
A.N: this is a bad bio but idk how else to put it. it’s a baby fic! I wouldn’t say this is enemies to lovers but they certainly don’t like each other at first so it kinda is. comment on this chap or message to be on the taglist. much love, Cia
                Prologue:  A Powerpoint, Really? 
If you had told 16 year old Y/N that she’d be working at the FBI, she would’ve called you batshit. 
Not only, did you not have any respect for authority or any inclination for rules in that matter, working for the FBI was never in the forefront of your mind. But when given the option of Jail or a full time job with benefits, it was fairly easy to make a choice. You remember the first day when you met your work partner and now best friend Penelope Garcia or specifically the day she caught you. 
You were waiting tables like you did every weekend to stay afloat. Today was unreasonably slow so you were just finding small things to do. That’s when she came in, an extremely brightly dressed woman, sat at the bar of the diner. 
“Hi, how can I help you?” You smile at the woman who looks up at you and smiles. 
“Yes, I’m looking for the Emerald City.” She says, smirking at you. Your face drops, you knew what she was talking about. 
When you started hacking it was only supposed to be a one time thing. You grew up poor, spent most of your life poor so when you saw your childhood home was set to be demolished to build a fancy new headquarters for Scotty Realins, an upcoming asshole tech CEO, without a cent going to your parents.  Something in you snapped. You had already been pretty decent at code and you flirted with a couple of guys in your STEM classes to learn how to hack so you would say you were pretty good at this point. So you hacked into the website and made sure all the Revenue for that day actually was wired to lower-income housing. At the end of the day, it was only a couple hundred thousand dollars but what was pennies to Scotty Realins changed some people's lives. 
So you started doing it more, to different companies under the pseudonym OZ. The money always went to different places that needed it whether it was paying the rent for a bunch of families or anonymous large donations to food banks or soup kitchens. You gained a bit of fame in the hacker community as a modern day Robin Hood. 
All good things come to an end though. And the end was standing in front of you in clunky, rainbow colored jewelry. 
“You don’t look like a cop.” you say, crossing your arms. 
“I’ll do you one better.” She says, pulling her FBI badge out, showing it to you briefly. You curse under your breath. “I’ve been following you for a while, OZ. Though I wasn’t expecting the man behind the curtain to be a woman. I will say, having my computers route back to a loop of “We’re not in Kansas anymore.” everytime I tried to track your IP was impressive. I couldn’t even be mad about it.” 
“Clearly not that impressive because you found me.” 
“Still took me longer than usual, which is saying a lot.” 
“This is a really long winded conversation if you’re just here to arrest me.” You say, taking off your apron. No use in keeping it on if you were going to be in handcuffs soon. 
“That’s because I’m not here to arrest you. I’m here to offer you a job, to work under me as a Tech Analyst in the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI.” Penelope says. 
“And if I don’t want to?” 
“Then you’re going to want a lawyer and my very good handsome friend outside is going to arrest you. You’re smart and you have a chance to help people which is why you started hacking in the first place, right? Please don’t make me do that.” She looked at you pleadingly like she really cared and didn’t want you to go to prison. You didn’t say anything but something told you she’d been in the same boat as you before. 
“Hmmm…. I’m tired of waiting tables anyway.” 
So you uprooted your life and moved from Philadelphia to Quantico. Garcia took you under her wing and pretty soon the two of you functioned in her batcave like a well oiled machine. You could do without the constant gore that filled your screens but at the end of the day, you loved what you were doing and you wouldn’t change that for the world. 
The team was an added bonus, it was nice to have your own little found family. Garcia, of course, taking on the role as best friend mere days after your first meeting. You met Derek Morgan right after you agreed to take the job, he’d been there to arrest you and was very glad he wouldn’t have to do that. He told you often about how you reminded him of his sister and he regarded you in the role of younger sister from that day on. The next person you met had been Aaron Hotchner, your new boss. It took him a couple of weeks to warm up to you, you guessed he had a difficulty trusting new people and when he would call you guys for information he would always ask for Garcia instantly instead of you, not very trusting in your skills yet. Though that changed when you had been the one to track down the Unsub once. 
Rossi was easily won over when you told him about your Italian side of the family, specifically your grandmother who loved to cook and left you a lot of recipes. You and him often went back and forth in sharing dishes. Emily and JJ had also been easily won over with one bottle of tequila and a regrettable girls night. 
Then there was Dr. Spencer Reid.     
You had a lot of opinions on Dr. Reid, most of them weren’t good. It wasn’t like you hated him in fact, you’d consider him a friend but the two of you seemed to butt heads on well, everything. Both of you needing to be the smartest in the room and neither of you wanting to admit when you’re wrong will do that though. You still respected Spencer though, he was an extreme asset to the team and he was your best friend’s other best friend so you couldn’t really hate the guy. 
You also didn’t have to like him. 
So you had a good job, good friends, a nice house to live in. You were finally happy, content even. So why did it feel like something was missing? 
The something missing came in a stroller pushed by JJ the next week. 
The last case had been rough. Really rough. So while the team was on their way back you and Garcia hatched a plan for JJ to come visit from maternity leave and surprise everyone with the baby. While you guys were waiting for them to land, Garcia wanted to show JJ something she had gotten her godson so JJ asked if you could watch him and feed him until she got back, which you obviously agreed to. As you were feeding the child his bottle, and his ravioli sized fist wrapped around your finger you realized what had been missing. 
Fuck, you wanted a kid. 
You told Garcia first, it slipped when she noticed how off you were being. You wanted to have a kid bad now and you knew you didn’t want to wait. Penny tried to convince you that you’d “find the right person” but let’s face it, with this job, long term relationships were few and far inbetween. Plus you didn’t need a man, you had a good job and insurance, you knew you could provide a child with a life full of love it deserved. So you made an appointment at a fertility clinic. As the doctor was talking to you about your options, you felt yourself feeling more and more down about your decision and that only increased as you looked in the book of sperm donors in front of you. You looked at too many serial killers daily that it made you uneasy, carrying a stranger's baby. Maybe Garcia was right and your best bet was to wait for ‘the right guy.’ Even though you really didn’t want to. 
You walked into work later, a little sullen. Heading immediately towards the coffee machine. Penelope, who had been at Derek’s desk, makes a beeline towards you.  
“So how’d it go?” She says, smiling. “Did you make an appointment to be baby-fied?” 
You sigh. “I couldn’t do it, Pen.” You say, frowning. “I just-- We see so much here that I don’t want to accidentally end up with a sociopath’s baby because I couldn’t wait.” 
“But you don’t want to wait, do you?” She says softly, empathizing with you. 
“No, I don’t.” You sigh again, finishing making your cup before walking back out into the bullpen. JJ had brought Henry again for the others to see on the slow paperwork day. You tried not to look bitter but it was like she was flaunting the one thing you couldn’t have, even if it was unintentional. You watched as she handed the baby to Spencer, who instantly smiled and made faces at the laughing baby. 
“Spencer is actually a surprisingly good godfather.” Garcia says, smiling at the exchange in front of you. “Kinda makes you wonder what he’d be like with his own baby geniuses.” She says before walking over to the group and scooping her godson out of Spencer’s arms, Spencer still held on to his fist with his pinky, smiling down at the child. 
“Yea…” You say, to no one in particular. 
You had an idea. A probably bad one. 
You were sitting in the coffee shop, nervously fiddling on your laptop while waiting for Spencer. You were surprised he even agreed to meet with you for coffee though you were sure he was just doing it out of curiosity because you told him you had something important to talk about. You weren’t even sure if you were going about this the right way. Hey Spencer, I know we’re not even friends but how would you feel about fathering my child? God, this was going to be terrible. 
You looked up when you heard the tell-tale bell on the door indicating someone walking in. Spencer gave you a small wave before going to the counter to get a coffee. You took that time to nervously sip yours. Your heart was beating a mile a minute, it was now or never. 
“Hey.” Spencer says, when he finally gets to the table, coffee in hand. “Why are you all the way in the corner?” 
“This isn’t really a conversation I want overheard.” 
Spencer tilts his head confused at that. “So what is the conversation we’re supposed to be having. I asked Garcia but she seemed to also have no idea.” 
“Yea, I didn’t tell her on account of this maybe going extremely bad.” You say, before sighing and turning your laptop around so Spencer could see the Powerpoint screen you have on it. When he reads it,  he chokes on his coffee.
“A Powerpoint, really?” He chokes, still coughing around the coffee. “Y/N, what is this?” 
“This is Reasons Why You Should Make a Baby With me.” 
“Yea, I got that from the title, Y/N.” He says, still shocked. “Is this a joke?!” 
“I wish it was, Reid.”
“Can I at least ask why you thought a Powerpoint was the best way to ask?”   
“Because I felt you’d be more inclined to consider it if you knew I spent time on a presentation.” 
“That’s true.” He leans back, taking a sip of his coffee, gesturing for you to continue. You hit the next slide. 
“Ok, reason number one is we both want kids.” You say, looking at him. “Garcia told me the other day that you were talking about how much you wanted a kid and I also want a kid.”  
“I did tell Garcia that.” He muses. 
“Reason two, an offspring between us would probably result in another genius. As you know, you are smart.” 
“And I am smarter.” You say, Spencer opens his mouth to protest but you keep talking. “A child between us could probably be the next Einstein.” 
Spencer nods and you continue. “Reason three, I’d be a great mom.” 
“That’s a debatable fact.” 
“No, it’s not. You’ve seen me around kids, have I ever given an inclination that I wouldn’t be?” You ask, he shakes his head. “Plus, I happen to think you’d be a great father. Which brings me to Reason 4.” You say clicking through the next slide. “If you don’t want to be involved in raising that’s fine. I’m perfectly fine raising the child myself an--” 
“What?! No!” Spencer says, sitting up. “If I do agree to have this baby, which I’m not completely doing yet. I want to be involved, I want them to know I’m their father and that I didn’t abandon them because I know what that’s like.” He says, seriously. You nod, already knowing this about Spencer. 
“Reason 5: I’d be the perfect platonic co-parent, I won’t ask you for anything unless it’s pertaining to the child and if you decide that later down the road you want your own family, I’d be supportive and help you along the way.”
Spencer nods. “We’re never home enough for a baby.” 
“That’s where you’re wrong because I’ll be here. I mainly stay here anyway and if there’s ever a case where you need a tech analyst to fly out, Garcia’s already agreed to have it already be her when I floated the baby idea around last month.”  
Spencer hummed, silent for a second. “You really want a kid, huh?” 
“Yes.” You say. 
“So much so you’re asking me?” Spencer says, matter-of-factly. “A Coworker you barely speak to?”
Well, when he says it like that. 
“Yes. I’m asking because while we don’t get along the best you are still one of the most compassionate, understanding men I know. And I know that if I have to raise this kid with somebody, you would love them just as much as I would.” You say, Spencer nods at that. “So, please?” 
Spencer sighs. “When’s your next appointment? At the fertility clinic?” 
You didn’t even want to ask how he knew about that. “Next tuesday.” 
He nods. “I’m going with you.” He says, standing, pulling the strap of his messenger bag over his shoulder. “This isn’t a yes.” 
“It’s not a no, either.” You point out. 
“No, it’s not.” He says, leaving you behind in the coffee shop with a huge grin on your face.
Taglist: @moonshinerbynight​ @crimeshowtrash​
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Reminiscing // Elijah Mikaelson
Summary: In a rare moment of peace, you find yourself thinking back over the centuries shared with the one you love.
A/N: I AM A FOOL FOR ELIJAH MIKAELSON. My taglist is open for The Originals - if you would like to be added, let me know!!
Warnings: fluff, history, established relationship, vampires, mentions of blood and death, mourning and grief, female pronouns, use of ‘wife’, dialogue heavy.
Word count: 1.8k
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The house was quiet.
A rare occurrence in the Mikaelson household, but for first time in the months, the house was quiet. There was so furious shouting from Klaus, there was no attempts at mediation from Elijah. It was all quiet, and it was all peaceful.
When such a thing happened, it was very much the time to take hold of the rarity with both hands, gripping onto it for dear life in the hopes that the peace and quiet does not end too soon.
You sit in the library; finally put back together after one of Klaus’ anger fits. The books line the shelves in the correct order; a painstaking task you had completed after Klaus had apologised to you, knowing how much you cared for the almanacs and folios hidden away in the priceless Mikaelson collection.
The chair you had chosen to sit in was one that had come with you from the continent when the family had first settled in New Orleans. You had found it at a markets, immediately buying it and having it brought home with you that very day. Elijah had said nothing, indulging you with a roll of his eyes and a kiss to your lips. He very rarely argued with you, knowing that more often than not, you would have been right to make such a purchase.
The photo album remains open on your lap as you stare down at the images stuck to the pages. Time had aged the album; the pages becoming worn at the corners and browning further with each passing year.
This was the first album you had picked up; knowing it had the most pictures of the family in it. In particular, this album was home to perhaps your favourite photograph of yourself and Elijah. It had been taken spontaneously; unaware that a photographer even stood close by. Your bodies are angled towards each other as if each other’s true north. Elijah’s expression is soft as he glances down at you; the beginnings of a smile poking at the corners of his mouth as he readies himself to laugh at whatever you might have been saying in that moment. His hand rests delicately on your waist as your face is turned upwards; your eyes shining brightly as your hands gesture wildly, punctuating your story.
Footsteps sounding bring you out of your reminiscing. Instead, you greet the subject of the photo, smiling widely at your husband as he enters the library, adjusting the cufflinks on his tailored shirt.
“I knew I would find you here,” Elijah comments, a hand brushing over your shoulder and the back of your neck as he walks past you.
“I’m making sure Klaus doesn’t take out his anger on anymore of the family collection.”
Elijah chuckles, “I don’t think that will happen again. He’s too scared of your reaction.”
“As he should be,” You declare, puffin out your chest proudly at the fact that the hybrid would be too scared to even touch the precious books and histories housed in this very room.
“The Great War?” Elijah asks, pointing to the album in your lap, not expecting an answer. He reaches for the photo album, beginning to flick through the pages as he wanders around the room. “My dear, whatever brought this on?”
“It’s been so peaceful recently. I wanted to take a moment to remember.”
“To remember?”
“Our past, my love. We have been together for over a thousand years, married for just short of that. I wanted to remember the peace.”
Elijah doesn’t answer. He simply watches you, watches the emotions flit over your face as you communicate your feelings. The last few months haven’t been easy on anyone in the Mikaelson family; the permanent target on your backs making it hard to live everyday life. Klaus continuing to make enemies left, right and centre didn’t help the matter either.
A thousand years. A thousand years he has loved you; has never loved anyone but you. His life prior to being a vampire flashes before him; a strong man, destined for great and noble things and completely in love with you – kind and caring. The relationship happened quickly, but the both of you knew that your eternities were intertwined. The curse put on him by his mother perhaps made him more selfish of all; turning you to ensure your eternities would always remain intertwined.
“Why the Great War?” He finally asks after a moment of silence.
“It was the first time we got our hands on a camera. We had seen them before, in France, but this was the first time we had owned one.”
“Rebekah loved it. She was forever posing in some ostentatious dress.”
You chuckle, your body warming at the obvious fondness in Elijah’s voice. He would berate her fashion sense, but he would never speak ill of his beloved little sister.
“Do you remember the summer we spent in England? It had to have been 1812 or 1813?”
“And you let Rebekah promenade for the season?” You start to giggle, “She had so many suitors! I have never seen Klaus so mad!”
“It wasn’t just Niklaus,” Elijah recalls, “I had so many angry missives from mothers who wanted to marry their daughters off that season but couldn’t because of Rebekah.”
You snort, remembering the empire waists of those months spent in London. The weather had been particularly wonderful that year; the sun continuing to shine for days on end. More time had been dedicated to walks in the park than they had been to being cooped up inside. Whilst the fashion of the time could be debatable, the company of your husband was very much desired.
“You were the diamond of that season, my love,” Elijah comments, bringing you back to the present.
You roll your eyes at the love of your eternal life, “You have to say that. I’m your wife.”
“What would you have me say?” Elijah asks, eyes bright with happiness, “As I recall Lady Earnshaw was particularly handsome that year too.”
“Lady Earnshaw!” You gasp.
“She loved me,” Elijah defends, holding a hand to his chest as if wounded by your words.
“Of course she did! You flirted with her every chance you got.”
“Jealous, my love?”
“Never,” You snort, remembering the aged face of the stubborn matriarch, “Lady Earnshaw was a day over eighty if I ever remember her.”
Silence descends over the both of you; memories of a past once thought long forgotten now washing over you. There was much to think of when one has lived for over a thousand years. The first few months after your transition were blurry; the pangs of hunger making your thirst practically insatiable – unable to think of anything but feeding. Yet, as you aged and found your place in society on Elijah’s arm and in his heart, your memories become refined – punctuated with moments of joy and pangs of heartbreak.
It had not been an easy existence. Family’s often fallout and Klaus had no qualms about punishing his siblings. However, in and amongst those dreaded recollections were rare moments of peace. Moments that were sought after and savoured; relished by every member of the Mikaelson family.
“Do you remember the sixteenth century?” You ask, mind faraway in the past.
Tudor England had been where you were happiest. You loved New Orleans, adored the culture and the people that came along with it, but Tudor England had its charms as well. For the millennia that you had been walking the earth, you had always found home in Elijah, knowing that he would be with you for an eternity and more. Yet, Tudor England had a hold on you. Having to leave the court of Henry and not return until Elizabeth had been crowned; it had been the longest decade of your immortal life.
“How could I forget?” Elijah laughs, “You have our miniatures in your bedside table.”
“Nicholas Hilliard was a dear friend,” You admonish thinking of the artist with great fondness.
“Queen Elizabeth I was never my biggest fan, was she?”
“You did take her sugared violets away from her,” You remind him, a smile in your voice as you remember the anger in the monarch’s voice once she realised who had in fact stolen her precious sweets.
“Her teeth had rotted away completely!” Elijah protests, throwing his arms wide as he defends his actions from centuries ago.
“So what would more sugar do? She had already lost her teeth, love. As I recall, her breath wasn’t all too pleasant.”
Elijah grins, remembering your pinched expression every time the monarch sought your attention, “You were her favourite.”
You shrug effortlessly, lifting a single shoulder. “I can’t help that she had good taste.”
“You wound me, love,” Elijah moans, smiling widely. His playful side came out rarely, but when it did, it was a treat for those nearby.
“You also refused to call her Elizabeth,” You continue, ignoring Elijah’s noise of protest, “You would call her ‘Betty’.”
“She didn’t mind the name when I was in her father’s court. I still argue to this day that I didn’t deserve her shoe being thrown in my face when I let her nickname slip out of fondness.” Elijah argues, crossing his arms as he thinks back to the small redheaded child he had first encountered almost five hundred years ago.
“She wasn’t the Queen then, darling. She was five years old and in need of a mother.”
“You were wonderful as her closest confidant. She thought of you as her mother.” Elijah comments quietly; his mind still on the small child of five – bright red hair combined with a wide smile. Elizabeth had become attached to both you and Elijah; finding adoptive parents in both of you when you showed her the smallest of attentions. It was hard to say no to such a child.
“It broke my heart to leave her,” You reply, your non-beating heart lurching at the memory of not only the tearful teenager, beginning to question why you hadn’t aged, but also of the weary monarch. Elizabeth had been very ill at the end, and you had refused to leave her. Ignoring the wishes of your husband and your family, staying with her until the end.
“I know it did,” Elijah murmurs, his hand seeking yours as he sits down next to you. “You were solemn for months, nothing I did could bring you round.”
“I had to mourn, Elijah.”
Elijah brings your hand to his lips where he kisses the back of it before kissing your knuckles. He keeps your hand close to his mouth as he whispers, “I know.”
You sigh, “It has been a life of mourning, hasn’t it? Time passes and yet I remember every death.”
“You’re not alone, my love.”
You turn to him, a soft smile gracing your lips. “I know. I have you for it all, don’t I?”
“Always and forever,” Elijah quotes, pressing your hand to his chest, holding it above the heart that would never again beat but continues to love you just as fiercely as it had when it beat its familiar rhythm.
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blueeyedheizer · 4 years
avoid - michael gray
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WARNINGS: mentions of death, pregnancy
A/N: not sure if I like this or not lol, also it's not really proofread (actually yes i've proofread it about 50 times but my brain is barely functioning sksjdjdb) aaaand I still don't know how to end my fics
You felt like you were living with a ticking time bomb waiting to blow off. You weren't sure what had caused Michael to be so cold and distant with you today but you knew that if it had anything to do with work, it was better to let him deal with it on his own. He had never been violent towards you —and you knew he would never be— but the idea of him raising his voice at you still made you nervous.
It all started this morning when he got up at about 5 to answer a call and didn't get back to bed after that. Instead he got dressed and left without a word, leaving you alone until he came back in the afternoon. You had figured Tommy must have needed him to take care of something important, but as the day went by and he was still in a mood it was getting clear that it had nothing to do with business.
"My mom wants to pay us a visit next week." you speak hesitantly as Michael walks through the door. He quickly walks past you, whispering a small "alright" on his way.
"She said she has a surprise for us. Probably has to do with the baby." you try to smile but he avoids your gaze. He only nods before grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl and leaving the room silently. Your watch him walk away with concern, the worst thoughts starting to occupy your mind.
Was he seeing someone else? Was he planning on breaking up with you?
You glanced down at your growing bump and shook your head before going back to the dishes, trying not to overthink the situation.
But soon enough, you grew tired of the deafening silence in the house and the lack of company. Michael was definitely avoiding you, staying in his office while you sat alone in the living room, trying to read a book to ease your nerves. With a sigh you closed your book and placed it on the couch next to you before making your way over to your husband's office, determined to get answers.
You didn't even bother to knock before bursting in, causing Michael's head to shoot up and his hand to instinctively reach for the drawer where his gun was safely tucked. He relaxed and leaned back on his chair when he saw you then ran a hand through his hair, sighing heavily.
"What is it, Y/N?"
"What is it?" you scoff. "You've been avoiding me all day, I want to know why." you crossed your arms over your chest, leaning against the doorframe as you waited for an answer.
"I'm not avoiding you." he spoke lowly, as if already annoyed by your presence.
"Oh yeah? Then why are you locked in your office on a sunday, not bothering to speak to me and brushing me off like I'm some stranger you don't want to cross path with?" he doesn't answer and keeps sifting through his papers and writing things down. "Michael, Im talking to you!" you raised your voice.
"Fucking hell Y/N, just leave me alone! You’ve been here all day trying to get me to talk when I clearly don't fucking want to talk to you! You really can't take a hint, can you? Just get the fuck out of here!” he suddenly yells as his first collides with the desk, making you flinch. Your body tenses and the room fills with a heavy silence as you stare at each other, his eyes hard and cold while your own fill with tears, trying hard not to let them slip. You were already a pretty emotional person, but your pregnancy made it all worse so it was obvious you'd start tearing up at the slightest confrontation. After a moment he rips his gaze away from yours and you open your mouth before closing it again. Your heart is beating fast in your chest and you can almost feel a wave of nausea.
"I'm just trying to help, Michael." you murmur, voice shaking.
"Well I don't need your help!"
After a few seconds you walk out of the room, closing the door behind you and allowing yourself to sob.
You hear a few muffled curse words coming from the office as you make your way back into the living room, soon followed by the sound of the door opening.
"Fuck, Y/N, wait!" Michael suddenly calls out, storming out of the room and running after you. Before you knew it his arms are wrapped around your waist from behind, his thumb tracing circles over your belly as he holds you close. You don't try to push him away but you sob into your hands in shame of not being able to control yourself around him, your hormones getting the best of you.
"I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry. Fuck, I didn't mean any of this." he spoke softly, in complete contrast with his previous outburst. He holds you and waits for your sobs to die down, occasionally pressing kisses on your cheeks and neck while his hand rubs your belly in a soothing manner. "I'm sorry, love. I love you so much." he chokes on his words as tears escape his eyes as well.
You try to focus on your breathing and control your sobs as you wipe your tears, holding your arms close to yourself while looking down.
"We're having a baby, Michael." you remind him. "You can't keep everything to yourself and just let me sit and watch when you're going through something. You can't just avoid me like the fucking plague whenever you're upset. Not anymore." you manage to say, a few hiccups cutting you mid-sentence as you speak.
"I know baby. I'm so sorry." Michael takes a deep breath before pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek. He's silent for a few more seconds, swinging you back and forth in his arms and letting you calm down before speaking up.
"My foster mom died." he finally admits softly. His arms tighten around you, refusing to let you go in fear that you would leave. Your eyes soften and you reach to rest a hand on his cheek, leaning up to press a small kiss to his jaw.
"I'm sorry." you say softly.
"I shouldn't have left her like I did. I abandoned her when I met the Shelbys and," he sighs. "I don't know. I shouldn't have cut all ties with my foster family so suddenly. Now it's too late and the woman who raised me for most of my life will never get to see my daughter." you stay silent for a moment, trying to think of an answer.
"She knew you loved her. And she also knew the life you had with her was not the life you were meant to live. You were raised as Henry, but deep down you've always been Michael. I'm sure she never blamed you for leaving." you say and he nods. You eventually let go of his embrace and turn around to wrap your arms around his waist, hugging him as properly as you can with your 5 months pregnant belly getting on the way. You both stay silent for a moment, his hand running through your hair soothingly.
"I really wish you'd told me sooner."
"I'm sorry, Y/N, I really am. I know stress is bad for the baby and I didn't want you to worry about me but I ended up doing the exact opposite." you pulled back and kissed him softly, reaching up to wipe a tear from his cheek.
"It's alright. Just promise me you won't keep these kind of things to yourself anymore. I lost my father too, you know. I know what it's like to lose someone you love." Michael nods before kissing you again, letting it linger for a moment before pecking your lips again.
You look up at him with a smile before pulling away to rest your hands on your belly, looking down at your clothed skin which grew more and more with each day.
"She's been kicking a lot lately." you smile.
"Mhmm." you nod and watch as he gets down on one knee, lifting your shirt up and kissing your growing skin as your hands rest on your hips. You chuckle at the feeling and place his hand above your belly button, your own resting on top of his, waiting for something to happen. You eventually guide his hand a few inches lower and a huge smile breaks on both your faces when you feel a rather hard kick, quickly followed by a second one a little further away from the first.
With one last kiss to your swollen skin Michael gets back on his feet and cradles your face, pulling you in for a passionate kiss which you gladly return.
"You're going to be the most amazing mom."
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flamingredanon · 3 years
Reginald let out a slight bewildered noise as a plant pot filled with wet soil was placed in front of him. Of all the things he thought would be placed on his desk this morning, this wasn't it. "Uh-" Reginald looked up to see who was trying to give him the peculiar item before he smiled warmly. Henry had been apart of the Toppat Clan for about a month or 2. Despite his short arrival he was getting quite close to the leader and his second in command. He also was in training to run a group of his own so he could go on missions with help Reginald had protested at first but Right had told him that Henry was like a ball of energy, energy that needed to be realised somehow. "Henry. Good morning." His polite and caring smile turned to one of confusion. "Forgive me Hen but, I'm a little confused on why you're giving me.. A plant pot?"
Henry smiled brightly before he started to sign. 'Not just a pot Reg. Its got a seed inside it.'
"Ah Ok. But, why? I mean I bet it'll look lovely when it grows, whatever it is but.. '
Henry's almost sad smile stopped Reginald in his tracks. 'It's... Special. Really special. Took me a while to get it. Wanted you to have it. As a thank you gift for letting me join' Oh. Reginald looked down at the dirt filled pot, wondering just what plant was going to grow out of it.
"Thank you Henry." Reginald smiled.
'You're welcome'
Reginald yawned as he continued to type away at his laptop. Shivering occasionally due to how cold it was in his office. Curse the snow outside...
The sound of the card scanner outside being alerted made him lift his head. The door pushed opened and Incame right. Right made a reaction to the temperature and looked at Reginald.
"Jesus christ Reg. Turn the heatin' on in 'ere. It's freezing."
"I know i know." Reginald haphazardly waved his hand in the others general direction before he quickly went back to typing. Winter was always a busy month for the leader. There were less mission and alot more paperwork than he'd like. Reginald could see out of the corners of his vision that right was moving around his office. Examining things.
"What's this 'ere?" Rights voice cut in through the click clack of the keyboard and Reginald paused and looked up to see what right was inquiring about.
"Oh. It's a plant Hen gifted me a couple of months ago." Reginald chose to ignore the smug look right gave him. His cheeks burning slightly.
"A plant? thought you weren't into that stuff." Right chuckled as he inspected the growing stem that was now pencil tall and thick.
"I'm not but... Henry said it was special gift so." Right smiled at that.
"Well I'm gonna get this plant some water then." Reginald hummed in response. He didn't turn to look away from the pot, even after his office door clicked open and shut. Special gift huh? Just how special Reginald wondered.
A slam echoed into the office room as Reginald had slammed his hands onto his desk.
"S-Sir please.. Me and burt already tried 5 times-" Sven was interrupted by Reginald moving towards him and grabbing him by his collar and pushing him against a wall. The man's eyes burning with hatred and despair.
Henry had left for a mission with his group a couple hours ago. Everyone had returned with terrible injuries, some even close to death. When asked what happened a toppat explained that during the mission to retrieve the valuable they were wanting, the government had suddenly ambushed them. Everyone managed to escape as safely as possible because Henry had covered for them. Nobody had heard from Henry since his group retreated. Not a single word...
"reg! Stop it!" Right practically begged the other. Pulling him away from Sven, causing the other to let go.
"Please!!! Do it again! Call him again!" Reginald shouted, the tears that had been pricking in the corner of his eyes fell and he let out a sob.
"Reg, reg... Shhh its ok..." Right soothed, pulling the other into a hug. Reginald sobbed into right hand man's shoulder. Not caring how weak he seemed. Right too seemed to be tearing up as he seemed to accept the conclusion that was being brought to them much faster then Reginald was.
On the window sill in the office laid the Pot. The plants brown branches standing tall now, the size of 2 pencils. The small green buds at the end of every branch just now starting to grow. It would've been a happy sight if not for the circumstances now...
Funerals. Something Reginald found bitter and depressing. So when the toppat rescue group came back, Halling a very much.. Dead Henry. Reginald thought back to that bitterness and depressing idea that was funerals.
Reginald and right had just gotten back from said funeral. Reginald sitting against his office wall, under the window. He had been numbly staring at the floor for the longest time. He barely heard the card scanner beep to let him know someone was coming in. The door slid open and right entered the room. He had taken off his black blazer that came with the suit he had been wearing. His collar had been slightly unbuttoned and his tie pulled slightly down. A sigh left the man and he walked over.
"Reg..." Reginald didnt move. Didn't want to.
"We found the government base you were wantin'..."
"You know what to do then... Why are you in here when you can be telling the groups to get ready? To prepare for a fight.." Reginald glared. Voice cold.
Right stared. It was a sad stare that Reginald barely saw on the man. He looked away, hating how his body trembled at the sympathetic look Right was giving him.
"Henry wouldn't want you like this..."
"You don't know that-"
"Reg. We were close to him. Hell I even think... We loved him... So yeah, I do know... "
"I'm guessing you don't want to come with?"
"... No.." Reginald whispered out and right nodded. He stayed in place for a moment. Before turning around and leaving.
Loved him? Possiblely...
Reginald and right were the only toppats who really trusted him. Minus his group that he ran of course. Which led the 2 to really see the true Henry. One that wasn't labelled a thief. Henry was confident but still awkward. Calculating but still quick. Caring but still shy...
God Reginald really did love that man... And Reginald knew Right felt the same.
Reginald gritted his teeth. His numb glare at the floor now turning into one of fury. He'd get revenge for the man he couldn't confess to. To the man he couldn't hold close to him and tell him he loved him.
He didn't care if he had to die doing so! Hell he'd accept death in a heart beat if it meant that those government scums were dealt with! He'd show just how dangerous the Toppat Clan truly was to the stupid fucking Galeforces face! -
Had something fallen? Drifting past Reginalds face and onto the ground? Reginald looked down to the floor next to him to see a small pink petal. Where on...
Reginald got up and turned to stare at the pot that had been politely sitting on his office window sill for months now.
A small cherry blossom plant. It's pink petals clustered beautifully together. Some more vibant then others. Reginald felt tears fill his eyes and he didn't bother wiping them away when they fell down his cheeks.
Henry.... Its beautiful...
Reginald let out sob as he stared at the buestiful, small Cherry blossom tree. Some of its petals occasionally falling and landing on the dirt or window sill below.
"It... Truly is.. A special plant love.." Reginald smiled.
Reginald saw the Government base razed and as many Government soldiers crushed as possible. And for the next couple of weeks, Reginald continued his onslaught of Government bases until Reginald himself was able to bring an end to General Galeforce himself.
And for the cherry blossom tree, Reginald took care of it, eventually planting it in what would soon be the green house, where many plants would find themselves flourishing, mostly because of Reginald finding himself taking care of the plants when his emotions would get the better of him.
Reginald however never saw the tree grow much bigger, passing away from what was clearly a broken grieving heart.
Right had Reginald buried underneath the cherry blossom tree, where Right only hoped Reginald could find Henry again and be reunited.
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lightbeyondeden · 4 years
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
a/n: i like to imagine this one with like,, season 4 spence cause I think that just the right amount of innocent yet horny for this oneshot but it's up to you. Also i used a bunch of dialogue prompts from this list :) see if you can spot them! 
Wordcount: 2.2k
Warnings: kinda smut!! spencer being horny, alcohol, cursing, makeout sesh with heavy petting lol
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She was trying to kill him.
 As a man of logic and reasoning, Spencer had concluded the only probable reason his very attractive coworker would insist on parading around the small cabin the team had rented for the weekend in those tiny white cotton shorts was that she wanted to kill him. 
Spencer had always found her attractive. He would’ve had to have been blind not to, and even if he was he still would’ve fallen for the sound of her laugh or the way she left the smell of lavender wherever she sat on the jet or how she was always first to fall asleep after long days spent working cases. 
So maybe he had fallen in love with her - even if he hadn’t quite admitted it to himself yet. Love, however, was not quite what he felt as he watched Y/n walk lazily into the kitchen on that Saturday morning.
Spencer had been sitting on one of the barstools that lined the kitchen counter and sipping on a very sugary cup of coffee. He was passively listening to both the birds chirping outside the oversized cabin window and JJ’s latest story about Henry. He had felt nothing but peace, until she walked in. 
She was wearing a baby blue tank top (with no bra, not that Spencer was looking of course it’s just that as she was walking in and his eyes just happened to graze over her hard nip-, nevermind.) and those white shorts. The outfit was probably perfect for sleeping in the cabin that - even now in the early hours of the morning - remained hot and humid. It was not, however, perfect for just chatting with Spencer, he already felt an uncomfortable stirring in his pants.  
“Hey guys.” She smiled, voice still soft with sleep.
“Hi Y/n, you sleep well?” JJ said without missing a beat, “Lemme get you some coffee.”
JJ got out of her seat and set to work making a new cup of coffee from the keurig that sat on the counter behind her.
“Thank you Jayge, you’re my favourite.” Y/n laughed. 
Spencer watched with intent as she brushed her hand through her bedhead and took her own seat at the counter across from him. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Y/n said as she locked eyes with Spencer. 
Crap, he hadn’t meant to stare. Honestly though, he couldn’t help it. So much of her body was on display and though Spencer considered himself to be a respectful man, he had dreamt of that body more times than he cared to admit and seeing it like this was driving him crazy. 
“Like what?” He replied, hoping that playing dumb would get him out of this.
She eyed him suspiciously, however Spencer was saved from the incoming interrogation by JJ returning, coffee in hand. 
Y/n gratefully took the cup in her hands and sipped in gently. Try as he might, Spencer couldn’t stop himself from stealing glances at her over and over again as conversation between the three resumed. 
Slowly the rest of the team began to wake up and wander into the kitchen. Conversation was playful and light, this vacation being exactly the break they needed from their stressful work lives. It may have only been four days, but any amount of time that they didn’t have to spend talking about all the horrible things they saw each day was time they thoroughly enjoyed. 
“So I was thinking we could take a trip down to that hidden beach the airBNB people were telling us about. It would be fun to all go swimming together!” Penelope had said, big doe eyes daring someone to try telling her no.
So that's why a team of thirty to fifty somethings were all walking down a wooden boardwalk together, arms filled with floaties and towing a wagon full of snacks (wagon courtesy of JJ). Spencer just happened to look over at Y/n at the exact moment the beach came into view, and he couldn’t have been more grateful for that because getting to see the way her face lit up when she saw the lake made his day.
“There's a doc!?” She squealed, “Morgan! I’ll race you to it.” 
And just like that  - the two of them took off, splashing into the water and yelling playful challenges and insults at each other, Emily and Penelope close behind. Spencer just chuckled as he settled down into the sand with a pile of books beside them. 
Truth be told he didn’t get much reading done. He chatted with JJ and Rossi, he binged on candy and chips, and most often, spent the day ogling Y/n. He just couldn’t understand how she managed to look so perfect even after Derek had thrown her off the floating wooden dock for what must’ve been the thirtieth time that day. 
When she finally came marching up the beach, soaking wet and out of breath, Spencer wondered if there was ever a situation where she could look bad. Covered in goosebumps - though the sun was sweltering hot - she tightly wrapped a towel around herself and plopped down in the sand between JJ and Rossi. 
“Hey SP!” He chuckled at her nickname for him “Can you pass that bag of chips over here please?”
The rest of the day was spent soaking in the sun. It was full of jokes and swimming and Y/n’s head on Spencer's shoulder. He watched her and JJ pass a volleyball back and forth, he saw the team smile more in one afternoon than he had in the last month. They finally decided to pack it in the sun was nothing more than a sliver on the horizon. 
They walked home to the dulcet sounds of crickets and Penelope's voice retelling all the best stories of the day. Spencer's mind moved much faster than his feet did, but all thoughts were halted when he felt a cold set of fingers grab onto his hand. That was one of his favourite things about her - the fact that she loved physical touch. Of course, at first he had a strong aversion to her love of hugs, hand holding, and cuddles, but as they grew into a close knit partnership he found himself longing for a hug from her after hard cases or for her hand to hold when he's walking to the bookstore. 
When the team got back to their beach house it was quiet for a moment, as everyone was worn down from all their hours in the sun, their skin kissed with its warmth even though it had set more than an hour ago. Emily, ever a shit disturber, broke the serenity the walk home had created the second she broke out the bottles of wine from the fridge.
Y/n’s had slipped out of Spencers as she and the girls got to work pouring and drinking as many glasses as they could get out of each bottle.
“Movie time!” Penelope declared, plopping herself down on the couch between Derek and Rossi. 
Everyone else settled in, and Penelope flicked through Netflix - occasionally announcing a title to the group to gauge a reaction and giving her own opinions on each. She finally landed on ‘Clueless’, a film Spencer had never heard of - despite Penelope and JJ insisting it was a classic. 
Everyone was tired, you could tell that without being a profiler, but the group was so set on finishing their day together that everyone sat and watched the movie with heavy eyelids. Y/n was hit by sleep like a truck, and Spencer could tell. Her head fell on Spencer's shoulder and he let his own arms rest around her. It was fine, they were best friends. Best friends can cuddle on late nights - it doesn't mean anything to either of them anyway. 
Except it did. It meant everything to Spencer. When he grabbed her hand it wasn’t even really a conscious decision, he just reached out and gripped onto her - he barely even noticed that he did it. 
Y/n noticed. 
Her eyes shot up to meet his own. 
“What was that for?” Her tone was joking but there was a realness behind the whispered question. 
“I’m holding your hand because the movie is scary, alright?  It’s a… Terrifying… Rom-com… ” Spencer defended. 
They both looked up at the screen to see a scene of a blonde girl driving a jeep down the middle of the road and burst into laughter, gaining some looks and laughs from the other people in the room. 
“I mean, you’re right. Unsafe driving practices sure are terrifying. Why do you think Hotch doesn’t let me drive anymore?”
“Because it's a hazard to everyone in the car and the berau called you ‘a hazard to the safety of yourself and your team’ when you drive?” Spencer quipped back, earning more laughter from the rest of the group.
Y/n just shook her head and laughed before dropping back down onto Spencer’s shoulder. However Spencer went the other direction, releasing his grasp on Y/n’s hand and setting it at his side instead.
“Why’d you let go of me?” She whispered into his ear. 
Spencer allowed himself to let out some of what he had been feeling for as long as he had known her. He looked her dead in the eyes and and tried to communicate all of his feelings telepathically - but all he said was;
“I was scared...”
She looked at him and Spencer suddenly changed his mind about the whole telepathy thing, suddenly praying she can’t see the longing in his eyes.
“Come with me.”
So they got up, said a very rushed goodnight to their friends, and took off towards Y/n’s bedroom. When she opens the door Spencer is hit by a wall of the vanilla perfume she uses. If it was anyone else, he would have found it overwhelming, but because it was her it was more like something intoxicating. 
She sat him down on the bed and took a spot beside him. Her eyes looked up and met his honey brown ones, and in hindsight Spencer swore he could pick that as the exact moment his heart rate picked up. 
“So are you gonna tell me what’s been going on with you? Why you’ve been acting so strange?” She was still whispering even though the group was well out of earshot. 
He didn’t respond, his head was fuzzy and he was just trying his best to put together a coherent thought.
“I’m your friend SP!” She laughed, trying again “Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
“Sometimes I want to makeout with you, is that a friend thing to do?” 
Spencer's words hung in the air and he so badly wished he could take them back. Why would he jeopardize the relationship he had with her? For what? Some inane fantasy he had where they were together? The silence made the air crushingly heavy, and Spencer got up to leave but was stopped by her gripping his arm. 
She stood up and cupped her hand on his face, and it felt like they stood there like that for an hour. Spencer so desperately wanted to close the gap between them but the paralyzing fear that he was badly misreading her gesture stopped him. 
But then she did. She pushed her lips against his and Spencer immediately melted into her. Soft fingertips on his cheeks turned into hands intertwined in his curls, his own hands finding their rightful spot on her hips. 
They tangled together, the room filled with the sound of their desperate breaths. In an uncharacteristic burst of confidence Spencer ran a hand under her top and rested it on the small of her back. That was all the encouragement Y/n needed to clamber into his lap, never even breaking their kiss. 
“Wait-” Spencer pulled back, breathless, “What does this mean? What are we doing?”
“I love you. It took me way too long to realize it but I just want to spend all my time with you, that's how I know. I love you.” Y/n whispered into his neck, still perched gently on top of him. 
Spencer laughed a little at the absurdity of this moment. Girls like Y/n don’t love guys like Spencer - he almost wouldn’t believe it if it was any other girl. But it wasn’t any other girl, he trusted Y/n with his life - he knew she meant it.
“I love you too. I always have.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss her again.
Spencer jolted awake to the sound of Penelope’s cell phone camera going off. He moved to rub his eyes but found that his right arm was trapped under a shirtless Y/n. 
Now he understood why Penelope was taking pictures. 
“I got asked to check on you two - you know, see if you were awake.” Penelope was obviously trying very hard to hold back her excitement. “However it seems like I am interrupting something. So I will leave you lovebirds to it.” 
She turned and sauntered out the door, but Spencer heard her laughing to herself in the hallway and he knew that in a few minutes the whole world would know exactly what Penelope thought about the compromising position she had just found them in. 
The world could wait though, Spencer decided. Y/n had stayed peacefully asleep somehow, and he could feel the heat of her bare skin all over him. 
So he pulled her closer, for that one more minute of bliss. One more minute of happiness.
 One more minute of Y/n.
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