#cus I couldn't be bothered to draw the scars
cookieslittleocs · 1 year
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couple of random sketches?
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theenemyod · 16 days
Introduction post
My name is Alexander-Grace. Call me that or shorten it idc.
I AM A MINOR. I am not comfortable sharing my age online but please keep the fact that I am a minor in mind when interacting with me.
I am autistic.
I age regress, range from 0-8
I am transmasc, genderfaunet, and use a lot of neopronouns. I might add the list to this post eventually but currently can't be bothered. The main pronouns I use are he/they/it/xe/rat.
Things I like:
The magisterium books, the land of stories books, Minecraft, drawing, writing, Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance, creepy/cute stuff in general, anything fluffy, rodents, the hunger games books, fidget toys, weirdcore, sea glass.
Credit to @stevienixxes for my pfp (sorry I couldn't find your main account to tag you)
DNI: homophobic, transphobic, ablist, racist. maps. If you think it's okay to send death and sa threats and tell someone to kill themselves over fiction. If you make fun of trauma. Kink and/or nsfw.
Pronouns list
He/him they/them it/its fa/fall lea/leaf/wa/warm co/cozy doll/dolls haunt/haunts ki/kill gho/ghost boo/boos tomb/tombs spi/spirt dea/death ai/ai app/apps beep/boop bot/bots bolt/bolts gli/glitch e/exe gear/gears mal/ware swi/switch sol/solar wire/wired cell/cells cha/chaos wi/wifi met/metal robot/robots gla/glass wing/wings li/light colour/colourful col/colour bright/brights toy/toys cu/cute char/charm bow/bows horr/horror miss/missing fog/foggy eldri/eldritch wat/watch uncan/uncanny swe/sweet mou/mouse rat/rats key/keys win/window cli/click da/data scr/scroll er/error scre/screen wi/wire fi/file zhe/zher ha/hate loa/loath hau/hostile ra/rage kni/knife po/poem si/sick pill/pills gore/gores rot/rots rib/ribs gut/guts zomb/zombs bite/bites bone/bones death/deaths bleed/bleeds scar/scars decay/decays alien/aliens star/stars dus/dust gal/galaxy glim/glimmer spi/spin ro/rock Lu/luck ri/ring vi/virus ca/cable ga/game da/data web/webs com/compute net/network cy/cyber drip/drips tile/tiles wade/wades clear/clears step/steps flu/fluid soak/soaks spiral/spirals browse/browses click/clicks connect/connects font/fonts disk/disks hack/hacks lag/lags http/https page/pages net/nets pixel/pixels web/webs tab/tabs site/sites tech/techs upload/uploads wire/wires snarl/snarls dog/dogs fear/fears hu/hunts brain/brains tu/tune wa/walk si/sing sea/search fer/feral meat/meats teeth/teeth mew/mews ring/rings ⚙️/⚙️ 🔧/🔧 🤖/🤖 th⭐️y th⭐️m h⭐️ h⭐️m 404/404 💻/💻 👁️/👁️ 🌕/🌕 ✨/✨ shy/hyr ze/zer sea/seas rain/rains pond/ponds yippee/yippees void/voids moon/moons star/stars blur/blurs skull/skulls grave/graves night/nights bug/bugs gut/guts paw/paws honey/honeys mush/mushroom stone/stones mud/muddy creek/creeks Gold/golds fun/fungus frog/frogs snail/snails silver/silvers moss/mossy fae/fare thon/thon blossom/blossoms buzz/buzzes pop/pops worm/worms sting/stings ladybug/ladybugs pumpkin/pumpkins
No I do not expect all of this to be memorized that's why I have it written down.
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nightfury18 · 1 month
GrimmDell headcanons
Since I haven't managed to draw anything before leaving on vacation, I decided to translate some my old headcanons with Adellaide and Grimmjow. It's much shorter than Tresdes/Tomas hc post, so, I hope it won't take so long for you to read. Let me know, if you like it or not down below, mb I will post headcanons more often😁
Scar. Grimmjow have always been looking on Adellaide's scar across the half of her face. She's really vulnarable about it, like about the countless other scars on her body. He couldn't understand why she's shy about it and hate it. But nevertheless, scars make them similar. Being too pride, Grimmjow will never say this out loud, but it makes him happy.
Silence. Due to her voice, Dell is really loud. But there're times when she becomes quiet. This's definetely a bad sign. Usually it means that something bad happened. Arrancar sits near and supports the silence. He knows that the girl won't tell anything due to her unwilling to burden others by her own problems, but she's affraid of loneliness. So he's ready to keep her company for a little bit.
Voice. Grimmjow likes Dell's voice. Espesially he likes her songs. Unless they are aimed at treating someone's or his own wounds. The girl had always been singing wonderful lullabies, that made life even emotionally easier. Arrancar loves listen to this voice and would love to listen it and her laughter forever.
Tears. Adellaide cries often. To some extent it makes Grimmjow angry. There is always an unpleasant squeeze in his chest and it feels really pissing off, when he sees her tears. He have never been soft and the only way how he can help is just hug her and patiently wait. Arrancar knows that Adellaide just needs to cry everything out to happily back to her routine afterwards.
Hole. For Arrancars a hole in their bodies is something ordinar. The hole in Grimmjow's body makes Dell really curious. She knows that he's not a human and this hole doesn't bother him at all. The girl wonders how does it feels to have a hole through a body. Adellaide can't touch it due to her shyness, but someday she will be brave enough to probe it.
Ears. Dell loves Grimmjow's fluffy ears in his resurrection form. She wasn't really attracted by his paws and paw pads that would be squeezed by any other girl. No, she likes his bluish-turquoise ears that was too fuffy and soft to hold herself back. The girl just like to watch how they twitch every time she's touching them.
Body. No matter how proud and menacing Grimmjow may seem, he likes to squeeze Adellaide. Unlike him, she's not muscular at all and way more soft. If anyone asked him, which part of her body he likes more, Arrancar would say it's soft breast and gentle hands. In Dell's hugs he's ready to be a needy cat for a few minutes, despite his pride.
Gifts. Back to times when both of them were adjuchasas (please tell me how should I write it in plural, I really have no idea), they hunted together. But there were times, when Grimmjow brought something extra. That was his way to thank Dell for her company and loyalty. Usually, he justified that by saying that she was much smaller and weaker, so she needed to eat more. After becoming Arrancar, he wasn't able to please her with gifts, so they swapped their roles. Being a living human, Adellaide pleases him with something tasty from human menu (*cough*, cookies and scrambled eggs). Atleast, with something that a proud cat doesn’t turn his nose up at.
Down there will be some of my thoughts about ship, not really nessesary for you to know, but if you're curious, you're welcome!
If you ask me what song characterise Grimmjow and Adellaide's relationship the most, I will say that it's Arcade by Duncan Laurence feat. FLETCHER. I can't help it, it's just my association cus you know, I wrote a whole fanfic (tbh there more of them😆) about them, and there's always something happens that makes them apart, but there's always a small chance to meet and start again. For me, their relationship is sorta a rollercoaster between "too good to be true" and "too bad to be together". Yeah, it's always never ending game of splitting apart and getting together due to circumstances. It's always loosing game cus in the end something happens (death for example), that makes them to leave each other, thinking of never meeting again. Kinda sad relationship to me.
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