#cut flora
exhausted-archivist · 2 years
Cut Content: Plants
I'm slowly making my way through my Herbalist's Handbook project and through the process I've been yanking out references of all fauna in dai, cut or final. So, I thought I'd share some of the cut plants/fungi I've found. They fall into three categories: Cut but Canon through other sources, Cut but Canon - different design, or Cut Entirely.
Personally, I enjoy finding the remnants of such assets in the game files, there is a bittersweet joy in it. Knowing that BioWare did consider adding in the elements and variety I craved but also knowing they likely got cut due to time, scope, or mechanic limitations. I really hope they continue to add new flora for us, and I hope to discover even more in the next game. I'll be interested to see if any of these make an appearance later and if they'll have any of the uses I'm outlining in my herb project.
For more plant posts see: Flora of Thedas Real Plants in Thedas
**Edit - changed the language because tumblr decided to post the image arrangement differently than I had it.**
Cut, but Canon Plants
These first two are actually the same plant- or rather fungus. On the left is a weird one that technically falls into the cut but canon - different design but wanted them side by side.
This is spongeroot. A little surface mushroom that we only know by name thanks to the World of Thedas (WoT) vol. 2 book and by the file names. The left is the cut design, the right is the final design (sans colouration) that we actually see in WoT. It's found in the Trespasser DLC files.
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The second is called ghoul's mushroom. This is a deep mushroom codex. It is one of the most commonly used mushroom by herbalists. [source] Other then that we don't know much about them, but they're found in the base game Inquisition files. Given that they have garden cards, we can presume they were at the very least harvestable at one point.
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Cut, but Canon - Different Design
From top to bottom we have the cut designs of Ghoul's Beard - Short, Blightcap, and Spindleweed - Landform.
Ghoul's Beard Short This has no real difference from the final game version other than it is stockier and bushier than what we see in-game. Personally, I enjoy the exploration into such a simple variation as it would be rather common to have differences in length.
Blighcap This is another common deep mushroom used by herbalists in Thedas. We also see mention of blightcap in WoT vol. 2: "Flat-capped and gray that grows in clay: Blightcap, the hunter's bane." Given the image is stylized, I can't tell accurately the colours, but it isn't flat-capped and thus why it's placed here.
Spindleweed - Landform Interestingly, DA2 had a similar model for when it introduced spindleweed. Though the leaves here are only a single lobe instead of three lobes on the DA2 spindleweed. This is an interesting variation to me because it would lend more variety in the spindleweed family but it would also explain how people could grow spindleweed in their garden away from water.
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Cut Entirely
From top to bottom we have blade lotus, desert bloom, and desert rose. There is no information on either as they seem to be completely new plants that were intended to be introduced into Inquisition's base game.
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magicwhiskers29 · 1 month
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Trying something? For Flora Friday? Happy Flora Friday! (ID under the cut)
[Video ID: a gif of Flora Reinhold from Professor Layton and her various designs. She is always drawn in a white outline on a black background, looking forward and frowning. When her hair is visible, her ponytail juts out to the left, and the swirl of her hair on her forehead is stretched out in the same direction. The drawing jumps around on each design. In order,the designs are: her disguise in Curious Village, then her white dress in Curious Village, then her disguise from Pandora’s Box, and then her regular design from Pandora’s Box and Lost Future. Before each design moves to the next, Flora blinks. Her Apple birthmark is visible on each drawing, and gets larger with each successive design.]
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nocasdatsgay · 6 months
Baby of Mine A Spring Time Affairs Fic
Day 7 of @polyacotarweek Free Day
Pairing: Tamlin/OC/Elain/Lucien | Rating: T| Word count: 3778
Master List | Poly Week Masterpost | Read on AO3
Summary: After Calanmai and forgetting to take the tea, Flora is pregnant. The problem is, she doesn’t know if Tamlin or Lucien is the father.
Warnings: Pregnancy, Anxiety, base level childbirth mentions, a baby
AN: WE DID IT FOLKS! Last day of the week. I can’t want to go through the Masterlist and read what I have missed while writing. Thank you for all the likes and comments. PS: Can you catch the Beast of the Briars call out?
Tagging: @saltedcoffeescotch @ysmtttty
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Tamlin said he did not care. 
Lucien and Elain both said they didn’t care. 
But Flora did. 
The stress was evident on her face as she turned in front of the mirror, gaze dropping down to her bare stomach. She was starting to show. New clothes would be in soon, her old ones already feeling snug. She didn’t want to despise the babe in her belly but gods it was hard to not let her worries get to her. 
She was Tamlin’s wife. She had a duty to him to have his heir. What would the court do if her babe came out with red hair or russet eyes? Their relationship wasn’t a secret. Everyone knew. But they’d been so careful and then Calanmai came and the one time she forgot to put contraceptives in her system, she ended up pregnant. 
She hoped it was the first undiluted magic that conceived this child. Tamlin took her into the cave. They made love on that stone and released all that magic back into the world. What happened with Lucien and Elain after wasn’t under the same pull of ancient magic. But doubt plagued her. Her plants showed her there was no difference between the first wave of magic and after. It could easily be the same with her. 
“Flora?” Tamlin’s voice dragged her out of her thoughts. Her gaze met his through the mirror. “Is everything alright?” 
Tamlin stayed nervous about her condition. She knew why. He was worried she would fall into a depression or worse. He was constantly encouraging her to engage with the court, to go outside with Elain. It warred with his want to keep her inside and safe. His mistakes in the past haunted him. Even after all the time that passed. 
“I just-“ she looked back at where her hand rested on her stomach. “You know I worry.” 
“I don’t care what others may think. You know this.” 
“They’ll talk, Tamlin,” tears built in her eyes. Her worries she had been holding in came tumbling out. “What good am I? If my first born is not your heir? This is a child, Tamlin. What if it is Lucien’s? What if it triggers something in Elain? They’re mates.”
“I’m sorry.” Her voice cracked and tears spilt. “It’s awful to think these things, I know. I'm horrible.”
“You’re not horrible, my wildflower.” Tamlin came up to her, wrapping his arms around her. One hand splayed over her stomach. “How long have you felt like this?” 
“Since I found out.” 
She grabbed one of his arms with her hand to mentally steady herself. She hadn’t spoken out loud how she felt. She feigned excitement; they were so happy when her scent changed. She didn’t want to take that away from them just because she worried. 
“Honey.” She winced at the sadness in his tone. “Why didn’t you say something sooner?” 
“I didn’t want to upset you.”
“You’ll never upset me.” She felt him kiss the back of her head. “I know you worry but our babe is so loved already and that’s all that matters.” 
She nodded and leaned back into the embrace of her husband. Tamlin was the most excited out of all of them. She just hoped she could match his enthusiasm sooner rather than later. 
She officially was showing and barely made it out alive from the Court announcement party. So many congratulations, each one meant well but still grated her. She was a perfect Lady of Spring, faking her smile and when someone did notice, it was explained off as hormones. Tam watched her the whole time, ready to scoop her up and out of the room if needed. She finally feigned tiredness and excused herself. 
It was a relief to enter the empty hall. Though she was not alone for long. She made it up the stairs before running into one of the two people who put her in this predicament. Lucien’s gold eye clicked rapidly as he came up to her, studying her face. She had not seen him since his return this morning from visiting Day Court. 
“How did it go?”
Flora rolled her eyes. “I swear if I hear one more congratulations I am going to vomit.”
”So it went well. Good.” He leaned in and kissed her forehead. “And how are you? How’s my little one?”
”I am tired and annoyed. And you don’t know for certain, if this babe is yours,” she snapped. She regretted it the second the words left her mouth. “The baby is fine, Lucien. I didn’t mean- I’m sorry. That was unkind of me.”
“It was.” He didn’t hide the hurt on his face. 
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I don’t mean that. I’m sorry.”  She looked down in shame. She’d never spoken to Lucien like that before. She was horrid. 
“Flora, look at me, I do forgive you.” He reached his hand under her chin and tilted it up so she would look at him. “I get it and I’m sure the announcement party didn’t help.”
Her eyes watered. “It really didn’t. None of them have any idea. They all just assume this was planned. They all just assume this is Tamlin’s and when I try to correct them, they just -” She took a shaky breath and her hand went to the small bump poking out from her dress. “Tam says stress isn’t good for the baby.”
”It’s not,” Lucien replied. “If they’re mine, they might come out looking grumpy and be mistaken for Eris if you aren’t careful. Try explaining that to the court.”
That made her laugh. “You’re right.” She gave him a soft smile. “He’s a boy, by the way. Don’t tell Elain, she doesn’t know yet.”
Lucien’s grin beamed with likeness of the sun. “We’re having a boy?”
“Yes. We are having a boy.” She paused and bit her lip. She knew the answer but after the party, her worries continued to fall from her lips without warning. “If this is Tam’s baby, are you sure you aren’t going to be mad?”
Lucien sighed. “I’ve already told you, it doesn’t matter if he’s mine or Tam’s, he will be ours.” Lucien tapped his finger on her nose. “Get those thoughts out of your mind. Don’t let the courtiers get to you. And go tell Elain before I find her first. I won’t be able to help myself and she’ll be livid you told me first.” 
Flora nodded and smiled again. Lucien always knew how to make her feel better. She stood on her toes and gave him a quick kiss before setting off to find Elain. He was right on that part; Elain was going to be livid she was the last to know. 
Tamlin made her nap in a guest room citing he ‘had a surprise’ for her. She was too tired to question it. Five months in and between being either absolutely insatiable and exhausted, she took his word for it and laid down. It wasn’t until after dinner that night, he escorted her to their rooms, grinning the whole time. 
“What did you do?” She asked, not able to suppress her own smile. 
“Come see.” 
They entered through the sitting room and into their bed chamber. Nothing looked different; Tamlin guided her forward into the next room and she gasped. The nursery was finished- and fully finished. Her hand went instantly to her stomach, where she felt the flutters of life moving inside her. 
“It’s beautiful,” she blinked back her tears. “Oh, Tamlin.” 
She called out things as she noticed them. The walls were painted a pretty light green. A bassinet in the middle and an oak crib against the wall near their room for later. Even the rug was beautiful- her favorite flowers stitched in throughout. Other furniture filled the room, all a deep oak like the crib. There was even a rocking chair and bookshelf by the window. 
“Do you notice anything else?” 
She frowned, looking up at her husband’s knowing smirk. She looked around the room again- everything was new. The room even smelled of wood still. She frowned harder; that wasn’t right. She glanced around the room again and finally noticed it. A new door opposite their own. 
“Where does that go?” She asked. 
“To Lu and Lainy’s rooms.” 
She jerked her head towards him again with her mouth open. “They’re moving? Really?” 
They talked about it so often before that Flora thought it was mute at this point. She desperately wanted them to be closer than where their rooms were now on the other side of the manor but didn’t want to push them. They deserved their own space. Even with the baby- especially with the baby. But knowing they agreed to move closer- she started crying. 
“We’ve been waiting for time to put the door in so they’d have access to the nursery too if needed.” Tamlin reached up and wiped her tears. “These are happy ones, correct?” She nodded. “Good. Come, I want you to pick out the curtains for the window.”
Three more months to go and Flora was ready to evict this baby now. Sitting was a little uncomfortable, her belly becoming rounder by the day. It didn’t help that her babe started to kick daily, for no other reason than to make his mother uncomfortable. 
Even outside in the garden, where the chairs could lounge out to prop up one’s feet weren’t comfortable. It was Elain’s idea to take their tea outside today. Flora shuffled about in her chair while Elain poured tea into a cup. 
“Drink this,” Elain sat the tea cup and saucer beside her. 
“What is it?” Flora was scared to sniff it. Last time she smelled anything but black tea she nearly hurled. Though that was early on in her pregnancy. She avoided it ever since. 
“Raspberry mint. I made it for Feyre and it seemed to help with the second pregnancy.”
She took a hesitant sip and her eyes widened right before she downed more of it. She sat back her chair and made an inappropriate noise. 
“This is the best tea I’ve ever had.” She took another drink from the saucer. “Thank you Elain.”
“You’re welcome. Hopefully it calms the little rascal.” 
Flora nodded and resisted the urge to down the rest of her cup. She set aside and watched Elain take a sip of her own tea. 
“How are your sisters?” 
Elain contemplated for a moment. Flora didn’t know if that was a bad sign or not. 
“Nesta has taken on a writing project.” Elain cut her eyes to Flora with a knowing look. “A romance novel.” 
Flora sat up straighter. “Really? On a scale of what I read and what you read, how smutty is it?” 
“What you read. You know Nes adores those Drake books. Stands to reason she would write something equally scandalous.” 
“You know you love those books too,” Flora playfully rolled her eyes. “I hope she completes it. Tell her I look forward to having a copy on my bookshelf.”
Elain grinned. “I will make sure to let her know.”
“And Feyre? How is she?” 
Flora held no ill will to the female. What happened between her and Tamlin was in the past. 
“She’s good. The twins are giving her hell.” Flora laughed at that. “She handed off her workshops to local artists. So now she’s only supervising the ones in Illyria and Hewn city, occasionally hosting an event.” 
“I thought you mentioned she planned for that?” 
Elain took a sip of her tea. “She did. She’s just been putting off for decades. She’s worse than Lucien, having her hands in so many pots.” 
Flora couldn’t disagree. She picked her tea backup and drank the rest before it was too cold. It was only minutes later when she realized she could still feel the baby move but his kicking stopped. 
“By the cauldron I thought he’d never stop. You’re a lifesaver, Lainy.” 
She only smiled and took another sip of her tea. They settled into a nice silence but Flora’s mind spiraled. No longer focused on her baby’s excessive kicking, she couldn’t help but wonder further about Elain’s sisters. She hadn’t had time to ask. Or even think about it but now…
“Elain?” She hummed in acknowledgment. Flora smoothed out the fabric on her belly idly. “Have you explained to your sisters he might be Lucien’s?” 
“I have.” She replied. “They are aware we have a different relationship, the four of us. They are understanding. You don’t know them as well as I do, but I promise they will not care. If they did, I would never let them hear the end of it.”
She accepted that response. Elain studied her for a moment, then reached over, placing her hand on Flora’s stomach. 
“No matter what, this is our baby. We’ve been over this. I will love him no matter who fathered him.”
“I know, I know. Thank you.” 
Elain gave her a soft smile and pulled back her hand to stand. She came over and gave Flora a quick kiss. She patted Flora’s shoulder. 
“Come, let’s clean this up and go bother our husbands.” She said with a grin. 
The time finally came and Flora labored off and on for days. The whole time Tamlin never left her side. Lucien kept the court running and Elain took over the kitchens by cooking. She’d brought all kinds of food every few hours to see if Flora would eat. Flora took most of the pastries. She joked the baby had a sweet tooth but they all knew it was just Flora’s preference. 
It felt like an eternity passed before it came time to push. Their healer in the room supervised as planned. With Lucien and Elain flanking her sides, and holding her hands, Tamlin caught their child as he was pushed out into this world. Flora should have known the second she felt the head crown and Tamlin’s widened, what was about to happen. Of course she was too focused on screaming her own lungs out from the pain and pressure to realize it for what it was.
Their healer beside him cleaned out the baby's mouth and wails filled the room. Flora was finally handed a baby boy with the brightest red hair she’d ever seen in her life. And she laughed. She laughed and cried as she pulled her baby to her chest. All those months of worry, all the love for this tiny little being she grew in her body, and all the stress from labor hit her at once. 
It was bittersweet but not in the way she expected or planned for. She didn’t realize Elain had moved off the bed until Tamlin was right beside her, hands cupping her face as he kissed her forehead then her lips. He was crying too but there was no sadness in his eyes. No words were exchanged; they weren’t needed. It was their healer who finally intervened, moving Tamlin so her assistant could take the baby to clean up and she could take over for the rest of the process. Flora looked over to see Lucien and Elain still by her side. Both of them had red eyes also. 
“We have a baby,” Flora choked out, tears renewed. Both of them grinned at her. 
“We do,” Lucien laughed through his tears. 
They both gave her a long kiss each before the healer shooed them out to give Flora some space. They all agreed when she first became pregnant that no matter what, she wanted Tamlin by her side during the first few hours of recovery. She still felt guilty sending Lucien out, knowing what she knew now. 
The guilt didn’t last long when she felt like she had to push again. 
Tamlin was utterly smitten. Flora watched him cradle their baby in his arms while the head healer made certain everything else was gone and felt around her stomach. He was so gentle, like he was afraid he would break him. The healer finally took the baby back to show Flora how to feed him. Once he was settled, they cleaned up and Flora moved into their room. 
After some time with just her and the baby, Tamlin came back to join her on the bed. She also finally realized how exhausted she was. Being back in her own bed, with her baby calm had relaxed her heavily. Tamlin put their son in the cradle by the bed and crawled up next to her. They were silent for a long time, so much she almost fell asleep with Tamlin rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. His soft voice pulled her back from sleep. 
“How do you feel?” He was still stroking her knuckles nervously. 
“Exhausted.” She knew that’s not what he meant. “Numb. I worried so much. I was so anxious. Now it’s over and I don’t feel anything.”
“Look at me,” he pulled back and tilted her chin up gently. His sad green eyes pleaded with hers. “The second you start feeling upset or overwhelmed, you tell me. Because you will- you just had a baby, our baby. Your body might be in shock.”
He let go and she nodded. “I know. I promise. I love you.”
“I love you,” he kissed her forehead. “Do you want to bring Lu and Lainy in? Or do you want to rest?” 
“They can come in. They need to meet their son proper.” She grinned when she said that. Their son. The four of them. 
“I’ll get them.” 
Tamlin went through the door to the nursery and shortly came back with Lucien and Elain right behind him. After a few exchanges of kisses with Flora, Lucien took the babe first. Elain came and sat by her while Lucien stood, rocking the baby gently in his arms. 
Then his brows furrowed, confusion etched in his face. “Are we sure he’s mine?” 
“That’s exactly what Beron said when you were born,” Tamlin replied immediately, causing Flora and Elain to snort with laughter. 
“No, I mean it,” Lucien replied through his own chuckles. “His eyes are green.” 
“No, they aren’t,” Flora replied. 
She had stared at her son the whole time she had him and fed him. Not once did she notice his eyes being green when he opened them. Elain got up and Lucien lowered him for her to look. Shock went over her face. 
“Flora, they’re green.” 
They brought their son over to her. She frowned as she took him and he grunted from being passed around. It took a moment for him to open his eyes again. Flora’s mouth fell open. Her son’s eyes were green. Tamlin’s green. 
Tamlin looked down at their son with a soft smile. “The Mother has a sense of humor. When we said our baby she knew we meant it.” He sighed and looked at his wife. “Do you still want to wait? Before we tell your parents he’s here?”
“Gods yes.” Flora’s parents always meant well, but were so overbearing sometimes. “I need a few days before my mother descends upon the manor. I’m also going to need all three of you here to explain this.” She smoothed her son's red hair gently. 
Along with overbearing, they weren’t understanding of her relationships. They only kept their mouths shut thanks to Tamlin being High Lord. Elain’s sisters understood. Lucien’s parents understood a little too well, considering who his father was. Flora was going to have to mentally prepare for the explanations she’d have to provide. Elain pulled her from her thoughts, moving her mate to sit beside Flora. 
“Have you picked the name?” 
Elain looked between her and Tamlin with her big doe eyes, innocently trying to hide her excitement. She’d been begging them to tell her what they picked for weeks. A small list was made by the four of them and from there, her and Tam picked two weeks ago. 
“Yes Lainey,” Flora bumped her forehead gently against Elain’s. “We’re going with Ezryn.” 
“Not the grumpy one,” Lucien exclaimed albeit playfully. 
Before Flora could even scold him, Ezryn grunted and shuffled in his swaddle. It would have been perfect timing if his hair hadn’t changed from bright red to brown. Her eyes widened as she just stared at her baby, silence between the four of them deafening. It was finally Elain, who said something. 
“Oh he’s going to be a rascal.” She covered her mouth and looked at her mate. 
Then Flora laughed again. Laughed and cried like she had when she held him for the first time. The whole time she was worried about his hair and he changed it. Which meant her worries, her acceptance of her fate, was all a waste. Tamlin was laughing too, his head on her shoulder. 
“He’s worse than you,” she wiped her eyes, turning her head to her husband. “By the mother he’s only a few hours old.”
“I still think he’s Lucien’s,” Tamlin chuckled, which sent Lucien howling. 
Ezryn did not like that. To be fair to him, his little fae ears could only handle so much. Tamlin took him, rocking him gently in his arms. Lucien and Elain both made their exit, promising to come back with dinner later so Flora could rest. By the time he was settled again, Flora was also nearly asleep. 
“He’s going to be a menace,” she whispered after Tamlin put their son in his cradle. 
“He’s our menace.” Tamlin got in the bed with her. “His powers are just fluctuating because he’s a newborn. They’ll taper out in a day or so.” 
She nodded and yawned. She then snuggled up to Tamlin to try and rest, though her mind raced. 
“Will you check on Lucien later?” She whispered. “I’m worried. We all thought…”
“I will, I promise.” He took her hand that laid on his chest and gently squeezed it. “I think he’s fine, but I will ask Lainy to keep an eye on him. Today was a lot for all of us.” 
“It was.” She yawned again. “Thank you.” 
Silence fell between them. She let Tamlin brush his fingers through her hair until she finally fell asleep.
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cringe brainrot cod thought but Alien!au Simon Riley where he's a retired veteran who takes on a job of being freelance security which means accompanying a collection of scientists led but some capitalist billionaire onto an non-domesticated planet where they all inevitably get picked off one by one until he's the only one left to find their murderer is an alien gal who wants to be left the FUCK alone on her planet. Builds a little hut deep in the forest and learns if he leaves her alone she'll leave his alone on separate sides of the world- eventually they fuck idk what to tell you.
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metagalacafe · 3 months
Summer time :]
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cookie-dough-writes · 4 months
Hm it really sucks that entertainment and especially "immersive" entertainment is rapidly going down hill in quality because the people who are in charge are being as stingy as possible, despite society leaning more heavily into fantasy and escapism every day
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wildflowercryptid · 10 months
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one of the major reasons why i went snooping through tangle tower's steam files is just so i could get hd versions of the map chibis. enjoy the squishies, everyone!
also, here's a few spoilery map chibis under the cut! ⤵
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i had to enlarge the sprite on the right, but here's hunter penelope's map chibis, too.
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pomdor · 7 months
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What a strange bloopie!
details under the cut
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there are no rabbits actually shown in game so idk i guess watch ur back legend ur going to get studied by a nerd
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chocodaffodil · 6 months
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The wiki said that Chiaki watches Pretty Cure so I drew him with Cure Flora!! :D
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wilds-ponytail · 1 year
Wild: How would you like your hair cut?
Flora: Preferably with scissors, but a sword could be badass
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Professor Layton and the Curious Village | Layton's Mystery Journey
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win-x · 2 years
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please let them cast actors that actually resemble the characters this time
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magicwhiskers29 · 7 months
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Just in time! Happy Flora Friday and Women's Day! (she's surprised I made it in time)
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redgemwink · 3 months
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now that i've finished my full series rewatch, here's my top 25! i feel like this is a lot more accurate than the last time i did this sdfkdsfk aqours and liella my beloved
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charmixpower · 7 months
Think about the girlies nails rn bc I haven't gotten mine done in a while
Bloom: Bites, worries, and rips up her nails all the fucking time. At first it's just because she has pretty bad anxiety and is constantly fidgeting, and part of that is fucking up her nails, but after her first transformation when her Domino looks are restored she starts ripping them up because she hates how shes reminded of how fucked up her life has gotten. During s3 when Bloom is calming down after the pure anger she was running on for the end of s1 and most of s2 Stella starts painting her nails so they taste bad to bite and are harder to rip up so Bloom breaks her bad habit of destroying them. After this Bloom starts growing her nails out because she never actually cut them in the first place so they just grow out until she accidentally breaks them. They're usually like mountain peak claw shaped nails, because that's how they grow, but when Bloom gets them done she sometimes gets them in a oval kinda shape to have her old nail shape back for a little while.
Stella: Always has her nails done because of course she does she's Stella, fingernails and toenails. She usually has nails extending as well. Her nails aren't super long, she prefers medium length extensions. Her nails in s1-3 are done in an almond shaped, but in s4 she starts getting them done in a ballerina shape. After all that she needed a change, and it matches her new vibe and style better. They're usually in orange, blue, or green, but sometimes she gets them in white a more neutral color if she has a specific outfit planned that her usual nail colors will clash with. In her magic forms her nails are much shorter and don't go past her finger, as she uses a staff in combat and that can get difficult with long nails.
Flora: Her nails are usually pretty short, barely going past her finger in a oval shape. Mostly so they won't get broken while she's gardening and won't hurt under her gardening gloves. Even though she usually wears sandals and flip flops she usually doesn't bother doing her toe nails. She's usually not looking at her feet and neither are most people so it doesn't matter to her. Sometimes she'll do it for a special event or just because she wants to but it isn't usual.
Tecna: In s1 Tecna keeps her nails short in a square shape. Just a little bit of her diva energy seeping out despite the fact that she's convinced herself that emotions are cringe and logic is king. Though she's always been terrible at actually controlling her emotions lmao. When Tecna finally allows herself to express herself properly, instead of pushing all her emotions down and ignoring her anger until it boils over, her nails get longer. Not super long because typing would be inconvenient, but visibly pasted her finger. Like medium short. She'd love nail art and doing funny things, she has gauges and dimple piercings in my thing she tries flare nails and edge nails at least once.
Musa: Girlie does not take care of her nails. She's a tomboy and she plays instruments. While Musa primarily plays the flute, she can play every instrument. Which means string instruments, which notoriously do not get along with having any length to your nails. Due to her rejection of girly things in s1-s2 she doesn't really paint her nails, when she accepts herself, her sister, and stops distancing herself from feminine things she allows Stella to paint them or drag her along to a salon s3 on. The more she gets into fun performance outfits the more she does her nails as well.
Aisha: Very well manicured short nails. Aisha does a lot of stuff with her hands and long nails does not play nice with rock climbing so she cuts and flies them often. Very well maintained though, usually wears a clear coat, or skin tone colored nail polish that goes with everything. However in her magic forms her nails are usually longer and always fun colors, it's a chance to express herself without her nail polish being immediately ruined. At first she really didn't like nail polish because all it did was remind her of getting ready to essentially be a living ornament during noble gatherings, but then Anne painted her nails in rainbow colors and her gay heart was immediately won over.
Icy: She has long ass stiletto nails. She's had them for as long as she could confidently pull off the long ass nails look. Long, but not like x-long or any further. She still wants to be able to use her hands without too much of an inconvenience from her nails. I think she'd do her nails as long square nails in her civilian form right up until they get kicked out of CT and any pretense of not being evil is immediately dropped. Takes immaculate care of her nails, she even uses her ice to reinforce her nails so they don't break. They look too good for that.
Darcy: Short-medium squared oval nails, she does not have the time nor the energy to keep up with nails like Icy does and doesn't feel like them constantly getting in her way or getting them redone when they break so she just takes care of her natural nails and paints them herself. Laughs at Stormy when she accidentally stabs herself or at Icy when she struggles to do something because of her nails. In her magical forms her nails are much longer as she doesn't need to take care of them because of magic.
Stormy: Medium length almond shaped nails that she is CONSTANTLY breaking and getting redone. I'm so obsessed with how Stormy is the most feminine and the most chaotic of the Trix. Yes she only wears heels and mini skirts, yes she'll chase you down without breaking a sweat. I'm obsessed with her, but yeah she breaks her nails all the time because she's heavy handed and doing stupid shit and I love her.
A little guide, because I needed to Google this stuff to know them all:
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arcadewonder · 2 years
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differences in a family tree
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