#cut the bs
spilltheteawithlee · 1 year
“ we’re gonna hang out so much the first two weeks!!”
Then why are you leaving me on delivered and acting all mad and shit
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butterfly-95 · 11 months
I just want to say, people don't have a right to tell you how to feel about something. That's the nr 1 bs someone who's manipulative, immature and/or cowardly will pull when they know they messed up consecutive times, owe to you an apology and changed behaviour and still won't while knowing perfectly well it hurt you. Especially if you pointed it out to them already more than one time.
People know what they do, fam. This applies to supposed relatives and "friends". There's no damn excuse.
Cut whoever you have to out of your life until they actually show signs of having improved in behaviour and caring about how they make you feel in the long term. Otherwise, they'll keep on stepping over your limits and disrespecting you over and over again. Sometimes, people simply don't care enough to actually deliver what they promised.
#This is painful to hear but I would be lying if I said I don't know what I'm talking about#And honestly I once gave too many chances to people who did not deserve it#People I grew up with included or whom I thought I knew well.#Toxic friendships#Toxic relatives#Toxic relationships#Reminders#Self love#Self respect#This has been one of the most painful years for me so far in terms of losses but also people overall being cunts for no good reason.#Just saying.#I had toxic parents who'd guilt trip me by showing negative emotions and being sad or rightfully upset for denying me#Normal childhood experiences or stuff I had the right to try as a kid#Or for berating me and being rightfully upset and hurt#Like. crying in front of some relatives too? Why are you crying?#Was the first answer I got.#Cut the bs#I will cry. I'm a human. Not a machine.#Some people out there literally can't act like proper humans.#Correction : they can. They just don't want to.#I've had lecturers who have shown me more sympathy for the times I've been troubled or overwhelmed more than my own supposed “family” and#Just depressing.#Lots of things happened just this year alone that have made me lose faith in humanity. Like#...#Feel free to reblog#I feel like this needs to be shared/said.#Because as an empathetic person who easily absorbed others moods I thought I'd have to be the one to do something . No . It's not my respon#Responsibility#And I feel like if for once I was freedom of such shackles . Of such weight#For the other it's like ... I wish people would actually work on themselves enough to keep the relationship but they simply won't be hassle
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maomango-doodle · 7 months
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Jazz puns, am I right?
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Some random doodles
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helsensm · 8 months
If you’re still taking requests, Mk1 Kung Lao meets Mk11 Kung Lao?
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I will use this ask to finish the wip I had since November, thank you anon <3
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tgmsunmontue · 4 months
Bradley: I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed to taking your name. Jake: *coughs* *splutters* Jake: What? Bradley: Wait. No. I can’t. Then my initials would be BS and that’s just… that’s not acceptable. Jake: Oh my god, they would be BS. You should totally take my name when we get married. Bradley: When? Jake: Well, I’ll get around to asking eventually. Bradley: Why do you get to do the asking? Jake: Because you're slow Rooster. Bradley: *drops to his knees* Bradley: *pulls out a ring* Bradley: Not this time.
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Targ stans who go on and on about "The blood of Old Valyria" and "filthy Andal blood and traditions" always manage to baffle me when they start talking about religion in Westeros.
Like, High Valyrians with their Valyrian Gods partaked in human sacrifice, human experiments, unimaginable types of torture, slavery, eugenics, all types of familial incest and were basically fantasy nazis in their society built upon the enslavement and forced hard labor of the races they saw as "lesser" but clearly, the evilest religion is the one where people pray to the humanoid aspects of their God and read their bejeweled little book.
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thematicparallel · 2 months
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Black Sails × The Spear Cuts Through Water
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awakefor48hours · 10 months
I swear tumblr zoomers describe Korrasami's relationship like historians looking at actual gay relationships
"They were just good friends"
"Their relationship was so ambiguous"
"There was nothing too special with them"
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specialagentartemis · 11 months
We talk a lot about reading comprehension and misinformation on this website, but learning how to slow down, assess sources, and fact-check is a skill. A skill a lot of us have not been called on to demonstrate since high school, but a skill that's vitally important in the modern world.
I'm in graduate school for the social sciences (anthropology) - critically assessing sources is part of the skillset we are taught. I've had people ask on my post about historical misinformation, "How can I only reblog things that are true? How can I tell?" And it's a good and important question!
A couple core questions to ask, about history, science, or current events, are:
Who is saying this?
Where are you seeing this information? Is it a legal scholar, a historian with a PhD, a museum curator, an on-the-ground activist, a rando twitter poster, a Mormon conspiracy theorist? For scholarly questions, look for people with PhDs and published articles; for questions of current events, look for what people who are actually there are saying and showing.
Who agrees with them?
Can you find articles from other sources corroborating this, or is it just one guy who is saying this? Conversely, do you see anyone disagreeing and correcting this information? Who?
Does this person have an ideological bias that might cause them to discount conflicting information?
Everyone has biases, of course, but some are obvious. A lot of revisionist American history is put out by Mormon groups to try to prove the literal truth of the Book of Mormon; ditto for history that seeks to prove various things in the Bible. It may be easy for us to laugh at that, but a lot of tumblr revisionist history involves inventing gay historical figures out of flimsy sources because we want it to be true. Is there a reason that the person making this claim might want this to be true? This doesn't necessarily make it false, but it does mean you have to require more robust claims.
What sources do they cite?
Do they cite well-documented research or well-provenienced archaeology? Do they have photographs of what they're claiming happened? Or do their claims rely on nameless, dateless, "I can't show you my sources yet" or "I swear I heard about a guy..." Do they cite any sources or is it "just trust me bro"? Are those sources that they do cite reliable, or are they circular? Do the sources they cite actually say what this person is claiming they say? Are they cutting out half of a quote, or ignoring conflicting evidence presented in the same source?
Is this conspiracy theory thinking?
Is this making claims that an individual or a group is secretly hiding information from the general public? Is it blaming one individual or group for widespread societal problems? Is it claiming that the only reason this isn't common knowledge is because Somebody is suppressing it? Is it claiming that the solution to a complicated political problem is actually simple and everybody knows it but people just don't want to do it for nefarious reasons? That's conspiracy thinking, and it's almost never as clean or easy as the claimant wants you to believe.
Just because someone is saying something confidently doesn't necessarily make it true, but also, just because you don't like something doesn't necessarily make it false. Ask these questions when you see a claim that makes you feel angry - or makes you feel righteous. Look for journalists, scientists, historians, legal scholars, who present their credentials and their sources. Look for multiple independently verified news reports or scientific articles. Determining The One Truth about things is not always easy and sometimes not possible, but asking these questions helps you assess what you're reading critically and evaluate claims.
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girlsdads · 7 months
sooooo what we’re NOT gonna do is hold max responsible for his dad’s bs and we’re not gonna villainize him for the fact that his dad has influence over him we’re definitely not gonna do that right
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w1lmuttart · 2 months
Oc sketch and rant incoming
Also trigger warning for blood and death
You know, I have always thought one thing was kinda odd whenever there's a story of characters from a modern setting having to battle supernatural beings. Whether it's isekai, urban fantasy etc. It's like the one thing that I don't question as much when it's a fantasy setting cuz i can imagine it being something that's part of the characters' lived experiences/lifestyles. That thing is: how come characters don't feel like using weapons to kill living beings viscerally uncomfortable? And I don't mean it in a "oh no I just killed, I'm a murderer now :(((" type of way but like,,, the sensation of it especially if the character is using a sword or other melee weapon. Unless you are working at a butchers, have dissected a frog in biology class or work as a doctor of any kind, you're not really getting to deal with this kind of sensation on a daily basis. Idk I feel like it's a bit of a missed opportunity to develop your character. With that being said
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This guy is part of an isekai story/parody thing I've been wanting to make, where I take both the "bland overpowered harem guy who thrives on this world" protagonist and "edgy survival game guy who will take any action to get home" protagonist and put them in another world together. This guy is the latter, and I wanted to explore his journey into becoming a lethal swordsman by having him train to get used to handling it by using small monsters as practice.
So uh ye tldr I feel like there's a little number of people in our current day who would be able to handle weapons against monsters and such without struggles, and I'm tired that stories (especially anime) pretend it isn't 👍
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symphonyofsilence · 1 year
Daily reminder that most of the sect members follow their sect leaders because they were born to that sect, or that sect was stable and powerful enough to provide them with security, and the Wen Remnants followed Wei Wuxian even though they were afraid of him because that was their only option, but the YMJ members that followed Jiang Cheng ever since the Sunshot Campaign freely CHOSE to do so. He was 17. And an extremely traumatized seventeen-year-old at that. He was simultaneously looking for his brother and participating in a war while rebuilding his sect. Lotus Pier was destroyed. There were only 3 people left of the YMJ sect (2 as far as they knew with WWX missing.) The sect was brought to ruins. The YMJ sect couldn't have had much riches left. But the new sect (and they were enough for YMJ to be called a sect again) CHOSE to follow Jiang Cheng.
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maomango-doodle · 7 months
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I've been reading Bartender, so ofc I did a crossover with my current obsession
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AU where Sasakura is a bartender on Gunsmoke
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climbdraws · 3 months
everytime I see an artist open up a redbubble shop part of me dies inside
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burnthatbridge · 11 months
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still not sure what inspired the software update {made using this template by @jessource}
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parab0mb · 4 months
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Went through my unfinished folder and found this bonus doodle that I did alongside the Mu drawing I did a bit back but never bothered to finish. So I finished it. C:
The dynamic between these two is seriously slept on.
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