#cuz I did let the shit hole die
enkibutnice · 1 year
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This lying self centered egotistical asshat, I am going to kill him. I will find a way to fucking do it. ALL ON PURPOSE HUH? JUST YOUR SUFFERING? YOU SAY AS I HOLD YOUR DAUGHTER YOU MOTHERFUCKING SHIT AT EATING PUSSY LOSER
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thatblvckboyy · 4 months
I desperately NEED Keeho just fucking the shit out of me cuz he's stressed from tour. Like he has me sobbing and begging from overstimulation but its no use. He wont let up.
Wrong move
Keeho x male reader
It's a bit long but enjoy pookie
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In the hotel room,keeho turned and tossed in bed relentlessly as he tried falling asleep,“Fuck,”he murmured as he grabbed his phone and pulled up lewd videos you and him fucking which he secretly recorded without your knowledge.With his hand in his pajama pants,keeho stroked himself as he watched the video . . . but it wasn’t enough —
he needed more.His hand still in his pants he called you and waited until you answered the phone.“Babe,” he mumbled as he placed the phone on speaker and sighed.“I can’t sleep. I miss you so fucking much,”he sighed as he rolled onto the other side of the bed.
You only left yesterday... Keeho!?"
laughs softly as I try to calm down "I know, babe but you know I get really horny,"runs my fingers through my hair, feeling restless,
"Then jerk it off" you slur out without even thinking about what you said
"I tried but didn't really help much"
"Keeho its just 2 weeks you won't die, now please it's 2 am and I wanna go back to sleep" with that you hang up the call and slam the phone on the night stand
"Did he really just.....?" Keeho says to himself with a hint of irritation in his tone
"god I'm gonna fuck that bitch when I get home"keeho says himself while he accepts the outcome as he struggles to sleep, his mind racing with all the dirty things his gonna to you.
Two weeks successfully passed and keeho was on his way home, you were at home just doing the chores, you even forgot keeho was coming home today.
You were in the kitchen doing the dishes when he came in he left his suitcase in the living room and he swiftly grabs you dragging you making your hands slipping on the dishes as you try to regain your balance,your eyes widening in surprise as keeho suddenly tackle you dragging you the bedroom and locking the door.
"Now let's see how tough you are" and with that he rips your pants with his arms exposing your ass.Your heart racing with a mix of fear and excitement."keeho please calm down..." You stutter out as keeho grabs the vibrator "between you and me baby boy we both know you love it this.....way maybe a bit to much" He says his tone dripping with malice as he gets the vibrator ready and he stares at you, named and vulnerable
"Now come on bend over..... ," he said as hovered on top of you watching bend over"good boy "he said as he introduced the vibrator on your hole gently rubbing it against your hole before pushing it in your ass
You gasp, your busy trembling and tensing as the vibrator sends a joke of pleasure and pain through you. "Ahh......oh....pleaaase,"you moan in pain and pleasure as keeho sits on the chair next to the bed unzipping his pants, unbuttonts his shirt and taking off his boxers and starts jerking off while watching you squirm and writhe as the vibrator pushes inside you the sensations intensifying with each second "ohh fuuuuck yeah" you heard keeho groans as he jerked off while watching you
Here are your moans
Keeho then suddenly increased the speed of the vibrator making you squeal "what do we say baby boy" he taunts as he strokes his dick getting closer to climaxing "i-..... I-m sorry d-daddy"
You manage to stutter out, with each moment you feel your body being torn apart limb from limb,but you had no option but to just lay there a moaning mess and take it cause if he fucked you himself, god knows what could have happened to your poor legs
"Ahhhh, fuuuckk yes, god y-esssss"keeho groans as he finally cums all over himself feeling spent, he decides to turn off the vibrator and get it out of your ass
"Now come here..... Babe" he said as he layed down on the bed paying the space next to him, you seems nervous a birthday but finally decide and go lay next to him on his chest "now you know next time I'm on tour you shouldn't act so bratty and tough ok" he says as he strokes your head, his sadistic dark demeanour now go on as if it was nothing
"Now come on go to sleep" he said as you slowly driffted off to sleep your body still twitching a bit from earlier and keeho starts drifting off too... Before he could even sleep he heard you sleep talking "no pleaaase keeho" thats what you said, "ssh it's okay...with that you both fell asleep
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lemon-natalia · 4 months
Harrow the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 52
Augustine & Mercy are having a very intense convo about how they just murdered GOD and are dooming themselves, and Gideon 1.0, Gideon 2: Electric Boogaloo, and Ianthe are just … standing there
oh shit and Dominicus is gonna die and become a black hole? i mean given there’s a whole other book not sure where this is gonna go, maybe he was lying to everyone about that as well?
when Ianthe of all people is the one advocating to try and save people out of the goodness of her heart, you know you’re fucked
‘Well, Augustine, there’s something you should know’ could someone please say something in this series that isn’t ridiculously cryptic. also i totally forgot this guy was wearing Gid’s sunglasses the whole time lol
OH WAIT THE BITCH IS BACK. i knew it was too good to be true 
also YIKES poor Mercy, she was not my favourite character but god she did not deserve that
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also ah. hm. the above comment did not age well
oh this guys whole persona has just shifted. He’s still got that kinda irreverent jokiness & affability but he’s also evidently very pissed off, a lot less ‘lets have tea’ and more ‘do what i say or get fucked’
'then he looked at us, gave a crooked half smile’ ohhhh he has the same. fucking. crooked smile. that Gideon has in the BARI-star dream what the fuck
and he WAS the one who ordered Gideon-Part-1 to kill Harrow, for fucks sake. at least Harrow had Ortus be nice to her briefly cuz she’s three for three on her other parental figures trying to kill her at some point 
Gideon found out her bio dad is GOD, saw him die, saw him come back to live naked, and now found out he tried to kill her (kinda maybe its complicated) girlfriend. thats just ... so many different levels of traumatising
also i keep forgetting Gideon is literally looking like Harrow for all of this
GIDEON 1.0 ISN’T GIDEON, ITS PYRRHA DVE HIS CAV?!?!? yknow what so much else is going on rn i barely have the capacity to process that
and she was also sleeping with Commander Wake, was everyone just fucking eachother????? and i thought the love quadrangle in the last book was complicated. i’m guessing she shot Wake to stop her from potentially revealing the whole ‘i’m actually alive’ thing to the Emperor then?
also wow there’s a lot of consent issues being raised in the last couple chapters and this one, not just with dios apate major, but also like … you’re having sex with someone while possessing someone else’s body without their knowledge, but also also its the only body you have because they (presumably) killed you to absorb your soul. like what.
the drama and vast existential horror of this scene is only mildly undercut by the fact that the Emperor is having this crazy fight wearing only what is essentially an opalescent bathrobe
also why are there fucking TEETH at the bottom of the River? and Tongues?? and it thinks he’s a Resurrection Beast? i feel like there’s so much more to the River that we haven’t uncovered yet
and Augustine wasn’t wrong with what he said wayy before, the Emperor really did grant him more leniency than he did Mercy, at least he gave him a chance before murdering him
also cmon Ianthe you’re really gonna save that guy, really?
'Hands pressed. We died’ AGAIN?? i mean at least this time there’s a chance for her to come back given she’s done it once before?? also i do not know what to make of her seeing Alecto before she dies at all
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
Ch 8: Nen Abilities and Ants
Synopsis: After seeing what can only be described as a behemoth ant claw, you decide to finally reveal your nen ability in the hopes that it'll assist the expedition. Or alternatively, your distracted attention is severely noticed and missed.
Fun fact #9: Y/n is easily embarrassed by nice gestures and kind words. Even though they like to be a little shit and tease people
You were unbelievably flustered at the moment.
The fire was out by the time you woke up and were aware of the 'incident.' You made a move to look for the owner of the 'thing' and accidentally stepped on a twig. Killua shot up and looked straight at you.
You paused in your movements, face heating up impossibly more.
"Isn't that Kite's?" He asked while pointing at you.
You wanted to hide yourself in the blue fabric. Maybe curl up and disappear. But you wouldn't let one kind gesture get the best of you. Nope. Not at all.
"Maybe?" Your voice came out squeakier than you would have liked.
"Maybe." He looked unimpressed by your answer. "Right. So why are you still wearing it if you don't know whose it is?" There was now something mischievous in the small assassin's eyes.
Perhaps payback for all the times you teased him.
"I don't believe I like what you're implying." With the little dignity you had, you crossed your arms.
"I'm not implying anything." Killua's grin was cat-like.
You went to give a rebuttal before the sound of a yawn stopped you.
"Good morning!" Once again you froze as your panicked gaze met Gon's.
"Y/n, how come you're so red? And why are you wearing Kite's cloak?"
You loved the boys, you really did. But right at this particular moment, you wanted nothing more than to up and leave and crawl into a small hole to die in.
This time you did hide yourself into the pleasant smelling fabric and tugged it closer to yourself. Whether it was out of embarrassment or for comfort, you couldn't say.
"We will not be discussing that at this time. Please and thank you."
"How come?"
Mischief littered the other boy's aura.
"Yeah, how come?"
And you had to think really fast on your feet to avoid further flustering yourself.
"Cuz I said so. And if you don't drop it, I won't carry you today."
A sound of disapproval from both. Good, maybe they wouldn't press you anymore.
Turns out the man in question had left to get some fresh water for the three of you. He was caught off guard by you suddenly thrusting a neatly folded bundle of cloth into his chest. Your face was turned away from him as you spoke.
"Thank you." Your voice was shaky and your aura was slightly uncomfortable. From behind you there was a shout of 'I thought you didn't know whose it was!'
Your head snapped in the direction of the voice.
"That's it! You can walk today you little ghoul!" You let go of the blue fabric completely and stomped towards the burnt-out campfire.
"And you're gonna do speed training for a whole week! With the bigger rocks!!!"
A cry of "NOOOOOO!" And then laughter as you tackled the small assassin down to tickle him.
The other boy laughed and pointed at his friend.
"Ha! You've done it now Killua!" Then a shriek as you pulled him down to give him the exact same treatment.
You three were odd. Close-knit, but odd.
Kite went to put his cloak in his backpack and noticed it now had the faint scent of fresh rain.
It suited you.
After finally settling back down around the makeshift camp, the topic of just what the hell Kite actually did was brought up.
"I do biological surveys."
You should have guessed it was something to do with nature. He did grow up around it, after all.
"My main focus is discovering and researching new species." You could sense the shift to excitement from him. Seems he really did love his job.
It was almost cute.
"For instance, have you heard of the Camp Tiger?"
There was a scrunch from all of your faces as you each tried to recall hearing the name.
"Can't say that I have."
"The what?"
His excitement was in full force now, reaching into his pack to pull out a small laptop.
"They've mastered fire. They use tree branches that were ignited by lightning as kindling." There was rapid typing on the keyboard before the screen was flipped over to the three of you.
"Other than certain bipedal magical beasts, they're the first of their kind. A wild animal that prefers its meat cooked as opposed to raw."
Sure enough, there were two of the tigers placing their prey above a fire to cook. You would have watched with more interest if it weren't for the two boys next to you shaking your shoulders from excitement.
"Hey, check it out! That's so cool!" You swayed to Gon's side.
"Yeah! They're actually cooking it!" Then to Killua's.
You looked up from the screen with tired eyes as you continued to be shaken. Kite's gaze met yours and you mouthed a 'help me.'
He ducked his head down in amusement and tried to hide the grin creeping up.
You were thankfully let go a moment later when Killua asked about the ants from yesterday.
"You said the thing that attacked me was a Chimera Ant, right?"
"Yes, the Chimera Ant." The atmosphere suddenly got a little thicker.
"It's under a designated quarantine: level one. It's a dangerous insect that normally no one's allowed to be near."
Judging from the small scar on Killua's knee, you could tell why.
"So were you the one who discovered them?" Gon asked.
"No, I usually specialize in larger creatures. But right now I'm investigating these insects."
You tilted your head at that one.
"Why?" It really didn't make sense for him to be investigating something out of his specific level of expertise. Not that you were the job expert, but still. Why go out of his way to study these things?
"Something had been bothering me lately," he answered. His gaze settled on the destroyed nest a little ways away.
"As it says stands, it looks like I'll have to move to a different location now. I need to make a call, but I'm not getting a signal here."
"A phone call?" Gon questioned.
"I'm working with others. There are 7 of us."
You would deny to your grave that you felt a smidge of disappointment at the news.
"I guess I'll have to wait for them to show up. They're all amateurs, but extremely skilled hunters. I'll introduce you to them." There was that same fondness in his eyes when he had talked about Ging.
Then you felt the presence of about four start to approach. You couldn't sense any ill intent from them, but you still kept your guard up.
Gon had noticed your sudden change in demeanor, your posture a lot stiffer than it was.
"You sense something?" His question had caught the attention of the other two.
"People." Was your response. Kite trained his field of vision to where you had yours. He immediately recognized them as his team, and was somewhat surprised you had sensed them so fast.
Those tired eyes of yours were sharp.
The group of four emerged from the underbrush. There were two girls, one very curly haired dude, and- WAS THAT A BEAR????
"Oh hey!" IT WAS NOT A BEAR!
"Speak of the devil," Kite said as he got up to greet them. You and the boys followed suit.
"Hey, Kite. Who are these guys?" The girl with the pinkish-purple hair asked.
"Some new friends of mine, 'dropped by for a short visit in their travels." Kite gestured to the three of you
"Is that so? Nice of you to come all this way. My name is Spinner Clow, Spin for short." She introduced.
"Pleasure to meet ya!" She outstretched her hand to Gon first.
"Hi, I'm Gon Freecs. Nice to meet you, Spin." He said as he shook her hand.
The small group froze at the mention of Gon's name.
"Hang on, Freecs?" You could see the cogs turning in Spin's head.
"Wait, does that mean you're-!?!?" Kite answered before she could finish.
"Yep. This boy is Ging's son."
"SERIOUSLY!?!?" They all said in unison. You could sense excitement from all of them.
"What about them!?!?" The guy with the afro asked as he pointed towards you and Killua. You were unused to this much energy at once.
"Are you Ging's kids too?!??"
You had to stop yourself from gagging. You? Ging's child? Absolutely not.
"No. That's just Gon," Killua answered.
"My name is Killua Zoldyck." He sounded a little proud as he introduced himself. It made your eyes soften slightly.
The guy from before backed away with slight fear.
"Zoldyck? Really?"
"Don't take this the wrong way," the woman with shorter hair started.
"But are you a part of the famous family of assassins?"
"Mmhm. That's right, but I quit the business." He answered.
Then you were pointed at again.
"Ooooh! And you???? Who are you supposed to be?!?"
You did not like this guy's energy. But maybe that was just you being an ass. You did already have a very stressful morning. You felt expectant eyes on you. They probably assumed you were some hotshot, or at least related to one.
Surprise! You were none of those things. You were just...
It wasn't the first time your answer was unsatisfactory. Bisky let you know almost everyday she wanted more details from you.
"Y/n? Y/n what? C'mon, don't be shy!!!"
The circles under your eyes seemed to darken at his probing. Before you could answer though, the boys had taken over.
"Y/n is the one who watches over us and makes sure we don't get into trouble!" Gon was the one to speak first.
"That's right! And they're super tough, too. Even if they aren't a Hunter, so don't underestimate them!" Killua added.
You were stunned for a second. Was that what they really thought of you? You wanted to hide again, but for a different reason this time.
You'd thought you'd be used to everything these boys did by now. But this was a little different. They were vouching for you. You tried to look down to hide the softness in your eyes. But you couldn't stop it from dripping into your tone.
"Yeah, so there you have it." The strong protector. Now you'd just have to prove it. And you sure as hell wouldn't let them down doing so.
The excitement simmered down a little and shifted into something a little more comfortable that suited your taste. (Shifted away from you for a bit)
"While Y/n may not be a hunter, both boys are professionals. Which makes them your seniors," Kite elaborated, much to his team's shock.
You, however, were feeling a bit proud. At just 12 years of age, they'd already surpassed four grown teenagers. At 12, they've both accomplished so much.
Hell yeah!!!
Those were your kids!!!!
You all settled down to continue talking for a bit. It was a little bizarre to be around so many people. Usually, your social circle had remained small. (Dodgeball on Greed Island being an exception because there was no way in hell you would have sought out that many people yourself.)
So to have so many sitting and chatting, it felt odd. Especially since they all seemed like good people. You couldn't tell if you liked or hated this new arrangement. Then again, it felt kinda nice to not be so isolated.
It just might take awhile to get used to.
You eased back into the conversation as Kite's team continued to introduce themselves again.
The guy who looked like a bear was Mon. The dude with all the energy and afro was Stick Dinner. (Who did make the joke that he was a cook because of his last name, har har) And the girl with short hair was Banana Karvaro.
Now that one threw you off, but you were quick to hide your confusion. They were an odd bunch, weren't they? Close, but kinda odd.
A small dog jumped out of Banana's backpack and ran straight towards Gon. And your heart just about melted at the small creature wagging its tail, desperate for pets. Gon picked it up and let it lick his face.
You were reminded of just how much you adored dogs, however.....
As Kite went on to finish listing the remaining members, Podungo and Lin, the small dog made its way towards you. It gave one sniff your way and retreated back to Gon whimpering.
You weren't so great with them, or the smaller animals for that matter. A damn shame.
Curious eyes fell on you. You didn't really feel like discussing why the poor creature had run from you, even if you did have a pretty good inkling as to why. Thankfully, Kite, your savior twice now, had diverted attention away from you. It was like he could tell when you were getting uncomfortable.
Oh wait...
You had to remember someone could see you now. But it was just so damn hard to get used to that again.
"Where are the other two now?" He asked in reference to the missing members.
"They're both heading towards the area of the sighting," Mon answered.
Area of the sighting? Sighting of what?
You weren't left in the dark for long as Mon pulled out something from his pack.
"What you told me earlier was accurate, Kite." He held up a small jar containing what looked like a claw.
"This thing right here, it looks exactly like the claw of a Chimera Ant queen."
You froze momentarily. If the claw was that big, then the creature it belonged too...
Not good.
Not good at all.
"We ran some computer analyses, and it came back a 99% match." Mon elaborated.
You couldn't be sure just what it was capable of until you got your hands on a bigger part. Still, the damage a normal sized ant did was bad, an even bigger one could be catastrophic. Your train of thought was interrupted by Killua getting up.
"Can I see?" He said gesturing to the claw.
Killua took the small jar and immediately frowned.
"So this is a Chimera Ant claw? It's as big as a human finger."
Gon got up to get a closer look as well.
"Does that mean that there are huge ants?"
"We're not certain." Kite responded.
"Could one have mutated that big?" Killua asked as he continued to inspect the claw.
"It is possible, although it may also belong to a completely different species. Regardless, we just don't know right now. That's why we're investigating."
You really did appreciate that he was taking the time to answer the boys' questions instead of brushing them off. You'd thank him for that later. For now....
"Hey kid, give that here a sec." Killua handed you over the jar.
Immediately you felt something off. Something dark. You opened your palm and examined it. The claw itself was incredibly sharp. Sharp enough to tear clean through flesh. Probably saw through bone, too. But there was something else about it.
Your eyes picked up on a faint residue covering the claw. That was where the feeling was coming from. Something about it you could only describe as 'icky.' It made you want to recoil and drop the vial you were holding.
This thing....
It was evil
You didn't have a very good feeling about this.
You handed back the claw as Spin went on to explain how they came into possession of such a thing.
They had purchased it from an agency after it washed ashore on YorkNew. The seller preferred the claw went to a hunter rather than be taken by the government. Two pieces of the claw were taken for study, which brings us to where we are now.
You and the boys had officially joined up with Kite and his team for this expedition. First stop: YorkNew to gather the rest of the team.
Gon and Killua were a little ways ahead of you with the rest of the group chatting. It put you at ease a little to see them making friends. It wasn't often they got to just be kids.
You decided to give them some space and hung back with Kite. The silence wasn't as awkward as it had been yesterday. You were almost content to bask in it.
You nodded your head to show you were listening.
"What am I getting myself into with those boys?" There was something teasing in his tone, although the question was genuine.
You turned your head a bit to address him better.
"Honest opinion?"
A nod.
"Gon is a precious ball of sunshine who's a little dense at times. Don't get me wrong, kid's strong as hell. He just has trouble getting things sometimes. He beats himself up over that, which sucks because he feels like he constantly needs to prove himself. I have a feeling it relates back to 'you know who.'
"Killua is a feral goblin at times, but once he likes you, he's just as sweet as the other one. He's cautious and knows how to pick his battles. And despite the shit his family's put him through, he's still a good kid. They both are." Everything about you in that moment was soft.
Your eyes held a certain fondness that only a parent would when talking about their child. Your tone was filled with unconditional affection. And even your aura was pure content with something a little sweeter.
A family
That was the word for what you and the boys had formed.
You nudged the taller male's arm.
"So, whaddya think? Do you got what it takes to mentor these two?"
There was a smile on your face. Not quite as big as the one from yesterday, but still there. Still you.
"I think they'll fit right in. Besides, they've got someone like you watching over them."
It took you a second to process Kite's words and when you did, your face went hot.
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!?" You had a good feeling about what he meant. And the thought was very embarrassing.
"Well it's said that good Hunters are blessed with great friends." There was that teasing tone again.
You gave a playful nudge to distract from your flustered state.
"You are such a dork, you know that?"
You earned yourself a smile from him and tried to bite back your own.
"So you're saying you're not a good friend, then?" Oh, he could bite back, could he? Mischief littered your aura.
"Yup. I'm not their friend. I'm the big sibling, princess. Beat that!" You looked so proud it was actually adorable.
This time, it was his face that felt a little warm from your nickname.
"Please don't call me that, you'll give my students ideas." He readjusted his hat a little so you wouldn't see. But you could still sense his embarrassment.
"Wow, you're already rejecting my friendship. How cruel, after I graciously forgave you for shooting at my kids. Guess I'll just die."
You were startled by a booming laugh from up ahead of you. It was that Stick dude. He probably told another joke. Kite picked up on your sudden unease.
"Not a fan of loud noises?" He asked. (Ah yes, you'd forgotten he was a little dizty.)
"Not a fan of obnoxious noises. I deal with loud everyday, if you couldn't tell." You gestured over to the two boys in front.
You felt a nudge to your shoulder.
"You'll get used to it." Kite assured.
"Stick's jokes don't always land, but when they do they're pretty funny." It was sweet how he vouched for his student like that. Something you could respect.
"I hope so, if not I'll just become deaf. And you'll just have to get used to using sign language."
He lifted a hand towards your field of vision.
'Already have,' he signed.
Your mouth dropped open in delighted surprise.
"You bitch! How come you didn't tell me sooner? Hold on, let me-"
And your own hand was rapidly making signals. You felt like a little kid again, staying up and sharing secrets in the dark.
'Your hat is stupid and I want it.'
He let out a huff of amusement.
'No, only people who read from nature encyclopedias are allowed to wear it.' You gave a light laugh at that. It was decided, you liked him.
Liked messing with him, that is.
'Nerd. Huge Nerd. I'll just take it from you when you're asleep.'
Your grin was so big, you were sure your face would split in half. How long had it been since you smiled this big?
'Sure you can try, but I'll sense you coming.' He was kinda pretty when he was looking at you like that.
'But the question is will you be able to catch me, princess?'
Something was missing. Off, you could say. There was a certain lack of presence next to the two boys. And as Gon turned slightly to ask you something, he realized what it was.
You weren't there.
Instead, you were behind laughing and smiling so brightly with someone he was sure you hated the day before.
It felt strange.
Your presence had become a constant in his and Killua's life. A stable force that was comforting yet stern at the same time. Always watching, always protecting. So to have that suddenly disappear...
He didn't like it.
There wasn't a time he could recall when you hadn't been far behind.
Your smile, your real smile was rare. So rare that it was mind boggling how big it was in Kite's presence.
It took months for you to be comfortable around them. Months to get you to laugh. Months to be able to see a glimpse of your true personality.
And here he was doing the same in just one night.
What had changed?
You wouldn't just forget about them, would you?
"Hey, Sib!" No, there was no way. You had all been through so much.
You paused your signs and gave the boy your full attention.
"Yeah?" You weren't embarrassed this time. Was that a good or bad sign?
"You promised to carry me, remember?" Maybe he was being a little selfish. You deserved to be happy. But that didn't mean he couldn't worry.
"I did, didn't I?" Your brow was quirked up with a small smile. "Alright, hop on munchkin."
He let out a relieved smile as you sped up your pace and hoisted him on top of your shoulders. He felt like a giant like this, able to see everything. There was a smidge of smugness as he caught Killua's gaze and stuck his tongue out at him.
Gon could feel your pace slowing again, most likely to continue your silent conversation with Kite. He didn't want you to forget about them again just yet.
"Hey, Y/n?"
You gave a hum, pace returning to normal.
"What did you want to be when you grew up? I know you said you didn't wanna be a hunter, so what did you wanna be?"
He hoped it wasn't something that made you upset. You always got a little defensive when it came to stuff from before Greed Island.
Seems luck was on his side today.
"I never really had the chance to think about things like that. My future was predetermined, so to speak. But I remember this lady from when I was little." You had never really talked about your childhood before.
That's when it hit him.
You were what had changed.
You were finally comfortable enough to let go of that lazy front. Finally opening up instead of hiding away. You were changing, and they had been the ones to spark it.
"She would always play her piano for all the kids. I remember running over and trying to be at the front because if you were, she would let you pick out the song. It was something that always made us smile. I used to think if I could do something like that...then everything would be worth it." Your tone was somber, but not upset.
Perhaps he was overreacting after all. You were happy, and in the end that's what mattered most. If you wanted to share those smiles with someone else, then by all means do it. As long as you were smiling.
He could let go if it meant you'd stay happy.
"Do you have a favorite song she would play?" He folded his arms on top of your head and rested his own on them.
"It's been years. I don't really remember any of them anymore. Maybe a melody if I try hard enough, but not a full song....There a reason you're interested in my future?"
"Well, I usually ask people why they became hunters, but you're a little different. I guess I'm just curious is all."
You were quiet for a second.
He hoped he didn't scare you off.
"... Maybe one day I'll tell you two everything. When I'm ready..."
When you were ready.
He was sure the two of them could wait until then.
"Hey, kid."
He hummed at your call.
"Do you wanna continue flying solo, or do you wanna invite your bestie up here?"
He could feel himself beaming.
"Can you carry both of us?"
"I've got shoulders of steel, now shuffle over."
He did as you asked and balanced on your left. You steadied him with one arm before calling to the other boy.
"Hey, Killua! It's your lucky day, I've forgiven you!"
The small assassin looked up at you with a small glare.
"It's about time. You're too soft to stay mad for long."
"Hey!" You protested.
Then you leaned down so you could pick him up and placed him on your right. With both of them secured, you walked steadily forward. (Not without throwing a wink behind you at the taller male.)
Gon and Killua looked at each other and gave a slight nod. Everything had been sorted out.
When you had reached the jeep you were to be traveling in, you couldn't help but notice it was a little small. Especially if two more people were joining.
"If push comes to shove you could just tie me to the top like luggage and get 'er going," you said.
You were immediately met with horrified gasps of 'NO!' from Kite's team as you set the boys down.
The duo in question were trying to stifle their laughter, already used to your quips and deadpan delivery.
"We would never ask that of you," Banana hurriedly explained. The others nodded rapidly behind her.
It was kinda funny how fast they were to shoot down your suggestion, unawares you didn't really mean it.
They were good people.
"Damn shame. I was looking forward to the view."
Sounds of rushed out 'You don't have tos' and Please don'ts' were heard throughout the area.
Yeah, you'd definitely made the right decision in joining them.
You felt a light thwap to the back of your head and turned to glare.
"Quit terrorizing my poor students," Kite said as he adjusted his hat back in place.
Did he just-?
Now that was new.
"Hey, I terrorize everyone," you threw over your shoulder as you and the others piled into the jeep.
You found yourself sandwiched in between the boys with Stick on Killua's side and Kite on Gon's. Safe to say, it was a tight fit. The others were packed together in the back.
Like sardines in a can.
From the forest to a rocky desert you traveled. The area reminded you of the time you spent on Greed Island. No monsters though.
And no bombers.
"It's been days-No, it's been months since it last rained here," Kite noted.
"The weather this year has been so unstable. It's possible it's even affecting the wildlife in some way. Though, it's hard to say just yet."
Droughts were hard for any living thing. Worst case scenario, the animals probably left when they couldn't find any water. But you weren't exactly an expert on the subject.
"So the insect with the large leg could be a mutation influenced by these conditions," Spin speculated.
"But why would it have grown larger?" Banana questioned.
"In order to survive more easily," Mon answered.
"If it were bigger, it would have a much better chance of securing its food."
You decided it couldn't hurt to add your thoughts in the mix.
"If it's mutated, then there's probably more of them out there, ya know? Besides, mutations occur when the need for survival changes. Usually hundreds of years. It's not likely it just all of a sudden grew big. I'd wager it's from somewhere else where size is necessary for survival."
Ah yes, critical thinking, your friend. It'd been a while since you put your noggin to good use. Like solving a good puzzle. Plus the ant being from somewhere else fits in with the strange residue left on the claw.
If you could just get your hands on a bigger piece, you'd know for sure.
"But where would it even be from that requires it to be that big?" Spin asked.
"Beats me. But it makes a helluva lot more sense than it getting bigger because of the rain, or lack there of."
You may not have been a hunter, but you sure as hell thought like one. The thought that the ant could have been from somewhere further than the few islands next to YorkNew hadn't really crossed their minds. Which begs the question: were there more of these things out there somewhere?
"You may be right, but we should still take into consideration the nature of the Chimera Ant," Banana explained.
"I agree. They do reproduce in a unique way that isn't found in any other organism." Spin continued.
Now that piqued your curiosity.
"They do? How?" It was Gon who spoke up.
"They reproduce through a process known as phagogenesis," Kite answered.
The process, as he explained it, was when the queen ant consumed an organism and passed those traits down to its offspring. Depending on how many species it ate, every trait could be randomized or combined to form something completely different.
The queen also preferred to consume her body weight many times over in a single day with organisms that it deemed to have the strongest traits. In other words....
"So if she sets her eyes on you, you're finished, huh?" Killua guessed.
"Judging by the size of that claw, she's at least two meters long. That thing could eat a human in no time at all."
The silence was deafening.
And you couldn't blame them because something that big with that huge an appetite....
It'd be a miracle if it hadn't eaten a human already.
It had been a while since you last set foot in YorkNew. The constant buzzing and bustling of people was almost dizzying. Man, you'd been away from society for too long. Something else you would have to grow used to again.
At least the bridge you guys were on was less densely occupied. It gave you a chance to relax and suppress your aura all the way. Couldn't be too cautious here.
The missing members form Kite's team were quickly found.
"Meet Gon, Killua, and Y/n," Kite introduced. "I mentioned them on the phone."
"Hello there. My name is L-Lin Koshi. It's a pleasure to meet you," The boy with glasses greeted.
"And my name is Podungo Lapoy. I'm happy to have you three on board." The smaller woman said.
Also good people from what you could sense.
You and the boys exchanged pleasantries before getting back to business.
"Where was the leg discovered?" Kite asked them.
"On the beach, right over there," Podungo answered while pointing.
"And according to the locals here, one day it just w-washed up on the shore," Lin added.
So here the ten of you were, scouring the beach for clues. However none of you could really find anything. It was possible the waves washed away what potential clues there might've been.
"Hey, there's a forest right behind us," Killua pointed out.
"Well if it ran in there, it'll be difficult to find it," Banana explained.
Killua looked in thought for a second before speaking again.
You looked up from your crouched position.
"Think you could find it with your eyes?"
He knew you could see what most couldn't. If anyone could find this thing, it would be your with the eyes to that could find anyone.
"It's tough to say because it's not human. I'd need a little more to go off of in order to guess what its aura would feel like. Every animal would just look and feel the same without more information." Which sucked because your one good thing was pretty much useless.
You really needed the rest of that arm to make sound observations.
"Could you still try?"
You didn't get a chance to respond as Soon spoke up.
"Hang on just a sec, we can't be certain that the Chimera Ant is even still alive."
"That's a good point. We don't even know if it ended up on the same island that it's leg drifted to." Stick backed up.
Was it bad a part of you hoped it was dead already?
"Let's find out then," Banana suggested with a spark of hope in her aura. Seems you were gonna have to search the forest after all.
From under the flap of her bag, the small dog from before barked. He jumped out and waited for the claw to be placed under his nose for sniffing.
"I can help too!" You were startled a little by Gon's sudden outburst.
He ran over and took a whiff of the claw much to your confusion.
What was this?
"Gon's sense of smell is just as good as a dog's," Killua explained. He seemed a little proud at the fact.
Gon followed close behind the dog sniffing at the ground.
And you were distressed.
"Kid, don't stick your nose in the ground. You're gonna get sick," your tone was exhausted.
Right as you finished speaking, the dog started peeing. You were quick to lift Gon up from the ground with a 'See, I told you. It's icky, dummy.'
"It's fine, I couldn't smell anything anyways."
"Yeah no sh-" you cut yourself off.
"No duh," you corrected and set him down.
"It probably rained some since then," Spin offered as an explanation.
"Guess it means the Chimera Ant isn't here," Mon concluded.
A beat of silence.
"We should consider the possibility it may have washed ashore elsewhere." Kite stated before formally addressing his team.
"Which direction do the currents flow here?"
"I-It's complicated. Th-The direction is reversed between day and night," Lin started.
"And it changes with the seasons, too. It can even be different on certain days," Podungo added.
Well that was just bad luck.
"It'll be tough to pinpoint a precise location," Spin lamented.
God you would kill for a bigger piece of this ant. You'd be able to narrow down a few things for sure. Your thoughts were cut short by Gon.
"Well it's way to early to give up. Let's just split up and search." Ever the optimist that boy.
"You know, when you said 'let's split up' I thought Y/n would be with us," Killua complained.
The small assassin also wasn't very fond of your lack in presence. He had grown used to having your ability to rely on. A trust that you would be able to protect them from any danger you sensed.
Without you, he was on high alert.
"I know, but someone suggested we split into pairs," Gon was pouting at this point.
"And it's not like we can follow them, they'd sense us before we could even get close," Killua ranted.
Damn you and your eyes.
But to be fair, he was being a little ridiculous at the moment. They were here to look for the ant, not get distracted by why you weren't helping them.
And there it was.
He and Gon had become too dependent on you.
You were an adult. With your own life and your own decisions. You weren't a babysitter.
"Maybe we shouldn't worry that much about it," Gon's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"What do you mean? Why shouldn't we worry? Y/n isn't a fighter, remember?" He was trying his best to justify going after you.
So you weren't a babysitter, but you were their friend. Friends stuck together no matter what.
"But we both know they can take care of themselves. I don't like them being away any better than you do, but think about it. When was the last time Y/n ever had this much fun?"
It was true.
And it hurt.
And why it hurt just made the feeling worse.
Was he really acting like his family right now? Like his mother?
"I just don't want them to leave us behind."
The exact thing Gon had felt this morning.
And he would reach the exact same conclusion too.
"They deserve to be happy," Killua admitted at last.
He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up at his best friend.
"They won't leave us, no matter how many new friends they make." There was so much certainty that it made him have no choice but to believe it.
"And you know why?" Gon continued.
"Because Y/n is our big sibling!"
You couldn't count the amount of times you'd been hit in the face by a tree branch. How many times you'd stepped on a stick that went right through the shitty old shoes you wore. It was honestly embarrassing how out of your element you were, while your companion seemed right at home.
"Sorry, but the forest honestly sucks dude," You said after tripping over a stray root.
"Why are you apologizing?" Kite asked as he helped you back up.
"Because you like nature, or did I read that wrong?" You stabilized yourself before a mischievous thought crossed your mind. You leaned up and made a few swipes towards Kite's hat. He avoided your grabs with a smile.
"I do, but that doesn't mean I like everything about it. There are some things I absolutely despise."
You quirked a brow.
"Ooh, do tell. I'll share my secrets if you share yours." You scanned the area one more time with your eyes before giving him your full attention.
"They're not really secrets, just things I don't talk about often."
He stopped you before you could yet again trip over a stray branch. You sincerely doubted the Chimera Ant was here.
"Yeah? I've got some of those too, so we'll still be even." You didn't know why you were being so open. Why you were volunteering to. It was strange.
But you didn't hate it.
"Maybe later, we've still got a job to do." There was a hint of disappointment in his aura. Like he didn't really want to focus on the task at hand. But a job was a job, you supposed.
"I'll hold you to it...But y'know," You started. He stopped walking to give his full attention.
"If I could get a good look at the full claw, I might be able to do something."
No deceit in your aura.
You were being genuine.
"The pieces we brought with us aren't enough for you to deduce much?" He was testing the waters a bit. Wanting to see just what you were up to. What you were capable of.
"Pieces of a piece make things harder to put a certainty to," You responded.
"The claw itself is sharp, as we can tell. Sharp enough to slice through bone, leaving no doubt it's a carnivore. There's residue of something darker that lingers on it. Perhaps from the place it originated from. That's what you get from a piece."
You were so much like Ging, and you didn't even know it. Precise in your observations and never making a conclusion unless you had enough evidence.
It was fascinating really, the way your brain worked. Seems being a smart ass wasn't the only thing it made you capable of.
"With the whole arm, what do you think you'd get?"
You thought about it for a second.
"Maybe a visualization. I dunno. It depends on the condition."
"A visualization?" Just what the hell was your nen ability?
You smirked something teasing.
"Well I don't wanna ruin the surprise, you'll just have to see later when I finally get my hands on that damn arm."
It was dark out by the time everyone called it quits. There wasn't a sign the ant had been here, which meant it was back to the city to further study the claw. Good for you, but also troublesome.
You were once again packed tightly into the jeep. Same seats as before, which unfortunately meant it was your shoulders the boys were sleeping on.
You were thanking whatever greater being was up there that they didn't snore. But drool? Yes, they both did, and it was gross. They owed you a new shirt when they woke up.
Everyone else had already fallen asleep. The only other ones awake were Stick, who was driving, and Kite.
You turned your head slightly to get a better look at the taller male. He looked a little worried. His aura filled with concern.
What was he worried about? It had to be bad if the calmness that had previously radiated off of him was gone.
You got an idea. Not a very well thought out one, but it was something. You moved your arm from out under Gon and moved it on top of the seat. You cringed slightly as he leaned further into you and smeared the streak of drool.
God, they really were still just kids.
With your arm free, you made a light tapping on the seat to gain Kite's attention. He looked up a little startled before his eyes met yours. You gestured to your arm and made grabby motions with your hand.
Seeming to get your message, he slid his own on top of the seat until it was in your range.
With a skill that only came with years of practice, you began to use his hand to sign. Making sure to go slow enough that he could decipher each one. A smart idea since it was still very dark out.
'Something wrong?'
He used your hand to do the same.
'Worried.' He was a little slower, not used to this new form of communication. He didn't want to accidentally hurt you folding your fingers.
'The ants?'
'Yes. Might be too dangerous for my team. Yours too.'
Yeah, a six foot killer ant was definitely scary. And if it could make more with the traits of apex predators, it was definitely worrisome.
'Then we just have to find it before it can cause serious damage.'
Then something in your eyes had changed. The resolve was back.
'We will find it. And keep everyone safe, too.'
You could kill bugs, no matter how big.
They weren't people.
You'd spent the rest of the night engaged in silent conversation with Kite. You asked him questions about his team. And you'd deny the softness you felt seeing him become so enthusiastic telling you about them.
He asked you about how you met the boys. And he would deny finding it endearing how much your eyes lit up with each story.
The atmosphere was nice.
And all awkwardness had melted away into something so pleasant, it was hard to put into words.
When you'd finally arrived at the 'base', you were like a kid in a candy store.
A roof over your head????
An actual house with air conditioning????
You were basically in heaven.
A shower????
Hot diggity dog you were blessed by god himself!
But besides that, you were finally in the room with the full claw. Finally able to see it in full. Finally able to observe it.
You half listened as Kite explained to the boys the nesting behavior of the Chimera Ant queen. It was vital information that you would be sure to ask about later.
They were also discussing missing people's cases with Spin as she typed away on the computer. Again, vital information.
But you were just too damn excited to finally use your full ability.
After making sure it was okay, you opened up the case. Your eyes eagerly scanned the weathered down appendage. The same residue from the smaller pieces was there. The particles were so dark, and that feeling of dread was back. Whenever it was from, that place was dangerous.
With a coating of nen on your hand, you reached out and touched the claw.
A purple hue engulfed it, catching the attention of everyone in the room. Your eyes held that same hue around them, then you removed your hand and crouched down. With a touch to the floor, a creature started forming.
You heard the gasps of shock, but didn't really register them. Not as the most grotesque insect you've ever seen in your life loomed above of you.
It gave a small roar that startled the amateur hunters.
"IS THAT THE ANT?!?" Stick shouted as he hid slightly behind Banana, who was also very frightened.
"WHY IS IT SO SCARY!?!?" She shrieked.
You couldn't blame them. This was one hideous creature.
You stood up and paced around it, glancing at every angle. It wasn't completely solid, kinda like a hologram. But it was realistic enough.
"My, my, you're an ugly bastard." It was noted by everyone in the room that you had been amused rather than scared.
"It's at least two meters like Killua thought. Maybe a little bigger if the back legs extend further." The image of the ant adjusted itself slightly taller. Your brain worked double time to make proper assessments.
"Too big to stay hidden for long. The only place stable enough to house it would perhaps be a cave system or mountain range. But with a missing arm, I doubt it went very far above ground. And that's just assuming it hasn't healed yet. If it's already begun to nest, then definitely the mountains are our safest bet."
The ant replica in front of you flickered. Damn, you really had become rusty.
"If it hasn't been spotted yet, it's probably in an area without much of a population. That or someplace isolated. And given its size, it'd need to be an area with ample wildlife to feed itself. Not only that, it's size paired with an insatiable hunger would give it the aura of just about any apex predator. Think bears, lions, wolves, stuff like that."
You briefly glanced over towards your very startled company.
"We also have to take into consideration how complex its thoughts are. If it can think like an actual human, then finding it is gonna be an even bigger pain."
Your observation was complete. The ant disappeared along with the nen around your eyes.
"Do you think you could repeat some of that?" Spin asked, hand hovering over the keyboard. It was then you took in the state of everyone.
Most of Kite's team was a little frightened. Maybe you should have warned them about that first part. Kite himself looked shocked. And your boys, your boys looked very excited.
"Sure. Isolated or low populated area, mountain ranges, and ample wildlife. The rest is how we actually search for it."
She nodded and started typing fast.
While everyone waited on Spin, you were immediately questioned by Killua.
"Hey, what the hell was that?!? I thought you said your ability was speed!"
You gave a nervous laugh before you were once again being shaken by the two boys.
"Come on, Sib! You have to tell us what that was! It was so cool!" Gon exclaimed.
Yeah, it was about time you give some semblance of an explanation.
You let them shake you a little more before stopping them.
"Okay, okay. But I'm only gonna go through it once, so pay attention."
Both nodded eagerly. You could feel eyes on your back from everyone else. How embarrassing.
"My ability, my real ability is tracking."
It was like a pin dropped. And the dots in the boys' heads started connecting. But before they could start asking anything, you raised a hand up to stop them.
"There are five steps that work together in order for my nen to function. Visualization, Aura Sensing, Speed, Silence, and Capture. You with me so far?"
You were almost startled by the sound of resounding hums. Everyone really was listening.
"Step one: Visualization. If I know enough about a target, I can make a perfect image of them. Or alternatively, if I know enough of what something looks like, I can form an exact replica. Nothing is solid and its purpose is purely for scouting.
"Step two: Aura Sensing. My eyes have been trained to see the auras of most people. The stronger someone is, the easier it is to see. My range to purely feel for them is just shy of a hundred meters. The ones closest to me are the ones I take seriously. Through this I can make out exact emotions and see precise locations. If I've seen your aura once, I will always be able to find you again.
"Step three: Speed. In order to stay on top of a moving target, you have to be fast and certain in your movements. With enough training, nen is not needed to enhance your speed. It also means my legs are the strongest part of my body, being that they are the most practiced.
"Step four: Silence. Breathing, steps, even your heartbeat have to be absolutely silent so the target is unaware of your presence. Your aura must also be suppressed all the way down.
"Step five: Capture. Methods may vary, but for me personally, I summon strands of nen that wrap around the target's body. If my will is unbreakable, so too are the strands. They are for holding, not hurting. They won't tighten any more than they have to, just enough to be secure.
"And that concludes my presentation, " you jazzed your hands lazily.
You were met with a deafening silence.
Yeah, didn't sound so nice out in the open. If anything, it showcased just how much of a monster you really were.
You were suddenly being shaken again.
"THAT'S SO COOL! HOW COME YOU DIDN'T TELL US SOONER!" The shaking was turned into a tight hug by Gon. You were frozen on the spot.
"You really had us fooled this entire time thinking speed was all there was. But it makes sense, you didn't really have a reason to reveal it until now." You were shocked by how nonchalant Killua sounded.
"I gotta say, it is pretty cool!" Then the shaking started up again.
"You gotta teach us how to do it! I'll do whatever crazy training you put me through, just show me how!"
"Me too! Show me too!"
Well that was unexpected.
They weren't scared of you???
They didn't think you were horrible???
You looked up from the boys to assess the rest of the room.
The initial shock was gone, instead replaced by that same buzz of excitement when they had first met the boys.
You almost cried with relief.
Tags: @fandomhoe101
An: Crying and screaming because this is the calm before the storm and I am not ready for the next two chapters to be written. Also ☝️ I do have future plans for Kite. And by future I mean FUTURE. Like near the end future. But we gotta persevere through the angst to get to the fluff. We WILL get a happy ending y'all. AND HAPPY PRIDE MONTH 🎉🎉🎉
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ccasey0 · 6 months
OKAY. I did it. @thr-333 i finally did it. i made your lil guy. AND i gave him lore.
but before i show you i want you to see the mass amounts of concept sketches i came up with cuz i couldnt figure this guy out for the life of me.
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haha this went in so many different directions. i wanted him to look young, but any time i drew him like that he looked weird. so i tried a teenager. that just looked terrible. eventually i got it right tho :)
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oke, lore time! i gave this boi trauma so brace yourselves! also, imma try to make it mostly as a fic cuz i wanna see if i can actually write like that. oh, btw for context go here :)
The altar was beautiful. A tiny hut with no front wall. a large cork board on the back wall with pretty charms hanging from it. and a solid stone table in the center with lavender growing around the edges and corners. it would have been a wonderful sight.....if it wasn't Tommy's final resting place. two large men in black robes and masks covering their faces ushered Tommy forward. His hands were bound, and he was too weak to get away. the men shoved him to his knees, their hands gripping his shoulders hard and mercilessly. the priest stood behind him, speaking out to the crowd. nobody seemed to care that Tommy was just a child who didn't want to be here. he knew he would die one day. but he expected it to be from starvation or some sort of sickness from living on the streets. not like this. not as a sacrifice for some stupid Moon God. The priest finished his speech. shit. Tommy struggled against the ropes. please. i don't want to die. let me go. i know i wasn't good. just please don't kill me. i wont do anything bad again. i promise. please. don't kill me. i don't want to die. tears ran down his face, as he tried to plead with the people all staring at him. words failed him. he couldn't speak. suddenly his whole body went numb with shock as the priest poured a bowl of freezing cold water over his head. the man chanted some words in a strange language as Tommy coughed and tried to reorient himself. he opened his eyes and looked up, trying to see the priests face and plead with him. all he saw was the dagger coming down on his head. the world went silent. time seemed to slow down as the blade reached the space between Tommy's wide, teared up eyes. blood splattered onto the stone floor below them. people cheered, all chanting the same words the priest had spoken. Tommy fell limp. he was dead. his body slumped and flopped onto the ground. the priest picked him up, raising his dead body up for everyone to see. he then laid him down on the altar. saying a prayer and then turning back to the people to preach to them again.
the two stars frantically tried to tell their story to Casey. two farmer stars. Casey had no idea what either of them were trying to say, as they were both talking over each other. He raised up his hands, gesturing for the two to stop and back up. "okay, okay, slow down. uh, you." he pointed to the one on the right. "what happened?" the star began to recite what she had seen. a boy. dead on an altar built by an obsessive cult village. the small star finished her story and casey folded his arms. "well shit. both of you stay here. tell the others what happened and have Ally and May meet me at the Tree Shrine." There were a few stars that Casey knew the names of. but that's only because they usually followed him around everywhere they could. Casey then looked up at the small owl sitting on his head. he sighed, already dreading the convrsation he and his sister were going to have in the future. "go tell Dellta." the small owl, Abby, nodded slightly and flew away. Casey then held his hand out over the blackness under his feet. he was standing on the barrier between the Night and the Mortal World. a hole formed below him and he fell through, the other side leading to the woods surrounding the Cult Village. he looked around. it was dark out. Casey's time. the Nighttime. perfect. he walked through the forest, moss and mushrooms growing everywhere he stepped. it was cloudy tonight. the moon wasn't out. Casey moved quickly, just a blur through the trees to anyone who might see him. finally, he reached the altar. it was built up on a short cliff, and casey was at the bottom behind it. he jumped up to it, the wind blowing carrying him upward so he could land on top of the structure. he then hopped down to the stone floor below, drifting slowly until his feet reached the cold surface. he turned to see the boy. there he was, laying dead on the glossy stone table. a small incense fire had been lit on his chest and had already begun to burn him. Casey immediately brushed it off of the child, putting out the fire and dusting away the ashes. he stare down and the boy, whose face still had blood stains running down from between his eyes and splatters all over his skin. Casey brushed the hair away from his forehead. he then wiped off some of the blood with his thumb and pressed it to his forehead, painting the mark of the Night. Casey whispered the same words Celestial had spoken when they made Casey and Dellta spirits. the mark glowed and turned from blood to a permanent tattoo on the child. Casey then carefully lifted the boy up in his arms, holding him gently and making his way back to the spirit tree.
The boy opened his eyes slightly. everything was blurry and way too bright, and he had a horrible ache in his head. his gaze drifted upward as he tried to figure out who was holding him. his vision was still too poor to see them clearly. whoever it was, they seemed gentle. and their hands were very cold. their figure was dark, although their eyes seemed to be glowing yellow. the child tried to speak, but he couldn't even open his mouth. all that came out was a muffled "mmmm....mfff..." The figure slowed down for a second, looking down at him. "ah. you're awake. don't worry, Konton. you're safe now." their voice was tired and draggy, yet somehow warm in a strange way. wait...Konton? is that....my name? Konton. I like it. Chaos in japanese. wait, how do i know that? i don't speak japanese? what is going on?? The boy- Konton squinted his eyes to look at the person holding him. fur, ears, four eyes. what the fuck?? his vision was ever so slowly coming back to him....and his memory. he hadn't even thought of trying to remember what happened until now. it came in flashes. the men. the altar. the water. the knife. He didn't even realize he was crying until the person stopped next to a tree and set him down. the knelt down, reaching forward and brushing a tear off Konton's cheek. "hey. you're okay. no one will hurt you now. but i need you to listen to me for a bit, can you do that?" Konton nodded, bracing himself for whatever this strange person had to say. judging by their face, it was going to be long story.
To be continued..
Holy shit that took forever. Fics are very time consuming. hope you guys liked it tho! please tell me if ya'll want more of this! i know i should work some more on posting HBT, but the Spirit Au is just so much fun! this kid was originally just a lil guy i made for @thr-333, but i liked him enough to make him canon, just like the stars! also, @allyheart707 @kitmay05 and @icequeenabby have all been included in this as their stars! sorry to the other stars, i just felt like these guys would fit best for the roles i had for them.
also! i was doobling the other day and made this :D
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onii mask cuz why not? it's not a canon mask, i was just messing around :) that side profile looks like shit lol. but if you look closely you can see the scar from the incense fire on his chest. Konton doesnt remember the fire since it happened while he was dead. although he remembers everything else about his life except for names. even his. he can remember faces, but no names whatsoever. not even pets.
there is a lot more story to this and i might even continue it if y'all are interested. i also have a funky lil comic cooking in the background that i definitely haven't been procrastinating all weekend haha why would you ever think that :D
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cyberneticlagomorph · 4 months
is there something you've got that you've worked really hard on and loved, but not really been able to share extensively, in Jack's world? yes this is an invitation to talk about it.
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god theres so fuckin much
the second version of the lore doc is 104 pages long at present and this 3rd edition is gonna be AT LEAST that and some change
i have pages upon pages of weird stuff i've written down and mulled over and will never ever use bc i have no idea how to incorporate it into anything yet
like the-end-of-everything
ok so i gotta put this under the cut due to length and religious stuff and Theseus Hare spoilers
so the-end-of-everything is
a lot?
She's almost As Much as Jack
She's the personified Ending of Jack's Narrative, the Jabberwocky from Alice in Wonderland, the angel Lucifer, The Green Sun from Homestuck, Nidhogg from Norse mythology, Mr Eaten from Fallen London and a million billion other things
She exists currently as a weird dream ghost that has attached Herself to Jack to the point where he dreams about Her every night no matter what.
The same dream, every single night for as long as he can remember
In one of his earlier iterations on this blog, he had his ability to dream SURGICALLY REMOVED (don't ask me how he did it, he just did it, it was hard) and She still showed up every night like normal
You see, their fates are tied together. Jack is the Protagonist, and She the Antagonist, as well as the Ending to his story.
Her in universe lore is fucking WILD and i'm probably not gonna do much of anything with it on the blog for Reasons.
In universe She was made to be Fairyland's original captive star, but She was Too Much on many levels to the point where Her creators had Her lobotomized in hopes that would calm Her down. It did not, She eventually escaped and fucked off into deep space, where She met God (yes that God) and fell in love.
He made Her his favorite angel and named Her Lucifer. And then the shit in Eden happened and She got kicked out of heaven
She swore revenge against God for abandoning Her and when She tried to take that revenge She was torn apart and devoured by... something.
In older drafts it with other deities, im not sure about now tho, but Her leftovers were shoved into a well/hole/pit at the bottom of the universe where nobody could ever find them, Her True Name erased from all history and record. (Hence why we know Her as the Nameless Thing)
She wasn't dead though, not completely anyway. She found Her way into the world of dreams and spoke to people through them, She amassed followers and made plans.
And then a child was Born
Alice was born, many Alices in fact. Each born and grown and groomed for war and lost and lost and lost because they were not the right Alice to slay the Jabberwocky
Jack is supposed to be the Right Alice, Alice is actually his deadname and why his VTM alt is Named That. Jack is supposed to slay the Jabberwocky for good with the Vorpal sword and lock Her away inside of himself forever and always
See, Lucifer does not want that at all, She wants to find Her Name and pull Herself back together so She can kill God for what he did and then devour the multiverse bc everyone let God Do That to Her so they very much should all die about it.
Outside of the in universe lore, She doesn't HAVE a fucking Name to find. The Writer never gave Her one, She was never supposed to win or leave or anything, and even if She was the Narrative is unfinished and abandoned so She's stuck in here with the rest of those virgins until She figures out a way to Fix That.
Also Lucifer and the elder god thing inside of Vorpal have major beef, they had beef before Vorpal died and became a bone sword. I'm 90% certain Luci is why Vorpal fuckin died but i might change that later. Vorpal was made exclusively to kill the Jabberwocky and other divine entities so if they didn't have beef before they sure do now???
I wanna do so much with Her but i can't cuz writer's block has hands, I'm a coward, and vivzieverse made characters based on biblical figures Weird and Kinda Uncomfortable but The-End-Of_Everything is my fucking BABY and i can't wait for you to meet Her, also she looks like this in jack's nightmares:
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art by @/pencilbrony my befriended
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 24
is that jimin? unless we still havent saved yoongi's number? BALLET YEAH THATS JIMIN
Do they want you to wear ballet shoes? Was it a typo? Or nonsense babbling of a very bad AI?  fr u wont get it if ur the one who got that message
damn we are bad girl, yoongi sorry not sorry wait what does he want fuck
he looks different? is joon spying? ok no names hm got it WTF IS THAT WOMAN he cant get to her mind right? like random people she must be a vampire/human under his control not random ha this isnt x men lol
wow she left thanks jimin ig
give me your neck and I’ll carve a bloody hole into it with a chainsaw and maybe then we’ll talk about just one bite.” EXACTLY TELL HIM SIS YES HE APOLOGIZED
that’s amazing Park Jimin needs my help.” XD “Maybe he doesn’t want to leave with you, given how you killed his girlfriend in front of his eyes.” yeah jimin have u ever thought of the slight possibility of such a thing? no? hmm ok
I’ve noticed it happening to me ever since I took that awful ring from you.” oh? so he didnt know it before? only figured it out now from the ring? how can i trust ur ass bruh?
um going back there again?? oh pinky promise yeah sure lets die haha very cool 😃😃
You’d rather be ambushed by granny vampire?” You hate yourself for laughing. nah i laughed too dont worry
“Don’t you dare to think I’m into you.” nobody thinks ur 🤡
“If you say this again, I’ll fucking kill you” haha bingo, we knew that was ur worry
“Ah, what the fuck?” Jimin gasps, stumbling and with his hand falling to his ribs, “why did you punch me?” THANKS YOONGI AND YES GO GURL
You have truly never seen him that lost for words before. she really got him good haha
FUCK AAH nothing makes sense, just ah they hurt people yes, but something is weird, why is tae and jimin like that it just doesnt add up
ok breaking another rule lets go haha 😭
fuck taht went bad too, can somebody hear everything out gosh
ha yup knew that emma was never coming back cuz vampires am i right gays
YES IT WAS YOONGI oh the mask was really not jimin, i thought he was lying.
ok i get why they dont want her there, she is just a human who cant heal like them and not that great of a fighter. but something is still fishy, let her try save tae and unfortunately it looks like u cant watch her. or idk man fuck
is that jimin? unless we still havent saved yoongi's number? BALLET YEAH THATS JIMIN
jdjf honestly how rude boongie has been acting i wouldn't be surprised if we didn't HAHHAHA
he looks different? is joon spying? ok no names hm got it WTF IS THAT WOMAN he cant get to her mind right? like random people she must be a vampire/human under his control not random ha this isnt x men lol
hhaah the confusion is real 😌
give me your neck and I’ll carve a bloody hole into it with a chainsaw and maybe then we’ll talk about just one bite.” EXACTLY TELL HIM SIS YES HE APOLOGIZED
I love her <3
I’ve noticed it happening to me ever since I took that awful ring from you.” oh? so he didnt know it before? only figured it out now from the ring? how can i trust ur ass bruh?
no but REMEMBER that the ring fights off mind control helloooooo
You’d rather be ambushed by granny vampire?” You hate yourself for laughing. nah i laughed too dont worry
he is so sassy nfadsnf i love him
“Ah, what the fuck?” Jimin gasps, stumbling and with his hand falling to his ribs, “why did you punch me?” THANKS YOONGI AND YES GO GURL
goooood I miss their banter so much 😭😭
FUCK AAH nothing makes sense, just ah they hurt people yes, but something is weird, why is tae and jimin like that it just doesnt add up
the confusion is real 😭
YES IT WAS YOONGI oh the mask was really not jimin, i thought he was lying.
the plottwist of the century
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spacedlexi · 1 year
Would love to hear u talk more about Clem and Minnie mirroring one another if u haven’t already 🦅
i have Not >:) cracks knuckles
talking about minnie can be hard since she Really only exists in eps 3 and 4. eps 1 and 2 keep the twins pretty mysterious we only learn a few things about them. i think the most important thing we know about them tho is that they (or at least minnie) provided a sense of relief for the ericson kids. tenn saying how minnie would sing them "dont be afraid" when they were feeling scared. i think its safe to assume she wrote the song Specifically to have a way to make the other kids feel better when things were rough
when the twins die the kids lose this emotional support and we can tell its been hard on all of them (some more than others). but then in comes clementine. our girl whos been carrying the "light in the darkness" motif since season 1. and although she got that shit a little dirty in seasons 2 and 3 (ava going off in s3 about how clem and aj are light and hope and shit so we're still supposed to see it (and recognize that clem has become so Dark in s3 without aj)), she got her light back when she got aj back and she'll die protecting him
clem (and aj) fall very quickly into the hole the twins left. now its clem who makes them feel safe. first with finding them food then protecting them against the raiders ("youre our savior clem" "we were more scared than we let on when you met us. you made that go away"). its not an accident theyre put up in the twins room. and with the way violet grabs the frame and looks at it sadly we can even assume clem sleeps in minnies old bed (also the old torn down paintings seem to only be on ajs side of the room and hes got his whole "i wanna be an artist too" thing going on). clem has unintentionally taken on minnies old role of making the kids feel safe and reassured
then we finally meet minnie. and based on how the others described her there is definitely a piece of herself that shes lost (that shes killed). her light is gone now. and although her motivations have been warped, they remain the same. i do genuinely believe she is still trying to protect the ericson kids and do whats best for them, but just in the only way she thinks she can to stop more people from dying. she might even think the pros of living with the delta are worth the cons. clementine is the one teaching them to fight back but minnie knows from experience that fighting back just gets you killed, so she feels like if she can just stop clementine then everything will be fine ("youre the FUCKING problem here" "i wont let you get them all killed" and she does seem genuinely concerned if clem and vi are fighting in the cell. and obviously we know she doesnt want anything to happen to tenn). both minnie and clem want to protect the ericson kids they just have conflicting opinions about which is the right way to do it. but minnie Does show her ass when she ends her "if you just do what they say you can live" speech with "you can be rewarded just like i am" 👀 oh girl... she didnt just give up she gave in. killing sophie was her breaking point and i really wish we knew more about how that scene went down outside of lillys dramatic retelling i would like to see it objectively please. but based on the way lilly tells it, minnie (im sure begrudgingly) accepted her place at the delta before it even came to that, and was probably just pulled along by sophie when she tried to escape. which is probably why (im assuming) lilly gave her the choice to kill sophie to stay with the delta (her New family), and she did... she kills a piece of herself when she does this (only compounded by the twin imagery), and i think her seeing clem fight back reminds her of sophie and brings all those feelings to the surface. and if she can just kill clem everything will be ok, cuz it worked last time....
minnie singing "dont be afraid" when attacking them on the bridge. a song that once brought them peace now being used to herald death. but since she approaches already singing it she was probably singing it to soothe herself as she succumbs to her bite, walking away from the wreckage she blames on clem, her delta family dead (she Did care about them in a fucked up way), using a herd of walkers against them the same way clem used a herd of walkers to attack the boat. all minnie cares about at this point is finding tenn, and she does, and shes gonna take him with her. just like clem looking for aj, finding him, and taking him. but where clem would die to protect aj, minnie wants to kill tenn to take him "home" with her. add to this ajs feelings about ending up alone without clem and wanting to be walkers together if it came to it. this is why tenn dying on the bridge feels narratively fulfilling to me even tho i hate it 😭 tenn wants to be with minnie (and sophie and their parents) and death doesnt scare him. it kinda comforts him. him and minnie dying together here is like the dark fate clem and aj barely avoid
and then vi fitting into this as she became tenns caretaker after the twins left. she also wants whats best for him so her and minerva fighting at the end for tenn is interesting. especially since violet (and louis but he wasnt tenns caretaker the way vi was) can die throwing him over the gap. i like the layers violet adds to being in the bridge scene, and it makes it even more sad when she cant protect him because thats all shes been trying to do since before clem and aj even showed up. plus aj shooting tenn puts violet in a similar position to louis in regards to marlons death
i really love the ways violets route adds to all the minnie and tenn stuff. and the way we can see clems influence change her. how a saved violet is ready to fight with clem but a kidnapped violet believes in minnies goals and thinks giving up is the safest plan for everyone. because regardless if you save her or not violet ALSO wants to keep the ericson kids safe and just doesnt know the best way to do it. clem encourages violet to step up and minnie encourages violet to give up (warping her character growth which is why i cant Not save her 😭 and the betrayal of it all). using violet as a common denominator is another way to differentiate between clem and minnie. then throw the romance on top of that.... you can see why i get a little...Sillay.. this is ALSO why i dont like vinerva in any romantic capacity post the events of ep3 and why i love seeing vi with clem. its what they each encourage in her. minnies weakness, clems strength.... why seeing vi and minnie fight clem makes me want to cry but seeing clem and vi fight minnie makes me jump off the walls LETS GOOO
and i havent even talked about lilly yet.... how if lee took lilly up on her offer in S1 about stealing the RV together clem couldve ended up in her custody.... i definitely believe clem looks at minnie and sees some broken scared part of herself in there. she is Fiercely Loyal and would do anything for her family so if she was raised (or broken) in that environment (and it seems very "ends justify the means" with the delta as it sounds like its actually pretty good over there if you can look past the intimidation and torture and kidnapping) i could definitely see her being the one standing behind lilly in some other universe. its what lilly still tries to do with her but its too late (and so lilly tries it with aj instead which is still a way to get to clem). but clems grown now and shes been making her own choices for a long time. shes already been through this with the new frontier (and hell even with carver at howes). she'd die before she gave in. and minnie made the choice to kill her sister to save herself
even with the little info we actually have on minnie she still works pretty well as a foil to clem. this is why i find it easier to talk about minnie when comparing her to clem like i feel like its her main purpose. i feel like theres still more i could say its just eluding me. its not a coincidence that minnie almost takes clem down with her in the end. why shes the reason clems able to get bit. minnie blames clem for her own demise and she's gonna get in one last fuck you. and minnies fate is one clem is desperately trying to avoid. kinda 👀 to be taken down by your narrative foil
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levlies889 · 1 year
Highlights from my missa liveblog (don't get too excited you will learn nothing)
This is what we're working with
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he found homeless elmariana!!!
LOVE the perspective on this
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Noticed the titan (after spending 20 minutes trying to ignore it looming just within render distance)
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Noo foolish is leaving :((((((
Oh shit his dog died 😭😭😭😭
missa hasnt been grabbing waypoints and its giving me flashbakcs to slimecicle havning to walk everywhere while everyone else teleported around
hhes having a breakdown over this poem
OH MY GOD ok its not real
"it was just part of the conversation" OBSESSED WITH HIM
he said he's going to try to log on like 4 times a week i think he said?
foolish is giving him a recap (worst possible person to I think)
his spoken language is set to spanish and instead of switiching it he is just continuing to speak spanish
well continuing to forget to speak spanish
he wants a capybara
Foolish is going to try not to lore dump
"gonna let it trickle in over time"
Foolish is president in Missa's heart!
if foolish arrested missa he thinks it would be kinda fun
theres something wrong with him (affectionate)
"you don't have to start doing crimes"
Any murders missa commits Foolish will be responsible for!
foolish is trying (failing) to reassure missa that his family will be happy to see him
misaa is going to give philza foolish's head
middle of a funeral is maybe the funniest time to have a raid man is SOBBING and the chat is like HI DOOZERS!!!
HE'S GONNA DIE LIKE A WARRIOR (running from zombie horseman)
he is in a hole
Narrator has been on for like a half hour im resigned atp
he is burying himself with his dogs
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he FELL INTO HIS HOUSE, god's favorite kid (lying)
that was so cute the way he kissed sleeping chayanne im dying
Badboyhalo is Gaslight Gatekeep Girl bossing but missa is too pathetic to lie to he'll just accept it sadly and then go off and cry like he hasn't been through enough emotional turmoil this stream
he feels like it isnt his home anymore ;-; what if I sobbed
context he was explaing to chat why he was speaking english with the other ppl and talking about foolish
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he is building his house so it faces the titan ass
this entire stream has been rotating forms of mental and emotional torment for him im literally loving it, going through the horrors but it's just foolhalo + base qsmp play
Conclusion I'm gonna become a missa girlie ig like I have no other choice
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wack-ashimself · 7 months
Liking the first season of 'Torchwood' BUT...
See, I knew of the show 10 years ago. Watched some of it. Hated it. Forgot about it. But was watching like top 10 most shocking tv deaths (or something like that) and they had season 4 (did NOT know they had that many) of 'Torchwood' on there, saying how the latter two seasons were SOLID AF compared to the first 2 seasons.
And I am getting into it. On the 1st season finale. But I gotta say this show has so many plot holes (record setting for just 1 fucking season), and characters who make the wrong call EVERY TIME, you wonder...who am I supposed to cheer for? Cuz, by the numbers, Torchwood has hurt far more than it helped so far.
The lead-she cheated on her boyfriend (with EASE. It felt weird how easy it was for her being in a committed relationship), drugged him, erased his memory, lied to him, and then (Spoilers) got him killed. Also thru negligence, released an alien that killed a BUNCH of dudes.
The butler-he literally chanced cyber men taking over the world, and got an innocent genius doctor killed, cuz he was too much of a COWARD to let his clearly dying gf go.
Tech lady-She reads everyone's deepest darkest thoughts, then got mad when Jack sent an alien who had been murdering for centuries into the sun. She's not bad, per say, more...neutral. She's harmed the least, for sure. That's such a low bar, tho...
Captain Jack-The original reason I watched the show. I LOVED his character on Dr Who. But...this is not him. Not the same guy. Not the free spirited, happy, goofy, witty, always ready, near-god. No. This is an immortal having a mid mid mid life crisis cuz he's lived so long and WANTS to die. Seriously, cuz of his shit, and the lead's, this is like a partial drama. I will say, tho, he has had to make some TOUGH calls which did not make him well liked, but I respected him cuz you knew, deep down, it had to be done, and no one else was gonna do it*.
The doctor-In the finale I am on, he was fired. And I hope his character dies. I fucking hate him. I hate his face, his voice, his actions, his brain; everything. He convinces the noobie to cheat with him, after he basically mouth rapes her. He's angry ALL the time, yells at people thinking he's a genius when he's like the 3rd smartest. He 'falls in love' with a women, tries to demand her to stay, and gets all pity party after ONE WEEK WITH HER. Can you fall madly in love in a week? Sure. But suicidal and a threat to others cuz 'you're sad'? Go fuck yourself, you bitch. Oh, and he basically openly chooses to chance ending the world NOT because he wants to save his team mates (tho he claims that) but because he's tired of being a bitch to the time tear (or whatever the fuck they call it).
So...WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU CHEERING FOR? Jack is the only semi cool character, and he's still kinda an ass. They're ALL kinda...selfish, short sighted, fuckers.
But I will finish this series. Because, storywise, the themes and plots they got going, are HIGHLY original and almost always have 1-3 good twists I don't see coming. You don't understand: I have been exposed to so much media, I can predict most things I see within a short period of time (even whole movies from trailers). I'm SO good (or writing is THAT predictable) I actually can, based on context, guess, WORD FOR WORD some lines. Sometimes in real time. Not usually. But not too far off, either.
*I will say, the call the writers/show/characters are supposed to hate was Jack giving the child to the faeries. NO. GREAT call. Best call you could make. Every other call would have sucked. See-the girl was fucking evil. Sociopath. Straight up. Like the faeries. She hated everyone. Talked to no one, but the faeries. She was borderline evil. And the faeries straight up said if you don't give us the kid, we will kill en mass, starting with HER ENTIRE SCHOOL. And the girl WANTED to go. So...where's the problem giving up the kid? Her mom's sad? Who gives a shit. You just saved TONS of lives, an evil fucking kid is gone, and the fairies disappeared. Only one who really lose was the mom. Her long time boyfriend (he was an ass) and her kid: BOTH GONE, SAME DAY. That is cruel, but long run, genuinely, it's even best for her. Her boyfriend was abusing her kid behind her back, and her kid was cheering on the torture of kids. It's a win-win-win. Fuck you for trying to make me feel bad for him giving up the kid. She wanted to go, and I wanted her to go. Fuck her.
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sheriiam · 1 year
Guys um, really didn't want to infodump but like― shit I'm scared. So uh, I was kinda getting the feeling that I might be on the aro spectrum and it did NOT make sense cuz I always thought I was a die heart romantic or whatever and have written a lot of romance plots in my life??? Silly right? But then I just went down a rabbit hole and uhm, I came across this term called cupiromantic and it just... Makes sense? Because let's be honest I've never had a real crush in my whole life it was ALL pretence except for the time when I think I fell in love with my bestfriend but that might be complicated as well. And I've really wanted to be in a relationship but... Firstly ik I ain't for it. Secondly people have tried to explain to me that finding love for validation is something I should not do as it'd only hurt more(I mean I totally get that).
But uhm, look this term isn't very popular ofc but it's... There? People have been identifying by it... Is it stupid if I feel I might be cupiromantic why do I get the feeling people might laugh at it? Shit this is fucking scary
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Look! Up in your ask box ! Is it a bird? Is it a plane ? No! It's an artificially removed piece of the sun using Whit Young as a mask ! Can you tell I am running out of unique ways to start these Anywho, next up on my list that I totally have issss Shidou! I myself don't actually have a lot of thoughts on him other than that his first MV makes my flower symbolism brain go insane, but he's still on the list !
The Sun… the blinding light… speaks to me… I listen for the song of the stars… and I hear a voice… urging me to talk about Mr funny doctor man!
Shidou is cool, though he might be the most… “Just Kinda There” Milgram character in my eyes. I have to admit I’ve probably thought the least about him compared to other characters, and I can’t really tell you why. He’s got a pretty interesting story all things considered, so I’m not sure what about him makes me so indifferent to him. At least he heals the other prisoners which is very swag of him.
CW: Murder, organ harvesting, human experimentation.
I have to admit I’m not really sure what the theorizing landscape looks like around him, which is part of why I haven’t thought of him much. Like we know he probably harvested organs to save either his children, his wife or all of the above, as well as for “scientific purposes” that he mentioned inhis 2nd VD (I am really intrigued by what the hell that means, but I’m not sure where to even start theorizing about that). But I think it was pretty much confirmed in Aesculapius he took the organs from countless braindead patients. Not great, obviously, it’s a pretty fucked up thing to do, but considering the other shit we’ve forgiven…
The big thing about him is how much he regrets what he's done, what with him wanting not to be forgiven and all that. But then finding new purpose in helping the other patients, etc. It's a cool character arc, and it's nice and wholesome, but it's a bit too straightforward for my tastes, you know? I think the most interesting thing about it is how it brings out Es' thoughts about life etc to light, but that's more on Es being one of my faves than Shidou in my view.
I guess the interesting dilemma about him is how much worse does the number of people killed make it, since he probably has the highest kill count by far. Like most people here have killed one or a few, Yuno likely hasn't killed anyone, and then this fucker may have a kill count in the dozens judging by the graves at the start of Triage. But even then, his regret really makes him quite sympathetic in comparison to the other prisoners.
That said, I do think Trial 3 might be able to make him a lot more interesting, because his Voice Reveal glitchy line is very very intriguing.
Shidou: [Cackling] Not dead... Yeah, she's definitely not dead... I finally understand the value of what I've been robbing people of...
Does that imply his wife ended up braindead after he took a bunch of people's organs? And that's when he understood why some families where so reluctant to give up their own family members? Is that when he stopped experimenting on people or something like that? It's all very odd.
Anyways, yeah, I feel you in the flower symbolism. One day I'm going to go down that rabbit hole and I will perish. For now I am not willing to go that insane (I say, as if I have any amount of sanity left).
One thing I do love is his dynamic with Amane. My guy consistently gets threatened by a twelve year old half his height, and he just doesn't know how to deal with it. I think it will be very funny if he gets stabbed by her, though I very much doubt he or anyone else will die due to it. I think it was implied in some timelines posts that Yuno could potentially take over if Amane... I don't know, cuts his hands off or something? Ah, we'll be fine. Inno Amane, cuz it's not like we know for sure that she won't be able to harm him even while guiltied.
Anyways interrogation questions.
(T1) Q1: Why did you choose your current workplace?
S: Because I thought it'd let me contribute to society.
(T2) Q15: Have you contributed to society?
S: I had thought my work was a contribution to society.
Is that related to whatever "scientific purposes" he originally had? Interesting. I'm really curious what that was.
(T1) Q14: If you could bring someone back to life, who would you choose?
S: I can't choose anyone.
(T1) Q16: What is the definition of happiness?
S: To be promised an unchanging tomorrow.
That's honestly a pretty interesting answer. Better than Mahiru's at least! (I'm still slightly mad at that I can't lie to you)
(T1) Q17: What animal are you like?
S: Perhaps a ray. There is no particular reason, I just like them.
... sir what the fuck are you talking about.
(I looked up the symbolism, apparently they represent balance. I guess that could be about the balance of guilty/innocent since he talks about "the scale tilting to and fro" between the two in Triage? Like he wants to atone for his sins but he needs to stay alive for the others? I feel like I'm reaching but "ray" is just a very weird answer)
(T1) Q20: What do you think about smoking?
S: People tell me to stop because it's bad for my health. But I smoke because I want to be unhealthy.
It's a good thing he's familiar with sharp tools with how much he needs to watch that edge.
(T2) Q7: Are there any fellow prisoners you are on good terms with?
S: Kayano-kun has ended up like that, and I became unable to smoke as well too. I feel lonely that the smoking group as disbanded.
Sad news for the smoking group enjoyers. I hope they make up in Trial 3 or even post Milgram depending on what happens at the end, I like their dynamic.
(T2) Q12: Can you drive a car?
S: Yes I can. But I don't really want to do it anymore.
In case anyone was wondering why everyone thinks his family was involved in a car accident of some kind.
(T2) Q13: What are your thoughts on Amane's changes?
S: The adults need to do something about it. It's frustrating because I can't move due to treating people's injuries, so I have no choice but to leave it to someone else.
So true bestie please help her even if she stabs you. If we inno her can you help out? Please please please?
(T2) Q17: Tell us about your dating history.
S: I don't remember much but, I had one girlfriend in kindergarten, and in elementary school I had two relationships. I started going out with my wife in the 2nd year of middle school, and we've been together ever since.
Yo my guy had mad rizz the hell. Fellow childhood friend AO3 tag enjoyer too.
All in all, I would have probably voted him inno in both trials. Wonder what's gonna happen in Trial 3.
Wow these are getting longer. Anyways hope you liked it! Take care!
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theducks-111 · 1 year
Recovery for me isn't pushing through to find the light at the end of the tunnel.
It is about rage.
Spite is all that pushes me through these days but I'll take it. Spite towards my family members who dared die young. Spite towards my classmates who took all I had to give and incinerated it. Spite towards my mother who didn't admit me to a hospital soon enough. Spite towards my mind that made me fall down this rabbit hole.
There is hatred in there too.
Hatred towards my body for needing to eat. Hatred towards my therapist when she lost her temper and thought I was a lost cause. Hatred towards all the time it took for me to even brush my teeth 5 times a week let alone twice a day. Hatred towards the pencils and knives I kept in the drawer of my bedside table. Hatred towards school councilors who couldn't give less of a shit about me. Hatred towards all the times I reached out and fell flat on my face.
But this shows my resilience. It is what my last name means after all.
Resilience to get back up after and wash the blood off my face and reach out again. You are always told "you will be found" "there's always someone to help" and such and such. But you are never told that they won't be there the first time you call. You have to keep reaching and reaching until someone finally notices and grabs your hand.
They sit with you after room time and play their ukulele. They give you hugs when no one is looking. They walk over when you're crying in the hallway and feel completely abandoned because "that's what staff are instructed to do". They nearly smash your browney because a hornet landed on it. They teach you to crochet and water colour and play guitar and piano. They give you their email so you can send weekly check-ins. They let you borrow their pants cuz the washer is broken. They wake up early to sit with you in the common area because you can never sleep past 5.
In my case, these are from multiple different people. Different people that I needed at different times that did their part to get me where I am.
For me, recovery is rage and hatred and spite. But most importantly it's what I owe to the people who got me here.
The teacher that let me sit in their room during lunch. The friend that makes sure I eat something everyday. The people who make you stuffed animals when you're feeling down. The people who made the hard decisions for you so you didn't have to.
The late night calls and the memes in the Google doc cuz we have always failed to have a proper group chat so that's our alternative. The read aloud's and the open ears. The song recommendations and the laying in silence for hours. The cuddles and well... The more cuddles.
I, most of all, owe it to them to at least try. To not make their work all in vain. Anger is what fuels me but as long as I keep chugging along, it doesn't matter what the motivator is. Because then their work will not be fruitless.
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cappuccino-bear · 2 years
I kinda recall you mentioning that Judas works under Satan (?) why is he in the Basement? Is he trying to catch/kill Isaac for Satan (or whoever)? Also what’s he like, he’s my babygirl
Oh Judas, wet sopping beast of a guy, absolutely miserable, straight up a moist paper tissue.
After betraying Jesus and hanging himself he was not surprised to be in Hell, but he really did not want to do much other than suffer for all eternity at first. Like yeah, just dunk me in lava or something, I deserve it. Satan, of course, has other plans, and knows exactly what to do to get him on his side.
So he calls him, and tells him about how Peter renounced Jesus' teachings in front of him, three times, and yet he died a saint, an evangelist, chosen by God. Judas is confused, why was Peter forgiven then? And the Devil says how it's unfair, that Judas had punished himself, that he had died to repent, that he was a true martyr, even more than Peter or even Christ.
Big disclaimer: Judas killed himself because he could not live with his guilt after trying to turn over the prize money, Peter felt the same exact guilt and yet picked himself up and apologized and was there to look at his dearest friend die. Peter accepted his wrongdoings and moved on, that is what got him forgiven (and in Heaven, too).
And deep down, Judas knows. Judas knows he's in the wrong when he swears to wotk for Satan, Judas knows it's wrong to tempt people, Judas knows it's wrong to write a book of spells to use to become more and more demonic. But when you're in an echo chamber, when everybody praises you for it, it's hard to admit it even to yourself.
Judas ended up in the Basement after Satan realized Azazel failed and turned on him. He does not necessarily think Judas is better at this job, especially because he cannot reach to talk him directly, but Judas is not only competent, but a perfect little puppet, so of course he goes...
Judas is, for lack of a better word, absolutely pathetic. He tries hiding his insecurities in a thick layer of holier than thou (or hellier?) attitude, thinking he's best for following someone actually strong like Satan. As you can imagine he's not popular in the group at first, he comes off as an obnoxious prick, and solidifies it when he treats people he knew in life (Laz, Maggie, and Bethany to an extent) like stains on his jacket. He has a begruding respect for Azazel and Lilith as fellow demons, and honestly thinks Samson is just a beefy idiot, he will eventually pick him up and break him in half like a twig, cuz he gets on everyone's nerves. Also no one allows him close to Isaac, they do not trust him not to hurt or manipulate him, and Azazel and Cain like to get on his nerves on purpose.
Trust me when I say, at some point someone gets tired of his shit and rips him a new one, on how he let his life go to down a drain hole because he could not admit he let greed consume him, and how since he cannot go "woe is me" he's just getting worse and worse to avoid trying to fix one mistake, just giving up on it. We'll se what happens later ( ⓛ ω ⓛ *)
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greenkirbkid456u · 2 years
The Spiral Eye Traveler part 2
(Ps none of these characters are they all are made by arcadekitten )
(Hyllindrix and jaxter are see running towards the smoke until they reach the bar)
H: well god damn! Was this giant hole always here!
J: No! Not at all those damn Bandits put a hole in the bar wall!
H: hey look i got this im a Sheriff (he is not)
Your town will be fine :)
J: for some reason I'm even more worried now 
(Hyllindrix run in to the bar)
J: how will yelling help??
H: what? This will intimidate them :)
?: HEY! 
J: oh no is them.
H: its who?
V: the names vasilis this is mitzi and Reginald and we are the gem Bandits!
M: ah hell yea!! We stealing your shit boi
R: ( whispering) vasilis you said we stealing the towns diamond and i hate to have to tell you this but we are at a bar. Why are we here?
V: (whispering) yea yea i know don't worry this is part of the plan ;)
R: how?
V:well you see someone in this bar works at the bank and if (vasilis starts yelling) THEY DON'T COME OUT NOW EVERYBODY IN HERE GETS BLOW UP IN THIS BUILDING!!
R: okay calm down vas!! Noone needs to die!
H: yea and noone will not when I'm around >:)
V: the hell are you going to do? Bore me to death? Cuz everyone else I fight just loses to me after just a few turns 
M: oh really! You never told us that you usually lose multiple fights you are in
J: yea there right look hyllindrix these guy are a joke don't let them intimidate you i just want to know how they got the bombs?
V: oh look what you done now they he knows
M: shit sorry :(
R: surprised he didn't know before
H: oh if thats the case this fight should be easy!
J: oh! Yea right you're a Sheriff right! Then they should be easy for you!
H: yea with my 1 year of Sheriff training in High School this should be easy >:) (right.. He said nervously)
J: (omg) are you actually a sheriff or were you just lying!
H: lying :)
J: i hate all of you.
V: look i don't care about pedantics we fighting or not?
H: hell yea we fighting!! Bring it on…uhhhh hey before we fight what are your pronouns?
V: them\they why?
H: can't insult someone without knowing their pronouns first bring it on cunt!!
V: in that case(vasilis pulls out a gun) bring it on fucker!!
H:alright then if you want to die so bad (hyllindrix pulls out a shotgun) 
M: oh yeah killing time ( Mitzi pulls out sticks of dynamite from they're vest)
R:sorry about this i really am but it's just business (he pulls out two double barrel shotguns)
J:well i see where they got the bombs from!
H:OH WOW hey jaxter my good friend can you. Help me (please he said worryingly)
J:look man i would help but I don't know how to fire a gun let alone even have a guns!
H: welp shit ("._.)
H: hey fellas let ta-
V: FIRE!!(vasilis and Reggie start blasting and Mitzi start throwing bombs)
H: oh shit!!
J: oh no! (Jaxter ducks behind cover)
H: (hyllindrix start to desperately trying to dodge and is some how's succeeding) FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! 
J:( whispering) wait i have an idea!!
V: grrr stand still!!
H: oh oh oh what the matter? Can't hit me aw there there i have something that can help you out my guns and fists!! (He shots his gun at vasilis)
V: (they Dodge out the way) HA you miss me!!
H: yea that did but i won't!! (Hyllindrix jumps into the air) howdy cunt!!
M: oh god boss look out!!
V: wait wh-(hyllindrix land on top of them)
H: sorry buddy but we are playing my game now!!( and then he start beating the shit out of them)
V: ow shit!
H: HA HA!!
V: ow ow shit help me idiots im you're boss!!!
M: uh ok!(she tries to get him off this only results in hyllindrix grabbing them and start wailing on them too)
H: HA HA!! Got you!!
M: oh shit!! Ow ow fuck why do you have four arms now???!!!
V: yea what gives??
H: he he he you FOOLS i am made out of 90% slime!!!
V: ( them grab fist and hyllindrix fist and then the fist sticks to vasilis hand) ew he's right what the hell are you?
H: i don't know :D
R: ok this is getting ridiculous and you three just look like idiots… wait. Where is the fox?
J: right here bi-
R: yea no( he grabs jaxter by his neck)
J: EUK..kuk ek
R: listen here you little shit i have I have been trying for years to find her had to pair up with these two idiots that only care about money i don't know what traumatic experience made them like this and i don't care i-
H: what the oh god jaxter!! Wait i have a idea hey Mitzi
M: yea?
H: do you want to have a teammate hug with Reginald >:)
M: first off it would be a sibling hug second off. NO!!
H: well too bad!! ( hyllindrix takes the lighter in mitzi's pocket out lights the dynamite on her vest and then Chuck her at Reginald)
R: (Reginald puts down jaxter and then put a shotgun in his face) so say out of my way you insect or you will be sorry
J: cough cough. Hey you may want to look behind you
R:why would i do that? I already know you're going to sneak attack me so-
J:(Jaxter moves out the way) because of her!
:(they they both crash into the wall) 
M:fuck my back…
R: Mitzi what the hell happened why (b:tic tock tic tock) well fuck
Boom!!!(they both go flying out of the bar) 
THUD!!!( they both hit the ground HARD causing them to fall unconscious)
R: wElp nIGht NigHTzzzzzzzzzz
M: HA Ha THe STars Are PREttyzzzzzzz
H: nice!!!
J: well damn hyllindrix guess your not as dumb as I fought 
V: shit shit shit!!( vasilis runs runs over to the two unconscious dummys) god damnnit you morons get over here(they then put both of them over their shoulders they are somewhat struggling) you won't get away with this You Haven't Seen the Last of The Gem Bandits!!!
H:he he see jaxter told you it would be fine.
J: yea guess you were right you're not so bad after-
(All the town people start cheering) hooray you stop the bandits!! Thank you!!!
H: aw shucks its nothing I was just doing what was right i just made sure the gem was safe.
?: well about that( the mysterious person said sadly)
H: what wha- what do you mean?
?:well my name is Emerald I'm the mayor of the City and i hate to tell you but the diamonds been stolen :(
J: last week I was going to tell you earlier but you know
E:  yea is sucks and i was trying to find someone brave enough to go find it
H: well shit.. But hey i can help!!
E: oh thank god thought I was going to have to convince you to do it in that case you and jaxter can go and find the diamond :)
E: because you we're in the fight lol but hey don't worry if you lose your job( what you most likely will because how long you're going to be gone) I'll give you guys $2,000 dollars if  you can get the Diamond back!
J: look that good bit i have n-
H: great come on new buddy let's go find the diamond!! :D( hyllindrix grabs jaxter and then throws him on his horse) lets go!!
E: good luck Brave Cowboys!!( please get the Diamond back please)
To be continued 
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 28
“Maybe you guys just need to fuck in a church again.” WTF HOW DID U KNOW THAT HOBI ?? IM SOO SCANDALIZED WTF MAN?? GIVE US A WARNING
“he told me, he was very proud of it.” ofc kook did it
“I don’t understand the obsession people have with coffee in general. It’s so bitter.” FUCKING TRUE HATE TAE AND COFFEE GANG tho i like latte cuz its more milk yum
wiat i meant tea sorry WAIT IM NOT SORRY FUCK YOU TAE TOO BYE
“They fucked?” Hoseok gasps, making Seokjin facepalm himself. HOBI NO U SAID U ARE NOT A CLOWN BUT THIS IS NOT HELPING YOU HOBARI (says another clown) (clown to clown bonding/connection)
"Seriously, I hope he bumps his little toe on a corner and as he jumps around in agony he steps on a lego and then as he leans down to rub his aching feet he hits his head on a corner. That’s what I wish upon his stubborn butt.” would u like the list i have love? i have already read it twice for joon and once for the rest of them
“Oh, okay. He told me to come too, isn’t that crazy?” he says and laughs shyly, scratching his stomach in a nervous manner. beetroot is so funny BUT I CANT GRRRR WAIT BEETROOT IS RIGHT THEY NEVER WERE TOGETHER UNLESS THEY FUCKED AND they are going to fuck in the chapter ho ho ho yoongi u sly my i see u
oh hoo they are fighting yum AND THEY ARE TLAING YOONGLES U ARE SMART wait THAT MEANS GIVING BEETROOT ATTENTION NO ah hey kook im sorry lets go back to being cute im really a hoe wow (when realization hits u)
let me turn on the ac its getting too hot from yoongi talking dirty and kook moaning
SHE SAID NO FUCK TOO GOOD WHY IS UR SMUT SOO GOOD??? TOO ADDICTING HOLY FUCK SHE SAPNKED HIM SO HARD oh shit why can i already feel the impending doom of dom drop coming
“imagine her as a vampire Kook. Imagine what she could do.” shudders in remembering many oneshots
“Ah Mistress”, Jungkook moans with his voice pitched. you have successfully killed me
Yoongi had the audacity to reach under your shirt and pinch your nipple,THAT MF
THE WHOLE HAND??? does he have a black hole up there
his thoughts please he is soo cute i wanna die GIVE HIM EVERUTHING HE DESEVRES FUCK THE WORLD
FUCK WE DENY IT AGAIN this is too hot
i was holding my breath cuz this was too hot goosebumps everywhere
“this was the first time in sixty years that I wasn’t chained up and constrained during sex.” shit noo but im happy for him
oh thanks yoongi and jungkook for the reassuring he really wanted that, got scared for a moment
“he told me, he was very proud of it.” ofc kook did it
he's just a cutie <3
“I don’t understand the obsession people have with coffee in general. It’s so bitter.” FUCKING TRUE HATE TAE AND COFFEE GANG tho i like latte cuz its more milk yum
same jfadsjf I hate coffee
wiat i meant tea sorry WAIT IM NOT SORRY FUCK YOU TAE TOO BYE
wait. so you hate tea? lmao can't relate it's way too versatile to be hated
oh hoo they are fighting yum AND THEY ARE TLAING YOONGLES U ARE SMART wait THAT MEANS GIVING BEETROOT ATTENTION NO ah hey kook im sorry lets go back to being cute im really a hoe wow (when realization hits u)
I love kookie I couldn't be mad at him fr
me fr
let me turn on the ac its getting too hot from yoongi talking dirty and kook moaning
jfsdj me fr i love this trio so much ngngn
SHE SAID NO FUCK TOO GOOD WHY IS UR SMUT SOO GOOD??? TOO ADDICTING HOLY FUCK SHE SAPNKED HIM SO HARD oh shit why can i already feel the impending doom of dom drop coming
hahah I love that you are loving it <3
“Ah Mistress”, Jungkook moans with his voice pitched. you have successfully killed me
gooooddd I need to write more sub!kook againnnn
his thoughts please he is soo cute i wanna die GIVE HIM EVERUTHING HE DESEVRES FUCK THE WORLD
me fnadsnf
i was holding my breath cuz this was too hot goosebumps everywhere
ehehhe thank youuuu <33
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