#cuz be aware au as a whole contains shipping
kingtheghast · 1 year
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So. Dogs.
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pyritewitch · 3 years
TGAA Roleswap AU Post
Drabble 1 of an upcoming fuckton of ramblings concerning an AU that won't leave me alone.
I just finished TGAA 1 and 2 so this au is about what would happen if instead of Kazuma, what if Ryunosuke was the one who died instead. This is just a list on headcannons right now but hopefully I can muster up the effort to atleast properly write a few scenarios.
Warning ⚠️ this contains MAJOR spoilers for TGAA 1 and 2
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
So yeah first things first major difference starts that instead of Kazuma its our poor boy Ryunosuke who gets klonked on the head.
So instead of a story about a friend trying to pick up were his best friend left off, its about Kazuma trying to deal with the guilt of dragging his best friend to Britain and getting him killed. Also probably trying to delay the whole tasked w/ killing Gregson. (I warned ur ass about spoilers!)
Because I lack imagination, like Kazuma, our boy Ryu lives and escapes the ship with no memories but with the thought of heading to the UK as "someone is waiting for him". Takes a few odd jobs and does a lot of bilingual clerical work (I figure since he's an English major he's probably really good at typing documents and such) to save up enough money to try to enter into England.
Eventually Ryunosuke is caught trying to get in w/o papers and is brought to Stronghart for further action. Noticing his Yumei University pin/badge, puts 2 and 2 together (as he was probably notified about the stowaway on board the ship who died) as what are the chances that 2 Yumei University students are trying to get into England in such a short amount of time.
Seeing his skill at clerical duties and being a quick learner assigns him as Lord Van Zieks assistant with the task of studying law under Zieks tutelage. (Mask and all) As a judicial assistant but trying to convertly get him ready as a prosecutor. Essential treating him as a backup plan.
Even though he is banned from talking and removing his mask, unlike Kazuma, our Runo is still very expressive. To the point where many folks wonder why he bothers wearing one. Is also still very social and he is frequently at crime scenes taking notes, pictures, and asking law enforcement for advice as even though he can't talk he still communicates with people by writing in his notebook.
The reunion is a little tense and unbeknownst to Kazuma, his delaying of the assassination has made both Jigoku and Stronghart uneasy. So now they are falling back unto plan B which includes Naruhodo.
Another note is that Runo arrives in Britain within sometime of those six months that now our man Kazuma is banned from practicing law, cuz u know case 1-5, and also regains his memories within that time frame. Essentially a month or 2 before case 2-3 so yes when he 1st meets Kazuma and Susato he is well aware about who they are. Susato is a little less clear on who he is as they haven't really known each other that long but Kazuma almost immediately makes the connection.
Gonna end it here for now cuz apparently tumblr hates me and deleted EVERYTHING I put after this part and decides to post it even though it was suppose to stay as a draft...its 2am, im crashing, and I can't handle it. But yeah if this is starting to seem less like a headcannon and more like an incoherent outline; that's because it is. I mainly made this as a guide for me for whenever I am actually insane to write some scenarios in this AU.
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