#cuz i cant decide which one is better
breed-station · 2 years
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"But not all Pokemon want to be petted. You see, the easiest way to tell is to simply let it smell your hand first."
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"When it's certain, they will brush your hand as a sign of confirmation. If they don't show any kind of interest or avoid it, then don't try and force your way onto them. They might hurt you!
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you probably dont see it, but Francis has to crouch down a lot! She is a huge lady after all xD
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pepperpixel · 8 months
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Let's meet Jeffery (Jeffery!) Shoots dope lefty Yellin', "You can't catch me!" Drove way out to the sea in a Jetski
Oh, my Gertrude, I don't wanna hurt you I just wanna live like a soda commercial Found her on the shore in her brand new church shoes Covered in burns, face all purple!!!
humanformer whirls… cuz I’m… obsessed… forever and ever I am obsessed and in love w him and I also, rlly enjoy drawing my human version of him more than what he actually looks like ghgh- I’m srry… for that…
i actually have MORE pics of him im still working on,,, cuz im in a mood, so look forward to those as well lol (Also, in case its hard to read, the words in the 2nd to last pic say: “eye removed, lid stitched shut” + “Surgical at first, whirl ripped out the stitches on purpose. (To have control)”)
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k1ttysh1ft4r · 1 year
Scripting struggles
I'm changing my magical girl outfit and I have 5 I like and I cant pick one... they don't even match the magic I gave myself anyways idk why I'm like this...
Anyways I'm just taking them all 🤷🏾‍♀️ when I wear them in my DR I'll decide which ones I want to keep.
On that note I need to pick a wand/weapon too. The struggle starts again.
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devils-minion · 10 months
do yall think i should learn french or italian first?
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coleopteran-tantalus · 2 months
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trollsona jumpscare
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 5 months
Just Take It | Bonus Drabble 4
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Summary: You come home after a hard day at work and despite your best efforts you can't hep but let it upset you but he's always there to comfort you no matter how big or small your problems are. (A little glimpse into their future together) Pairing: Inexperienced f!reader x Best Friend's Dad Jungkook (20 year age gap) Word Count: 2.2K~ (y'all back to back hella long drabbles damn I'm on one tonight lmaoo) Warning: Some suggestive language but nothing crazy lol a/n: Damn I'm spoiling you guys but idk since I was able it get them done so quickly I thought why not 🤷🏻‍♀️ I promise I'll get back to the main storyline soon but these drabbles have been so cute I cant 😭 (written in one sitting and not edited cuz I need to go to bed lmao) Requested by: @pamzn 💜 Start from the beginning
I take a deep breath before getting out of my car after pulling up to the house.
I don't know why I'm so upset about what happened today. It wasn't even a big deal but something about it just struck a nerve.
Walking into the house I'm greeted by the sight of Jungkook already making dinner and just from that first glance I'm already feeling better.
"Welcome home Bunny. You're pretty late tonight" he says, focusing on the food that seems to be something that may or may not burn if he doesn't pay attention to it.
"Yeah I had some extra work to do so I figured I would just stay later tonight and get it all taken care of so I won't have to worry about it on Monday" I say, giving his a short version of what happened without telling him exactly what happened.
"Look at you, my darling little girl has been working so hard lately" he says as I walk up to him and give him a kiss. Glancing down at his adorable apron he's wearing.
"Maybe you should be my house husband. You look so cute wearing that and making me dinner. Could get used to this" I say getting up on my tippy toes to kiss him again and he smiles into it. "You know I would make a great one" he teases, rubbing his nose up against mine.
"Can you set the table for me baby? It's almost ready" he asks, turning back to whatever he decided to make us tonight. "Of course Daddy" I tease and he gives me a smirk before nodding towards the cabinet to do as he says.
"You still have enough time before it's ready if you wanna go upstairs and change. I know you hate wearing your work clothes all day" he says after I finish the task he had given me.
"Okay" I say and make my way upstairs to do just that but once I'm alone again that playful attitude dissipates and the emotions from before start creeping up again.
I make quick work of getting changed and once I head back downstairs I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him from behind, resting my head against his back, hoping that the feeling of being close to him will take it all away and it does but I can't help but let out a few tears to get some sense of relief.
"What's the matter Bunny?" he asks, the few tears I've let fall having fallen on his shirt and dampened it and soon I let out a soft sniffle which then has him turning around to face me. Caressing my cheek, seeing the sadness written all over my face.
"Baby tell me what's wrong" he says, trying to coax the answer out of me but when the tears start to fall more freely he pulls me in and rests my head against his chest, rubbing my back and telling me to let it all out.
"I should've known something was wrong when you called me Daddy. You only do that when you're upset and not feeling well" he mumbles to himself. He places a kiss on the crown of my head before grabbing my hips and setting me on the counter, trying to make us be at eye level so he can talk to me.
When he does that though I just pull him in closer, letting out a few more cries into the crook of his neck before I start to calm down, my sniffles becoming less frequent and my tears running dry.
He leans back and tilts his head to the side trying to catch my eye and when I still don't look at him he straightens back up and tilts my chin up so he can look at my face, studying me to see if he can read any signs before asking me any questions.
"Did the other interns leave the rest of their work for you to finish up?" he asks, hitting the nails right on the head and I nod while he wipes off my tears, grabbing one of the tissues off the counter to help.
"You gotta tell someone about that. It's not your job to pick up the slack for everyone else" he says, reminding me of the fact that I'm only there to do what I'm responsible for.
"I know but I'm still the new girl so I don't wanna rock the boat already" but he shakes his head at my answer. "You can't let people take advantage of you like that love, they're there to work too so they should be able to finish up their workload just like you do everyday" he says and I nod my head, knowing that in theory but still not wanting to get anyone in trouble.
"Weren't you guys all supposed to go out for drinks after work tonight?" he asks, remembering how excited I was about finally getting invited to spend time with my coworkers outside of office hours.
"Yeah but they said something along the lines of 'Go ahead and finish this up and when you're finished text one of us and we'll let you know if we're still hanging out. Although I think we're probably gonna finish up early tonight'" I repeate what the clearly self appointed queen bee of the total of five interns in our department said to me.
"Oh Bunny" he says, pulling me in for another hug as I let out a sob, still a little emotional about it. "You've had a hard time at work all week and then they go and do this. If you don't tell somebody then I will" he says trying to come to my defense but I just laugh at his protective nature.
"It's alright. I'll email our supervisor and let her know what's been going on" I say and he pulls back and looks me straight in the eyes. "You promise?" he says pointedly and I nod my head, leaning in for a kiss, "I promise" I reassure and he looks at me clearly still suspicious but letting it go for now.
"Honey" I say, grabbing his attention when he decides to head over to the sink and get me a glass of water. "What's up?" I asks, and I look over at the stove before looking back over at him.
"I think your sauce is burning" I say with a cringe and he places the cup that he had been holding down before hurriedly going to turn the stove off, taking it off the heat and assessing the damage.
"I'm sorry" I say, feeling bad for taking his attention off the food he had clearly put a lot of time and effort into based off of all the dirty dishes I see littered around the kitchen.
"It's alright Darling you have nothing to be sorry about. I should've been more careful and turned the stove off" he admits and I take the spoon out of the pan and taste the sauce, doing my best to keep a poker face as he watches me attentively, waiting to see if it's completely ruined.
I place the spoon back into the pan and he waits with bated breath. "So?" he says and I nod my head and swallow down what I had in my mouth. "Yeah it's good" I say and grants me a shocked expression.
"Really?" he asks and then does the same thing I did, surprised that it's still edible. "No" I giggle once he closes his lips around the spoon leaving him yanking it out of his mouth and rushing over to the sink to spit it out, grabbing the cup nearby and using it to gargle and hopefully get the taste out of his mouth.
"That's disgusting! How did you even eat that?" he asks, truly impressed with my tastebuds. "I didn't try very much. Plus I think your reaction was a little dramatic don't you think?" I tease while he gulps down a whole glass of water.
"We clearly have very different pallets because that is horrible" he says, filling up his glass one last time and gargling one more time before placing it in the sink.
"I really am sorry it got ruined" I apologize again but he shakes him head. "You're more important to me than any wacky new recipe I was trying out" he says, cupping my face in both hands and placing a big dramatic smooch on my lips.
"Should we order your favorite?" he offers, pulling up the food delivery app we tend to use. "You don't wanna pick this time?" I ask, remembering that I was the one who chose last time.
"No it's okay you had a bad day so you can pick this time. I'll just choose the next two times we order out" he says and I nod my head. "Sounds fair. Just please, don't pick anything weird again" I cringe, remembering the last time we tried something new.
"Hey! I liked those vegan shrimp burgers" he says, crossing his arms over his chest making me laugh at his pouting face. "Whatever you say Honey. Now hurry up and put your order in too I'm starving" I admit, remembering that I skipped lunch.
"You didn't lunch today huh?" he says, reading my thoughts as soon as they pop in my head. "I swear you're some kind of mindreader" I say, walking past him to get finally get that water that had been promised to me on my own.
As soon as I turn on the faucet I'm granted a slap on the ass making me yelp from the surprise of it. "What was that for?" I groan rubbing the tender flesh and he giggles pulling me in for a kiss running his hands down my back before resting on my ass giving it a squeeze.
"I told you if you wear those little pajama shorts around the house I can't be held accountable for my actions" he smiles against my lips and I hum into the kiss when he pulls me in a bit closer.
"Mmm nope I'm too tired and hungry" I say, pulling away from the kiss and he tries to chase my lips but I turn my face to the side so he ends up kissing me on the cheek instead.
He kisses my cheek a few times but then when I think he's finished he licks a long stripe from my jaw to my cheek bone and it try to wiggle out of his hold but he's got an iron grip around my waist.
"Ew you weirdo let go of me" I say squirming while he laughs, thoroughly enjoying my reaction. "Aw come on I thought I was Daddy tonight" he says, switching to ticking my sides now, no doubt a distraction and a thorough effort in keeping me from getting upset again.
"Okay okay fine Daddy please s-stop" I call out, still trying to get away from his poking and prodding and when he finally lets go I run to the other side of the room to make sure he can't get ahold of me again and just when I think I'm safe he's tackling me down onto the sofa.
"Okay okay I give up you win!" I say, hoping that this tactic will get him to leave me alone. "What do I win?" he asks, amusement written all over his face and when I lean in to whisper all kinds of naughty things in his ear his face goes from amused to seductive real quick.
"Oh yeah?" he rasps and I nod my head and he gets off of me and pulls me up by my hands and starts to try to pull me upstairs. "No no no I didn't say right now! We've got food on the way!" I say trying to remind him of what we've been waiting for this whole time he's been playing.
"Come on they won't be here for like another fifteen minutes" he argues and as soon as he completes his sentence the doorbell is ringing leaving him groaning at the contradiction to his claims.
"See I told you!" I tease while he walks over and opens the door to get the food and thank the driver.
"Yes! Come on let's eat!" I say grabbing one of the bags and rushing over to the kitchen table and start pulling the food out.
"Well I guess I know where your loyalties lie" he sighs and trudges over to the table. "Oh come on you crybaby. First eat this and then you can eat me later if you want to" I taunt and his eyes light up at the though and I swear I can see him drooling.
"Deal!" he says and we spend the rest of the night laughing and loving until the sun comes up. What did I do to get so lucky? No matter how long we've been together that is always my last thought before I go to bed and the first thought I have when I wake up next to him in the morning.
Our relationship might not be the most conventional but I wouldn't have it any other way.
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artdcnaldson · 2 months
alright so in relation to the thing where art shows pats sister porn videos as like "inspiration" for things they're gonna do together, aka he's slowly corrupting her by normalizing these things for her. so i have 2 additional ideas for this, am gonna send them seperately and then you can just pick what you wanna do first, cuz the order is really not important.
so 1st idea: so maybe he gets really into the idea choking her, cuz we all know, well-established, that he loves to feel that power over her. and it starts as just like a way he wants to keep her in place, so he starts sending her like porn videos where its concluded, just like a lose hand around the girls throat. maybe its not even a real grip in the first ones, just a caress? just to get her into it, not that she wouldnt do anything he asks anyway. but slowly the videos gets rougher, maybe it leans slightly into breathplay too, akin to plugging her nose, but like still on the gentle side. but she likes it, not just seeing it, she likes when he does it. it feels good to have him grip her, feels good to get lightheaded, maybe she even gets off on him controlling whether she gets to breathe for not…. so he keeps doing it.
and one day he loses himself a bit, he had a bad day on the court, lost a game he should've won in his sleep, so he's pissed off. but he decides that the best way to get it out is to fuck her pussy, just really pounding her, bullying her little cervix. honestly it's a miracle if she can walk tomorrow. and as he's abusing her little cunt he has a firm hand around her throat, they've done this many times before.
but he's so lost in himself and getting his anger out he forgets to really focus on her and she ends up getting lightheaded from him squeezing too hard. but with his other hand over her mouth to cover moans she cant tell him to ease up. she ends up passing out (briefly), it's nothing serious shes fine really, but it freaks him out deeply and unlocks a more tender side to him and his true care for her. it really was never his intention to hurt her, its different from when he first slapped her, where he also felt awful, but could tell right away that she was okey and into it. this time she just kind of goes limp under him for a minute, and it scares the living shit out of him, because he cant communicate with her right away. he cant check that shes okey beyond check her pulse and breathing, but hes like crying and cradling her when she wakes up.
he has to spend the rest of the evening holding her tight to him and assuring her that he never meant to hurt her. it takes her ages to try to get him back into gently choking her, cuz she really did like it. but hes too scared hes going to hurt her again…
again not super slutty, but i just love love y'all!!!! i need them to be in looooooooove <3
GODDDD my babies <3 I’ve abandoned them for too long <3
He knows you have a thing for his hands, it’s why he isn’t surprised you’re so willing when he starts sending you the choking videos. You’re always playing with his fingers absently, tangling his hand with yours, smiling all giddy and sweet when he wraps a hand around your thigh. You fucking love them— he sees you staring at them so much. So of course your eyes light up when he actually wraps his hand around your throat, just resting it there for the first few times, until you get impatient and put your hand on top of his, until you make him squeeze.
He should’ve known better than to try it after the match against Columbia, when he kept double faulting and missing returns that should’ve been easy. Every time he hit into the net it just made it worse and worse. He didn’t smash his racket, which was a miracle, because he wanted to. He wanted to squeeze the hilt in his palm and hit and hit until it shattered.
You were there, because of course you were— in Stanford tennis tee shirt so tight that it had to have been from the children’s section. With black eyeliner, you’d written a pretty A on your cheekbone for him. He’s snapping at you, rolling his eyes like every word you say is a huge inconvenience. You’re infuriating him by being so nice, by coddling him.
Sitting on his bed, legs crossed beneath you. “You played so well, Art, really. He was just a really good competitor, and now you know where you need to improve for next ti—“
“Can you just shut the fuck up?” He snaps, and you swallow hard, but nod.
He’s mad. Of course he’s mad, he lost. But you can help! You always know exactly what he needs. Slowly, you peel your shirt off, and he swears under his breath as your bare tits are revealed to him— the prettiest fucking sight in the world. And you don’t say anything as you strip, like you both already know where this is going to go. Just tug off your jean shorts and panties and lay back on his bed.
“You can take it out on me.”
And he does. You’re already wet, because you always get wet when he’s mean to you, but it’s not enough to make you comfortable without prep. You whine and dig your nails into his shoulders as he stuffs you full of his cock without bothering to get you ready for it. “Just fuckin’ take it—“ You pant and try to relax, to open yourself up for him as he fucks into your cunt.
You’re loud— you’re always so fucking loud— he just needs you to shut the fuck up for one goddamn second and let him cum. It hurts and you’re whimpering, babbling and squeezing him with your tight little pussy. With each moan and grunt that escapes him, you get fucking wetter, you get louder.
The second his hand wraps around your throat, your eyes roll back and the prettiest moan escapes your lips. He tightens his grip and your cunt squeezes him, sucks him in deeper.
“Jesus, you’re a fucking slut for it, huh? You want it harder?” You nod, eyes half-lidded and hazy. Your moans are choked and pathetic until he covers your mouth with a heavy hand over your mouth, muffling every whimper and gasp behind a thick palm.
He watches your lashes flutter with each rough thrust into your cunt. He should’ve known when your grip on his shoulders went lax, when your soft moans went quiet. He feels it when you lose consciousness, when your arms drop by your side and you go completely limp beneath him, eyes rolling back behind your lids, lips parted and unmoving.
He panics immediately, slapping your cheeks softly, trying to rouse you back into consciousness. “C’mon,” he says softly, popping your cheek. “Hey, wake up—“
You’re still breathing, he knows that, at least. And he has the decency to pull out while you’re passed out, not that he can stay hard when he’s so fucking scared that you’re going to hate him. You’re warm in his lap, and he feels your heart thrumming beneath his palm as he holds you. You look so peaceful, so soft and young. He knows then why Patrick never wanted this— he was always going to fucking hurt you eventually.
It takes barely over two minutes for you to wake up, but it feels like a fucking lifetime. Your brows furrow and you blink slowly, bleary. There’s a scratchiness in your voice that fucking kills him. “Mmm… sorry—“ you manage. “Didn’t mean to.”
It kills him. Really fucking kills him. “No it’s my fault, I was… that was fucking horrible.”
“No, Art, it’s fine. I told you to take it out on me.” You give a weak smile. “Did you cum, At least?”
Art knows he’s a bad person. He wishes he was better, that he didn’t corrupt you to this extent. He wants you to have a normal crush on a normal boy who wouldn’t dream of taking you to that point. He wants you to care about your own body more than you care about whether or not he got off. He hates the way you worship him as much as he can’t live without it.
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spookberry · 6 months
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Shadow High series 3 my new beloved
I didnt even like most of em until i saw them in person, but the knowledge that they'll probably never be in the show has my brain in a "well its free realestate" kinda mood
Random list of information cuz ive been plotting out friend dynamics and background lore
-i like to pretend Rainbow High/Shadow High are actually Rainbow University/Shadow University cuz im in art college Right Now and i think it makes more sense with the whole dorm room situation. And also major makes more sense than focus IMO
-I changed Pinkie's major from film to just undeclared. I think she eventually does land on Film. She just has a lot of interests! Her dream has always been to one day direct films, and I think she comes to love them even more while developing ideas her with the group as she winds up in a Director/Producer position for most of them. BUT also every time she takes a class in a different program she cant help but fall in love with that way of making art too. So she has a hard time picking for a while and changed her major a couple times before landing on Film.
-Pinkie and Berrie bond a lot over a shared interest in vocal synths (tho Berrie knows more about them than her).
-The two made Pinkie's vtuber model together!
-the fandom wiki says PJ is from germany?? Idk how canon that is tbh but ive decided to embrace it i guess
-Rooney's canon name is Scarlet Rose, but i thought it was kinda lame especially when Rosie Redwood is also in this line sooo I renamed her! Stuck to the color name puns tho. Mar Rooney. Maroon. Haha
-Speaking on her though i love that shes from texas and likes writing scifi mystery type stuff and that being said i just Know deep in my bones that she was a Voltron Legendary Defender fan and Keith was/is 100% her favorite. She has a continued fondness for mothman specifically cuz of this.
-PJ and Rooney actually talk about fandom and shows/movies ALL the time. They dont have a ton of overlapping interests, but where they do? The two literally never shut up.
-Rosie is such a random character, like outside of her design she feels very poorly considered. So I scrapped the cosmetology thing and made her an illustrator instead! I think it works better with her love of making art in nature. I can see her being really into illustrated guide books. I think shes a bit snooty when it comes to art too. It takes being friends with other artists to become more open minded.
-I like the idea that Rosie is mainly friends with Rooney and Berrie ontop of that. The three of them often tag team storylines and how theyd interpret them into different mediums. Rosie will draw up a bunch of concept stuff while Rooney writes up a pitch bible and Berrie will start making shit move and throwing in her own ideas on camera angles and character designs.
-as an animation major Berrie was required to take a sound design class early on, which is where she met Oliver! Hes very laid back, and likes to go with the flow, but functions a little like the "mom" of the group. Often reminding the girls to take breaks, drink water, stop looking at their screens lest they get eye strain etc. He's multi-talented tbh but Music is his one true passion and he likes how the girls are always giving him collaboration opportunities.
-Oliver and Rosie like to talk sports a lot, both having played a bunch when they were younger and throughout high school.
-Lavender Lynn is Oliver's number one "person who needs constant reminders to settle down" she is in a constant buzz of trying to get the best shots and is utterly obsessed with the process of artistic documentation. Everything must be documented.
-the whole school loves her for this actually, she has a whole side gig where other students hire her to help photograph their projects. She saves everything she earns from this for her future dream plans to visit paris. She has it set really, many of the artists who she helps photograph now will remain steadfast clients of hers forever onward.
-PJ and Lynn actually took a print media class together at one point. Which didnt at the time spark an everlasting friendship. But it did give PJ an easier in to ask for Lynn's help documenting a project the group was working on. One of Lynn's first times photographing them work happened to fall on a day where Rosie had planned to trick everyone into going on a nature walk sans devices... Lynn wound up really appreciating this outing and decided to continue hanging around the group even after that project had ended.
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despairots · 1 year
could you do a story where miles from earth-42 and our miles are twins and we cant decide which one we like better as we like both of them? you can write the story however you want to!
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━━━━━━━━ if i were you, i’d do me.
earth1610! miles morales x gn! hacker! reader x earth42! miles morales. fluff and if you like squint really really hard you’ll find angst. 18 and above please dni, unless your my moot or something… i forgot to change my requests to open but u can send me requests (only abt atsv) just like be patient cuz im daydreaming and shit 🙏
pls ignore the title its nothing suggestive i was braindead and was listening to my saved audios on tiktok this was thw first one on my saved so el oh el 🤕 i gotta keep my writing grind up. keep in mind that earth 1610 miles will keep beinf spiderman and earth 42 will keep being prowler. if y dont know sliver wolf from hsr, switch her up cuz reader is heavily based off of her
this’ll be left on a cliffhanger cuz like idk i just dont wanna make another part and sometimes things are better off with cliffhangers since you guys have creative minds you can come up with your own scenarios
where in a dimension, earth42 and earth1610 miles morales are twins, may look the same but have completely different hairstyles and different personalities also another weird, interesting fact, you’re a sucker for twins, especially them.
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interesting fact about you, specifically you, is that you almost got caught by the government when hacking into their system to steal some information.
and of course, them having connections to spiderman, told him to go after this hacker who causes a lot of trouble for the government.
miles morales obviously being under that mask and friends with this hacker who knew that you hated authority (yes, you’re an anarchist), didn’t bother doing anything, probably just telling you to stop messing with them.
on the other hand, his twin bother, myles morales, encourages this behaviour. polar opposites but two cuties, and you, who got roped into romance with them.
“[name], what’d i say about hacking the government?” miles scolded you as you chewed on bubblegum with your feet propped onto your desk, holographic screens in front of you.
“i don’t know, me forgot.” you nonchalantly shrugged, spinning your chair to go back to your screens and swiping left to play the weeknd.
miles spinning you back and placing his arms on your arm rests, too close to your liking.
you smirked with a light scoff, “your brother likes it.” miles rolls his eyes at the mention of him, “i don’t care what he likes.” he snapped back, obviously lying.
miles leaned back with a sigh, “god, what am i gonna do with you?” “maybe get off my ass.” you muttered, not knowing if miles heard that, to which he did.
“i’m sorry, what?”
you jumped at that, quickly shooting your arms up and trying to find excuses, opening your mouth like a fish.
your voice’s overlapped eachother, unable to hear his twin brother opening the door to your room, mask off and everything.
he looked at you who kept stumbling on words.
miles spider sense went off and looked at the entrance, seeing the one guy who encourages your behaviour, “what - what did you tell them?” myles smirked and shrugged.
“i didn’t say anything, bro.” he placed his claws on your bed and sat down on it, “i am not your bro.” miles chuckled and sat down on your bean bag.
“um actually-“
“shut up.”
“cope.” you playfully stuck your tongue out at miles who smiled and rolled his eyes, god you loved his smile. i mean, what?
you don’t love them, boo, you hate them.
“dude, tell [name] that if i don’t catch the ‘hacker’ i’m gonna get my ass kicked.” miles and his brother made eye contact, “i hope you do.” myles replied with a playful tone.
miles threw his hands up, “you guys are actually evil.” you laughed at his comment, “we’re actually vigilantes.” myles pointed out, patting his brother’s shoulder (the bean bag literally beside your bed).
you smiled at the two with light pigment on your cheeks, “i really wanna kiss you guys—“ you paused your sentence with embarrassment, realizing you were saying your thoughts out loud.
the two paused and looked at you, blinking, “eso es adorable, amor—“ “get out.”
“¿qué dijiste, amor?”
“i hate you guys. kill yourselves. espero que te resbales y te caigas en tu próxima misión.” you rolled your eyes and buried your face into your hands as the two twins looked at eachother.
“you don’t mean that, amor.” you groaned at the nickname the two labelled you. it made you want to giggle, twirl your hair and kick your feet like a schoolgirl.
you blushed when you felt an arm sneak around your neck, hugging you against your chair with their head beside your ear, “te gustamos los dos, ¿verdad, amor?”
god, you couldn’t choose between the two.
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[name] when they keep getting teased and literally cannot deal with it.
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sofia-cloud · 1 year
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– ✎ PAIRING: young tom kaulitz x fem!reader
✎ SUMMARY: you’re the new singer of Tokio Hotel band, they really like you alot for your talent, but one person caught your attention particurally…
✎ CONTENT: checking out, praising, pet names, soft tom, shy reader, teasing.
✎ NOTE: omg i love him so much but im so sad cuz of i cant find any fanfiction abt him so i created one to convince myself not to be sad anymore😭 anyways if there is any mistake pls tell me cause im not english and i hope i wrote anything good (tbh i used translator💀) last thing if u wanna request anything or be added in my taglist just go here!!💙🫧
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You have been chosen as the new singer in the Tokio Hotel band. Everyone was very happy with a newcomer, they were curious about how you sang and couldn't wait to hear from you.
However, the day you arrived you first met Bill who immediately recognized you from the physical description you had given him.
“You're yn, right?” Bill said with a smile on his face.
“Yes, it's me” you replied timidly, it was a very famous band and so you were afraid of not being up to it. Bill took you into the room where there were other members of the band.
They all greeted you and you greeted them. To be honest, your favorite was Tom right away, you loved how he played the guitar in concerts, in fact you blushed a lot when he told you "Welcome sweetheart" smiling.
“Thanks..” you said referring to everyone, but you were actually just looking at him.
However, you noticed how he checked you out, especially the skirt, you put it on purpose for him, and you would say it worked.
The first time they heard you sing they were enchanted by your voice, it was angelic, clear and ringing at the right point.
Tom stood looking at you for like 5 full minutes, watching you beat high notes, your eyebrows curling slightly, your eyes closed and the microphone in your hand. You looked like a real angel.
When you finished your performance they applauded you, you had become all red with embarrassment, you didn't think you would receive so many compliments.
“Aspectacular voice, yn,” Bill said,
“Fantastic!” They added Gustav and Georg,
“I didn't think angels sang so good,” Tom told you, approaching you slightly, and winking at you, that damn wink.
“Thank you for everyone,” you replied with a smile.
Months passed and by now they were used to your mind-blowing voice, and yet another thing had also changed ..
You had arrived at the band that Tom was your favorite, but you didn't think you'd develop any feelings for him.
Even once he let you play his guitar while he was behind holding you by the hips.
It was too much for you all this, it was too much for you him, he teased you some times knowing when you would want his attention, when you put on your low-cut shirts and adjusted your bra you noticed how he threw a look, or when he took you by waist to make you move by the side while he said “excuse me sweet girl”.
He knew it, he knew everything. He knew you liked him, that you would want more, that you didn't want him to stop with these games.
But you didn't understand why he didn't come forward, he just teased you.
So one day you decided to have courage and take the step. It consisted of dressing you in a mini skirt that accentuated the end of your thighs, a crop top that inflated your boobs, you put on a seductive scent and you were ready to go out.
You entered the room leaving a trail of perfume not ignored by the others, in fact Bill said “good scent yn” so Tom commented “no longer shy, hm?” He told you looking at you from above as he was sitting.
You had stopped in front of him standing and crossed your arms under your breasts, which accentuated them even more. “Better that way, isn't it?” You teased him.
Tom checked you out, you were so hot, then looked down even more on the skirt, your legs were so perfect, he was about to go crazy.
“This skirt seems dangerous to me,” he said, looking into your eyes.
“And why?” You say confused,
“Your legs are illegal, you look like a fucking model,” he said looking at you intently.
You stood there looking at him, but you didn't want to be shy, you should have teased him, so you decided to sit next to him.
“Don't worry because it's just you who will touch them,” you said that and left him with a lot of doubts.
What did you mean by 'only you'? And what did 'touch them' mean?
He would have liked to ask but you were late for the performance and you went out right away.
During the concert you winked at him and he looked at you surprised, as if to say ' where is the shy yn I knew?' But he immediately returned the smile you gave him.
Suddenly he put one of his hands in your leg dangerously close to the hem of your skirt, you felt your red cheeks, you could feel his breath in your neck.
You had the courage to whisper to him “this is not enough for me, Tom” almost as a plea, he as a decisive answer said “oh yeah?” You were completely melted.
The concert was over, you still had Tom's words in your head, you were in love lost you couldn't think of anything else.
“Mind if i sleep here darling?” A sudden voice interrupted the silence of the room, you turned around and it was him.. yes, him.
“Uh.. Yeah i dont mind" you said embarrassed as you were thinking about him at the time.
You slept together and he let you sleep on his chest.
he smelled really good, like home.
He was your home.
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made by @sofia-cloud
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bubbbii · 1 year
Side B!tch…?
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title : Side B!tch..?
pairing : jungkook x reader
genre : jungkook smut, bts, kpop, dirty content
warning : degrading, daddy kink, cheating, spanking, multiple orgasms, handjob, blowjob, doggystyle, missionary, choking, hair pulling, on the phone sex, aftercare
summary : Jungkook’s been in both worlds, with his lovely girlfriend for 2 years..and his horny and sexy side chick, for as long as they’ve been dating. The question is, would Jungkook be able to resist the feisty risks that y/n decides to take, ruining jungkook’s relationship
do not steal story or idea without permission please and thank uu :)
Let’s go <3
“So, relationship status?” Jungkook’s best friend Namjoon asked, raising an eyebrow as he gave him the cup of wine that was inside. “..I’m getting bored” Joon hummed, sipping out of his glass before putting it down. “How bored?” “Our sex life is..down bad terrible. She’s nice I mean - very sweet kind girl..but I can’t do it. Something about it just - it faded” Joon hummed agin, listening to him. “Fight more than usual?” Jungkook nodded at his question, making Hoseok chuckle. “Seems to me you need to start buddy” “shut up. I’ve been having sex with her more often” “and how did that turn out” Jungkook glared at Hoseok, making the two 94 liners laugh at the reaction.
“So Jungkook do something about it! The only person in this group who actually likes her is Taehyung..someone needs to snap him into his senses cuz I couldn’t care less about that girl” “how’s y/n” Jungkook smirked into his wine glass, remembering the heated night 4 days ago. Jungkook..has a double life. He met y/n a strip club one night along with the rest of the group. Everyone likes her..especially Jungkook. He wouldn’t dare letting her go to no one else. It’s almost like he’s possessive over her.
Which he is.
They started having sexy occasionally..to monthly..to weekly. To whenever the fuck they feel horny. Jungkook knew his girlfriend couldn’t do it better than y/n could, that’s why they’ve been going at it for a good..2 years. Ever since him and sally started dating. And Jungkook doesn’t seem regretful. “Going great actually, I miss her” “how? Sexually..or actually” “actually fool..there’s just something about her, that just gives me some kind of weird feeling inside” “YOU LIKE HER!” Hoseok blurred out, smiling mischievously at Jungkook. “Let’s face It, 2 years? I say replace” Hoseok said, sipping out of his wine glass.
“I cant do that to sally” “FUCK SALLY!” Lisa came in the room, leaning against the wall behind Joon. “You need to put on your big boy pants and end the switch. Y/N worth it, that’s one bad bitch right there” Joon and Hobi agreed, looking at Jungkook. “She is” “you and sally had an argument tonight that’s the only reason why you came here for drinks! How about getting on your way to her house?” Jungkook sighed, thinking about the suggestion. He probably should. But the doorbell rung, making Lisa go over to the door, opening it to see the person she didn’t wanna see.
“..sally what do you want” “is Jungkook here?” “Oh my god yes why?” “I need to speak with him!” Lisa groaned, stepping out the way and closed the door when sally was let in. “Kookie..you know I don’t like it when we fight” Jungkook looked at her, eyes showing confusion on why she’s in front of him. His phone was out, making it seem he was distracted. “Kookie talk to me” sally said, but it looks like y/n wanted to talk instead. A message popped up coming from her, which Jungkook gladly opened and sees the picture of the lingerie she was wearing.
“Wanna talk?”
Jungkook’s breath hitched, putting his phone down immediately as he fought the urge to push sally and run to his car and drive full speed to her house. He looked at Hoseok in the eyes, telling him everything he need to know and he caught on quick. “Sally - I don’t think he wants to talk right now let’s go ahead and just sit and relax yes?” Hoseok said brining sally to the kitchen. I looked at Joon and he nodded before nudging my head to the garage. “Was it y/n?” I nodded, my foot tapping the floor as my urge was still fighting.
“Go get ‘em kid” I jumped up grabbing my keys from off the rack and ran out without answering any questions. The garage door opened and I started my car before full forcing my foot on the pedal and drove off onto the highway. Jungkook knew what he was doing wasn’t the right thing, some say to go back to the house and fix things in your relationship with your girlfriend, that you just left to go to a side who wants nothing but to put all your anger out at her. Jungkook went with his gut, and his gut was always right.
He arrived to the house, taking a deep breath and took his shirt off, leaving it in the car and parked in the driveway. He took out his key, opening the door to the house and entering, the scent of her favorite body care balance and harmony..and food? Jungkook’s eyebrows furrowed as he closed the door and walked down the hallway and into the kitchen..where she was. In her silky robe and her long hair down, stirring a pot in front of her.
“Well hello Jungkook” y/n started, feeling his presence in the kitchen. She turned around, leaning against the marble counter. “Whatchu cookin?” “Shrimp fried rice, but it’s turned off…you’re looking like you wanna see what’s underneath this robe - which, I recently bought from Victoria” y/n answered, smirking at him. Y/n slowly took it off, letting Jungkook see the lingerie in person, making Jungkook drool at the sight. “Fuck” Jungkook cursed under his breath, seeing y/n slowly make her way towards him, staring down in his eyes.
“Mmh, daddy” Jungkook’s breath hitched at the name, her arms wrapping around his neck as she licked her lips at the sight before Jungkook losing control and smashing his lips onto hers. He lifted her up as he made his way to the living room couch, roughy putting her on the spacious part. He stared down with hungry eyes, sweat already building on his neck and he crawled over her, tearing each and every piece she had and she was exposed to him. “Wet little bitch” Jungkook whispered to himself as he saw the wetness covering her pussy. Jungkook stuck two fingers in there easy peasy, hearing y/n moan at the pleasure she was receiving. Jungkook scissored her, hearing her moans increase as her head dropped to the couch behind her, breathing unevenly.
“Yes..yes - daddy fuck” y/n hissed, spreading her legs wider to deepen his fingers. He took them out, licking them clean and bent down just to slowly lick up with his tongue, slow motion as he looked at her in the eyes. Y/n was enjoying every moment, feeling his tongue go up and all over. “Yesss just like that, just like that - daddy fuck” y/n whined out, bucking her hips. “Ooh you like that huh, that pussy slobbering that mouth hm? Greedy daddy isn’t he” y/n dirty talked, moving her hips in a circle making Jungkook moan at the sudden pleasure and her pussy lips.
“I do, fuck I do” “ooh I know, you’ve missed it, daddy’s missed it” Jungkook sucked harder, before getting up, licking his lips as he took his sweats down along with his boxers. Y/N’s eyes widened at the big thing in front of her, blinking as she looked at his smirking face. “..you’re out of your mind” “oh always” Jungkook got back on the couch, rubbing the tip at her entrance before slowly entering. Y/N clenched around him, feeling his cock go all the way inside her. “Shit..faster, please” Jungkook smirked, thrusting with force, fastening his pace by an inch causing y/n to go crazy. “Ooh there you go, there you go. Clenching on me like fucking bitch huh” Jungkook couldn’t take it, grabbing her throat and pounded into her.
Jungkook had y/n moaning her lungs out, having her lost at words once again as Jungkook pounded the living shit out of her. “Daddy! Fuck!” “Oh you like that, oh you fucking like that huh” Jungkook stopped, spanking her thigh. “Ass up” y/n did as told, turning around with still having his dick inside her and he went crazy, grabbing her hips and fucked her like a wild boar. “OH MY - daddy, daddy I’m not gonna last long. I’m not gonna last long - im gonna come. I’m-“ Jungkook pulled her hair, digging his cock deep inside her. “Yea wanna come? Wanna come for me Hm? Go ahead and come doll, come down my cock like a good girl yea?”
Y/n couldn’t take it anymore, and coated his dick with the running come. Y/N’s body shuddered at the intense orgasm, biting her lip like her life depended on it and moaned in the black couch. “Good girl, oh look at you. Look at you” Jungkook praised, chuckling as he turned her over. Jungkook kissed her with passion, making y/n wrap her arms around his neck to level the energy. This night was definitely gonna be long for them
an hour later..
1 am. Y/n and Jungkook couldn’t get enough, already having 7 orgasms combined. And Jungkook was going on it 4th one, y/n softly stroking his hard cock, practically edging him. “Fuck, please. Make me come, make me come baby cmon” y/n looked at him, with a raised eyebrow as she ran her fingers slowly over the red tip. “I’m surprised your little girlfriend hasn’t called yet” “I don’t care! Please - make me come!” “Who you yelling at?” Jungkook bit his lip, knowing better. Jungkook was the dominant one in their little relationship, besides during sex, Jungkook always knew not to raise his voice at her.
Especially when she has an advantage of making him come. Like this moment.
“Im sorry, im desperate” “i Can see, I’ll get to it when I get to it” y/n whispered the last part to him, kissing him softly as y/n’s hand went faster, colliding her fist to the heavy and filled balls of his, making him moan at the soft kiss they were still sharing. “Mmh fuck, fuck fuck fuck” y/n let go of it, cupping his balls in his hand as she massaged them slowly. She knew that was a weak spot for him. The tip, and the base. “Oooh yes yes yes yes - your driving to crazy to not let me come. This isn’t fair” y/n smiled, letting go before stroking roughly, knowing that took him over the edge.
Then the phone rung.
The ringtone echoed throughout the living room, y/n hand stopping and the two looked at each other confusingly. “..it’s not mine” “definitely mine” Jungkook whispered irritatedly, groaning in frustration as y/n got up and got his phone from the table. She looked at it, seeing the contact. She smirked. “Ooh? Cinderella is missing her prince” Jungkook knew who she was talking about, seeing her answer. “Kookie! Where are you!? The boys are trying to get me to stop looking for you but I will not stop until I know where you are! And make sure you’re safe!” Y/n smiled at the words, Jungkook huffing as he knew y/n was up to something.
“Sally, im fine” Jungkook simply said, seeing y/n walk to him as she put the phone carefully on the glass table next to them and she climbed onto his lap. Her back facing him. Jungkook sighed softly, his hands roaming her naked and sex scented body as he kissed her shoulders and neck softly. Y/n scooted, reaching down and licked the tip, rolling her tongue around it. Jungkook’s head threw back against the couch at the pleasure. “Fuck, no no please” “Jungkook? You still there?” Jungkook forgot sally was still on the phone. “Y-Yes, what is it sally I’m currently busy” Jungkook managed to get out, moaning quietly and softly as y/n took him all the way. That’s another thing Jungkook loves. “Well i wanna work things out, please come home I miss you” y/n smirked, knowing he was close.
Y/N took him out, roughly stroking him. “Quiet” she mouthed to jungkook as her hand was continued to stroke the hard thing. “Jungkook!” “I don’t think yelling would be the right option sweetheart” y/n replied almost quickly to the desperate sally over the phone. “Who’s this?” “Oh? Guess you haven’t heard of me, surprised Hobi kept his mouth shut” “SHUT UP Y/N!” Y/N chuckled, going faster as her fingers rolled over the tip. “I’m gonna come, im gonna come - y/n” “what is that!?” Y/N smirked, stroking the tip only as she spat on it and covered the tip with the wetness from his cock.
“Come for me you can do it” y/n whispered to Jungkook, hearing Jungkook’s whines and groans before exploding everywhere. All over her hand and arm as he let out the moans he couldn’t hold in any longer. Y/n smirked knowing the people over the phone heard that, stroking his cock slowly in the meantime. “Better?” Jungkook hummed in agreement, making her smile before grabbing the phone with her other hand. “Hope you enjoyed” y/n smirked before hanging up the phone and looking back at Jungkook.
“Your such an asshole” y/n laughed, making Jungkook laugh with her as she leaned her back against his chest, feeling his muscular tatted arms wrap around her. Y/n smiled feeling the soft kisses Jungkook placed. “I know what you want” y/n started softly, Jungkook sighing as he set his chin on her shoulder. “You do..” “you could’ve told me” “I didn’t know how you would feel about it” “Jungkook I like you too!” Y/n said, huffing after as she set her head back.
“You think this was just sex for me? No, I knew we both wanted the same thing and I knew that after 2 years you didn’t think we would be doing this for this long. You had doubts..and so did I” Jungkook bit his lip. “..will you be with me?” Y/n smiled softly, looking back at Jungkook before kissing his forehead sweetly.
“What a dream come true hm?”
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ogdegenerate · 1 month
Fuck it I cant sleep so here ya go
Werewolf x BAMF Human thingy prt1(?)
This will be very gay cuz fuck hetaronortivity and long cuz i’m a complex fucker
You are deceptively strong and durable on a supernatural level.
And by on all means you shouldn’t be, as far as you know you’re 100% human, it was just very easy to get strong to you.
You live alone in a cottage in the woods, traveling to a nearby town (which would take hours by vehicle but only a few minutes for you on foot) for groceries or any other supplies isn’t really an issue, you just enjoy the solitude.
While hunting for dinner, you find a black wolf who’s unconscious and heavily wounded. Maybe poachers nearby lost their score? They better pick a god and pray that they don’t run into you.
Because of your bleeding heart and to fuck over the dickwards who wanted to skin the pup, you decided to bring the wolf back home and nurse them back to health
In hindsight, the biggest red flag was that this certain wolf was bigger and heavier than the average lupine, then again it’s nothing you cant handle and there’s not much of a point to body shame a wild animal.
You bring the suspiciously-bigger-than-normal-wolf back to your humble cabin and nurse them back to health with the power of a first-aid kit and your know-how of animals.
The night goes by and you awoken to your fridge being ran through, the door wide open, and the wolf-who-was-way-too-big-to-be-a-normal-wolf no where to be seen.
You fear that the poachers mightve somehow found where you live and captured the wolf, but there’s no signs of a struggle anywhere.
This leads you to deduce that the fuckmothering wolf you decided to bring to your house and deemed safe to sleep under the same roof in WASN’T your run of the mill wolf and never was.
Atleast the fucker could leave a thank you note or something.
Few days go by where you have to go deeper into the woods due to the sudden raid of your consumables. You were chasing down a moose because why not? It’s been a week and it looked at you funny.
You only manage to loose sight of it for a few seconds before you come to see that your bounty got slain by a pair of huge brown wolfmen. One of them even spots you and gives you a snide grin.
Try as you back away, you bump into something hard (STOP IT) and fuzzy, and to your distain it was a gray werewolf -being accompanied by its blonde friend- blocking your path.
Ambushed and surrounded by a quartet of lycans, the one that smiled at you graciously informed you that you’re currently hunting within their turf. You apologized like the good man mother raised you to be and made it clear that you will make sure not to make the same mistake again as you try to move away from the wolves who towered over you by a foot or two.
The gray wolf clarified that a simple apology isn’t going to cut it and that they would be willing to forgive and forget if you “have some fun with them”
A small part of you is quite curious and maybe a bit excited of the “invitation”, but you ultimately give your answer by unrooting an entire tree with your bare hands.
Cue little red riding good by cupcakke as you chase down the small pack while carrying an entire tree over your head.
You don’t see those werewolves again for a while and you’re free to get some meat (SHUT UP) without any interruptions for about a week
Until one quiet night of stargazing, the same werewolves you terrorized way back when came back with some friends.
Geez guys atleast fight your own battles.
Good thing you got your trusty shotgun because if you’re going to taking on 14 or more werewolves, you’re not going down without a fight.
The blonde one you remember seeing pointed at you and shouted at something behind them about an intruder who threatened then
Ok they’re not wrong but it was all in self defense
The werewolves part way for whoever blondie was talking to, and you can’t believe to see the consequences of your own ignorance.
The ALPHA wolf (as the yellow one described him) is bigger and bulkier than the rest of the company. But this isn’t any random alpha werewolf. This werewolf was covered in black fur. Fucker still even has the bandages around his beefy arms.
As the alpha walks towards you, you decided to meet him there halfway, yelling at the wolf on how rude of a guest he was and that none of this would even be happening if he didn’t steal his meats.
As the wolf opens it maw, you cut them off that leaving them alive doesn’t count for shit and nobody here is entitled to anything of yours just because you’re big and scary and weirdly handsome
Before you can say another thing, the wolf discards something off their back and drops it in front of you, the huge and meaty thud breaking your train of thought.
You behold the object infront of you and see it’s a giant willdboar. Somehow even bigger than the moose from before.
In shock, you look back up to the black wolf who’s now kneeling down at eye level to you. His red eyes, unmistakably wolf like, still has a strange humanity to them. And yet they magically sparkle like jewels under the moonlight.
“Thank you for saving my life, I do hope this will make up for all of the trouble you went through”
His voice was deep, gruff, and manly and still so soft and calm. There was no hint of anger or malice in his voice compared to the others, actually, maybe there even was hint of guilt as well?
The black wolf stood back up to their full 8 foot majesty, adding on that he will personally talk to the lycans who made an attempt on your body personally and make sure that they wont bother you again.
The alpha began to walk away, but your voice stopped him in his tracks.
“Don’t be a stranger!”
The big black wolf turned to you with his ruby eyes wide at you, he looked surprised, confused even, it’s clear that he wasn’t expecting this to even happen and neither were you.
The alpha’s maw opened, but no words came out, not even a sound. All he could do was look to the side and give a nod.
As the werewolf walked away with his pact following suit, you couldn’t help but notice as his black tail sway side to side, dare you say it was… wagging?
No, it cant be. You must be very tired. It has been a long week
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misshoneysplayhouse · 2 years
Wine Pon You| h.zoe
since the new episode has us hange fans in distress, i have to bless you all with this, i cant get them out of my head and ofc you know i'm higher than a horse dick rn so enjoy, i'm so glad i'm attracting more hange lovers to my page I love yall frl.
song list for this cuz.....babyyyyy my playlist did justice fa meeeee
Remember You- By Wiz Khalifa ft the Weeknd
Wine Pon You- By Doja Cat
Too Deep- dvsn
CW: dom!hange, thigh riding, oral(f!receiving) orgasm denial, backshots pet names (Princess, doll, pretty girl) spitting is mentioned dacryphilia, overstimulation, fingering, riding and just nasty talking in general, Hange is very vocal
The sounds of heels could be heard behind you, there were girls frantically running around, drenched in anticipation as the big news flooded through the locker room. You could be found in front of your vanity mirror, brushing the finishing touches and making sure your outfit was on just right.
Being a stripper wasn't exactly the life path you had set course for but the fast money became addicting, almost making close to 1 to 2,000 dollars a night, the endless drinks and hot ass people with pockets heavier than the smoke in the building, you couldn't stop now.
But tonight was big, Eren the club's owner had told the you all that the city's biggest bachelor Levi was gonna be in the building along with his whole entourage and that he needed the baddest heifers on the floor!
When he mentioned that, you instantly came to mind, you were a fan favorite in the club which caused a lot of drama to stir up in the lockerroom. That included the ugly stares, the pathetic attempts to steal and take from your money pile, and one thing you didn't play about was your money!
Getting up from the mirror you looked at the text Eren had sent saying to meet him in his office so you snuck your money bag behind it and switched your way up the stairs, hearing the teeth sucking and smart ass remarks from the other girls.
"There she is, my pretty little money maker.." He smiles, watching your body walk in, eyes flickering towards your chest.
"You called me up here for what? It better not be what I think it is." You spoke with a smile, rolling your eyes.
"No good luck kiss tonight, got it." He laughed. "But no, I just learned that Hange, the CEO of Zoe Productions is gonna be with Levi tonight and instead of putting your focus on him, I want you on Hange." He begins, pulling the blunt hanging on his ear to light it.
"Hange? I've never heard of them so they can't be that big." You joked.
"Oh but they are, so don't half ass, they aren't some old geezer- matter of fact, I'll let you see for your own eyes, they just pull up." He smirks, looking at his phone while smokes blows from his nose.
"Yeah, yeah i guess i'll be the judge of them." You chuckle, not taking a single word he said seriously.
He follows you out of his office while you turned one way and he went the other, there were already rumors of you and him fucking and messing around so you didn't want to be caught coming out of his office together to fuel the fire.
the music blasted throughout the building as yoou walked around, skimming the area to find the so called CEO so you could get a good idea on how to drain their pockets dry. The place was packed but you expected nothing less on a Friday night.
After spending a minute too long looking for them, you decided to rack up a few small lap dances in the meantime, you saw one of your coworkers heading towards a huge group of people but you couldn't make out the surprisingly tall figure.
That's when you felt an arm pull you away from the huge crowd, you recognized the cologne and sucked your teeth when you made eye contact with Eren.
"The hell you yanking me up like a toddler for?"
"I don't have time for the complaints, I need you on stage, Sasha sprained her ankle and all the girls are stuck on trying to get into Levi's section. You know how to make a show.." He pleaded.
"Hange will get a better look at you on stage, which will definitely make them call you to the champagne room, and that's the kinda money we need tonight." He went on.
You started to ponder for a slight second, finally agreeing to step on the stage, you weren't foreign to the stage since that's how you started out, you grew your fanbase from it so tonight wouldn't be any different.
I'm currently playing Remember You by Wiz Khalifa and The Weeknd, and umm..I just came everywhere..it'll definitely enhance this whole scene
"If i could have yall's attention,I have a beautiful woman coming out to peform and I want all eyes to the stage, she needs no introduction and hopefully she'll show me a thing or two tonight after this.." Connie starts in the mic, lowering the music.
"Coming to the stage, The devious Miss(S/N)!"
The music flooded your ears as Connie had the speakers in the building at max, the bass thudding through your chest and the lights dimmed to show a cool purple LED like light behind you, almost like the people were watching your shadow.
You started your set, slow and sinfully teasing the crowd by starting on the floor of the stage, you could feel a certain set of eyes on your body out of the hundreds of eyes on you. It felt hot, almost burning with pleasure and you wanted to find its source.
You hooked your leg around the pole, twirling around and climbing up to continue on with your set, spreading your legs wide as you spun around.
The feeling of the bills falling on your skin was like your own personal drug, and tonight you felt as if you were in a shower, yeah Fridays night were packed but this felt off. You dropped down from the pole into a split looking into the crowd, that's when you found the burning eyes staring a hole in you.
Wearing a grey suit with the jacket hanging on their shoulders, a black wife beater with a single link gold chain hanging from their neck and a cigar between their slender fingers. You expected some old, 50 year old with a few strands of hair on their head, your mind scrambled up once your eyes connected with theirs.
They were leaning back in the chair, legs spread apart like a slut and their hair in half up half down style. They push up their glasses with their middle finger, adjusting their sitting position by pushing their hips up, leaning forwards towards the stage.
You took this opportunity to "interact" with your fans, crawling towards them to get a better look at what you were dealing with. You've dealt with attractive customers before but this might need a bit more self control.
They had a scar on the left eye, slashing through their eye brow and pretty rings decorated on theirs fingers, you notice them pull out a big band of cash, pulling out a 100 dollar bill and slipping it in your bralette.
You bite your lip, taking the bill and sliding it down to put it on the side of your thong, they take another bill and place it on the other side watching your body move as you went to the other side. You couldn't linger for long or show too much favoritism, no matter how good they looked, your only mission was to tease them long enough to get them in the room.
Once you finished up the lights went back to black and you rushed backstage all the way to the locker room to change and freshen up, you wet up your bottoms on stage and because you knew it was a matter of time before Hange requested you.
You chose a green outfit this time with your breasts sitting out perfectly and the tallest heels you could walk in, heading back into the crowd.
Right on cue, Eren comes up to send you the back and usually you were quick to go ahead and get it over with but you hesitated for a second.
"Whatever happens in the champagne room stays in the champagne room" was the sign that hung over the hallway of the rooms, you could feel two heartbeats colliding with each other as you found the number of the room. You had to get yourself together, this was just another client, another business person to drain and nothing to get yourself worked up on.
But all of your common sense flew out of the window as you walked inside. They were standing tall, pouring two glasses of champagne and handing one to you as you closed the door.
"Thank you.." You said, following them as they called you over with one finger.
"I've heard so much about you..I needed to see for myself if all the talk was true.." They started as they patted their lap, signaling you to straddle them.
You obeyed as you took a sip from your glass, a small smirk forming in the corner of your lips.
"Funny enough, I haven't heard much about you, is that intentional?" You asked, pretending to adjust yourself as you felt a bulge right on your core, you mentally widened your eyes since you weren't expecting them to be this hard.
"For my line of work it is, from what the public knows I own a movie production studio, and that's all they need to know." They smirked, their thumb in the crease of your thighs and their fingers on your ass pushing your hips to slightly create friction
"So you do porn?" You said, adding everything together while still subconsciously bucking your hips a little faster, hoping they wouldn't notice but it looked a little too late.
"And I'm looking at my new project as we speak.." They smirked, finishing the glass with their eyes slowly fucking your body while pushing their hips up, making you gasp.
"I'm not doing anything I don't get paid for.." You spat, looking directly into their eyes, both of your faces just inches away.
"You don't have to worry about that, I'd personally pay you...you wouldn't be fucking anyone doll, you'd be fucking me...I want you to be my personal pornstar princess.." They spoke, their voice warm and hushed, sending a line of chills down your spine.
Biting your lip you moved your hips faster, with both of Hange's hands attached guiding you perfectly.
"Show me how nasty you really are.." They continued, placing kisses up and down the middle of your chest still keeping the eye contact while they slipped a nipple in their mouth.
You finally dropped the shy girl act and took Hange's hand off your hip, moving it exactly where you needed it to be, they slide the thin piece of fabric to the side, your sticky fluids dripping out of you as their finger eases it way inside, practically sucking it in.
"You talk too much.." You mumble, letting a few moans escape from your throat as they add another, curling their fingers and hitting your g-spot like they knew your body. A large groan followed next when their speed increased.
"You usually get this wet with all your clients?" They smugly ask, ignoring the smart remark, with their fingers speeding up purposely so you couldn't form a single sentence.
"I-I dont-"
"Shhh, shh princess, let your body talk for me." They teased, listening to the nasty squelching sounds coming from your soaked pussy, you could feel your stomach tighten up, and the palm of their hand rubbing your clit, you heard yourself whimper before covering your mouth with your hands.
You felt a bit embarrassed that you were so close from you both doing barely anything, but you couldn't care it felt too fucking good to hold back. Just as soon as you mentally let go, they pull out of you causing you to whine from the empty feeling.
"Why'd you stop? You knew I was cl-"
They shut you up by shoving their soaked fingers into your mouth, watching you suckle on them with strings of saliva forming on your lips.
"I knew you were close, only a nasty bitch like you can clamp down on my fingers like that..on your stomach for me." They spoke, palming themselves watching you arch your back on the elongated couch.
Being the nasty slut you were, you shook your ass in anticipation spreading your pussy lips and rubbing your swollen clit thinking you were finna get stuffed full of dick. Your whole body shivered as you felt the warm wetness from their tongue licking a stripe from your clit to your quivering cunt.
Their tongue easily sliding in between your folds, sucking you like they wanted to drain you entirely. Your eyes crossed when they spat on your pussy, watching it drip down, rubbing it in with their hand, sticking their thumb in and out of you just to tease.
"You like eating me like a bitch in heat?"
"Just as much as you like screaming like one.." They replied, wrapping their lips back in the same spot, flicking and swirling their tongue as their hands joined in, pumping in and out.
"Oh god, fuckkk...please! I'm cumming! I'm- HANGE!" You screamed out, your body shakes with your cunt squirting fluids all over the couch, not realizing you slipped up and said their name.
"Such a pretty mess you made..and I thought you didn't know too much about me.." Hange mocked, cleaning you up and slapping your thighs to keep you from squirming, you felt your stomach in multiple knots from the sensitivity. "Didn't take you to be a squirter.."
"Me either.." You mumbled, trying to get your head together. But Hange gave you no time for that. Gripping you by the back of your neck they pulled you up, turning your head around for a sloppy kiss.
You normally don't kiss clients but your head was so fogged up and full of them that those rules went out of the question, you'd just have to deal with the lecture later.
You felt them suck your face off in the most disrespectful way possible, sucking on your tongue and biting your lower lip. You couldn't help but moan in their mouth kindly returning the nasty favor.
By now you're completely naked, with them wearing nothing but the black wifebeater and grey dress pants that surely ended up on the floor next. You felt them pick you up, the coldness of a wall on your back and the tip of something poking at your throbbing cunt.
Your legs were in no shape to be fucked against the wall but Hange didn't want to hear a single complaint.
"I'll hold you together, doll, just fall apart in my hands for me..make those pretty sounds like you did before.." They your body whispered in your ear, holding your legs up with their tatted forearms like you were pure putty in their hands, thrusting into you.
You could feel yourself stretching out by the inch as they pound into you, their hair all disheveled with slight moans escaping their throat, feeling you clamp them like a vice.
"Why are you so fucking wet? This all for me doll, hm?" They growled, marking your neck with bruises and bites.
"It's all for you, it's all for you- fuck! Don't stop, please I swear i'm gonna cum all over this dick.."
"That's right princess, talk to me while i'm inside of you..tell me what you want.." Hange egged on.
"I want you to punish me, I wanna squirt all over you and make a fucking mess, Hange fuck me..pleasee." You pleaded, wrapping your legs around them with all the strength you could find, with tears prickling in the corners of your eyes, you were so fucking close.
Hange noticed the tears falling from your face and watched the mascara stain your face, kissing your stained cheeks with a toothy smirk.
"You look so fucking pretty like this..on your knees..hurry up." They panted, pulling out of you while you quickly got on the floor, they followed behind you, smacking your ass while you shook your hips to rub against them.
Pushing back inside, you both groan out with pleasure as Hange continues with the same pace as before, their hands pulling you in deeper.
"You feel so fucking good, s'good..i'm gonna cum all over that pretty face.." They grumbled, rutting into you.
"Please cum in me Hange, PLEASE! Fuck me just like that..just like that baby!" You groaned out, spreading yourself open so they could really hit your shit, you could feel them in the pit of your stomach, repeatedly hitting that spongy spot inside of you, that familiar feeling crept back in and crashed hard, with you letting out a loud scream.
"I'm not done just yet princess, give me one more pretty girl, please?" Hange cooed to you as they fucked you through the shivering orgasm, you swore you started to see stars.
"I know you can doll, just breathe for me." Hange went on, spitting on their hand and rubbing small circles on your clit. You whine from the sensitivity as your legs shake violently, the tears were flowing at this point but you couldn't help why you and your body wanted more.
"I want more of it...fuck..please cum inside of me Hange.." You begged once more, turning your hips up to push back without their help.
"Ouu shit, just like that princess..fuck me back then.." Hange swore, biting their lower lip as they lifted up their shirt, leaning back a bit to watch your ass move up and down on them and listening to your pussy squelch.
Hard smacks to your ass echoed in the room, as their voice escalated to a whimper as you picked up your pace, they finally let you take over and you wanted to pull all your tricks out to prove a point.
"Like that baby? This pussy sucking you dry? I want all of it Hange, give it to me please baby?" You teased, throwing your ass against them, feeling your own orgasm coming in close.
"I'm gonna cum all in this pussy baby, look at me- fuck just like that, you look so fucking good.." They babbled, watching you as you turned your neck to look back at them.
Their face was covered with the color red with a few strands stuck to their forehead, you could tell they were about to spray your insides white, this made you put your all into it, they gripped your hips hard forming crescent shaped indents deep into your skin, sporadically pounding inside of you, whimpering and moaning as you were bound to the ground, stuck in a euphoric state of pleasure.
"I'm cumming, I'M GONNA-" Was all you head before you felt ropes of warm cum fill you up in the nastiest way possible, you could feel them twitch inside of you as they still weren't finished, fucking the cum deeper into you.
Soon enough you creamed all over Hange only adding to the nasty mess they created not too long ago. They finally pulled out and watched as their cum spilled out of you, like an artist looking at a finished project.
You were mentally out of it, your legs gave out and you were on the floor with cum spilling out of your pussy and drool coming from your lips, bitch you were dickmatized.
"So..." They panted. "How do we tell Eren?"
Yallllllll, this is the nastiest thing my fingers have typed- this has been in my drafts for so long...but oh my fuck..i'm fucking pregnant....
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hello hi!!! grfhvhghr i am in love with your artwork so much you cant believe-- i wanna ask if you have any tips on how you lineart and colourpick?? no pressure to answer tho, have a great day/night!! again, love your art <33
hi!! thank you for your kind words!! since i got asked about these a lot, im answering this for all the other ask asking about lineart and colour tips too! You can see some previous post here.
also i could only give out tips that work for my drawing style - which is heavy lineart / colours pop up the line (believe it or not it's American comic book style. ppl cant understand why my art doesnt really look like usual anime/ Asian webtoon style, even though it is still clearly anime / Asian webtoon style, but when i told them it's because im drawing these by studying American comics, no one believes it either lmao.
i do study but i do my own things too, so most of my art inspo is really unexpected to ppl, but they r really where i learn things from, cuz i dont even go to art school TT_TT).
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Changing the brush size will help you achieve thick/thin lines better without having to put pressure on your wrists. Keep your hold relaxed and let bigger brush size give you the thick strokes.
I like messy sketch, to me the sketch is just an outline shape to fill details in when i do the line, it also gives more freedom to wriggle as i draw! cuz i dont really plan out everything from the start, just wing it as i go, so a lot of my work is actually very spontaneous.
that leads to this point: when you do the lineart you should start deciding which colour style you want from it to adjust the details amount. the ink shadow blocks in my art aren't there randomly, i adjust them to best complement the shape language and colours.
for piece where i want the line/shadow to...idk hit (?), the colours are almost flat with textured brush adding depth to them, so the inking is the shading, thus there are more details in the lineart / ink blocks.
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for the video above and piece like this where i want the colours to be clear and pop out, the use of ink blocks are minimized and i do the shading during colouring process. but! the ink blocks can still make some places pop very nicely! just use in moderation!
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when doing the base it's good to keep the colour on the left side of the colour wheel (low saturation), but as you do shading and lighting, try to spread out evenly so it won't look washed out.
toggle around with hue and saturation slider as you go! the key is always adjusting! you're making hundreds of decisions at once, being conscious of your choice in why a line or a colour should be in a certain way will help improve your process a lot! (i think you can tell which art i turned off my brain and just draw for stress relief ........ which is also a valid way to draw and sometimes the result might surprise you! but for more serious stuffs i try to be aware of most of the move i make. it's problem solving, yeah?)
i find that one way to keep your art from appearing too...yellow in the end (which is sth that haunted my ass for a long while) is always aim for cold tone, so if you accidentally make it warm either way in the end it won't be too warm (and yellow :cry:)
well that's all the stuffs i can think on top of my head. sorry i can't give more advice on colour picking cuz it's sth i don't really know how to give advice on???? i think my colours now are still pretty lame haha........ if there are still any questions i'd gladly answer within my ability, though im very slow to answer ask ( i do read and be happy at all of them tho!)
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asraindarkness · 3 months
i see you talking about eddie third wheeling buck and tommy now that he’s alone and i raise you one better: ravi third wheeling them.
now walk with me here.
between the 118 buck is the straight looking red blooded american boy so i don’t think gerrard will be in his hair that much. hen and chim aren’t the young probies they where once and i think after the medal ceremony gerrard wont really mess with them either which leaves eddie and ravi and we all now gerrard obsession with harassing probies especially not-white ones.
so along with harassing others he’ll be extra ass to ravi to the point that buck decides to put the chainsaw down and have the poor kid’s back lol (not that ravi cant handle himself but bitchiness and sarcasm of two men is better than one)
so they’ll become closer but one thing that buck don’t know is ravi and tommy became friends at the medal ceremony and tommy’s teaching him muay thai ( or some shit like this idk make them friends)
so one day when buck’s gonna go to tommy’s place he get a massage from tommy asking if he’s ok with him asking ravi to stay for dinner cuz “i made indian food for dinner and i don’t have the heart to send the kid home without having some”
buck says yes, naturally and they spend the night bitching about gerrard (as they should) and tommy hyping them to be more annoying to him lol and at a moment of weakness tommy says “ i’ll buy you food every time you two successfully give gerrard a heart attack”
at that point tommy spend his days getting selfies of buck and ravi showing 👍 with gerrard corpse.
ps: at this point buck and tommy spend so many dinners with ravi that it’s like they practically adopt him so buck feels like it’s his responsibility to follow him with chainsaws again when ravi doesn’t eat his vegetables
pss: tommy doesn’t eat his vegetables either. they both run from buck and his chainsaw
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iamthat-iam · 8 months
hiyaa, not that anon and also im not looking to "get" a relationship or anything, but rather i just have a question about your reply to the ask
when you told the anon to be aware of her made up character being in a relationship with the made up/illusionary love interest, can i ask what you mean by being aware of it? i know that what i (character) call "thinking" or "imaginining" is actually me (THAT, self, etc) seemingly living out that life or scenario. but what i don't understand is how do we be aware of that thing or scene or life, consistently?
basically like i said, im not looking to experience a relationship like the other anon but rather i just wanna observe an illusionary life where i (THAT, self) appears as a completely different human. of course, right now it is "experienced" because i'm aware of it rn. if i weren't aware of the beautiful, rich, popular character i wish to appear as, then i wouldnt be typing this ask ofc! so i'm not asking hOw Do i GeT, HoW dO i ExpEriEnce 😭😭😭 bc i understand all that. i just don't understand how to CONSISTENTLY be aware of the character i want to.
i daydream about it often (disclaimer, ik daydreaming is a concept and its all just self being aware but i couldnt figure out a less confusing way to word it) but eventually this current character has tasks and responsibilities it needs to tend to, which kinda occupy awareness. like if im doing dishes, in that moment im not aware of the life i want to be aware of cuz im sidetracked. so how do i get to the point where i am continuously aware of what i want? i cant sit and daydream ALL day (again i just could nawt find a better way to word it LMAO) so how do i decide what i'd like to experience and STICK myself to it, being aware consistently and not getting sidetracked by the other characters life (the one whos sending this rn)
Hi! So the first point I want to make is you are already effortlessly aware of EVERYTHING, no matter what appears to be happening. When you say "I'm aware of the character doing the dishes and not my desired character" this is misidentification. No, you don't need to "daydream" all day. What you truly are doesn't need to "persist" in making anything happen. Everything is already happening in the now.
Next point I want to make is there's nothing and no one here that's experiencing an "old life." You said you understand that daydreaming/imagination is the same as experiencing it, but you're still creating a duality when you say you get "sidetracked" from "being aware of the new life" with tasks the character has to do through out the day.
No one is truly here doing anything. There's nothing for you to "do", just BE. Stop paying attention to thoughts saying "well I'm doing the dishes that means I'm not aware of my dream life" or "i need to find time to daydream otherwise i can't live my dream life"
My advice for the other anon (and "you") is to do nothing. " " Is always experiencing “ " no matter what thoughts are saying. Don't attach yourself to them.
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