#cuz idk i wanted to see them in the outfits the actors had on
Bl (or in my case, Bromance) actors question game
Tagged by @brazilian-whalien52​!  Thank you for the tag, I’m so sorry I’m late with this
1. Your Favorite Bromance actor(s)
Okay, so we all know who it is, right?  We all know.  It’s these two
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They have my fucking heart
2. An actor that deserves a lead role
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Ian.  I mean, Killer and Healer is really where he got to shine as a main, since most times he’s either like...a supporting character or the fucking second lead.  Stop putting him as the fucking lead, you bastards (the only time I’m okay with him being the second lead was in Love is Written in the Stars because he like...kind of got his own romance.  So...there was fine)
3. Two actors with insane chemistry 
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These two bastards
Also these two
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(Where is my S.C.I. season 2 you bastards?!)
4. Actor that deserves more attention 
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He’s such a versatile actor...I want to see him in more
5. The hottest/prettiest actor in your opinion 
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They are very pretty to me and I could stare at them for hours
6. An actor that you don't understand why they are so famous
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I mean, he’s okay...and I’m sure people in the cdrama fandom are gonna come for me, but I just don’t...idk, like his acting?  I’ve really only seen him in The Journey of Chongzi but even then...he really didn’t show a lot of facial expression and I like it when my actors show a lot of expression on their faces.  Makes it more enjoyable to me.  (He’s not even really that handsome...I’ve seen better)
7. The actor with the Best Voice 
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I love his normal voice but his subbed voice is like...so iconic.  The minute you hear it all I can think is “That’s Jiang Yuelou”.  But his singing voice is really pretty
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Same for him.  His normal voice is so deep you’re like...holy shit, my guy.  But have y’all heard him sing?  Jesus fucking Christ.  His voice is heavenly.  And deep.  Best of both worlds
8. What is your favorite scene that really showcase an actor ability 
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Jiang Yuelou really had me fucking fooled here on the first watch like...boy why you treating your boy like this?  What are you doing?
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And then this scene...fuuuuuuuuuck me.  We don’t speak of this scene but this scene...kudos to Zijun and Ian cuz fucking hell that scene must have been hard
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And this scene, where Jiang Yuelou basically made himself from drinking and crying so heavily because he thought he killed his beloved Chen Yuzhi
9. A drama that was saved by their cast acting ability 
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Psych-Hunter.  Honestly, the drama could have been really good if we just took out the useless female lead who was literally only there for romance reasons.  She did nothing to move the plot along.  Ming Hao and Dong Qin were the only things keeping me from dropping the drama (the cases were interesting though so I wanted to keep going.  Would have enjoyed it more if the girl wasn’t there)
10. Actor that you wish you could steal their style 
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Gimme their style, fuck.  I wanna pull off these off so bad, especially Mao Zijun’s second outfit
Tagging: @ahhhnorealnamesallowed​ @nineninepetals​ @marulo​ @hyperbolicgrinch​ @fourth-quartet​ @zzzhoonie​ @dramaloverrants​ and anyone else who wants to play
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
I wuld get if they wamted to release Dune 2 this yr bt honestly i was SO excited for a press tour n Zs looks. I lik timdaya FRIENDSHIP (they had good chemistry in the past press tour), I wanted to see Z interact n talk about how it was onset with Flo (who both seemed to admire each other) n Austin (honestly thought it wuld b a lil awkward between them 😅 bt they seemed friendly at the SAG awards). Curious to see how Zs looks wuld b n wat type of LV outfits she wuld wear (if she was goin to wear them). Idk if ima get that 😭 bt least we got the movie
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Yea girl..... we might as well just mourn the "Dune: Part 2" press tour and premiere and get it out of our systems right now, cuz yea, based on what I've been hearing, my guess is we're not gonna get ANYTHING. 😔😭
The studios aren't even willing to negotiate on anything right now. 😒 My hope for next year is even getting kinda slim right now. 😔
I'm telling you, it's probably going to eventually take the gp to boycott and put some heat on these studios I'm afraid. 👀
Anyway, yea I was for sure ready to see Timmy, Flo, Zendaya, Austin, etc all slay on the red carpet, and deliver some fun interviews. I feel like the cast all got along great and probably even had some funny stories to share on set. 🙁
The surprise ComicCon panel would have been nice too 🤧
I was even hoping for a fun late night TV show interview appearance with most of the cast together on the show all at the same time actually.
Ahhh well! What could have been.... 🤧
Nothing short of a MIRACLE would change things at this point. I would be more hopeful if the studios were at least negotiating w/the writers and actors. But they're not even lifting a finger. They're just digging their heels into the ground, and then are proceeding to blame the strikers on the lack of work. 🙄😒
Don't get me started...
But yea, I was def looking fwd to seeing some of Z's looks on the red carpet. 😭 I was especially curious if Law was going to do a Dune-themed dress this time as well.
Why would you think things would be awkward btwn Z and Austin lol? Cuz Kaia used to date JE??🤔 I'm pretty sure Z isn't thinking about that man at this point lol 😂 JE who?? Rofl 😆
Anyway, I don't mind Z and Timmy's friendship either! I think they're all cool people. I just hate the mindless shipping, that's all. 😒
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bizzyb3e · 2 years
Spoiler free review, spoilers below cut
I just watched the School for Good and Evil movie and wow
Overall, I’m pretty disappointed. It was a fun watch, don’t get me wrong, it was fun picking out familiar characters and seeing them on screen, and the story is alright, but it just felt… lacking? Like most of the characters go unnamed, and it’s frustrating for people who have read the books and enjoy those side characters. The plot also felt very rushed. I watched it with my mom, who has never touched the books, and she said she felt like she was missing some context at certain parts, like some scenes and reasonings didn’t quite make sense yet.
And the CGI was pretty inconsistent? Like in some scenes it would be incredible and others it looked very… choppy? Idk, it felt like it was changing styles every two seconds.
However, I do think that despite the rough storyline (which is still alright) the actors did the best they could with what they were given. And the costumes were absolutely gorgeous.
There’s still a few nitpicky things but I don’t really feel like typing it all out cuz it’s late and I’m tired. ALTHOUGH I am going to rant about the characters and cut scenes from the book now, so spoilers below.
oh boy oh boy do I have complaints:
WHERE WAS THE WONDERFUL GORGEOUS AMAZING SCENE BETWEEN AGATHA AND DOVEY ABOUT AGATHA REALIZING SHE WAS BEAUTIFUL???? Reading that scene as a kid literally brought me to tears bc I was super self-conscious about myself, and it is my favorite scene in the entire series. AND ITS NOT THERE? 1568 wounded and 182 dead.
speaking of Agatha, while I love Sofia wylie, she was?? Too pretty?? like whenever the other characters would call her “witch” or “ugly” it just didn’t land bc she was literally gorgeous. And she blended in too well with the Evers, the whole point is she’s an outsider, she sticks out, but she fit right in. Wasnt goth enough :<
wth was the “blood magic” crap. Like huh
NO SWAN SYMBOLS ON UNIFORMS??? Like they even include the school insignia in the beginning, WHATS THE POINT IF THERES NO SWANS
while I can appreciate the chemistry that they gave tedros and agatha in the movie, I really wish that they had included more rivalry. Bc those two literally hated each other in the books.
Also Sophie talked about tedros being her “true love” for like two seconds and then it was pushed to the side. Like. He’s kinda the reason she goes full evil and all, but their relationship was just?? Nonexistent. Like she wears a few good outfits and suddenly their testing their love for each other in the trial by tale.
trial by tale was done DIRTY. Instead of being a massive school-wide competition between schools, they turned it into some flimsy tophie thing that literally only lasted like 10 minutes tops. That was such a big deal in the book pls
They were missing so many characters???? Like Castor and Pollux and Uma and the BEAST FROM THE DOOM ROOM WHICH IS A WHOLE OTHER RANT. Also a BUNCH of the characters just. Go unnamed. Like do they even introduce Kiko or Chad. And even the characters who are seem so bland and forgettable.
Where were anadil’s rats??? How hard is it to get rats???
also anadil and dot seemed way too similar. And Hester’s character was inconsistent. Also dot not being played by a larger actor lowkey bugs me.
Sophie did NOT get to be evil enough smh
I know they kinda revealed what happens to failed students but not revealing that theyre the werewolves and fairies was so disappointing.
I cant believe we didn’t get Sophie singing T^T it’s not a big issue, but I still wanted to include it bc Sophia ann Caruso (her actor) was literally ON BROADWAY. My girl can SING. LET HER SHOW OFF.
no pink fingerglow for sophie :<
RAFAL IN GENERAL? Like what was that. He just walks around school disguised as his brother? Casually jump scares Agatha?? NO MASK?? genuinely upset me
also not really a criticism to the movie, but watching it on screen made me realize how creepy rafal and Sophie’s relationship actually is. Like. Yikes.
Upset that Yuba didn’t get enough spotlight
Also I wish they got the chance to show off the “room of champions” or whatever it was for both schools. Or Arthur’s menagerie. But I can live without it.
Sophie and Agatha not knowing about the schools in the beginning?? Like huh?? Sophie has dreamed about going there her whole life what do you meannnn
Honora being mean to Sophie rubbed me the wrong way. Like she’s supposed to be a very plain and nice woman, and I felt like Sophie still disliking her despite that gave Sophie’s character more depth
WHERE. ARE. THE. DREAMS. The nemesis dreams, Agatha’s true live dreams, WHERE ARE THEY? they could have helped explain so much for why Sophie was just suddenly like “oh yeah you’re my nemesis” and tedros declaring his love. Also they DIDNT talk about nemesis symptoms at all. At least that I remember. It felt so random when Sophie started turning into the witch.
okay im gonna end it with some positive things cuz I’ve just been ranting lmao
Loved lady lesso ngl. So gay for her.
having tedros not kill some unnamed kid as a gargoyle, but a kid that we got to actually know was a lot more satisfying. Really got the point across
honestly I was worried that they would chicken out of making Sophie ugly as a witch, but they did alright with it. Kudos.
Tedros and Agatha chemistry yesssss. When she tripped and he caught her>>>
Yes anemone POP OFF QUEEN
the wish fish scene was GORGEOUS
I liked the bit of background they gave Gavaldon. Like Agatha and Sophie’s classmates talking to them. That was nice :]
I honestly enjoyed covey’s character. She was a little manic at times, and a little different from the books, but I thought it fit the movie well. And I cracked a few smiles at it
Tedros and Agatha again. Sassy Agatha in their first conversation <3333
the ever Boys’ entrance was well done :>
Hester’s demon was FANTASTIC and absolutely sick
that’s all I really have the brainpower to think about and write down. Also this became way longer than I thought it would. I had to rant about it somewhere cuz my friends haven’t watched nor read it and my mom didn’t want to hear it lol. Anyway, those are just my opinions on the movie. Even though I had a lot to complain about, the movie was still an enjoyable watch. It’s always cool seeing familiar characters in live action :D
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jakeperalta · 1 year
Hi! Your set it up gifset reminded me to tell you that I finally watched Something From Tiffany's! I also watched one of her old movies and her movies with Dylan O'Brien..Not Okay and the Outfit. My favorite was Something From Tiffany's obviously..the others were okay but not exactly my genre. I actually watched that movie About Fate too..that was pretty similar to Something From Tiffany's and it was interesting to watch two movies with the same concept and how they were different. Something From Tiffany's had more of a classic romantic movie feel I think compared to just being cliche so I think I preferred that one. Kinda like Set it up I guess. I liked Not Okay better than the outfit..that was an easy choice but it's not really a movie to recommend either cuz it can be a hard watch so idk but Dylan looked really good lol. I also watched Parasite the other day..not sure if I would recommend that one either haha. But when I say recommend..I guess I just mean these aren't movies I would really rewatch even if the movie was technically good if that makes sense. Anyway just wanted to update you..something from Tiffany's was good but I knew I would like it! Seen any good movies lately?
i'm curious to watch about fate at some point to see how they compare, i agree that something from tiffany's was definitely going for that classic rom com vibe which i think was a strength for it. i'll probably also watch not okay and the outfit, same as you they're not my particular go-to genres but they are the kind i'll go for if there's an actor i enjoy. i haven't seen parasite yet either even though obviously it was super acclaimed. i get what you mean about recommending them, like there's a difference between a good movie and a movie you'd actually want to rewatch.
i've not really been watching many films recently, although i was finally prompted to watch a few rom coms that had been on my list so i could include them in my tropes gifset i made a few weeks ago (how to lose a guy in ten days, always be my maybe and fire island)
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drindrak-art · 5 years
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I know I've been teasing a different bumbleby drawing on ig, but I'm not finished that one yet (the bg is being real difficult).
I've had this one sitting in my autodesk folder on my phone for like months now lol.
I draw Yang so different each time i draw her??? Like??? What even is a consistent art style. Tbh i did draw this one with my fingers on my phone, and my other drawings are done with my tablet.
This is drawn like straight from a reference from some show, idk which one.
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faeodum · 2 years
alright thoughts about rings of power
costuming is very boring,,, bronwyn’s dress is textbook “go girl give us nothing!”, arondir’s breastplate would look cooler if it wasn’t gray, galadriel’s outfit are also very bland and the literal High King would look like any politician if he wasn’t wearing a golden leaves crown…. very meh throughout
to be fairrrrr elrond’s short hair have almost grown on me (the only one to have done so and only cuz it suits the actors face rather well) but i’m still mad about every single male elf having short hair like why are you so booooringggg they just look like men with pointy eats no elvish beauty to be seen
WHY DOES FINROD LOOK FIVE SECONDS AWAY FROM THROWING ME IN A LOCKER i see nothing of the “fairest prince of the elves” i am actually very upset about that
still very mad about the dwarrow calling mahal “aüle” but i’ve already said that lets not have a rant just know im livid
however was sososososo happy to FINALLY hear khuzdul in a tolkien universe project im rlly hoping to hear more or i’ll cry
disa’s wee little peach fuzz on her cheek just for the sake of being able to say “nono actually she does have a beard!” is actually worse that not giving her one imo,,, especially since every single other dwarrowdam seen in frame is bare faced like HQJSHAJ am i a clown to you?
no rlly the actor looks nothing like/exudes none of the energy i imagined for celebrimbor im so sad i still had hope the acting would save it but :(
still in spite of peach fuzz, disa and durin my beloveds <333 pls show me the pebbles soon i want to love them so bad
assuming falling big tall man is indeed olorin… my man why are the fireflies dead !!!!!!! bugs are friends !!!!!!!!! see if they pass on messages next time damn,,
the world feels a bit ?? empty??? like sure we have big views of beautiful elven architecture but then you get a view inside and see …. barely anyone? idk it doesnt feel like the “coming home to middle earth” thing they promised (although unsurprisingly)
at least the cinematography is really pretty (that downward view of galadriel and elrond? beautiful)
suddenly too lazy to give more points so last thing is: i am very bothered by this new ““““elf racism””” thing especially after how some reacted to cast announcements … why are you making up elves being the victims
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lol-q · 4 years
There’s so many things I love about the show that I haven’t seen people give enough credit for and I want to go on a little ramble because people are focusing so much on what they don’t like vs. what they do. So here’s my list. Sorry for the grammatical errors 😬
I love that the lesbian main character is this sweet, innocent, big hearted young woman and not portrayed as a overly sexual fuckboi that hits on every woman. I love that Fatou is soft and gentle. More lesbian rep like that please
I love the soundtrack. It’s exactly the type of stuff I imagine Fatou would listen to and it’s not just the top 100 hit songs.
I love that they use the soundtrack as a way to connect to the plot line, like the lyrics to the song Fatou was listening to when she was on the rooftop said “And I hate to leave you feeling all alone.But your story cannot start until you've grown. You can find how to be OK on your own. I just can't be the one that makes you feel at home” which was a hint as to where the plot was going
^^ also the song playing during Kieu My and Fatou’s museum date
I love the little mannerisms Nhungi chooses to show as Kieu My. The happy little bounce she did in ep 1 when she called out Fatou’s name and when she subtly checked Fatou out by looking her up and down.
I love how their rooms show their individual personality so well. Like Fatou’s room in the beginning of the season was normal and then it became increasingly messy as the episodes moved forward, showing her stress and chaos in her life
I love the height difference between Fatou and her brother lol
I love when her brother and her were thinking of what to get their parents so they split the bill on a gift - a very subtle way of showing siblings interacting
I love when Fatou and Ismail interact cuz it’s so funny
I love the physics teachers speaking voice, he sounds like kermit the frog
I love fatou’s eyebrows. Idk it’s just so perfect. Give me tips plz
I love that the characters rewear clothing. And it’s not a show where every episode is a new outfit with new clothes. Very realistic and it always bothered me when teens on highschool on tv have new clothes every episode
I love that Fatou’s original bio on tinder was “wanna cuddle?”. I feel like that girl would rather cuddle with someone than win the lottery. She’s so soft (also why did it say she was 24 in ep 2 when she was on tinder lol)
I love that the show showed the struggles of coming from a bilingual family and being the only one that struggles to speak it. When fatou was talking to her grandparents with her brother and her brother had to translate for her and it was awkward af, I felt that. I’m the youngest in my family and I struggle to speak Tagalog so people have to translate for me sometimes and it sucks.
^^ I relate to fatou so much in that scene cuz the dynamic in my family is the same as Fatou’s. My parents lay off and let me and my brother do our thing unless there’s an indication we need their help. The only time I ever spoke about school with my family was when report cards would come and they would see my grades weren’t that good. I remember my mom seeing I had a D in middle school and automatically jumping to conclusiosn without letting me speak. My brother is academically successful and he would also try and get me to do more school stuff when I was younger. Like he would make me do math problems to help with my grades. So it’s all very relatable for me
I love when Fatou sings, her voice is so soft and smooth.
I love whenever Kieu My and fatou are flirting both so blatantly and yet so subtly. Like the tension is there but it’s still awkward despite how smooth they both try to be it’s so adorable
I love how Fatou and Kieu My are so confident flirting and talking to eachother through texting but when it’s irl it’s still awkward and new. It shows the reality of an actual relationship in the making. It’s not just a full head dive into “I love you”.
I love when they were at the table tennis bar place and Fatou was hyping up Ava when there were dudes looking at them and Ava did a fancy ass turn and smile. She’s so pretty
I love that Fatou’s problems were shown in subtle ways in the beginning with money. Counting money at her job and when she wa trying to pay for the drink at the bar. It was a small interaction but in real life it would cause a lot of stress and anxiety if money counting problems kept happening over and over again
I love Yara and Josh’s friendship. More platonic friendship between a male and a female please. Also more Yara in general please.
I love that Zoe owned up to her actions last year to the entire group (minus Ismail Constantine and Kieu my) on New Years. I see her owning up to the role as Nora’s big sister.
I love when Josh was drinking a lot during New Years and Fatou was trying to get him to slow down. It shows how big her heart is for her friends. Also I think Josh and Fatou could be great friends
I love that Kieu My looks at Fatou like she hung the stars. When Fatou mentioned she knew Kieu My was a Scorpio, it’s the first time I’ve ever seen that girl smiled so big (before episode 5 of course)
I love that whenever they kiss Kieu my is smiling.
I love Sira’s side profile. There I said it. Girl has the jawline of a Greek goddess.
I love that they change Fatou’s hair. She looks good in every hair style but it’s always nice to see her in different styles.
I love that they showed the struggles of being a passive and gentle person. Because we’re not assertive in regular everyday life we are easily looked over. And it’s hard for us to muster the gusto to be assertive and take what we need because we prefer shying away from conflict and just letting things flow. I relate to fatou’s character so much in that sense. I lowkey think this is the universe’s way of telling me to stop being so passive about life and to take charge idk.
I love that the topic of white savior and performative activism was touched on. And I love that it was between two friends because it’s very realistic to how dynamics work between young people these days. The way they handle it differs in opinion but the fact that they even spoke about it was great.
I love that moment when Kieu My wrapped the vietnamese pancake in the lettuce snd handed it to Fatou. Its so sweet. If I was Fatou I would have forgiven her right then and there lol
Episode 6. Just all of it. Even the angsty part. I want more of that. Episode 6 yes. I’ll marry episode 6
Kieu My wearing Fatou’s cardigan. 💕💕💕💕💕💕✨✨✨✨✨😫😫💕✨✨🥺
^^ but also as a person that tried bangs before, you can’t tell me that girl woke up with her bangs perfectly in place lol. This girl probably bought a mini straightener or something too
Fatou telling Kieu My it doesn’t matter if she wears make up or not rather than going off on how she looks prettier without it. She’s just like “it doesn’t matter. You’re pretty no matter what, my little space nerd”
Pissed off fatou is a hot fatou. Js
I love Sira’s acting in general. But the way she shows Fatou’s sadness is great. It’s not just tears and that’s it. When she got fired it was a build up of tears but she wasn’t sobbing, same thing with the cashqueens argument. But she broke when her and Kieu My got in a fight.
Finn being socially awkward. It’s so funny cuz Zoe is this bubbly party girl and her boyfriend is so awkward. Nice balance.
^^also his hair makes me laugh idk why
Ismail opening up to Fatou shows how so many people feel at ease with her. Girl has a calming presence for everybody, she doesn’t even realize how much she’s helped others.
I love that Constantine wears the same jacket over and over again. Idk it seems to fit his character.
^^also kudos to the actor who plays him, he’s doing an amazing job
Love Fatou. Love her dimples and her soft voice. She gets all high pitched when she’s normally speaking but when she was fighting with Kieu My her voice became lower. Just love the way Sira’s voice sounds. Also Nhungi’s speaking voice.
Love the shaky camera movements. The fast pans and the slow motion dance scenes.
Love the aesthetic of Kieu My smoking but PLEASE DONT SMOKE, CHILDREN. ITS BAD FOR YOU.
Love the different aesthetics of the cashqueens
Love maike. Great actress. Give this turtle an Oscar.
Love Kieu My climbing the roof to help her Fatou. Softie to her girlfriend but an ice queen to the world lol.
Love the actors. Love the characters. It just makes me so happy.
This is so well written, i might actually cry no but really it was really nice to read your positive and cuteee facts after the tag check :/ and it really helped because i get mad and sad when i see bad takes. Everything you said was so true and i think im fangirling over this essay. And it made me emotional 👉👈.  Represantation does really matter.
This season is so important for so many people and i don’t think some people realize that when they’re ‘’criticizing’’ some things. Not only we have a lesbian main, we have a black lesbian main who is the softest person in the world and she has LD and/or ADHD. I sometimes can’t believe we got to the point of skamverse where we get rep instead of hurtful,problematic seasons and plots, some might interpret that as shade but it really isn’t, careless storylines really does hurt ppl and why would you want to hurt people when you can give 8 min of sapphic museum date instead 👭🌌 :)
i love this season, i love this gen and i love this essay
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jonny-byerss · 4 years
What are your answers to those 20 questions? Im planning to add my own answers too (even though nobody asked lol)
I got another ask for some of the numbers but I’m just gonna do this one because it’s all of them.
1) Favorite character? Jonathan, hands down. He’s so underrated. I love him with all my heart.
2) Favorite season? Even though I love Season 1 and the amount of thought that was actually put into the writing, I’m gonna say Season 2 because I really loved that season and a lot of amazing things happened in that season (mostly the Jancy kiss lol but other things too)
3) Favorite scene? Oof that’s a hard one. I really like the exorcism scene from S2 with Joyce, Jonathan, Nancy and Will (Noah Schnapp did amazing, all of the actors in this scene were phenomenal, Winona, Charlie, and Natalia and especially Noah). I also obviously love the Jancy first kiss, and how passionate it is (and scene directly before and morning after scene lol).
4) Favorite 80s song from the album? Even though it was used for Stancy (sigh), I am a sucker for Africa, I’ve loved that song since before Stranger Things. But I also love Should I Stay Or Should I Go and how significant it is to the show.
5) Favorite ship? I think it’s obvious to anyone who’s seen my blog lol, Jancy obviously. And it’s canon so there’s that.
6) Favorite outfit? Oh gosh, literally any of Jonathan’s sweaters cuz he looks so cute in them. I also really liked Joyce’s S3 look, she was a cutie. And I liked Nancy’s dresses in S3, they were cute. I like a lot of the outfits tbh (Max always has cute outfits, and El in S3).
7) Favorite antagonist? Can I say just Hawkins Lab in general? I miss S1 and S2 when you never knew what the Lab was gonna do next, it made for a good antagonist. The Russians didn’t seem all that mysterious tbh.
8) Scoops Troop, Griswold Family, or Eagle’s Nest? Griswold Family for sure! Jancy and the kids will always be superior! I wish they got more screentime, especially after the hospital scene. I also wish the siblings actually acknowledged each other.
9) Who’s your favorite actor? Charlie!! I mean, all of the actors are amazing, but I’m starting to really appreciate Charlie Heaton. For one thing, I love British boys, and for another, I just think he’s a phenomenal actor and he’s really good at showing his emotions. I wish the writers gave him more to work with.
10) Most badass Hawkins lady? Oh dang, that’d have to be a tie between Joyce and Nancy. I just love how Joyce would do anything for her kids, including go into an unknown dimension with the possibility of being Demogorgon lunch. Also, when she punched the mayor, gosh, that was amazing. And Nancy, when she stood in front of the car and just shot at Billy when he was racing towards her, I was so proud (and also scared for Nancy’s life). And “Let’s burn that lab to the ground”, I love her, she’s such a badass.
11) Favorite mom? (By the way person who made the questions, Steve’s not a mom!) I love Joyce! She is the World’s Greatest Mom™️! Sure, she has some problems, but she would literally do anything for her kids and I love that! Also, she’s so chill, like Jonathan had a girl over and she totally knew and didn’t care! My mom would literally kill me lol. I love Joyce.
12) Saddest scene? Oh gosh that’s hard. Bob dying was really sad to me, but I actually genuinely cried at the S3 ending. Not because of Hopper’s letter but because the Byers are moving! Like I get why but it’s still so sad seeing everyone say goodbye to each other, like come on Joyce, look how sad they all are :(
13) Any merch? So, because I’m fairly new to this fandom, I don’t have much. I seriously watched the whole show for the first time in April because quarantine and my friend wanted me to watch it, so I did, I’ve binged it at least 4 times though already during quarantine. However, since I recently graduated from high school and was given a lot of graduation money that I had no idea what to spend on (yes, I set some aside for college), I bought some merch. I bought a S3 poster from Walmart. I bought a Steve Funko online. For my birthday, which was in June, my friend gave me a Scoops Ahoy shirt and pin. My boyfriend gave me a Robin Funko (he said he was gonna get me Jonathan but they didn’t have anymore of his 1 single Funko, rip). And then my sister and I went to Hot Topic and I got two shirts, one that just has the Stranger Things logo and the other has the Griswold Family on it (seriously, I saw Nancy and Jonathan on it and I screamed). That’s it. Oh, and then my sister gave me some Stranger Things decals for my birthday which I put on my laptop. And then my sister’s friend gave me a sticker with Robin on it, and that’s on the back of my phone. That’s it. That’s all the merch.
14) Favorite line? I’m sorry but my favorite line will forever be, “So, Jonathan, how was the pull-out?”. That line is literally the most clever innuendo I have ever heard. And I love Jonathan’s reaction to it. And Nancy’s little smirk. I may be pretty innocent, but I understood that line the second I heard it. And I love that it’s for Jancy. If it was for any other couple, I might not have laughed as hard as I did, but it was still hilarious, imo.
15) Contributed to the fandom? Again, I’m pretty new to the fandom. I did write a fanfic, but it never got posted because my computer decided to delete it for some reason. I’m not good at art, so no on that. I did make a Tik Tok though. You can check it out, my name is @camree_nicole. The Tik Tok literally blew up (like seriously most of my videos only get like 20 likes by my irl friends, but this one got 12K likes, it was crazy!), like I gained a lot of Stranger Things fan page followers. What was the Tik Tok? I literally made it because I was procrastinating my online school (back when I was still doing that) and it’s literally about how whenever I’m binging Stranger Things and get to S2:E6, I get really excited and I showed the scene of Nancy and Jonathan about to kiss. I got a lot of comments like “Yesss I was so happy!” and stuff like that and it made me really happy lol.
16) Favorite fan theory? Idk, there’s some pretty crazy theories out there. I don’t really look at many theories, I just like seeing what some people theorize for S4. I especially like @unpredictablybittersweet’s S4 theories here on Tumblr. And GemmaStones on Reddit has some theories I really like too.
17) Favorite filming location? The Byers house!! I’m gonna miss that place :’( Lots of iconic stuff has happened there. Still bitter we didn’t get much of it in S3.
18) Read any books or comics? Again, I’m pretty new, so no I have not. I’ve heard what happens in some of them online though.
19) Favorite duo? My fave duo will forever be Nancy and Jonathan. Whether it’s platonic or romantic, when they get together they do some pretty badass things.
20) Favorite behind the scenes photo? The picture in my profile pic I believe is a BTS photo. It’s also my lock screen rn.
Also here’s my Tik Tok: (ignore my face)
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
More Crissmyglitz Wedding Guest Angst: part 2
OMG they won’t let it go. Crissmyglitz-Guest Gate. The ccers are still obsessing over the #CrissMyGlitz guest list. As I pointed out in my first post (X), every single photo posted in round one of Crissmyglitz-Guest Gate was taken while Darren was working. That’s right, every single photo the tinhatters presented as “Darren and a real friend” was taken at work. For a fandom who constantly remind the world they are astute and ALWAYS PAYING ATTENTION TO DETAILS, it was a supermassiveblackhole.  
In part 1 they presented Elvis (X), Alan Cummings (X),  Jenna Ushkowitz (X), Laura Osnes (X). In part 2 they added Jane Lynch, Matt Bomer, Matt Morrison, Kevin McHale, Lena Hall, Ricky Martin and Edgar Ramirez.  Idk what was worse, that they didn’t learn any lessons after part 1 or that the fandom egged them on in utter delight.
Keep on.
I love your guys’ game 🤣🤣🤣 
I like this game  
(This got SUPER RIDICULOUS LONG so under) 
This is the LAMEST shade ever thrown and they were eating it up. Abby spent her Sunday adding to the nonsense and trying out sarcasm. She brought up the algorithm nonsense again and I can’t stop shaking my head.  The fact that it’s easier for them to believe that someone wrote an algorithm to determine the guest list for Darren and Mia’s wedding rather than simply to acknowledge that they don’t really know Darren at all is absurd. Rational people would see Darren’s guest list and realize that they got it all wrong.  Rationale people don’t see wedding photos and spend 7+ months proclaiming it’s all fake because he clearly is much better friends with former coworkers, Edgar Ramirez and Lena Hall than he is with Jennifer Coolidge and Pamela Aldon based entirely on the fact that nobody posted social media pics with Jennifer or Pamela. 
Mysterious absence part 2- Let’s do this…
(see part 3 (X) for further information)
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(Opening Hedwig LA 11/16 from Lena’s IG)
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(From Lena’s Twitter and Instagram July 28, 2016 (X). They were Flying to perform at DNC see pic below) 
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(AGAIN- same night as #1-Hedwig’s opening night LA 11/16)
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(Dec 12, 2016-I don’t know the context of this one. It is obviously her photoshoot and he popped in for a pic.  See below: another pic from this photoshoot posted to her IG. This is actually a nonword photo)  
ajw720:guess the algorithm eliminated her for joking weekly that DC had all the privileges of homosexuality but none of the responsibilities…… 
(Oh ho ho ho...the shade of it all).
chrisdarebashfulsmiles: Probably.
ajw720: Or perhaps it eliminated her as when D was kissing her on stage, he was giving his PBB the finger?  Remember that time 
(No, actually I don’t because that is nonsense. Darren flipped someone off from stage? Right because that is such professional. You believe that perfect, well-mannered Darren Criss would flip off his fiancee while working? That’s very inappropriate behavior during working hours, especially in front of a big audience of people- each with a cellphone. It’s also very risky to flip off the woman he is engaged to- the cc secret might get out.  If Darren is terrified to come out and terrified to breach THE Contract, why would he risk if all just give Mia the bird? Giving someone the bird is hardly a satisfying diss for anyone over the age of 12).
flowersintheattic254: Maybe the algorithm excludes those who like way too many posts on that had Ch/ris in them? 
(OMG- Lena “liked” some pics of Chris....a pig just flew by my window. It’s almost like Hollywood is a small town and people know each other. 
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(No dates so it’s impossible to know what the context of the posts but that is typical of the tinhatting- they aren’t concerned with accuracies)
leka-1998: When the difference in chemistry is undeniable even in pics that show nothing but hands, that’s probably an issue. 
(I have never in my 51 years heard someone claim a married couple had no chemistry as evidenced by their hands in a photo taken specifically to show off their nail polish or that a PR photo for a Broadway show showed more chemistry than the actual couple. I mean seriously?)
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(I will give this one to them as as personal photo )
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(Is “hand chemistry” a thing? I’m only speculating here but is the degree of hand chemistry a function of the depth finger-penetration-on-finger-penetration?  Cuz.....that would make total sense amiright?)
cc-still-going-strong: Keep on.
I love your guys’ game 🤣🤣🤣 
ajw720: Seriously is that his wife on the left…..oh 
(hahahah nice try Abby, you have every single photo of Mia memorized- its actually a very sweet photo) 
(I can’t with this entire post. She wasn’t invited because he kissed Lena on stage as per the script? Oh wait- no- she was not invited because he kissed Lena on stage and he flipped off Mia (how they know he is flipping off Mia is anyone’s guess. I like to imagine he is flipping off the tinhatters). But wait- is he actually flipping off anyone? No, no he actually isn’t because that would be terribly unprofessional. Darren is at work and his bosses would not appreciate him flipping off anyone the audience. No actor who wants a career is going to  flip off someone in the audience while just-fingers crossed- hoping the message is received by the intended person and not a critic or investor.). 
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(Work Pic. He is NOT giving anyone the finger- his finger is actually just in the shadow from Lena’s outfit). 
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(Lena is working: As for Mia banning Lena from the wedding- in a recent post by Lena,  she talks about catching up aka they don’t haven’t spent much time together lately and notice the Mia hashtag) 
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(The tinhatters like that she alls Darren wifey but in fact she calls all the Hedwig’s “Wifey”. She has a lot of Hedwig photos on her social media- the vast marority are NPH).
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(Lena’s Christmas photoshoot as mentioned above)  
(I probably should have led with this but I wanted to prove them wrong in all the ways possible  Lena was busy on February 16, 2019 performing at Lincoln Center. She may have very well been invited. See my update (X) 
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 leka-1998: Yet another person missing on February 16
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(PR for ACS: A photoshoot for promotion aka PR) 
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(I am not sure about this pic. Darren posted it on his Instagram and Edgar responded  “love you brother”- that’s sweet and all but what does it prove- nada. I am sure they really had a great time together filming ACS and felt close, but they haven’t maintained that relationship-at least not publicly -since they end of awards season. I’ll give the tinhatters half a point for this one- but  bear in mind- I’m being generous because it looks like a PR pic) 
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(PR for ACS; ”GQ Style & Hugo Boss Celebrate Amazing Spaces”- see photo below). 
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(PR for ACS Emmy: This is from the 2018 Emmy “For Your Consideration” on 3/19/18.)
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(PR for ACS. This is hilarious....so Edgar is doing a red carpet interview and Darren walks by him and Edgar walks away with Darren. OKAAAYYY-what does this prove? Again, they are at a work event- so far all the pics with Edgar are from work events except maybe 1) 
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(PR for ACS- photoshoot. While the sentiment is sweet, Edgar hashtagged it #ACS and #Emmys. OMG how much ccproof do you need to understand that this is PR? ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION? Me think not cuz he freakin’ tagged it for you and you still don’t understand that it was promotion for the Emmy. He-lar-E-ous!)   
chrisdarebashfulsmiles: I like this game 
(of course you do- it’s catty, bitchy and pointless.  I’m glad it makes you happy because this has been eye-opening as to the extend that you are collectively super bad at separating Darren’s personal life from his work life) 
ajw720: @leka-1998​ this friendship seems very contrived to me, constantly calling each other brother, they aren’t nearly as close as say D and J/ennifer C/oolidge or B/en F/eldman or P/amela A/ldon…………… 
(Ohhh ho ho ho sooo funny. It’s so funny I forgot to laugh...har har har aha  Since Jennifer, Ben and Pamela actually got invites to the wedding, it is clear that they are indeed close to Darren or Mia, soooo the joke doesn’t actually work. As for Edgar being his closest friend because he called him “brother” during a big ACS promotion push-I’m not feeling it.  What is so baffling to this “stupid stan” is how the tinhaters CAN’T SEE the details right in front of their faces.  The Darren-Edgar love-fest was hot and heavy during the promotion of ACS and then it stopped all together...THAT is the definition of PR. I am sure they actually did like each other during the production of ACS, but when the project ended they both moved on to other projects and other friends. I’ve had coworkers -and I’m sure many of you have too-that I adored and I never wanted lose the connection we shared while working together but alas, the romance fizzled after we no longer had the workplace in common. Obsessing about the meaning of the almost-2-year-old photo of 2 strangers is pretty silly)
ajw720: The Algorithm is a very scientific way to figure out the wedding guest list-no doubt it knows who D is closest to and would not lie….. 
(The problem is simple- there are no social-media pics of Darren (or Mia) with Jennifer, Ben, or Pamela which means, according to the cc-logic that it didn’t happen-aka they aren’t friends. In order to explain why the trio were in fact, at the wedding, the THE Algorithm was created. This Algorithm is a very scientific way to figure out the wedding-guest list-no doubt it knows who D is closest to and would not lie. The cc posse hate it when they don’t know what is going on Darren’s life which is why we are talking about a fake “CrissMyGlitz Invitation” algorithm 7 months after the wedding).   
ajw720: @chrisdarebashfulsmiles It is seriously my new favorite game and there are so many people that the algorithm eliminated.
(Seriously? There are what- 2 or 3 photos that aren’t definitively traced to work This game isn’t working out the way the posse believes it is. This is however, THE definition of confirmation bias clouding their judgment).  
ajw720:Poor KM didn’t make the cut either. Perhaps his invite was eliminated by the weird algorithm for tagging d at his 30th right below c, yet d not pictured? He clearly considers d a good friend as he invited him to the party.
(Did Kevin suggest he was devastated to miss the destination wedding of his former coworker? Kevin and Darren went out with their former-Glee castmates maybe once or twice in the last four years- they are hardly besties. I don’t remember Kevin and Darren as being particularly close while Glee was in production. They are literally former coworkers.)
(Kevin inviting Darren to his birthday party doesn’t indicate that he “clearly   considers d a good friend”. It seems like I remember the party was a surprise party?) 
ajw720: Thankfully I think they’ve made up as d had no problem straddling him recently.
(OMG seriously? They are former coworkers in which some level of friendship exists. Darren straddled his leg while sitting on a very crowded seat- he wasn’t riding Kevin while they had sex in public.)
(ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION? Darren invited the Glee peeps that he has consistently been close to over the years - Max, Harry and Chord).
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ajw720: So many mysteries. But hey D&M’s new straight couple besties, Al/len & his wife, made the cut!
(Nope, no mysteries at all. Darren simply cared more about inviting people that mean something to him and Mia rather than those who mean something to the tinhatters.)
flowersintheattic254:  @ajw720 I expect old habits die hard with K and D. They were always flirty and fun. Maybe Mr and Mrs Le/ech are stricter regarding lap sittering. That’s probably why (nods head).
(nods head and wonders if tinters were drinking early on Sunday because this thread is petty, dumb and not at all funny or clever.) 
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ajw720: @flowersintheattic254​ they are WAY too comfortable together, way more chemistry than D has with his bride.  I’m thinking that was the algorithm’s issue.
(Comfortable? Chemistry? WTF, he looks like he is passing a kidney stone and Kevin is coaching him through it.) 
flowersintheattic254: @ajw720 especially when you consider that the only similar pose with M has D holding his own arm to his chest. No chemistry at all!!!!
(Do you guys actually believe the nonsense you write or did you give up on 2/16/19 and you're just blowing smoke up each other’s ass now because I gotta tell you, the second-hand embarrassment is really uncomfortable now)   
 flowersintheattic254:It’s the pic on the boat with the fam. Can someone add it as I cannot find it?
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ajw720: Not even close, if i didn’t know, i would say KM&DC were the couple and i t think the algorithm knew.  It is magical how that algorithm works.
(Ooooh right...it’s so confusing, I can totally understand your befuddlement!) 
(In all seriousness, watching this fandom’s toxic nonsense is like watching Kellyanne Conway and Lindsey Graham defend Trump’s baloney.  Everyone knows they are full of shit but we are powerless to stop it. The damage they are doing will take years to repair- if not decades)   
(Oh....Will you look at that. That is a screenshot taken from a video that is actually cute and shows a smitten Darren cuddling with Mia. Color. Me.SHOOK) .  
standingoutsidethefire: I thought of another ..
That the algorithm just didn’t seem to include ...
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standingoutsidethefire: Clearly these two don’t have any affection for each other
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standingoutsidethefire: Not friends at all
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standingoutsidethefire: I get why MM wasn’t included ..I really do 
(Maybe a personal- photo though likely at an show or industry event)
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ajw720: Hate each other
(Once again, almost all -if not all - work pics)
leka-1998: “He’s just a really, really good, grounded person, and I think someone who I’ll probably always be friends with.”
- M/att B/omer
(Holy shit, Matt said something nice about Darren when asked about him by during an interview... no doubt when they worked together either on Glee or ACS) 
(According to Bride’s Magazine, “How to Make Your Wedding Day About YOUl” June 2017. 
5. The guest list is one of the most difficult decisions. Should you invite your mom’s work associate? Great Aunt Gertrude whom neither of you have met? Everyone from the gym? Communicate communicate communicate. One piece of tried-and-true advice is ALWAYS invite the person who said nice about you to the national media. You won’t regret it and most likely that person will give you the best gift).  
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(Work event) 
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(Work event)
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(Wait -isn’t this Blaine and Cooper?)
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(Work event)
Leka-1998: But the great algorithm said no.
ajw720: My understanding is they despise each other, cannot stand to be in the same room together. 
(Nobody ever suggested that).
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ajw720: #funny #so many of the univited #queer
(seriously “#queer”? No, not cool)
True they have clearly and from the beginning disliked each other intensely.
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ajw720: But see @leka-1998​ there is D calling him handsome, we don’t want to have anything that even hints at d talking about a boy in that manner at the sham mockery, i mean nuptials……………….  Because D is the STRAIGHTEST MAN ALIVE!!!!!
(OMG,,the sarcasm isn’t working).
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dibidibidismol · 5 years
do em all, coward
on the one hand: yay! i get to do the ask game! on the other; @acutest-angle, i’m so sorry for doing this to you. i aint gonna fill nobody’s dash, so the qna is under the break. these are like really undetailed. ill be more specific for individual numbers
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? im pretty happy being 163
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) i love my lil baby so much. i wouldnt trade my pupper for the world
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? i wear a lot of black, and generally dress such that i would be good to go for any job interviews/public speaking events. this is in large part to make up for the fact that my go-to shoes are heelys. like i wear my heelys during professional presentations that count for a large part of my grade. my teachers think im “something else”
4: What was your favorite video game growing up? idk. we didnt do all that media shiz. maybe pvz.
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: my doggo, my child(useless friend needing guidance) and my tumblr-famous friend. hmu for her url. 6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?absolute weirdo, but like in a socially acceptable way. can and will debate you into submission.7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]?i support gays.8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] 
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9: Are you ticklish?a bit10: Are you allergic to anything?some cats, all homophobes11: What’s your sexuality?ace, homoromo12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?tea babe. like i have so much. like a cubic yard. its a problem.13: Are you a cat or dog person?im multifandom(not a furry)14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?elf15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber?amber liu16: How tall are you?160cm17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?my chinese name18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]102-105 i’m smol.19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?normally no. when im home alone….a lil.20: Do you like space or the ocean more? i have a large fear of the ocean. 21: Are you religious? no22: Pet peeves?poor work ethics/mansplaining/poor hygiene.23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]?diurnal24: Favorite constellation?orions belt25: Favorite star?shinee26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls?not particularly27: Any phobias or fears?germs, the dark, men, large non-pools bodies of water, spiders28: Do you think global warming is real? yea, but “climate change” is more accurate29: Do you believe in reincarnation?no30: Favorite movie?tangled, the lorax, shawshank redemp. , hairspray, legally blond, mulan, mama mia, in that order.31: Do you get scared easily? yea32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime?3 fish 3 dog33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] im gunna rate @acutest-angle cuz she did mine. 10/10 would be 11 but she aint stannin shinee.34: What is a color that calms you? purple35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? oregon suits me fine36: Where were you born? oregon37: What is your eye color?brown38: Introvert or extrovert?idek. im really good at people, but idk abt energy gaining or wtv.39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs?no40: Hugs or kisses?hugs41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now?my doggo.42: Who is someone you love deeply? see above43: Any piercings you want? i already have doubles. might get belly button in the future.44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? hnngg45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? hell no. i take drugs/alcohol v seriously.46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! gorl. so beautiful, so smart, so utterly perfect. also taken.47: What is a sound you really hate? the whit boi in class mansplaining shit to me.48: A sound you really love? pitter pat of paws on hardwood.49: Can you do a backflip? no.50: Can you do the splits? no51: Favorite actor and/or actress?idkrn52: Favorite movie? see 3053: How are you feeling right now?tee hee54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? i really like my hair as is.55: When did you feel happiest? talking in front of many peeps.56: Something that calms you down?tea57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]  none diagnosed. ask me about my brain later for more deets. 58: What does your URL mean?that i smol and i luv shinee59: What three words describe you the most? witty, caring,quick.60: Do you believe in evolution?yes61: What makes you unfollow a blog?too many posts/mediocre content/no longer aligned interests.62: What makes you follow a blog? posts63: Favorite kind of person:girl64: Favorite animal(s):dogs/cats65: Name three of your favorite blogs. @lolfunnykpop @acutest-angle @27-umbrellas66: Favorite emoticon: thumbs up67: Favorite meme: ive connected the dots68: What is your MBTI personality type?pic69: What is your star sign?my wut?70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog?yes71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most?its black, its formalish, its a pushup bra, dress, and heelys.72: Post a selfie or two?i like dont have any, and im in no statye to be taking them rn.
73: Do you have platform shoes?no?
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself?i forgot a wholeass language75: Can you do a front flip?no76: Do you like birds?y77: Do you like to swim?ew78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you?no79: Something you wish didn’t exist:homophobia80: Some thing you wish did exist:universal translators81: Piercings you have?double in each ear82: Something you really enjoy doing:read83: Favorite person to talk to:dog84: What was your first impression of Tumblr?no rules here.85: How many followers do you have?all together, a thousand or two?86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? idk87: Do your socks always match?no88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?ill cry89: What are your birthstones? the lite blu one90: If you were an animal, which one would you be?i aint no furry.91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be?a rose92: A store you hate? chick fil a93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?  i got addicted, so ive been coffee free for 3 yrs now94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? fly95: Do you like to wear camo? no96: Winter or summer?winter97: How long can you hold your breath for?40sec98: Least favorite person?trump99: Someone you look up to:amber liu100: A store you love?office depot101: Favorite type of shoes? heelys102: Where do you live? oregon103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why?vegetarian, environment/animal right, eggs for health.104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? sparkle105: Do you drink milk? yea, calcium.106: Do you like bugs?i respect their existence but stay tf away107: Do you like spiders? no108: Something you get paranoid about?spiders, water, germs109: Can you draw: sure110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked?do you shave ur vag?111: A question you hate being asked?whos ur boy friend?112: Ever been bitten by a spider?no113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach?yea, from a distance114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?sunny, from a distance115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: doggo116: Favorite cloud type:cotton candy?117: What color do you wish the sky was?this is fine118: Do you have freckles? like two.119: Favorite thing about a person:personality120: Fruits or vegetables?fruit121: Something you want to do right now:crochet122: Is the ocean or sky prettier?sky123: Sweet or sour foods?sweet124: Bright or dim lights?dim, i have oddball vision issues.125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature?love126: Something you hate about Tumblr:no dates on anything/ALL THE FREAKING PORNBOTS THAT ARE STILL FOLLOWING ME REGULARLY127: Something you love about Tumblr:shitposts128: What do you think about the least?i feel like this is a paradox129: What would you want written on your tombstone?list of my achievements in life(born:xxxx died:xxxx)130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now?ice131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?how my brain occasionally forgets to filter132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?sometimes133: Computer or TV?computer134: Do you like roller coasters?ew, all that sweat and vomit baked into the seats.135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness?no136: Are your ears lobed or attached?lobed137: Do you believe in karma?idk, i like to be nice but secretly with passive aggressive motives.138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are?7139: What nicknames do you have/have had?dictionary, lee, tumblr girl, dibi, mom, my child, heely girl (i have a reputation at school)140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?yea, i dont remember them, but apparently i invented myself a butler.141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?way back in the day142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?good143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?giving144: What makes you angryamerica145: How many languages do you speak fluently? 1146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? girls147: Are you androgynous? no148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: figure/hair149: Favorite thing about your personality:   i think im funny150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. my friend’s mom/my coach, my rolemodel/friend, my past self.151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? all the eras sucked for people like myself152: Do you like BuzzFeed?love/hate153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.]sexy free and single154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? o yeah155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?yessss156: What embarrasses you?my mouth157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:the internment camps158: Biggest lie you have ever told:so many159: How many people are you following?153160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)?10000+161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)?1000+162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?how do i find this?163: Last time you cried and why: today. latest superstore episode.164: Do you have long or short hair?long165: Longest your hair has ever been:2.5 ft166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon?like the community it provides, dislike a lot of values taught, dislike the exclusivity, dislike the way religion is treated as a default. 167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? only in regards to what we can do to save it.168: Do you like to wear makeup?i like sparkly eyeshadow n mascara. but dont wear regularly.169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? no170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? yea sure.
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praphit · 5 years
Batman, Cults, and me in Red Latex
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Getting back to my roots of writing here! No movie to speak of; just pure rambling!
I started writing way back in the MySpace days. I'd get insomnia, and so stay up and ramble about stuff while drinking rum - which in retrospect is prob a lil reckless:) I found that was the way to go for me - maybe that could be the way for some  of you as well, if you ever struggle with such a thing. 
Writing and rum, baby! 
And if you're under the legal drinking age, just tell your parents that the praphit says it's ok. 
And if the police somehow get involved, tell them... 
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Nah, wait, don't mention me... say some random, rambling, black dude said it was ok. And if they ask "Was this "random black dude" the rambling praphit on Tumblr, tell them "Noooooo, he actaully said to... NEVER DRINK... EVER. And that you officers are doing an ok job out there."
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Writing and rum!
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It works!
Like I said, I don't have a movie this time around; I'm not even sure how I started writing about movies.
I guess I could have gone with "The Lion King"
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Which btw can we talk about this scam Disney is running? - telling the same story in a live-action package. And with this one it's still animated; it's not like it's done like one of those "Planet Earth" type shows - THAT would be interesting. I remember watching a clip of a lion eating a zebra, while the zebra was STILL ALIVE! The zebra wasn't even fighting back or crying out anymore... it had totally given up, as if the lion was devouring the zebra's soul and will to live with each juicy, bloody bite. Hey, Elton John, sing a song to that. #circleoflife
What if they followed real wild animals around in Africa, and watched the true circle of life. You could have the actors/team improvise the script depending on what's happening, and due voice-over. I feel like with real animals,  the "Hakuna Matata" scene might go differently.
I'm not shaming anyone for going and enjoying these movies. I had a plan to see "Aladdin", but somehow ended up seeing "Child's Play" instead 
(funniest movie I've seen all year btw). 
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I might still go see Aladdin. BUT, it's still a scam. Toss in a lil controversy every now and then with the casting to inflate numbers... that mouse knows what he's doing. It's a good scam! What's next? - telling the same stories, but using puppets... sock puppets; that would be a new low.
But, somehow I feel like we'd still flock to the theatres. We love that Mouse!
I don't blame him. Kinda makes me want to run some type of scam within in music (my industry). What would be the music equivalent of what Disney is doing? I don't think that there is one. Anytime you change a song a lil bit, it's totally changed. 
If I decided to do a cover set of Miley Cyrus songs, exactly the same way that she did them, it would still be totally different. Btw, if I ever do that, please stop me. It'd be clearly a cry for help. Imagine if I started mimicking every vid she ever did as well - same choreography and outfit. 
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Don't imagine that.
I guess artists put out remastered stuff sometimes, but I feel like those never sell.
Sorry, I'm distracted... still thinking about redoing Miley's vids.
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I DO have a wig that matches what she has going on there (you don’t need to know why:) , and red sunglasses.
And how about me rockin some red latex??! Yeah! 
Nah, I wouldn’t do it. Only cuz I think that the chafing would be too intense, OR maybe I’ll like the way it looks and feels too much, and decide that’s simply going to be my regular look from now on... making everyone around me uncomfortable... with my intense sexiness. Don’t imagine that either; it may be too sexy from some:)
Ugh... is the fact that I'm even joking about it a cry for help?
The industry for an artist is the real scam. The music industry always wins. The game is rigged. That's why I've been thinking that we musicians should all go on strike. Everyone in music would have to be in on it though. 
Imagine your life with no music:
- no playlists (though that would have to involve some serious hacking, but imagine road trips without them) - no music in movies or shows - no sexy music to get into "the mood" - y'all would have to sing to each other -  Though I guess Aladdin and Jasmine got down like that, so y'all might be ok. New mating ritual.
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- no background music anywhere you go (festivals, restaurants, strip clubs:) - we won't even sell any instruments NOTHING! Gotta go extreme sometimes to make people listen.
Maybe we'll toss people a song every now and then out of mercy. But, we'd only allow annoying songs - "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls
"My Humps" by BEP :)
It would take true power to make that happen.
I had thought about ruling the world once. I had a plan to take over the world; it was actually in motion. Yep! It would have worked too, cuz no one would have seen it coming. You would no longer call me your rambling praphit, but OVERLORD!
Like I said, no one would have seen it coming. 
Thanos... and whoever tried to dominate in Justice League in that movie. What was his name? Idk, no one cares, he was terrible. Those guys went too big. You've gotta Keyser Soze it! Play chess, not... Idk, professional wrestling.
I stopped my plans because I figured that I'd just get bored. I get bored easily. Ask anyone I work with - there are times when I'll just leave and go to the movies, or the mall, or the bar, or... on some sort of quest:) Sometimes, I'll dump a project all together cuz I'm simply not feeling it anymore.
Now, DESTROYING the world, THAT seems like it'd keep my attention. Don't worry, I wouldn't hurt the people... unless they stood in my way.
I'd make sure to ship them off to... Saturn or something... can we live on Saturn? Hmm... maybe I'll need to get help with that part of my plan. So, maybe I WILL still take over the world. Once I'm bored ruling after like a week, I'll get my man Elon Musk to ship y'all off to a planet safely, and then the fun begins!
I imagine that there'll be some resistance, though Idk why. Let's be honest, this planet is doomed anyway. We can fight about how and why, but... c'mon we all know it'll eventually burn out. So, just let me have my fun! I'll make sure that there's plenty of big screens wherever Elon sends you to for my big show:)
But, if people want to fight their first and last Awesome Master Overlord on it (I think the "Awesome Master" in the front is better, don't you?), then we can go.
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You won't stand a chance though. I'll have all of the best action stars fighting by my side. That's right MY SIDE. They're used to winning; what you think they're gonna fight with you? Psssh, I'll have all of the weapons and tech... plus I'm sure I'll be some type of cyborg, mutant... wizard as well.
But, I'll also have Keanu, Statham, Denzel, Liam, The Rock... I'm realizing that the action hero world is very male dominated. I'll fix that once I'm your Awesome Master Boombastic Overlord. Which woman can I put on my team?
How about Rihanna? 
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I know what you're thinking - that I could have found a more... suitable pic. Annnnnd you're right.
JUST LET ME HAVE THIS! I mean look at her... DAMN!
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Scratch that. Rihanna’s not really an action hero anyway, I guess... at least not that type of action. Ooooooh! Haaaaaaa!
C’mon, that’s funny
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Whatever. I’ll move on.
The strongest woman in many respects that I can think of off the top of my rum filled brain is Serena Williams. So, we'll say her,
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Amanda Nunes ( who doesn't get enough credit for how awesome she is btw)
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Megan Rapinoe? I don't know if she can fight or not, but she's tough. I feel like if I put the arsenal of Rambo at her feet, she could save the day all day!
Annnnnnd Alyssa Milano? Idk her stance on violence or guns (though I'm sure she'd have no problem letting me know:) So Idk about her fighting, but she's resourceful though... maybe use the power of sex strikes or something.
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(She’s like “Keep on joking and see what happens.”)
Where was I??
I don't remember.
I did want to address those chants from a week ago though "Send Her Back!" I’ve actually been thinking about this for a while, but those chants brought it back fresh to me.
Don't worry, I won't be getting into the politics surrounding it. - I mean what's the point? We never listen to each other anyway. I just want to say this, I have a lot of experience when it comes to cults (I know this seems like it's irrelevant, but stay with me) -
I know cults (don't ask, why let me horrify you:)
But, there are a handful of things that are foundational in cults. I'll bring up two of them:
1) Having a leader (or leaders) who is more concerned with their vision than they are about their people. So, the individuals pain, loss, abandonment, etc means nothing in comparison to their plan.
2) Having people who are all in on a person, ideal, or cause, to the point that they no longer care about the details of what leaders say, do, or sometimes don't do.
Now, the people described above aren't always meaning to be malicious. For example #1 - I've known many pastors who are good people, pure hearted, I might even call them friends in some respects, but they're blinded by their own vision (or "God's vision for them"). They're not trying to hurt others, but they do.
And #2 - they're are certainly people of admirable zeal in a variety of areas (ex. patriotism). They might not be "bad people", they might even think their position is righteous, but when we start to ignore facts, harmful behaviors... when we make ANY person (all of us being imperfect) a symbol of our "righteous cause", we've lost our way.
It's scary (especially being a minority) to see a whole nation exhibit these tendecies. And this is me being gracious (prob due to the rum I keep drinking).
BUT, enough of that... there's something else that is heavy on my heart - BATMAN (our next one that is)
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Cuz... I mean... really?
Robbie P?
That's a damn shame! Nobody else wanted to play Batman? We've got the pretty boy, emo, glittery, vamp? What has he done since then? What has he done that has ever been intimidating? Even as a vamp he was lame.
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And the Winter Soldier wants to play the Riddler? I don’t think that’ll happen or if the Riddler will even be in the next Batman. But, let’s say that it did. Wouldn’t it feel like they got those two roles mixed up? 
I don't even think Robbie P is intimidating enough to play The Riddler honestly. Sebastian Stan (Winter Soldier) is kinda ripped right? 
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He's gonna have to lose some of that muscle before he goes up against Robbie P. I can see right now - The Riddler planning out an elaborate puzzle/trap for Batman, then seeing that it's Robbie, and being like "what do I need theses riddles for?" and then beating the living snot out of Batman. It'll be a worse beating than Bane gave him. 
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Filled with rage cuz he knows HE would make a much better Batman.
Now, to be fair, I was wrong about Ben Affleck. I actually liked Ben's take on the role. It made me long for a more old, grizzled, out-of-touch Batman - hear me out:
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I'm thinking old Batman, but kinda hulked out. Is Stone Cold Steve Austin still around and kickin to play this Batman?
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  Gimme a hell yeah!
But, this Batman I'm envisioning is stuck in the old wmindsets of misogyny and racism - stay with me, cuz this will be an awesome Batman... well, movie... and awesome Batman MOVIE:)
To balance Batman out and keep the angry Twitter mob away from him, he'll have a team of "wokeness". Batwoman will be played by AOC.
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Robin will be played by Jimmy Kimmel (you know you want to see him in those tights).
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And Alfred's last wish in his will (after being mauled to death by a pack of bunnies... in the first scene of this movie) was to have his brain put inside of the body of a black woman. And that black woman will be Beyonce (cuz this movie will need a kick ass soundtrack).
Think about THAT sitch!
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Annnnnd Ben Carson will play himself - he'll be Batman's token black friend/informant.
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Already, the best movie ever.
I could see a scene going down like (Bats and the Woke Gang are in a bar... cuz my Batman will be an alcoholic... this Bats has a lot of problems, but he'll be real and raw... YES!)
Batman (after having the waitress bring him two more shots of whiskey, slaps her on the butt and says "Thanks, Sweetness.")
WokeTeam: "Batman! You can't do OR say that!"
B: "What?! Why?!"
WT: "It's ...just awful."
B: "What? If I don't smack her on the butt, how will she know that she did a good job? I'm being helpful!"
WT: (lots of arguing)
B: "Ok, ok, I won't do that... or call her that I guess... how about lil lady? is that ok? or Sugar Plum?"
WT: "Her name is Lisa"
B: "I got it! BIG BOOTY"
WT: "What is wrong with you? - that's ridiculous! Look, we'll deal with that later. Let's hurry up and get to the crime scene. And on the way we want to talk to you about the confederate flag on the Batmobile...annnnnd the Kaepernick sticker that calls him a Son of a Bitch"
B: "Why? He hates America. And there's nothing wrong with that flag!"
WT: "Bu, Batman..."
B: "No, no, I know there isn't, let me call Ben."
Sooooo, there are scenes like that, BUT he's also out there kicking major ass! It'll be like "Matrix" action meets "Sin City" action. And we'll update the villains -
Bump N Grinder
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Fyre Man
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 and his side kick “The Sucker”
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“The Comedian?” (that question mark is part of her name)
Keep the classics of course
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Annnnd his arch nemesis Iggy Azalea 
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- ruining Hiphop wherever she goes.
And in the end asses are BRUTALLY kicked, sure, but Batman also learns some important lessons... or... or simply blows his brains out. Cuz let's be honest, some of us would rather blow our brains out than try to change.
Hey, DC... call me.
My next movie will prob be "Once Upon a time in Hollywood" 
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cuz of my main man Leo! - though idk about the premise. Now, if they were making "Fight Club 2" with this cast, then definitely! What if Leo and Margot Robbie (who’s also in this) are also in Edward Norton’s head; duking it out. YES! Imagine if Quentin Tarantino directed Fight Club with his typical bloody style; we’d all still be horrified). 
So maybe "Hobbs & Shaw" 
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 - those two of course, but Idris Elba is in that too! I love him!
He would have been a great Batman! I bet he could have gotten that role if he had tried. He def could have gotten that James Bond role if he had tried. But, nope, instead he decided to do "Cats"
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I'll leave y'all on that thought.
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eeslek · 4 years
kdrama diary@!
finished ones: (semi order i watch them in) ,,this is rlly just me ranting about how attached i get to every show i watch, like im always in pain 
crash landing on you
thoughts: sooo good like there’s nothing to compare it was my first kdrama ever i just wanna watch it for the first time again. captain ri AND se-ri are sooo sexy pls 
it’s okay not to be okay 
thoughts: moon gangtae was my bae and ko mun-yeong be dressing like all her outfits were cute af i want her, the acting always made me cry their exploration of mental illness through all of the patients and the metaphors connecting to her books were always soo good 
what’s wrong with secretary kim? 
thoughts: v bland and slow but it was v funny and i liked being able to have a show i could just watch with no emotional attachment to
the king: eternal monarch
thoughts: MF FAV kdrama after crash landing it was so good i luv sci-fi and it gave me everything i wanted. didnt vibe with the ending cuz all i wanted was for tae-eul to be lee gin’s queen </3  
start up
thoughts: my bae good boy deserved sm more </3 but dal-mi/do-san deserved eachother ig the ending/time skip to them being married was sooo good i couldn’t breathe when the primary four were walking and being successful asf
private lives
thoughts: confusing asf i only got like two of the plot lines but i loved spy lee and joo-run:p
the scene right before their wedding was soo good seeing everyone happy i vibed 
weightlifting fairy kim bok joo 
thoughts: FAV KDRAMA EVER so funny and cute their relationship was sooo fun to watch all the side characters were so cool as well everything was MUAH!!
extraordinary you
thoughts: ngl this show hit the first few episodes it was v interesting and new i loved dan oh and haru together it was just so sad to watch kyung never win <///3 also the final scenes where all the characters are in a new book/have different personalities was v cool BUT where was kyung and do hwa ??? had me down bad just waiting for them to pop up omg 
record of youth 
thoughts: this show makes my heart tender one of the best the main leads had a v innocent and healthy love that was soo nice to watch. they portray so many healthy relationships that are full of love and encouragement (hye-jin & his grandpa <3)
all the supporting actors didn’t feel like supporting actors they got their own stories and i was able to empathize with all of them so i was never bored of their story lines so that was nice. they talk about the fear and doubt and struggles that come with being in your twenties and i think that was something that young adults everywhere could relate to. 
it’s just so heartbreaking and bittersweet because they love eachother like that’s not the problem they just couldn’t fix it so that they were both happy but like they titled it record of youth NOT record of love so i can’t be mad.
the first kdrama to make me cry like a baby! their breakup was just so sad bc they loved eachother but everything got in the way 
true beauty (feb.42021)
thoughts: their exploration of loving yourself and growing and not taking anyone’s shit: SOO GOOD sooho gave me creepy vibes in some of his seems NONETHELESS i always wanted him to be happy so i’m glad he ended up with ju kyung the multiple appearances from the extraordinary you cast was just so good i loved seeing them again. i loved every episode of this drama but episodes 5-10 were probs the funnest episodes of any kdrama i’ve ever watched idk maybe i just rlly vibe with dramas placed in high school,,,u already know i feel a type of way for seonjun he deserved so much he was so sweet i love him sm </33 the pain that he and suho go through after losing their best friend was so sad but i’m glad they have eachother now!! all the family members were so funny i’m rooting for ju kyung & seojuns sister to date one day,, ALSO the reverse stereotype with ju kyungs macho sister and ju kyungs teacher was so good!! loved this show so much !! i’ll miss watching it every week. 
in progress: 
love alarm
tale of the nine-tailed
run on 
to watch!: 
lovestruck in the city 
0 notes