#cuz last time i drew him looks terrible
trasho-pando2011 · 1 year
me trying to draw dr teeth
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the colors.........
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Finally! My DoL PCs and their LIs
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My friends asked me if I wanted to join the School AU with their OCs and I thought for the longest time before bringing Lya to the party. Then I kinda just felt like it and drew the whole gang :D They came out beautifully so more information and separated images undercut!
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The First one is of course Lya the Blossom
Main PC
Harpy transforms, Mate for Life.
Wears all white if she can.
Very light in weight, makes her defiant attempts usually ineffective.
Went through a lot to make things easier for her loved ones.
Skilled in segg but doesn't really enjoy it anymore at this point if it's not with her loved one. What she seeks in segg with her lover is intimacy and the feeling of security.
Secretly a meanie. Gets jealous easily and envious of almost anyone, but doesn't show it or act on it often.
Despises the Temple to her core but believes Jordan is a genuinely good person. Wanted to fuck him just because.
Protective toward her lover and the children at the Orphanage.
Very insecure about her financial state. She tried to make money anytime she could.
Can't cook. Literally. Keep her away from the kitchen.
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Male Robin the Lover~ (Sorry I love this title)
The one and only.
Maybe he's trying his best, maybe he's hiding from something so terrible, who knows.
Love the purple color.
Easily scared and would cry out loud if Lya was there to reassure him and demand a lot of hugs, head pats, and kisses afterward.
Clingy as hell, but luckily he's cute just enough to let it pass.
Hell lots of freckles, everywhere all over his body even though he mostly stays at home or in the shades. Sensitive skin then.
Squishy belly.
Occasionally cross-dress when going on a date with Lya but keeps it as a hobby only.
Love to do makeup for Lya and skin care together.
Grow in height a LOT since the game started and wondering why Lya still stays the same, not that he complains about her growth of boobs and ass.
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Lyah the Emancipated
The second PC, made with a lot of feast boots, almost all of the Vrel coins Lya earned.
Wears all black if he can.
Demonic Harpy Chimera Transforms.
Waiting for Robin's preg contents.
2m14. Larger body type, 6/6 physic, S athletic, Vengeful Sadist. Basically all offensive.
Fucking huge manboobs produce fucking lots of milk
Almost always wears a buttplug
The only one taller than him is Jordan.
"Blood moon? Fuck Ivory Wraith I'm out."
Still works at Strip Club, mostly because he loves wearing bunny suits and he wants to look out for Darryl.
Chef. Let him cook.
Housekeeping skill F-. Drops and crashes everything every time trying to clean or deco his room.
Doesn't know how to smile but will unconsciously do so when he's near Robin.
Doesn't understand why he's still sometimes mistaken as female.
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Fem Robin the Lover~
So cute and squishy.
People unconsciously smile when she smiles.
"Too precious must protect."
Her weight is top secret.
Knows it all too well that Lyah intentionally feeds her more sweet treats and creamy drinks every day during every school break but can't resist the temptation of sweets.
Accepts gaining weight during the leisurely times, but has to lose it a bit before school starts again so she can fit into the school's uniforms.
Pretty proud that her lover is a chef at the biggest Cafe in town.
Slightly less freckle than male Robin. Just slightly.
Wardrobe full of checkered pattern clothes.
Of course she can cook well.
Perfect housewife material.
Timid when using strap-on but usually gets absorbed in the moment too much she forgor to pull the buttplug out before diving her strap in.
Lyah is not complaining though so it's all good.
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Last but not least Kariya the Alter Ego!
"Well somebody has to go to prison and asylum and... hmmm"
Devil transforms
Full name Sesshouin Kariya. Kariya means "Midnight' Swallow"
Not a new save file but one of Lya's older saves. Hence the Alter Ego title.
Was born cuz I was bored and wanted to go to places Lya and Lyah can't go because they're worried about their lover being left alone.
They don't set a love interest because of that, so they can't get attached and can freely roam everywhere.
Enjoy segg as it is, purely seeking more pleasure day by day.
Drooling Masochist. Prefer group.
Get bored easily but are also quick to forget, so after a while that very same thing may pique their interest again.
Zones out a lot. Absent-minded. Sometimes clueless to things that are not segg-related.
"Ahhhh Nii-chan, nee-chan, help me it's 23:55 already and I forgor to cum inside somebody today waaaaaaaa-!!"
Intentionally dress more feminine because they love showing off.
The color palette is reversed from Lya's.
" I wonder if it's blood moon soon..."
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ggfj84 · 2 years
"You realize we're practically the Gilmore Girls."
"How do you figure?"
Sitting on the edge of a table in Cyborg’s once-pristine lab, Nightwing drew Batman’s cape tighter around his body. "Well, you took me in when I was eight and you were twenty-four. That means I was born when you were sixteen."
"And that makes us the Gilmore Girls?" Bruce asked as his hands ran over the edge of the destroyed concrete and steel.
NIghtwing shrugged or as best he could with his banged-up arm. "It's a TV show about a young mother from a rich family who had a kid at sixteen, runs away, and works her way up from being a maid at an inn.”
“I see the very few similarities. Hard work. Young parent.”
“The biggest difference really is that her front desk personnel is French Canadian, not British, so he doesn't make questionably edible cucumber sandwiches."
Batman let out a noise that could have been misconstrued as a laugh. “Don’t let Alfred hear you.”
“I mean, they’re not terrible, but I wouldn’t call them good.”
The conversation hit a lull then, allowing pain and exhaustion to find Nightwing again. The lab explosion – set off by Lex Luthor or Gorilla Grodd or whoever was now a part of the Secret Society of Super Villains – had trapped them in a collapsed pocket of the Watchtower. Nightwing couldn’t tell how long they’d been holed up, but it had been some time since he regained consciousness.
“Keep talking,” Batman demanded as he picked up his tablet and began to type. 
NIghtwing rolled his eyes. “You know that’ll take up more oxygen, and we don’t know if we’re cut off from the watchtower’s tanks.”  
“We are, but if you lose consciousness again, we’ll be in a worse predicament.”
Which was why Nightwing currently wore Batman’s cape, despite the fact that there could be people who didn’t know Batman’s identity right outside the wall of twisted metal and concrete.
Blood had already caked upon Nightwing’s forehead and cheek from a rogue piece of concrete that hit him. He pointedly ignored the limp arm that lay across his hip as his legs dangled over the edge of the lab table.
“You just had to invite me today, didn’t you?”
“Of course, I did,” Batman said as a matter of fact, not even looking up from his tablet. “Today’s our anniversary.”
“Our what!” NIghtwing let out a high-pitched laugh. “Bruce, last time I checked, you did not put a ring on it.”
“I put one on Selina.” Batman frowned at a particular reading on his tablet and tapped across the screen. “On this day, fifteen years ago, you ran the gauntlet and officially became my partner.”
NIghtwing ducked his head, though he knew it wouldn’t hide the sudden heat that rushed to his cheeks. “You remember that? You have literally forgotten my birthday five times, but you remember Batman and Robin’s anniversary.”
“Twice,” Bruce corrected.
“Twice what?”
“I’ve only forgotten your birthday twice.”
This, Nightwing knew well. “It’s definitely five times.” He lifted a finger for each point. “The latest one, the second one, my eleventh birthday, my fourteenth birthday cuz I wanted a quad and didn’t get it, and my twenty-first.”
Batman sighed, and even though Nightwing could read Batman’s face almost as well as Bruce’s, he found the distressed lines across Bruce’s forehead and the tightening of his jaw unnerving.
“When you were turning fourteen, there was no way I was buying you that death machine, and I didn’t want to see you disappointed. So I left Alfred to give you your consolation present, and Wally was throwing you a birthday party in Central City anyway. You didn’t need me there.
“When you turned twenty-one, you were celebrating most holidays with your friends, and I would have simply been the chaperone you no longer needed. So I gave Wally my credit card number and told him to charge everything to me.”
Why didn’t Wally tell him? “Bruce, I didn’t – ”
“And on your last birthday, I visited you, even brought you drinks at Bea’s. I would have given you a present if I thought you would have taken it.”
Dick thought back to his last birthday. As Ric, he didn’t even remember the day was special. He drove his cab for ten hours and then crashed at Bea’s bar in the evening, where a friendly guy named Matches struck up a conversation and – shit.
“You know what?” Nightwing motioned toward their quasi-cage. “I feel this whole situation is entrapment.”
Batman gave him a flat, exasperated glower. “You just had to say it, didn’t you?”
“I can’t let a good pun go.” Nightwing shrugged. “Any luck finding us a way out?”
“I have a contingency plan.”
“Awesome. Let’s do it.”
Batman looked absolutely pained. “I’d rather wait a few more minutes. Unless you are in need of immediate medical attention, I think I’d like to see if I come up with a different exit strategy.”
“Bruce.” It was not a whine but damn close to one. “We’ve been in here for hours.”
“Twenty-two minutes.”
“My arm is broken, and I probably have a concussion. I just want some painkillers and my bed. Whatever plan you have, do it already.”
“Hm.” Batman grumbled and then said in the lowest, most menacing growl possible, “Superman, help.”
The frustrated and annoyed look on Bruce’s face when Clark arrived was the best present Dick ever received.  
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rosypenguins · 1 month
Day 13! Jomies Headcanons! (I got quite a few!)
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💛Unironically listens to boy bands.
💛Has Spotify open 24/7. Is always looking for new artists and songs, and probably has over 3000 songs liked.
💛He’ll listen to any song of any genre, but tends to lean more towards alt-rock.
💛Used to listen to Billie Eilish in Middle School.
💛Whenever it’s too quiet, he’ll either hum to himself or make random noises with his mouth.
💛Physically incapable of standing still.
💛Probably ate an eraser as a kid.
💛Does not believe in closets. Keeps his clothes either on the floor or in his chair. (If it’s in his closet he’ll genuinely forget he even owns the item.)
💛”Processing your emotions? What the hell’s that?”
💛Oh yeah, he definitely has ADHD.
🖤Really likes FPS games.
🖤Always has to have his weight shifted on one leg. He cannot stand up straight to save his life. (Heh cuz he’s gay-)
🖤Small waist. (He’s a twink in my eyes.)
🖤Could probably be picked up by the other Jomies. (Has yet to be tested due to safety concerns.) (The concerns being Drew beating the shit out of them.
🖤Doesn’t like black coffee but drinks it anyways. (Why? We don’t know.)
🖤TERRIBLE eating habits. He’ll literally just have a piece of toast and be like “welp that’ll last me for the next 48 hours.”
🖤Those hot-pink girly desserts are his guilty pleasure.
🖤Listens to a lot of rap music. Mostly emo rap. He says it’s cuz it sounds cooler but it’s actually because he finds the lyrics relatable.
🖤Stalks Jake’s instagram for purely platonic reasons.
🖤Doesn’t know how to show affection so he’ll sometimes just randomly punch Jake in the arm. No warning, no explanation.
🖤Cat person. Doesn’t really like dogs. (Terrified of Oreo but would rather die than admit it.)
🖤Bullies cats relentlessly, but will also meow back at them if he thinks no one’s around.
🖤Likes being cuddled way more than he’d like to admit.
🖤Having his hair played with puts him right to sleep.
🖤Struggled to make friends in Elementary school due to his temper. (His lack of attention at home led to him lashing out a lot.) Other kids found him to be intimidating so Drew didn’t really have any friends until Middle School.
🖤Was put in time-out a LOT in Kindergarten so it basically just became Drew’s Corner.
🖤IPad kid. Definitely had a mascot-horror phase when he was 10.
🖤“Processing your emotions? What the hell’s that?”
🖤Oh yeah, BPD. He has BPD.
❤️Hands are always fucking clammy it cannot be helped.
❤️Definitely listens to Breakcore.
❤️Has a bunch of those weird, perverted anime stickers somewhere in his desk drawer because he thinks they’re funny. (They were included in a random anime sticker pack Henry bought online.)
❤️Had a super edgy werewolf OC back in Middle School. Drawings of it still exist in that same drawer.
❤️Lets Henry play with his hair when they’re alone together.
❤️Refuses to use chairs properly.
❤️Has so many 0.5 photos of the Jomies. (Except Drew because Drew threatened to break his phone if he ever took one of him. But Liam still managed to sneak a few bad photos of Drew as well.)
❤️Type of guy to moan when someone’s on the phone with their parent.
❤️Knows how to drive a manual. (I imagine his mom’s car is an older one soooooo if Liam wanted to drive around he had to learn.)
💚Baby face. (Liam likes to hold his face.)
💚Wears anime merch with pride.
💚Pretends to be a girl online sometimes so people give him free shit.
💚Almost always hits Drew with the 🤓 emoji anytime he says something smart/logical in their group chat.
💚Would definitely like matcha because it tastes like g r a s s.
💚He ate grass as a kid. And leaves. And dirt.
💚The type of kid that always had to be the dog in any game he played.
💚Really likes bunnies. He held one once and felt his life was complete.
💚Oh, and frogs too. He loves frogs.
💚Typically takes the role of mediator during fights, even if he has no context on the situation.
💚Relies way too much on being funny. If a joke doesn’t land he genuinely hates himself for a couple seconds.
💚Sensitive to loud noise. (Unless the loud noise is on his terms.) (Like, he’ll have his music on full blast and shout at his friends standing right next to him and be completely fine, but if a balloon were to suddenly pop right beside him, it’d startle him quite a bit.)
💚Drew glaring at him and telling him to shut up hurts a little more than he’d like to admit.
💚Probably also has ADHD.
🩷This bitch knows how to steal shit. You got a necklace she likes she will find a way to take it.
🩷Can and will find a way to make everything said against her about her gender.
🩷“Oh my God, I am LITERALLY just a girl.”
🩷Definitely took dance for a P.E credit.
🩷Almost everything she owns is covered in flowers.
🩷Everything has to be aesthetic.
🩷Always had to initiate any sort of affection between her and Drew. She was always the one asking him out. Always the one to kiss him first, or reach for his hand. (Whereas Drew never really thought about that sort of stuff.)
🩷Her views on relationships were also very different from Drew’s. She wanted excitement and fun. She wanted to go out and do things. And whenever they were home alone, she wanted to make out with him and stuff, meanwhile, all Drew wanted to do was cuddle and watch stupid videos on his phone with her. (But she just found that boring.)
🩷Honestly, their best dates were their at-home ones. Where they’d watch movies together and Zoey would bring some face masks and they’d pamper each other and cuddle and whatnot. (Fun for Zoey and relaxing for Drew.)
🩷And because of their height difference, Zoey would sometimes grab Drew’s collar and pull him down to her level to kiss him. (And this definitely never once flustered Drew.)
🩷Probably knew Drew cared more about Jake than he did her and that pissed her off.
💜Big fan of Olivia Rodrigo. (And one time, while her and Drew were waiting for the others after school, she was listening to one of her songs and singing along, and Drew ended up correcting her on a lyric, causing her to realize he ALSO listens to her music, and he was super embarrassed about it afterwards and made her promise not to tell anyone.)
💜So anyways Lia now wants to take Drew to an Olivia Rodrigo concert.
💜She’s also a big fan of Nessa Barrett.
💜Surprisingly really good at singing. She never took lessons or anything, she just sings in the shower a lot.
💜Sprays perfume on herself like 50 times in a day.
💜Always comparing herself to people online.
💜“Self-esteem? What’s that?”
💜Genuinely could not describe herself if she was asked to. She’s so used to changing herself for others she doesn’t even know who she is or what she wants to be.
💜Imposter Syndrome 100%
💜Had a huge crush on Hailey in Middle School but didn’t even know being gay was a thing so she didn’t really know how to explain her feelings at all.
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kanekoii · 11 months
Ren with reader who plays violin so they do a piano and violin duet pls? Or ren and reader in a big collab like crab game or among us and they keep teaming or clearly favoring each other? Lol
lyra’s notes -> oughhh this is gonna be a very long fic sorry in advance cuz i’m making THREE scenarios
pairing -> ren zotto x gn! reader
genre -> oughgg fluff i gotta find an excuse for angst soon
song -> rumor - aruvn (congrats to this fic for getting my favorite song ever) and listen to the song u and ren played together HERE
warnings -> joking mentions of death, ambiguous relationship in the second two (could be read as dating or just crushing), sorry i got very dramatic with the instruments part i just love writing dramatic things like this
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(sorry in advance i don't play violin or piano, just guitar) you and ren were sitting in his music studio, laying on the ground and just playfully bantering with the alien man. the warm sun peeked its head through the large floor to ceiling windows and reflected onto the lightly colored laminated flooring. he softly began playing piano and humming along as you slowly got up and gently grabbed your violin. the piano's tune was happy, reminiscent of the warm fuzzies that appear in your brain when he kisses you. your violin played a more sad tune, yet the two sounds needed each other. much like you and ren, needing each other and being incomplete without the other.
in his eyes, the way you looked oh-so at peace playing the violin matched his own calm with the piano. it was a story of love being carried within the notes of the song, a story of happiness and heartache. feelings one is bound to feel and the feelings that tear people apart, yet you and him wouldn't ever part ways. the way his piano complimented your violin made you smile to yourself as you continued playing. your heart beat so fast in that moment that it felt as if it was barely beating at all. time itself stood still as you and him played a wordless love song together, the definition of true beauty and love.
the song drew to a close as you looked at ren, his blue eyes meeting yours with a soft smile on his face.
(okay done with the dramatic shit and i added among us cuz i lowkey love playing it) two impostor round, and you couldn't help but smile smugly as your and ren's avatars appeared on the impostor screen. it was obvious to everyone else that you were teaming and ren was voted out almost immediately because let's be honest he's a terrible liar. he continued to sabotage from beyond the grave, allowing you to win the round for the both of you. the way he favored you in games like this and obviously teamed with you was the catalyst to a lot of rumors floating around about your relationship status with the alien.
of course, when anyone in chat asked about it, he'd cut himself off before he said too much. it's not like anyone in the collabs were ignoring it either, they'd call him out on it constantly for teaming with you and sometimes sabotaging everyone else so you would win.
you did not die for nari (if you know what this means i love you). after ren would die, he'd encourage you and congratulate you SO cutely if you win. if not, don't worry, ren will still say you tried your best and that's what matters! enna would sabotage one of you constantly and get absolutely flamed by you and ren for teaming with kyo. considering kyo and ren's (mostly one-sided) rivalry, the competition would get pretty intense sometimes and insults would be thrown with the rest of the competitors just kinda watching. sometimes, the four of you would be the only ones who'd make it to the last round and MY GOD it would get intense. any multiplayer game really, ren would ask you to play with him. but in games with such competition, he will absolutely protect you and sacrifice himself for your win.
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starrabbitmedia · 1 year
okie i may be one curious lil book worm.:>, but what will be the animatronics, shura's and erys, Halloween costumes? :°, i love Halloween so that's why I'm mostly curious.:b (answer in characters cuz I bet its fun.:3) (i may draw the responses too sooooooo, note for gknight, make ya bloody prayers now cuz fairy floss and ery are comin' >:3)
This one I'm gonna answer out of character because admittedly, it's a bit easier. I can also go into better explanations and even show some pictures of the things I'm picturing.
We've talked about some fun generic Halloween costumes in the past. Such as Zavy being a Vampire, Fairy Floss being a Franken Creature like the Bride of Frankenstein, and Mirage being the Phantom of the Opera. I also really like thinking about some of them in different costumes.
Such as Mirage being a pumpkin-headed creature. I personally LOVE pumpkin-heads.
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Ery would be lovely to see in a princess or queen outfit of sorts. There was art I did of her a VERY long time ago when she was still a Hat In Time fan character where she became a queen.
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(Man this art is OLD. It was done 2 years ago. Please forgive how terrible it looks.)
I admittedly still like the idea of Fairy as the bride of Frankenstein, but I can also see her dressing up as Something like the Kotobukiya Halloween Michael Myers Bishoujo Statue.
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But you know, with considerably more blood. It's so far out of the norm from her usual, more girly clothes. I think it also fits her shockingly well.
When it comes to Zavy, honestly I'd like to either see him dressed up in some groovy 70's disco clothes, OR in the mafia outfit @snoozybub actually drew him in a while back when we joked in the discord server about a Mafia AU where everyone had bug-themed nicknames and Mirage was the Mob Boss. Zavy's mafia nickname was "The Wasp."
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This may just be me wanting to see more of him in that particular outfit.
Though @frownatic did draw him in a VERY NICE looking Nun outfit.
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Last, but surely not least, we get into Shura. Shura's Halloween costume is NOT what you'd expect looking at their sweet face. Especially not when you take into account that they were raised VERY Christian. Shura's costume would essentially be an Eldridge horror cryptid type thing. The creature of the woods. Take a dress kind of like this one:
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but with DEEP leg slits that show off some skin. And then combine it with black body paint up their arms and legs almost like gloves and stalking's, some black face paint that looks like they've been crying ink, and an animal bone headdress like this:
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that is an ACTUAL deer skull, and you've got a dark lady of the woods. Extra props if there's other animal bones and bits attached to them because Fairy helped them scavenge.
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sleepsonfutons · 1 year
WIP Word Search Game
Tagged by @mentallyinvernation with the words gun, glass, raven, nose, red, and cat
Snips under the break~
gun (devil kitty!Hob AU) *it's a bit of a cheat but it's the only way I have anything for this one lolol*
Dream’s shock disappeared from his visage as quickly as it had begun to show, and before any creature other than Hob would have noticed. “As I said Morningstar, my sand brings that which is mine to me. Tell me your name, demon.” Hob shuddered under the weight of the Dream Lord’s gaze. He could see the recognition and confusion warring in the roiling nebulas clouding his friend’s — no, his Stranger’s eyes.
glass (fake hobrintheus love triangle - artist!dream/bartender!hob human AU)
It was fine. It wasn’t like he started overfilling drinks at the tap…or dropped a glass…or two when his grip went slack at the sight of those piercing blue eyes meeting his across the taproom. He was truly, terribly, deeply fucked.
raven (hanahaki fic for Dreamling bingo prompt "Tied on a table")
The never aging man, apparent immortal, resident flower guy and his dear Stranger - a man distinctly lacking in color beyond piercing blue eyes and raven dark hair - referenced in his directive of care. Of course, this unbelievable man who had walked out of her childhood fairytales, would be somehow connected to the Oneiromancer.
nose (Unconditional - trans!Jaskier/Geralt post-Caingorn fix-it fic)
Geralt’s lips drew back into a snarl reflexively at the memory, before he drowned it in the pitcher in his hand. As his nose cleared the mouth of the vessel again, it wrinkled as a faint, familiar scent hit him. It was a scent he’d never been able to name, and one he’d never smelled on anyone aside from Jaskier. It startled him when he realized he was now smelling it on Rix — as the young man curled inward in an attempt to make himself smaller, like he was frightened — no, like he wanted to disappear.
red (In Darkest Dreams They Slumber - eldritch horror "the Dreaming is the Tartarus to the elder gods of the universe" AU)
Hob staggers into the seat opposite Johanna's in the far corner of the quaint cafe's garden area, his appearance in disarray. Hair stands at odd angles as if he'd spent many sleepless hours tossing and turning on a bed. His eyes are red rimmed and wide - they look as overripe berries waiting to drop from their stems and fall out of their sockets.
cat (post-apocalyptic Dream doesn't escape the fishbowl fic for Dreamling bingo prompt "Last of their Kind") *cheating this one a bit too cuz I don't have anything for this one otherwise ha*
"What is life, duck?" Hob breathes, watching as more and more stars return into the eyes staring back at him, becoming a proper starfield once again. "I'll tell you...living is but to dream of a tomorrow to come. You give us a means to connect with our tomorrows. My Tomorrow. Love of my life, my Dream." It is at this last declaration, that Hob hears Dream's breath catch and sees true wonder reignite in the Endless' eyes.
no tags this time for my uno-reversed round 2 BUT anybody who wants to do this, here's an open tag invite~ Just tag me if you do it so I can peep your wip snips!
Your words are: book, betray, joy, minor, door, and acceptable
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greenygreenland · 3 years
Shy: Platonic! Bad Batch x Fem! Reader PART 2
-requested part two by someone on my Wattpad!
-happyily writing it, especially since I'm motivated! (finished 7 April, 2021)
-I write for females, but you can change the pronouns in your head if you really wish to (I’m sorry, but I’m more comfortable with writing for females, I hope you understand!)
-i got carried away and wrote 7k words. this is the longest thing I’ve written in my life no joke
PART ONE is here, but this can be read as a stand alone
WARNINGS: Self-worth issues, slavery mentions (cuz you’re anakin’s sister), violence (kinda no brainer)
Summary: The mission is easy. The only issue is you.
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Remote. That was the first word that came to mind as soon as Havoc Marauder landed. Hunter was the first first set foot on the planet, then Wrecker, Tech, and Crosshair I'm the back.
The moment your fit hit the ground, an overwhelming sense of life hit your senses. A thick forest separated you and civilization. In it, you sensed all kinds of creatures, none you know the names of.. The grass, so green and full lit up your eyes while the crisp air hitting your nose refreshed your senses. This was a beautiful planet. Fresh. Full. Lively.
It would be a shame to ruin it.
"Lovely, isn't it?" commented Tech with a warm smile. You shyly mirrored it and kept a gaze focused on the horizon. It was hard to make eye contact with him, especially since Crosshair glared daggers in the back of your head.
He adjusted his grip on a rifle, disdain pulling at the corners of his lips. "Keep your heads out of the clouds. We still have a mission to do." You firmly nodded in agreement. "Right."
Wrecker pounded his fist against his palm. He offered a bright grin, one that went unappreciated by Crosshair. You came to like Wrecker for his open heart, a trait you lacked for years. "Don't mind him General,” Wrecker reassured, “he's just a stick in the mud. If it makes you feel better, that's the first time we haven't been gunned down with an outsider!"
‘Outsider’. What a way to describe you.
Hunter took quick notice of your shifting gaze. Maybe it was the fact he was hyper-aware of his surroundings, or perhaps you were too obvious with pursing your lips into a tight smile. Whatever the reason, Hunter's subtle nod your way made you glad he was around. "What he means,” Hunter clarified, “is that we don't usually have smooth landings when others are with us."
"We'll have plenty of downtime once we infiltrate that Seppy base and leave." Wrecker added. "That's something I'm looking forward to!" You hoped that were true. If this didn't go as planned, you'd have more to worry about than just the Separatists.
"Let's get a move on." Hunter announced. The Bad Batch collectively pulled down their helmets, motioning with their hands and fanning out. You followed, in the back of course. Right where you belonged.
This was still their mission. You were only assigned here because it was convenient. Having been recently Knighted meant you needed something to get you started, but you never expected anything like this. It was odd. Why the Bad Batch? Why not a mission with Obi-wan?
Tech tapped a few buttons on his forearm. "The base is up ahead." You heaved in a rating breath.
Focus. Focus.
A prick came from your chest. It wasn't warm like when you were around Cody, but it wasn't cold either. Rather...lifeless, and...
You drew your lightsaber, swiftly thumbing it on and spinning to your flank. With three strokes, you cut the heads off four commandos in a perfect one-eighty degree line. They fell to your feet, sparking and crackling with whatever electricity they had left.
"'Wow." breathed Tech. "That was incredible."
Your heart pounded, and the blood roared in your ears. That was close. Too close. You never liked being caught off guard, especially when out on a mission. If Master Obi-wan were here, he’d tell you to relax and take a deep breath, but it was hard when you didn’t have Cody by your side, or Waxer and Boil who teased and joked with you.
Wrecker nodded at the scraps in approval. "You're crazy fast! Even I can't move that quickly--and that's saying a lot coming from me." A short sigh left your lips as you awkwardly met his gaze. "'Thanks," a pause, "I suppose." Hunter shared a brief look with Crosshair you didn't miss. A faint sense of relief flowed through them, as if they were glad you were here.
But then another emotion rose in them. Worry. Why were they worried? Was it that you hadn't paid enough attention to their flank? Or did you say something earlier to offend them?
"Let's get a move on." Crosshair muttered.
And so the fight began. You didn't like it--any of it. There was something strange about the small base, dark even. It lurked between the walls, in the air, and in every droid you sliced and diced. Perhaps it was the fact that this all felt too easy, or that Hunter's energy felt...unstable.
As if he were focusing on something far away.
The sizzle of a blaster bolt brought you back to the present. Wrecker kicked over a lone droid, grinning to himself in satisfaction. "And that's the last one. Is there anything else?"
You thought back to Cody and what he reminded you of before you left.
This is strictly a retrieval operation.
Tech pulled his data pad from a wire. “Data’s all here, downloaded and ready for our use.” He turned to Hunter with a nod, who mimicked the action and motioned for everyone to get moving.
The information doesn't seem valuable to the Seppies, so I doubt you'll run into trouble.
Crosshair made his way to the door. You tapped a finger on the edge of the holoprojector. It sat smack in the middle of the room, so you got a good look of a couple maps. They weren’t anything special.
Even then, keep your wits.
You squinted at a few words glaring across the screen. It wasn’t interesting, just a plain report from about an hour ago.
I'll be fine Cody. It's not like this is the first time I've done something like this.
Crosshair paused in his step and turned to face you. His dark eyes bore into you. "What's the issue?"
But you won't have me by your side.
Your gaze didn’t leave the report as you anxiously basked in the quiet of the Separatist base. A word stood out to you in the report, something that you wished you had seen earlier.
What could go wrong Cody?
You re-read the word, over and over again until your blood froze and your head spun.
A single, fluid action was all you could muster. There wasn't enough time to pull out your lightsaber, or scream 'SNIPERS!' at the top of your lungs. If you didn't move, then you would die.
The glass shattered with a bang, and every fibre in your body screamed for movement, speed, life. You threw out a hand, willing the Force to stop the lone laser bolt. It hissed in the air, whining and crackling from its frozen spot.
How did you miss this minuscule detail? It was so simple, because of course the enemy needed insurance. Of course they would have known you were coming. As soon as you landed, you played right into the enemy’s hands.
With a tight frown, you sent the bolt back where it came from. You didn't need the Force to know it had hit its target. "Bounty hunters.” Your voice came out stiff and scratchy. “We have to leave."
With a swift swipe of your hand, the base's doors opened. "I'm assuming they have us surrounded. If I'm right, there's a high chance there won’t be any room for negotiations."
"The only negotiations they're getting is one with my fists!" exclaimed Wrecker. His jokes were terrible, and it seemed you weren’t the only one staring at him in disdain. You passed through the quiet halls, hoping over an occasional pile of scraps every now and then.
A prick in the back of your neck caused you to freeze. It wasn’t lifeless like the droids, but focused and angry. That was when a shiver ran down your spine, and you faltered in your step.
Hunter planted a firm hand on your shoulder to keep you steady. You didn’t have time to explain, or run for that matter, because the moment you spun around, you came face to face with a familiar red-faced Sith. He growled, displaying a set of crooked teeth. “If it isn’t (Y/n) Skywalker, Kenobi’s little pet.”
“If it isn’t Maul in need of a long awaited appointment to the dentist.” you shot back. The Bad Batch stirred behind you, raising their weapons and aiming straight for Maul. He lifted a hand, and with a single wave, the Bad Batch flew to the end of the hall. You glanced back at them, back straight and tall. They weren't Maul's target--he wouldn't waste his time on them.
“All of you get a move on,” you firmly called. “I’ll catch up later, understood?”
Hunter's gaze focused on the fierce fire in your eyes. It glowed like a setting sun, sparking like the tethered wires at his feet. When had your shoulders looked so broad? When had you stood so tall with your head high and your chin up to the sky?
This girl--no, this Jedi--wasn't the same person he first met in the hanger. She clung close to Cody's side at the time, heart ramming against her chest like a drum. In the moment, Hunter didn't have to be a Jedi to know (Y/n) was worried, not about the mission, but about what him and his brothers would think of her. It was difficult to talk at first, and opening up to strike a conversation seemed so out of line until Wrecker broke the ice.
Now? (Y/n)'s chest didn't cave in. She tightly gripped her lightsaber with eyes that stared straight through him.
"Hunter, we can join General Skywalker in the west hall." Tech stated.
"Alright," he firmly replied. "Get a move on." Tech nodded and tapped a few buttons on his wrist. "General Skywalker, keep your comlink on! We will relay information and update our status!"
"Copy that, Tech!" you called back.
The Bad Batch disappeared down the hall, leaving an odd silence in their wake. You adjusted your grip on your lightsaber, heaving a tight sigh.
“Well?” Your voice echoed in the long hall. “Here to capture me?” Maul let out a low chuckle that sent shivers down your spine. "Capture?" he echoed. "There's no reward in a mere kidnapping. It'll have to be something far, far worse." He paused dramatically. "Enough to make Kenobi suffer."
That last part irked you in the wrong way. Your chest burned, it boiled, and it bubbled like a vat of lava. This wasn't the first time you faced Maul, yet you couldn't help feeling nervous. On any previous day, Master Kenobi would stick right by your side, along with Cody and the 212th. They always had your back, and so did Anakin, who never was far behind.
The face of your brother flashed in your mind. He would have attacked by now, probably with some crazy plan, and escaped with both Ahsoka and all his men. He was incredible like that. God-like even.
But you? What did you have besides the amount of droids severed by your blade?
Maul raised a brow curiously. He eased forward, closing the vast distance between you in a mere five steps. "I sense your unease...your feelings of inferiority." He held out a hand, and for a second, he looked completely harmless. "You are afraid you'll never amount to your brother, Anakin Skywalker."
This wasn't the time to listen to Maul's monologuing, yet you couldn't find it within yourself to strike first. He wasn't doing you harm, and as long as the Bad Batch got away with the information, it shouldn't matter anyway. You weren't important. You weren't needed. If it were Anakin, The Chosen One, then you'd have to have all of the GAR search for him.
You were just you. A lucky girl who turned out to have a knack for dueling and surviving on the battlefield.
"Come now, why don't we reach a common ground?" Maul tightly drawled. "You know you are skilled, yet it's as though you refuse to acknowledge it because of your brother." He circled around you like a shark, eyeing your expressions, listening to your movements, and dissecting your actions one by one.
"Prove to him you are better." She will make a wonderful tool. "Show them you are worth something before you are cast aside! Thrown away out of fear!" Having her by my side will make Kenobi suffer. "Join me. You will amount to something they cannot talk down upon, and you will--!"
"Become your minion? Your puppet?" A cruel laugh ran past your lips that surprised even you. "Sorry, but I have people relying on me." You imaged the look of absolute betrayal on Cody's face, the sorrow on Master Kenobi's, the tears in Ahsoka’s eyes, and the anger on Anakin's face. No matter what you felt, you understood that it wasn't something reciprocated.
Your family loved you. They would never cast you aside.
The thought brought your bubbling anger to a cease, bringing with it peace and hope. It settled in your chest, warm and welcoming. You clung onto that feeling, channeling it into your very bones.You swung your saber. Right, left, right, right.
Maul dodged by a mere centimeter. He let out a growl and stumbled back.
"Why are you here?" You calmly inquired. "It's obvious not even the Sith want you, so it's not like you were sent here." Maul gritted his teeth. "Why are you alone? Are you not Kenobi’s padawan?"
A tight frown emerged on your lips. It didn’t go unnoticed by Maul. "I’m not a padawan anymore. I’m a Jedi Knight." You swung your blade and Maul thumbed on his own. At the last second, centimeters before your blade grazed his arm, he blocked. The red and (colour) sabers clashed, hissing and sizzling under the pressure.
"A Jedi Knight? I see your Order is becoming more desperate for child-soldiers." Maul seethed. You kicked him in the torso, then faked a punch and uppercutted him in the jaw. “I earned the title, and I’m not a child!”
"Perhaps to your Order,” Maul replied, “but to Kenobi...”
You threw out a hand. Maul mimicked the action, and you found yourself in a stalemate of Force-pushing. Maul’s anger, his hatred and resentment were strong. They burned fiercely, but not like your determination. You didn’t want to kill Maul, but you certainly didn’t want him to escape.
“Give up Skywalker, you can’t win.”
You flew back all the way to the end of the hall. The air knocked out of your lungs as Maul threw you down. Once. Twice. Three times. Your vision danced with spots, and the sore taste of iron spread across your taste buds.
This wasn’t it though. You wouldn’t let him get by. Not until the Bad Batch got out with the information. It didn’t matter what happened to you--the Republic needed whatever was on that datapad.
Clearly Maul didn’t care for the Bad Batch, but that didn’t mean their safety was ensured. Until then, you would hold out.
“Such a shame,” Maul drawled, “all this potential wasted.” You coughed, fingers shaking against the hold of your lightsaber. It was a miracle you held on to it. “I...can’t let you past me.”
A sharp inhale, then the slow, light footsteps of Maul. He glared down at you. “That isn’t my plan.” He threw out a hand again, but at the last second, you thumbed on your lightsaber and swung with all your strength.
He blocked. Your arms shook from the stress of the force and your body screamed out for you to give up. But you couldn’t. Not like this.
Maul kicked you and you went flying into the wall. He threw out a hand, curling it into a tight fist. “I would kill a pest like you,” he curled his fist tighter, “but then I wouldn’t be able to see Kenobi’s face wither with pain.” You gasped for air, clawing at your neck as you blindly waved around your blade.
Spots dance in your vision. Pain seemed like a distant memory. Then, moments before you could pass out, Maul threw you on the ground. You dragged yourself off the ground, wheezing and coughing. Maul took a step forward. He swung his blade, grazing your arm just by a bit.
You chocked back a string of tears and jumped to your feet. With whatever strength you could muster, you slammed a fist into his gut. He coughed, doubling over as you sprinted towards the west hall.
Blood roared in your ears, and the frantic wheezing you called breathing seemed to echo in the halls. You weakly lifted your free arm towards your lips. “We...need to get out of here--ASAP! Is the...the ship ready?”
“Yes,” replied Hunter. “Tech is there right now.”
You heaved out a breathy sigh of relief and wiped a trail of blood away. “Good...good. Where are...you all right now?”
“West hall. We see you coming.”
A familiar group of boys peeked out from behind a sharp corner.
“General, is Maul behind you?”
His light footsteps seemed to harden as he turned a sharp corner. You didn’t dare look over your shoulder in fear it would encourage you to give up. But Maul knew you were on your last legs. When you tripped up, he would cut you down. Slowly. Painfully.
“Good. Keep running, faster if you can.”
You gritted your teeth, forcing your legs to close the gap separating you and the Bad Batch. Everything burned, from your legs to your chest and every fibre in your body. If it weren’t for the fact that impending doom followed behind, you would have dropped dead ages ago. Hunter motioned for you to follow him around the bend of the hall. Just as you did, a large ‘BOOM!’ sounded behind. It followed, continuing down the other halls right where Maul stood.
Shrapnel, ash, and embers rose in the air, obscuring your view in clouds of smoke. Hunter hurriedly wrapped a hand around your arm and pulled you out of the way of a flaming piece of drywall. “T-thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.”
He didn’t let go of you until you emerged into the last rays of sun. You coughed into your arm, wheezing as the fresh air finally hit your lungs. You doubled over in pain, squeezing your eyes tight.
Endure. Endure. Endure.
I’m not weak.
A familiar sense of worry passed over the group. You hauled your numb limbs up and ignored their stares.
Just as you took a step forward, the galaxy spun with dots and blanched colours you couldn’t describe. You stumbled with a gasp, the tight grip on your lightsaber coming loose. It fell in a patch of trampled grass. You were about to join it, but Crosshair hooked an arm around your waist to help you stand. He was stronger than he looked. “Come on,” he calmly said, “let’s get out of this dump.”
Wrecker picked up your lightsaber and handed it to you. “Wouldn’t want to lose this, right?” You almost smiled. “Thanks Wrecker.”
You don’t recall passing out on the way to the Havoc Marauder, or falling asleep against Wrecker’s shoulder. The low hum of Hyperspace jolts you awake. Your eyes snap open, and it takes all your willpower not to pass out again as you sit up. If you were to get stoned alive in a ditch somewhere, you were sure this was how it felt.
With careful eyes, you surveyed the room. It was dimly lit, with the lights on low and the door firmly shut. The warm bed lowly creaked when you moved. To the walls sat nothing but a desk, chair, and a few fimsies taped to the wall. The sheets smelled familiar, like grass and leaves and dirt all mixed into one.
You made a move to stand up. The doors whooshed open and the sight of the boys made you pause.
“How are you feeling?” Hunter gently inquired.
When you first met the Bad Batch, you thought they wouldn’t like you one bit. You assumed the mission would be absolutely unbearable, not just because you were a terrible Jedi, but because you’d make the mission go south. Surprisingly, you weren’t wrong about the last part, but the former?
You got it all wrong. The Bad Batch were kind, caring individuals. They were smart, funny in their own ways, and interestingly enough, comforting. They were nice people, and you barged in on their mission, stole their thunder and somehow entangled yourself in Maul’s petty affairs. Again.
They were too nice. You didn’t deserve that.
The shared look everyone carried in everyone’s eyes made your chest fill with guilt. "I’m sorry.” you quietly announced. A deafening silence filled the room that made your ears ring. “I ruined the mission for you guys, and now you’re going to have to bring me back to Coruscant because I’m hurt. I guess you won’t be getting any downtime because of me.” You placed a hand to your head, where a bandage sat, tightly wrapped around your head.
Tech stared at you in bewilderment. He couldn’t understand why you were so adamant on proving yourself as anything but a burden. They were special, but not that special. You were a Jedi Knight, for the sake of the stars! It wasn’t like you weren’t assigned to this mission without reason.
“You don’t have anything to be sorry about.” Tech firmly said, stepping into the room. “There was no possible way any of us could have prepared for something as unexpected as that.” He pulled out his datapad and smiled. “Because of you, we escaped with both our lives and this.”
“Tech’s right.” Wrecker agreed. “You did a great job anyway. Back there, when those commandos came out of nowhere, you took them down. We would have seen them sooner or later, but that would have helped the enemy discover us!”
You folded your hands together on your lap with a frown. “What about those snipers?”
Crosshair yanked his toothpick out of his mouth. “Takes a sniper to know a sniper.” You nodded in understanding. “I see, so you took them out...”
Tech knitted his brows together. He waited for you to say something more, but when you didn’t, he realised it was because you thought your time to speak was up. “If you have more to say, that’s okay.” he said.
“I...about Maul...” You trailed off and wrapped an arm around yourself. It was a simple act, but spoke volumes. You were worried. Afraid. And worst of all, you felt alone. Just as quick as that vulnerability made itself apparent, it disappeared. “None of you are hurt, right?”
There was a collective reply of ‘no sirs’ from the boys. You nodded to yourself. “Good.” You were about to stand, but Tech came rushing forward. “With all due respect,” he pushed you back down, “you have to rest.”
“I’m not hurt.”
“You have a concussion.” Tech clarified. “Not to mention a few--”
A loud sigh passed your lips as your shoulders slumped dramatically. “Cody’s gonna kill me.” The mood shifted. It raised in amusement, surprise, and curiosity. The boys wondered how you and Cody could be so close when you were so different. A Jedi and a clone? Who could see that coming?
You made a move to pull out your holoprojector, but just as you sat up a little straighter, your head pounded again, and your sore limbs ached. “You can comm him later, General.” Crosshair firmly said. “It’s better you rest.”
And so you did. You laid there in that warm bed by yourself, tossing and turning in the dim lights. You wondered what the Bad Batch were doing in the common room. Gossiping? Complaining about your incompetence? Deep down, you knew they didn’t blame you for anything, yet the swirling emotions of guilt and worry clawed at your insides.
You tossed around again, this time more roughly than the last. If Hunter’s ears were as good as back in the hanger, then he probably heard you more than you’d like to acknowledge.
You weren’t sure how long you lay there. An hour? Two? Three? How far was Coruscant again? You couldn’t recall. Everything was a hazy blur of colours, faces, and voices. A loud sigh escaped your lips. You slowly sat up, wincing every now and then as you pulled out your holoprojector.
The familiar, blue projection lit up. You placed the holoprojector on the floor. “Hi Cody.” He practically ripped off his helmet. “What happened to you Com--General?” You sighed for what had to be the hundredth time that day. “Maul happened, that’s what.”
“And you fought him. Alone. Why am I not surprised?” Despite the dead-panned way he spoke, you sensed his growing worry. “Comman--General, it’s not that I doubt your abilities, it’s just that you could have gotten seriously hurt.” You snorted. “You’re starting to sound like Master Obi-wan now.”
“Did someone say my name?”
A loud groan escaped your lips. You suddenly regretted ever comming Cody, much less thinking he wouldn’t chew you out. The only thing that could make it worse was the presence of--
“Hey (Y/n)!”
You held back a scowl. “Ani, hi. How do you do, or rather, what are you doing?” You spoke between gritted teeth, and it didn’t take a genius to guess why. Anakin sheepishly shrugged. “We had another mission, nothing too bad. Congrats on being knighted.”
Anakin sent you a big thumbs-up before disappearing out of range. Ahsoka jumped up on screen, waving excitedly as you offered a smile back. “Hello to you too, Ahsoka.” She waved one last time before disappearing like Anakin.
Cody turned to look at you again, this time with softer eyes. “I’m glad you’re alright. A run-in with Maul could have been gruesome.”
Obi-wan blinked. He stood still for a moment, turning from you, to Cody, and then back to you. “Maul confronted you?” he inquired. You nodded. “Yes, but I’m alright. Nothing a bit of bacta can’t fix.”
“Did he try anything?” Obi-wan thoughtfully added. You thought back to the encounter. Maul had beaten you to a pulp, even when you did your best to fight against him. It was only by chance that you escaped. You were no match for him.
A plastic smile rose on your lips. “Besides the usual threats, nothing, Master.” If Obi-wan were here, he would have said more, but the look on your face must have been too fake because he went silent. “Our mission is finished here. When you get back, I’ll personally see to it that I bring you to the medbay.”
“I’m fine Master, it’s just--”
“I’ll leave you to it.” Obi-wan cut in. He respectfully nodded your way and disappeared out of sight. You helplessly looked at Cody. “Obi-wan’s going to give me a long lecture.” He nodded in agreement. “But it’s because he cares. It’s a good thing too because I believe you need it.”
You raised a brow. “What? Why?” Cody gave you a pointed look. He heaved in a deep breath and said in a high-pitched voice, “‘If they’re as good as I’ve heard, I’ll only be extra luggage’.” You folded your arms with a pout. The fact that he kept a straight face made it worse than it had to be. It wasn’t everyday Cody teased you like this, so you must have really irritated him.
“I’m lucky you’re not reckless like your brother, but sometimes, I can’t say you’re any different.”
“Why’s that Cody?”
“When you want to do something, you’ll do it regardless of the consequences.” He shook his head tiredly. “You wanted to complete this mission, so you risked fighting Maul alone so the Bad Batch wouldn’t get hurt. I’m not surprised, but I’m not happy either.”
“It’s not wrong to want to protect others...” you mumbled. Cody nodded in agreement. “That’s why I’m angry at Maul.”
You blinked, holding fast to his words.
“Look what he did to you (Y/n). Stars, how did you get out of there?” You folded your hands together. “The boys,” you answered. “They set up some explosives while I distracted Maul.”
It went quiet for a few moments, save for the sounds of gunships and fighters preparing for liftoff. “You know,” you began. “You were right Cody.” He knitted his brows together. “About what?”
“The Bad Batch. They’re wonderful boys. I...I guess I was worried over nothing, but I can’t help thinking...thinking that...” You trailed off with a shake of your head. “Never mind. Go catch up to them, before they leave without you.” A subtle smile lifted onto your lips, prompting Cody to go. “May the Force be with you, Cody.”
The hologram disappeared, that soft blue light vanishing. You stuffed the holoprojector into your pocket with a frown. “Gosh dang it Cody.” you grumbled. “Actually making me feel sorry for feeling like this.” The strong urge to cry suddenly bubbled up in your chest. But why? What did you have to be a big baby over?
You sharply inhaled, forced the tears back, and weakly punched the stiff mattress. That didn’t make you feel better though. In fact you felt sick again. Your head spun and you stumbled over your own feet. “Force...” Anger poked at your wounded heart. You didn’t want to be angry, but it was like a wave--it wouldn’t stop, relentlessly flowing until it crashed down on you.
“Why are you so weak...?” you whispered. “Stop...crying...” The tears wouldn’t stop, and neither would the aching in your heart. Maybe this was the reason you were so shy. If you showed your true colours and all the sides you reserved for a select few, then they’d know how weak you were. Underneath, you were pathetic.
Absolutely pathetic.
“Wait--you two--no!”
The door swished open. You stared at Wrecker and Tech, wide-eyed as tears trailed down your face. Hunter stood behind them, a hand over his face to cover his flustered frown. Crosshair walked out from down the hall. He stared at the awkward scene, gaze bouncing from you, to his brothers, and then back to you again.
Hunter apologetically met your teary gaze. “We didn’t mean to disturb you, General.” You sniffled with a shake of your head. You wanted to say ‘it’s okay’, but if you talked, then you’d start balling on the spot. Tech awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. “We’ll just go. Sorry, General.”
They paused to meet your eye. You heaved in a shaky breath, steeling your nerves. “Th-thank you...” A tears escaped your eye. “For everything.” For a moment, everyone basked in the silence, only caring to listen to your soft sniffles and the low hum of the ship.
A bright smile burst onto Wrecker’s lips. “I wouldn’t have seen that great explosion if you didn’t distract that guy long enough.” He heartily laughed and you stared at him, star-struck. The emotions he omitted: happiness, joy, relief. He was just glad you all made it out there, along with the fact that you woke up alright.
Tech mimicked Wrecker’s smile in a mellow version of his own. “Excuse me for being so direct, but I’ve found that you don’t credit yourself enough, General. Your opponent was no ordinary being. Maul--a former Sith Lord--isn’t someone you would fight for the fun of it.” A laugh of agreement came from Wrecker. “Tech’s right.”
“Finally about something worth our interest,” Crosshair piped up. He strode down the hall, stopping at the threshold of the room. The straight look on his face could have been intimidating, if it weren’t for the fact that you sensed the kind emotions in his heart.
He was like you, except colder, and much more battle-hardened.
“See that?” Crosshair grumbled. “You already know what I’m going to say. I don’t usually give out compliments, but you’re different. Strong. It doesn’t make sense why you’re shy all the time when you can trash-talk a former Sith Lord without hiding behind someone’s back.”
General Skywalker, keep your comlink on! We will relay information and update our status!
You felt exposed. They heard everything. From Maul’s monologuing to his reveal of your darkest secrets, your feelings of inferiority. Why were they talking so kindly to you despite that? A Jedi Knight wasn’t supposed to be insecure about themself, much less doubtful of their own abilities.
You heaved in a deep sigh, taking in the scents of grass and trees and dirt. It reminded you of someone. The same energy that wordlessly put you at ease, the same energy that laid quiet, yet so full of life that it was too hard to ignore.
This was Hunter’s room.
He met your eyes and it took you back to when you were a child. Anakin was a few years older than you, so he always took it upon himself to take care of you with as much love as possible. It was how your mum raised you, to care for each other through thick and thin. When he made fun of you for something stupid and hurt your feelings, he’d give you the same look as Hunter’s.
The one with soft eyes that spoke more than words. A silent ‘I’m here’ and a quiet ‘it’s okay. That was right. Hunter’s eyes were like those of an elder brother.
“What makes you so insecure?” His soft voice jolted you out of your thoughts You shuffled as best as you could on the bed, fiddling with the bandages wrapped around you aching fingers. “A lot makes me insecure, really.” you quietly replied. “A lot comes from the fact that I feel out of place.”
No one expected an honest answer, and maybe that was because they were engineered to think Jedi were invincible. God-like even without a care in the world. But you? You were only human. Just like them. Not merchandise, not a soldier, not anything but yourself.
Just like them.
Crosshair adjusted his footing and leaned against the threshold. A tight-lipped frown found its way onto his lips. He didn’t want to speak in fear of scaring you back into your shell. He wasn’t as warm as Tech, he couldn’t make you laugh like Wrecker, and he certainly wasn’t a big-brother-type like Hunter.
But when you met his gaze with doe-like eyes, the words left his mouth before he could stop them. “Kid,” he began. “I get it. We all do. Growing up, we weren’t seen in the same light as everyone else. We were experimental. Lab rats for those long-neck Kaminoans.” He turned the toothpick between his fingers thoughtfully. “What about you? Who made you feel like you didn’t belong?”
“Everyone.” You sniffled. “I haven’t told anyone this besides Cody. Master Obi-wan knows, but that’s only because he was there. He rescued us with his Master.” You paused and everyone listened with batted breath. It wasn’t everyday a Jedi told their life story.
“I was a slave on Tattooine. Simple as that. Anakin was seen as a more valuable candidate because he had more skills than me. He could fix nearly anything, he also knew a bunch of different things, and he helped win our freedom in a bet. If i were in his shoes, I wouldn’t have been able to do that.”
A bitter laugh escaped your lips.
“When we got to the Temple, I didn’t do as well as Anakin. He learned faster and Master Qui-gon, the one who found us on Tattooine, paid more attention to him. Master Obi-wan noticed that. He promised to teach me when he was old enough, but that changed. Master Qui-gon died and he made Obi-wan promise to train Anakin. I was passed along different masters after. Some hated me and others thought I wasn’t ready to be a padawan, so they sent me back to the temple.”
Your heart clenched. The memories you tried so hard to suppress flashed before your eyes, reminding you, forcing you, to remember every failure you faced. “‘You’re not good enough’. ‘How are you even a Jedi?’. I was bullied, so I worked hard, but when I got to where I wanted to be, I felt so worthless because...” You heaved out a rattling sigh. “...I don’t know. I suppose I listened too much to everyone, and it all...got to my head.”
The room swirled, mixing all the emotions of the boys into an unreadable concoction. You buried your face in your hands. It was all you could do to hide the tears running down your reddened cheeks.
A strong pair of arms gingerly wrapped around your shoulders. “That’s terrible.” Wrecker tearfully said. “You must’ve felt so alone.” You sniffled and Wrecker only pulled you closer. He was so warm, and it made your chest feel all fuzzy inside. Your mother used to give you hugs just like this. When you felt life was too hard, she’d wrap you close, enveloping you in her arms to block out the cold.
Eventually, Tech joined in, offering the most reassuring smile he could muster. He hugged you a lot like Cody. Short, to the point, and real. When you needed a good reminder that you weren’t alone, Cody offered short hugs just like this. It was clear Tech understood the meaning of ‘actions spoke louder than words’.
“Originally, I thought you were shy because you were in your brother’s shadow. I should have known that it had to be deeper than that.” You shook your head. “It’s not like you could have known Tech.” He pursed his lips together, releasing you to run a hand over his hair. “I’m not very good at understanding everyone’s emotions. They change too much, and there’s rarely any constant to rely on.”
You nodded in agreement. He wasn’t wrong. if you weren’t a Jedi, then you sure as heck wouldn’t understand emotions too well either.
After a few more moments of silence, you recollected yourself. Your breathing steadied a little more and the tears finally came to a stop. Hunter asked Tech to check on the coordinates (”Coruscant shouldn’t be this far.”) and told Wrecker to help.
You stared at Crosshair and Hunter. They eyed you carefully, as if one wrong word would shatter you to bits. But you weren’t fragile, and you most certainly weren’t innocent. Whatever they had to say to you, you’d take it--whatever it was.
“This may not be my place to say this,” Hunter started, “but I feel it’s important.” You nodded in understanding, waiting for him to continue. He eased over to the bed, taking a seat at its edge. Crosshair remained on the door frame.
“Something I learned over time was that fearing what we can’t do holds us back. It makes people feel powerless. You may not be, but in that moment, it feels like it. That’s when it becomes your reality.” He gave your shoulder a good pat and stood. You watched him leave, peering past Crosshair’s shoulders until Hunter was out of sight. 
Crosshair stared at the toothpick wedged between his fingers. It was deadly silent, and you were afraid to break it.
“It’s really not any of our places to say osik. Everyone just got too sentimental.” He looked about ready to chuck the toothpick at the wall. “Even me.” He finally turned to meet your gaze. “We all fall, but it’s our choice to get back up.”
“I thought she said she was fine.” Cody stated. Obi-wan folded his arms across his chest with a sigh. “It seems trouble follows her wherever she goes.”
“And it looks like she got it from you, General.”
The moment you stepped off the Havoc Marauder was the moment Obi-wan thought he'd get a heart attack. In what galaxy could anyone describe you as clinically sound? Nearly ever inch of your exposed skin lay wrapped away in bandages or bacta patches. You sported a splash of purple bruises across your neck, another bandage around your head, and a nasty looking gash on your arm that couldn't have been from a blaster.
Just what did Maul do to you?
One of the Bad Batch Obi-wan recognized as Crosshair helped you out of the ship. He sensed the immense amount of worry shared among the men, and if Obi-wan didn't know better, he'd think they'd known (Y/n) all their lives.
"You look worse in person." Obi-wan commented. You sluggishly trudged forward, wincing every now and then as Crosshair helps you close the distance. "You're not much to look at either, Master." He nodded to Crosshair with a small thanks and pulled you into his comforting arms. "I'm glad you're doing well, my dear."
You smile, and for the first time in a while, Obi-wan notices that it holds no weight. No setbacks that made his heart clench for you. Your smile was full and bright and everything he dreamed of seeing again on your face.
"Do you think we can arrange something for me to end up with the Bad Batch again?" you inquired. Obi-wan ruffled your hair like he always did, smiling down upon you with eyes that sparkled like the suns of Tattooine.
"Why don't you ask them?"
You turned to the Bad with hopeful eyes. Wrecker didn't hesitate to eagerly nod while Crosshair sent a silent nod. Tech grinned from ear to ear, and Hunter smiled warmly.
"I suppose I can't say no to a majority." Obi-wan stated. "And it's not like the Council knows where to put you."
Wrecker let out a whoop that could have shaken a of Coruscant. "Shh, Wrecker!" cried Tech. "You'll burst Hunter's eardrums!" A small laugh escaped your lips, causing Wrecker to freeze in place. All eyes focused on your smile, and the way you shamelessly held your head up high.
What a beautiful sight.
"I'm still confused how you did that." Rex admitted. "What strings did you pull to get (Y/n) with the Bad Batch?" Cody shrugged and Rex leaned further off his seat in wait. "Well?"
"Let's just say I know a lot of people."
"Did General Kenobi know?"
"Of course he did. Nothing gets past him." Cody relaxed into his chair with a rare smile. "I knew pairing her up with Clone Force 99 would be a good idea. She found herself, and that's all I could've asked for."
TIP JAR <-- please donate, I work so hard on this and if you’re feeling nice, I’d really appreciate it
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cdyssey · 3 years
Summary: When Fran doesn't come down to breakfast after spraining her ankle, the whole house is concerned for her—especially Niles and Mr. Sheffield. Set after "An Affair to Dismember."
A/N: Okay, so I've binge re-watched nearly four seasons of The Nanny in four days, and had to get at least one fic out of my system, lmao.
Fran Drescher's acting in "An Affair to Dismember" when she suddenly broke while talking to Maxwell made me sensitive. ;-;
AO3 Link
Breakfast is a remarkably boring affair without Miss Fine bursting through the door, raising her arms in a floral robe, and proclaiming, with signature adenoidal stylings, “Good moooorning, everyone!” 
The clink of silverware, the scraping of ceramic plates, the ruffling sound of Mr. Sheffield anxiously attacking the New York Times like a new Andrew Lloyd Webber play has just dropped—all of it is so terribly drab that Niles spends the first fifteen minutes of her pronounced absence coughing loudly in the hopes that his employer will pick up the hint to do something about it.
“Oh, do go get a bloody cough drop, old man,” he finally snaps, smacking his newspaper down on the table. “You’re driving me mad.”
“Sorry, sir,” Niles arches a brow as he refills Mr. Sheffield’s coffee mug. “I have asthma.”
He turns away to replace the coffee pot on the side table.
“And half a mind to kick your tetchy derrière,” he mutters under his breath.
“What was that, Niles?”
“Nothing, sir! Just saying thank you for your attentive care.”
“Dad,” Master Brighton thankfully interrupts, “where’s Fran, and what have you done to make her mad this time?”
Niles immediately turns around again in time to see his boss’s shoulders straighten in that way they often do when he’s indignant.
Or guilty.
Or some mixture of them both.
“I beg your pardon, Brighton,” he replies stiffly. “Why do you immediately assume I’m the problem here?”
“Process of elimination,” Brighton shrugs. “Fran’s not mad at me, Maggie, or Grace, and Niles is one of her closest friends.”
“You’re so astute, Master Brighton,” Niles smiles wryly as he moves to the left to get a better view of Mr. Sheffield’s face. The vein in his temple is beginning to throb, which is always a good time.
“She hasn’t dated anyone recently,” Miss Margaret pipes up.
“And she’s always fighting with her ma,” Miss Grace adds, “but that's never kept her from Belgian waffles before.”
“So, Dad,” Brighton grins, patting his father once on the back, “unless our math is wrong, that leaves you.”
“Goodness me,” Mr. Sheffield mutters, angrily stabbing a piece of link sausage with his fork. “I didn’t know I was in the presence of the lost Hardy Boy.”
“So you did do something!” Margaret exclaims. 
“No! I bloody well did not, Nancy Drew. For your information, Miss Fine accidentally hurt her ankle clubbing last night with Val. I don’t think it’s broken, but I’ve called a doctor to come by just to check.”
“Tsk, tsk. And you didn’t offer to pick her up Cinderella-style and swoop her downstairs so she wouldn’t miss breakfast?” Niles asks chidingly, only to be greeted with a nasty glare.
“Yes, I did offer to bring her down to breakfast as a matter of fact... but Miss Fine seemed strangely subdued when I spoke to her through the door... I didn’t know what to make of it to tell you the truth...”
Mr. Sheffield’s brow contracts as he searches Niles’s face for an answer, and Niles stares back just as studiously, observing the profound concern in his employer’s dark eyes.
The gentleness.
The romance.
The stunningly oblivious care.
Niles sighs fondly.
Unlike Miss Babcock, he’s never had the heart to kick poor puppies when they’re down.
“I’ll bring her Advil and a fresh ice pack,” he promises. “Perhaps some pain relief will help her to regain her spirit.”
“I hope so,” Mr. Sheffield replies, self-consciously turning to his plate again, the tips of his ears rather pink. “I hate when Miss Fine isn’t feeling well.”
“Here, here,” the whole table concurs.
Twenty minutes later, Niles is at Miss Fine’s door with a silver tray laden with all the essentials: painkillers, an ice pack, a mug of coffee (milk instead of cream and extra sugar), and a copy of the new edition of Gloss. He lightly taps on her door with the side of his loafer.
“Miss Fine, can I come in?”
“No,” comes an immediate and sharp reply. “I’m not dressed!”
“How discouraging,” Niles sighs smilingly. “What ever shall I do?”
“Suff’a, and at least give me a minute to find a brassiere.” 
“Oh, we’ll be here all day then.”
He hears a strange thud, a collection of evaluations (“dirty, dirty, slutty, Maggie’s, dirty”), and an assortment of Yiddish curse words he now vaguely recognizes from being friends with Miss Fine for nearly four years now. And then finally— 
“Come in, Jeeves, but shut the door behind ya ‘cuz I haven’t applied a morning layer of lipstick yet.”
Niles elbows the knob and pushes with his shoulder until the door lights open to a peculiar sight. Far from being neat, Miss Fine’s room looks like Macy’s after its annual Black Friday sale with clothes strewn everywhere—from the dressers to the wardrobes to the floor. An empty suitcase is lying on the bed next to Miss Fine, who is sitting in bed wearing an oversized t-shirt, her injured ankle propped up on a pillow. Niles can tell, even from the doorway, that it’s red and swollen, but to his satisfaction and relief, it doesn’t appear to be broken.
“Welcome to the jungle,” Miss Fine mutters when she notices his incredulous gaze. “We got all the animals out t’day.”
“I can see that,” Niles replies, placing his tray on her bedside table and shutting the door. With his usual efficiency, he then walks back over, retrieves the ice pack, and gently places it on the affected area, frowning when she flinches.
“Mr. Sheffield said that the doctor was coming at ten,” he says as he gently lowers himself onto the bed, clasping his hands primly on top of his lap.
“Mm,” Fran grunts noncommittally, grabbing the two Advil pills and knocking them back with a swig of coffee.
“What? You’re not curious as to whether or not said doctor in question is single, Jewish, and living in a Manhattan penthouse? Miss Fine”—Niles reaches over and places the back of his hand on Fran’s head—“do you have a fever?”
“Oh, Niles,” she swats his hand away, “I’m not in the mood.”
“It’s been awhile since I’ve heard that one.”
“Sorry, Miss Fine,” he withdraws his hand with a laugh. “You know I have to warm up before Miss Babcock arrives.”
“Glad to assist,” Fran quips, taking another sip of coffee, and it’s only as she closes her eyes to savor the taste, that he notices there are lines beneath her eyes from what seems to have been a sleepless night. 
The smile sinks from his face.
“You know,” he says quietly, “in all of our acquaintance, I’ve never known of you to injure yourself while dancing.”
Fran opens her eyes only to immediately glance away, tapping her long nails against her mug.
“Val tripped me up when she thought she saw Elton John,” she shrugs dully. “Turns out it was just a really lifelike poster of him behind the bar...”
“I see,” Niles returns, raising a brow. “It was nice of Miss Toriello to forgo her weekend trip with her parents to come back and… boogie woogie oogie with you.”
“Dammit,” she pouts, scrunching her nose. “I didn’t think I’d told you that.”
“You didn’t. I overheard you and Miss Toriello gabbing on the phone about it yesterday morning.”
Fran can’t seem to help herself; she smiles crookedly, even as she shakes her head.
“I dunno who’s more absorbent sometimes—you or the dish sponge.”
He smiles back at her, patting her uninjured leg gently.
“Me, naturally."
"I can believe it, Chatty Cathy," she sighs.
"Now tell me, Miss Fine"—he regains his solemnity quickly, unwilling to let her deflect with jokes—"why does your room look like a tornado went through Loehmann’s?”
Her dark eyes immediately glance around the messy room, as though looking for an excuse and failing to find one.
It’s only now that Niles is sitting down, taking everything in, that he notices that most of the articles strewn about are her favorite clothing items, from her holographic Versace dress to the black tube top that Mr. Sheffield can’t pry his eyes away from every time she wears it.
“I almost did a very stupid thing, Niles,” she half-whispers, looking down into her coffee cup, her fingers tensed and shivering around the handle. “And the thing is, maybe it wasn’t really all that stupid? Maybe it was the smartest thing I could of done in a lifetime of doin’ so many stupid things.”
She pauses briefly before sardonically adding, “People included.”
Though Niles doesn’t have enough dots to connect the full picture, he has what he needs in the way of evidence to get the basic gist: Nigel being in town, the two of them going out, Nigel leaving town, the suitcase, the swollen ankle, and Miss Fine's uncharacteristic melancholy, smeared across her face so sharply that it may as well be lipstick.
He swallows thickly, suddenly grasping how close that they had all been to losing Fran forever.
“Well,” he says, making an effort to hitch an oblivious smile on his face, “isn’t it your mother who says that everything happens for a reason? It seems as though you’re right where you belong.”
“Yeah,” she snorts indelicately. “Twenty-nine multiple times over, single, and livin’ in a mansion with a man who won’t even commit to his meal orders at restaurants, much less his very available and desperate nanny.”
“Beautiful, young, and living in a mansion with three children who love you, a butler who’d be lost without you, and a man who won’t commit to his tie choices either but still cares for you deeply all the same,” Niles corrects her softly. “He was very worried for you when you didn’t come down to breakfast this morning. He didn’t even do the crossword on the Times.”
“Gee,” she rolls her eyes playfully, “how romantic.”
“Very,” Niles grins, “a modern day Romeo—emotional hangups and all.” 
With that, he pats Fran again and stands up; he has no doubt that Mr. Sheffield will be calling for him soon to interrogate him as to Miss Fine’s wellbeing. 
Maybe he can even get C.C. on speaker phone to rub it in her face.
“Y’know, Niles,” Fran smiles at him fondly, “if this whole Mr. Sheffield thing doesn’t work out, we should elope in Vegas in ten yea's.”
“Only if you wear this little number,” he says, bending down and picking up a black cocktail dress from the floor, folding it neatly over his arm.
“You wish you could be so lucky.”
“If we’re going to be in Vegas, anything can happen, I suppose.”
After he retrieves the silver tray from the bedside table, he bends down and kisses Miss Fine lightly on the head, his heart hurting when he notices the way that she closes her eyes beneath the gentle touch—young and vulnerable and terribly hurt by something he can’t quite fix with a well-timed witticism.
“Get some rest, Miss Fine," her murmurs against her head. "I'll check on you a bit."
“Thanks, hubby."
Scarcely ten minutes later, he’s down in Mr. Sheffield’s office as per usual, offering the producer a fresh cup of tea even though he had already drunk his traditional two cups at breakfast. 
He insisted, though, on a third, for some excuse he couldn’t quite come up with.
And instead of coming up with an excuse, he immediately asked for all the particulars of Miss Fine’s health.
Predictable chump.
“Thanks, old boy,” Mr. Sheffield frowns, returning to his crossword, tapping the end of his pen arrhythmically against the paper. “Let me know when the doctor for Miss Fine arrives. I want to be there when he checks her over.”
“Ooh la-la-la,” Niles hums, dropping a sugar cube into the tea with a zesty plop.
Mr. Sheffield places his pen down on the desk angrily. 
“Not like that… I just want to ensure she’s going to be well… you know, for the children’s sake.”
“Yes,” he sighs theatrically. “How will the children ever be able to bear their nanny having a twisted ankle?”
“Oh, shut up,” Mr. Sheffield snaps. “I don’t pay you to be sarcastic.”
“No, sir, you pay me to help you with the crossword when you’re missing three-across,” Niles smirks knowingly when he glances down at the incomplete puzzle. “What’s the hint?”
Mr. Sheffield adjusts his wire-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose before looking down again.
“A word that means feeling bad for not doing something that you should have done all along. Disappointment. A sense of shame.”
Niles straightens up with a long-suffering shake of his head.
“Oh, sir, do I really have to spell it out for you?”
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thebigqueer · 4 years
Summary: Will is possessed with a VSCO demon that will turn him into the one and only Billiam Thabdrew Sksksolace, a VSCO girl.
Word Count: 3513
Note: This is my first writing on Tumblr so everyone sing happy birthday! also its terrible! also I GREATLY APPRECIATE FEEDBACK (but please give it to me gently cuz im a Sensitive Bitch TM) (if you even sound a little mean ill start crying)
ALSO: Credits to my online bff for Nico’s pet hyena, Bambi. (HI I LOVE YOU)
Nico knew something was wrong with Will.
He could tell that there was something always bothering him, hidden deep beneath that sunshiny facade he always seemed to use in front of other people. He was hiding something, and it seemed to be eating at him like a parasite. 
Nico’s suspicions began when he first noticed Will’s slight speech slipup. Will and Kayla were discussing the new demigods that were to move in soon, and Kayla let loose the fact that she was a little iffy about one of them. Will’s eyes had widened, showing off the blue of his eyes, and he said, “Anna oop-”
He clamped a hand over his mouth, but it was too late. He’d already said it. Nico didn’t know what it meant, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t nervous. (Was it some kind of prophetic power? Did Will just spew some words from a prophecy in a totally different language? Maybe Nico would ask Rachel later.) When Nico confronted him afterwards, Will just turned his head away and said he was going to head to sleep.
It wasn’t only his foreign phrases - it was also the stuff he bought. On their dates to New York City, Will would slink him and Nico away to a store and buy something. Sometimes it would be an oversized T-shirt, other times it would be scrunchies, and one time he even bought a gigantic water bottle. (“It’s called a Hydroflask,” Will told him.)
Will was scary in those moments. His eyes would get big as he eyed all his new items, and his hands would tap furiously on the wooden counters while he waited. Nico wasn’t sure what this meant, but it seemed that Will was going through something. Something terrible. 
And the moment they got back, Will would start immediately sobbing. Nico would literally have to hold him from falling face down on the ground because of how hard he would be weeping. He’d cry, “It’s not happening, it’s not happening! I can’t become VSCO!” 
All Nico was able to do was watch his golden boyfriend sob in his arms, unable to help, unable to understand.
It wasn’t until a late day in November when Nico found out what his boyfriend was hiding from him. Will had been antsy all breakfast, avoiding Nico’s eyes like it was the coronavirus; Nico knew that he wasn’t the only one who noticed - Kayla and Austin had given him furtive, sympathetic glances. Nico’s heart pounded in his chest, anxiety spiking his pulse and chilling him down to the bone. 
Nico couldn’t help but to wonder, Is he going to break up with me? 
Safe to say, his breakfast was ruined, and he pulled just a little away from Will. He didn’t miss the awkward looks he got from Kayla and Austin, nor did he miss Will’s slight flinch at the loss of contact between the boys.
After a silent breakfast, when everyone had left to start their daily activities, Nico stood to go. If Will didn’t want to talk to him, then fine. He’d manage that. 
But a warm hand clamped on his wrist, begging him to stay. Nico turned his face to Will’s, absorbing his golden features and the heavy vulnerability in those blue eyes. It hit Nico that whatever Will wanted from him, it wasn’t going to be good.
Nico sat back down carefully. Will’s pink lips were turned at the corners and, having a closer look at his face, Nico realized his eyes were puffy and red like he’d been crying.
Upon seeing his boyfriend’s expression, Nico reached out and touched Will’s tan face gingerly, brushing his own pale fingers through his golden locks. “Will,” he whispered, “what’s wrong? You’ve been so… so closed off from me. Is everything okay? And don’t lie this time, please. I’m serious.” 
Will opened and closed his mouth, then unlatched his eyes from Nico’s and closed them. He took a deep, shaky breath, as if gearing up for a long and tiring mission. Nico squeezed Will’s right hand - His baby hands, Nico thought ridiculously, all small and cute - and laced them together, squeezing lightly. A “Hey, I’m here for you” squeeze. 
Will turned his focus back on Nico, a small smile lacing the corners of his mouth, but not quite eradicating his internalized pain.
“Nico,” he began, “I… I have an issue.” Will’s freckled cheeks bloomed with bright red blotches and he sheepishly looked away again. 
Anticipation and anxiety gripped Nico like a vice and his breath hitched. “What’s wrong?” he asked, trying to tamper down his growing unease. He didn’t want to make Will feel more nervous than he already did.
Will swallowed, as if he was trying to keep down the words from ever appearing. Nico brushed his pale thumb over Will’s, hoping it would calm him a bit. A beat passed, and Will said, “I have this… demon inside me. It’s a terrible demon. I was possessed as a kid.”
“What?” asked Nico. “A demon? What do you mean?”
Will sighed shakily, his eyes focused on the floor. “It’s called a VSCO demon.” 
“Will…” Nico started, but he wasn’t sure what he would say. I’m sorry? That didn’t seem right, not at this moment. It seemed like Will wasn’t quite looking for pity. Instead, Nico opted to inquire more about this demon: “What exactly does the demon do? How much is it going to impact your life?” 
“Well… actually, it’s going to impact my life a lot. Essentially, it’ sgoing to make me a VSCO girl. You know what that is, right? I explained it to you.”
Nico nodded.
Will continued. “First, it’ll start off with more subtle things, like specific hand spasms.” Will demonstrated what he meant by bringing his right hand to his face and then turning to the side, then frowned. “There’s also some expressions that I might repeat a lot. Like… ‘anna oop-’, or ‘oooh, tea, sis!’ or ‘sksksksk.’” 
Nico watched Will’s expression as he said each phrase and his heart felt like it was being squished. Will looked like he was trying very hard not to let it take over him, let those stupid terms make him into a new person, but he was so exhausted. Nico touched his boyfriend’s face again. “I’m… sorry, Will. That’s terrible.”
Will nodded, but he didn’t seem to hear Nico. “When it gets worse, you’ll start noticing. I’ll be wearing oversized T-shirts, I think… scrunchies on my wrist, maybe.” He sighed again, but this time a small sob escaped from his lips too. When he looked up, Nico saw he had fresh tears glassing over his eyes. “I’m going to be carrying that stupid Hydro Flask with me forever, Nico. Forever.” 
That seemed to do it. In a matter of seconds, the floodgates of Will’s emotions had opened up and he was spilling everywhere. Nico pulled him close, despite not being much of a hugger, and drew small circles on his back. He felt Will’s tears soak through his T-shirt, but he didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he felt so heartbroken by Will’s emotions, he wanted to start crying himself.
But he had to keep it strong, for Will. Nico bit his lip to keep himself from letting out a few tears himself. 
After several moments, Will seemed to calm down enough to pull away from Nico, even though tears still ribboned down his cheeks like liquified crystals. He pulled a tissue from his sweatshirt pocket and blew his nose, honking like he was the goosiest of all geese.
“Anyway,” Will continued, sighing heavily. “I have to tell you something else.” He threw the snot-saturated tissue over his shoulder, where some poor sucker would have to pick it up themself and throw it out. Taking a deep breath (Nico swore he was just trying to steal all the oxygen out of the air now, probably trying to photosynthesize or something), Will pulled Nico’s hands to his chest. “When the demon takes over me, Nico, my alter ego will come out. I will not be able to control it. His name… is Billiam Thabdrew Sksksolace.”
Will paused dramatically, letting that name sink in.
“Oh, Will,” Nico said quietly, throwing his arms around his boyfriend. “Is there a cure to this? Can you fix it?”
Will rested his head in the space between Nico’s neck and shoulder. “No,” he answered, his voice muffled. “There isn’t. I just have to live with being a VSCO girl from now on.” Pulling away so that he was mere inches from Nico’s face, he asked: “Would you still love me, Nico? Even after I become… become Billiam?”
“Of course,” Nico exclaimed, not a moment of hesitation. “Of course! You are more than your stupid demon. You can be as much of a VSCO girl as you become, and I will always love you.”
Will’s face crumpled again and he pulled Nico tighter, so close Nico could almost swear his ribs were going to break. 
“Thank you, Nico. Thank you.” 
It was only a few weeks until the real changes started showing up. 
When Nico went into the Apollo cabin in the mornings, sometimes he’d see Will in an oversized T-shirt, waving around a metal straw with his baby hands, exclaiming, “OOOH THAT’S TEA!” whenever one of his siblings said something, or referring to himself as Bill Sksksolace when someone called him Will. 
Those spells wouldn’t last long, but it was still discerning. 
As the days progressed, it got worse. The spells wouldn’t last in just the morning - they’d appear in the afternoon, in the night time, and at nine in the afternoon. Nico would walk in on a conversation Will was having with another camper, and just when things seemed like they were going smoothly, Will would mutter: “SKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKS.” The camper would look at Will strangely, laugh a little, then leave. 
Nico would have to sit with Will and tell him that it was alright, that it’s just part of the course. He’ll be alright.
Despite the fact that things were getting worse, it didn’t bother Nico too much. He already knew it would happen sooner or later, so there was no point anticipating and being scared over it.
And yet, nothing would prepare him for the gut punch of when it really did happen. 
It was a morning like any other. The sun shone above the camp in brilliant golden rays, and the wind was windy (as wind is) and just perfect for a November day. Nico was hopeful today; maybe they’d go out to New York City, like old times. Try to get Will’s mind off his doomed fate.
Nico had an inkling something was wrong the moment he knocked on the cabin door. Maybe it was the shift in the wind, maybe it was anxiety, or maybe it was the fact that he heard people shouting, “PUT THAT METAL STRAW DOWN, WILL!” that made him nervous. Nevertheless, he waited outside. 
Kayla was the one to open the door. She looked exhausted, like she’d been running after someone all morning. When she realized it was Nico, her expression told Nico everything he needed to know. 
Nico stepped in tentatively, nervous about what he would find. 
And boy did he have every right to be nervous. Nothing could prepare him for what he was about to find.
Will had transformed. Like, completely transformed.
Gone were his golden curls. In place of them was a messy bun at the top of his head, wrapped with a purple scrunchie. If one scrunchie wasn’t enough, he had literal sleeves of them over his arms, all the way up to his elbow, of all kinds of nauseating and headache-inducing colors. On top of that, a knee-length T-shirt covered him from the shoulders to his thighs, and in his small baby hands was a Hydro Flask with a metal straw sticking out of it, which was currently sticking between his teeth.
Upon seeing Nico, his eyes widened and he offered him a bright smile. “Sksksksk!” Will exclaimed. “Oh my gods, it’s literally Nico!” He rushed towards his boyfriend with his arms wide, and just when Nico thought he was about to get a crushing bear hug, Will surprised him last minute by shoving twenty scrunchies into his hands as well as a metal straw. 
Nico looked at the treasure in his hands - Where the everloving fuck did he get so many? thought Nico - then back at Will, and again back at his treasure. Tears pricked at his eyes and his chest constricted, making it harder to breathe. “Will-” he began.
Will looked genuinely confused. “Who’s Will? I’m Billiam Sksksolace. And that’s the tea here today.”
“Right. Billiam.” Even saying the new name hurt him in ways Nico didn’t even think were imaginable. He placed a hand on Will’s - No, Bill’s, Nico reminded himself - cheek, tracing his lover’s freckles. “How are you feeling?”
“Anna oop-” Billiam said. “I feel fine, sksksk. Why?” He raised his eyebrows and leaned in, tilting his head for a second. “Is there tea?” 
Nico sobbed, his heart wrenching. Where was Will? “No, not at all.” He kissed Bill’s face. “Not at all.”
Nico had successfully gone crazy.
He and Billiam had three kids. Each one blond. Each one young.
Each one just as VSCO as their dad. 
It was an endless cycle of “SKSKSKS” and “ANNA OOP-” and they had about fifty thousand metal straws strewn around their house. Their kids didn’t even wear pants anymore, just oversized T-shirts. They didn’t even have the demon - it was a Monkey See, Monkey Do situation. 
And Nico was done. He’d even developed a twitch in his eye. From the moment he got up in the morning to the moment he fell asleep at night, his mind swirled with unwanted expressions and metal straws in his eyes and Hydro Flasks on the table and oversized T-shirts strewn across the bed and he was positively done.
There was only one thing left to do. 
Nico grabbed the knife from the kitchen drawer. Then he turned to the onions on the cutting board and started chopping with rage. (It was his turn to make dinner tonight, and he hated every moment of it.)
But he had something to look forward to, and he had everything ready. 
Bill was home from work now, sitting in the living room and scrolling through Instagram. Nico watched him, thinking about that fatal day several years ago at Camp Half-Blood when everything had gone wrong for him. 
Well, Nico would fix that today.
“Bill,” Nico called, gritting his teeth. Calling his beloved William “Bill” still stung him, despite it having been years later. “It’s time for dinner. Call the kids.”
Bill stood from the couch and fixed his messy bun, then called, “Billiam, Jr.! Litpollo! Percy, Jr.! Time for dinner! Sksksk.” 
Nico made his way down the hall and opened the garage door, crying out to his pet hyena: “BAMBI! Come on, boy. Time for your yummy chinken dinner.”
Bambi growled and bounded into the building, turning towards the kids that had now come into the dining room. Bill eyed the oversized cat with scrutiny. “Bae, I think we need to tame that thing.”
Nico turned his head to look at his hyena. He shrugged. “Seems fine to me.”
“He’s gnawing on our child’s head.”
Nico eyed his kitty, who had its jaws around their child Litpollo’s head. “No he isn't,” Nico decided. “It’s just licking Litpollo's head. Litpollo just has a really tiny head.” 
Bill opened his mouth to protest, but Nico clapped his hands and exclaimed: “Time for dinner!” He offered Bill a dazzling smile. “And I have a surprise for you.”
Bill’s eyes widened and a smile of his own flashed across his face. “Sksksk. I’m excited. Yass queen.”
Nico’s eye twitched. “Yes, time for dinner.”
The family of five (including Bambi the Hyena, it was six) sat at the dinner table. (Yes, Bambi sat at a dinner table. Nico considered that quite domestic of Bambi). 
“Now, before we start, I have a little something for Bill.” Nico stood again and pulled out something from his pocket. Bill leaned in to look at it, and realization dawned on him. He hissed and jumped up from his chair. 
“Skskskskskkssksksksk!” he exclaimed. “That’s a cross. Why do you have that?” Just being in the presence of it seemed to make him antsy.
Nico offered him a dangerous smile. “Well, you see, Billiam, I became a priest online. I have a certificate and everything.” He tilted his head innocently and, with that smile still plastered onto his face, said, “I am here to eradicate the Demon of VSCO.” 
“No,” Bill said shakily, but his voice had changed. It was rougher, scratchier, a voice he wouldn’t have on any other normal day. “No, you can’t. You’ve been going behind my back this entire time? How dare you.” 
“I’m here to save you, Bill. Or should I say… William.”
“NO!” Bill screeched, picking up Litpollo and shielding his face with the child. “I REFUSE! SKSKSK!”
Nico only smiled wider, his dark eyes shining with fearsome mirth. Suddenly, the lights flickered on and off and a harsh wind blew across the room. Outside, clouds started gathering like they were ready for a shitshow to happen. Nico rose from the floor, the wind carrying his weight like he was lighter than paper. He held out the cross in front of him, showing it to Bill’s VSCO demon. Bill hissed, and his eyes starting glowing bright yellow, clearly aggravated by the cross. He dropped the child, who squeaked and ran off to eat his dry chinken dinner.
Nico’s own eyes had started glowing, but his were a bright red flash like he was about to shoot lasers. “BY THE POWER VESTED IN ME,” Nico exclaimed, his voice projecting outward and all around the house, “I PRONOUNCE THEE, VSCO DEMON, GONE.”
Nico slammed the cross against Bill’s chest, making steam circle and sizzle around Bill’s chest. The blond cried out in pain, but Nico ignored him. 
“BEGONE, THOT!” Nico thundered.
A big bang resonated between them, and Nico and Bill were both thrown across the room. Their children screamed, but all Nico could think about was Bill and whether or not he was back. Despite being disoriented, he sat upright and looked across the room. Billiam was thrown to the kitchen, and his messy bun had come undone. The scrunchies on his wrists were hissing and smoking, but otherwise he looked fine. 
Nico stood up slowly, keeping his hand on the wall for balance. “Will?” he said quietly. It was strange using that name after so many years, but it felt good. It felt comfortable.
Bill didn’t answer. Nico’s heart started racing.
He rushed to Bill’s side, checking his pulse and touching his face, making sure was alive. When he decided that he was alright, Nico let out a breath of relief. He shook Bill gently. “Will? Will, please, wake up. Tell me you’re okay.”
For a moment, all was silent. Nico’s children had even stopped screaming, but Nico wasn’t sure where they were or what they were doing. Right now, it was only about Billiam. 
Suddenly, Bill started coughing. He sat up a little straighter and coughed into his arm, and Nico patted is back in means of helping his partner. Bill stopped after a few moments, but his focus was only on the kitchen tiles.
Nico’s heart pounded in anticipation. Was Billiam gone? Was Will back? Goosebumps prickled his skin. 
“Will?” Nico asked. “Are you okay?”
Bill started laughing. Nico wanted to take this as a good sign, but the laughter seemed eerie. He took Bill’s baby hand in his.
Bill turned to face him, a wide grin on his face. “YOU FOOL!” he exclaimed. “YOU ABSOLUTE BUFFOON! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID?”
Nico gasped and threw himself away from Bill, shaking his head. “No,” he whispered. “No. It should have worked! I went onto Wikipedia for the instructions!”
Bill only laughed harder. “YOU DIPSHIT! YOU MULTIPLIED ME!” His eyes danced with his laughter.
“Multiplied?” Nico exclaimed. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN?” He frowned. “Also, no swearing in front of the kids. Watch your fucking language, asshole.”
“HAHAHAHAHAHA!” Bill exclaimed. “MY CHILDREN,” he called, turning his face away from Nico’s. “COME!”
From the dining room, the children’s small feet pitter-pattered across the floor. Rage filled Nico’s chest, and he tackled Bill to the ground. “VSCO DEMON!” he cried. “What did you do to them? If you hurt them-”
“I did no such thing,” Bill said. “I would never hurt them.”
“Then what did you do?”
“NOOOOO!” Nico cried. “WHY?”
“Children,” Bill said, “what do we say to Nico?”
“SAVE THE TURTLES!” And they all took off their oversized T-shirts and threw them in his face.
The end. Nico sobbed forever.
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jjmaebank · 4 years
wish you were gay - jj maybank
A/N: So I wrote this based off my own first heartbreak haha fun! Yeah fr, this all comes from the heart and I literally poured my real emotions and experience into this so it’s really special to me. The song ‘wish you were gay’ by Billie Eilish just reminds me of it cuz I listened to it on repeat getting over it and I related to it. If you haven’t heard it I highly recommend! Also italics are flashbacks!
Summary: you and JJ had something you thought was real, you fell for him and you thought he’d fallen for you too, but this becomes an evident lie as he makes a rash decision that ends in disaster.
Warnings: angst, heartbreak
Words: 1,802
Heartbreak. Heartbreak is a perpetual feeling that something bad is about to happen. It’s grief, fur-lined with fear that joy has forever escaped you, that there will be no happily ever after for you. Heartbreak is a tightness in your chest; it makes air feel like razor blades moving through you. It’s waking up in the morning and having three seconds where you don’t remember, and those three seconds will be the only part of the day where the dread doesn’t sit and fester in your gut.
Heartbreak was what you were feeling. After a full day of acting alright, like everything was fine and going back to normal, you’d go home and cry. You’d cry until your body was physically exhausted, to the point where you had no tears left, to the point where your face was sore. You’d cry until you felt physically and emotionally drained and then you would just lay in your bed staring up at your blank ceiling, basking in your own self-pity.
What had gone so terribly wrong? You couldn’t wrap your head around it even weeks afterwards. It kept you up at night, gnawed at you incessantly, played in the back of your mind constantly. Were you unlovable? Were you never going to be good enough for anyone? Why was it that everyone you let in pushed you away, abandoned you as soon as you let your guard down?
You and JJ were lying on John B’s couch after a night of partying, the both of you still a little drunk. You were wrapped up in his arms as he stroked your hair and placed sweet kisses on your forehead. You looked up at him in adoration and placed your hands on his bare chest.
“(y/n),” he said nervously, meeting your gaze.
“Yes?” You smiled, his anguish causing your heart rate to quicken.
“I’ve just been thinking, like…we’ve been messing about for a while now…and I guess I uh don’t really know what we are, but I know that I um…like you, like a lot…” he blabbered, removing his hand from you waist to scratch the back of his neck.
You continued staring at him, your mouth curling up in a smile as you felt him squirm underneath you as he tried to pluck up the courage to say what he’d been meaning to for weeks now.
“I guess…I uh guess this is me asking whether you wanna go out with me?” He asked, avoiding eye contact, too scared to see your reaction.
You grabbed his chin gently and tilted his head down to look at you.
“You want me to be your girlfriend?” You smiled. You’d wanted to hear those words for a while now.
“I- uh, yeah,” he replied nervously.
“Well then, yes,” you grinned, watching his eyes widen and his cheeks go crimson.
“Yes? As in yes you want to be my girlfriend?” He stuttered.
“What else would I be saying yes to you dumbass,” you chuckled, making him go red.
He pulled you into a tighter embrace, his whole being consumed by joy.
“Thank god,” he gasped, “that shit was scary.”
You remembered that night clearly, you’d never been so elated. The confusion and uncertainty between the two of you completely erased as you finally confessed your feelings for one another. You’d never felt so good in your life. You loved him, you hadn’t told him that yet, but he wanted you to be his girlfriend and that was enough for you at the time. You finally got the clarity you needed, that he was yours and you were his and nothing would change that…or so you thought.
It didn’t take long for things to go south between you and JJ, perhaps a little over a month. One of the best months of your life soon turned into the worst, all in one night.
“What is up with you?” You yelled at JJ. He’d been ignoring you all week, coming up with excuses not to see you and avoiding your texts and calls.
“I’ve just been busy, alright!” He yelled back, his voice laced in frustration. He was keeping something from you.
“Bullshit, J! You’re not too busy for John B, for Pope, for Kie! You’re apparently only too busy for me!” You shouted. “What aren’t you telling me?”
JJ sighed and sat down on John B’s couch, running his hands through his messy hair.
“Did I do something?” You whispered, sitting down across from him.
“No…no…” JJ shook his head, staring down at the wooden floorboards.
“Then what is it?” You pleaded, your voice threatening to crack at any moment. “Why don’t you talk to me anymore?”
“I fucked up (y/n)…” JJ said, finally looking up at you. His eyes showed pity, guilt even.
Your heart felt like it had sunk to your feet. What did he mean he fucked up? Had he cheated? A million thoughts raced through your mind as you processed his words.
“W-what do you mean?” You stuttered, your heart now beating at a speed you didn’t know to be humanly possible.
“I lied to you (y/n),” his lip trembled; he was holding himself back from crying. You’d only seen JJ cry once, after telling you about his father, so it scared you that he was showing signs of it again.
“You lied? What do you mean you lied, JJ?” You asked, your voice raised yet still shaky.
“I told you I wanted you to be my girlfriend,” he stated, his eyes still glazed with guilt.
Your breath hitched as you took in his words. Out of the million things that had crossed your mind, this was not one of them.
“I’m so sorry, (y/n), I really thought I wanted this…” he continued, his voice strained. “We had a lot of fun and I really like hanging out with you, but I just…I can’t do this…us…”
You felt sick. You felt a sob making its way up your throat as you felt your heart breaking, shattering into tiny pieces.
“So this was all a lie?” You choked, “I never meant anything to you?”
You could see the hurt in his eyes seeing what he’d done to you.
“I’m so, so sorry (y/n),” he shook his head, “I never meant to hurt you.”
“Bullshit!” You stood up from your seat, tears streaming down your face. “You don’t just fuck with someone’s feelings on accident!”
“We were drunk (y/n)!” JJ stood up. “I thought I knew how I felt, but I didn’t and I’m sorry! I was wrong okay? Fuck! I was wrong!”
“Alcohol doesn’t give you feelings for someone out of the blue, JJ,” you cried, “so you must’ve lied that night. You must’ve lied right to my face when you told me you liked me! When you told me you wanted me to be yours!”
You could barely see through your tear coated eyes and the taste of salt stung your lips.
JJ simply stood there in silence, shame overcoming him. He knew he was an idiot and he hated himself for it. He cared for you, he really did, but he knew leading you on anymore would just hurt you more than he already had.
“I just don’t think I’m a relationship type of guy (y/n)…I’ve tried but I can’t be the guy you want me to be… I’m sorry…” he sighed, sticking his hands into the pockets of his cargo shorts, biting his lip and sniffling.
“To think I was going to tell you I loved you…” you muttered, wiping your tears with the back of your hand.
JJ’s eyes widened at your confession, “(y/n)…I-”
“Save it, JJ,” you interrupted, “You’ve made it very clear how you feel.”
“I’m so sorry, so fucking sorry,” he mumbled, letting a single tear slip down his cheek.
“I really hope you are,” you cried grabbing your stuff, “and I hope that you never do this to anyone ever again.”
JJ Maybank had broken your heart, that was a fact. The first boy to make you feel wanted, worthy, was the same to absolutely ruin you. You spent countless nights crying yourself to sleep, blaming yourself for what had happened, convincing yourself that you could never be loved. You had to spend time away from the pogues at first, you couldn’t bear to see JJ, you wouldn’t let him see what he’d done to you just. For him to pity you.
You were so embarrassed by what had happened that you longed to blame it on anything other than the truth, the truth that JJ simply didn’t love you and he never would. But what hurt the most was thinking that he could have. The time you spent together felt so real that you couldn’t comprehend how he could discard it with such ease, just pretend like it had never even happened. He’d given you a taste of the happiness you’d craved so dearly and then ripped it away from you in the blink of an eye, that’swhat hurt the most.
What a fool you were, thinking a boy notorious for one night stands and meaningless hook ups could ever settle down permanently with the likes of you. You dreamed of being the one who he came to when he was sad, of being the first person he confided in after a beating from his father, but that’s all it was, a dream. He hardly let you in, despite your many efforts. The truth was you weren’t the first thing he thought of when he woke up, or the last thing before he fell asleep. He didn’t fantasise about your lips and the way it felt to kiss you, or how it felt to hold you or hear you laugh; he took you for granted.
You wished you could have been that girl in the movies, the girl that gets the player to change his ways and fall for her, the girl that makes him never want to be with anyone else ever again, but you weren’t her and you never would be.
A/N: whoooosh I haven’t written in a good 2 weeks or something so idk there you have it
Taglist: @poguemacking @thebutterflyonhischest @milaonthemoon @jayjaymaebank @outrbank @popesscholarship @teenwaywardasgardian @baby-bearie @dpaccione @raekenliar @decap-quadrant @queenniccimicci @alterkitty @beautyandthebleh @maaybanks @obx-sos @calumbroutledge @damonsalvawhore27 @shawnssongs @drew-starkey @flowersinvegas @kiarasflowr @thelocalpogue @prejudic3
If you want to be removed from my tag list at anytime just drop me and ask or message me! No offence taken lol. And if you want to be added just click the link in my bio :))
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Word Prompt #10 - NSFW
Word: Honorific WIP: Thriving series CW: 18+ only, my fellow humans(?), for this is…not in any way safe for work whatsoever. Word Count: 1,922 Additional Notes: This is directly following up another WP piece of mine, Beard, and uh yeah. Also, I’m kinda glad I originally pulled this cuz I made a few minor changes to it.
Possibly two feet from the bedroom door was when Warren realized he was in the midst of experiencing the most difficult anticipatory moments of his life, and he glanced from his bags in Thrive’s arms up to the beautiful beard growth over the sharp angles of his jaw, the silver pin keeping the small bun of hair in place, and wanted so badly to knock the luggage out of his clutches and throw himself at him right in the middle of the hallway.
Thrive, however, had slightly different plans. He allowed Warren into the bedroom first, kicked the door closed behind him, and set the bags on the floor at his feet. Then from all but nowhere shot his hand to grab Warren’s throat and shove him back into the wall with barely restrained effort.
“Oh, fuck,” Warren managed to gasp before Thrive silenced him by claiming his mouth, the urgency of their kiss very apparent right off the bat. Warren pulled him closer by the hips, slid his hands up his back, clutched him around the ribs, weak in the knees from letting Thrive run his tongue over his bottom lip while simultaneously giving his mind permission to curl around his psyche, to return home where it was familiar and warm.
Warren reached up to remove the pin holding Thrive’s hair together, and he couldn’t even pull away to get a look at it as he was too busy reeling from the thigh that had made its way between his legs and the fingers creeping their way into his hair. Somewhat luckily, their mental connection allowed him to foresee it when Thrive decided to grip his mahogany locks and tug his head to the side, grazing his teeth over his throat and inhaling deeply.
“Hmm,” he murmured, and Warren could feel his husky timbre vibrating in his sternum. Thrive pressed his mouth to Warren’s ear. “This smell is unfamiliar.”
Heat roiled in Warren’s stomach and all of the blood in his head made a quick and terrible nosedive in the complete opposite direction. “This smell is possibly a whole month of being in the wilds of Logoryt.”
“We’ll just have to fix that, won’t we?” Thrive said, his voice barely a whisper as he deftly moved down the succession of Warren’s shirt buttons with one hand. “You and I both know the only scent that should be on your skin is mine.”
He’d growled the last word and Warren’s knees nearly buckled, though the thigh between his legs did a good job keeping him upright. “This is…probably the most functionally deficient I’ve ever been in my life—”
Thrive kissed him again, his beard barely scratching against his face, and it only became clear that he’d finished unbuttoning Warren’s red and gray flannel when his fingers found the strained zipper of his jeans and he dusted his knuckles across the swollen shape.
Warren, who’d been touch-starved for about an entire year, quickly pressed Thrive’s hand to himself and kept him still, biting his lip almost hard enough to draw blood. “Ah…careful. I’m a bad gust of wind away from ending this whole thing.”
Thrive’s eyes glittered with a thought. “Is that so….”
Warren didn’t even have the chance to confirm before Thrive sank to his knees, popping his jeans open and releasing him in one fluid movement. He curled an arm around the underside of Warren’s thigh and pinned him against the wall.
“Hey, now, wait a minute, wasn’t I supposed to be the one—OH! My fucking god—” Warren’s head smacked the wall upon Thrive’s mouth enveloping him, and it was all he could do not to buck forward, though that proved moot once Thrive’s other hand gripped his hip to keep him still. “Yeah, shit, I can't—”
“You can,” Thrive said against him, tightly squeezing him and inciting an inconsequential amount of pain to keep him in check. “And you will.”
Warren took a few deep breaths through his nose, his legs already shaking. “I’m gonna die here and it’s your fault.”
Thrive slid his hand up Warren’s stomach and stroked him slowly, angling a crooked grin in his direction. “What a way to go.”
Warren ran his fingers through Thrive’s chin-length hair and cradled the back of his head well into finding himself back in his mouth, screwing his eyes shut and simultaneously enjoying the sensations and doing his absolute best to keep himself going for just a little longer.
“Okay,” he panted, cupping Thrive’s face as a warning. “Okay, okay, okay….”
Thrive pulled back, but instead of stopping, he continued to stroke him, watching him intently. He used his other hand to flip his hair to one side and made direct eye-contact with Warren. “I don’t think you realize who’s in charge this morning.”
With a loud groan and a sharp cant of his hips, Warren writhed against the wall, full-body shivers overwhelming him and practically uprooting him as Thrive encouraged everything out of him. His limbs turned to jelly and he didn’t notice Thrive had begun to remove his jeans for him altogether.
“God,” Warren said forcefully. “I think I gotta leave home more often….”
Thrive stood. “Bed.”
Blinking away his lightheadedness, Warren glanced at him. “I dunno if I can walk, babe.”
Thrive curled his fingers around him again, causing him to inhale sharply and hiss through clenched teeth. “…You will address me by my honorific.”
Warren groaned again. “Mm…sorry…Your Majesty.”
“Get on the bed.”
He sat on the edge, watching Thrive carefully remove his cape and peel off the few layers of his robes and flushing a deep crimson when his hair caught the light of the sun through the window.
“On your stomach,” Thrive ordered.
Warren shivered again, doing as instructed. “Wanna get this thing out of the way?” he asked, tugging the collar of his shirt.
Thrive rummaged around the drawers of Warren’s dresser. “No.”
The fabric of his bedspread made Warren’s sensitive skin tingle. “I gotta say this is kinda hitting on a fantasy of mine,” he said sheepishly. “I’ve spent years daydreaming about you, uh, dominating me and….” He scratched his temple. “The choking thing was really doin’ it for me.”
“The idea of me breaking you in half arouses you?”
“Fuck yes,” Warren laughed. “Yeah, exactly. The fact that you could is like…combined with the fact that you’re super smart is just….”
Thrive had meandered back over to the bed. “Talk more of what turns you on about me.”
“So many things,” Warren said, fully aware of the snap of a bottle opening and the scent of synthetic peach filling the air, and his gut tightened in response to the bed sinking beneath his knees. “Your eyes are so gorgeous, the way you talk to me sometimes is so hot, and your body….” He dropped his head to the mattress when he felt a hand at the small of his back. “…Is incredible.”
“This is not my body, Warren,” Thrive murmured.
Warren clutched the bedspread with tight fists as Thrive’s coated fingers found their target and sent a wave of electricity through him. “Yeah…yeah, I know that….”
“If I were to become natural at this very moment, would you still feel as unraveled and vulnerable as you do now?”
Warren couldn’t hold back the laugh that burst forth from him again. “If you became natural right now while you’re doing what you’re doing I would actually explode without further prompting.”
There was a curious pause from Thrive as he continued to touch Warren, hot palm caressing his back and the curve of his backside as his other hand prepped him. “…That is good to know.”
Warren’s grip on the bedspread only tightened when Thrive pulled him back by the hem of his shirt, then his hips and sheathed himself within him. “Ah, god….”
“Up,” Thrive grunted, and with his help Warren pushed himself upward so Thrive could wrap an arm around his midsection and hold him tight to his chest, finding a pace that drew the most sounds out of him. He tugged on Warren’s earlobe with his teeth. “Right…I’m not letting you out of this house again.”
Warren’s head dropped back onto a broad shoulder, his emotions swirling together with Thrive’s. “I…can’t see myself arguing with that at the moment….”
The sun eventually reached its peak in the sky and Thrive flipped Warren onto his back, his hand once again tight but safe around his throat, and Warren hooked his legs around Thrive’s waist for leverage, and between all of that and the fact that they were in full view of anyone who happened to fly by the window at that time—
“Oh, fuck, Thrive,” Warren groaned, overwhelmed with heat and the rise of pleasure in their mental connection.
“Say it,” Thrive growled.
“Your Majesty—!”
Thrive arched himself over Warren and threw a dark leg over his shoulder, rolling his hips into him a few times before Warren couldn’t contain himself any more and let go, pulling Thrive’s face down to kiss him hard and dig his nails into the flesh of his back, releasing cries of ecstasy that he was suddenly glad no one else was in the house to hear.
Slowing to a stop, Thrive smoothed Warren’s hair down on his head and instantly collapsed beside him, holding him in his arms as Warren came down from his euphoric state.
“Holy shit,” Warren panted, throwing an arm over his face to hide the tears streaming down the sides of his head. “That was so fucking amazing….”
Thrive stroked the side of his face. “You’re alright?”
“I’m shaking….” Warren held his hands up to look at them and chuckled. “God, yeah, I’m great.”
“Was it too much for you?”
“No. No…no, you could’ve even pushed harder, to be honest.”
“I worry about hurting you.”
Warren turned his head to look Thrive in the eye, a bit taken aback. His chest heaved with his efforts to catch his breath. “I mean, everyone’s got a limit, but…a little pain isn’t too bad. Is it?”
Thrive linked his and Warren’s hands together and brought his knuckles up to his lips. “As long as you’re fine with what transpired here.”
“Are you?”
“Truthfully, I only had you in mind.” Thrive shook his head to keep his hair out of his face, and he smiled when Warren raked his nails through his beard. “I only ever have you in mind.”
He dropped his head low to meet Warren in another kiss.
“Damn,” Warren whispered. “I’m so glad to be home.”
“Well,” Thrive replied, “I very slightly meant what I said about keeping you here. It’s always a ruin to contentment without you at my side at all times.”
They lay in quiet for a moment, gazing into each other, and Warren held his face in his hands.
“Let’s do this again,” he murmured. “But keep looking at me just like that.”
Thrive obliged him, and they spent the rest of the day in bed, making up for lost time, until Warren had nothing left within him to spend, and the start of the sunset called for a long nap in each others’ arms with the view of the three moons of Tournaltis curving across the sky and the waking desert lights bobbing over the distant shore.
“Love you, Your Majesty,” Warren mumbled sleepily beneath Thrive’s jaw.
Thrive tucked a hand comfortably into the waistband of Warren’s sweatpants at the small of his back. “Love you as well, Your Highness.”
Warren smiled against his skin.
NSFW tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @pertinax--loculos @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @biscottibitch @drabbleitout  @holidaysong
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captainunderkrupp · 4 years
ppl were talking abt branch being good with kids on this one discord i’m in and i remembered this unfinished fic that i had!!
(for some reason, they are out on a camping trip or smth. i wrote this before twt came out and just kind of went w what info i had from like the first two trailers lol)
Branch groaned. And kept groaning. It was neverending, like he was just lungs, sighing forever.
"What?" Poppy asked, finally getting tired of waiting for him to finish.
He cut himself off. "The ground's too wet. I can't start a fire."
"Oh, that's not too bad!" Poppy grinned. "We don't need the light, we'll be sleeping!"
Branch glared at her. "We need the heat! We'll freeze to death!"
"Oh..." Poppy felt suddenly lucky that she was totally pink; it was hard to see blush when you were monochrome.
"That's ok!" Satin and Chenille chorused.
"Yeah!" Biggie agreed.
Branch squinted, trying to figure out what they could be talking about. "Oh no," he muttered, not quite sure yet, but he was sure he wouldn't like it.
"We can cu~udle!" Guy Diamond sang, holding Tiny close. Tiny, of course, didn't give him a proper hug back, but enjoyed the contact.
Branch groaned, and went back to try and light the wet wood. When he had fallen into the creek earlier, even his backup wood, in case it did rain like this, had gotten wet.
He was stuck.
"Fine!" he shouted, throwing his flint down at the ground. He hesitated, and then picked it back up. "We'll cuddle. Can't be worse than..." he shuddered. "Hug time."
Everyone cheered, and started moving in.
"Not yet!" he shrieked, and everyone paused. "Just... give me a minute. Jeez."
He started pulling out... weapons. Or, not just weapons, but a lot of stuff. No one looking was really sure where they were coming from, but there were blades from his pockets, roots from his vest, strange contraptions from his hair. It took a moment, but he finally seemed to have removed a lot from his person.
"No wonder hug time is uncomfortable for him," Cooper muttered. Unfortunately, he had no volume control, so Branch heard him anyway.
Branch rolled his eyes, and then rolled out a tarp. "Here. So we're not just sleeping on wet ground."
Everyone complimented him on his forethought, getting comfortable on the tarp. Satin and Chenille were wrapped around Smidge, Cooper settled down on the outside of the pile, and Biggie was underneath Poppy and Guy Diamond, who made sure Tiny wasn't squished by the cuddling but was also cozy.
Branch glanced around, looking for a place he could tuck himself in at the edge. "So, uh... where should I...?"
Poppy looked up, and grinned. She looked conspiratorially at Smidge and Biggie.
"Oh no. That look, I know that, look, what are you-- AAH!" he screamed as Smidge launched her hair at him, lifting him easily and dumping him between Poppy and Guy. Biggie immediately threw an arm over all three of them, and Poppy intertwined her hair with Branch's.
Branch blushed. He tried to struggle, tried to get out, but there were too many people, and this was... really... cozy... actually...
He was asleep before Poppy could tease him about being comfortable.
"Whoa, he went out like a light!" Biggie whispered.
"Aw, he's snoring!" Satin cooed, and Chenille groaned at the idea of sleeping with someone who snores. Luckily it was soft.
"Wow, this is the fastest I've ever seen him go to sleep," Poppy noted.
"You've seen him sleep before?" Cooper asked, lifting his head up and laying it over Guy so he could see better. Guy carefully made sure Tiny wasn't pinned.
"Well, yeah, we've had sleepovers. Sometimes he had to stay at mine and Dad's place before he was old enough to build that bunker of his. And he, uh..." she blushed, grinning. "Invited me over a few nights ago."
A chorus of "aww!"s erupted.
Branch jolted, adjusted, and went right back to sleep. He never even opened his eyes.
Everyone let out a breath they didn't realize they'd been holding.
"Ok," Poppy whispered, "Let's just settle down, and we'll all have a nice night."
Everyone fell asleep pretty soon after that. Except for one troll, who smiled down at Branch's resting face, before settling down herself.
Branch jolted awake, barely holding back a scream. He gasped, attempting to stave off a panic attack... and not doing so well.
In the low light, he barely registered it was early morning. Mostly, he noticed that he was tangled up with almost everyone else. Quickly, trying to breathe without hyperventilating, he disentangled himself as best he could from the cuddle pile.
Eventually, Branch had managed to extract himself, without even disturbing anyone. He was pretty proud of that.
But for right now, he needed to breathe.
He took a quick gasp in, 1234, held it, 1234, let it out, 12345678, in, 1234, hold, 1234, out, 123 4 5 6 7 8, in, 1 2 3 4, hold, 1 2 3 4, out, 1 2 3 4 5... 6... 7... 8...
Eventually his breathing finally slowed, and he could close his eyes without seeing the vivid colors of his nightmare behind the lids. He fell onto a nearby rock with a shuddering breath. Should I go back to bed? No, I slept through the night, and it's early in the morning already... He sighed again.
He nearly screamed again, jumping and flailing. He fell into a practiced pose, ears twitching for a threat.
His eyes fell on Tiny Diamond, blinking innocently from barely more than a few arm lengths away.
Branch paled. "Tiny!" He struggled to relax, not wanting to scare Guy's baby.
Tiny rubbed his eye under his glasses. "You woke me up," he complained.
Branch had to wince. He had tried to be careful... but he supposed kids were easier to disturb. "Sorry, Tiny. I didn't mean to." He shuffled, not sure what to do with himself.
Small, curious eyes stared at him, and Tiny's head tilted. "What woke you up?"
"Just a nightmare."
"What's a nightmare?"
Branch blinked, surprised. Oh, right. As much as younger trolls could learn just from listening from their eggs, there were definitely gaps in their education, depending on what they were exposed to.
He supposed no one in the Snack Pack enjoyed talking about nightmares, so why would Tiny know?
"It's... a very bad dream."
"Oh, yeah, ok," Tiny nodded, seemingly understanding. Branch paused, waiting for Tiny to ask more.
But the trolling didn't seem to have anymore questions about that. "Do you know when my Daddy's going to wake up?"
Branch glanced back over at the pile with Tiny. Guy seemed to be sleep singing, and Branch wondered if someone was going to join in-- yep. Poppy was starting to hum.
"Uh... not sure, actually." He looked up at the sky. The moon waved back, and he could see the sun slowly, slowly coming up. It was a slow dawn, then. "The sun won't be up for a while, and that's when they usually wake up."
Tiny sighed, in that overly honest yet unweary way only little kids can. "Okaaay," he drew out the word, and then started beatboxing under his breath. Branch could hear him muttering ideas, switching around rhymes and verses.
It was catchy, he had to admit. He started humming along, a bit.
Tiny looked delighted. He scrambled to sit on the rock Branch was occupying, and Branch tried to scoot to give the kid the flatter side of it.
They sat there a while, trading rhythms and verses quietly. He could hear some more sleep singing from a distance, just slightly out of sync with their own music.
Eventually, the sun had traded out with the moon in the sky. It was definitely daytime, even if it was a little early.
Branch had an idea. A terrible idea. He grinned. The perfect revenge.
"Hey, Tiny," he whispered, leaning in toward the trolling. The kid perked up, staring wide-eyed at Branch, attentive. "You want to help me wake up the Snack Pack?"
Tiny grinned; of course he did, the Snack Pack included his Daddy! He jumped up, all excited. "Yeah! What'cha wanna do? Cuz I know you've got an idea!"
Branch chuckled at Tiny's enthusiasm. "Yeah. Here..." he whispered into Tiny's ear, and Tiny grinned.
The whole Snack Pack was all very deeply asleep. A good cuddle pile will do that to your average troll. Especially on a cold night, surprisingly. Guy was just beginning to twitch, frowning in his sleep as he subconsciously searched for his son, who didn't seem to be...
He jolted up at the sudden noise of a beat being dropped, an expert beatboxing suddenly bursting into the clearing they'd decided to camp out in.
Directly after that, a loud crescendo of "OoooOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH..." went through the air and woke everyone else up.
"Tiny D, break it down!"
Suddenly, Tiny burst into all their lines of sight, rapping his heart out. He sung about the sunrise and missing his dad and how he was glad they were awake, and beatboxing accompanied him all the while.
By the end, everyone had calmed, and most were even clapping. Guy settled for jumping up and picking up his son in delight.
"That was amazing!" he squealed, letting the last word be sung, autotuned. Tiny laughed and leaned back into his dad's face, nearly headbutting him.
"Wait, who gave him that awesome beat?" Cooper wondered sleepily, still rubbing muck out of his eyes.
Tiny pointed, and slowly, everyone turned toward a rock in the clearing that no one had really noticed before. Branch smirked and waved at all of them.
Jaws dropped. "Whoa!" Poppy shrieked, and everyone clamored. "When did you learn to beatbox?!"
Branch flinched, trying not to get trampled this early in the morning, thank you. "Hey, back off," he snapped.
He quickly devolved, though. His lips twitched, and then it was all over. He was laughing, hard and long. Tiny had started laughing long before, and their voices echoed through the clearing.
"Ha ha ha... you... you... your faces!! Ha ha..." he finally petered out, just letting out small giggles. Tiny was still going.
Everyone was staring at Branch. Poppy somehow looked more pink than usual.
(A/N: I have an hc that Tiny is a little bit touch averse. Not much, he loves contact, but he doesn't like hugs or anything else constrictive. And he mostly hangs out with his dad rather than other people. possibly bc glitter trolls have more sensitive skin? i would be too if my skin/entire body could flake off that easily.)
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Survey #341
“anger, misery, you’ll suffer unto me”
Would you risk your life to save a total stranger? I don't think so. Have you ever trashed your ex’s car after an argument? No, and I never would. Grow up. Have you ever done something because of peer pressure you are ashamed of? I don't believe so, no. Have you ever been embarrassed to introduce your parents to anyone? No. Would you leave a note on a car claiming responsibility if you damaged it? Yeah; guilt would eat me alive otherwise. Have you ever used someone's handicapped parking pass to get a parking spot? Fucking ew, no. Have you ever held back a well-deserved compliment because you were jealous? No. Do you guilt people into giving you what you want? Ugh, no. Would most people consider you better than average looking? Ha, no. For yourself, would you rather have a perfect body or high IQ? Give me the perfect body, living in my horrible one has affected my mental health badly enough. I'm fine with having a moderate IQ. I just want to feel happy in my own skin. Have you ever embarrassed some intentionally in public? Wow, no. Have you ever used a false ID? Also no. Are you embarrassed to tell people your job? I'm embarrassed to tell people I don't HAVE a job. Do you remember the first conversation you had with the person you have feelings for? I don't. I'm sure it was RP-related and not friendly, but I don't remember the exact convo. Have you ever got a D or F on your report card? I want to say no; I think the lowest I ever got was a C. If you had twins, would you give them rhyming names? Ugh, no. I'm sorry if you're into it, but I'm just not. I would want to ensure they knew their uniqueness and individuality was seen. Is there anyone that you wish was IN your life who used to be? There's a large number of those kinds of people. What brings out the worst in you? Probably when I'm building up towards a PTSD meltdown. I get VERY short and snappy and am convinced everyone hates and wants to leave me. My mouth also has NO fucking leash, and I know I can say very mean things that I'll regret later. What do you prefer, Skittles or Starbursts? Skittles. Mike & Ikes or Jolly Ranchers? Jolly Ranchers for sure. What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? Waffles (with syrup). Don't knock it 'til you try it, I'm telling you. What are some wild animals commonly found where you live? Besides birds obviously, there's squirrels, deer, opossums, raccoons... Have you ever had a lucid dream? I think I've had just one. What's your biggest problem at the moment? Probably my anxiety having stunted my growth in so many areas. Have you ever turned down a job offer? I don't think so, no. What's the longest hospital stay you've had? For what? I think my longest was almost two months for suicidal thoughts. Two months might sound long, but it was like... my third or so psych hospital stay for that same reason. What's something really basic that you're terrible at? Even the most simple math. I don't even know the majority of my elementary multiplication tables. Have you ever hugged someone for over a minute? Yeah. Would you ever get a tattoo on your collar bone? I have one there already, but I plan on getting it covered because it was an impulse tattoo that I feel no connection towards. Have you ever searched for your house on Google Earth? My old house, yeah. Are you a beach, country, or city person? Country. Living in the suburbs has definitely reminded me of that... Are you faster at text messaging or typing on the computer? Typing, by a long shot. I make typos texting too much. Have you ever kissed anybody who had a mustache? Yeah. Who is the last person that you said "I love you" to, besides family members? Sara. When was your first real relationship? Sophomore year of high school to early college. Have you ever cried over an ex? I've cried the entire mass of water on Earth over an ex lmao. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Yes. Is there something really bad that you’ve done, that only YOU know about? No. Have you ever copied someone else’s homework? I think I have once or twice, but obviously with consent. What’s a hobby you would like to try out? If my legs worked like actual legs and I didn't sweat like an absolute pig, I would like to try out herping, but without actually interacting with the animal like picking it up and scaring the daylights out of it. I'd just be happy enough looking for reptiles, amphibians, and inverts to photograph instead. Does that still even count as herping? What was the last event you attended? My youngest niece's birthday party. How about the last event you organized? I've never organized an event. What’s something you get excited about doing and want to do it right away? Whenever I take nature pictures, I'm immediately keen to get them into Lightroom and do the postproduction. Is there anything you feel you’re better at than anybody else? Definitely not. What’s the biggest insect you’ve ever seen? If you exclude places like the zoo, that would probably be a rhinoceros beetle or something. Oh no, actually some kind of local moth I don't know the name of. They're beautiful big white boiz. How about the biggest spider? I might be mis-remembering, but I believe at a reptile convention I went to with Sara, one of the vendors had a goliath bird eater tarantula in one of the cups. I do know it was some tarantula species for sure, though. Who was the first person to break your heart? My dad. Obviously not romantically, but him just splitting on the family with no proper communication absolutely broke my heart for years. First person to give you flowers or candy on Valentine’s day? I'm sure that would be my parents. If you exclude them 'cuz that's kinda obvious, I believe it was Aaron, my first boyfriend. I'm pretty sure we were together on Valentine's Day, because I remember getting him a giant Hershey's Kiss. First band you obsessed about? I wasn't truly obsessed with any band 'til Ozzy in middle school. Can you do a backflip? No; I've never tried and never will. I was and still am too afraid of breaking my neck. Like I have a MASSIVE fear of paralysis, particularly from the neck down; that fear is actually the biggest one that keeps me from driving, fun fact. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Of the two, definitely a pessimist, but I at least think I align most with being a realist. What’s the biggest lie you’ve told someone? I'm unsure. Have you ever been hit on by someone of the same sex? Yeah. How many doors are in the room you’re in? Just one. Have you ever been engaged and broke it off? No. Has anyone ever drawn a picture of you? Tyler once drew a picture of him and me. It was cute. That guy still dove in WAY too fast. Have you ever dated a redhead? I haven't, but I love redheads. Natural red hair is just gorgeous. What are your thoughts on facial hair on guys? Historically, I seem to generally like some, but it really depends on the guy's general appearance. I can like none at all or a full beard and mustache, it doesn't really matter to me. Did you go anywhere today? No; my mom is in Florida with her brothers totally cleaning out Grammy's house, so she's not here to take me anywhere. Do you have any nieces or nephews? Oh yikes, I have a lot. I honestly can't count because I've lost track of how many boys and girls Katie has. You have a choice to shoot your father or die, what would you do? Jesus. I'd rather die; some things just aren't worth living after, and I'd have no desire to keep going if I killed my father. Did you ever cry at the end of King Kong? I've never watched it, actually, but I. LOVED. The video game. I haven't played it in years and only faintly remember how it ends, but I don't remember crying. Are you in any amount of pain at the moment? Quite a lot, actually. It's kinda a TMI subject so I won't delve into it, just know I'm hurting like a bitch. What was the last sugary thing you ate? I snacked on some chocolate chips earlier today... which I really shouldn't have done, but I think I had reasonable restraint and didn't totally binge. When was the last time you did something extremely stupid? Who knows, that's not a rare occurrence, it feels like. Have you been to any parties lately? Only my niece's bday party in February. Thankfully it was kept pretty small, given Covid; not that anyone in that family besides my sister gives a flying fuck about precautions, though... Can you touch your pinky to your thumb around your wrist? Ugh, no. Close, but not enough. I still have thin wrists and hands, but yeah, yay for being overweight. If you were to start a charity, what would you call it? I'd hve to put more thought than I'm willing for one survey question. I'd have to decide what KIND of charity I want to start first, which I'm unsure of. Probably something related to animal wellfare and conservation or something similar to the Trevor Project. Maybe LBGTQ+ youth disowned by their families... I dunno. There's so much good I wish I could do. Are you comfortable with your body? Holy fuck no. It's only gotten worse since I started gaining weight again and almost entirely erased all weight loss progress I'd made. What is your recent inside joke? Most recently made? Idk, man. I don't make those often. Would you rather be a human, vampire, or a werewolf? Er, I'm good with being a human. If I was a vampire or werewolf, I wouldn't exactly be very welcomed, I'm sure, and both have seemingly painful traits to cope with. Are you good at giving directions? It is absolutely impossible for me. I have NO sense of direction, like, at all. I don't know highway names, local exits, etc. etc. etc. etc. Why did you last curse? Pain when readjusting myself due to aforementioned issue I'm having. What is your purpose in life? I hope it involves animals and spreading words of peace and an appreciation for art. What is one of your weak points? I'm very, very, very dependent on others. I'm really working on trying to correct that. I can barely do shit on my own as is. Who was the last person you heard snoring? My cat, haha. Would you rather shower by yourself or with another person? 100% by myself. Another person would just get in the way and make me VERY self-conscious of my body, even if it was my romantic partner. Just please leave me alone to hate myself for 10 minutes. :^) What was your last addiction? You could say my current one is John Wolfe, a really funny let's player I've gotten into. Been bingeing some of my favorite games he has playlists of for a few weeks now. You are in a tank full of spiders, what do you do? Well one, I'd like to know what kind they are. Venomous? Harmless? You gotta give me the details. If I don't have any, then I'm admittedly freaking the fuck out, even though I know I should stay very calm when trying to get out. Fear would win, though. If killing yourself meant saving the world, would you? Saving the world from what? But odds are, yeah. I don't cherish my pretty damn mediocre life more than I do the lives of what, 8 billion people? Have you ever stayed up all night just to talk to someone? Yeah. When was the last time you eavesdropped someone? I kinda do that sometimes when Mom's on the phone and I can hear her from my room, and if they're on speaker. Particularly if the subject is me. When was the last time you went to a club? I've never been to one. How have you been sleeping? Poorly. Are you adopted? No, I'm not. Do you like scrapbooking? Not really, no. Do you collect anything valuable? "Valuable to me." <<<< This. Nothing of great monetary worth, though. Have you ever been beaten up? No, thankfully. Do you know anyone with an eating disorder? I don't think so, in my personal life. What was the last thing you killed? An ant. Have you ever used someone for money? I never could, no. When was the last time you went to the zoo? Sigh, it's been many many years. I'm so ready to get my goddamn legs back in shape so I can go again, this time with a REAL camera, too. Last time I went was when I still only had a Kodak EasyShare; I have a professional Canon camera now with much more education on photography too, so I would be in absolute heaven with at least twenty memory cards in need, haha. Maybe next fall... Is there a teacher you hate more than anything? I actually never had a teacher I hated in my entire school career. It really, really is as simple as just being a respectful student. In most cases, I should emphasize, because I do understand some educators just suck. Now I had some teachers I wasn't very fond of, but most certainly none that I hated. Do you own colored eyeliner? No. Do you have manners? I honestly think I'm very mannerly. When was the last time that you had a pet that died? We last had to put my dog Teddy down; he had cancer and was literally withering away. I knew in my very core that even if we didn't bring him to the vet to euthanize him, he would've died naturally in a very short period of time; I doubt he would've survived another night. Now I'd like to move on. What is your favorite medication that you take, and why? The combination of Vraylar and Lamictal is the reason I'm alive. It keeps my bipolarity and depression under control. Do you decorate Mason jars? No, but those are some of my favorite crafts visually. They're very pretty and cute. Can you see the mountains from where you live? Oh hunny, I wish. Did you ever play pranks on April Fool’s Day? As a kid, yeah. I don't anymore. I'm not really even a fan of April Fool's Day as an adult because of how cruel some jokes assholes play are. Which instrument would you play if you could learn to play one? Maybe violin. Do you part your hair on the left side, right side, or in the middle? The left. What are some names you like that start with the first letter of your name? Uhhhh Bianca, Braelynn (look I know it's so stereotypically Southern but it's pretty)... and idk from there, those are the two that come to mind first.
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
Another dimension
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader (Vampire! Steve Rogers X Nymph! Reader too)
Word count: 1260 words.
Summary: Accidents happen all the time…accidents can send you to another…dimension…
Warnings: Angst, mentions of blood, death of a character.
A/N: This is my entry to the @fanfictionaries‘s Classic Tropes Writing Challenge with the AU trope:
“Magic creature”
Also is my entry to the @simsadventures ‘s 3K Challenge with the Mood board #5.
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And my entry to @jtargaryen18​ ‘s 30 days of Chris.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistake please let me know and I will correct it.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don’t steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other’s people. The only exception is the ones I gifted ‘cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Marvel’s characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
My other media where I publish: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
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“The place is here, the time is now, and the journey into the shadows that we’re about to watch could be ‘our’ journey” The Twilight Zone, episode 1 “Where is everybody”, season 1.
 Steve took your hand one more time, he didn't want to leave you alone, he was afraid something bad would happen to you if he wasn't by your side.  
He felt guilty that he hadn't been with you at the time of the incident.  
In that incident, you had tried to reassure Rogue and Dagger in the argument they were having, which was getting any good as time went on, you inadvertently received one of Tandy's attacks, which left you in a coma.  
Tandy felt too guilty, kept apologizing to Steve, and you for what happened, at no point did he want to hurt anyone.  
No one knew exactly what damage you had because of what previously happened, they weren't even sure if you were going to wake up.
"Steve, I know it's not a good time, but we need you," Natasha said.  
"I already told them to take over...”
"The parents explicitly asked for you, they think it's more feasible that they want to come back if you ask them to if we just go the others," Blink interrupted.  
"The Parents?" Steve asked strangely.  
"I don't think it takes us much time, they're a group of teenagers who ran away from their parents with the dinosaur from one of them…
"A dinosaur? What kind of parents gives a dinosaur to a teenager?' questioned Steve incredulously.  
Both women raised their shoulders, they couldn't explain it either, at first they didn't believe it until they showed them the pictures.
"I can't leave Y/N...”
"It'll be quick, Steve, it's just finding them, we take them with their parents," Nat said.  
He hesitantly agreed to go, perhaps if you noticed his absence, you would react.  
They started searching the streets, it wouldn't be so difficult if they were carrying a dinosaur, and he could bet they would get attention, Steve kept walking until he found them.
"Come on, guys, you just need to go home, your parents are very worried about you," Steve said, trying to convince them.
"We can't go back," Molly said between our teeth.  
"They're just worried, they won't punish you... why does she have a dinosaur?" he questioned while still seeing her.  
"Is not just a dinosaur, she is...she is A DEINONYCHUS—Gert corrected annoyed.
Old Lace let out a kind of roar to support her owner.
"Come on guys," Steve said exasperated.  
"You'd never understand, Captain," Nico said.
She took firmly the Staff; she knew what to do, for no reason could they return with PRIDE, they would leave the right way or the hard way.
"Nico don't," Karolina asked.
“We don't have a choice," Nico revolved.
"Guys don't...”
“Dream... Uh... Dimension?!” Nico shouted, putting the Staff in front of her.  
Steve fell unconscious to the floor.
"I-Is he alive?" asked Gert fearfully.
Alex and Chase approached, Chase put forward the Fistigons just in case while Alex checked the Captain's condition, not even Nico was sure what she had just done, she simply said the first words she had come up with.
"He's just unconscious," Wilder informed.
"Okay, so... we have to go...”
Steve woke up, he was thirsty, and he remembered he was on a street, but now he had shown up somewhere else, how did he get there?
He was in a kind of forest, he came up to the creek and drank some of the water, but he spat it out, he spat it out, he knew horrible, his body indicated that he needed... blood?  
He turned quickly as he perceived a movement, he seemed to smell the blood of the deer; he went after the animal, caught him, and drank his blood.
"Do you finish?" Clarice asked.  
Steve looked up, had not realized at what point she had appeared.  
"Blink... what's going on?” Steve asked.  
"We have to hurry, the Shadows must not find us... "
And the kids with the dinosaur?” Rogers interrupted.  
"With what? What are you talking about, Count Rogers?”  
"If you want to rescue Y/N, we must hurry," Clarice replied.  
In short, Steve didn't understand what was going on.
“What happens to Y/N? Where is Y/N?”
"In the castle, where else she would be?" Blink replied as if it was obvious.  
What castle did she mean? Steve didn't even know where he'd appeared.  
"If they get here before us, she can die," the mutant warned.  
"Where is that castle?”  
"Count, don't you know where your castle is?”
"My castle? Well anyway, take me to it, use your powers... do you still have powers?”  
"Sure," she replied.
She opened a portal and the two came in appearing outside the castle, Steve was surprised with what he saw, he couldn't understand how he owned that place when you heard a noise, you immediately left the lake where you were playing.
Steve was stunned to see you... you were a nymph, but when he approached the water, he didn't recognize he... he was exaggeratedly pale, the blood from the deer was draining down his chin... Clarice had called him Count... was he a vampire?
"Are you okay...?” He asked.
He immediately crouched down to wash with the lake water, he didn't want you to see him in those conditions.  
"Why wouldn't I be? I have everything you promised me, this lake is very beautiful, but are you sure they won't come for me?”  
"You'll be safe here," Steve said.
Soon the sky began to darken – for no apparent reason – you shuddered, you knew what that meant.  
"The Army of Darkness is approaching," Nat reported, approaching as she flapping her little wings.
Steve looked at her perplexed, Natasha was a little fairy, and she understood less and less, apart what famous Army of Darkness was? And most of all, why did they want you?
Shadows, black Pegasus, and other terrible monsters arrived, they were determined to take you with them, and Steve ordered Natasha to keep you safe.  
The battle began, Steve had tried to keep them away from you, but he didn't expect one of the trolls to get to you, as soon as he realized he went to the place to take him down.  
However, he was late, you were seriously injured, he didn't know what to do until he came up with something maybe that could save you, there was no choice and he had to take a chance.
He drew his teeth even in doubt to your neck, then he bit him, he took some of your blood, he got hurt so you'd take from his and so you'd become, but what Steve did not know was that the wounds had been fatal and before you could drink, you had already died in his arms.
When he realized he started screaming desperately without releasing your body, he feared that in his world you had died too, how could he fix it? How could he get you back? If he came back, what would he expect there?
"Steve! Steve!”  
He opened his eyes, the team was surrounding him, and they were on the street where he had found the teenagers.
"What?" he questioned disoriented.
"What happened to you?" Nat asked.  
"Why were you lying there?" Clint questioned.
"The kids... one of them has a Staff...”  
Meanwhile, at the hospital, you finally opened your eyes, the last thing you remember was one of Tandy's daggers and screaming, everything had been so confusing.
"Well, they run away," Clarice deduced.  
At that moment Steve's mobile phone rang, he immediately answered when he saw he was from the hospital.  
"Y/N has woken up," Caitlin told him.
 “They say a dream takes only a second or so, and yet in that second a man can live a lifetime. He can suffer and die, and who’s to say which is the greater reality: the one we know or the one in dreams, between heaven, the sky, the earth in the Twilight Zone” The Twilight Zone, episode 9 “Perchance to Dream”, season 1. 
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mrs-falcon · 4 years
First talk [SotRW] - storytelling
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*WARNING: Following text contains multiple trigger warnings, such as blood appearance and abuse mention*
         It's been a whole week since Vincent found that beaten cat on the street. The wolf was changing her bandages, which were soaked in blood, almost every hour in the first days. The kid was still unconscious which made the wolf very aghast. The she-cat's pulse was still weak but her breathing got steady. Even the scars weren't pouring that much blood like before. But still, the cat was not waking up. Vincent only kept staring at that girl, now lying in his bed, from the opposite side of his small room. It used to be a part of the metal factory in which Vincent both works and lives. Now, this place is completely forgotten since the factory grew larger and there was no need for small rooms anymore.
         From what Vincent remembers, supposedly it had belonged to his father - Sergei, a huge black yukon wolf. From the very beggining, his father wasn't that succesful at his new bussiness so he had lived in terrible conditions with his new mate - Vincent's "stepmother". However, they hadn't had lived in the exactly same place as Vincent lives now. In all honesty, Vincent doesn't remember the place at all. Most of his childhood he spent on streets, trying to earn some money to get away from his abusive father.
         "What an irony I ended up here again," the wolf breathed out along with smoke from his cigarette. He had no idea what was he doing. Isn't that illegal? Asked the wolf in his mind while taking another deep breath of smoke, calming him a bit. Take in some kid. People around would immediately think of me as a pervert. He tapped off the dust from the burnt part of his cigarette. Her parents must've gone insane when she disappeared. Probably still tirelessly lookin' for her. The wolf yawned a bit, it was around 2:36 AM at this moment. Can't search for them, though. He glanced at the kid one more time before standing up from his wooden chair. Have to wait 'till she wakes up. With this last thought he left the room.
         The door opened into a narrow metal hall with many other doors. There was much more space in this forgotten part of the bulding than anyone could think. The wolf walked down the hall until he found himself at the far end. His nose led him into the kitchen with only one small fridge and a hotplate powered by gas. Only with a thought about food made his stomach rumble. I'm already forgetting to eat, jeez... There was only chinese sup. Not much, but it was enough. As the wolf waited for the water to boil, he noticed some piece of paper sticking out of the cracked wall. His curiosity won and stepped colser. He took out and older photograph, showing him beside an irbis female and a little cat. The wolf held the photograph tighter, looking empty. Of course, I tried to forget...
                                             *     *     *     *     *     *     *
         The silence in the room broke a rustling of sheets. The wounded cat seemed to finally wake up. Her vision was blurry and her head felt dizzy. It was still too difficult to stand up, so the she-cat rolled onto her back. The cat wanted to rub her eyes but an incredible pain made her twitch in shock. Her body hurt, a lot. Where am I..? Her heart started to beat faster. She'd never been in such place like this before. How did I get in here? The fear of the unknown forced her to sit on the bed where she was lying. Even though her eyesight was weak, she scanned the room where she was.
         Small, messy room with old pieces of furniture. A cold, cracked walls, almost falling apart and a strong smell of mold in the air. It's such a shock for someone who was used to cleaned, huge apartments filled with flowers, expensive clocks and golden paintings hanging on the walls. The room was very dark and the she-cat wanted to rub her eyes once again. It was even a bigger shock when she realized she could not see. Have I lost my eye? The she-cat touched the bandages where her eye was supposed to be. Then she aimed higher, for her ear... which not longer existed. And my ear, too? It still hurt as she touched her wounds. Soon, the she-cat realized she had more medical patches all over her entire body. Many on her arms and chest. Her breathing hurt when she looked at those bruises and scratches. Have they... broken my ribs?! Her head was still dizzy, so it took her a while to notice a dark silhouette standing at the door.
         "You finally woke up..." said the male voice calmly. The she-cat jumped in shock and backed to the far edge of the bed.
         "Whoa, calm down! Calm down," the man rose his bare hands. "I won't hurt you..." The she-cat's vision sharpened and she finally saw who kept her. Shock made her freeze, eyes wide in horror. It's a wolf. The cat started to shiver. An ancestor. The she-cat feared ancestors since she was a little child. But... thought the cat for a second. Are ancestors all the same..? The cat wasn't conscious for a while. The wolf stepped closer and drew the she-cat's attention.
         "I won't hurt you," repeated the wolf once again. "What's your name?" the wolf stopped and turned his head on the side, twitching one of his ears. "My's Vincent." The she-cat seemed to be even more dizzy than she felt before. But even through that, she senced kindness in his voice.
         "My name is... Raven... " tiredness took over her and she lost consciousness again. Vincent watched her fall on the bed. Raven... thought the wolf to himself. I think we're on a good path.
Previous “chapter” - Unexpected savior
A stray cat is being rescued by a ... wolf? These characters and story are part of universe called "Shadows of the Real World" where everything hidden from society is the main topic (mostly gross/suggestive things, do not read if you are extremely sensitive). Going with black&white palette 'cuz I didn't find enough strength to colour it.
Artwork, characters (Vincent, Raven) & SotRW © me
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