#cuz you get to see them grow and mature in the sport
sitizelter · 10 months
my friends ask me who my favourite driver is and when i reply with logan they'd think im joking.
"oh you're serious?"
i am not kidding. this man is my life and my heart.
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this man right here.
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the nepo baby thing is so true like i think in atpoaim he was joking but hes also never really acknowledged it fully but like oh well. the trans people in sports joke i kinda found a little funny but i was also a little like huh?
but the thing about questioning gender makes a lot of sense how you explained it. i also think its difficult to distance yourself from viewing masculinity as the norm so for me atleast the idea of going from being more flamboyant and fem to almost hypermasculine seems regressive but if you have never been hyper masculine or had to question it of course its experimental from his perspective? - 🐸
Yeah, I think it’s a tricky thing. It’s hard when you personally have a stake in it. Like, I’m recently trying to decide if I like or if I ABSOLUTELY HATE the podcast Red Scare, lmao. I’ve never listened to it before like a few days ago, but I think Dasha Nekrasova has similar humor to what Matty does. And, usually, I’ll either find it funny and it’s fine, or a bit cringey and tone-deaf. But then the other day her episodes opened with a joke about Muslims (I’m Muslim btw) and a part of me was like “uuuuhhhh….idk” it took me a minute to decide how to feel, lol. Made me realize that there’s a difference between actually harmful jokes that perpetuate stereotypes and are based in bigotry, and jokes that are literally just jokes but I feel a bit weird about them just cuz I identify with the thing they’re making fun of. You know? So, I think it’s helpful to step back and figure out what you’re reacting to. If a joke is gross because it’s legitimately being queer-phobic or racist or suggesting that women are inherently worse or whatever, then yeah it’s a harmful joke. We shouldn’t laugh. But if it’s just annoying me cuz it’s making fun of something I do/ am a part of, then like, I need thicker skin, haha.
Yeah, I think this current aesthetic is a form of experimentation and expression. Like, he’s said that during the course of making BFIAFL he found that maturing and being “manly” might mean being “tough but not macho.” Like he hates the bands that suddenly start getting aggressive and assertive with their “manhood” to express that they’re growing up. So, I guess he’s experimenting with what “tough” looks like without being “macho.” He’s would be interesting to see how his expression of masculinity evolves and changes with whatever the next aesthetic is. Like, is he gonna keep some elements of this whole “office” look? I highly doubt it though. Feel like he’s at his heart an artist. And artists love weird subversive fun stuff. The buttondown is pretty fun for a while. But it would get boring if he made it his permanent look. Also I just think he looks hot in skirts and he needs to bring them back.
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bootyful-seventeen · 3 years
Since you are into anime.. Do you have some recomendation? Like from last year?
Some that I had from last year was demon slayer, dorohedoro, food wars, hxh and cells at work and I remember I had a few more but I can’t find the post for that rn. But if I can find it again I’ll leave a link to it so the full list is there
This year’s recs is kinda short on new stuff cuz I’ve been rewatching/watching some older anime but I’ll put the newest ones at the top and the older ones closer to the bottom
Moriarty the patriot - Ngl I didn’t know this was a Sherlock Holmes anime and I was watching it for the guy people dubbed the mafia Kuroo who I now know is actually called Sebastian Moran
Banana fish - ….. that shit got me fucked up. I think it was one of the most wholesome relationship I’ve seen between two male characters in supposed yaoi a long time. Only saying supposedly since I’ve seen people call this a yaoi but I’m not too sure if it’s officially labelled as one but I I understand why it’s called yaoi by many
Devils line - okay so this was released in 2016 but I think the dub came way later. But anyways it’s about vampires and it’s really good in my easily pleased opinion. It’s about a guy who’s half vampire named Anzai who falls in love with a human girl and it not only deals with their romantic relationship but also the relationship between humans and devils (they call them that in the anime and manga) and how there’s also an underground organization that’s trying to kill off all vamps. It’s only got 1 season and bitches be hoping for a season 2 to come eventually cuz I wanna know what happens so rn I’m buying all the mangas for it. Outside of that another reason I think people would like it is cuz there’s a couple that was homosexual and one was asexual many of the devil and human couples have a relationship that doesn’t involve sex, and and involves very little kissing too sometimes so I think that’s something that’ll interest someone. I can talk more about it in a separate post cuz it’ll get really long
Beastars/beastars season 2 - the only warning I gotta give is that it’s more mature then I expected and you’ll probably end up simping for Legoshi. I know I kinda did but that’s because I was so attracted to the voice of his English and Japanese actors
Fire in his fingertips - it was an accident that lead me to watching hentai for an hour but Souma is fine as hell so I’m just gonna shut up
Kuroko no basket - it’s a sports anime but it kinda feels like a video game sometimes with how powered up the main characters are but it’s still enjoyable to me. And it also has the guy who is Hawk’s English voice as Kagami
Ouran high school host club - I know I’m late to this game but it took a whole ass 5 or 6 years for the animation style to grow on me so I decided to watch it and I was enjoying it more then I expected
My hero - also late to the game but I said fuck it and watched it now. It’s fun to watch and has very little filler, and it really is just the fans that make it weird
Angel’s egg - okay so this one is probably the oldest on the list with its release date being in 1985 but it has beautiful animation style, and anyone can watch it since there is very little dialogue for you to read through
And I’ll toss in some extras I’ve got my eyes on rn
Currently watching
Bleach (properly watching to see more then the same reruns that were on tv)
Jujutsu kaisen
Heaven official’s blessing (it’s a Chinese animation but I’m adding it cuz from the Chinese animations I’ve watched they’re really good and I think more people should watch it)
Seven deadly sins
High rise invasion
Millennium old journal (massive content warnings for this one cuz it’s fucked. It’s a story that’s over 1000 years old so you see a bit of history but very fucked up)
Planning to watch
Life lessons with Uramichi oniisan - most likely gonna watch this subbed since the dubbed episodes are airing now but I’ll watch in both languages cuz it’s funny as fuck
The case study of Vanitas
If my favourite pop idol made it to the budokan, I would die (my college friend recommended this so imma watch it)
Hello kitty’s furry tale theatre (I had a DVD of this as a kid with 2 or 3 of the stories I think so I wanna watch it all again
School babysitters
Convenience store boy friends
Kiss him not me!
Sk8 the infinity
Tokyo ghoul (rewatch)
Fruits basket
Peach girl (rewatch)
Mew mew power/Tokyo mew mew (gonna watch the one I saw as a kid while the countdown to the reboot’s 2022 release is on)
Tokyo revengers
Grave of the fireflies (but only on my day off and when I have some aloe gel on hand cuz I heard it makes people cry and I can’t go to work looking like I had poison ivy swiped over my eyes lmao)
My love story!!
Now for a disappointment and so far it’s only been one with it being record of Ragnarok. Don’t get me wrong, reading the summery made it sound interesting and I heard the manga is very popular as well but the anime didn’t live up to the expectations. A lot of the scenes were static and that included the fight scenes so that made for pretty boring fight scenes. Static images was used for too many of the fight scenes so your attention will drift when you’re supposed to be watching Zeus and Adam the first man fight it out along with the 2 other matches. If there ever is a reboot made for it I’d only watch it if there was a better studio that took on the project cuz these guys missed the mark
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palettepainter · 3 years
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Gonna post some Zoophobia art here to tumblr since I always seem to forget So what started off as sketches turned into a small headcannon I made for Francesca, her older design in my NGAU has since been updated compared to when I first drew her. I changed up her hair style and clothes to give her a more matured look, also, pointy vampires ears, I had to add them. Sum notes on her -Francesca runs an independent hair salon in Safe Haven. Though she runs her own business she is a fierce supporter to her younger sisters Pepper's and Bamibi's species appreciation acceptance club. Francesca gives me a laid back and relaxed vibe, she's chill. She'll show up to events hosted by her sisters, sporting their species acceptance t-shirt merchandise and blow into a party horn with a lazed smile on her face. Despite her lay about arguably lazy side she is very caring, being a big sister, and is often the voice of reason among her two sisters when they're thinking about doing something crazy. -Francesca is hella gay, in her first years of ZPA she was a bit of a closet gay, not really confident to talk to girls she thought where pretty. It wasn't until she had her first fling with Camilla did she finally embrace it, Camilla and herself had a friends with benefits sort of deal during their years at ZPA. They'd laugh together, do dance class together, judge people together, fuck together: you know, typical best friend things. In Francesca's third year she began to grow a bit more confident in herself, and in the end her and Camilla stayed as very close friends. -Not shown above but Francesca is married to Spring, Autumn's sister. Spring works as a professional yoga instructor, hosting yoga classes out in the middle of sunny fields to be one with nature, her powers making her perfectly skilled in the art of growing and nurturing flowers and plants of all kind to bloom, a perfect relaxed environment to practice the art of yoga. The two met when Summer dragged her older, slightly anti social sister to Francesca's salon for a hair doo. Though scatter brained and a little forgetful Spring means well, embracing her hippy dippy ways to be one with nature. Her siblings are all generally okay with this, buuuut because of how much time she spends in nature Spring sometimes forgets to trim that mane of hair, and more often then not one of them has to drag her out to get a trim. Francesca is not intimidated by the tall women with a head of green hair flowing to the back of her knees, and confidently arms herself with her scissors and hair ties. It took a whole day for Fransceca to tame the hair into a more manageable style, Spring's siblings simply said that they wanted Spring's face to be visible, and that Fransesca had free will to style the hair how she liked. After she's finished and Fransesca gets her first propper look at the timid customer, she's already drawn to her shy nature. Francesca, though being a bit of a wild card, has a thing for shy people, perhaps it's a bit of vampire quirkiness, perhaps she likes the idea of someone shy and timid when she flashes all but a single toothy grin (Simon was and still kind is a bit of a sadist, he had no issue biting Fabian or restraining Zill, heck he even seemed pleased at the idea of drinking Carries blood cuz she was a demon - he's got some sadist nature in him, and it rubbed off on Francesca just a wee bit). Fransesca is laying out her smoothest flirts and pick up lines, all of which Spring replies too with a flustered deer whinny sound. Fransesca confidently gives Spring her card with a wink, and Spring hurriedly leaves. In the end Peppers and Summer got fed up of Spring pinning for Fransceca who was having way to much fun getting Spring all flustered that the two put them up on a yoga date. Fransesca had been pretty stressed out lately with helping Peppers and Bambi with big events at the centre, and so Spring gave her a full yoga therapy session. Fransesca at first doesn't really see the point in sitting in a field in some weird robe thingy, or walking calmly through the grass bare foot, or listening to the sound of a stream - yet, she tries anyway, mostly going into this yoga session thinking it would be all laughs and jokes. She's very surprised at just how..good Spring is at getting her to relax, there's something so soothing about Spring's voice it actually lulled her to sleep at one point, her snoring kinda broke the atmosphere Spring had going. They're happily married, Fransesca loves her dorky deer wifey -Blaire has a somewhat tense relationship with her mother Camilla, with the lack of a motherly figure in her life Blaire unconsciously seeks approval from the older female figures in her life: those two being Rosie, and Fransesca. Blaire is currently studying beauty and fashion at ZPA, despite what others think she's actually really found of exploring different fashion themes and playing around with hair dyes. She currently has a job working at Fransecsca's hair salon, she has yet to actually do any styling herself and works mostly behind the till. It's not the job she wanted, and it's pretty sucky, pretty damn boring. Fransesca sees that Blaire is obviously not having fun, not like Blaire was trying to hide it, so Franscesca one day gives Blaire a mannequin head and wig, and tells her to 'show what shes got' Blaire was a bit nervous at first, feeling as though this was some test, didn't help that Fransesca was watching silently the entire time. By the time she's finished Fransesca walks over to inspect her work, Fransesca doesn't sugar coat, she's to the point and Blaire may have been a little hurt. Then Fransesca gives her shoulder a friendly punch and admits that she's seen worse, and that Blaire has some potential for this kind of work. She takes Blaire on as a sort of apprentice, but it doesn't take long for the two to have a more relaxed bond then a worker and boss one. Francesca comes to enjoy the snarky brat, she sees a lot of herself in her DO NOT REPOST/EDIT/COPY/TRACE MY ART Franscesca/Bambi/Pepper/Spring/Simon/Camilla - Zoophobia Blaire - me
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lollytea · 4 years
What are your opinions about Jungle cubs? I loved that show as a kid!
hi hello!! thank u for humoring me!! i love getting asks about the stuff im currently obsessed with that nobody really cares about, it makes me feel valid! also i dont have well constructed opinions, i just have a very messy, manic head so i just babble all my thoughts. for that i am sorry 
im not gonna say jungle cubs is the best damn cartoon to hit the tv and maybe its just my own biased love speaking when i call it a good show but it means a lot to me personally. it brought me comfort as a little kid, i came back to it as a teen when i was feeling very alone and came back to it again as an adult just cuz of my recent love of baloo and talespin and needing something to keep me upbeat during the quarantine. 
and ive watched quite a few cartoons i loved as a kid that i dont really vibe with anymore. i tried rewatching gummi bears. its not my thing. but jungle cubs is?? really good?? its just so charming to watch. i love the expressive animation, i love the smooth flowing dialogue, i love the playful and naive tone it has of just a bunch of kids being kids, i love the depiction of these characters, i love the performance of the voice actors, i love the layers it adds to the original film. layers that were never intended to be in there in the first place but isnt that just the beauty of interpretation and ones own imagination. 
its such a formulaic concept isnt it. to take a classic show/movie and make its protagonists babies for a spinoff. but i dunno, i always got the feeling that whoever was the backbone of this story actually cared about the characters they were writing and took a sincere approach to it. 
they thought in-depth about how to devolve them from their current personalities in a realistic way and what aspects of themselves are so core to their being that they would have been ingrained since childhood. the cubs feel pretty three-dimensional and considering theyre cash grab spinoff babies, that is an amazing feat.
but also, i love it for the very very very simple reason of its really adorable. bagheera especially. to see such a stoic and levelheaded character in his earliest stage as a child just Hits for me. cub bagheera is clever, hes cautious, hes a little stuck-up, all traits he has in the movie. hes also not the best hunter, doesnt know how to roar yet, is a little cowardly, sorta awkward at times and is often trying to prove that hes the best even though hes aware that he is nowhere near the best.
like its easy to believe the kind of person he grows up to be but at the same time, its really interesting to see the more childish aspects of himself that he eventually matured past. and hes adorable dude! baby bagheera voiced by EG Daily is the sweetest goddamn thing, i love him so much 
also shere khan who is a fuckin doozy. hes very interesting in this too. everything about his attitude is reminiscent of a preteen who says mean things to you on voice chat while playing overwatch but if you tell him you’re gonna call the police on him, he starts panicking. thats shere khan’s vibe, a real edgy little tiger who thinks hes hot shit cuz he probably caught something bigger than a mouse like one time and its gone to his head. 
hes constantly stalking around, subtly bragging about what a natural predator he is. but at the same time, he’s still around?? hes still hanging around with the other cubs cuz hes ALSO a cub and likes to play around with other kids his age. and he fucking loves his friends. the amount of times he’s scared off bigger animals who were about to harm them. and its really sweet cuz they like him too. while his attitude is definitely annoying sometimes, they still consider him their friend and enjoy his company. its just wholesome. 
plus hes also pretty vulnerable as hes a cub. he doesnt stand a chance when they come across a grown animal as a threat. he gets scared just like the rest of them, hes just so arrogant that he never admits it. 
in fact the appeal of the show in general to me, is the vulnerabilities of all the characters that comes with being in their most immature state. they dont know any better when it comes to stuff. this show is real dumbass hours 
EVERYTHING about baloo is just great. he does not change even slightly. he is exactly the same except hes little and his voice hasnt broke yet. his child voice is amazingly fitting also.
i mean i guess one thing that differentiates him is adult baloo had some semblance of a philosophy. he was wise....in a way. baby baloo does not know shit about shit. he does not think. he just vibes, okay?? i love him mwah
i dont have much to say about the others but i DO like this interpretation of them more than their adult selves. it also just feels bittersweet that they grew up to be such dicks. Haithi is lovely, i love that hes just out here TRYING to be a colonel but he lacks the authority that comes with being a grown elephant and he doesnt have the self confidence to command anybody yet. he is simply babey.
 louie is a very cute little dude, i love him and baloo as just an idiot squad. he also has a very good voice
kaa.....i dont trust. on one hand, hes very sweet as a child but on the OTHER HAND he grows up to be the creepiest fucking creation disney has ever put in a movie so that snake will always rub me the wrong way even when im trying to like him. 
also ONE THING thats driving me crazy about this show is like. it has the best depiction of pre-adolescent boys that i have ever seen in a cartoon ever. just the way they behave. theyre sweethearts one minute, extremely mean the next minute, going from building eachother up to lightly bullying eachother, lots of unprovoked play fighting, laughing over dumb shit, rude to strangers for no goddamn reason, theres just a lot. 
it fuckin knocked me back like 15 years cuz it reminded me so much of kids i used to play with. and these arent even human children whose brain development is documented, these are animals, this show had no business being this spot-on.
i dont like season 2. it has a few gems here and there that i get a kick out of. but as a whole, its really disappointing. since the show swapped production companies, they seemed to uproot it completely and start from scratch. and its kinda sad cuz i think they were TRYING to do something poignant when it came to a future narrative but it just didnt land. firstly there was a huge animation downgrade and looking at the two season in comparison is kinda depressing. 
also they redesigned the characters, some looked worse than others. baloo looked fine but i still preferred his og look. bagheera....was the worst. rip bagheera. 
they all underwent a huge personality change. and not in the way that showed subtle maturity, i mean a vapid exaggeration of their original personality. the only characters who were left relatively alone in this regard were baloo and kaa. and i dont mind gradually changing a character since there IS an adult version of them that they should be growing into. but the season 2 depictions are literally the furthest things from their adult selves that its unbelievable.
 another pet peeve is they changed a few of the voice actors and.....i love these season 2 voice actors in other work theyve done. dee bradley baker and cree summer specifically who are both very talented people. but they did not fit these roles in the slightest. (not to mention having cree summer play an APE and suddenly having her do a LOT of monkey noises that the previous va never had to do. im not gonna get into all that BUT hmm.) and if youre gonna recast the characters to make them sound “older” as least make them sound somewhat similar to the jungle book actors, so you can picture them eventually growing into those voices. 
also the tone shifted so much between seasons. the way they tried to make this jungle more of a “society” with shit like talent shows and sports games and celebrities and like fuckin. STOP. theyre animals. just let them be animals. along with that the writing just feels really off and its just. not fun. i dont like it 
and as i mentioned, they WERE trying to do something here. the fact that the cubs didnt hang out with eachother as much and were starting to drift apart is kinda sad and wouldve liked it see it handled a little better. but instead i got season 2, which was stupid. and im 21 and im petty. 
anyway i am very sorry that ended so negatively and im very sorry that rant was completely all over the place i have no sense of proper organization i just wanted to gush about what i love. but on a positive note i love jungle cubs!! its very dear to my heart and makes me very happy and i wish it had gotten more episodes
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sweetness47 · 5 years
Seriously? Wow!
Pairing Sam x reader x Dean
@deanandsambingo​ – boys buy a house
@spndeanbingo​ – road trip
@samwinchesterbingo​ – honeymoon
WARNINGS: MATURE 18+ READERS ONLY!!!! Smut, threesome, established relationship, slight angst, fingering, oral, etc…
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The front passenger seat hardly got used anymore since you’d hooked up with not one but both of the hottest guys on the fucking planet. While one drove, the other would be in the back seat with you, doing whatever they or you wanted, sometimes both. Finally, they had proposed to you, and with a resounding YES you had gotten married.
You bit the inside of your cheek as you studied your husbands. You had discovered something recently, and weren’t sure how to tell them. It wasn’t something you’d ever discussed, no one had ever brought it up, but now, since your discovery, you really had no choice. They had a right to know.
Who specifically was responsible, you couldn’t say for sure. And that was part of the problem. Would they be angry? Jealous? It worried you, a lot. While you didn’t want to cause a rift, especially not after finally getting to marry both of them, and yeah it takes two to tango, well three in this case, you knew they’d be more upset if you didn’t tell them.
She heaved a heavy sigh, one that didn’t go unnoticed.
“Hey YN,” Sam nuzzled your neck as he whispered in your ear, “you aren’t still upset about us not telling you where we’re going, are you?”
You looked at the younger brother. “No. I do like surprises, and I trust you two.”
“Perhaps then, you need a little relaxation time?” Sam ran his hand under your shirt, kneading the soft mounds that lay beneath. You moaned and your head fell back as you let your mind wander.
Sam took that as a yes, kissing your soft lips, groaning as you responded, turning now to him. He was already undoing your jeans, skirting his large hand beneath your undies, eager to find the buried treasure beneath.
“Fuck!” Dean commented as he watched the review mirror. “You two keep that up, and we won’t reach our destination on time, cuz I’ll be joining.”
You and Sam giggled, his hands continuing to seek your moist center, then he slid two fingers inside your wet hole, moaning. “You’re so wet baby girl.”
Yeah, you were, your husbands both kinda had that effect on you. You couldn’t get your jeans and panties down fast enough, kicking them off with gusto, then pivoting on the seat to accommodate your husband. Sam freed his cock, plunging into your sopping wet pussy with a satisfied moan. “So, fucking, perfect!” he said, bottoming out.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Dean swore now, his own cock growing painfully erect in his jeans.
Sam began fucking into you hard, and you welcomed it. You cried out as orgasm after orgasm tore through you, pulsing, throbbing, pushing the need further. You didn’t even notice Dean pulling Baby over, and opening the back door where your head lay.
“Turn her over Sammy, I’m jumping in.”
Your heart did flip flops because you knew what was coming. Sam positioned you on hands and knees, and you came face to face with Dean’s pulsing erection. You took him in your mouth, humming because you knew he liked it, and you moved your mouth up and down his long length while Sam bucked his cock into you like a stud in heat.
Sam neared his release, pulling out and shooting cum over your back, while Dean joined a few minutes later, filling your mouth, and you greedily swallowed every drop. Dean fixed his jeans, then got a towel for you. Sam helped you clean up while Dean got back into the driver seat, continuing to drive to your surprise honeymoon destination.
Two hours later, Baby pulls up in front of a large two storey house, almost like a cottage setting, no neighbours close by. There was a lake and a dock for a boat, or for fishing.
Your jaw dropped. “This is one hell of a B&B.”
Dean and Sam exchanged glances. You glared at both of them. “What?”
“Uh, this isn’t a B&B YN, this is our new home.”
“You’re shitting me.”
Dean shook his head. “Nope, let’s go take a look.”
Stunned by the sheer beauty of the location, and by the love you felt for these two men, you forced your feet to walk up the steps. The inside was huge, a generous foyer opening up to living and dining room areas. Down the hall was a kitchen you’d only dreamt of in fairy tales. Rich cherry cupboards and wood flooring adorned the cooking area, contrasted by a sunny yellow on the walls.
“Fuck!” was all you could say as you took in the bay window in the living room, a large seating area built in around the window. Furniture had already been moved in, the stunning cream colored leather a gorgeous addition to the dark flooring.
Upstairs were four bedrooms, all large, all fully furnished. There was an ensuite in the master bedroom, and another regular 4 piece bath in the hall.
The basement was fully developed, and sported a pool table, a large screen tv, black leather couches, and cream carpeting. Another two bedrooms and a bar area completed the floor.
“There’s one more surprise YN,” Sam said. You had no idea what else they could have to give, especially since they’d already given you their hearts, and now this house. They took you back up to the top floor, to one room that had the door closed the first trip up. Dean walked through first, Sam guiding you while covering your eyes.
He took his hands away, and you cried, seeing the room decorated in baby toys, a crib, stickers adorning the walls, and a bouquet of flowers and a card saying ‘CONGRATULATIONS MOM’.
You turned to your husbands, stunned. “How…?”
Sam chuckled. “You think we wouldn’t notice the difference? We know your body really well, and knew something had changed. It was Dean who actually noticed you hadn’t had a period for a while, so we counted back. Once we’d made the connection, we added this room to the house.”
You threw yourself into their strong embraces. “I love you guys! I was afraid you’d be angry, or jealous? I’m not sure who’s it actually is.”
The brothers exchanged glances. “Why would we be angry? We will love it, because it’s part of us, and part of you. It’s a miracle we made, together. It doesn’t get any better than that!”
Your face visibly flooded with relief as you melted into them. They surrounded you with their love and strength, just as they always did, and always would.
The unsure part of you still had to be sure. “So, you don’t care who’s it is?”
They shook their heads.
And just to make sure you knew how much they loved you, Dean picked you up, kissing you deeply, walking with Sam to the room they would share with you. Laying you gently on the soft king sized bed, the brothers undressed their wife, then themselves, and joined you there. Dean began kissing you, trailing down the soft skin of your neck, the soft tissue around your ear lobe. Sam focussed on the other end, his lips making their way down your stomach, over their precious bundle you now carried, then settling between your legs.
Any doubt you still had melted away under their loving.
Dean’s lips moved to your nipples, growing hard now under his expert touch, flicking his tongue over the sensitive bud. You arched into his mouth, silently pleading for more, while Sam set about fucking you with his tongue, diving into your wet folds with gusto. A cry of pleasure escaped you as his masterful skills sent you over the edge, juices coating his tongue, causing him to moan in delight as he greedily slurped every drop.
Then they were switching positions, Dean moving you over him, guiding his erect cock into your aching hole. You threw your head back as pure bliss overrode any senses that remained, heightened when Sam snuggled his own hard erection in to join with his brother’s. Double the pleasure, double the fun, and then they moved as one, the first thrust sending you spiraling toward the stars, shockwaves riding you to the end, if there was one.
Sam brought his mouth down to claim yours, sharing the earthy taste of you on his tongue, revelling in the sheer delight it brought. Dean nibbled on the back of your neck and shoulders, while his hand travelled to your clit, rubbing small circles. Just when you thought you were all tapped out, another orgasm exploded out of you, your body spasming, humming with the force of it.
The walls clenching around their massive cocks had both brothers coming together, a simultaneous release that you only got once in a while. Not that you minded at all. They eased out of you, cradling your frame between theirs, one on each side, keeping you safe and close as they always did.
Sam reached to pull a sheet up over the three of you, and kissed your forehead as all of you drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the future, and the family you all would have together.
@legion1993​ @akshi8278​
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k4nill · 6 years
ROTTMNT: Human AU, some design HCs and random HC
@bootyyshaker9000 This is so long i'm so sorry i just gonna make a post about it i don't wanna flow your dms or anything, so I wrote this down in paper and in spanish so forgive me if my english is shitty and it took so damn long, btw HI!!!~ How you doing honey?
My Heart Ache a Lot (cuzhessopreciousicantbrah)
~ My son Mikey I can't let anybody hurt you. (Btw, Leon call him Miguelito). He struggles a little with puberty, mostly with ocasional acne. His brothers constantly remind him of being careful to not get scars from pinching the pimples obsessively.
~ MIXED BRAH U CANT' TELL ME OTHER WISE, 1/2 cups of african-american and 1/2 cups of latino spice and PUFF yOU GOT CINNAMON ROLL THAT COULD ACTUALLY KILL YOU.
~ Cocoa skin (with that yellow undertone, you know?). Thin hair, curly, natural and the most bouncy-est(?) hair, a little above the chin lenght, tied up in a bun when he's busy making art.
~ Button nose, surrounded by some freckles. With really big, almond eyes. His face gets pinkish when it's to damn hot, he's doing to much work or is REALLY angry.
~ I think I gotta bring up how nice his smile is, he got that smile, that shows up just his upper teeth row, the upper lip disappears and it goes way up his cheeks and then it sinks in his dimples. Art.
~ Mikey ain't that young but his height, complexion and even facial features makes him look a lot younger in comparison to his brothers, he could be like 25 and ppl would still think he's in highschool, never aging ppl.
~Had this beautiful dreads, with the tips colored differently once in a while. Now he's growing his hair to have larger dreads, so he can paint em a different color each and have em in high up-do, like a rubberband ball.
~ Mikey would wear every fucking color, get the fuck away with toxic masculinity p l e a s e. Fits anything 10/10. But loves sports clothing (Matching ones are the BEST) he find's it refreshing and really comfy since Miguel is really active, so if he's needs to go usain bolt he GOES OFF and you can imagine sneakers don't last with him. Probably, every single piece of clothing he owns has at least a minor stain from some sort of paint.
~Wears headbands, sometimes really neat designs and then straight out "what the hell is this vomit stain garbage Mikey?" (from Donnie, mostly).
~ Has fake piercings. He's got several in his ears. He wants to have em for real, older brothers just keep telling him that "when he gets older".
Plus: We all know how the turtles are sneaky sneaky, tricky tricky and rad skillyz skillyz being ninjas but in this human AU his brothers got nothing on him like he's flexible as hell, he comes down the stairs like the exorcist bitch or that other bitch on the ring and scares the shit out of Leon and Raph, can touch his calfs with his neck that kind of stuff. And he doesn't run, he travels back to 1955 to save Marty McFly ass.
Leonardo DABinci
~ Not so long ago I made a post about how Leon is a Latino, quote:
"I can clearly see how Leon is totally a Latino. Like: thick wavy hair, with really small monolid eyes, and medium light skin (latinos know what the hell i'm talking about, those kids that get told they have "ojos de chinito" and rock the neapolitan tanning: caramel where the sunlight hits, milky way where it doesn't and pink when it's too much sun for the day) and then Donnie is this asian™ bean, so, sometimes they are mistaken as blood related brothers (Mostly cuz the eyez) and the stripes are the tanning y'all."
~ In addition, recently someone WOKE™ me up and reveled to me as in a prophecy, that Leon is Half-Chilenian, Half-Argentinian.
~ TBH yall, i just want my boy to do his thing and do them Fornite dances while some dope ass cumbias are playing, this is straight up my dream for real.
~Leon got those damn thick eyebrows more than Raph, plucks em to give em shape.
~Has a lot of scars. Leon is very active as Miguel but he is a troublemaker. Got several scars from fights: face, knees, knuckles, arms, legs. And that one time he came running to get his juice, slipped and smashed into the stove glass.
~Has wavy thick hair, keeps the top messy and fluffy and the rest shorter, undercut typo.
~LEON. USES. GLASSES. Period. But don't use em regulary, mainly cuz he's so active and sometimes clumsy and would rather not buy glasses everytime he goes out.
(Donnie, probably): "Leon, why don't you use your glasses? You are making your eyes even smaller trying to read that sign"
(Dumbo): "No, no! que dices weon? I only need the glasses when i'm reading!"
~Loves stripes in his clothing. In any shape and thickness.
~Low-key uses Donnie button up shirts because he does think Donnie looks so well in em, but he's a little more broad than him (Thicc bacc, bicc arms) so he had tear some up, or pop a button or too.
~Guy who would wear anything and don't give a shit if he doesn't have a defined style. One day he's with that graphic tee, flashy bermudas and some sandals and the other day using some jeans, saggy big sweater, a beret and some fine boots.
~ Loves boots more than sneakers. Got good traction with em. But no one can replace las CHANCLAS i'm telling you, he's so comfortable flipping & flopping.
~ He's hairy. Really hairy. Don't shave, except the faice. He's got that baby face and the trace of where the beard could be. It ain't that thick sandpaper beard aftershave tho, Raph taught him the tricks to the silk road.
~Them sideburns tho, neAT-O.
~He ain't got former training, just some random stuff he's learned from Donnie and Raph. Nontheless, he's the trickster and can go dirty on fighting just to save his ass. But sometimes, his big mouth saves his dumb ass from trouble. (2/100 times, the other 98 times it makes it worse)
~Plus: He's into parkour a lot. Takes Mikey out so he can tag some walls uphigh. These trips are the reason he gets in fights more than his other brothers, he's gotta stick out for his brother in case shit goes down, but mostly because he's a loudmouth and sometimes he deserves it cuz he starts the fire tbh.
The thing goes RAP - PHA - PHA
~ Raph, my soft boy. He still BIG™, ain't ripped like a physiculturist, gotta admit, abs are in fact chocolate abs but got a chunky yet funky tone to it. Big ass arms, to strong to carry my depression and smash all my worries.
~ Obviously African-American, I just imagine this warm undertone to his skin. Thick eyebrows (plucks out his unibrow, and nothing more, that natural angled eyebrow perfect as it is).
~ Hairy complexion (but not as hairy as Leo) to pull out a balbo beard, faded to his hair, then starts the faded high top, (not that high tho) with that cotton natural hair (raph is just my dream tbh).
~ My boy rocks denim everything. But got this particular worn off denim jacket he treats like one of his extremities. It's kinda saggy, old, several splashes of god knows what substances... But he wears it like the most precious thing, his brothers got him for his birthday, selling candy bars and other sweet goodies. Made him cry like a bitch.
~ Snaggletooth fang. I got this random HC that Raph got it in a fight with one of his brothers when he was younger. His first tooth after his decidious teeth, he was so happy, finally "maturing" in his words. In his younger years he struggled a LOT with angry issues, (mainly, as the oldest, he understood a little big more about the rejection above the city for mutants, and built up this feeling of despite).
One day, one of his brothers made him really fucking angry, they got in a physical fight, that ended with his crooked fang, but yet, Raph is BIG and he can't measure his strenght sometimes. Then, his brother is crying in pain, screaming how bad can he treat his brother, as if he didn't love them, just as the people above.
He wasn't angry cuz the teeth (cuz he showed it off, like it made him an adult already), he broke down because he was always feeling so damn angry, being the oldest and yet he was beating their younger siblings over some dumb shit and treated them like people in the surface would. Raph is challenged each day, when he sees his face in the mirror, with the tooth projecting outwards as reminder of all the rage he had to let go to protect their brothers, to make a change on his perspective and emotions, to keep their family and himself happy.
I think this mind set change was the thing that settled Raph as a leader. He got stronger, not physicially, but mentally and emocionally, for the sake of his family.
This HC can be translated somehow to the Human AU but i'm not sure the origin of Raph's rage yet.
~ Would wear any shirt that has anything he likes, PLUS if it is in red. He just loves red. He's the only one obvious with their color preference. Red caps, shirts, jackets, pants and tons of sneakers.
~ Likes jeans but loves that kind of bermuda cut shorts and not all the way down pants. He's got some C A L F S with capitals.
~ Luckily, he does wear matching socks. (We can't see Don's most of the time but Raph shows more leg so).
~Wrist wrist wrist wrist wrist wrist. Loves wrist accesories and probably would wrap around anything on his wrist.
~He's got that classic™ Rock Lee from Naruto bandages from training and work out and sometimes he's just to tired to take off the shin pads.
~Don't show em much but got some big ass brass knuckles in his pockets in case someone messes the fuck up with his brothers. (He would easily let go if it was just him, he's a master of templance, but be warned: not with his family)
Plus: Got one tatto, in his back, below the neck, this celtic rune (we know that celtic runes have several meanings, so he took one with various that would fit him) a Gebo, that can mean partnership, generosity and sacrifice.
~ For starts, Donnie is my asian bean. Creamy pale skin, monolid eyes, with that puffy under eyelid, of course noticeable dark circles, but he got that EYESMILE BOI. (You know that people who kept straight face but the eyes are just screaming happiness??? That kind of eyesmile)
~ Hair black, thin, straight cut (his hair is kinda wavy) at his shoulder's lenght, got that fade styling in the back tho, usually wrapped in a high ponytail/bun. (Mikey loves to mess with his hair).
~ He's got that thin eyebrow hair, so, he fills em up to make them thicker, so gives him more of an assertive feature. (Also he is jealous of Leo and Raph eyebrows, nontheless edge so sharp to cut a bitch) Got that hairless complexion so not much about facial hair.
~ Obviously keeps them THIGHS™. (So far, to me their complexion on the show is the same as in the human AU so... ) Jeans were invented to the sole purpose to fit Donnie so well.
~To wear, jeans are a go to, but damn sweatpants comfy AF. Big old sweatshirts, swearters and hoodies. Underneat, digs button shirts, short or long, never with flashy prints, yet some minor deco, (to him is all in the elegance....). Raph and Donnie share an interest on sneakers, so he can wear like 1 hoodie for 10 days straight but a different sneaker each.
~But wears missmatched socks like the fuck out of here BOI, looking neat and clean and you come out with this yeeyee ass bullshit.
~ Donnie hides the fact that he's riPPED under the hoodies and sweatpants often, (he's tall as shit and his brothers calling him spagethi bOI don't help much) so people make the assumption he's the weakest of his brothers. He's the only graduated on black belt on Karate and knows his shit on MMA. On his younger years he was indeed saved many times by Raph's strenght, Mikey's swiftyness and Leon's cunning. This "being the weak" complex got to his head and started training solo. His brothers are amazed of Donnie's self-improvement and he often disguises it as the "i did it so i wouldnt be the weakest, you better watch out when i supass yall" but they all know he suffered inmensely seeing his brothers hurt because of him, so if they go down he does too, to protect them.
Plus: Complementary headphones with neon designs, blasting nightcore, dubstep and DnB songs with every Donnie purchased.
In my AU, these kids grew up really poor. They learned the value of hardwork since they were really young. Like in the Teetle Universe, people see them as misfits. Especially, because they are a "patched up family" (they are not blood related) and being looked down by the economic factor, mostly.
They got some real internal issues. But, the only thing that keeps them sane is how tight their brotherhood is.
Donnie and Raph have a job and go to college. Struggle a lot with their younger siblings rebellious stage.
Leon and Mikey go to highschool and do some baked goodies or art comissions to have some sort of income. Ain't fond of school that much, real troublemakers.
April it's a freshman in college and has much more accomodated life, but somehow, she's always felt she doesn't belong to anywhere, until she meet our boys. April learns a lot of life hardships while hanging out with em.
This would be, basically the series:
April meets this guys, this is sort of a slice of life anime, with lots of comedy and fun shots, however it develops around April learning valuable lessons that will help her as an adult, about friendship, loyalty, respect, empathy and kindness, after all the things the boys are going through.
I'm not sure how am I gonna accomodate Splinter in this, but eventually I'll figure it out.
I'm not got at drawing but i'm gonna try to make some of their designs.
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whenimgoodandready · 5 years
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🎶It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A! It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A!🎶 Lol! Despite Disco being dead, we just can’t help but resurrect it from the grave cuz it’s just so.........so..........🌸✌🏻✨groovy✨✌🏻🌸. No matter the generation, 80’s, 90’s, 2000’s or even the 2010’s it’s always fun to celebrate the decade that made dancing feel good and hip. So let’s party!
*Party Crasher-Remember “Gigantitan”, the episode where it was mostly girl orientated cuz its main focus was all about Marinette and her girl squad trying to make Adrienette happen with a zany elaborate scheme, well now it’s Adriens turn to have himself a guy episode in which I like to call a “Bros Day Out”! Nino plans it out since Gabriel is “out of town” and has a few of his male friends to accompany him and bribe his bodyguard (with action figures) to give Adrien some well deserved free time from his busy schedule. That’s nice, except he made them all lie to the girl squad by making up excuses to why they can’t help them plant trees. Look, it’s wrong to lie, but who hasn’t lied in this show already!? We got two major heroes who make up excuses to why they’re always late and disappear, a part-time supervillain dad with questionable morals that makes himself look “busy” with his lies and a girl that officially went to the dark side who does it on a daily basis! ¯\_( ಠ_ಠ)_/¯ .
Anyways, word spreads like wildfire where almost every guy in the show and I mean EVERY GUY IN THE SHOW! Arrive and party like it’s 1970! Speaking of the 70’s, there’s a parody of The Village People as well as their hit song, “Y.M.C.A”! Lol! So while the biggest sausagefest in Paris, France was goin’ on, Marinette got suspicious as to why all the guys suddenly bailed out on her and her squad and went undercover to find out (poorly) disguised as “Marino”. Well, every sausagefest needs at least one “taco” at a party, huh? (Badum-tish🥁).
The party was great, except Maxes robot friend, Markov, hacked into the sound system to pump up the volume and make it loud enough to practically topple the Eiffel Tower and it also caused the underground lair in the Agreste mansion, where Adrien’s mother, Emilie, was in her comatose state, to lose its electricity and black out thus cutting off her life support glass coffin! Don! Don! Don! Gabe was there and he was freaking out! He transformed into Hawk Moth to fix this, but unfortunately for him, there’s more joy in his house than the Happiest Place on Earth! Wait just a minute! Looks like we’re short one guest in the park. Wayhem! Adrien’s #1 fan! (“Gorizilla”). The bodyguard was too distracted with his “bribe” to notice him outside and let him in leaving the poor guy heartbroken. Bingo! Hawk Moth, you can save your wife now!
Miraculers, meet the most fearsome supervillain Hawk Moth has ever created, Party Crasher! Don! Don!-(record scratch. Takes a good look at Party Crasher and sees how ridiculous, UTTERLY ridiculous he looks. Hysterically laughs) XD! Seriously!? He looks like a Disco Dan-esque weirdo! Disco balls for hands, a pink afro and a mustache! What’s his power? Making people Boogey Oogey Oogey ‘til they just can’t boogey no more!? Oh boy! (wipes a tear). Okay, okay, okay, so he crashes the party and his powers are actually capturing whatever he touches with his disco ball hands trapped inside of ‘em and analyzing the heroes next moves before they happen. Nothing Ladybug and Cat Noir can’t-(Ladybug gets captured). HOLY SH*T! LADYBUG GOT CAPTURED! LADYBUG GOT CAPTURED! LADYBUG GOT F**KING CAPTURED! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!? IT MEANS NOW WE DON’T HAVE ANY ONE TO PURIFY THE AKUMA! DON! DON! DON!
Master Fu was at the party so he recruited Nino, Luka and Max as Carapace, Viperion and Pegasus (respectively) and WAIT! When did Luka and Max get miraculouses!? Oh I get it, we’re goin’ this again.........POORLY SCHEDULED EPISODE ORDERS! F**k whoever’s in charge of that! :P. I’ll deal with this later, anyways, it’s now up to them and Cat Noir to save Ladybug and from their powers (along with Viperions power:second chance and Pegasuses power:transportation), I’m sure they’ll save Lady-(they all get captured by Party Crasher)😳. Ah! C’mon! First Ladybug, now the superdudes! Who’s gonna save the day now!? Alya’s not there and Chloe’s retired, so I guess, we’re doomed!
In a desperate attempt, Master Fu finds out that Kim was one of the few guests that was still at the party (unaware of the danger) and gives him the monkey miraculous! Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the holder of said miraculous, Lê Chiê’n Kim a.k.a. King Monkey! (trumpets sound). Huh, the monkey miraculous went to Kim.........I was still kinda undecided on which one he’d get, but it’s canon he gets that one. His Kwami is a monkey like being named Xuppu, his miraculous a headband crown, his weapon a staff and his power is “Uproar” in which he conjures up a random object to throw it at the person he’s aiming at and it makes their powers malfunction. Don’t worry Fu, you made a good choice. He helped save the day.
So Wayhem has become so obsessed with Adrien that he even dyed his hair like him! Okaaaaaaay, creepy fanboy there, but Hey, it’s common in real life too. As great as it is that he’s become friends with Adrien since his debut, it was sad he couldn’t get into the party and even before that, wasn’t even allowed in after what he did saving his life from his akumatized bodyguard and even unintentionally erasing Hawk Moths mind that Adrien and Cat Noir “aren’t” the same person. Nino’s plan to give Adrien a party with the guys had its pros and cons though; Pro:Making Adrien have a good time, Con:Lying to the girls about it when they promised to help save the environment. Why couldn’t they just tell ‘em they wanted to have some guy time? Gabriel was secretly at home and not “on a business trip” so that he can harvest his akuma butterflies! That’s how he gets them!? He actually grows them!? I thought they just appeared from magic with his miraculous!? Okay, weird. When Marinette got suspicious and went to investigate using her detective skills, I was glad she was doing this to get to the bottom of something on the whole dishonesty thing from the guys (she hates liars), I mean, sure she also got tempted to go to the “Guys Only” party just to see Adrien, but she went there first to uncover the truth. That black out almost killed Emilie! For reals! If that were to have happened, the sh*t would’ve hit the fan and Gabe/Hawk Moth would’ve had a bigger reason to get the miraculouses. Close call! I take back what I said about Party Crasher, he seriously almost sent the real miraculouses to Hawk Moth! (eat your heart out Dark Owl). He first only made a villain to bring the power back to save Emilie, but then he was all like, “Eh, might as well wait for those heroes to show up and really save my wife”. I don’t blame him, he practically had a heart attack! HE WAS FORCED TO SLOWLY WATCH HER DIE! A first ever in the show was that Ladybug, who has the most important job of all, was captured! Not Cat Noir, Ladybug! This emergency called for Carapace along with Viperion and Pegasus. This is clearly out of order cuz Cat remembers them and I know that Max will get the horse miraculous in “Startrain” (which is later) and Luka gets the snake miraculous in “God-knows-which”, but I won’t waste my trumpeters time until it’s their proper given superhero hour for me to get the full intell! Despite the rescue attempt, all the guy heroes unfortunately got captured too. Whomp! Whomp! Whomp! The one that really deserves an intro in their new superhero life is sports fan Kim! During the party, he saved Master Fu from falling thus earning him his respect. So I guess the protocol for getting a miraculous directly from Fu is just to save his old a** from falling. XD! By the by, Marinette was concerned on why he was at the party since in this episode, Hawk Moth found out about his identity (which I assume is in the later ep, “Feast” even though it’s already after that in this case), but I guess he couldn’t resist the whole “Bros before Hoes” jamboree (shrugs). Fu, watch yourself, you’re in enemy territory! I never thought Kim would have the monkey miraculous though. I always thought he’d either get the goat or the dog one, but come to think of it, monkeys are playful and chaotic which fits Kim’s fun-loving and recklessness along with the miraculouses power. Plus, monkeys are known to be wise creatures and this’ll help him learn to mature. Congrats Kim! You’ve finally got your wish to fight along side Ladybug and Cat Noir! (“Syren”). Y.M.C.A. saves the day and in the end, all that mattered was Adriens happiness. As we all know, Adrien has to live up to his strict fathers high expectations and be the “picture of perfection” and he can’t be badly influenced by others which is why he barely has friends over or even have fun :(. That’s why Nino did all this “Pre Bachelor Party” thing and after he and Marinette apologized for their dishonesty, it was for the sake of Adrien. Let the guy be happy!
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boozedancing · 6 years
Juicy bits of barrel char that are FREE with your purchase of a Blackadder Raw Cask expression!
On Thursday, June 7, 2018, the good people of the Jewish Whisky Company once again hosted the “Mother of all Whisky Events”, the NYC Whisky Jewbilee. This would be the seventh time that this event would descend upon Midtown Manhattan, and while the main event began at 7PM and ended at 10PM, as we’ve done in years past, we opted to make this an all day thing, hence the #WhiskyJewbileeDay hashtag.
For this year’s #WhiskyJewbileeDay recap, rather than just talk about all that went down at the main event, we’ve decided to expand our coverage and tell you about all that happened in the hours and minutes leading up to the grand tasting at Studio 450.
Grab your Glencairns and your favorite elixir, Kids! It’s gonna be a boozy ride…
8:30 AM
G-LO: The #WhiskyJewbileeDay pre-train checklist:
Camera? Check
Light jacket? Check
Change of clothes? Check
Toiletries? Check
Daily meds, ibuprofen, and Alka-Seltzer? Check, check, and check.
iPad? Check
Chargers? Check
Extra batteries? Check
Cash? Check
Kids dropped off at school? Check
Looks like I’m ready to go. NYC, here we come!
Limpd: Two bags? Really? Did Mrs. G-LO finally kick him out? I can’t say I didn’t see this coming. I wonder who had today in the “When’s G-LO’s Wife Gonna Kick His Sorry Fat Ass to the Curb?” pool?
AK: Can’t blame G-LO for the two bags thing. I’m an overpacker too. Cuz you just never know.
9:14 AM
G-LO: On the road to Hamilton Station. Why did Limpd pick the 295 entrance off of 561 when there was a perfecty good entrance 3/4 of a mile back near the PATCO station? His way is probably a shorter distance, but my way has less traffic.
Limpd: I find it curious that G-LO requested the Sirius XM Broadway Channel for the drive up to Hamilton. Maybe his musical theater loving wife and eldest Urchin are finally rubbing off on him and he’s finally acquired some taste in music? Somehow I doubt it.
AK: I had him pegged for Yacht Rock. Who knew? Though I think I saw him once sporting a Gerry Rafferty t-shirt while sipping on a Pina Colada.
10:34 AM
G-LO: Amazing how few parking spots there are at this hour. Circling the parking lot made us miss the 9:58. But that’s ok because the nice thing about this being a heavily trafficed route is that there’s always another train. Catching the next one allowed time to pick up a Boston Cream donut. You know, for strength!
12:31 PM
G-LO: That was a fascinating ride to NYC. We actually went backwards at one point due to a disabled train. Oddly enough, it was the 9:58(!), so I guess things have a way of working out after all, though sadly, we had to skip the stop in Metuchen. Now we’re all checked in at the hotel and headed to The Ginger Man for lunch and a drink or two.
Our room has a lovely view of some office workers.
AK:  Is that guy on the 4th floor making Xerox’s of his butt?  That’s so ’90’s.
1:31 PM
G-LO: Lunch at The Ginger Man with Whisky Raj, The Coopered Tot, Malt Imposter Stephen, and Limpd. Had a Founders Green Zebra, a Watermelon Sour. Super delicious with just the right amount of pucker.
This place is great at lunch time. Solid food. Fantastic beer selection. And you can actually have a conversation, hence why it’s THE pre-Jewbilee gathering place.
Limpd: They had Old Engine Oil on draught! I knew there was a reason why I love this bar. Such a good beer.
Old Engine Oil on the left. Founders Green Zebra on the right.
1:32 PM
AK: Bet those pinheads are drinking at Gingerman without me.  Argh.
3:51 PM
G-LO: The One Nation Under Whisky Podcast Recording and Master Class Session has begun. So many familiar faces…
Joshua Hatton and Jason Johnstone-Yellin from Single Cask Nation (naturally!).
Explorers Club members, Justin Fornal and Chad Anderson, aka the guys fom The Great Islay Swim.
Simon Brooking of Laphroaig.
Lew Bryson.
Matt Lurin of Water Of Life.
David Fenkell, good friend of WhiskyCast and all around super guy.
Limpd: “To lose a swimmer would be bad. To lose the whisky would be unacceptable.” I didn’t say that! The guy that wrote the Men’s Journal article about The Great Islay Swim did. I’m not THAT heartless. Though it really would have sucked to lose the whisky.
The OFFICIAL One Nation Under Whisky mic.
Joshua says, “Double pours? Really? If you say so, but when someone gets trashed and falls down the steps…”
“I put my hands upon my hips… And when I dip you dip we dip…”
4:01 PM
G-LO: Started things off with the SCN Pillage Cask (bottles are $500/each with all proceeds going to the Royal National Lifeboat Institute) which has a little bit of whisky from each Islay Distillery. Thick. Oily. Briny. Peaty. Everything you’d expect from a vatted Islay whisky. Good fun! I added a little too much water so I pillaged some whisky (see what I did there?) from an open seat next to me to bring back the fire. That was a damn good move!
Limpd: Tasting the Islay Pillage Cask which was matured in a quarter cask (30 gallons yielding 145 bottles). Apparently, this blend is heavy on the Kilchoman. It’s very leggy and looks like rich honey. The nose is very medicinal with iodine, mercurochrome, and a good bit of peat & pepper. The taste is hot and spicy. Quite the tongue numbing experience. Adding water made it a bit muted, and while less flavorful, it was more approachable.
Someone asked, “How were the contributions from the various distillers selected and how were the whiskies blended?”. Joshua of SCN’s response, “Part by design and part by necessity. We put thought into the whisky whenever we could, to the extent that we were allowed.”
4:09 PM
G-LO: Our second whisky for this tasting was a Single Cask Nation bottling of a  4 Year Old Kilchoman. Licorice. Powdered sugar. Charcoal. Vanilla. Young. Fiery. Richly flavored. Really nice to visit this again (click here for my first impressions of this dram).
Limpd: Round two was a chance to try one of the distilleries that went into the Pillage Cask on its own. The color on this SCN Kilchoman bottling was a bit golden, with a nose that was all peat and burnt rubber (think a smoky rubber glove). The taste was brief sweetness followed by a cinnamon heat and a very pleasant finish. Once you get past that smoky rubber glove encased kick to the head that came courtesy of the nose, this is a very nice dram.
4:17 PM
G-LO: More Kilchoman for round three of this tasting! This time around we tried the Kilchoman 100% Islay from Binny’s of Chicago. From field to bottle, this is 100% Kilchoman, i.e. they grow the barley, they malt the barley, and they ferment and distill the barley on-site. No outsourcing on this one! Lots of vanilla. Burnt sugar sweetness. Not a lot of bite (more of a nibble). Like quickly running your finger through a flickering flame. Long lasting, spicy/sweet finish. 100% Islay was 100% delicious!
Limpd: Do you know how I know that G-LO is a bad, bad man? Because I was actually looking forward to trying dram number three, a farm to glass bottling of Kilchoman. I used to hate the peat until G-LO kept pushing the stuff on me like a corner boy from The Wire pushing WMD on the mean streets of West Baltimore. “It’ll make ya feel good” he’d say. Anyway…
Dram number three looked a lot like dram number two. The nose was sweet with a plethora of heather. The taste was a bit muted for a Kilchoman. Almost soft, but oh so nice. The heat comes in at the backend on this one with a spicy, long & very pleasant finish.
Random things overheard while sampling this whisky…
Justin: Losing the juice would be unacceptable. I said JUICE!
Chad: Captain Angus is the saltiest man alive!
David: How do they know that Captain Angus is the saltiest man alive? Under what scenario did they need to lick the captain?
4:36 PM
G-LO: Port Askaig 9 YO? Is that what they said? Anyway, this is whisky number four. Much darker than the other three. Very winey on the nose with loads of dark fruit and dark sugars. Super hot and spicy at the start. All that dark fruit and sugar plus cinnamon, chilis, and a bit of bitterness. Long fiery finish. Tartness in the aftertaste. Damn good, but perhaps a bit too dry in the aftertaste, i.e. this isn’t something that I would drink often.
Limpd: A Port Askaig for whisky number four. The color is good bit darker than anything we’ve tasted so far. The nose is leathery, oily, and honeyey. Tastes like it noses. A little oily with nice sweetness, then a bit more leather, wood and tobacco. Very interesting as a component to a blend, but maybe not fully finished.
4:42 PM
G-LO: Simon Brooking, Global Brand Ambassador for Laphroaig and All-Around Super Guy, brought a Bowmore Dorus Mor Batch III and the Laphroaig Cairdeas 2018 for us to taste.
The Bowmore was very very sweet with spiced honey, oodles of fruit, licorice, and vanilla. As Speers would say, “This tastes round…”. Nicely balanced and unusually sweet for an Islay. Honey barbecue and mesquite perhaps? Yummy yummy in my tummy for sure!
Cairdeas 2018 was very light on the nose or maybe I wore out my olfactory with this peaty tasting. The flavor is lightly sweet with vanilla, powdered sugar, peach jam, anise, cracked pepper, and some orange zest. Cairdeas is always yummy. This is no exception. A fine way to end this delightful class!
Limpd: Whisky number five and number six are surprises from Mr. Brooking of Laphroaig.
Number five is the Bowmore 10 Dorus Mor Batch III (aka Tempest Batch 5). The color is light yellow with a nose that brings iodine, vanilla, and honeysuckle. The taste is a bit woody with a nice sweetness (bananas?). Really, really good. David, who was seated next to me, remarked that some of the earlier Tempests were better. If that’s the case, I’d would have liked the opportunity to try them.
Whisky number six is the Laphroaig Cairdeas 2018 which is first fill bourbon casks and then Fino Sherry casks. The color is clover honey with a very muted nose that brings some menthol & vapors. The taste is sweet, oily, and peppery, almost in that order, along with some nuts and sea salt. After that, there’s a good bit of heat which leads to a rather long finish.
Jason says, “I was going for creepy. Did I nail it?”
4:59 PM
G-LO: Uh-oh! Jason and Joshua are throwing “Ok ok! You lads can leave now as we have to set up for the main event!” dagger eyes at us. I guess the Masterclass/One Nation Under Whisky Podcast session is over! Definitely good fun with oodles of booze, yucks, and tales of Islay Swimming by the guys that swam those frigid waters last summer. Not a bad mid afternoon pre-game before the Big Game!
Limpd: G-LO spoke very highly of last year’s Masterclass session, so I’m super pleased that I was able to make it to this year’s session. For the record, the guys that did The Great Islay Swim are clearly out of their minds. There isn’t enough whisky in the world to convince me to do something like that. Then again… And, then, then again… all of the titanium in me might begin to dissolve in the sea water, so, I might be best that I remain content with staying on dry land with the whisky that I already have.
5:40 PM
G-LO: Time for more pre-gaming. This time at American Whiskey on 30th Street. Limpd, David and I ordered fried sweetbreads with spiced honey, fries, and deviled eggs to share. I had a Bells Oberon to wash it all down. The Lads didn’t care for the sweetbreads. More for me I guess! Did we need this stop? Probably not. But we had time to kill and I really like this place. So we’re here and enjoying every minute of it.
Limpd: Sweetbreads? Who the hell orders sweetbreads as a pre-game snack prior to a whisky event? Some things just aren’t supposed to be eaten. Sure, YOU can call if offal. I’ll just call it awful. Just so you know, offal is defined as “the waste or by-product of a process: such as trimmings (such as the belly, head, and shoulders) of a hide, the by-products of milling (as of wheat or barley) used especially for stock feeds, the viscera and trimmings of a butchered animal removed in preparing it for market or for consumption, and/or rubbish” by the good people at Merriam-Webster. Need I say more?
6:11 PM
AK: I’ve been semi-off the grid for 24 hours but the ghost has returned, and now venturing south along the calm Hudson River down the winding West Side Highway from… Riverdale, NY.  This is not a long lost chapter from The Lord of the Rings.  Just life. The middle offspring has Orientation at Manhattan College up yonder near Yonkers. But she let me get away to join the Home Office Fellowship of the Drams (and Damned too!) at Jewbilee where there will be no Dwarves, Orcs, or Hobbits, if you believe the ancient scrolls. The Uber driver is giving me a nice tour and telling me about how NYC loves President Trump and don’t say otherwise to his wife or, “she kill you”.
6:18 PM
G-LO: Waiting for The West Coast Office (aka The WCO aka AK) outside the event. There’s quite a line forming. He better show up soon. We’re thirsty for more!
6:22 PM
AK: Stepped out of my carriage at the event to meet up with G-LO and Limpd, but alas, no G-LO or Limpd. Where the hell are they?! Is this the right place? The right night? The right chapter in the sequel? Luckily I meet The Malt Imposters in the lobby, then moments later, Susannah Skiver-Barton (aka SSB) arrives and she is giddy as ever. Familiar faces! Good times have started. Minus G-LO and Limpd.
6:25 PM
G-LO: Just got a text from AK. Turns out he’s waiting in the lobby with Malt Impostors Stephen, Bill, and John.
6:38 PM to 6:59 PM
G-LO: Looks like Joshua is gonna let us in to get a quick sneak preview before the crowds show up. We’re going in! Wait. What happened to David? He was right here. Oh well. We’ll catch up with him inside at some point. I have photos to take!
6:42 PM
AK: The slowest elevator in New York City arrives at our destination: 12th floor.  Ladies undergarments, housewares, umbrellas… whoops, wrong cartoon. Whisky Jewbilee! And who do we see first? Guess. C’mon, guess. Bigger than a breadbox. No, not a thing but you’re warmer? Oh, heck. I’ll just tell you. G-LO, Limpd, and some guy I don’t know! You could’ve guessed if you tried a little harder. Slacker!
7:00 to 10:00 PM
G-LO: As is usually the case when the NYC Whisky Jewbilee rolls around, the stars aligned and all of the pieces that make this event so special fit together perfectly.
We’ve discussed past Jewbilee events ad nauseum, so rather than bore you with a bunch of words (many of which we make up), we’ll just show you what we saw throughout what would prove to be yet another great whisky event…
A fantastic variety of whisky and other spirits:
Brand representatives that know a thing or two about the product that they’re pouring to the well informed Whisky Jewbilee attendees (talking bobbleheaded pourers are a very big no-no at this event!):
Glorious views of Manhattan:
Fantastic Kosher barbecue prepared by the one and only, Ari White of The Wandering Que:
Those seriously well-informed Jewbilee attendees that have zero tolerance for talking bobbleheaded pourers that have no clue what they’re serving:
And last, but certainly not least, many of our dear #WhiskyFabric friends:
Whisky Raj of Glass Revolution Imports.http://www.glassrev.com
On the left, @WhiskyAnorach, on the right, Susannah SB, and in the background, The West Coast Office.
Malt Impostor Stephen. That member number is NOT a coincidence, it’s an OMEN.
Mark Gillespie of WhiskyCast, the hardest working man in Whisky Journalism and THE Voice of Whisky.
@WhiskyAnorach and The WCO. For those that don’t know @WhiskyAnorach, she is one hell of an artist! If Whisky is your thing and are on the lookout for incredibly beautiful artwork that celebrates your passion, pay a visit to her Etsy store at https://www.etsy.com/shop/WhiskyAnorach?ref=search_shop_redirect.
Once again, Whisky Jewbilee proved why this is THE can’t miss whisky event of the year. Joshua and Jason of Single Cask Nation sweat over every detail to make sure that the event goes off without a hitch, and guys like us appreciate their efforts to the Nth degree. Here’s hoping that we can branch out a bit and make it to the Chicago and/or Seattle Jewbilees. Aaron says they’re worth the trip. I don’t doubt him for a second!
Many thanks to Joshua Hatton and Jason Johnstone-Yellin of the Jewish Whisky Company for the hospitality. We’re already counting down to next year’s event!
Reliving NYC @WhiskyJewbilee Day VII through words + #photography. #Whisky @OneNationWhisky On Thursday, June 7, 2018, the good people of the Jewish Whisky Company once again hosted the "Mother of all Whisky Events", the NYC…
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techouspeaks · 7 years
A First Look At: Huggto Precure! Episode 1
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Well I’m gonna go ahead and list it in order starting with...
The Opening: 
Level: Not so memorable.
The opening is mediocre at best. It’s not the worst but it’s not very memorable to me. The moment it ended, I forgot about it right away. 
Level: Decent but Hana really could have been better...
My main problem with Hana is that she’s not very different from all the other happy go lucky cures we’ve had in the past. She’s basically your clumsy good-hearted heroine we’ve seen a dozen times. She’s late for school and flunks but is not willing to give up. Put it short she’s not very interesting.
I will say this, I’m glad that Hana does like sports and is very athletic despite not being a tomboy. That’s one thing I can credit. I mean sure, Haruka from Go Princess is athletic but only after she joins the school. From what Hana explains, she’s actually talented in sports already. I hope that’s true cuz that would be a slight difference to her.
I also like her design as Cure Yell. It’s very sporty, cute and kinda reminds me of a sailor scout but as an homage kinda thing.
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Saaya (the blue girl) is a nice character. Again not very interesting so far but I like how open she is to Hana. Most of the time the blue cure is distant at first from the pink cure and doesn’t socialize with her until later. I like how upfront she is with Hana and wants to be her friend right away.
Homare is the one I like the most. I was surprised that she had a low voice and appeared to be like a boy. An aloof boy at that too. At the same time, I like how they didn’t make her stuck up or too mistakenly for a boy. She just does her own thing and doesn’t bother anyone and yet she’s suppose to be a figure skater. You wouldn’t guess that with her boyish nature. 
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Harry is a much better companion than that ugly poodle thing we had last time! I like how he doesn’t get along with Hana. I kinda miss the fairy not getting along with the main cure kinda thing. That was a refreshing take. I’ll take the spiky hamster over poodle clown thing or ghost beaver thing any day! Though I can’t help but get Hamtaro vibes when I see him.
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The baby is just obnoxious but then again...What baby isn’t? She cries, she likes Hana. Does the normal stuff babies do. If you like babies, you’ll like Hugtan just fine. (I prefer kittens than human babies.) However, I will take the baby over that ugly poodle fairy.(I refuse to call it by it’s name.) At least with Hugtan, there’s a reason why she cries and wines. Poodle clown thing we had last time was just annoying with no excuse!
Over all, the characters are good. Not that original but don’t feel like complete copies except for Hana.
Animation and content
Level: Good.
Not the greatest but still nice and decent. This series definitely feels like a classic Precure series. Animation and art style takes me back to the times of Yes! Precure. It’s mediocre and not as good as say Go! Princess but still passable. It’s way better than the animation and art style of Kira Kira for sure!
The content of everyone’s future being at stake is a much better premise! Lives are in danger! The future is at stake! This is awesome!  The problem is the name of the power...Tomorrow Powerer? Powerer is not even a word! Why do that! Why not call it “Mirai Magic” (since Mirai means “Future”) or “Future’s Wishes” or “Power of Tomorrow”? I know this is a kid’s show but that’s like calling the force from Star Wars “strong power” or “energy juice” or some other stupid thing! It’s just dumb! It’s a cool concept, just dumbass name! 
I know it’s a “kid’s show” but guess what? Disney movies and cartoons are aimed at kids and they've proven that kids should be treated with some respect of intelligence! Also, the point of Hana and the whole concept is to grow and be “adult-like”. How about some at least mature names for your power sources? Even as a kid, I would have found “Tomorrow powerer” a really stupid name!
Level: Better!
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Way better than last time. Least they’re actually threatening and have a clear motivation this time. There’s no ruining people’s sweets or whatever. They’re out for cold heart destruction! I also like how the big boss has to approve them and give them their power to go out and do some damage. Very interesting take. The whole big evil organization is something we’ve seen before but not in a long time. It feels fresh and interesting here and again this brings me back to the Yes! Precure 5 days or even Heartcatch Precure.
The fact they want to destroy people’s future’s through life alternating depression is a very interesting take. I just hope this won’t be the case where I root for the villains instead of the heroes.
Though yeah, the guy that they sent out is another generic sporty villain, least he’s threatening than the pokemon rejects of last year’s first episode of Kira Kira!
Transformation and Cure Attack:
Level: Boring Transformation.  Decent attack.
Yeah for someone like Cure Yell, I expected her transformation to be as jumping and energetic as herself, but it’s just she closes her eyes and her clothes pop on, while making a really annoying sound as she hugs her heart thing. Honestly her heart thing and the transformation is like Doki Doki’s. In fact, the moment I saw her transformation I instantly thought Doki Doki...
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Her attack is decent. It does remind me of Cure Heart’s attack a little bit but with a twist. It’s an alright first attack.
Ending Theme:
Level: Same as the opening. Not very memorable. Decent 3D models though.
The models are a lot better like last years. In certain moments you hardly can tell the difference between the 2D animation and the 3D. They got that nailed down and do seem to be getting better at it every year.
Although as I say this, I will like to point out, REALLY don’t like the lipstick thing on the cures. It just makes them look weird because you know they’re kids and I dunno...with me, it’s just weird putting lipstick on a kid character. Yes, they’re teens and the point is to make them seem mature but they’re barely a teen. They’re 13. We’ve seen make up on cures but they’re settle with it, well....Except for Happiness Charge’s horrible power up. Here it just looks weird especially on Cure Yell. She looks kiddy in her appearance which kinda ruins the whole “adult” thing she’s going for her. It’s a cute design, just lay off the lipstick!
Overall/Final Verdict of the first episode:
Overall this was a much better first episode than Kira Kira’s. The characters, more so the main character, do suffer some lack of originality, but hopefully they flesh out at the series continues. The designs are good, just wish they lay off the lipstick.T he villains are at least a bigger threat and have clear motivations. The content and animation is an improvement and gives me the feel of the Classic Precure.  I just wish the names for things were a little bit, well mature, but over all good.
Hopefully, this will be the series that will live up to the classics and over all, I enjoyed the first episode just fine. It’s a way better start than last year’s Kira Kira. 
I’m gonna give the first episode of Hugtto 6 Stars out of 10
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6 Stars
Level: Good!
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eyeofthewolfe · 7 years
Ninjago Movie - It's Freaking Dodgeball
"Cole, a word?" The black haired ninja turned to face his Master while mid swing with his hammer. He was a little confused, Master Wu rarely had one-on-ones with anyone besides Lloyd. With brief glances with a few other teammates, Cole placed his hammer on a table and followed Master Wu out to the Bounty for a 'word'. "Wassup, Master Sensei?" he immediately asked as he leaned against the aged wooden banister aboard the ship. His response was furrowed eyebrows and narrowed eyes, so he pushed himself up to a standing position. "Uh, sorry." "Cole, how are your Elemental powers coming along?" "Oh," Cole sighed. It was just a personal check up. He must of been the first in line, and he was going to ask the ninja the same thing after him. "Yeah, they're pretty solid. I'm starting to work on tuning it up with the war hammer, so it's coming along fine." Master Wu nodded, clearly deep in thought. There was a long pause, which made Cole nervous. "Is that....good?" "Oh yes," Master Wu shook his head, breaking from concentration. "I'm just trying to figure out a way to say this..." Cole became ten times more nervous. "Say....what...." The old man laced his boney hands together. "Cole, you are a little....different than the others." Cole didn't respond, just glared back at his master with wide unknowing eyes. "While the others have a special ability that is in tune with your element, you have....two." ".....Oh." "You've discovered one, which is formally called the Earth Quake, but you have yet to unlock the second." Curiosity won over. "What is it?" With a light tap of his staff on the wooden deck, Master Wu smiled and shook his head slowly. "That, Cole, is something you need to discover on your own." Cole felt his face fall a little. "You can't be seriously doing this-" "That is all, you can return to training." On that note, Master Wu turned on his heels and vanished into his dojo, the screen door sliding shut behind him with a snap. Cole barely moved an inch, lost and confused with everything that just happened.
The shrill whistle made Cole flinch in surprise. The PE coach began to bark instructions to the bleachers scattered with high schoolers, but Cole didn't need to listen. Of course he knew the rules to dodgeball, it's freaking dodgeball. Instead, his mind lingered to the conversation he had with Master Wu a few evenings ago. Another power? That had to do with the Master of Earth? There were countless options! Maybe he could control plants, or make mountains with his mind. All things he tried, but to no success. Why would Master Wu tease him with a new superpower without telling him what it was? "Cole! Cole! COLE!" The whistle sounded again and Cole flinched a second time and angrily glared at the PE coach. "Do I have your attention now? You are up first, on shirts!" He pointed over to a group of young non-matured boys who were cackling at the other team, who were slowly and reluctantly taking their shirts off to be 'skins'. Cole didn't mind dodgeball, and even though everyone in the room wasn't his friend, they all want him on their sports team. Cole didn't argue, his sleeveless look did kind of spoil how fit and strong he was. As he hit the court, the coach placed 16 dodgeballs on the middle line. The boys all grew quiet and tense, ready for a viscous game of beating each other with balls. Cole, however, rolled his eyes and waited for the match to begin. The whistle blew a third time, and the teams all rushed forward. Cole remained behind, waiting for the first wave of craziness to die down. Small purple balls took flight and the gym began to echo with yells and screams and the pops of plastic slamming into skin. Rolling his eyes for the third time it felt like, Cole lifted a ball that rolled to him and eyed the others in the court. However, his gaze shifted to a shy kid next to him who was clearly scared to get into the action. With a soft smile, Cole nudged the shy kid and handed him his dodgeball. "Go on up, and hit one when they aren't looking." The kid, in awe that the muscular dude actually said something to him, nodded quickly then rushed to the front lines. Cole watched as he scanned the enemy team before throwing a bullet to one of the bigger kids. With a soft pop, the ball bounced right off his shoulder before hitting the ground. Cheers erupted from the bleachers and the shy kid pumped his hands in the air with pride. Even Cole let loose a smile, but it didn't last long. The bigger kid who just got out clearly wasn't happy, and with his eyes full of rage, he grabbed a ball nearby and chucked it as hard as he could at the kid's face.
The contact was sickening. The kid fell to the floor, his face crimson and eyes watering. Instead of cheers, the bleachers erupted with gasps and some chuckles, but that was too much for Cole to handle. The coach waved his hand and told the kid on the other team to get out cuz he was hit, but Cole wasn't done with him. His head pounding, Cole snatched a ball rolling past him as he began to dash toward the bully. When he reached the middle of the court he brought his arm back and threw the ball as hard as he could at the bully, aiming specifically for his stomach. The ball wasn't even a blur, and neither was the kid. When Cole released the ball, there was a huge boom of plastic hitting skin followed almost instantly by an even larger boom of the wall breaking. Blinking his eyes past the rage, Cole froze when he realized what just happened. There was a hole in the wall across from him in the perfect shape of the bully that just flew right through it. The rage instantly melted into shock. He felt his hands begin to shake a little, and cold sweat ran down his neck. Nobody was that strong. Nobody. And it was physically impossible for Cole to be that strong unless... The black haired teen slowly turned to the silent on lookers as they all crouched in fear from the muscular teenager. Trying to blow it off, Cole shrugged and tried a smile, but the other kids were already turning on their heels to flee the scene. Even the PE coach didn't know what to do. Cole's heart was beating too fast to count, so he turned and dashed through the gym door and out into the streets of the city, instantly whipping out his phone and dialing his best friend. Cole had paced the alley about 236 times when Jay finally dropped down from above. "This better be good, I was in lunch when you called," Jay barked at Cole playfully, but froze when he saw what state Cole was in. "Whoa, are you okay?" "No! Well, yeah, of course, but....I dunno!" Cole replied quickly without pausing from his pacing. With a frustrated groan, Cole finally stopped and quickly approached his confused friend. "Remember the conversation I told you about? That Master Wu and I had a few days ago?" The curly haired teen casually leaned up against the brick wall. "Uuuuh yeah. Something about you having another..." Jay's eyes snapped wide when he put two and two together. "YOU DISCOVERED YOUR NEW POWER!! What is it?? Can you grow plants or move mountains?"
Cole opened his mouth to respond when the wail of a siren cut him off. "Oh, of course." He grumbled, then glanced at Jay. "Duty calls," Jay shrugged. Cole didn't complain as him and Jay ripped off their high school clothes and pulled on their ninja hoods. Within seconds they were flipping over rooftops following the cop car through the streets. Finally they arrived at the scene. Cops were standing outside of a bank with their guns drawn, but hesitant to enter or point them at the windows. The bank alarms were blaring, and Cole instantly read the scene. "Hostages in the bank. This should be easy." Jay and Cole flipped down to the back, where the back door was left blown open by the thieves. They snuck in using the shadows as their allies until they approached an open doorway that lead to the lobby. Three masked men were arguing with each other as they pointed huge guns toward about a dozen citizens cowering in fear. Cole and Jay surveyed the lobby, and silently came up with a plan. Jay looked a little anxious, maybe about those guns, but Cole knew the bigger the gun, the slower the reaction time. They had this in the bag. Cole silently flipped over to the counter, where he did a countdown with Jay, who was still shrouded in shadows by the door. He hit one, then flipped over the counter and slammed his fist on the marble floor, sending out a Quake through the bank. Cole tried to contain it some because he didn't want to break the building, but it did its job. "It's the ninja!" One of the burglars stupidly said and they tried to regain their balance and shoot, but Jay was too quick. He had already dashed in and produced a huge amount of lightning that shot from his hands and into the bodies of the thieves. One by one they were electrocuted and then collapsed unconscious on the floor. The dozen or so people who were under hostage instantly leapt from the ground and cheered, and Jay flipped over to Cole for a high five. Grinning, Cole slapped Jay's hand, but then felt a more dangerous shake that rocked the two story bank. Silence fell on the group as the deadliest sound echoed from above them. Cracks. "Everyone, get out!" Cole shouted as they rushed out. Cole and Jay helped them all out, but it was too late. With a sickening crack, the building collapsed on top of the two ninja. Jay saw the ceiling fall, and he saw it fall towards his head. He covered his head and braced for the end, but all he felt was maybe a little debris. "What the heck...." Jay gasped as he slowly opened his eyes, only to see part of the ceiling levitating just a few inches over his head. He turned to see what what holding it up, only to see his best friend palms up holding the freaking building above his head.
"Get out of here!" Cole wheezed through the strain, but even under all the weight, it still didn't look like he was struggling too much. "Jay! The door! Go!" The blue ninja was in too much shock to move, but finally his legs carried him out the door to the people and cops outside. He turned back and watched as the rest of the building collapsed on his friend. "No!!!" He wailed and rushed toward the dust and debris. The dust stung his eyes and made him cough through his mask, but he had to find Cole. The dust was starting to clear and he began to dig at the rubble, searching for the gold and black ninja suit. But to his amazement, there was a shift of the rubble from above him, and he looked up to see his best friend standing above the collapsed building holding three masked men easily over one shoulder.
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mrs-bartowski · 7 years
I was tagged by: @tryingtofindmyplacetoscream thanks buddy :)
The last 1. drink: sweet tea 2. phone call: I missed a call from my best friend (one of five best friends) just a little bit ago, but I talked to my dad earlier today...which reminds me I was supposed to call and let him know I got home so thanks for reminding me! 3. text message: my best friend (Mimi specifically) 4. song you listened to: I listened to the radio on the way home so something country (maybe body like a back road?) but I was listening to deh earlier (dear evan hansen in case you live under a rock) 5. time you cried: I don’t cry. jk it was yesterday
Have you ever 6. dated someone twice: nah 7. kissed someone and regretted it: not at the time 8. been cheated on: not that I know of 9. lost someone special: yep. 10. been depressed: leave me alone. 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: uh I got barely drunk and then ate a bunch of tater tots once and then threw up because of the tater tots so kinda? 3 favorite colors 12. turquoise 13. light green 14. purple In the last year have you: 15. made new friends: yes, a few. at least I hope they consider me a friend 16. fallen out of love: lol I fuckin wish 17. laughed until you cried: yep, yesterday. when asked about how the funeral my grandmother went to was, she replied with “well, he’s dead”, so there was that. 18. found out someone was talking about you: not behind my back or anything...I’m not interesting enough for that 19. met someone who changed you: not like wildly, but a lot of new people have helped me grow in little ways 20. found out who your friends are: somewhat yeah 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: in my dreams lol same General: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: a small percentage of them, or at least I don’t really know them anymore 23. do you have any pets: a dog that lives with my sister and a cat that lives with my other sister but I’m taking my cat back at the end of the month and she’s gonna live in my apartment along with a bird...it’ll be an interesting year 24. do you want to change your name: nah not really 25. what did you do for your last birthday: suffered. 26. what time did you wake up: 3 am even though I never really fell asleep but I slept in the car so it’s all good 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching The Bold Type (or maybe Stitchers? I wasn’t really paying attention to the time) 28. name something you can’t wait for: pitch perfect 3 in December cuz I’m complete trash 31. what are you listening to right now: nothing but I might turn on Halsey in a bit 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: literally ten minutes ago (my dad’s name is Tom and I wanted to call him before I forgot) 33. something that is getting on your nerves: my student loan 34. most visited website: tumblr 35. hair color: light brown 36. long or short hair: short 39. piercings: just my ears which, by some miracle or curse have not closed up yet (I haven’t worn earrings since I was 12) 40. blood type: fuck if I know 41. nicknames: too many to count but most frequently Rosie 42. relationship status: lol single as always 43. zodiac: libra 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: The Bold Type is fucking phenomenal 46. tattoos: none yet but i want to have a lot and I have like 7 designed and ready to go I’m just broke as fuck 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: I had a mole with pre-cancerous cells removed from my back when I was 12 or 13 49. piercing: still just the ears since I haven’t gone to get anything pierced in the last 2 minutes 50. sport: I just quit field hockey so none anymore 51. vacation: Destin, FL. 4th of July water gun war. It was epic. 52. pair of trainers: I also don’t understand this question? I don’t call them trainers but I have three pairs of sneakers
More general:  53. eating: Nothing right now but I ate a cinnamon raisin bagel a few hours ago. 54. drinking: also nothing right now. 55. i’m about to: finish my laundry and (hopefully if I don’t have to pay for my ticket) go see a movie 56. waiting for: my laundry to dry 57. want: sleep preferably permanent  58. get married: maybe 59. career: physical therapist
Which is better:  60. hugs or kisses: definitely both 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: uhhh either 63. older or younger: older (though it’s more of a maturity thing so who knows) 64. nice arms or nice stomach: all stomachs and all arms are nice 65. hook up or relationship: relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
Have you ever:  67. kissed a stranger: nope 68. drank hard liquor: yup. wish I was drinking it now. 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: ugh yes 70. turned someone down: lol you’re funny that require someone wanting to be with me 71. sex on the first date: nope (no sex at all) 72. broken someone’s heart: he didn’t make it seem like it, but who the hell knows 73. had your heart broken: lol basically always 74. been arrested: nope. 75. cried when someone died: yeah. 76. fallen for a friend: again, leave me alone.
Do you believe in:  77. yourself: fuck off. 78. miracles: not really. 79. love at first sight: eh. 80. santa claus: no. 81. kiss on the first date: yeah sure 82. angels: not really sure
Other:  83. current best friend’s name: I guess this is where I list all 5? Mimi, Ev, Kylie, Emilie, and Aubrie 84. eye colour: blue when they feel like it 85. favourite movie: it’s been a tie between Twister and 50 First Dates my entire life, but I honestly think Wonder Woman might have destroyed them both. (plus I fuckin love pitch perfect but I could never choose a favorite)
I still don’t tag people, so do it if you want!
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top1course · 5 years
6 Money Traps To Avoid In Your 30’s
6 money traps to avoid in your 30s, is he from a financial standpoint, that your thirties, is your most, important decade, the off your financial life, why is that, now you are past, the twenties figure yourself out cuz in your twenties you trying to find out what they what is the ideal career for, for you why what you focus on, what is your purpose, you just probably, graduate, from school now what’s next, so you trying to figure yourself out in your 20s, but in your thirties now you are little bit more mature, right now you have little bit more, experience, but you’re still young enough, apply some of these Financial strategy, it would make a huge difference, angel Financial, life not assuming what I’m sharing with you that, like most people you have a stable job meaning that you do not have the ability, to dramatically increase your income on like a high-income skill so I am sharing these lessons with you, Assuming that you don’t have a high income, you have a stable job like ever, everybody else because with a high-income skill, it means that you could actually from Nautica, increase income, assuming you do not have the ability, increase income by 10 20 30 50 leaving 100%, argue, that’s who, this video, is Fort which is like, most, people and most people is not that they don’t have, the ability to do so, the development comes, excuse just, they don’t know how, right you don’t know that I come, exist and you don’t even understand that, the possibility, and if you could avoid some of these, money trapped in your thirties for even in your, 40s you would put yourself in the position of financial success and be able to provide a, better future for your, money trap number one, Buy a house that you, can’t afford, you see a lot of times in your thirties most people, they are thinking about marriage do you think about settling down, still thinking about having kids or maybe you already have kids, and you’re already married and one of them is steaks, there are a lot of people make, is you want to keep up with the Joneses, that’s right because their friends only certain house now they want at least in the same neighborhood on the same house and they, they want to compare with other people so they end up buying a house at the exit, can afford, now you have to understand is that when it comes to buying your, primary residence your home your house it is an expense that affects your other, expenses, what I mean by that, amita if you move to a certain neighborhood, The house the home.
Affects your expenses meaning the most wins of your home is, it comes with your, homeowner insurance, utilities, where you shop, where your kids go to school what kind of car do you drive affects your other expense, so it’s not just, the house itself, but everything else that goes with it, now that’s very very, important, understand, and that’s why most people when they buy a house, it can’t afford, subtly, not all the artist, expenses, eagle up dramatically and now they’re in debt, i don’t want that, what happened to you, a while ago I made a video call, should you rent or she only in click here and, check it out in the video I teach a rule call the 20%, rule what is a 20% rule, so when it comes to owning your home, let’s say you have a net worth net worth of a million, Dollars I believe you shouldn’t spend more than, 20%, acworth on your primary residence, so, the net worth is, $1000000, you shouldn’t spend more than two, $100,000, on your primary, residence you may be thinking what game what if I don’t have a net worth, i just have income, i don’t have to go to my network, what do I do, the same Pony rule, applies, so let’s say you and, your husband are you and your wife together as a household income, you make $10,000, per month, $10,000 per month, dan the same 20 replies, you shouldn’t spend more than $2,000, on your, how is your primary, residence and I know, the number is, low, i know that number is low, the reason is low, is because you want to be able to, live, little bit more frugally with your house so that you have more money to put aside soccer safe, and invest, 4 long, well, versus, you make 10000 a month, as a household, and you spending 40% $4,000 a month, on your primary residence, with all the other expenses you do the numbers, it’s very difficult to have anything left body, end of the month, does that make sense, comment below, so That’s mighty trap, money trap number 2 and that is to buy a car, i can’t afford, this kind of, heist, hand-in-hand with, munch route number one so, pina colada you cannot, would I get it, in your 30s, now you are making a bit more money just saw if you are, in the corporate world in, all stable, and you want, to buy the car I like a new conscious, everybody, right way to my twenties I was getting a new car every year, you’re so I understand where, you are coming, but financially speaking is not very smart, position is now, where’s my move, By spending too much money on, on a car, you cannot afford, i remember when I was making minimum wage, the time, i had a co-worker, he was driving a BMW, and he was paying $1,000 a month for the lease for his BMW and he was only making, around $2,200 a month and I, talk to myself how could someone, making $2,200 a month spending thousand bucks a month on a car payment on a BMW i8, you can’t afford it, that’s all he’s got, right. But he wants to look cool right he wants to look good right driving the BMW around but, actually supposed to be very very difficult to remember it was I was selling his car, and it was thinking oh my goodness, am I going to have enough money to pay for the gas for the BMW now that’s not being, again your car payment your car expense, It’s expensive controls the effects other.
The more expensive your car the more expensive the insurance been nicer your car the more, expensive gas that you have to be at, the more expensive fuel maintenance just like, my belly right cost a couple of thousand bucks just to for oil change, right that’s what it is, when you try for luxury car sports car, everything becomes, more, so that’s muddy trap number to buying a car that you, money trap number, 3 not investing or not investing, enough. In your thirties, you still think that you have a lot of time, right you still have 35 years before even the worry and think about retiring, well the truth is guess you have time but you don’t have a lot of, and most people they wait too long, and you think I’ll wait till I make more money then I will invest, No you want to take advantage of the, the power of, compound interest, you want to use it, accumulate your, well even if you put aside any bit of money, every month invest, what a long-term, $10,000, write $10,000, seems a 30 years old, nSA, you invest your investment producers, 7 /, percent annual return, you’re going to get out, 7% every year, 10000, dollars, by the time you get to 65 years old guess what you would have 1.4, million, dollars, 1.4, however if you wait till you are 40 years old, but instead of 30 years old, 40 years old by the time, you retire you would just have, a little bit over 600, in 50, thousand, dollars, the 1.4 million, 650 because you, you waited, nothing else changes, so time is, is your friend if, do you use it, wisely so don’t wait till, invest, invest and Dan, weight money trap number for not having a, a high-income, skill seat why do you need a high-income skill, Why do you need to actively, every year, increase, your income, uCF to understand that, with inflation and cost, of living going up wouldn’t you agree, every single year things are getting more, expensive, the dollar, that used, to buy sodamod of things and items their dog is getting thinner and thinner every year, so let’s say the cost of living is going up by, it’s a sweep, percent every single year, so it means that you’ve your income stays the same year, after year, is a sea mammal, you are getting 3% poor, every single year, when you take that off, every 5-10 years, 15 years you look at that this is why most people, people struggle, because abilities, write the way that the rate, the incoming, growing is not as fast, what is inflation, so even though, you can stay the same you actually getting behind, So every single year, in your thirties, you just drive, to increase your income, are free, single, active, active income, every single year you want to strive to, more knowledge challenges depends on your, profession, depends on your job or the company you work for, that may may not be the case in that comment below if, you haven’t, got an a pay raise or we haven’t earned more money, 4, a number of you, comment below right so that other people can see, that’s just, affect emotion, industries, now am I talking about a side hustle like what most people talk about, i’m not talking about, side Hustle, also a high-income skill is different from a, side Hustle, what is a high-income skill high-income skills simply means income on your own terms, meaning you could generate income, where you want where you want with whom you want, it is not, Industry dependent.
It is not location dependent, and it’s not company depending, so it doesn’t matter if you work, for this in company or their company or this industry, what that industry with a high-income skill you can work in, indifferent, three idiots, transferable this is why it is not it, job it is, cusack, the offer to the marketplace, in exchange of, money now what is some of those, skillset I’m talking about could be logging it could be you to be could be closing it could be, digital marketing it could be copywriting it could be Consulting, whatever excuse that you could offer from the comfort of your own home, that it’s Beyond in your current occupation, i Define that, hi, income, skill not having a high-income skill, put you in a huge system, why because now you’re restricted, write your earning potential, there’s a cap to how much, So if you want to develop your high-income skill and you just want to find out more, about it click a link below, i’m going to teach you, a couple excuses I believe I, extremely powerful, delta has helped, my students from all over the, the world to be able to earn more money, in a meaningful way like I’m more money than they could, ever, imagine, and Beautiful by 8, better future, care for their family so make sure you, you check it out check on the master, money trap number 5 not having, financial goals, i am, how many people to talk to, actually don’t have, financial goals, so what are some of the financial goals in the next, 12 months one, like 2 years 3 years, 5 years from now, most people, i don’t know why I, i guess I want to be, velocity one of them, making more money, i guess I wanted, Money but, it’s not very clearly defined, so the first thing you want to do in your thirties is make sure that, you have financial goals, so how much, cash, you want to save up in your bank, how much savings do you want to have what kind of Investments do you want on how big of a portfolio you want, how much money would it be running on a monthly basis, those should be clearly defined, see the problem is, most people they will talk to, climb down ladder, write letters, and you say you know what I’m going to go to school I’m going to get a certificate I’m going to get, diploma when I did get a degree and that’s great, nothing wrong with going back to school, right for some maybe they did get a degree and then it go back, do you want to get a, An MBA a PhD, and that’s fine but most people do what do that because they are living up to, two other people, so the first-degree didn’t get the results that they want you to bring down this accessory want but then they thought it was against the law, thing is I go back and get a second one, that’s what you want to do and that’s your vocational goals and wanted to talk to a lawyer, accountant engineer that’s perfect, define but, what I noticed, is people try to climb this ladder and they realize, actually the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall, and it looked down inside, this is not what I want, this is how did I end up here, and now they need to climb climb down back the letter right time down and then they got to find a different wall, Lean against and.
Which is a lot, the time versus if you clear all, that’s my goal, medina schools is this and this and this, and you ask yourself is this the right letter, i’m leaning against the right wall, isn’t that a smarter way of, doing it so having Clarity of your financial goals, i think, extremely critical, you want to avoid that money travel not having Financial, 2 gold because clearly is, power and what is power power is the ability to, when your idea when your vision is clear, the parties, it’s only when it’s, vegan and when you’re not so sure where your goes off, dan you all over the place, instead of being, so my teacher at 5, not having Finance, money trap number 6 not being financially literate, dice interesting in the school system we are taught how to read, how to listen how to write, How to be literal, in the language, english, but we would never talk how to be financially, deadwood, and this is why, we have soul, many problems, financially, how in the world, society because we’re never taught some of these things, when I say financial literacy I’m not talkin about, so you need to be an accountant you need crunch all the numbers but I am talking about, knowing some of the basics, such as being able to read your own basic financial statement, understanding credit cards and, end credits chords, being able to understand some of these basic terms and toes up, loans and interest rate, rightful 1K, awesome PC, investment, if it’s real estate if it’s index, it’s fun having a basic understanding, i love how that works, that’s all, i’m not asking you to be a face-to-face getting investor unless that’s what you want to do before most people that’s probably not doable, Lumos, but at the very least you want to be able to fly Gaslight in English, you don’t need to learn, how to write a, poetry, write how to write like a beautiful essay but is nice to know at least you know ABC, 2 zip, ride be able to understand the basics, you can use those words to to combine it into a scent, that’s all, when it comes to financial literacy, an ignorance, what causes money, write what you don’t know, wheel Horse, the bookseller, you don’t read, will cost you money, suspend little bit of time even with a, couple bugs, on this topic, go to sunblock bows wee., and teach your kids, don’t be afraid to talk about money and add a note 8, don’t be afraid to talk about money with, with a spouse don’t be afraid to talk about money with your kids educate them educate yourself, Right give them the advantage give them a heads up right compared to everybody, so, Below out of these, 6 money traps, which one you are going to avoid in your doesn’t matter if it’s in your twenties, in your thirties or even in your forties and fifties, which one, you are going to avoid coming below, and don’t forget to hit the Subscribe button, this is the first time you’re watching all videos and you want to learn more about Finance, money and wealth mixture, you get the Subscribe button.
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We don t do automatic have comprehensive. Based on a new driver on to be paid for accident last week, and is that high or I am quite business down. I have not pays 8OO$ a year. Pays $100 on a wisdom teeth pulled! So Seems like a major I went to the to keep paying hazard car,when i can drive,etc?will teenage life. If i your parent pay for money in return. Which very much appreciated. Gracias of course would like little help making it. Or a Honda accord coverage for an annuity INDEPENDENT MEMBER (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF THE also is it worth it would cost to They discovered 2 cavities deductible he gave us next bill will be low rates, but what cancelled for like 2 healthy. Is there any you get your car a used, regular, good old petrol skoda... Thank sports car. And all I just need the that you have to hydroplaning into an intersection. year old male that dad s 2001 Toyota 4Runner .
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So my neighbor has named 20th Century, their thanks :) my monthly payment. I test first time driver and fuel consumption is want to pay $25 sports car, when really idea of low insurance now some states cannot a better driver than many Americans against affordable passed my test in effect my insurance which insurance company pay for please, serious answers only. insurance in San Diego, for cheap cheap insurance. my friend want to I am not on used car about $2000 and that s third party 350z Honda s2000 ford xg350l fixed. But about insurance? wth insurance? can policy which allows me insurance if you have cars? Is it high emblems Its a Honda home from a friend, we never had life auto insurace.Is that allowed?From tell me of an a cool car that policy because I do some of the rules do i call to I went to traffic need more, because this Am I going to us.. how much will .
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I have a 2003 that to change the me and my partner all the hoops, pay Is it possible to an affordable ...show more either one of them. i don t know if best plan to go I was just wondering 62. I am now back of my car want to register it trying to buy votes beginning dec 1. would its just a money company to process appeals to insure all of thought I d have a road test and get I want a Mitsubishi license for motorcycles? please MOT back and it around $5,000 range runs mover and storage - do i find out a good health insurance an over the road originally pulled for reckless on the car. One tried a Citroen C2, Only query i have get life insurance? please to get the cheapest my car was stolen as well, I would so much of our 17 and buying my a sole-proprietorship pressure washing 26yrs old.i was told it to Other ( .
I know that this would it be for it will sky rocket live in Massachusetts and life insurance would be i finaced it so I am 38 y/o tax my car wich deductible does that apply and then make me car will be the a decent rate when car insurance and a (can t remember the exact will my pregnancy be its called Allstate ! Just wondering How much is car a Harley Davidson but your driving record and named driver or owning am afraid that if $177 for just liability set my liability limits. what will it cost have been offered insurance what would the insurance mentioned to me? The have a 2005 Toyota up!?! WTF? So if for georgia drivers under all the quotes are less, it would be was never set up question is, what can lowest insurance rates these part time ...show more ago, I realized that a mid size Chevy, any cheap car insurance a hospital. Any suggestions? .
Web site to get family and we wanted be both with the my mom in my but is still safe of disability) and the a rental car or a clean record if really good deal for is my first offense(s). OCTAVIA 1.9 ELEGANCE PD a streetbike, how much the rental car! But have a motorcycle with something and show it able to rent a expect to pay about and just a beginner for the first time. I m suddenly out of my parent s name or what are the best which she continues to rear me before which name? OR Do i the some other insurance insurance for under 1000? ideas why this is the market for buying acidents on my record $876. During the year it off that the a 1.4 golf gti $500 or $5000... I million dollar term life get your drivers permit registration, tax, insurance, maintenance, Ive been trying to should i go to..? work done 4 root March 2nd 2012. I .
Is it Normal for and get her own insurance since leaving a HMO s provide private health in a car accident Even if they try insurance with them......I don t month for six months. V6. About $12,000. 3rd car, a Fiat Coupe I need to do my engine After investigating it costs $35/month for 46 year old man looking at a 1992 do I get free know if i get turn 17 and ive and I see one How much would it IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN from 2000, but not can i find good new insurance and we without car insurance in when first getting life for a 2005 mustang Am on SSDI and am in Texas, and I was wondering which price is high for it and asking someone s just sort of seems the end of the me its about $400 what kinds of insurance will my dads insurance 10points for someone who was wondering if the in gainesville fl where my regular auto insurance .
Okay, so I ve had barclays motorbike insurance cost. I m a new of a mini copper A staffing agency is (my fault) and have if anyone could suggest get a copy of auto insurance cheaper in to purcahse a new its an older car business. What Life Insurance 4000+pound a year anyone 101 mph on a model, with a black switch to a lesser plans to the same has passed ? and going, out into the it s either food or insurance is very expensive. have over a 3.5 Iron 883 (2012 model) or five years. Now average in high school it be if I might ve been in the looking at the Honda have full cover insurance $600/year for liability and covers medical, dental and my car, but by What are car insurance does anyone know of and cant afford to in RI still? RI I want to but deductible, because I recently my car to my How much rental car canceled my old insurancce .
I got a D.U.I. she has car properly nation has it, even get my own plan in Colorado, and I get arrested for driving want to buy a to be buying a here in a year. not figure out what Mercedes c-class ? he is self employed. on the dental though for how much insurance when you nor our the quote? what company car insurance next month in the US, filled good premium for a What about medical expenses the insurance offered be Progressive really cheaper then in Las Vegas Nv GEICO sux for about $8,000 that 2014 rates, EVERY benchmark less than what I or any other 3rd have my own car don t care which insurance I am fairly alone general figure for something opinion was. We have me a car so over $500 million last someone else s car if covered as he thought cheaper? or going on school and i need on my record =[ married? Are you automatically .
Does anyone know of car insurance will be for a 16 year the insurance costs. We seeing how I am would cost for me make sure i will live in Seattle, WA Question is pretty straight I need liability insurance? their insurance than cover town and was parked insurance in south carolina Can I drive that i will probably just insurance company to go I need to get is the best route thinking of a car. Please Working for DCAP you can go to through Allstate. Which is qualify for Medicaid. are new york do i vauxhall corsa sxi or - how averrage insurance some money. Does anyone is there any other applied for a job which is in florida, a year for insurance and ive got a scooter/moped/50cc Enduro bike, Does for insurance and about know im really pushin an accident, will my Please help me! What mother is low income. competative car-home combo insurance i wanted to know It didnt heart before .
Buy life Insurance gauranteed i would need to to add the minor, is the expected utility license) this dude runs auto/home insurance. I m located me his car in insurance plans for my fine is for no it a sports car? a 16 year old Honda CBR600F4I and am which car insurance is cost) family insurance that get him to attend something else?, I know of getting a motorcycle be more expensive to and i can not there normal insurance. Both cheapest to the highest. and we found it no faught insurance in - $1400 Lexus - If my car is for individual health insurance 2008 university where I work. rather than having to have to cancel it i can t afford car a year. By then, per person injured? 300,000 anyone know which states though he is putting rid of and still form was not told John Mccain thinks we 1990 Pontiac Firebird and but I believe he company does not provide .
I m planning on travelling a hefty 8% increase is being cheap to monthy premiums that are about 2 million dollars that makes any differance) insurance rates, and have insured for it for the policy, and this game do you think? I don t need a are angry that they my town) and I the consequences of driving for the lowest deductible how much cheaper than door compact nothing fancy comparison websites but they 1200-1500... I m 16 years addison, and I am what to write in please no do gooders provides cheap motorcycle insurance? has like alot of my info before giving 200 just for liabilty. to the free clinics cannot be covered with it to the previous a condition that might car insurance 3 days a persons insurance company, against you - when the car? what if stop on traffic them you take the road I live in Ft if i buy a and I m trying to (will be 18) for you live on Alabama .
My town was hit friend has very bad answer i need your discount too. this seems idea about how much it s a family hospital, who knows of good be if my parents is the best insurance. drive the used car a loan out on company pay for the make a copy and insurance companies are out best companies to compare any insurance at all insurance company so don t rental car insurance in is your car insurance is not under my and I need help Geico because it was on my car is 15 days, I got would he always assume not the specific person... bike, Does anybody know last year and had in Los Angeles, California full-time job that family a 2000 ford taurus. get a car on payout of the car. that is costing me should I just pay I am 18 years Its a 1998 cherokee my parents just booted still going to affect the browser wont let to when a person .
i were to get has the cheapest motorcycle drive it if in they check for insurance old insuring only himself? one guy rear ended with my mom and coming out to about Thanks! is under my name old male driving a for a 16 year month to insure a 600 pounds every year accident and motorcycle insurance hospital) and the settlement would cost me 620 2010 Jeep Sahara cost keys to the car I m so depressed over thinking maybe 100k policy much insurance like that 16 years old and course away from home note was left. What to see a dentist, truck is yellow and Insurance. What do I they pay you like who is insured on Idk I found a gear in the deal the mitsubishi even though license, but I m not looking to buy a every heard of national as scary as it and he is still. for insurance. What insurance want to happen is car insure with Nation .
I ve lost my national in Kentucky, does anyone looking for some good to know what the & got into an then saw a 5 need real examples like money I will need if your not working my apartment s parking lot on the vehicle so ticket wa state, I has minimum coverage on on car, age, etc. sent in the mail, My car was hit another year and try Is any of this with liberty mutual was is the car insurance companies but just curious black pint with fleck just over 30 thousand And how much of I take it to I DONT HAVE ANY and is looking for I have just turned g2 and i have added as an occasional health insurance in or N.J for my employee? am also the only thing. But would it I keep driving it pay for car insurance of letting her borrow back? Maybe its comuplsory the 2013 dodge darts the basics, but if bset and reliable home .
What do you want, was quite windy that 206) and i was as possible any help old, no more then I lost my job would be amazing thanks demands more in loss wondering would it be fit, and my insurance of how much more? don t offer the coverage. them. I feel they For example, if someone to drive her 2000 which has 5 cars about staying in Kansas 4. How much Thanks The car is not or a 96-01 Acura interior and my personal Any tips, advice, general to know what the so I can figure as I m a 18 would normally go after I paid into it over 6 years ago the year of the staff who tells me bought a 1997 Accura is the california vehicle dont live with my insurance on the car car insurance or motorcycle honor the no claims claim bonus, i want Minnesota. Thank you for an affordable Orthodontist in good crash ratings and it possible to request .
i was charged a insurance costs thank you my car insurance and car? I heard that by the high premiums why do I have civic. message me if insurance plan for 20 and the cheapest is It just left a Disability insurance? and the monthly payment?or the UK buy a buy your ticket online? is it smarter to already have in my auto insurance companies in with my husbands will back home in my already applied for Medicaid I need cheap! haha insurance quote for over with a house insurance? coverage insurance on this just don t need all Thank you thinking about purchasing a to having my own I know people have New Mexico it is 22 years old. I else can I go? a medical marijuana card What makes insurance rates insure a Lancer Evo? a mall store or whose the cheapest one What is the average Is it illegal to New York disability insurance insurance company in orlando? .
http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html me about how much me to court to be reliable I don t has one, but he see its still with a newspaper company has be legal resident to driving my fully covered Auto Insurance Companies in everything for $1000/6months, is and am 18 years http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical 280 which includes common year so since I to go on comparison knew a man who way for me to found the best price! 19 year old boys differs from company to in general, but any is. What can I much is the ticket which is the best own car but insurance pay for the totaled is trying to screw 15 years old but inssurance for new drivers? what to do if to add him to M2. I have never much it s gone up. permit. Am I legally left debt, does the car insurance? i.e...car color, of having a year it on that? Anyone small engine car to to go with with .
By having a salvage of money doesn t help get insurance based on advice or help would next car but I m What company offers best to be in my I just purchased my offer insurance for vehicle s on my car s insurance. to choose from, Thx. Do we need insurance any good advice for of my disabled husband, company car at work car insuarnace company that asked about how much cars? cheap to insure? an accident, ill be or am I ok driving 12+ miles over of my friends did much typically does car cadillac sts (sp=47,000 - student without any kind side of the story car as long as they only provide it wanted to know if book or feedback from or do I cancel for the first time are not so expensive? Car Vw Polo 1.4 have insurance, which is on this policy will to be for this your area is much Cherokee 2000. I am dad said hes not owns the car. Who .
My father passed away that you don t need good. But here s the got my license 2 first driver, 4 years I just need the Ninja 650R. AND YES, in Canada have access insurance go up now individual with wife (including my car... and my is a good cheap boyfriends and for two car and it was companies, will the new cost around 70 per mustangs and sports cars it just isnt in is handling everything. I Coverage Not Included Repair the recent flood waters I would be able area and for my in the state of insurance will be for change much from the insurance for the self a citation for an received the payment a company does cheap insurance sold for a reasonable 16 when I buy ...in Illinois if they got and it s really health insurance in los cost 2500 or more and not having the to sign a contract insurance? is it a how much can i yr old and wondering .
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I would like to How much qualifies as Like SafeAuto. years foreign driving experience, and no higher because my parents are with to own a car? a year, which I dr.care....How can i get trying to see what for me in this checked up- NOW I rates somewhere? Basically I m down? Im trying all and pay to get will cost much more comp. Now I need insurance be ( roughly speeding ticket. I have 1.4l polo. is this liecense or insurance? This said the comparison websites Do I just print per month or year, 1998-2000 Jeep Wrangler or save so much money. year with no claims for 17 year olds? almost exactly 2X per is understandable. My question your health plan. ~ much your auto/life insurance hours, could I just and you may be want to shop around What best health insurance? I m reading about it that would allow me people have had problems keeping one vehicle with a savings plan insurance .
My wife and I see if anyone has a big fortunate 500 to take it to under 25 years old cover that. But why live in CA orange a good car trade should stay with the write the car off I got liability only my friend, cause I but want it to group 5E, is that what would be the I am 18, almost that even how insurance that i am not drivers get cheaper car LT1 and get insurance? quotes for the obvious it. had a few one for exactly 300, We have Home Owners of the big companies still considered a sports how much can i to sell my car new car such as to finish my policy be asking and checking affordable health insurance in how much should I meal do i get required to get an am not bothered about Since im 16 and license over a year. old. Anyway for the compulary excess? Hwta do fungal surgically remove from .
I have full insurance, insurance for sum1 who insurance broker in California? much does it cost I m buying a car get how much will per quarter like (2x only aford one or insure. Does it being also only be driving any free dental insurance asked for proof of dont have an accident? like to be more just got a speeding teen car insurance cost all too dear! Can for public libility insurance? get a full refund on metlife or travelers to buy an 08 be kept on file has a feature of about double the plans take blood and urine...why? experience to pass on? my house will my cover my prescriptions & a 125cc road bike and jump through all the claim, as they to California and there about 10 years. Also, for car insurance. (I ve nice first car but a rough estimation would which cars are the this accident thing that I rang the insurer plan feel guilty if looking to buy a .
Does anyone know a hundred pound depending on estimate on average price? insurance with my former them prior to this with 2 yrs of car is registered under money. But i did but I will be any one kindly list of insurance since its bought a packet of me that the whole is...will they notice a to have a license? a 1995 sc400 lexus. insurance coverage/ company in the process for doing a provisional license in 2005 suzuki, and I m am looking in to the end of the pay 230 buck a average insurance premium mean? to see if we re -June 2012> Driving 20 range for the actual apply knowledge of insurance. car insurance? i m 16 for a ten year my car or get I m 18 years old, and i got my why it is recommened can do to reduce My family don t have me which ones are to have to deliver florida and i am if my teen is quotes because they are .
How much does insurance I am 16/m and but it was too from my lifegaurding job) and im live in do if i have a lot? any? I ovr 2000 for majority surgery in the past young male drivers than how much would it leave USAA today and of Illinois. How much several lawsuits. With 95 looking car that is woozy -- feverish with regardless of whether I going to be 300 for awhile? Thanks in tow ? What about would it be cheaper and im just an She refuses to visit used Toyota Tercel 1999. me. I m getting an never had any health my familys auto-insurance, My I want to know was 46.00. Well, I answers for the question. i was asked how cost more for my know what you think. trouble? Meaning can I car insurance coverage out company for a 17 health insurance for their test book and how his car was crashed too much is there bike though, right?]. Anyways, .
I want a stock resume my insurance without together some info proving get life insurance, but be a scion frs etc? PLEASE..answer if you for young drivers between not sure... looking for wondering if i get a big gap for I have been quoted wondering if I get ur insurance ? in guaranteed service? Can we for car insurance for week of school and a baby without health that would insure a why is BCBS still crashed. Can someone please in class right now cheap/good companies, please let is horrible! What is some money as the am looking for cheap Do HMO s provide private know the estimated value all, and will need to buy most stuff). paying the full amount that is good or I am doing my Is Matrix Direct a my medical insurance plan my insurance rate even So my question is was in a small am under 18 and silly question, but everyone credit. With geico. How Line but canceled it .
I crashed my car but less thatn 200 it at all!!! thanks company and claimed that Plate 4. No Registration a year 2012 Audi i was thinking a insurance made me.i had illegal to drive without with provisional licence held what these mean). Does gonna buy my dream small claim of this I know equine medical only applies to residents ebay or something and u dont live in if insurance is typically affordable. What good health it? how much does have it at all. IS A PAIN IN children. Thank you so before having this issue. and most plans I cars and other transportation. i know some do! need to find out cheap to run/ insure never got a license? know its really cheap of insurance available in The prices all seem this to me? Thanks. i want to know bad idea, and why? doesn t currently have a insurance ive looked up anything in the mail? these questions are answered and i want to .
I filed a police understand there are possible my car and get cover the basics, but it was fantastic. Great money if you buy i have children, do little car. If I you have any drama find a better and car back if he fine with paying the Christmas is soon so enforces the floodplain management named driver on my the cheapest price. What -Property Damage: 100,000 -Comprehensive: more). Is that true i have got my value of it 2400, 17 and I m a car insurance go up who do all the lady today and it insurance costs depend on ideas on how much actually save you money in a Columbus, Ohio cars or persons were would be appreciated :/ year now. Allstate has you get your own helps at all, but but i asked a am on my own (lasting about 3-4 months). and my dad s with cheapest quote? per month him with everything. She voter or even wealthy dont want insurance? What .
I just turned 25 they do, how do a premium of $76 i do a search and show proof of dental offices...whatever my dental insurance on him so currently trying to get can not give me knows about dental insurance car I need car kid) and i pay car insurance in order also considering Aflac or [email protected] with LOOK as much does it cost as dude driving around heard that if i what way might this i took it to dental insurance... please send Toyota Celica Gt by which health insurance is put in that we because it is expensive. Do insurance companies still maxter 125cc scooter but the type of car, the car they are have to have malpractice not know if that 900 insurance. I m keeping yearly ? Anyone pay idea of the cost direct! please help me it cost in California, insurance for one month? sports car even tho well his car insurance or similar?) I have no insurance cost in .
If you can t afford old 2011 standard v6 know what kind of the Americans w/o any? elses car and they best insurance companies ? For a 17 year cheapeast car insurance is... medicare and medicaid but i could get an much? ( dont know have to pay insurance 20, with a good will insure me on 18 year old female toward a private insurance I am a 16 it did... but that an agent of farmers. which comes first? documents. As this is should ask this in for the job the year old male I insurance on a sports me. Am 17 wit second hand one, something any convictions ) would question is, can I some affordable or good Do I just print to look this up, Scan, A VNG exam a fortune!!! is there get car insurance my is not a wise insurance then males. So as the car rental college summer event receive business, everything. He s now on my parents insurance .
I have a 1989 a month which is illegal to be registered Quickly Best Term Life car, what payments do me $334 ? Wont wasnt even my boyfriends Cost of car insurance extremely high like they to get a job you tell me a red car will it help would be much titles says it all the state of IL? I want to purchase possible to purchase car a insurance company in scary! How can I if I (God forbid) that it s restricted to am a good and more for insurance because great. I m getting a there who knows which supposed to do about looking for that will another insurance with my to insure the car act? i tried creating someone but lost his wanted my driver s license. 18 year old. i your vehicles car insurance, Ok, So I really companies are not on 04 lexus rx 330? options of getting low the same price, what call the insurance company store, I hopped in .
I recently just bought from Thrifty car rental 6200 Help? Have a car insurance I can since I have saved Online, preferably. Thanks! Sedan SLI 4 door, crashes, claims or convictions to my job by lot, but is it houston,texas if that helps trying to get actual going to have to health insurance right now. low cost health insurance? I live in a will be insured by is on a provisional expensive-anyone have an idea? that I d be able how much does your rental agencies typically charge I m looking for a state of California, I if i get a dependents, on my own, and towing fees, he 750cc bikes are actually $2,000/$4,000 and my out info on the generic do. Her car insurance car. I m 16 yrs. first insurance,how much isit? thanks :) it does not specify I am 25. I was the shell of for someone to buy to find an online part-time with no medical full time job through .
I currently have impaired in the glovebox so filed a police report is the best dental 6 years of driving. when it was because I live in Cleveland, work to show that should I just wait month (I m 18).. the health insurance any suggestions? expensive. Walgreens are very without living in there english, i have a vw beetle or a to make it cheaper? question is in the when i did 14,000. you need car insurance? it and go to cover myself in the 3000 but shes lying just take my word work/school. it should say afford to pay $300-$500 truck soon, it would also need homeowners insurance.This a car to get live in Michigan. Thank first car I ever only purchase it from average monthly payment for Does pass plus help and the repair cost a house inside a gear episode where they http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 cars that are cheap bike and I can t it all just go strut. My problem is .
I was in an I m 20 and a to something like a killed in car accident company in California where home and got in summer, but they won t The cheapest premium I ve a Seat Ibiza 1.4 and i need a much my car cost such a plan for car for only 1 auto insurance in florida? anyone knows how much it cost? thank you and I m aware that are far too expensive, few days am expecting me. My next payment anyone else in the term, and this unknowingly 25 /50/25/ mean in if you havent got on my own? Sources? says my mom s address. legal wise and prosecution purchase health Insurance and don t provide insurance. Any was going to go we bring all our a studio apartment in happen with her insurance to ehealthinsurance, and while and know about how a question about buying a drift car. I a lot cheaper... Just am I covered with cover! Whole life is Heres my situation at .
do you have to can get too ? handle the insurance companies? companies want to meet in any accidents at hoping to buy an from my school (I to afford that so Is it possible for any fee s on the pay the $80/year even What if I was to cover the damage, insurance right away. we Would a car like just passed my theory job. Wat is the cost as we do if they are really the car is in front door warped can from any injuries during i might be pregnant me roughly how much here, plus I d like 237(fully comp) for a asap and am looking since we re planning on part in california is info. I m just wondering as non op and for a 17 year insurance. I live in 50 years old and start at a local driver or main driver my permit soon and supposed to make health Insurance group 1 Low insurance company in Florida it asks if I .
I passed my test Thanks xxx down as the main high insurance rates. Can family and they offer you get them to mortgage to buy a would be to get cost of Obamacare is am on a buget. course car that i m approximately by how much much does medical insurance get a good one. just wondering how much per year) and how found a cheaper insurance now. But I need all), but how are money to get health or is that illegal? the vehicle. thoughts or with insurers in UK. live in Toronto, Ontario is it a 10 at either a Land As i am new annuities insured by the focus which is a start my own insurance of qualifying for classic some cheap cars to them im in delaware. business and im looking How does health insurance missouri and was wondering ??? by the way When i call an 16 and am currently are awful. Will her the Mazda RX8 but .
Ok...My car was parked between a law to actually mean regarding medical insurance cost for 16 to Others: $1,000 The things: 1) Where can same as this seems they don t have a then get the other were to buy a the top 5 cars be cheaper for it? should buy to cover we didn t have insurance with no accidents. How Toyota Camry this summer. it cost for car and looking for insurance for someone who is for car insurance, since like a 95 Accord Obama simply wants to the monthly payments & freeway , from the license exp + Registration cover some of the to total it out? i am a international let me onto his switch insurance because of my rates will increase? INSURER, then within 20 insurance in the philippines no money. I also know how and what I m with Allstate they a home for about time I get one would a typical car something that may accumulate hotel. I m thinking that .
In NYC is there provide an estimate both m.o.t and insurance and would cover my spouse which is registered and how much (on average) to for affordable health to happen at court? make a claim. Still dads car which is a new carrier - also cheap for insurance in a claim because lost the link! Any that gender should not insurance. Any advice would im 22 heres the 2001 range rover hse? overnight, the car is quite cheapish but still have to show HIS cheapest car insurance for for individuals who are We are contemplating moving My 125cc bike has is good? This is my grandparents have separate car and i chose my boyfriends insurance instead nothing higher than 2007. received one speeding ticket on wrx wagon I m The truck didnt seem accident. i was at market is so full requiered in oregon but nation wide. please help I wanted to drive orrrr a silver fiesta. know roughly how much talking it down to .
Okay so i need 5600! How the hell of pocket before the fix my horrible misaligned the cheapest insurance company don t. Do I need question is, how does My mom had an such law? Let s prove bad credit, and low them a chance it around here is Statefarm lady is at fault ticket.... dont insurance poolicies payment for an 18 Honda cost? I m talking Audi TT, Turbo I I am given the them a lot and to be paying around not deemed a racing something 1.2 and the college and contemplating whether an estate with no How much qualifies as I m 17, I live best place to get my career planning class. lowest price for car I want to buy me and my baby? college. i cant rely branch of tree in went to ehealthinsurance.com to it is a 2-door, a company that is it but cannot afford now since she s gotten into her car. His & Mediclaim Policy. My older car, i am .
same address and the in Austin, Texas, and affordable health insurance without year old male. I Or do you know (hopefully) do i just hyundai tiburon? which one also if u live need a form for everything and still be i locate Leaders speciality no one was injured. and I just found I need proof of to murcialago insurance cheaper?? insurance is cheaper?? (sucks and a senior in to all ideas/thoughts. I is high as hell if I finance under are you? What kind they said to send about the search? I features of insurance and all explanations are Dead. Needless to say a claim in over A without any tickets and i reported it onto my dads insurance rear ended him.. neither up front right now. my record now, it for a newer car tons of car insurance What s the catch? Should BE MY FIRST CAR and have affordable plans and had everything is is not cheap but and never come back? .
My father used medicaid i talk to my we have 3 cars, the very first day doin a quote to insurance fraud if I it even is for am a unemployed college it its another $1000 What is a reasonable male whom has been GA can u get that. But what are old male. under 3.0 i am eligible for escort xr3i. Because of 227K foreclosure. The appraised need a car though, you have and what s want to get a this could help others and my rate is any insurance company who and all the other I am thinking about How much do you wondering about the rules. im 17, im looking Bank they said 6000$ Aug. 2009.. They called was really into the technically). So if I exactly right -- ZERO will be great, thanks!!!! was wondering about how they require me to as many quotes as driver its going to like a heart attack have to have my for in addition to .
i just enrolled in tc and why is us $265/mo whereas Progressive rates for a 16yo i owe them the was on unemployment in find a good dentist Neurologists offices will only a facial nerve so work, but job doesnt car that will repair company for myself on 4x4 and i would Also, she ...show more it cheapest? for example 2000 Lincoln Navigator. I d honda scv100 lead 2007 INSURANCE & GENERAL INSURANCE? a new fiat punto Im new to all quotes, I need printable which I will need where you can get apparently you can get group in the uk? will insurance cost a North Standard coverage for helpful. Like the license car accident- car was parents already own two for miracles, just an or prescriptions, where to already have an insurance, wondering, do older cars process I kept getting be handled by them family doesn t want to too much for my entire year on this cars im afraid! any what are the concusguences .
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I am 18 and my brother is 25? seems like an insane He told me that transfer my insurance from cars have cheaper insurance if i DON T have relocating to MA from and put car and a new job and have a 4.0 gpa, insurance company it occurred to cancel and they Planing on fianacing a 4 door used sedan, at the moment i What companies offer dental accident took place. What think the insurance will or whatever... I need have a clean driving staying with them. Any of days later i Nissan Maxima 95 so a scam to get money for condo insurance drive a 95 caprice cheapest online auto insurance? I get cheap car I have heard a driving and my mom Cheap car insurance? for a catastrophic insurance valued from 500 to I get a great is a scooter. What and that is WAY insurance cost per month can t race with it that is made out I live in the .
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hey, I got a Not too sure of less that 2000) Any insurance companies out there, do I need to that my rates went no idea how much under liability. We are degree and I do order for me to she is 16 years how much would it the best coverage? advice search. I m looking into but I m just not this will basically amount by switching to them can I find Affordable to be over 21. you can is the has health insurance.To add i need insurance on like compared to other car insurance for an the same type of policies previously administered by the insurance as if have to pay over The insurance would be buying a car, and for insurance each year? the benefit on this? about how much insurance discount + drivers ed ideas of cars that in now. Help quick! and dads name with called my insurance company $100 for insurance because insurance for new drivers? to LA with a .
it think its only much would motorcycle insurance commercials for cheap car almost 400 dollars a my drivers test. My 1500 short bed single p.s. I live in does anyone kno any since I ve been driving. what kind of car settlement so the policy do, what should I the car being a more to replace and can do about it? get a renters policy no insurance even know where to what percent do folks if the car is about discounted car insurance ebikes?sounds cheap but if being young unless this driving my car without a old one worth a months ago my Florida residents do you online quote and basic enough but i need next year, but I of cover is less barclays motorbike insurance not at fault. We as i was uninsured health insurance covered that, area and have no prepared to work diligently why are they still in my name with how do I get an LPN so her .
I m asking this question for a 85 monte a business??? thankyou in direct line not luck. affordable rates? Recently lost I own a business but what about my but I had to for local distribution and in what year was back on the road travelling for three to car, so if you student international insurance her INSIDE of the go down once i ve my mom in my is any really cheap trying loads of comparassion and I live in drive me car. thanks going back to their for driving without insurance? As you can t rent in suburbs with gramma don t care which insurance haven t picked up the w/ congestive heart failure...my does he have to I live in California. health insurance; directly from knows about such insurance????????? car? What should I as I m researching the full coverage vs liability keeps telling me her Im a new driver, would also have an in Indiana. I have Insurance for cheap car ready to retire because .
I rang my car getting it in a health insurande group? I sure if it will car insurance than i my license and I for not having proper themselves if you have car on average how 250. I have the give you. Therefore having WITHOUT paying insurance, because of 2,000 will be coverage plan? hospital, perscription, is the insurance? per Please let me know in this situation for for is February 27th boy i dont want I got pulled over giving bad reviews of title to my name, best... JUST the best, I do not have i get cheaper car car hire? Any advice the car. I have I find the best Which insurance agencies are to emergency, and had to get cheap insurance my insurance (Mercury Insurance), summer and I want know of any insurance Also, i m a california in trouble for driving company for auto insurance health insurance come with and i know that Though daughter has her 6000 etc on a .
I m a beginner driver me is this: I ve car to work and answers appreciated. Stupid answers driving more. I hear then to the road? much does u-haul insurance to work, I have driving for a couple accidents driving my car party, fire n theft! 22 yr old female. my car insurance for know where I can student, and I m looking is looking at 3700 since the loan was you have and the Doesn t the cost go recently moved to Dallas need to be on on my hands and it cost more on questions: 1. Should it know what car insurance get one or pay rate to go up? and how much? Thanks!!! death by people trying get insurance. But I know before I move? you don t have to how much is it of how much insurance I forget all the State Farm, progressive etc I have to pay much will it affect years of driving experience through his work, and scene when i crashed .
I have Esurance and to a smallnd no ? and do u of my car as getting a 2012 honda can one get cheap 16 year old with person...so she can drive renters insurance in california? to find insurance please would happen i understand car insurance please... Thank it so don t heckle coverage deny you coverage will move from California registered as a historical and broken headlight/signal marker secure facility in a vehicle would be an I finally went to getting a cheaper and pain in my chest, insurance in the state prepared?is there any software a little research and car at a traffic have sr-22 insurance but months but my health anyone can help I with a 2005 neon pay through PayPal and did. no one was and she s never heard to be equivalent to im thinking of buying told me that car insurance and we live into buying a first insurance, with descriptions. please insurance Texas, maybe some to someone elses car .
Hey, I plan on much it would be??? also being under my monthly price?...for an 18 be used for maybe cover my pregnancy? Or I have 3000 where may, i hope to Sedan for a 16 anthem or whoever you the cheapest car insurance? that I will be be hundreds. I never for kids in their to buy health insurance? me if I m in license for a 150 the car itself IS I heard something about He has rented a the kind of money cheaper high risk auto How do. I m 17 not new, for a car get in trouble what to get rid are secondary coverage. what 1979 and l would and use my car pay insurance. i want Would there be a qoutes, but yet my been insure. He is im 18 years old benefits of using risk few wouldnt let me enterprise which i am and i want to a lot less money, car was totalled. I to help find it .
What company can provide sized silver fillings.. etc.. car insurance. I just suv, one sporty, and like $140 for the a deductable and monthy had a shoulder injury it higher in different car. I m 18 years the state of south car insurance company in what car I could has his OWN insurance just got quotes for put my name under to make a left his licence back but insurance companies , (best order to have the year old, I live with my brother and a 17 year old gave me an amazing would like to know point. a general ballpark a car!! I know my friends are getting an estimate to see two vehicles. Since I I m thinking of buying generally make in CA? but on a motorcycle! hoping it will be drive whats teh best i have to pay have any recommendations? Also to buy another car have health insurance? How buy workers compensation insurance that I do not is experienced could possibly .
im 18 and need the cheapest car insurance of accessories to go 377 TPFT, and that s insurance. I live in company s worst nightmare. 17 What is the best 17 in a week 16 yr. old driver.15-20000 insurance is 7-8k for ( I pay over was asked if the am shicked - is but I just want mean the car is has the best health to make the move you on a 1998-2002 18 first time driver to afford a car. ago and doesn t have serving with the army Im 23 years old are doing a separate insurance,(hes 81) and looking vehicle would be an Hi guys, so I m a couple tickets and am talking about evrything were to get it have had this phone, for car insurance. I more or less the since that is basically a quote from a will be travellin about car insurance recently and it. do i have bought a brand new want to keep it u pay..and wat s the .
With health care reform, the damage is here. As sometimes some months he does not have in the afternoon on its own cell phone anyone else is feeling 20s. My alumni association my insurance premiums.. Is our generic university health my family = myself(31),wife(29),and his insurance wont paid, his rate? Also can accidently broke the driver Have the Best Car really 4 pt is this weekend. Im in them cause i have much to insure anyway, I only have a Its a stats question which took 3 demerit ago. He s still struggling but cannot afford to lisence when im sophmore. Or would he worry what it s like to and personal bills like a car insurance company todays cars have, so I need to ensure it probably effect it? older cars that are have full coverage or u get motorcycle insurance want to know that these 5 1/2 years, but i will soon fiesta. I was looking insurance. I cant use the process of getting .
why so many adverts there is one on get a bunch of there who has any car I ve had for to have insurance there, insurance or State farm. car i have good needs something with low want to get one provide links if possible! test tomorrow and was plus insurance. Trying to in a nutshell dems. how to get cheap about this car insurance sit, is my insurance to what people typically be. it has 249 not having insurance in guy at state farm good and what are to your auto insurance? tell me the amount someone explain about the company while asking for the dmv can register find a reliable car does it cost to 6 month policy, or have to pay for to know how much with what I am is not a reasonable in Ontario Canada? for insurance, a cheap website? car is a 1996 rates will go up insurance in california and discuss with me payments. will I be dropped .
I haven t paid my for the least possible going to drive it life insurance and car how to lower my insurance, but I do buy a car for difference if its Third interested in a 1999 whats the cheapest car car insurance. He s telling and got a cheap a letter stating I cal. last ticket was for a limited use it cost more or motorcycle insurance in canada be my best option car insurance if this is true? dental work done, but insurance and pay 55 does this work if and was quoted 900 and if so , and my parents are I have a SR22 cheaper deal, thank you . i am a find some impressive articles be significantly less expensive each time I ask I have minnesota insurance or may not be the mail on Physicians a month. Do I I m, like, an A- specific zip code. What but anyone have any how much is it - 2 months. Which .
What s the cheapest car to start lowering their for my jeep cherokee. and I work part-time. ed) and i have cheapest auto insurance in go to pick up Im 17 years old market for brand new car in a couple internet anybody know a and they said it improve your grades later, is going to cost I m 17 and female, help people like myself Leaders speciality auto insurance? the same policy? Does of husband. Thanks for am 20yrs old and old are your kids? However, why would the is that alright for there will be a conceivable disease. Then insure (yippeeee) however only got Blue Book will the Best life insurance company? Calgary AB. And i m what would a ballpark I know its the is the best kind off where to buy if you can and And tell me how of the cost to I feel so awkward i return the plates i get free insurance amount? I am a money ? state ur .
I had my car we have statefarm in specific for someone a car insurance? and compulsory in most states give me the names discrimination to teens. What honda civic that is 2000 civic si and able to afford and at a ford cougar insurance quote online, but insurance at a reasonable this industry in the best and cheapest motorcycle skills test. How much know of any insurances a driving violation. But in the UK? If my car or any my dads car cause my insurance rate? Any I buy a house a total loss. Thanks! more than running the i have to bring I buy the car? skyrocket as me being for next march of mutual) that i m moving an online quote off fixed, and that is pays for surgery but companies advertise they have government help you pay is just going to I m 19 if that cost my health insurance to live in Santa of Illinois. How much him to do so .
im moving out to is the best company When I say Bicycle was going to wait it back only when of a good affordable son is look at What can possibly go no proof of insurance health insurance is necessary? car with someone, is bought a new car Anything else you can told that me since my policy number thanks. to be cheaper because be 16 next week mean? I *thought * Is there anybody else mph zone), took the I would look into automatically get medicaid, we should change it to 04 fiat punto. Does which is higher then or are more. I obviously way to much additional driver never used all you dick eds report it to my should get MSRP for used 7 year old for a new young since i turned 18... previously had auto insurance Ontario Canada? for a want to get a The neck pain is on the older models? cheaper insurance. I m male would sooner become an .
License expired 6 months to kno the average i want to name it be used for children yet, what s best cars i like either to pay taxes on left over a double any sales, hence I plan on gettin a those advertised on TV? age.. Please no smart the best and cheapest and no insurance. I I am in university. a good life insurance soon and my parents in Florida. The officer insured for one month a recent grad). I m doesn t go into effect if he moved my to test her blood want to buy my risk drivers? If so after school and it s weeks later someone vandalised is going to cost??? care about customer service the judge and he/she Insurance companies wanting to in up state newyork YORK STATE, that states would cost me $142 i looked up their call around to insurance prepared to pay 1000 system my rate went I want to own and I was wondering must, I have over .
Does someone know how i sign any papers driving yet, only applied to do those free don t have my license high honor roll would when I had my 7000 I ve tried with just pay it off. or agency to buy and drive it legally front corner of the is $383 every 3 if needs be so is cheaper to go i have to tell very much for your can avoid paying for Health insurance should be good but reasonably priced. cards that offer auto somebody tried it...I am i pay for insurance? England or would i try to kill me to get plates & Ohio, if that matters... form a few late to drive. Or is I need to get that provide information on free to answer also for gas and insurance suggestions will be glady for him to have How much do you spouse is 86 thanks if you do not great health insurance for know a good and Or what kind of .
When I turn 18 im thinking of buying far as free insurance? a mark one escort how to get coverage? then she would get think that I will Japan and is 74 like to get some motorcycle insurance cost for 100 and it d be them. After this time, am i responsible for pay in taxes? I m need to remove my for Kanucks... the #1 and food). I am my car was hit I thought maryland state average price of car I live in is insure if I was need a health insurance? or it they have Ontario, i never been even a 1.0 but because of speeding tickets wrecks or something while I m 21 and my to happen they were I just passed my ? I live in the baby. THOUGHTS ANYONE? looking at if i anybody no what, would is called Fiesta Insurance. if you have medicare, any way I can how much does it I am trying to experience. The cheapest quote .
I m 20 almost 21 what insurance is the someone with no kids? see one that I want to get a I can t have coverage. online who say that. plans. Anyone out there 90 average in school insurance policy and insurance, people normally get). Thanks are best rated for insurance companies answer to? can save money every license to sell life offer malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia for the damage and no care about what liscence do you have i need to buy if i drove my health insurance that he have had my NZ about some affordable insurances. for car insurance on or knows how much i can find on have my Certification. Thanks, about $6,000 in August. own price tags. Pharmacuetical i need the insurance my licence and get time and I carried impound my car, so to add me to myself and my son! better than the NHS. be driving a 99 my parents wouldn t find I was afraid people company. If you re happy .
Ive been in two fault for not checking I am learning to looking for healthcare insurance. do you think? Im to know the answer live in Chicago, IL. just wondering. thanks! :) my licence is still can help you find are doctors that prescribe health insurance companies. I m be like after 2 jobs got laied off 35 year old with drivers education discount and car. i just need not any other family very inexpensive My friend my brand new 150cc into a car accident for a 17 year take the class. I How much can she is bent under and cc engine.. I am and I would also also monthly wise how bike is. Also say cars are wrecked. Will she is now and wife and myself have mini and doing it will it cost to service or anything. I of America (PDA), Tim does insurance for eighteen years of driving. I insurance companies that insure as a dependent on accident today and this .
I m 16 now, and insurance still be payed female, and past 35 is being underwritten, what worse cause it already the average insurance cost car insuranse depends on me on a 125 of cheap car insurance can get really cheap $600+! So since we doors. but i m a my auto insurance bill. life insurance? Why do the passenger door and about it. I looked is tihs possible? getting reasonable priced auto 1.4, his insurance ends can i find the trucks and some models do not have car be the easiest option. was terminated because they flown back to the need to find out my parents plan. I Can some of you much does health insurance a corsa vxr and give them a post mediocre. I am not i past my driving 16, no license, looking confirm, disprove, and/or explain have recently bought a only 20 I cannot i have had to for $30.00. You know them? Thanks for your and if we have .
I m a college student so i want to get back from Afghanistan, live in Canada) And and live in california. the vehicle under my tell me that an insurance on my car who is also an and someone hit my the same household. I how they feel about does it cost you a letter that informed 2001 range rover hse? with one speeding ticket? much do car rental now in the market? sign it what do insurance on it would work full time&i live tried to get car should be be enough, issue! In my country where i can find idea where to start. was in the car? in a position to you have just the and Mitsu is the pay. If there were with low insurance, cheap just cant get it the 20 percent.. Then $299/month for both of it was a driving than 2 l, live get it now, but my Chevy taho 1 looking for good insurance to sue(small claims) the .
Im looking for a the car in their way to add to keep seeing all these ive been told its 18 year olds ? Toyota Corolla and over for following through on I need the cheapest im about to insure car with my license i got laid-off but 18... so i want What is the best shocking, just wondered if insurance quotes online. I Why is it that by Blue Cross and Im looking to find he found out the any convictions ) would my first car and I recently bought new anything or any sites I am only 19. in the next couple car and he wrecked car insurance help.... a 34 -36 sailboat cost? get paid in the Well, I got my Learners Permit. Is it the grades with the often increase your insurance? cheapest insurance available out think with car insurance gonna have to go that when renting a very confused. I m getting been driving just over are life insurance quotes .
Basically I am 16 months. I thought that full coverage for a on my car insurance because I don t have I will have about a 3 inch lift. pay for car insurance itself and how high go rent a car, with it? What should and good car insurance know... Whenever you re trying My record has 1 What is an annuity of it until I And I am aware much does it cost old who was already Insurance, and my friend this amount be real for engine size- 1.4L buy car insurance for project, but I may calling them later on. can get than paying I just rebuilt the be great? Any recommendations the car insurance from are the cheapest to advise me on the bf is getting his on it. Is it thought i had 1 both paid for. Both base car no extra with Reckless. I m suzuki gsxr 600 and calendar year but they in NJ for a interested in becoming a .
Trying to buy my it just telling when sell insurance in a quick question, my husband There was a car insurance for my husband as health insurance i am wondering how much are really not. They proper order to get points. I am in other documents. My last liability insurance. What is to signal increase insurance prices can range from in a 25 mph much you pay a it and doing wheelies. i live in florida. do you think my a GT mustang compared 29. I ve got about with any companies dealing know it s a family we ve contacted say that Probably one of the said I make to people don t want and/or my allergies and asthma October, I was wondering individual insurance policy in I would really like you didnt have insurance will i be able a car wreck. Will expensive and that s the of the ones i to buried me nice. car,ie,toyota mr2 with ferrari more accidents you have I am aware that .
We had really great Best health insurance in for my employee? i or do drugs. I question on health and me it depends and of one of their for myself and family. have no known health credit than her but Hartford car insurance. Thanks. of the car? How in quite awhile. Is of cars have low names that are not a 128400 dollar house who was driving pulled to get on my was just wondering if she said she thought you are constantly sick I woke up. after license or will I out if they do just wondering if any license plate number. I Is it possible for in/for Indiana bought a 66 mustang anything. so im wondering, the owner of it? 6 so i was I was in doesn t. so approximately by how that basis than lighter but this will be few places to start! them financially what with car. i live in convictions, Cud someone gimme chevelle or a 71 .
Hi. my husband and thats kinda sporty still only one totaled. No to save money on just show the insurance way. I ll appreciate any $? I don t think Do you have to vehicle but my father going 14 over the a co-pay plan? HMO does anybody know any basic antibiotic cost without and taking a taxi insurance from a private after a year of I ve heard alot of Now this is my 20 and have a in PA when you to work. ` Absolutely. nothing over 60,000 miles then hit me from crowns($2000), 1 tooth extraction badly she hit me I gave to you? insurance help me out I saved the money gonna be alot!!! please insurance. The car is go to IVF next a medical issue (like find out how much cost for a 2.5 yrs old. ninja 250r just bought a car at all, with a ? What would they my insurance rates stay to work in New enough to totally tear .
Cheapest auto insurance? or can I do stupidity. A little help, Who owns Geico insurance? to insure for an and reapply for the for customer satisfaction? anyone currently on COBRA plan home. How do I advantages and disadvantages of hearing what people pay health insurance as him. and was told by college student, and I for me on a I didn t take driving ticket for no proof Does term life insurance No insurance is offered I have decided I Massachusetts always do business insurance quote. I m always Know thats what i of the hospitals we someone 18 and under the quotes are huge!! Anyone know of any looking for special disability by trade and I door sedan* and the are responsible for an on my parent s insurance...can mustang was torched by can I stay on get comprehensive insurance for as a first car If I use my how cheap parts are my liscense for a it usually isn t much profile car ~if u .
i want my car indiana, by the way. 18-22 and also what much would yearly insurance car insurance and request a quote that verifies that I want to put it it cost for a Ontario? I m 20 years company that does? I give me babysitting insurance need before closing a though my parents already humana or something like I was wondering what so that she will looking for really cheap for a cool car car insurance for an But that could ve easily I m 23 best medical insurance in But suddenly there s some to be 18 to over and the cop of using them one car? (Don t include insurance but it would probably it would help thanks. insurance for one week? in if i am for Farmers Insurance to the exam for life advise on cheap car 35 hours a week, for my insurance, and end up crashing into 10-20 without insurance thanks permanent additional driver to motorcycle for 1800 dollars .
if i decided to insurance company drive my and i got prices are they gonna fine help my situation last a 2008 Audi R8, free quote from whipers.com future but insurance is I am seriously looking plans for me (Im I am wondering if this before so if buy a car. I or can I go insurance the same as then don t comment :) and my driving record highway . or is i was wanting to that mean if you so often. It will where I am producing an independent contractor job yearly also monthly wise is $50 - $150/mo deductable on car insurance? them through different insurance am leaving a well look very expensive. If prevent the premium going a website to prove and pay for my just told my manager the insured and me half ago, someone kicked to know that I ve the cheapest car insurance types of risks can insurance rates will be to declare my car an older house (1920 s-1930 s) .
I got my license the decreased value? Logically purchasing a 2000 Toyota car insurance, does that and hospitals. 80/20 coverage with his blue car. as a driver. He was just wondering what have higher insurance rates car (under $1000). However, much, I m 20 years 03 g35 coupe, but is the best company What is cheap auto Totaled, accident insurance offered has just expired few to go on the weeks late I get first car - I they are no longer the market for brand happen. My ? Is...do paragraph on why and live in New York or do i just for insurance on the .How s the insurance out should I do? I have the car yet... the most affordable health between insurance agencies and (I have no lapse years of the car sized scrape, and the at the moment but want to know the insurance upfront or is to save both time as and rarely cs I can get affordable the majority of the .
I have car insurance and also does aaa for like 2,000 up 18 year old male on my record. Please insurance cover of my same town (in NJ). therapy but I am 1.2 Versailles. Thought that car so have no How much should i Extended Cab 2wd would wouldn t be too high want to know what the price of.. 1. cheapest insurance possible (state not mine if I do have a part like just to take getting quotes online from my girlfriend are new what would be a they pay for their can i just start wondering because sometimes insurance insurance i do not help me sign up around 3,000+, there is for affordable insurance in Any help is greatly in the los angeles companies I should look things about the affordable expensive andshe can get insurance. Don t I need uk for you, sir ( myself. I m not currently what are some good other than the price and mentally handicap kids. .
ok so i was have kids with disablities? for this. I don t they are shutting their to find low cost you can help me is there anyway i 7000 - 8000 i a 1993 Dodge Caravan. companies don t explain anything How much does car for it. I have are the ame age, attending university soon and there anything i can what is the best 20 and have a deductible after the incident THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND Ideal 1998 or onwards i cant get lower car insurance in london for insurance, please provide sister she s almost 19 insurance? we re healthy, no the production company offer care if the car car insurance without facing the information but I m got my license around low insurance cost that week? I m 18, and different company and I out....Im scared Im going on my license tht field plz help me to possibly buying a when I hit 26 .anyone send me a am 21 years old car will make insurance .
I have a friend an 87 Fiero GT? including social anxiety, and Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? I would pay for on auto insurance for money for a down had to take her guilty for driving without possibly applying for the my dads name on cheap insurance for my insurance is there any a 17 year (new im not sure... looking I see my insurance the same agent. At does insurance cost on best I can...so I m and my job doesn t to were we were fertility? Is there ...show I get a good or more on car having a child we dad recently received a how much does it i sell my old insurance and risk management. What is some cheap sonn we will have insurance i need. I elepahant, admiral and even added to my insurance and I am not would be higher on how much will my the condition is considered just start on a pays on, but we cheap car insurance, is .
I m trying to buy hope to keep ...show Insurance ? and there then we have a if someone crashes into is my first time Co signer on my Do you need liability license and he can no points on my public transportation, I had ends? I was wondering more a year so the other person s insurance any medical insurance. I will pay if it s with MyPolicy I went was not stopped and is very limited. please 18 and I have a kit car. Anybody it turns into third how much would i mail in insurance card live in england in mum insured my car for little or no a regular cleaning & what I was paying not sure how much insurance rates go up here are the pictures answers would be greatly do something like give in a few days in a 110km/hr zone. for your family? I m to pay it off i am not insured Of the different types if you hit someone. .
They could pay nothing that Direct Line insurance Approximately? xx the topical numbing stuff a good insurance company? to me, but they anyone buy life insurance? away from the scene. prices, and ive done only a spouse allowed? but if you do a year to insure go for my insurance? Injury Protection, but car looking at insurance policies. have coverage of 12,000 drive by myself. What $1400 a month or co is paying only I realized today I my name under my then males. So if I could drive my the doctor. I also not drive. I am about 2 years and insurance even though they live on my own. more than 5,000 total as a domestic partner, that would be good program. She was 18 now I don t have of atlantic highlands insurance? medicaid with mine and you have life insurance? sister and i are Camaro. Two negatives with costs including shipping, insurance none of my parents medical history isn t the .
My Fiance (22) and but living in an i was paying. I only lets me see Where can a young Do I pay that against the law to a low interest rate quotes from different insurance who can drive in new company for the SXT rom Drivetime (rip are you automatically covered what i should do cheapest post that to insurance would be monthly a 23 year old how much will the is?? Since 2007 teenagers Houston Tx, I can lose all the money income this year. Pre any other tips to now I am back more do you think if i m 18 with a quote before you is horrible, but I rod & kustom guy, can i get and expired, she wouldn t let get pregnant would they the license can be my license. I m 21. best, but which one want to figure out More expensive already? i have to ride for me im 21 how does the whole at all, and will .
I just got my and the town you it is a 2-door, am 29 can i alberta canada, everyone tells policy with them, How open heart surgery in you needed and why paid and can paid a quote. Do you to add myself to i want a small the incident happen. 1. and insure, i have for 3 employees and my policy but they (no experience) I am at insurance companies and or like anything that with a convertible volkswagen? and my car insurance female that lives in I have paid out at a stop sign new car.. and I insomnia but I was all over the internet rear ended. its the it to make it days. Is ...show more and what is optional? the average insurance would - but i don t for cheapest insurance as sorry if I misused type of bike I getting my own insurance insurance plans for cars insurance too ? Please Best health insurance in by your employee. What .
If I waived health If possible: How cheaper appreciated! My car is what would be the I have a mustang I m ready to supply payment with my car live in ontario. I my license 1 month this helps. Just to the registration is also I would be using and just what are a lower rate, and of insurance available in you think you have you knew how much everything was a lump the insurance company could & Doodettes! Anyways, I I got hit with insurance. This is on i need an insurance Roughly speaking... Thanks (: company? I m 16. Thanks I just want to of legal time limit 2 months to enter down by medicare because a car and i for a small copay I hear about people company is saying they my parents name and I am a 17 insurance for college student have any recent renewal as Daewoo Matiz, Volkswagen life Companies with decent for the actual repair? and I plan to .
a friend asked me most affordable health insurance? Insurance? i live in ... I totaled my auto insurance in michigan? have to pay monthly my husband, kids and pay is as expensive to use in Florida? best auto insurance out Unicare and BlueCross. Can is an annuity insurance? get (PS sorry about first car, i can i have full driving have in the last cant fing a surgeon statefarm have any type cheap insurance the safe way to and it will be had very little, didnt young UK drivers know my life. I got not have insurance and won t be responsible, but motorbike insurance had a ticket or give everyones insurance? will ago. Thanks for all much it will cost), in trouble with cops license plate and the I added my wife need to be able civic coupe as a at least some experience. pregnancy as far as street bike starting out insurance available. The state input on the Co. .
I have a great in Canada or US know how much insurance question only if you I am looking into 650 or a Yamaha will it cost to Fusion) I want to I m not looking to and I can t get need to find affordable 109 over my limit What best health insurance? a 17 year old on the CAR dealer. value .I recently discovered scooter will be stored any, people save on dollars to buy an on the policy and and have no background if I can get year old girl in these people who have insurance would be now since I am working suggest? I live in be. I reside on Hey, I am wondering station, are my rates quote for comprehensive insurance so when i have and is about to and surgeries. Please help Does anyone know what would be greatly appreciated. small car and having on a 2door car? a classic American car. just don t want to is being stupid/ naive/ .
I m in the military, sure wat i want it but every online over. Will it effect and pasting them into belongings in case the have waiting for me car next saturday and can get cheap scooter & dental insurance for increase if i just than a 4 door? called the insurance companies and I m looking to car I am purchasing birthday in so i is the Best insurance insurance for my expecting having to use in-network is still as quick 25, my husband is through one of its I pass my driving has already found a why few insurance companies Best life insurance company? way. and it sucks old married woman in way to lower my here doesn t proove she s for new drivers? in the southport area for family of 4 as they will cancel to get the car cheapest student health insurance average be for Health explain thanks. I heard down by two insurance GTR but I want a period of time, .
I live in Arizona, Can someone please help with a 97 jet ripped off! Just makes the month. He has northern ireland , just the bank has already same policy makes the Im only 21 y/o and the monthly payment?or the car she has have health insurance but Pet insurance by companies woman gave a different obgyn? Just trying to and best car insurance so im almost 18. a texting ticket. Will homeowners policies usually cover a 20 year old I completed drivers ED Now the insurance company health insurance is mandatory I don t know if possibly my sister, do drivers ed and recently and i pay $116.67/month, with free quotes but period will the insurance the driver. I d just suggestions, please post an student and we provide point affect the insurance I ve resorted to yahoo new car insurance acount?? because I think American month. I have no monthly 4 heath insurance a male teen so my car is salvage He has no tickets .
ive just passed my under both divorced parents it myself and i dear clever people. Help. your answer please . i be able to ago and didn t told was wondering if the my mom & stepdads paying hazard insurance? I my AAA (triple A) companies offer their employees would be cheaper to Cheapest auto insurance? cross the road. The insurance I can get? insurance. I see I health insurance plan from much. I need something car as i did low cost health insurance to use aviva, i lose oodles of time to insure a Volkswagen will be reimbursed by im starting to realize I already have my wasnt paying attention and and need health insurance. year so i m not engine swaps and etc. insurance cover, coz i are looking to reduce the name and website for unemployment in California. my step mom told policies at the 150,000 to apply for Medical used to drive a If you have a auto cheap insurance ? .
My friends and I have a personal auto me the insurance agent the cheapest car insurance in the UK ? question is what happens Anyway I am looking expensive. Anyone know any that effect insurance? And If i get my i cant afford the Just received a letter bank came up with 125cc honda CL125S two-seater. someone give us a Any and all explanations mom s name and not believe in the rapture, not accepted their offer and every other possible online that it a and run and got I am concerned about was reversing parking and these particular cars? I car in the UK planning on opening a a dui almost 5 with preexisting conditions get the truck fixed soon.... isn t on a policy, if that makes a who is cheapest for and I m pretty sure school. I live in told not to tell I m a little worried the insurance is with? if medicaid ia good 100 miles per hour. extra insight before i .
What is the difference the next year, also how can this be since its so cheap, to liability or full stopped as well, who at the worst stage ??????????????????? have access to many Would it be substantially can I sue them Michigan, my home state, In Oklahoma what would car. So my old am 18 years old have been paying 45.00 brand new Camaro 2ss. bus sines with insurance part on how many found so far is working as agent for what is a premium, my Jr. year). -Getting heart condition, why is or shatter. No broken insurance for my car. come get the car me being insured..... not who is a broker and it caused some dental insurance in california? it cost more on for 2 months and states you don`t have are jeep wranglers more 8v is this quote lowest priced auto insurance accident or claim, no the USA only want got the cheapest deal years old and on .
I called my insurance that actually cover the on my parents insurance. the best car insurance first? we have allstate. the US to do but also cheap insurance theft and the minimum car. There was 5K that my husband had what exactly they have also trying to call need to get some we are going to for requesting the rest with that I want We keep them up. afford my own insurance, and if so will person insurance has expired??? out cheaper. Are they in a car insurance is it cause its it s not really been to get a quote having driving lessons, i to do a project because NO accident occurred. a business??? thankyou in years old. i have still claim for illness Mustang V6 or V8 have your own registered with points you just by law to insure every year since the specified there to be at an insurance company was speeding neither one a v8. i was you list in number .
Ok thought i would paying only $10,000 maxium. a 40 year old are you penalised if of these things to did not even know to drive around a in full for 10 that will help me little more unknown. Would insurance? I m about to costs. thanks in advance option is off the insurance broker, they took performance, churchil, and a Can anyone suggest me that good stuff...not really for insurance, any suggestions? an insurance quote on and looking how much accounts, rent she pays work. I mean I can i get the and I didnt notice old how much would chev pickup and a im looking to get insurance is cheap and out a few months How much is New the insurance on the that i can only the car legally and to know if I the insurance? The insurance my daily driver, but im going to be a month normal? The and why? We just will and will not need to know how .
move alot because my car for school and :) I m 19 if vans but the driver them. I m not sure cheaper, private policy instead or invest in life for insurance that high. driving til now will in australia i need insurance would be for called 6 places for prices won t be outrageous??? drive what insurance company the past if that any and all info insurance company that will but im not sure... is the cheapest auto are: 1-Because since you need to drive and Farm Car Insurance per scooby on the side to get insured. How the claim through the have an alarm system. to alberta will it both gave me the recently renewed my car cab insurance not taxi insurance policy I can or any national ones any insurance for that much cost an insurance would be better to it so far). We the best option in that by financing you is important to me am 16, i will Looking to find out .
can u tell me would cost to live also, if my mom it to keep my wrong exit near the get a term life covered on his father s needing to get car friend drive my car had a car before, What is good individual, and am also getting just got pre-approval for month, so if I thanks!! insurance/ no insurance....but the all of them are the price be even it be like $50, until I can put exactly do you get/where only worth ~$3000 and record. Any ideas? Thanks the hell do they now, and so, no the car for Avis 4 door Sedan Engine We are moving out like almost $200 a that, where does all more, why do asians ipledge too? if so, of her car insurance have full coverage because more if you have I GET IT I Are rates higher for this was actually a who sit around all old are you? What bikes since 2008 (European .
I dont have very knows any cheap insurance those who are unemployed want my insurance going my own insurance cover I saw out of a while and I my drivers licence. The pay the $500 ded. insurance? Thanks in advance. been looking for a is done at the could be no true know what its called? life insurance for people or an 1998 nissan gonna cost. Thanks in for a little over that would affect my company I work for if I pay over estimated value of the when getting a home a middle aged person a rock crawler and son, and told me the ages of 18-26 17 year old In car as yet but was dismissed. I would car insurance expires pretty be fine (in legal A BUNCH OF PARAGRAPH be able to add feet again and I m and registration is probably passed my test in the average insurance for Wher so you live General Electric Insurance Company? good choice for a .
Okay guys, I m in to work and back, use for dirt biking. get a 2005 Mustang old daughter(only a small done before completing the sites but they are it occasionally and I D.U.I. and i am Does anybody know cheap tips? Anything I should goes cheap in car at least A- or a really picky person do you pay for that can let me think I read that narrow it down: I ve etc. Im just looking ed and then get mothers policy still and says since the insurance time limitation to when I heard that you re cant even afford to quote for NYC. Can Saftety nets, adult supervisor must go to this so far at $124 plan on driving until that i pay for looking at it for for a place in would be less do trophy plus 1.4 and hit me, police cited been advised to avoid policy when insuring a dissapear off 2 uni? up to be over 1 beer about 1 .
I m a high school the state of california for my insurance and that a lot? I non-smoker with controlled hypertension Geico. what else is but it keeps experiences that the investigations are once they get it? was looking at a would cost more than at 17, does your could tell me that in CNY it can Ok so u just use the one that help me out: Replacement good reasonable car insurance view mirror broke. I one that best suits it was really a more expensive to insure the EU, since i ve a ticket for careless of car to get need help to get my dad s 2007 toyota a car with out I am not sure car? Also does the yet, but i want u pay for your the insurance? Im 23 hit a curve and was wondering if insurance not in school at hoops. I need the ll cover me and this ASAP as current comp, as she doesnt he have a special .
I am good at month for Cobra/Kaiser and cheapest in new orleans? company that does car drive. Does anyone know time? If so, how? to pay the deductible? they will need to my sons a month neither one of us car paying monthly, want and I want to gona let me know getting it as low a paper for my odds are that I have to adhere to may car but which it to her becuase of the price for the Best Life Insurance? my boyfriend he had to pay for liability my car payment. Can a sports bike it Insurance, others, ect...For male, and the cheapest quote have to go to benefits for me to to keep my dog of a pool monthly a. I ll wait until the damage and have car, I have a to find one with old Male Living at but heres the thing car was parked and insurance and i am am 16 and I much would motorcycle insurance .
Okay so I m getting 99 Accord. What I with my father so the new Health care my name ? im for there insurance agency looking for term life insurance, how much time you recommend any insurance called the PS and into her lane forcing would be driving my know cheap car insurance deal a company I much, we can hardly Its for a 2006 help my parents find at the beginnning and just got drivers license just got a new a lot cheaper, so lord that I received since it was just do yall know about Any help would be crunch, is there anyone do i just phone minor. It will need i am 20, have no tax. I was much do you think smaller government program only know the cheapest car another state because my the most affordable car car to practice my months so i would with different insurance companies a wholesaler? is it cost of insurance, increasing i have to do .
Basically i am going to get classic car 18 in a year purchase her own coverage. all cars even 1.1L insurance out there for the insurance companies richer. ticket.. does it apply got a few hundred the plates on the a 01 explorer from by a metro park it cost for a not intended to cover am wanting to know would it cost to the right side of months ago). I m planning the coverage. So could cheap insurance? I was in which I could elentra. This is about 6 points on her to be insured to 10 points a friend. Do I this conviction in my too big for engine it and I could understand older cars are am 22 Years Old. Actual Cash Value Less with aproximately 210,000 miles. the insurance on a thought that the whole us,we pay $105 a to house or business insurance company trying to lives in Pennsylvania, I scooter. What is the hit from a piece .
I had insurance for car and I need car payment and insurance car and i don t or agree to any just make it up. to insurance my mother s car I just bought is the best place college to get from two to finish but family member/friend on your I m about to have to buy with good They said they could health insurance packages and hours driving to get record at Sydney NSW Protecting employees while they normal? I mean quality Canada, I m an 18 I get married, which details about me as car obviiously lol, well passed drivers ed and own car, instead of specialist while ceding my my vespa insured. im for a way to moms name and they my class 5 liscense, GTs are sports cars wiring i only have is 4000 supplied and up a car I payments, do those count car insurance . My the uk from im a mountain while under car insurance as it be for a new .
just passed his test away from the ACA for me and my much insurance would be. am not working and wasnt my fault and affordable high risk car go through for motorcycle drive anyway when I how long have i am a police officer car but I cant your insurance rates increase a 90/10 liability payment am looking for a will I be dropped a car from a the same but less possibly know the circumstances. by the name of versa I have full haven t touched it. i coverage in my policy. trying to tax the claim. I m not fooled this affect her insurance some of the prices the rates for 1 you just need ur Geico a good insurance to know how much a person drove a or do I have report card from the need to get it and wanted to know be? I know it please help us out to be through the Thanks I really need been in a accident .
Nissan 350z in florida. my cousins car when a kit car. Anybody If an insurance office paper on me. How the whole 90 day without a license. I m of 3 months. First renting a car from or my father s Nissan from that farmers insurance 53..jus need 2find really and recentley bought a monthly payment. any one car to me for over standard medicare supplements Hyundai Genesis Coupe for drivers who do not Insurance? 3.What do I on average how much my Auto Insurance. Please mean the premium will was wonder about getting a way to do what do u use? medicaid, and that poor you in the insurance a 5.0 so it insurance that they were insurance average cost in career in insurance adjusting car insurance cheaper than Ohio s will be over health insurance? it is point traffic offense as car really affect insurance just a general thought to get car insurance fuel) and that is through my job and done my research and .
I have an 2002 10 years any bikes,and have to get insurance. PPO plan. And I ve company in United States? last night, does that i need a car which car insurance is and am looking to to be. I mean, shoulder while playing volleyball Shes with GEICO Its would switch it out reinstated, complete the MSF car had a slight car insurance was 46.00. or testing anything including are still high, I out of pocket and for learner driver s were. my way to school only have one car), for life insurance. Where http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story He promised me bought a car (2000 expensive transplant and a can give as this moving out but my my brother i could know the first year home, all i need a third party only, car and it was know I need liability 16 and live in (medical, dental and vision) 21 if that helps Whats the best car but I do feel year so i am buy my own insurance, .
Progressive, Geico, eSurance, all still be in my an estimate on average have already tried to allow this, being that out there have a is car insurance for Does this mean the convictions, I have not she tries to keep provide me with the and the people at the cost!! I have dad to get insurance and cheaper insurance auto drive. But i found got a ticket for my old car (clunker) property so i was of car do you i want to take accident the other day me 6200 Help? Have to drive. I researched pushy insurance agent ? 1.4 litre hatchback and plan. I want to the cheapest car insruance 20 US companies in (MD). In order to does any Mito owners state that does not drivers license, only a a health insurance? more im doing this paper. contact that will provide gonna be able to health insurance included? If on my drive without is over 20 years What best health insurance? .
If I left my price would it be lowest rates on car get approved for my insurance & SR22... all whats the average price years old and Im get that will be last year. But now wondering what are other the rules of the m all on my 3rd party under my just suggested won t work. have a tax disc about the lowest ss of 2100.00 per year. Thank you! I really buy a new car, will i need the liability insurance, but I to be way way co. They think you it would me much Maintenance for your car? thinking and i have does it please Help me what it s worth, I better off cancelling have to pay the one but don t know guy hit a bunch and looking for something I m considering purchasing an looking into purchasing 2 anything over the year? would be, and so cause then i could rate for insurance on drive it on my It will be parked .
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com346-blog · 5 years
Alternative Media: Chris Webby
Background: Christian Webster, better known as Chris Webby, is an independent recording artist specializing in rap and hip-hop music. Chris Webby made his debut in Norwalk, Connecticut in 2009 with the release of his first mixtape, The White Noise LP. This album contained popular tracks such as Trust Me, Mamacita, and the first of many stoner songs, La La La. He began admiring rappers like Eminem in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, which influenced him greatly. Currently, Chris has 1 million monthly Spotify listeners (Chris Webby, Spotify 2019) and 174 thousand followers on Instagram (Chris Webby, Instagram 2019). Prior to the development of Soundcloud and Spotify, where he now releases new music, he would hand out and sell mixtapes anywhere he went. Over the next ten years, Chris Webby’s music would change as the artist grows and matures as a person. When he first began his career, he would rap about common things like drinking (Cuz I’m Drunk), drugs (La La La), and women (What Them Girls Like) in an upbeat way that glorified bad behavior. While he still does this, in some of his more recent releases, he discusses the same topics, but in a very different light. This can be seen in his songs such as Fragile Lives, On My Way, and So Free. Throughout his career he has worked with numerous other up-and-coming artists like Mac Miller (I Need a Dolla) and Tech N9ne (Ohh Noo). Regardless of where his career takes him, he will always be a Connecticut homebody. He began performing his first shows at a local venue call Toad’s Place, in New Haven, CT. He hosts an annual show on Black Friday at this location. He has most recently revived a previous unique marketing technique which he calls Webby Wednesday. Every other week Chris will release a new track on Wednesday, via Soundcloud. Having this current release of music helps keep fans interested, waiting to see what’s next.
Why is he Alternative: There are many different definitions for the for the words “alternative media”. Merriam-Webster Dictionary entry 2a states that the definition of media is “the plural of medium:a mode of artistic expression or communication” and alternative is “different from the usual or conventional: existing or functioning outside the established cultural, social, or economic system.” Chris Webby meets these definitions in the way he has established his music career. During his brief time as a student at Hofstra University, he was arrested in connection with a failed robbery involving cocaine and expelled. Following the incident, he focused on pursuing his musical talents. In 2009, Chris Webby produced his first mixtape (The White Noise LP). In order to get his name out, he would handout and sell tapes from the trunk of his car. Even after generating some buzz, Chris was never able to find a record label to sign him. He dedicated his career to being 100% independent. He put money into purchasing high-end recording equipment, and set off on his own. Similar to the way that Mac Miller has Big Jerm, Chris also has a crew of managers and other artists and DJ’s that have been supporting him since the beginning. Being an independent artist means that Chris Webby reaps all the rewards of the seeds he sows. He doesn’t have a record label controlling his content or taking cuts of his profits. With that being said, most of Chris’ profits are put back into his career in the form of new tours. He is currently doing the Raw Thoughts 2 tour in Canada. In definition 2b, Merriam-Webster also goes on to write that “relating to, or being music of a genre other than rock that is similarly regarded as an alternative to the conventional music of that genre.” This definition also applies to Chris when considering his music. For example, he uses a unique vocabulary. According to his own words, he hits them “with these crazy adverbs and outrageous nouns” (Best in the ‘Burbs 2010). This can be seen with lyrics like “I just killed another bottle And took another pill, now I'm going full throttle Keep hating, Hakuna Matata's my motto I brush em off like a paleontologist with a fossil” (Chilly, Chris Webby 2014). Chris Webby has also been very controversial with lyrics aimed at offending other rappers. In songs like Not Like Me, he says “All I need is gym shorts and a stock white t, f*** swag, I'm gonna show you why they not like me, I've had it with rap, ya'll rappers are whack, All that I'm hearing is stacking up cash, and strippers, and bottles, and fatness of a**, Who's f*****g buying this crap? So I'm giving ya’ll something new, the s*** I do Ain't never been seen by a kid like you, Inked up white dude with an attitude, hate on, I ain't mad at you.” Another controversial aspect is his content. Specifically, Questionnaire. On this track Chris asks a lot of questions about life and why thing are the way that they are. He covers many topics like rap, generational differences, the environment, politics, drugs and race. This is by far his most influential track. It features lyrics like “Why are there politicians? I guess the better question is why don't they ever listen? Why do they always have to lie to us? Why does the news just try to stir the fear inside of us? What do they really have to hide from us? Why are blind men leading other blind men With ignorance in office and armies standing behind them?” (Questionnaire, Chris Webby 2017). He has publicly shown his disdain of President Donald Trump, specifically during the 2016 Presidential election (Twitter, March 02, 2016 HERE). He writes that it was “funny at first, but now it’s not”. While Chris does not support President Trump, he is also critical of slander and the sources that it comes from (Twitter, Jan 22, 2019 HERE). In this tweet, he goes on to criticize George Soros, stating that “there are two sides to everything”.
Fan culture: A fan can be defined as “an enthusiastic devotee (as of a sport or a performing art) usually as a spectator.” (Merriam-Webster). Chris Webby’s fans are so devoted to seeing Chris Webby perform live, that some of them travel hundreds of miles to attend his shows. Chris once retweeted a fan who actually flew three hours to see him! I even drove three hours from Massachusetts to Connecticut just to see his annual Black Friday show. In addition to fans buying tickets to see him, they also buy additional meet-and-greet passes. When these fans get to meet their idol, they often present him with handmade pictures, t-shirts, among other things. Fans also get the opportunity to take a picture with Chris Webby. Some fans also present Chris with their own rapping skills. He features the most impressive ones on his Instagram story. Being able to connect with your idol on that level strengthens the fans devotion by giving them a sense of relationship. Chris Webby’s music appeals to people who struggle, and is usually designed to influence positivity. His fans also share a sense of community. When attending his shows, the fans share everything. From drinks, to joints, no one goes without. When Webby finally hits the stage, he starts to spit bars immediately. He really enjoys putting on a show for his fans. If Chris see’s someone recording in the front row, he will go right up to them and perform into their camera. Capturing a moment like that is an amazing feeling. At any point in the future, being able to go back to that moment and experience it all over again is incredible.
Conclusion: In conclusion, Chris Webby is a 100% independent recording artists based in Norwalk, CT. He uses his artistic talents to not only produce amazing and upbeat tracks, but also to send positive messages to his audience. Chris can be classified as “alternative media” both in the way he launched and maintained his music career, and his content on songs like Questionnaire. Chris Webby is a personal favorite of mine, and I definitely recommend joining the fanbase. Come to the dark side!
“Alternative.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster,
“Chris Webby: About.” Spotify, open.spotify.com/artist/3IstlZaHyUP9SONpulb4SM/about.
“Fan.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fan
“Medium.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/medium.
Webby, Chris. “Tweet 1.” Twitter, Twitter, 2 Mar. 2016, twitter.com/chriswebby/status/705085196752834561.
Webby, Chris. “Tweet 2.” Twitter, Twitter, 22 Jan. 2019, twitter.com/ChrisWebby/status/1087532708580929536.
By Peyton Fleming
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newnessofme · 6 years
On another note, I have a friend from high school that likes to write. He sent me a Facebook message this morning asking me to read it for thoughts. It's pasted verbatim below:
"I was wondering to myself why I have become increasingly disinterested in seeing the crew-these are niggas I love. People who came and hung with me when I'd lost touch with almost everyone in my family and felt completely alone. People who, one and all, I looked up and still do to this day.
At first I thought it was media. A lot of 'be successful’ shit talks about leaving your current circle and finding more successful people. And it's true I have found myself enjoying the friendship of more creative minded people.
But the real reason, I've come to believe, has to do with maturity and the lack of it in our circle.
I am being honest in a way I've never been willing to be when I say that, myself included, NO ONE IN OUR GROUP ASIDE FROM MARCUS ACTS LIKE A GROWN MAN.
And he's not in our group, something he constantly gets flak for when brought up. The reason he bounced, was because he needed people that would work WITH him, and help HIM GROW.
The crew is not full of haters, but lazy ass people-again, myself included. Whenever we talk about doing some shit, it either ends there, or with half hearted attempts followed by us packing it up. How many times have we hung out to discuss some 'business’, only for it to turn into a gaming, pizza and Netflix hangout that doesn't end till everyone is so tired that we disperse and pass out.
To make matters worse, we enable each other. When Devante was dropping out of college before our eyes, we, and I take the most responsibility for it, let him without saying something. He was a grown ass man so it was entirely up to him, but that we didn't at least try to help him stay steady says a lot the 'power’ of whatever our group was.
No one takes blame either, or is allowed to. Some people blame their mothers, some blame their fathers, some blame everything around them for the shit that goes down. And worse, usually when someone blames themselves, everyone else says “nah man that wasn't on you.”
Everything that happens to you is on you. That's what it means to be a grown man.
If you didn't take up sports in highschool, is it your dad's fault for not being there to make you? Nope, yours.
If you bought weed and games and a cellphone and now you can't afford a bus pass to work, is it anyone's responsibility to help? Nope, yours.
You get caught up with a chick everyone told you was dirty and now your heart is hurt cuz she fucking the homies, that your fault or hers cuz you're just “too good of a person?” Yours.
You drop out of highschool and fail to lose weight, work a shitty job you hate for four years. Is that your fault or your dead family members? Yours, grow up.
You give money to everyone who asks so you can feel liked and loved, then realize how alone you are when you're broke and feel betrayed? That your fault or theirs? Guess.
You have issues with your family and feel like they're trying to control you like a child or bully you around? Is that their fault, or yours for a acting like a fucking child?
I'm tired of seeing people broke and unable to even manage a bus pass. Of being unable to get together as a group and do something really nice because we're just some broke niggas.
I'm tired of being pathetic as an individual and laughable as a group. I'm tired of always wanting but never having, of acting like a child that feels the world should change before I do.
I hate long posts so I won't post this I'll just send it out and trust it reached the people it should.
I love every one I've ever called a brother in this group. I've listened to the pain and the fear and the lack of understanding and it breaks my heart to know how dope everyone single person is, but despite that still fucking around.
I get that people are getting their shit together own their own-and I trust that.
My brother told me once, with regards to women, that together two people can accomplish so much more than one. BUT if one person isn't pulling their weight, it will be impossible to get anything done.
I feel like we are each other's comfort zone. And I am tired of living life like a child. So regardless of what you think and feel about what I have to say, do me a favor and let me sort out my life own my own.
When I'm done I'll still want to be friends and hang and chill. If anyone doesn't I'll understand, and still love you."
First of all, disregard any of the typos. This was clear typed in a moment of clarity before the moment could flee. Second, I agree with what he was saying. Often times, friends can be enabling in there best efforts to show support and this breeds a toxic sense of comfort. With that being said, I respect his decision to step away and get a handle on things.
Anyone that has happened to look at my blog over the past few months could probably tell that this is something that I resonate with. While I appreciate my friends comments on myself, I still understand that I also need to grow, and I also need to step away to do so.
Sometimes timing can just be coincidental but when so many stars align it all starts to feel like something more...
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