#cw: innuendo
ainyan · 1 year
Overheard on Discord: "An orange a day makes the cum taste okay."
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trek-tracks · 8 months
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Uhura couldn't stand living in synonym
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toffeesbabbles · 2 months
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Alrighty you know I had to do it to em
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shyjusticewarrior · 7 months
[Jason and Rose laying together after a rough rendezvous]
Jason: You okay?
Rose: I'm more than okay. You couldn't hear how "okay" I was? I thought you bats were detectives.
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redwingisnotabat · 2 months
Kinda gay to have a symbiote.
You mean this little genderless guy lives INSIDE you??
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mimikyu-tmblr · 4 months
×(CW: Sexual Innuendo!)×
Well look at that!
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Hacker's just a bottom now!
(spinda please don't kill me for this)
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boyccubus · 2 months
tw for possible abuse, sexual innuendos for the purpose of telling the story, brief mention of suicidal ideation on another's person's part, and other things i'm not quite sure need trigger warnings but just in case tread with caution
sometimes i feel as if i don't have the right to call myself "traumatized" specifically in terms of my last romantic relationship. there are things i did that i'm not proud of, but i did them because i thought that was what i needed to do to keep my partner alive since he threatened to off himself multiple times when we had disagreements. he would always ask for compromising content and the one time i agreed it lead to something that i regret deeply because i didn't want to do it and he knew that. maybe it was my fault idk. no is a powerful word that i should've used more. and it's scary because i feel like i'm an imposter hiding behind the "i didn't consent" argument to cover up weird behavior, but i stood my ground the best i could and i didn't want to be the cause of someone's suicide because i wouldn't send him suggestive pictures. it probably was my fault.
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ryebread-x · 4 months
Frigg’s Handmaidens pt 2/4
Pt 1
Pt 3
Pt 4
Here’s part 2 and the next 3 handmaidens of Frigg. For those who don’t know I’m drawing all 12 of my interpretations of Frigg’s handmaidens which are made up of the minor/lesser known goddesses in Norse mythology. For this part I drew who I’m going to refer to as the triple S’s (Saga,Syn,and Snotra). As with the last part I provide general info about the goddesses in mythology + my own headcanons for each one.
Saga (Goddess of History and Stories)
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General info: Saga is often associated with a mysterious place called Sokkvabekkr where Odin often comes and listens to her stories while they drink. She is often theorized to be Odin’s daughter or even sometimes Frigg herself but those theories aren’t usually universal accepted as fact
-In my interpretation Saga is the daughter of Odin and a unknown jotun women
-Saga never knew her bio mother and was taken to Asgard at a very young age where she was raised by Frigg in her court
-Saga sees Frigg as her mother and Frigg sees Saga as her daughter
-Saga is a huge fan of more fictional stories and tales she often sneaks into Snotra library to read late at night
-As Saga grew up she began to work as one of Frigg’s handmaidens
-Odin eventually gifted Saga Sokkvabekkr on the equivalent to her 18th birthday
-Saga is friends with Snorta since they both share a commonality in books
-I headcanon Saga as aroace since she had no known lovers or children and seems to focus on preserving stories and history
Snotra (Goddess of Wisdom and Prudence)
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Basic info: Snotra is one of Frigg’s most faithful handmaidens and friends with Odin. Her name means “clever” and she is one of the goddess who dies durning Ragnorok. In Gylfaginning she is described as a wise and courteous goddess. Not much else is known about her.
-Snorta is one of Frigg’s closest friends along with Fulla and Eir
-Snorta is part jotun and same species of jotun Bragi and Loki are
-Frigg gifted Snorta a library as a thank you gift which is where Snorta keeps most her scrolls and texts
-Snorta is a diplomat and sort of the historian for the Aesir alongside Saga
-I headcanon Snorta as Lesbian and having been a previous relationship with Sigyn (which occurred way before Sigyn fell in love and married Loki)
-As you can see Sigyn has a type and it’s clever red heads that wear green
-Snorta would often invite Sigyn to her library you know…..to learn about some of her wisdom 👀
-They eventually had to break things off after Odin became suspicious of their relationship
Syn (Goddess of Justice)
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General info: Syn is one of the goddess who is more of a guard of Frigg’s rather then a handmaiden. She guards Frigg’s great hall and keeps out unwelcomed visitors. She’s able to tell truths from falsehood with her name it’s self meaning “truth”. She also is credited for keep fairness and integrity durning trials.
-Syn is technically the only “human” out of Frigg’s handmaidens at least she was a human before
-My interpretation of Syn is she’s a retired valkyrie who was appointed to guard Frigg’s hall
-That being said because her position she was given godhood and a title
-Syn in my design wears red to seem more intimidating to outsiders she also keeps a ring of three keys each to important areas of Frigg’s hall and while not pictured she also keep a sword on her.
-The feather attached to her hat was her old valkyrie feather she was aloud to keep
-Syn is friends with Hlin and Gna
-After Nanna unfortunately passed away and Forseti was left an orphan ,Syn raised him along side Frigg and Fulla (I mainly headcanon that she was like a second mother to him because Forseti is the god of justice)
-Forseti sees Syn as his mother after he lost his own but still remembers and honors Nanna as well even though he never saw her again
-I headcanon Syn as ace spec since she has no known partners and like Saga seems more interested in her position and helping Frigg then pursuing anything romantic or sexual with anyone
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rabbit-heart4 · 10 months
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Idrew the boys as that one meme template
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trek-tracks · 1 year
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Jim Kirk's two options when facing any obstacle
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shyjusticewarrior · 6 months
Rose, about Jason: I can take him. Both in a fight and other ways. *winks*
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gcldenchild · 1 month
@ikarosxflight is being a little shit:
❝ what makes you think you can possibly take me, short stuff? ❞
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It's a taunt filled with intention because if there's anything that excited the immortal being, it was a challenge. It was all fun and games, right? And like any good player, sometimes pushing the right buttons is necessary.
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short stuff. SHORT STUFF ? oh, come on, he’s tried ! it's not his fault he's stuck at this stupid, stupid height that is ABSOLUTELY not befitting for a man his age - everyone else is just a freak. that includes his brother, that includes stupid ling too - freaks, all of them. definitely not just him being on the lower end of males. definitely not him having some kind of deficiency that made things harder. DEFINITELY not him having had a giant metal limb weighing him down for the 6 major developmental years of his teens. definitely not. absolutely not. stupid angels. stupid shrimpy not really beanpole also not really angels. who's he talking to, huh ? he wants to play around ? he should be able to put him in his place. after all, he has a much GRANDER set of wings just waiting inside of that little stone resting inside his heart - he may be SHORT, but at least his wings actually SUIT HIM for flight. he is electing to conveniently ignore hali's warnings to not kill BOTH of their dignities, because he's alway's been really bad at listening to them anyways.
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" oh, plen'y'a things fer fuckin' sure. y' don' even pass fer a featherless biped an' yer goin' for ME ? y' barely e'en pass as th' image of 'n angel, y'know that ? damn things 're way too tiny. you ain't got any business callin' ME short when yers 're that small."
hali is nagging him. lightly smacking him on the head, even. but he just keeps running his mouth, putting his little stupid hand on his hip, flicking his hair up a little bit as the arms of infinity sprout from his back and weave themselves together into the "wings of god" his lovely - and seemingly very embarrassed - seraphim twin has GRANTED HIM. this cannot go wrong. absolutely not. he definitely isn't saying something that could be easily misheard as something else if someone neglected an "s" or an "are" and let their mind wander, surely. and even if he were, there's no way he can say anything worse than that, surely ?
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" y' don' got shit on me. my set's way bigger. "
and there's hali, smashing his face into his hands. all while goldie is seemingly clueless.
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amischiefofmuses · 6 months
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I cannot contain him, no matter how hard I try. I turn my back for two seconds and he's covered in blood, summoning the the devil himself for a good night together. [ @girlishgiggle - @themosthatedbeing ]
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lily-janus · 1 year
Communication Is Key
Summary: Logan has been shutting himself off from Janus which makes him extremely worried. One day, he decides to confront him.
Pairings: romantic loceit, platopnic dukeceit
Warnings: mentions of homophobia, grief, death mention, talk of past toxic behaviours, miscommunication, yelling and arguing, Remus being his protective and gross self, angstttt. Let me know if there's anything I missed.
Word count: 1,812
For @loceitweek day 4 conflict/resolution
"...leave a message after the bip."
Janus let out a tired sigh as his call to Logan reached voicemail… again.
He looked around the restaurant and out the window to hopefully catch sight of him, but no dice.
He checked the time again… ah hour and a half after the time they agreed to meet at.
Giving up, assuming Logan got caught up at work and forgot about their date once again, Janus got up and left for his apartment.
He knows he shouldn't take this to heart, he knows Logan, knows how he thinks. It's not that he cares about work more than Janus, he just can't leave work until everything's done for the day. If not, he won't be able to give Janus, or anyone, his full attention.
It's not that part that bothers Janus, though, he was well aware of that side of Logan when they started dating. It's that he doesn't even bother to even notify him that he'll be late… that.. he doesn't talk to Janus anymore, not really.
What bothers Janus… is that Logan seems to be putting up walls around himself and not letting Janus in anymore. And, more than that, he doesn't understand why. Things were going really well… at least, that's what he thought, clearly he was wrong.
"Hey, Lovebirds- oh…" Remus' grin was wiped away when he saw only Janus entering the apartment, without Logan. "Stood you up again, didn't he?"
Janus didn't say anything, but his silence and expression seemed to be enough of an answer.
"Why aren't you ditching him again? How long are you going to let him ghost you like that?!" Remus growled in anger, "he shouldn't be treating you like this, Jan!"
Janus grimaced, "something's bothering him… I just know it… if he'd just talk to me…" he trailed off with a sigh.
His phone buzzed and Janus saw it was Logan calling. He hesitated for a moment, the pety part of him wanting to let him go to voicemail, but he answered in the end.
"I am so sorry, Janus, I had this emergency at work and I couldn't-"
"It's okay." Janus said tiredly.
"...it is?" Logan sounded surprised, and a little taken aback.
"Just… come to my place when you can, okay? I want to talk to you." Janus said, hoping he didn't sound too harsh.
"Oh… yeah, of course, I'll be there in exactly 30 minutes and 40 seconds. Logan said.
True to his word, Logan arrived just like he said, for once being punctual for something other than work.
He knocked on the door exactly 30 minutes and 40 seconds after their call ended, but Remus got to the door before Janus.
"Don't break him, please…" Janus shook his head. And he went to sit by the kitchen table, knowing there's no stopping Remus.
Remus grinned at him as he turned the handle, "no promises!"
He opened the door, "Listen, dork-face, if you keep treating my best friend like that I will cut your dick, cook it and eat it while making you watch, got that?"
"...as grossly specific as ever, Remus, I got it." Logan said, sounding a bit fond. Remus had a weird way of growing on you, Janus knew that from experience.
"...can I come in now?" Logan asked after a while of Remus not moving aside to let him through.
"You can try, but I-"
"Leave my boyfriend alone, would you, Remus dear?" Janus said with the shake of his head.
Remus pouted but moved aside, "boyfriends actually show up to dates…" he mattered before going to his room to give them 'privacy', he's probably going to listen in, this apartment's thin walls allowing no secrets.
Despite everything, Janus couldn't help a small smile gracing his lips when he saw Logan, the guy was too cute for his own good… how is he supposed to stay mad at those brilliant blue eyes?
No, you're not mad. He reminded himself. You're worried.
"I can sense I'm in trouble." Logan said lightly, attempting poor humor to lift the tension between them… it didn't work.
Janus bit his lip, now that Logan was here, he wasn't sure how to approach the subject.
In the end, as Logan sat down in front of him, he just let out a tired breath, "look, I'm not your teacher and I'm not your parent… I'm not going to scold you or lecture you…. I'm just worried…" he trailed off.
Logan frowned, "worried? About what?"
At that, Janus snapped, and he got up sharply, slamming his fists on the table in frustration, "about you, obviously!"
Logan jumped, looking up at Janus with wide eyes, "m-me? But I'm-"
"If you say fine I'm going to break something." Janus cut him off, "you can keep up the act all you want Logan, but I know something's wrong, and I can't help unless I know what it is."
Logan was silent for a long moment before saying, very quietly, "I appreciate the concern but, I'm really okay… no need for you to worry."
Janus buried his face in his hands, not like he didn't expect this, but still…
"Really? No need to worry? I can hardly recognize you! You don't talk to me anymore! And I don't know why! …did I do something to drive you away? I used to do that before I met you but… I worked on it… am I doing it again?" The last question was to himself more than to Logan. Is he reverting back to his toxic traits without realizing it?
"What? N-no, Janus you did nothing wrong I just…" Logan said immediately, trailing off with a sigh, "I… it's not something you can fix, Janus…"
Janus blinked, sitting back down and taking Logan's hand gently. Did Logan finally say something about what was bothering him the last few months? Finally?
He swallowed, "maybe not, but I can listen, what is it?" Janus said as gently as he could. He didn't want to push Logan but he also wanted to know very badly.
Logan was silent for a long moment, then Janus noticed his eyes getting shiny and wet behind his glasses and, before he realized what was happening, Logan was crying.
Janus hates when Logan cries, it's the worst sound in the world for him, the sound of sadness and misery coming from the person he loves so very deeply is… very upsetting.
He quickly gets up and pulls Logan up into his arms, hugging him tightly, letting Logan cling to him and sob into his shoulder.
"I-it's m-my dad…" Logan says between sobs and Janus' nails dig into Logan's back a bit unconsciously at the mention of that man.
Logan's homophobic dad that sent him to therapy sessions and had endless arguing with him after he came out. And, finally, ignoring him completely after he started dating guys.
"...what about him?" Janus tried his best to keep his voice even and not dripping with anger.
"He… he…" Logan sniffed, pulling back to look Janus in the eyes, "...he's dead, Janus… m-my father died…"
Janus' eyes widened in surprise, that… was not the answer he was expecting. But, the more Janus thought about it, the more Logan's behavior made sense. The missed calls, getting caught up at work, the meaningless small talk… he was…
"You were trying to keep yourself busy to distract yourself from thinking about it, didn't you?" Janus said softly, sitting them both back down but keeping one of Logan's hands in his so he could rub it soothingly.
Logan sniffed again, nodding, "I… I don't know how to feel about it… I don't even know how I'm supposed to feel about it…" his voice was still rasp and shaky, but Janus nodded, listening intently. "We haven't been in contact for so long and suddenly I get a call from my sister that he's just… gone." Logan continued.
"What about…" Janus started but Logan finished the question for him.
"The funeral?" Logan let out an empty chuckle, "he wouldn't have wanted me there…" he said bitterly, "he said it himself… he doesn't have a son…"
Janus nodded again, for now not saying much and letting Logan say what he needs to say.
"But now… now he's dead, is it wrong to keep resenting him? Am I a bad person if I don't feel bad for a dead man? …should I feel bad? All I felt for my father was resentment, from even before I came out, even though that made him ten times worse, he never made an effort to understand me, he just wanted me to be the perfect copy of himself." Logan rambled on, it's nothing Janus hadn't heard before, though the death part was new.
"But… despite everything… Now that I think about it, I do feel a sense of loss…" Logan frowned, "I think a part of me kept hoping he'll 'come around'... that he'll attempt to make amends…" Logan took in a shaky breath, "now that he's gone… that hope is gone too… I'll never have the dad I wanted…"
Logan finished, looking up at Janus with damp eyes, "Janus… I'm truly sorry for the way I treated you, my father's death is not an excuse for me to push you away like that… the last thing I want is to hurt you."
Janus sighed, shaking his head and leaning closer to kiss Logan on the cheek, "it's okay, I'm glad you were able to talk to me about it eventually, even if there's nothing I can do to fix the problem, I'm always here to listen." He offered Logan a small smile, "no more walls between us, okay?"
Logan nodded, returning the smile, "it's a deal."
Janus then smirked as he thought of something, "but that doesn't mean you're off the hook." He said, which earned him Logan's adorably confused face. "You still have a lot of missed dates that you owe me." Janus grinned mischievously.
Logan's eyes widened slightly and he sighed, "this is going to cost me, isn't it?"
Janus finally gave Logan a deep and real kiss on the lips before pulling back to say, "that, my dearest, is a promise." He chuckled.
"Well, in that case, I better get started now." Logan smiled.
Janus raised an interested eyebrow, "oh? What do you have in mind?"
Logan got up and Janus followed, "you'll see, can't ruin the surprise, where's the fun in that?"
Janus laughed as they walked out of the apartment, "I'm starting to regret teaching you that."
"Teaching me what?" Logan asked curiously.
Janus smirked, "fun."
Logan snorted, "I was fun before I met you."
Janus chuckled, "sure you were, Teach."
Logan pushed him lightly, "you, sir, are the worst."
Janus took Logan's hand and placed a kiss on the back of it, "I love you too, Lo."
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trek-tracks · 1 year
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when you were ready for a sexy night in but your boyfriend takes too many drugs and jumps through a time portal instead
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rembytem · 2 years
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Keviel made a new friend!
Fusion Lads AU by @fusionlads
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